#i.e. reincarnation verse
lenievi · 3 months
My fave spones fics
It's spones day!, so I decided to finally publish this extremely subjective short list I wrote years ago (hence no new fics). If a link doesn't work, put it through a wayback machine.
TOS McCoy/Spock romance, friendship, anything in between
A Man of Integrity by Jane Carnall. M. 18k. A mirror ‘verse story. Spock didn’t mind meld with McCoy, but kept him for long enough that the rest left without him. Will McCoy get back home? Written in 1989. (ao3)
Blue Under the Colourless Sky by vail-kagami (LJ). T. 4k. This. was. so. good. And melancholic. And bittersweet. And saying more would spoil it. (death is discussed)
Catharsis by babel. E. 40k+ still WIP. This is all I ever wanted from a McCoy/Spock fic. Follows season 1 of TOS. What if Spock and McCoy had an arrangement.
Coming Through in Waves by Cirth. T. 6k. “Spock dislikes doctors.” This was just lovely. A great character study from Spock’s POV. Includes room sharing and bathroom sharing. 
Deepening of the Spirit by lynndyre. G. 1k. A short fic set after the last film. Sweet and warm, finally getting together after all those years.
Distances series by berlynn_wohl. G-E. 54k. The first story is pre-slash and can be read as a standalone mission fic. A nice series spanning years. Written in 2007.
Down The Long Corridors Of Air by Thistlerose. T. 7k. This is another fic that demonstrates quite well what I like in the pairing. “A circle has no end. Spock and McCoy over the years.” Spoilers up to ST VII. Written in 2009.
Further Study Needed by J. Rosemary Moss. G. 2k. Cute pre-canon fic. McCoy tries to teach Spock how to flirt. Pre-slash. Written in 2008.
My Little Town by Phoenix. M. 8k. Post-movies. McCoy’s mother dies, and McCoy goes back to Earth to sell the old house. Spock accompanies him. A bit sad, melancholic story where the two of them finally stop avoiding what’s between them.
something bright, traveling fast by lupinely. G. 7k. “After fal-tor-pan, Spock considers existence.“ Movie-era, really lovely.
Spock of Baker Street by K. V. Wylie. M. 18k. Crossover with Doctor Who. The Guardian of Forever “kidnaps” Spock and McCoy, and throws them into late 19th century Britain. They meet a guy named Arthur, and live at Baker Street. And investigate a murder. Established relationship.
Teshuvah by K. V. Wylie. PG. 20k. A reincarnation AU - i.e. McCoy gets to relive his life again.
The Secrets of Pine Cones by K. V. Wylie. PG. 9k. Movie-era. Married Mc/S. McCoy is observing Ramadan, and this year, after many years spend together, Spock stays at home and keeps him company for the first time. A very lovely fic, written from Spock’s POV.
Through A Glass, Darkly by Jane Carnall. M. 67k. mirror ‘verse. pon farr. mind bond. Written in 1988. (on ao3: prime spones part and the mirror spones 3-parter)
AOS McCoy/Spock
This Must Be The Place by therev. M. 38k. Spock learns that Spock Prime and his Leonard McCoy were in a relationship, and... This was one of the first mc/s fics I read, and it’s still among my favourites. It also showed me that aos!mccoy/spock could work. The mood is a bit melancholic (and perhaps a bit slice-of-life-ish), it’s set post-Beyond, and it has Joanna.
also older spones fics recs (i.e. written before the reboot)
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Parallels of JRR Tolkien's books and the bible:
Cool interesting quote by JRR Tolkien that sums up the fight between Good and Evil in this world.
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Tolkien was a Christian he even helped CS Lewis, to become a Christian, we as Christians can see the parallels between Tolkien's writing and the story of good (God) vs evil (Devil) in the bible.
We can also see that God's creation in the bible is good, but it gets corrupted as the devil enters the story just as the JRR Tolkien quote above says he can not create anything new he only spolls and destroys it.
We can see that in the first part of John 10:10 as the thief in this verse is the Devil, the second part of this verse is talking about Jesus,
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]".
Because sin/evil got in the world and corrupted it, Go'd had to send his son Jesus to save us, as we can see in john 3.16, but we need to, except it.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
In the JRR Tolkien quote above from The Silmarillion, evil, i.e., the devil is Melkor/Morgoth (Lucifer / Satan (Devil)) and later Morgoth uses Sauron to continue his evil plans, but it ends badly for them both.
Other parallels to the Bible:
Jesus is sort of in JRR Tolkien's work, in the form of Gandalf but, Tolkien felt unworthy to put a Jesus character in as he says in a letter (#181):
"But though one may be reminded of the Gospels in this [the reincarnation of Gandalf after his death], it is not the same. The Incarnation of God is an infinitely greater thing than anything I would dare to write"
Tolkien also says in a letter (#183)
"The theatre of my tale is this earth, the one in which, we now live, but the historical period is imaginary."
God of Middle earth = Eru Ilúvatar
The Angels in Middlw Earth together are called the Ainur seperated into angels and Archangel
Archangels= The Valar
Angels = The Maiar.
There was even a heven and hell in JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth, as highlighted in the below videos (or a number of heavens and hells as it depends what you mean by Heaven and Hell)
You can also see these parallels to a lesser extent in Cs Lewis's Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
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weatherman667 · 3 months
Reincarnated as a Sword RPG
I really hate RPG-mechanics verses. That doesn't mean you cannot make a good show, and some of my favourite shows have RPG-mechanics.
RPG mechanics are necessary abstractions. For video games, even incredibly simple systems can lead to absolutely fantastic games. TTRPG's have to deal with more abstract things, i.e. worlds that involves things other than walk-forward-and-fight. The problem about TTRPG's is that there really isn't one that I like, on a mechanical level. This is the legacy of D&D, that was quite playable, but cumbersome mechanics, a leveling system that goes from n00b to living god in 20 levels, ridiculous restrictions, horrifying volumes of erata.
All things common to most RPG's. The only RPG that has a level progression system I like is Unicorn Overlord.
Reincarnated as a Sword uses an RPG that solves almost all of the problems.
The money system is insane, but is just pallet-swap of Yen, which means it much, much more consistent and useable than pretty much any other RPG.
Monsters are actually well defined. They spawn with crystals that allow them to use mana, a lovely gift from the gods of the setting. Which is absolutely wonderful, as most fantasy worlds have lazy, boring, normally inconsequential gods. The ones here and incredibly interesting, and unknowable.
Because of this mechanic, they can justify adventurers having swappable classes, as they use this very same magic system. The classes affect what stats your character gains when he levels up, and what skills you can learn. You then gain skill points, and can assign them as you choose. Maximizing skills unlocks other skills. So, in theory, you could swap classes, and keep your stat progression and skills.
These are mechanics we have definitely seen before, in both video games and anime, but none were as well thought out as this one. No part of it feels artificial.
Magic weapons are incredibly interesting and varied, rather than +1 damage, and bonus to damage against undead. The material of the weapon has a deep effect on the properties. Materials having reasonable rarities, interesting, and often unique effects, mana conductivity, inherent stats that seem reasonable in the world. Basically, the best of what we see everywhere else.
The anime also creates unique features for no reason than fun. They have a weird horse-kangaroo hybrid that replaces horses. The wagons look like three-wheeled turtles. The environments are wholly different from what you would expect, while being entirely reasonable.
A lot of the money adventurers make comes from the materials of the defeated resources, to the point that dungeons are treated as resource collection points. They have a core, which is what upgrades a local monster into the dungeon master, and replenishes the dungeon.
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deiscension · 10 months
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﹄ VERSES: Shi Qingxuan. 
below the cut is information on each available verse for shi qingxuan! the selection includes: tgcf canon-compliance, ghost, two modern variants with a reincarnation flavor that can be added to the order, reverse 1999, and genshin. a link to this post will be added to sqx's section on the pinned post. i'll update with any new verses that may come about in due time!
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﹄ ◇ ; TGCF verses.
𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 & 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 - 𝐩𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐜
bright as the morning sun and generous as a cool breeze on a sweltering summer eve, shi qingxuan presides as the beloved wind master of the heavenly court. she spends her time investigating matters brought before her by other court officials and her thousands upon thousands of believers, drinking merrily, making as many friends as possible, and trying not to earn the baleful glare of her older brother.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 - 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐜
the reverend of empty words has declared its final verdict on shi qingxuan's life the wind no longer answers her call. terrified of the egregious suffering her existence has caused and unable to contend with the callous injustice her brother has committed on her behalf, she wishes for nothing more than to be cast from the heavens and left to stumble about on her own in the mortal realm. but such wishful thinking will get her nowhere. if not for her, it wouldn't have happened. she can't just let her brother face that same fate... can she?
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐜
the waves have come crashing down. there is no lady wind master. there is no shi qingxuang. never show yourself before me, and i will pretend you never existed. is this not what she what she wanted? with wounds that will never heal and only herself to offer as a means to get by, she finds a way to make do down in the mud and misery. how fortunate that those with fates as accursed as hers are kinder than those in the heavens! at least she won't be alone. it's a happy affair, really; the mortal realm truly is a wondrous place. still, there's so much left to say, so much left to do, such immense debt to pay and pay and pay. even so, behind the filth and shame, her bright eyes remain the same.
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﹄ ◇ ; Ghost Verse - 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
wretched beginning, wretched end. it only took a slight slip for her to go tumbling down, down, down to the where the water meets the shore. unable to move, the tides soon swept away both final words and final breath. but the wind has a way of bringing home wanderers who have not yet found true rest. good-natured but perhaps more teasing than she ought to be if she wants to avoid an exorcism, this nameless ghost lingers like a summer breeze. floaty, fair, fuzzy-- there's something left to say, there's someone left hear, surely. but her mind fills with the cry of cicadas, the roaring of crashing waves, a name split in two, a sin unrecognized... she was sure she knew. where, oh where... at such a time, had it really been...?
( *this can also be used as a flex-verse; i.e., modern ghost. ) 
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﹄ ◇ ; Modern Verses
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬
lady_windmaster: an overnight sensation adored for her rags-to-riches story. beauty, goodwill, passion for costuming and storytelling, and genuine heart have earned her the love of anonymous millions. one moment a struggling college dropout from a family long since fallen out of public approval, the next the face of triumph in hardship. as she recovers from permanent injury and begins her social transition into femininity, she wants nothing more than to prove that there is a way to show your truest of hearts. but maybe it's not really her place to do so. after all, she's not exactly the one responsible for the relative stability she now has. her brother is the one who ultimately climbed those steep stairs for both of them-- and not without pulling strings. is she shi qingxuan, or is she a cut-and-paste image crafted to be an unachievable dream?
𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
having recently been released from hospital care following a horrific accident, shi qingxuan is eager to mingle with her peers again and reintroduce herself to the world at large. while she's become quite popular due to her bubbly nature, sincerity, and self-confidence, she still can't quite escape looming feelings of alienation and judgment from behind her own closed doors. (gonna be real here this subverse exists for like three people orz)
( *important note for both modern variants: i am also more than happy to incorporate direct reincarnation from her canon; how much or how little she remembers of her life before will be situation-dependent. )
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﹄ ◇ ; Reverse 1999 - 𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬
an arcanist draped in the elegant robes of a daoist cultivator, shi qingxuan is as carefree and affable as both appearance and her fanciful spirit-aligned afflatus would imply. she has yet to fully commit herself to the foundation. perhaps she's just too much of a free spirit to tie herself down to an institution with so many rules and regulations... though it's not like there's much anywhere else for her to go. she used to claim she hailed from a sky beyond the reach of the storm. now, however, she becomes noticeably embarrassed of her prior assertions. even more ridiculous yet, however, might be her full confidence that given enough time and practice with her incantations, she will be able to sweep the storm away in one grand gale.
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﹄ ◇ ; Genshin Verse - 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐲
once a legendary wind spirit with powers to rival even the mightiest of gods, shi qingxuan used roam the entirety of teyvat with swift feet carried by gales called down directly from the heavens. at such a time, she went by the title of 'lady wind master'. it was a title spoken with adoration and awe by all who knew it, particularly within the region that would eventually become known as liyue. but then whispers of war and usurpation began to trickle across the land. entirely unbeknownst to her, her brother lord water master attempted to seal her to the wind forevermore using another's stolen power. wrath from above and below formed a riptide that she could neither run from nor combat. and so she fell from the wind, soul of her soul and breath of her breath severed in a single moment. legend says her collision with the earth below carved an entire hidden system through liyue's mountain systems that still cradle her once beloved spiritual devices inside their ancient walls.
permanently maimed and shackled to winds that no longer recognize her as their counterpart, she's fated to wander teyvat until she has repaid the debt of existence and atoned for her crime of ignorance. she's little more than a vagabond with a few tricks up her sleeve and an anemo vision she still hasn't quite gotten accustomed to.
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
List of topics/ content which I will not write for due to personal preference or discomfort. Pls read this before you send me anything.
-Don’t ask me for part 2 or sequels to my fics.
-I only write for fem and g/n readers.
-I no longer write for Spider-Verse. Any asks or requests about that fandom will be deleted.
-For Genshin, I only write for Scaramouche, Capitano, Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro, and Arlecchino. I will only respond to asks about other characters if it’s related to a fic/ AU I previously wrote featuring them.
-Regarding my Yandere! Harbinger series, I won’t write new longfics for other characters. So pls don’t ask me questions like “who is next?” or “will you write for [character]?”
-For What in Hell is Bad?, there are characters whose paraphilias I cannot write. Those kinks are listed in some of the bullet points below.
-If I ever write something from this list, i.e., Character/ Reader death, consider that fic as a rare exception and NOT a revision of my rules.
- Infidelity
- Grooming
- Gore/ Vore
- Incest/ Stepcest
- Substance abuse
- Tsundere! Reader
- Enemies to Lovers
- Self-harm and Suicide
- Character/ Reader death
- Bully! Character or Reader
- Sexism, racism, homophobia, etc.
- Ships - unless mentioned on my blog
- Yandere! WHB and Yandere! Obey Me!
- Eating disorders and body dysmorphia
- Nun/ Priest - unless it is my Church AU
- Unrequited love - also applies to yandere
- Poly! Yandere - includes sharing and rivalry
- Angst w/o comfort - also applies to yandere
- Hardcore bodily fluids - vomit, piss, scat, etc.
- Age Gaps and Age Play - includes mommy/ daddy kink, age regression, the term “baby”
- Love triangles - unless it is a Chara x Chara x Chara ship or a funny idea for WHB/ Obey Me!
- The following AUs - ABO, SAGAU, Self-Aware, Soulmates, Reincarnation, Android, Idol, Mafia, Isekai, Saintess, Sugar Baby, Student x Teacher
- The following nsfw tags - Blowjobs, lactation, public sex, voyeurism, virginity loss, phone sex, periods, piercings, group sex, necrophilia, amputation, oculolinctua, etc.
- Pregnancy and Family - I can do babytrapping and infanthood + childhood. But I won’t write angst or long scenarios.
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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(based off this post, I want to try trialing a “canon” tonitoni on this blog as a verse of smol tonitoni!!)
tl;dr of verse:
Tonia died (again) during the war against Celestia, and reincarnated into the next cycle of history as herself. 
Due to being favored by the leylines, she kept her memories up to her (second) death during this cycle of rebirth.  
This time around, she avoided following her brother into the Abyss, and as such remains a normal civilian in terms of her biology i.e. she is 100% human and has no Irminsul matter in her.
As such, she lacks any ability to manipulate the elements and can no longer connect to Irminsul.
However, she can still “speak” to the leylines and they will respond to her; her soul is still theirs, she is still a beloved branch and dearest daughter of the leylines. She also maintains some ability to perceive spirits, including being able to hear the disembodied voices of the leylines, but it is very diminished now.
Retaining her memories also means she has perfect memory of her time as a Harbinger - she knows perfectly well how to murder a man and is aware of the Fatui’s deeper, darker actions, including their goals for Celestia. However, she is taking advantage of this second run to not be involved in any of this; she simply watches the ongoings of the world, and in a way, is judging its progression.
(A part of her still wouldn’t hesitate to march up all the way to Zapolyarny Palace to brawl with the Tsaritsa if things go to shit again, but that’s neither here or there.)
Her second life is more or less the current canon of the game - she is just the normal, oblivious little sister of the Eleventh Harbinger, who writes often to him about home and to always, always ask he tell her about the slimes in whatever place he’s visiting. And to get her one. 
Yes. She has tried to get a slime pet to raise in Morepesok. She’s been unsuccessful because she’s completely human now so they all just run away from her. :(
She does not make it anywhere near obvious that she has memories of a previous life - she pretends to be ignorant about the Fatui besides her brother being a Harbinger and nothing else beyond the title supposedly. 
That said, if one is observant, they might see her react with an extreme lack of fanfare when certain subjects such as Celestia, the Tsaritsa, the Fatui or the other Harbingers are brought up. And the cold, blank expressions she makes when she thinks no one is looking.
(if you’d like to try writing with this verse, please like this post or otherwise DM me to discuss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ww) 
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parmananddass5505 · 2 months
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17 श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता
पदच्छेद, अन्वय साधारण भाषाटीकासहित
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62:
'O Bharat! You go to the shelter of that Supreme God in every respect. Only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace i.e. will become completely liberated from birth and death and attain the Eternal Supreme Abode i.e. Satlok.
#rebirth #reincarnation
#swarg #allah#quran #viralshorts #KabirisGod #SupremeGodKabir    
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yogendradas-blog · 2 months
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Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62:-
'O Bharat! You go to the shelter of that Supreme God in every respect. Only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace i.e. will become completely liberated from birth and death and attain the Eternal Supreme Abode i.e. Satlok.
#rebirth #reincarnation #birth #death
#satlok #heaven #paradise #swarg #muslim #swarg #jannat #jannah #allah #god #krishna #mahadev #quran #quranquotes #islam #islamic #sanatandharma #hinduism
💁🏻📲To know, Visit
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
YouTube Channel
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dark-horse76 · 1 year
The Wicked + The Divine: The Faust Act
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Read this one last night. It's one of the ones I picked up from the library a few weeks ago. I'm trying to keep an open mind with regards to storylines/characters (i.e.: is it something I'd consider on the too weird side, like Saga or Ask For Mercy) - which mostly means picking up anything/everything that's not like the 10th volume of something (*cough* like the volume of Saga that the library has lol *cough*) and avoiding looking at it too much beforehand or reading the blurb because that may mean fighting my initial reaction of "urgh monsters/weird stuff no no no this is too weird" - tbf, a lot of the superhero stuff also leans into the 'too weird' side for me, and I'm doing mostly okay with that so I'm trying not to miss stuff I'd otherwise enjoy. But once that reaction kicks in, it's hard to stop it / go against it, despite the fact it's become obvious over the last year that I don't actually know what's too weird for me, really xd
So, yeah, basically I'm just grabbing everything that isn't Marvel off the shelf (they don't have a lot of DC, and I've read most of what they do have and/or just not interested in the rest - the Marvel stuff mostly falls afoul of the 'I vaguely know what this involves and it's too weird for me' xd) and chucking it at the librarians to get it checked out asap before I have time to change my mind xd.
ANYway. This one is about some gods who get reincarnated every 90 years or something and then have like 2 years to live before dying.
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I read a review that said it's basically a superhero book, which I think I can see (though not yet sure I agree), even though they didn't do any superhero-ing (or, really, villain-ing) in this book.
I started off not sure about it, then really liked it, then finished it by not being sure about it again lol. I really liked the character of Luci (Lucifer). I think I'm a bit at a disadvantage reading this, as I'm very much not familiar with a lot of myth, and this obviously leans heavily on it. Like, I'm very familiar with Lucifer / Christian myth. Passingly familiar with Odin and Norse mythology. Vaguely familiar-ish sort of with Greek/Roman. And pretty much know nothing at all about any other myths. And I took a whole class on mythology in college! Although to be fair to me, that was 1 semester, mostly focussed on Greek/Roman, and it was also like 15 years ago lololol.
But even if I finished reading it feeling unsure about it, I still want to find out what happens next - so I guess they did their job lol. There are a few more volumes in the story - unfortunately, none of my libraries have them, so I'll have to wait until I feel like buying a book I'm not certain I'm into. But I don't dislike it. Like, if someone bought it for me for my birthday/Christmas, I'd be pleased.
The art and colours are gorgeous. I mean, look at this:
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I also liked that it was a simpler comic to read. None of the headache-inducing, inscrutable fight scene panels like in some of the Batman-related books I've read. But it's still complex. I definitely do want to read it again and again, because I suspect there's layers and things I've missed in just one read.
Every so often, there was a page like this:
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And it changed depending on what was happening in the story. I thought that was really cool lol. To be honest, the first time I noticed that that page was doing that, I immediately thought, "I have to buy a physical copy of this for myself," because it makes me want to just...study it (and the story) like a bug xd.
Sadly, I am, again, not well-versed in myths, so for the most part I don't actually know which symbols go with which gods, but it's fun that this book has made me interested in finding out - and in trying to see if knowing more gives me any clues about them / the story generally xd.
It just occurred to me that I also know nothing about Faust - know the name but never read or heard anything of the story - so I probably missed something there, too xd.
The very first page of the comic included a quote from Doctor Faustus, which I liked a lot and made me put that on my reading list:
Ah, Faustus, Now hast thou but one bare hour to live, And then thou must be damn'd perpetually! Stand still, you ever-moving spheres of Heaven, That time may cease, and midnight never come
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occasionalsnippets · 2 years
List of AUs on this Blog
Anomalous/Retrograde Motion AU (#Anomalous AU)
The standard for my SCP fic, Retrograde Motion. Formerly, the fic was titled “Anomalous” but since I don’t feel like retagging everything, the tag is still “Anomalous AU”. Features an MC who has unfortunately been transported into the SCP universe and finds themselves unable to die permanently. All AUs/spin offs of Anomalous are tagged with this tag.
Doctor AU (#Doctor AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC was reincarnated into the SCP universe some time in the 1900s after dying. They go through their second life and is eventually hired by the Foundation after an incident involving a reality bender. They are considered “part of the senior staff”.
There was a brief spin-off going around of “what if MC had a significant other before getting hired” which is untagged but may be found when going through the Doctor AU tag.
Doctor Amnesia AU (untagged)
A spin-off of Doctor AU where an incident has left memories of Doctor MC gone from everyone’s minds. The remnants of them (i.e. their office, gifts they’ve given, habits that others have formed around them) leaves the people who used to know Doctor MC a little lost. The status of MC is “undisclosed” within this AU. I hope to write the one shot for this AU eventually.
God Complex AU (#God Complex AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion but MC has a god complex and a multitude of other issues. In general, they are a very bad person and incredibly manipulative. For some reason, a lot of regulars on this blog like them.
Eldritch AU (#Eldritch AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC has become… different after their first death. The world warps and twists around them and they become something like a god. Although it’s easy to tell there’s something off about them from an outsider’s perspective, nobody can prove they’re not human. By “god” standards, they’re very young and while they aren’t openly malicious, some things are better left unseen and unheard.
Ancient Eldritch AU (#Ancient Eldritch AU)
A spin off of Eldritch AU where MC is dropped into the SCP universe millions of years before the modern era, around the time of cults and old gods. Deciding that it was more trouble than it was worth, they decide to just sleep to avoid various canon events (though they still get woken up periodically). Somewhere along the way, they become a god as well.
Closer to the modern era, they have taken up residence in a forest, effectively making it “their domain”. They tend to stay within the forest but that’s not to say others don’t wander in every so often...
Reality Bender AU (#Reality Bender AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion but MC is a reality bender on top of having their time travel abilities. Said time travel abilities are a secret. The AU is more humour than angst.
Untimely Injuries AU (#Untimely Injuries AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where upon dying and returning to the past, remnants of injuries appear on MC’s body. Fatal injuries return as scars, minor cuts and bruises appear on their body, etc. More of an angsty AU.
Trails of Corpses AU (#Trails of Corpses AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where upon dying and returning to the past, MC’s dead body also appears. There is no explanation as to how and why the bodies appear.
MC Verse AU (#MC Verse AU)
A minor AU where I toss different AU MCs of Retrograde Motion into the same universe and see what happens.
Alternate AU (#Alternate AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC has been brought to the Mandela Catalogue universe and is an Alternate.
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC is a member of the MTF in the Foundation.
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC is a member of the GOC around the same time Agent Ukelele is.
O5 AU (#O5 AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC is a part of the O5 Council.
Twitch Chat AU (#Twitch Chat AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC has a Twitch chat who are the people on this blog.
Gotham AU (#Gotham AU)
An AU of Retrograde Motion where MC emerges from the Lazarus Pits in the DCU.
Addtional Notes:
Some AUs are combined with one another (Ex. Doctor AU & Eldritch AU combined would be Doctor MC but they’re also an eldritch god) but are often untagged. These combinations may be found with both AU tags they were combined from.
Escapism AU (#Escapism AU)
A fic idea set in JJBA (Vento Aureo) where MC is brought into the world while on vacation. Canon unfolds without her intervention but upon reaching the end, time turns back to two years before the beginning of Vento Aureo. MC takes it as a sign that she isn’t allowed to let canon play out as it should. 
Through a series of unfortunate events, she gains a stand and joins Passione. Canon eventually comes around again and diverges accordingly. All AUs/spin offs of Escapism are tagged with this tag.
Don!MC AU (#Don!MC AU)
An AU of Escapism where Escapism MC goes back in time after the (implied to be different) events of Vento Aureo and kills Diavolo. She then becomes the Don of Passione. Various things diverge from there. I hope to write the one shot for this AU eventually.
Temporary Hero AU (#Temporary Hero AU)
A brief spin-off where Escapism MC is thrown into the BNHA world during the Shie Hassaikai arc. Canon diverges accordingly.
Wanderer AU (#Wanderer AU)
A fic idea set in Genshin Impact where MC is brought into the world a few years before the events of canon. She wanders the world on her own but eventually meets up with the Traveller once canon begins. She has her own set of strange abilities gained during her time in Teyvat. All AUs/spin offs of Wanderer are tagged with this tag.
Adepti!MC AU (#Adepti!MC AU)
An AU of Wanderer where MC is dropped into the Genshin Impact universe back around the time of Archon War. She befriends Zhongli (or Morax as he is at the time) and resides in past-Liyue for the most part. Eventually, she dies and Zhongli revives her and makes her an Adepti.
The best part of this AU is the people pining for thousands of years.
Star Eater AU (#Star Eater AU)
An AU of Wanderer where MC is an eldritch creature who used to eat stars. She is frequently “hungry”.
The Maiden of the Sea AU (#Maiden of the Sea AU)
A fic idea set in One Piece where MC is the Sea. Canon diverges occasionally. Currently, this idea is unwritten.
Sidereal AU (#Sidereal AU)
A WIP for a TWST fic that features some minor Genshin Impact crossover elements. MC is an Outlander who lands in Twisted Wonderland through unusual circumstances. Currently, the fic is unpublished.
Eternity of Blues AU (#Eternity of Blues AU)
A fic where MC is reborn as Amanai Riko. It is currently posted on AO3 and Quotev.
MChito AU (#mchito au)
Based on the excerpt where MC is reborn as Mahito. They are a completely separate MC from Retrograde motion MC.
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nox-artemis · 2 years
Griffith's Motives
So this isn't going to be a long post, but...
I'm wondering if this "Abduct Casca" plan was a spur of the moment thing or if Griffith was planning this all along. I would like to think that it's the latter, since it's fucking Griffith, but even though we've grown to know him as this master strategist we also know that he is not immune to "moments of irrationality" a.k.a. stupid/mean emotional decision making (whether it's sleeping with the princess out of wedlock and getting caught or R-wording your friend's lover just to be vile and spiteful) and that he can't still spin things in his favor (i.e. no Griffith wasn't planning that R-word scene in some master scheme like how some would like to apologize away BUT he definitely took advantage of the aftermath b/c causality).
Of course if that's not the case, I just wonder at just what moment Griffith decided, "Ya I need to kidnap her." I guess we could potentially get a better perspective if we get into Griffith's perspective (which we don't really get a lot of post-reincarnation) and how he and the child became one body, but not necessarily one soul/mind.
Back during the post-Conviction Arc, at the confrontation on the Hill of Swords, it's evident that Griffith is aware that baby whose body he stole in order to reincarnate into the world is still aware itself. BUT, now that I think about it, was Griffith even aware that the body belonged to Guts and Casca's child? Was it something that he also had to piece together over time? Like, he's not going to say this in front of people (because it's a sign of weakness), but he most definitely was experiencing lapses in memory and black outs during the full moon. Maybe at the beginning he had no awareness or control over these transformations but somehow he figured stuff out.
I guess maybe it was in chapter 358, right after he and Charlotte shared some "tea time" together and she fell asleep. He was anticipating the transformation and that was the last time we saw him in Falconia before the arrival of Moonlight Boy on Elfhelm. If he was seeing into Moonlight Boys mind bit by bit over the duration of these last few arcs, he definitely might have been piecing together Guts and Casca's travel path, their activities, and more importantly, their relationship to the boy and the boy's own feelings toward them (which would surmount to the conclusion of the boy - whom he stole the original body of - being Guts and Casca's child). Of course I'm remembering the world tree has a lot to do with cosmology of the Berserk-verse, though I'm not sure how much either Griffith or Moonlight Boy know about its function as a sort of ethereal super-highway (if the Moonlight Boy was operating independently from Griffith up until at least very recently, how was he compelled to use the world tree to find Guts and Casca wherever they were in the world?).
Okay I said this wasn't going to be long so I'll stop there, BUT just to add I recall there were some fanfics from waaaaaay back that I really enjoyed that utilized the theory that Griffith is not in control - or at least not in complete control - of the Moonboy's thoughts and actions.
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mars-onthe-moon · 3 years
Hey Mars, thank you for the last chapter ! It was good as always !!
I have one question: what is your Bill!Loki like ? :o I know you mentioned him as Lucifer too and im still not over how well that lore works (plus confirmed by the simpsons lmao)
Take care !
Yes we have a freakin trickster god icon on our hands… And Jesus XD
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I also love that google’s first suggestion for Loki is literally this… “a cunning trickster who has the ability to change his shape and sex” Which is also too perfect??? Like did Alex mean to open this multi-verse, multi-mythology can of Alaskan Bull Worms? Idk but I like to believe he’s a reincarnation of Bill too i.e. he knew what he was doing.
AnD cAn We TaLk AbOuT hOw LoKi iS AsSoCiAtEd WiTh ThE rUnE ᛒ (B for Bill hehe) which is represented by birch! As in Axolotl’s poem referencing: Watches from with in birch trees?!!!
Lmaaaao not this actually being the real reason I studied comparative religion.
Bjarkan er laufgrønstr líma; Loki bar flærða tíma - Birch has the greenest leaves of any shrub; Loki was fortunate in his deceit
To be honest, I think I lack the most knowledge in Norse mythology. Greek and Roman is where I mainly found my interests as a kid and I got some Christianity and Judeo-Christianity under my belt so I can argue with those special relatives. For divination I mostly use tarot, though I do own a few sets of runes that I try to pick up from time to time.
I think it’s very interesting too, you have mention of Æsir or Jötunn which I guess are like gods and giants? It reminds me a lot of Judaism and Islam where angels would mate with giants and create offspring known as nephilim which were djinn or demons. In Judaism they are also called fallen angels.
You’ll see this alignment with Eve and the garden of Eden and the apple as well.
There is the garden of Eden and then you have Idun, The Norse goddess of spring (life/plant life) and apples/fruit, meant for the gods that provided immortality.
Then you have apples/figs being used as the device that caused Adam and Eve to be exiled from the garden.
Adam and Eve were the first two humans (poor Lilith) which are eerily similar sounding to Ask and Embla, Norse’s first two humans.
On the tree of knowledge you have the snake/dragon either seen as Lilith or Lucifer/devil tempting Eve and at the bottom of Yggdrasil you have the dragon entity, Nidhogg as well. This could be associated with the devil as a punisher like character that tortures or feeds on corpses of damned souls in hel/hell. Hel being the daughter of Loki (ayyyy we back on track).
I guess I’ve never really thought about what Bill would look like visually as Loki. I guess just as close to Norse myth. Same with attitude. In my story, when Bill calls upon Ax is reincarnated, Ax always gives him a choice. He can try again as Bill, a form that is kind of Bill’s main identity or he can create a new reality and reincarnate there as a different god, creating these different mythological dimensions which humans/prophets tune into and bam there’s your religion and Bill’s your uncle… and literally everything else. So he’s all knowing, but he also can’t recall everything from these fractured forms because Ax can see an OP character coming from a mile a way and needs to add some restrictions. These other forms Bill takes, like Loki, would remember very little of Bill except for Déjà vu and therefore I just imagine them like how it’s written in myth. I am in love with the idea that Bill is the force that propels these mythologies forward, each time he burns a world, he’s forced to take a new form and in a weird si-fi logic way, that’s how we get religions.
I think it fits so well because all religions have influenced one another in some way and so we get these really specific things aligning in beliefs that seem completely different. A fun (but totally nerdy) game to play is to start out with one religion and compare it to another and then another and see how far away you can get from the original. The end product still will loop back into the first one in some way.
Also on Jan 8th we say goodbye to Xolotl our evening star and welcome Lucifer the morning star as Venus takes her inferior conjunction spot in the dawning sky. You go Aphrodite!
Hopefully that answers ur Q… probably more than you wanted to know woops 😅 Also thanks for the chapter feedback! Glad it went ok!
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vxctorx-archived · 2 years
Bold - all that apply, Italic - leaning or former.
TAGGED BY:  @rawdealed ♥
TAGGING: @brassandblue, @consvlting, and anyone else who’d like to do the thing!
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Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other*
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet (i.e. possession of drugs)
Children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent / had children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / (it’s complicated)
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Other Narcotics/Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently (verse dependent)/ to excess
Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes (as in: if he’s sick) / frequently / to excess
Indulgent Food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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ophelia-hendrix · 2 years
Bold - all that apply, Italic - leaning or former  
TAGGED BY: stolen from @dontcxckitup-m & @warrioroflondonbelow  TAGGING: YOU
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other*
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet (i.e. possession of drugs)
Children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent / had children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / (it’s complicated)
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Other Narcotics/Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently (verse dependent)/ to excess
Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess
Indulgent Food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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mr007pennyworth · 2 years
Bold - all that apply, Italic - leaning or former.
TAGGED BY: ​ @dontcxckitup TAGGING: @jp-todd-rp, @grace-of-gotham, @docthompkins, @lovepoweredspeed, @brucieboy297, @richbastardbat
Tumblr media
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other*
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet (i.e. possession of drugs)
Children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent / had children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / (it’s complicated)
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know/don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Other Narcotics/Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently (verse dependent)/ to excess
Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess
Indulgent Food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
4 notes · View notes
Tumblr media
Bold - all that apply, Italic - leaning or former.
TAGGED BY: @dontcxckitup-m​
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure
Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other*
Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet (i.e. possession of drugs)
Children: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent / had children
Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / (it’s complicated)
Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical: yes / no
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual
Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless
Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Other Narcotics/Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently (verse dependent)/ to excess
Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess
Indulgent Food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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