#i'm turning off rbs and also not answering asks about it bc it makes me feel [REDACTED]
takami-takami · 1 year
I really need to buckle down and write an opinion essay on Hawks and his very extremely pertinent and moving theme of lost innocence, corruption, and trauma. But given how heavy of a topic it is, I'd have to scour the source material and possibly read all his parts of the manga completely/rewatch the show.
But it's wayyyyy difficult to talk about because how am I supposed to write an essay about it? It's incredibly sad. The poor boy literally sees himself as dirty. It's like.
This is one of the most important panels in Hawks' story by the way. "Your hands aren't dirty, Hawks" absolutely broke me.
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gankoukan · 1 month
Hello! I'm curious about the 24/7 aspect of your relationship. This might be a silly or weird question, but do you like. Still do fun stuff with your partner? Like, watching movies and sending eachother memes and stuff. Is there constantly an element of power imbalance during this time? Also, how have things changed between you two since you first agreed to a 24/7 contract? Please answer as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, including not answering at all. Please have a good evening!
so i am very sleepy rn but wanted to answer this bc it was a genuinely nice and well worded question. i may rb with more info in the morning :)
first off, not silly at all! ik a lot of people have similar questions and i am very happy to respond (within my comfort zone obviously). 24/7 is kind of strange from an outside point of view, bc so few people do it, so it makes sense
we still do fun stuff! we watch movies, send eachbother funny posts, play games, etc. but it’s always with the context that i am his little brother. or for other parts, different relationships, but still the same dom and sub relationship. he can do what he wants to me (within limits we have discussed!) whenever, and he does tell me what to do, but we still have a lot of fun. sometimes he plays toys with me :) and i enjoy being annoying to him in a bratty way, it’s a kind of fun that is hard to get outside of this!
to add a little context to why 24/7 is right for me: i have found in past relationships that i am a bit uncomfortable with switching in the dom/sub sense or of “turning off” the dynamic, bc on a personal level, i desire a level of… consistentcy? that can’t be attained without it. no shade to anyone who likes that!! just not for me- i am both into domming and subbing, but i would be uncomfortable doing both with the same person. similarily, idk if i would be truly fulfilled in a relationship where the d/s is not always a factor. which somewhat lead me here tbh! my big brother and i have the same power imbalance always, just in different forms, which makes my need for consistency/stability very happy
our relationship kind of evolves with who we are at the time, but honestly, being 24/7 just makes it way better for me. absolutely nothing but positive changes. it requires a lot of trust and work, but there’s nothing more fulfilling to me than being his ngl. we’ve also moved in together and have figured out how to navigate that, and living together makes a lot of stuff easier, including this. it’s very hard to have 24/7 online… not that it’s impossible, we did it! but it isn’t the same thing.
feel free to ask any more questions! i am not shy about this at all and i am very happy to share. & thanks for being so nice & respectful in asking, it made me happy. sniles :)
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fillmewithcum · 2 years
do you ever talk to people as friends on here?
oof that's a hard because I'm low key known for dissappearing for ages then popping back up
full answer under the cut because it got long:
uhh if I'm being honest I tend to click better with people who also post their own content (including ppl who send a lot of public asks and stuff) because they tend to Get It more? like it's easier to have a conversation that doesn't feel as transactional
that's not to say that I don't get off talking to other original content makers - I defo do. its actually kinda better than talking to no-name-69 or whatever sometimes, because they have a whole blog talking about their preferences. I'm not just stabbing in the dark and hoping what we like overlaps
The only frustrating thing is that they're wayyy more intimidating to talk to and wayyy more likely to randomly deactivate:( and when you're friends with someone you kinda end up like obliged to rb their stuff and keep following even when it isn't your thing? and ugh it makes it feel like a chore sometimes
who I follow is who keeps my dash how I like. if I unfollow someone it's because they were posting stuff that I didn't find hot (bc I come here to get off!) or like actively turned me off (usually memes or politics). there's a reason I have a VERY separate nsft and sft account lmao
so tldr: yes but it's hard
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