#id be happy to oblige!!
lovelybarnes · 1 year
hi!! can you write something with bucky where the reader is usually confident but she gets really shy and blushy around bucky, even when they’re officially together and established in their relationship and he just finds it so adorable and cute? like maybe the morning after they spend the night together she gets really shy thinking about it, or when she wants to kiss him but then stops bc she gets shy and he just pulls her in and she giggles and finds it the most adorable thing ever? that kinda vibe🥲
like the fact that she’s usually so put together and confident, he loves that he has such an effect on her & no one would believe it if they didn’t see it🥺 ty! can even be a blurb or drabble or smth 💗
hello!! thank you so much for your request! i actually have a fic similar to what you're describing!!
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I'm surprised you haven't posted any Welcome home stuff recently! Honestly kinda makes me sad since I love your WH art and stuff
yea y'all are gonna have to be Patient w/ me bc
a) i have like. a week left to pack all of my stuff before i need to shove everything into a uhaul and leave, so its crunch time! leaving little to no energy/interest in anything else
b) to be honest my mental health is the worst its been in years - which is fine, its whatever, i can deal. it's not as bad as it could be and im handling it! like a champ, even! but also its leaving little to no energy/interest in anything else
c) had a minor crisis over my art and how i interact w/ WH, and i realized im not scribbling enough of what I want. ive mostly been trying to please people and do as asked and thats! not good! so i want to temper expectation & reassert that im Not a WH art blog - its just a hyperfixation / something i love rn. i draw what i enjoy & what i want in the moment.
#i picked up my tablet last night and all of my motivation died on the spot#so im just. eh whatever ill get back into the swing of things eventually#but yeah im spending my time packing & keeping myself afloat! not much room for other things at present!#rambles from the bog#but yeah i was starting to feel like a commodity of sorts?#like the majority of asks are just some form of 'can you draw this' 'draw this' 'id love it if youd draw this'#which is. fine. im an art blog! thats what i do!#but its also like hey. im just some guy doodling what they enjoy. im not a machine churning out content for consumption#& it gets to the point where there's so much expectation and obligation and 'demand'-#when do i ever sit down and truly indulge in what i want?#like the monster scribble i posted the other day! it made me so happy! i love monsters and Beasts!#when do i ever allow myself to draw them?#rarely bc i feel like people Expect puppets from me. and thats not a great feeling!#i love puppets i love wh and everything but i would like to enjoy it w/o pressure yk yk....#& for a second there i Was feeling the pressure and scribbling puppets was starting to feel like a chore#something i Needed to do to please people#so! im focusing on real life & taking a break from creation & keeping my mindset away from 'jump into traffic' thankyew <3#theres just too much going on right now#in my head And outside of it.#so ill stick to packing & binging psych & i'll lovingly place everything else on the backburner
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rudnitskaia · 5 months
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Due to the end of the poll enjoy the happy kitties. :3
I took one of Olivia Hussey's and Leonard Whiting's photos as a reference. I had to change the clothes for both Rocky and Mau, but tried to convey emotions. The ref is under the cut. ✨
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keepbirdieweird · 7 months
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(ID in alt text)
florida keeps dropping "scarlet kingsnakes" in everybody's mug and wonders why people aren't laughing
snake psa below the break
Fun fact: Coral snakes (a member of elapidae, meaning they're closely related to taipans/cobras/kraits etc) are actually very chill! They're SO chill, in fact, that it's rare for hospitals to have the proper antivenom in stock, because people don't tend to get bitten by them. As a general rule, try to be hesitant about handling what you think is some kind of coral mimic.
Also, the red/black/jack, red/yellow/kill-a-fellow rhyme only works in the US & northern mexico, generally speaking- elapids and mimics in Southern Mexico and beyond (M. diastema in Mexico, M. isozonus in Venezuela, etc) follow different patterns. Be aware of what venomous sp. look like in your area!
In any case, corals don't want to bite you. In fact, because you- presuming you are in fact a human and not a sentient mouse or frog that has learned to use the Internet- are so huge, no venomous snake wants to bite you, as you would be too large to fit in their stomach. Snakes bite when they feel threatened. Sometimes, this threatening is on accident (stuck hand in wrong place while hiking, picking up firewood, accidentally stuck foot somewhere, etc). However, a number of snake bites are because someone was being stupid and harassing the animal.
Just. Don't mess with snakes, y'all. They don't want to mess with you, either. I promise.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Bahrain Grand Prix - Free Practice 1 - Felipe Drugovich & Stoffel Vandoorne
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
ok idk if you even play cookie run so feel free to ignore but.can you draw pearl as black pearl cookie?
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Day 105
black pearl cookie looks so cool!!! i approve of the marshmallow hair
not too hard to translate into my pearl design as well! i decided to give her sleeves instead of her skirt, just because i thought it fit Pearl better. She still has her extra eyes, and the fluffy hair was so incredibly fun to draw. Basic minecraft trident, because Pearl does have a riptide trident! is perfect :D
i also dont play cookie run btw lol but. i have seen the designs. theyre pretty sick
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whumble-beeee · 8 months
Favorite lab whump tropes? 👀
Oh good lord, immediately going for the heart of it, huh?
Love it when whumpee is just treated coldly, almost like an object even, like they get thrown around, their begging goes wholly ignored, maybe a few annoyed glances or pitying looks. But no one makes a move to help.
I think for the most part its the fear of it, the helplessness. The sterile environment, professional in all ways except the screams and the crying, the sheer pain and emotion felt in a place many would describe as cold and emotionless.
Then the whumpers. All types of whumpers. There's the sadistic ones, the ones that enjoy torturing their human test subject. There's the most common ones, i think, who maintain a more or less professional demeanor, only have a lab whumpee because its required of them, and they're fine with that. It's for science, after all. I'm also fond of the cold scientific method whumper, who might as well just see whumpee as another fruit fly to experiment on. And they do the tests over and over and over again, because the scientific method requires it.
Then whumpee being led into the lab for the first time. They've been debriefed on their role here as a test subject and they already tried to escape, so now they've been bound and they're helpless as they're led through this shiny and pristine lab to an operating table with an absurd amount of straps on it. Scary machinery around it, the scientists are already there waiting for them. Some missed spots of blood staining the floor around the table, and suddenly the screams they heard earlier start to make sense.
OR OR whenever whumpee is fighting hard so the scientist(s) just sigh and pull out a syringe (or better yet a gas mask, or even better, a tube to plug into a cannula already implanted in whumpee's arm) and you get to see all the color drain from whumpee's face as they realize what's about to happen and they stumble backward but eventually there's nowhere left to go and the scientist is upon them, pressing whatever drug delivery method into their body, whumpee cringing and pressing against the wall trying to get away, maybe trying to hold their breath against the drugged gas or block the needle about to pierce their skin, but it doesn't work and soon their body betrays them and starts getting very tired and the already cold, bright setting of the lab around them starts to go colder and dark.
(I got carried away at the end there lol. I love lab whump, its so good. Had to cut myself off. Pretty sure I answered the question though, kinda just made some story ideas lmao.)
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pandapupremade · 2 years
i did a nebulizer treatment abd now im shaky but also i wanna talk abt ocs properly. but i cant just dm ppl going hey wanna talk abt MY ocs so uh. if u would like i offer u my ocs carrd that doesnt have All of my ocs but it has a good number. if anyone would be interested in asking abt my ocs u have names to pick from :']
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flickerstim · 10 months
Howdy! I hope it’s ok to ask, but could you tell me a bit about what “link” means? /gen q
Hello! It's no worries, I'd love to answer your question, thusly I will :] Do note that I will be mostly talking about my own personal experience with Linking. Everyone's definitions and experiences will vary, so don't be afraid to ask around!
Now then: I've seen the term "Link" have quite a few definitions. When I was introduced to it, I saw it referred to as: "A character you identify with for coping/fun purposes"
Which for some folks, comes off as KFF (Kin For Fun), although it's more complex than that- at least for me.
In my personal experience, I would define "Link" as: "A character you identify with for generally any reason; A character you consider to be yourself, in some manner"
In my personal experience, I tend to fall in and out of Link stages. Many days, I am just my normal self: Cody.
However, on other days, I feel my sense of self shift. While I am still me- I have not blacked out, nor do I feel revolted by the idea of my Cody-self- I don't feel like Cody. I find myself wanting to talk through a character. Usually, as I talk on Discord a lot, I make myself a Tupperbox Bot. I find an image that fits how I feel. I assign it the name I feel, and the pronouns I feel. Here are some of my bots as examples!
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(The "[Link {☕}]" on my bots is for moderation purposes in servers, nothing more :]) (Quick image ID just in case, I'm bad at these but I hope I did it right) [ID: Seven Discord screenshots, all featuring messages made using Tupperbox bots. Each bot has the word "Link" and a coffee cup emoji in brackets at the end of their name, denoting that they're bots intended for Link-Shifts. Each bot represents six characters- all Homestuck characters, one character being doubled-up - and each has their own name and pronouns.. The first bot reads "Dualscar / Delfin (Avoid, Namself, Sea-Related). The second bot reads "Jake English!! (Any, Get Funky!). The third bot reads "The Orphaner Dualscar (He/Fin)". The fourth bot reads "Mituna", however his name is spelt using a typing quirk- making the "i" in his name be a "1" instead, doubling up the 1-I, and the "a" at the end being replaced with a "4". In plaintext, his pronouns read "(Any but she/her tbh)". The fifth bot reads "Rufioh Nitram!!", however the "i"s are replaced with "1"s. His pronouns read "(HE/RUF)". The sixth bot reads "CALIBORN", with fancy symbols around the name, his pronouns reading "(ANY/ALL)". The seventh bot reads "twinArgmageddons"- a mispelling of "twinArmageddons"- with his pronouns reading "[HE/IT, ANY]". Each bot has their own message, some with typing quirks and others without. End ID.] As is visible in my screenshots, sometimes I take up typing quirks- as they feel like the proper way for me to talk. Sometimes, I don't. My links can happen for multiple reasons. Sometimes I link due to stress. Sometimes I link because I'm jealous. Other times, my brain simply decides that it's time to link. Also as is visible in my screenshots, I tend to link male/masc characters- it's something due to me not wanting to be viewed in a feminine way online :]
Linking could be mistaken for roleplay, however it's more than that! You feel connected with the character- like you are them in some manner (at least in my experience). Unlike Kinning (at least from my understanding of Kinning), you don't feel completely like the character- you don't feel like a reincarnated version of them, or like the entirety of you is them. You still feel somewhat like yourself during a Link-Shift. Your concept of self just changes, in some manner (Again, at least in MY experience).
I guess as a TL;DR, a good explanation of "linking" is: "Feeling an identity-related connection to a character for reasons that vary from linker to linker."
Hope this helped!! :]
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tea-tavern · 1 year
unless i misread your tags youre getting top surgery tomorrow? congrats!!! thats so cool
Hi!!! Yeah it's April 20th and I'm getting top surgery today at 5pm!!!! Thank you!!
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raen1 · 2 years
i just need one. way out
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mushtoons · 2 years
Oh snap they have you blocked? I didn't know lol
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fourteentrout · 1 month
my crack ship is beron x helion first helion fucked his wife then he fucked him
the crack ship revolution is here, I'm declaring it now. This is exactly the type of fun, out of left field stuff I was hoping for. Helion collecting Vanserras like pokemon cards. The possibilities are endless
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cybermeep · 6 months
it will never cease to agitate me how something so simple is something which is simultaneously so complex & overall confusing if you don’t have a reliable source for it. saying this because once i inevitably get my drivers license i will be more than happy to drive people places, even if said people are those i don’t know of well and even if its late. not because i believe they owe me anything, nor is it an action out of ‘the kindness of my heart’ but genuinely just because its something they deserve & everyone deserves on the most basic level, easy access to places they need to get to, and the fact some people have to go through loopholes & loopholes just to exist in a certain places is incredibly infuriating.
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quevadilla · 1 year
forgot what a big part this band played in my musical appreciation in my childhood
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baccan0pe · 1 year
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