#i'm sorry!!!
obrien4321 · 1 year
man you could've warned me you had Satan in your body Jesus christ...
Oh, wait-- ...Lamb???
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ilaliya · 3 months
:( she's just trying to be helpful!!!
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random-imaginess · 2 years
OMG OMG so I found this amazing prompt list.
And I was wondering if you could write Ander Munoz x Reader piece with this one:
the couple have been dating for a while but try to keep it a secret from their friends because of how they would react (positively or negatively). ensues a lot of sneaking around, secret touches, and kisses when nobody is looking.
Please and thank you, love <3
This is really cute! There's so many different things that they could do and I can't decide which one I want to do more! Also, thank you so much for sending something in! I really hope I do him justice! I've thought about maybe doing like a continued thing with this pairing where I can post other drabbles that might go into more of their sneaking around. If that's someone people would want to see! I don't think there's any warnings, just fluff!! A bit of a disclaimer, I've only seen this show once all the way through so far, so I'm still not too familiar with how their school is run or how their classes work. So I'm just kind of winging that part... I'm going to be using one of the dialogue prompts as well! "We're supposed to be focusing." "But you're just so distracting."
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The best part of your day was when you got to see your boyfriend, Ander. It didn't matter what time of day, you just constantly craved seeing that beautiful face of his. You had always hung out in the same circle, were always friends, but it wasn't until last summer that the two of you got even closer. You spent nearly every waking moment together, and if it wasn't for the fact that your bodies needed sleep, you would have probably spent those hours together, too. It was an incredibly hard adjustment when school started back up again. Right before you both had to come back to reality, you agreed that you would keep your relationship a secret. It wasn't that you were embarrassed to be seen around each other, that part wasn't anything new. But you both knew the shit that your friends would give you if they found out you were dating, and neither of you wanted to deal with that yet. You liked the bubble that you were in and you wanted to stay in it a little bit longer. So the agreement was, when you were at school or a party or anywhere you could be seen by your friends, you kept things on the down low. That didn't stop you from sneaking around and spending a few minutes together before classes. Or quick kisses in the hall when the coast was clear. It was also a bit exciting, sneaking around. The adrenaline of trying not to get caught fueled a lot of heated moments when you were hidden away in the boys locker room during lunch. The second best part of your day was when you were in the same period together. It was almost like a study period where you were able to work on homework, and it was four people at a desk. You and Ander always sat adjacent from each other. Every now and then you'd feel his shoe nudge yours, other times you would initiate the foot flirting. On this particular day, it was hard for you to focus on anything you were supposed to. You wanted class to be over so you could meet at your regular spot and be held by him, and you honestly wouldn't care who saw. You just wanted to be enveloped in him. Ander could feel you staring at him while he worked. It wasn't until the other student who was seated at your table got up that he acknowledged you. "We're supposed to be focusing." He said quietly, not looking up at you right away. You ran your foot against his ankle, a mischievous smirk threatening to break free. "But you're just so distracting." You whispered back. He looked up at you then, fighting to hide the smirk that spread across his face. He looked at the other student as they returned and sat back down, looking at his work again for a brief moment before stealing another glance at you. The period couldn't end fast enough and both of you were growing inpatient. Ander was the first to leave the room when the bell rang, the unspoken understanding of where you were both going to meet up at. You took your time just a bit before finally arriving at the secluded area behind the school. He was standing under a tall tree, his shoulder pressed against the bark.
You kept your eyes locked on him as you got closer, taking in the sight and the feeling it gave you every time you looked at him. Stopping in front of you, you both stood there silently for a long moment. It wasn't until you saw a smile breaking at the corner of his mouth that you broke your gaze to take a quick look around before smiling wide and wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms wrapped tightly around you and you nestled your head into his neck. "It's so brutal not being able to do this whenever I want to sometimes." You said, breaking the silence. His grip around you tightened as he kissed the top of your head. "All the sneaking around isn't fun for you anymore?" You smiled at the thought of all the shenanigans that you two got up to and you let out a laugh, shaking your head no. "Of course it is," you looked up at him, seeing the smile on his face. "Sometimes I just want to be able to grab your face and give you a big ol' smooch in front of everyone. I want to walk hand in hand proudly down the hall, and who cares what anyone says." "Mm, sounds pretty nice. You know I'm not opposed to it. But are you ready for all the taunting and jokes our friends are going to do when they find out?" You let out a quiet groan as you rested your head against his shoulder again. "Not really, no... but can you imagine the looks on their faces when they do finally find out? Their brains will probably explode, and all the teasing will be worth it." You both laughed at the idea. "That's probably true. But...." he placed his hand on the side of your cheek to get you to look up at him and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I've been enjoying keeping you all to myself." There was no denying that all of the sneaking around was fun. There was a thrill in knowing you were the only ones who knew about this secret. The knowing looks in the hall when you pass by one of your spots and your friends are none the wiser. "I have too," you kissed him again. "Alright, fine. We'll keep our secret a little longer."
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inklessletter · 11 months
8 and 11 for the steddie ask game!
Hello sweetheart, thanks for asking!
Question 8 is already answered! You can read in this post.
11. Which one would confess their attraction/love first? Why?
Eddie. In my personal headcanon, I think it would be Eddie. Steve might have been more experienced in relationships in the past, but his heart is damaged. His heart has been broken before, and I think he would be careful, especially when it is something new. He's gotten so good at platonic relationships, he has learnt how to be a great friend, and I think that he would have deeply befriended Eddie before he developed feelings towards him, so he wouldn't want to mess up because things are good between them. There's this sad headcanon about Steve, and it is that he might actually agree with the fact that he does not deserve what his heart wants, since he's been denied over and over again, so if he yearns for Eddie's love, and he already has him as a friend, I don't think Steve would risk that friendship over some other doomed desire that is born and meant to die in his silent, patched up heart. He would settle with friendship for ever if that would mean to keep Eddie.
I don't think Eddie is a patient person, and I think he feels too much, if that makes any sense. I see Eddie as a loud, obnoxious person that had to learn to be that way because the world didn't treat him right. I think his personal world is narrow, and he hates when things slips from his control. It makes sense to me that Eddie has been for a long while trying not to let his emotions take control over his actions because that is chaotic. He's not a player, he's a dungeon master for a reason. I see Eddie as a character that needs to know every bit so nothing can surprise him. So, when Eddie catches Steve looking at him a few times, when he begins to understand the throat clearing that Steve does before his mouth turns into a smile and looks away anytime Eddie does something silly, or jokingly flirts with him... Eddie knows. Eddie knows, and he grows confident. He also knows about Steve's self loathing because he actually sees the shapes of Steve's negative spaces. He knows that behind every "nah, you pick what we eat", and "fucking Henderson, man, he's always making me drive him around" (and then proceeds to drive him around), and "Robs, come on, do it! Buy that fancy lipstick! You deserve it! It's okay, we'll go to the movies any other night," what lies is that his the fact that he always puts himself in second place. So, yeah, when Eddie learns about Steve's feelings he already knows that he won't act on them, precisely because he wants to, so Eddie confesses first. Not in any way, no. He would do it using every piece of information that he has to shape that confession into a memory to revisit. Eddie would confess by telling Steve that he's in an unbeatable first spot in his priority list of people, because he deserves to be, and if he doesn't realize that himself and puts himself in the first place, Eddie would do it for him, so he doesn't forget.
So, yeah. Eddie confesses first.
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Readers: Please write a book!
Me: *writes a zombie dystopian apocalypse quartet starring four extremely violent and mentally ill women*
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multicolour-ink · 2 months
Sending you a big hug! 🫂💕💕💕
Thank you so much 🥺🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
I know this was in relation to something else ages ago, but thank you always <3
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Casey!!! Congrats for your 300 followers.
Could I please have:
“If you bite your lip one more time, I’m going to do it for you.
with Howzer?
I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKEN ME SO LONG TO DO THIS. I'm going to try to do a few more!! I tried to make it longer than originally anticipated to hopefully make up for it. Thank you for following me, Caro! And being an amazing friend!! <3
You and Howzer had had words on the battlefield, snipping at each other so harshly that all you can do now is glare at him from across the ship. He glares right back at you.
Thinking that there was something between the two of you, you'd clearly been mistaken. Howzer was cocky and arrogant and full of himself. Three things that should normally deter you.
But Maker... the way he poked you in the chest and glared down at you... set something ablaze in you. Somewhere deep inside of you.
Walking to the fresher, brushing past him, you can only hope that he follows you. You leave the door open for him, just in case.
When you hear the door close, that's all the answer you need. When you turn around, you know you have him right where you want him.
"You made me look bad today." He murmurs, watching your lips.
You bite your lip for a moment before speaking. "I find that hard to believe."
"You know you do that a lot?" He asks, seemingly unable to tear his eyes off your mouth.
Biting your lip again, you smirk up at him. Instantly, his hips are against yours and he's pushing you up against the sink.
"If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you." He threatens you, even closer than before.
"So do it." You challenge him.
With a quirked eyebrow, he accepts the challenge and catches your lip between his teeth, pulling ever so slightly, making you moan softly into his mouth. Roughly picking you up to sit you on the edge of the sink, he lets go of your lip before catching both of your lips with his, deepening the kiss.
Wow, his lips are soft. And perfect.
"Tell me you wanted this." Howzer groans against your mouth.
"And give you the satisfaction? Maybe some day." You grin, pulling away before opening the door.
You look back at a completely disheveled and swollen-lipped Howzer before throwing him a wink and walking away, pleased with yourself.
TAGS: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @tecker @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin
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georgie-abhrams · 4 months
WHO: @romanwagncr WHERE: Bell's Market
Georgie was on the hunt for a dessert she'd seen in a movie one day and had been obsessed with ever since. It'd been the one thing that, even as a child, she'd been able to make- mostly because it only consisted of a cup of jell-o and whipped cream from a can. It'd been a comfort food for her all these years and after everything that'd been going on in her life lately she could use some comfort. However, she'd gotten distracted in the cookies aisle (they had to stop releasing new flavors of Oreos) and now had her arms full of things she hadn't come to the store for and still hadn't gotten the jell-o and whipped cream she'd been craving.
So as she headed towards the refrigerated aisle while balancing the packs of cookies and chips in her arms, Georgie wasn't paying enough attention to her surroundings and came into contact with something sturdy. Something unmoving. No, not something... someone.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't daddy." She grinned, getting her bearings about her once she'd taken a step back to see who she'd run in to. An apology was stuck on the tip of her tongue before she'd realized it was Roman, and now a smirk colored her features and the cookies she'd dropped when they collided remained momentarily forgotten on the floor around them. "Where have you been hiding? Pulling your superman duties or somethin'? Or just hidin' from little ol' me?" She teased.
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vvettell · 2 years
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while we’re at it here is my completely shoddy contribution to the sewis emma au (it’s just about the vibes okay sdjkfkjds)
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hoperays-song · 1 year
The Sing characters have their own YouTube channel. What are their names and what content do they post?
Thank you so much for the ask! I wrote down the few I think that would have a YouTube account (mainly since I couldn't think of anything for the others). I also included some backstory to the channels, I hope you enjoy!
Clay Calloway: The_Clay_Calloway_Official
-Practically a dead account. Almost all the videos are old music videos and are at least 15 years old, but he started posting a few videos with him and Ash rehearsing for the show or playing guitar together once the show gets going.
Eddie Noodleman: Games Junkie
-Extremely active account with weekly uploads of video game play throughs, reviews, and that sort of thing. It is linked to his Twitch account now and he actually makes a fair bit of money from it due to his pretty large popularity (and his having said account since college).
Buster Moon: Buster Moon Theatre Confidential
-Made the account after Sing 1 at Mizuki's urging and mostly posts information about the theatre and advertises it's upcoming shows. He has made a few videos about being a director and the theatre troupe itself as well.
Gunter Järvien: Gunter's Studio
-He has actually had the account since before he moved to the states and he mainly uploads dance videos or motivational stuff for dancers. Now that he's part of the troupe as well, he will post vlogs of rehearsal and that sort of thing as well.
Nooshy Peart: Dance_Loud
-Mostly dance tutorials, but has a few parkour like trick videos added to the mix. She has a fair bit of followers and actually gets paid from their work on the channel as well. They now also do collabs with Ryan and Gunter during the shows.
Ash Batalla: The_Ash_Official
-Actually started it right after her breakup and the first video was the process of making Set It Free that went viral. She now posts a lot of songwriting process videos, as well as some videos of her singing with Clay. Clay was actually the inspiration behind her name.
Porsha Crystal: Crystal Gaming and Glamour
-She has had the account for years, and mostly posts gaming videos as well as some fashion videos and vlogs. She was actually a subscriber of Eddie's and is decently popular. However, the channel name does change to Moon Gaming and Glamour after Sing 2.
Ryan Willis: Ryan's Vlogs
-He mostly posts dance videos and tutorials, but now with the show, he also posts vlogs of rehearsal and other bits of theatre life. He does also collab with Nooshy and Gunter a fair bit, and actually does a few videos with Johnny as well. The account is only a few years old.
Johnny Taylor: Johnny_Skating
-Started the channel in an act of rebellion when he was 16, but barely posted more than a few skating videos. After he joined the theatre however, he posted singing and piano videos as well. Barry was the first to find his account and was his first follower.
The Theatre Itself: The New Moon Theatre Official
-Run by Mizuki and mostly acts as advertising of the theatre. It also has a fair number of behind the scenes videos as well as interviews of the troupe members. It was started right after Sing 1.
The Show Itself: Out Of This World Official
-Run by the OOTW PR team, it has vlogs and interviews filmed by the actors, as well as sneak peaks of the show. The cast do interact with it a lot and do streams on this account as well. It was started before the Majestic run began for marketting.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
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semperama · 2 years
jealous for max and daniel. love ur writing so much!!
"What the hell, man?" Daniel asks, his palm sweaty against Max's, the platinum band on Max's finger glinting in the sun.
"We decided we didn't want to make it a big thing, I'm sorry," Max says as he tugs his hand from Daniel's grip, tucks it behind his back like he's ashamed of it.
Daniel realizes, suddenly, that he's been kidding himself. When he thought about the future, he figured he'd have plenty of time to figure out what Max meant to him, what they could mean to each other.
It was stupid, thinking Max could ever really belong to him.
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scatcrccio · 1 year
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@misquigley sent: [ FALL  ] : sender somehow ends up accidentally on top of receiver, their faces are close to each other but at the last minute sender pulls away. 
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IT HAD HAPPENED WAY TOO FAST, the adrenaline rush that overwhelmed within a single second before she even had time to think, took hold. She was nervous upon seeing Lisa with the gun in her hands even if, deep down, she knew Lisa would never harm her. Or would she? Natalie did just raise a knife at Lottie and so, she understood the woman's protective motives. But as Natalie dropped the knife to the ground, hands still raised, she remains hesitant. Unsure of Lisa's next move. But what she should have been concerned about, was Misty's. Not recognizing the determined look upon her face, or the syringe behind her back. It wasn't until she heard Shauna cry out Misty's name that Natalie's focus shifted, no longer holding onto any form of volition as she instantly steps forward, intervening between Misty and Lisa and suddenly, feeling that all too familiar prick of a needle. Only this wasn't of her own accord, nor was it induced by an act of her own vallation. Eyes glanced down, shock and surprise clear across expression before she's looking at Misty; her friend; her confidant. Feeling drowsy, her knees become weak as she leans forward, a heavy sigh of breath released, and she can't quite allow her hands to grip onto anything before she's slowly falling to the floor. Misty's hands are felt, gripping tightly as if to stop her, but she draws down, feeling some comfort upon the dirt beneath.
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Eyes staring upwards, not even recognizing the women hovering over her, or the feel of lips that gently caress even for just a second before pulling back. She's in a daze, mind wandering. That last hint of breath taken in and then suddenly released. The sound of Misty's constant wailing becoming inaudible with the vision of herself sitting upon an airplane. Everything becoming silent.
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goldenharbour · 1 year
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12 grapes
explicit; 0.8k; Fernando/George  smut; drabble
But he doesn't think he's drunk enough. George picks up the champagne from the couch, and with big gulps he drinks the remains of the Chardonnay from the bottle. Fernando's rhythm makes a few drops escape his lips, and sliding down all the way to his jugular notch the cold liquid draws an icy line on his skin, a striking contrast to the fire in his throat. The confidence that the alcohol burns into his chest is worrying. 
"Chico malo..."
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"Good boy" to Matt >:3
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The praise caught him off guard entirely, brain short circuiting and causing him to momentarily freeze in place while trying to compute exactly what he had heard. Sightless eyes blinked helplessly behind the red lensed sunglasses, words trying to form in his mind while desperately floundering to ignore the sudden spike of heat that had shot straight down to between his legs against his will. He swallowed stiffly, head tilting slightly to the side in an attempt to stretch out his neck and taut jaw with a roll of his shoulders, tongue briefly flicking out over his lips.
Best to pretend as if he never heard it. Despite the light flush to Matt's cheeks.
"The DA has nothing on you and whatever evidence the police had is gone. I did everything you wanted." The file he had broken countless laws to retrieve was tossed onto the oversized desk separating him from the man blackmailing him, it's contents beginning to skirt out with the momentum. "We're done. You are to stay out of Hell's Kitchen. Forget everything you think you know about me. Got it?"
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reallifepotato · 2 years
Any time Greg Davies does anything I'm like
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