#white sora forgot. why is that a thing. like what FOR
forgotten-lumis · 1 year
So. Who wants to watch me go insane about Chain of Memories and the necklace theory? Usually I just do this in private but I'm feeling a little bold today so... here we are. Also I cannot find anyone posting about this picture??? Maybe I'm just blind but I swear we need to talk about this more-
The kh2 intro in itself could just all be about what happens to Sora's memories. We start off with seeing the island/Riku/Kairi being what I'm assuming is "forgotten", they turn into dust then dissapear into blankness in a way that reverse-parallels a later scene when he's "remembering". See here:
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Aftrer that, theres a bunch of scenes and the end of kh1 gets recapped (from the start of Hollow Bastion) and that section ends with Sora closing the door with Riku and saying goodbye to Kairi. (Maybe as a way to both recap, but also show the memories he's forgotten? When he fights the heartless they turn into the same sand material at the beginning of the intro, and Sora disappears into a sort of white light when hes promising Kairi of his return, which is followed by showing her aged-up, current appearance, as if to possibly show how she's forgotten about him? She also phases from her previous look to her current one with a transition that uses the sandy material. This part is a lot of speculation and personal interpretation, so please take what I say with a grain of salt and try to come up with your own interpretations.) Sora then chases Riku around up some stairs/Riku chases Sora up some stairs, and I think could totally represent Castle Oblivion, and them trying to find eachother there. Riku also has revered gravity at a point and is running on the opposite side of the spiral upside down, which could show his whole "reverse-rebirth" darkness journey, and Sora fights heartless and stuff to reach him (These also turn into the swirling dust material like they did earlier). We are shown their corresponding Castle Oblvion battles with Marluxia/Ansem before Sora opens the door to reach Naminé.
Things start getting really interesting here. First off, theres the scene with Sora in The Egg™️ and Sora being put into it by Naminé.
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We get her telling him something we can't hear and he falls asleep so she can fix his memories. Then there's the scene that reverses the one earlier where everything fades out, and instead, it all fades back, but as "pieces" this time, as if it's being, you know... pieced back together and Sora returns to the island he lost/forgot earlier when it faded from his memory.
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And after that, Sora gets to meet his freinds on the beach again. It's very nice and sweet, so very happy for him. But he hasn't actully met them in game yet and they are still wearing their kh1 outfits, despite the fact we have seen Kairi's future appearance already in the intro (Although they just might not wanna spoil Riku- but still. I dont think the shows the actul reunion), so this is probably just him "reuniting" with his memories of them, aka remembering. Hes also holding hands with both of them, which might be showing how his connections to them helped him to remember/return/Naminé put his memories back together?
It's after this is the part that Namine just decides to do whatever this this- like- ok here lemme show you-
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Excuse me??? What the heck is that? Someone just- ugh- Okay so I'm going to assume that you already know about the necklace theory and its relation to CoM when I go on this rant, here, if you dont I would highly reccomend reading the resources I have listed later down. But- Why the crown made larger? Why is it the only thing in the whole drawing that is outlined? Why is it yellow? (Like its... glowing...? A light? Within darkness? Sorry lmao one second, we'll get to that.) Is only shown for a moment as Naminé closes her sketchbook, finished with whatever it is she had been doing (Cough- piecing Sora's memories back together, cough-) She's now done fixing them, and the way it is shown makes it seem like this is the thing she used to do it, or maybe just that this is Sora's light in the darkness that she intended for him to find. She had a different drawing out before he got Egged, but when she finishes putting them back, this is the last thing she has. A drawing of Sora, asleep, with a giant, very intentionally-attention-drawing, possibly glowing, crown necklace over his heart.
Like, I'm sorry, but that is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS?
Especially if you consider what she says to him in Chain of Memories:
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"You made a precious (taisetsu) promise with an irreplaceable person."
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"That is your light. Light within the Darkess."
Like, oh boy, I wonder what she could be referring to. Especially after seeing- that-
(Disclaimer: I do not speak Japanese fluently at all. If my translations are messed up, someone please tell me IMMIDIETLY and I will fix it. Thank you!)
(I chose to put the Japanese text here and translate it to show that she doesnt use feminine pronouns at all here. She uses "hito" (人) which just means person, and unlike the English, where she uses "she", no gendered pronouns are used.)
But wow, a precious promise, huh? A light within the darkness? Shown in the intro as Sora's memories of his freinds literally being pieced back together, by Naminé, as her page is open to a drawing of Sora with a glowing crown necklace.
What could it mean?
Resources: (Concluding thoughts are posted below)
Steam's AMAZING theory post:
Some CoM Translatios that are quite mind-blowing and just add more context to the whole "taisetsu"/pronouns thing:
Part 1:
Part 2:
(Warning: These Documents are quite large and may be difficult to open on your phone. That didn't exactly stop me from doing so so idk what I'm on about but- hshshhs)
And there really is a lot of strangeness/nuance when it comes to this whole situation. Sora probably attributed the recovery of his memories to Kairi, and remembering her probably did help him recover a lot if not most of them. Though, saying that the memory of her was the light in the darkness that Naminé was talking about... theres a lot of evidence against that. It really just lines up with the necklace theory all too well. The talk of a "precious promise" that is Sora's light in the darkness, the intro showing her piercing his memories back together, Namine's drawing of his GLOWING CROWN NECKLACE directly after she's done this- ugh.
Also the use of "blankness" here, like a blank canvas. Castle Oblivion (aka Castle of Forgetting) being completely white and blank, almost as of it represents a lack of memories/experience, and the way you add color to it is through using the memories stored on the cards to open doors. Or the way that Naminé's canvas is blank until she draws out the memories onto the page.
But yeah, these are just my thoughts on the matter. I hadn't seen anyone post about how Naminé's drawing and the weird "piecing back together" transition in the intro were probably related, and I just wanted a spot to put my thoughts down so I guess that's what this is. I hope you enjoyed my insanity, and god these games make me go INSANE-
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Magician’s Chessboard 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Release date: 5th June, 2023
Character(s): Aoba Tsumugi, Sakasaki Natsume, Harukawa Sora
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Sora: Eh~? Why is that so? Sora doesn’t quite get it.
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Season: Summer
Location: StarPro Office Conference Room
Tsumugi: Let me see… mm, the plan will be as follows. Natsume-kun, Sora-kun, do you have anything you’d like to add?
Sora: Sora thinks it’s fine as is~
Natsume: Senpai, didn’t you tell us you’re wrapping up that fashion designer job for that new clothing brand soon? Why are these arrangements on the itinerary?
Tsumugi: Ah! I almost forgot to tell you about it. The client had commissioned me to design an outfit for them, but since it was my first time accepting this type of work, I felt a little uneasy and hoped Anzu-chan could give me some pointers.
She suggested that I provide the brand with some alternate drafts, so that with some examples they can pick and choose from, communication would be smoother. It’ll be easier to make adjustments this way, too.
In the end, they seemed rather satisfied with my designs, and hoped to launch the black and white versions at the same time. That’s why the total time needed increased.
Sora: Huhu~ It sounds amazing, as expected of Senpai ♪
Natsume: Hmmm…… These outfits draw inspiration from ‘Swan Lake’, right? The commercial should make reference to that theme as well.
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About the idols that will star in the commercial… does the brand have anyone in mind? At the end of the day, they are new, and it is their first commercial, so… I don’t think it’ll make much of a difference whether they star a protagonist or a narrator.
Tsumugi: Mhm. I’ve already taken a look at the tentative script. For the ‘W Series’, the white outfit, it seems like they intend on inviting Eichi-kun and co. After all, the impression that fine gives people is one of purity and innocence.
As for the ‘B Series’, the one with black as its main theme… maybe they’ll invite UNDEAD, or one of Cos Pro’s idols?
Natsume: The original protagonist of ‘Swan Lake’ is the white swan Odette. Considering that the majority tend to prefer the bright and innocent side of things… as a new company I think they should focus on promoting the ‘W Series’. That would be the safest option.
Tsumugi: Wrong answer~ This time, both black and white outfits will be launched together, and will get equal time in the spotlight ♪
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Natsume: Don’t interrupt my train of thought, you oblivious glasses-wearing human mop!
In short, as long as people can’t see eye to eye on things, they will be sure to argue amongst themselves.
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Even if there’s actually no need to attack each other, as long as the first waves of disputes have been triggered… there will always be some sort of push force – be it the pursuit of profit, or the desire to triumph over others – that will cause the situation to worsen.
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Sora: Eh~? Why is that so? Sora doesn’t quite get it.
Tsumugi: Haha, to be very honest I don’t understand what Natsume-kun is talking about either. Our conversation topic changed into something else entirely…?
Natsume: Nevermind, it’s nothing. I’m just musing to myself.
Speaking of which… as the designer, Senpai should be one of the first to know about the casting, right? I am very interested in this commercial, so when that time comes be sure to let me know immediately ♪
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Going through the Digimon tag on my blog, I came across the post for Mimato Year by @mimatoweek from last year. I had promised in the tags to participate but then totally forgot about it (oops!). Last year in February I had an idea for March/White Day, and reading the post, I once again had one for it (though it's probably not the same).
Anyway, here's my little ficlet for White Day, I hope you like it!
Clean and neat
Word Count: 607 Audience: General Additional tags: swearing
„You should wear white“, Mimi said off-hand while painting her nails a vibrant green colour.
Yamato, who’d been sitting on his bed strumming his bass, blinked. „I have no idea what you’re talking about.“ He looked up to see her still only paying attenttion to her nails and not even giving him so much as a glance.
„Duh! I mean for your video shoot of course! It would look so cool if you were all wearing white. I was thinking maybe tuxedos but that would be way too formal. You’re still a rock band after all. But white blazers and tee-shirts, white chino pants and white sneakers would be the way to go. I can see you performing in an otherwise all-black environment like in that new Halestorm video, The Church or The Steeple or something. You know, I’m not a big rock fan but Sora likes them and this song is absolute killer, as I guess you would say. – Or would all-white be better? With black you’d of course had a stark contrast but with white it would look all clean and neat…“
While Mimi was still rambling, creating the vision of Knife of Day’s next music video as she was talking, Yamato got up to put his bass away. He closed the clasps on the case before padding across the room to where Mimi was sitting on his desk, legs dangling in sync to her musings.
His initial reaction to her idea had been to snort. Knife of Day wearing white! How ridiculous! They were a bonafide rock band whose members wore nothing but black, a bit of leather, here and there some checkered slippers, and maybe a bit of blood red or deep dark blue. But white? No way!
But the longer Mimi’s ramble went the more the idea grew on him. He could see it before him, his bandmates and him in a bright white room, similar to The Hives in their Walk Idiot Walk video. Their style would be somewhere between formal and casual, like Mimi had described. Maybe there were accents with some red flower petals floating around but otherwise it would be just like she had said: clean and neat.
He reached her now, standing before her. Her dangling feet hitting his legs lightly finally made her look up. She tilted her head curiously, halting in painting her video vision in the brightest (or better say) whitest colours. But before she could ask why he had suddenly come over she was stopped short by a kiss from Yamato. It started out tenderly but grew more and more intense, Mimi entangling her legs so that Yamato could press his body against hers, reassuringly and needily.
Coming up for air, both faces flushed red to the hairline, Mimi still managed a cheeky grin. „What was that for, Casanova? Not that I don’t enjoy kissing you. On the contrary, I do very much indeed. But that seemed a little random.“
Yamato shook his head as an answer, the wisps of his fringe falling into his eyes. „It was not random at all. This was for your brilliant idea for our new music video. It’s perfect. I couldn’t have come up with a better concept.“
Mimi smiled, it swung somewhere between the expression of a cat that got the cream and genuine gratitude over his compliment. „You know you can trust me in all things fashion“ she said with a toothy grin before her face turned soft. „And I’d be more than happy to help you set it up.“
Yamato replied with a similarly soft smile. Then he said „I hadn’t expected anything less.“
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Pretty Cures! We have two of them now! And a fifth episode! Whoa!
Getting all the early episode conflicts outta the way. Should be plenty of fun! And if not, hey~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Handwritten letters!
-Bebop really said "Fuck that, I ain't doin' that shit."
-Sora really be doin' night terrors.
-Got lazered to death.
-See, my nightmares are usually a lot less direct than that.
-Man, it's so funny to me that sweet superheroine Sora's now sharing a TV block with Compulsive Liar Ace Ukiyo and "King of Evil" Gira.
-This is why Toei gets superheroes. They run the whole spectrum.
-Oh fuck, more ancient legends about monsters.
-Legendary Warrior Pretty Cure. There she is again.
-If I recall correctly, we've had at least one person bearing that title every season since Tropical Rouge.
-I wonder if these ancient superheroes have like a trade union?
-Riku!Kuuga, Cure Empress, and all the ancient Kyoryugers in a bingo tournament and debating where their royalties are gonna go.
-Ozone Baby's princess magic.
-Ohhhh, Sora's really antsy to get back, huh?
-"How adorable~!"
-This guy's been real patient with Pteragordon.
-Free food...
-This lady must be our boss.
-Mashiro doesn't believe in copyright infringement.
-Okay, I'm sorry, I should be taking this seriously. but I can't see this empty stretch of road without immediately thinking of that Invader Zim scene.
-You know exactly what I'm talking about.
-She needs to train.
-Ohhhhhhhh, here it comes.
-"I like trains."
-Holy shit, they thinned him.
-He somehow looks even more terrifying.
-Please stand behind the white line, Pretty Cure.
-"Back off, bitches! We're now departing, full speed ahead! ...I wonder if they'll let us on the Shadow Line?"
-Hero Time, once more!
-Thaaaaat's the stuff.
-All alone, Hero Gal?
-Hell yeah Mashiro. Show 'em whatcha got.
-Baby Mandala.
-Ew, no, don't lick your lips.
-First friend...
-The path of a hero is a lonely one.
-No man is an island, Sky-chan.
-Better to lose on your own than let Prism put herself in danger, huh?
-Oh, here he comes!
-"Oh, just typical! You know I'm not gonna leave you alone, right!?"
-"YES! Thank you for realizing that!"
-Fast train.
-"No Elle-chan, your two extra moms aren't fighting! See, getting along perfectly~!"
-Hit by the train.
-No other word for it than "friend".
-I personally would've said "destined" but y'know.
-Live Elle-chan Reaction.
-She acknowledges her partnership~!
-Futari wa! Pretty Cure!
-Lots and lots of callbacks.
-Oh shit, trinkets.
-Sky Blue! Prism White!
-Motherfucker Dipped
-PreCure! Updraft Shining!
-"Breakfast is ready, darling~!"
-Futari Wa! PreCure!
-Manatsu, baby, it has been SO FUCKING COLD OUT these past few months, you gotta motivate me to think about pina coladas, cheeseburgers, mermaids, beachy things!
-...oh yeah, Sora's technically an illegal immigrant, I forgot about that.
-Anyways, Episode 6, can't wait~!
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I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before
[5:53 AM]But a couple weeks back and even last night
[5:54 AM]My anxiety has reached a point where it has literally made me vomit if I don't do anything
[5:54 AM]Quite literally. If I do not leave my room I will feel like the vomiting
[5:54 AM]This makes it extremely crucial
[5:54 AM]I really think I have reached the worst point in my life
[5:54 AM]I am genuinely quite sick
[5:55 AM]I think to myself about better times in my life
[5:55 AM]Like semester one last year or 2021 in general
[5:55 AM]But it is important to remember that I will never get that time back
[5:56 AM]Also, I must remember that I'm not famous like Robin Williams. I know he killed himself despite being a very funny person. I should not take inspiration from his story. What I should take is a lesson.
[5:56 AM]Knowing that some people may not be happy despite being some of the funniest people.
[5:57 AM]I must take this as a point of reflection. This is because if I want to help people, I have to be compassionate. Being drunk prevents me from being compassionate.
[5:58 AM]Next Wednesday I have a really good opportunity, one of the best in my life.
[5:58 AM]I have the chance to do a student profile for the University of Melbourne
[5:58 AM]I want to work towards it. I want to work towards it such that when someone searches up the name [Redacted], they can see the post and then they can think differently of me
[5:59 AM]My alcoholism is the only thing that stops me from really achieving that
[5:59 AM]To be honest, My room is my biggest trigger
[5:59 AM]Once I leave my room,
[5:59 AM]I lose all of my necessity to vomit from anxiety
[6:00 AM]And most of my necessity to drink
[6:00 AM]Not saying that it doesn't happen outside
[6:00 AM]But my room is a terrible place
I remind myself of last year. I went to [Redacted] to help [Redacted]. Back then I was so judgmental. I thought he was in such a terrible place. Only now do I realize how difficult alcoholism can be.
[6:02 AM]I don't think anyone will be coming around to help me. In this case, I have to help myself. I know that will power is a very difficult thing to use psychologically.
[6:02 AM]But I have to try
[6:06 AM]I have to try for the most important people in my life: [Redacted]
[6:08 AM]Man, Just listing out these people makes me sad. Makes me realize how many people I have let down. Pretty much none of them know this except for [Redacted] and [Redacted].
I can think of individual reasons why each person would like me to continue living.
[6:10 AM]Let me try to end on a good note here
[6:10 AM]Not too sure if this will sound extremely pathetic
[6:10 AM]But I forgot to mention Sora
[6:16 AM]I've practically already forgotten about them. I don't treat them like any kind of existence. They just exist in my room. It has no feelings, but if it did, it would probably cry about living in this disgusting situation. I have not really given it a proper housewarming party yet. I will do so today.
So I called alcoholics anonymous for the first time in my life I was a little bit afraid because in popular media I had mostly seen them as a Christian religious cult However, the person that responded to me, Anthony, was an alcoholic himself. He reassured me that he has no intention of trying to tell me about Christianity. As much as some people find solace and religion. It's really about people that are struggling. In fact, what I've noticed in the last year is that the only people that I can relate to, and the people that I will vehemently support and protect. Are my fellow addicts Because so many people don't know how hard it fucking is When you are trying so much But society will dismiss you as a worthless person who does not have self-control. I will try to attend one of the AA meetings today. I know that most of them are going to be white Australians But at least I know that there are all people that are suffering and are trying to make it better. I want to be around people like that Everywhere in uni I see people that are better than me. People that work hard. It's almost like watching porn. People that are perfect. People that have no problems in life except maybe studying a little bit. I want to be like them but it doesn't seem realistic. Maybe it's because I'm in the University of [Redacted].
So I just finished Alcoholics anonymous.
It was interesting listening to all of their stories
[1:18 PM]But to be honest, a lot of them are just daydrinkers
[1:18 PM]Some of them had a couple years of sobriety. Some of them had 90 days. Some of them drank last night
[1:18 PM]But the chairperson was interesting
[1:18 PM]Her name is [Redacted]
[1:18 PM]She looks like she's maybe in her late 20 years early 30s
[1:18 PM]And she's kind of hot
[1:19 PM]I think I'm going to be going next Saturday
[1:19 PM]I finna rizz up the alcoholics anonymous chick
[1:19 PM]This feels like breaking bad but in real life
0 notes
rubywithin · 1 year
Who to Trust? 6
-Ding dong- I looked up at a nearby monitor and saw the estimated time of death and cause of it. His death was by drowning! but whoever did it seemed to of hit him in the head with the snooker cue first. And claimed I was the one who wanted to meet him in a note, looks like I have been set up as the fall guy. I can’t let my nerves get to me....if everyone thinks I’m under pressure they will be convinced it is me! (Gina) “I would like to point out that me and Ein entered Yuga’s room and he had the picture of Ein”. As expected, (Yuri) “Sorry Ein but I must also point out you took a snooker cue from the shop” (Ellie) “-Gulp- Also it had a red end”. Huh....I didn’t pay attention to that, (Ein) “Mr Hedgy, can you confirm or deny me holding a cue earlier today?” (Hedgy) “Hehehe nope, I will not give out any information that gets in the way of the killer’s plan!”. I’m sure everyone is doubting me even more, I decided to start looking around!
I need to know about the snooker cue’s....I arrived at the shop hmm blue, yellow, green, white and black. I see so they are all different colours I wish I payed attention to the colour I took....Ellie says red but that one was used last night! While I definitely took out my one after the incident since Hedgy gave us a warning. (Yuri) “Hey Ein sorry for pointing out you taking the cue I just thought it was best everyone had that info”. (Ein) “I understand, the issue is someone else took one and definitely had one on me earlier!”. I told him what happened he did not seem too doubt me, I decided to go back to my room. I checked under my bed....the cue is gone, I had to check something with Ellie. I went over to her room she seemed tense...have I lost her trust? (Ein) “Do you still have your weapon Ellie?” she took out a golf club, I felt relived. I remembered the rule about having to swap objects so this convinced me Ellie wasn’t framing me!
(Ellie) “Ein if its you....please just confess” (Ein) “So you think I did it?...” I started to walk away! (Ellie) “Yuga was clearly hit with the cue you had and I was there when he wanted to talk....I’m sure he told you about you being his suggested killer Ein. Also the fact you just slept after the warning....I’m sorry but everyone else was panicking...you are just too suspicious!”. (Ein) “Then I guess I have to try and find out the truth alone!” I decided to go over to Yuga’s room and inside were Kyoya and Tetsuya, (Kyoya) “Come to try and destroy some evidence?”. I Decided to just ignore him and check under his bed, as expected the cue was there and it was orange. Looks like the killer moved it from my room to Yuga’s I guess everyone is too convinced its me to even monitor what each other is doing. (Tetsuya) “Hey Kyoya me and you shouldn’t be doubting Ein on this one since we had a late night!”
(Kyoya) “Shut up Tetsuya....so what if we talked for a while what has that got to do with Ein?” (Tetsuya) “Oh I forgot you aren’t as observant as me, well Yuga died at about 20 past 1 right. I decided to get us a snack at about at about 1.15 and Ein’s door was locked, while Aurel’s, Naruma’s, Sora’s, Annabelle’s and Laura’s rooms weren’t!”. (Ein) “How do you know who’s door’s are locked?” he smiled (Tetsuya) “Simple the eyes on the nameplate close plus the doors can only be locked from the inside!”. Wait a second....so earlier Yuga’s door may not of even been locked, Gina practically noticed that picture instantly. Did whoever kill Yuga put the picture on display? Whoever did this was going through people’s rooms without a care....if only we were more vigilant! (Ein) “Sorry Tetsuya but you just admitted you left right before the murder why should I not think its you?”. (Tetsuya) “Ah beautiful move Me Detective well my counter play is....” (Kyoya) “Me, him and Sora discovered the body, it is announced when three of us find a body. I can’t imagine them counting the killer as someone who discovered a body” Tetsuya sighed but this info helps me narrow things down to 4 people I guess.
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soranihimawari · 2 years
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#(getting into trigun i read the scanlation and so i wanna make sure no one else ever experiences the same thing)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Casualty of Love
You meet at the age of nine; go through the trials of growing up; only to realize you too are a casualty of love
Rating: angst to fluff
Timeskip!Bokuto x yn x timeskip!Akaashi
Everything and everyone is going thru it
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Many athletes know the risk of playing the game that they love. This is the story of how this lesson is learned between two individuals who, for lack of better words, find their way back to each other through a series of extenuating circumstances...
At summer camp, when you were no younger than nine, you meet your first friend. He was this boisterous fellow with a charming grin and platinum blonde hair. You extend your hand to him when you introduce each other by the proxy of the counselors in charge of your age group. Apparently, all the other children were having the time of their lives without you four. It's not your fault no one wanted to learn how to swim today, the weather just had other plans. Play time and free time were tied into one blissful three hour period. You sit across the play area, fidegting with your hands as you try to come up with a good (yet politely formal) way to say hello. Although he beats you to the introductions, he by passes your hand and goes straight into a hug. He explains you look pretty like his older sisters. This was something that greatly amused you.
So why does he always seem to flirt with the reporters or members of the fan clubs during the spring inter high? Does he not think the past decade was a trial run on a friendship built over graham crackets and cicadas photo taking? Did he forget who was there when he scraped his knee in the volleyball court he’d one day earn millions in? Or! Or the one instance you forgot your umbrella and he hands you his spare clean one green from last September? No. Of course not, you think. Not when she’s around him and all you shared with him is magnified by the promise of a ring in white gold.
“Hey, YN! Over here! What’s—hey?” He jogs up to you, still beaming, but when he sees how his world cries, he makes a damning choice. “Sunshine? What’s wrong?”
The congratulations you want to say is forgotten the moment he realizes everything happens in reverse. Your face falters for a moment and the world you wished to be a part of expectantly close it’s door. It’s why you don’t come around readily anymore; the way he eyes find his current fiancé first better finding you; and though neither you nor him are mind readers perhaps asking you to be the stand-in for her was what made you keep your distance.
“I was your embers,” you tilt your head to one side, lips trembling into a wonky smile. “Not your shade of gold, huh? Congrats on the win Bo.”
He drops his hands to the side clearly seeing how you seem to have let go of all hope; you love him enough to let him go. Your name king sent under the shadow of the star. Yet you are tethered to the sunshine, you who at one point was unamused by the grandeur of being with the MSBY team, are the first to take a bit of the warmth with you. You were eclipsed by the flashes of reporters as the pauper truly has lost their prince.
The regular ace comes to know this judging by an empty chair by his side, on the other side, his fiancé sits chatting away with the others, so why does he of all people, deflate during the congratulatory dinner? Those closet to him, like his best friend who knows the strained sense of loyalty since high school, decides to drunkenly explain you used a lyric to describe your relationship:
“Did it ever occur to you that they’ve been in love with you and you,” he points an obnoxious figure at his friend’s chest. “You replaced them so easily? N’wonder yn was desperate to leave.”
Gun metal eyes powered through making sure his attempts to fill in the blanks for his friend’s daft sense of mind seemed so angry at hi/ former captain. Their half of the table is eerily quiet. Maybe they all thought this wouldn’t have happened if you came for a little bit or this would have happened regardless.
“Akaashi, that’s enough,” the fiancé decided to cut him off.
The author scoffs, rolling his eyes at her.
“No, it’s not,” he chuckles. Bokuto’s chopsticks trembled in his palms eerily like an owl in distress, feathers in full attention.
He points at everyone else at the table with an incredible look of foreboding. “Because you don’t get to be a causality of love. You don’t get to console yn who, by the by, accepted a position overseas for the next two years. Or was it five? Bah! To hell with it.”
The editor leaves a few yen notes on the counter.
“You couldn’t even congratulate them on their win,” Akaashi says loud enough for his friend to hear. “I’m sure they’re planning to enjoy a life without you. I’m out of here.”
Beautiful. Bokuto, an empath as he is, is beautiful when he cries. So much so that his smile breaks the world after the rainstorm. This heaviness he feels, it’s like he betrayed his family; sure you weren’t coming to the celebration dinner. Love is meant to heal, hurt, make you stronger, but why does no one talk about how lonely it can make one feel? The loneliness is what seeps in Akaashi Keiji’s veins because he’s seen and lived through every detrimental trench you both put yourselves through-willingly-without abandon. You are determined and driven much like Bokuto, must be a friendship loyalty thing from an early age, but Akaashi knows his ace; knows how Bokuto is impulsive and happy when you are there for him. Now that you’re not and you’re dealing with these emotions head on, you’re not in a safe place; hell you’re in your home right about now probably knee deep in ice cream sundae and fries going over a checklist of things you’re leaving behind.
This argument between the lads seems like you’re going to be Helen of Troy at this point. The others on this side of the table are pushing the food on their plates around or at least enjoying their neat drink. Akaashi moves to take his jacket off the chair and grabbed his scarf. He knows where he is headed, where he is needed and it definitely not the table here with the winners who gets the spoils.
“Akaashi!” Bokuto raised a hand to stop his friend from leaving and with fire in his even tempered eyes, taunting the ace, hand who seemed like he was losing his mind when things started lining up.
Bokuto and Akaashi rarely fought. The rarity of this occurring was such a low percentage that a majority of their friends and colleagues would have this on their bingo card for ‘top things forewarning the end of days.’ Even if they did argue, most of the time both would cool off and apologize.
“Not now Bokuto,” Akaashi’s voice is even tempered signifying his anger. He bows lowly to the rest of his friend’s team audibly apologizing for how his temper was lost. Then, as if nothing had happened, Akaashi straightens his posture, pulls the lapels of his coat, and he leaves through the side door. All the while Bokuto thinks he heard his heart begin to crumble.
“Let him go Kou,” the fiancé advised. “He knows where he’s headed…”
Meanwhile, you are home folding a few pieces of laundry to take into your carry on: the flat you lived in since your post-grad glory days is bare. The photo albums and the frames were already en route abroad to your new residence. A good portion of your wardrobe, bathroom, and kitchen items too. Bokuto didn’t need to know you were leaving in the middle of the night, your radio silence stretched on for a few weeks, but that’s life. Lately, you do make a habit of catching up with other people from your time at university and or the past scenes in Tokyo. Perhaps gone were the days of being in love with love… your subconscious will help you forgive the nine year old who taught you the sun revolves around the world.
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54 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Pairing: university×kip!bokuto x reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Rating: BKF [bokuto kotaro fluff]// strangers->lovers
Warnings: mentions of academic stress// love at second glance(?)//
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In an apartment not too far away from the city center, there sits a small package atop a table. It seems like the package had been abandoned earlier by the tenants hours ago, yet the thought is still there, a kindness lingering. On the surrounding walls, there were photographs indicating the milestones in the life of the tennant. Within one such photograph is one of a team from several years prior dressed in an ivory and noir uniform, bright smiles on everyone’s faces. The brightest one was that of the person in the middle, whose attention seemed to have been drawn beyond the lens of the camera. A little further toward the entrance of the abode, there is another frame sitting atop a bookshelf by the house phone. It is a university graduation photo and the graduate is seen holding a celebratory bouquet alongside two young women who share several features, like the family’s infectious grin, and the older couple standing to either side look at their grown children. 
As time moves ever forward, so does the life of the tenant inhabiting the space. There are allusions of a lustrous career in the sport he is so passionate about. A calendar with written schedules outlining the practices and training regiments gearing up for the next away game. Surely, the apartment seems empty, however there have been several signs of friends and old colleagues stopping by– from parties, holiday celebrations, professional signings, and even dates. Like now, this apartment, this home, is where you find yourself leaving behind a bag with a boxed up cake several hours ago on a crisp autumn day. 
Time plays into fate’s hands as one of your parents would say. The door is closed behind you, and you begin your walk to the restaurant not too far away. You’re on your way to a celebratory dinner for an old acquaintance. 
“Well, he no longer is an acquaintance,” you murmur to yourself. A short lived chuckle escapes your lips. 
Several years ago, in your youth, you found yourself walking past the gym of your high school. It was a few weeks before the beginning of the intramural matches for a majority of the sports clubs. You received a text from a classmate who was an avid fan of one such club asking you to join her in the small crowd gathering by the entrance of the gym. When asked what for, all you were told was your classmate wanted to show their support for the upcoming season. 
“So you texted me to come here because the boys volleyball club is having their photo taken?” you playfully nudge your classmate.
“Mmhm,” she nods. 
You cross your arms over your chest, shaking your head, lightly scolding her to use her time more wisely. She replies with simple facts that you had missed, like how the second year setter is getting better at keeping the ball off the ground or how the middle blockers are becoming much stronger in groups of two or three depending on how the play dictates the next point. Unbeknownst to you, it seems that beyond the entrance, one member of the team seemed to have his eyes drawn toward where you were. It doesn’t take very long for other members of the team to notice how one of their star players began to become a bit distracted. Regardless, when their coach makes the decision to cut practice a little short so the photographers can take the necessary pictures. You’re still conversing with your classmate and her subsequent response makes you laugh and from the perspective of where a certain player was sitting, you were the most enchanting person he has yet to meet.
Then, there was that one time you noticed him years later at the cafe close to where your part time job was located. You couldn’t remember his name for the life of you, but you wish your former classmate was with you, however there was no time like the present, as the saying goes. In your mind, you were checking out the athlete, muscles hidden beneath the confines of a well-loved hoodie, paired with what seemed to be (not-so-recently) washed sweatpants, thus ticking off the signs of burnout in your head. You must have forgotten about finals week since your classes still have about two weeks before that internal stressful time. Thankfully, you were given the day off, and when the cashier takes your order, you choose to approach the table where he sat with an air of caution. You see his hands pulling at his hair, the open notes with highlighted words and workbooks with spines crinkled through showing how dedicated he was. He was probably one more practice problem away from reaching the breaking point, so you approach him with a friendly overtone.
“Excuse me,” your voice is a bit firmer than you would have liked, yet it does snap the college student out of his hyperfocus zone. “But I don’t think this goes here.”
“Huh?” he asks, baffled at the page and at the disembodied voice. 
Taking up a pen from the plethora scattered between the workbook and his own notebook, you begin with practice problem number thirty-one. You explain as calmly as you can the process in which you arrive at the answer. You try not to pay too much attention to the way this stranger stares in wonder at you; were you an angel or another celestial being encapsulated with the gift of knowledge? Perhaps, when this lesson is over, the student and you will part ways only to circle back to meet each other.
The ambiance sounds in the cafe fade into the background only to be broken by the call of your name. You wrap up your lesson with a quick, dropping the pen atop the open page, “Good luck on your exams. I’m sure you’ll do great.” 
“Uh, thanks. You too.”
You walk to pick up your order and when you turn around to wave, you’re appreciative of the way the student’s tense shoulders relax when he leans back into his chair. He reminds you of someone your old classmate might have been obsessed with in high school, but more importantly, he reminds you of yourself. Moreover, after he watches you leave the cafe, his eyes scan over the page and he laughs a bit at the text you left behind:
〖#31 (ENG3400|| ANALOGIES):
A. redundant : discussion
B.  austere : landscape
C. opulent : wealth
D. oblique : familiarity
E. banal : originality
Paltry is defined as small or meager; significance is defined as the quality of being worthy of attention. 
Hence, the correct answer for this analogy problem  is E since banal means to be lacking in originality as to be obvious or boring  and originality is defined as being able to think independently and creatively in English. 
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63 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
Love Me…?
Pairing: timeskip!oikawa x reader (yn-san)
Word count: 2.8K
Rating: OTF [[oikawa tooru fluff]] (no angst!)
Warnings: allusions to sex, not explicit nsfw// makeout scene?
Notes: what a fun time to write for Oiks.
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Seven dates in the span of six months. Seven dates spanning three time zones outside of your hometown one; three of those dates were on approved leave in your home city; two of those dates were done via FaceTime; one was for Christmas; and the last one? The airport. Not necessarily in that order, but alas, here we are. Well, we, as in you and Oikawa Tooru—established two time Olympic medalist, three time world champion, and two time MVP of loving you. The first time was a practice run to get his fans in high school to turn down their fawning over him; the second one is still being worked on as you speak. He doesn’t tell you he’s at the airport waiting to board the next flight home, so you keep it brief, making a mention of the event the JVA is hosting a month from now. 
You pick him up at the airport a little after three in the morning, stiffing a yawn while you’re standing at the arrivals gate. You’re wearing comfier clothing, ie just yoga pants, sneakers, and an old high school music club shirt. Curls that bounce with every step is soon seen grazing atop peoples heads. 
“Mí amor!” 
The nickname sticks for what seems to be years, yet you never tie listening to him call you that. Bicoastal love had always been easy with Oikawa, who the moment he spots you, runs to you—burying his face in your neck, he smiles at you when you cup his face and look directly in his eyes.
“Hi,” you whisper against his lips. “Welcome home.”
Throughout this off season break, you and your lover(?) spend time together: you visit his hometown, passing his old high school. You stop by the fence leading to the track, he points out the gym building not too far around the corner.
“Three years here and not once did I make it to nationals,” he smugly says. 
You raise an eyebrow at him before tilting your head back to look at the building.
“But that was small time,” you tease. “You’re an international sports Olympian now.”
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head. “Damn right. And I have you, something an eighteen year old me didn’t know I needed.”
His arms wraps around your shoulders, guiding you to walk back a familiar path to an arcade he mentions he still has the hi-score in: “It was two against two, me and Iwa-chan versus Mattsun and Makki.”
“Oh?” you try to hide your smile while peeking inside at a particular cabinet game.
“Mmhm, but we won because the timer was running out on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 fight,” Oikawa says. He puffs his chest out when you say you think you could have easily defeated his ‘top-score,’ only for you to be dragged inside by him. He had a bold, competitive look in his eye: “Prove it princessa.”
“You’re on Oikawa Tooru!” 
Three hours and after many tokens were spent, you’re sitting next to him at the combini window, facing the street. Your open box of meat buns and milk bread is laid out between you both. He’s got such a sour face on, it amuses you so. You lean your head against his arm, politely pushing a piece of the milk break up to his pursed, pouting lips.
“Grew up with five cousins who loved video games my ass,” he grumbles when he playfully nips the tips of your fingers.
“Oi!” you roll your eyes at his comment, but shake your head when he presses kisses against your open palm. You’re sure he’s completely smitten with you. Even the following night when you’re out with his old teammates and kouhai, they ask him a bunch of questions like, ‘how long have you two been a thing?’ and ‘yn-san’s cute.’ Oikawa hugs you closer to him while you take a swig of your pint of beer.
“Yn’s mine, get your own!” he blurts. 
“So spoiled,” you murmur into your glass. 
Iwazumi stands to the right of his best friend who chuckles at your statement.
“But it’s been the happiest we’ve seen him since he moved,” the friend shared a secret with you.
You hum a “me too,” back to iwazumi who just nods.
When the appetitzers hit the bar high top table, you take it upon yourself to share the karrage chicken and umeboshi bought. These five guys surrounding you and Oikawa Tooru realize you’re going to be around for a while with the way the newly naturalized Argentinian steals glances at you. His eyes are only ever for you, suffice to say those old girlfriends from high school never stood a chance. Later on, right before parting ways, you excuse yourself from the group allowing for the guys to grill their old friend and former captain.
“You’ve been seeing yn for how long?” Mattsun asks. His pint is almost empty as well.
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74 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Maybe Once or Twice
Based on the prompt list I found earlier (I thought I saved it, but didn’t… ): )
Miya Atsumu x childhood friend!yn. Both are third years in Inarizaki & I believe it is canon that Atsumu becomes captain in his third year (if I am wrong,then let’s pretend that he earned captain when Kita and Aran graduate).
MAF (Miya Atsumu Fluff) for 17+
Word count: 1.1k
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Fun fact, this .gif has nothing to do with this fic, but I think it’s cute, lol.
You were hanging upside down on your best friend’s bed one Saturday afternoon. There were school books scattered about along with university application pamphlets; the laundry hamper was empty (it typically wasn’t) and there were volleyballs in the corner of the opened closet. The autumnal weather in this part of Hyogo caused breezes to come into your friend’s bedroom. You were solving the last equation for your math homework while your friend skipped the next song in the loFi hip hop channel on the streaming service.
“Hey yn, can I ask ya something?”
“Sure thing, give me a second to finish this…” a few more scribbles later, you check over your answer and you were glad you were right. Closing the math textbook and your answer notes, you return your attention to your friend. His blonde hair slightly dancing in the breeze from the window as you chose to sit right side up a few moments ago.
“Now what were you going to ask me ‘Tsumu?”
Of all the times the current captain of Inarizaki’s Volleyball team would be considered nervous, this by far takes the number one spot. Does it help that his twin brother (along with Suna) kept teasing him about confessing how he truly feels about you? No, not really. All Atsumu knows is perhaps now he needed to be a little more courageous.
It happens during lunch roughy a week ago: the Miya twins and Suna sat among the rest of their fellow teammates and the subject of crushes came up. A few members of the team described their type, if they have one. Or rather, the guys at the table expand on what made their crushes attractive to them. Somehow your name got brought up, causing a few of their younger teammates to stare at their overly confident captain trip over his words. Atsumu spots you smiling and joking around with a few of your friends at your table. You turn around slightly and you two make eye contact for a brief moment, causing him to freeze for a moment before your friend calls your attention away. In those seconds, both of you share a silent ‘hello.’
“Don’t worry Miya-senpai, I’m sure yn-senpai likes you too,” one the second years says with a smile. You were on the other side of the courtyard holding a bag with pork dumplings and canned coffee; your friend from the neighboring class mentions how she’d see you later for the photography club.
“He just has to work up enough nerve to confess first,” Osamu says clasping his brother’s shoulder. Thus a plan brews among the team. It takes the rest of the school week for them to try trap you and their captain together and each time, all plans to confess go awry. Like on Wednesday you received a text from the club manager asking you to come to the gym because it seemed as though Atsumu hasn’t been setting properly. Yet by the time you arrive, the ‘setter block’ dissipated since Atsumu wanted to improve just to show off for you a little. He was supposed to confess when thanking you for stopping by; he couldn’t because he thought it would be the wrong time.
Then there was Thursday, you and Atsumu along with Osamu and Rin, share a science lab. Your normal teacher had a family emergency and there was a sub when you entered. You were always partners with Rin, but thanks to him finding the seating chart before class, you find Atsumu sitting next to you. He fills you in and you shake your head, mentioning he’ll be the one taking notes for the report. This time, he was supposed to slip a letter he wrote consisting of your name, the words ‘I like ya. Wanna go out Saturday night?’ into your bag, but you placed it on the opposite side of where he was seated (closer to you). After that failed attempt, Atsumu at home, decided perhaps telling you directly works best.
Hence the final option: inviting you over for the first time since primary school. Your parents along with the twin’s mother were old college friends, so when you were first introduced to the boys, you three were about to start the second grade. Regardless, as time goes on, children grow older and they discover feelings they never knew of. Honestly, the reason why you were in the Miyas bedroom with Atsumu was because Osamu ‘suddenly remembers he had to meet up with Suna for the literature project.’ When he leaves, Atsumu’s phone goes off and the blonde reads the message his brother sent saying, ‘thank me later.’ And now Atsumu is here, well, currently he’s sitting next to you, moving your books to the floor. You make room for him to sit cross legged on the bed across from you.
“Tsum? You ok? You’re usually not this quiet…” you bring a palm to his forehead and he thinks he’s about to lose his mind with the caring act.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” he shakes his head, your hand lowers and stays in front of you. You’re steadying yourself leaning up to look him in his eyes that reflect the gold from the sunset.
“So, what were you going to ask me?”
Your old friend looks away from you for a few seconds just to inhale and exhale a deep breath. Just like he does on the court before one of his killers serves. As he returns his attention to you, you feel the tension in the air change from comforting to sort of awkward (like in the romance manga you read in your spare time).
“Have you thought about us kissing before?”
The question comes out all at once; it is rushed out of his lips, leaving you stunned. You lean back, straightening your posture, a blush tinging your ears lightly pink; Atsumu on the other hand runs his hands nervously through his hair more than twice. The silence is killing him, so as he is about to ask you to forget what he said, your answer surprises him:
“Maybe once or twice,” you say through a playful pout. Your voice is slightly above a whisper, but you’re sure he heard you since his hands stop fussing with his hair, reaching to hold yours.
“Really?” Atsumu’s voice is a little wobbly because of the increase in possibility of him kissing you when you both see the shiest smile on the other’s face.
“Since we were twelve,” you come clean, attaching a short lived chortle. You don’t forget the way Atsumu’s eyes widened at your confession because that was same age as when he won the mvp award for his middle school accolade for volleyball. You were incredibly proud of him (and Osamu too), honestly you thought of giving him a kiss as an extra bonus. As you explain your side of now confirming the feeling was mutual between the two of you, you notice your fingers becoming interlaced with his.
“So, what’s stopping you from kissing me now ‘Tsum?” You tilt your head to the side.
Miya Atsumu shakes his head as he leans in to close the distance between you two; his eyes glance between your eyes and lips before you feel his breath across your Cupid’s Bow.
“Nothin’,” is the last thing you hear before your eyes flutter close as you feel the smile on his lips when he kisses you. His lips feel surprisingly soft, softer than you originally thought; his hand moves to cup your cheek. You wrap your hand around hoses wrist to keep his hand there.
When the kiss breaks, he hears you hum in approval prior to raising your free hand to the collar of his shirt to pull him back in.
“Again,” your voice asks.
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85 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
(Innocent) Sleepover
Mattsukawa & YN have been neighbors since first year middle school. YN’s parents have been rumored to have shouting matches when they argue, thus causing their kid to come over for some much needed sleep. Over the years, Mattsun and yn have been growing close, so much so that Oikawa picks up on the subtle hints yn has the middle blocker wrapped around their finger…
Word Count: 1.5K-1.6K
Pairing: Mattsukawa Issei x Reader (yn)
Rating: hq fluff ft. Mattsun x reader
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this got me thinking how mattsun kisses start out gentle at first, heh
You throw a pebble or four at the second highest window of your friend’s house. Parents were arguing over the water bill this time and though you could usually sleep through the yells, you texted your neighbor asking to sleepover. It’s been a few years since you had slept over, the last time was the summer in your third year of middle school during a shared family trip to Hyogo. Your mother wanted to visit an old friend of your grandmother, however that was about six summers ago. Regardless, the pebbles keep piling up until you see a familiar silhouette peek out over the railing.
“Stay there, I’ll open the sliding door by the herb garden,” is all you hear and you pick up your backpack off the grass to sling it over your shoulder.
The door slides open with a decisive ‘whoosh!’
“Is that yn-chan? Mattsun, let yn-chan in…”
The scolding of their grandson makes you bite back a chortle when he tells them he was going to invite you inside regardless.
Your neighbor meets you explaining his grandprents were in town for the upcoming volleyball game between Seijoh and a former powerhouse school. An amused smile curls your lips and in the fluorescent light above you both, if he wasn’t so unsure you would reciprocate his feelings, he might have greeted you with a forehead kiss. Ever since he hit just second growth spurt, Mattsukawa Issei stands taller than ever thus making your height the perfect one for him to rest his head atop when you do give him your normal ‘hello’-hug. He could tell you were having a rough night, especially when the shouting seemed to have been muffled from his window. The pebbles still littering the small space between his door and the short balcony. Said balcony was home to many late night talks with each other, slowly becoming a comfort spot during house parties and sleepovers with the guys.
While you take up his offer of holding your backpack, you wander off to greet his relatives. Sleeping over his place on a Friday right before game day was not what you had intended, yet when your father hears you leave, your mother questions where you’re headed both knowing full well you’d be found next door—there is a shared memory when you first moved here the summer before you start middle school, where you meet the neighbors (parents) of the lanky boy next door. You were and still are more expressive than he is, but your sarcastic wisecracks sprinkled with sharp cynical one liners added to more appeal to try to be your first friend. Mattsukawa was just glad you let him be near you, fast friends you became before volleyball took over his life. Sure, in the past you watched several games he had played in, but alas as time progresses, your presence at games slightly dwindled, much to the middle blocker’s dismay. Yet, you have a knack of showing up at the first and second game on a whim, therefore surprising him (and causing him to play his personal best from time to time).
Inside the kitchen, Mattsukawa overhears you talk with his relatives. The conversations stem past the “how do you do’s” to more pressing matters like if you’ve already had an eye on someone say about “yay high, slightly sun kissed skin, plays a particular sport, etc.” you play with your hands a little bit saying if that were the case, then you’d probably be on your way back from a date.
Mattsukawa freezes, letting your backpack fall onto his floor with a muddle thump. From what he can infer, you do like him? He reasons with himself he will ask you once you say your good nights to his grandparents. It’s not very often they visit Miyagi, though the old couple might be the best wing people ever.
The digital clock reads close to 22:38 when you walk into Mattsukawa’s room. You noticed he had pushed a few pillows in the middle thus making you shake your head. It was an awfully sweet gesture, you think, ever since you read the westernized legend of King Arthur and how he laid a modesty barrier between he and the lady Guenevere. Behind you, you feel his presence hovering and you say in a low voice, “race ya!”
Mattsukawa chuckles as he takes five long steps and wins the short race. You on the other hand, practically tackle him on the mattress when you trip over his own school bag, forcing him to hold you steady by your waist. Is that a blush…? Oh my god. It is! your eyes glance at his cheekbones and his ears. His hands are warm, calloused, but stern in the support he gives you. The closeness of where your hand landed on his chest made his ebony eyes study your curious stare. The moonlight reflects in them and for the first time in a long time (technically since his first high school girlfriend broke things off with him), he senses that familiar increase in his heart rate.
Luckily the shouting had since dialed down and with the door closed behind you both, Mattsukawa chose to be brave this time. He brings you closer to him and when he leans down, you expected him to kiss you directly on the mouth, but no—he instead kisses your forehead whispering something along the lines of, “Ask me and I will.”
In your arms, you catch whiffs of his body wash: he smells of pine and bonfires, fireflies, and the quiet storms by the mountain valley. Your hands move away from his chest to wrap around his neck, toying with the ends of his outgrown hair. Mattsukawa’s immediate instinct was if he were to kiss you for real, he’d need to sit up since he wouldn’t trust himself (or you) would stop—you’ve been side by side like a second shadow since the first time you were invited over via Oikawa’s need to know who caused his teammate to be clearly smitten. You have a slight panic in your eyes when he sits up, yet your fear turns into a muted look of recognition as you readjusted yourself to straddle him properly. Gazing from your eyes to your lips and back again, you realize you haven’t said anything yet. Gods above knew you wanted him to kiss you, for years, your brain reminds you, because somehow making sure you were ok after nights like tonight made you start seeing your neighbor under a different light.
“You needn’t ask,” you tell him in a hushed tone, taking a deep breath, and on the exhale you continue.“You’re the only one who doesn’t need to—mmf?!”
Lips pressed against yours faster than you could finish that statement, Mattsukawa doesn’t apologize for the electricity he passed to you, but considering your gasp of surprise your eyes fluttered close when you feel a familiar hand rests against your cheek; tender and chaste like a secret shared in your shared past. His hands stay behind you, before wandering higher to cradle the back of your head. Unnecessarily warm, is a common thought both of you have prior to one common word dance to the forefront of your mind—more, give me more.
You in turn kiss him back, which makes you feel him smile against your pursed lips. It isn’t a violent one, not one where either of you are rushed, however with the way he’s making you feel like your body is on fire causes you slower the pace; his hands stay by your side, almost grazing your skin sighing into your half opened mouth. Your hair is tousled by him, keeping strands away from where your lips are. There is meaning and purpose behind everywhere you allow his lips to reach: calm mind on your forehead, inside jokes when he reaches the corner of your mouth, but when you pause before you kiss him again, you realize you never seen him this flushed before. It’s a sight you selfishly take mental snapshots of—there is a desperate nature in the way he calls your name as he holds a wrist of yours gently against his sternum. Below, your palm feels the heightened ramifications you did.
There is an apologetic phrase on the tip of his tongue, yet you remove your other hand from behind his shoulder to press your fingertips against his ajar lips. You shake your head saying, “it’s ok.”
He presses his forehead against your own, his voice is low like a short rumble of thunder as he calls you, “pretty,” rubbing your shoulders. In the dark, you notice how handsome his features naturally are especially when there are notes of strawberry pinks tinting the sides of his neck. Needless to say, you were amused about this bashful side of his.
“C’mere,” your voice has a coy tone and like any good person, Mattsukawa does as he is told. When you kiss him this time, you purposefully miss before tracing his jaw with your lips; kissing and sucking the taut skin of his neck. He groans as he grips the ends of your shirt with one hand, the other pushes the back of your head further into the juncture between his collarbone and neck, forcing you to remain following through with this kindness.
You hover painfully steady above his lips before you close the gap together. Mattsukawa’s eyes swears they have never seen anyone this effortlessly hot; sure lavender hues and roses would bloom around your head, like a spring sprite, but for him, he’s glad he took a chance on kissing you—and vice versa. Little things you notice when you kiss him this time: he knows how to hold you, obeys when you open your mouth a smidge, breathes in time with you, calls you nicknames under his breath which makes you dizzy.
“Finally,” is the last confession you’re able to coherently hear when he works on leaving a love bite on your collarbone. You inhale and exhale, cooling the skin behind his jaw, tugging him closer until he leaves your exposed bone alone only to recapture your lips in a teasingly slow kiss.
He tastes the remnants of your dinner and lavender tea when you open your mouth a bit wider for him, you inhale through your nose and exhale into his mouth, filling his lungs with more air for him to continue kissing you like this. Losing yourself in his touch, you feel his fingers run along the small of your back. Mattsukawa makes you take a seat on his lap securing his hold on you. He doesn’t leave your lips alone until they are bruised from returning every ounce of affection he gives you—you nearly knock heads and he chuckles saying you’ll be the one to ground him with your logic. You shake your head when you peck his lips once more.
“Not so fast,” his voice halts your movements. His hands fix the bottom of the your sleeping shirt while you tilt his head this way and that, amused at your blossoming bruises there; in return, he does the same, chuckling at where your fingers press against his neck.
“Admiring your work?”
See the full post
130 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
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nikrangdan · 4 years
roommate!heeseung pt. 1
Tumblr media
pairing: roommate!heeseung x female reader
genre: mini fic(?), fluff, comedy, tiny angst(one little sad part)
warnings: cursing!!! 
word count: 4.3k
description: i guess you just didnt realize you were in love with your roommate...... who has a girlfriend
you had just hit heeseung over the head after he said he would burn all of your plushies
your Precious. Plushies
hell no you’ve been collecting these since you were 11 no way in hell heeseung would threaten ur babies
you rolled your eyes and started to walk to the kitchen to get a snack
stupid heeseung
hes always saying stupid shit🙄
before you walked out though you noticed the look on his face
like he was contemplating something
“y/n... can you do me a favor?” he nervously uttered out before you walked out his door
“....what kind..?” you furrowed your brows
why was he being so cryptic
“uhh i need you to get flowers and chocolates for me from stacys....”
stacys was this fancy store 45 MINUTES AWAY..
“ur fucking serious?” you deadpanned
this was something new
in all your 8 months of living with him he had never asked you of a favor this big
for context.., you had moved to this city apartment for college 8 months ago but you couldn’t afford it without a roommate
but luckily you overheard a certain boy praying for an apartment while you were on campus
and you guessed it!!! it was heeseung
you two clicked easily and you were very thankful he was your roommate
after 4 months of living together he told you he got a girlfriend
you didnt really know about his campus life since you didnt have classes together and you never saw him walking around
you dont know why you were surprised when he told you... i mean have u seem Him.....
but nonetheless
u were like “Omg heeseung!!! thats great<3” like the supportive friend u were
yeah and that was that
you didnt meet the girl until another month later
Now that..... that was an experience......
*knock knock knock*
who tha hell was knocking at 7 in the morning.........
you staggered your way over to the front door with your matching hello kitty pajamas
and u open the door to see a blonde Lady who looks around your age
Why did u forget to look thru the little peephole in the door...... ur probably just tired whatever
anyways ur like
and shes like
“? who are you.?”
and ur like
“i live here....”
and shes like
“?...? oh sorry i thought my boyfriend lived here..”
and ur both just standing there like ;-;
shes all dressed up and u look like a childs room threw up on u
And thats when it hit u
“are you heeseungs girlfriend?!!???” your hand raises up to point at her unconsciously
“ yes.. i am” she looked so lost it was so funny
“oh then you have the right place im sorry! hes my roommate” you scurry back into the apartment, gesturing for her to come in and close the door behind her
“what? he didnt tell me had a roommate..”
poor girl 😭😭😭
you quite literally pounce into heeseungs room and smack him while shes still standing outside awkwardly in the living room
“fucking idiot” smack to the face
“wake up” smack to the chest
“heeseung i swear to god” you shake his head
“are you fucking dead???? wake up!!!!” you pinch his ears really hard
that woke him up
“Ow ow ow ow OWWW y/n what the hell???” his eyes are forced open but theyre squinted due to the sunlight
“your girlfriend is here” you whisper-yell at him
“what???” he sat up so quickly you almost laughed
you were 90% sure she heard everything
oh well
his problem
he just stares into space for a second before his eyes go wide
ur just sitting on his bed waiting for him to do something like Uhhh
“shit i planned a date today oh my god” he jumped up from his bed and hastily told you to “stay put” before throwing on a hoodie, walking to see his girlfriend, and slamming his bedroom door leaving u sat on his bed
yes u were nosy Muahahahahah
so u pressed ur ear against the door to listen to their conversation
“sora, im so sorry i slept in late i promise ill make it up to you please baby dont be mad”
you had to stifle your laughter with your hand
God this was gold
“heeseung why didnt you tell me you lived with a girl.”
oooooooh hes in trouble you laugh to yourself
“ah about that.. im sorry i didnt tell you.. dont worry though, you know i only like you! shes just my roommate”
Why did that hurt 😪
“whatever heeseung.. ill call you later” and then you heard the door slam
already???? you were ready to get ur popcorn :///
you didnt even notice it had been a while before the door opened with you still leaning on it
boom u fell on the floor
“shut up” he said before jumping face down on his bed
you stand up to lean against his door again, staring pitifully at the boy
“you okay?” you cross your arms
“mmm” he mumbles into his pillow
“you know i think i deserve a treat for being woken up at 7am on a sunday by your little girlfriend”
“little? shes taller than you” he turned around to lay on his back and chuckle
“oh so you’re making jokes right now when your girlfriend might break up with you?” you glare at him
“shes not gonna break up with me over something this little” he rolls his eyes and grabs his phone from his nightstand
“you know you’re a little piece of shit heeseung!” you yell out to him after you walked out of his room
“how?!” he yelled back
“treat your girlfriend better!”
he kept his mouth shut after that
yeah you two didnt talk for the rest of the day because he stayed in his room sulking or whatever
fast forward to now
Right after he asked u to get him the chocolates and flowers
“please y/n, sora is gonna be here in 2 hours and i need to get everything ready and i dont have enough time to do everything” he begged
“do you really need them from stacys though???” you whined
he just huffed and glared at you “yes! sora only likes them from there.”
“nuh uh mister dont give me that look” you narrow your eyes at him
he immediately stops his glare and tries to look neutral
it almost made you laugh
you just looked at him for a few seconds before giving up
“fine. but what am i getting in return?”
his eyes lit up and traveled up as he was in thought
“hmmm ill buy you food whenever you want for a month”
“woah thats more than i bargained for but deal!” he didnt realize that until after you shook his hand, very enthusiastically might i add
so now you were on your way home with the MASSIVE bouquet of roses and beautifully wrapped chocolates sitting nice and snug in the passenger seat of your car
these two things costed $115
oh well its heeseungs money not yours
you found it amusing because heeseung was nowhere near rich so where was he finding this money to blow
over an hour later and ur finally back home
u open the door
u struggled very much btw
almost dropped everything haha
but woah......
your eyes widened and your mouth fell open
“heeseung? you didn’t tell me you two were having the date here..”
as soon as you walked in you smelled a pretty scent and the lighting was dim
it was beautiful
there were candles lit on every surface
rose petals were scattered messily everywhere
the two seater dining table was topped with elegant decor
there was quiet jazz music playing from his speaker
the familiar aroma of your favorite food hit you
standing there in your apartment didnt feel real
it felt like you were in a dream
you couldnt believe your apartment could turn into room from a fairytale
you were never one to be into disney princesses and fantasies
but for the first time ever you almost wished for a prince charming yourself
you almost got lost in a trance
and then....
the boy himself walked out
donned in an all black suit with a sliver of the white undershirt peeking underneath and the white tie
his bangs were covering his forehead and you noticed he styled them to be wavy
he had his earrings in and rings were present on 3 of his fingers
he looked absolutely dazzling
you dont know how or why.. but your heart began to race
why did this feel like it was for you...?
you wanted to be his disney princess
staring at him wistfully, it felt like time had stopped
“oh thanks y/n, i almost thought you ditched me” he chuckled quickly
he was frantic and out of breath as he snatched the things out of your hand
“right!” he began as he sped around the room setting everything up
“im sorry but i forgot to ask if you could leave for today. im such an idiot, im sorry y/n.. you can stay at a friends house or something for the night?” he didnt even look at you as he perfected the chocolates on the counter and the plates on the table
you couldnt help but notice your heart clench and your stomach twist at his words
you were still glued to your spot infront of the door
“o-oh! yeah, okay thats fine ill get my stuff now” you scurry to your room
you speedily threw some clothes and necessities in a bag before walking back to him
he didnt look at you
“heeseung” you poke him
he finally turned to you
“sorry what?” he gazed down at you with big eyes
“its okay.. just wanted to let you know im leaving now” you give him a small smile
“oh right! thank you y/n again” he grinned
his pretty smile
“you look great by the way... have fun” you manage to say before slipping out the door
you didnt let him reply back because if you stayed in there a second longer you think you would’ve fallen in love with him
where did these feelings come from...?
you smack yourself on your forehead as youre walking down the steps to your car
ur probably just feeling like this because no man has ever done anything like that for u
and seeing it in real life made u want a bf 😟😟
yeah... thats it
so now ur at sunoos house
a close friend from your finance class
he lives in his parents house but theyre never home so he basically owns the place and doesn’t have to pay for it
Yeah u kinda envy the boy
but you love him because hes great
“y/n ..do you like him????” sunoo gasps
you guys are watching tangled for the 10th time and you were explaining what happened back at your apartment
“what? where did you get that from?” you snort, your eyes still focused on the movie
you could literally feel his eyes piercing into your soul with that stare
“the way you were telling me that story.... you sounded a bit jealous if i do say so myself..” he raises his eyebrow and leans back into the couch
“i do not like heeseung, sunoo” your eyes roll and you turn to look at him finally
he has a little smirk as he looks at u suspiciously
“hmmm okay, i get it” he raises his arms in defense and surrenders “you don’t wanna talk about it”
you scoff and laugh at his actions “you’re so annoying”
so ..*time skip* lol
you slept at sunoos for the night
it wasnt anything new bc u used to stay at his alot while u were in the process of moving into your apartment
one of his guest rooms is practically urs bc u have some decorations and spare clothes there :P
when you woke up that sunday morning you realized you forgot to set an alarm
so now its like 11am
well its not like you needed to be home so you shrugged it off
“morning” u said to sunoo when u saw him sitting on the couch watching wreck it ralph
boy loves his movies
“when are you going home?”
“wow rude.... not even a good morning back??” you found him amusing
“sorry, good morning. when are you going home” he turned his head to look at you
it made you laugh
Sunoo is so funny u love him
“do u wanna get rid of me that bad??? i hate you”
“ni-ki and jungwon are coming over today and i dont want you smothering them like you always do” he playfully glares at you
NI-KI AND JUNGWON???!!!??!!!!!!
“MY BABIES????” you exclaim and jump on the couch next to sunoo
“yes” he exasperatingly says
“now leave before they get here”
“WHAT?? no im staying because i wanna see them”
“NO!!!! now get out of my house y/n”
“why not?!!???! sunoo please i bet they miss me so much”
“y/n please.. they do NOT miss you”
“they literally do i always make them cookies and theyre like y/n ur so cool we love you”
“u mustve been hallucinating....”
“sunoo please please please i dont wanna go home” u tried to muster up the cutest puppy dog eyes ever
he looked at your face for a moment
“no u look ugly”
“YOU’RE SO ANNOYING” you push him
“theyre coming back tomorrow you can come then! today is boys night”
“boys night?” you snort “what the fuck are u kids gonna do that i cant be around for?”
“SHUT UP Y/N get out of my house!” he just starts to drag you out of his house himself
“ow oW OKAY fine ill leave... have fun doing.. whatever you’re gonna do” you grab your bag and start to head for the door
sunoo slams the door in ur face after he says “bye dont come back please” 😭😭😭
“asshole!” u yell to him thru the door
you just huff and stand on his porch for a second
you wonder if heeseung still has his girlfriend over and decide to text him
y/n🦧: hi can i come back home
now ur sitting on sunoos porch waiting for a reply
10  minutes pass while ur scrolling on your phone and still no reply
you look up when you hear the front door open
“why are you still here?” sunoo frowns at you
“heeseung didnt answer my text and i dont wanna go back if his girlfriend is still there” you reply
“go home y/n plz.... i lied jungwon and ni-ki arent coming over.. my grandparents are” he tries to shoo you away
“why would you lie about that” you laugh
“theyre really mean! but you can come back tomorrow because the boys are actually gonna be here.. now go because my grumpy grandparents are gonna be here in like 5 minutes” he guides your shoulders down his porch
“ugh.. if his girlfriend is still there its your fault” you pout
“wha- how is that my- whatever y/n go home!!!”
when you drive off you dramatically wave your hand to him trying to show how desperately you did not wanna go home
sunoo just giggles and runs back inside
you drove home extra slow Lol
and now you were at the door contemplating whether or not you just make a run for it
but u said fuck it because u missed the comforts of ur own room
well u knocked a little before unlocking the door
how embarrassing to be knocking on the door of ur own home 💀
you didnt get an immediate answer so u just stood outside in the apartment hallway....waiting....
after waiting for like 30 seconds (because ur impatient) you knock again
well i tried to be nice you thought
you finally gave up and unlocked the door with your keys, kind of slowly opening the door to peek in
hmmm.... nothing
the sun was emitting some rays of light through one of the windows but none of the lights were on
and why was there food still on the table..?
you were kind of afraid to go see heeseung 
you did notice one thing
there wasn’t a pair of shoes u didnt recognize sitting on the rack by the door 
so... is his girlfriend not here or did she bring her shoes to his room lol..
“hello?” you unconfidently called out to nobody in particular
no answer
you slipped your shoes off quietly and tiptoed towards the hallway that included both of your rooms across from eachother
the kitchen and living room looked untouched 
to describe u being confused would be an understatement
you set your bag down on your bed and then made your way to heeseung.. just to check on him
you were genuinely so confused rn
you thought they would be cuddling on the couch or talking in his room or something but it was dead silent throughout the house
“heeseung?” you soft knocked on the door of his bedroom
surely he couldnt still be asleep.. it was noon on a monday and heeseung would normally be up by 10 because he said he would “start being a more productive man” as he said it
you always laughed at him because he used to wake up at like 3pm on days he didnt have class
anyways you didnt get an answer which was slightly concerning because you didnt forget to take note that you saw his car in the parking garage when you arrived
“i’m coming in” you called out to him before twisting the knob and pushing the door open
you realized you might be crossing a line and he’d get upset at you for invading his privacy but you were honestly worried for your friend
at first you didn’t see him
his room was empty, not a single person in sight
that is until you further examined the big lump on his bed
“heeseung? what...” you walked over to the lump that you only knew was him because you could see a bit of his hair peeking out from the top
“um.. am i interrupting something..” you awkwardly said, debating whether or not to go closer
he wasn’t saying anything so you guessed he was sleeping
how odd for him
you wanted to just check real quick and then you’d leave his room
so your feet padded softly against his wooden floor as you made your way over to him
and you bent down a little to kind of tug the huge blanket away from his face
as you got closer you also noticed his girlfriend wasnt here
the first thing you noticed was that he was definitely not asleep
your eyes widened and your hand instinctively went to his face to cup his cheek
“are you okay?! why are you crying?” you quickly asked, your eyebrows were furrowed in worry
in your months living with him you have never seen him show any emotional feelings in front of you and it almost made you panic
his eyes locked onto yours before he looked away from you and closed his eyes
he still hasnt said anything and you really didnt know what to do in this situation
you took your hand off his cheek before sighing
now you’re just sat on the side of his bed just looking at him.. wondering what to do
you were sure he wasn’t sleeping even though his eyes were shut and he wouldnt move
but you sat there for 5 minutes and he didnt seem to mind
“sora broke up with me” 
he finally broke the silence
you didnt know what to say
you couldnt ask if he was okay when he obviously wasnt
“do you wanna talk about it? you looked over to heeseung to see him staring at you
“not really” he broke eye contact once again and looked up towards the ceiling
“later i will.. just not now” he breathed out
you nodded at that, understanding his situation
you felt terrible for the boy
his eyes were red and his voice was all nasally like he’d been crying
“i’ll leave you alone now..” you patted his big blanket fluff to lighten the mood and walked out his stuffy room
hours had passed while he was stuck in that room and you didnt know what to do 
it was 7pm already
you spent the day watching tv in the living room 
but it was dinner time and you made ramen (his fav!!!) in hopes that he would come out of there
“heeseung you’ve gotta eat” you knock on his door again
you had told him to eat at 2 earlier but he insisted that he wasnt hungry
you were surprised when he instantly opened the door and your hand was still in midair as you were knocking
if your hand moved an inch you wouldve been knocking on his chest which you found very funny but you didnt think this was the right time for jokes
“hi” you looked up at him
he was wearing his purple beanie with sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt
he definitely looked better than he did this morning which you thanked god for
“hey” he gave u this look :]
“you okay? i made ramen.. can you smell it” you kinda giggled
“yeah, thanks” he tried to send you a small smile which you were thankful for
“okay well come eat because i worked very hard on it” you turned on your heels and went towards the tiny kitchen island with two seats
he followed you and sat next to you as you gave him his bowl and chopsticks
“bon appetit!” you clapped your hands before digging in
you were proud of urself ngl... the ramen was smacking
“thank you y/n” he said softly
you refused to admit it but he was.. So Cute
“no problem, just eat” you grinned
and you two ate in silence for a good 15 minutes
he said he would do the dishes after you were done which was relieving because you wanted to go jump in your bed and watch tiktoks very badly
there was a slight awkwardness in the air too so you wanted to let that cool off too
so now you were cuddled up in our bed with your phone very close, almost too close, to your face
and you could hear the sink running as heeseung washed the dishes
you silently prayed he was feeling better and that he would be over it soon
the sink turned off and you could hear his footsteps coming towards the hallway
what surprised you was that you heard knocks on your bedroom door
“can i come in?” he asked
“yeah its open” you replied
u had to get out of ur blanket cocoon :///
you watched him stride over to sit next you on your bed
he even got under the covers and laid down like dang lmao u getting comfy i guess
“whats up?” you were sitting up while he was laying on your pillows
“so.. she broke up with me last night” he spoke while hugging one of your plushies
oh OHH so this is what this is about
“oh.. are you feeling better now?”
“yeah i think.. we only dated for 4 months but i really liked her....”
“did she say why she did?” you asked
“she said she found someone else. i dont know if you know this but shes a year older than me and she told me she wasnt into younger guys which doesnt even make any sense because her ex was younger than her too and-”
“okay heeseung” you laugh “people are like that, you just gotta deal with it”
“yeah yeah, i know” he sighed “i dont know.. i dont know if im sad i lost her or if im sad over the fact that i dont have a girlfriend anymore”
“was she your first girlfriend?”
“me? y/n” he laughed “ive had plenty before”
“oh” you didnt even wanna ask
“why? have you never had a boyfriend or something?” he joked
“no....” you trailed off, unable to look him in the eye out of embarrassment
you were never even embarrassed about that but for some reason admitting it to heeseung made you shy
“what?! no way” he was actually shocked
“yes way now can we change the topic this is terrible” you roll your eyes and shove a plushie in his face
“awee little y/n” he teased you
“get out” you snickered
“okay okay fine.. but yeah i think i’ll be okay. she broke up with me as soon as she got here so all of my planning was for nothing. i think that was what devastated me the most, i had no one to eat with”
you wanted to yell I LITERALLY EXIST soooo bad
Why is he so stupid....... 
“thats sad...” you said
you wanted to laugh at your reply bc what else could you say
“yeah anyways you dont have to worry about taking care of me while im sulking or whatever im cool now’
“well that was quick.. you were acting like a baby this morning now ur this tuff guy” you tease
“yeah yeah i dont even know why i was acting like that” his cheeks went pink
“im just kidding” you send a small smile his way “you know im always here for you right? dont be afraid to be a little emotional sometimes” you reach over to pat his head
“thanks y/n” he smiles “you’re a really great friend”
yeah.. friend
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aquafolia · 3 years
Sokai Day Fic 1: True Love’s Kiss(es)
So yes, I am a Classics/ancient history blog, and this is obviously super different from the content I normally post on this blog. Please forgive me, but I’ve recently become OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts and I have nowhere else to post this stuff at the moment. So please forgive me, normal content will resume soon!
Anyway, as I said I just started playing the KH games for the first time this summer and it’s been so much fun. And seeing all the amazing stories and artwork in this fandom has inspired me to write some stuff too. Anyway, I’m Holly, and I hope y’all enjoy :)
True Love’s Kiss(es)
‘Ugh!’ Kairi groaned, unceremoniously setting down the basket she held in her hands. ‘I forgot that when you pick apples, you have to actually carry them all back, too!’
‘Your basket’s not even half full, Kairi,’ Sora remarked, ‘and we’ve only just started!’
She grinned. ‘Well then, it’s a good thing I have a strong, manly boyfriend to help me carry all of these.’
He could hardly argue with that. Sora feigned displeasure by rolling his eyes and letting out a dramatic groan, which made Kairi giggle. But then he walked over to her, grabbing one of the basket’s handles as she grabbed the other, and the pair made their way deeper down the rows of apple trees. They could hear the distant shouts and laughs of their friends echoing through the orchard as they went. Apparently, Twilight Town– a world basically in perpetual autumn–  was known for its fall festivities, including its legendary apple orchards. Once they’d visited the orchards, the gang hoped Remi would help them make apple pies, apple cider, and all sorts of goodies during their visit. To that end, the group had decided to break up into teams in order to pick as many apples as they could carry. Today, Sora and Kairi were paired up. But Sora knew that if they only returned with a measly half basket of apples, the others would surely tease them, accuse them of slacking off.
They wouldn’t be totally wrong, Sora thought with a grin. Sure, Kairi was determined to focus on their task: she was deep in concentration, examining each apple carefully before deciding to place it in her basket. Sora, on the other hand, was much more determined to get Kairi off task. It wasn’t that Sora didn’t want to help out, but this was an opportunity for him and Kairi to spend some time alone– that was a temptation greater than any fruit, in Sora’s world.
Kairi set her sights on a shiny red apple that hung high on a nearby tree. She stood up on her tiptoes, making adorable little noises as she tried to grab it. Sora was staring intently, but not at the apple: Kairi’s form was stretched out in front of him as she reached high over her head, accentuating her curves, and Sora was mesmerized. It was only when she said his name that he snapped out of his trance: ‘Sora,’ she called out, not taking her eyes off the fruit, ‘would you come over and help me with this one? You should be able to–’
Kairi shrieked as Sora, having silently moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her legs and hoisted her up onto his shoulder.
‘Tall enough now?’ he asked casually.
Her surprised squeak was the only reply Kairi could muster. Once she’d successfully picked the apple, Sora released her hips. He held her by the waist as her body slid down his until she landed gently on the ground. Even in the autumn chill, Sora could feel his cheeks burning.
Having regained some of her composure, with a giggle, Kairi said, ‘Guess we make a pretty good team, huh?’ before she turned to the next tree. Sora tried to hide it by replying with a level ‘Absolutely,’ but inside, he was beaming: watching the effect he had on Kairi just never got old for him– but given how hard he had to try to appear cool and unfazed, it wasn’t like he was much better than she was.
Now that he’d had his fun, Sora walked up next to Kairi to help out. The pair picked apples side by side, happily chatting and admiring each other's finds, and over time, their basket filled with bright red apples. While they worked, something about the orchard nagged at Sora’s mind, but he couldn't place it. As he studied a large, blood-red apple in his hands, it finally clicked.
‘All these apples remind me of Snow White,’ Sora remarked. ‘Aqua told me how Snow White’s evil stepmother tried to kill her by getting her to eat a poisoned apple. The dwarves thought she was dead, so they placed her in a beautiful glass casket,’ Sora recalled, his eyes still fixed on the apple. He found himself absentmindedly tracing the spot on his chest where a scar marred the skin over his heart: the permanent reminder of his sacrifice for Kairi– well, his first one, anyway.
‘But she wasn’t dead,’ Sora continued, thought bleeding into memory. ‘She was asleep, and she couldn’t wake up…’
‘Until her true love saved her.’
That broke Sora out of his reverie. He looked up to find Kairi already gazing at him, her eyes soft and sincere. Sora replied, ‘Yeah… Reminds me of another princess I know.’
Did she really mean…?  They’d talked about their first adventure numerous times before, but she’d never said it like that.
‘I would have killed for a nice bed to sleep on,’ she continued. ‘You and Riku took me on quite a journey– napping peacefully in a meadow sounds pretty good to me,’ Kairi said with a grin.
A breeze drifted through the orchard, rustling the leaves over their heads. ‘I remember your dad telling us all those old fairy tales when we were kids,’ Sora said. ‘After all the adventures we’ve had… it’s strange to think we sort of became one ourselves.’
‘They’re not always as fun to live as they are to hear…’ Kairi remarked, almost to herself, ‘when you don’t know if there’ll be a happy ending after all.’ Her eyes grew distant, drifting aimlessly down the row of apple trees.  ‘I… I still remember waking up at Hollow Bastion, seeing that Keyblade in your chest… And then how you–’ she started, but then faltered, unable to bring herself to say what came next.
Sora gently placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She still seemed lost in thought, not meeting his eyes. ‘I know what you mean. But we did get one, didn’t we, Kairi? It took a while, and we’ve had to find each other again and again, but now you’re here. And thanks to you, I’m here. We’re finally together, and nothing is ever going to change that. That’s the best ‘happily ever after’ I could have wished for.’
The pair were alone, the trees standing sentry around them, but his voice grew softer all the same: these words were just for her. ‘All that doesn’t really matter anymore,’ Sora continued. ‘What I mean is… what matters is that we’re here now. That means it was all worth it.’ He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. ‘Back at Hollow Bastion, when I saw your eyes open just before mine closed, when I knew your heart was safe… it was worth it, Kairi.’
She finally looked up at him. Sora hoped his eyes conveyed the sincerity of his words: It had all been for her– and it had all been worth it, every moment. Every time Sora got to see her sweet smile, got to hear her lovely laugh, it was worth it. And now, he wasn’t just connected to her across the worlds by promises and oaths– if he wanted to find Kairi, all Sora had to do was reach for her hand. How was that not a dream come true?
A small smile forming on her lips, Kairi gave him a look of such love and gratitude that Sora knew she felt the same. ‘It just makes our time together now even more precious to me,’ she finally said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. ‘I’m never going to take this for granted.’
Sora decided then to gather her into his arms and bring her close, her head resting in the crook of his neck, his cheek on her soft hair. ‘You know,’ he started after a pause, ‘I have to admit, when I heard Snow White’s story, I got a bit jealous.’
Kairi pulled back just enough to shoot him a quizzical look. ‘Jealous?’
‘Yeah, of Prince Florian. All he had to do to wake up Snow White and save the day was kiss her– pretty nice deal, if you ask me,’ Sora explained. Kairi smiled, but her eyes were still a bit sad. So he continued, a grin spreading across his face, ‘Don’t know why I didn’t think to try that first…’
‘Oh, Sora!’ Kairi giggled, giving Sora a playful smack on his arm, her face brighter. ‘What, does that mean you thought about kissing Ven at some point, too?’ she countered.
‘I was getting so desperate to find the Power of Waking, I just might have!’ Sora replied, and they both laughed again. Keeping one arm around Kairi, he took a bite from the apple still in his hand. It was crisp and fresh, and amazingly sweet– it was just right, like everything else in this moment.
Suddenly, with a smirk on her face, Kairi plucked the half-eaten apple from Sora’s hand. She lifted the fruit to her lips, holding Sora’s gaze as she took a large bite next to where he’d just bitten, a small drop of juice running down her chin as she chewed. All Sora could do was watch her, hopelessly mesmerized. It was bold, yet playful– Kairi to a T. Before Sora’s brain could fully resume normal functioning, Kairi said, feigning innocence, ‘What? Isn’t sharing fruit kind of our thing? It’s no paopu fruit, but still…’
Staring into her eyes, the radiant sunset bathing them in soft, warm light, Sora grew bold himself: They’d spent so long in silence, so long apart, why waste any time? He’d fought so hard to find her, to come back to her, over and over again. She was right here– if he wanted to kiss her, what on earth was there to consider? Sora reached a hand forward to cup her cheek, wiping the juice from the corner of her lip with his thumb. Kairi let the gentle pull of his thumb part her lips. ‘It is pretty good,’ Sora said, ‘but… you definitely taste better.’ And with that, he lowered his head and kissed her. He heard the sound of the apple landing on the ground, utterly forgotten, as Kairi’s arms wound around his neck.
And Sora had to admit, kissing Kairi felt pretty magical– Maybe those fairytales were onto something after all.
But of course, the distant sound of Aqua, Ven, and Riku calling out in search of them forced the pair to break their kiss, albeit begrudgingly. Sora expected Kairi to step away, pick up her basket, maybe call out to their friends– but she didn’t. She stayed as she was in Sora’s arms, one hand resting on his shirt, over the scar. Sora could feel his heartbeat racing under her touch. When she looked up at him again, something in her eyes was different. Still happy, but mixed with something else– not just happiness, but a determination to be so.
‘This is a pretty large orchard,’ Kairi remarked, her eyes bright. ‘Our friends probably won’t find us for a little while longer…’
‘We’d better not make them wait too long, or Axel will use his chakrams to–’
Kairi grabbed Sora’s hoodie with both hands and pulled him back down to her lips. For a moment, Sora stood frozen, eyes wide with shock. But as she melted into him, his eyes fluttered closed and he wound his arms around her, each kiss between them less ‘Fairy Godmother Friendly’ than the last. Traditionally, in all those fairytales, the heroes only ever got one ‘True Love’s Kiss.’ Sora considered himself the luckiest prince of all time– he had a never ending supply.
Twilight Town was always just that– hanging in perpetual dusk. So Sora really didn’t know how long he and Kairi spent like that, lost in laughter and kisses and caresses beneath the trees. But once their friends’ voices grew dangerously close, Sora and Kairi managed to untangle themselves, wiping swollen lips, readjusting ruffled clothing, and fixing disheveled hair (not that Sora’s hair had been tidy in the first place– and Kairi burst out laughing when she realized her attempts to smooth it didn’t do much good, either). As Kairi called out to their friends, Sora picked up her basket, now full of delicious looking apples, and the pair began to head back toward the orchard entrance. They probably hadn’t gathered the most apples– and he was sure their friends would point that fact out–  but Sora didn’t care one bit. He wouldn’t have traded this day for anything.
‘Hey Kairi?’ Sora said as they walked, ‘For the record, if I’m ever in a fruit induced coma– or any other kind of coma, really– feel free to make out with me, in order to revive me. Thought I should say so, you know, just in case.’
‘Oh, really?’ She teased back. ‘I’ll make sure to tell Donald– you always complain he never uses Curaga when you need it.’
‘What? No! Ew, gross!’ Sora blanched as Kairi dissolved into laughter. But when his eyes found hers again, he couldn’t help but smile.
As her giggles died out, she replied, 'Okay, I’ll remember that… But that doesn’t mean you can go throw yourself into danger so I’ll kiss you better!’
‘I can’t help it– when you kiss me, I feel like I can do anything,’ Sora answered simply. Kairi’s eyes widened at his remark, and she ducked her head as her cheeks bloomed pink. Sora beamed. He may have been laying it on her thick, but Sora wasn’t lying: He had true love on his side– the most powerful magic of all.
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jippy-kandi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 66: The Last Miracle, The Last Power (Review)
Thoughts on the sixty-sixth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
We’re finally at the penultimate episode! YAY! \o/
That close-up of Negamon’s eye opening looked like the Demogorgon’s face opening from Stranger Things, lol. (Watch that show! Nancy and Steve are uwu) Negamon/his eye is still so comical to me. :P
And . . . we’re ripping off Our War Game again (+ Apocalymon later)! Great. :P Nah, I don’t mind at all TBH, lol.
Mimi: “Papa, Mama, Grandpa . . .” Nice of Mimi to remind us that they actually have family they care about (and who, in turn, should care about them), lol. This is actually a huge gaping hole that the series has chosen to sweep aside for 99% of the time, at its own detriment . . . Where is a shot of Yuuko Yagami being a mess at her missing kids suddenly fighting in a battle for Earth? I miss when things actually felt like they mattered (more) and there were high stakes. OG Adventure is crying. ;_;
Sora: “We’ll take the tentacles!” Yamato: “We’ll . . .” Taichi: “Keep charging ahead!” In case you forgot who are the actual stars in this series - and who are just guest starring. Toei’s got you! uwu
Mimi being audibly cold when Vikemon did his Arctic Blizzard attack was nice, lol. These neat little Mimi side moments are definitely part of the highlights of this reboot. I wish all the characters had these. <3
It was nice to see all the Megas do their bit, even if it really was just the absolute bare minimum. In a perfect world, Toei would figure out how to give screentime (fairly) equally to the main cast . . . but alas. This is all we get. I still appreciated it, though.
Negamon’s evolution, Abbadomon, is . . . very underwhelming. He looks like a Pacman with film strips, lol. And when he evolved, the animation took a turn? Like it suddenly went into old black-and-white TV land. The music felt super old school, too. I kinda dug it, though? But, I must say, Abbadomon is a lot less intimidating than Millenniumon . . .
So we get all these shots of people in the real world watching the battle . . . and not a single 02 cameo, lol. Toei! COME ON! It would’ve been pretty damn neat! And super easy to do? :P They could’ve just looked similar to Ken and co., lol.
I really liked the second half where the existence of “the other four” (Sora, Mimi, Jou and Koushirou) were eaten by Abbadomon. It was so eerie and it actually had the characters, you know, talk! Damn, I miss that. I miss characters being actual people. :P
Sora: “Taichi . . . Yamato . . .” Why yes, I did appreciate this. Why? Take a wild guess. uwu
The light of hope stuff is, again, obviously inspired by the OG - and is actually fine. :P And while “the other four” are obviously not on the frontlines of the battle, I think their part was great TBH - it worked for me. I prefer these moments more than just attack, attack, attack. :P
Plus, they had a nice evolution montage thing where they all spoke with their Digimon partners. Screentime at last! uwu
There was a surprising Devimon and SkullKnightmon cameo that I dug quite a bit, lol.
And what we’ve all been waiting for - even though he appeared almost immediately at the beginning of the series: Omegamon! His evolution sequence was super cool - and, well, Omegamon himself is just a freakin’ badarse. uwu GET HYPE!
Overall, I actually quite enjoyed it. A solid penultimate episode - and honestly better than expected from this reboot, lmao. Sure, they’re borrowing heavily from the OG - but at least it was done competently. I have (almost) no qualms about this specific retelling. :P
Next episode: THE FINAL ONE! Climax and resolution in 20 minutes, lol.
But the end of this series will be very bittersweet for me . . .
See you then.
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The only one to cheer me up.
Summary: Three times Sora annoyed Sabrina, and the one time they found solace in each other. [Written to celebrate 20 years of Kingdom Hearts!] Word Count: 3,030 ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
Sora tried his best not to forget anyone’s birthday. Even if he hadn’t seen the person in years, he could know the date by heart and wonder for a moment or two on why it was special. Ironically enough, the only birthday he ever forgot was his own.
The next birthday on his list of friends was one belonging to a certain newcomer. Someone who liked being grumpy and hiding how much she actually cared. With those big dark brown eyes, wavy ebony hair, and light, neutral skin tone. It was going to take a lot of effort to get her ideal birthday wish out. But Sora was determined. He just needed a good day, a good feeling, to coerce her.
Of course, he was also a man of equal opportunities.
Sora passed Sabrina in Radiant Garden one afternoon. He didn’t really know why she was there, but he wasn’t going to question it. A wide smile stretched across his face as he carefully approached her. She never saw him coming- she had been too busy paying a moogle for some synthesis ingredients.
“Well, hello Sabrina. Funny meeting you here.” the boy charmingly greeted, maintaining a distance far enough to be polite but close enough so she couldn’t ignore him. She still tried to. Sabrina packed her new things away, promptly turning her back to Sora to make a statement, then started to walk away.
Sora puffed a bit of hair away from his face. So this was going to take some work. He didn’t let her get too far away, skip-running to walk beside her.
“So,” he said to her again, “I heard that it’s going to be a certain someone’s birthday soon. Is there anything she’d like to have?”
“No.” came the short reply.
“Oh, come on.” Sora sighed. “There’s gotta be something. Why won’t you tell me?”
For this, Sabrina scoffed. Not once did she slow her steps. “Why don’t you ask someone else what I want?” she questioned. “I’m sure plenty of people know me well enough to tell you something.”
Sora stopped walking just to glare at her. “Sabrina,” he said, in a rather blunt tone, “You only like three people. Who would I go to?”
She shrugged the comment off. “You’d figure it out.”
Sora scowled, just slightly, before catching up with her again.
“I’m not going to ask anyone else but you. I need to know you’re going to like what I give you. Having someone else tell me isn’t the same as you telling me.”
What a terrible crowd. Maybe it was time to switch tactics; it was time to be the ultimate pest.
“Would you like a puppy?” he asked. “Or a TV? Or a Gummi Ship of your own? Oh! I know! Sea salt ice cream!” “No.” she disagreed in a flat tone. “No. No. And heck no.”
“Whatta ‘bout drawing?”
“What about a BIG cake where we hide someone inside, and they jump out to-”
“Sora!” Sabrina shouted, finally stopping in her tracks and glaring directly at him. “Just shut up! I like haute couture! I like dancing lyrical with jazz shoes! I practice calligraphy when I’m mad because the constant motion helps me think clearer! And sometimes watching Ven stand his ground and defend himself -or me- like his life depends on it makes me want to-“
She cut herself off there. Her face was a weird shade of horrified white and flustered red. Gathering what little she had of her patience, and making sure she still had her purchased items, she shoved Sora out of the way to get away from him. Several unkind words were mumbled under her breath as her steps were quite obviously unnerved.
“Well…” Sora mused as he adjusted himself, “That was a lot easier than I thought.”
. . .
“Sabrina, you’re stalling the engine.”
The news didn’t come as a surprise to her, and so she didn’t react. Sora had turned the captain’s chair around to wait for an apology, or at least some attempt to be happier. Neither happened.
“What annoyed you this time?” Sora asked. He genuinely didn’t know. Conversations never happened in the Gummi Ship when Sabrina was there and Sora was piloting. She liked the silence. It wasn’t like Sora had sneezed or anything before now either. You could have heard a pin drop up until this moment- he was sure of it.
“I like being bitter.”
“No you don’t.”
Sabrina rolled her eyes and refused to look at him. Sora sighed. He looked over at the ship’s console to see how far they were from Twilight Town. It wasn’t much. A good jolt or two would get them there instantly. Why did she have to choose now to be jaded? Did she remember a bad experience last time she was there? Was there someone she wanted to avoid? No matter the petty reason, Sabrina needed to think happy thoughts or else they weren’t going anywhere.
“I know!” he suddenly declared. Sabrina jumped when she realized that he had darted next to her seat. His elbows were on her armrest and his eyes looked up at her with a mischievous gleam. Before she could question what he was doing, or even thinking, he delightfully said to her, “Maybe you should think about Ven.”
It took all it had in Sabrina not to punch Sora right then and there. Instead, she retracted her body as far away as she could from him like he had presented her with a spider instead.
“That’s not going to work.” she spat.
Sora curiously titled his head. “No?” He grinned so wide that Sabrina recoiled again. “You didn’t notice that the Gummi Ship moved forward a bit when I mentioned him?”
She certainly did not, but that was well beside the point. Sora was getting closer now. That stupid grin on his face was only growing more mischevious.
“We’re close to our destination anyway.” he went on to muse. His voice holding just as much mirth as his expression. “Just a little bit of power, Sabi. It’s all we need.”
“I hate it when you use that nickname.” she hissed. Sora just pouted.
“Oh!” he then declared. “Maybe Kairi and I, and you and Ven, could go on a double date sometime!”
“No!” Sabrina immediately shouted; her face growing pale even faster.
“It would be great!” he went on, ignoring her reaction. “I’m sure Kairi and Ven would like talking outside of training. She’s always talking about not getting to know you outside of practice too, you know. I, for one, would like to see if Ven does that thing when he thinks about you when you’re actually in the room. You know what that thing is, don’t you? You must. Your face is getting red.”
“You’re terrible.” she hissed. “The most horrible, embarrassing, arrogant-”
“Hey look! We made it!” Sora suddenly declared, cutting her off. He jumped back into the captain’s chair in record time. Sabrina continued to glare at him as he landed the ship.
. . .
Sora knew a lot of powerful Keyblade wielders. He was impressed by all of his friends and how far they have come in their journeys. One friend, who he prefered to watch from afar, was Sabrina. Sabrina was… not quite impatient, but definitely pushed herself when she wasn’t making the progress she wanted. Today was shaping up to be one of those days.
Sabrina was told to take a break. She came to get a bottle of water and opened it with hostility. Taking a deep breath in, Sora moved toward her.
“You’re doing great out there.” he told her, using his usual optimistic tone. She rebuffed it with a grunt. It wasn’t going to stop him from making conversation just yet. He gave her a grin before adding, “Maybe we’ll spar together later! It’s been awhile since we’ve gone one on one. I’m sure you’ve learned a lot.”
At this, Sabrina finally graced him with a side glance. His smile was still bright, but wavering ever so slightly. He then summoned his Keyblade and looked over it. The smile quivered a bit.
“It’s going to be great seeing you guys all become masters.” Sora said to her- although his voice sounded a bit far off. “You’ve always worked a lot harder than I ever did. Not to mention being chosen by the Keyblade to begin with.”
Sabrina glared as Sora continued to wistfully look over his Keyblade. He thought back on the time Donald and Goofy left him because Riku revealed that Sora wasn’t meant to have it. Then there were all the times where he had all his abilities as a wielder stripped from him because he had been careless; falling into Castle Oblivion’s trap, and almost allowing Xehanort to take his heart as a vessel during the Mark of Mastery. He didn’t know why the Keyblade still wanted him. Everything seemed to point to his heart always being too weak to retain anything useful.
Without any warning, and perfectly stopping his train of thought, Sabrina slapped Sora.
“Owww.” he whined as he nursed his cheek. “What was that for?”
“You needed a reminder on how terribly annoying you are.”
“Thanks.” he grunted.
As Sora continued to lightly whine about his new bruise, Sabrina glared even harder at him. She couldn’t believe he had the audacity to tell her that. Part of training was learning about enemies Sora had generally encountered first. Her body started to get stiffer as she considered her next words to him. He almost ignored her because the tone she had made it seem more like berating.
“You need to give yourself more credit. Just because you keep losing your abilities doesn’t mean that you’re weak or useless. Poor management skills, maybe, but not a lost cause.”
Sora paused for a moment. He looked over at Sabrina with a curious tilt of his head. Her words mulled over in his head for a long time. There was a certain reason behind her words. But what was it? When it came to him, a wide grin stretched across his face.
“You care!” he happily declared without caring who could hear.
Her face immediately soured. “I never said-”
He wouldn’t let her finish. Sora had pulled Sabrina into a tight hug that he refused to let her wiggle out of. She did put up a good fight- he had to give her that. But he didn’t let go until a solid minute had passed, after that Sabrina immediately got away from him like he was a snake instead.
“You’re a good person, you know.” he reminded her. “That’s why the Keyblade chose you. Chose all of us.”
“Well lucky us.” Sabrina huffed before turning on her heel to resume training.
. . .
She cursed the moment she woke from her dream. It was the kind that only occured when she wasn’t home- the kind that made her fear for everything she held dear. But it was just a dream, Chirithy would reassure her of that. Despite this, Sabrina worked her half awake body out of bed and into the kitchen. Tea would make her feel better; chamomile and peppermint.
The only sound in the kitchen was Sabrina herself. She never knew when Sora wandered in. She certainly wasn’t expecting to see him as she started to leave. It also elicited another curse from her lips. The boy just blinked. A sleepy yawn escaping his lips.
“Couldn’t sleep too, huh?” he mused.
“Bad things happen when you leave the world your heart is tethered to.” she shot back, taking a sip from her tea, before moving over to the kitchen’s window seat. It was far enough away from him, and that was all that mattered. “Like nightmares.”
“Our Dream Eaters are severely lacking.” Sora lazily nodded. He drifted over to the island counter and rested an elbow there. “Haven’t been able to sleep in awhile too.” He then gave a lazy smile as he rested his head in his hand. “Riku’s s’posed to be my Dream Eater, but he’s doing a crummy job at it.”
“Riku’s human too, you know.” she reminded him. “Not that anyone knows just what it means for him to be a Dream Eater right now anyway.”
“Guess that’s true…”
Sabrina nodded before taking another sip of tea. A part of her wanted to just take it back to her room. On the other, the piece of despair her dream brought her seemed a bit dimmer as she remained with Sora. She wistfully thought of him having some Dream Eater tendencies in that case. It certainly would have been amusing. 
Meanwhile, possibly because of the half sleep, Sora thought Sabrina to be very beautiful in this moment. She took each sip from her cup like a queen entertaining guests. Each move was purposeful; practiced. If he wasn’t so drowsy (and more confident in his ability to form a coherent sentence on the matter), he probably would have called her out for trying to hide her worry. Everyone knew she put on a show if she was hiding something. Not that he had any way of telling what it was. Ven probably could, if Ven wasn’t fast asleep right now.
“You know…” Sora yawned, “Sometimes Ven talks about you like Aladdin talks about Jasmine. He has a lot of trust in you. A whole lotta love.”
Sabrina cocked an eyebrow at him. “Jealous?”
Sora shook his head. His face puckered like he had tasted something sour. “He can have you. Just don’t hurt him. Something tells me his heart isn’t… quite…”
He trailed off as his head started to dip lower and lower. Sabrina watched him, almost mirroring the gesture, before he accidentally whacked his head on the counter. It woke him enough to sit straight up again. Sabrina cackled a bit as she took another sip of tea.
“How about you come sit?” she suggested, gesturing to the spot next to her. “That way you can avoid another bruise you can’t explain tomorrow because your brain isn’t forming memories.”
Sora sleepily nodded before coming on over. Sabrina finished the last of her tea just as he plopped beside her. She then sat her now empty cup on the nearby dining table. It was easier to glare at Sora that way. More energy to spend on maintaining her cold aura. He was almost too close. It unnerved her. All unease from her nightmare was almost gone now.
“Sorry for burning too bright.” Sora said in between another yawn. “I can’t help it. Everyone knows that’s why you always think I'm annoying.”
“That’s… not the only reason.”
Sora did his best to raise an eyebrow. He was genuinely curious on what she meant. Sabrina rolled her eyes at him.
“Don’t act like you don’t follow what your heart says without thinking.” she told him. “It’s led to more disasters than what you’re even able to remember. You annoy me. It’s not just because of the light in your heart- it’s what you do with it. Then you have those moments when you let yourself down because you follow your heart. Sure, your plan is usually none in those cases, but at least you have the conviction to follow through. Not all of us have that.”
“You don’t hate me?” Sora asked- his voice so tired that it almost sounded like a plea.
Sabrina could feel her body clench at the question. With a grimace, she told him in a small, begrudging voice, “No. Just easily annoyed.”
For this, Sora gave her a grin. He could bet she’d say that for a lot of people. That was where they were kinda the same: he and her. They both listened to their hearts, but in different ways; Sora trusted blindly because he could see their light, while Sabrina used it to determine character. It led them to clash more often than not. But they would still defend each other when the time came, too. Deep down, they knew they could trust each other because they clashed so often.
“I have an idea,” Sora yawned. “Let’s be the only people allowed to cheer each other up. If anyone else tries, we stay mad.”
It took a while for a response, but to his surprise, Sabrina didn’t oppose it.
“Sure.” she snorted. “I’ll beat you into happiness next time you start doubting yourself.”
“And I will annoy you until you remember to smile again.” he agreed with a grin. “Ven can’t be the only one fighting for you.”
Sabrina rolled her eyes again- this time with a more playful air. Sora continued to grin. His body was swaying slightly now as he struggled to stay awake. He might have nodded off again- it was hard to tell. All he could think about was how odd it was Sabrina had chose to wear green socks to bed. Or did she put them on when she left her room?
“Promise to keep a secret?” he asked, looking up at her with half lidded eyes. “Don’t tell Ven about what I’m gonna do. He’d get reaaaaal jealous.”
“What…” she started to say but was instantly cut off when Sora’s head plopped right onto her lap. Her first reaction was to shove him off. Oddly enough, she didn’t. Instead, mechanically, she placed her hands on top of his head. Compared to Ventus’s hair, Sora’s was more scratchy. There was still plenty of it, though. It still had a certain comfort from just running your fingers through it.
“As if I want him to know you drooled all over my pants.” Sabrina snorted, more to herself than to anyone else. She leaned forward, as close as she could without touching him. “I’ll give Riku a hard time too if you don’t sleep well now.”
Sora shifted in his sleep- not enough to make her assume he was awake enough to answer though. He was out like a light. Sabrina allowed a small grin to slip through. She adjusted herself a bit so she could lay on him as well, and then she too returned to a dreamless sleep.
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kadethecat · 3 years
what about... 20? :D
Thanks for doing the ask game! 20 is breaking the rules. I haven’t written in a while, so sorry if it’s not the best, but here it is. Also the formatting might be messed up since I’m on mobile.
Summary: Susie and Noelle wanted to have a cool night where they could watch a bunch of episodes of their favorite show, but the streaming service they have access to through noelles parents doesn’t have it on there, so Susie suggests Piracy.
“You mean like a date? Really?” Noelle wanted to make sure she was interpreting what Susie had said right.
Susie turned to the side and put a hand behind her head, her hair hiding her eyes even more. “Well, only if you want it to be…” Noelle was touched. Noelle couldn’t believe a cool girl like Susie wanted to go out with her! She was barely keeping herself from jumping around. “So what do you… what do you wanna do?” Susie was looking her in the eyes now.
“Um… maybe we could watch a movie, or a show or something?” Noelle suggested.
“Oh, I know! You could show me that cartoon you were talking about! If you uh… if you want to, anyway.”
Oh geez, Noelle hadn’t thought that Susie would actually be interested when she brought it up. She’d still follow through and watch it with her, but she was a bit embarrassed about her own taste. “Um, sure. What time?”
“Can we do 11? Like in the morning?” Susie asked.
“I’m pretty sure that works for me. So… see you then I guess?”
“Uh, sure. I’ll see you later.”
Noelle and Susie had parted ways from in front of the school, and Noelle was in her room, gushing. She was just so happy that she finally had a real official date with the girl she liked! Of course Noelle was still in fear of it going horribly horribly wrong, but she was able to put that fear aside for the most part. As well as how she always felt guilty thinking about Susie, and even guiltier now that something was actually happening. Ah, she should probably start preparing for the date to make sure it goes well.
She booted up the computer and made sure she remembered her family’s Sora login correctly. She successfully got into the streaming service, and looked in her watch list for Caught in Rola. Huh, it didn’t show up. Sora does glitch a lot... She decided to put the site’s search function into use, and Noelle put the name of the series in, and still no results showed.
Noelle’s heart was pretty crushed. Her date with Susie was probably ruined, and she hadn’t even finished the last season of the show. Ugh, she couldn’t believe that they would just take it down with no warning. She fell into bed and put on the white noise she liked to sleep to, and turned off her lamp. She still couldn’t stop thinking about the situation she was in. What was she going to say to Susie? Would she think it was Noelle’s fault? Maybe the blame did fall on Noelle. After all, it was her who told Susie that she would definitely be able to do it.
- -
The doorbell rang. It was 11:17, and Noelle was still anxious. Maybe she just shouldn’t open the door. Maybe then she can forget about this and it will somehow be fixed… the doorbell rapidly rang a few more times, and Noelle walked to the door to unlock and open it.
“Hi, Noelle, I almost thought you weren’t gonna get the door, haha. Sorry for being late. I like, forgot for a second that 10:57 was right before 11, so when I checked the clock then, I wasn’t prepared at all to leave, but hopefully it’s okay?” Susie was a bit embarrassed, and it showed on her face.
“It’s totally okay! Um, Susie? Do you think you would be okay if we uh, did something else other than watching the show…?” Noelle asked, avoiding eye contact with her date.
“Wha? I’m not mad or something, but why?”
“Well I checked and… Sora doesn’t have Caught in Rola on it any more. Sorry to let you down.”
“Oh, well. that’s not good. Uh I do think I know… something else we can do. Can I use your computer for a moment?”
Noelle was unsure what Susie was thinking of. “Alright, sure, as long as it’s within reason. And you can come inside now! Sorry for making you wait outside for so long.”
The two headed inside the roomy house, and made their way into Noelle’s room. Noelle had temporarily taken down the most embarrassing posters she had, but a few were still up. Noelle sat on her bed next to Susie, set the laptop between them and logged into her account to direct Susie onto the browser.
“Okay uhh, do you have an adblocker?” Susie asked Noelle, looking up from the monitor.
“No? Probably not I think, what’s that for?”
“No? Uh, okay. It like, removes annoying ads and popups from websites while you’re on them.” Susie tried explaining. “I’ll just get one for you if you want. It’s free to have.”
Noelle just gave a simple “Okay,” and Susie continued her work on the device.
“Okay so, I know a website that we can probably watch it on, so I’m gonna pull that up now.” She put in a weird sounding url and hit enter. A bunch of ads and spam showed up for a split second, but were quickly done away with thanks to what Susie had gotten for Noelle. “Here it is! It seems sketchy but it’s completely alright to do and doesn’t make you a bad person on its own.” Susie proclaimed.
“Wow, you’re sure that this is okay? It’s pretty cool!” Noelle was pretty excited to see the show, she would even be able to finish it on her own if she couldn’t with Susie.
“Well, yeah, as long as you didn’t invite any cops, haha ha…” the room went a bit cold.
“This- Are you saying that this is a crime!?” Noelle nearly shouted. Was she dating a criminal? Was her mom actually right about Susie being a delinquent bad influence?
“Hey, hey, I said it was moral, not legal.” Susie tried to reassure.
“Wh-what if we get caught? Undyne’s really scary, and-and people might think it’s my your fault O-or-“
“Hey, Noelle.” Susie said pretty calmly. “We’re not hurting anyone. We’re just a couple of teens who wanna watch a cartoon. And, you’re mom’s paying for that other service anyway, so the creators of the show already got stuff for what they made. It’s basically already been completely paid for, if that uh, makes sense.”
Noelle was actually almost crying, but she thought that Susie was probably right. She tended to draw her own moral line at things that the people around her would approve of, but, well, now that she thought about it, there was probably more that they wouldn’t approve of or understand, like the dark world, or how Kris can time travel, apparently.
“Wow, that’s uh… a lot.” Susie was staring at Noelle.
“Did uh.. I… I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
“Hey, it’s okay! Let’s… let’s go watch our illegal cartoons now.”
“Okay!” The two girls pulled up the show, and watched the show until into the night.
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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「Wakana Botanical Land “Music Party Vol.2"」 Live Report/Commentary
Don’t forget to tune in to today’s event! A live stream option IS AVAILABLE for these two fan club exclusive performances. There is STILL time to buy a ticket so be sure to use that chance! If you can’t watch it live today, you can rely on the archived version which will be uploaded after the event and is available until June 6! (Tweet by Wakana staff)
EVENT DETAILS (find ALL details and a tutorial HERE): ■ May 29, 2021  ◇ Day performance Open 14:15 Start 15:00 (JST) ◇ Night performance Open 17:15 Start 18:00 (JST)
Note: I will try my best to do a live commentary/first reaction kind of thing so this post will be updated as the day goes by. I really hope they have fixed the streaming problems they had last time with the Spring Shark Festival. It worked fine once they got it working but it took quite a while to get there. They don’t have that luxury today since there is an on-site audience, it’s pretty much impossible to delay the performance should any streaming issues arise. On a side note, I am keeping my expectations low as far as the audio-quality is concerned but we will see, maybe it’s good. Without further ado, let’s get to it!
Live Commentary
Okay, it’s about to start, there are some weird noises in my headphones but it’s manageable. Otherwise, it works totally fine! I think they fixed the weird noise issue for the evening performance. Haven’t heard it yet. Video/stream-quality is perfect for me (no freeze so far), they have a few different angles which I appreciate. A bit of shaky-cam here and there but nothing too bad. I feel like they improved quite a bit on the camera work for the evening performance. Sound is also surprisingly good.
Happy Hello Day: The atmosphere is already so nice, everyone is clapping enthusiastically. I love it! The arrangement with piano and guitar is perfect for this song. Poor Wakana forgot the lyrics though so they had to start again. Awww, so precious, I wanna cuddle her already! Loved the “lalala” at the end! No mistakes for her night performance. Everything went smoothly. I feel like the atmosphere is a bit more toned down compared to the day performance.
瑠璃色の空 / Ruriiro no Sora (DAY): Okay, I have never really liked this song but this acoustic version is actually pretty nice. I may have actually become a fan! :P Thank you Wakana, for this beautiful rendition. Hard Rain (NIGHT): YESSSSS! So much win! While I didn’t mind this version of Ruriiro no Sora, I MUCH prefer Hard Rain.
ひらりひらり / Hirari Hirari: Not my favourite of the “magic moment” album but I really enjoy listening to the live version like this.
442: OMG, I am already blown away! This IS SO GOOD!!!! The live version (especially with this acoustic arrangement) is a REVELATION, everyone needs to listen to it! I am so glad we are also getting this on the Blu-ray this summer!
Talk Corner: Awww, once again Wakana embarrasses herself by introducing her host Bunta Nagamatsu with the wrong name. Seeing her this flustered is super cute but on the other hand, I feel sorry for her T_T They are answering some of the simple/casual questions that fan club members were able to submit in advance. It was interesting to find out that she stretches for quite a long of them a few hours before a live and that she carries pretty much all of her belongings in her bag on a performance day XD Will be summarising them properly once we get the archived version. They are using different questions for the evening performance! YAY! At the end they are demonstrating their kendama skills but Wakana fails to catch the ball the first two times but then on the third try, SUCCESS! She is so happy! At the evening performance she looked like she pulled a muscle doing the trick but yay, she managed to catch the ball on her first try
海を見ていた午後 / Umi wo miteita gogo: Yuming-cover chosen for Takebe-san due to a connection. They picked this song because it features places in Yokohama (today’s live is taking place in Yokohama). Too short but very nice. Not a particularly big fan of the voice she uses for the song though.
アイノカタチ / Ai no Katachi: Misia-cover chosen for Ishinari-san due to a connection. His guitar playing is actually featured in the original recording of the song. Wakana also sang this in one of her fan club videos (where she did her nails). Wahhhh, I am in love!! Such a beautiful cover! This hit me right in the feels, even more so the second time around! *bursts into tears*
I have a dream: Kalafina-cover chosen for Wakana due to a connection. *sobs* Ahhhhhh, this is beautiful. I have no words. Not all Kalafina songs work as a solo song but this one certainly does. Wakana nailed it!! That Kajiura-go part!! Btw, random question for everyone who has been watching the stream, where is that drum/percussion-like sound coming from? It’s noticable in almost all songs but it’s obviously not coming from the piano or guitar. Just curious since I am not an expert on that kind of stuff so I wouldn’t know what tools they have to create this sort of sound without an actual drum set or whatever. Thanks to @sa-nyan for replying, it is INDEED Ishinari using some sort of pedal.
翼 / Tsubasa: Oh wow, already digging the acoustic arrangement. Can I just say how much I appreciate it that Wakana has two super talented and passionate musicians on her side. She deserves to be accompanied by the best. This is one of Wakana’s oldest solo songs so you can tell she is very sure of herself, no hesitation whatsoever, just powerful vocals. Perfection!
恋はいつも / Koi wa Itsumo: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You all know this is one of my faves so I couldn’t be happier!! Wakana showing the audience how to clap :P SO CUTE! I can’t clap in rhythm for the life of me so I am kinda glad I am not there to embarrass myself :P Too bad the audience was able to sing along this time (probably because of COVID regulations). A little lyric slip-up at the beginnging but Wakana dealt with it professionally.
ENCORE: 金木犀 / Kinmokusei: Ohhhhhhh! And another one of my all-time faves!! Such a good setlist!! As always, beautiful!
ENCORE: あとひとつ / Ato hitotsu: Wakana explains the reason why this hasn’t been released on CD yet. She wants it to be a special experience that is reserved for live performances. She feels this exclusivity is nice. The PERFECT ending just like every other time she sings it.
DAY: Wakana is wearing a lovely salmon/orange/pink (?) coloured toga/tunic-sort of dress. She looks so pretty! It’s off-shoulder (always the best look for her!) and there is a white skirt layered underneath. There is also some binding around her waist. her hair is in an elaborate up-do. NIGHT: She changed into a lovely wide blue gown which goes well with the evening flair. Her hair is in a cute high ponytail. She is wearing her clear chain earrings again.
During the first MC of the day performance Wakana is already getting carried away talking about this and that so Takebe-san has to remind her they are on a tight schedule. XD At the end of the live Wakana announced an online release event for her Blu-ray. It’s gonna take place on August 21. The after-talk is now available. They filmed it after the evening performances answering a few more fan questions.
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The archive videos for the day and night performance are already available! Please enjoy!
Be sure to fill in the survey to let Wakana and her team know how you felt about the event!! There will also be a Bokutachi no VOICE thread to share your impressions!
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yeojaa · 4 years
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What do you do when you've called your wedding off but forgot to cancel your cake tastings?  Why, you ask your brother's grouchy best friend, of course. 
pairing.  min yoongi.  sort of.
genre + rating.  fluff-adjacent.  general.
warning / tags.  mentions of infidelity, cake tasting, cake tasting isn’t a euphemism, fluff and hurt/comfort, alternate universe, alternate universe - modern setting, friendship, friendship/love, childhood friends.
reading.   n/a.  a stand-alone three part one-shot.
word count.  ~1850
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chapter iii.
“I didn’t mean it, Yoongi.”
The apology is off your tongue and crashing into his ears before you have a second to consider it, pleading colouring syllables in soft shades of blue.  You hate the way he’s looking at you, like you’ve found the chink in his armour and are on the verge of exploiting it.  
“It’s fine.”  Over a decade of friendship tells you it’s decidedly not fine.  His concession comes far too quickly, meant to placate whatever guilt he’d accidentally kicked up. 
It makes you feel worse, the weight increasing tenfold when he offers you his seldom-seen smile.  Gums flash, corner of his mouth hitching over soft pink tissue.  It doesn’t quite meet his eyes though, falling just short of the endlessly dark depths of his irises. 
“Seriously.  Forget about it.”  You know he’s doing his best to force you onward but you can’t help but dig your figurative heels further into the dirt.  An immovable force.
“I’m really sorry,”  you repeat, voice thick with meaning. 
Yoongi huffs a little, seemingly frustrated.  You shrink a little further in on yourself, shoulders dropping and lips shifting in tandem.  You’re probably pouting.  You feel his stare from your periphery, feline gaze focused wholly on the way your mouth turns and turns around words you’re trying to perfect.
Silence stretches on, longer than you can stand and far more awkward than you’re used to.  You can feel it like a suffocating weight, a goose down comforter in the heat of summer - heavy and unpleasant.
“I’m sorry.”  It squeaks out in the same instant he sighs.  He sounds less irritated, though you can see the tension in his chin, how it jumps the muscle in his jaw. 
“You don’t have to keep saying it.”  
“But I don’t think you’re heartless, Yoongi.  I shouldn’t have said it.”  You say it like it’s crucial - as if you might perish if you don’t get them out.  They sweep into the spaces between you, earnest and full of fear, filling all the cracks left by your own hand.
You layer your reassurances as best you can, tongue tripping over teeth as you ramble about all the different ways you see him.  
In shades of diffused morning light, lined with silver like a physical reminder that there’s always hope.  Through the lens of childhood admiration, sprinkled with childish laughter and doe-eyed awe.  With as much unconditional love as you’ve ever been capable of, wrapped up in furtive glances and curious, miserably nonchalant texts to your brother.
It comes and comes, word vomit that won’t stop until you’re brought back by the expression on his face.  It’s tender, bemused - reminiscent of a parent of an overzealous child.  You’ve seen it a million times before, though the instances were much fewer and far between now that you were older. 
You immediately backtrack.  “I’m sorry.”  This time it’s for wasting his time, for being his best friend’s annoying little sister. 
You’re tumbling over your own two feet again.  You’ve said too much by the time he speaks at all.  
“You’re more than that.”  A statement of fact, seemingly, by how he delivers it with such ease, as if it hasn’t just set your heart off in your chest, the poor thing stuttering to life (or death).  You’re not sure.
Despite your best efforts, the singular word gives you away, coloured canary red with hope.  “What?”
If he’d heard your question at all, he says nothing, footsteps never faltering.  He’s walking ahead like he hasn’t just turned your world on its axis, throwing you completely off-balance.  He doesn’t even offer a glance back, halfway down the block by the time you come to your senses.
You jog to catch up, fingers eager to close the distance you quickly eat up.  You settle into a measured pace behind him, though your mouth moves at a mile a minute.  You can feel the maddening persistence in your bones, hear it as it carves demands into what was once comfortable silence. 
“Why did you say that?”  No response.  “Yoongi!”  He doesn’t even flinch, gaze trained ahead as if he’s never been in Apgujeong before and he’s terribly interested in everything but you. 
The distinct urge to stomp your foot fizzles through your limbs and you almost do.  You’re rooting yourself to the spot, sneaker raised comically, when he rounds on you.  Brows have disappeared into his swath of dark hair and his chin tilts just so, studying you quizzically.  It looks like he’’s having an internal debate as to whether he should rib you further.
He decides against it - returning to the conversation you’re so adamant to have.  “You know, for being a Kim, you’re not that bright.”
“Excuse me?”  Indignation bursts out your mouth.  You’re focusing too hard on the words he’s spoken than the implication behind them.  They sail over your head, lost to the pretty coral that streaks across the sky and eats up the horizon. 
To Yoongi, it’s like watching his literal heart fly out the window.  He’s a little exasperated when he speaks again.  “You’re my best friend’s little sister.  I don’t know what you expect me to say.”  
“What’re you saying?”  Because you’re really confused now.  You think Namjoon would be too. 
Are you even having the same conversation?
“Do I need to spell it out for you?”  The line of his mouth quirks, corner stretching into something that borders on a smirk.  It’s devilish - decidedly not something you’re used to - and you imagine your stomach kickflips before wrecking itself on the pavement.
Your silence seems to be answer enough.  
He heaves a sigh as if he’s been terribly inconvenienced, arms folding over his chest.  The gesture should read as don’t come near me! but you have the very distinct urge to fold yourself under his arms.  You resist it by biting down hard on your bottom lip.  
“I’ve had feelings for you since we were kids.  Specifically since you had your 10th grade ballet recital and you kept the bear I got you.”  
You remember the day like it was yesterday.  You’d been lucky enough to land the coveted spot in the winter showcase and he’d been there, shoulder to shoulder with your brother, when you’d taken your bow.  The bouquet of peonies he’d brought you - in soft shades of blush and violet, your favourite colours - had nearly engulfed your frame and you’d had trouble holding both it and the sweet brown bear that came with it.
The same bear that still sat on your bedside table, propped up beside your charging cable and yearly planner.  The one you’d cried yourself hoarse over after you thought you lost it during your freshman year of college.
“I don’t understand.”  You frown, deeply.  You can feel the little dent between your brows.  It comes out when you’re stressed or confused or, in this instance, both.  
He’s more teasing than unkind:  “Like I said - not that bright.”  
You ignore the dig.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”  
“I couldn’t do that to Joon.  I promised I wouldn’t.”
Somehow, that’s more of a revelation than Yoongi’s confession.  
“He knows?”  You can’t help the gasp that ricochets out of your mouth, belligerent and betrayed.  You’re already running through the 100 different ways you’re going to kill your brother.  Because he’d known!  While you’d pined, Namjoon had known and simply stood by.  “He knows how I feel about you and he didn't say anything?”
You know if you think about it, you can’t blame him.  You’d given him a hard time too when he and Sora seemed to get along a little too well.  Call it a sibling thing.
In the heat of the moment though, you’re livid.  So Yoongi does what he does best and redirects effortlessly.   
The prompt reassigns all focus back to him, your anger toward your brother all but forgotten.  You think you could give Pikachu a run for his money by the surprise that works itself into your expression.  Heat licks itself across your cheeks, rolling like a steam engine over the exposed skin of your neck and up past your ears.  Had it suddenly jumped 20 degrees?
“I mean felt.”
When Yoongi steps forward, you’re hyper fixated on the way his mouth bends and bows, gums and neat white enamel revealed by the motion.  You’re rooted to the spot as he’s suddenly all you can see, crown of dark hair blocking the light from behind him, narrow shoulders curling in on you.  He’s near enough you can smell his comforting, woody scent.  
You haven’t been this close in - well, ever, you think.  
Then he kisses you - a chaste thing, right on the cheek - and you forget how to breathe.
“I guess we’ll need to change that.”
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“I’m honestly surprised,”  your boyfriend drawls, the picture of disinterest as he leans himself against the packed counter top, elbows propping himself up.  He’s staring out at the sea of people swarming the apartment, a comfortable group of new and old coming together to celebrate something very important.
He watches as your brother narrowly misses knocking over the beer pong table, earning a groan from the participants.  Jungkook yells something about his shot being messed up;  Jimin denies a re-throw.  There’s more incoherent shouting. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  
You’re at his back, arms twined neatly around his slender waist as you press your face into the warm expanse of his back.  The sweater he wears is overly soft from years of wear and it feels good under your reddened cheek.
You’d had a bit to drink and you were feeling exceptionally affectionate.
“You actually kept it a secret.”  Not that he hadn’t figured it out himself.  It was in your nature to throw surprise parties - you did for Namjoon and Jin and that loud best friend of yours - so he’d only figured he would get one when the time came. 
“We’re very good at keeping secrets in this family, remember?”  Your voice carries past the cotton of his clothes, filtering through laughter to kick his beating heart into overdrive.  
“Oh, how could I forget.”  He snorts quietly, turning in the same instance you unlatch yourself from him.  He has to fight the look of disappointment that threatens to pull his mouth into a pout, brow knitting in disapproval as you round on the refrigerator.
It’s only when you spin back to face him that his expression cracks and re-sets itself with glee.  Now he’s actually surprised.
Because you’ve got a cake box from the same bakeshop you’d gone cake tasting at.  He recognizes the logo on the front and the pretty frosting behind the plastic cover.  It’s shades of cream and citrus and decorated with cherries.  Your - and his - favourite cake from that day.
“You’re not supposed to see the cake ahead of time!”  It’s Namjoon bursting into the kitchen looking alarmed.
You laugh first, bright and sunny.  “It’s a birthday cake, not a wedding dress.”
But as you kiss him, cake cradled gingerly between your bodies, Yoongi thinks he wouldn’t mind seeing you in that, either.
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notes.  this final chapter was short and sweet but i hope you enjoyed it.  thank you for reading!  x
tag list.  @hoodmeup​​ @loveyoongles​ @vi-hoshi​ 
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digiweek day 3 - Music | Shades of red; a Taikoura fanfiction
Chapter 3/7. Candy cane red
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 
AN!: Yes, I wrote a Christmas fic in the middle of summer. So get cozy, place yourself in front of a random pine tree, put on an ugly Christmas sweater and get yourself some ‘glühwein’ and ‘kerstkransjes’. Happy readings!
Characters: Taichi Yagami (Hikari Yagami, Koushiro Izumi & Sora Takenouchi and other Adventure and 02 DigiDestineds in background) Genre: Romance, songfic (Chirstmas!) Rating: K Wordcount: 1.568
Song used: Wrapped in red - Kelly Clarkson
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Art by Sanni @seventeenlovesthree
“Do we have to go?” Taichi sighed, slouching further into the couch. From where he sat he could see his baby sister rolling her eyes, simultaneously packing up the pie she made earlier today to bring to the party.
“Don’t be such an indifferent baby,” Hikari said, her eyes now directed to him. “It’ll be fun! I know you’re dying to see everyone together. Daisuke made some special ramen for us, Mimi-san spends this Christmas in Japan for the first time since three years, even Jyou-senpai and Iori-kun could take off from their busy work schedules.”
Hikari was right, he wanted to see everyone, especially together which was something very rare. Taichi tried to think back to the last time all of them were together, but it was hard. Meanwhile Hikari continued her enumeration, saying they should be prepared for Miyako and Ken showing off Miyako’s little baby bump. They would be the first ones to have a baby and Taichi suddenly felt old.
“Of course Sora-san and Koushiro-san will be there too.”
Taichi felt his face heating up hearing those names, immediately sitting up straight, his throat dry. Hikari’s suspicious gaze made Taichi feel even more uncomfortable as he swallowed trying to get back his cool.
“You forgot the blondes,” he quickly covered up his nervosity to which Hikari responded with nervosity of her own. Now they were even. However unlike Taichi, Hikari managed to keep her cool.
“I don’t have to mention them, because they obviously will be there as the party is hosted by Takeru.” her calm voice replied to him. “And of course he will drag Yamato-san with him just like I have to drag you with me. Kami, why do you two always have to be so stubborn and indifferent while both of you love to have the group complete?”
“No I love to have the group complete while Yamato just pretends to love it, when in reality he just wants to be alone with his guitar.” Taichi countered.
“You sure about that?” Though the counter was short lived. “Because Takeru told me he is bringing a girl. And you know, it’s Christmas... we’re at Takeru’s place... meaning there will be one or two mistletoes...” Hikari shyly smiled, a pink blush on her cheeks. Taichi sighed, standing up from the couch now having two good reasons to go to the party. One to see Yamato trying to act all cool but miserably failing being all nervous around the girl he would bring. And two to keep an eye on his sister, Takeru and the mentioned mistletoes.
Or maybe he had three reasons. After all, Sora and Koushiro would be there too…
Takeru’s Christmas party was a blast and Taichi had to admit he had a good time eating with everyone, catching up and seeing everyone all happy together. Not to mention that the booze was lifting up his mood. Also, luckily for him Takeru hadn’t decorated the place with mistletoes but instead everywhere were candy canes. The ricocheting light shining on the candy canes turning the room slightly red.
Taichi looked over to Sora and Koushiro who were in deep conversation with Mimi and Jyou. Their red colored hair fading because of the red shade filling up the room. Nonetheless they looked stunning to him, Koushiro dressed in a simple black trousers topped of with a forest green blouse and Sora in a stylish indigo colored cocktail dress. He dreamily smiled to himself enjoying the sight in front of him, the confusing romantic feelings he experienced during the past months coming all back to him at once. His heart speeding up by the thought of a possible confession.
He had thought about it for a while now, feeling like he had to confess his feelings someday. But it was complicated, he had no idea how to do it and, most important, he didn’t want to ruin his friendship with the both them. Besides, how did one confess his feelings towards two people at the same time? He could feel his head spin as he gathered all the courage inside of him.
Yamato interrupted his plans, taking a seat next to him. Not wanting or able to ignore him, Taichi shifted his attention from Koushiro and Sora to the blonde, giving Yamato a questioning look. Their friendship was either a stormy one or a quiet one and right now it leaned more towards the quiet friendship, because the only thing Yamato did was nodding a single nod in the direction of the improvised stage where his date picked up the microphone of the karaoke set.
Everyone in the room immediately grew quiet, just like Taichi had done, shifting their attention to the girl with the microphone. She told everyone she had played in a band, which didn’t surprise Taichi knowing Yamato’s type, and that she wanted to kick off the karaoke part of the night. He glanced over to Yamato -who looked a tad embarrassed- to gave him an approving nod. Making himself comfortable he leaned back in his chair, music accompanying the red light painting the room.
Everybody's happy Snow is falling down Prayers are being nicer Miracles all around 
The girl’s voice sounded soft in comparison to Yamato’s more raw sound. It had something magical with the redness in the room. That thought made his gaze drift off to his two favorite redheads once more.
From afar I've loved you But never let it show And every year another December comes and goes
A warm smile escaped Taichi’s lips upon looking at them. Kami, they looked gorgeous and so incredibly happy. He had looked at them for quite some years, but recently those looks felt more like deep stares. Or maybe those stares had always been there and he wasn’t sure anymore. Thinking back to it, how long did he have these feelings now? It was hard to remember as those feelings felt both confusing and strangely familiar for so long all the same. Because, well, he had to admit to himself that over and over again he was mesmerized by their appearances. Even after all these years. The way they looked, the way they smiled, the way they talked…
Always watching Never reaching
He had always watched them. Always. He knew them from the inside out. Thing was that they didn’t know him, or at least not the way he felt now. And to be honest, he had no idea how to exactly reach them about this matter. He never had been able to. Never.
Blue is where I've been Green can't buy me you Silver bells remind me That mistletoe's for two
Taichi looked to his left where Yamato was. His mouth was curled into a proud smile while his eyes were closed, deeply listening to his date’s singing. Then Taichi looked over to Mimi who was supportively and excitingly clapping for Yamato’s date like a little kid. His eyes then shifted to Jyou who’s foot was attempting at tapping along the beat of the music, a serene smile on his face. Of course his eyes then fell onto Koushiro and Sora sitting side by side. He whispering something in her ear. She laughing to whatever he had said to her.
The realization hit him there that they were already with two. Sure, as far as Taichi knew they weren’t a couple or a thing or each other’s date. But he couldn’t just interfere telling he loved them both, right? Besides, a romantic relationship existed of a maximum of two people.
So I found a color That only tells the truth That paints a picture Of how I feel for you
They were messing with him. It was messing with his head. He was messing with himself. The confusion in his body and mind only grew bigger and Taichi could feel himself slip. He had to tell them. For all he knew he had to. But how? Or when? Where? Who? Who…
I'll never feel you If I don't tell you
All he knew was that he had to confess and that tonight could be his chance. Having no clue where it would lead him. Lead them.
But this Christmas I'm gonna risk it all
But Taichi had to risk it all.
This Christmas I'm not afraid to fall
He could fall deep. And if so, he could still count on them to catch him. Right…?
So I'm at your door with nothing more than words I've never said
What were words anyway? It was all it took, words. It would be best to just tell them the things he had been afraid to tell them. He had been afraid to confess.
In all this white, you'll see me like you've never seen me yet
It would definitely place him in a new light. Though suddenly he wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad light. A bright and shiny one or a cold and darker one. He didn’t want to seem desperate. It had to be sweet love, like the red of the candy canes all across the room.
Wrapped in red
But what if it turned out to be the bitter red of fury and he would destruct their bond like a raging fire… He could feel his courage fading, a dark shade of doubt replacing all the shades of red he cherished and loved so dearly.
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Day 5~ Memories
As touched upon yesterday, X has a lot of memories. So for today's @khoc-week it's another difficult choice. I decided to go with a character interaction I had never had a chance to write before, but now I'm glad I did. With all the memories X has of centuries past, I thought it might be interesting to see what Naminé would have to say about him.
(Forgive any weird formatting I'm on mobile.)
X had never had a chance to speak to Namine. He had heard a few things about the Nobody from the others. The members of the organizations had always spoken of her like she was some kind of witch. Which was amusing to X considering the magic most of them were capable of. But he had only ever heard stories of what she could do with memories. All they needed was have the faintest tie to Sora and she had complete control of all their memories. Something that was scary to even think about.
DiZ had less nice things to say about her. He had already gotten annoyed listening to the man wrapped in bandages. He didn’t know why his sister was bothering with him, but he hoped she had a good reason. All he had gotten so far was a shared grudge against Xehanort, which was fair enough but he hoped there was more going on. DiZ tended to say Namine was just a nuisance, which he supposed was why he had brought X aside and asked him to take her out silently. X had no intentions of doing such a thing, but he was curious to meet her. So he’d take advantage of the offer.
Namine was waiting in Castle Oblivion. Well, not waiting, but that was the reports of where she was hiding. X wasn’t sure where DiZ got his information but he didn’t see a point in arguing it. Which was why he stood in front of the strange castle in the middle of nowhere.
X hated this castle. If he looked hard enough he could see the way it needed to bend to return to what it had once been. It was a place filled with unpleasant memories for him. And he didn’t want to have to drag that up. So instead he pushed past the twisting feeling in his gut and the ringing in his ear that sounded too much like Terra’s yells and into the castle.
Inside he found something he didn’t expect. 
Namine was there, sitting calmly on the steps that would lead up to the first floor. While he hadn’t expected to find her so easily, what surprised him more was the giant black and white bird wrapped around her. The Heartless chirped in warning, moving to cover Namine more.
“Whoa Phoenix, I’m not going to hurt her,” X said, holding up his hands. He watched as the fire covered bird slowly cocked its head before stepping back, its chirps continuing softly. X turned his attention off of Phoenix back onto Namine.
She didn’t really strike him as anything special. She was small and petite, with blonde hair brushed over one shoulder. A sketch book sat on her lap, pulled close to her chest along with her knees. Wide blue eyes watched him as he entered farther into the room. Those were the strangest things about her. They were so familiar, but X couldn’t place where he had seen them before.
“Namine, I presume?” X asked as he came to a stop.
“Yes,” she answered, looking down to avoid his eyes. X held in a snicker. She really shouldn’t be so ready to answer.
“We haven’t met, my name’s X,” he said calmly. “Technically DiZ wants me to dispose of you since no one else has done the job. But to be honest I’m not really interested in it.” She looked up at him almost shocked by his words. He waited for her to speak, but it didn’t seem she was going to after a pause. She only continued to stare at him, blue eyes searching. X hoped it was just the eyes of an artist, and not her searching for something deeper. “I just wanted a chance to talk to you.”
“About what?” Namine asked. Her eyes still were taking him in. At least now they had moved from his face and were onto the rest of his features.
“I’ve heard what you can do to memories, I was curious to see if it was true,” X admitted. He stepped closer to her, waiting for any kind of reaction. But she gave him none, only returning her gaze to his face. Something about the look in her eyes unsettled him, the look of surprise and confusion.
“You have so many,” Namine said. X froze where he stood.
“Most, only have a relatively short chain. But, you don’t,” Namine said. X tightened his hand beside him, trying to hide the way her words had shaken him to the core. The way he could feel his chest about to explode. “Yours is so long, and coiled around and around. In some places it even seems like it's multiple chains.”
“I guess it’s true,” X said. He forced himself to chuckle. “Ok, so you see how many memories I have. No biggie. What else can you tell me?”
Namine didn’t speak to answer, instead she lowered her sketch pad and began drawing. She worked soundlessly, the only thing to be heard was the movement of her pencil and Phoenix’s chirps. X wasn’t sure what the point of it was, but he allowed her to continue. He took the moment to steady his breathing and mind. It wasn’t like she was the first to know all he carried. She probably wouldn’t be able to tell him much more.
Soundlessly Namine turned her sketch pad towards X. He took a step forward, expecting nothing. But what he saw stole his breath away from him.
It was a scene he saw often when his memories got out of control. A young pair of children both dressed the same, one offering the other a stack of clothing. X could hear one pleading the other to run, to disguise herself and escape while he took her punishment. It made his blood run cold.
“How did you know about this?” he demanded.
“It was the memory closest to the beginning that wasn’t really your own,” Namine explained. She slowly pulled her sketch pad back. X didn’t move. He couldn’t. How did she know? “I am a witch who has power over the memories of those connected to Sora. You are one of those people.”
“I see why so many people were interested in you,” X muttered. He slowly pulled himself back, looking away from her as if that would protect him. How much had she seen? How much did she know? Who would she tell? Phoenix was here, that meant Yuki wasn’t far behind. Would she tell Yuki?
“Do they trouble you?” Namine asked. X turned his attention back to her, despite his better judgement. Namine seemed to understand his silent question as she shifted again. “The memories of your past lives? If, if they did I could seal them like your sisters.”
“Seal?” X asked.
“Yes. It would help you forget,” Namine explained. “But, like your sister you would lose what little power you have kept. You would be almost normal.”
For a moment X could only stare at the Nobody. The idea running through his head. He could forget too? Just like she had all those years ago. When they had begged and begged for the pain to stop. For the torture to end. They had lived the same lives on repeat. And nothing ever changed. He could forget all of the struggle.
What would happen if he forgot?
X almost felt the chill go down his back at the very thought. If he forgot would they make her remember? Was it linked between them? He would never make her carry what he did. She had suffered enough this time around. He had made the promise to remember a long time ago. To protect her from this. To let her have her light as long as she desired it.
“I think I’ll pass,” X said. He glanced back at Namine to see her drawing once again. This time he could understand the memory he saw on her paper. He and his sister along with another woman. The ones who had asked for the change.
“I thought you might,” Namine admitted. “But I thought I should offer. You carry more than you should sometimes.”
“Yeah,” X agreed mindlessly. “Listen, about what you know-”
“I won’t tell,” Namine said. “I’ll keep it our secret.” X could only stare at her in shock. She really wasn’t what she first appeared at all. Just who was this girl?
“Thanks,” X said. Namine only nodded, continuing her drawings as if nothing had happened. X slowly turned his back returning to the door. It took every part of him not turn back and look at her again.
It was quite a power she had.
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