#i'm very sleep deprived lmao
unrelatedsideblog · 5 months
Judge, pointing at 6yo 1234-ji: My sons Ichiji, Niji n Yonji n their brother Sanji Someone: Are they not all your sons? Why is Sanji not given the son title Judge: I dont ljke him
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Do Sinnoh people even get sleep? (ヽ´ω`)
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dtdrawz · 7 months
I am, so sorry that you're about to be bombarded woth notifications..-
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this ask is like a week old now but THANK YOU <3 <3 <3
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lazy-b1rdy · 2 months
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skitty-kirby · 17 days
Still recovering from gallbladder surgery, had some complications that's making this take a lot longer than it normally should so it's been a fun, slow process :') On the mend but oof I really want to do some silly/creative stuff. Instead, I've been having to put all my time and energy into this online game design/prototyping course that requires me to learn a new engine every week while also making something playable within that time frame as well- all while also trying to heal too hhhhhhh It's a great exercise of course and it's been really exciting/fun so far but MAN why my uni gotta be like this with the 8-week courses right out the gate this semester. Been a lot to juggle for this clown to say the least kjhkjjhkh
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
deleted my little melt-down from yesterday. left it up a little longer than planned because i wanted to make sure folks got replies!
thank you so much to everyone who was very nice and encouraging to me about it and also to the person who sent me a delightful ask/prompt/suggestion that i would love to draw something to; if i can just get the confidence up
thank u 💖🙏
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softfae · 2 years
becky blackwell and her family history
i have this theory abt sxf that keeps bugging me and its that the real head villains are going to turn out to be becky’s family + Damian’s mom specifically. 
now, do i think Donovan isn’t going to be a part of it at all? no, of course not. but i do get the feeling that Melinda is the one actually pulling the strings, with the major help of the Blackwells, possibly Becky’s mother (because of the mother’s club thing that Melinda and Yor are in). Everyone agrees Melinda’s first introduction gave everyone chills and I saw quite a few other people saying that it feels like Melinda is worse than Donovan too. Her cold aura, her lack of emotions towards her son and the way she gave even Yor the creeps? Definitely something there. +we already know that Becky’s family creates MAJOR military weaponry, and it seems like they’re pretty desensitised to how much destruction it causes. Melinda and Donovan could be funding + helping the Blackwells create those weapons, making them even deadlier than before. i mean look at this. 
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Both of becky’s hairclips are literally military weapons of mass destruction - a literal bomb and a fighter jet?? for ur 6 year old??? and then of course there was the pink tank earlier too. It’s as if they are proudly claiming it and showing it off like family heirlooms, or a harrowing reminder that their family has this major power, shown even in their 6 year old daughter’s hair accessories and toys.  So obviously, becky isn’t aware of what this really means in terms of her family’s role in the war, and she’s probably been fed propaganda just like Damian and the other Eden children since her birth. So where am I going with this? A lot of fan theories/fanfics include how Damian is gonna feel finding out about Donovan and his involvement in the war, but what about Becky? Becky being told by Anya one day that her parents are both children of war, and then realising what her family has been doing for decades, presumably? Becky and Damian both finding that their beloved friend Anya was experimented on by rich influential people like their families, and now those same parents are trying to start war again? And what if Loid or Yor end up having to target Becky’s family as well, even killing one of them? I know that’s not the mission right now, as Loid is just working to get closer to Donovan to gain information, but who knows at this point. And then if that happens, imagine Anya reading her parents’ minds to find out that her best friend’s family is causing a war and she has to choose between saving Becky’s family and telling her parents about her telepathy, or just letting her parents save the world from a major military company causing mass destruction?  I don’t know what direction Endo will go in specifically, if there’ll be a reveal like that to the kids, or anything at all in the future, but it would be very interesting to watch and probably way too dark for the tone of the show right now, but things are definitely getting darker, with the cruise ship arc and now the recent chapters. I’m really excited to see how it all unfolds, and if Becky and Damian will both reject their family names and legacies in the name of world peace. 
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mythvoiced · 8 months
-. on my third cup of chamomile I forgot my mother telling folks when i was a kid that she didn't like making me chamomile tea because it doesn't work on me it has the effect on me coffee has on most folks I am READY to fucking GO what's up chamomile tea to sleeP? NO MY BEAUTIES chamomile tea to something pls insert something that makes sense and is hype i can't think of anything, SO--
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I do wanna get to some ooc messages but I can't promise I can get my brain in order to be coherent BUT ANYWAY, BEFORE THAT, dropping this asshole
Kim Minjun, 37, he/him, bloodsucker asshole baby~ Not in the literal sexy vampire sense, I mean he rose from the dirt and decided to make his living thriving off of what we made celebrity culture into, the very notion of celebrity culture itself
You want those pictures of Spider-man on your desk by Wednesday? You wanna know who's doing who and who's smoking what? You want exclusive details on a private party to start shit, get legal info acquired illegally just to have a story to tell about the latest celebrity divorce? Well, then Minjun's your fucking guy
Actually born Kim Jung-hoon but he changed it to Minjun because it sounds more... modern, fresh, better
He's a sleaze, a bit of a motherfucker honestly (forgive the cursing I'm matching his energy, his attitude), he doesn't care about the lives he could potentially be ruining, he operates according to the idea of 'well that's how this world works, don't like it? jump ship'
He'll dig up just about anything, he's started from being a sneaky piece of shit stalker following celebrities around to having built enough connections to be among the first to know when someone with a Reputation is entering this or the other club
But that's not even where his real forte is, oh no; gathering info is easy, figuring out how to get it around is difficult: who to sell it to? who's gonna pay the most, who's gonna turn into an enemy if you share the wrong name, the wrong location, expose the wrong people? no, he's good at finding shit, but the complexities of having to mind connections and be careful with who you drag into the dirt? not his favourite
What Minjun really excels at... is spinning shit around, he can turn the most innocuous of pictures into the drama of the century, by carefully nurturing doubts and rumours, he's a snake, a bastard
He's always hated the entertainment industry, he thinks himself above it, because he's not as desperate as them, he doesn't do what he does because he's otherwise got no worth in life, he doesn't sell his soul, he sells the souls of others
He doesn't think he's on the right side of history, oh no, by no means, he just thinks... well, don't become a celebrity if you don't want this treatment
The more I write about him the more I hate him lmao BUT GOOD WE NEED VILLAINS, UNREEDEEMABLE ONES
He comes from a relatively poor background, if comparing it to Hyun for example, but if he'd minded his business he would have just... lived a 'regular' life
He's particularly efficient when used as 'spy on the competition', new script ideas, new music ideas, new design ideas, you want to know what Shakespeare's next big play will be, Nicholas Bottom? well, then hit up this fucking clown
Only child, if his mother knew what he was up to she'd beat the shit out of him, he doesn't respect his father (haven't decided if he even lives still) but he does love his mother which is why he hasn't told her
Biromantic but he's a walking red flag so I hope the broadened pool of dating options doesn't fucking date him, demisexual
He can probably be fixed but WHY? why would you do that to yourself
He does have one little plus point, he's kind of like old school mafia in the sense that he doesn't mess with children, and anyone below 20 is a child to him, so he doesn't really mess with young idols and trainees
He actually hates the idol industry he thinks it's exploitative and abusive which is real fucking rich coming from him, but hey
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friendofthecrows · 6 months
My writing style is unfortunately described as "ex-pretentious 'intellectual' kid who clearly joined Tumblr during the peak of superwholock and never left" but thankfully, no one recognizes that except people who were also at the devil's sacrament.
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somelazyassartist · 2 years
I'm. Not going to go into a huge ramble right now because I've done it before and I'll probably do it again later but I am running off of zero sleep and a sonic the hedgehog g fuel so if I talk a lot now it WILL end up incomprehensible but. Just a tiny post since I am thinking about it.
[Edit: it became a huge incomprehensible ramble anyways. It's under the cut if you want to see opinions on the TAZ graphic novel (and sorta the fanon) versions of Taako. But please dear Istus do not think I'm talking about the entire fandom it is just one specific brand of fanon-interpretation I'm talking about, NOT the fandom as a whole please I know enough about Tumblr's reading comprehension to know I should probably put a warning here now that I am talking about a specific trend and not an entire group of people who all have different opinions and also that this is ALSO just my own opinion myself. Oh and also this isn't meant to be like an attack on anyone it's just a personal peeve so if I sound frustrated that's just a Me Thing not me being like mad at anyone in particular Thank you very much genuinely for reading this and understanding]
But like,,,, does it bother anyone else or is it just me that the fandom's perception of Taako has become like. WAY more of a stuck-up ass than he ever really was in the podcast ever since the graphic novels came out? Like don't get me wrong he is a dick but he's never been, like, cruel for the most part.
But like, putting on HtbG (podcast) and then putting him next to the gn version of him is like.... Almost not the same character to me? It's like most people forget podcast Taako started out as the "dumb but sweet joke character" who was constantly slow to pick up on social cues and who the other characters repeatedly would take pity on and make fun of for being "the idiot of the group". And again he is a dick but he's not, like, Seriously a Mean Person!!
Also a decent chunk of the "antagonistic" stuff later on is still a continuation of him not getting social cues like in the beginning (for example, his bit where he threatens Angus for potentially becoming a better wizard than he is, realizing afterwards that his tone didn't come across the way he intended and that Angus interpreted that as being serious, and backtracked to try to clear up that he didn't mean to come off as serious and only meant it as a joke. And also says very explicitly in the same episode that he intends for most of his "mean" behavior throughout the series to come off as joking between equals and he doesn't mean for other people to take it seriously. He just says that.).
And he has, like, unspoken morality about what "harmful" things he does too, especially when it comes to like stealing stuff. If you listen to the podcast he (with very VERY VERY few exceptions) only ever steals from people who are dead- who will no longer be using those items and would be letting them go to waste unmoved- and people who have directly wronged him or his loved ones from his point of view. He actively tries to stop the other two from stealing from innocent people!! There's a whole scene where he establishes he isn't comfortable taking from people who don't deserve it and who need that money!! And then you go into the exact same scene in the graphic novel and.... He's exclaiming that he's going to steal a bunch of shit. Not just any shit, the exact shit he was trying to STOP the others from stealing in the podcast.
Which just doesn't feel like Taako at all!! In fact when he stole and sold Angus' grandfather's silverware and realized Angus really didn't deserve that, he felt guilty about it and tried giving some of it back for him and making up for the rest with quality time and magic lessons! but now when I look at fandom stuff (at least what I've come across) it seems a lot more people lean towards the more kleptomania-fueled dickhead Taako than the much tamer original version, and I have to say I prefer the original more!! He has so much more dimension to me in the podcast- not even because there's more time to flesh him out there than in the gn- but because while he is rude and foul-mouthed at times he has pretty explicit limits and will get upset if people try to force him to cross it! (Also seen with his elevator-related PTSD and him having a very reasonable breakdown when his emotional limits were repeatedly crossed with fair warning from him he'd freak out if forced into going in there..... which got cut from the graphic novels as well because of course it did).
And going forward, with gn Taako being so much more selfish and inhospitable than the original version, I feel like they might cut out his "I'm not a piece of meat" scene in TSG, because if they DO keep it in there's no way to me personally that it'll feel earned in any regard- tell me when in the graphic novels has he pretty much ever shown the genuine humility that the original version carries under his standoffish persona. I don't see it, and I don't think whatever happens between Crystal Kingdom's gn and The Suffering Game's gn will be enough to make that scene feel genuine to me. I really, honestly believe that.
Of course there's some things I do like about the graphic novels and I'm more than willing to give the next ones a fair shot (Crystal Kingdom was a lot better than I expected it to be!) but I really, really, REALLY don't like how the graphic novels (and to a small extent, the fandom) really over-emphasize how mean he is to people when if you listen back to the original in a lot of cases he's much more mellow and kind or is just not picking up on other people's tones/social cues and is being misinterpreted (both by other characters in-fiction and/or certain listeners) because it's established in the text he's bad at picking up that sort of thing
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
Designing Mike, and then a whole concept of tiny microphone darkners in general was a mistake because now I'm constantly hyper-aware whenever I see a microphone in the real life
aND THEN I'LL GET UPSET WHEN I SEE PEOPLE BEING MEAN TO THEIR MICS??? The other day I was watching a video of a person singing aggressively into a mic, and in my head I was just ":( ... don't yell at them…"
???? okay jay
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
WOW I got through the whole Critical Role stream for once! Wearing my new Fearne shirt :) and what a perfect episode to wear my new Fearne shirt with that Fey Realm ending holy shit
What a great episode though hot damn! The laughs, the dramatic tension, the world building! So good.
And next week is the premiere of The Legend of Vox Machina season 2!!! Heck yeah! Good shit!!
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
Anyone got any random characters or fandoms that they'd wanna see emeto fics for but then nobody knows of the character or fandom or actually interested in it?
Like I was watching some of my childhood shows (well yk younger childhood) and I was like, dang I'd love to see sickfics about that 🤓 but then yk it's like is anyone even into that? It's like I wanna write a fic but then... I want someone else to write one but it's not gonna happen so you're just there like 😐🤷🏾‍♀️. Idk if you know what I mean this is kinda random but hopefully you understand lol.
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sparklingbinjuice · 2 years
trying to write after sleeping 3 hours a night for the last week: let’s 😭 get 😭 this 😭 whump 😭😭😭
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bataranqs · 2 years
5 Happy Things
Nov. 23, 2022
2. My student nearly fell asleep during class today and it was not great but she was very cute
3. I made two scrunchies yesterday (which was my first time making scrunchies period) and my little sister liked them enough to steal them (??? uncertain if this is bc they’re good or just bc she likes stealing my things)
4. You don’t have to wear socks at home! You can just be barefoot! Yeahhhh
5. I got this really lovely series of comments on ishte and I’m just. Yeah that fic is my baby. Also we’re somehow almost at 70k with that fic. How.
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astro-g0re · 10 days
how old are you? (aka are u a minor lol)
I'm 17, turning 18 in March
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