#i'm sorry mah lad
ruskyart · 1 year
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movie only characters are a blessing because tehy are just gone after a movie (or they are shiratori) which i love. And i mean he was in one of the greatest movies of the franchise, so well deserved.
Honestly, that dude is just special. He gets some more plot because he deserves it.
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Since you’re offering... Ashtoreth and Francis debriefing with a lot of wine in Francis' cottage after a long day of herding the (not) antichrist toddler? And maybe accidentally flirting because oh that’s kind of easier when they’re both in disguise and pretending, isn't it?
On with the fic!
Nanny Ashtoreth loved nothing more than to have a glass (and several bottles) of wine after a long, long day of doing her demonic job. Especially when it was with good company.
Good as in enjoyable company, not just the whole... good and evil thing.
"I'm all for causing trouble, you know this," Ashtoreth said, gently swirling the bit of wine still left in her glass, "but he just... oh, it was so embarrassing!"
"I'm so sorry that happened, mah dear." Brother Francis said, slumped in his seat, his red cheeks an even darker shade from all he had consumed so far.
"I don't know what made him think it was such a good idea! My shirt's ruined! Everyone at the tea party saw my bra!"
Francis blinked a few times. "'m sure it was a lovely brassier."
"Of course it was, one of my nicer ones, but none of them needed to see that!" Ashtoreth pouted. "Luckily Mrs. Dowling was able to sort everything out, but I should not have to deal with the wiles of my ward."
The gardener nodded. "No prize fer that bad deed?"
"Bad deeds," Ashtoreth sniffed, sitting up straight, "that are not performed on Nanny... gets candy."
"Poor lad." Francis giggled. "Bet he learned 'is lesson!"
"He did." She sipped the wine and then refilled it, nearly missing the glass. "But he's in bed now, and Nanny's gonna just relax with her wine and her gardener."
Francis raised a bushy eyebrow, smiling a bit. "Oh?"
"Oh what?"
"Yer gardener?"
Ashtoreth paused in sipping her wine and then coughed. "You didn't hear that."
"I did." He said, wiggling with some sort of joy. She felt her cheeks warm and she scoffed and shifted about in her seat and then slumped in it, spreading her legs as far as she could in her tight pencil skirt.
"Nothin'! You. Heard... nothing."
"Yer gardener heard enough."
"You heard what you wanted to hear!"
"Tha' I did!" He laughed and downed the last of his mug of wine, then poured another. "So shweet of ya to be thinkin' of me as such, Ms. Ashtoreth, 'specially since ya tend to point out mah mistakes in the garden."
Ashtoreth scoffed. "Brother Francis, I am not pointin' out mistakes! I am simply..." She paused to blink a few times. "Simply lecturin' the plants that do not appreciate what you do for them!"
Francis stared at her, and then smiled, putting a hand on his chest. "That's so nice of you!"
"NOT NICE!" She hissed, her face felt very hot. She squirmed more and slumped right to the floor. "How dare!"
"How dare I bring up dat yer so nice and kind?"
"An' shweet and carin'?"
"An' don't be thinkin' I didn't be seein' you yesterday with dat plaster on our boy's li'l knee when he fell of his tricycle!"
She let out an embarrassed string of curses and rolled over, hiding her face in her arms. She heard him laugh. "Absolute wonder you are, missy! All dark and broodin', but so lovely and kind!"
Ashtoreth squeaked when she felt a gentle pat on her bum. "An' just the prettiest thing on God's green Earth!" And then there was a pinch.
The nanny whined, overwhelmed and embarrassed and wanting to hear more compliments and whatever the hell sort of flirting that last bit was.
When Ashtoreth returned to her room in the big house, Francis will freak over about how forward he was.
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halfadoginatank · 9 months
Children!Au for COD
I’ve just been thinking that Simons dad would totallyyy get distracted by another woman, a concert, etc etc and leave Simon to the Frey. After befriending the other kids, I JUST KNOW that when Simons dad makes him kiss that snake, he’s running to them and lets them take him to Johnnys mom
..that’s all <3
Oh!!! This is interesting, I dont think I hit all the plot points but I definitely liked the idea enough to lose myself in it a little.
Slight content warning for vauge talks of an overdose.
Simon is trying to keep his head down. The weather was good outside, but now the swarming bodies make it terrifyingly warm. People all around him move to the aggressive music, some look like they're fighting the notes themselves. He keeps shuffling through them, some are in crowds others to themselves, it reminds him of being lost in a grocery store for the first time.
“Oh shit! Sorry lil man, didn't see ya there, ya good?”
There's a hand in his face, and a person above him. He looks just as scary and spikey as all the people in this god forsaken venue, but he's the first person to offer him a hand when he's fallen.
Simon blunders, checking the pockets in his hoodie and jeans, “s awight.” He mumbles. The older man is patting his shoulder and checking on him,
“I'll putcha somewhere less crowded, yeah?”
Simon nods and blindly follows. The man sits at the bar, and pats the empty stool next to him. Simon bemoans the effort to get up there without making a fool of himself.
“So whatcha doing here? Pretty sure bars are 21 up, right?”
“Not ‘ere. ‘S 16 and up.” Maybe if Simon looks away the man won't actually look at him too hard.
“Ehhh, I dunno kid, you don't look 16 to me?”
Simon turns around and glares with all the nastiness he can muster. “What's it to you!” He was tall for his age, thank you!
The man waves his hands in surrender,
“Okay okay, we got off on the wrong foot, i'm Alan, you are?”
“Simon! Good cool.”
Alan orders drinks. Waters for both of them. Simon sits there for a while, until the bartender lady comes back and starts talking to Alan, they seem to know each other and Simon doesn't really think he'll be missed, so he slips away trudging to find the restrooms.
“Psst! You don wanna go in there!”
A voice says as he walks into the hallway where the bathrooms split off into genders.
Simon jolts up and looked around, the boy is almost completely invisible, but when the stage lights pulse Simon can sort of see him, squatting in an open maintenance closet .
He leaned down, the boy looked a little younger than him. “Why not?”
The boy shook his head, Simon paused to look at the top of it, where hair seemed to grow longer than the uneven sides. “There's a lady in there! N a weird looking lad! You canna go in there! You dont wanna see it!”
Simon shuffled to sit down across from him, squinting his eyes like that will make the boy's Scottish accent easier to understand. A weird looking man? Running of to the bathroom with a woman? He grimaced.
“S probably my dad, he left a while ago and I can't just run away.”
“Then youre a steamin’ idiot! Ya dont wanna see it nuh uh!”
“Stop being a baby! I told you s probably my dad!”
“Then ur pa belongs in prison!”
The boy shrieked, simon stilled,
The boy pulled up close to Simon's face, “I don’ think the lady's, awright..” he whispered.”
Simon looked away, trying to tuck in on himself.
“Wha's your name?” The boy asked.
“Well I'm John! Mah friends can call me Johnny if I get some coin for it!”
Simon tried to hide his laugh in his hands. “That's stupid. Why would they have to pay?.
“Cause i don like it when they call me that!” John shook his head, “but.. You look like you're having a rough time! So you can call me that for free!”
Simon rolled his eyes, come to think of it. Here, in this club's shotty maintenance closet with no door, is probably the first time in weeks he's talked to someone his age or younger, besides Tommy.
“How old are you?” Simon asked.
“I'm 9! What about you?”
Simon shrugged, “12… maybe?”
“Maybe Johnny, maybe.”
Johnny snorted and went to bonk Simon's shoulder with his own forehead. “Ya called me it!”
[» «]
Simon found out exactly why Johnny didn't want him going in the bathroom after the boy's sister (the pretty bartender) came looking for him.
They parted. Simon thinks he's never really seen a kid that happy, was he like that? Probably not, definitely not.
Not after what happened in that bathroom.
He didn't think he could associate that night with anything else but the rolled back eyes of a dead woman, and his father's manic laughter. (In the years that come, simon will be forced to remember he laughed along with him)
But, in the years past that, Simon will die, be replaced by Ghost and sit at a table in a bar with his task force, the formidable 141, the three men who made his work life more than just that- work.
“Okay then, what's the first time you've ever seen a dead body, since you wanna get ‘deep’”
Gost looked up from his drink, Soap and Gaz flanked him, as the three of them sat around a square table at the bar. Price off talking to Kate on the phone, they had been playing a game, the kind with questions evidently. Though the question was meant for Soap, Ghost traced the rim of his glass with a gloved finger. There had been many bodies in his life, ones he made himself, the ones he would never forget.
He felt a quiet mourning for the first one.
“It was a lass, I remember, but I was pretty young…” Soap began his story and Ghost settled in to listen, Johnny's stories were always engaging, he supposed it's just like him to make even his words pretty.
“I was maybe, nine? My sister went off to college somewhere in Manchester and my parents were off doing god knows what so they sent her to look after me.” Ghost watched as Soap looked into his empty pint glass and chewed on his cheek.
He was more interested now, he hadn't thought hide or hair of his hometown, and frankly Soap had never mentioned any family living there.
“Well, she said she couldn't leave me at her place, so she dragged me to work. Picture this! Me, a tiny little lad following my sister to a damn pub! She made me follow all sortsa rules before she sat me in the break room.” Soap laughed and waves his hands around, Ghost looks more at his face, the wrinkles between his brow. He hasn't forgotten what question prompted it, and from a look at Gaz he hadn't either.
“Well, ah I had to use the john…” Soap quieted down. “Uh, there was a woman in there, wasn't all that well off. A man came in there too, I guess there was some talking goin on before he left.”
Soap cleared his throat,
“Lady died of an overdose, in the stall. I bolted after the man came back. Hid in one of the closets.”
Ghost had a feeling he knew this already, a boy finding a woman dead in a bar in Manchester, hiding in a closet. Only, Simon didn't get a chance to hide once he'd seen it.
“That's all.” Soap put his hands on the table and looked to the ceiling, “pretty much it. Hid there with another boy, older than me, said the guy in there was his dad and we sat there until my sister found me.”
another boy?
It was really only after Simon had put the mask on his nightstand, retired Ghost for the night, that he thought about the night in full. Bothered to remember it, remember the other boy who had told him not to go there, who had protected Simon for a while longer.
He yearned to rush to Soap's room, tell him he was the other boy, the quiet preteen who barely understood him, he wanted to thank Soap, for giving him even a bit of joy during that night.
Instead, Simon began to dream of a world where Johnny and him had stayed friends after that night, some magical world where he lived in Manchester and in Simon's darkest moments, he could run to the MacTavish's and hide with a family less broken than his.
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ourlittleuluru · 5 months
don't mind me i'm just dropping by~
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
Hi~~! Thanks so much for dropping byyyy ToT/
Also thanks Madi for dropping me the same ask! (╹ڡ╹ ) Sorry, but I'll just be answering your ask through this ask too. Hope ya don't mind! >-<;;
Aw man... such questions are so hard for me TwT i'll do mah best
1) Sappy as hecc answer but definitely the close peeps in my life (I'm sorry I'm a bit of a tsun and find it hard to express myself tho u-u;;)
2) the new friends I made here in the LaDS fandom ToT y'all are the best and reading all your posts, art, fics, crack. Anything and everything! really makes my day X'D (ngl I've been looking back at Tumblr way more often nowadays thanks to y'all)
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3) coughCloudStrifeAndXavierContentcough
4) At the moment irl, Rain. Rain is such a blessing at the moment because of the humidity ToT it gets so hot even at night. Horrible.
5) uhhh uuuuuuuuh atm. Making fanart of LaDS ngl 🤣
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 3 years
Early Worms (Demoman x Reader One Shot)
With grogginess filling my head, I open my eyes. I pulled an all-nighter and had fallen asleep around five in the morning. It was now eight in the morning. Only three hours of sleep. That wasn't enough.  Stupid insomnia. I got out of bed and got dressed. I put on my Red/Blu uniform. Soldier always had us running laps before and after breakfast, so it would be best to be ready. I walked down the stairs of our base and into the living room. No one was down here yet. Except for Demoman. He was passed out on the couch holding his bottle. I grabbed it from his grasp and saw that it was half empty. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to finish it off. The strong, alcoholic cider tickled my throat.  "Aye, Y/n why did yah do that?" a groggy voice asked. Demo was up. I chuckled. "There's no way I'm going to let this scrumpy go to waste," I replied, taking another swig. Demo reached out for the bottle, but I pulled it away. "No way," I said. Demo got up and snatched the bottle from my hand. He put the bottle to his lips, but he groaned. I drained the bottle dry. I smirked, crossing my arms.  “Now get up, sleepy head,” I said, turning around, heading for the kitchen. “Solly’s gonna want us working.” “It’s a ceasefire,” Demo whined. I stopped in my tracks. “Did. You. Say. CEASEFIRE!??!?!” I yelled, turning around. The groggy demoman yelped. “WHO IN THE **** DIDN’T TELL ME WE HAD A CEASEFIRE DAY TODAY!?!?!?!” I yelled. I rushed upstairs and slammed all the doors open. I even ran outside to Sniper’s camper. No one was in their rooms. I groaned, pulling on my hair. Demo popped his head in.  “Aye, lassie, calm down,” he said. “I’ve got somethin’ for ya.” I turned around, fuming. The one eyed man looked at me, fearfully. “Just come along,” he whispered. I growled, following him into the medbay. He opened up the “no entry” door and led me in. Archimedes flew in, cooing. “Shush,” I whispered. “Don’t tell doc we were in here.” The bird cooed and flew away. I sighed. “C’mon lassie,” Demoman said, taking my hand. I blushed a little at the contact. The light from the room faded away and slowly began to return. There was a small room, with a table set up. Red/Blu candles were lit and there were pancakes waiting on plates. “Did you do this?” I asked. Demoman smiled and nodded. I chuckled. He went around the table and pulled out the chair. I took a seat and he pushed the chair in. Demo ran to the mini fridge and pulled out two glasses of milk. “Can’t be havin’ rum for breakfast,” he said. I chuckled. He placed my glass in front of me. I grabbed it. “Cheers, mate,” I said. “That’s mah line,” he said. I smiled. “It’s mine now,” I replied. Demo frowned. “If I wasn’t the man I was,” he said, “I’d kiss ya.” I blushed. “Would you really?” I asked. “Would you? Would you?” I repeatedly asked. He swatted the air. “I would so, lad,” Demo answered. He reached over the table, grabbed my collar, and pulled me into a kiss. “Bravo.” We pulled away. The team stood at the entrance, clapping their hands. Scout pretended to wipe a tear.I frowned. So did Demo.  “Aye, lassie,” he said, looking at me. “Why don’t we get these party crashers? I smiled, grabbing the fork and plate. The men looked at each other, then at us.  “LET’S DO IT!!!” I exclaimed. Demoman gave out a mighty battle cry and we both ran at the team. *>/<* Demoman handed me the bottle.  I nodded thanks and took it. The fire crackled in front of us, giving off a warm glow.  “Today was fun,” I said. “Thanks.” Demo kissed my cheek. “I love ya lassie,” he said. I kissed his cheek. “I love you too,” I replied. “Can you get off us?” Scout asked. “NO." A/n: I'm very sorry that this was very short. I hit a writer's block for this one. Next up, Scout (hopefully).
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you @amymarple for the request and Thank You so much for liking my writing 🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍❤❤❤! There's no element in your request that makes me uncomfortable so it's okay ✨✨✨. Hope you like this!
First Game - Quiz Game
Team 1 - Masamune, Ranmaru, Yukimura
Team 2 - Sasuke, Nobunaga, Mitsunari
Prize : A photo of MC
Team 1 be like (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)(✿❛◡❛)ಠ_ಠ
Team 2 be like (´・ェ・`)😏(❁´◡`❁)
Yukimura's one and only question before it started be like "Why am I here again?"
But it was ignored.
Then drum roll.... Start!
Question 1: What is the substitute for wine in dish? To the lords and ninjas of Sengoku era, Wine is a type of alcoholic drink in foreign country.
Masamune: Hoooh substitute eh? I'd say sake? Cause it's also an alcoholic drink.
Ranmaru: But didn't you immediately k.o even after a sip? Why would you want to make anything that required alcohol, Masamune-sama?
Yukimura: PFFFFT- ehem.
Mitsunari: Uhm.. Uhm.. I think.. Maybe.. *Butterfly passes by 🦋🦋🦋* Oh OAO. *Distracted*
Nobunaga: That's easy. It will be MC's tears 😏.
MC: (눈‸눈)...
Sasuke: Grape (´・ェ・`)✨.
BING! BING! BING! "Sasuke wins! Points goes to Team 2!"
Sasuke: *Dabs*
Question 2: Margaret has 5 childrens. It's Olivia, Johnathan, Liam, Shana, and Who is the youngest.
Sasuke: Oh. Ooooh. Okay.
Yukimura: What? What?? Who is the youngest? Who?
Masamune: Hoooh.. This is tricky.
Nobunaga: I think it's Mitsunari. Because our Mitsunari is like the youngest who's mind needed to be protected 😏.
Mitsunari: Thank you, My Lord. I'm honored (❁´◡`❁).
Ranmaru: But wow. This Margaret person is a super woman. She have five kids 😲✨✨✨.
Sasuke: The people in this era is really... *sigh* must protecc!
Yukimura: Sasuke, stop talking in your weird language, I bet you already have the answer don't you?
Sasuke: Yes I do.
Yukimura: So who's the youngest?
Sasuke: Yes.
Yukimura: What-
Sasuke: Who is the youngest.
Yukimura: No, I'm asking you ಠ_ಠ.
Sasuke: Yes bro. Who is the youngest.
Sasuke: You don't have to swear it like that, bro. Yes. Who is the youngest.
Final question: If a castle is a home, then a bed is a ______.
Masamune: Kitten meowing my name 😏✨✨✨✨
Hideyoshi in the background: *sighhhhh* 😑😑😑😑
Ranmaru: A place to sleep (✿❛◡❛)!
Nobunaga: Place for MC to be ready for my kiss 😏.
Sasuke: ......
Yukimura: A place to sleep obviously. What else it is for 😒?
Sasuke: *Grabs megaphone* VIRGINNNNNNN~~~~~
Yukimura: What?? ( ☉д⊙)
Shingen among the crowd: Oh, my Yuki. And here you are, playing the game so you can win over our Goddess (っω;。).
Yukimura: *Misheard* What? You want to bring a horses on your bed??
Meanwhile Mitsunari: *Still distracted with the butterfly 😳🦋✨✨✨
Winner: Team 2. Thanks to Sasuke.
Mitsunari: I don't know what happened but yaaaay (❁´◡`❁)❤❤❤~~
Nobunaga: *Smiles at MC's photo of sleeping* Hm 😏. *Puts it inside his inner kimono*
Sasuke: *stares at photo of MC cooking in an apron* Oh mah waifu. Le mademoiselle making me a sandwich. *kiss kiss kiss*
Nobunaga: ........
Sasuke: *Cough* Excuse me (´・ェ・`).
Second Game - Eating Competition
Team 1 - Shingen, Kennyo
Team 2 - Yukimura, Mitsuhide
Prize: Gold Trophy of MC statue in wedding dress.
Shingen: We can do this, Kennyo 😏. Let's do our best to win our Goddess's heart~
Kennyo: Tsk. I don't see any points of winning this game over a food eating competition-
MC: Alright the food is here~ I cooked it myself ☺☺☺. The dish for this eating competition is fried rice with anchovies, edamame, tempura, and a mix of foreign country, Korea's infamous Kimchi ❤.
Kennyo: I won't lose 😒.
Shingen: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)...
Yukimura: Why did I team up with you again?
Mitsuhide: Now, now, don't say that. We might win, you know?
Shingen: Aaaah it smells so nice. When the Goddess prepared something as divine as this, I couldn't ask for more, aaah such a sin to be eating heavenly food~~
Kennyo: Just be quiet and start eating will you ಠ_ಠ? Nevermind I will start first- *Eats* ....MMF-
Yukimura: GAH WHAT THE HECK WILD BOAR?? It's so salty!!
MC: ☺💢...... My, have I forgotten to tell you that the dishes is not what it taste like? Oh I didn't. Of course. Especially for someone like you, Yukimura.
Kennyo: The rice is salty, the edamame is sour, the tempura is sweet and the kimchi is-- what a combination..! Sh- Shingen- *turns around*
Shingen: X w X.......
Kennyo: He fainted with anchovies hanging in his mouth 😱😱😱 OI! WAKE UP!
Yukimura: *Hurls* Oh f-- hey, are you oka-
Mitsuhide: *Has mixed everything into one bowl and already ate it until halfway* Hm ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)?
Yukimura: ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ....
Winner: Team 2. Thanks to Mitsuhide and his sense of taste.
Mitsuhide: *Chuckles to the trophy* Ah, I can't wait for the real person to wear it. *Smiles at MC*
MC: (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)?
And Yukimura: *Holding the gold trophy with ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ face*
Final Game - Pass the Baton
Team 1- Kenshin, Shingen, Yukimura, Ranmaru, Kennyo
Team 2 - Hideyoshi, Masamune, Mitsunari, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide
Prize: A handmade kimono by MC.
Point 1: Masamune and Shingen
Both of them dash for the second point, clearly glaring at one another within the race.
"Heh. Handmade Kimono or not, I will make sure I claim many more from her!"
"Aren't we a greedy one, One Eyed Dragon? That will be impossible for you to do so as Team 1 will win this no matter what!" Shingen focused to his front, all more than ready to pass the baton.
Both of them manage to pass the baton!
"Go! Ieyasu / Yuki!"
Sasuke: *Gasp* The Tsunderes of History (´・д・`)! *Takes out phone out of no where and takes picture (which is attached with orange to charge its battery)*
MC: ಠ_ಠ...
"Heh, I won't lose to you!"
"Focus on your front, future loser."
"EXCUSE ME ( ☉д⊙)??"
"Excuse you 😒."
"Damn it..! Ah Kenshin-sama--"
Yukimura: *Saw something + slipped* GAH- *Fell and land like an airplane, flat on the floor* Why are you drinking during a race???
Kenshin: Hmh. I was bored, you are too slow (눈‸눈).
Mitsunari: I'm honored to get the baton from you, Ieyasu-sama (❁´◡`❁)✨✨✨
Ieyasu: Just start with the running already
3rd point, Kenshin and Mitsunari. Despite the slight delay, both of them running in par with one another.
"You are amazing despite having a drink just now, Kenshin-sama."
"Heh. That is nothing much. Besides, you are not bad yourself."
Meanwhile, at the 4th point...
Mitsuhide: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) My, hello fellow betrayer.
Ranmaru: QAQ Don't put it that way please~~
Now the baton in both of their respective hands, Ranmaru didn't hesitate to use his ninja skills for a quick stride, and that won't stop Mitsuhide either.
The final point: Hideyoshi and Kennyo.
Both: *Glares at one another*
Kennyo: To think that Nobunaga's lap dog would participate.
Hideyoshi: What did you say ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨?? Ah, here he comes..! Pass it here, Mitsuhide!
Mitsuhide: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) My, my, someone is impatient. Did you miss me, Hideyoshi?
Mitsuhide: Okay~~
Also Mitsuhide: Ah-
*S T A B*
Everyone in the field: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 *GASSSPPPPP*
Mitsuhide: My apologies, Hideyoshi. The running makes my legs tire witn fatigue it seems.
Current Hideyoshi's state: *Baton sticking out in his butthole* A-are you trying to kill me, Mitsuhide--- ugh- *faints*
Ranmaru: *Is stuck between helping Hideyoshi but also want to pass the baton to Kennyo* Aaaah I'm sorry, Hideyoshi-sama 😭!! Kennyo-sama!! Here!! *Pass the baton*
Kennyo: *Wince with an eye twitch to Hideyoshi* I pray for the health of your.. W-well. *Runs*
Winner: Team 1.
Kenshin: Kimono is great. But a kiss from you is better.
MC: Wha wha wha o////o..!
Shingen: Are you stealing my lines 😒? So rude~
Kennyo: Hands off your filthy hands on her, Shingen.
Ranmaru: Yaaaay Kimono by Princess (∩´∀`∩)💕!!
Yukimura: *Looking at Hideyoshi who is surrounded by the Azuchi lots* That's.. The most horrifying thing ever ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ *shivers*
Nobunaga: Your sacrifice will be remembered and honoured, Hideyoshi.
Mitsunari: Noooo Hideyoshi-sama is not a virgin anymoreeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ieyasu: Mitsunari what in the smoking duck-
Mitsunari: Huh? But MC said like that since Hideyoshi-sama is Nobunaga-sama's wife or something just now.. Huh? Ieyasu-sama, a duck can smoke 😱😱😱???
Ieyasu: Yes, just like you 😒.
Mitsuhide: May you rest in peace, my fellow right hand.
Masamune: May your butt rest well, lad. *sighs*
Hideyoshi: HEY S T O P!! I'M NOT DEAD YET ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨!!!
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okeymakeydude · 4 years
Headcanon: Ways to trust [Defense classes]
Link to the last one; Headcanon: Ways to trust [Support classes]
We all trust, a lot or a little, always do. We´re sociable and even the most antisocial person does the same, and our beloved mercenaries are no exception. Here, I´ll try to make some headcanons of the ways I think they´d do to show that they trust someone, at the end a snippet. 
Today, defense classes: Engineer, Heavy and Demoman.
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This man has "two faces", a saying and a HCs explained better ->here<- and, in a short way; he shows a false personality from the real one.
"Wanna go for a ride, son?". This Texan likes going about his business and alone, if he needs things, without telling the rest of the team, he'd go to the nearest town. However, he'd invite his partner to go with him, especially if it's someone he gets along with and knows he won't be bored. Be prepared to hear bad jokes all the way through!
You're welcome to his workshop. Like Medic, he doesn't mind if someone gets into but not for long. Silence and concentration, he gets annoyed by the slightest noise while doing his job. Although he'd like to talk to someone like Pyro from time to time, they can stay as long as they doesn't light a match... again.
He smiles more. Look, he's smiling most of the day, but that's part of his "fake face". You'll know that you're accessing his true personality when he's praised for his inventions, tries to stay serious and kind of doesn't care, but his pride will show if those words come from someone he trusts. There's nothing that makes this man happy than talking about his creations and knowing that others are interested.
There's a small hidden box where he keeps the few memories he has of his childhood. He has never felt comfortable enough to talk about it and more about his father, but if he does speak about it with someone, It's 'cause he trusts that person very much and he's giving an attempt to open up, this's a very important moment. There, he's showing much of his "true face".
“Wait, is that you? How cute!” His partner was looking at the few photos that were in the box, had a brown color of how old they were, there was a  little boy in his father's arms. “ I wish I had pictures of my childhood too.”
Engie was beside them, watching silently until he noticed something, and pointed it out. It was a picture of him hugging a puppy, he couldn't help but smile.
“Her name was Tess.”
“She´s beautiful.”
“Was... she was beautiful.”
A nostalgic atmosphere dominates the whole workshop. It had been a long time since the Texan had returned to his past and even more so if he talked about it with someone, but it was okay because he knew he could trust his mate. Suddenly they raised their arms and began to put the photographs in the box, They had a serious face.
“We're getting sad and i don´t accept it, the past is past. Although I would have liked to see that dog... but we're here for something else!” They turned to see him and smiled. “You were going to show me something you planned to do.”
That's why he liked ´em so much.
“Heh, yeah, y'are right. “Happiness was shown at once in the engineer bringing up that subject again, he took out a blueprint and put it on the table. “Well, as ya can see here...”
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He'll spend time with you. Why waste the time with someone you don't like?Heavy'd let know if he doesn't trust you, he wouldn't talk much and his expressions would say it all. However, if he does, even if he's busy, he'd use some of his time to talk to his mate, ask 'em how they are doing, or just hang out. HCs inspired by this one.
He'll try to speak more. We all know that our dear Russian has a poor English but that doesn't mean he isn't trying to improve it. May ask his friend for help or advice when he doesn't know how to express himself with something and would feel more confident if they respected him and don't laugh at the way he speaks.
His past. He doesn't mind talking about it but will always try to avoid the gulag and what happened to his father. The past is past, yeah, but even a man like Heavy is not so easy to "forget". If one day he confesses what happened to his family that time, it's because he trusts that person a lot. It's a very important step in his confidence and no one should make fun of him.
"You can touch her". Well, what are you waiting for? He's letting you touch HIS weapon, Sasha! It's something very important to him somehow, and it'd look like a dream if he didn't get angry that someone aproached her. You would have to be a great buddy to have such a "privilege".
"Push! Come on! Push!"
"I'm trying but she's toooo heavyyy...! Got it? Cuz -- Nevermind "His partner sat on the floor, taking a breath, looking at him. "Can we get some rest? I think my back is broken."
Heavy laughed as he did the same thing. A few days ago he started training for the next match and his friend decided to join him. Although the exercises seemed very hard for them.
"Sandwich? This will help little."
"You're really strong, man! can pick Sasha up like that and i can't even move her an inch." They raised their eyebrows while they was grabbing it, with a 'thanks' by the way. "How?"
"In gulag, you have time."
"Oh..." their voice got softer when they heard that, was taking the last bites at the sandwich. " Y'know, you're not only physically tough, also psychologically, that was hell and you managed to escape from there with your family."
"And now, Heavy is happy and around with friends, like you. You are good friend."
"Really? Sweet!" They stood up and smiled, seemed to be full of energy and wanting to spend it. "Okay, ready for round two, bear guy?"
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He becomes more touchable. Well, he is already even with a stranger but our dear merc likes to express himself physically, he doesn't just say a "heeey", he'd hug 'em and give 'em a gentle pat on the back. And both have a secret handshake? Then you're best friends. Demo is usually one of those who are quick to trust someone.
Get ready for the party because he´ll drag you to every one! is a night person, and any place is perfect to have fun. Is the weather good? Party in town! Bad weather? Party at the base! Can't it be possible? Party in his room! Demoman likes to be among friends and won't hesitate to invite them, fun is guaranteed with him and laughter too. Just make sure he doesn't drink too much, he tends to get a little sad...
“Sorry if mah mom's a lil´ annoying”. Well, looks like someone's been bought to their house, their cause his mother lives there! He´ll be nervous about taking his partner, apart from his frienemy Soldier, although he´d calm down if he sees that everything is going well. His past is not that bad as Heavy's but if he tells things like what happened in his eye, about his childhood or about his father, that mate must be someone very trustworthy.
His eye-patch. Being called a “cyclops” only makes him remember the stupid mistake he made as a child and it bothers him, only he doesn't show it, he's always afraid that one day he'll forget to put the eyepatch on and his whole team will be scared of him. But if you show him that he's okay as he is, enough to give him the confidence to be around without it, you're already someone important to him.
“ And then... kaboooom! ten dead enemies, ma'am! ten!”
“Did dat really happen?”
“Yeah! your son with only a few explosives eliminated most of the opposing team.”The guest nodded with a smile, they was very happy to tell what happened at the match recently, crossed their arms. “I´d be proud of him, actually, i´m proud of him”.
“Me too.” Said his mother in a soft voice, she seemed to avoid smiling but you could tell she was grateful. "As long as he does a good job, it's okay."
“Okay, lad. I´m done.” Demoman entered the room before putting some things aside, looked at his friend and asked. “Well, yer ready?”
“For the party? Hell yeah dude!”
They stood up and as they approached they did not hesitate to make their secret greeting, it might seem childish, but they did not care. At the end they gave each other a hug and said goodbye to the old lady, they were getting closer to the door, before opening it, his friend spoke.
“You okay without the eye patch?”
“Then, what are we wainting for? let´s go!”
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