somerandomicthings · 11 months
Mangroveclan warns Oakclan about something...
Game made by @frogcroak
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The clan i'm playing with is Oakclan, so Thistlestar reaction is kinda similar to mine, but less extreme.
Brown-grey she-cat with white toes - Hazelstar Cream shaded tom with ice eyes - Sandyshade White tom with tabby stripe spots - Thistlestar Colourpoint she-cat with ice eyes - Iceeyes(I know, i'm so creative)
Hazel and Sandy are siblings from differents litters.
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rustclaw · 29 days
Stop putting the ‘ in warrior cat names
I will not. Cannon names I won’t. Most of my characters I won’t. But I will use it when I like a name, but dislike now it looks written.
Iceeye to me is hard to read, as my brain just struggles at reading names like that sometimes. Ice’eye, however, is clear for me to read
Starlitnight I dislike how it looks. Starlit’night, however, I love
What people choose to do for spelling their own oc’s doesn’t matter, please quit trying to police things that don’t matter.
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simbasomba · 8 months
I’m miserable and lonely so here’s some warrior cat names if been saving!
-deep inhale-
HollowTree, CinderBelly, TroutFin, GillFlicker, LemonFlicker, LemonHead, SmokeSight, VelvetFin, ArrowsTheivery, RabbitSting, LionSpring, PearStreak, SilentCrow, CapeCrow, BearStub, LeapStone, SmallSlip, FrogMane, ToadStool, EarLeaf, GullBriar, BriarFlutter, AmaryllisWhisper, PigeonLeap, CheetahFoot, SwiftWind, RainRock, LupineFur, HorseHair, PearlitePaws, CheckerSwoop, MelancholyHues, CocoSpring, SnailShade, HickoryHiss, CaracalNose, NewtStream, WoodenBird, AlbinoOwl, MapleBat, PlumGrove, NettleFrost, SymphonyCry, DirtMuzzle, LemurFoot, WisteriaHypno, QuillWhisker, MilkWeed, DancingSilhouette, AmberTuft, PirhanaPaw, PumpkinPatch, BatFlight, FerretFrost, GoldWater, InfectedEyes, BeaverFace, RunningStork, DuskStripe, StreamTail, MinkCraft, SpruceBurn, BugPool, OwlMaw, FerretFluff, CarbonSweep, BonsaiMit, EverestTail, IceEyes, MottleRun, IllusionMask, ChamomileSplotch, TurtleStepper, SeaMourn, JaguarTassel, YarrowTail, CarnationCrown, FlintFlower.
-loud exhale-
(I’m basically a warriors name generator)
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shiroselia · 1 year
Manda’s Horse game Horses Sorted By Colour!
I’m currently being really autistic about the horse game so I did a thing I’ve wanted to do for a while which is order my horses by colour to either prove or disprove my personal assumptions that I am predictable as a mfer (spoiler alert: I am.) So here’s my horses sorted by colour excluding my Gen 1-2s and excluding the Runerunner and including the horses on my alt which will be brought up when appropriate but not shown because that takes effort! And also including names because I am even worse when it comes to predictability there!
(Magics are shown in their natural coats because I only buy magics for their original coats.)
Category I like to call: Don’t be fooled, this is my alt deceiving you
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Nightqueen > Darksong > Ancientwitch > Royalblood (Noteworthy Missing Alt Additions: Nightmare - Black Curly, Starless - Black Marwari, Softsnow - Black Blanket Appaloosa, Fairylight - Black Gotland)
Category I like to call: I thought I’d have more of you, but I guess six is still quite a lot (Also the category with my personal pick for the best looking horse in the game, i.e natural coat Songsorrow)
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Morningfrost > Angelwings > Softcloud > Snowowl > Snowcloud > Echosong
Category I like to call: The only brown horses you’ll ever see my buy can actually not legally be called brown based on horse colour category rules, fun fact
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Flowerfield > Dustshadow > Thornflower > Stormheart > Airmagic (Noteworthy Missing Alt Additions: Autumnapple - Brown First Batch JWH)
Category I like to call: Oh my fucking god. I do have a problem.
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Silverfrost > Silvershade > Wintermyth > Silvercrown > Frostrose > Everrunner > Silentecho > Icecloud > Rosepetal > Witchcraft > Bluestar (Noteworthy Missing Alt Additions: Silentmoon - Ayla, Also, Frostrose is originally from my alt, so she’s there too)
Category I like to call: They’re not fucking brown, Barbara, they’re flaxen/chestnut
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Autumnpepper > Winterflower > Roseriver > Wildsoul > Moonlight > Flameborn
Category I like to call: I know you have actual colours, but to me you are simply yellow
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Goldfeather > Sandborn > Sweetrose (Noteworthy Missing Alt Additions: Daydream - Open House English Thoroughbred)
Category I like to call: I couldn’t fit you guys into any other category but honestly you work really well together
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Silverbelle > Strawberryfield > Sunshadow > Blindeye > Appleruby > Iceeye
Remember folks, if you ever think you have a type, there is always a Swedish girl who has more gray horses than you
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erichalover · 2 years
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#IceEyes #top gun #Iceman
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qozico · 10 months
Rainwillow stood before the moonpool, shivering ever so slightly. Am I really ready to be the leader of this clan? Am I really worthy? He trembles with each doubtful thought. He turns to look over at Iceeyes.
"Go on, it is time, Rainwillow. It is time to walk with Starclan and come back to your clan as Rainstar." The old tortoiseshell dipped her head as signal for him to step up to the moonpool. Rainwillow takes a deep breath, and lays down at the edge of the pool, and gently dips his nose into the cold water, laying down and gathering his tail and paws beneath him. Shortly after he's gotten comfortable, he can hear the old medicine cat lay down next to him and dip her nose into water, causing soft ripples of water to hit his nose. A deep breath, and both slip into sleep, jolting up seconds later to find themselves in the same spot, but surrounded by glowing cats, all murmuring and watching. Rainwillow looks around to see Iceeyes beside him, the medicine cats eyes now clear of cataracts and shining bright green.
"Your eyes! You can see!" he exclaimed.
"My eyes are clear in my dreams. But nonetheless, it is time for you to meet your ancestors." She points her nose ahead, and when Rainwillow looks up he sees before him, the great golden cat he had just laid to rest the night before.
"Dawnstar!" His eyes glowed as the giant she-cat approached him.
"Rainwillow, my dearest friend." She dipped her head down to be closer to his. "You have made me so proud. I know you will lead Creekclan well." She presses her muzzle to his forehead. "I give you a life with the strength to lead this clan to a new world, far from the lands you know. You may struggle now, but you will find your strengths later on."
Rainwillow's paws buzzed with a rush of electricity, almost knocking the small tom over. What does this mean? Another land? A new world? But before he could ask the great leader before him any questions, she stepped back away from him, revealing a small, black tom.
"Coalheart!" He gasped at the sight of his own father, finally standing before him again. "I can't believe its really you..."
"It is, my son, I have finally found you again, I have missed you so much." Coalheart's golden eyes glistened. He pressed his forehead to his son's, and Rainwillow flashed back to being a young, naïve apprentice, just wanting to be included, following his father to that fated clearing where he was taken from him. He shuts his eyes before he can see the twolegs snatch his father away. "I give you a life for loyalty. I have spent my life dedicated to you, and died searching for you, and you will carry that same loyalty towards your family and clan." He mewed.
A rush of energy hit Rainwillow's heart. I'm ready. He thinks and pulls back to look at the old tom again.
Coalheart rubs his face against his son's one last time, and silently steps away, the sadness growing in his eyes as he drew further away.
On his left, Rainwillow sees a sleek, brown tabby approach him. He doesn't recognise this cat, but he knows that he is someone very important to his clan.
"Hello, Rainwillow. I am Creekstar, the first leader of Creekclan." Rainwillow's eyes widened at the realisation that this is the great cat who started this clan. Creekstar touched his muzzle to Rainwillow's head. "I am so glad to see my clan fall into such great, powerful paws. I know you will lead them well. I give you a life with the courage to keep our clan safe, no matter where it takes you." The once great leader lifts his head and meets Rainwillow's eyes, and he feels a surge of pride in his chest. I will make you proud, Creekstar.
As Creekstar steps away, a large grey tabby steps up to Rainwillow.
"You do not know me, my life ended just before yours began, but I have been watching you from Starclan. I am Riverwing, I was Creekstar's first deputy. You have grown up to be a fine young warrior, and you will make a great leader." He dipped his head to touch his muzzle to Rainwillow's head. "I give you a life with the selflessness. I gave everything for my clan, and i continue to watch over and protect my clan even from Starclan. You will lead your clan with your clanmates in mind before yourself. You have always shown that you will care for others first, now show your clan how you'll do it as a leader." He lifted his head to meet Rainwillow's eyes once more, and his large orange eyes glinted with starlight. As the large cat stepped back, a familiar face came into view. The beautiful grey she-cat approached Iceeyes first, both meeting eyes and pressing their heads together.
"I missed you, my love." She whispered.
"I have missed you too, Rainfeather." Iceeyes spoke with a broken voice. The two lovers spent a few more seconds together, and then Rainfeather stepped to be in front of Rainwillow.
"I have been watching you closely, my friend." Her soft, calm voice send a shiver of relaxation through his body. "You have made me very proud, and I thank you for protecting our daughter, Rabbitpaw. She will make you proud when she is your medicine cat." Her green eyes were filled with pride and relief. She silently lifted her head to press her nose to Rainwillow's head. "I give you a life for hope. Hope for the future, hope for your clan, and hope for your family. Never forget, we are looking out for you, you will get through the darkness that lies ahead." As she stepped back, a small rush of anxiety hit Rainwillow. The darkness that lies ahead? What is going to happen? But he couldn't do any more worrying before Rainfeather stepped away, and a face he's missed very dearly was revealed.
"Cloudpelt! Its you!" He cried out, running up to the small blue she-cat. "I missed you so much, the kits miss you too!" He meowed as he buried his face in her soft coat.
"I have missed you so too, my dear." She mewed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Ashkit and Cinderkit will grow up strong with you as their father. I give you a life for wisdom. Be wise and raise our kits well, raise our clan well, and make us proud again and again. I know you can do it." She drew back to meet Rainwillow's eyes once more, before stepping back so a small black kit could step up.
"Oh, Rockkit, I am so sorry for what happened, I've missed you so much." Rainwillow dropped down to meet the kit's eyes.
"It is okay, you do not need to apologise." His tiny voice sent shivers through Rainwillow's spine. "You will raise my brother and sister well. I will always be with you and them." He lifted his tiny nose to touch his father's forehead. "I give you a life for offering second chances. Some cats are not how they seem. I may seem young and unwise, but I know many things from my time here. Be strong, father, do not grieve me alone." As Rainwillow opened his eyes, the tiny kit gave him one last smile before leaving. As he stood back up, a face that was unfamiliar, but comforting to see, appeared before him.
"My son, I know you have never seen me, but I have watched over you for many moons, I am so proud of you." She whispered, and he felt a rush of warmth. His mother. Grayleaf. He had only heard of her, but now, he sees so much of himself in her face, he knows she truly is his long lost mother.
"I- I can't believe it's finally you. I am so glad to finally meet you." He whispered back, and they pressed their heads together.
"I give you a life with a mother's love. I have never stopped watching over you, I have never stopped loving you, I will always be with you, Rainwillow." Her gentle voice reminded him of being just days old, eyes not open, suckling with his brother. The only moment he had with his mother. The warmest memory in his heart. As the sweet she-cat stepped away, a young black and grey cat stepped up to Rainwillow.
"Riverpaw!" Rainwillow gasped as the small tom touched noses with him.
"Hello brother, I have missed you so much, you have grown up to be so strong, and so brave, I am so proud of you. I give you a life for patience. Time may move slowly when things dont look bright, but I know you have the strength to carry on no matter how long it takes." Rainwillow felt a sharp rush of pain through his body, and took a deep, wavering breath.
"It is over." Dawnstar whispered in his ear. "We are so proud of you. Welcome, Rainstar."
His new name echoed around him, every cat raising their voice to call out, "Rainstar! Rainstar!"
Rainstar sat up straight and looked around. "Thank you, all of you." He meowed. "I will lead my life and my clan by the lives you have given me, I will make you proud." He turned to meet eyes with Dawnstar. "I hope i will forever make you proud." He dipped his head to her in respect of the leader who had guided him here.
"Go on, Rainstar, lead Creekclan with all your heart. We will be with you always."
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powerofdarkness1 · 2 years
Powder of Dardness Prolog
hiiiyo my name is matt an im 7 im not guna tell u my las name cuz i gota be saf andy way im a warriors cats fan so i mad this abt my oc power paw, hes a bright pirople cat w pink eys and a big sxar on his shoudsers and hes mising a leg cuz hed lost it in a batle (oop spolers)
oak andy way hers the prolog11!1!!!
leder: darkstar - black tom with a brown muzzle
depty: redflower - ginger shecat with cream colored patches and speckles
medicine cats: scarspeckle-black tom with white speckles and a light yellow underbelly
silkwing - cream tom with magenta eys and a blind rigt eye
warriors: barklily - shorthair brown tom with ice blue eyes
Gingerfeather- ginger she cat with peach and white patches and a scar over her right eye
apprentice: mosspaw
Smokepelt-greengray tom
apprentice; acornpaw
Alderdusk: gray brindle and cream tom
Whitepetal - white shecat with pink eyes
apprentice: sappaw
Bearstripe - dark brown tabby shecat woth a white stirpe down her back
Rosestem - light brown shecat with a white underbelly n sises
apprentice; powerpaw
apprentices; acornpaw- lifht brown shecat
mosspaw- green tom with brown patches and dark green speckles
sappaw - dark brown shecat
powerpaw - purple tom with a white muzzle and chest, pink eyes, and a mising leg
queens : Greenthron- pale green shecat with long fur n green eyes
Cherry - yellowish ginger tabby with a black collar and green eyes (former kittypet)
elders; Pinkscar - light pink shecat with a long scar over her face Nd dark blue eyes
iceeyes - cream tom with reddish brown patches and blind iceblue eyes
these are jst the cast ill pst the stroy latter ^\/^
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sandmangr · 3 years
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My top-20 albums of the year, no.17: @ice____eyes - Vicious Circles . Mothership Dania Zarr fits both cover and music perfectly. #blogovision #blogovision2021 #iceeyes #viciouscircles #album #albumcover #music #DaniaZarr #Mothership #integritytoys #JessyAyala #fashionroyalty #fashiondoll #fashiondolls #doll #dolls #dollstagram #dollcollector #dollphotography #dollphotogallery #dollcollection #dollsphotography #dudeswithdolls https://www.instagram.com/p/CXFLdEso0M_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arelyashland · 5 years
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March and Edyon from The smoke thieves by Sally Green
Here is a Moodboard because I'm waiting for the second book to arrive and I don't want to study accounting, so that's the only way to use my time right now.
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elenix79 · 5 years
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#smolt #blueyes #ojosazules #iceeyes #ojosdehielo #blueeyedcat #ojosdehieloazul #iceblueeyes #gatosdeojosazules #gatoadoptado #adoptedcat #cutecat #gatobonito #nocompresadopta #dontbuyadopt (at Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6CBuG2hzXj/?igshid=1db5dinuhq064
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at least we’re under the same sky.🌄 #explore #street #sky #tumblrboys #aestethics #cats #catsofinstagram #colors #clouds #italianboy #feed #home #rings #iceeyes #oceaneyes #iceblueeyes #tumblr #italy (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHmXJHnyqY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v1sxzenlqrmq
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somerandomicthings · 10 months
Oakclan allegiances!
I needed to do something quick and easy, since i'm very stressed theses last days, so i made my allegiances from @frogcroak 's journaling game, since i wanted a little break from clangen.
Also, you might remember Thistlestar and Iceeyes, i already finished day 1 from season 6 at this point:
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And a second version with some effects on the last two:
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If you want to see me rambling about my clan cats, see the "see below". (maybe i will need to fix some grammar errors later, but anyway)
Okay, for the start, Peachnose, Morningeyes, Stripedstone, Frostpounce and Hedgehogkit are all from outside the clan. Peachnose died of old age after helping the clan fight from starving to death, and Thistlestar has 8 lives, lost one against an wolverine.
Thistlestar(previously known as Thistlefur, with a slight redesign) is mates with Eveningpuddle, both had 2 litters, the first one was Spottedspikes and Goldenkit, who died in a prophecy that said that the kit first born into the clan, will be born dead, i don't really need to say that Eveningpuddle told Starclan to f*ck themselves for killing his kit.
Their second litter was recently born, with Sharpkit, Softkit and Puddlekit, a little note on Softkit: I originally wanted to make them to be the reincarnation of Goldenkit, but later i decided that no. All of Thistlestar and Eveningpuddle kits, received the litter prompt as that they were more similar to the parent that didn't give birth, so Thistlestar as some clones now.
Moving on to another family, Gingerspots and Sleeksilver, Gingerspots is a healer while Sleeksilver is a warrior, they have 3 kits, Shalepaw, Slatepaw and Rainpaw, Shalepaw and Slatepaw are both boys and twins, which confuse some of their clanmates, but they are literally opposites, Sleeksilver is expecting more kits next season.
Cindertoes and a fling with a loner, whice resulted in Emberpaw, that looks nothing her father(which is kinda funny, if you remember that the clan have 7 clones), and we have Iceeyes and Terracotapelt, that are mates for 3 seasons, they decided to not have kits for now, and are happily living childfree.
Another thing is that both Stripedstone and Hedgehogkit were prophecized by Starclan to join, so yeah, some special kitties.
I'm thinking about posting another allegiances when i get to season 12 or 10(if i have motivation till them).
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shiroselia · 2 months
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xxannamalikxx · 7 years
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I'm in love with his eyes 💙💎🌊😍😍 #wesbentley #wesbentleyeyes #blueeyes #iceeyes #americanhorrorstory #ahshotel
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j095 · 5 years
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Dite quello che volete, ma questa foto mi piace un sacco. Me as Levi Ackerman #aesthetic #fur #coat #hood #iceeyes #leviackerman #Levi #heichou #snk #aot #ackerman #ackermanlevi #attaccodeigiganti #shingekinokyojin #attackontitan #cosplay #cosplayer #anime #manga #crossplay #crossplayer #wig #cosplaywigs #lenses #cute #lips #heartlips https://www.instagram.com/p/B8juR6OoIdn/?igshid=1puld3m3lcemm
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giuliaellie · 5 years
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➰D a r k e n i n g ➰ . . . Spero che il look vi piaccia! Fatemi sapere con un commentino qui sotto ⬇️⬇️ Che ve ne pare! 😘 . . Products Base : . .▪️#concealanddefine C9/C1 @makeuprevolutionitalia . ▪️#fastbasestickfoundation F3/F6 @makeuprevolution . ▪️#brightenupbananapowder @essence_cosmetics . ▪️#ultracoolglow (green) @makeuprevolutionitalia . . ▪️#highlightingandcontouringpalette @nyxcosmetics_italy . . ▪️#browpomade @makeuprevolution . Products Eyes . .▪️#sophxmakeuprevolution @makeuprevolutionitalia . ▪️#badgalbang @benefitcosmeticsitaly . ▪️#karaeyelashes702 @shopmissa Products Lips . .▪️#retroluxekitsmatte Magnificent @makeuprevolution . . #makeup #makeuplook #darkmakeup #contactlenses #iceeyes #smokey #lipstick #greenmakeup #fullfacemakeup #makeuprevolution #revolutionpro #greenlips #glowy #redhair #fauxfreckles #freckles (presso Sanremo Città della Musica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh_D1zoZZ2/?igshid=16kfgx2rfizg
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