#icemav video edit
babygirllinds · 1 year
something in the orange 🌅
instead of writing, I made an edit 😅
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oh-fuckberries · 1 year
sometimes you have an idea and you have to make it reality
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bluewritinghood · 3 months
I love top gun and this song just fits honestly.
I do NOT own Top Gun, or Top Gun Maverick, nor do I claim to. I do not own any characters in this fan fic or from Top Gun. This transformative
work has been created purely for entertainment purposes. No profit is made or sought. No copyright infringement is intended. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the respective owners. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I don't own Anything to do with the Top Gun franchise.
I do NOT own Jefferson Airplane or any of his music nor do I claim to. I do not own anything from Jefferson Airplane in this fan edit or from Jefferson Airplane in any manner. This transformative work has been created purely for entertainment purposes. No profit is made or sought. No copyright infringement is intended. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the respective owners. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
I am purely a fan and this is purely a fan edit shared for the enjoyment of others and no profit is sought in any way or form.
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screwbysir · 7 months
i could only get so far without you by my side
Iceman + Maverick
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polar-equinoxx · 8 months
It’s crying time again :3
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kalpeavaris · 9 months
Top Gun Icemav Edit - "Bad for me"
Featuring scenes from the 1986's Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick: A 4K edit of one of my favourite ships, Icemav! Also some Rooster & Mav being sad scenes because I couldn't resist-
Song is "Bad for me" by Allocai!
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finite-skies · 2 years
hello gay people
youtube ver.
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unleashedart · 2 years
Song: Louisa by Lord Huron
Fandom: Top Gun
Ship: IceMav
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
You need to learn how to fall 3/10
Hangster (and IceMav) - Bradley is too tall to be a naval aviator and instead becomes a sky diver, specialising in spin recovery. He is a civilian contractor to the Airforce and Navy to teach pilots how to survive parachute spins from ejections. A more in-depth version of this post.
PROLOGUE 2003-2006
2007-2010 – The middle years
                He ends up with another part-time job, fortunately using his human performance part of his degree and working as a personal trainer, mostly early mornings. Jumping out of planes is expensive. He moves out of the house him and Mav usually live in, but months later ends up moving in with Ice when he’s diagnosed with cancer. They don’t sugar coat things, not now that he’s an adult. He has to listen to them talk about wills and property and investments and assets; wants to stick his head in the sand and just chant la-la-la until it all goes away. He doesn’t want to consider his life without them both in it. Hard enough to think he’s already lost his actual parents, he can’t lose them too.
                He sits through it though, signs forms he reads carefully because both Ice and Mav frown and look disappointed the first time he signed without even looking. They get similar forms for him, given his current career and he’s pretty sure Mav has to excuse himself to go and throw up when he says he doesn’t want to be kept on life support indefinitely if he has a bad fall. Ice just nods and accepts his decision with quiet equanimity and he wonders if it’s because he is facing his own mortality. He starts a YouTube channel, figures out how to take effective video and then edit it properly. Loads them up without commentary; originally it’s for those he’s taken up for tandem jumps, but then it’s for other instructors around the country, and then a couple of them move overseas. His channel has a small but dedicated following.
                One of the silver linings of Ice’s cancer diagnosis is the fact he seems to no longer give any fucks about what people might say about his relationship with Mav. Don’t ask, don’t tell is still in effect but it’s also definitely very firmly in the don’t tell realm as far as Bradley can figure out. Everyone who they interact with seems to simply know that they’re together, and have been for as long as everyone remembers. Definitely for as long as he remembers. No one wants to tell and he guesses that Ice is high enough up that there’s probably blind-eyes all over the place.
                Then Ice insists on Mav moving in, which he promptly leaves the house for, not wanting to hang around for listening to the argument or hearing the makeup sex that will surely follow. So they put the house on the market, then he’s given the money and told he can finally buy the plane he wants which he delays a little and carefully shops around, listening to the advice of his old instructors and also Ice and Mav. All his gifts for years are centered around either skydiving or filming and editing software. It doesn’t escape his notice that Mav’s gifts tend towards the safer indoor aspects, while Ice tends toward the safety needs. They’re both supportive in their own ways.
                Living together, all of them, properly for the first time, results in the sudden influx of photos that pop up, every flat surface has frames with photos and Ice starts taking more photos. All of their lives are visually documented on the walls and bookshelves, although Bradley notes the front room Ice uses as a study and work room remains very formal and devoid of any personal touches. Other than formal portraits, like his graduation photo. Regardless of what room he’s in he feels like he is at home.
…             …             …
                His nightmare becomes a reality, although not in full. The call he got was from Bradley, starting off with I’m alive but I’m on the way to the hospital. He’d then passed the phone over to someone else. Apparently he’d taken a bad landing after being forced to use his second backup shute. He’d been too close to the ground so had hit it hard. His hands are shaking as he walks down the hospital corridor, the only thing that has him not vomiting is the fact that Bradley is the one who called him. That Bradley was alive; maybe not alive and well, but alive enough to call him.
                “Bad fall,” Mav mutters. “Like he’s tripped over the front step and grazed his hands…”
                He pushes the door open to Bradley’s room. He’s pale, face covered in bandages, one arm in a cast and both legs in braces, but not as he’d imagined a broken spine and him being in something like full-traction it’s a little bit of a relief.
                “He’s damned lucky.”
                “Doesn’t look lucky.”
                “He had his legs tucked up, hit the ground and rolled. Like it was as natural as breathing. He dislocated his shoulder but continued with the momentum… most people I know would have hit the ground feet-first despite years of training and the shock would have caused spiral fractures. They’ve braced his ankles as a matter of precaution because the x-rays showed no damage, which is a miracle but also isn’t surprising considering he walked into the hospital. We don’t usually say that you can be a natural at skydiving, but this kid is definitely a natural.”
                Mav sighs.
                Of course he is.
…             …             …
                “If the cancer didn’t get me, then I’m sure jumping out of a plane isn’t going to kill me either.”
                “Fighting words. It’s a good thing I’m taller than you. When we come into land you’re going to lift your legs.”
                He listens as Bradley takes him through everything, despite the fact that he knows it all, having listened to it so often he’s pretty sure he could repeat it back, learning it alongside Bradley and quizzing him on it. He can follow Bradley’s instructions, he’s in the Navy. When he’s strapped to Bradley, waved the all-clear he feels a little frisson of abject terror but it’s too late, he’s falling toward to the ground and then his fear fades away and he lets out a whoop of joy, hears Bradley’s amused laughter before it’s whipped away by the rushing air. They hit the ground and it’s gentler than he thought it would be.
                “Woo! What a rush!”
                “Yeah? You like it?”
                “It reminds me of my first launch off a carrier. Damn. Yeah. I get it now. Love you kid,” he says, knocking his own helmet against Bradley’s, the words aren’t ones he says often, but feels the need to say them more often now. Doesn’t want Bradley to ever doubt how he feels. Mav either for that matter…
                “Love you too.”
…             …             …
                “You were both up there, together.”
                He should have known it would give Mav another nightmare and he curls himself around him, makes gentle shushing noises under his breath, glad now that he doesn’t have to try and do this over the phone.
                “Do you trust him?”
                “Of course I do!”
                “Then know that skydiving, especially tandem skydiving is safer than driving to and from the hangar. Car accidents are far more common and hurt far more people than skydiving does. You’ve seen him with his gear. Hell, we check it. He’s damned good at what he does. He’s meant to be up in the air just as much as you are…”
                Mav lets out a little hiccupping breath and Tom knows he’s got something that’ll definitely take his mind of everything else.
                “You know, there’s something else I want to check off on my bucket list…” Tom says, and he’s not going to move, but his otherwise grand plans aren’t getting a look in right now. This feels right.
                “Pete Mitchell, will you marry me?”
…             …             …
                Ice and Mav leave plans on the table one night. An extension to the house, with a shared internal door but his own front door; effectively making two houses. A large bedroom, another room for an office with a desk, extension to the garage so he can store his gear, enough room to roll out his chutes and carry out checks. It’s very clearly an invitation to never move out, but also to live independently and he finds the sticky notes they use to communicate when they’re too busy to actually stop and talk. Simply draws a heart and writes love it in the center.
                He doesn’t bother looking at moving out of home again.
2011-2015 - The later years (NEXT PART)
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babygirllinds · 1 year
snap out of it, Mav 🤧
notice how throughout the video it’s ice staring at mav and at the end it’s mav staring at ice (because mans was just as in love)
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icemankazansky · 2 years
hey carly! out of curiosity, which movie of val's did you use for that icemav hospital edit? I don't think I've seen that one 🤔
Hi! I made those gifs using video from the movie Spartan (2004). It's a David Mamet film in which Val plays a specialist called in to find a missing girl. I recommend it. If you're able, I also recommend listening to Val's commentary, which is literally just him talking into a tape recorder for two hours while he watches the movie.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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hangmanbradshaw · 10 months
Not a sad icemav edit but I can literally see football!Jake's fans making this 😂
omfg they would. A montage of him from press conferences and team videos and games lmaoooo
His fans are very passionate. I'm picturing them showing up at games in shirts with his face that say 'can you feel the kenergy'
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nade2308 · 1 year
So the first masterlist hit the 100 links limit which I was not aware of (was updating it with some of my other gifs from previous fandoms), so here is a second one
Previous mastelist: one
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick
Mav at Ice's funeral ("How to save a life" by The Fray)
Tom and Val end credits
Locker room gifset: part 1 || part 2
American Made
The moment you realize that you have to do the craziest fucking shit for work...
Barry piloting
Barry at the diner
Barry and the cross (+icemav headcanon)
Barry and the kiddo
"You need to behave"
Barry gifset "Louisiana man")
We are family
Hold on
Edge of Tomorrow
Bill in the car gifs
Boy in handcuffs gifset: part 1 || part 2
"I am not the ghost you are to me": part 1 || part 2
Jack Reacher 2012
Jack handling the rifle
You are not cut out for the real world
Sad boy
Tear gif
Shaky hand gif
Soft boy at the bar
Shirtless Jack gifset: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Shirtless Jack 🥵
Jack watching Sam sleep (major Jack dad vibes)
Oblivion 2013
Jack and his little plant
Jack and Vika shower gif
Jack Harper shower gifs
Oblivion Jack and Julia gifsets (Pablo Neruda, "I love you without knowing how"): post 1 || post 2
Jack eating out of Vika's hand + coffee gifs
Jack waking up ("Pluto" by Sleeping at Last)
Mission Impossible
Ethan + softness: Part 1 || Part 2 || bonus/outtakes
Smiley Ethan in Ghost Protocol
The Last Samurai
Nathan getting ready for battle: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
War of the Worlds
Ray crying gifset ("Broken" by Lifehouse)
Black Sheep Squadron
Jim gif (1x04)
Jim cleaning his gun gifs (1x04)
Greg manhandling Jim gifs (1x04)
Crying Jim redux (1x04)
Up for grabs screenshots (1x08)
Jim choking on his drink gif (1x11)
"We're getting into a rut, darling." Redux (1x16)
Greg and Meatball gifs redux (1x16)
More Greg and Meatball gifs redux + Jim (1x16)
Hair ruffle gif redux (1x16)
Greg 1x18 gifset ("Over my head" by The Fray): Part 1 || Part 2
Greg 1x18 gif ("Over my head" by The Fray)
Greg getting down from his plane
Boys and Iraki
The Wild Wild West (TV show)
First post
Video from 3x18
Black and white imps
Jim and Arte gifs (3x21)
Scared Jim: Part 1 || Part 2 || bonus gif
The Night of the Big Blast gifset
Arte and the violin (1x05)
The Night of the Fugitives gifset: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Video from 2x04
Reunion gifset (4x07)
Imps on the train gifset (4x07): Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Jim and cat gifset (4x07)
Another 4x07 gifset
Jim/Arte meta
Jim slapping himself awake (3x20)
Two imps
Jim and THAT coat
National Handwriting Day post
The Gypsy Warriors (1978)
"Brother let me be your shelter"
Shelly Alhern edit (Med AU)
Teddy Brinkerhoff edit (Med AU)
Boys on the horse
Teddy cocking his gun gif
Shelly gif
Helen and Jack parallel
Jack Reacher cuffs parallel
The coffee twins
Mitch and Barry parallel
Mission accomplished parallel
Miscellaneous Tom Cruise edits/gifsets
Tom Cruise in The Late Late James Corden Show Primetime Special, 27.04.2023: Part 1 || Part 2
More Tom Cruise in The Late Late James Corden Show Primetime Special, 27.04.2023: Part 1 || Part 2
The Graham Norton Show, Season 20 Episode 4 with Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Jude Law, Catherine Tate, and Kings of Leon, 21.10.2016: Tom and Cobie cute moment
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finite-skies · 2 years
its about the Tension™
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babygirllinds · 1 year
baby, I’m yours ✨
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babygirllinds · 1 year
and they were wingmen ✨
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