#i've had this comic sitting around for awhile i need to finish it and the
ichorblossoms · 10 months
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i gotta work on actual client work today but: yarrow being a bitch
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graces-mindscape · 7 months
A Demon-Vamp side story; Truth/Conclusion.
My eyes flutter as my mind slowly comes back into consciousness. I groan as I try to sit up again, my body feeling like it weighed a hundred pounds. What happened? I rubbed the back of my neck as I sat up, trying to recall the last of the details. I had woken up this morning, like always..then it hit me like a bolder......we got attacked....the hellhounds! I ended up in Gabriel's house! It all came rushing back. I looked around the room; it seemed like I had fallen out of my chair. I noticed Gabriel cleaning something up in the kitchen, he soon took notice of me.
"Grace!!! Thank goodness you're awake!"
he set down a plate and came over to me, looking up and down as if examining me.
Nnnn.....urg, what happened?
"You passed out right after I gave you that drink." he replied
I begin rubbing my sore head as Gabriel sighs.
"Grace...there's something I have to tell you." he said with a sad expression.
What is it? Why do you look like you're upset?
"......something happened in those woods. After you fought the hellhounds. Someone was standing beside you. I just happened to be flying by. I couldn't get a clear glimpse and the moment I got closer, they ran away. whoever he was...he saved your life. You know there's NO cure for a hellhound wound, and you know you should've died that night. And....in a way.... you did."
I look at him starting to get a little annoyed.
What are you talking about? You're not making any sense!
He sighs.
"What I'm trying to say is- ...Whoever that was, whatever his reason to save you, it wasn't just anyone."
he falls silent, the words so hard to say.
"Grace.....you've been turned into a vampire."
I froze. the words felt like lightning.
Wh-What...? But- It- That's impossible! I-It can't be...There's no such thing as-!
before I could finish, I noticed Gabriel looked a little offended.
S-Sorry. I didn't mean it like that.
"Grace, whether you like it or not, it is possible, and it did happen to you."
my heart started to feel like it was going a hundred miles an hour, my hands started to shake, my eyes frantically darted around this way and that. Gabriel grabbed my cheek and carefully turned my head to look at him.
"calm down..." he says softly "those are just your heightened senses kicking in"
I glare at him.
Heightened senses?? I grab his shirt, annoyed, as I start to yell
I already HAVE ADHD, how much MORE heightened do my senses need to be???
my anger slowly turns to sadness as a subtle but painful thought sets in.
I-If...I really AM a vampire, then that means that-.......that means I-.....tears begin to swell as I gasp
I-I'll have to-......Gabriel frowns with a sad look in his eyes right as he pulls me into a hug.
I-I'm scared Gabriel.... I don't want to hurt anyone...
"Hey....I know. Everything's going to be ok. I have a friend who has resources that will help you. You wont ever have to hurt anyone. I promise."
he smiles as he slowly lets go.
"Now, why don't you go wash up and get into a clean change of clothes?" he smells the air as he gives me a look of disgust.
"You reek of hellhound ash."
I look up at him a little sadly before nodding my head.
"There should be a few clean clothes in box in my closet leftover from my mom, one of those is bound to fit you."
I get up and give him one last sad look as I walk to the bathroom, contemplating the news of my new reality.
I've been getting a few small ideas for some mini demon-vamp, self-insert comics, but I had a feeling I should wrap up the previous comic I made first; I decided to write it out instead of drawing it because it does feel more like banter than anything really significant happening (and it would take awhile lol)
I'm not that good at writing, but hopefully it's ok ^^
I tried my best to stick to the main story's events while still keeping it different enough to be its own thing
As always, the original demon-vamp au is by @koko-doodle , so go check it out!
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keefwho · 1 year
October 12 - 2023 Thursday
First of all my tummy really hurts right now, I had a classic case of cramps followed by a not so fun time in the bathroom. Not sure what did it this time, maybe all the ramen I've been eating. I noticed I've been lacking in vegetables or even enriched food lately. I kinda slipped up.
I don't feel like sitting here and going into detail right now. This morning I shifted around my schedule so I could go to Seeley to get drinks and a disposable vape. It went very well. I stuck to my revised schedule pretty well and got that comic commission done. I worked on the world a bit. I cleaned up a little. Lunch was some fish sticks and a pack of chile ramen. Today's request went well and I worked on the world even more. I got burnt out in the afternoon. This girl we met a long time ago in a painting world finally DMed me again wanting to chill and doodle but I was in no mood to and I was expecting Daisy to call and work on the world with me so I had to decline. She says she should be around more often now though so maybe some doodling in the future. Daisy and I did some good work, she helped a lot by writing the things I needed. I watching her do Neopets stuff for awhile and some ebay browsing before bed. This evening I felt boring and uninteresting so I tried to make it clear that I am in fact captivated when she talks even if I don't seem like it. I struggle to be expressive some days and that might be something to work on in the future. In bed she asked me about Rousso which took me off guard. She asked how much we did and the way she phrased it made me think she meant sex but she might not have meant that and if so, I'm embarrassed. It also feel weird to talk about because he's sort of my ex and it's weird feelings I have about the whole situation but it's important to talk about and I want to talk about it in more detail. It definitely wouldn't hurt to tell someone about the happenings of that trip and how I dealt with it.
Now I'm trying to get to bed, hopefully my tummy is finished. Events like this become more rare as my diet improves but that also makes them more scary. If it shouldn't be happening because of my diet then what else could it be? My mind jumps to disease or food poisoning. I've gotten really good about not getting caught up in that though. I think I'll know when something is really wrong.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Trick or treat, Ben stinks! (ben10)
It was Halloween night and Ben Tennyson, greatest hero of earth (and the universe in his own deluded ten year old mind) was facing his biggest challenge in his young career: Putting on the costume that Gwen had begged him to wear for trick or treating. She was going as a 1950's housewife/mommy and had a white with blue polka dot dress and the flat heels to go with it, but claimed that she needed something to finish the look and thats where Ben came in.
He had originally planed to go as a Knight, but his tin foil suit of armor would have to wait since instead he was going as Gwen's son..more to the point, her baby boy.
There was a light green onesie laid out on his bed with 'mommy's little stinker!' written out in white lettering on the front, and next to that was a comically large green pacifier with the words 'mute button' on the mouth guard in white lettering. a pair of green bootie with white ruffles at the top were on the foot and a big (you guessed it) green baby bonnet with white trim was waiting to go around his head.
the outfit as was would be embarrassing enough, but Gwen had gone all out and a pack of massive diapers was on the bed, one tugged out so Ben could see the teddy bear print on it. His protests that he wasn't going to need a WHOLE pack, just one diaper had fallen on deaf ears to Gwen, and his complaint to his parents had just gotten a response of 'well you know how you sometimes pee a little when over excited.'
"Is it too late to back out?" Ben asked, turning to Gwen who was in the room, ready to help him get dressed if he needed it.
"Way too late doofus. just remember: your doing this for half of my allowance for a year AND all of the candy I get while we go out." Gwen said with a smile.
"I still don't get why you'd wanna go out trick or treating if your not keeping any of the loot." Ben said, not grasping that maybe Gwen had a sinister motive behind all of this. "Wait, I just thought of something!"
"Awww your first idea! I'm so proud!" Gwen teased and patted his head, getting a glare from him.
"Ha ha. Your soooo funny.NOT!" Ben huffed.
"Ok Ok, what's on your mind little guy?" Gwen asked.
"what if someone I know see's me in all my baby glory?!? I'll be ruined! forget just the teasing at school, when the world finds out that I'm the alien hero's they'll look back and find out I was a goo goo gaga baby for Halloween!!" Ben said, turning pale and eyes going wide.
"Pffft, you think I haven't thought about that? I've got you covered! once you get dressed I'll use a spell that'll de-age you five years and shrink everything down with you. who's gonna know the five year old big baby is really a 10 year old?" Gwen said, pulling out her spell book from the diaper bag she'd be carrying as part of her costume.
"Huh...And you can turn me back all nice and easy?" Ben asked.
"Ben, trust me!" Gwen said, not answering his question and thankfully, Ben didn't push the issue.
"Alright, I guess it'll be ok. All I gotta do is think about all that candy and everything I'm gonna buy with YOUR money!" Ben said and smirked.
"That's the spirit." Gwen said then picked up the diaper. "Now strip so we can get this party started."
Ben was clearly mortified as Gwen got him dressed, though she had to admit he looked just SO cute, but she knew it was only gonna get even MORE adorable as she got ready to cast the spell.
"D-Do I need to do anything?' Ben asked, sitting on his bed and trying but failing to get his legs to touch, the diaper was that thick.
"..Yes. you need to suck on your paci." Gwen lied, just wanting to see him being as babyish as possible in his ten year old form before she regressed him.
It was going to be awhile after all before she'd have a chance to see a ten year old Ben babying out, since she might of left out the fact that this spell didn't have a counter spell to undo it and he'd have to age back up the old fashion way. it would also alter it so everyone would think Ben had always been a five year old little dork, saying his parents the trouble of trying to cover up where their big boy had gone and where the little squirt had come from.
'heh, at least his body will finally match his mind.' She thought as she watched him nurse on the paci, cheeks red.
was tricking her cousin into giving up years of his life and maturity a dick move? oh yeah..but it would be far from the last little trick she had up her sleeve for little Ben, a fact he would come to find out all too soon as the magic started and he shrunk down.
Ben couldn't believe just how BIG everything seemed to him as he looked around in the aftermath. Gwen looked like a semi GIANT from his POV and his legs dangled far above the floor.
"Whoa..forgot what a shorty I was when I was five!" Ben said, letting the paci slip from his mouth and giggling.
it wasn't just his body that had changed, he felt a childish glee and general sense of wonder that most little kids had.
"oh yes, because you were a giant among your peers at ten." Gwen said with a chuckle, putting the book away and holding out her arms. "Here, I better help you down, don't want you to fall and hurt yourself."
"Hey! I was a giant! and I can do it!!" Ben huffed and then looked down at the floor and squeaked a little. "..But since I'm doing this all for your sake I'll make you carry me."
"Heh, I see~" Gwen chuckled.
Scooping Ben up, Gwen mentally swooned as she felt the little guy cling to her and could of just help him all night if not for Ben clearing his throat.
"Uh, you can put me down anytime now." He said, giggling and sticking out his tongue. "Unless your gonna carry me ALL night long!"
"Don't tempt me!" Gwen chuckled and then planted a smooch on Ben's forehead, setting him on his feet as Ben whined and wiped his forehead.
"Ewwww girl cooties!" He huffed. "Are you TRYING to make me sick!?!"
'..Ok Clearly his mind went back just as much as his body, and I freaking love it!' Gwen mentally gushed then out loud.. "Oh So sorry little guy. Ready to go out and get ALL the candy?"
"Yeah! though..In hindsight. I WILL be nice and let you have some." Ben said, holding out a hand for Gwen to take as they walked out of his room, needing her help to keep his balance.
"Oh?" Gwen asked, honestly surprised.
"Yeah, you can have the candy corn, HATE that stuff!" Ben giggled and laughed.
"...Truly you are a prince among men." she said sarcastically.
Ben thought it was weird his parents didn't react when he was all smol, but figured Gwen must of warned them first. they did wanna get a few picture of the little guy and Ben found himself getting camera shy and trying to hide behind Gwen, which..was only even more adorable.
finally she had to hold him in her arms for the pictures and as they headed out the door with a pillow case each for candy, Ben was told to be a good boy for his cousin.
'odd thing to say.. but guess their going with the costume.' Ben thought.
As the pair made their way to the first house Gwen noticed a few things. One was that Ben had the biggest CUTEST look on his face, eyes filled with wonder and excitement as he took in all of the costumes, constantly pointing to this costume or that costume, gushing about how cool they were. The second.. was that between his little legs and his thick diaper, the little guy was not exactly the fastest and she was regretting not getting him a stroller.
'oh well, live some learn some.' Gwen thought as they walked past a group of 12 year olds all dressed as the avengers, the boys snickering at Ben's costume.
"Nice diapers!" 'Thor' said.
"Thanks! they got teddy bears on them! wanna see?" Ben asked, the insult going over his head and getting more laughs from the group.
"Ben, I don't think they wa-" Gwen tried to interject, smirking at how clueless the little guy was., but was cut off by 'Iron man.'
"Doesn't assume that. sure little guy, show us!"
Ben gave a big toothy grin and went to go and undo the crotch snaps of his onesie, eager to please but they were giving him a little bit of trouble, and it would also be when he heard a phase that her magic might of implanted a mental command into his brain.
A 7 year old fairy princess was by a nearby house, grinning ear to ear as she held out a pumpkin bucket and loud enough for all of them to hear, three words were said.
"Trick or treat!" The girl cried out.
'And now for the fun to start.' Gwen mused and wondered briefly if she should warn the boys to hold their noses..then decided against it.
As the words hit Ben's ears he froze mid fumble, an went into a squat, a grunt escaping from his lips and then with no control his back down opened up.
"Heh, whats wrong little guy?" one of the big boys asked,m but instead of a verbal answer Ben let out a loud fart and then well, the back of his diapers were drooping.
"Wait..is he.." the big boy dressed like Hulk asked.
"Oh gross! he totally is!" 'hawkeye' said, holding his nose as a rotten egg smell filled the area.
"Ha! he's a diaper pooper!" Hooted the kid dressed like Captain America.
"No I'm not! Just farting!" Ben huffed and whined, even as he let out a BIG grunt getting all the poopie out.
"Ben, Why didn't you use the bathroom before we left?" Gwen asked, sighing and shaking her head, but smiling to the boy. "Good thing I brought extra diapers."
"I-I said I'm not -GRUNT- Pooping!" Ben huffed, face flushing hot and then standing up, the back of his diaper full and if not for the tight onesie the diaper would of been drooping big time.
"Really? well if you didn't poop your diaper I guess you don't need a diaper change then do you?" Gwen asked, crossing her arms.
"Maybe I don't!" Ben huffed, crossing HIS arms now, trying to ignore the smell and the muddy feeling on his bottom.
"heh..I think we're gonna take off.. have fun you two." the kids said and left.
"Ben, come on, you KNOW what you did..I know what you did.. let me change you." Gwen said.
"I didn't do nothing!" Ben huffed and blew a raspberry. "Now come on! we're wasting time!"
with that and doing a semi Cowboy walk, Ben marched himself toward the first house, looking over his shoulder and seeing Gwen watching him and shaking her head. "Well, gonna stare at my AWESOME butt all day or keep up?" He called back.
"Heh..Oook." She chuckled and quickly caught up.
the bulk in the back of Ben's diaper just gave him the cutest waddle though Gwen was honestly shocked that the onesie hadn't popped open yet from it, something she didn't think was going to last too much longer as Ben rang the door bell and soon a older man was opening the door.
"Trick or treat!" Ben cried out, even as the man noticed the smell and his nose wrinkled, but then Ben was squatting down again and going uh-oh all over again, more loud farts and grunts coming out of him.
"Ah..Is he.." The man asked, looking at Gwen.
"Heh, let's just say his costume is cute and practical. when he gets over excited.." Gwen quickly lied, Ben too busy filling his pampered to defend himself.
"Ah Yeah, some little guys have a hard time opening it." the guy chuckled, "Almost finished buddy? I'll wait till your done to give you your candy."
"I-I'm Not..Pooping!" Ben huffed and the oneise was making sounds of distress as he finding, showing flashes of his now brown stained diapers even as the snaps were STILL in place.
'Damn, though things are heavy duty! though I better stand back next time he goes..buttons are gonna be flying off and I don't wanna lose a eye!" Gwen mentally mused.
Ben Held his pillow case up and put on a sweet smile even if he smelled like a diaper pail now.
"here's some candy for the good little boy." The older man laughed.
"Dun ferget about Gwen! Gwen git your bag out! sheesh, do I hafa tell ya everything?" Ben asked, his voice and words taking on a even more childish asscept with the massive load in his pants.
"Oh right..what WOULD I do without you Benny?" Gwen said, and held out her own bag.
"Ya would be LOST wiffout me!" Ben giggled and stuck out his tongue impishly.
Moving on towards the next house at a snails pace because of the uber load in the seat of his huggies, Ben felt all giddy and happy..even if he smelled awful. Oddly the feeling in his huggies wasn't that bad though and he could almost get used to it, not that he would of course admit to that.
It did kinda stink (pardon the pun) that everyone was avoiding them as they tried to get to the next door, that and Gwen kept asking him if he was ready for a diaper change yet.
"If I go poopie I'll let'cha, till then I'm good." Ben giggled.
As luck would have it, right that moment would be when they would come into eye to eye contract with a 8 year old dressed as the clown from big comfy couch. With one of Ben's biggest fears being clowns (the other being squids) The little guy let out a shriek of terror and had a non magical accident, pushing out even more soft serve into the diaper as the clown paused, trying to figure out what she did wrong.
it was too much and the snaps of the oneise burst open and Ben's smelly uber load was on display for all to see even as he cried out and started to bawl.
"I..I..I was just going retro." The Girl stammered, then got a whiff of Ben. "Oh YUCK!" and she ran away crying as Gwen facepalmed.
'Maybe this is going to be more of a pain then I thought..' She groaned mentally.
One massive diaper change later, with the 'treasure' being deposited in a neighbors trash can (Something that would later get Gwen in trouble) and Ben was in a fresh diaper and calmed down, sucking on his paci and making Gwen carry him as they went back to trick or treating.
Thankfully there wasn't any more clowns around, but Gwen was about to learn that the effects of Ben's trigger phase could be amped up if more then one person said it at the same time as she joined a group of boys and girls waiting for a door to open.
the kids were all around Ben's 'age' and there was a teenaged girl standing back, not in costume and chomping around on gum and playing with her phone as the little ballerina, Astronaut, Cowboy,Fairy,Wonder woman and Superman all giggled at Ben's costume but held their tongues till the door opened up to what looked like a grandmother type.
"TRICK OR TREAT!" cried out the kids and Gwen, Ben tried but the paci was still in his mouth but the effect was instant.
Ben's eyes crossed and then he was burying his face in Gwen's shoulder was a MASSIVE fart ripped out of him that sounded like it had to of hurt, and his diaper was rapidly expanding with softball sized lumps and that made his diaper wrap around Gwen's arm like a smelly cocoon to her dismay.
'Anddd mental note..hold him under his arm pits from now on.' Gwen thought and with a mental groan.
The grandmother had been about to say something before Ben's unloading took all the attention and the other five years all reacted.
"Ewww is he really.." the Ballerina asked, wrinkling her nose.
"Holy Moley! when's the last time he went potty!" The astronaut said, eyes wide in wonder.
"Gross! I think I'm gonna yarf!" The cowboy said, sticking out his tongue and holding his pumpkin pail with one hand, the other pinching his nose.
"I've done bigger." Wonder woman said, looking unimpressed.
"It's true, you don't wanna go in the bathroom after her." Superman said, apparently her twin brother.
"oh Dear, I think someone needs a diaper change. Would you like to come in and use the bathroom dear?" The Grandmother said, chuckling and shaking her head.
Gwen who was glad she hadn't bothered to do up the onsie, Nodded her head. "That would be great, thanks."
As Gwen went to move inside Ben pulled his face free from her shoulder and took out his paci.
"Wait! Do I still git candy?" He asked, bottom lip quivering.
"Heh, of course deary." The granny chuckled and handled out to the other kids, giving them extra to make up for the assault on their noses.
Before the door was closed and Gwen was in the bathroom, she could hear the teenaged girl crying out.
With Ben changed and his Onesie buttoned up, Gwen made a mental note to avoid large groups if she could help it, these massive dumps were proving to be a pain to clean up.
add onto that it was starting to take it's toll on little Benny who was rubbing a eye but made sure to lisp out a thank you as the granny dumps half of a bag of candy into his candy sack and then the other half in Gwen's.
"what do you say kiddo, done for the night?" Gwen asked.
"Pffft, as if! I need WAY more candy in my bag before I'll be close to done!" Ben huffed, walking on his own with his candy sack over a shoulder, his right hand in Gwen's left.
"Oook. but if you get to tired let me know alright? Plus we're starting to run low on diapers..I should of brought the whole pack." Gwen said and winked.
"Well if I go poopie too much and can't walk I guess den you'll be carrying me home..so dat sounds like a YOU problem." Ben said with a impish grin.
"Gee, thanks." Gwen said and rolled her eyes.
The next three houses went about as expected, with it just Gwen and Ben, the messes were big not not massive, and it worked out to a rate of one diaper change every 4 hours as long as they kept it just them.
Lots of kids kids giggled and pointed at the stinky baby, and Ben posed for more then a few pictures, still thinking this was a one night thing and he had nothing to worry about.
Taped into his last clean diaper and both they're candy bags doing well, Ben was mostly out of it on his feet and babbling in baby gibberish and had to be carried by Gwen, but insisted on one last house.
Said house turned out to be Cash Murry's house, and the 10 year old bully hadn't been allowed to go trick or treating this year after egging cars and other various acts the year prior.
to rub salt in the wounds his parents had him as the one giving out the candy to the trick or treaters, telling him he could have whatever was left over.
to THAT end, whenever he could be sure that his parents weren't watching or the dorks ringing the door bell didn't have a parent nearby, he had a stash of different masks he used to scare the brats away, keeping track on his phone how many of them he'd made wet themselves. (6 wet pants, one stinky if you were wondering)
Looking out the peephole and seeing Gwen Tennyson and her dorky little cousin coming up, and seeing his costume Cash did a grin that would of made the grinch proud.
He didn't know what it was about the little guy, but Cash couldn't stand him, and when you add in how well known Ben's fear of clowns was well.. He reached and grabbed out a nightmare clown mask.
yellow eyes with blot shot pupils, made to look like rotting white flesh and a mouth full of fangs, there was no way the dork wasn't gonna make full use of his diaper.
Gwen set Ben down so he could toddler to the door, he wanted to do this one himself and she figured why not, smiling as he had to get on his tippy toes to hit the door bell.
As they waited for the door to open it was only then that Gwen noticed the mail box, and linked WHO'S house this was and went to warn Ben, but it was too late.
the door opened up and there was Cash in a nightmare clown mask, growling "Oh look, anther little boy to eat!" and cackling manically.
the effect was instant, Ben fell backward on his butt letting out a scream that set off a nearby car alarm even as his diaper filled up, lifting him back up off the porch though his tiny legs weren't touching pavement.
"GWEN!!!!" Ben screamed.
Gwen was already on her way over as Cash pulled the mask back, pointing and laughing at the diaper messing crybaby and thus never saw the punch coming that sent him spinning on his heels and looking loopy.
As Ben turned around and tried to crawl away on all fours Cash would drop down, in la-la land from Gwen's right hook and end up face first in the back of Ben's loaded diaper, even as THAT made Ben yelp and cried out.
Since there was a degree of poetic justice called for her, and Gwen wanted to make Cash suffer, she spoke up.
"Trick or treat." and put a foot on the back of Cash's head keeping it in place as Ben's diaper puffed out even more right into the flailing and whimpering Cash's face.
In the aftermath Gwen had to explain what had happened to Cash's parents, holding the whimpering Ben in her arms as he suckled away on his paci. Cash himself had been sent to go and take a shower though his parents made it clear he was in BIG trouble, and made a show of asking Gwen if she knew where they could pick up some diapers in Cash's size.
the bully turned paled and whimpered as Gwen gave them the address of a store that could help, and his parents gave them the of the candy.
The walk home was a slow one with Gwen having to carry the filled candy sacks, the diaper bag and the now exhausted Ben, who had dozed off in her free arm. She considered waking him up and letting him know that all of this was permanent, and that he wouldn't be a big boy for quite a few years to come but figured he had been though enough tonight and stopped to cast a different spell.
The diaper was magically reinforced so Gwen wasn't worried too much about Ben leaking as she did what some would call a mercy, and others call kicking a down when it was down.
for one last time tonight, though not for the last time for the next few years Ben's face scrunched up and then with a loud sloppy fart he started to add more muck to the back of his diapers, but this wasn't trigger phase or fear based, this was Ben pooping out all of his memories of being a hero, of being a big boy and even of being potty trained so he could just be a happy little diaper pooping five year old.
the load wasn't as big as she thought it would of been but then again Ben never HAD been the most mature and Gwen just chuckled as she picked the candy back up and went back on her way to delivering Ben home.
His room would of turned into a nursery by the time they got there and he'd have a high chair and all that over baby stuff the little guy would need and Gwen knew that he was going to love going shopping with her every week to pick out a new baby toy,
She was a woman of her word after all and all of the candy would be Ben's and he was going to get half of her allowance.. though she doubted when he'd made the deal he'd of ever thought that was going to end with him not having one of his own and just sending the cash on silly toddler things.
There was only one question on Gwen's mind as they came up to Ben's driveway.
"How am I gonna top this next year?"
The end
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throwaway3844893 · 4 years
Imagine: Newt proposes to Tina
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Tina welcomed the warmth of the case with a sigh. Though it was nearly summertime, and New York continued to get hotter every week, Tina still enjoyed the homeliness of the case. She had grown used to it over the last two years. Tina caught a movement in the corner of her eye."Hello, Dougal," She said with a smile as she knelt down, watching as the supposedly concealed creature ran around with bundles of apples in his hands. It froze, allowed itself to be seen again, and ran up to her, dropping the apples in the process before enveloping her in a big hug. Tina laughed quietly, standing up to accommodate the added weight of the creature. She raised an eyebrow at the creature. "Do you have any idea where Newt might be?" She asked it before its eyes turned blue, predicting where he could be. The demiguise made a loud noise that resembled the screech of a phoenix and climbed down her body, pointing in the direction of the mooncalves and occamies. She set off in the way Dougal had pointed her. Tina walked through the case, the stress from the day easing off her back. She'd taken her jacket off up in Newt's apartment; he had given her a spare key, "in case I ever forget something," though there was a definite underlying meaning in those words. She walked through the green, rubbery vines that hung from the trees into the occamy exhibit, where many tiny, violet and indigo snake like creatures greeted her with a series of chirps. "Hello," Tina said softly, holding out her hands for one to slither on. They were awfully apprehensive of her at first, not doing anything she asked unless ordered by Newt, but gradually her kindness to them took its toll and they began to trust her. Though she suspected it also had to do with her and Newt's relationship status as well. Things had progressed smoothly over the last two years; they basically lived at each other's apartments now, though neither had made the motion of fully moving in. The occamy wrapped itself around Tina's shoulders as she exited its enclosure, her entourage of creatures providing a wonderful company. Dougal pulled gently at the hem of her blouse, inspiring her to look down and see what he pointed at. A large smile began to spread on her face as she spotted Newt, his hair shiny and golden in the artificial sunlight as he worked to feed a runespoor.
He looked beautiful. Tina reveled in the sight of him for more than her fair share of moments before he turned around and got a glimpse of her, flashing his toothy grin as he raised a hand. "Welcome home, darling!" He called, wiping his hands off with a rag before making his way toward her, arms spreading wide.
"Home?" Tina inquired, raising an eyebrow as Newt enveloped her in a hug. He kissed her for a moment: a short, no-nonsense kiss, and smiled at her comical look. "That's a new one."
Newt chuckled nervously, avoiding her eye. "Yes, well, you technically live down here now, don't you? There's rarely a time when we aren't together." At Tina's look, he continued. "That's not a bad thing! I thoroughly enjoy every moment we spend together. I love you, Tina."
"That's true, and I love you too," Tina responded, beginning to walk around the case. A slight breeze picked up, gently swirling her waves behind her face. The sun had begun to set, and a soft glow emitted from the artificial light in the case. Tina took a deep breath, enjoying the familiar sent of Newt's case. She could spend her entire life here, she thought to herself.
Not that she was going to.
Tina sighed, ridding herself of the thought. Those were nothing but intrusive, false lies she thought sometimes. She could never present these ideas to Newt, however, because he would most certainly take them to heart.
Newt noticed her change in demeanor and quickly came to action. "What's upsetting you, my love?" He asked, keeping enough open for the conversation but allowing Tina room to exit in case she didn't want to talk about it. He always was sure to do this, as Tina was a complicated figure. There were times she wanted to talk and times she wanted to be left completely alone. The timing varied on both her tone and the setting of the conversation.
Tina turned to face him, deciding that now was her only chance to finalize the thoughts she'd been suffering for awhile. "Newt..." she started, meeting his concerned gaze. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Do you see a future for us?"
Newt swallowed hardly, ignoring the lump in his jacket's pockets that had been there for days.
"Erm..." he started, unsure of what to say. Of course he saw a future for them, he was planning on proposing to her! He fidgeted with his hands while searching for an answer, his mind flicking back to the Ministry letter he had received the day before purchasing her ring.
The Ministry had offered him a position as a research lead and expert on an ancient beast that travelled through London once every few decades, a breed of creature nobody knew much about. Newt hesitantly accepted the offer, and was off on his way.
"It's okay if you don't," said an anxious Tina, biting her bottom lip. "I'm sorry I said it, just forget I ever aske-"
"Of course I see a future with you, Tina!" Newt started, desperate not to lose her in this time of need. He wouldn't— no, couldn't— let her get away. Not when he had their entire life together to look forward to. "I love you, and I want to build a life with you. I would be honored to have a future with you, in whichever capacity that could be. If only..."
Tina's face had fallen. "If only... what?"
Newt knew this was a pivotal moment. He thought carefully before speaking. "I got a letter from the Ministry. They want me to go back to London to research a magical creature they've just discovered," he said, avoiding Tina's eyes. Newt hesitated before saying the next sentence. "They want me to go back in four months."
He watched as Tina's face dropped, and a million different emotions seemed to take place at once. Anger, confusion, sadness, fear. All of those were accomplished in what felt like a millisecond before Tina began to stutter out a response.
"No, they can't, we- you have a life here, in New York. They can't just whisk you away whenever they please just because they want someone to research creatures that they could study perfectly fine themselves. It just... it isn't fair!" Tina said, her accent growing thicker as quickly as her voice did shrill. She threw her arms into the air before placing both of her hands on her temple, burying her face in them with a sigh. The occamy had long since slithered off of her shoulders, not wanting to endure listening to the two argue any longer than it had to. "It's not right. They can't force you."
Newt shuffled for a few moments, sticking his hands in his pockets as he watched the ground beneath his shoes. A stray piece of grass stumbled around the floor, and it took all of Newt's willpower not to scoop it up and finish his plan early. His plan that had gone horribly wrong. "Actually, Tina... I volunteered to do it," he admitted, avoiding her eye.
The silence that followed was deafening. Though she made no noise, Newt winced. Tina's refusal to speak was enough. She tensed up and turned around, busying herself with the feeding of a creature. She stared at it intently, willing herself not to cry. He'd volunteered to leave? After everything they'd built- a home, careers, a life, he'd decided to go back to London? Her mind raced, and Tina was unable to form a steady thought as panic after worry after anger rehashed in her mind. Newt stuttered behind her, trying to find the words to rectify his mistake. "I'm sorry, I know it was a rash decision, but it was an opportunity I've been waiting for for years-"
"Years?! What, have you just been waiting for a perfect time to up and leave?" Tina yelled, not believing what Newt was telling her. She knew she was being irrational, but the thought that he'd wanted to leave for so long absolutely tore her apart. It was one of her fleeting thoughts; sometimes he would mention how he missed London, but she knew she'd be the same if it were the other way around. But if he left for London, that would mean she'd lost him. For good. Tina couldn't stop the indomitable tears that began to fall from her eyes.
Newt stared back at Tina, who still faced away from him, flabbergasted that she would make such a claim. "No, Tina, no. If I could stay here and study the creatures here I would. But they only travel in packs throughout London once every few years, it could be a decade before they come again," He explained, taking a few cautious steps toward her before stopping. "I would never leave you on purpose. I don't want to leave you here. If there was a way I could take you to London with me, and you could live there with me, I'd have told you."
He began to realize that his plan was diminishing drastically, and the small box that resided in the pocket of his waistcoat seemed to weigh one thousand more pounds.
Tina was quiet for a long time, sitting down on a bench in the case to steady herself.
"How are we going to get through this?" Tina whispered, allowing a few tears to fall from her eyes before wiping them away and standing up. "How will we survive with an ocean between us?"
Newt held onto Tina's forearm, trying to comfort her. "We did it before, we can do it once more. It would be for just a few months and I'll be back. If I can find a way to get you to London with me I will, but I'm not sure how the laws work between MACUSA and the Ministry," he explained, and she nodded. It was difficult to accept, but this was the opportunity of Newt's lifetime. Tina knew she couldn't take that away from him.
"Is there any way you know of that I could go to London with you?"
Newt could feel it. It bubbled in his chest, his heart pumping the fastest it'd ever gone.
"Marry me," Newt said all of a sudden, and before he could stop himself he was reaching into the top pocket of his waistcoat. The black box showed itself, and the simple ring began to reveal itself. But when Newt realized Tina had stilled and wasn't speaking, instead staring at him, his hands stopped. "I-I'm sorry, it was out of place for me to say that, if I've upset you-"
"No," Tina said, walking toward him and shaking her head. Newt felt his entire world crashing down on him. She'd rejected him, and he couldn't help the tears that began to fill his eyes. "Don't apologize, I-" Tina stopped mid-sentence when she saw the state Newt was in, and everything seemed to click. "Oh, you stupid idiot, yes, yes, I'll marry you, of course I will!"
Tina crashed into him then, enveloping him in the most passionate embrace he'd ever felt. She kissed him once, twice, three times, before backing away. "Did you want to do it proper?" She asked. Newt nodded.
Tina smiled considerably as she watched him get on one knee. "Tina..." he started, opening the box and revealing the ring that was inside. "Porpentina... Goldstein, I have loved you ever since the day I met you. You have brought so much joy into my life; you accepted me when no one else would, cared for me when everyone else was as sick as I, and cared for my creatures as if they were your own. I'm in the hopes that someday they will be. Will you, Tina Goldstein, give me the pleasure of being your husband?"
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married. 5
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women he loves and marries her.
Featuring: Chris Evans, Alexandra Daddario, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, (Henry Cavill & Anthony Mackie on the phone/ in a flasback) Sebastian Stan.
Warnings: a very villainous Alexandra, probably a few curse words?
Part 4:
"I'm sorry I called I didn't know who else to go to" she paced her living room, the quiet settling in Chris looking at her as she paced and explained
"Its okay I'm always here for you, you know that" he smiled a reassuring smile at her he knew she needed the reassurance when she called.
she hated asking for help she wanted to be independent do everything herself however that wasn't easy for her when she was always shy and an only child she never had anyone growing up until she was 11, met Chris they became the bestest friends then soon met Anthony, a year later they met Henry and Sebastian.
"Okay I've made a big mistake a huge one" she looked at the four boys on the couch pacing back and fourth they followed her with their eyes
"What did you do?" Anthony asked
"I told my grandmother I had a boyfriend so she could stop setting me up on dates with her friends grandsons you gotta help me" she stopped pacing, her knee bounced up and down waiting for someone to stoop in save the day, crickets.
"Oh thanks guys FUCK" she nervously fixed her hair in an angry ponytail
"There's a guy I know that would love to take you" Chris said, the other three not following because well they didn't know who he was talking about
"I have a friend named Tom he owes me a favor" Chris said tapping his fingers on the arm chair
"You're serious? He's human right?" She asked
"Yes I'll ask him when I get home" she hugged Chris
A day had passed and he introduced them
"Y/n this is Tom Holland, Tom this is Y/n y/l/n" they shook hands "it's nice to meet you" "You're even more beautiful in person" Tom blurted out she blushed profusely he was a charmer.
"Whatever you need, I'm ready to do it no excuses" he said, Chris smiled at the interaction between the two they looked really cute together he hopes they make it far.
And from that day forward she knew the lengths Chris would go for her.
"I'm having a mental breakdown"
"Did you tell him about alex?"
"No I couldn't get to that part! I said I'm not going to your fucking wedding and I stormed off - I yelled at him i told him don't answer that fucking phone let me talk to you he answered it and my brain let hell break loose he never chooses me" She finally stopped pacing looking back and fourth as she stood up her nail digging into her skin trying to pull the skin off, a nervous habit she couldn't help it.
"Hey hey hey, you're stressing over nothing okay" he got up quickly to bring her to the couch " y/n You're in love with this man since I can't even remember how long, you can't stop loving him I understand one hundred percent you deserve to be happy" he cuddled into her on the couch her head on his chest his arm around her "but Whatever you think is right for you, do it you know yourself better than anyone else what you decide is purely what you know is good for you"
she closed her eyes and pulled in a breath letting it flow out through her nose "I think it's better if I just stop talking to him all together, I'm delaying it only because I don't want to lose him" he nodded he knows once this all blows over she'll lose him for good.
"I know" he held her stroking her hair "If you think that's good for you do it-" the door was knocked on
"hide" she whispered to Chris he stood up walking to her room closing the door behind him, she stood up fixing her clothes she had one of those chain locks, she opened the door the noise of the lock chain locking the only noise heard she looked out
The devil herself.
She shallowed not ready to face another problem today.
She opened the door fully but not letting her in, "what now?"
"I know what you saw, you seen me at the coffee shop and Henry saw me check in I know both of you know, you're not going to ruin my whole life that I built with one phrase said to Sebastian, we love each other"
"You don't fucking love him, you're cheating on him for God's sake!! you've been lying to him for months we caught you" Y/n was done being scared of her
"Well daddy knows you're CEO, you wouldn't want to loose your job at the company? Right? You're the creative director of the company. You wouldn't want to loose this opportunity all on a bad rep."
"Don't play dumb games like this were old enough to know right from wrong"
"Don't play god and you won't have to play games, Sebastian will find out sooner or later but If it comes out of your mouth you've got a lot coming y/n, if I go down you're going down with me" she said her piercing blue eyes staring right at her, getting closer to her face. this is what she was afraid of Sebastian and her job, Sebastian was going to end things with her whether he likes it or not and Alex was going to get her fired.
"Tell me one thing, why are you leading him on like this why are you... destroying him like this Sebastian could have such a full life"
"It's like playing with toys, you have the one toy you love bring it everywhere with you show it off it means the world to you without it you don't know what would happen, but then you come home and you see that one doll you bought awhile ago it's not the prettiest in the bunch, if anyone knew you liked the old doll better they would call you a hoarder you don't want to be a hoarder so you throw everything out and only have the nice pretty thing in front of you but right behind your closet door sits the doll you've loved your entire life" She said in such a villainous tone, y/n was taken a back
"Go home you nutcase" and she shut the door on her face, y/n held her breath and pulled out her phone clicking the stop voice memo the notification popping up
"new recording saved"
"CHRIS" she yelled out
"What the actual fuck" the door opened to her bed room he looked like nervous wreck, she locked the door behind her
"Is this women a villain from a comic book Jesus Christ" Chris said Clearly distraught from hearing that story
"I recorded the whole thing" she shallowed showing Chris her "New Recording" on voice memos he picked her up and sprung her around "you're a genius how did you know it was her?"
"I knew it was coming so I've been recording whoever comes to the door since the past four hours" she laughed trying to regain focus
"You're a sneaky little person" he smiled
"I learned from the best" she said his eyebrows furrowed
"Henry" she said nonchalantly
"Oh" he said
"Mr Downey could I speak to you" she knocked on her boss's door she saw him her nerves circulating through her entire body they never truly spoke he asked for the work she did the work designing helping her team approving it and he was given the final approval and if he didn't like it all the work that everyone put since weeks could be thrown in the trash all in 5 seconds.
"You have the designs this early miss y/l/n?" He was confused looking at paperwork on his desk & back up at her
"Uh no not exactly I have to talk about something important" she was at the risk of losing her job if she had the wrong thing.
"If you want a raise I can't give it to you right now" he said "No sir i- it's personal."
"Okay shoot?" He said giving her his now full attention, "sir I've been at this company for three years as the creative director you don't understand how grateful I am to have this job, to be in this community to have you the giving and loving man that you are hire me"
"Y/n You put in a lot of hard work it was a crime not to give you this job you clearly deserved it" he said very seriously.
"Thank you sir, I have made myself an enemy in the higher ups, Mr Daddario's Daugther.."
He nodded "that man does whatever his daugther says it's a dishonor for everyone who works for him" he shallowed fixing his posture a little "she's trying to get me fired, she's going to ask her father to tell you to fire me and find some kind of excuse" she tried swallowing her nerves which wasn't helping "I didn't want to come and do this, however I don't want to lose this" she looked around at his awards for the magizne they produced the awards for articles, a whole segment he did in the New York Times.
"Please don't fire me over a phone call"
He sat back on his expensive leather chair, he loosened his tie.
"I respect you I've always have but this...ive never respected you like this ever before" she tried not to show her smile but her eyes told a different story "you really want this job?" "More than anything sir" she said being very serious
"Well, if mr Daddario tells me to fire my best CD I'll tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine" he smiled standing up "Mr Downey thank you sincerely" she went to go shake his hand "nope this is a hug moment" he said she laughed and gave him a hug, she walked out she's never felt so powerful in her entire life it was only 4 days until the wedding she knew it was over today it was finished.
She laughed in the hallway jumping, she heard someone laughing a man she turned around it was Tom...Holland
"You're back" she said with a smile, they broke up for one reason only he was leaving to another country for a job in entertainment he was a director for movies and tv shows I totally supported him however we knew the long distance wasn't going to last it's been a year.
"You know every time I see you, you have this glow you get more beautiful every time" he smiled getting closer to her her face blushed she wasn't prepared for the compilment
"What are you doing here" she said gesturing to her place of work & trying to weigh down the redness in her cheeks "I came to see you, I know your friends wedding is coming I thought maybe we could possibly...go together" he said still smiling ear to ear finally face to face to a women he did absolutely fall in love with, she fell in love with him to but she knew it wasn't right for her.
"I'm going to ruin the wedding tonight actually" he gave her a questionable look "his bride has been cheating on him for months I didn't have the heart to tell him." "That's horrible" he said "I know, you still have the same number" she laughed "yeah" he said
"Call me tomorrow we'll catch up" they hugged, everything went smoothly the entire day it was great.
It was a late night coming home, it was one of those days where it felt like you want to just be alone sulk she had a mission though..
Stop that god damn wedding.
She changed out of her work clothes into normal clothes which consisted of a sweater jeans and sneakers, she made a conference call to the three boys "Its happening I have the keys in my hand and it's happening im freaking out" "Don't be nervous it'll look suspicious" Henry said "like Henry said chill we're gonna get through this together" Anthony said "I just I'm- I don't want to break his heart.. I never wanted to break his heart"
"His heart was going to get broken anyways" Chris said "Yeah but not by me."
At Sebastian's house
"Why is she not coming why won't she answer my calls" he said to himself as he brushed his teeth
"Babe who are you talking to?" Alex yelled out
"Nobody" he yelled back she came to the door and knocked on it he opened the door she wore a silk lacey nightie it's like she wasn't even wearing clothes..that was the idea I guess
"Baby what's wrong?" She said he spit in the sink "I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want you to know, she's not coming to the wedding" he was really upset "who" she asked
"Y/n she got angry she was trying to tell me something and I wasn't caring I answered your phone call and she blew up on me when we got here, she screamed I'm not going to your fucking wedding my heart broke she's been with me my entire life I'm getting married to the women I love and she's not coming?"
Alex thought here's her chance to ruin it all.
"Finish I gotta tell you something" she patted his chest and sitting on the bed, he rinsed and sat next to her
"What's up" he said giving her a comforting look his hand on her leg
"I didn't want to tell you this I've been keeping this secret it's been killing me for months, y/n threaten to ruin the wedding because she's in love with you"
Sebastian's stomach turned he felt like he was going to throw up his nerves circulating through out his entire body
"What are you talking about?" He said his voice coming out shaky his nerves getting the better of him, this wasn't what he was expecting.. she's in love with me? He thought...why didn't she tell me why was she doing this
"She told me she's going go ruin the wedding and and - I don't deserve to be with you" her fake tears about to well up "I told her you're trying to ruin our lives at what cost?"
"For him to be with me, she's a psycho I told her if you ruin my wedding he'll never forgive you" her fake tears ran down her face he was soothing her through her "grief"
"I didn't want to tell you because you love her like your sister I wasn't going to ruin it for you I'm so sorry" she cried "Its okay I'm going to fix this" he stood up "what are you going to do?" She said wiping her face "ruin her like she did to you." He called her on the phone he was angry she threatened his wife? What kind of animal does that!
"Where are you" he asked trying to calm his anger
"I was coming over to you?" She said
"Don't I'll be there in 20 minutes" he said
"Seb what is this about?" She said
"Me and you everything" he hung up ready to get into his car and end his friendship with y/n.
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Tagged: @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandom @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91
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thekillingmoonmoon · 3 years
eheh. heyooo. i've had a bit of a kakashi moment and gotten lost along the path of life, all the sorries. how've you been ? i'm still catching up on older posts but it looks like you're stressing a bit? do you need handpats and tea of your choosing? /offers both.
i had to keep our last message open because it's been awhile and i couldn't remember what i needed to remember. i love the sound of your blended bookcases. i never thought of using the publish date as the tie-breaker on who sits where. if i had an esoteric section i would split them up, a portion on the highest shelf and a portion on the lowest ^_^;; and what kinds of things are in the tintin shrine? have you collected for a long time?
mikey... as a depressed a murderous houseplant... is a venus flytrap. yes. and now we must assign plants to each member. tangent but i really like pah-chin, he's just a dude who can fight and readily admit he's an idiot and be okay with it. the level of self-awareness is great and i appreciate him for it, haha.
i know i'm like eleventy-seven weeks behind but i would love to see that comic of koko's arms (i just... arms...). i love the idea of him being the one to keep sanzu in check, especially since in our side-au they were fairly close. haha when i see omi-omi my inner voice overrides the pronunciation to omi-oh my and i giggle a bit. the idea of ran and koko cheating badly makes me think of them hiding playing cards in their sleeves/selves but they're either a different back design than the deck being used in-game (switched out last minute by an observant rindou) or... the table is now playing with mahjong tiles (suggested switch at the last minute by omi. so classy i love it).
honestly i think it's great that you haven't seen it, because then my little references are shiny and new. i always worry the things i bring up are old news or something ^_^;; i have a little mental image now, one year rindou switches the presents so that for once, his is the extravagantly wrapped one. no one is fooled.
i'm a whole lot of late for the kaku ideas, i'm so sorry. but going off the new years prompt, i had some little threads start floating around. maybe a subdued celebration? like he doesn't have many traditions growing up (sadness) but since tenjiku some things he's tried to make routine. maybe a quiet bowl of new years eve soba at the little place he used to go to with izana. oh and speaking of izana, he grew up in manila right? i asked a friend what kind of new years traditions they have and in their family one was to gather 12 round fruits. maybe have them go on a little hunt for the roundest bunch to place somewhere to honour izana? hmm. i really like the idea of of a quiet dance together. i thought of them dancing and reader quietly singing this under their breath before midnight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSq1cez_flQ and then as they finish maybe the 108 bells start to ring in the distance and after the 108th they share a little kiss to start the new year.
that’s about all i’ve got. hopefully something helps? <3💐
did I immediately stop what I was doing to answer this? yes. Am I ashamed for being excited to reply? no. I missed you <3 I hope Kakashi treated you well (I know next-to-nothing about Naruto, I do apologise) hdgfl, yeah I'm stressing :"( it's a fun combination of holiday stress and a general lack of self-esteem. it feels like all my writing is dry and dull.. sigh. and I dunno if I'll have the luxury of writing once I've gone to my parents' :"( big cry. So I've been hurrying my writing and hating it even more. Oh well, it will pass... maybe I've made myself too excited about my 2022 projects >_< but i will gratefully receive the headpats and tea <3 (idk why, but <3 looks less and less like a heart, and more of a sideways mouse.)
oki oki, so I had to go with the chronological order because I had so many books from one 'collection' or they were all the same height - also I have a ton of nineteenth-century fiction and it helps me to track the literary trends if I keep them in order that they were published (a silly example but I like to have my copy of Jane Eyre before my copy of Turn of the Screw because the latter was heavily influenced by the former) And the Tintin shrine is not mine, unfortunately, but it consists of a set of prints of the book covers, a boxset of the DVDs, some physical copies of the books, and a tiny statue of Tintin that scared the Unholy Spirit out of me the first few weeks after he'd been 'placed' (he's not scary, just unexpected)
Bonten, the Botanical Edition. I feel like Mochi is just a 'green leafy dude' (as my partner puts it). He's not eye-catching, but the room feels incomplete without him? Should Koko be a money plant? or something a bit flashier? Omi is a tobacco plant, poor man. Sanzu should be some kind of mushroom? one of the harmless looking ones that could easily kill you (or take you to see God, your choice). I vibe so hard with Pah-chin and Peh-yan. They're just in it for the shits and giggles. They're diehard and loyal (isn't the first arc just a demonstration of how far they would go for the people they care about?) and they're down for whatever nonsense is happening. Oh, we're fighting Mikey now? Okay, I dunno why, but apparently it's for Mikey's own good, so we're down. They also eat and dress well. They understand what life is about, and they know what they like, which I really respect. I've recently been having Mucho thoughts, mostly because I really want to know how he struggled between Mikey and Izana, and how he felt when Sanzu got his revenge.
I love the idea of Bonten working together to stop Koko and Ran from cheating at cards. It's one of the few times that they're all on the same page (Even Mikey's participating, even if it's to grunt in agreement when the accusations start flying) I love envisioning the various sibling rivalries in Bonten (I think Mikey questions every day how he ended up with not one, but two sets of brothers, both with issues) I feel like Haitani's have this surface-level rivalry: office pranks and all out fist fights, that always end in a hug and a playful jab to the gut. They fight, and fight often, but at the end of it all, they're brothers and nothing can change that (we have yet to see how Rose Red changes that dynamic though) as for Sanzu and Takeomi, it took the others a good few years before they even realised that the two were related, let alone brothers. and they don't fight. they just don't. because they just don't interact, at all. Unless it's for work, they don't speak. And if it ever gets to the point of conflict (a total of three times in ten years), these two fools are throwing poison at each other in the form of backhanded comments andd throwaway insults that make everyone else incredibly uncomfortable.
I sometimes wonder how Koko is coping with Mikey and Sanzu. Like, does he just third-wheel their weird little master-slave shindig? like, Sanzu's declaring his undying loyalty to Mikey and grooming his dark impulses, and Koko's just, in the corner, on his laptop - like, once he's finished work he just starts online shopping because he doesn't feel like he can handle whatever is going on? idk, chap 234 gave me the impression that Koko's cool with being on the winning side, but 233 showed how horrified he was with Mikey's lack of limits?
okay so you made me very sad with Kaku. Kaku, in general makes me very sad, but the thought of him carrying on Izana's traditions made me even sadder. Gosh, the thought of any of these sad souls having traditions and holidays makes my heart hurt. Your little song for New Year's was very much in line with the sort of slow and dreamsy music I often imagine when I picture the sappier scenes in my writing (think, Dream a Little Dream of Me) hthgfl, the Kaku thoughts get sadder and sadder. My fic has made it even worse. and that has really not helped my writing progress. all of them are so sad :(
hopefully, by the time we speak again, I would have posted something... sigh. I hope you're doing well on your end <3 I'm sending you good vibes and hoping that your build-up to the big Merry Crisis isn't too rushed and filled with good food <3
lots of loves <3
P.S. your references are always so lovely
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