#i've been in grad school hell sorry guys
batmanisagatewaydrug · 9 months
Hi there! So, I'm (26) in a relationship with a typical guy (27). I'm bipolar, on meds. My friends at grad school have been weird since we started dating and outright hostile to my boyfriend. I finally asked them why, and my friend who I've always respected to be the voice of reason said that the relationship was abusive. I asked them why because he's never been abusive, and they said it was because he was a neurotypical dating a neurodivergent woman and there's a power imbalance? Is this true?
hi anon,
this is huge for me: I don't think I've ever had anyone send in an ask where the answer is "you need an entirely new group of friends."
here's the thing: unlike your friends, I understand that you're an adult who's capable of making decisions and deciding which relationships are good for you!!! which isn't to say that adults don't unwittingly find themselves in abusive relationships all the time - they do, it can happen to anyone! - but if the ONLY red flag that your friends can point to is "he's neurotypical and you're not" oooooooooooh my god go to hell???? incredibly infantilizing of you and dehumanizing of neurodivergent people in general. fuck off fuck off fuck off. throw the entire friend group away, this is disgusting.
like this is. this is literally just the faux progressive way to say that you don't think neurodivergent people (which is, for the record, an incredibly nebulous category that's nearly impossible to put hard and fast definitions on) shouldn't date "normal" people! get fucked! sorry I can't put my usual chipper sex witch spin on this, this just sucks and makes me actually sincerely incredibly mad. christ.
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haztory · 7 months
irda!! it’s been a while!! just dropping by to leave some cute lil plushies and lots and lots and lots of hearts!! 🧸💖💞💝 I hope this season of love has been an overflow for you 🥺
i also come back with a sel question!! i know valentine’s has passed but I am curious what an ideal valentine’s date would be for you!! and what does hajime’s or any of the cod men’s love feel like?
hi how are you apologies for the delay, i hate grad school
CAN I TELL YOU I THINK ABOUT THIS ENDLESSLY AND I NEED YOUR THOUGHTS TOO (btw happy belated valentines, i saw you did a valentines COLLAB, i've been meaning to binge!!!!!!!!!)
i think hajime has always been soft for the idea of love. yes, he's stoic and independent and likes to present himself as such an immovable strength that the premise of him and roses kind of seems paradoxical--but to me its so fitting.
maybe other guys tend to feel constricted by the concept of valentines day, where they're stuck to the old ball and chain and pressured to perform for a capitalistic holiday; but not iwaizumi. if you're in a relationship, he's going to the nines--doing the rose petals, writing the sweet but short message in the card, making the dinner reservations, and sharing a steamy and soapy bath with you are all ways that he participates because hajime likes you. these are all ways that he shows that he cares for you because sometimes he can't find the words to show that, so doing things is easier. (and yeah, this is a very man thing to be emotionally inept that the only applicable love language is by action, but sorry! that's hajime!).
and more importantly, when you like it? he's a beaming fool. he's picking the petals and spreading them around your room with the confidence of a king, because he knows you'll enjoy it. pulling the msby card so that he can get the super exclusive balcony seating and the booked out new restaurant downtown? he's smug as hell. running the bath and throwing that bubble shit in it, making the bathroom smell like lavender and mint? bitch is patting himself on the back saying "who's the man? i'm the MAN."
because showing that he loves you is natural to him, it's the absolute designation of strength. he's a secure dude, and he's secure in his relationship, and he won't ever be the one to write waxing poetry about his feelings for you, but he gets an innate pleasure out of treating you. because he loves you, and he knows you'll love these tiny things. so yeah, he kinda loves valentines. cause he gets to love you even more than he already does. and it's not like its because he knows any better or wants to prove that he's a better man than anyone else. like i genuinely don't even think he realizes he does valentines day better than any other boyfriend, he just does it because he wants to treat you and that the whole point of valentines dayl
and he gets wicked head from you so it's even better.
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Tag Game To Better Know You
I have been tagged in so many things by so many of you lovely people in the midst of my sorta-hiatus and I would break the internet if I tried to catch up...but I like this one because it feels like a good little re-intro into the Tumblr world. :-)
What book are you currently reading?
The Writing Revolution...I can't in good conscience recommend it unless you also happen to find yourself as a teacher trying to capture teenagers' imaginations and get them to produce complete sentences! Hahahaha. Miserable toil.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
Ooh, this one's easy--The Little Mermaid!! I have seen it with my family twice and then with my friends once. (I felt a little freer to lust after Prince Eric when my husband and two children weren't sitting there with me...)
What do you usually wear?
These days, some form of athleisure. During the school year, I've been told my teacher style is "Jessica Day if she didn't care so much" and...that about sums it up.
How tall are you?
5′5″ AND A HALF (alternatively: taller than @stolen-pen-name23 which is all that truly matters in this world)
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Cancer...I think? Malala Yousafzai and Henry David Thoreau!
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Most folks IRL call me Abigail. It's just my brothers, husband, and you guys who call me Abi!
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Absolutely not. I wanted to be a lawyer my entire life. My undergrad was pre-law and then life had other plans for me and now I'm teaching 8th grade American History. And LOVING IT. I start grad school in the fall and I'll be getting my Principal's Certification with that, so I suppose I'm in this education world for the long haul.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I am tragically married. Sorry to all interested parties!
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I'm fairly good with piano and singing. I'm terrible at cooking.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs forever and ever!
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Oh my. I haven't written as much as I'd like to this year (although I'm hoping to post something before the weekend!!) so I'm choosing to interpret this as the last 12 months. Maybe this bit from walking by her side, talking by her side, have pity?
He holds out his hand, wondering if she’ll bare touching him. “Goodbye, Leia.”
She is not a girl of gentleness—this, he can tell. But she accepts the hand like she’s afraid to shatter it. “Goodbye.”
“Saying my name won’t hurt you, you know,” he says, refusing to be the first to let go.
“Remind me?”
He rolls his eyes. “Anakin Skywalker.”
“Skywalker, you said?” she echoes, and lets their hands fall between them. She opens the door and smiles teasingly at him, tilting her head. “Interesting. That was my father’s name.”
What’s something you’d like to create content for?
I think I'm forever stuck in my prequels hell!
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Ur mom. Okay...sorry. Ahem. I've been sewing more lately. I used ot dabble in high school, but I'm finding more motivation to make things for my toddler than I did to make things for myself.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
The weather recently! It was supposed to rain the past couple weeks and we've not gotten much more than a few minutes of sprinkling. I looooove rainy days, so that's bummed me out quite a bit.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I'm excellent at whistling. It's completely useless, but I'll get compared to a Disney princess occasionally, so I guess that's something.
Are you religious?
Yes. My faith is very important to me, but it's *my* faith, so I don't feel the need to bring it up with strangers unless asked about it. (Crazy concept, right?)
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A cuppa tea...so I think I'll go put the kettle on byeeeee
No pressure tags: @pandora15 @stolen-pen-name23 @tessiete @ilonga @kckenobi & anyone who wants to join in the fun!
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whinlatter · 1 year
Q&A: Yet another writing ask
responding to these writing asks in a bumper post so as not to clog dashes, hope this is ok!
7. Your favourite ao3 tag - @celestemagnoliathewriter
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(Give me that sweet sweet sad canon compliant post-war content)
8. How slow is a slow burn? - @celestemagnoliathewriter
Millennia. Eons. Civilisations rise and fall, new continents are formed, in the passage of ten thousand ice ages.
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers. - @celestemagnoliathewriter
Love em. Dangle me off that cliff, baby!
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you? - anon
I do tend to work actively on one main project (right now, that's Beasts, a sprawling fic that is really living up to its name in my mind lol), and then sometimes tinker with or sketch out new projects on the side either just as the idea comes and I need to scribble it down, or to give my brain a refresh and a holiday away from the main project. I tend to write a lot every day (one of the few perks of the flexibility grad school life because it sure as hell isn't the job prospects and material security amirite), so need the variation to break it up a bit. The Dean fic I shared in response to this ask is a good example of a consciously different fic I let myself pick up and play with as a reward for making progress on my main project (sorry Dean - always the guy to pick up and play with, never the main man...) I don't have hundreds though, only ever three or four, of extremely varying quality.
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again? - @turanga4
Ah man, there's nothing like it. Just want those sweet babies to find their way to each other every time. Also it's so nice to have been thinking about characters for so many years and still be learning and seeing new things in their dynamic by exploring them in ninety thousand different scenarios. It's actually kind of a joke how much canon-compliant Jily fic I've been mainlining atm and every time being like, how will these two crazy kids ever find their way to each other?! Like girl bffr
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Thank you all so much for these, I had a blast responding to them!
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
I know the Shiro as Bruce Wayne's kid fic is probably abandoned (not meant as a slight or anything btw i have So Many fics i've abandoned writing as well) but i just read through it and i gotta say it is So Damn Incredible. The idea of former tech support, happy to be civilian, Shiro ending up the one in the most shit is insanely good. I keep thinking about the bats reaction to the footage of Shiro when he crash landed on Earth before Keith grabbed him, to see the replaced arm and numerous scars and shock of white hair, and the relief of him being alive but At What Cost?
If they ever manage to get their hands on tapings of Shiro's time in the arena you Know they would watch every single one, to the point they know more about Shiro's missing year than he does. Bruce would be so torn because Shiro used the knowledge and quick thinking passed down to him to stay alive but Shiro wasn't ever meant to be in danger like this. Shiro wasn't ever supposed to be in a situation so dangerous. His son only wanted to be an astronaut.
(Is he cursed to forever see the ones he loves suffer?)
Jason with his hackles raised preemptively in defense of Shiro because fuck the no killing rule, Shiro had always been the best of them and this hasn't changed it. Dudes ready to fight Green Lantern if the guy says the Galra aren't 'that bad' one more time - Look What They Did To His Brother, Obviously They Won't Say Shit To You If They're Planning On Invading Earth! You're From Earth!
Sorry for all my blabbering, It's just really good and i'm very thankful you wrote it <3
Anon I hope you see this.
1. Guess what bud that fic is coming out of hibernation bc I’m back into Voltron and I’m still ongoing into Batman and it’s been churning in my mind. Part of my plans for spring break next week include rereading my fic, rereading all my writing notes, working out where to go with it, going back and editing the chapters I already have written, and starting to write the rest of it. I make no promises on the timeline of a new chapter, as I’m in grad school and super busy, but that fic has lived rent free in my mind for half of a decade.
2. Thank you so much for your comments and enthusiasm!!! YEAH like part of the juiciness is that this is supposed to be Bruce’s civilian son who just wanted to be an astronaut!!!!! Flying space ships is so safe on the relative scale of things!!!!!!! But no!! Instead it’s his son who ends up like put through unimaginable torment AND who has to kill so much!!! The complexes that is going to give everyone.
The green lanterns are an aspect I had to and still have to think a lot about to work in to world building but YEAH Jason would be mad as hell. Tbh I think Hal Jordan would be equally ready to fight the galra bc he definitely had a bond with Shiro bc that’s Bruce’s coworker in the piloting/space industry
Ok the batfam seeing the footage of gladiator fights is something that I can’t remember if it was in my notes but like woof anon might have to use that bc that concept is juicy as hell
Anyways thank you so much for this message. I hope you know I’m gonna start working on that fic again very very soon
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TW/CW sexual harassment/trauma(?), stalking(?), social anxiety
Been feeling, uh. Not too great recently. And idk if it's bc my brain doesn't know how to process this relatively positive situation or if it's bc I've been under a lot of stress lately, or if it might even have something to do with the shitty thing that happened to me on the first fucking day of school this semester in which I'm pretty goddamn sure a dude tried to get off to me while talking to me. Or maybe it's just a me thing needing some alone time? idk But like. Shit sucks, man
Like, my friends are wonderful people. And we've even managed to make a new friend this semester— groupmate for our group project actually turned out to not be shit and we just clicked, somehow —and it's been awesome. This new friend is super chill and open and always makes you feel included. It's really great
But I somehow. I feel like I've been more on edge recently? Regarding social anxiety stuff? Like, I don't wanna admit to fucking something up, bc I don't wanna embarrass myself and look stupid. And anything that might make things even slightly awkward feels like a death sentence. I'm always hesitant to engage with people, even in friendly settings, for fear of embarrassing myself or fucking things up otherwise, but the fear just. It feels more intense
And I can't tell if that's bc it's the end of the semester so it's crunch time and that's stressful as all hell!! Or if it's bc I've met a new person and I still feel like it's too early for me to be as chill as I'd otherwise be, like I can't be my entire, messy, honest self, but at the same time they're so chill that it feels like I can be?? But I don't wanna look dumb or weird or w/e at the same time?? Like idk. Maybe it's like. My brain doesn't expect new people to be people that stick around for long. It doesn't expect new people to click with my friends and I. So if it does happen I just. Don't know how to deal with it, y'know??
Or maybe it's bc my stress levels have been high for months at this point bc of the whole awful experience I had on the first day of class. Like, I'm literally always on edge on campus now. I feel like I can't let my guard down. I can't relax. I need to wear headphones bc this person is less likely to approach someone if they're wearing headphones bc he takes the hint that they're not available to talk, but I HATE wearing headphones bc I feel like I can't hear everything, I can't be as aware as I need to be. So I just have one headphone in, and don't play anything, but it's still stressful as fuck. And ultimately the guy isn't dangerous, he's just. Not understanding boundaries for people. It's a consistent problem, I'm not the only one he's "stalked." But he keeps trying to approach me and my friends. And it makes me so fucking uncomfortable. I'm constantly on guard. I always feel scared on campus now
Or maybe this is just a me thing, and my social battery is just at critical levels and I need to recharge it. I've been socializing a lot more than usual recently, so honestly that would make sense. Especially since I do unconsciously mask, even with my friends. So a lot of energy is being expended in that regard
But yeah, idk man
Like, I'll be thinking to myself, "wow I'm fucking stupid," but only moments later my friends will say "you're more than smart enough for grad school" and I just. I don't believe that. I'm sorry. But I'm not. And they say they really appreciate me and have fun with me. But I worry that either that isn't really the case, or that they'll decide before long that they don't like me anymore bc I've done something stupid, or shitty in their opinion
Shit sucks
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
The Witcher
The Tale of Jaskier's Grudge Against Historians (and how they gave him his happy ending anyway) by notebooksandlaptops
[Text Sent From Ciri] Is there a reason why a love letter to Yen and Geralt is in the British Museum signed from you?? -C [Text Sent to Ciri] Because Historians are nosey pricks. Do NOT tell your parents. -J [Text Sent From Ciri] ;) – C The winking face of a semicolon and a bracket stared up at him, composed of unforgiving pixels. She wouldn’t, would she? No. No. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She wouldn’t. -///- Or, an exploration of the reason (immortal) Jaskier hates historians (hint: it's because they keep stealing his shit and putting it on display)
To Sleep Perchance To by sospes
Jaskier gets kidnapped and tortured. Geralt comes to rescue him.
Except it's not quite that simple.
Stranger Things
What a Way to Make a Living by Silvercyclops_Shit
“Dustin? Are you home?” Oh god, why wasn’t he home yet? Just as the panic set in, a car pulled in and a short kid jumped out. Steve’s body sagged in relief before he strode to the door and pulled it open. “DUSTIN HARRINGTON!” “Oh shit!”
sub-culture by palmviolet
“Is he whining about Eddie being mean to him again?” Robin is leaning in the doorway, eating a leftover slice that’s probably cold by now. “You talk about him more than you talk about girls, Steve, it’s getting concerning. Anyone would think you had a crush.” or, steve is pretty convinced eddie now hates him. turns out eddie has the opposite problem.
Original Works
so take those lyrics serious (and sing your life away) by PotatoLady
603 is, in the eyes of the law, less than human. Born out of a tube and trained as a soldier, he's fought hard for his freedom; but even the vastness of space with all its stars can become lonely for someone with no place in any world.
Caius is a slave. Disfigured and no longer fit for brothel work, he's unsure what to expect of the half-human creature that, for some strange reason, has bought him. Still, it's nice to not be the only one with scars for once.
By His Merciful Hand by TremblyBird
An omega mage is suffering in the middle of battle, but it isn’t sickness or heat. He doesn’t know what this is at all. He just feels hollow and panicky. So he pulls himself from the conflict to hide away in a ruin, biding his time to calm down. But it only gets worse. He’s shaky and weak, he doesn’t understand why, and it isn’t stopping. And then the alpha commander of the enemy militia finds him. It should spell doom for him, but the other man is suddenly more empathetic than he’s ever seen him. The alpha seems to understand what’s happening to the omega in a way he hasn’t been able to comprehend himself.
He’s starved for kindness, and he’s finally breaking from the lack of it. Merciful to the sight, the enemy commander takes pity and works to soothe the aching omega.
Resigned and Receive by TremblyBird
An exhausted, touch-starved target runs into the arms of his would-be captor—desperate for touch, warmth, and comfort—and he’s hopeless to find it anywhere else. Luckily for him, the man is more than willing to fulfill those needs. Tonight, he’ll be touched and gently handled until he finally feels comfortable and safe enough to indulge his most intimate desires.
DC (Batfamily)
If I Asked (Would I Receive?) by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
Tim gets dosed with a knock-off truth serum that lowers his inhibitions and he ends up admitting a few distressing things to his brothers. It’s just plotless emotional hurt/comfort, heavy on the snuggles.
Love Is Violence by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
Tim gets drugged at a gala and Jason has No Chill. Negative Chill, in fact. Approaching Absolute Zero Chill.
Hey, Brother, There's an Endless Road to Rediscover by TheSilencer
"Someone needs to go with him." Diana said. "She's a goddess of family. Her blessing will come from the strength of his familial ties." All the more reason I should go. Damian thought. Bruce and Dick shared a long look. Perhaps to the others in the room, it was a fast, indecipherable look, but Damian caught the pull of Dick's mouth and the tightness to his father's jaw. However, it was Bruce that said "Red Hood and Red Robin." Damian's eyes widened. Grayson was as good as dead. (Or the one where Dick's brothers manage to royally piss off an ancient deity that sends them careening through memories he'd rather they didn't see.)
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | eight
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.6k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, jealousy and slight possessiveness, making out
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Should we go to that charity event the school is holding on Friday? It sounds kind of fun." Ryujin sipped on her drink, while you went through your closet, showing her different outfits over the facetime call.
"What's it for again?"
"I don't remember, but the Golden State Warriors dj is going to be dj'ing. He's pretty good."
"Yeah he is. I mean, I'm down, especially if it's for a good cause."
"Okay, I'll grab us tickets when I head to campus."
"You're not even gonna ask Jimin or Tae?" You chuckle.
"Why would I? They do everything we do, they don't know anything outside of us." You shake your head.
"Cut them a little slack."
"Boohoo, they'll say yes regardless. Bring Jungkook!"
"I mean, I'll ask, but I'm not gonna force him."
"Oh quit, I'm sure he'd be happy to spend time with you." She looked at you through the camera. "K, let me see that outfit."
"He said casual." You showed her your outfit in the full length mirror.
"Absolutely, yes! You're fucking hot." She squeals, automatically solidifying your outfit for tonight. It, thankfully, wasn't too cold in the Bay today, so you throw on a grey distressed denim mini skirt, a low-cut light grey longsleeve, a belt and some heeled combat boots. You ruffled and fixed your hair a bit until you were satisfied with your look, picking up the phone once more to turn your attention back to Ryujin.
"Thank you."
"No problem, babe. I hope you have fun! Did he say where you two were going?"
"Nope, it's apparently a surprise."
"Ugh, I love him already." She gushes, causing you to shake your head. You dabbed a bit of lip gloss and pressed your lips together to spread it out before spraying a perfume cloud for you to walk through. Sooner or later, knocks came at the door.
"Okay, I think that's him. I'll talk to you later?"
"Call me as soon as you get home. I want to know how big his dick actually is."
"You're sick. You sound exactly like Tae, you know that?"
"We're not talking about him."
"Love you, bye!" You abruptly hang up on her, unsure of why the hell you deal with her and Taehyung's crude comments. You grab your bag and open the door to see Jungkook standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. He peeks his head over the bouquet with the cutest smile you have ever seen.
"Hi." He slightly scrunches his nose and pulls you into a hug. Goddamn, does he smell good. "These are for you." He hands you the bouquet.
"Jungkook, they're beautiful. Thank you." You take it into your kitchen and place it into a vase really quickly before stepping out. You eye him from head to toe, and boy is looking like a whole ass meal in the denim outfit he has on. Like, who in the world could pull off this outfit like that?
"You look amazing." You blush. "If you ever get cold, just let me know, alright? I can spare my jacket."
"You're so sweet."
"Just want to make sure you're comfortable." He shrugs. "You ready?"
"Depends on what you have up your sleeve."
"Nothing extreme, if that's what you're thinking." He laughed. "I hope you enjoy it, though."
"Thanks for planning all of this, by the way."
"No biggie. I'm just glad to finally spend some time with you." He does a little run to open the passenger car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. Immediately, he gets the car started and turns up the heat to make sure you're comfortable. The radio is softly playing Zayn's sHe, with Jungkook softly singing along.
"Wait a minute," You chuckle. "Do you sing?" He smirked.
"Hey, that's not fair. Sing louder."
"No, now I'm shy." He chuckled.
"Why? It's just me."
"Yeah and I just wanna impress you and not make a fool out of myself."
"You won't! Please." You pouted, making him shake his head.
"Ugh, Y/N. That's going to easily become a weakness for me if you keep pulling that pout." You keep pouting. Eventually, he gets over himself and starts to sing a little louder than earlier, causing your heart to flutter at how angelic he sounds. He ends up laughing towards the end and shrugging it off, his cheeks tinted with a rosy tint as you shower him in compliments. Swoon. You were so into the moment that you didn't even realize Jungkook was taking you across the bridge to San Francisco. You and your friends don't come to the city much, strictly because there's too many goddamn hills, parking is expensive as fuck, there's too many one way streets and people just get crazy as hell [like crossing the street when it's not time to walk?!]. It was a little calmer back home and that's all you guys needed. You watch as he parks the car effortlessly on a steep hill before coming over to your side to open the door for you.
"Whew, that's gonna be a workout later." You look back at the steep hill that you're gonna have to climb after eating dinner, you assume.
"Don't worry, I got you." He laughs. There's actually a lot of people out for a Tuesday evening that you end up hanging onto his arm to get navigate the random sea of people. He walks into Brenda's French Soul Food - nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual. The waitress brings you both towards the back end of the restaurant and out into the patio, where there are christmas lights hung around the fence and outdoor heaters posted. He pulls out your chair before sitting himself down, the waitress putting down your menus and cups of water.
"Ohhhhh, my god." You say with heart eyes looking at the menu. You had heard about this place from so many people, and you were impressed that Jungkook was able to score reservations being that it's always so busy due to its popularity. "I'm so excited! I've been wanting to try this place."
"Goodjob, Jungkook." He says, patting himself on the back. "If you're happy, that's all I could ask for." The waitress comes back to offer recommendations, which you both include in your orders in one way or another. Although packed, the restaurant was able to pump out orders quickly and efficiently so you and Jungkook weren't sitting around for too long without food.
"So, how's Jin in class?" You almost choke on your food even though this is something you should have expected. You really wanted to avoid speaking about him tonight, but you knew it was inevitable being that you were out with his brother.
"Um, he's alright."
"Just alright?" He rose his eyebrow and chuckled.
"No, sorry. I mean, he's a really good teacher. Definitely better than our last professor. Everyone in class loves him."
"That's cool. Yeah, he's really smart and wise. I've always looked up to him."
"How long has it been?" You weren't sure how to ask the question, but Jungkook understood what you were asking.
"I was a sophomore in high school when my mom met his dad." You're silent for a moment, allowing him to continue on if needed. "I had a really hard time at first, you know? The whole stepfather thing. My anger was moreso directed towards my mom and my stepdad for awhile. But Jin helped me out a lot. He helped me come to terms with my feelings about everything and he stuck by my side, always had my back whenever I got into arguments or bickered with one of our parents." You nodded, suddenly feeling guilty even though you and Jungkook weren't a couple.
"So, you two are really close." He nodded.
"Yeah, we are. I really don't know what I'd do without him. He's taught me a lot and helped me grow. Plus, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi have been around too. They treat me like their own little brother.”
"That's sweet. It's nice to have that kind of relationship with your sibling and their friends." You chuckle.
"It is." He nods. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin." He laughs.
"From the club, right? I met your friends, they're fun people."
"They're too much, honestly. I'm the only child, but we've all been stuck to the hip since freshman year in college."
"That's cool that you guys have been together since then." You give him a toothless smile. "I think it's pretty awesome that you guys are tackling grad school together too."
"Initially, we all had different plans, but Jimin had some big goals for himself including grad school, and it played a huge role in my decision to do grad school, too. Then Ryujin followed, then Taehyung."
"Speaking of friends, there's this charity event at school on Friday." You look up at him, a small smirk growing on his face.
"Uh huh?"
"And I was wondering if you wanted to come along with us. They really want you there."
"That's sweet. But, what matters the most is that you want me there."
"I wouldn't be inviting you if I didn't, right?" You bit your bottom lip.
"Touché. Of course I'll go with you, beautiful." He does a small nod before sipping his water. "Should we show up in matching outfits?" He joked, causing you to snort.
"Honestly, that seems pretty entertaining. Cute, and entertaining."
"I'm down if you are." You stuck your tongue out playfully.
"I'm game too."
"Let me know what you're wearing then."
"I will, whenever I figure that out."
"Take your time. Just know you'll look good in anything." You blushed. You both continue to talk over the remaining bits of your food before Jungkook calls for the check. You watch as he scribbles his signature onto the receipt before standing and sticking his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. While exiting the small and crowded restaurant, you hold onto his hand, feeling him grip it tighter as you both successfully make it out. The night isn't too cold, and you sure as hell knew it wouldn't be after you conquered the hill that Jungkook parked on.
"Fuck." You say as you stand on the street, eyeing the steep hill in front of you.
"Come on." He says, slightly bending down for you to hop onto his back.
"Ouu, I don't know if that's a good idea--"
"Y/N, I promise it's okay. Come on." He laughed. Hey, if he was willing to do this, then why not? You hop onto his back, his arms wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, while you clung onto his neck. "See, not so bad, right?" He says, sprinting up the hill, making you laugh and hold onto him tighter.
"Shit, I am so sorry. That was probably a workout. Right after we ate, too."
"Nah. It wasn't anything." He scrunched his nose. On the way back over the bridge, Jungkook is heading towards Lake Merritt. You both are singing along to songs and joking around about topics that pop up here and there. When he parks his car, you notice a whole crowd of people gathered by the lake, which was a little unusual for this time of night. He grabs your hand and gently caresses the top with his thumb as he walks you over towards the crowd. To your surprise, you realize people are gathered here for a water lantern festival. Your eyes light up, making Jungkook smile at how excited you look.
"Jungkook, what the hell! How did you know about this and I didn't?" He shrugs.
"I have my ways." He says, his voice low and deep. You playfully shove him before you make your way over to grab lanterns to decorate. You and Jungkook sit off in a more quiet, calmer part of the lake, silently decorating your lanterns and writing your wishes along with it. What exactly did you want to wish for?
Happy friends, happy family. Happy you.
Whatever happiness meant to you.
To have Chance look over you.
Jungkook is done pretty quickly, but he waits for you to finish, not questioning what you've written since he figures it's a private matter. He shows you his lantern and his cute little stick figure drawing of his family and friends. You giggle, watching him gently lay his lantern in the water, giving you leverage to do the same with yours. You stand closely to him, his body providing you some warmth as you watch your lanterns float off into the lake and illuminate the night along with the others.
"Ready? We have one more thing to catch." He snakes his arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze. You simply nod, following him back to his car. He takes you about 30 minutes away, exiting and pulling right into a lot two street lights down from the exit. He pulls up to the ticket booth, buying 2 tickets for Tenet at the drive-in movie. You squeal and clap in your seat excitedly, also not knowing this was still around.
"Did you really do your research to plan this date?"
"Yes and no? I've been here before, and I thought it would be fun to take you. The restaurant and the lantern festival though, yes." He parks his car as instructed, turning the radio to the correct channel in order to hear the audio. "Wanna hop in the back so we have more room?" You nod, getting out of your seat just to hop into the back. He leans over into his trunk, grabbing water bottles and assorted gummy candies for you to snack on in case you wanted some. "I hope you're having fun so far."
"I am." You respond softly.
"Okay, beautiful. If you say so." He chuckles. He moves the driver and passenger seats forward so that you both have room to spread your legs a bit. At first, Jungkook made sure to give you enough space so he wouldn't make you uncomfortable, but over time, you felt yourself sinking closer and closer to his body until he had his arm draped around your shoulder, while part of your body rested on his. His hand gently caressed your arm, occasionally sending goosebumps through your body at how soft his touch his. You glanced over, admiring at how focused he was on the movie. He must have felt you looking at him because he quickly looks over and blushes as he nibbles on a gummy worm. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just cute how focused you are."
"Damn, are you not into it?"
"I am, but it's kind of hard to follow sometimes."
"Yeah, it's definitely one of those movies." This time, his gaze on you is a little longer than before. You don't know what takes over you, but you plant a kiss on him, making him smile into the kiss. He doesn't say anything, but proceeds to rest his free hand on your neck, pulling you close and into another deep kiss. Your hand grips onto the side of his shirt, your tongues slowly fighting for dominance. The sounds of wet kisses fills the car and tunes out the movie audio. You can feel the moment intensifying, both you and Jungkook letting out breathy moans in between kisses. Suddenly, the thought of Seokjin quickly flashes in your mind, the past nights you've spent with him and the nasty shit you both have done to each other.
You lightly gasp as you pull away, but it wasn't obvious to Jungkook that something had disturbed your peace.
"Sorry, I—" He tries to save face just in case he was in the wrong about something.
"No, I just— I wasn't expecting it to get that intense." You lied. You knew damn well.
"It's okay." He chuckled. "I would never rush you into anything, Y/N. Okay? We can take this slow." He gives you a genuine, warm, reassuring smile that causes you to swoon. Why the fuck was he so good? Just why? How was this even fair right now?
All you do is simply smile and lean back onto him. He's back to caressing your arm and shoulder, giving you small pecks on the top of your head every now and then to reassure you. Part of you wondered if this is what Seokjin had taught him over the years - how to properly love a woman and be a gentleman. But then, that quickly fades when you remember the situation you're in with him.
Well no, you're not in anything with him. You needed to stop doing this to yourself.
When the movie ends, you both climb back into the front seats to make your way back home. You feel the exhaustion hit you, all the fun and adrenaline you felt today slowly come crashing down. Jungkook parks in the passenger loading zone, throwing on his hazard lights before walking you up to your apartment.
"Jungkook, thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it and had a ton of fun with you."
"I'm glad." He cups your face and gently places a kiss on your forehead. You weren't satisfied with it though, so you tippy toe as you hold onto his hand and kiss him on the lips. He leans into the kiss, deepening it for a quick second before pulling away. "Let me know the details about Friday, okay?"
"I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight, beautiful." He smiles and licks his lips as he watches you walk in, feeling utterly content with how the day went. You feel the same way, smiling to yourself as you throw your bag onto the floor and prance into the bathroom to get ready for bed. You felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about Jungkook and his smile, or his soft lips against yours.
Butterflies that kept your mind off of—
[jin] 10:04pm: Are you still with Jungkook?
You roll your eyes at the text. You hadn't pulled out your phone all night, so you're also seeing the numerous messages from your friends in the group chat, too.
[jimin] 7:45pm: have fun tonight, Y/N!
[taehyung] 7:50pm: ^ ditto. use protection, young lady
[taehyung] 7:50pm: think about mr. kim's feelings
[ryujin] 7:56pm: taehyung kim, shut the hell up. do you have anything better to do?
[jimin] 8:01pm: i really hope she doesn't pull out her phone during the date -__-
[taehyung] 8:05pm: lmfao you guys, chill out
[taehyung] 8:06pm: i'm sorry y/n, im just kidding. have fun tonight and be safe, love you
[ryujin] 8:10pm: CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME Y/N! i wanna know deets, remember! and ask him if he wants to join us on friday!
Unbelievable. Your friends were unbelievable, and that was an understatement. You don't respond to the group because you figured you'd call Ryujin in a bit and update the boys over the week. But to Jin's text - fuck.
You were literally just tucking him away in the far, far, far dark, deep depths of your mind.
[y/n] 11:38pm: I was, but now I'm home.
[jin] 11:39pm: Yeah, he just texted me back. Sorry.
[y/n] 11:40pm: It's okay.
[jin] 11:43pm: Okay. Have a good night.
He hates this. Why the hell would you do this to him? Grace is upstairs sleeping while Jin is trying to clean the kitchen up like he promised. Suddenly, his phone goes off, signaling a call coming in.
"Oh shit, yes! You're awake!" Jin chuckles a bit.
"How was the date?" Not only was he asking out of curiosity, but wanted to know how you were doing during the night. Completely none of his business but he couldn't help himself.
"God, she's fucking amazing. A-and-and beautiful." He yells into the phone excitedly. "She's so exciting. I can't wait to take her out again. I just wanna keep spending time with her." Jin is pretty unamused on the other line. Thank God he isn't on Facetime so he didn't have to fake this facial expressions hearing about Jungkook's feelings for you. "S-she- I mean, we kissed."
"Oh?" Jin asks, tongue pressed against his cheek. What the fuck.
"Yeah, we were making out during the movie. It got pretty intense, but it didn't get any further than that. I didn't wanna rush her into anything."
"You think it could have escalated?"
"Yeah honestly, but I wanna do right by her, you know?" Jin can tell how serious Jungkook was starting to become about pursuing you, and he had never felt more competitive until this day. He just wanted you to himself, and he wanted to be the one to kiss you and make you feel things you've only dreamed about.
Not his brother.
He, too, wanted you just as bad. If anything, more.
"It sounds like it was a pretty successful first date." Jungkook is beaming through the phone, he didn't have to see his face to know that.
"It was. It was such a good night." Jungkook chuckles. "By the way, I'm going to that charity event on campus on Friday. Are you and Grace going?"
"Probably not."
"Well, if you both are free, you should swing by. It'll be nice to see Grace."
"Yeah, I'll ask and see what's up." Jin sighs. "I should probably get to bed, I'm pretty tired. I'm happy to hear the date went well, kid."
"Thanks, dude. I'll talk to you later, get some rest."
"You too." Jin hangs up the call, silently hitting his fist against the kitchen counter as he lets out a deep sigh. More than ever, he wanted to keep you wrapped around his finger. He wanted to keep you there, no matter how selfish that sounded. There was no way he was going to let you unravel.
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
How did you know you were bi? I mean I'm asking because I've been questioning my sexuality and I have for a while but I just, idk. (If this came off as offensive I didn't mean for it to be oml I'm sorry I love your blog and you don't deserve the hate you're getting for shipping Bellarke)
don't worry its not offensive! lol 
this is actually like a weird thing for me to think about because now that i know i’m bi and i look back on my life before i realized I'm like “damn girl... how did you ever think you were straight?” like all through high school i alway thought girls were really pretty and i had “girl crushes” i guess (honestly fuck that term) but i never really thought anything of it. i grew up in a very small, very conservative midwest town so like, i wasn't even exposed to bisexuality as a thing till i was in high school anyway.
and i think when i got to college here in oregon (like hello liberals!
and idk if this is cheesy as hell, but the 100 and clarke kinda helped me with not freaking out about it and putting a name to it. i’d been watching the show for a year and after i saw the girl in class, and watching how clarke was portrayed as just a bisexual girl and i remember identifying with that really hardcore. and it also helped with me not having that moment where i thought i was a lesbian instead of bi. because i was still attracted to guys. like without the show it might've taken me a lot longer to come out.
and now thinking back i liked girls a lot. like my ass thought girls were so cute and amazing and now i can place the feeling because i want to kiss them and hold their hands and play with their hair (or i guess one girl in particular now ;)) 
i have no idea if that was helpful or not lol but that’s what happened to me and hey i didn't figure it out until i was already 18 years old so you don't have to worry if it takes you a while to figure it out. and there is nothing wrong with labeling yourself bi right now and then changing it if you realize you aren't. the only one that can define your sexuality is you.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | ten
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2.7k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, jealousy, some good car sex w/ breast play, straddling, fingering, a lil spit play
note: to the anon who requested the one shot, i promise i have it done - i can’t post it juuuust yet tho lol
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"How was your date, Jungkookie?" Hoseok asks as he forks into his salad. Jungkook sits in front of Hoseok and Yoongi, while Namjoon and Jin sit off to either of his sides. Kook does a simple chuckle with his nose scrunched as he's digging into his fries.
"Good." He smirked.
"Oooh, Jungkookie has a girlfriend!" Hoseok laughed, causing both Namjoon and Jin to shoot looks at each other while shifting in their seats.
"No, but I hope to ask her out."
"Wait, like really ask her to be your girlfriend?" Yoongi chimed in, his gummy smile coming forth with a small high-pitched laugh. "How cute."
"Yeah, I want to. Not right at this moment, but I've already been planning on how to have this talk with her about being exclusive."
"Aw, our Kookie is growing up!"
"Shut up." Jungkook laughs. "I just really like her. She's beautiful, and smart and fun to be around."
"Are you seeing her today?"
"No, but I'm gonna hang out with her tomorrow. She has stuff to get done."
"Do you see her a lot?"
"A good amount, but I try not to suffocate her."
"Jin, you haven't said anything. What's up with you?" Jin looks up from his plate, eyes quickly roaming between all of them.
"Sorry, I just knew all of this already. It's nothing unexpected." He gives off a fake chuckle.
"Grace issues?" He shrugged.
"Sure, but this isn't about me." They nod and shift their attention back to Jungkook. Whew.
"Have you gotten her in bed?"
"Woah, Yoongi? What the fuck." Namjoon laughed.
"I'm just curious and we're always honest with each other right?" Joon shoots Jin a quick look before shaking his head at Yoongi.
"No." Kook chuckled. "I mean I don't care for it much. If she isn't ready to take that step with me then I won't force her."
"What a gentleman! Jin you taught him well." They laughed. Jin is reciprocating the energy with a small smile, as that's the best he can do right now. He didn't want this topic to come up only because he did already know how Jungkook felt about you. Yes, he felt bad, but also, he didn't want to let up on you. He wasn't going to, and Namjoon can easily tell he wasn't over you even though he told Jungkook to go for it. He hated having this silent competition. He knew his feelings for you were growing and he couldn't help but feel like a child over it.
I saw her first. I got her first. Me. Not you.
And so their conversation over an early dinner gets put to rest, Jin thanking God that no one pressed him more about Grace or why he truly wasn't saying much. They were all too caught up in Jungkook's feelings. All, except Namjoon. Jin gets to his classroom a little early to get himself together for class, gathering all his thoughts and feelings about you, Jungkook, Grace, etc., and pushing it to a far, far corner in his mind. At least, until class is over.
[Namjoon] 5:04pm: You couldn't be any more obvious.
[Jin] 5:05pm: What are you talking about now?
[Namjoon] 5:05pm: You're still seeing her. Or, let me rephrase - You're still trying to pursue her even after you told your brother to go for it.
[Jin] 5:06pm: It's complicated.
[Namjoon] 5:06pm: Seokjin, please. What did I tell you? Don't start this mess.
[Jin] 5:07pm: It'll be fine, okay? I appreciate the concern but stop worrying about me.
He sighs as he paces around the front of his room. The real reason as to why you weren't hanging out with Jungkook tonight was because of him. He needed to see you. Feel you. Touch you. Be close to you. There was also something he needed to bring up, hoping you'd agree to it.
Namjoon was right. The concern is valid. However, if things pull through the way Seokjin expects it to, then he knows what he has to do from there. He'll know how to approach this better. Hopefully.
Seeing you in class makes him feel at ease. He loves the little smiles you send his way when you both make eye contact. He just loves to look at you. Smiling and laughing with your friends. Your serious face when it's time to focus. He has it bad for you.
"Alright, class. Get those in to me on time by next week and I'll think about the movie." Jin laughs as the class has mixed reactions while packing up their things.
"But Mr. Kim it's a really good movie, don't you think we deserve a little break in class?" Taehyung whines as he picks up his bag.
"I always think you guys deserve a break, the movie though? Not sure if it's my cup of tea."
"Awww come on, just once." The class whined, making Jin laugh that adorable laugh he has. It was cute to see how adored Jin was by your classmates. He truly was a great teacher and made it a safe environment for everyone. Completely inclusive.
"I'll sleep on it. See you guys next week." He smiles and flashes a wink at a couple of people leaving the classroom saying their goodbyes. He stands at the front, his hands dug into his pockets as he looks at you and Ryujin coming down the steps - always being the last to leave.
"I'm counting on you, Mr. Kim." Ryujin says, flipping her hair.
"Counting on me for what?"
"The movie." She turns to look at you. "And other things." You shove her out the door before looking over at Jin, who hasn't stopped chuckling.
"You heard her." He nods.
"Pick you up in a few?" He asks, almost at a whisper. You return the nod and smile before walking out. You silently walk next to Ryujin, thinking about what tonight would be about. Not gonna lie, you were excited to be alone with him again, even if that meant being in his car, sitting in silence. The thought alone made you happy. The thought made you push through the day just to get to this point.
"Are you seeing him?"
"Yeah." Is all you respond to Ryujin with.
"Be careful, okay?"
"I know." Ryujin knew you weren't going to let up on Jin easily. She too, just like Namjoon, could tell that you had developed deep feelings for him, yet she just didn't know how you would approach it. Whatever it was though, she was going to have your back and be there for you. She just wished you had told the boys because handling you alone is work! Extra support would have been nice!
Getting home, you toss your things aside and start working on a few assignments until Jin is texting you that he's outside of your building. You feel a little nervous, as if it's a first date when it's really not. You step out of the elevator and into the lobby, just to see him ahead in the driver's seat. He has one hand resting along the wheel while he's scrolling through his phone in the other.
"Hey." You say as you hop into the passenger's seat. He puts his phone down and looks at you, his head tilted towards you and rested against the headrest.
"Hey pretty girl." He softly smiles as he leans over to kiss you on the lips. "Want some ice cream?" You laugh.
"Yeah, why not?" He begins to drive off, taking you to a nearby ice cream joint.
"How was your day today?" You ask him as he's roaming the streets looking for parking.
"It was alright. Went to work for a bit and met up with the boys for an early dinner before class."
"How was that?" He keeps his eyes on the road.
"Mm, good. I love sitting around and hearing about my brother's feelings for you." You chuckle at his sarcasm.
"You're dramatic."
"Call it what you want." He says. "It's still not fair."
"You can do something about it, you choose not to though." You straight up tell him. He parks his car and looks over at you, a small smirk plastered on his face.
"So, do you want me to do something about it?"
"Jin, please. Don't turn this on me. You're the one whining." You get out of the car. It was true. He kept talking about Jungkook and how he couldn't stand it, but yet, his ass was over here doing absolutely nothing. You expected that much though, because what? Was he just going to up and leave his fiancé because of a little jealousy? You honestly didn't think it was that deep for Jin. Maybe a little bit of a competition, but nothing too serious. And that was honestly the most painful realization for you.
You probably weren't worth it.
"I'm not whining, love. Trust me." You subtly roll your eyes at the weak comeback, but you don't throw in a rebuttal. Were you worth it? It was hard to read Jin sometimes. There were days where you felt like this could be more, then there were days where you felt dumb as hell for even having the thought cross your mind.
Like right now, you feel like this could be more with the way he's letting you taste his ice cream, his hand below your chin to catch any melting ice cream from dripping onto your clothing. He takes his cone back to his lips at the same time he's raising the napkin to the corners of your lips. You're both sitting in his car, overlooking the bay and the San Francisco skyline view in his back seat. There's a walking trail in front of the small lot his car is currently parked in, but no one is around. It's just you, Seokjin and your ice cream cones.
"Mmmm, thank you." You say gobbling up the last bit of your cone.
"You're welcome." He chuckles. "How was your day?" You shrugged.
"Same old." You fold your leg onto the seat while the other draped over it just so you could turn and look at Jin. You lean your head against the seat, watching him eat the last bits of his cone. You admired him, and you couldn't help but marvel at how absolutely breathtaking he was. The goddamn nerve. He was literally sitting there in a hoodie and jeans and you thought he was the most endearing thing.
"Sounds fun." He clears his throat as he tosses the napkin into the cup holder in front.
"Why'd you bring me out here?"
"I just wanted to see you. Is that too much to ask for?" He looked at you. "I missed you."
"You see me in class."
"It's not the same and you know it." He cocks his head to the side again to look at you. "Come here." He grabs your hand to pull you closer to him and leans in for a kiss. You rest your hand on his neck as you continue to kiss him back, the sounds of slow kisses being exchanged filling the car. You climb onto his lap as the kiss deepens, your hands gripping Jin's face while his warm, soft hands explored inside your sweater. "You drove me crazy the other night." He whispers as you slightly pull away.
"Good." You respond, bringing your lips back onto his, slowly grinding your hips into his.
"Fuck." He hisses. He quickly aids in removing your leggings before unbuckling his jeans. You feel his hardened member underneath his boxer briefs against your clothed folds, causing you to slightly tilt your head back in pleasure. You feel his hands travel up to your bra, unhooking it and raising your sweater to suck on your nipples freely. You feel his tongue working in circular motions on your hardened bud, causing you to let out a breathy moan. His eyes wander up to your face, slightly shutting close when he sees how much you're enjoying this. He moves to the other breast, his free hand cupping the one he had just removed himself from, tongue exploring your nipple. His hand moves down to aggressively hook your panties to the side, giving him room to swipe his fingers up and down your wet folds.
"Oh shit." You slightly jerk at the sensation, his long fingers taking their sweet time spreading your wetness all around your pussy.
"You're so fucking wet." He keeps his eyes on you and watches your eyes roll to the back of your head when he inserts two digits, pumping them in and out. It's incredibly hot to him how fucking wet you are, the sounds of your pussy now echoing in the car.
"Jin, ohhhhshit." You mewl. "I'm gonna cum." He continues to pump his long fingers into you, the feeling of both pain and pleasure radiating throughout your body. He curves his digits upwards, tickling your core to send you hurdling over the edge. You buck in your position from how hard the orgasm hits you, Jin's wet fingers swiping your folds and gently caressing your sensitive clit. You squeal, the overstimulation becoming a little overbearing but it feels so fucking good. You unbury his hardened member from his boxer briefs, letting your spit dribble down onto his cock as you play with the pre-cum pooling at the head.
"Oh fuck, Y/N. Don't do that shit." He tilts his head back in pleasure. You silently chuckle as you jerk him, getting his dick a little wet before hopping on and filling yourself up with it.
"Ugh, why do you feel so fucking good?" You moan as you fix your position onto him, slowly riding him and easing your way into it. You slip his two fingers into your mouth to taste yourself, his fingers still dripping from your cum.
"I-I've been wanting to fuck you so badly." He lets out a breathy moan. "The things you do to me."
"Yeah?" You say, picking up the pace as his hands guide your hips and direct your pace.
"Just like that, baby." He groans. You love when he called you baby. It made you want to give him all of you.
Your hands are resting on his shoulders, gripping tightly as you grind your hips in a steady motion. You cock your head back in pleasure, Seokjin's hands gripping your breasts. You begin to roll your hips slowly, a louder moan erupting from both him and you.
"I'mgonnafuckingcum." Your words mesh together, unable to speak clearly at how good he feels deep inside of you.
"You're so tight. God, you feel so good, gonna cum with you." Sooner or later, a roll of the hip or two in, your coil is spiraling out of control, causing you to yell Jin's name as you scratch onto his clothed shoulders, his fingers digging deep into your skin as he fills you up at the same time you're milking his dick.
His head slowly raises from against your chest, his cheeks tinted and eyes slightly glazed. He smiles up at you, his lips locking with yours once more before you climb off to clean yourself.
"Y/N." He says, tucking himself back in and getting himself situated in the seat.
"Hm?" You hook your bra back together and fix your sweater.
"I'm going to LA this weekend for a quick business conference." You furrowed your eyebrows, unsure why he was telling you this. It's not like you asked him for a daily play by play.
"Okay, have fun?" You chuckle.
"Meet me there." He looks at you. "I have to be there by Friday morning, but I know you still have work and school."
"Meet you.. in LA?" He nods.
"I really want you to. I'll buy your plane ticket. But also, know that I'm not forcing you." He slightly sighs. "I just wanna be able to spend time with you and do other things together besides fucking each other's brains out."
"Um," is all you can respond with. Because hell to the fuck yes you wanted this. But you weren't sure why you were hesitating? Maybe it was a big jump and you were scared of taking it? The lies you'd have to tell people about where you would be going this weekend? It was all such a mess. Such a huge, huge mess. Part of you also felt like this would be such an easy way for Grace to find out.
"You don't have to tell me your answer now but— just know it'll make me really happy to have you there with me." He looks at you softly, a small smile creeping at the corner of his lips. Perhaps, you were worth it.
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