#i've had some kh burnout lately but i'm glad i got this out as a slight outlet for all my amnesiac sora bs
a tiny new addition to my Data Sora&Riku in riku’s phone crack fics. this one isn’t totally crack tho smh. The paragraph breaks don't always indicate a change in speaker, bc I'm a little shit like that, so oops if it's impossible to tell who's speaking when.
ao3 Summary: Very short interaction between Riku and Data Riku, regarding Sora's memory loss. Issue is, which one?
Riku looked down at his phone on his lap, then away again.
"It's not the end of the world."
"Sora forgot me."
"Sora forgot me, too."
"I know. You're me, from back then."
"But I'm not you. Have you forgotten? Sora and I had our own adventure in the datascape back home."
Vague recognition entered Riku's eyes, for only a second.
"When all was said and done, I told everyone that the journal, and all of its data, would be reset. And it was. Everyone in the datascape, everyone Sora and I had met, even Sora himself—they all forgot."
Riku frowned, but suddenly his eyes focused and snapped to Data Riku's. "They?"
"I didn't. But I told everyone that I would. I told Sora I would. And seeing him, talking to him, being with him, knowing he'd forgotten all that we'd been through—"
Data Riku took a deep breath.
"I was so scared. I knew Sora had grown a heart. But we lived in a world of data. When data is erased, you can't just 'remember' it. It's gone."
A breath.
"I thought Sora's memories would be gone, too. But Sora came through."
Data Riku looked into Riku's eyes with purpose. "Sora always comes through."
Riku took in a shaky breath and slowly leaned back, resting on the bench. He slowly breathed out. His eyes glistened, but there was hope in them nonetheless.
"Yeah." Both Rikus had to smile at the thought of Sora. "That's how he is."
jotted this down bc i CAN'T get enough of amnesiac sora oml. this is kinda working with the idea that sora's memories of riku have been lost or mixed up. (how did riku find out? hell if i know. if sora's dreaming while in stasis, and riku dove in or something and realized someone had photoshopped him out of sora's key memories, ummm)
i also can't get enough of Data Riku and his FUCKING PARTITIONS. little fucker just resets the whole journal and then pretends it's completely normal to just NOT be reset, himself. and so does everyone else (in-game lol) and it pisses me off! wtf!! whyyyyyy (edit: data riku did eventually become reset too but towards the actual end of the game)
and Riku's line about "the me back then" refers to Riku assuming Data Riku has the "memories" or data of the aftermath of Chain of Memories. And Riku is also assuming Sora's memories of Riku must have been lost in that time, too, though we know Sora never truly forgot Riku despite everything.
UGH wHY are all the memory concepts such ANGST and they are RIPE for the soriku plucking, fr. i'm TELLING youuuuu all that shit from CoM and recoded is gonna come for our soriku asses with a VENGEANCEEE
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