#idc about warriors. but i do care about him <3
jaggedpeak · 1 year
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WHY would you bother with drama and angst when you can literally be a DUMB JOCK!!!!! 
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ch6sos · 2 months
random choso headcanons
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i <3 choso i <3 making odd ball headcanons so here u guys go
content warning mentions of "metabolism", social anxiety/anxiety (not bad though) + motion sickness, and this is not proofread and lowercase so if any of those Like makes you tingle please don't read this my sweet
he’s emo as hell, he listens to emo music. now he's the one i actually imagine listening to my chemical romance, pierce the veil, etc. (bc with nanami I feel like he'd listen to more 80s-90s rock music but this isn't about my first husband)
he suffers from insomnia and finds it difficult to sleep unless he has someone he cares about in the room or at least snuggling with him.
peacemaker: he is a peacemaker when it comes to his brothers.
"hey yuji, you should really share with him. "
he has an earthy aroma—he often uses colognes with earthy notes that are not overpowering (i  think he might be sensitive to strong scents).
i imagine him experiencing motion sickness. for some reason, i imagine him feeling dizzy in a car, or being unable to handle a rollercoaster without feeling extremely unwell.
would probably work at your local hot topic especially if this was set during the 2000s era where hot topic was actually catered to the alternative scene. or a tattoo shop!
several piercings. on his left ear, he has an industrial, a triple lobe piercing, and a conch— his right having a double helix piercing, a tragus, and a single lobe piercing.... and then he has an eyebrow piercing and a labret piercing :)
enjoys watching christmas movies because a lot of them are about family!
deeply family-oriented, he genuinely just wants to grow up with a family. a big one, too.
thus he may have a fear of being alone, which makes me believe that he is introverted but also genuinely afraid of ending up alone as he grows older. he values the presence of family and wants to ensure that they always surround him.
he comes across as a bit shy initially, not necessarily awkward, but it takes some time to get to know him.
still not too talkative but genuinely chill to talk to.
has a lot of accessories when he wears outfits, especially bracelets or necklaces. 
black is what you find in his closet. just black (and a couple of purples and reds but mainly black)
he be thrifting them outfit pieces too idc idc he not a shein warrior
is a bit insecure about his dark circles and markings on his face (i could imagine he still has the markings but they look more like a scar rather than what it looks like in the actual manga/anime) so he begins to cover them up with concealer sometimes.
eats a LOT of junk food and somehow doesn't gain weight. bro probably can eat a whole box of pizza with wings and doesn't even gain a pound.
he is genuinely clueless/oblivious when it comes to relationships like he doesn't know when someone's flirting with him unless they tell them straight up. and when they tell him he's like:
"...oh! me...?" because he genuinely thinks, “wow, someone likes me?!?!”
plus he would ask before initiating even after being in a relationship
“do… do you mind if i kiss you?”
“cho we’ve been dating for five months”
“oh… i’m sorry for asking… again.”
spends a lot of time on his hair !!! he has to wake up early sometimes just to do his hair. and he doesn't plan on cutting it, only trims it once in a while.
when he's home he either has it down or has it in a ponytail. he even has a silk pillowcase so it never gets frizzy.
cats or dogs— no. he likes turtles. he even has a pet turtle.
i think that he wouldn't vape or smoke the way people might expect him to. i believe he may have a weak immune system, which would make it difficult for him to engage in such activities.
socially anxious as hell bro tweaks out when he has to order at a restaurant... 
but overall he’s an anxious person, i feel like he’d suffer from anxiety a lot (as someone who has anxiety i just can tell he’d be the type to have it too)
when he dates someone he's really touchy with them because he craves physical touch. he especially enjoys when someone plays with his hair he falls asleep in a millisecond.
he loves sketching in a notebook, he loves drawing nature a lot! he likes going to the park or a forest and drawing what he sees. he also enjoys drawing people and i imagine he always draws pictures of yuji too, and he shows them to him.
tease him and his face is red, his eyes are widened, and his face is in absolute shock...
literally the sweetest guy ever; he's always looking out for everyone and makes sure everyone around him is okay
he's always cold thus needs someone to cuddle him.
is fascinated by some amphibians and watches national geographic sometimes when he knows they're going to talk about amphibians. especially frogs!
his most used app on his Black iPhone 13 Pro Max would be Spotify and he is top 0.1% listener for some underrated metal band
creative hobbies more than physical hobbies (sketching, journaling, sewing)
when he laughs it's like a silent soft chuckle, and he usually covers his mouth when he does it
gets emotional easily, especially when he receives love. for a long time, he couldn’t believe that he would ever be loved so when he is receiving affection he gets overwhelmed and tries not to cry because he thinks “how?? why me?”
he loves holding hands. he tries not to freak out but when someone holds his hands when he’s freaking out or just in general, he loves the feeling of their warm hands against his very cold ones
apologises alot even though everything is not his fault
when he’s mad he needs time to cool off especially because he gets emotional easily. he needs time to himself before calming down before discussing his emotions with someone.
speaking of emotions, i don’t think he’d be bad at expressing emotions or speaking about it, at first yes but he begins to grow better at it and plus sometimes the way he shows emotion is more impulsive and involuntary rather than on purpose
listens more than talks because he is too busy getting sidetracked by his own thoughts or he genuinely can't talk to people sometimes
he has a fidget toy because he is always fidgeting with his fingers so yuji got him a fidget toy (probably a fidget spinner) and was fascinated with it and it didn’t help it just something he distracts himself with when he doesn’t feel like being present in a conversation or just in general
cried when yuji graduated and gave him the hugest hug of his life. and i don’t mean a few tears he BAWLED he was bawling because he was so proud of his little brother.
spends time with yuji a lot sometimes more than his own friends and they always go to the arcade or mall together
yuji got him a picture frame of him and choso posing and choso cried for several days because he couldn’t believe he has such an amazing brother
learns gen z lingo just for yuji
“oh yuji! that was very w rizz of you!”
“i didn’t know you had that much aura!”
I  Love Him
Missing him come back emo king
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secretelia · 8 months
I wanted to do a HOFAS Review bc i've seen so many opinions of this book... Beware spoilers!
Okey, first of all, my rating for this book: 4.5 ⭐️ I LOVED IT!
Sorry to everyone who hated it, i just couldn't. I loved it! Even tho i do have some things to say. Let's start on the story itself (plot, writing style...):
The plot to me was good, even tho at some points a lil bit too dense. But I really enjoyed seeing how the whole story that started in book one ended. I really liked how everything was tied up and how all those things that appeared in book one actually made sense now in book three. Again, at some points it became difficult to follow, but in the end everything made sense.
Bryce and Hunt's romantic story. I love them! Bryce was a little annoying at some point, but i totally get what she was trying to say/do. It's unfair to say that she doesn't care for Hunt bc she looked past his trauma. She didn't! She was dealing with a lot of stuff and maybe her first reaction wasn't good, but she realized her mistake and just asked him to finish what he started! Plus, all of you saying they don't have a connection... Be fucking for real. Their love is so pure and so mature! They're adults navigating difficult times and it SHOWS.
Ruhn and Lidia uggggggh absolutely love them! To me, Lidia was THE character on this book. Love her development, her relationship with Ruhn and overall her character. I wished we would have had a lil bit more of Ruhn pov, tho.
Tharion i love u idc what everyone says you're my fav fish<3
I really liked that it wasn't a different pov each chapter and that it was mostly bryce's and hunt's pov. But sometimes it got weird the pov changing in the middle of the chapter, it was like "wait what?" kinda situation. But overall I enjoyed it.
The ACOTAR crossover!!!! Loved it! Love to see that Nesta and Azriel became good friends and I looooooooove to see Nesta as a warrior. So powerful! She's my baby and I'm so excited bc it looks like we're getting another acotar book for her, can't fucking wait. I would have liked a little bit more of Feyre and also I was expecting for them to go help Bryce and have an epic final battle scene with the ACOTAR characters, but i'm not mad that didn't happen.
Now, for the things i didn't like:
Ithan's pov. Sorry, it was just boring! Let it go already omg... So annoying. Plus i didn't get the whole sigrid situation. It just felt like Sarah didn't remeber she existed in CC2 and didn't know what to do with her in CC3. All that "new fendyr heir" talk over and over again just to have her killed? Don' get it! It seemed like she would be Ithan's love interest and suddenly we have another character out of the blue named perry that's being set up with him... Weird.
Ariadne? What happened to her? She left the vyper queen and poof, gone. She appears at the end to tell tharion that going back to the meat market is a stupid decision and then disappears again... Ok. It was weird.
Sathia! What happened to her? Again, it seemed like the character was bothering Sarah and she didn't know what to do with her... So she set up the whole ex situation and byebye. And Flynn didn't even think to ask where the fuck his sister was? It was just so random.
This is just a curiosity, but i realized that Bryce said Rhys looked exactly like Ruhn, but then Ember didn't say anything about it when she first met Rhys... Sarah just probs forgot but i found it weird.
That bonus chapter with nesta and ember... OMG a lot of thoughts on that. I love Nesta, but I'm mad about Rhys tearing her apart, like he just knows that feyre would have done exactly the same thing as nesta, cmon😭 Also i love Cas, even though i'm a lil mad that he always sides with rhys so boldly and i would love for nesta to address that on the next acotar book.
Overall, it was a good book and i really enjoyed it!
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epicfranb · 1 year
*pretends to be an analyst like in the mcc subreddit* okay so do i think Cyan Coyotes will win
My main point here will be to compare MCC Underdogs Purple Pandas and MCC 33 Cyan Coyotes. Obviously my brainrot causes me to involuntarily compare a team that Bdubs was on and a team that Etho is on, however there are a few parallels.
First off, the most obvious one is FireBreathMan. He's an insanely good player, he's good at movement and PvP, and he's known for being ❗ Technoblade's sensei ❗ he also used to be an MCC tester, which, while a lot has changed since then, means that he has almost as much experience as a regular MCC player; and, after being in a few actual MCC's since then, would amount to a serious amount of experience.
Secondly, from my observations, Etho and Impulse are about on the same level in general Minecraft gameplay. They both learn quickly, are able to adapt and are smart and agile players. I would compare Bdubs and Scar in terms of skill as well, being only slightly behind their partners. That would mean that Etho and Scar would be on about the same level gameplay wise as Bdubs and Impulse were, BUT impdubs were both new to MCC, while Scar ISN'T, meaning scab could potentially be even better. I don't know how well Etho and Scar play together, but they certainly get along very well. I haven't watched MCC in a while, but i remember Scar's big problem being communication (when he went silent and the rest of the team didn't know where he was, how he was doing, what was happening, etc). I can see Etho communicating fairly well, but there's also a factor of being new to a THIRTY THIRD EVENT and getting a little paralyzed and overwhelmed, which WILL be an obstacle.
Now, Scott, FBM, Etho and Scar is a strong team with a lot of potential, and a similar team from before won the event, despite having 3 new players! BUT there is a key difference... In that MCC Underdogs, in which Bdubs, Impulse, FBM and Blushie won, was an MCC that only had people that haven't won yet. This means that, on average, it had less super good very competitive players. This time it's a normal MCC, which has more competition and more players that are a big threat (Fruit, Pete, Jojo, Purpled, Punz and Sapnap on the same team?!) Teams like Red, Aqua, Blue and Purple will be BRUTAL.
Do i think Cyan will win? No. Do i think they can win? Definitely. I don't think that's very likely. But i do think they will come in top 6. I predict Etho will be in top 35. He will do well in Grid Runners and Ace Race, maybe well in Parkour Warrior, TGTTOSAWAF and Sands of Time. I could see him do well in Battle Box, Sky Battle and Parkour Tag IF HE'S LUCKY. I don't remember other games.
But idc if all of what I'm saying is wrong!! I don't care if he's great at everything or if he sucks and comes 45th in a game with 40 players!! I just want to see Etho in a new setting that's unusual for him, and to see him have fun with his friends and meet new people :D my biggest wish for this MCC? have him join a few vc's at the end, when everyone is just chatting and discussing each others performance. Or others joining his vc would also be neat. I don't see him staying on for long, but imagine Cub, False, Joel, Impulse, Philza, Captain Sparklez joining to praise him???? That would be so sweet!! Maybe people who don't participate could also join the vc since they probably have access to it wink wink Bdubs wink wink actually i also want Bdubs in Etho's chat, and Etho replying to his messages once in a while. Usually it's Etho in Bdubs's chat, so to see this get reversed???? ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY, I TELL YA. Even if Bdubs ends up being too busy, he will definitely come watch at least for a little bit. Can't wait to see Tango and Skizz and Doc and Ren and perhaps some other friends in chat too. Can't wait to see them discuss Etho's first MCC afterwards. Can't wait to just. See Etho in MCC! It's wild that it's happening!!!! People have been speculating about him joining since the first events. It's actually happening guys. I'M SO EXCITED.
Edit: so, update, Etho won't stream apparently :( but hey! At least a part of my dream will happen right :D?
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menelaiad · 1 year
Agamemnon is explicitly stated to be hot/muscular. It's in the source material. Books 2 and 3 in particular. I highly doubt being compared to the Gods meant being "chubby" or super old. The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.
And Achilles was saying things in anger in Book 1. Everyone forgets how in Book 23, Achilles pretty much retracts everything he said and claims Agamemnon is the best natural warrior which he was.
tldr; im a petty bitch
'ripped' isn't in their vocabulary?? but 'hot' and 'muscular' are? really?
that's y'alls prejudice about larger people coming through. this stupid belief that the ancient world represented 'the peak masculine alpha ideal' no????? this whole 'if man strong and can stab and have sex with woman then man must be muscley and ripped cause that make man sexy' like shut up.
it's baffling to me that you're all so heated on this. the mere thought of a human man having a tummy is sending you all west. you can't cope. a human man who consumed copious amounts of alcohol (because ancient greeks just did???) and probably had a very rich diet. having tummy??? NO. ILLEGAL.
im sorry but im cracking up over here. i couldnt care less whether people think aga has a 16-pack, that he's skinny as a twig, that he's fat, that he's not, that he's somewhere in between - idc. but your adamancy against 'slight tummy' aga. is just ..... fatphobic. and i never thought i'd type that word out being a fucking classics blog lmaooo.
i have shared so many DUMB opinions on this blog. from menelaus' teeth to odyssues' hairy feet and yet the thing that gets the most reaction from people - is agamemnon's weight.
that's what's pissing me off. everything else? whatever have your own opinion, you weird menelaus girl. but the sECOND i say why i think i character might be a lil chubby OOF ouTRAGE. IM A FOOL.
also your point is just so incredible. my issue isn't with you thinking aga was a ripped sex god crafted by aphrodite herself. it's your use of the word 'explicitly' cause aga's size (in regards to his weight) is NEVER explicitly stated ANYWHERE. so we're both just having our own opinions. but mine has got you so pressed????
i own a couple translations of the iliad. lets look at some. and see the descriptions of aga, shall we? cause i know exactly which sections you mean in book 2 and 3. contrary to your apparent belief, i have read the iliad.
we'll do book 2 first to make it all easier to follow:
“among them the lord Agamemnōn, in eyes and head like Zeus who delights in the thunderbolt, like Arēs in girth, and with the chest of Poseidōn. As one steer in a herd of cattle stands out, far above them all— the bull, distinguished among the cows assembled round it— such a one on that day Zeus rendered Atreus’s son, preeminent among many, of heroes the foremost.”
... again. nothing really? girthy??? eyes like zeus (nice)??? tall??? nothing about weight here babes.
there to go into combat, and with them was lord Agamemnon— his eyes and head like Zeus who hurls the thunderbolt, his girth like Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As when an ox stands out from all others in the herd, a bull who is preeminent among the gathered cattle, so did Zeus on that day render the son of Atreus conspicuous amid the multitude, outstanding among warriors.
pretty much the same?? gets called an 'ox' here though. ooooh
and there in the midst strode powerful Agamemnon, eyes and head like Zeus who loves the lightning, great in the girth like Ares, god of battles, broad through the chest like sea Lord Poseidon. Like a bull rising head and shoulders over the herds, a royal bull rearing over his flocks of driven cattle — so imposing was Atreus' son, so Zeus made him that day, towering over fighters, looming over armies.
just more girth stuff. that can mean his shoulders?? his chest?? his ass? bro we don't know. was aga just THICC. his cheeks always alerting the trojans???
Agamemnon's lordly mien was like the mien of Zeus whose joy is lightning; oalken-waisted as Ares, god of war, he seemed, and deep-chested as Lord Poseidon, and as a great bull in his majesty towers supreme amid a grazing herd, so on that dav Zeus made the son of Atreus tower over his host, supreme among them.
i like this one tbf. this one has got more meat on it. 'oaken waisted'. nice nice. again. i don't see oak trees are particullarly 'narrow' but hey. interpretation is what makes this field so great.
“powerful Agamemnon, with eyes and head like Zeus who delights in thunder, like Ares for girth, and with the chest of Poseidon; like some ox of the herd pre-eminent among the others, a bull, who stands conspicuous in the huddling cattle; such was the son of Atreus as Zeus made him that day, conspicuous among men, and foremost among the fighters.”
To enter battle, and Lord Agamemnon Moved among them like Zeus himself, The look in his eyes, the carriage of his head, With a torso like Ares', or like Poseidon's. Picture a bull that stands out from the herd Head and horns above the milling cattle— Zeus on that day made the son of Atreus A man who stood out from the crowd of heroes.
SEE this one we're not even talking about his LITERAL appearance but how he's holding himself. how he acts. his CONFIDENCE. cool take, stan. i like it.
“and among them was Agamemnon, his splendid eyes and head like almighty Zeus’s, his thighs like the thighs of Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As a bull stands out in a herd above all the others, sovereign among the cows as they graze in a field: just so, on that day, did Lord Zeus make Agamemnon supreme over all the warriors massed before Troy.”
LOVE the thigh mention Mitchell. nice nice.
'The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.'
bro all i'm getting is the word 'girthy'?? if you want me to be a bitch about it, that's not a word i'd put with someone who is 'ripped'. if anything, they're implying he got junk in his trunk. i truly hand on heart. cannot see anything in the book 2 translations that imply or indicate to me that he does not have a tummy. that he is rocking a six pack. WHICH IS FINE. we can play with it and form our own opinions. but you're THIS IMPLIES .... is wrong??? it doesn't imply anything dude????
all we can infer from any of the book two stuff is that he's a man who is larger than the other men around him - literally? metaphorically? we dont know. (which is all horseshit anyway cause priam later goes on to say he's a short arse which is helpful). and that he shares qualities with the gods. again, literally? metaphorically? bit of both? we. don't. know.
TIME FOR BOOK 3. the priam and helen thirst.
“and to put a name for me to that huge warrior down there, that Achaian leader, of such stature and so strong: others there may be taller still by a head, and yet so fine a man have I never set eyes on, nor one so majestic in bearing—he looks to be of royal blood.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
tell me the name of this gigantic man, who is this Achaean man, good and great? To be sure there are other men even greater in height, but I have never beheld with my eyes a man so handsome, nor so majestic; for he seems a kingly man. helen later calls him a 'powerful spear-warrior'
“ tell me the name of that tremendous fighter. Look, who's that Achaean there, so stark and grand? Many others afield are much taller, true, but I have never yet set eyes on one so regal, so majestic . . . That man must be a king!” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
Come, tell me who the big man is out there, who is that powerful figure? Other men are taller, but I never saw a soldier clean-cut as he, as royal in his bearing: he seems a kingly man. helen later calls his a 'formidable warrior'
“You could tell me the name of this man who is so tremendous; who is this Achaian man of power and stature? Though in truth there are others taller by a head than he is, yet these eyes have never yet looked on a man so splendid nor so lordly as this: such a man might well be royal.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearfighter'
Now tell me, who is that enormous man Towering over the Greek troops, handsome, Well-built? I've never laid eyes on such A fine figure of a man. He looks like a king. helen later calls him a 'strong warrior'
“Tell me now, what is the name of that splendid man who is standing down there, so powerful and so tall. To be sure, there are other men who are even taller, but never before have I seen a man so majestic, so splendid in form and bearing. He must be a king.” helen later calls him a 'mighty soldier'
again. in all of these - nothing. all that's consistent is that he's not the tallest man at troy. which means ..... very little ASDFGHJK. there is Nothing concrete here. nothing that points us more one way than it does the other.
ultimately, dude, what we've got is.... nothing. nothing concrete. nothing definitive. i can't say you're wrong and you can't say i'm wrong.
i saw the phrase 'wine sack' and interpreted it my way and you saw it and interpreted it differently. but books 2 and 3 certainly don't back either of us up more definitively.
and in regards to his age. same thing. you can't say i'm wrong and i can't say you're wrong. but i've explained my reasonings for aga's age using sources HERE
idk man. if you're looking for an EXPLICITLY YOUNG CHISELED ABS LEGEND MALE CHARACTER. look elsewhere.
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ash4prez · 1 year
because absolutely NOBODY asked, here’s a list of my top ten favourite warriors characters (SO FAR)
a lot of you are gonna hate me for not including/including certain characters tbh but this is just my opinion
Disclaimer: I’m on Book 1 of Power of Three currently, so these characters are mostly comprised of those from TBP and TNP. i’ll probably make an updated list at some point in the future, but for now this is how it stands:
#10–Longtail. He’s just a good guy tbh. From being a meanie at the start, to choosing not to leave Thunderclan with Dark and Tiger, to being forced into early retirement but taking it like a champ, this guy has just come to be one of my favourite cattos in the series.
#9–Mousefur. The icon, the legend. She’s literally unfiltered and completely rude to everyone without even giving a shit. She’s shown to be very opinionated and headstrong, but also displays a caring side when it comes to Longtail’s blindness. 10/10 character for me.
#8—Ravenpaw. Is there anyone out there who actually dislikes this guy? I genuinely think he is the most chill cinnamon roll ever. He just wants to vibe with his husband in a barn and maybe warn firestar about important stuff sometimes. Even tho he’s a loner, he respects the warrior code and understands the clan ways. He’s just so awesome and i love him.
#7—Stonefur. Yeah yeah i know we only really knew him for a few books, but I just really liked his character. He was really brave and noble, loyal to his clan, generally a good guy. His death was so sad and honestly just the fact that he went down fighting made me respect him even more.
#6—Sorreltail. Omg idk why i like her so much. Just when she was a new warrior and was best buddies with Leafpool made me so happy, and then for her to become mates with Brackenfur (more on him later—) was just a very good ship for me. I just think Sorreltail is cool and generally a nice cat.
#5—Dustpelt. The biggest G in the entire clan. Honestly Dustyboi is so awesome and i love him so much. Like at first i really didn’t like him, what with the way he was rude to Fire and generally an unpleasant guy, but he got so much better and now i stan him.
#4—Tallstar. OK ALRIGHT SETTLE DOWN, hear me out. Reason number one why i love him is that he’s gay and cute with Jake and we love that for him. Reason number two is that he’s actually a decent guy and isn’t passive aggressive and weird like the other leaders are, he just wants to vibe on with his clan and be chill with everyone. Idk i grew very attached to Tallstar throughout the first two series.
#3—Brackenfur. AHHHH where to start with Brackenfur. He’s just an amazing guy honestly. Like he’s chill, gets along with everyone, but also very brave and noble in the sense that he would literally die for his clan. I usually get very attached to the vanilla side characters who have no real plotlines so this is very expected of me, i just really love brackenfur and his character.
#2—Cinderpelt. Not a DAY GOES BY where i don’t cry over her tragic death and the mountains of wasted potential. Fricking Starclan really had to reincarnate her? What was the point of killing her? Ik it probably had something to do with Leafpool being ✨ special ✨ and the only medicine cat, but come on man. Just look at cinder. Look at how cool and awesome she is.
#1—The most amazing cat ever to be seen, my guy WHITESTORM!!! Honestly come at me for not putting greystripe or squilf in here, idc. Whitestorm for me is an example of what a warrior cat SHOULD be. He was smart, brave, loyal, trustworthy, chill…he literally had no flaws. Like what did man ever do that was controversial? I cant think of anything, i mean correct me if i’m wrong. I just stan Whitestorm and wish he’d been leader istg.
Thanks for reading this ridiculously long rant lol
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netherfeildren · 1 year
hi vic, im a casual mandalorian watcher so please yell at me if this is a stupid q but why did so many people not like season 3? and is din’s first name really djarin or did i get that wrong 🙃 (probably)
hello love! i love nothing more than talking about the mandalorian and the show’s connotation in the larger star wars universe so please ask away
i cannot speak for everyone but i will tell u why i personally did not enjoy it at all which was mostly the complete change in tone. now this is ME i’m talking about there were a lot of grievances about the season mostly that din was entirely sidelined throughout and basically relegated to a background character and lowkey turned into canon fodder imo in order to propel other characters to the forefront for the general audience which i feel was nothing more than a marketing strategy to later introduce new shows, movies etc. basically they turned the season into a stepping stone for what is now being called the “mandoverse” which will supposedly include a movie or some bullshit
honestly my gripe with it was not the new characters, i really like bo katan and her story and i wouldn’t have minded her taking center stage as much as i did if the tone of the show hadn’t so drastically changed. it jist literally felt like an entirely different thing we were watching - nothing to do with the series we’d previously seen, and what i loved about s1&2 and what i think a lot of people loved was the gun slinger / lone ranger father figure western vibes it originally boasted. it was somehow quintessentially star wars and also entirely far removed from the larger canon and it was just this story about this warrior and a little weird baby. all of that was entirely lost in season 3 in my opinion. it was no longer din and grogu’s story but merely a connection to the larger canonverse — the very thing that made it special for not doing at its conception
and i don’t even fkn know about his name HAHA so when they baptize grogu as a mandalorian or whatever the fuck they do at the end of the season they call him “din grogu” as he’s part of din djarin’s clan so everyone just assumed that meant din was not din’s first name and actually his surname and that djarin is his name name or whatever but i’m choosing to ignore that entirely idc what they meant and whatever they did mean is WRONG and what i think is RIGHT and that’s all i care about. his name is din and my character will be calling him din and that’s that on that !
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xxmidnightmochaxx · 6 months
Uhhh more formal intro ig lessgooo!!!
(Sorry if some of this makes no sense I didn't sleep all night and I'm writing this before I probaly take a nap)
🐾I go by midnight, rilu or ghost but midnight is my main name and I've used that for years so I'd prefer if you call me that:)
🐾my pronouns are NOT he/him/they or just he/him, I will make acceptions if you talk to me about it if you struggle with using specific pronouns I use, but if you need examples ill give you that too. Please do not use he/him/they or he/him on me without asking me first, I understand some people struggle using xeno/neopronouns, I will not be rude if you don't understand how to use them.
🐾Also just in general I don't care what you call me. I use anything except for she/her or anything with those two in it, and I don't use he/him/they, but again talk to me I can make an acception. The pronouns I have down for me are just my preferred ones.
🐾cat dad of two
🐾some Fandoms I'm in:Ghost, BATIM, FNAF, tattletail, dying light, TWD, COD, warrior cats, hazbin/helluva boss, resident evil, and more I js cannot think of em atm lol
🐾If you dm/message me please tell me why/be paitent, I suck at replying/forget+I am slightly socially anxious/shy asf. Lol
🐾My account is strictly 15+, unless your a underage friend and I gave you permission to follow me, if you are under 15 I'm sorry you gotta go. This is only because sometimes I will post stuff/reblog stuff that isn't exactly appropriate.(ex:gore) and also I swear. Alot..😶
🐾I am greyromantic/acespike and polyamorus with the partner limit of 3-4. I am dating two people atm, no, I will not date you if we just met. It takes me a bit to actully like someone. And by a bit I mean probaly longer than a "normal" person. Keep this in mind.
🐾Genders:Transmascagender, catgender, femboy.(yes ik it might make no sense but like it's what labels me best I'm sorry)
🐾My discord incase u wanna be friends: xxch3rr1_cxndy_bl00dxx
🐾keep in mind if you DO add me on discord, please let me know it's you if we have interacted before
🐾I will mirror your energy/treat you how you treat me. So if your being a dick don't complain I'm being one back, your asking for it mf.
🐾I'm otherkin and a furry :d
🐾I am a satanist. Do not force your religion on me. I will block you.
🐾 my account is mainly a safespace for almost everyone minus most people. Let's keep it that way.
🐾xenogender users
🐾lgbtq+ people
🐾ppl who are 15 and over(unless I make a acception)
🐾warrior cats fans
🐾hazbin/helluva fans
🐾People who have the same interests as me
🐾animal lovers
🐾recovering zoos/necrophiles(your on very thin ice though)
🐾Kinda almost everyone really, I don't really care as long as your 15 and over and respectful and not problematic.
🐾Do not interact🐾:
🐾people who are friends of someone named soldier fox(I do not want to talk about the drama that happaned, he did shit and drama happaned. It was like 3 years ago or some fucking shit. Leave it be and hop off my dick about it. Me and him have settled things, but I dont trust his friends to not come after me.)
🐾transphobes, homophobes, ableists, necrophiles, zoophiles, pedophiles.
🐾toxic christians/toxic people in general.
🐾others who force there religion on others.
🐾bigots in general really.
🐾people who are under 15 following this acc unless I gave you permission. But even I'll get out rules for you on what you can and can't do.
🐾People who kin problematic characters unless it's like- idfk like the silly side of them then idc. But if it's the problematic side fuck no get out(ex;valentino from hazbin hotel)
🐾catnap x dogday shippers(catnap is a 8 year old from what ik)
🐾catnap simps(again, that's a 8 year old from what ik)
🐾Anthonyscluster, zeke, and pikkletv. As much as I don't hate anthonyscluster as much as I do send and pikkletv, it does not mean I want them on my profile. I don't care if they want to appologize, I do NOT believe they will genuinely mean it.
🐾Boundries/can and cants🐾:
🐾yes:Jokingly flirting with me if we aren't dating, drawing my ocs/characters, asking to be friends(I will more than likely say yes), asking about art trades(never done one tho so you'd needa explain I'm sorry), using tonetags(I need them), asking to take info off of ocs of mine(as long as it's small depending on the oc)
🐾Ehhh:/srs flirting if we aren't together, being overly sexual with me, being an asshole, making certain jokes if it's coping or smth(I do it too js be sure to warn me pls)
🐾No/blocked:taking heavy inspo/taking my ocs, tracing my art/claiming my art as yours(HEAVY on tracing without permission too. If you have my permission to trace, at least give credit please/try and alter it a bit.), not respecting Pronouns, idk I can't think of anymore rn
Uhh yeah can't think of anymore rn so yeah hope u enjoyed reading this have a cat meme
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ceoofmetagala · 2 years
Ayo i wanna hear about your heroes of yore 😳😳 pls ramble about them
Okay my heros of yore... They are all besties (omg no way!!( And here's all of them with foods i can find of them because i don't have my tablet on me to have a full colored price of all 4 💔💔
First flora!
I draw flora the most because I'm isnane for them ..here's a few of em. (Fetruinh everyone else )
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I made a while ramble thread abt what happened to them post Galcta sealing -
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Tldr-Baislcly, after All 3 of their friends eieter die or get bainshed it's so sad it decides to fuck off into it's own dimesnion in which it stills sleeps and it's been sleeping tehre for so long it believed this dream to be real and the dream they're in eveyones alive and it's very caryon like, pink and flowers. Very fun👍👍
Before that flora is very much with Galcta the extroverts and they intrect with people slot, flora slot more being doctor healmore and being a healer ( a very good one at that!) They've focoud so much on helsing slot of common traits for "fecto" doeiced to have are very weak such as demisonal travel.
They're very good frineds with everyone and very attached to all of them so you can imagine their intial sadness at Galcta being sealed. But like everyone else was convinced galacta committed down horirble crime (he didn't !!! All he did was be good at his job💔) and felt better abt it saying i can't believe galacta would do such horirble crimes...
Then steallr and bami argure and then bami died one way or another as he's just a waddledee 💔 (vine boom) flora sad again . And BAM stellar and them have to separate because magic anceints are banned including it because it is magical lol.... And flora decides best course of action is to fuck off to hide in it's dreams but not before saying bye to steallr. Form tehre that previsuoly mentioned thing happens!!!
Now onto bami and stellar ! First bami who has more impact in the game stuffz
Here he is firstly - ( outdated ish refrence I'm just grabbing these quick from my art tag on twitter(
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Huh I wonder what's that next to him....WIST IS THAT THE WANNING MOON MASK- (which one did dedede wear in kirby fighters 2 again??)
But yeah the reason those masks in fighters 2 are haunted..... Well..guess who!! Bami restless and battle hungry soul since he died in battle WNATS blood. So he does the mask in hopes of getting more body's in his body count.
The other make is only haunted by his wife. No decided deisgn for her though. I just know he has a wife.
Somehow he posses both masks and his wife is fine but he's poessing both. Masks making them both cursed!
Bami before ALL if that
Bami is the hammer lord of course. Or as i say ,
I know wham bam jewel is a thing but idc 🙄
So yeah. You can imagine . He's incredibly buff ..
Bami was very... attention seeking...yeah that's the word i think maybe?? Wanting more attention and recognition for his stregnth then he was already getting becusde he's very full of himself because (points at his name he slash says when going in battle , yes he does indeed proudly yell LORD WHAM BAM BAMI!)
Bamis reaction to galacta imprisonment was (vine boom) holy shit!! ANWYSS less comepettion to be the greatest warrior! ( Don't tell him he's not considerd the greatest warrior and it is tsill galacta knight)
Now stellar!
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He's the og i always had him in my intrial drafts for heros of yore so he's always been tehte!
His perosnitly changed quite a bit too ! At first he was intended as old man who cared (poorely may i add!) for gala , then i made him younger and a hero of yore. But evil .
Then he's still evil but like silly at the same time..you know????
Enough concept drafting process with ocs! ( I'm not dumping how much i think abt making ocs as good enough for me as posisble)
Stellar is the beam mage ! As such he does magic !
He's very talented in magic as you exocet! He can even stop time(only if he slams balls of magic into you enough though...) ! (Also his outfits based off the celestial beam mage gear, my personal favriote gear which, fun fact! Also inspired my marxolor fankid, choas future degsin ! Lolz.)
Yeah he's evil silly 👍 he does evil sillys on accidient
Reaction to gala being sealed - damn this mf really blew up planets ? Relay? Didn't we all do that then why only him!!??
Yeah!!! Galacta hero do yore fun as well :)
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Ignore my outdated desgin z. I don't have anything else on this crusty phone !! And can't even take photos since it's almost 11 and i need take tests tomorrow but idc! I'm very imprntly acting normal abt heros of yore right now!!)
My hc is gala is trans so at the time of anceints everyone sees him as a female.! Only his besties know he's not in fcat a girl but a boy! ( Bami is prbly is the HER PROUNOUNS ARE HE/HIM !! kinda guy /hj )
He was defs closest with flora! The 2 just liked talking shit together and being extroverts tiegther so get on well!
Bami he respected and views as someone he wants to challenge to battle everyday !
Stellar he thought was a lil strange and wacky but warmed up to him!
But wait there's more! Welcome to galactas love life where I - (bonked on head)
I think this is long enough as is so i might talk Abt galctas intertsing love life outside of meta knight because he can pull more than meta knight if he wants to 👍👍
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igneouswyvern · 1 year
I'm boutta go full crack mode because I have characters I need to headcanon-dump even though literally no one on this blue planet gives a flying fuck about them (it's Ys Memories of Celceta characters btw. if you care)
Putting this under the cut because this is about to get LONG. And bc I'm embarrassed. If actual Ys fans see this im going to crawl into a hole and die
Ok so I'm talking about these motherfuckers.
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(Lefance (top) Eldeel (bottom)
(As I do this I'm looking at these two like. I haven't looked at pictures of them from the game in so fucking long. My headcanons have gotten so far away from canon that I completely forgot what these bitches look like in canon im so sorry)
(Also gonna preface this with: absolutely none of what I'm about to say here is canon. If it is I'll tell you. This all came from the recesses of my mind. I'm completely insane. Half of this is probably completely ooc anyways. But idrc at this point my headcanons are canon in my heart. so here we go)
Starting off with Lefance because he's easiest. So for those of you who don't know he's the king of an ancient kingdom called Celceta (hey that's the name of the game isn't that crazy haha). That's like all they tell us in canon. As for my personal headcanons. Well. So Lefance grew up with a mother, a father, and a sister who's either his twin or like 2 years younger than him, idk. She's probably younger he has big brother energy. But anyways Lefance's father was. A fucking terrible king. He was an absolute coward, he had a million guards protecting him and feared for his life. He also was just always at war, like nearly constantly. The kingdom of Celceta is landlocked (I don't think this is canon but idc) and EVERYONE wants to get that bit of land Lefance's dad owns. The king obviously wants to keep it because duh, so he's having to play defense from all sides, so yeah they're constantly at war. Lefance's father would never set FOOT on the battlefield. His mother, however, is uh. Yeah she's a warrior. Completely unrealistic for the times but I don't care it's my headcanon I can do what I want. So basically Lefance's mother is always out on the battlefield defending her kingdom. She got that patriotism. As for Lefance and his sister, they had a pretty normal beginning of their lives, they were super close and did everything together. Normal stuff.
NOW'S the fun stuff, cause my man has trauma. So basically one of the neighboring kingdoms sent out an assassin to take out the king and/or his children. At the time, 9 year old Lefance and his sister were out messing around near the castle walls, maybe wandering a bit too far, when all of a sudden this assassin comes into the scene. Before Lefance can think he's running screaming towards the castle from the evil man with a knife. He's about halfway through the gate when he hears the agonized scream of his 7 year old sister, and he turns around just in time to see the assassin pulling his knife out of her chest. By this point some guards have come running and pull Lefance to safety, but there's no saving his sister. She's been killed, through and through.
This is super important because he learns a few things that day. 1, if he'd had a sword on him at the time, and had known how to wield it, he could have stopped that assassin before his sister died (unrealistic but he was 9 of course he came to that conclusion). 2, if he hadn't run instantly at the sight of danger, he might have been able to pull her with him and save her life. 3, if his dad wasn't constantly making enemies with all these countries, no assassin would have come in the first place. So little Lefance makes a couple of vows to himself. He vows to be at peace with all the countries around him when he becomes king. And he vows to never run in the face of danger, especially when there's another person in danger as well. Third, he vows to learn how to wield a sword, so he can carry one with him at all times and be ready to defend the people he loves. So he asks his mother to train him up in the sword, and he becomes quite good at it.
Fast forward a bit, when Lefance is 23, his mother ends up dying on the battlefield (truly, it was about time she was always on the front lines lmao). 5 years later, Lefance's father dies of a mysterious illness that physicians claim was brought on by grief, and Lefance inherits the throne at 28.
Lefance ends up being a great ruler. He immediately forms peace treaties with the surrounding nations and halts their wars. And on the rare occasion someone does try to pick a fight, he stands on the front lines of the battlefield, ready to defend his people with his dying breath. In peace time, he's like, the most unrealistically good king of all time. He knows the name of every one of his citizens and checks up with them regularly. He gives out money whenever someone is struggling. Adults love him. Children love him. He's just an amazing guy tbh. He wouldn't even have a castle if he hadn't inherited it, he would have been perfectly content in a humble cottage. All of his guards are paid well and he personally covers any medical costs if they get injured. He has death funds set aside for their families if they die. He has a personal maid who only works there because she wants to. She gets paid a lot and has vacation days and medical leave. Also unrelated but she has a wife, no it's not realistic for there to have been perfectly approved gay marriage in this time period, no I do not care in the slightest.
Personality-wise, this guy is like, the most protagonist man of all time (funnily enough he's the side-est of side characters in the game itself). He's strong in battle but doesn't like picking fights, he loves exploring and discovering things just for the thrill of it. He's a complete extrovert. Also he has ADHD canon and real. He's fidgety and he has executive dysfunction and he cannot for the life of him keep track of any of his belongings (that's what his maid is for). He's terrible with social cues and oblivious as fuck. Also he's like, hyperfixated as FUCK on like, war machinery and weapons. Yes, even though he's a pacifist. He loves all the mechanisms and engineering that goes into making trebuchets and forging swords, but he hates that they're used to kill people. Very funny stuff. (Yeah. Yeah I know looking at his fucking grim ass expression in that portrait up there makes everything I've said here really hard to believe but just trust me here.)
All right now we've gotta talk about the other guy up there, Eldeel. As for the canon stuff, Eldeel is an immortal god who was around way back in Lefance's time and is still alive by the time Celceta happens like, 10,000 something years in the future. A FEW things I will say here are canon but pretty much everything else is completely made up.
So I'm not going to come up with theories as to how a god spawned into existence, but I like to think he started out not as a baby but kind of as a young child, and had to grow and mature like a human for a bit. I think maybe he wound up in the woods somewhere, and maybe a kind human mother happened to stumble upon him, and despite his angel wings and his clear unusual knowledge and maturity for a 6 year old, she decided to have compassion on him and take him in as one of her own children. And Eldeel always knew he was different, he had plenty of evidence to that, but he still managed to end up with a decently normal life for a bit there. He made friends, got older, got into trade, and learned to make money. And maybe he didn't really need food in the way his siblings did, and maybe he happened to have a pair of wings, and maybe he had a lot of knowledge about the world from an unknown source, but he was able to enjoy life.
And then his siblings started to age, started to get wrinkles and grey hairs, started to become more feeble, while he stayed young and handsome. And maybe he had to experience death for the first time when his mother died, and then again and again as each of his siblings passed away, until he was the only one left of their family. And maybe he stuck around with his siblings' kids and their kids for a little while, but maybe they passed away too. And still, Eldeel was here, just as young, just as healthy. And let me tell you, my man's got some BAGGAGE from all of this. The pain of desperately wanted to make connections with humans, but knowing all the while that it'll never last. That their time will come sooner or later, and there's nothing you can do about it. Watching each person you ever cared about age and die while you stay ever the same. So finally, after a couple hundred years, Eldeel decides he can't take this anymore. So he decides he's never going to get that close to a human being ever again. Maybe he'll interact with them on occasion, whenever necessary, but he can't build that emotional connection anymore. He can't let himself get hurt.
So he pulls away almost entirely. He has an insatiable curiosity surrounding everything humans do, but this time he keeps his distance. He watches them from afar, never getting close enough to really know them. And it's during this time that he starts to explore what his purpose might be, because I don't think whatever being higher in the pecking order than him decided to place him on this earth was merciful enough to give him any sort of guidance whatsoever. So he takes the two things he's interested in--designing and creating fancy contraptions, and caring about human affairs--and mashes them together, when he first designs some really cool invention. Like a lightbulb, maybe. And he shows it to a particular human he happened to have met once. And this human starts putting lightbulbs everywhere, every street lamp and every house has a lightbulb in it now. And Eldeel realizes he has the power to affect the course of history, through his inventions. And an invention, revealed at the right time to the right human, can give them just the right nudge they need to go in a particular direction. (And this is all I'm going to go on about the topic of Eldeel's purpose, mostly because I don't remember a lot of the lore of Celceta at this point in time.)
Now, fast forward a bit of time. Eldeel is 412 years old, and Lefance is 35. Eldeel recognizes Lefance as one of those humans who has the power to change history in some way, if given the right nudge, so he starts forming a connection. A non-emotional one, of course. But maybe, something about Lefance catches him off guard. Something in his cheery disposition, his excited nature, his kind spirit. And before he knows it, Eldeel is giving Lefance a complete tour of his hut, showing him all the fascinating human books he's collected over the years and read hundreds of times. Showing him the blueprints for all his latest inventions. Rambling on about his obsession with human culture. And maybe Lefance is a lot more interested than Eldeel was expecting. Maybe he actually cares about the things Eldeel cares about. And maybe Eldeel realizes Lefance's hyperfixation on weaponry and such, and starts showing him all the books in his collection. And maybe, after a while, he looks less at the books and more at Lefance. And maybe he invites Lefance to come back again. And again. And maybe they get to talking about the ethics of war, and keep talking late into the night. And maybe they move on to more personal topics, and maybe they share a little bit more about themselves and their personal struggles than they ever meant to. And maybe when Eldeel hears about Lefance getting into a battle and getting hurt, he rushes to the castle a little bit too quickly. And maybe, just maybe, they confess their undying love to each other under the moonlight out on the castle balcony.
I don't know what happens next, really. I doubt they get formally married, but I do think they start referring to each other as husbands somewhere along the road. And I'm not sure what to do with the fact that Lefance canonically has direct descendants. Maybe he tried out a relationship with a woman somewhere in here and wound up with a kid, even if the rest didn't work out. Maybe he adopted an orphaned kid and publicly declared them his own flesh and blood and the official heir to the throne, and the fact that they aren't actually blood related got lost to the history books. I don't really know.
Somewhere along the way the canon events from Celceta happen. I'm not really sure how it all shakes up (mostly because I forgot it's been a hot second) but somewhere along the way Eldeel winds up getting corrupted. And Lefance is the only one who can save him. Gay real and canon
And then, Eldeel begins to remember why he avoided forming such direct bonds with humans to begin with, as Lefance becomes ill with what seems to be an incurable sickness. (in canon, his ghost portrait is the exact same age as his living portrait from the memories, so I am choosing to interpret that as "he died from something other than old age," although it honestly would work a lot better if he did just die from old age.) And Eldeel tears his hut apart looking everywhere for a book that might possibly document this illness. He journeys all over the place trying to find a physician who will heal his husband. He even starts looking for books trying to answer questions like "how to make someone immortal" and "how to become mortal and go to the afterlife." Anything to be with his beloved. But nothing turns up. And he becomes more and more desperate, as Lefance becomes sicker and sicker. Until finally, Lefance draws his final breath. Eldeel weeps by his bedside for days. It's not like he has anything better to do. When you're 427, you can afford to take extra time to process grief.
And now Eldeel has truly learned his lesson. He'll never bond with another human ever again. And it's not nearly so hard now, because no human could ever be what Lefance was to him. He distances himself completely, and spends the next 9,000 something years doing what he did before Lefance, and fulfilling his higher-power-given duty. But eventually, Lefance's direct descendant Leeza becomes his personal attendant in the events of Celceta, which I must imagine was a blow to the gut. And then, Eldeel starts to become corrupted again, because idk, and apparently because his husband is the only one who can save him Lefance's ghost comes back to help Adol get Eldeel to come back to himself. And I imagine they share a sweet moment before Lefance gets teleported back to the afterlife where he's supposed to be. And Eldeel once again considers if there's any possible way he can die or otherwise go to the afterlife, because as much as he loves humans, he'll give up everything just to be with his husband for all of eternity. But the curse of immortality remains strong, and there is nothing Eldeel can do.
OK WALLPOST OVER. I'm on crack im so sorry im completely insane. I have so many thoughts about these two. And this isn't even getting STARTED on the details of their developing relationship OR how Lefance's trauma comes into play with their relationship. My only evidence for them being together is that they are shown to have been close friends back in the days of the kingdom of Celceta and well. Neither of them had a lady friend. Meaning of course, they gay [sunglasses] yeah. Yeah idk what else to say. Who give a shit about the actual main characters of the game who exist in the present day. All I care about is one random ship involving two characters whose interactions are very brief and completely platonic. And also creating entire intricate backstories for both of them. Because I'm clinically insane of course. But uh yeah. *throws this post at you* if you read this far im proud of you. and also highly embarrassed. Ok it's 2am im going to go ahead and sleep now
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So anyways, here’s my list that absolutely nobody asked for of the least hot to the most hot Disney prince
10. Prince Charming (Prince Henry according to Disney Wiki) (Cinderella, 1950)
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He is called Prince "Charming", but there is nothing about him that's charming in the slightest. The 2007 direct-to-video sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time did redeem him a little by making him more humorous and interesting, but still, he isn't that hot to me.
9. The Prince (again, Prince Florian according to Disney Wiki) (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937)
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Yeah, this prince ends up pretty low in my list because he just wasn't interesting at all and his physical attractiveness couldn't be appreciated at all mostly due to the limitations the animators had animating him. Besides, when you take close-up look at him, he looks like he's wearing makeup, which is just a no for me, I don't care what anybody says. I like "One Song", though.
8. John Smith (Pocahontas, 1995)
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I can't stress enough just how John Smith is one of my least favorite Disney men, which is partially why he is so low in my list. He is not an ugly dude by any means, objectively speaking, so I get why Pocahontas would be attracted to him on a physical level (I wish she had gone for Kocoum, tho), but Idk man, he just doesn't grab me at all.
7. Prince Adam, A.K.A. The Beast (Beauty and the Beast, 1991)
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Okay, many people have joked about the Beast version of Prince Adam being hotter than his human version, and they are right but to an EXTENT only. Still, I think Adam is pretty darn good-looking, even with his ginger hair (only few guys rock ginger hair, don't @ me). Unfortunately, we have yet to see enough of his human side, which I think would be a very interesting outlook on his character. I'd love to see how he would cope with the trauma of having been cursed to be a beast and living with that for a decade (and when he was a child, A CHILD!!!!). With all that being said, Adam is kind of hot but not hot, HOT like the ones I'mma mention later.
6. Li Shang (Mulan, 1998)
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Ah, yes, my guy Li Shang is one of the hottest military men we have seen in animation. Over the years, I never cared for Shang that much, and even though he is technically not in my top 5 of hottest Disney™ men, I won't deny he is very attractive and looks fantastic (and realistic, might I add) shirtless. The fact that he's a little shy with Mulan in the end of the film, in spite of him being a whole warrior, adds points to his hotness, imo! In this house, we love and respect Li Shang.
5. Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty, 1959)
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Out of the trio of the classic Disney princes, Phillip is definitely the one that's the most interesting, attractive and charming. He might be lacking a little when compared to other latter heroes in terms of character development, but Idc, he deserves credit for being the first Disney prince that actually had a personality, was charismatic and active in the rescue of his lady, something the first two didn't do yet get an unfair amount of credit for it. I find Phillip to be quite hot and charming, which is why he ends up high in this list, something I usually don't see in others's lists of hot Disney men, and I think that's an injustice. Give my guy Phillip more credit!
4. Flynn Rider, A.K.A. Eugene Fitzherbert and Prince Horace (Tangled, 2010)
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Of course Flynn had to be high because he's, well, Flynn Ryder and you can't debate that. There is no doubt that Flynn is one of the most interesting, charismatic and funniest men in Disney canon. This dude is pure gold, and he is incredibly hot and charming, which is a very nice plus. What else can I say? He's just that sexy. I believe Flynn would have been even hotter in 2D because traditional animation just has something about that that makes someone a hunk or a gorgeous woman.
3. Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog, 2009)
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Prince Naveen might have been a typical arrogant womanizer at the beginning of the film, but let’s be real, can you really deny his incredible hotness? Naveen is a hunk, and Tiana definitely won in life by not only opening her own restaurant, but also by getting a man like him. Naveen learnt his lesson in the end and was willing to do anything for his lady in the end, which earns him extra points for hotness, imo. I love Naveen and he is definitely one of my favorite Disney men (and one of the most underrated, if I say so myself).
2. Aladdin (Aladdin, 1992)
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Aladdin was and still is a hunk, no matter how many years pass by. There's something about dark hair, thick eyebrows and a nice smile in a man that's just! so! appealing! Aladdin was drawn to look like a teen heartthrob (I mean, he was inspired by Tom Cruise. Let that tell you something), and he is still swooned over after all these years (almost 30). Aladdin is one of the most attractive Disney men not only for his looks and physique, but also for him charisma, personality and bravery, which is a great plus for anybody, really. Anyone who doesn't think Aladdin is hot needs to gets their eyeballs checked. Just look at my man <3
1. Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid, 1989)
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And last, but certainly not least, we got Prince Eric. Prince Eric usually ends up very high in the hot/sexy Disney male characters lists, and for a very good reason. Eric is undoubtedly the sexiest, most charming (10x more charming than actual Prince Charming ever was) and most handsome prince Disney has ever given us. When I began watching The Little Mermaid, I just developed a crush on Prince Eric because he is just so attractive. I love his smile, his captivating eyes, his black hair and thick eyebrows. Now, when it comes to character development, he is, of course, not necessarily a top 3 character, but he sure is far more interesting and charismatic than the princes that came before him. The fact that he was a dog-lover and was willing to sacrifice himself for his lady is a giant plus. Eric isn't just a hunk, he is the definition of a hunk, and y'all can't debate me on this! Eric is my favorite Disney prince and I just love him so much because he is just so nice, loving, loves sailing and is an overall selfless guy. Eric is so cute and hot at the same time <<<333
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queenofnohr · 2 years
“this game will put words into your character’s mouth as if emet-selch is the most tragic character ever, but won’t let you say one good thing about Zenos”
maybe it’s because there’s nothing good to say about Zenos
and I don’t mean that in a mean way because I do like Zenos and I do, like, recognize the tragedy of his situation but also like
while you’re free to make up anything about your WoL you like
the only canonical interactions you have with Zenos are him wanting to fight you, projecting his feelings onto you without caring if they’re actually true or not, and body-snatching you. sure he helped you out at the end of EW and you can like infer meaning and shit but also to your WoL he came to be rewarded with a fight
like whatever your personal feelings toward emet-selch are, your WoL did have like. actual interactions with him. like for one thing he only tried to fight you one (1) time. 2 you saw a monument to his grief in the form of a whole entire location you can walk around in. 3 you spent time with him before he absolutely lost track of his morals and ideals because of said grief over losing his entire world (non-figuratively speaking). 4 he’s helped you multiple times (warrior of light trial, literally everything in elpis, when you summon him & Hyth in ultima thule, I had one more I feel but tbh I forget so whatever idc enough) without any gain for himself
like. you, personally, don’t have to like emet-selch & u can be the biggest Zenos stan in the world and still like. Acknowledge there is precedent for thinking kindly upon one and perhaps not so much precedent for the other within the information that your WoL would canonically know within the bounds of the game.
it’s just a stupid comparison to make like you can be mad for your fav without making it into a whole like……. Thing
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about Crane and Poe's relationship? Like friends or whatever you choose?
I absolutely love the way you style your headcanons by the way!
Platonic >>> romantic
Just my opinion btw feel free to disagree
Also tysm, always happy to hear people enjoy my content <3!
They have the "one is responsible, the other is an idiot" dynamic, and it's great. Well, most of the time anyways.
This is basically them in a nutshell;
Po: You're not my babysitter!
Crane: No, I am not. At least babysitters get paid for everything they have to put up with.
I feel like if Crane were to lose Po in a crowd or something, he'd be like "oh thank goodness" JDKDJDKSJD
Nah I'm jk Crane is too anxious of a birb to do that, he'd get worried very quickly if he realizes he's lot Po, but tbh if he's just that done and that ticked he would probably have that "idc" attitude
But then eventually he'd go looking for him lol he's a good friend that cares 😌
Another thing is that, along with the other members of the Five, Po really shows that he's a true friend, he never gave up on him when Crane gave up on himself.
Sure he can be a bit annoying at times but it just goes to show how much he cares about those he is buddies with, and that he has a good heart.
If I said anything about Crane being a good/decent cook before I take that bad, he is TERRIBLE I bet he would set the kitchen on fire, so befriending Po meant that he could learn how to cook properly and not burn something down
If it was ever shown in the movies and/or some of the shows that Crane can cook, oops 😬 I haven't seen that yet
Po's handwriting isn't bad but it's not too great either, and Crane being the neat freak he is, would not be able to watch Po write outside the lines without descending into madness, so he helps him get better handwriting.
You would think hanging out with Crane would rub off on Po and make him a bit more serious and considerate with his status as Dragon Warrior (this goes with anybody, really), but instead his shenanigans rub off on the Five.
This isn't as obvious with someone like Crane, he's in the same boat as Tigress annoyed with his stupid things lol, but truthfully he'd loosen up first.
And! Being around Po boosts his confidence! We saw this in that one Legends of Awesomeness episode, Crane is actually really thankful that Po is friends with him :D
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Hey, could I have a Tokyo Rev matchup? If that's alright ☺ I FORGOT TO ADD MY APPEARANCE ALSO I'M SORRY IF THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭😫🙏🏾
Ok so I'm a bisexual girl who uses any pronouns, mostly she/they. I am also around 5'5, I kinda wish I was taller so I could intimidate men with my height 😈 I am a Virgo, although I don't think I act like one. It's probably because I'm an Aries Rising and Pisces Moon. But n e wayz I am an ISFP 4w5 and tbh I kinda tone down my personality depending where I'm at💀 At school, people would describe me as kind, quiet, chill, smart, weird, innocent looking(that completely changes once I start talking because I say weird things. I once told my teacher about how some astronauts had herpes in Space 🏃🏾‍♀️). At home, my family(and friends) would describe as loud(Once I laughed so hard to the point where my mom could hear me outside), crazy, weird, chaotic, dumb(I say a lot of stupid things that make no sense 🤷🏾‍♀️), annoying, a troublemaker, competative, argumentative, mean, chill at times, really talkative although I have a stutter. I have noticed that in both areas, people have said that I'm a people magnet and a good person to be around 😁 When I'm alone I like to read fanfics 😏, listen to music, read my Warrior Cats books and when I'm with my sister or with Family, I love to dance, listen to music, watch anime, play sports, go for walks. I've been dancing ever since I was young, never went to lessons but still performed a lot for School. Most of the time, it's actually what people know me for. With my family, I was known as the Snake Girl for a few years because I really wanted one, I never got one but I do have 5 rats now 🐀 I've always loved animals, when I was younger I made a list of all the animals I wanted and there were like 20+ pets on there 😭 And because I love animals so much, I've decided I want to help them in the future but I also want to help people. I've been wondering what I should be in the future and it's changed multiple times(mostly because the hours were too long and I HATE 9-5 jobs) but helping animals and helping people is something I always want to do. So, I've decided that I'll do everything I want to do in the future and no one will stop me 😾 That's probably why I'm listed as the Troublemaker in the Family, I do what I want to do and say what I want to say without caring how other people feel because I'm my own person(Mostly, because I love having fun but also because they really need to hear it). My family doesn't like it tho 😕 whenever my sister does the same, she's always told that she's acting like me and that it's a bad thing but idc. When I'm of age, I'm gonna live my life the way I want 😌 I'm gonna get tattoos, get piercings, be a stripper while I get my desired degree in College/University. I'M GONNA DO IT ALL 💃🏾
I would also like to add that I smile and laugh a lot. I literally have smile lines from how hard I smile all the time. I could be experiencing any emotion like Anger, Happiness, Sadness, etc. and I'll still smile and laugh. I think it's the eye contact 😃
Appearance: I'm around the age of the Tokyo Rev characters, I'm 5'5, I'm not skinny or fat so I'm kinda in the middle, I have Auburn hair and eyebrows and have braided hair with beads in it 😩 I'm very hot, I also have glasses I wear occasionally although I really need them for my left eye 😫 I do think that the glasses make me look hotter tho so I wear em 👀
I hope that's a good representation of how I am and also thank you in advance <3
u are the definition of an aries rising LOL
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im not even gonna lie to you here. y'all scare me. nahoya scares me, u kinda scare me (in a good way dw I literally dropped out of highschool nothing can truly scare me) but the way y'all absolutely hype each other up an energize yourselves off of each other is freaky and mildly concerning. its like, the two of you are somehow a match made in both heaven and hell because your brains are wired the exact same way but at the same time should we really be putting those two brains together????
all jokes aside though you really are mirrored versions of yourself and its fun as fuck for the both of you. nahoya, who lives for chaos and humour is delightfully enabled by your ability to take his jokes and follow along with his chaotic nature at the same speed without a skip in your step. you, are enabled by his ability to also match your speed and encourage you to do whatever the fuck you want because its your life and you should live it how you want.
when I decided on nahoya I didn't even think of the smiley thing but it just makes so much sense as I go back and reread your description?? like its meant to be ok
you two are THE trouble makers. ppl can't handle you and if you ever show up at any toman event mikey is immediately separating the two of you because even HE can't handle it. double trouble for sure.
nahoya says fuck a job. you can just hang out with him every day right?? no but for real, he 100% does not understand responsibilities and he doesn't get why you can't actually just hang out with him every day. he has so much fun with you and when you're gone he's like ?? tf do I do now?? disturb shit on my own?? damn. he does not like it one bit and will huff at you for having responsibilities. he swears he'll become rich so you don't have to do anything and he can just spoil you so you'll stay with him forever and cause ruckus together for the rest of your lives. this is his goal.
he's one of the top 3 worst boyfriends so im not even gonna lie that hes a shit boyfriend but I bet you wont care because the fun you have together and the freedom that your relationship holds is enough to make it all worth it.
psst.. he doesn't have to say I love you for you to know. it'll be clear in the way his eyes twinkle every time he sees you <3
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scrambleddragonegg · 4 years
@revalinkexchange thank you for allowing me to participate in the exchange, and I apologize to both you and my giftee (lol thats not a word but idc right now)
@umbreonix this is the piece I wrote for you and for my entry into the exchange. before you read, I just want to say I thought your username looked familiar, and that your fanfics are some of my favorites on AO3.
happy valentine's day!!! :)) <3
For: Umbreonix
    Revali complains the entire way there, but Link knows it’ll be worth it. The rito barely leaves his roost at night anymore, let alone the village. He even has a hammock set up in the Flight Range for the days time slips past him and it’s dark before he’s finished. It started after his battle with Windblight Ganon.
    Link, however, prefers the night. Everything feels much more alive at night, despite the skeletal monsters that pop out of the ground. The point of this trip isn’t to fight, although Link is starting to believe Revali would prefer that, but to see Dinraal. Maybe after this, he can convince the rito warrior to come out and see the other dragons as well, but Dinraal is the easiest to get close to.
    “Why are we all the way out here? To see some bones?” Revali asks, rolling his eyes as he crosses his wings, making his disapproval and annoyance well known.
    Because you won’t talk to me unless you’re sure everyone else can’t hear. Link signs, chuckling a bit as he rushes to gather wood for their fire. He ends up needing to cut down a tree, and when the tree falls, he quickly bundles some of the wood in some string so that it’s easier to carry. He looks up to the sky and smiles, night will come soon enough.
    “ We have one heart to heart and suddenly you think that we’re- A picnic? You brought me out here for a stupid picnic?!” Revali asks, staring at Link in disbelief as Link proceeds to bring out food he made beforehand.
Not stupid. Link signs, scowling at the rito before turning back to his bag. Revali, thankfully, takes that as a cue to shut up, and Link starts to set up their fire. Revali watches him in confusion before Link points to the sky. Only then does Revali realize that it is nearly nightfall. He immediately begins protesting again, saying that if they’re not back at the village before dark that the elder will be worried.
I told him we’d be back late.
“If I stay too long, sand will get in my feathers!”
I’ll help you get the sand off if that’s what you’re worried about.
“I usually turn in early, this little adventure of yours is going to cost me my sleep schedule and-”
Revali, I won’t force you to stay, but I’d like you to. Link finally signs, feeling a slight blush warm his face. He brushes it off, convincing himself that it’s the weather. They are awfully close to Death Mountain after all.
“You want me to stay? All I’ve done is complain! How on Hylia’s green earth can you still tolerate me after today?!” Revali argues, frustrated. He’s shaking slightly, and Link can tell that it’s worse than it looks.
You’re scared. Link signs pointedly. Revali squawks, feathers puffing up slightly.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous. Me? Scared? Ha!” The rito manages after he recovers. Link doesn’t believe him for a second, making that known by an eye roll, and goes back to starting the fire. There’s a moment of silence, which tells the Hylian that something is wrong. Revali is never silent. Not off the battlefield anyway, he likes his presence being known.
If you’re that scared, then we can leave. Link signs with a sigh. It’s then that Revali flies over to the Hylian, much too quickly for Link to dodge with his guard down, and tackles him into the sand. By now the sun has set, leaving the sand glistening in the moonlight. Revali is too caught up in his feelings and his battle with Link to care. A flash of orange pulls them from their tussle and they both stop very suddenly. Revali pinning Link to the sand, his heart feeling like it’s going to leave his chest, or come up his throat, or something of the like. His vision starts to spin before he realizes that he’s not breathing. He can’t move. He’s back on Medoh with Windblight Ganon. He’s going to die. Again.
Link jumps into action immediately, freeing his arms and grabbing onto Revali like he’d disappear if he let go. In hindsight, the fiery dragon wasn’t the best of choices. At least there’s nothing shining that deathly blue. Revali, now shaking uncontrollably, gives into the touch and tries to ground himself. When he stops shaking, he looks up to see the orange dragon weaving through the air. It’s beautiful.
“L-Look,” Revali stammers, voice shaking though, his body stopped, “is this what we came here for?” He asks. Link lifts his head from Revali’s shoulder and looks up at Dinraal before looking back at Revali and nodding furiously.
Dinraal. Link spells through sign.
“The dragons are very uncommon to see nowadays, despite the Calamity having passed. There’s no conventional way to get here, so this place is about as hidden as can be.” Revali thinks aloud. He then notices that Link has started subconsciously toying with Revali’s feathers despite keeping his eyes on the dragon. If the Rito were to think about it, he’d say the scene is almost… intimate. He’s definitely not thinking about it. Not at all.
Food and fire forgotten, the two watch Dinraal until it disappears into the starry night sky, and Revali feels oddly at peace, not that he’ll ever admit it. After letting out a sigh, Revali turns to Link to find him still situated on his lap and staring right back at him. His eyes are like clear water, Revali thinks. He’s never liked getting wet very much, but he’s always thought it was beautiful. He supposes the same could be said for Link.
“Rev- R- Revali.” Link says, trying his hardest not to mess up saying the warrior’s name. Revali’s eyes widen as he hears Link’s voice. It’s a bit scratchy from underuse, but for some reason that fits the knight well.
“So you can speak.” Revali says jokingly. He still gets punched in the chest, but not hard enough to really hurt. The atmosphere changes so quickly that Link swears he gets whiplash, but he’s not upset about it. He enjoys the playful banter he can have with Revali. He prefers it to their bickering, although that’s fun as well.
“Not well.” Link says, voice just a bit clearer. It makes Revali’s heart skip a beat, but he’s not a fledgling anymore, so he manages to control his “puffing” as Tulin calls it.
“Your voice is… nice.” Revali says, although it comes out sarcastic (to save face) he truly means it. He gets another punch to the chest and Link starts to laugh.
Some of us were taught to be seen and not heard. Link jokes.
“And you do that very well.” Revali laughs. Link finally stands up, and Revali finds that he liked the weight of the Hylian boy on him. It’s comforting. Revali watches as Link begins to pack up their forgotten picnic and Revali shakes his thoughts away before standing to help Link pack things up.
Do you want to try flying, or should I use the slate? Link signs. Revali thinks for a moment before he answers.
“I think I’ve had enough excitement tonight. I can try flying at night another time.”
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wygolvillage · 3 years
warrior cats arc ranking since i reread the books pretty recently and tbc wrapped up
tbc > tpb > avos but only the first half >  dotc >  tpot > oots > avos but taking the boring second half into account > tnp
tbc is good because its warrior cats at its best and most melodramatic, the possession stuff is pretty unique and the protagonists are probably the best-realized in the series in my opinion. ashfur is a good villain because he sucks. the stakes are high. its good
tpb is... well its the first series. its good. we all know this. maybe its nostalgia but i really do think you get a more vivid view of what thunderclan is like as a community in a way the other arcs never really recapture. i miss the forest territories man
avos’s first half is SO FUCKING GOOD i miss when avos was really good. shattered sky is legit one of the best warriors books. it was a mistake to kill darktail in book 3 though since every book afterwards is just territory nonsense
dotc is underrated. i like clear sky he sucks so bad and i love his terrible wife
tpot is an arc that makes a lot of interesting promises and its all buildup for the cliffhanger at the end but its ultimately undermined by oots not following through on it very well. but the last two books of tpot are some GOOD SHIT. in general i think tpot had too much filler in it though
oots isnt as bad as people say but its not great. i think the issue i have with it is that theres a lot of waiting around for the dark forest to start doing stuff and most of the living clans dont know until really late in the arc, so theres no real feeling of escalation (something i think tbc did WAY better). it also bothers me how irrelevant the three’s powers were to the final battle considering this prophecy has been a Thing in two whole arcs. i guess thats what happens when you give 2/3 of them passive abilities, but i do think its not that hard to think of a way for dovewings hearing powers to help her in combat, maybe detecting ambushes or something
avos’s second half is boring. theres not much else to say
TNP IS THE WORST ITS SO BAD its literally so bad. i hate books where theyre just walking around and run into like a dog or a car or whatever. weirdly enough i liked the second half of tnp better than the first? like yeah ill read about hawkfrost drama idc. honestly i just think brambleclaw is a really meh pov character at best and infuriating at worst. “i dont want to be defined by my fathers legacy, but i WILL meet up with him in hell in my dreams :)” “i am not my blood! but also i feel obligated to defend my half brother because we are blood related” BRO HE IS COMMITTING MURDERS AND ORCHESTRATING COUPS IN WINDCLAN. AAAAAAAAAAAA. and thats not getting into all the stupid relationship drama, which i do not care about.
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