#ic/ooc; harmony
chronicparagon · 7 months
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"Sweet mother of mercy! Help! HELP! My boyfriend is GOING TO GET ME!”
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damagecompilation-a · 9 months
oh yeah i forgot to say but standard banner hsr gepard continues to elude me because the game got him confused with e2 yanqing
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thinkin about.... honkai star rail au ganyu...
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cryosewn · 1 year
I have been playing hsr and let me tell you … HSR verse soon.
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culony · 6 months
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cora2ons · 9 months
tag drop.
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shymaidxn · 1 year
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Me: I can't possibly make two HSR verses for Diantha to satisfy my own needs.............or can I~?
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absolvement · 1 year
Tags: part 1.
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lovehaunted · 1 year
Tag Dump 1
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yingchens-writings · 5 months
Hello to all across the cosmos~
“I think we all have the potential to do good and evil. Nobody is born into being either of the two – we’re all really just shades of grey, if you think about it. Choice is what makes you human, after all.”  
The Doctor’s younger sibling. A cheerful and lively author who wants nothing more than to explore the universe, who also happens to be running from their past. Empathizes far too easily with others, and is too perceptive for his age. A Nameless member who joined alongside Dan Heng, wearing his heart on his sleeve at all times. Inseparable from their cat, Sock.
AGE: 16
SPECIES: Half-Vidyadhara, half human. 
PRONOUNS: They & him. 
FACTIONS: The Nameless & The Astral Express, The Xianzhou Luofu (formerly). 
PATH: The Harmony. 
ELEMENT: Quantum. 
THIS is their lore doc that includes their kit, character stories, lightcone story, and more. Also voicelines! :)
Yingchen identifies as panromantic and asexual. 
They are taken by @deliasmasterpiece. 
Yingchen will never respond to aggression well. They are the kind of person to back down and apologize immediately. They do not like to fight other people physically, but can be vicious if you cross the line relating to their parents. 
Yingchen is half-brothers with Dr. Ratio. Yes, I have lore as to why this was possible. One word: Aha. 
Yingchen is highly empathetic and wears their heart on their sleeves at all times. They are stubborn, loyal, and seek the approval of those around them. They are not incredibly insecure, but they do have an unfortunate past. 
Yingchen will usually seek a positive relationship with those who try to be romantically involved with their brother. However, there is a chance that they will not approve of you, which could make for some funny scenes. 
creativity strikes! . ✒ | for in-character posts & reblogs
puppet's musings . 💡 | for random thoughts
a new idea? . 🖋️ | for answering asks
prime character inspiration! . 📖 | for interactions with canon characters
a new specimen? . 📜 | for interactions with ocs
blood & water . 🕯️ | for interactions with dr. ratio
touched by the sun . ☀️ | for interactions with aventurine
moonlight <3 . 🌙 | for interactions with delia
to the stars . 💫 | for interactions with the nameless
research material? . 🔎 | for interactions with characters from the herta space station
ice-cold body, warm-melting hearts . ❄️ | for interactions with those from belobog
my hometown . 🪭 | for interactions with those from the xianzhou luofu
unending nightmare . 🔮 | for interactions with those from penacony
i think too much . 🪶 | for starters and writing bits
it was me . ❤️ | ooc!
I am a minor! 
I use they/them prns.
No NSFW. I will toss you into a wall. 
Any and all Ratio blogs are welcome for sibling interactions 
I am incredibly normal 
I don’t bite, if you wanna rp a specific situation you’re free to! 
I sometimes get wordy with my replies. Author stuff 😔 - no pressure to match my energy!
I respond quickly most of the time. Yes, I’m chronically online. Help.
I love interacting with anybody. Feel free to send shit into the inbox!
Will add onto this later. 
I don’t tag stuff ‘cause I’m lazy. Amen. Redoing my intro post because this is great!
Also, if you want to use my format, PLEASE ASK FIRST.
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angelgarden-posts · 2 years
Can I request Yandere Malleus with a Female Tanjiro reader who’s exactly like Tanjiro from KNY, kind, empathetic, selfless and helpful yet absolutely scary when enraged (Which is rare to do) with how his Child of Man was put under a ‘Dream to Nightmare Curse’ by some bullies (It’s a Spell I made up that’s similar to Enmu’s Blood Demon Art, that puts the Victim in a Deep Slumber, giving them their greatest dreams, wishes and desires of their Lives but will only go into the Nightmare part if the Victim tries to escape their ‘Dream’, by changing the scenery into the Victim’s worst fears, regrets, shame and guilt, until they give up and accept being stuck (Because they’re the only ones that are able to free them from their prison)
Malleus learns more about his Child of Man through this Curse, (Hearing her thoughts and seeing her memories) and is ENRAGED and HORRIFIED by all the pain she’s been through (And LOST his mind when he saw her cut her neck, bleeding out, dying- why is he awake all of a sudden?!? WHERE IS HIS CHILD OF MAN?!? ) and already has plans for her to NEVER go back to her homeland rather will stay with him and be apart of his family, and the can make a family of their own in the future (His Dragon Instincts are Roaring, she’s his most valuable treasure and he will NEVER let her go)
Bonus, Nezuko is with Female Reader in NRC (Nezuko actually likes Malleus since he’s nice to her and is a Tall Version of Muichiroc especially when it comes to looking cute especially, vibing with Nezuko)
Yandere Malleus x Female Tanjiro Reader (TWST x KNY)
TW/CW: violence, verbal abuse, possessive/obsessive behavior, kidnapping
A/N: Thank you so so so much for including descriptions of the characters and the scenario in your ask, I haven’t watched Demon Slayer in a while (plus I haven’t even finished season 1 lol-) and this is very helpful in terms of writing! (I kinda forgot about the Nezuko part, so she appears after the dream.) Also I’m sorry if Malleus is OOC 😭
A/N #2: First part consists of your dream, second part delves into Malleus’s part! (Under the black line.)
You watched your life flash before your eyes, frozen and unable to act on the overwhelming emotions sending ice through your veins.
All of your past mistakes had come to haunt you following your reunion with a happier, better, unrealistic version of your family since you had been transported to NRC. Your friends from both dimensions and family were displaying behaviors that you were used to and found endearing, and it felt… So. Wrong.
Nothing had ever been this perfect for you ever since you had traveled inter-dimensionally, and while you couldn’t imagine fitting in with the students in NRC, you had never felt more at home and accepted until now. It wasn’t right.
After enjoying yourself for what felt like a couple hours, you decided to excuse yourself from the loving grasp of your fake family.
You walked out of the building funny, you couldn’t tell if that was your home or Ramshackle and stood outside under the cover of the trees, slightly surprised that it was still your favorite time of day, but not dwelling on it was you took in the fresh air. You didn’t feel like yourself, and suddenly realized what the implications of the unchanging time meant.
Just then, the voices of your parents rang into the open air.
“Y/n, where are you going?”
You whirled around and stared at them with widened eyes. You forced an easy smile onto your face and laughed, unable to keep a trace of anxiety out of your voice.
“I was just enjoying the scenery,” you replied, bringing your hands behind your back as you turned to face them. “I thought of staying out here for a while. I’ll join you guys in a bit.”
They approached you, both of their arms extended as though they were about to give you a hug. Inadvertently, you stepped back with an increasingly strained smile trembling on your lips.
Noticing this, they both strode forward and questioned you in an ominous harmony. “What’s wrong, y/n? Don’t you love us?”
“Of course I do!” You said, now firm in your belief that this was a dream. These loving parents of yours in this dream would never ask that question after showering you with affection that radiated unconditional love.
But, as soon as your resolve to leave the realm solidified, your surroundings suddenly dimmed considerably and you looked up to see a red moon, dark as blood, illuminating the cloudless sky.
Immediately you lower your head to cast a glance at your parents.
Or, who your parents would be if there weren’t demons in their place.
As the man-eaters made a dash in your direction, you whisked out of the way just in time to avoid them, then cursing yourself as you remembered that they could’ve been your ticket out of your dreamscape.
Now, your parents mocked you and reinvoked memories of your duty as a demon slayer.
“You killed so many innocent people.”
“They didn’t deserve their fate—and you brought it upon them because they were different.”
“But you can’t kill us, can you? That bias is pathetic.”
“You’re pathetic, y/n.”
“You couldn’t save us.”
“Look at what we’ve become.”
“It’s all your fault.”
They had stopped attacking you, but now circled you with contempt and resent. They didn’t try killing you, so the option of allowing them to kill you was out of the question. You despaired at the fact that you couldn’t tell them that you didn’t mean for this to happen, but their voices echoed in your mind as they repeated those words over and over and over again.
Instinctively, your hand wandered to your side, where you were surprised to find your katana still in its sheath. Eyeing it, you understood that there was a way to get yourself out of this place without harming your family members.
You pressed your katana to your neck, hand firmly clenched on the hilt of the sword. Their words of hate ceased and then they begged you to stay, weeping promises of becoming better in your name, how they felt so betrayed and unloved that you would just leave them like this. Then, they lunged at you, aiming to disarm you to keep you from dying.
You prayed that you would return to the normal world, screwed your eyes shut, and sliced the blade clean through your throat before they could reach you.
Your eyes flew open and you shot up. You looked around you, relief sending a quiver in your limbs when you recognized Ramshackle dorm.
“You’re awake!” Grim exclaimed, and suddenly a ball of gray consumed your vision as he embraced your head. Then his eyes widened when he realized what he was doing and slipped off, coughing a little and looking at you through one eye in mimicry of a haughty glance. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you chuckled, throwing your legs to the side of the bed and wobbling a little as you rose. “I think I’m going to get some fresh air… See you in a bit.”
Even though it was nighttime, you didn’t want to fall asleep again in the event that you were forced back into that dream world, and so proceeded to exit the dorm with trouble occupying your mind.
Unbeknownst to you, someone familiar had also noticed that you had woken up, and proceeded to follow you out of Ramshackle.
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Malleus awoke, sweat coating his forehead and trembling with a foreign paranoia and rage elevating in his chest until he could contain himself no longer.
Unleashing a hideous, bone-chilling roar of fury, he immediately vanished from his room, using the most effective means possible to find you instantaneously.
His poor, innocent y/n at the mercy of ruthless monsters. And he could do nothing to stop them—to preserve that beautiful smile that had graced your face in your dream.
However, he was much too grateful and relieved to have you back into reality than to dwell over one smile.
And he may or may not be feeling terribly jealous because your beaming faces was being directed towards someone else.
There was more than enough evidence for the need to hoard you—after all of your past battles, you were still troubled by humanly concepts such as morality. You were going to allow yourself to be killed by people who do not deserve to breathe in your vicinity. Where was your self-preservation? Why must you force him to go this far? Especially since your anger had proven to be more than effective in righteously slaying those who stood before you.
He isn’t complaining about keeping you to himself, though.
His view of your weaknesses and incapability to exist in the world safely was proven to him again when you nearly jumped out of your skin after he found you and put a hand on your shoulder, seemingly out of nowhere.
“M-Malleus!” You said a little loudly, pressing a hand to your chest and sighing shakily after confirming that it was one of your friends. You smiled weakly at him and asked, “What are you doing here? You scared me out of my wits just now!”
“I was just passing by to verify that you’re feeling alright,” he said, grinning and unable to keep his lips from revealing an ominous appearance. “After lunch, you hadn’t shown up to our classes—but I’m glad that you seem fine as of now.”
It was then that you realized that he hadn’t relinquished his hold on your shoulder, and you eyed him quizzically.
“Yeah, I’m doing alright now,” you said, hesitantly placing a hand over his as a sign for him to let go, but he only took your encompassing warmth as a gesture of acceptance and tightened his grasp on you.
“Malleus…?” You asked when he retained his silence. “Are you okay?” Then you thought over your sentence and quickly apologized for seeming rude. “Oh, my mistake! Sorry, I didn’t realize that this was your way of worrying. Really, I’m fine!”
“Ah, I’m sorry, y/n,” Malleus drawled, reclining his arm to pull you in closer, but, feeling uncomfortable, you shrug his hand off and turn around to face him.
“What are you trying to pull, Malleus?” You said, your voice close to a snap with the tension building inside you after your experience with that nightmare.
Don’t tell me I’m inside another insane dream, you thought with gradually increasing anxiety.
“Don’t worry, y/n, I’ll make sure you never have to go through that again,” Malleus said, faux sympathy dripping from his voice and masking the desire and possessiveness that clawed at his throat which begged him to let the world know who you belonged to.
The look in his eyes terrified you, a mad glint in those green depths that sparked the same rebellion in you to fight.
Reaching to your side, you unsheathed your katana slowly, never taking your eyes off of Malleus. His quaint grin only widened after you had your weapon displayed in front of you, goading you on.
A couple uncomfortable moments passed with the both of you at a standstill before he sighed and said, “You really are too good for this world, aren’t you?”
In the next second, he lunged at you, preparing to incapacitate you with a spell that required physical contact, but you had already jumped out of the way of his attack and landed smoothly on the ground, readying your blade and then ducking out of the way from his magic.
You could see the avaricious look in his eyes, and was stunted by confusion for a second before leaping out of the way again as he came at you, concentrating on staying alive.
Don’t worry, he would never hurt you purposefully.
As soon as you landed, you used that momentum to push off of the ground and hurled towards him, a fire ignited in your eyes.
You brought your arm up and sliced the bottom of the hilt through the air vertically, hoping to knock Malleus unconscious, when someone suddenly took their place in front of the fae and stood with their arms outstretched in a protective gesture.
Immediately you directed yourself to a random side, and ended up colliding with NRC’s historical apple trees, collapsing from the unforeseen impact.
Nezuko? What is she doing here?! You thought, clutching your right arm close to your body in pain. And why the hell is she protecting that bastard?
Malleus also sported a startled expression, before it devolved into one of smug satisfaction. It would’ve been impossible to tell if you had seen his face from anyone else’s perspective, but the subtle change was noticeable to you, as you had spent a majority of your time around him without realizing it.
Nezuko grunted and huffed through her muzzle, glaring at you questioningly because she was hypnotized to believe that all humans are good, so why are you attacking Malleus?
No, he is not human, Nezuko.
Just as you channeled energy within your core to stand up, Malleus had appeared right in front of you, a gust of wind causing strands of your hair to flutter behind you.
You looked up with defiance and dread to confront him, but you didn’t register his hand slipping underneath your line fo sight. There was a light prick of his nail on your finger, and you were falling forwards and into his arms.
After watching you fall unconscious, Nezuko looked from your resting face to Malleus, and then back again. The fae merely laughed and flipped you into a princess carry. The demon, oblivious to what was happening bounded over leisurely and gripped Malleus’s pant leg, asking for the same treatment later.
It seemed to him that one of the biggest threats to his relationship with you was resolved with your sister’s affection for him.
He thought about heading immediately to Briar Valley to marry and consummate you as soon as possible, as possessiveness reared in his head, but decided to take it slow, for the night was still young and he had the approval of your sister in his grasp.
As Malleus looked over your sleeping form, his feet automatically started wandering in the direction of his homeland, though he knew that the easiest way for him to go back home was through flight or magic.
It amused him, thinking about how you were never going to go back to your original world.
You were truly home with him now.
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myz-wykkyd · 1 year
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A/N: This is a scheduled post.
This meme has been in the works ever since it began it's circulation through my little tumblr niche. It took me a ridiculously long time to finish because I'm a perfectionist who NEEDS a perfectly matched aesthetic for everything I make. Explanations for my choices can be found under the cut<3
Color: Pink- which should come as no surprise! The color pink is said to represent friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, compassion, nurturing, approachability- and love.
Flora: Wild Roses. These flowers are said to signify love, femininity, grace, elegance, and delicate beauty. But they also represent resilience and persevere in the face of life's challenges. That strength and beauty can coexist is the perfect embodiment of Rosalie as a character. Oh, and it's also a bit of a play on her full name- Rosalie Wilde. (A/N: I'm aware what's pictured isn't a species of wild rose. But since MTAS Rosalie lives in a sci-fi post apocalyptic world, I don't believe it's outside the realm of possibility that new species of wild roses within the universe could be descendent/resemble domestic species from modern day. )
Fauna: Horses. Throughout history, horses have been associated with independence, strength, courage and freedom. Which, again, perfectly reflect Rosalie as a character. They also just so happen to be her favorite animal in the world and I've always pictured her owning several.
Object: A pair of pink cowgirl boots. A juxtaposition much like Rosalie herself. They're cute- but made to be durable. I had a hard time picking for this category. Other objects I was considering include: Fresh baked apple pie, A pink dress, and her violin/fiddle.
Song: Tough by Kellie Pickler. Again, had a hard time picking a song for this category- but for the opposite reasons of the object category. Finding a good, country song that fit what I wanted both IC and OOC was surprisingly difficult- and I'm still not quite happy with this choice. But it was the best I could do.
Feeling: Love. Both platonic and romantic. The motivation behind many of Rosalie's words, actions, and goals in life.
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merrock · 24 days
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The time has come for our own little annual fall festival over at Hideaway Market! Yes, Creek Fest is coming! This year, the event will be held from Saturday, September 21st through Saturday, September 28th. While the majority of the festival will take place on the Hideaway Market grounds, there will be organized hikes through the surrounding woods (especially to the namesake Black Creek!) plus tractor rides to Sunrise Orchard and Harmony Ranch! Carve pumpkins (or paint them!), stuff scarecrows, make wreaths, do all of your fall decor shopping, eat lots of good food, have fun with the kids and all of the games they can get involved in and, of course, catch the live bands on stage in the market center! Hope to see you there.
IMPORTANT: if you would like your characters to participate in Creek Fest by having a booth / stand or their business open, please simply post something during the event! if you would like your characters to perform, please contact us so we can put you on a list; performance schedules will be randomized.
ic date: September 21 - 28
ooc date: September 21 - 28
dress code: casual, however you would like!
invited: all Merrockites!
notes: children welcome, very family friendly event -- no alcohol served on premises; pets welcome on leash!
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chronicparagon · 3 months
Harmony has more work put into her than alot of OC's I seen, and I love seeing more POC muses around that aren't just anime characters. Nice seeing fellow dark skinned rpers and or characters. You put alot of work into her as well, you should be proud of how talented and cute, and funny Har is.
You certainly inspire me to keep going.
[ Hi, Anon!
You sent me this a little while ago. I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to answer it until now. I hope you will see this. Thank you very much for your kind words. As an Indigenous person, it is good to see more people be more diverse with their muses! That includes OCs. I try to do what I can to represent my identity and well as Harmony's in an accurate and respectful manner. My hope is that Harmony encourages people to consider having more diverse muses.
I do what I can to make Harmony fun to have around. I'm so glad you find her likable. Sometimes, I worry if she comes off as annoying but I know the truth: There are people who enjoy having her around and that is always more than enough.
Your ask adds all the more reason to keep working on her. Though, I have you and all my friends and followers to thank for making her so well-developed. Your involvement both ic and ooc made a huge difference in how Harmony is as a character.
So, thank you for your support and interactions! You are absolutely wonderful! Please keep going with your work and with your muses!]
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bloodydayshq · 1 year
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Bloody Days ‘Harps of Gold’
𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟗: It came upon a midnight clear, that glorious song of old; from angels bending near the earth, to touch their harps of gold.
With the arrival of the celebrated Yuletide, the court of William III travels upriver via royal barge to sit out the hard frost of December in the cheery splendour of Greenwich Palace – escaping the encroaching sickness of the city, and to rehabilitate with fresh, roaming air and ample opportunity to partake in exhilirating hunts. As the varied colours of fresh plants wither with the coming of nippy airs, the servants bring forth the evergreens to celebrate the continuous burst of life — holly, ivy and mistletoe adorn every wall and archway. Dried fruits swimming in bowls of wine are found at every corner; plums are offered to every pacing maiden, in exchange for punchy kisses. Alms are also passed out to the surrounding towns and hamlets to engorge the King's image of majestic generosity, and at every banqueting table magnificent roasts are served alongside endless gifts and trinkets, doled out to His Majesty's favourites. Each evening the feasting table erupts in boisterous cheer, toasts are made with hot ale and cider, pageants are orchestrated and delighted in, and as the clock strikes midnight, a mischievous Lord of Misrule will be chosen by pure happenstance to become the Earl of Ormond – ensuring no shortage of royal entertainment.
Enjoy this God-ordained land where Kings have been born and bred, for surrounded by wintry countryside they are blessed to enjoy the fruits of English wilderness, with bountiful hunts arranged for almost every other day in the name of that merry Yuletide. With each day emerges a new, sparkling competition to take part in – by order of the King, there will be jousts on marvellous horseback with knights of the holy garter fighting for the favour of any particular young maiden, the prize naming one the Champion of Yuletide. Hand-to-hand combat will also take place beneath a canopy of regalia; watch as metal clinks and children laugh and coins specially minted for the occasion are passed between gloved hands. Alongside the brawn of William's court are gentler affairs for the sweetened courtiers to take part in: recitals of poem, caroling and prayer will be followed by gift-giving and dances spun beneath flickering candelight. Each evening will be adorned with wondrous feasts in remembrance of the table set by the late King Henry VIII – yet amidst the joyousness, courtiers will find to moments of quiet contemplation to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday, for at the Tudor court, solemnity and piety lives in perfect harmony with the festive cheer. (As does, we might add, continuous scheming, plotting, and the hatching of nefarious plots...)
The game moves to Greenwich Palace to celebrate Yuletide and escape sickness running rampant in London. On December 15th (irl date May 26) the court will erupt in celebration with jousting, melee tournaments, merry recitals and humble gift-giving (competition will come down to the roll of a dice, and more details will be available in the discord!)
Handy Christmas Guide:
Leech: a sweet made from milk, sugar and rose-water, which has cut into cubes.
Sugar-plate: made from sugar, egg-white and gelatin, crafted to look like walnuts, eggs and other food like marzipan is today
Gilded-fruit: lemons were gilded and used to decorate the banquet table
The Marchpane: an arrangement made from almond past which was iced or gilded and then decorated with sugar figures and crystallised fruit, was the centrepiece of this court
Christmas Pudding: made from meat, spices and oatmeal and then cooked in the gut of a boar
Gingerbread: made from bread, ginger, spices, sugar and wine into a stiff paste which was then moulded
Mulled wine: wine heated and infused with sugar and spices
Syllabub: a hot milk drink flavoured with rum or wine and spices
Lambswool: a drink made from mixing hot cider, sherry or ale, apples and spices, the mixture was heated until it "exploded" and formed a white "woolly" head
The Christmas "minced pye": contained thirteen ingredients to symbolise Jesus and his apostles. It was a rectangular, or crib shaped, pie as opposed to our present day round ones, and it also contained minced meat rather than just dried fruit and suet, with the mutton symbolising the shepherds to whom the Angel Gabriel appeared
The Lord of Misrule: a commoner would be chosen as the "Lord of Misrule" and would be in charge of organising the entertainment and revelry for the Twelve Days of Christmas
Mummer's Plays with music and Morris dancing
Christmas Carols: sung around the great halls in the mornings
Wassailing: The enjoying of a communal cup of spiced ale.
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apatheticcrossovers · 11 months
hi im the fischl x gundham anon!!
sorry i didn't see this blog before sending it in your other one aaaaa 😭
anyways, fischl and gundham meeting in novoselic because of sonia introducing them to each other and eventually falling in love 🥺
they also have an age gap wherein fischl is younger than gundham, but the love is still mutual obviously-
Of course! Sorry if it seems a bit OOC, I'm still a bit rusty on writing eccentric characters + Genshin Characters! - Mod Apathetic
General Fischl x Gundham Tanaka Headcanons
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Genshin Impact Ship: Fischl (Genshin Impact)/Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa) Characters: Fischl (Genshin Impact), Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa), Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa) Tw: Age Gap Summery: General Headcanons for Fischl and Gundham Tanaka where they were introduced to each other by Sonia Nevermind
Sonia was very excited, she was finally introducing two of her friends to each other. She thought it would be a good idea cause they seemed to have similar interests, and both were probably equally as eccentric. It wasn't often she had time to introduce her friends to each other, and she could only hope that they would get along.
Besides, neither of them were really good at socializing with people, so she thought they'd understand each other better.
Upon their first meeting, Fischl was definitely nervous, Gundham looked intimidating, like a dark sorcerer, and the way he spoke only added fuel to the fire.
"Greetings young one, I assume you are the benevolent princess I was told about? The Dark Princess Sonia, has told me much about you."
Fischl had never met someone as eccentric as her, she wasn't sure what to say. She quickly bows, curtsying formally, like a real princess would.
"Good Evening, I am Princess Fischl, it is an honor to meet you. You are... The Supreme Overlord of Ice, yes?" She remembered Sonia saying something about that to her. It's what first sparked her interest in Gundham.
They seemed to hit it off great at first, Fischl could live out her roleplay without embarrassment or fear, and Gundham seemed to actively defend her from judgment, seeming really convinced by her act. In fact, Fischl could often find herself daydreaming about her and Gundham ruling the world together, dark and light, in perfect harmony.
And it seemed the Gundham had thought the same, and of course, it was in the most eccentric way possible.
"My benevolent princess, my Four Dark Divas of Destruction have alerted me that our harmony may be more than a simple alliance. I believe the universe had made us for each other." Fishcl couldn't help but notice how he stuttered while still trying to keep his act up, using his scarf to cover his face. "The universe as created us to bring true balance to the world, Your light will keep the darkness at bay, my darkness will scare people into the light. With you by my side, there may still be hope for this pitiful planet."
Fischl was hesitant, what he said may very well be true, but, she was far younger than him, she knew nobody would truly understand what they have, and as she expressed that to him, Gundham dismissed it. "The universe would never make two halves of a whole just to keep them apart," he said.
And with that, their fate was sealed, the light to his darkness, and the dark to her sunlight. And of course, Gundham insisted that they tell Sonia about their new relationship, "She had aided in drawing out shared fate".
Even with Fischl's hesitance, she agreed, surely Sonia would understand, and in fact, she did.
Little did they know, Sonia had predicted this outcome from the start!
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