#i'm sorry guys i might be reposting a lot of old stuff like this that you've seen before but im just making it more accessible
criminalskies · 11 months
I have a thought!! What about drunk Aaron? Like I’ve had this thought before but I’m so obsessed with the idea of helping Aaron up the stairs after a really good night with the team and then trying to get his clothes off to get him dressed in his pjs. Then he swats at your hands and is like “No, n—no, I’m in a relationship! Stop tryin t’ undress me😣.” And then messing with him and going “you are? what are they like?” And he looks up with sparkles in his eyes and he’s like “s’ pretty 🤭🥰” and that’s when you laugh and you’re like “sweetheart, it’s me. You’re in a relationship with me, now let me get you dressed okay?” And he gets so confused at first but then starts blushing when you take his jacket and tie off and is like “you’re so pretty 🥰” while you get him dressed 😭❤️❤️ - request from @ssamorganhotchner <33333
i don't think you get it IM OBSESSED!
You knew it was a bad idea the moment the team was able to convince Aaron to grab the mic and croon in karaoke. He was only four drinks in but the only way on was upwards. He very rarely cut loose like this, particularly in front of his employees, but he was having the most fun you'd seen him have in months. You stood by as Penelope and Prentiss bought him wet pussy shot after wet pussy shot until their usually very measured, very nuanced, well behaved boss became a party animal. 
He had long since shed his tie and rolled up his sleeves, his hair was cascading over his face as he sweat from the exertion of ruling the dance floor for the last hour. You had no idea your Aaron could do the splitz until he dropped to the floor of the bar, pointing his hands directly in the air and howling as his legs splayed out completely. 
You can't lie about how much his confidence and freedom was affecting you, but given that the two of you hadn't announced your relationship to the team yet, you were trying your hardest to keep your arousal at bay, or at least to pretend the drool on your face was from the alcohol you'd had, not from the way your boss had undone his top buttons, and his dress shirt was showing off his broad chest. 
Speaking of your alcohol, you tried to keep your drinks to a minimum, wanting to be able to take Aaron home and make sure the two of you make it to bed in one piece. 
Aaron came back to the table, dropping down into the sticky booth, he was panting with exhaustion from his dancefloor efforts. He reached for your lime & soda you'd been nursing, chugging the ice cold beverage down before you could muster an 'excuse me?' as you watched his chest heave and the vessels in his neck and arms pulsate with his heartbeat. 
"You know, Hotchner I had no idea you were hiding moves like that from us." You tried keeping every bone in your body from wrapping yourself around him like you wanted to, as half your team was watching from across the booth. 
"Well, I have a few more moves but those are reserved for very special people." Hotch smirked at you. 
"Oh, yeah?" You couldn't resist his bait, knowing you were putty in his drunken hands.
"Yeah, I think my partner would kill me if I showed you my finer moves." He looked more at Dave and at Spencer than he did at you, and you realised he was too wasted to recognise said partner right in front of him. "How about another drink, Morgan? Spencerrrrrr." Aaron asked, narrowly avoiding putting the pretty boy in a headlock as he questioned the table, swinging off the post in the outer corner of the booth. The team turned him down, and he trudged off to the bar to get himself another something to cool down. 
"Sheesh, I didn't know Hotch was seeing somebody. Sounds awfully mysterious, huh?" Morgan opened the conversation to pry into Hotch's love life. 
"I don't know," Emily chimed in, "seems just like him to be scared to tell us about them. He's got a lot of walls up, I'm just glad he let somebody in. Even if he's not ready to share them with us yet." 
The team all seemed to hum in agreement, deciding to leave it be as their boss came back to the table with a beer and a rum and coke in either hand. 
He sat down beside you once more, pushing you the rum and coke as he seemed to have remembered who you are to him, and your go-to drink. You figured in the state he's in you probably have a maximum of one hour before he gives away your whole relationship in a spill of word vomit (hopefully not actual vomit, at least) so you decided to take control of the situation, and put your arm around him as he takes his seat. It seems to go mostly unnoticed by the team as Reid has delved into a tangent on the difference between binge-drinking and regular drinking with their respective effects on the brain. 
"How you feeling there, cowboy?" You whispered to Aaron, trying to gauge how long he wanted to stay at the bar. 
"Pretty great." Aaron replies, with that wide, toothy grin and eyes like he's been stargazing into your own. He rests his head on the palm of his hand, elbow to the table, still giving you a puppy-eyed stare as Reid's tangent comes to a close. The team turns back towards you two, seeing you giggle at Hotch's loving gaze. You love seeing him this loose, free of all his masks and personas he usually has to wear to keep himself and the team, his family, safe. 
You catch Morgan in the corner of your eye as he elbows Prentiss, whispering in her ear, feeling all four of their eyes on you and your suddenly lovestruck boyfriend. 
"You know, I think the jig is up." you inform Aaron. You see a concentrated look overtake his face at the word jig, and he begins pushing himself up off the table and over to the dance floor. He stops, reaching out his hand to you, first. 
"Let's show them the real jig, then." He suggests. You take his hand cautiously and let him lead you out onto the dancefloor, where the two of you continue to bust a move even under the patronising stares of six criminal profilers. You let Aaron pull you around by your hands, your hips, letting the music carry you both through the night knowing you can deal with the questions later. 
The music cuts out and one of Aaron's FAAAAVOURITE songs comes on (as he so eloquently shouted in your ear), prompting him to become the bounciest FBI agent you've ever laid eyes on, and he's jumping around like a box-spring until suddenly, he stills. He clutches his stomach, drops your hand and runs for the nearest bathroom stall. Poor thing, he really only drinks like this a few times a calendar year, and since losing weight in his triathlon training he's particularly prone to all the side-effects of excessive drinking, much more than he used to be. 
You throw Rossi a pitiful look as he follows after his friend, muttering something about being too old for this. It's almost half an hour later when the two of them emerge, Aaron looking far worse for wear, draped over Rossi's presumably very expensive jacket. Morgan and Dave load Aaron into your car, with your promise that you'll answer all the team's burning questions about your newly revealed relationship in the morning. That is if you can get the unit chief out of bed by 12. 
Aaron doesn't say a word on the drive home, clearly enjoying the sensation of the cool passenger window of your car against his burning cheek, and you think he's fallen asleep. Perfect. You get to unload your 200 pounds of boyfriend into your sixth floor apartment and his body is as limp as a raw hotdog. 
You manage to open the car door without his body spilling out, which you count as a small success. 
"Aaron, Aaron sweetheart, we're home." You stroke his cheek, feeling him nuzzle against your hand, before his eyes snap open and he bats your hand away. 
"I'm n't your sweeth'rt I don't even know you." He looks at you through squinted eyes, clearly straining to stay awake. 
"Alright, well, I'm gonna help you get home, if that's okay. Can you walk?" You fight every fibre in your body to not tack a 'sugarbear' on the end of that question, given how adorable he looks when he's this sleepy. 
"I c'n run! Course I c'n walk." Perfect. Despite being about as structurally sound as a wet tortilla chip, he's still got his confidence, however misguided it may be. 
"OK. Walk with me?" You pull his arm around your shoulders, trying to help lever him up out of the car. He trips every few steps and will definitely scowl at the horrid scuffed state of his favourite work shoes in the morning, but at least he's not faceplanting. Yet. 
You manage to maneuvre him into the elevator, basically holding his body up against the wall of the small space. Once you arrive at the sixth floor, he has a few near-trips with the neighbours welcome mats getting caught beneath his shoes, but you finally arrive at your door. 
"Stay here, okay, just one moment, baby just stay right there while I get our keys." You prop him up to the left side of your door, dropping your workbag on the table to the right so you can rummage for your keys when you hear a loud THUD.
The poor thing is in a ball on the floor, having slid down the wall and become just a pile of limbs and coat tails somewhere along the way. 
"Shit." You find your keys, unlocking the door and throwing your bag onto the couch down the entryway before you even attempt to pick up your pile of boyfriend. 
"Aaron, stay with me, please wake up I just need you to go inside, you can't sleep out here." You plead with him, hoping that just one lobe of his brain is functioning enough to hear you. 
"Hrmmph." He replies in a sort of grunt. Wonderful, your pile of boyfriend has attitude. Luckily, you know just who could get him to stand at attention right now.
You clear your throat, aiming to make it sound older and croakier than your own. "SSA Hotchner, Attention!" You make one last-ditch appeal to the scared little boy inside of him who lived from army bootcamp to army bootcamp. 
To your surprise, he starts rolling around trying to ascertain which was is up, and with your hands under his arms, he is able to stand back up. You walk him inside without a word, pushing him straight through to your bedroom before he can collapse and reoccupy his liquid form on the floor once more. 
You grab his pyjamas, neatly folded atop his pillow as always, bringing them over with some socks for him to wear to bed. 
He's managed to remain sitting up at the foot of the bed where you left him, and you decide now you definitely need to be his partner, not his tenth grade drill sergeant to achieve this. 
"Aaron, sweetheart, put your arms up for me."
"No, I'm taken. I d'nt want any funny business w'you." He puts on an excellent pout, and you're proud of his resistance to someone's advances deep within your chest, but right now you really just need him to get over it until you can tuck him neatly into bed. 
"Aaron, I know you're taken because it's me, Y/N. See?" You give a dramatic twirl, letting him look up at you through his lashes, but his eyes look emptier than usual. The lights are on, but almost nobody is home, nobody helpful anyway. 
"Prove it." He challenges you. 
"Well, would anybody but Y/N know that you still have your caterpillar stuffie from when you were three? Mister Tickles?" You hope he's in a conscious enough state to recall that Mister Tickles is in your shared wardrobe, nestled in between Aaron's winter coats. 
"Okay, weirdo. No need t'get pers'nal" You laugh at Aaron trying to keep his cool although you clearly know even the things about him he hides from himself. 
He reluctantly raises his arms, letting you remove his undershirt, replacing it with your favourite college tee that just fits him so much nicer than it fits you, and he lays down and lifts his hips, letting you remove his belt and slacks. He wolf whistles when you first start undoing his belt but you know you can't take advantage of him when he can't even recognise who you are without guidance.  You slide on his Air-bud puppy pyjama pants Jack got him for his birthday, knowing he loved the movie as a boy. You then manage to slip socks on his feet and open up the blankets, pushing him into the open bed and tucking him in tightly. You leave to putter about the bedroom, doing your own nighttime routine before you come back to Aaron, placing blobs of his favourite moisturiser on his face, rubbing it in ever so gently, although he's practically snoring. You know how much he hates feeling like 'the life drains from his face' after a night out and how he will inevitably wake up with cold feet and dry eyes. 
You admire his sleeping form, his long lashes shifting as his eyes peacefully drift in his sleep. You plant a kiss on his forehead before heading out to the kitchen to get him painkillers and a glass of water, knowing he'll need them. You also leave the toilet light on, letting it glow under the door so when he does inevitably get up for one last heave into the bowl, he'll be able to find his way in the dark. 
You get into bed, worrying about what is to come from the team tomorrow, now knowing the two of you are together, and how you'll have to explain yourselves to Strauss and inevitably an internal review board or three. But as you look once more at Aaron's peaceful face, you notice that even after three hours of karaoke and dancing his heart out, he looks more rested and relaxed than he has in the years you'd known him. His frown lines making way for smile lines, and all of his walls he built around himself making room for one more. You know the two of you will be able to face whatever may be thrown your way. 
As you look at the toilet light cascading under the door, illuminating the fibres of your plush carpeted room, you realise Aaron is your guiding light as well. That you wouldn't know home without him. 
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frenchgremlim1808 · 4 months
Why Midori is such a breath of fresh air or how to actually write a Villain.
So the awaited essay, the winner of the FrenchGremlin polls of laziness finally has come! It took some time but it’s finally over. If your choice didn’t get chosen that’s okay! I’ll repost a new poll with old and newer options. Please reblog this one i put a lot of time in it, it's like, five pages long over a silly goose. Also sorry for the grammar i sucks and i'm not native. So let’s begin:
(also here is the link to the video format)
So first let’s make things clear, What IS a villain?
“A villain is a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.” That is why I do want to make a difference between a villain and an antagonist, an antagonist is a character who are a plot devices that creates obstruction to the protagonist. That means that a villain is forced to be an antagonist while an antagonist is not forced to be a villain. For example shin is an antagonist but not a villain, he is driven by selfish desires which are themselves fueled by fear anger and loss, he is the protagonist of his own story and is a sympathetic character despite it all, and Midori is just a bitch. Midori falls under multiple stereotypes of villains. Such as “the mastermind”, “evil incarnate” (lmao),”related to the protagonist” etc. Midori is evil, there is no denying in this, he is purely evil, and he doesn’t have a sad weepy backstory, he doesn’t feel empathy towards other, he is a despicable piece of shit who ruined so many lives. I won’t list everything but here is a list of his crimes, murder, assault, domestic abuse, grooming, verbal abuse, and torture, crimes against humanity lmao, stalking, violent crimes, and participation in a cult. And his worst crime is being a pussy bitch of course. So now that we have put the bases up let’s really begin.
Hollywood has a hate boner against villains and I hate them for that.
Recently Hollywood decided that pure evil bad guys is actually a bad thing, so now they decided to do stupid side story with them, to give them ”””depth””” since I guess how could we like those villains since they are bad. A great example of this is the Disney remakes which I loathe so much oh god I hate them. So first they did a maleficient it was okay honestly, then they did a freaking cruella movie where her mom gets killed by Dalmatians, that’s not a joke, in the peter and wendy movie that nobody saw they decided to have made the captain hook be a lost boy who was abandoned by the lost boys and peter, oh also they decided that PETER CUT HIS HANDS OFF AND LEFT HIM TO DIE BECAUSE HOOK WANTED TO SEE HIS FAMILY. They are going to do a freaking mufasa movie, in no time I can’t wait to have a Ursula movie where it’s discovered that ariel killed all of her family in cold blood or something’s. So you might say what’s the problem? I mean isn’t that supposed to make the story more interesting. No, no it doesn’t, because first they take all of the character personality traits and throw them in the bin, second they are supposed to be the vilain in a musical animated movies, I am not against complex villain, I love them, but by doing this, the original character doesn’t exist anymore. Just create original content with new interesting characters instead of doing stuff like this. Also it’s kind of funny than in all of those interpretation they take all the fun and sucks it out, what do I mean by fun, the gayness, Disney vilain are fun because they are camp, they are fabulous extravagant extra in all the ways possible, and that’s the reason we liked them. Not every character needs something super deep, like “my family was burned down at the stake and my dog was eaten by my ex”, sometimes we just like bad fun people, they are the story, and Hollywood hating them so bad just bothers me a lot. Also now the new thing is to not have a villain at all which can works in some narrative but not all of them, it gets boring after a while. In the past people were angry that villains are bland, but now I kind of miss it. While I will critique villains who have no purpose outside of being evil that’s dumb, like for example Voldemort is bland like white bread because his only motivation is being evil, but evil people do exist compared to what some Hollywood writers think, they should know. So that’s why I will put a difference between evil villains and villains whose only purpose is being evil; we loved Disney villains but they still had motivations, goals, reasons that to them a least were worth everything. World domination isn’t enough, why do you want world domination, what is the true reason deep in your heart, is it an inferiority complex, is it a savior complex fuelled by xenophobic beliefs.
That is how to write a pure evil villain, evil people exist all over the world, but I have never seen one who doesn’t have they own reasons to be so bad, it doesn’t excuse their actions nor really explains them. We do not want justifications we want explanations. If you are justifying evil behavior then do it, but don’t claim that it is a pure evil character. A pure evil character can be fun, can be interesting, he can be deep, it’s all about balancing all of their traits to truly make them greats. Which is why midori succeeds while current villains fail. Current stupid remake/spin off try to justify the behavior because they feel like this is what the audience wants, but it’s not what we need. So I will defend to the grave evil villains.
Creating an evil villain doesn’t make them boring guys.
Why the heck does big budget movies have either the blandest protagonist or the blandest villains sometimes both, like I said evil people do exist but comically evil character only works in satire not in a serious multiple millions of dollar movie. Example that boring ass avatar movie, the one with blue people, none of the characters are interesting the villain is one note. The lords of the rings also suffers from that, but I don’t care because the protagonist are so awesome that sauron being personality less doesn’t matter. Also sauron is more of a force of nature villains so it’s not the same. The recent kingsman movie has a bland one note villain, there is nothing entertaining, funny, about him he’s just evil, borrrrring. Every Disney remakes depiction of the characters are boring. I just feel bored out of my mind. Atla one of my favorite shows of all time has a main villain that’s kinda one note, Ozai, but he is actually intimidating guy, azula is the superior character, but I wouldn’t consider her a villain she is an antagonist though. I honestly don’t get why Hollywood thinks that just creating a character with no personality and whose only goals is to be evil is good.
So back to midori for a second, here is my question, when midori was on screen did you ever feel bored? Never right! Because despite midori being an evil character he has an actual personality, he’s fun, you want to punch him in the balls. Because midori has other personality traits than evil, midori is petty, childish, extremely intelligent, controlling, a natural manipulator, he is a trickster, he doesn’t seem to get some social norms, he is narcissistic, easily angry, and fears death etc See how I counted a lot of traits, traits that in other character would works, midori has positive traits, and I think that is the best thing nankidai could have ever done, midori has traits that a regular person could have. Which is why if I put midori in any settings his character would work.
Example, instead of a death game the cast is under the sea to discover the insane wildlife and supernatural stuff happening, what would midori do in this situation? Well he would very passionate about finding all of what’s happening, he’ll do anything to find out, even sometime sacrificing others, not only will he try to find what’s happening, but he is also going to try to find a way to make this discovery favour him in the end. Or let’s imagine it’s a vampire situation, where a vampire attacks  the city, midori would try to stop it, not because he cares, but to experiment on them to get their biology and finds the real secret of immortality since he fears death.
Here is my second advice, after creating your character try to imagine them in another completely different situation, like normal life, or a fantasy world, ask yourself the question what would they do in that environment? If you can find a real complete explanation of their actions then yes your character has multiples dimensions if not try thinking about it again. Some example of questions I do want to point out are some like “if my character had all the power in the world what would they do first or”, “if my character had only a day left to live what would they do”
Why is Current media incapable of creating good threats like bruhhhh.
Okay so first of all let’s talk about stakes in a story, let’s say you are watching a slasher movie, slowly the cast gets slimmed down and people die in horrible ways, that should set stakes right ? Well if the villain is an absolute buffoon who makes the stupidest actions and decisions in the world, you wouldn’t feel intimidated at all because despite what the filmmaker might try to say the plot armor will NEVER make a character intimidating. It’s just like a detective character who just seems to know everything without a thought, well you won’t really fear the character failing. Worse is the the final girl, who is for some reason always escaping the slasher guy by pure luck every time, she is shown as incompetent but still she survives, which make the villain seem completely incapable so now you feel nothing.
To avoid this filmmaker often use techniques such has unpredictability, I mean good I mean good ones, for example instead of immediately seeing whose going to survive because the black guys always dies first and the virgin white woman is the last survivor, change the status quo, make us think that this character is obviously safe while they actually aren’t at all. Or actually make them menacing by SHOWING to the audience how horrible dangerous they can be. Which is why SHOW DON’T TELL is so important, telling us how dangerous someone can be only to see them get beaten to death at the end of the movie makes us feel nothing.
Midori felt like a impossible person to beat, he is smart, had twenty plans in advance, even in situation where the cast felt like they might have a chance he was always armed, just like the gun he promised to use or the rocket punch. When they felt like they were finally advancing, he put obstacle in their ways, such as the collar game or the moment he put the collar on explode mode for  ranmaru. The entire point in the murder game was to make time pass, it took a long time for the cast top realize that this whole time they were losing precious time not realizing that the dummies were the real problem. The characters that made you feel the most hopeless were the dummies, if you won by killing midori they would die, but if you lost you might lose people you love (keiji or gin). It felt hopeless because they were no solutions in the end. That creates tension so that creates stakes. If we were told how dangerous unpredictable sou was then it wouldn’t hit the same, we are shown that he is that terrible. There is a scene ingame where bbg shin ai tells us that midori tortured and like to destroy people. That’s exposition so TELL, but do you why it works, because we are SHOWN before his behavior. Midori felt unbeatable, so the fact that we were shown his weakness such has his petty behavior, hatred of minors, and fear of death, for the first time it feels like there is a chance that we might survive this. And still after he isn’t shown has an incompetent buffoon, he is one, but the narrative doesn’t show us that he is.
What is also consider is good to make the audience feel actual stakes is to first really develop well the main characters, how can we feel worry for a character if we don’t know them, the audience need to feels emotional connection to the main cast to actually care. You can use things such has moments where there is nothing special happening just character talking getting to know them. Make us feel why we need to care about them possibly losing, instead of being indifferent. Or I don’t know maybe make an entire spin off game where we get to have the cast talk to each other and seeing dynamics between character that died early to get them a chance to shine and make their death even more tragic, or even make mini episodes of characters who only got a single chapter to show off their characteristic, to get us to know them better? But that’s just a silly idea of course, wink, and wink.
My favorite thing about Midori is that he is actually pathetic, like really pathetic, but weirdly realistic?
Midori is the most pathetic character in the cast, yes more than shin, shin is leagues less pathetic. No I’m not saying that midori is not intimidating or scary, I would piss myself if I saw him. He’s a scary guy. But if you look at him more closely you can see that he is a baby brat in a big boy suit.
So let’s start by something clear, Sou Hiyori clearly displays antisocial behavior, or in common terms he is a psychopath/sociopath, this illness is very badly seen in medias, I am not saying that people who lacks empathy like him are inherently bad, he is, a lot of people with antisocial behavior actually suffers a lot and have a difficult life. Sou real issues is not his antisocial behavior, it’s his narcissism and god complex. Sou feels the need to HAVE CONTROL over others, he like the feeling of being in power, he sees the rest of the world has beneath him, toys for his pleasure. He says that he “really like humans” because despite it all he seems to put himself in a different categories than regular people, they are beneath him. When he loses control his calm and cool behavior disappears and we see his true face, a grown man who has throws a tantrum like a baby. One of the best representation of this is midori views on the cast:
Midori hates kanna, like no jokes he has beef with her, a fourteen years old, actually he has beef with a lot of people in the cast. Midori views emotional people has weak, people who are loving optimistic as beneath him and useless. He preferred when sara was cruel and horrible, that’s what he loved about her, he liked seeing her scary emotionless side. But Kanna, kanna is everything he hates. A crybaby who not only puts the group in harmony, is a source of hope in general, is the reason he near got to have closure with shin (killing him), he views kanna as “not fun shin”. We have many proofs for this, if you type the word kanna kizuchi he says this: “Poor Kanna'd weep! I think a more worthless name would be better for someone like me” He mocks her, but also himself (I’lll come back on this later), he calls her worthless. Also in the electric charge minigame, when he can choose who to shocks he chooses two people in particular, kanna who he hates and hinako who ruined his fun by giving the cast a chance in saving ranmaru. But he does also says mean spirited stuff to other people, qtaro and gin. He also says some sarcastic comments about nao and joe, saying that it’s such a shame that they died so young. But you might say why kanna especially? Because he is a petty baby who is jealous of kanna, Yes jealous, of kanna, a fourteen years old. Because he feels like she stole his hubby wubby shin away from him…. God I hate him. And you know what that make him a pathetic idiot, after the scene where kanna beats his ass, he’s all mad and like “uhh I’m going to pout I wanted you to cry like a lot, now I’m gonna cry”. An that’s actually god, because it humanize him, he wants need thoughts, he isn’t one note, and that’s the most important!
Sou is a villain but before that he is a character, a fully developed character, and THAT’S WHAT MAKE HIM GREAT, Sou works because he works realistically, I mean if you forget the robot part, it’s easy to imagine a narcissist man child who needs to feel in power towards other, so his main prey are young vulnerable people.Which leads me to my next point:
Sou is a failure like really, and we aren’t sad for him.
Sou failed everything he worked on, he failed to get the paper from alice, he failed whith shin since he had to leave earlier than he thought he would leave, because of his mistake he lost his position in the death game, then he failed to kill gin or keiji, and then he died like an idiot losing his cool and acting like a toddler. And he knows it that why he is a bit self-hating (he should be). And yet none of us feel any sympathy towards him, why? Because sou is one of the most despicable guy in existence. He is a disgusting pervert, sadistic asshole, and abusive narcissistic cunt who thinks he is better than everyone. From the bottom of my heart I hate him sooooo much he is literally the character I hate the most in existence. He abused shin, ruined keiji’s life, traumatized the entire cast, literally assaulted sara like he physically assaulted her. He mocked nao and joe and kugie life as useless. He is an obsessive jerk AND I HATE HIM. And you know what…… It’s good. Like I actually feel a lot of emotions when I think about him, he fuels me with anger and disgust, and if your characters can make me feel that much rage then you did it, you created an actual perfect character. Hiyori is such a shit person that I think about him a lot, writers shouldn’t be scared to make a character such hittable assholes, example bojack horseman in bojack horseman is the vilest man on earth and I love it, because I genuinely hate him. Just like I genuinely love kanna, like really I really love her, I in the same time despise midori so bad. We hate him because he is horrible to good people that WE KNOW AND CARE ABOUT, not random npcs. There is a lot of… disgusting implications in his story with shin that I will not talk about it makes me really uncomfortable right now. SO HERE IS A VERY TACKY TRANSITION TO TALK ABOUT WHY I HATE JUNKO FROM DANGANRONPA.
Junko is boring, that’s it, she is boring, not funny not interesting, she is a fetish, she is the biggest Mary sue on earth, she is a gross character made to make fun of people with disabilities and queer people. Her only traits is being crazy, that’s it. I wouldn’t call midori that crazy actually, he’s methodical calculated, and precise. Crazyness is a term for people who aren’t in control of their actions and delusional about reality, sou is not crazy, he knows what he is doing, he is in full control, while characters like shin should actually be consider crazy, like shin is actually crazy but sou isn’t.
Sou is a breath of fresh air, because nankidai had the balls to write an actually interesting deep and threatening character AND make him a villain. He didn’t fall into the trap of making him have a sad backstory or good motives, sou is just selfish, that’s all he is. He make him a fun entertaining guy who you absolutely hates, he made him threatening and at the same time a complete doofus. He made him humane and pathetic.
But the thing that make me love nankidai the most is this
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The fact that he actually killed him that takes courage as a writer to just end a character THAT WAY, which is why midori will never come back alive he is forever dead. And that take a lot of talents as a writer to just take one of the most important characters and just get him drilled to death in the anus, like dammn nankidai you are a savage. That fact alone makes him one of the best characters in game, I hate him as a person, but has a character he is a masterpiece.
Though Kanna could solo him
this was posted as a video on my blog this is mainly so people who don't want to stay there reading a 24 minute video of my stuttering can have a bit of quiet
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otomiyaa · 8 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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what you really are // installment 3
Reiner finds that his first sexual encounter with a girl he truly cares for brings up a lot of memories and conflicted emotions. Sure, he's an idiot, but she kind of is, too.
warnings: still none quite yet; explicit sex in later installments. does the implication of Reiner's mental state beginning to break apart count as a trigger? idk. Minors dni why aren't you out catching tadpoles or something?
notes: She is a little bit silly, but just a little. Bertholdt appears in this one and he's just as a joyful and carefree as Reiner. everything's gonna turn out fine for them I bet
I'm reposting this because I added a sentence to make Reiner a little more embarrassing I'm sorry
She’s happy that I’m just a regular person like the rest of them, huh?
Hands in his pockets, Reiner walks the old dirt path between the training grounds and the showers at an easy pace, his eyes shifting to her back now and then. She’s a short ways ahead, talking with the other cadets about something. She barely seems winded from the day’s exercises, but she’s taken off her jacket and from here he can really appreciate the way the muscles in her arms have become more defined in recent months. The thought crosses his mind that her thighs and stomach must look supple and toned, too...
That annoying heat prickles at his cheeks again and he stuffs his hands deeper into his pockets and lowers his head a little, like he’s hiding his thoughts from the world.
How many regular 18 year-old males falter like this when their girlfriend says she wants to have sex for the first time? he asks himself dryly.
She hasn’t said so explicity, of course, she’s just a little too shy for that; but she has told him, in a soft and adorably halting voice, that if he wants to go a little further with her, he can ask, and, well, she won’t say no...
He has to take a deep, deep breath when he thinks about that conversation. She’d sprung that one on him several nights ago when she was reclining serenely in his arms while they watched the reflections rippling on the lake, and... well, something else also immediately sprang up, and he’d spluttered some idiotic response that even he found puzzling.
"That sounds... like... a smart way to do things. I'll be sure to remember it!"
She’d been silent for half a minute and then said, “Huh. Okay,” and the conversation just hadn’t really picked up again since.
Really dropped the ball on being roguishly charming there, Reiner. He sulked a little as the memory replayed itself every three minutes, or every time he set eyes on her, sometimes imagining the bemused expression that might have been on her face.
That was the plan, right? Wait until just the right moment, give her a soft little smirk, maybe run your thumb across her cheek real gently, and say something irressistable like... Well, he hadn’t actually come up with that part yet, but he was sure it would come to him when the time was right and be so provocative and winning that she’d melt into his arms and let him take her on the spot. Who’d have thought she’d beat him to the punch with something so endearingly awkward and unconsciously demure? It was borderline criminal.
And why didn’t he look her softly in the eyes and tell her he’d be honored? Heck, the moment was so simple and sweet and honest, it actually made a bit more sense than his plan to find the ideal instant in which to throw the whole ‘gentlemanly lecher’ routine at her. Would she even have liked that?
He rubs his palm across his face, glad that she’s currently too distracted to notice him silently berating himself.
How the hell is it that she makes me feel so completely confident about some things and so damn confused about so many more?
He pulls himself together long enough to flash her a gawkish smile when she looks over at him and gives a tiny smile and wave before she ducks into the girls’ showers.
Hell, maybe other, regular guys are this awkward. He sighs as he walks into the boys’ showers to clean up. It’s not like I know much about being a regular guy...
“Reiner... You’re not a soldier, remember? You’re a warrior.”
Bertholdt’s voice was resolute and a little pained, barely above a whisper. They had been standing together on the deck outside the mess hall that overlooked the common grounds. Reiner was watching her down there, fending Sasha away from a bit of fruit she’d saved from breakfast. Sasha was hounding her to trade it for some unspecified future favor, but it didn’t seem to work, because even from a distance he could hear her voice turning into a whine. He didn’t even realize he’d been smiling until Bert’s interjection shook his attention away. He blinked at the taller boy for a moment as if confused, then looked somber.
“I know that. You don’t have to tell me all the time.”
Bert didn’t quite believe him that he doesn’t need to be told from time to time, but he knew better than to get into that right then. He watched the other cadets, too, allowing himself just a bit of a smile when Connie seemed to join Sasha unsuccessfully in her negotation attempts. Then Reiner had broken the silence with a a very thin, dispirited tone that Bertholdt almost didn’t recognize.
“And they’re not devils, are they? They’re regular people...” How long ago had she said those words to him? A week? Two? He’d lost track...
Bertholdt had looked at his friend with slight startlement. Of course it was no secret to him or Annie that Reiner had known that since they first came here and saw the undeniably human suffering and enduring will to live that inhabited this island, but hearing Reiner admit as much out loud for the first time was both unexpected and worrying. He paused for a long time before he answered, his own voice bleak and conveying an understanding he wished none of them had ever come to share.
“Yeah. They’re regular people. None of them deserve this. She doesn’t deserve this. But we don’t have a choice. We’re gonna have to finish what we started at some point...”
Reiner’s sun-gold eyes had dimmed a little, like he’d hoped for a different answer. He looked down at the others, at her chewing thoughtfully on an apple as she watched Sasha and Connie now bickering between themselves. She – all of them, really, but she especially – looked so warm, and so alive.
And since that moment, the racing, whirling deluge of contradicting thoughts in Reiner’s mind had become quite deafening.
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multishipper-baby · 2 months
What's the eakwynn content
Happy to send it your way!
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First of we have this one, the first (and only, at the time) eakwynn fanart I ever saw when I initially went to look for content back in 2018! Sadly, I can't find the original post for it, only reposts of this piece and others made by the artist... So I haven't been able to find them again. If any of you know who they are, let me know.
But yes I have a lot of attachment towards this drawing. We've been through a lot together.
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This one by ShalenMed on Twitter, that you can find here. Love me some Owynn annoying Eak, the hand in the cheek is cute, and I also share the headcanon of Owynn being taller than Eak! Plus I like the piercings.
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And then we have this one, by HotCat37 from the FNAFHS English Amino, that you can find here. It says enemies to friends to enemies but I know in my heart that it's romantic.
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Plus this one! It's from an artist I've followed for many years, but they recently nuked their Tumblr (except their sims blog) so I can't link the original, but their username used to be multydoodles and you can search for it in my Tumblr and see some of the art that I reblogged from them.
As for the fanfic, here it is! It's in Spanish so, uh, sorry if you can't read it. But ohhhh I love jealous, possessive Owynn so much <3 Such a fucked up little guy, wanting to kill his crush's boyfriend. I don't like e4ktr4p but I will tolerate it for the eakwynn angst.
I also have some stuff made by an old friend of mine, but we don't talk anymore so I'm not sure how cool she'd be with me linking her socials? And it'd be awkward lmao so I'll rather keep it private. Might send them over DM if you're really curious.
And, uh, the not safe for work ones... I'm not sure if I should link them publicly lmao. I've had my blog marked as adult twice in the past, not risking it again.
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hiro-doodlez · 30 minutes
->Current fav art i've made!!<-
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I'm THE silly little doodler! /j
*warning that most of my art is suuuuper bright, so if you are sensitive to vibrant colors, uhhhh IM SORRY
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Art tag!
UTMV Birthday blog!
Fanart tag!
Sona Tag!
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!!!Links to other socials!!!
Art Fight!
Spotify stats!
Discord! (Moots+friends only pls!)
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I have a ton of different interests/fandoms I'm in, but the main ones I'm fixated on right now are Undertale Multiverse, LEGO Monkie kid, and One Piece!
A couple of my other fandoms are Rise of the TMNT, Steven Universe, Mob Psycho 100 (I AM MOB), Dungeon Meshi, Ok K.O Let's be heroes!!! (TKO AND KO ARE MY SONS), Hermitcraft (grian enjoyer :3) Spiderverse, Soul Eater, My hero Academia, Avatar TLA, The Owl House (HUNTERRR), and TPOT+BFDI
I ALSO LOVE MUSIC A LOT!! If I'm not watching One Piece then I'm probably listening to tunes!! My fav artists are Cavetown, Kikuo, Maretu, Bear Ghost, Lemon Demon, and plenty more!!
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pro-Israel, Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, proshippers/ comshippers, countryhumans (sorry LOL) and thats basically all I got
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feel free to use my art in whatever u want (other than merch ofc), just make sure to use proper credit and that you're not just reposting it!!! (like "This BEAUTIFUL BREATHTAKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ART was made by @Hiro-doodlez on Tumblr!" /j)
pls dont be mean to me... i am just a small little guy...
I admittedly kinda suck at having and talking to friends and moots, im sorry about that!! You probably will end up starting most convos because I explode everytime i hit the send button /hj LOL
old pinned because i love it...
might add blinkies soon if i find some good ones LOL
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candythemew · 3 years
Hey I just read the tags you left on that last reblog and it broke my heart. I'm so sorry people are being nasty to you over TDC. I just wanted to say I've always loved your TDC art, especially your OkLach stuff and your interpretation of urSan.
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me, you're one of my favorite artists, and you really encourage me to try and be better with my own art. You're really inspiring both artistically and as a person. I wish more people in this fandom were like you. I put that stuff in the tags because I didn't want to make a scene or bother anybody, but I needed to vent a little about being harassed by people. It's in the past now, but it really caused me to hate myself and the fandom too. It made me super depressed and made me feel like the scum of the earth. Because I thought I was doing something wrong. I told some close friends about it and they helped me out, reassuring me. But it still hurts to think about. I might have to take a short break from TDC because of how people are acting right now, but know that I've appreciated this place for a very long time and I will always treasure the pleasant memories I made here. Here are the Gross Anons under the cut for proof. TW: They talk about lots of sensitive topics in a really disgusting way. Such as Miscarriage, Child death, disability and political and religious stuff. If any of that stuff bothers you, don't read under the cut. I don't like reposting these asks, but they did happen and they really disturb and gross me out. I still get physically ill looking at them. Read at your own risk.
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I am gonna talk a little bit about stuff for context, but also because explaining things helps me calm down. In SkekAth's story, miscarriage is an element in it, but only because it's an issue that's incredibly important and personal to me. It's a tragedy, and I treat it as such in universe. That incident has lasting scars, and effects certain parts of Ath's life when he's very little. But it's also an explanation as to why there aren't any other skeklings around because it's incredibly hard for a skeksis to even have offspring at all. That's actually a canon thing. I also tag any and everything that has to do with that subject, so if people are uncomfortable with that topic, they don't have to see that darker part of things. Also, Ironic that they accuse me of being insensitive while sending me an ask about freaking EPOXY RESIN. These were all sent very quickly in-between each other so it's likely that they were the same person. It's just disgusting and ironic that I'm being called insensitive when they have the gall to say something so awful. Also those assumptions about me solely based on me being openly Christian were incredibly hurtful and stereotypical. You can't just say that to someone it's just awful. Also, Straight pride? Are you kidding me? Also, the "Undertale" one is in reference to OkLach. I find this one very hard to believe because TDC is a pretty niche community, and I've only made a little bit of undertale art recently. So even if they did I find it hard for them to look at my other stuff and go "Ah yes this is problematic." They accuse me of being a proshipper because I like OkLach. ...Okay? I consider myself anti-proship, but I mostly just keep to myself. Back to shipping though, That makes literally no sense. They're both 1000 years old, they aren't related and the most toxic thing they've ever done to each other is bicker like an old married couple. They think that it's funny because in the show they laugh about it together, and that's kinda just how they are. Heck, they debatably have one of the healthiest relationships out of the castle skeksis. Also, for the villian thing, I have literal long lore posts talking about them being evil warlords. They're awful and I'm NEVER gonna excuse their actions. They're bad guys, but I also make silly jokes from time to time. It's not that deep. Also, speaking as an UT veteran, that fandom has MUCH worse ships and proshipping problems so if you're actually trying to fight against that stuff anon, go do it in the UT fandom. I would really appreciate it since I hate it too. Sorry if I sounded a little upset or angry here, It's just a lot to take in, and I've kinda been repressing a lot of this for a while now. Thank you for reading this far if you did. I'm sorry for rambling, but know that I really appreciate it.
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short-rain · 3 years
welcome to my blog!! (rules, about me, mutual list)
hello! my name is coumba, and i really don’t have a nickname at all. i can write anything in my account. the kinds of content i do include, aot, mha, rwby, kpop, jjk, atla, kdrama, cdrama, jdrama and more!
messages - fortunately if you guys send me a message, i will most likely be able to read it.
aesthetic - as you can see i keep changing it for some reason so i don't know the exact one tho.
stuff - i can do headcanons, fanfics, and more if you request it!
more - im very thankful to everyone who supports me!!
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more about me!!
- my name is coumba!
- i'm 5'4 or 5'5 but i'm either one tho.
- i'm a capricorn but i'm not mean i swear i'm nice yall
- i'm from africa (senegal) but i'm here in america for "education".
- i had an old account but it was soo unprofessional so i deleted it.
- i am POC if you wanna know but to be specific i'm african or black
- my pronouns are... female? sorry im just like this.
- i have friends on this platform and one of then is my sister that lives with me, @eren-yeagers-gf she's mostly about eremika, hxh, and eren which makes her content good to accept.
- my content is mostly about aruani or annie in general but i do ship mikannie and sometimes i ship hitchannie. ( not anymore haha but i still post about it )
- i also post about mha and jjk sometimes but not a lot.
- i write fanfics and get incorrect quotes or promote fanart. (also mostly aruani).
- i also post eremika and levihan... sometimes.
- i post about aot a lot because it just ended but i will probably start posting more about other shows.
-whenever i'm feeling silly on this acc i might post about kpop of some sort (that's for my twitter tho)
- don't ask me about rwby. i post on it but.. plz dont.
- my asks are always being read mostly early im active 24/7 now that online school is over but school is starting in a few so that wont happen forever.
- i just finished tokyo revengers (not the manga) and also demon slayer (also not the manga) and i will post those from now on, still posting my fav/aot.
- if you want to know more about me then please ask!!
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- minors, you can interact its fine ig
- please don't repost my blogs!! but you can reblog.
- dni with me if you are a pervert!!
- don't ask for any pictures of me, unless you are a mutual!
- please don't cyberbully in my comment sections. i beg you
- plz dont send death threats!!
-i don't normally interact with toxic ppl, but if you're not, feel free to talk.
everything i said is kind of important so plz read!!
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moot list!!
bestie: ✦ 。°˖@ilovefatbootyhoes ♥️:3 ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@bottlesofapricots ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@cookiefics or @fangirlingbase ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@aruani ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@sofijaeger ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@eren-yeagers-gf ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@codename7 ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@chisea ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@hajiro-koi-cece✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@1800-faries ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖@brunoswhore ✦ 。°˖
✦ 。°˖ @miss-nagatoro ✦ 。°˖
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bl4cklabyrinth · 4 years
Live Report: MY FIRST STORY TOUR 2019 Semi-Final at Kobe World Memorial Hall
Disclaimer: Take note that all of these reports were translated by ear, so there is no assurance of accuracy. Because of this, please do not retranslate my work. I am no Japanese or English native.
I am only reposting the relevant MCs from my Twitter thread for archive purposes. Please check my tweets to read more about my thoughts on the show.
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from MFS’ official Twitter
Black Rail
終焉レクイエム (Acoustic ver.)
Love Letter (Acoustic ver.)
LET IT DIE (Acoustic ver.)
Band session
Missing You
Weight of my pride (Pay money To my Pain cover)
With You
THE OVER (UVERworld cover)
Story about Weight Loss
Hiro: Anyway, this has no relation (to the acoustic session) whatsoever, but didn’t I get super thin?
Kid’z: You did! Tell us more! You really did lose weight! Nob too!
Hiro: We declared during Hall Tour that we’d lose weight within one month, but we couldn’t do it. We made a promise though, didn’t we? I did my very best, you know?? I seriously gave it all I got!!
Kid’z: I’ve been avoiding carbs for a long time, and even tried diligently apportioning my meals and stuff like that. But before I knew it, I was already eating curry!
Crowd: *laughs*
Fan: How much weight did you lose?
Hiro: I dropped 6 kg.
Crowd: Ohhh! *claps*
Kid’z: That’s a lot!
Hiro: Amazing, right? On the contrary, I’ve always been fat.
Kid’z: No, seriously.
Hiro: I lost weight so that I can get fat again. I want to get fat so I lose weight. When I’ve lost weight, I’ll gain weight again. It’s a never ending cycle.
Kid’z: Don’t leave it as it is!
Hiro: I get told that all the time. I mean, I’m gonna gain weight before METROCK again anyway.
Kid’z: Isn’t METROCK great though?
Hiro: Can I say this? Why do they hold festivals at such a season?
Kid’z: Because (the weather) is cool? I once thought Doraemon was the one singing.
Hiro: Who you calling 123 cm tall?
Kid’z: Nobita-kun.
Hiro: I’m not the blue geezer.
Kid’z: He isn’t a geezer!
Hiro: He’s a geezer, isn’t he?
Crowd: *laughs*
Hiro: Generally, we release a CD around spring or summer. Then we start tour around autumn, right? From the beginning of fall, Hiroki starts losing weight. Little by little. Then, year end starts rolling in. By the end of the year, tour ends, it becomes production season, and eating Hiroki comes out. Hiroki enters hibernation, just like any other large mammal.
Kid’z: You need to stock up, right?
Hiro: Yep, so I can get through winter. Then it becomes spring again. METROCK is waiting for me, but I don’t want stocked-weight-from-hibernation-at-its-max Hiroki to be exposed there! Why do I keep getting told I got fatter or thinner every time?! Leave me alone!!!
Kid’z: But you did your best, right?
Hiro: ...Yep.
Kid’z: Good job.
Crowd: *claps*
Kid’z: How about Nob? How are you doing?
Nob: I lost 5 kg.
Hiro: You lost weight only because you were sick, right?
Kid’z: Because his tonsils were taken out.
Nob: I haven’t gotten my sense of taste back up until now.
Hiro: Don’t let yourself lose one of your most important senses!
Nob: Some time ago I had pickles and it was the best.
Hiro: What an old man.
Story about Poor Kid’z (figuratively and literally)
Kid’z: This story has no relation to anything we’ve talked about so far, but you (Hiro) started an IG account, right? During Hall Tour. Since then, you did a lot of things to me, like that game with the paper cups and the 10,000 yen you put inside one of them, which I played along with having good intentions in mind. I chose the right cup and you gave me the bill, but you revealed that there was 100,000 yen in the other cups.
Hiro: Yep.
Kid’z: ...I tried that with a friend. I was caught. 100,000 yen.
Hiro: Eh?? They made a winning move, huh.
Kid’z: I was like, “Oh no, what should I do?? Should I take it back?” I wanted to be able to fool someone, to get a taste of how it feels! So I started turning the cups around thinking I could do it like you did. When it was time for them to pick, my friend chose a different cup, and in my head I was all, “No no no, not that!!!” and eventually they got it...
Hiro: That person probably saw my IG post and thought you were an idiot.
Thoughts on Marriage
After Love Letter, Hiro and Kid'z talked about being excited yet nervous to play the next song, since it's been a while since they last played it.
Kid’z: Speaking of which, the person beside me seems to be nervous!!
Nob: *rubbing his palms on his pants*
Kid’z: Can I do a hand check? *touches Nob's palm* It's all sticky!
Hiro: Eh? You're scared of making a miss again? Like in Yokoari? Higedan. Ah! Speaking of which, Satoshi-kun got married! Congratulations!
H&K: *congratulate Nob*
Hiro: Eh? Official?
Kid’z: This is Unofficial.
Hiro: Ah, sorry. Unofficial. He got married, huh... There's been a crazy marriage rush recently... 
Kid’z: Yeah, it's been all over LINE NEWS lately.
Hiro: Right. back number, Higedan, Maple Chogokin.
Kid’z: You're mean for putting Maple Chogokin as last!
Hiro: No no no. *laughs* The marriage rush is insane, right... Right... Insane right... 
Fan: Do you want to get married?
Hiro: ...I don't wanna get married. 
Crowd: Eh???
Hiro: Do you? Someday, I assume. As for me, I don't wanna get married at all. 
Kid’z: *in a teasing tone* Is it because you don't have a partner?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? Ha? Ha? What the hell are you saying, you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry we had a little quarrel.
Hiro: Let's get a divorce first!
Kid’z: What the hell is this breakup!
Poor Nob
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
Hiro: Anyway, are we good? You (Nob) still seem nervous. How are his fingers?
Kid’z: They're tender. 
Hiro: If I had to play it in a room like this, I'd be pissed.
Nob: *strums a tune*
Kid’z: It's that song!! It's definitely that song, right? Can you do it, Nob bear? Are you alright? You practiced last night without sleeping.
Kid’z: Give him your support.
Crowd: Cute!! You can do it!!!
Kid’z: The pressure on you is rising, huh.
Hiro: *in an old man voice* You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
Kid’z: Eh? What was that voice? Father?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? What the hell are you saying. Who you calling father, come home and I'll kill you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry. Father, I apologize.
Hiro: to Nob You okay? Dududadududa~ (T/N: the intro of LET IT DIE) The last song for the acoustic session. Please listen, LET IT DIE.
Then, Hiro crouched down from his seat and kneeled, looked at Nob closely, and so did Kid’z. Nob stared back, aced the dududadududa intro and everybody clapped for him! However, Nob made a mistake towards the very end, playing the last string of notes twice. When they were walking back to the main stage, Hiro put his arm around Nob and teased in a mocking tone, "Hey, in LET IT DIE, in LET IT DIE, hey, during the acoustic set, hey, I was satisfied with the beginning, but in the middle of the song, hey, you made a mistake, right? Even if you were doing so well." When they got back to the main stage, Nob bowed down in apology.
Weight of my pride MC
Hiro: Your voice has been heard! There were a lot of requests for PTP, and in my heart, PTP is my eternal hero. It shouldn't be just us; so that he can also hear your voices, shout as loud as you can Kobe!!! Next song is called Weight of my pride!
Check out their version of the performance at Saitama Super Arena here:
モノクロエフェクター MC
Hiro: How are we doing Kobe? I thought everyone in Kobe could handle it, you know? Aren't y'all drinking too much milk tea? Your nipples are gonna become tapioca if you drink too much milk tea, you know? Well, if you're sure you're not drinking too much then you should be able to handle it, so let's all dance together!!
Reviver MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today! It's been a great day, I'm really grateful. I've always been alone. I've lost so many people I didn't want to lose, and I've let go of things I didn't want to part with many times. I might not be able to change the world with music, but because of music, I met the members, I met all of you, and it made me think that my life was pretty impressive. I want to believe it was my destiny to meet all of you here tonight, so let's keep walking together Kobe!!!
With You MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today, Kobe!!! After this, the tour will be ending soon. Thinking about it makes me sad, but knowing that you will all be supporting us next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and even after 10 years makes me feel very grateful. But there's one thing I want to say before today ends: Kobe, I love you!!!
Hiro: How was it? MFS' UVERworld. Did I become Hiroki∞? This song was really difficult. The way the lyrics jump, especially during the part before the last chorus.
Kid’z: I didn't learn that note.
Hiro: *emphasizes the difficult enunciation of a line from the song* Unbelievable, I had a hard time remembering it.
Kid’z: The instruments were tough, too. Even Nob was complaining, there were notes he had never seen before.
Hiro: I couldn't match the timing of the lyrics either. I had to enter at an exact time, 3 characters in one second!! If MFS were to do it, we'd go with a lower key.
Kid’z: You say MFS but it's your key, right? Your voice is hella loud you know.
Hiro: It's because if I'm alone, then it's not MFS.
Kid’z: Nah, we were able to match the key, but only you can sing it that high, right? (T/N: They seemed to have raised the key by 2 octaves)
Hiro: You guys thought the cover song was only Weight of my pride, didn't you? You're wrong! We did UVERworld but we received many other requests. There were a lot of PTP songs in the tags. Who else was it... Sheena Ringo, Oral, and King Gnu too.
Kid’z: Weirdly enough, B'z was highly requested too. 
Hiro: It'd be weird if I sang their songs.
Crowd: Sing! Sing! Sing!
Hiro: 萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇぇぇー (T/N: Nae is Japanese slang that roughly translates to “no” or “ugh” in this context) Wait a minute. Change the song.
Kid’z: *offended tone* Huh?
Hiro: Well then, sing a line that starts with A!
Hiro: You're an Ultra Soul Idiot. Do you know any other song apart from Ultra Soul?
Kid’z: Of course I do! Don't you? All of you? I love them more than anyone else, I'm even in the fanclub! こいよ!!
Kid’z: *sings a B'z line that starts with A*
Hiro: Gi!
Kid’z: Gi? *sings a line that starts with Gi* I told you, I can do anything.
Teru: Yu!
Crowd: HEY!!!
Hiro: Oi, Teruki!! Why did you say "yu"?! You should've let him build up first before making him sing "yu"!! It was too early to make him sing that as the third song!
Kid’z: It felt really good!!
Hiro: Why did you say "yu" so quickly?!
Teru: I just made a mistake.
Hiro: Don't be an airhead!!
Kid’z: I'm really grateful!
Nob’s Redemption Arc
After their UVERworld cover, Hiro asked the audience what they should do next. The crowd started screaming different songs, to which Hiro said "I'm seriously fine with anything." Nob suddenly played the first three notes of LET IT DIE, to which Hiro said, "Ah, from earlier?" Kid'z said, "He made a mistake a while ago, so let's give him another chance." Then Nob started practicing. The crowd screamed, "You can do it!!!" then Nob walked towards the center stage and did a moonwalk. Hiro was all, "You can't do it, you're not Michael Jackson!" then sang a MJ line and howled his signature "Woo!"
Final MC
Hiro: Today was truly an amazing day, thank you all so much. We had such an intense gathering here at Kobe World Memorial Hall. The first Coming Kobe was also held here. We have so, so, so many memories here in this place. Right now, we're still on our way to reaching our dream. From hereon, we don't know if we could make such a big dream come true. We still have a long way there, but we're doing our best every year, making music for everyone and visiting various places as well. Next year, and the year after that, and even after 10 years, it would be nice if we could all make amazing memories together. Thank you so much! We're definitely coming back, Kobe!!
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
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