#i'm still stuck on the book 1 tho 😭😭
batakrim · 11 months
Hi could you tell us more about your Trials oc :D
Waah hello, hi, sorry for the late reply, I didn't see my askbox lately 😭🙏
I played Trials but my laptop can't handle it in the long run, so I had to stop playing it (and I'm still in level 1 being stuck because fuck Coyle), hence, I can't offer you any information about in-world references and I'm pretty out of the loop in this fandom nowadays 😓
So, um. This is Wilbur/Wilkan. Basically my current main OC. How do I say it... He's like that OC you like, doesn't have any backstory, and you just basically shove him inside some random AU for fun
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So I had a funny scenario about him being a world traveler (it's kind of a "canon" version of Wilbur among me and my friends, essentially), and somehow got trapped inside the Outlast universe and was forced to be one of the reagents. And if you haven't noticed, yeah, he's a cover up for my oblivious ass refusing to read in game documents and lore... (I'm sorry lmao)
On the outside, Wilbur is kind and gentle, wholesome even, and he hides his identity being a world traveler (honestly no one would bat an eye if he decided to say he's not from this world anyway, but still). Basically he's forced to accept what Murkoff did to him and he can't help but comply, while looking for a way out to escape this universe. Something like that.
I'd imagine his specialty rig is x-ray. Not the athletic kinda guy, but he's sneaky at least. He would predict any enemies nearby and warn his party, basic stuff like that.
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His aesthetics usually include dark academia and vintage stuff, so his room is filled with phonograph and vynils, typewriters, some books and journals, etc.
He draws... But his art is like those children's drawing in horror movies. This is an inside joke about him being fond of a god creature that he takes care of in his original world, but it's too much info with 0 context already, I don't want to burden you with this nonsense 😭 thank you for the ask though, I'm glad other people have interest in my OC's!
If you want to ask more about him (in/outside of Trials) tho, I'm perfectly very okay with that as well!
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
I WATCHED NIMONA!!! As someone who read the original nimona webcomic when it was updating (roughly a decade ago??) and was rly impacted by it, I was so excited to watch the film and... they did a really good job!!! it was so beautiful i cried omg... it's def worth a watch!! (long ramble under the cut BWAHA spoiler warning)
...and it was rly completely diff from the original comic but im not complaining?? like its a v loose movie adaptation and the plot/setup was v diff but still v well done... like the comic and movie r both good in their own right... & i laughed and cried a lot... i was surprised at the extent of some of the changes but the emotional parts hit hard(my eyes r swollen from crying) and it was written v well... and visually it's just gorgeous... my jaw kept dropping at the beautiful lighting, and they brought the futuristic medieval setting to life so well i could cry😭
it's funny bc one of the main things i was afraid of was them changing nimona's backstory from the comic, bc even after a decade that's one of the things that stuck w me the most... i love nimona as a chara sm... I was so worried abt them changing it and... they ended up changing it completely... but it was actually really good?! like i cried so hard, it was well done... so I'm glad I didn't have to worry after all jdjfjd🥺 like they Did change it but both ver r good in their own right...
I understand that they had to rewrite the plot completely to fit within the time length of a single movie while still being a contained story, as is always the case w movie adaptations of books, graphic novels, etc which r much longer... Series have a chance to follow the source more closely but that just isnt the case w movies... and as far as movie adaptations go they did an amazing job!! I can rly appreciate both the comic and the movie as their own thing... and I rly liked some parts that were added to the movie, like ballister(blackheart)'s backstory in the beginning, and the addition of gloreth (and her relationship w nimona) was surprisingly compelling... And I really really love that they made Ballister and Goldenloin canon POC 😭😭😭 like that made me so happy!!!❤️‍🔥 When i first saw the casting of riz ahmed and eugene lee i was sooo happy, i was like YAYY IDC IF THEY LOOK WHITE IM GONNA HC THEM AS POC🥰 but the fact that i dont even have to hc bc its canon now... 🥹 SOUTH ASIAN/EAST ASIAN KINGS🛐... and they also didn't hold back with showing them openly as a gay couple... Even tho their dynamic changed a lot from the comic I rly appreciate that...
And there were things that I did miss from the webcomic, like the original setup with goldenloin and blackheart as staged nemesis, them being exes (and some time having passed since their graduation, so they're older, unlike in the movie when it just happened), etc. but the whole setup and plot and everything I completely understand why they had to change it to make it work/fit as a movie, so I get it... so not complaining there tbh bc they did what they had to do... But tbh... TBH... my one(1) complaint(/lh) w the movie... IS I REALLY MISS GOLDENLOIN'S BEAUTIFUL LONG HAIR😭😭😭💔 He would've looked so pretty with long golden locks in the movie artstyle, esp w the gorgeous lighting... glowing gold and flowing in the wind... And I think it would've fit perfectly well with the movie ver of his chara/lore too?? like the new lore of him being a descendant of Gloreth... I could imagine him growing out his hair and bleaching it blonde to fit the image/pressure of being a descendant of gloreth, and to look more flashy and heroic to the public (They did tone down his vanity a lot but im sure he still retains some of it... like he still has that pretty popular celebrity image)... And him having long hair doesnt contradict with him being asian too or the modern setting... modern asian men can and do have pretty long hair😭 Like he couldve still been Asian, just w long blonde hair... It doesn't contradict w his new personality either... And I wish they kept the golden color bc the white/silver makes him look less like a "goldenloin"... (i also love black/gold color combos personally lol)... And i just aldjskd can u imagine movie Ballister stroking Ambrosious's long hair affectionately... pls🥲 WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL... canon asian madeleine cookie qkjdksdj... I also do miss his original stupid vain arrogant himbo personality from the comic, but I understand why they changed it (for one, charas like that might start out obnoxious but then slowly develop and gain depth over the course of the story, but in a movie's short length, there's less time to slowly grow on ppl so it'd be easier to make them more likeable from the start... so like i get it.) but I think it would've been perfect if they just kept his long hair even w his new personality😭😭 LIKE IT WOULDVE BEEN 100000% PERFECT THEN!!! So that's literally my one lighthearted complaint/dissatisfaction w the movie LMFAO... I'd be happy if ppl draw fanart of movie ambrosious w long hair... TTwTT i miss it sm DKDJZ /end rant OVERALL I HAD A GOOD time ^^ LMFAO
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minimoefoe · 4 months
thoughts while/after reading a court of wings and ruin for the first time
I sped through this book so I didn't really write much down as I was reading so these are thoughts after I read the first half and then once I finished the rest
first half, chapters 1-32
italics is stuff I've added after finishing the book
I love lucien so much I feel bad that feyre was using him for her schemes but also I love her liike she's so sneaky. even if it didn't work out as planned
'he's a different breed' made me laugh
so a faerie's mate being a human is a thing? that's weird/interesting/idk
ianthe die challenge (I won)
I was wondering why tf feyre's power was so low bc she's supposed to be strong as fuck. I was like um ?
lucien and feyre leaving together!! I kinda knew it was gonna happen bc in the recap vid of mist and fury that i watched she was like 'lucien would get on well with rhys' group wink wink' but also like, it was obvious anyways - elain is his mate, lucien has clearly been a bit iffy about the way tamlin has done things
made me sad that feyre wasn't just straight up like yeah lucien you should come with me like I get it but also :(
lucien and feyre travelling together for a bit was cool I love their dynamic a lot
lucien and nesta's first dinner with everyone is my fave like both of them slowly realising that the vibes are fun and being kinda surprised
amren being stuck teaching nesta is funny, I feel like they're a good duo
are we gonna get an eris is actually a good guy story bc I am here for it idk, I'm very intrigued
so everyone knows that cassian and nesta are mates right they just for whatever reason won't just say it? or is this vibe purely bc he broke his promise or whatever? surely not
azriel being all soft with elain is so cute wait. but also her and lucien would be cute too and idk UGH
nesta and elain had the potential to really irritate me but they haven't been too bad actually. I'm intrigued by whatever is going on with nesta. elain being a seer is a bit less fun bc that's not massively my vibe but it's fine. also I feel like the second she starting being cryptic like she was having visions it was kinda obvious she was some kind of psychic
it's almost comical how non-evil rhys is like wdym he has a library for abused women like okay sarah we get it he's actually very nice under that bad boy exterior
current ranking? lucien > amren > rhys > azriel > cassian > feyre > mor > nesta > elain
second half, chapter 33-end
I teared up way too many times and lowkey can't remember them all but this some - feyre being like that's why luciens mum loves him so much, them all holding hands before the final battle, the bone carver looking at freyre before dying, tamlin telling feyre to be happy, amren leaving
I wish lucien wasn't gone for like half the book
very mixed feelings about tamlin like fuck him fr he's clearly got Issues but also him being there to help and help bring rhys back was very sweet
and also I feel bad for tamlin but I struggle to feel THAT bad in terms of like am I supposed to care that feyre ruined the trust he had with his ppl bc I don't. also he was so twatty during the meeting like omg how embarrassing
kinda need to know more about eris idk like am I supposed to like him or not I still don't really know
tbh I thought lucien was just more tan than his brothers bc the spring court gets a bit more sun than the autumn one 😭
I was worried that all the battling going on in the book would bore the shit out of me but for the most part I was really into it
what is the deal with lucien, elain and azriel like is elain gonna say fuck the bond and get with az? I could be swayed to root for either one of them tbh. azriel seems to be better for her so far tho, like he knows how to be there for her
I stg after the last book I was like damn where are the gay ppl and this book was like HERE are the gay ppl. not that this is like rep central but yknow
kinda don't know how I feel about mor not telling at least azriel idk bc part of me is like if you just tell him and be open I'm sure it'll be a bit awkward (especailly since you waited 500 years to do it instead of telling him ages ago) at first but in the long run it'll be way better and maybe he'll even understand why it was hard for her to tell him. and also everyone else would obvs be supportive of her. but also maybe az is the weird one for not just getting the hint and leaving her alone like if it was gonna happen by now it would have happened and the fact he's soooo protective of her still, in a way that shows how he truly feels, is like okay bro maybe leave her alone
new ranking? rhys > lucien > azriel > cassian > feyre > mor > nesta > elain? idfk
there was a lot of names to remember and idk I defo got most of them down but some of them I'm like idk who you are I'm gonna be real. and miryam etc, I'm still not 100% clear on their story but honeslty it's fine, I understood it enough to not get too confused. I'll pay more attention if/when I reread
low-key feel like either rhys or amren (preferably amren) stayed gone like idk, both of them leaving/dying only to be brought back kinda takes something out of it I want STAKES sarah kill someone
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hi hi 🎀 how's it going 💭
i'm currently procrastinating on my school work .. love that for me lol. also so sorry i don't think i addressed this last ask !! but thanks on the compliment in regards my web development class stuff :3 *hugs* (honestly i'm not that smart .. if it wasn't for book n instructions, i wouldn't have a cLUE as to what the hell i'm doing 😭 lmao)
omggggg speaking of jimin- did u see the hardware teasers . did u SEE them?????????)$&1; this man is beautiful like gtfo
but yeah u said it perfectly honestly. it's refreshing to see them so relaxed n open with themselves and yes there still 'here' per say, but just knowing the inevitable after their promotions are done is the sucky n scary part yk :( but ofc i'm still going to enjoy our time together til 2025 💕 we're in this bangtan sonyeondan borahae business for life 💯🫶🫶🫶🫶😤💢
also random question but am i using my emojis right 😭 ??? ik ik dumb question but hEAR me out. do u ever feel like ur not updated with the times- like with jokes n stuff?? like idk sometimes i feel like i'm still stuck in 2019-20 stan twitter humor help idk &)/-)6/;(/7/@3)😭 and it's weird it's like i can understand the jokes but i can't make them or use them myself??? like ik how these emojis "🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️" are used / implied when other ppl use them but when i attempt to use them i back out. i just feel like i'm using them wrong 😭😭 lmao. does this make any sense??? idk idk this so stupid, i'm stupid. don't mind me
oh wow i didn't how much when into baking brownie from scratch ! i'm so used to doing it by the box n calling it a day lol. but it definitely sounds interesting n fun tho, i might have to try it out someday. and also i think ur brownies still sounded super scrumptious (even more so with the strawberry milk) ! so still kudus n praise to u for seeing it through and ur baking smartness :3 🌸 like i sad before : it's ALWAYS a good time when talking sweets. y u h
yay glad to hear everything worked out !! i hope u have a fun and safe time :) and dw i'm sure you'll find something to do before then hehe*
also off topic, ik we said it's okay but srsly sorry all my asks are always so long n probably have a bunch of typos 😭 i can't shut up and it shows pls lol
- 🎀 anon
it’s definitely going
wait no because i literally feel the same??? i have like my small bank of frequently used emojis because whenever i see other people use certain ones i just 🧍‍♀️don’t know if the context is right with what i’m saying? if it’s any help i sent 😭 to my mum before and she asked why i was crying 😭😭 so i think you’re doing okay babes
i don’t bake brownies very often and i still took the easy route using the microwave instead of the double boil method 😭 i think one day i’ll perfect them but until then i’m gonna stick with cakes i think, or banana bread— it’s way easier 🥲
i had a really good time!!! i feel like ass this morning though LMAO idk if it’s because i don’t usually stay out that late but i woke up and felt so dead. it was extremely liberating though just walking through my compound at the end of the night, at midnight alone when no one was outside listening to music. it felt quite healing. and it was really nice catching up with my friend 🫡
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fuyukasan · 6 years
tagged by: @markstechnos (thank u so much, i'm super touched tbh 😭😚😭)
who i'm tagging: @opald, @sluttynewwiee, @earthpodd (i'm kind of new and don't really know anyone here 😳, but these blogs are my favorites in type of personality wise (including @markstechnos, of course, the one and only ❤️), so if u guys are ok to do it, it will be great, if not, it will also be ok! no pressure or whatsoever ☺️ just want to know u all better ✊🏻😚)
relationship status: single (and still quite confused about the fact that i'm more than cool about it and a lot of other things) 💁🏻‍♀️
favourite color: all kind of pastel purple 💜
lipstick or chapstick: hmmmm... both?? haha i always put chapstick before everything tho, so chapstick! 💄
three favourite foods: i'm super easy on food 😩 crêpes, pizza and idk... strawberries fluffy cake!?! 🥞🧀🍕🍰
song stuck in my head: my head is such a mess that i can stuck an whole album in it, so i'm gonna say joji's ballads 1 🎧
last song i listened to: clairo - 4ever 💫
last movie i watched: to the bone (trigger! eating disorder) this movie really was like a punch in the face for me 🎥
time: 12:58am (i'm from france btw woop) ⌚️
book i'm currently reading: my hero academia ✊🏻
last thing i googled: "is venom that bad?" 🤟🏻😩
how many blankets do you sleep with: ONE! but a HUGE and THICK one. the hugest/thickest the comfiest (that's what . said) 🛌
dream trip: ✈️ japan with the people that i love for reasons
anything you really want: just... to make my family proud of me and to be able to offer them all their greatest wishes without constraints ❤️
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jayflrt · 2 years
yeah, 60 credits!! i think i'll have around 50, so... close enough, but not enough for me to do a 13th year of school
i didn't have a phone until middle school so i could text my parents that i was on the bus safely (or i wouldn't've had one at all until high school), but both my parents are teachers and were up by 5:30/6 for work, and my dad drove me everyday, so i got to school at like. 6:45 and sat in a before school program, played games, etc. until 9:15 every school day from 1-6th grade
now that i only have one class a day, i am as heavy a sleeper as you can get LMAOOO like. i am a rock.
i spent... like $150 on the game? couple bp, couple welkins, and $100 genesis crystals to get my ganyu (and all the extra primos went into my kazuha fund since ganyu was guaranteed)
i didn't even have sucrose until recently, so i had no anemo battery and i have self-sufficient xiao. i've soloed all but like... 4 bosses w/ him? and i did half of them no dmg if i remember correctly
and omg yeah building takes so long, i say stick w/ ur main team and his current build until you have time and resin for him.
HELP YEAH IT WAS!! it was like,, book knowledge, literacy and grammar, and also just generally how nice you were. i think we had like a 50-100 person literate group and it felt like it was actually hogwarts because it was so active 😭😭😭
i started posting on quotev at 11. wattpad always scared me, so i stuck to quotev and ao3, but i've always been a good writer, and i think i still have like... drafts of my first AWFUL original pieces in my drive somewhere
maybe i will make a gc, idk LMAO i'm very bad at keeping in touch and i'd feel bad nkjdfsjdf
yeah i need sfw yong </3 honestly all of 127 in crazy underrepresented on tumblr (excluding hyuck and mark bc they're included in dream works) when it comes to sfw fics or reactions or anything.
i of course am Adding to the dreamzen supremacy w my mainly dream reactions and dream series on my sideblog 😭😭😭but i've written a 10k yong fic for a collab i was in which was so fun!!
AHHH TAEIL ANOTHER MEMBER I BARELY SEE FICS FOR ☹️💗 but that’s so cute !! son of apollo definitely suits him <33 and i get what you mean !! i did smthn similar for my nct series — mc for jaemin’s installment was jaehyun’s younger sister, and that was alluded to in other installments as well + many of the members appear in each other’s fics (ex. mark being in jaehyun and johnny’s installments as well as getting his own) 🤧
yeah, i like having ur series connected yk? like it feels so nice to write in that little nod that only the people who have read the other fics will get as like an easter egg! and it makes it feel more real <3 which is so fun and interactive
taeil not loved enough for being our vocal slayer. like those high notes y'all love? appreciate this man bc he's not gonna be slaying for us much longer he gotta go to the military😭😭
it is!!!! i appreciate any attention i get, especially if it's on my shitposts and stuff LMAOOO like it's nice that people care? and thinking abt the fact i have a following and stuff is so crazy. it's really nice to have people support your work!!!
i just wish there was like. a cheat code? to make longer fics more popular again bc they used to be POPPING when i joined kpop tumblr 2 years ago and now the attention span is gone 😭😭😭and long fics take so much more effort than reactions so getting a diminished response can be disheartening
omg you’re so close !!! 💖💖 i’m not sure how many units are allocated for each class where you are but that sounds like about 2-3 classes you need :o for me the units are distributed differently tho so it might be different for you !! but good luck, that must be so exciting 🥰 
HAHAHA YEAH SAME except it was for me walking to school and i had a flip phone 🤧 i enjoyed it a lot tho HAHAH i played my lil game of tetris over and over again and took pictures with my 144p camera <3 i started walking to school when i was in middle school bc i lived so close so that's why i got my phone :') and then we upgraded to a galaxy s1 and then an iphone for high school WOOOO (but man it's so weird to think i owned a galaxy s1 HAHAH beginning of an era??) 
omg you have one class a day?? that's so nice :o my monday classes are like that !! it's very relaxing but annoying that i have to go all the way to campus just for one class 🤧 i don't have a car either so i get in my daily cardio at least LMAOAO
omg i have not used the $100 for the top up crystals yet BUT it is very tempting especially with the bonus :'') i just wish the top up shop reset the bonus thing every banner or two ,, i feel like mihoyo would make so much more money doing so right ??? i just hope i get kazuha 🥰 
omg sucrose is sooo good and her ult is so pretty omg :'o i got c2 jean now so i feel like i should build her HAHHA but also i have her at lvl 80 and wanna focus on getting childe and raiden to 90 🤧 plus i wanna level up all of yanfei's talents :'') but yeah im focusing on my main team rn bc resin is so scarce 🏃‍♂️ 
that sounds so fun tho !! 💗 i can see how that transferred over to writing fics HAHAH but omfg i cringe looking at my old writing LOL like at least i tried ,, i can pat myself on the back for that :') but it's so funny looking back at how awkward my dialogue used to be and how 2d my characters felt. i also moved onto ao3 from wattpad but i feel like ao3 is kinda losing it's charm now ?? idk like before i felt like i could find so many gems and all the writing was top tier but now im seeing so much toxic romanticization and people writing smut for minors :// 
omg yeah i agree i think nctblr is geared toward the dreamies D; i mean i ult dream and also fall victim for writing more for the dreamies (mostly jaemin) HAHAH but i think 127 and wayv are neglected sometimes <//3 save for jaehyun and sometimes johnny, but i agree the other members (esp taeil!!!) deserve more fics 
yesyes i agree !! 💕 it's like a little special easter egg or cookie for the readers and i love seeing readers connecting the dots 🥰 plus i get emotionally attached to my characters so i wind up wanting to write more of them :] i love the little storyverses they're so cute <33
and omg yes :((( i remember long fics were a lot more popular around 2020 to early 2021??? idk what happened after that but ppl started shifting to shorter pieces like reactions/headcanons and smaus 🤧 i understand that it's easier to read but i personally think it's more rewarding to write your heart out for a long fic and receive love about it 💘 i think nctblr still appreciates a good longfic tho !! tbh they're more prominent in the fandoms that aren't enhablr LMAOAO 
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