#icon lucrecia
allfavz · 3 months
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danna paola icons like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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cultswans · 2 years
random icons 🦋
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wazzuppy · 2 years
Can u pls do icons with young Marona Aquato and Lucrecia Mux, both separate and together
Like, i was see icons of those sisters so much, pls pls pls
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lucrecia & marona icons
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here you go my dear sweet anon! i unfortunately couldn't get my hands on any pictures of them together, and could only get one other of marona, but i hope this is still okay! <3 feel free to request again any time
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carladuquette · 2 months
Top 13 Elite moments: Honorable mentions
Guzman skeptically looking at and then wiping down his glass at Samuel’s party - 1.03
Lu confessing that Valerio didn’t force her to do anything to their dad, losing the life she’s known up until that point in the process - 3.01
And of course this from 3.08:
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
Matching Icons
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Carla Rosón💋 & Lucrecia Montesinos💄
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lolittakrum · 11 months
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soultngell · 2 years
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⠀  ⠀   ،    Danna Paola  ⿻  Icons ᵎᵎ  . ⠀  ꒰ If you are going to use them, give me credits   𖤩   💬   𓂅  @dannapaola on Instagram ¡ ♡
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hisprettylady · 7 months
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Lucrecia mux as young lady, i love her so much
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Iconic bee cloth included
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allfavz · 2 years
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danna paola icons like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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altocat · 10 months
i saw that you also said you love to talk about other characters, not just sephiroth, so i thought i'd ask: what are your favorite things/traits/moments etc of all of the playable characters we've had across the compilation of 7? i feel like i can talk about all the characters forever :)
Ooh yeah! This will be fun. Okay!
Cloud: Cloud is the most relatable character to me, and probably my favorite if we're being honest. I relate strongly to his identity issues, and I love when he tries to act tough while concealing a softer nature. My personal favorite scene with him is the flashback where he realizes that he was stronger than Sephiroth this whole time, throwing Sephiroth down the pit. It's a powerful moment, probably Cloud's single greatest moment in the entire series.
Tifa: Tifa is literal perfection. She looks like a tough tomboy and yet she's also one of the kindest people ever. She's maternal, loyal, supportive, and devoted to a fault. The team would be lost without her. She's the glue that holds everyone together. An absolute queen. My favorite moment with her is Under the Highwind, regardless of her relationship with Cloud being romantic or platonic.
Barret: Barret's got a heart of gold. He's always part of my main party when playing the OG. A great comrade and an even GREATER father. His relationship with Marlene is beautiful and so warm and wholesome. Barret also spits some iconic quotes over the course of the game, as well as some hard truths. My favorite scene with him, naturally, is his encounter with Dyne. The line "my hands are too stained to carry her anymore" gets me to cry no matter how many times I play.
Aerith: Aerith is the biggest hero of FFVII next to Cloud. She's the one who ultimately saves the day, and all through her sacrifice. I'm not even gonna talk about my favorite moment with her because...you guys already know the scene. It's the single most famous scene in gaming history. Aerith has a playful, occasionally chaotic edge to her personality that she hides behind a sweet smile. I absolutely adore that about her. She's so full of love and so full of selflessness, but she also loves to tease people. Also an absolute queen.
Red XIII: Nanaki is a cat btw. I have always seen him as a cat. That's my controversial opinion on him lmao. Also him howling for Seto makes me ugly cry every single time without fail. I appreciate that Nanaki seems occasionally stoic and serious, but then has kind of a childlike or immature fear or insecurity about something. There's that duality to him that ties to the other characters in a sense. Anyway, I love him. He is a very good boy.
Cid: Cid took a while to grow on me initially. He's pretty rough around the edges. But my favorite moment with him happens in the last third where he sorta becomes the de facto leader of the group with Cloud gone. And I like that he seems to have reconciled with Shera as well. Honestly, he's just kind of a badass and really cool at what he does. Also he gets to go to space. Good for him tbh.
Cait Sith: This one is hard because there's always a debate as to how much of a character Cait Sith actually IS. It's Reed puppeting a machine/doll basically. How much of Cait Sith has a mind of his own? Regardless, Cait Sith isn't my fave. He's a spy, after all. But he makes up for it in the end, even if he kinda fades into the background. Reed is honestly more of an interesting character overall. I can't name any specific favorite moments with Cait Sith specifically. But also he's a small Scottish cat. And that's rad.
Vincent: This edgy boi. Also not one of my faves, but he's grown a lot more on me over time. He wins for always having the coolest voice in the entire group. And I really like the scene where he reunites with Lucrecia. Vincent is kind of gruff and understated at times compared to the rest of the cast. But he has a gentle side as well, and one hell of a cool backstory. Also I love monsters and gothic imagery in general.
Yuffie: Yuffie is...my least favorite main character. I don't hate her. I've just never been a fan of the "spunky loudmouth child" trope. With that said, I'm sure the Remake trilogy will breathe new life into her and add some extra appeal for me. I like what I've seen so far. And Yuffie's bluntness and playfulness can be cute from time to time.
Zack: Counting him because of Crisis Core. He's probably my third favorite character. His death is the saddest scene in the entire compilation imo. He's a character who is wholly encompassed by love, who deals with a LOT of pain, and who proves to be better and worthier than most people put together. Like Aerith, he sacrifices everything. And also like Aerith, his legacy will live on forever.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Lucrecia Mux / Maligula:
Well she drowned an entire city including her sister while trying to squash a nonviolent protest. She tried to kill the czar for what he had done to her and for trying to execute her. She tried to kill everyone at the motherlobe when she was set free again. She killed lots of people. She’s also kinda hot go grandma
Nadja of Antipaxos:
Effortlessly girlboss. Bisexual icon that makes me swoon and want to smooch her. Eats people and drinks their blood. She'd have me for dinner and forget about it the next day (valid). Absolute icon and an inspiration to us all
She just is THAT bitch. She does whatever the fuck she wants. Turn a rabdom girl she spent some time with into a vampire? Yeah sure. Make up a vampire nightclub and then steal her own money from it? You go girl. She is a girlbossloser, she doesn't give a shit about it, and then cries about being a girlbossloser. Just. Iconic.
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getvalentined · 6 months
Character ask game: #3, #48, #49 Vincent Valentine, of course!
What first drew you to this character?
What drew me to Vincent in the first place is a bit convoluted and very silly, but also I was like 12 when the OG came out so bear with me here.
So my mom has ADHD and only discovered this in the past couple years, meaning she spent her entire life trying to accommodate a condition she didn't realize she had, and this led to some "weird" choices—one of the most notable of which was literally color-coding her children.
I have five siblings, and we were all assigned a color to make it easier to tell what belonged to who. Older sister: green. Older brother: navy blue. Younger sister: purple, which was also her first word. Younger brother: sky blue. Baby sister: turquoise, because our folks tried pink but she rejected it from like 6 months old.
My color, if you hadn't guessed, was red.
What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
This is hard to answer because Vincent's design, while being very distinct, is also really...transient, I wanna say? Most of his iconic physical features are temporary, they're clothing or accessories, we don't get to see a lot of him.
I really love Vincent's hair, but I always have the most fun drawing his eyes, so we'll go with that.
What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
I actually really love Vincent's sense of responsibility. It's gotten him into trouble (that is literally how he wound up in his current condition in the first place) but it's also the only thing that drives him forward at any point in his entire storyline. He has trouble keeping it from bleeding out into guilt, sure, but without that sense of responsibility he never would have gotten out of his coffin in the first place.
I know he gets a lot of shit for being callow and weak-willed and dramatic, people call him obsessive for what happened with Lucrecia and stupid for just kinda staying in a coffin for decades while the world burned down around him, but I think that's doing him a disservice.
Vincent put himself to rest out of the same sense of responsibility as what got him killed in the first place. His presence, as far as he's concerned, is what caused everything to go wrong. He believed that he drove Lucrecia into a relationship with Hojo by coming on too strong, he believed that Sephiroth was his child and therefore he was to blame for giving Project S its lead subject, he believed that his inability to stop them from creating a monster is why he didn't pass on after Hojo shot him—he genuinely believed that the Lifestream rejected him, that what he'd done was so horrible that even Gaia couldn't forgive him.
So when he was locked away, he stayed. If no one ever found him, he couldn't hurt anyone else. He couldn't do any more damage to the world that he's been damned to haunt for the rest of time. In hiding, Vincent was removing himself as a mitigating factor in the continued hardship of the world at large, because he already felt responsible for causing so much harm. He thought he was doing the right thing, he thought he was protecting everyone else, he thought he was keeping the few loved ones he might have left safe.
He was wrong—but if he weren't, there's no denying that it would have been the right decision.
(From the honest favorite character ask game.)
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carladuquette · 2 years
The ties were black, the lies were white: Taylor Swift/ Elite series
Ch. 2: Lu/Rebeka 🎵 Cornelia Street
They've been in the car for ten minutes and neither of them has said a word since Rebe mumbled she was still looking for her hotel key card so Lu could put in the name of the place she was staying at, which she'd forgotten in a sudden memory lapse, as a second location for their Uber driver. Lu hasn't brought up the fact that Rebe stopped digging through her purse a good while ago without ever giving her a name. She's too busy remembering how to breathe while Rebe's fingers keep grazing the insight of her wrist.
"You told everyone you'd won the lottery when I first met you," Lu says. Rebe looks slightly confused because she's missing the connection, but Lu doesn't feel like wasting time on explaining. "The lottery! You were such a bad liar. I'll never forget your face that first night at Barceló when I called you out."
"Oh yeah?" There's a challenging tone in Rebe's voice that sends goosebumps up Lu's legs as well. Or they're from the AC. Probably the AC. She should really tell the driver to turn it down, but right now Rebe is talking and it would be rude to interrupt. "Well, you were a bitch that night. And you looked like a Disney villain with that stupid tiara."
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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“Do you know why I am the best? Because I never settle for less.” -Montesinos, Lucrecia
“I’m quite lonely, and I think you are too, so we can be lonely together.” -Rosón, Carla
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grindel-elf · 1 year
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“Lucy Sketches”
I've been catching up on reading the reworked version of "The Nightmare Begins" by @the—calamity on ao3 (linked below) and wouldn't you know it, I'm once again obsessed with drawing Lucrecia. She's a feminist icon and I won't be elaborating. The quotes in the piece are taken from chapters 10 and 12 of “The Nightmare Begins”.
"The Nightmare Begins" (which is part 1 of a 3 part series titled "The Monsters Within")
"The Monsters Within"
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