#i'm talking about netflix matt btw
murdockbuckley · 7 months
none of you know i have matt murdock artwork next to my bed
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nastasyafilippovnas · 18 days
Hey! Thanks for feeding my butcher x annie obsession lol. They could have explored so much with them in the show sadly the writers just abandoned their dynamic after s2.
Incoming big rant I am sry I had to share with someone who is equally obsessed with them.
Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart.
Idk if you remember, but at the end of S2- butcher basically gives the necklace (which was gifted to him by becca and he always wears it all the time) to Ryan as a way of accepting becca's death. There is also this scene where annie and hughie talk and hughie asks why she isn't wearing the necklace she used to have ( gifted by her mom, it had a cross- showing her faith in Christianity) whether she has been losing faith in God. She goddamn says that if a man like butcher could have goodness in his heart, I believe that higher power exists. I am not even kidding. They have so many parallels in their personality. Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic.
Some opinions of mine that I think you would agree on:
• The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships) I thought she was too young to be joining into the group considering how other members are too old af to be working with her ( they could have shown that she was only selected cuz they needed somebody in the Seven who are not star graduates from Godulkin University-along with the reasons the show already has said) .
• I also think the writers easily could have made Annie/hughie fully platonic. I am not a big fan of their supposed romance, it just falls flat for me and they don't compliment very well. They could have been one of the best male/female friendships on TV but they had to make it romantic 😕.
I also wish butcher x annie could have the same popularity as homelander x starlight ( I ship that too btw). Like imagine the love triangle potential with this 😭✋.
Gosh sry for rambling too much. Genuinely thank you for opening my eyes towards this ship.
Omg, thank you for this, I live for long rants, especially about rare/unpopular ships full of potential!! And even more so about Butcher x Annie, they are so special to me.
"Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart." -> Absolutely, it's their whole dynamic. But also the opposite applies, because Annie has shown to be capable of violence and of making tough (one could even say, selfish) decisions when her loved ones were in danger. She is not just some naive do-gooder that is afraid of getting her hands dirty. Or at least, not anymore. She has also seen the worst of the world, and she is capable of understanding where Butcher comes from, even if she cannot agree with his methods. Idk, I feel like they are two sides of the same coin and at any moment they might flip. When you least expect, Butcher can be kind, and whenever is necessary, Annie can be ruthless.
(Kinda random, but there's a scene in Netflix's Daredevil S02 when Frank Castle tells Matt that "You're one bad day from being me." and, to me, that also applies to Butcher and Annie)
S2 NECKLACES OMG. HOW DID I MISS THAT PARALLEL? The scenes are even one after the other!!! I'm dying. I shall have to gif it later. It's kinda funny because we really only got one episode of Butcher and Annie interaction (2.06), and Becca is still around, but season two was so good to us with all the parallels. During s01, you could say it was just a crack ship, but s02 really showed how well they bounce off each other.
And...though you didn't mention, one of the reasons I hated s03. That was a wasteland. So many plots, and none of them being properly developed. And the Butcher x Maeve, which not only was random, but never went anywhere!!! That whole storyline should've been Annie's, it would fit so well with the previous season and I'll never stop complaining about it.
"Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic." I couldn't agree more. Imo The Boys a lot of unnecessary (and gross) sex scenes, so Butcher and Annie would be an immensely positive development, but it's not even about that. They have great chemistry, they work as enemies, frenemies, bffs, lovers, whatever dynamic you want. What's criminal is keeping them apart when their individual stories would benefit from each other so much.
"The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships)" -> I, unlike the writers, don't mind the age gap (lol), but I'd have loved to have seen that! Not only for the higher ButcherxAnnie potential, but also because it would've given Annie such a different perspective if she had made to the 7 when she was older (kinda wanna read a fic about that now lol).
I completely agree that Hughie and Annie could've (and should've) been platonic. Besides the undeniable lack of chemistry, it would've benefited both their stories. A Hughie that is still in love with Robin but sees how Butcher's methods are extreme is a lot more interesting than one that immediately falls in love with another girl after his girlfriend died. And then, there's all the times they broke up and got back together two episodes later that were just frustrating. S03 especially, with Hughie's obsession with being stronger (ugh, can you tell how much I hate s03?). But even s04, i felt bad for him too, but how the fact he slept with someone else that pretended to be Annie was just brushed aside and implied she would forgive him? That annoyed me. And it's not even about Hughie being on the right or wrong, just that they create one drama per season for Hughie and Annie, and it's boring. I'd rather they be friends or have a "will they-won't they" relationship where they only get together on the last episode. That would've been better.
I don't ship starlight x homelander, but I agree that Butcher and Annie NEED to be more popular. This ship gives EVERYTHING and people are sleeping on it. It's criminal.
Again, thank you so much for the ask, I had fun talking about them <3
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xycuro-illuminati · 2 years
Why do you dislike the way mcu fans portray fratt, I'm assuming you don't completely hate the ship but hate the portrayal by most fans.
I've answered this before in a few details in asks here and here but I will continue them with more info on this ask: Fratt was originally p niche in terms of mlm pairings for Matt, but unfortunately as more m/cu fans got into it, they began writing horrid fanfics including them either being extremely abusive, abo shit, ooc hell where it reads like the authors have never watched the show and only took context from gifsets of the netflix show on tumblr, to straight up ableism in terms of how they portray Matt in these stories. A lot of the good fratt writers I enjoyed have moved on from the pairing so it's just a cesspool at this point (I don't check the tag anymore but unfortunately, some of them add the daredevil comics tag and it'll sometimes show up). This goes for m/cu dd fans in general, bc the type of woobification and ableism stretches over to the m/cu mattfoggy fandom and other pairings. However, in my experience, it's so much worse with fratt. I don't see this type of portrayal when it comes to pairing Frank with other male characters, it's only when he's paired off with Matt. Examples of this type of ableism is def how fratt fanfic writers love to portray Matt as the helpless blind man that cries and whines about everything and he needs big strong Frank to be there and take care of him despite the fact that he's a grown man who is able to take care of himself. A lot of caretaker fetishes as well since they love to imply that Matt is significantly younger than Frank despite their age gap not being that huge both in the show and the comics (both of these men are in their 40s/50s) and this goes hand in hand with the infantalization. M/cu fratt fans also love to use the terms top and bottom as if they were secondary gender norms bc I've seen too many where Matt is written as the "woman" of the pairing, which is not only homophobic but ableist as well. M/cu dd fans also believe that the whole dynamic that Daredevil and Punisher has an extremely black and white in terms of their morality when it's a lot more gray than that. A lot of Catholic™ Matt Murdock tags used to the point of ooc both in terms of the show and comics which is just overall super annoying to read, especially when making some type of conflict with Frank. It literally feels like I'm reading the current dd run written by Zdarsky which btw is Not Good in terms of how he's writing Matt as a character.
Not only that, m/cu fratt fans literally write about the same fucking thing over and over again. It's either a season 2 rewrite but Frank patches up Matt, throw in some Catholic shit and ooc talk about redemption, and then they fuck. Or it's just porn with no plot. I've also seen horrible takes on the tumblr tag ranging from "Matt and Frank would adopt Peter and hang out with Tony Stank" to "Matt is in love with Frank bc he reminds him of his father/kinda looks like him too bc daddy issues 😍" to someone straight up suggesting that there should be more fics of the REAL LIFE ACTORS being together, and so many more. A lot of them def taking the whole top/bottom thing as if those are personality traits and more posts that infantalize Matt. Not only that, a majority of fratt fans are just gross in general and I don't want to interact with them overall. It's thanks to what the fratt fandom has turned into that I no longer enjoy the pairing and I'm now starting to hate it as a whole. It's no wonder why comic dd fans call it the gay ship for straight people. Looking through the fratt tag anywhere now will give you psychic damage from all the nonsensical garbage there is. If you still enjoy this pairing, then okay, good for you ig. But don't expect me to make more content for it anytime soon and I will not pull back any punches on my honest opinions about it, especially the opinions I have towards certain fans. Sorry for this super long answer, anon, but hopefully I got out all of my gripes with the pairing and how its on par with how I feel about m/cu dd fans overall too.
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flameontheotherside · 3 years
We MIGHT Move! 🏡 🚚
I placed my interest in the 2 bedroom apartment across the street today. It was kind of funny actually. Erik told me to check for availability and sure enough our apartment complex has a bigger place available. About as big as my condo back in Florida so I'm excited. We meet the requirements so it's really just about the moving logistics if that's the right word.
If we can somehow pull this off, next month I will be way too busy to mope and sulk around the apartment over Erik's death. I was just talking to Erik about how when Matt was alive I'd go on and on about Erik. 🥺🤧 It killed me to hear Erik say how they are friends now.
It's so fucked up to me...
Idk why I guess because Matt and I were inseparable pretty much ride or die. He's dead now and I'm just here kind of feeling like a failure and actually jealous? Idk it just feels so fucked up. Alex is gone and we were close but we drifted apart. It doesn't bother me that Alex and Erik hang out at all. I just rather not know anything about Matt, Alex and Erik being friends. At least outside of the band thing we got going on at the Astral home or venture we play at.. It's stupid but its a bit much for me.
Was talking to Erik but had to stop for a few minutes. I've known Matt was dead and friends with Erik for a while but didn't want to believe it until Erik straight up came out and said it. He's got a habit of confirming my feelings/intuition and just about blasting my ear with it 😑. So I looked at Matt's Facebook and saw all these RIP posts. Sometimes I really really really hate when Erik is right about shit. Except this time when we told me an apartment was now available. Thats some good shit right there and I can't wait to talk to the office tomorrow.
Moving won't be hard.
It's literally across the street. The concern is what floor because we have a lot of equipment. I wouldn't want to move unless it's really worth it. Like it has to be the way I want it or I'll wait for another opening. I'm pretty sure Rick agrees with me on that. We live in an old dump. Nothing is new. I heard the apartments across the street are renovated. Idk why if it's the same neighborhood why half is a dump and the other half supposedly isn't. That's kind of retarded. Anyway I really hope we can work something out. I really could use a distraction.
My depression has been so bad, my hormones are fucked.
They are already fucked up 🙄 so it's worse. My period appears to be early by a whole week and I can't tell if I'm PMSing or depressed. Maybe a mix of both now so I've been keeping myself busy watching Netflix and TV while I work. If I'm not busy, my mind wanders and it's all downhill from there. All I'll do is sleep, cry and not shower. I've not showered since Saturday. I've also not been eating a lot. At least I'm eating.
Btw, Erik's not telling me anything I don't already know. He's not harming me in anyway so don't get it twisted. Like I've said, I've known Matt had been dead and I've known they are friends. It just hurts to know Matt's gone and shit. Guess I'll go back to talking to Erik before I call it a night. I don't want to talk to Alex or Matt. I don't get a kick out of talking to dead people at this point in my life. Especially Matt because it's way too soon. Alex has been gone almost 2 years and I've not bothered with him either.
😘💕 Good night, wish us luck!
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