#ic: Briar
perspextivexx · 7 months
@vere-flores Ask
Briar had decided that she would take a new class, outside of the usual psychology lectures that she bothered to attend. It was surprising that she didn't sleep during the lecture, and was getting ready to leave the building when she noticed one of her new classmates, some sort of floral name if she remembered right. Briar stood behind the glass window, observing her fret and wondering if she should intervene. She got lost in her thoughts until the other's eyes fell on her, and she waved awkwardly, stepping out from the window and through the doors.
"Sorry, um, you're in my class, I just had, do you want to share an umbrella? You seem, er, ill-prepared?"
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xbomboi · 1 month
how Ever After High characters treat ice in drinks
raven: asks for no ice when she remembers to, otherwise chews on the ice cubes
apple: barely even takes a sip of her drink at all
briar: asks for no ice
maddie: asks for no drink in her ice
ashlynn: doesn’t gaf
cerise: chews on the ice cubes
faybelle: duplicates the ice cubes with magic
darling: does the same shit apple does
dexter: asks for no ice; they give it to him anyway
daring: looks at his reflection in the glass
cedar: are you stupid? she’s a puppet.
duchess: doesn’t order a drink but regrets it later
sparrow: chews on the ice cubes
blondie: it has to be just right.
cupid: drinks the ice cubes after they melt
hunter: asks for Extra ice
lizzie: off with the ice!
kitty: nobody knows. she doesn’t eat out.
alistair: plays with the ice cubes with his straw
bunny: idfk but instead of a fruit her weird ass puts a carrot on the rim of the glass
chase: drinks exclusively from water bottles
courtly jester: probably drinks dangerous chemicals.
humphrey: asks for no ice but orders Two drinks
hopper: asks for no ice because he sits in his drink. weirdo…
holly: too busy being a chatterbox to order
poppy: orders for her and holly; they both get ice
ginger: is probably making the drinks tbh
melody: doesn’t gaf
meeshell: terrified of ice in her drink
justine: drinks the ice cubes after they melt
ramona: eats the ice cubes First.
jillian: doesn’t gaf
nina: gets ice and shrinks down to stand on it while sipping from the straw
farrah: has whatever ashlynn gets
crystal: take a guess. no take an actual fucking guess as to what Crystal “Winter” does.
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shizukais · 2 years
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jazzymarie1006 · 1 year
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Three anime pairings I adore that involve one (or both) dealing with the other being quite drunk.
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xxcherrycherixx · 6 months
I think when they start dating, blondie and cupid should become insatiable with each other and just fuck literally everywhere
ashlynn: why did i just see cupid and blondie run to the girls bathroom holding hands and giggling, i need to pee but im kinda worried they’re scheming a prank or something
Briar who has seen the horrors: DON’T GO IN THERE.
Ashlynn: what-
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restrainedhungr · 4 months
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" HHHHMMM No. Nope! Not moving. This lap is tooooooo comfortable. "
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bluebriarr · 5 months
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✹✧ } Fair work. Everyone came back ... no one got hurt ... and she finally confirmed her ancestor's work from so long ago. As soon as her recount of the Area Zero venture was published she oh so gladly sent the first copies to those damned critics mocking her and her family's name backed of course with confirmation from other professional colleagues after sending in some samples: deep underground tera crystals, footage of newly named STELLAR type, and of course...the lost jewel of Area Zero itself on camera down to what data the broken chips of it's masterball had recorded.
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Normal type...small in stature but had such incredible power when terastilized. Shame Kieran wasn't able to contain it proper. She needed to study it closer and really test its boundaries. But as soon as they resurfaced she was quickly escorted away from Area Zero by the Paldea league after the ruckus. Probably had her permissions revoked. Wouldn't be surprised; she got reckless in her excitement and had forgotten the responsibilities of chaperoning students. Right. If they had really suffered there goes credibility. The world's greatest archeologist and Blueberry Academy professor turned child murderer in a freak accident. Not a good look, no. Almost as grim as Heath's name when he came back out of the Crater with most his team missing.
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Next time it'll have to be professionals or adults that are responsible for their own choices that have her support. There's still a whole lot that needs to be done and studied if terastilization was to be a world phenomenon.
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mushi-shield · 1 year
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turtle-servant · 11 months
When I find that invading mythical. Swear to Tricksters...
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perspextivexx · 8 months
@eunciia Ask
It had taken consistent, barely slept-through nights to get Briar to communicate with Connor about the nightmares that were more prominent around this season. The closer they got to the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the more frequently Briar was plagued with the memories of her once-living family and the subsequent murders that she could not stop. In some of those nightmares she was right there, within touching distance of their distorted faces, sometimes she was outside her house, seeking the living room brightened with the electricity from afar.
That night's rest was much better with having Connor at her bedside. Knowing that he was there as a reminder of this being now, and that being then, was enough to give her a night without nightmares. In fact, it was the best sleep she'd had in a few months.
"Fine'," Briar mumbled, still waking up somewhat. She stretched her hand out from under the blankets until it landed on his hand. Gently she squeezed it. "Better, better. No nightmare tonight."
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shizukais · 2 years
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bvlladonnas · 1 month
closed / @driftwccds location / boat?
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                ꒰ა   ♡  ໒꒱  --—  "  okay,  so  —  hear  me  out,  hear  me  out  —  don't  look  at  me  like  that  !  "  their  lips  immediately  push  out  into  a  pout  at  rohan's  face;  briar  knows  what  that  face  means  (  usually  a  no  ).  boo.  "  this  one's  good,  i  swear  !  "  a  pause,  allowing  anticipation  to  build  up.  mainly  because  he  knows  rohan  is  already  very  unimpressed,  and  they  think  it's  funny,  "  you  take  me  to  swim  with  the  sharks.  i  think  i  could  charm  them.  like,  i  really  think  they'd  dig  me.  thoughts  ?  "
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victorystalline · 3 months
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🠕 had a full on breakdown in the area zero depths. more than once.
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restrainedhungr · 3 months
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" Mom and dad kissed! "
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etruatcaelum · 11 months
[ @hopeandharmonizing // for salem ]
The ruptured pavement sings underfoot with acute unease. Salem slows to trace the husk of a gutted aircraft. Her fingertips pulp, streaking darkly down until bone scrapes the frosted metal; and there are bodies in the cockpit, still. A cloying miasma of pain and terror. They had not died quickly.
She lids her eyes, exhaling, and steps away. This part of the city, nestled against the flank of the academy, bore the brunt of her assault on the fleet: shattered battleships lie amid the rubble of buildings crushed by falling debris. Even the school, well-fortified as it is, had not emerged unscathed, although most of the campus is still standing. Her lips purse.
The Atlesian military never did impress; but even judged by its own standard, it had risen to the occasion of defending its city with dire incompetence.
Absently, she sets the wreckage beside her ablaze. For a moment, the only sound is the greedy roar of unnatural fire; Salem watches it burn in unmoving silence, thoughtful.
Life simmers beneath her feet, but nothing stirs on the surface. The stillness—the unrelenting fear is confounding. Her forces are gone: eradicated in an instant by the hand of a child. From a flock of almost a quarter million, less than a thousand remain, and yet…
Gnawing dread still chokes the city.
Bleak. Bleaker, if anything.
Slowly, she turns away from the makeshift pyre, gaze finding the academy once more. Her eyes narrow. The staff is still in the vault, if the unaltered presence of its crisp power in the foundations of Atlas is any indication, which perhaps rules out Cinder as the one responsible; and if not her—
Salem stills, lips parting as she inhales sharply. A breath of change. The thinnest trace of aura limns one of the drafts churned by the fire, clear as new ice in all the smoke and terror. She glances sideways and finds nothing but lifeless rubble. Desolation.
But oh, yes, now that she’s paying attention to it the whisper of aura in the air is unmistakable, and the cold implication of a smile touches her lips. “Let’s not be shy,” she says, low and venomous. Then, flatly: “…Come into the open, or leave. I don’t care either way. But I will be unpleasant if you persist in skulking.”
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turtle-servant · 10 months
That was... a nightmare and a half.
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