#i've got the series outlined and i've got seasons kinda outlined
willowjay07 · 1 year
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swearyshera · 8 months
I've loved being able to read Sweary She-Ra through the years. I happened upon it only a few months after finishing She-Ra (I was late to the party due to not having Netflix, oops), and it gave me so much wonderful content to keep my excitement for the series alive.
The way you explored the characters, especially Catra's mental health and her relationship with Shadow Weaver, helped give me a new understanding and greater appreciation of them. I bring up Catra specifically because, I'll be honest, I wasn't a big Catra fan for awhile. I liked her well enough, then kinda didn't in season 4, but grew fond of her again around season 5. But you helped me understand her thought-process, and I came to like her more because of it. I really like that you also handled her in a nuanced way, where, as you've said many times, you explained her behavior without excusing it, and that made all the difference.
One of the things I really appreciated about your take on She-Ra was how apparent your intelligence was, as well as your writing skill. It wasn't just "Catra says fuck and Glimmer has killed dozens," even though it could have been--you went the extra mile (or kilometer, since you're British :P) and gave us a variety of jokes, as well as mood shifts from comedic to tragic to dramatic to hopeful. All of the characters felt like themselves, even though they were pushed up to 11 and had some creative liberties taken, such as Frosta being a demon and Hordak's Geordie accent. You had a good handle on all of them, which can be very hard to do with a large cast, especially one written by another writer.
I also really appreciated that you took the time to answer asks and build a community here. It gave us lovely jokes such as Bob (that's right, I haven't forgotten about him), Catra's age, and Entrapta reading our comments. I've always been very shy online, but seeing you having such nice interactions with fans helped me open up, and I'm glad I did! I used to ask anonymously from time to time (yes, my first ask was about DT, all the way back during your start on season one, what else would it be? XD), and I'm glad I've gotten to chat and joke with you, as have the rest of us.
I'm so glad that you stuck with this and created such a wonderful fan-series. We never got a movie, but this was just as good, in my opinion. It was like watching SPOP for the first time all over again. I'm excited to see what you create next, be it SPOP-related or not. I hope the future has great things in store for you.
You brought us laughs, tears, and spectacular Glimmer-swears, and your blog means so much to so many people. You mean so much to so many people. I hope you find success in your future endeavors!
What can I say, it's truly been an honour (of Gayskull) to write something that I had no idea brought so much to many people. I'm genuinely quite humbled by the reaction.
I always wanted to be fair to all the characters, to show their reasons without necessarily validating the invalid stuff that they've done, and that particularly came across with Catra. It's no secret that I see a lot of parallels between her and my own history, but I've applied the same take-no-shit but be kind approach that I took with myself over the years. And I've learned a lot about mental health during that time, so I could give that sometimes painful realism, but also know just how to make fun of it in the right way.
In some ways, I feel like the characters I've written have taken on their own personality that's very distinct from the original, and that's probably why I think there's a little more mileage in them yet. Both in terms of original stuff (my pilot script Snowflakes has almost 1:1 versions of DT and Perfuma!), but also in the possibility for creating more Sweary stuff, and that is slowly taking shape - although I am taking it easy for a bit, I've already outlined a story which I'd love to make into an audio drama. Currently workshopping it with a couple of people, so watch this space...
It has been a joy to get so many asks from people, yourself included, and my inbox will always be open. I'm not going anywhere for a while! You were very much my DT-asker-in-chief, and I'm super glad you enjoyed their scenes (heck, you even got them a cameo at the end!). So thank you immensely for the support.
I'm happy I've been able to contribute to a wonderful fandom in such a way, and I'm eager to keep on giving back to a community that has given me so many amazing friends.
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
Hi, I just got around to watching ethos pov and when cleo asks abt joining team ties. She words it like do you have space on your team for another person and before she could clarify that she meant for herself. Etho asks if its for bdubs and now im just wondering if he would have said yes if so. And how that potentionally would have gone over with the other ties seeing as they were calling bdubs dead weight earlier
YEA YEA that moment cracked me up a little bit because like. etho. he really just assumed bdubs... I'm a little conflicted honestly on whether he would have said yes so i'm just gonna use this ask to outline some general observations i've made about etho's character and you can draw your own conclusions about what might have gone down.
Firstly, Etho this series is giving me major survivalist vibes. I noticed that right from the very beginning of his episode he was constantly moving and progressing in the game as much as he could. He was resource gathering a ton and even had the beginnings of a mob farm... for gunpowder and bones specifically. This, along with how he was on high alert all episode, makes me think that he actually has a grasp on how much time does matter even now in the early game. Something that really stuck in my head the whole episode was the line from Tango in Last Life session seven--"He's a survivor, that's what he does."
Every season Etho tends to take his lives very seriously and that's no exception now. Unless he has some very bad luck, I'd be surprised if he's not one of the final players or even the winner.
With all that in mind... lets talk about Bdubs and his actions!
As funny as Bdubs was in killing Skizzleman, he's kinda put a target on his back. No matter what happens next session, Skizz will be going yellow next session, and I wouldn't be surprised if Bdubs is an early target for Skizz if he decides to kill for more time (or if he rolls boogey). Bdubs made a serious error there, and I think he may regret it.
Combine that, with the fact that Etho is currently teamed with Skizz... I have to doubt that he'd take Bdubs as an ally right now, which pains me to say a lot.
BUT I will also add that I doubt Etho will stick around on team T.I.E.S with Skizz being yellow next session. I get the vibes that he's not as attached to the team as the other three are, and with the danger Skizz will pose to him... idk. I wouldn't be shocked if their team fell apart within next session or the one after. And from there, who knows! Maybe a clethubs team up is on the cards after all! I just don't know.
But, lets go back to your point about team ties calling Bdubs deadweight in last life and what might have happened if Etho did take Bdubs with him! Personally... I think that they'd have taken Bdubs... but most likely betrayed him early on down the line.
If anyone has further thoughts on this I'd love to hear!!
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emeraldspiral · 5 months
Something I've kinda been wondering about Skoodge for a long time is how much of a regular he was actually supposed to be. Like, presumably season 2 was going to be 20 episodes, same as season 1. 7 episodes got made and there's about 16 scripts/outlines that would've been completed, and even if we assume they were all 10 minutes instead of 20, that's still at least 8 more episodes, making up 15 out of 20 episodes of the season. So were DoDS and Top of the Line originally intended to air near the end of the season and the remaining 5-10 stories we don't know about that would've completed the season just happened to be the only other stories where Skoodge appears after moving in with Zim? Because it seems sort of odd if he's supposed to be living with Zim to never be seen or mentioned in any of the other stories we know were going to be in the season outside of flashbacks in The Trial.
Like, we know the Xmas special was intended for later in the season but was bumped up, but because it was already pretty far along in production they couldn't remove Minimoose even though his introductory episode was cut. But Skoodge isn't seen or mentioned in the Xmas episode, and you'd think if he was living with Zim by that point in the series they'd want to involve him in the holiday special. But there doesn't appear to have been any such complication with removing him, so he must not have been intended for the episode to begin with.
It's possible that Skoodge might've appeared in some of the stories we know of but were never shown a script or given a detailed synopsis for, and they just never mentioned it because his role would've been small, non plot-relevant cameos. But I think it's actually more likely that Skoodge just wasn't going to be living with Zim permanently as part of the status quo. He's not shown leaving at the end of the DotS script, but I think maybe he would've just disappeared and then the next time we'd see him in Top of the Line it would've been explained that he either left or was kicked out of Zim's house and they haven't seen each other since until they were reunited for the SIR competition.
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damatris · 7 months
I was tagged by @fieldofclover!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic you ever published there: Born of Familiarity
I ended up hyperfixating on The Witcher (all versions tbh, it's got so many cakes. And it's still having me in its grip.) in 2019 when Netflix released the 1st season. In spring 2020 I was painting a portrait of Geralt and the sentence "To Geralt Jaskier registered as quiet." popped up in my head and didn't leave me alone until I started unveiling the reason. And then I ended up writing the thoughts down in fic format, writing prose for the first time in like 8 years and fic in maybe 14 years? The overwhelming positive reception only fed into the rediscovering of how much fun writing prose is (had been doing only comic scripting) and I continued writing more fics. That one also ended up being the 1st fic of the series that's my main focus.
Last fic you published: Flying High, Falling Low (Latest update was on Winter Winds and Snowmelt though)
I'll be talking about both fics later on.
Any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: Ouija Phone
It's a very slightly longer than a drabble crack fic for The Umbrella Academy. I just thought it'd be funny. It's also the only fic that's not for The Witcher on ao3.
Your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works: Winter Winds and Snowmelt
Will talk about it later.
Fic you wish more people read: I Get To Watch You Grow Up Now
This one is purely book based fic involving Dandelion and Essi. It's a short snapshot of their almost familial relationship. I personally like how it turned out despite not much happening.
Tbh, I'm not surprised at all that this particular fic has far less interaction than my other ones since it's not geraskier or has any other ship either. Plus Essi is only in a single one shot in the book series so she's not so well known character.
Fic you agonized over the most: Flying High, Falling Low
Decided to go with this instead of any long fic because the amount of agonizing versus word count is higher despite having written a bulletin point fic a couple of years ago which I used as an outline.
This one was for the Disability Pride Month Challenge in a discord group and I decided to use bipolar disorder. Which is what I have so I ended up using A Lot of personal experiences and that was both difficult and freeing. It's not the 1st time I've put them on paper or even leaned into fics but this time there wasn't much redressing some of the symptoms into different things/reasons and creating distance that way.
It's kinda surprising how very, very few fics there are with bipolar Jaskier since a lot of his canon behavior fits it. But from what I've observed, people tend to give him adhd if he's written neurodivergent. I wonder if it's because of adhd is better known or if it's because of the stigma still clinging to bipolar disorder (...most likely because of a combination...).
Fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: There's Harshness In Your Voice And Softness In Your Hands
This is a funny and lighthearted one with concussed Jaskier. It was so much fun writing him being a bit loopy and saying only parts of his thoughts out loud to Geralt's exasperation. Plus, I got to write a whole silly ditty for it that I posted as a 2nd chapter. The whole fic was written wayyy past midnight during an insomnia spell which absolutely lent itself for Jaskier's thought process. It's also my most popular fic by a pretty large margin when looking at kudos, however I don't consider it as such. (That would go to Biting Snake Isn't Better Than Knife In Your Back due to the comments and bookmarks. Sorry for sneaking in a fic not asked for)
A work you are proud of—for whatever reason: Winter Winds and Snowmelt
Winter Winds... Gosh, I have so many feelings about this fic (And Biting Snake too which is the immediate prequel). I'm really happy with the way I managed to treat serious topics about mental health, recovery from trauma, and building healthy relationships both romantic and platonic. It's not a perfect representation but the way multiple readers have told me how much they see themselves/in general identify with what the characters are going through and how it has brought them comfort makes me feel like I've done a good job. Not to mention that people have loved the slow healing and found each chapter interesting is so so great to hear. Especially since Winter Winds is the longest fic by a large margin in the Geraskier tag on AO3. Which I still find absolutely wild! I have no idea how it's currently a bit over 472k words.
Also, I'm so very proud about the fact that I'm currently writing the last chapter of it. It's been a long ride, both with time and word count. I started it in fall 2020 so it's going to be slightly less than a 3 year project. And I'm almost finished. I'm actually having so many feelings about finishing that the last chapter is a very slow writing as I'm also letting go of the fic and all the emotions I've gone through while writing it. Although, the series it's part of isn't even close to finished so I don't have to say goodbye to these particular versions of the characters.
Uhh.. I never know who to tag but @dapandapod maybe you want to talk about your fics...!
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pastafossa · 2 years
hi!! the ask probably got eaten so i'm sending it again. (if you just didn't want / didn't have time to answer, sorry) i remember you mentioning once you have a timeline or an outline or something like that for TRT, and i was wondering if you could share how you plan for your writing? i always struggle with that and just seem to go wherever the inspiration takes me, which is good sometimes but generally, not so much lol. ty <3
I do have a timeline or outline! I had to go digging for a post I made a while back and I found it! This is a detailed post about how I create my outlines/timelines for TRT! I 100% get the struggle, ironically. I'm instinctively a pantser - my natural state is to just go with the flow, chase the muse, but for a long series and to fight my adhd which will essentially get distracted and chase the fic equivalent of leaves blowing down the street, yeah, I need a guideline or I'll wander off. 😂
I actually don't mind explaining this again, because I know I always forget things so I'm liable to have missed stuff in the last one. Basically, I use Twine to create visual outlines since I am inherently visual and need to see something. And from there, the outlines and arcs are broken down almost like a reverse tree, branching downwards from the top and getting more detailed as we slide down:
The two Overall Arcs are at the top, and were chosen from the Seven Basic Plotlines (Rebirth + Overcoming the Monster). Those overall arcs are broken down into stages such as, 'Avoiding Connection due to fear of White Coat', 'Reveal White Coat Tracking', 'Decision To Stay And Fight White Coat', etc. This allows me at a glance to see exactly where I am in the overall arc - I can see what clues I should be leaving, how these events might be influencing the emotions and actions of the characters, and whether or not I should be building tension in preparation for the next stage. I sometimes break these arcs down further as needed so I can get more specific (the Miami arc was pretty detailed for 'Almost Caught By White Coat'). I was also taught your smaller arcs should always nudge your overall arcs along just a little. Basically, if a long fic were a tv series, this would be the series plotline from start to finish.
Major Arcs are ones I have set up below the overall arcs, and are often essentially breakdowns of stages of the Overall Arcs. As an example, Matt and Jane's relationship is both an arc all its own, and a breakdown of the Rebirth arc. These are closer to a tv series' seasonal arcs, although sometimes they're longer, like the relationship arc. This is where I've broken down Matt and Jane's relationship arc into stages - 'Wanting to Connect', 'Struggling Not to Connect', 'Running From Connection', and 'Acceptance'. Sometimes those stages just influenced Jane's emotions ('Struggling Not to Connect' would obviously inform how she acted around Matt), and sometimes I broke them down in a detailed way - the Kidnapping plotline was a detailed breakdown of the Acceptance stage and obviously drove those 3 or 4 chapters.
Minor/Breakdown Arcs are where you usually find either individual chapter outlines, or brief one-two sentence notes on what needs to happen. This is where you're most likely to see me feed my Pantser side and wing it! While some arcs naturally have to be drafted out far in a fairly detailed fashion (Miami arc, Away chapters, SHIELD involvement), I also purposefully leave openings in my outlines for some moments and keep some things general so that I'm free to go with the flow, based on how the story's gone up until that point, because sometimes there are tonal shifts you don't expect, and it's good to give yourself room to work with that - Devil Hunt came ENTIRELY from one of those open spots I left for thread training. All I knew was I needed some sort of entertaining method that they could use for practice, but when I was writing Chapter 12 and had Jane joke about hunting, Matt's line just kinda flowed out naturally: 'Well, if you wanted me to chase you, sweetheart, all you had to do was ask.' I knew I needed to follow that through, one of those lightning rod inspiration moments, and because I'd left an opening, I was able to work it in so that it fit the stages for all of the arcs above. Even when I'm just winging a chapter, because of the arcs above, I know how the plot needs to be progressed as I workshop ideas that fit that goal. This is key as a panters - you have a goal to work towards.
How Do You Use This Outline Though? So when I'm actually drafting out a chapter or event, or even just when I'm writing, all of the planning means that at the top of the chapter, I can keep a notes section of what the driving goals of that chapter are, and any major themes. So the first Devil Hunt themes and goals would have been things like, Releasing the Devil (feeds major relationship arc), Building Trust (feeds major and overall arc), Thread Training (feeds major and overall arcs) and a fun rest period after the heavy angst in the previous chapters. If I'm just writing, it gives me a goal to work towards for the end of the chapter or minor arc of that chapter/section. If I'm drafting, it allows me to literally make a point by point list of, 'Things that need to happen'. After I've done that, I just... sort of sit and write it out while glancing at what I have. It gives me the freedom to veer a little as the tone needs, especially since I spend so much time in editing cleaning it up.
And that's basically how I've outlined TRT and use the outlines for writing out my chapters! I like to think it's an approach that gives the ability to have clear end goals and stages, while also allowing for the freedom to nudge and twist and shift with the story as inspiration guides us, because that's absolutely part of writing. And with this outline, if I want to nudge or change how a stage plays out, I can see how that will affect everything down the line, all the little rippling ramifications, and then change those accordingly.
I hope that helps!
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springtyme · 10 months
OH MY GOD !!! u totally should make a sydney x reader series !!!!!!!! id b sososoosoooooooo excited !! maybe set it pre season 2 n then slowly work in2 it cuz the season also gives sydney solid character development n she changes so itd b nice 2 explore that through a lovers eyes kinda ?
Yay, I'm so happy to hear that you would be here for it! <3
I really want to make it and I have slowly started to make an outline of the story! I just really love Sydney so much as a character and the more we got of her this new season, the deeper I fell in love. I still have a bunch of request in my inbox (including some for syd, yay!) and I also have another series I'm working on, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to write and post the first chapter, but I've now been convinced that I need to write a Syd series!
Love the idea of working towards a season two setting!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
1, 4, 18, and 21 for the behind the scenes fic game!!
1.) What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
So before I even knew what fanfiction sites were or heard of the term fanfiction, I wrote little stories about Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine from Star Trek Voyager on the old Windows 3.1 that my dad gave me when he got the Windows 95. These weren't shipping fics or anything - I was still pretty young when Voyager started airing. I was... six when the show came out? And it was a couple of years after that he let me have the computer.
Sadly, the computer didn't last long. So the fics I wrote on it were lost when it died. I switched back to writing in notebooks... but I didn't write long form a lot because it made my hand cramp to write too much. Unfortunately that means that all my old Voyager fics are long gone. (At the time I was upset about losing what I'd been writing... but even more upset about not being able to play the Kings Quest games anymore since they didn't run well on the 95 and what games did run on the 95 I could now only play when dad wasn't using and I had permission to play.)
4.) Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
Sometimes. But more often not. The more outlining I do, the harder it becomes to write because often the story evolves in ways I just can't predict and the outline becomes useless. Or it just makes it too hard for me to write at all because I outlined.
But a sort of generalized outline can help too, sort of like as a bookmark when I need to set aside a WiP to pick up later. It gives me a better idea, when I pick it back up to work on, of where I was at with the story and what my plans for it were. They're also useful for when I have an idea that doesn't really work because I can look over the outline and retool it into something else down the line. The City on the Hill is a good example of a fic that I took an outline for a massive crossover idea I had years ago, stripped it down to the underlying plotbunny and turned it into something that stands on its own really nicely. (Though I do still want to write some follow ups to it...)
18.) What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Since I've already brought up The City on the Hill in the answer for #4, how about we go with Drax's regeneration scene.
The whole fic itself was retooled from a plot intended to play out later in a series where the Master was hiding not as Professor Yana at the end of time, but as Seifer Almasy from FF8, protected from detection of the Time Lords by the temporal parodox the game is built around. The first 'season' would have been built around Seifer!Master 'waking up' during a Cyberman invasion on his world - they'd have been coming from the moon from a base The Rani had left behind. It would have turned out that the 'draw points' on the world where magic was siphoned from were actually formed of artron energy that dulled the sound of the drums. He'd help deal with the Cybermen and then escape with Fujin (one of Seifer's friends) to seek out the source of the drums and put an end to them over the course of several episodic fics. Honestly, I'm still really like the idea here, but it's been so long since I last played FF8 that my drive to write it kinda... waned. But it might still wind up happening down the road.
The second 'season' involved the Doctor and the Master traveling together and discovering a number of Time Lords had survived the Time War under various circumstances. The Rani would have been the source of the Sorceresses - her body in stasis somewhere (the moon?) while the fob watch had been opened by humans and infected several women. If one Sorceress held too much of the Rani's mind, she'd go a little... mad with power. The Master would have been there for Ianto waking as Drax and there would have been an entirely different crisis going on with Torchwood. The Toymaker would have been revealed to be a Time Lord possessed by... I don't really remember what, exactly but I intended to have the White and Black Guardians involved (which would not make the Doctor happy at all)... That was where a lot of tv shows that I used to be interested in (NCIS: LA for example) were supposed to start tying in.
The plot out of 'season two' for that outlined series (do you see what I mean about outlines? Had a whole 2 or 3 seasons worth of fic ideas and couldn't get any of it written) was Ianto being a Time Lord. It's a plot idea I love and just can't get enough of. So I had to remove the Master because he no longer fit and I wanted to set the fic post season 2 of Torchwood and thus after the year that never happened since those events happened between season 1 and 2 of Torchwood. Can't have a redeemed version of the Master if I'm using canon up to that point, after all. I was initially going to keep the aliens I'd planned from the outline and tease the Rani as a future villain, but the plot with the Axons was convoluted and was meant to be a nod to the Master's past. The whole thing took away from it being Ianto's story, so the Axons got scrapped too.
That was when I started looking at the Rani as the main villain, which worked very well once I started spinning that idea in my head. I did actually have a version of the scenes where Drax is lured to the Earth by Rani and getting forcibly regenerated already written. It needed to be reworked for the new version of the plot but the bones of it remained. I split it into several scenes, becoming the first part of each chapter - Drax and the Rani meeting up on Earth, the Rani's plan involving Strange Matter and attempting to convince Drax to build her a version of Mentalis to manipulate Strange Matter for her, the Rani deciding Drax would be more cooperative as a child, forcing him to regenerate while trapped in a Chameleon arch, Drax calling her a bitch... it's very different in the final version, but all those plot points are there in the original prologue I'd written. I just moved the Rani from being a greater scope villain to being the main problem, allowing the focus of the 'present day' setting to be on Ianto's hidden identity as Drax.
I really liked the idea of weaving in older Doctor Who canon with the new canon, which was a heavy feature of the series I'd outlined, and I do want to repurpose a lot of those plot ideas I had into stories eventually. So who knows, maybe I'll eventually write an entire fic with Seifer Almasy as the Master after all. But some of those ideas may wind up as a continuation of The City on the Hill instead. I'm still particularly fond of the plot I called 'The Blow Fish Fiasco' which was meant to be a Torchwood story about Ianto and the rest of the team settling in with the knowledge he's actually a Time Lord. Mostly intended to be a silly fic involving a revenge plot over the death of the blow fish alien in the Torchwood S2 premiere.
21.) What is the one fic that got away?
Well, there's that Seifer Almasy as the Master series. But since I still have hopes of some of that making it into fic form one way or another, I'll talk about something else instead.
For The Knights of the Old Republic games, I had an idea for remixing the plots of the two games so that both Revan and the Exile's plots were playing out simultaneously. Instead of being brainwashed by the jedi, Darth Revan would be have been put in carbonite by Darth Malak in case he ever needed her again (female!Revan, though I think if I wrote it now I'm might go with canonical male!Revan or have Revan as non-binary) but of course thanks to the war she wound up on a ship that crash lands in Kashyyyk, so she winds up waking up with amnesia and Jolee Bindo watching over her. Meanwhile the Jedi recall The Exile, who has been working with Atton since a few months since he defected from the Sith. Since Malak deposed Revan, several other Sith Lords have been popping up - specifically a certain three from the second game - and the war has gotten even more chaotic as a result.
It's still an interesting idea to me, but I could never get the pieces to fit right and eventually I just kinda gave up on it. And then I lost the file I had with bits and pieces already written or otherwise outlined. Or I deleted it? I might have deleted it so that it would stop bothering me when I saw the file. Honestly I was pretty frustrated with the whole thing refusing to come together and it came back whenever I opened the file, so there's a good chance I just got rid of it for my own peace of mind.
Even if I had the file still... I don't really think I'd ever put any effort into rewriting it or trying to finish any of it. And I don't think I'll try to restart a new file for it (I mean... I can't say never, but...) because while it's an interesting idea, I'm not really as invested in the KotOR games as I used to be. Not the way I still am with something like Doctor Who or the Flash.
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Taking a break from characters to give a rundown of fandoms I like to dabble in & any ships! List is subject to change, and is far from all I'm into- these are just the things I most engage with in a fannish way.
💭 - ready supply of headcanons
📓 - can always request in writing prompt games
🌟 - A Fave
It's gonna get Long.
Hellsing Ultimate
💭 📓 🌟🌟🌟
Have seen: the OVA, read about half the manga, Crossfire included.
Will answer ship prompts for: Alucard x Integra, Seras x Pip, Heinkel x Yumie.
Heinkel and Anderson are the ones I probably have the most thoughts on, but I'll answer for anyone except Millennium members (aside from Walter).
One Piece
Have seen: Dub up to... early 600s? Vegapunk island, bodyswap just happened. Several movies.
Will answer ship prompts for: Robin x Franky
Can most reliably come up with stuff for the main Straw Hat crew, fun gen stuff but I doubt I'll be doing much that's involved.
Fairy Tail
💭, maybe 📓
Have seen: Entire dub, both movies; read Rhodonite.
Will answer ship prompts for: Gajeel x Levy
Look I'll level. I'm here for Gajeel, Levy, and occasionally Juvia for some reason. FT falls deeply into 'canon is a polite suggestion' territory ok.
The Owl House
Have seen: Seasons 1 & 2
Might be able to get me to answer stuff for Eda x Raine but I'm mostly here for gen stuff.
Sailor Moon
Have seen: oh god it's so piecemeal. Most knowledge comes from the manga up through about Dead Moon Circus and original run (sub & Viz re-dub) up through roughly Chibiusa's introduction.
Will answer ship prompts for: Mako x Ami, maybe Haruka x Michiru x Setsuna.
Honestly this one's been so very headcanon fueled & canon is a very, very loose suggestion xD
Steven Universe
Have seen: Original run & movie. (Never quite got around to Future)
Will answer ship prompts for: Amethyst x Pearl, Lapis x Peridot; virtually any gem x gem combo tbh.
It's definitely died down but I've still got a bit of a soft spot, y'know?
The Clone Wars + The Bad Batch
Have seen: Full run of TCW, S1 of TBB
Will answer ship prompts for: Hondo & Cad Bane is the only valid Star Wars pairing
Ok no though for real I just don't really have any ships here, but it's definitely fun poking at little headcanons.
Video games:
Mass Effect
Have Played: Vanilla trilogy (no DLC events or squadmates (Kasumi, Zaeed and Javik) will factor in to my work), read all 3 novels. It's been a while since I've played, so some finer details may be missing!
Will answer ship prompts for: Shepard x Thane, Shepard x Garrus, Garrus x Tali, Joker x EDI
Mass Effect is not a fandom. Mass Effect burrows into your fuckin soul and never lets go. Rundown of my Shepard can be found here. As far as hcs/games go, I will answer for most Normandy crew.
Final Fantasy
Have played: VII, X, X-2, XII (it's been a little while though)
💭📓🌟 (primarily X-2 & XII)
Will answer ship prompts for: Cloud x Tifa, Balthier x Fran. (& ask me about the Crimson Polysphere lol)
Favorites are Paine & Balthier
Have played: All main series games up through US/UM, working knowledge of Indigo League anime & first 5 movies.
Games only. Outlines & characters are derived from playthroughs- not quite nuzlockes, but similar vibe; canon NPCs are altered as fits the story. Trainer rundowns & outlines can be found -here when made-
Half Life 2 + Portal
Have played: Half Life 2 & episodes 1 & 2, Portal, Portal 2
Will answer ship prompts for: Gordon x Alyx, Chell x GLaDOS
Strong come & go love for these, like I'll get Going once I get warmed up but it takes a bit.
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Have read: 13 books + Unauthorized, original movie & Netflix series.
Not a huge one, but it's fun to poke at now and again.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Have Read: All 5 books and chunks of The World of Ice And Fire.
Will answer ship prompts for: Brienne x Jaime.
Will write for most Starks, everyone else is kinda case by case. Currently in a bit of a lull but this one comes back Hard.
Xenofiction Hell Corner
Warrior Cats up to TPoT, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Wings of Fire
Honestly these are more about the world & OC tinkering, but if you have a burning desire to hear thoughts on canon characters/ships, go nuts?? I guess?
I'm more embarrassed about these than ASOIAF honestly.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 6 months
Well, I finished it, only a day late! You know what that means, don't you?
¡Feliz Dia de los Muertos!
Yeah, 'tis still the season, so I'mma say I made it! XD
This took forever because it is a sliver of a concept that's been kicking in my head for years, but I've not been able to get a plot for other than 'redo the entire series' which I am...not great at. I mean, six seasons? A million characters? I've yet to successfully complete on 50k novel - although hopefully by the end of the month. *knocks on wood* That means this needed a lot of explaining kinda vague concepts in a small space. Hopefully it's not too cerebral.
Also, this totally counts as an entry to the 'Thomas likes unicorns' challenge @alex51324 started however many ages ago before I was even in the fandom. BOOM! I finally got something in!
And now, 'tis time for NANOing! My goals are, as always:
Write 50k
Finish revising the Thomas as Heir fic so I can maybe get it up next year
Finish another small thing or two
Make my minimum word count every day
Outline a new thing that's been chewing on my brain for a bit
Of course, I'm also getting my Covid booster on Friday and that normally sets me On My Ass for a couple of days, and then my Thanksgiving croissant-and-pie schedule looks like it might not be as NANO conducive this year (although it could be worse), so!
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dgcatanisiri · 1 year
I'm basically rambling out loud about the writer-y things that I'll never manage to do, so there's a cut to spare those unconcerned.
I know I keep bringing up that this ridiculous length of my Buffyverse continuation, and how I keep adding to it, but dagnabbit, this is something that kept me going for a long time, and I have an actual genuine enthusiasm for making my development of this universe in some manner be a legitimate THING, even if it's just knowing where things would go, even if they never leave outline stage.
It's also kinda nifty, or at least I think so, to include a few "what if" scenario type miniseries into things. Y'know, things of the "but what if things played out differently?" variety. Like, with the Buffy books, one of my disappointments with them was when the trilogy of "what if Dark!Willow was never stopped?" was put out, but ended up turning back around to the original episodes' ending all the same - the trilogy was about exploring what made this all different, but then just went back to the same original conclusion? (My understanding is that this was editorial mandate and not what the author had wanted, which I fully believe.)
So I get to have these little side stories that actually explore the concept of "everything changes" (or, well, would if I were doing more than brief outlining everything, but, hey, in fantasy world, I get to put all these together). These could never really have happened back in the day, since the actors would need time to breathe and all, and doing a full season of the original show AND a mini-series or two at the same time would definitely have burnt out the actors, but since this is all fantasy, I get to do it anyway!
And I also have bits and pieces that introduce concepts and characters I originally used much later into things - so now it's all a grand connection.
It also means that I'm gonna end up going through things and revamping my original ideas - y'know, oh, I had this idea I don't really like that I can swap out for something better, oh I realize now that this idea kinda fizzled out, maybe I can replace it... Granted, that's gonna be merry hell when I get to the stuff that I'm spinning off to its own separate thing, cuz it ate up time here, and it got these characters an extended major role there, and now it's all going over to its own thing, so that's a major subplot I've got to take out and replace...
I enjoy the writing challenge to it all, apparently having set this aside for the better part of a decade was a good call in coming in with original ideas, but it does frustrate me that this is never going to go beyond my own outlines, cuz... I want to have these in a finished product form!
It also makes me all nostalgic for that virtual continuation/series boom that happened in the mid-2000s. I found a few of them that are at least still accessible and made to save them to my external (which, granted, I may need to start looking into having a backup for my backup, since the thing's gotten to needing a repair scan after every time I transfer it to my laptop and back to my desktop, which does fortunately fix it, but... Well, I have anxiety issues in general). And sure, quantity isn't quality, but y'all know how it is with lost media - it's not necessarily about how good it is so much as saying you have it.
All of this does, however, make me picture that fantasy DVD case for all these things and how monumentally sprawling and out of control it would be to actually account for all these things.
And, y'know, this is just me focusing on the Buffy side of things. I've got a whole bunch of Star Trek spinoffs I could put this focus on, plus a handful of handfuls of others that I'd totally be down for putting together as well.
Dammit, just let me spend my time putting together all the writer-y things I want, from the fanfic-ish to the original! I don't function well as a human being anyway, this would all be to the benefit of us all!
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n7punk · 3 years
You have 60 She-ra fics as well as a running list of fics you intend to write but haven’t yet. Every single one of these has been amazing. But do you ever have any bad ideas? Like any ideas that are so bizarre or so cursed that you’d never write? Is every idea that pops into your mind just amazing or is there also a trash pile where you’ve gone “haha nope, there’s no way I would ever write that”?
Aw, thank you! I do have an "abandoned" folder, though my reasons for abandoning those fics vary. No one bats a hundred, and especially the first story version of some fics tend to be rough and need refinement, but I tend to put those in the fic notes when I discuss the original outlines. These are the fics I have in my abandoned folder (all but the first don't have anything written for them, just outlines) that I'm positive I'm not coming back to (I have a few more I might return to and so I want to hang onto them).
'in waterfalls' was supposed to be an Outside of the War fic (back when the series was titled After the War) exploring a single worldbuilding detail of the Horde's showers, Bright Moon's showers, and Catra adjusting to small luxuries once she joined the rebellion. I abandoned it because a) it was like the 3rd Catradora fic I tried to write and it was shit and b) I managed to cover everything I wanted to cover in it in a number of other OotW fics, particularly 'sense-memory' and 'return from civility'
'Just Add Water' used to be on my AUs list. I've had like... 3 variations of a mermaid AU at this point, but this was the first. It is, specifically, an AU of the Australian TV show "H2O: Just Add Water". In that show (to the best of my memories), three high school best friends find a magic cove on an off-shore island that transforms them into mermaids any time they touch water. In this AU, Adora got pulled out to the island by a riptide while swimming in the ocean at night alone at night (getting in extra training for the swim team she was on at school) and became a mermaid. Bow and Glimmer, who were already mermaids, found her and explained some of how it works to her. Adora swore to keep the existence of mermaids a secret and then became friends with them, which caused friction between her and Catra, who she was in foster care with at Shadow's home (she was fostering them just for the state money). Catra was feeling abandoned, left out of the loop, and hurt as Adora began to spend a ton of time with her mysterious new friends. Catra fell in with Scorpia and Entrapta to fill the void Adora left in her life when she started hanging out with her fellow mermaids. Following a plotline in the original show (again, as I remember it), Catra would then set about trying to entrap Adora into revealing her secret to her. It followed an existing property too closely (I don't like crossovers, I was just a baby dyke and loved the first two seasons of this show), I had no resolution for it, and I've just never had any desire to write the teen drama that it primarily was. Have the summary, but I'm never writing it, and the idea is completely abandoned. The only reason I haven't deleted the summary doc was because I kept meaning to make a post about it.
'knife in her pocket. and a grenade' was a joke title for a Delinquent AU idea I had. I never got far with this idea, I just liked the thought of Adora being a bit of a teen delinquent in the foster system. This was an AU where they knew each other growing up, but they were in the system separately (I had this idea around the time of TOHT, when I made that joke about Adora having a record). I don't like AUs where they don't grow up together, though, and I never really got deeper than this shallow idea before I abandoned it. It was too touchy of a topic, too difficult to write in-character, kinda depressing, etc. Summary: "Adora was the school golden girl, then one day she fell off the face of the Earth. Catra ends up running into her again during her final year of college. Adora has just transferred in from a community college, but is two years behind because she went to juvie. Catra finds out the golden girl she had a massive crush on wasn’t so perfect after all – maybe still isn’t – and didn’t just drop all contact after being her first kiss by her own choice."
"I Like Your New Girlfriend More Than You" is a joke title for an AU that is never getting written, I never intended to actually write, and would get me so much hate from certain shippers that I don't even want to give the true summary, but it's such a messy idea that I find it very entertaining. These letters don't match up with people's initials, I'm just assigning them in order of when their name first appears in the summary, but basically, Person A hooks up with Person B regularly until B decides they're too hung up on Person C and breaks it off with A. B is friends with Person D and finds D hot but has no actual feelings for anyone but C. B reintroduces A and D to each other at a party, where B flirts with D in front of A and C trying to make C jealous to determine if their feelings are mutual. They are and B and C start dating. A and D start hooking up after the party as well. D has feelings for A and vice versa, but D thinks A is just with them as some kind of revenge thing trying to get back at B for moving on even though there were never any feelings between them and it was purely a sex thing. Eventually they talk about this and A and D begin actually dating. That's it, that's the fic, it's from the Gia Woods song "New Girlfriend". The title isn't actually accurate since no one is really dating in this until A & D and B & C get together at the end, but I never came up with a real title after having the idea since I was never writing it anyway. I'd have to completely turn my inbox off, possibly for forever.
And finally, the truly bad/cursed fic. 'blood on my name' is a fic I have referred to as 'the grimdark au'. I'm never writing it and it's a super dark canon divergent AU. It spins off from that moment in season 4 where Glimmer says that it's Adora's fault her mother is gone. I can't say what happens next without needing massive trigger warnings, but lets leave it at this: healing her own injuries took so much energy that She-ra couldn't do it while shackled by the sword. It's a rough ride all the way through. It's a bad idea (parts of it are good, but overall.... nah) and it's never going to be real.
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Fic Writer Ask
I was tagged by @samirant and it's as if she knew I am desperate to procrastinate writing.
Name: Kira - nire & lesserfeelings on ao3
Fandoms I write for: Uhm hm. For the past two years, mostly Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (GoT/ASoIaF canon mishmash), but in the last three months or so I've been drowning in Vincenzo/Hong Cha Young and I'm still not sure how that happened. I also have a couple of Zuko/Katara (AtLA) fics I still need to finish.
Two-shot: 26th of june is a two-parter series set in the season finale of Vincenzo, and it's kind of a mostly canon-compliant fix-it where he doesn't make any edgy fourth-wall breaking speech and instead spends the night with Cha Young, damn it. The first part is T-rated, fade to black. The second part is... the part that got faded to black in the first part.
Most popular multi-chapter: Oh, easily A Good Match, though that one is in joint custody with @slipsthrufingers. For a fic I wrote solo, it would be Waiting on a Steady Sun.
Actual worst part of writing: When I know I just have to push through and there's no easy way around it, but it's so damn hard to focus and everything I write (feels like it) sucks. Also, scene/chapter/fic endings. Last lines are hard.
How you choose you chapter titles: I don't, usually.
Do you outline? Not if it's a oneshot, usually. Yes if it's a multi-chapter, but that outline can usually fit in one post-it because it consists of a short bullet list with general beats I want to hit. I've tried detailed outlines before and it killed the fic. My brain just starts assuming the story's done because I've figured it all out. Never again.
Ideas I probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: Hmm. I've contemplated a post-war Fire Lord Zuko/Fire Lady Katara fertility problems fic because I want to explore the frailty of the monarchy system especially when there's no viable heir to the throne, and maybe see how Zuko deals with the post-war instability and war reparations, but that seems... a bit too work-intensive for me to do lately in my almost no brain state. Also will be very sad in parts. But wouldn't it be nice?
Callouts @ me: he smiles she smiles he grins she smirks he looks at her she looks away hands move here and there also laughs and chuckles. Please stop stage directing your character too much and yet all the same, you numpty.
Best writing trait: Hmm. I've been told I'm good at maintaining tension in a scene, and I think I am quite good at that. I also enjoy snapping that tension when it's time to snap it.
Spicy tangential opinions: hm most of my opinions aren't spicy. uhhhh people can write any fiction they want as long as tagged and warned correctly, and writing/consuming dark fiction doesn't have anything to do with one's moral values? i guess that's kinda spicy considering a lot of fandom is increasingly into hayes code again lately.
I'm gonna tag: @slpytea @eryiscrye @stutteringpeach @rosetintednerdglasses @trynatalktou @xtreasure @sunsoothed @ahenix and you, if you want to do this, yes you. Consider yourself tagged.
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
yeah whatever portmanteaus make me feel something other than manic depression
i know i've been pretty gogogo on mesh network (a lie, but one i tell myself so it's true) but I do want to make some headway into my other WIPs. so here's where i'm at.
Top Priority
mesh network - almost finished with ch3, should be up today. i've got most of the story fleshed out in outline form (skeletoned out?) and i've been thinking of this AU for two years straight so it's coming pretty naturally to me.
30 for 300 follower celebration - there's only 4 of 30 slots taken so far. but i'm gonna get on those soon. still gotta make a masterlist for it. [adds to todoist]
belated af birthday fic for lellow - it's over 6.7k right now, but the latter half is super montagey and i'm trying to ramp myself up into being a story glider again. feel like a terrible friend, it's been four months.
Middling Priority
TBAD - chapter 7 is started (like around 3k rn) but I'm still feeling kind of directionless with the series as a whole. paranoid evil depression brain says i bit off more than I could chew. may do a reread once birthday fic is done to ~rekindle the love~
triptych - I have all of four paragraphs written for chapter 8. the end of the previous chapter kind of fucked up the initial timeline i'd had for this act of the story. i think i'm seeing a bit of a pattern with me avoiding writing smut lol.
art of second place - outline made, ch9 not started. it's a bit faster paced/covers a lot more time than previous chapters, so it's kind of outside of my current writing style. this chapter ends with the beloathed Plot returning. could be the reason for the block.
slut djarin - kinda lost in the weeds for ch7. there's two huge monologues in it, one of which will have a lot of hilarious wild smut, there's an orgy planned, and then a lot of plot happens which isn't really the point of the fic. thinking of starting from scratch and doing it kind of how i did the first three chapters (writing while watching, pausing to get lines correct, tedious but keeps me in the moment)
(other account) tusken din - whoo boy. where this current book (2 of 4) is sitting at, it's at over 26k and we aren't even like officially halfway through the season itself. this one's supposed to be a romance but it's really more of a solid coming of age tale. may pull back and revise from on high, or i might just try powering through to the very end. the document is very long and very intimidating.
collab with katee - still in outline mode, we're both very busy with very amazing and indulgent stories so i get it, but I wanna put some kind of oomph toward it. perhaps this weekend if i'm not too worn out.
Low Priority/On Hold
flicker 2 - max is on a business trip from his usual job of being my muse. also i don't really wanna write anxiety that's not mesh network
flicker 3 - this has three words in the outline: "the collaring one" and again (see above) smut issues
mando!reader/civilian!din - issues with din's role. considering just leaning into the absurdity of it and making him go full y/n and be a medicmechanicbabysitterpilot who's never held a gun. i think playing with that game would be fun.
bobadinnec wingfic - premise mostly written, still a lot of emotional heavy lifting to hammer out.
catboy javi g - officially delegated to Things To Handle After 4/22
whiskey/psychic!ofc - i love you joey and i think of you every time i paint my nails blue i just cannot concentrate on this many things
slow burn din/reader - at this point it's just a twinkle in my eye but i think it has potential, if i can dedicate enough time/effort to it. at this point in my life, i cannot.
daddy frank castle - it's more of a personal character study of him rather than something i'd want to share. it's rough and messy and doesn't really have a reason for existing. if you'd like to see it anyway please let me know.
Misc Housekeeping
moreno tentacles - this one's 4k and ready to go but i have a blood pact with katee that is as yet unfulfilled so i shall respect my blood brother and hang onto this.
that's all! please submit more 30 for 300 drabble ideas!
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twdsunshine · 2 years
Hiiii 🖤 I hope you don't mind me asking (I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, just curious), do you have a plan for like, what's posting when or what order you're going to be working on things? Just wondering what's coming up that I need to watch out for 😂😂 I hope that's not rude to ask.
Heyyy, sweet Anon! Not rude at all, I promise 🖤 And, yes, I do have a rough plan of when I'm gonna be working on things, so I'll give you a quick run through it if that helps.
So, Blood & Magicks is obviously ongoing. I'm halfway through writing chapter 21 at the moment, so I'm well ahead, and just kinda dipping in and out of it as I get flashes of inspiration. It's such a long project that it's currently scheduled to finish on 7th May next year which is a little insane, so that will just keep posting on Sundays for the foreseeable future.
I've been working on Broken, which I have now decided will run to 12 parts instead of 10 because I have no self-control and it keeps getting away from me. I've just finished writing part 8 of that, so I have 4 parts left to go, and I'm pretty determined to get that finished over the next week or so. That series will wrap up on 18th April.
I then have 6 drabble requests waiting: 5 Daryl x Reader; 1 Rick x OFC. I'll probably crack on with those as soon I've finished writing Broken cos I don't like feeling like people are waiting on me. Luckily, they never take too long as they can be as long or short as I like really, and they don't require much of a plot or anything. Those will just be posted as I get them done.
After that, I have two main projects I want to start on - I'm currently not sure which I want to work on first. Whichever I choose will begin posting on 25th April, most likely.
- One is the third and final mini-series in my Prison AU trilogy (following on from In Dark Corners and Wide Open Spaces). It will be called The World At Our Feet. It's been years since I wrote about Lexi and Daryl, so I'm hoping people still care enough to want to know how their story ends.
- The other is a Negan mini-series called Little Miss, which will be based on the song Little Miss by Sugarland. I haven't really done much for Negan since I've reopened this blog, and I feel like there are a lot of followers here mainly for Negan content, but I'm just finding it a little hard to write him at the moment. I'm currently doing a series rewatch, so I'm hoping when I get to Season 7 I'll find my way with him again.
There's also a Supernatural mini-series idea that I've started to write called Along For The Ride, but that's taken a back seat at the moment cos I need to rewatch a couple of episodes before I feel confident to press on with it. So, that will be coming at some point, but I'm not sure when just yet.
Aaaaand I'll be working on one-shots as and when too. I finished one earlier this week called Choices, a Daryl x Reader which will be posting on 9th March. I have another Daryl one in the works called Ghost Of You which may well be the next one I finish so will post towards the end of March. Any others will depend on what sort of inspiration strikes or possibly new episodes from season 11 because I am loving that so far.
I mean, honestly, I have a document called Fic Ideas which has 9 ideas for series and/or mini-series outlined right now. One of them is an AU which I'm particularly excited about, but I think it may be a little out there for some people. Then I have 3 other WIPs outlined in more detail, or even started, that have been sitting in my drafts for a while or have been inspired by drabbles that I want to build into full stories.
So, yeah. That got a little long, but I am always so, so happy and excited to talk about what I'm working on and what's coming up. If anyone ever wants more info about my WIPs, just holler, cos it gives me so much motivation 😊 Thank you so much for asking!!
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