#id like to see if anyone has any more songs solar would listen to
indigocloverr · 6 months
So one day while i was drawing some more solar doodles, i wanted to see if people have made a playlist for him to listen while drawing , n after searching for a bit , no one (that i know of or have seen) has made a playlist for Solar,,,
i took the attempt of making one
if anyone has another song you think solar would listen to, lmk
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aqueeraphale · 5 years
All right Ghost and Pals fans I've got a Honey I'm Home theory:
The moth represents Norman's mother, and the song as a whole is a metaphor for being abused by religion.
Let me explain:
[This post contains discussion of religion/cults, abuse, insects, and human torture/experimentation]
Ghost said straight up that there's five new OCs in Honey I'm Home right? Exactly five. It's emphasized a lot.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from the description of Ghost's upload of Honey I'm Home that reads: "y'all get FIVE - not one, not two, not three, not four, not six, not forty-seven, but FIVE new ocs of mine so there's that". End ID]
That's *incredibly* specific, but it checks out. Mostly. Visually, there's five characters: Norman, their father the mantis, the moth, weird Redead god, Charon the spider, and the angel(s) we see a flash of in the outro instrumental. There's a sixth character mentioned in passing, though: Norman's mother. "The abandonment of scenery in the mind of mother," yeah? But that's such a minor reference, you're probably thinking. It's symbolic parallelism to the mentions of father in the first verse.
That's entirely possible, but with how deep Ghost's songs run I think it's more than that.
We can obviously say that Norman's mother isn't Norman, Norman's father, God, or Charon (seeing as Ghost confirms in the description that it's meant to be pronounced like the guy on the River Styx). Originally, I assumed that the disturbed angel we see in the end of the video was Mother, because of the parallel between the two "abandonment of scenery" lines (conflating Mother with the rearview mirror, ie the past). It would make sense, given the implied abusive situation Norman was in with his father, that his mother had passed, leaving him with no recourse or protection. The fact that the parallel to the rearview mirror is the **mind** of mother, though, is what throws a wrench in that.
On my first dozen or so watches I thought the moth was a corrupted symbol of Lucifer (the lightbringer as a creature that chases light regardless of consequence), like I read Charon as a corrupted symbol of Judas (instead of subtle and regretful betrayal with a kiss on the cheek, direct and presumably unrepentant sabotage with a kiss on the mouth). It makes sense with how a lot of interpretations of sympathetic Lucifer read: saying the exact same things as God, but demanding that right to be equal instead of paternalistic. Then I took a closer look at the visual symbolism:
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[Image ID: a screenshot of Honey I'm Home's pv: a moth entrapped in a spider's web. It's quoted as saying "So, come to me, we can change night into day." End ID]
Lo and behold, spiderwebs. I actually can't believe I missed that on my first few watches--from the moment we meet the moth, it's entangled in webs, as if it's trapped in the influence of Charon, our dear God-allied spider. Its exact words are echoed by God in the next verse, where he has the moth trapped. With how we see Charon and God allied, this paints the moth in a new light--it doesn't have agency, or at least not total agency. It is, at least in part, parroting what God has taught it.
The thing is, a spider doesn't force webs on you. You walk into them and get tangled. Moths chase lights, like God's solar-eclipse halo. In just the same way, people chase security and safety as a survival method, and scores of people turn to religion when they need spiritual security.
This is where Norman and his family come in. Picture this: you're stuck in a tense, harmful relationship, with someone who has the audacity to tell your child that the world "isn't for them," who feels the need to cut off your rapport to them (the umbilical cord is a link between child and mother, after all). When you look for help, there the church is, and you inch a little closer to the light, and a little closer--
And then you're ensnared, so much so the horrors of your memories are little more than scenery in your rearview mirror. It's wonderful enough you repeat your doctrine to everyone who listens, even if you don't fully analyze what it all means. It helped you after all, so why can't it help others?
There's even visual confirmation that the moth is an intrinsic part of Norman:
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[Image IDs: three seperate screenshots of Honey I'm Home's PV. One shows Norman normally, one shows Norman with his chest sliced open for vivisection, and one shows Norman in a different outfit with scars from where he was cut open. All three images feature prominent patterns of concentric circles of moth wings. End ID]
We see Norman prominently surrounded by moth wings, even after he's been vivisected and transformed. Nearly everything what visually significant about Norman changes: he's gained a halo, lost his bandages and any scars that were underneath, is showing way more skin, and has black scleras and no glasses. His posture is even inverted--in each shot he's lifting a different hand, and the early Norman is confident or vindictive while the second is meek or remorseful. And yet, the moth wings remain. They're in *identical* places in the two shots that have Norman at the center of the frame. The moth is a part of Norman, even after God's scooped him out.
Also worth noting is that Norman's transformation makes him more visually similar not to the angels, but to God himself.
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[Image ID: God as he appears in the Honey I'm Home pv. He is a gaunt figure with an eerie grin and dark circles instead of eyes. Black lines run down his cheeks like tears, and he wears loose, flowing robes that expose one shoulder. End ID]
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[Image ID: the angel from the Honey I'm Home pv. They have the same dark eyes and tear lines as God and Norman post-transformation, but they instead wear a tight turtleneck. End ID]
Everyone allied with God, and Norman after his transformation--they all have the same eyes, with black scleras. Everyone except Charon has tear tracks. But Norman dresses like God more than anyone else-- his outfit appears to be made of the same material, and also exposes skin.
One last note before I tie this all together: vivisection is an INCREDIBLY loaded word. Scientifically, it's the act of making a v-shaped cut through a living organism's torso to view its innards--think a dissection on something living or a highly invasive biopsy. But just Google the word, and the connotation becomes immediately apparent: vivisection, as a term, is chiefly used in biomedical trials on animals...or to refer to illegal organ harvesting and medical torture in humans. The word is specifically used when referring to several different kinds of unethical human experimentation, which I'm not going to go into because I would rather not be triggered this late at night. Needless to say, Norman is straight up not having a good time with whatever's been done to him, even if you ignore the shot of post-vivisection Norman looking something awful.
So what does this all mean? Literally, we see the tale of a boy running from an abusive home life into the arms of a God and a spider who transform him for their own purposes against his will. Metaphorically, it's how many religious organizations and cults treat the disenfranchised. They lure victims in with promises of safety and light that are impossible or too good to be true. But if a person is desperate enough for help, they can be made to believe anything--that your abusive father can be knocked aside with enough prayer, that your God can turn night into day. A normal church gives you shelter and lets you out at your leisure. An abusive church or a cult blackmails you into staying, by threatening your eternal soul, or your possessions, or by giving you the kiss of death from a poisonous spider named after the man who ferries you to Hades. So, if you're trapped, you stay, and cave to more and more demands, until you're hollowed out and made into the image of what they want you to be. And many people extracting themselves from this kind of abuse report gaslighting--that they were convinced by their spiritual leader that the world was against them, and that the only place it's safe to be is in the fold, away from the world and from retaliation by the people who say they love you. It's just that much easier to be drawn in if you're following in your family's footsteps.
I can't wait for the next song in this series, solely because of the angel we see at the end. They're clearly aware enough to be disturbed by what they're seeing--there's a good chance we'll see the other side of the coin, of how terrifying God and Charon can be.
But when it comes down to it, everything Norman does makes perfect sense. He looks for sanctuary, and he finds it. From his point of view, it probably didn't seem like that big of a sacrifice just to have somewhere he could call home. A twisted home it may be, but it's a home.
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emilyl-b · 4 years
9 Things Your Parents Taught You About fireinsidemusic.com
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens music that she wrote a lot more than ten years ago, the woman who came to become acknowledged only given that the piano Trainer supplied what, in hindsight, seems like an eerie glimpse of her have upcoming.
Im moving away currently to a spot so distant, wherever nobody appreciates my title, she wrote from the lyrics of the music referred to as Moving.
When she wrote that track, she was youthful and vivacious, a piano Trainer and freelance new music writer who liked Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river Appears, lengthy walks and every thing about Big apple.
On a type of beloved walks, via Central Park in the bright Solar of the June day in 1996, a homeless drifter conquer her and made an effort to rape her, leaving her clinging to lifestyle. Once the assault, the text to her track arrived legitimate. She moved away, outside of Ny city, out of her old daily life, and all but her closest buddies did not know her name. To the rest of the environment, she was — such as far more famous jogger attacked in Central Park seven years before — an nameless image of the urban nightmare. She was the piano Trainer.
Now, around the 10th anniversary of the assault, she is celebrating what appears to be her whole recovery from Mind trauma. She is forty two, married, with a little child. She's Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano Trainer, and she or he wants to explain to her story, her way.
Her physician instructed her it could just take ten years to Recuperate, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I sense my lifestyle has become redefined by Central Park, she said several times ago, her voice smooth and hopeful. Prior to park; immediately after park. Will there at any time be a time Once i dont Feel, Oh, Here is the 10th anniversary, the 11th anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch residence in the wooded subdivision in a The big apple suburb. She sat in a dining area strewn with toys, surrounded by photos of her cherubic, dim-haired 2-calendar year-aged daughter. A Steinway grand filled fifty percent the place, and at just one level she sat down and played. Her taking part in was forceful, but she seemed embarrassed to Engage in quite a lot of bars, and shrugged, rather then answering, when asked the identify from the piece. She asked that her daughter and her city not be named.
She phone calls that working day, June 4, 1996, the working day Once i was harm.
Hers was the main within a string of assaults by precisely the same man on four women over 8 days. The final victim, Evelyn Alvarez, 65, was overwhelmed to Loss of life as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleansing shop, and eventually, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to lifestyle in prison.
Nonetheless the attack on the piano Instructor may be the a person individuals seem to recollect probably the most. Portion of the fascination has to do with echoes on the 1989 assault to the Central Park jogger. But In addition, it frightened men and women in a means the attack on the jogger did not since its situation ended up so mundane.
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It did not happen in a very remote Portion of the park late in the evening, but in close proximity to a favorite playground at three inside the afternoon. It could have took place to anybody. The stress was heightened from the mystery with the piano academics id.
For three times, as law enforcement and Health professionals attempted to find out who she was, she lay in a coma in her clinic mattress, anonymous. Her parents were on trip and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Last but not least, among her students regarded a police sketch and was able to establish her while in the clinic by her fingers, since her confront was swollen beyond recognition. The law enforcement did not release her identify.
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The last thing she remembers about June four, 1996, is providing a lesson in her studio apartment on West 57th Avenue, then putting her very long hair in the ponytail and likely out for any walk. She will not keep in mind the attack, Though she has listened to the accounts from the police and prosecutors.
To me its like a actuality I realized and memorized, she mentioned. As if I ended up a student in school researching background.
She doesn't think of The person who did it. I might need been offended for any moment, although not a lot longer than that, she said. How could I be offended at John Royster? He was declared not insane, but I assume by our specifications he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her doctor at The big apple Healthcare facility-Cornell Health-related Middle, as it was known in 1996, explained to reporters that she experienced a 10 percent possibility of survival. Medical professionals experienced to get rid of her forehead bone, which was later on changed, to produce space for her swelling brain. When her mother produced a community appeal to pray for my daughter, 1000's did.
Immediately after eight times, she arrived out of a coma, very first in a very vegetative state, then in a childlike condition. As she recovered, she slept minor and talked frequently, from time to time in gibberish. I had been finding mad at folks after they didnt reply to these terms, she claimed.
Like an Alzheimers individual, she experienced small short-term memory and would forget guests once they left the room.
Around a number of months, she had to relearn ways to stroll, dress, read and write. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, frequented everyday to Perform guitar for her. He encouraged her to Engage in the piano, in opposition to the advice of her Actual physical therapists, who thought she can be disappointed by her incapacity to Participate in the best way she once experienced. Mr. Scherr performed Beatles duets along with her, actively playing the remaining-hand portion though she played the ideal.
Which was my most effective therapy, she mentioned.
In August, she moved back again property to New Jersey, along with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She visited previous haunts and known as good friends, striving to revive her shattered memory. I used to be really obsessive about remembering, she reported. Any memory reduction was to me an indication of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists considered her progress was fantastic, but her two sisters protested that she was not the deep thinker she had been.
What bothered her most was that she had missing the ability to cry, like a faucet within her brain were turned off. A person night time, nine months following she was harm, she stayed up late to watch the John Grisham Motion picture A Time to Destroy. Just following her father had long gone to mattress, she viewed a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on demo for killing two men who had raped his younger daughter.
The faucet opened, as well as tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought of my mothers and fathers, my father, and whatever they went by means of, she explained. Minor by very little, my feeling returned, my depth of mind returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went again to highschool and obtained a masters degree in music education and learning.
Not anything went very well. She and Mr. Scherr split up five years once the assault, although they remain good friends. She dated other Gentlemen, but she always advised them regarding the assault instantly — she couldn't support it, she mentioned — plus they in no way known as for a 2nd day.
We have now to search out you anyone, her Good friend David Phelps, a guitar participant, mentioned 4 many years back, before introducing her to Liam McCann, a computer technician and newbie drummer. For at the time, she did not say anything at all about the assault until she received to grasp Mr. McCann, then when she did, he admired her toughness.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who had typically frequented her at her bedside though she was in the clinic, married them in his Instances Sq. Place of work. She wore a blue costume and pearls. Whilst she was pregnant, within a burst of creativity, she and her mates recorded Even though Ended up Young, an album of childrens songs that she experienced penned prior to the attack, such as the music Shifting. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, manufactured the CD. On it, her spouse performs drums and she performs electrical piano.
Is her life as it absolutely was? Not specifically, although she is hesitant to attribute the distinctions to her injuries. Her very last two piano students still left her, with out contacting to clarify why, she reported. She has resumed taking part in classical songs, but simple items, because her daughter would not give her the perfect time to practice. As for jazz, I dont even check out, she stated.
She would want to drive additional, sensation stranded in the suburbs, but she is easily rattled. She tries to be written content with being house and caring for her daughter.
Dr. Ghajar, a medical professor of neurological operation at precisely what is now named New York-Presbyterian Healthcare facility/Weill Cornell Clinical Center, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann once the assault, said final week that her amount of Restoration was rare. Shes generally standard, he claimed.
Other gurus, who're not Individually accustomed to Ms. Kevorkian McCanns case, are more cautious.
Regaining the opportunity to Participate in the piano may possibly contain an Nearly mechanical procedure, a semiautomatic remember of exactly what the fingers have to do, explained Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of scientific rehabilitation medication at Ny University School of Medication. As soon as brain-injured, you happen to be always brain-hurt, For the remainder of your lifetime, Dr. Ben-Yishay claimed. There isn't any cure, You can find only intense compensation.
The more telling Portion of a Restoration, in his see, is psychological, and on that rating he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns relationship and boy or girl as a major victory.
For her aspect, the piano Instructor is familiar with she has altered, but she has produced her peace with it. I used to be sort of a hyper —— I dont know if I was a kind A, but I used to be bold, she claims. Why was I so formidable? I was a piano Trainer. I dont understand what the ambition was about. I really did come back to the individual Im designed to be.
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commiemoth · 7 years
mm every ask on the happy ask list :> Go
Oaky!! :3
sunflower: if there was a city that was most leik me i think itd be maybe irithyll from dark souls 3? Its not real but leik, its cold and full of knights and thats Me As Hell, and id want to go through the door but everything in the city would kill me so :/
Pink: sunsets!! Im not a morning person but i also romanticize dusk and sunsetting a lot
Freshly cut grass: im definitely not a morning person, leik ya cuz i stay up late but also i think because night fits me better
Journal: hell yeah id dye my hair!!!! Id want to die a strip of it blond or maybe the whole thing jeans gray-blue or jeans gray-purple! ,,, my jair
Painting: im creative in ways leik making music but also i think up really complex fleshed out worlds all the time and think up all the characters (and then i never write any down and i forget) and also i think a lot about stuff? Idk :P
Waves: the music i cant listen to is like modern country because a lot of the themes in it dont jive well with me, or any music that talks about stealing/winning over someone’s significant other because it makes me paranoid and awful, also some modern edm music i cant listen to because its either annoying, bad music from a person that used to make gud music (subjectively), or the songs premise is a shitty triggered joke
Writing: i never write letters because texting is a thing, but id love to write letters as long as they arent to adults or anyone because i romanticized letter writing a lot :/ if i really had a choice tho id rather spend time with someone most of the time than texting or writing to them
Waterfalls: o boy here we go!! >:3c my ideal date would start in bed at night (not in a weird way) and my significant other and i are cuddling and just in general being close to on another and i would be able to see the stars’ reflection off of their eyes, then in the morning one of us gets up and makes hot chocolate for the other, then we both get ready in warm wintery clothes leik fluffy boots, sweaters, sharing a scarf,, then we go on a walk outside in the snow and just take it all in while we hold hands and talk, then we go to either a museum where we look at all the cool bugs and exhibits or a movie that really resonates with both of us idk wat that would be, afterwards we go to dowtown frederick and shop around a bit, then we stop for dinner at a place that has sushi and kimchi noodles and is a dinner date, then we walk home as its snowing and share a kiss in the snow before going inside, then lay on the roof and watch the sun set, and then once its dark we go inside and lay in bed and fall asleep in eachothers arms
Jdjdjd thats a lot but honestly anytime i spend time with them is the best time so any date we have is guaranteed to be the best :3
Freckles: first thing in my mind that makes me happy? Ollie ollie ollie!!! Other than that maybe experiencing beautiful things leik (ollie), castles, forests, mountains, snow falling, sun sets and dusk or twilight, valleys and plains,,, that would be cool
Dimples: id rather be invited on a night out! Idk wat people on those but if i go hiking and physical exercise of basically any kind i would die :l
Blushing: the raddest person i know is ollie! They are shorter than me by a little bit but tall at heart if that makes sense, they have the fluffiest curly brown hair, they are strong and caring and kind, their eyes radiate an infectious happiness that ive never seen in anyone else, theyre features are defined but also soft and inviting looking, they act more confidently than me and are in general happy and easy to talk to, in terms of looks they are the epitome of softgoth and are visually striking (you see them and are leik “oh dam”) they are the best person i know and the way they are makes me feel safe and comfortable whenever im around them; leik im at home for the first time ever
Thats really sappy i uhhhhhhhhh am gay :/
Watercolour: anything at all really but when they infodump about the story theyre working on (or anything else) its so gud :,) or when they are really concentrated on something leik drawing!
Pink: if i could smell one smell for the rest of my life it would be the smell of hot chocolate on christmas eve morning as im waking up and playing destiny in 2016 , im dont think it want to smell it forever tho because its gud because it doesnt happen that often
Icy: homemade is nice but i suck at it so takeout!! Also you dont have to clean much for takeout
Rosè: im Shy! As! Hell! I love it honestly because i feel leik being shy is really cute? And it works well too because my significant other isnt shy!
Cloud: Novo Amor- Anchor : this makes me feel soft and warm like im being hugged slowlyBucky- Brighton (or any of the songs off his new ep) : makes me feel so so sad and calm leik melancholyLorn- Never Enough : this song makes me feel fuckin badass and is gud to jam toSYKES- Glimmer (diamond eyes remix) : this song makes me feel dancey and happy and in love!!!The Upbeats- A Place For You : this song makes me feel a whole lot emotion, probably gud hard to pinpoint, when the lady singing goes ooooOooO^^ooooooooo it gives me chills
Silk:Lorn- Never EnoughGalantis- Harder Faster BetterNero- Two MindsKrewella- Ring Of FireMadeon&Passion Pit- Pay No Mind
White sheets: i want to visit every planet in the solar system!! (Pluto to!!) i think it would be so cool to visit places so different from earth and also having different views of the stars would be cool (i wish i could be a space traveler)! Since thats probably really unrealistic ive always wanted to visit japan and see the mountains and nature and go to museums and learn about samurai, or id leik to visit somewhere with lots of castles and knights!
Black nail polish: i dont often pamper myself but id say either going to the zi pani and getting a blt on plain bagel with no tomato because its nostalgic and feels nice or, dressing in my favortie clothes my doctor who jacket and doctor who socks because theyre so comfy and make me feel better! Also hot chocolate!
Hidden beaches: i prefer to hang out one on one definitely! But sometimes a group makes it easier because it takes the pressure of off me specifically
Crossed fingers: my hair is brown, used to be black, is straight (as opposed to curly), people say its soft sometimes, swooped to the side currently, and trying to be longer in the future!
Mocktails: cold weather cold weather cold weather!! Im a soft coldboy and this is my natural habitat, cold weather almost always looks nicer/more aesthetic in my opinion and also gives me an excuse to stay inside, warm weather (not hot tho) makes me warm inside tho and helps prevent depression a little bit so its gud but i still prefer cold
Thanks for askin!! :3
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