mandaloriandy · 7 years
Aaaaah I’m listening to it yes!! I haven’t gotten very far, I tend to go through podcasts very slowly and the next bit is a two-parter and I haven’t had time to commit to that, so I’m not super far along, but yes!!! I love Minkowsy and Hera and Hilbert! And I’m ambivalent about Doug but oh well, he has his excellent moments and his eh moments. but YES SPACE IS GREAT and I am so confused about what the hell is going on on this station, it’s so much fun. You are also perfect, aaah, I can’t believe how many fandoms we accidentally share??
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A tiny, dark, comfortable room (closet, more) built into an odd, spare corner in an old house; a chair, sturdy, wooden, a blanket thrown over its back, a little furnace, a long, narrow bookcase and a long, narrow window, old, slightly dirty square panes of glass so that in the daytime the sunlight comes through soft and earthy and at night it's obscuring and safe. A little rug. Candle for light. Warm, hidden, calm. Deep browns and blues, colors that are dark and soothing, splashes of beige.
Nghh yes this is perfect?
Also can I please live in the place you described??
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yukipri · 8 years
Hey there, just messaging to say I hope everything is okay!
Thank you for your message! ;A; I have been…distracted. Very distracted. I’ve barely been checking my Tumblr/Twitter at all these past few weeks *sigh* And this is precisely why I don’t take breaks–give myself a single reason to not post, to delay, to skip a week, and it’ll never stop…
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nomette · 8 years
Okay so for the ask about your OC meme thing. LEIGH 6 and 14 DAVIELLE 20 and 15? If you want, of course.
Ok, first of all I want to apologize for the delay but tumblr didn’t let me load my inbox for three fucking days. We are all prisoners to the whim of this damn website, I swear. 
6: What is your OC’s family situation? Do they get along? Do they fight? Or are they alone?Leigh came from a family of four: his dad, the Chinese ambassador to the US, his mom, and his twin sister. Everyone but him died in a “mysterious fire” (political assassination) when he was fourteen. He got along very well with his sister: the two of them were always teaming up to cause trouble for their mother. Both of his parents were former soldiers, and they passed on a very strong sense of patriotism and discipline to Leigh, but they were also a lot of fun. Leigh’s mom taught him knife fighting and Leigh’s dad taught him how to be charming. One of the first things he does when he discovers the memory den is find out what their faces looked like, because after ten years of being in the US he’s forgotten. Already did 14!
15.  Davi knows that sooner or later she’s going to die from her illness, and she’s fucking terrified of how it’s going to happen. She particularly can’t stand the idea of being forced to live on for a long time while she can’t move, or in some sort of coma. She’s specifically told Leigh that if she starts to deteriorate mentally he absolutely, positively, no hesitation has no kill her. More lightheartedly, she blushes really easy and she’s always worried that she’ll start blushing when she’s trying to make an important point and no one will take her seriously.  20. One True Love (Leigh), The Unfettered, Incurable Cough of Death, Cloning Blues, For Science!, The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask, Magnificent Bastard, Rocket Boots, Master Poisoner.
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mandaloriandy · 7 years
I don't know if I've caught you beforehand, but I hope your wisdom teeth removal goes well and they heal quickly! May you have little to no pain during your recovery (but still take it easy!)
Thank you
But soon it’ll be over! And I’ll get ice cream and yogurt and smoothies and hot chocolate. And water :)
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sanerontheinside · 7 years
Hello! Happy New Year! May 2017 be kickass and funny and gentle and all those happy things for you and the world you live in. Thank you for being a great person. I'm glad we've had the chance to meet, and I hope you get to go on being awesome for many, many new years to come. Best wishes and be well and I may have pickpicketed 2016 of the housekeys on its way out the door so don't worry you're safe.
eeeee, thank you! wow see I was just thinking that 2016 was so long, I don’t honestly remember how many people I met when - and I realised that I didn’t find SW fandom until ReEntry, which for me didn’t happen til - uuuh maybe Feb/March? WHICH MEANS every SW fandom blogginghuman I’ve met, which is how I met you - I MET YOU THIS YEAR.
that is wild.
no srsly. lemme explain why this is important - or let me sum up, anyway.
I learned more about writing, and loving writing, from the fandom corner of this hellsite than from my own tomfoolery preceding fandom. I acquired many lovely, precious, brilliant humans on this hellsite.
and YOU, who have encouraged my AUs at the whackiest and crackiest, in any fandom. your commentary is SOLID GOLD, your words are inspirational, you see things that I did not see and that always makes it so much better. Pick-pocketed 2016? You’ve been badgering it the whole time it was here, passing by with an idle crack of a rolled-up newspaper to its skull and a prod in the solar plexus and an ‘I’m sorry, was that your toe?’ I hope that I may ever return your gift of a brighter 2016 with more whacky and cracky fic and AUs and general writing tomfoolery.
I wish you the very best of 2017 and the years to follow, may your enemies bend head and knee and you and yours thrive and prosper.
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specspectacle · 9 years
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So I got ideordinal for the tformersgiftexchange2014 and this is super late and hopefully squeaking in just under the deadline. Anyway, there were a whole range of choices, but doing the Aerialbots having a nice night in watching the newest As the Kitchen Sinks Christmas special would be fun.
Hope you like it!
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jockbots · 8 years
@ideordinal tagged me to write three facts abt me. And ofc talk abt myself? How can i resist!?
1) Alanis Morissette is my lord and saviour my bread and wine I worship the ground she walks on and shes also the reason i started liking Canada so much and the reason im a feminist and the reason i wear my hair the way i do and im uch jfc me
2) Idk if it’s obvious by the shit i reblog but I’m 100% a consumer slut for physical possession of objects like books and vinyl and pencil art. Like i like to have the things in hands, hold them and display them
3)I support staying in the EU and hope that one day were a planet and not islands
Now y'all talk abt ur selves! @noaww, @minanter, @ohtoosunny (disclaimer: ya don’t have to)
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CMO Knives if you'd like for that character ask meme?
Full Name: CT-4316 Lieutenant Knives of the 177th Battalion of the GAR, Chief Medical Officer
Gender and Sexuality: Male, asexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: Mando’ade (clone)
Birthplace and Birthdate: XXX, Kamino
Guilty Pleasures: Hot water. He loves long, hot showers when he can get them. Bathes are even better.
Phobias: Having his arms or hands restrained in any way, or generally feeling like he doesn’t have control of them.
What They Would Be Famous For: Uh, I’m thinking after the war, he and Anakin (when Ani has the time) and a few other prosthetic having people sit down and figure out syntha-skin.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Beating someone with his prosthetic arm (because they tried to take it off)
OC You Ship Them With: CAPTAIN ARCH
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: N/A
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He likes reading medical texts about different races/species. He also likes historical stuff.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: “WHY ARE THEY KISSING? WHY ARE THEY HAVING SEX? THEY MET FIVE HOURS AGO! ARCH THIS IS RIDICULOUS ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!” “…..Knives, darling, it’s two am go back to sleep.”
Talents and/or Powers: He is ambidextrous.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He throws himself 100% into everything he does and he cares so much about all his patients and brothers.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: If he thinks it will help, he will push and push and push at any weak points he can find. He does it with good intent, but still.
How They Change: I haven’t decided yet.
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yukipri · 8 years
ideordinal reblogged your photoset and added:
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE Poor Mace, fucking Dooku noping right out of there, Xanatos being Temple’s Number One Most Wanted and his response to that being basically to just shrug and carry on whistling, QUI-GON’S FACE. I’m laughing so hard. Poor KIT and TAHL. At least Kit seems to take it in good humor, haha (probably because no matter how bad he gets it, it’s pretty clear Mace gets it EVEN WORSE). Poor Obi-Wan, too. MACE HOW DARE YOU TRY AND REVERT HIM BACK TO INITIATE WHEN YOU KNOW THAT WOULD FUCK WITH HIS CHANCES FOR APPRENTICESHIP. OBI-WAN HASN’T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU. IT’S NOT HIS FAULT HIS MASTER BYPASSED THE PAPERWORK AND ALSO MAKES EVERYONE ELSE’S LIVES A LIVING HELL. (And I have to say, I like how much effort Xanatos went into to keep Obi-Wan with him. TRYING TO TAKE MY PADAWAN, HM? he says, and threatens to crash the whole system in response. Masters protecting their padawans is a weakness of mine (especially if Xanatos is going to take joy in running Obi-Wan ragged with literally everything else). I love their Master-Padawan relationship already. I love this AU to pieces.)
My dear your reactions give me LIFE ;;;;A;;;;;
Mace doesn’t mean to pick on Obi-Wan, and he feels a bit guilty about it, but he quickly figures out that Obi-Wan is sometimes the only way to get to Xan >.<; There’s an interesting dynamic between Obi-Wan and Anakin being besties, and Obi-Wan pretty much being the one to reign in Anakin’s mischievousness and Mace knowing and feeling grateful for that, combined with Xan and Mace’s rivalry that often ends up dragging in their Padawans. Mace and Dooku are also very close friends in this AU, which makes it more interesting, because as much as Mace respects and loves spending time with Dooku (even if they disagree on some things), Dooku’s apprentices are all fuckin’ menaces to the Council, and Mace is already very, very wary of Qui-Gon. With good reason.
Thank you so much for liking Xan and Obi-Wan’s relationship ;;;A;;; Theirs is one of my favorite dynamics in this AU, and I’m only hoping I’m able to convey it the way I want. A lot of the shittiness Obi-Wan had to endure during his canon apprenticeship was a direct result of Xanatos being a dickwad to Qui-Gon, which in turn made Qui-Gon dickish to bb Obi-Wan. Because of that, in this AU I want Xanatos to be the reason why Obi-Wan has a good apprenticeship; instead of feeling cut off, he will be rather smothered by affection, and where he didn’t have control, Xan will give it to him. Theirs is a highly unconventional Master-Padawan relationship, but I really want to show that it works. At least, it will eventually ^ ^;
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I didn't know that Connie fic even EXISTED until now, but it's so amazing! And painful, of course. Very painful(ly amazing). Aw, Connie. CT, Connie, Connecticut. Wash and Maine. Is there are a more tragic triad than those three, really? (Or, well, those two and then however many people Connie made herself into. Her mod is suddenly ironic in a kind of horrific way, isn't it?)
Connie is very important to me. 
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mandaloriandy · 7 years
Tagged by @poplitealqueen!
What is a big goal you are working towards? Actually finishing a story for once
What’s your aesthetic?
Ooh, space.
Do you collect anything? Hmm... not really?
What is a topic you’re always up to talk about. Worldbuilding!!
What’s a pet peeve of yours? When people are listening to something in a public or semi-public place without headphones on. Dude, I don’t want to listen to your youtube video I’m trying to read seriously
Good advice to give? Even though it may not seem like things’ll be better in the morning, going to sleep can be a big help
Recommend three songs:
King and Lionheart, Of Monsters and Men
Weight of Living Pt. I, Bastille
The entire hamilton soundtrack
A food that’s nasty in your opinion: Easier to ask what food isn’t nasty in my opinion
Let’s go with... tomatoes.
Tagging: @cynicalinstrumentalist, @havent-the-faintest, @ideordinal, @icallhimmrpointy, @ anyone else who wants to do it!
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sanerontheinside · 8 years
29, 40, 45?
29. became a fic rec Masterpost and overtook my entire night, really. 40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
Ohh… I would adore seeing Liura like that, I think, but I haven’t really given it that much thought yet. The DragonFic, though - that would be something. I had so often wished to see that instead of what Once Upon a Time had to offer, in its later seasons. I’m salty. Truth be told, I had a very particular original work at one time that I’d more or less abandoned… Although it condensed itself and turned into a play for a senior-year writing class assignment in college. I might be persuaded to take another run at it, actually. And I’m not sure I like plays. I love the sheer amount of dialogue, to be honest, but not that description and directing has to be done somewhat separately. That… could be fun… A very morally grey character, that was. I’m still rather fond of him. 
45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
Oh dear. This is actually surprisingly difficult, since I’m in the process of ironing out details like how many years who was stuck where and squaring away with the idea that I’ll need to write some of Anakin’s apprenticeship. But, um… okay here goes: 
@deadcatwithaflamethrower this is the au I borrowed Terza forand to everyone else who wanted to know more about it @punsbulletsandpointythings, @the-dragongirl, @myurbandream, @meggory84, @booksaresacredspew
A few tens before the Naboo debacle and the Battle of the Fates, Master Sifo-Dyas’ dreams intensify past bearing. Well on his way to Falling, Master Dooku has realised that he is in over his head, and attempts to derail Darth Sidious’s plans by whatever means necessary. The most immediate solution seems to be to prevent Sifo from traveling to Kamino. Master Dooku does his utmost, but at best his efforts hold for all of one ten-day. 
On the other hand, he does have some non-trivial impact on the course of events: That first night, the pressure on Sifo’s mind eases, and he has another, more immediate vision, involving Naboo and the possibilities a catastrophic loss will open in Dooku’s future. After all, Sifo concludes, the loss of his Padawan may sever Dooku’s last link to the Order that he can already see is failing. Master Sifo heads down to the Healers’ Halls and persuades Jale Terza to take a team of Healers with her to Naboo, and keep an eye out for a pair of Jedi who are about to really need her help. 
Thus, the team of Healers is on hand to save Qui-Gon’s life and bring him back to Coruscant. With Sifo gone, Dooku finds himself wandering down to the Healer Halls, watching his grand-Padawan sit in silent vigil at Qui-Gon’s bedside. Over the next few days, he gets to know Obi-Wan Kenobi and tangles in a few interesting arguments with him, over the state of the Order and the Republic as a whole. He’s impressed to find a fierce and fiery intelligence here that is receptive even to his blasphemous remarks. 
Realising that perhaps he still has a chance to put a stop to Sidious’ plans, and even if he fails, he has some support left in the Order now - Dooku leaves to find Sifo. (He is not heard from for another decade afterward.)
Obi-Wan has been coaching Anakin all this time, keeping the Council well away. But with Qui-Gon recovered enough to move back to his quarters, the Council only waits a few tens more before assigning him a mission. Over an indignant protest, they insist that the mission is expected to be a short one, Jedi presence merely a formality to see that the vote be carried out legally. The vote in question is to determine a certain moon’s entry into the Republic, and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have had some success negotiating conditions between the moon and its planet of orbit (which they are desperately trying to become fully independent from) in the past. With Qui-Gon obviously in no shape to go, Obi-Wan remains the most experienced and field-ready Knight. 
Unfortunately, the Council is woefully ill-informed of the situation on the Nak moon. The tense atmosphere and unrest of the last few months spark an all-out riot on the day of the vote and deteriorate into an outright revolution. A few days later, trying to guide as many refugees out of the capitol city as possible, Obi-Wan is injured. The refugees take him with them, but with little to no access to medical care, the injury is inadequately treated. 
The planet forcibly takes back control of its moon, setting up a blockade that prevents offworlders from entering the atmosphere and the native people from leaving. Thus, for all Qui-Gon’s insistence before the Council that Obi-Wan is still alive but possibly injured and in danger, and would they please send someone to bring him home while he’s Temple-bound with his own injury and a Padawan to train? - the Council insists that it is not possible. 
About a year of this, and Obi-Wan is enough recovered that his companions help him steal a piece of junk ship and set up a diversion to get him the hell off the godsforsaken moon. He breaks through the blockade, though not without his hyperdrive getting grazed by a lucky shot. Ah, the irony, he thinks, calculating his best chance of surviving a hyperspace jump. 
A year without a word from his former Padawan, nor any hint of change from the bond, but mostly recovered from the Naboo injury barring some remaining traces of pain - Qui-Gon is tired. He secures a relatively light first mission wherein he and Anakin are merely back-up to Master Ki-Adi, which allows Anakin to visit his mother on Tatooine. While there, Shmi notices his grief and comforts him as best as possible. They are unable to free her: Watto is in debt and quite simply cannot afford to lose her. (Nor are they able to pay his debts.) But at the very least they did come, they tried, they left her a tidy sum to add to her savings that she is keeping to one day buy her own freedom. Anakin feels better. Qui-Gon, surprisingly, feels better. They leave when Master Ki-Adi concludes his mission, but for certain Master and Padawan are closer than they were before. 
Less than a tenday afterwards, Obi-Wan’s ship crashlands on Tatooine (”Bugfucking dammit.”) Though the Force is smiling down on him at least somewhat, because the first friendly face he sees is Shmi Skywalker, who agrees to take him in for a time. He repays her by fixing things, crafting things, “paying rent” - really just setting aside part of the sum he does make from his work - for her freedom. He calls himself Ben, but Ben knows the name of Shmi Skywalker well enough. For the next three years, with traffic being what it is, and Shmi insisting that going to Jabba for a ship is a last resort of last resorts, Ben instead resolves to wait. 
Shmi tells him about her son, about the Jedi who came to see her. Ben’s heart aches at the thought that he’d just missed them, but perhaps they’ll come soon. Or perhaps they’ll comm her. 
Two years of this, and not a word from them. But Obi-Wan knows sometimes missions like Mandalore happen, and the best you can do is hope that they’re fine. [Creatively insert series of missions from hell here, since Outbound Flight is not for a while. Yay.] In the meantime, still struggling with injuries that never quite healed properly, Ben tries to move through katas, but barely completes them and at a painfully slow speed at that. In the meantime, Shmi meets Cliegg and Owen Lars (through Ben, somewhat). Watto is eventually mostly bailed out of debt, and Shmi has enough money to buy her freedom. (Cliegg helps. Don’t tell her. She probably knows. Still - don’t tell her.)
Three years running like headless rabbits halfway across the galaxy and back, Qui-Gon Jinn is thoroughly past doneTM. His Padawan is also doneTM, and thank you very much. The Council can bloody well wait to stick a fork in them, Qui-Gon’s decided: they’re going to Tatooine. They’ve seen slavers, they’ve seen corrupt politicians and corporations and they’ve seen the arse-end of crime in the galaxy, and they’ve both decided they’ve had bloody well enough of it. His Padawan’s been worn to the bone and so has he, and hell if he’s going to spend another month cooped up with him trying to tutor him Temple classes and astronav all the way back to Coruscant, by all the little gods, where they’re just going to hand his Padawan more exams or another bugfuckingly insane mission. Fuck that. 
They land on Tatooine, only to find that Shmi is – free? Married? and - Obi-Wan is alive thank the holy gods we didn’t just turn around and go back to Coruscant. 
Well, then. At least instead of leaving with Shmi, as initially planned, they leave for Coruscant with Obi-Wan. And throw him into Terza’s arms the moment they get back. On the bright side, though, while it will take a long time, Terza is optimistic about physical therapy and a few corrective procedures. Qui-Gon secures several months’ in-Temple leave for Anakin to catch up with classes and actually for a change hang out with kids his own age. With Qui-Gon’s help, Obi-Wan begins to change and adapt his saber technique into a more flexible form that will at first suit his injuries, then gradually allow him to push the limits thereof, while he takes over teaching a few of the courses at the Temple and helping Anakin with his classes. Anakin, effectively, found not only a brother on Tatooine, but a second Master. 
A few years of this easier rhythm, with a slightly lighter mission schedule, and then Qui-Gon and Anakin come back after that mission that was supposed to constitute Siri’s Trials. You know, that mission with slavers that took two years for her to acquire enough evidence to even hope for a result? Obi-Wan takes one look at them and petitions that he be allowed to join them on missions thereafter. 
Aaaand I don’t entirely have much of any idea of how to deal with Geonosis yet, but from the looks of things, Qui-Gon discovers Kamino while Obi-Wan is with Anakin and Padmé on Tatooine. Oh, and Dooku is pretty sure Sifo is dead. But we get to see him again later. These two have a lot to discuss. Something about keeping your mate in deep-freeze for over a decade might have a bit to do with it. Maybe. Also maybe something like not telling your mate how badly you mcFucked up. 
There may or may not be a skeevy Palpatine-controlled cloned Sifo also. We are entering the twilight zone, which is to say, I’ve run out of brainfuel to plot the entirety of the Clone Wars stretch for now. But rest assured, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon do eventually come together in this one - somewhere in the Clone Wars time period. I do have that dance sequence more or less figured out. That’s where most of my plotting has been, I am not ashamed to say. 
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jockbots · 8 years
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