#i've made it with added butternut squash too
rragnaroks · 2 years
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yum yum
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whentherewerebicycles · 5 months
top 10 things i cooked in 2023
this year i made 104 unique recipes (plus lots of duplicates when i liked something enough to make it multiple times). the places i went to most for recipes were feasting at home + the NYT recipes app, although i very much liked the weekday vegetarians, love and lemons, cookie & kate, nora cooks, and the foodie takes flight.
my top 10, in no particular order:
NYT ricotta pasta with roasted broccoli and crispy chickpeas (super simple but a great yummy pasta to make real quick for friends. I roasted the broccoli instead of broiling and added lots of extra lemon zest, garlic, red pepper flakes, and a tray of oven-roasted chickpeas)
moroccan vegetable tagine (i blended a bunch of recipes but the one linked was my starting point. this is the one form i like butternut squash in lol. modifications: i went heavy on all the spices but especially the cinnamon and cardamom, added chopped dried apricots to the stew for extra sweetness, and threw in a bunch of extra veggies. yum)
indian-ish nachos with cheddar, black beans and chutney (do NOT skip the multiple chutneys and sauces. it will seem like too much work you will say can't i just make one and be done with it but those sauces are where the magic lies. the great tragedy of these nachos is that i wanted to eat them for DAYS but they do not reheat well. but godddd they were good)
ottolenghi's green pancakes with lime butter (these are SO easy. great for brunch but also make delicious additions to your lunch for a couple days after. also it's a perfect way to eat a pound of spinach and feel very virtuous about it when really you just ate delicious jalapeno-y scallion pancakes. the lime butter is great but it's a lot of work so i usually just top these with some sour cream mixed with a lil bit of lime zest & lime juice)
cauliflower shawarma with spicy tahini sauce (YUM! the tahini sauce as written was too bitter for me with the cholula mixed in. i think i'd try it with sriracha next time so it was a little sweeter. i also added chickpeas yum)
roasted cauliflower daal with chickpeas (my notes say this was "OUTTA THIS WORLD DELICIOUS" but also note that it will "really clean you out GI-wise" lol. lentils always have that effect on me though so ymmv. i added bell pepper, roasted the cauliflower first, cooked the lentils most of the way soft in the rice cooker instead of on the stove, and added two chopped serrano peppers with seeds to give it a lil extra kick. i would recommend halving the recipe if you are cooking for one as there were TONS of leftovers and my GI system could not handle being cleansed that many times lol)
pasta with corn, tomatoes, "onion-bacon," and basil (this method of preparing onions really should not taste like bacon and yet it sort of does????? this was a summer recipe i made multiple times for a range of audiences and it was a hit every time. originally from the weekday vegetarians)
ottolenghi's very full roasted veggie tart (it will take you hours to make and no time at all to consume but oh my god it's so good and SUCH a satisfying way to spend a long weekend afternoon. liz and i loved this so much we had to have a serious sitdown to discuss how we would divvy up the leftovers because we felt it could seriously damage our friendship if one of us ate all of it)
bombay burritos (the little sauces and things take a long time to make but you can prep a lot of the stuff a day or two in advance and gosh these are so tasty!! the curried mashed potatoes YUM)
honorable mentions:
ottolenghi's mango soba noodles (skip the eggplant i'd do tofu or something instead)
braised tofu with basil (i made this with a veggie-loaded stir fry and topped it with a fried egg)
this carrot cake (it took forever to make but it was the best carrot cake i've ever had and the only thing i'll ever make on my bday from here on out). she also has a pumpkin cake recipe that is so good and much simpler to make (no grating required)
momofuku's ginger scallion tofu with crispy coconut rice (the recipe is for a shrimp version but we made it with tofu and it was very yummy. i made this at a friend's house and it was so good i wanted to ask to take home some of the leftovers but decided that was too rude ahaha)
and then of course i gotta give a shoutout to my #1 comfort foods this year, SHAKSHUKA (my beloved) + a caprese sandwich with balsamic glaze served on really good bread.
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boyjoan · 7 months
Hello!! The dinner ask game sounds sooo lovely!!! Well, I'm vegetarian and do you need more ideas? It could be something complex and we could cook together:) - even if that does make it less of a dinner party. <3
Hello my darling omg thank you for playing!!! I'm so excited hehehe. I ALWAYS want more ideas and cooking together is the most wonderful experience i would ADORE cooking with you.
What would you want to cook???? I always want ideas !!
I think I would suggest a butternut squash and cherry tomato crumble. I've made it once and it was BEAUTIFUL. lots of mascarpone and delicious salty pastry butter/flour crumb for texture. I probably wouldn't pan fry the squash like my recipe suggests - i would roast it for sweetness?? And the tomatoes go sweet too so we need salty cheese and rich crumb. PLUS if you fancy i added walnuts? Again a rich fatty texture and flavour. I would maybe balance by cooking the tomatoes with a citrus acid like lemon juice!!
I hope that sounds good lovely, much love!!!
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postwarlevi · 2 years
How about some recipes? I've made all these and done my own adjustments which I'll mention. Here's the post I shared with @poisonpeche of my own pictures!
That one was tricky for me because it was so sour. I stuck to the recipe mainly (I use almond milk). I didn't want to add more lemon so I did a powdered sugar and orange juice glaze and let it sit for 2 days and it was much better!
Here's where I do my own thing lol! I made muffins instead of a loaf, used acorn squash because that's what I had, and cut up a small apple into pieces and believe I added some maple syrup. Any time I can add maple it's going in! Also topped with walnut pieces. It was cousin approved!
PS I did not put this in a skillet it went right into a 8x8 baking pan and in the oven. Used about 8 plums. I don't know if I made a cobbler or crisp, but I think crisp because my topping was rolled oats and chopped pecans and not very doughy...and I added maple syrup LOL
This is my favorite! It's always requested at get togethers and we make it a team event and each take a task! I don't really measure the carrots, zucchini or apples and it's never an issue, nor do I bother peeling the apple. I use pecans or walnuts instead of almonds but I'm sure they're good too! I take out half the sugar and replace with brown sugar...and of course some maple syrup! I don't use very much orange zest, maybe half what it says.
Well that's it for Elizas jammie baking day (seriously I stay in pajamas and just bake some days) but maybe we'll do more another time?
@hauntedhousecat @nelapanela94 @m-jelly @notgoodforlife @theferricfox
Hope you guys find something you like! :)
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laurkamkitchen · 6 months
New salad recipe! I've always been intimidated by butternut squash and kind of preferred sweet potato anyway, but I've been craving it recently, and this recipe, full of hearty autumnal flavors, seemed a good way to take advantage of that.
I made about a third of this and honestly found it pretty easy. The roast time for the squash and cauliflower provides plenty of time to prep the rest of the ingredients, especially as mine actually took the full bake time for once.
I ended up adding an extra tablespoon of water to get my dressing to the consistency I wanted, but other than that, it was totally perfect, definitely up there with the more impressive tahini dressings I've made — and I've made a lot.
Unfortunately, my overall dining experience was just okay. I think this just calls for far too much kale; kale easily overpowers, and it was definitely doing so here. The dressing unfortunately couldn't go very far, and while my roasted veg turned out perfect, this just wasn't quite how I wanted to enjoy it. If I'm being honest, this generally just reminded me a lot of my lunch salads, and it felt weird eating one for dinner.
However, I do think this recipe has a lot of potential, and I would definitely be willing to try it again with significantly less kale to make it more of a bowl situation, where I think the rest of the components would really shine.
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This will be my first recipe here. I know tumblr's an odd place to put recipes, but I thought why not anyway, you know?
Now for my lengthy life's story and how this homey, warm recipe was inspired by some old family dish that is close to my heart...Just kidding, I pulled this out of my ass the day before I made it for the first time. This version is slightly updated. It should be SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) compatible, as my UC (Ulcerative Colitis) requires me to be on it.
Chicken and Veggie Stew
I would like to preface this by saying this is enough to feed probably six people one helping or two people multiple helpings. yyou will need to adjust amounts of ingredients accordingly if you are seerving a large group. Most people will be smart enough to factor that in, but I'm posting this on the internet where people are generally pretty damn stupid and need the painfully obbvious explained to them in great detail.
That said, in big noticeable text, if you are one of the smart few, enjoy the recipe. If you're one of the dumb ones, leave this post alone and just get take out, you shouldn't be playing with knives and stoves anyway. It's been a while since I've made it, but it's stew not rocket science. You can manage, I have faith in you.
Celery (I don't actually like celery, so I only added a few stalks, but you can add however much you want)
Onion (a whole-ass, good sized one)
Carrots (you can use big ones and cut them up, or you could be lazy like me and just use baby carrots)
Mushrooms (I used shitake, but I doubt it makes too much of a difference. I don't cook enough with mushrooms to know for sure, though) (as an extra note, I used different mushrooms last time, and it made a difference. Use shitake)
Zucchini (three to four small or one to two big)
Squash (I used delecata this time) (you can also use butternut or acorn but I'd recommend dumping the squash in at the very beginning if you do to make sure it's really soft and starting to disintegrate, it is a natural thickener that way)
Chicken (if you're trying to be health conscious, use breasts. I, however, happen to have a surplus of thighs, so I used those. I think i ended out using eight very small ones to get a meat-to-veg ratio my fiance was happy with)
Chicken Broth (generally, it's recommended that everything is homemade, and that is normally best, but I didn't have any and I found a brand that treats me ok, so I used that.) (I used a 16oz container of Kettle & Fire Classic Chicken Bone Broth)
Olive Oil (I used extra virgin)
Butter (unsalted, half a stick. If you're trying to be healthier, use ghee, or i guess cut the butter completely, but that last one will affect taste)
Black Pepper (to taste)
Salt (to taste)
Italian Seasoning (be aware that different brands have different blend of spices in them. I used Simply Organic brand) (to taste...basically this whole recipe is to taste)
Taragon (to taste)
Minced garlic (measure that shit with your heart, not a spoon or cup. Galic powder to taste works just as well)
Here We Go, Everybody:
I had picures for this but they've been lost to the depths of my phone gallery, so, uh...we'll just go in assuming you have the ability to see to some extent. (Side Note: 20/20 vision and a neurotypical brain is not required to make this recipe work)
Roughly chop the mushrooms
Cut the rest of the veg and meat into bite sized pieces (about 1in chunks)
Heat the pot (medium heat I think) and put the butter in to melt
Cook the mushrooms, season with some salt and pepper
Add the chicken and minced garlic (and olive oil if needed, maybe a tablespoon max. I've mentioned this before, but I honestly measure nothing, so I can't be sure)
Season with the taragon, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning (again, I mention, all to taste)
When chicken is mostly cooked, add the celery and onions (add more oil if needed)
Cook for a few minutes, then add the carrots, zucchini, and delecata squash, cook for a short time, season more if needed
Add the broth (and extra water if you need it) and simmer until everything is fully cooked, adjust seasoning if needed
Extra Note: As I said above, if you use another type of squash-as I have had to use butternut and acorn before in this recipe-you will need to put the squash in the pot pretty much right away with the mushrooms or chicken to get it to the same level of squishy doneness as you would if you used the delecata.
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Creamy Butternut Squash with Rosemary https://i0.wp.com/joyfilledeats.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IMG_8878-2.jpg?fit=800%2C1200&resize=350%2C200
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   This Creamy Butternut Squash with Rosemary is my favorite way to enjoy butternut squash. It is a wondering quick and easy side dish for any night of the week.
This is loosely based off of Giada’s recipe here. I originally made it years ago, pasta and all, and loved it. It became my go-to recipe when I had to make a meal for vegetarian friends. I realized early on that I could sub in cream cheese for the goat cheese and the flavor didn’t change all too much since the other ingredients are very flavorful as well. Cream cheese is a lot more budget friendly than goat cheese. Then I stopped adding the pasta all together and simplified it down to five ingredients.
Part of the reason I decided to post this recipe now is that I bought 5 pounds of frozen organic butternut squash from Costco and I didn’t love it. The first time I made it I just put a little butter and salt on it and it was very bland. I love roasted fresh butternut squash but the frozen leaves much to be desired. And I still had four pounds of it to use. I was determined to find a way that I actually enjoyed the frozen squash.
Creamy Butternut Squash with Rosemary – Low Carb, Grain Free, THM S
1 pound frozen butternut squash (or steamed or roasted fresh butternut squash)
2 oz cream cheese
1/2 tsp dried minced onion
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dried rosemary
Cook the butternut squash according to the package instructions. Add the cream cheese and gently fold until the heat of the butternut squash makes it melt and cover the squash. Add the rest of the ingredients. Serve.
Yields 6 servings
Creamy Butternut Squash with Rosemary
5 minPrep Time
5 minCook Time
10 minTotal Time
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1 pound frozen butternut squash (or steamed or roasted fresh butternut squash)
2 oz cream cheese
1/2 tsp dried minced onion
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dried rosemary
Cook the butternut squash according to the package instructions. Add the cream cheese and gently fold until the heat of the butternut squash makes it melt and cover the squash. Add the rest of the ingredients. Serve.
Joy Filled Eats
Nutrition Facts Amount Per Serving, 6 servings per recipe
Calories 68
%Daily Value
Total Fat 3g
Saturated Fat 2g
TransFat 0g
Cholesterol 11mg
Sodium 133mg
Total Carbohydrates 9g
Dietary Fiber 2g
Sugars 2g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A 163%
Vitamin C 27%
Calcium 5%
Iron 3%
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