#i'm sure anxious people really are babies who have never considered that they just shouldn't be anxious! and it totally isn't the case that
bredforloyalty · 4 months
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right because people with anxiety for sure will be able to "patch together their own fragile nerves" if they're just told they should look inside themselves and simply realize what should and what shouldn't impact their self-esteem. congratulations world anxiety and insecurity has dropped to zero
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Meeting Lucifer
Ship: Mephimon
Words: 1425
Note: Also posted as day 17 of Ficmas.
Mammon bit his lip anxiously, gripping Mephisto's hand tightly.
Mephisto chuckled, gripping his hand back, kissing Mammon's cheek, "It's going to be okay, Mams. You're more anxious then I am."
Mammon groans, "Ya don't know my brothers like I do. Lucifer is extremely overprotective. He is never going to accept ya, or anyone else! Asmo brought home a super kind and successful man and it took Lucifer a year to even consider talking to him."
"I'm sure it will be fine," The purple-haired man rubbed his thumb across Mammon's hand.
"I'm glad ya think that," He sighed, "I really want them ta like ya. I love ya, Mephisto."
They leaned their heads together, relaxing into the uncomfortable chairs. The flight wouldn't land until early in the morning.
For now, they had to sleep as much as possible in hopes of not being exhausted when they land.
Once they got off the plane, they quickly noticed Asmodeus. The strawberry blonde jumped up and down in excitement, running over to greet the couple.
Asmo squealed, "Aw! Aren't you handsome! I had no idea that Mammon actually had good taste in men!"
Mephisto chuckled as Mammon glared at his brother.
Asmo slapped Mammon's arm, "I'm just playing around! Let's get going. Everyone's eager to meet you. Oh, what was your name?"
"Mephistopheles," He answered, noticing Asmo's quizzical expression, he laughed and said, "Most people call me Mephisto. It's much easier."
Asmo holds out his hand, shaking the man's hand, "Alright! We should really leave now. My cars parked right outside."
He leads them to his car, opening the doors for them.
The drive was short, they made it to the large house fairly quickly.
Asmo let them out of the car, "Hopefully Lucifer hasn't murdered my fiance in the short time I've been gone."
A giggle left Asmo, but the notion made him slightly nervous and curious, "Wait, wait! Solomon's proposed?"
A large smile built of the boy's face, he held out his hand, showing off the ring, "Yup! And, oh, the ring is just gorgeous. It was such a romantic night."
"I see the looks on your faces," Asmo leaned forward, "Don't worry. Lucifer is extra harsh on me just because I've had more significant others and one night stands than he's had breaths in his life."
The three went inside, spotting people all around.
Asmo walked away to check on Solomon, the twins taking his place instead.
Beel held out his hand, "I'm Beelzebub! And this is Belphegor."
Mephisto shook his hand, "Hello, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Mephistopheles, though you can call me Mephisto."
The twins nodded, Beel speaking again, "Make sure to treat Mammon well, okay?"
Mephisto smiled and nodded.
It didn't take long for them to run into the next family member.
Satan approached, "Are you Mammon's boyfriend?"
"Yes," Another friendly smile, "I'm Mephistopheles."
"What a nice name," Satan smiled, turning to Mammon, "Maybe you shouldn't take him to Lucifer. He's been upset about loosing his precious, favorite, baby brother to some random college kid. And I've had to live with him through it. He is not happy. Plus, Asmo's broken to news about the upcoming marriage next year. He's loosing all of his kids."
Mammon frowns, "Asmo's 19 now, I'm 24. He needs ta allow us to mature."
Satan rolls his eyes, "I'm 14 and still have a bedtime. He doesn't let up on anything. He's going to be overprotective until the day he dies. You could be 85 and he'd still be worried about you."
A groan leaves Mammon's lips, "He makes life so hard sometimes."
Satan then turns to the forgotten boyfriend who had been listening to the conversation the whole time, "Good luck. You'll need it."
The couple approached the kitchen, getting drinks. Mammon noticed a lone otaku sitting I'm the corner, he made sure to grab something for him as well.
Mammon dragged Mephisto along to meet Levi.
Levi curled up, hiding his face behind his Nintendo switch at the new face.
The two sat, "Hello, Levi. It's been awhile."
"Hello, Mammon," Levi mumbled.
"Are ya still living at home?" He questioned.
"Sadly," Leviathan sighed, pausing his game and moving the switch, "I need to beat the final boss known as getting hired first. I don't have enough money to buy or rent a place of my own."
"I'd say Lucifer's the real final boss," Mammon chuckled, "He attempted to sabotage both mine and Asmo's moves. I wonder why half our boxes suddenly went missing at the time of our move."
Levi laughed, "So....are you Mephisto?"
Mephisto nodded, "I see he's mentioned me by name to you."
"Yeah," Mammon laughed, "While I talk ta all of my brothers, Levi always gets the most detail. Then Satan and Asmo."
Lucifer entered the room.
"Uh, oh," Levi whispered, "Hope you've equipped the correct weapons, because the final boss is here!"
"So you're the one my brothers been mentioning," Lucifer calmly spoke in a way that made all of them shiver.
"Yes, sir," Mephisto replied politely, holding out a hand for Lucifer to shake.
Lucifer ignores the hand, "No need to fake politeness to impress me. How old are you?"
"25," He instantly answers, trying to stay on the man's good side.
"Ah," Lucifer thought, "Are you, perhaps, a bad influence on my little brother in any way."
Mammon cut in, "Luci, please let him be. He's a good guy, I promise."
Lucifer glares, "You have a cane. Are you injured?"
Mammon could see the annoyance on Mephisto's face from the questioning, "Frankly, I don't get why that's any of your business."
Mammon winces. This is going to end horribly.
"Frankly, it is my business," Lucifer glares harshly, "I deserve to know about the seemingly disrespectful man my little brother should not be dating."
"Luci-" He was cut off by Mephisto, "I am only acting 'disrespectful' because you are overprotective and lack respect. We like each other and that's all that matters. Or do you not care about Mammon's happiness."
Levi curled into himself, trying to hide from the line of fire.
Mammon stood up, joining his boyfriend and brother who were both already standing, "Guys, it's okay! Differences in personality, that's all! I'm sure ya guys would really like each other if ya talked things out! No need ta fight!"
The two glared at each other, Mephisto sitting back down, mumbling loudly, "You didn't warn me that your brother would be this much of a dick."
Lucifer scoffed, "You didn't warn me that your so-called boyfriend was a disrespectful imbecile."
Mephisto gasped, "Wow I didn't-"
"Stop!" Mammon yelled, "Stop fighting! Jesus.... I thought this was going to work out! How are ya already upset, Lucifer! Is this because of Asmo? Ya need ta grow up and let us grow up! And Mephisto, ya aren't any better! I told ya how hard Lucifer was ta please, and ya decided ta provoke him! It's been not even ten minutes and there's already an issue! Can we get along and just have a happy Christmas?"
Levi squeaked, worried about all the yelling.
"I'm bringing Meph to my room," Mammon glared, "I want you to calm down, Lucifer. At dinner, you both better treat each other kindly."
He dragged Mephisto back to his childhood room. They both sat on his bed.
It wasn't long until an awkward knock was heard on the door, "Come in."
Asmo awkwardly walked in, pulling Solomon along with him, "Lucifer's too overprotective for his own good."
"Yeah," Solomon spoke, "He still doesn't trust me."
"You're Asmo's boyfriend?" Asmo held his hand up, "Fiance."
Mephisto chuckled, "Sorry, fiance."
The majority of their time was spent sitting in am awkward silence. They did talk some.
Asmo laid against Solomon's shoulder, Mammon on Mephisto's.
Dinner was incredibly awkward. Everyone was either part of the argument or heard it. No one wanted to enrage Lucifer and consequently ruin Mammon's relationship with his boyfriend.
Over the whole visit, Mephistopheles and Lucifer never warmed up to each other.
Though, on a good note, everyone else loved him!
It stayed that way too. They never did like each other. But, they seemed to grow okay with that. It was almost playful how much they hated each other.
Lucifer still allowed Mephisto. He even gave him his blessing in marriage!
Even if they always hated each other, Mammon was still happy. Mephisto and Lucifer could always agree to do whatever made him happy, even if that was tolerating the other at their own expense.
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
so i'm just a bit pudgy and get anxious to wear summer stuff and i know i shouldn't but still lol 😅 maybe hcs for deku/baku/todo/kiri/denki with an s/o trying to boost her self confidence by wearing more revealing clothes? what do the boys like to see their s/o in too?
as someone who is also a bit chubby, i very much appreciated this request, i love writing things with soft pudgy readers. they’re just so c u t e! anddd body positivity ya know, you have every right to love yourself hehe. also don’t be so hard on yourself about being anxious to wear something, i still get the same way too when i’m picking out my clothes for summer. it’s totally okay, regaining confidence takes time and you have no reason to rush yourself. i’m proud of you for putting in the effort to love yourself bb! anyway, hope you enjoy my lovely vigilante!
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for being the type of person who pays attention to detail in almost every other aspect of his life, fashion really is not one of them. he’s not one to put an excessive amount of care into what he’s wearing. he’ll try to get his hair to do something. . . decent, but then he throws on a nice enough looking outfit and he’s out the door. he doesn’t always have enough brain function for that, considering it’s constantly running a mile per second with a million other things he has to do that day. so, it does take him a second to notice your change in wardrobe.
the first time you walk down to the common room in a pair of shorts cut a bit higher than your normal pair with a loose t-shirt, he notes out loud that you look really cute and comfortable before asking if you’re ready for your run together. doesn’t really think much about it after that.
it’s not untiil around the second or third time that he realizes this is something out of the ordinary for you, especially once you’ve put together an actual going out outfit that shows off more of your legs, arms, and chest. he’s red from his neck all the way up to his ears.
Holy crap they - they’re so hot - I mean, is that disrespectful to think of them? No, I don’t think so - M-Maybe, I shouldn’t say that out loud, I might sound super weird but, I’ve just never seen them like - they’re so cute, oh my gosh! Ah, right I’m supposed to be paying attention to them! C’mon Izuku get it together!
will then stutter out the most flustered and chopped up compliment you’ve ever heard from him so far. he’s never seen you in summer clothes before and he thinks you look so good, so he’s a little overwhelmed by it.
he literally adores your every breath no matter what you’re wearing, but, well he’d be a horrible liar if he said that your summer outfits weren’t some of his absolute favorites.
shoto is much more observant than people give him credit for, he’s just not as obvious about it as midoriya is. he’s a quiet people watcher, who will silently take in all of the little details about someone or something that has done enough to catch his interest. and you have certainly done more than enough to catch his interest since you are the one he loves.
from day one he has been tuned into every shifting detail of your presence. it’s just not hard for him to tell when something is different with you, especially something pertaining to you physical appearance. so, yes, he immediately notices when you’ve switched to wearing clothes that are more revealing and he will say with a straight face that it makes his knees weak.
the sight of you in summer clothes is never one he thought would knock the breath from his lungs so hard, but he loves every second of it and will not hesitate to shower you with compliments. he was already abundant in the praise of your beauty and personality, but just expect even more from him.
if he ever figures out the reason why you changed your style or if you tell him, he will let you know how happy he is that you are finally seeing what he has seen all along. breathtaking beauty with lips he would kiss breathless.
katsuki notices the second he sees you but won't let you know verbally that he loves your new summer look. his way of showing his appreciation is clear through his roaming fingers. literally cannot keep his hands to himself even if you’re in public, and he’s never been a fan of PDA other than the occasional hand-holding or arm around your waist.
it doesn’t matter how hot or humid the summer gets, expect at least one of his hands to be somewhere on you. resting on your exposed thigh while you sit with your legs slung across his lap in the common room. if you’re wearing a shorter cropped shirt while you’re out, his arm is around your waist and his fingers trail lightly, sometimes ticklish, absent patterns into your soft side. when he thinks no one is looking he’ll press a warm kiss to the top of your shoulder blade.
he knows what its about without you having to tell him and he truly is proud of you for being confident enough to show off whats yours because that means he gets to parade around with you at his side like a peacock with its feathers fanned out.
Hell yeah, this is my partner. Keep your fucking eyes off creeps, their too damn good for you anyway.
very much has to act like the cool guy when he notices your style change because he’s having a full freak out in his head, he just can’t let you know that. but will give you his usual cheeky compliment that you know is entirely genuine despite the mischievous twinkle in his eye and give you a quick wink for added effect. 
“But no really babe you look amazing. I’m digging the new look.”
He’s a complete giddy dork the entire time, walking around with a big dopey grin on his face because, hah my baby looks so amazing and the guys are gonna be s o jealous. can’t wait to brag to sero later.
he likely doesn’t know the reason you’ve gone out of your way to change your look for summer, other than the immense heat, but he does know that he’s super happy that you look super happy with what you’re wearing. and that’s all that really matters to him.
the only one who verbally announces his appreciation for your new look immediately after giving you his usual sweet greeting kiss and pulling back to admire you, taking you all in.
“You look even more amazing today baby! What the hell who gave you the right to be so cute all the time?” he’ll bring you in for another sweet kiss, then shower your whole face in light kisses.
kirishima has known that you get a little self-conscious sometimes, though you’ve never had to tell him this. he’s picked up on the same sort of nervous ticks he use to show when he was a bit younger and not as sure of himself, the ones that he, quite honestly, still has today. and he’ll let you know that he’s happy you’re beginning to feel more comfortable with not just yourself but around him and others as well.
he’s sort of the same way as bakugou. his hands roam a bit more, just because he wants to appreciate the newly exposed parts of you. not to mention, he’s just the slightest, tiniest bit more protective over you. and he wants to make sure others don’t get the wrong idea. you are his partner and his partner only.
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letstalkaboutfics · 3 years
Where I Sleep
FANDOM: Grey's Anatomy
PAIRING: One Sided Mark Sloan/Addison Montgomery
Standalone Song-Fic to 'Where I Sleep' by Emeli Sande, from the 2012 album 'Our Version of Events' in which we learn more about Mark's thought processes with regards to following Addison to Seattle.
There's nowhere that I wouldn't follow
There's nothing that I won't do for your kiss
Mark had known that it would only be a matter of days before Addie left him. He knew he had messed up. He hadn't been able to help himself from the moment that Addie had said she wasn't going to keep the baby, their baby. He knew he should have stayed faithful, proven to her that he would be a good father, but he also knew that that wouldn't have saved their relationship when all Addison wanted to do was go to find her husband, no matter how badly Mark wanted her to stay with him.
So, in reality, he shouldn't have been surprised when she left him a note telling him that she was going to be going to find her husband, his best friend and that he shouldn't follow her. However, despite his infidelity, he truly believed that he and Addison were meant to be together and for that reason, he chose to ignore her wishes. He was going after. He loved her. He had loved her for longer than he should have, given that she was his best friend's wife, but he no longer wanted to hide the fact he loved her.
I love you like there's no tomorrow
Cause nothing ever felt like this
Almost immediately, Mark hit his first issue. He had no idea where to find them. Addie had done well to cover her tracks, she must have known that Mark would follow her immediately, if given the chance, so she simply hadn't told anyone where she was going, except their boss. However, Mark wouldn't give up that easily. He couldn't, not if he wanted to win Addison back.
So he kept calling people, asking after not only Addison but Derek as well, figuring if he found one of them, he would find both of them. He wanted Derek back in his life as well, they had been best friends, brothers even, for so long, so to go this long without talking to him was torture for Mark. He knew he deserved Derek's hatred but that didn't make it any easier on him.
There's nothing I won't steal or borrow
I'll travel on a boat or aeroplane
It took him three long weeks to finally find them, through whisperings of a dirty mistress in Seattle, at Seattle Grace Hospital. This, he decided, must be the same Dirty Mistress that he and Addie had heard about while they were together, Derek's new woman. So he made an excuse to be there, finding a patient in Seattle who could have been treated by any doctor, and deciding that they needed the full Mark Sloan treatment.
The next step had been to call Richard Webber, and book himself a flight to Seattle. He had prepared a whole speech about why Doctor Webber needed him there for this surgery, but the man had practically jumped at the chance, offering him full surgical privileges for the duration of his trip, which would take place just ten days later, giving him time to make arrangements for his own practice while he was gone, including rearranging certain surgeries so that he could be out of town for as long as he needed.
I'll explore a world of sorrow
Cause when I find you I know, I know I'ma be okay
Mark didn't think he'd ever actually experienced heartbreak before unless you counted the death of his grandmother, but that was a very different type of heartbreak. That heartbreak had been unavoidable. He could have stopped Addison leaving. He could have remained loyal to her to convince her that he was worthy of being with her, that he was better than Derek and he had betrayed her instead and it broke his heart, and possibly hers, although he didn't think she had ever truly loved him the way that he loved her.
He knew he had to get her back, Derek would never truly forgive her for the betrayal that had happened, even if his absence had been the primary cause of it. Derek had been absent for the better part of two years and it meant that Mark had spent more time with Addie than Derek had, keeping her company on birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmases, had it been any shock that they had fallen into each other's beds? Honestly, no. Addie made everything better, she made him not want to be a manwhore anymore.
See the times are changing
And I'm sure of nothing that I know
Except this is us, and this is love, and this is where I'm home
Arriving in Seattle, Mark felt as though he was home. Mark, 'lives breathes, and eats New York City', Sloan, felt home. It wasn't because he'd been there before, although he had on several occasions. It was because he knew he was closer to Addie, to the woman that he loved and he would not be leaving again without her. He couldn't lose her again, even if she was no longer having their baby.
Yes, the idea of starting a family together had frightened Mark, but he had grown used to it, started looking forward to being a father, and then she had told him that she didn't want to have a baby with him, that the only baby she wanted to have was Derek's and it had broken him. That was why he had slept with someone else, but in his eyes, it didn't mean that he loved her any less. He loved her with his whole heart if this was what love was. He still wasn't entirely sure, but he had never felt this way before.
In a world that's breaking, where nothing is for keeps
Oh this is us, this is love and this is where I sleep
This is us, this is love and this is where I sleep
Marks world was broken, it had been since the start of his affair with Addison. He had been broken since the moment he decided to break Derek's trust and sleep with his wife. It had gotten more broken the minute that Derek had found out and then it had shattered when Derek had told his family what had happened. Mark had gone from a large family who cared about him, to only Addison in under a day and it had truly broken him.
And then, as if nothing could get any worse, Addison left. Addison left to chase after the husband who had started an affair in Seattle. After the husband who had been so cruel to her over the last few years. After a man who wasn't him. Mark couldn't let that go, he needed her, because without her he was all alone. He didn't want to be alone anymore. He couldn't do it.
I'm from a generation undecided
I'm restless and I can't help changing lanes
Looking around Seattle-Tacoma 'SeaTac' Airport, Mark debated with just going back to New York. Addie had already had weeks to return to him and she hadn't yet, so did he really stand a chance? There was a chance that when he arrived at the hospital, he would find Derek and Addison back together, stronger than ever, and he wasn't sure that his heart could take that.
Still, he moved through the airport towards the taxi rank, ordering a car to the hotel he had booked, the Archfield, which was apparently the nicest hotel close to Seattle Grace. He debated with finding a bar, having a drink and just treating this as a work trip like he used to, finding a pretty girl to spend the night with. Just ignoring the fact that he came here for Addison, ignoring the Shepherds completely, and pretending that he didn't know they were there before he booked his trip.
But in all the noise and the excitement
Your love is all that will remain
Then he took a look at his phone, at the photos of him and Addie together and how happy they looked. He couldn't be there and not say anything to here. If there was a chance that his feelings were returned, that she had even the slightest bit of love for him, then he couldn't leave her there. He would prove it to her this time, prove that he could be loyal. He wanted to be with her, no matter how much it hurt Derek.
I've said all of my goodbyes to ego
I gambled all I got, there's no plan B
It was true, Mark had no contingency plan. No idea what he'd do if Addison said she wouldn't come back to New York with him. Would he be willing to give up his home for her, to stay in Seattle to pick up the pieces when Derek inevitably broke her heart? Honestly, for her? He thought that he could. He would be the bigger person to show her that he loved her.
He settled himself in the bed at the Archfield, deciding against going to the bar, against pulling some random girl to make him feel better about himself before he saw Addison in the morning, before he saw the man who once considered him a brother, before he made a move that would change his whole life. He let himself fall asleep, although he slept fitfully, anxious for the morning.
It's the first time that I've learnt to let go
It's the only place I feel, only place I feel like me
The next morning, Mark made sure that he was dressed so that he looked his best. His clothing wasn't intended to make him look smart, he didn't need that, credentials speaking for him, but instead to look ruggedly handsome, to remind Addie of what she was missing. He got into a cab to Seattle Grace and moved through the lobby, spotting Addison and Derek and noticing Dereks eyes on a blonde girl who must have been an intern. His dirty mistress? Possibly.
He made his way over to her, peeping over her shoulder at the file before clearing his throat and muttering, "Invasive non-small-cell with a history of COPD. That's pretty much a goner, right?" with his signature smirk. This was going to be fun.
See the times are changing
I'm sure of nothing that I know
Except this is us and this is love, and this is where I'm home
In a world that's breaking, where nothing is for keeps
Oh this is us, this is love and this is where I sleep
This is us, this is love and this is where I sleep
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