chihuahua-is-a-psycho · 7 months
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i have a very big interest in old iphones, ipads and ipods. i just really like how unique they were at the time
so i did something dumb and unrealistic: spongebob and robot jones fanmade promotions for the ipod touch colors: specifically the ipod touch 5th gen
enjoy my stupidity
and yes i know i cant draw spongebob correctly
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iosbypasser · 1 year
iCloud Bypass Tool iCloudin Download Free V1.5.1 or 2.0
Among the many tools that have been designed to get bypass iCloud activation lock iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, iCloudin is perhaps the one that has kept it running best. If you entered this website with the intention of finding information about the use and download of this program, you can rest easy! Below you will find everything related about one of the most outstanding methods in terms…
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eightyonekilograms · 6 months
Very interesting iPhone vulnerability just dropped. Like most big current 0-days, this one requires chaining together many different vulnerabilities in order to be successful, but what makes this one different is that part of the exploit involves an undocumented hardware feature. Long story short: after boot is complete, all the code (as opposed to data) portions of kernel memory are made unwriteable even by the kernel itself, and this is enforced not in software but in hardware by the memory controller, so in theory it's immune to compromises of the OS. But if you write to a magic region of I/O-mapped memory together with a specific key, it bypasses this protection.
Now, what's very interesting is that this feature is not publicly documented anywhere. The researches say it might have been intended for debugging firmware, but that's only a guess. The fact that it needs a key seems to indicate that Apple probably knows about it internally and put in weak anti-exploit countermeasures, but again, we cannot be sure. So there are several different possibilities here:
Whoever made this exploit found it with brute-force exploration. That's not impossible, but the fact that you need to know the exact IOMM address and a key makes it unlikely.
The feature is known to Apple, which leads to three sub-possibilities: i) they were hacked and the exploit technique was exfiltrated, ii) somebody has a man on the inside who leaked it or iii) they were ordered to put this backdoor there by the Powers That Be.
The feature is not known to Apple and was put there by their chip vendors, and they were the ones who were either hacked, infiltrated, or coerced.
Final note: the entry point of the exploit was, once again, iMessage attachments, so if you have an iDevice and you're worried about stuff like this, AIUI Lockdown Mode would make you immune.
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sinsinewave · 3 months
ok so do y'all have any name suggestions for VPC002, my macOS VM? PPC001 is named PPC001-Hellraven after a certain bird in Touhou who causes gay thoughts in me, while VPC001-Birdbrain, the windows VM, is called that because said bird is also kinda dumb, as is windows as an OS on the other hand, my other iDevice, my ipad from 2013, is called PMC004-Okizika, corruheads will know what that is
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the-deviations · 9 months
My cats have a food alarm. I’ve set it to ‘Summit’ on my iDevices; it has birds singing. Indicative of what they’d be eating if they weren’t my captives. Heckin cute.
anyway the moopsy’s food alarm is megalovania and y’all know it
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brightsuzaku · 7 months
imagine having a spotify to wrap
lol i don't.
I have dabbled with spotify on mobile once and never again, because it was worse than listening to, like, Pandora. I'd listen to ALMOST a full song, and then maybe I move on to a related song despite not finishing the first one, and then to something completely else.
I was like, "Is there some secret way people use spotify in a way that's not maddening?!" and apparently it works properly on idevices or something.
At least Pandora Radio was pretty neat back when it was new and I was listening to it in like, 2009. Anyway, yeah, I dunno. I just use YouTube like a lazy person, haha.
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glowing-disciple · 1 year
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So I was on the App Store looking for something, and spotted this option on the front page of the app.
Just, no.
Toddlers don’t belong on an iDevice. Full stop.
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mikepercy123 · 6 months
Apple Search Engine in the works, with a reveal coming at Apple’s WWDC event on 6th June (5 days from now), it is rumoured. Apple SEO about to become the next big thing in website optimisation? or will this be more of an iDevice-centric search engine that exists behind the walled garden? Apple Search News-breaker... Apple Search Engine in the works, with a reveal coming at Apple's WWDC event on 6th June (5 days from now), it is rumoured. Apple SEO about to become the next big thing in website optimisation? or will this be more of an iDevice-centric search engine that exists behind the walled garden? Apple Search News-breaker Barry Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Roundtable broke the news on his website and then shared the revelation on Twitter, where it has gained traction and begun a discussion about the ifs, buts, pros and cons of Apple Search entering the online search market... What we think about Apple Search It would make sense if Apple Search became a worldwide web product, if you think about it. Millions of people use Apple devices daily and search - particularly web search where Google are so dominant - would give the company a new area to exploit and masses of growth opportunity for ad revenue, product sales and new user acquisition. Apple Search Engine Confirmed* According to an Apple insider, Apple Search is definitely coming: https://twitter.com/Scobleizer/status/1530606446009733121 Of course, Apple already has a few options when it comes to search, so Apple Search may not be an announcement of a public search engine, it may just be advancements in the Apple search functionality that already exists. Apple Search: iPhone/iPad/etc. A search engine is the software used to help people find information. Apple’s search engine is called "Apple Search" on the iPhone and iPad. You can access this engine by searching for a term on your device. It presents you with a list of relevant results. You can tap on a result to open it. In addition to the standard search results that Apple provides, you can also search the App Store or iTunes. You can also access the "News" search option to get the latest headlines on the topics you’re interested in. You can also search Wikipedia articles on your iPhone or iPad. The search engine helps you find information by providing a list of suggested results based on your search terms, similar to Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo to find information or use Apple’s iCloud Search to find content stored in iCloud. Siri Siri is another form of Apple Search that exists on every Apple device, which spans desktops, handhelds, wearables and TV. Siri works like a normal search engine in many ways, just by using your voice instead of typing. The AI behind Siri is pretty advanced and it allows you to make common tasks quicker and hands-free. How will the new Apple Search involve Siri? Will it enable global search using Siri commands to all, even non iDevice customers? First things first, it’s important to note that Apple has not yet confirmed that it is working on a search engine. However, we do know that Apple is working on an update that will be delivered sometime this year. If you search online for “Apple search engine”, you will find a lot of speculation about it. There are also some who have even said that they have heard it will launch at WWDC. Yet, there is also speculation that it won’t come this year at all. This is an important question because if and when it does launch, it will have a tough time competing with Google and even Microsoft, who have both received major boosts in their web search functionality in the past year. We also know that Apple has been mum about the fact that it is working on a new search engine, so be sure to keep an eye out for any official announcements in the coming days! Conclusion The Apple Search engine, if it is in fact coming, will be an interesting development. Many believe that search is where Google and the likes are going to make most inroads. Google may not be as dominant as they once were, but they still have a strong position.
Apple Search engine seems like a battle between Google and Apple, where Google will be fighting hard to claim the top spot. It’s worth noting that Google is not the only search engine out there and there are many more. Apple might also use other search engines, like DuckDuckGo, to boost its search rankings. That said, the fact that Apple has its own search engine, even if it is in an early stage, will give it an edge over its competitors. Apple Search may also be used to enhance some of the other iApps that you already use. The new search engine would give Apple another way to engage with its customers and drive them towards their products. It may also be used to help people find lost items or get directions (and, of course, help you find your iPhone). Apple Search is a win-win-win proposition for Apple, its customers and consumers. The new search engine, even if it is still in the early stages of development, will become the go-to search engine for many people because it is easy to use and does most of the work for you. This article was first published on AIO Spark: https://www.aiospark.com/apple-search-engine-rumoured-june-6th?utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=fs-share&utm_campaign=auto-social
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cydiasety · 1 year
How to Install Cydia iOS 15
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Cydia is an app store that lets you download third-party apps on jailbroken iOS devices. It's a great way to customize your device with free games, music, and other apps. There are also many tweaks you can use to make your device work better.
The latest update to iOS 15 comes with a lot of bug fixes and improvements. It's important to keep up with all of the latest updates so you can enjoy your iDevice and its features without worrying about bugs.
However, even with the latest update to iOS 15 a lot of people are still struggling to find an easy way to Cydia install on their iDevices. Thankfully, a new jailbreak tool called CydiaFree has been released for iOS 15, and it's the ideal solution for those who are looking to get the latest Cydia install on their iDevices.
Unlike most of the other popular jailbreak tools, CydiaFree doesn't require any hardware or software to run and it can be installed on almost all iOS devices. To install Cydia iOS 15, just download the iOS 15 Jailbreak app from our website and follow the simple installation instructions.
If you're on an iOS 15 / 16 / 17 device, there are some downsides to Cydia. One of the biggest is that it can cause your device to drain its battery quickly. It's best to avoid installing any Cydia tweaks if you plan on using your device for long periods of time.
This is because some of the tweaks can increase your device's performance and cause it to heat up. In addition, they can also cause your device to crash and drain its battery. To fix this, you can use a tool called Anti Revoke that will help you stay safe from any malware and viruses that might be lurking in your Cydia installers.
Another downside to Cydia is that it can get messed up with the latest iOS update. For example, it can crash on your device if you have downloaded an app that has an outdated version of Apple's SDK. So be sure to check out the release notes before downloading a tweak for your device.
As you can see, there are a number of disadvantages to Cydia, but it's a fantastic way to customize your device and feel more comfortable with it. As a result, a lot of people have started using it on their iOS devices.
So if you're on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch and want to try out the latest Cydia tweaks, be sure to check out the Cydia Demo for your device. You can download it for all iOS versions, including iOS 15, and experience Cydia without risking jailbreaks or warranty voiding.
Cydia is a great way to customize your iOS device, and it has been around for quite some time. It's a fun way to add new features and improve your device's performance. It's also a great way to save money on paid apps.
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chihuahua-is-a-psycho · 5 months
fuck you modern apple i will use my legacy idevices as much as i want
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soundofseclusion · 1 year
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Release: 2023, iOS Beaten: May 12th, iOS (Apple Arcade) Playtime: 4h 20m
I played WHAT THE GOLF last year, an Apple Arcade launch title that I took my sweet time finishing. I really enjoyed it, so when I was doing my usual Apple Arcade checkup to see if it’s worth subbing to again, I got pretty excited to see a new game from these devs. WHAT THE CAR is a bit different from WHAT THE GOLF but is in a similar vein of comedy games with surprise gags that lead to levels designed with silly premises. While WHAT THE GOLF would randomly mix up the level design from third-person to 2D sidescroller or even to first-person motion controls, the levels in WHAT THE CAR are mostly the same overall: race-to-the-finish levels from a static, third-person camera, with adjustments to the actual way you control the character being the main appeal. I had some gripes with the game, particularly that longer levels seemed to be at odds with the goofy controls and that sometimes gags didn’t build on each other naturally (which is something I really liked about WHAT THE GOLF), but overall I had a pretty fun time with it. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed WHAT THE GOLF (which I enjoyed more than WTC) or even WHAT THE BAT (which I haven’t played because I don’t have a VR headset), people who have an iDevice and Apple Arcade (it might even be worth going for a month of it), or people who like the sound of a funny, experimental game.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 07
Aperçu of the Week:
"Success has two letters: Do!"
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Bad News of the Week:
The only serious competition to Silicon Valley is neither in Europe nor in the Far East, but between the Dead, the Red and the Mediterranean Sea: Israel. Unfortunately. Because it's rather frightening innovations that come out of the more than 300 development and research centers around Tel Aviv. And I don't mean the energy that the state puts into cutting-edge technology for the military, surveillance and espionage. But rather the focus that private-sector companies in the region have also chosen.
Three examples: Cellebrite openly advertises that it can crack iDevices. Much to the delight of the FBI, for example, because Apple had refused to crack iPhones for U.S. authorities or to build a backdoor into their encryption. The questionable services are open to any organization, even criminal ones, for a fee, as if it were a normal IT service.
NSO became a global player in commercial spyware. A market that has grown into an industry estimated to be worth twelve billion dollars, estimates The New Yorker. Their tool named Pegasus was found on the phones of politicians, activists, and dissidents under repressive regimes. The suppression of the Catalan independence movement and the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi with the help of this spyware are documented.
And just last week, investigative media revealed Team Jorge's business model: professional spreading of fake news to influence elections. They were hired for 32 campaigns, 27 of which were verifiably successful, they say. Yes, political success can be bought - at the expense of the opposition.
What these three examples have in common is a perfidious "not giving a fuck" attitude, which goals are pursued and also achieved with their help. For these are clearly directed against such trivialities as free democracy, independent media, functional rule of law or transparent power apparatuses. The main thing is that the money is right. The framework conditions for this seem to be optimal in Israel, of all places. And when I look at the position of Benjamin Netanyahu's newly enthroned right-wing government against an independent judiciary or free media, this will not change.
Good News of the Week:
In mid-February, Munich always hosts the "Munich Security Conference" (MSC), the world's most important meeting of top politicians on international security. While last year appeals to Russia not to attack Ukraine dominated - we all know what happened a few days later - this time it is about the concrete handling of the war that initiated the much-cited "turning point in time":
The unexpectedly dysfunctional NATO is strengthening internally (higher defense budgets) and externally (Sweden and Finland want to join the alliance), new bloc formations are emerging, the arms industry can no longer keep up with demand, Europe is groaning under a wave of refugees, economic sanctions by the West are turning out to be far less effective than expected, Putin is not wavering. War has become the order of the day.
Major strategic news is not to be expected. All countries have already clearly positioned themselves. From clear, even military support for Ukraine (e.g. all NATO members) to an effort of neutrality based on energy policy (e.g. India or Latin America) to support for the Putin course (e.g. Belarus, Syria or Myanmar). All countries have already taken a clear position? No - the elephant in the room is China.
The youngest major security power calls for peace, but does not name Russia as the aggressor. And just yesterday launched "Operation Mosi II," a joint large-scale naval maneuver with Russia and South Africa off the latter's Indian Ocean coast. So there was little hope that the Middle Kingdom - seen by almost all observers as the only power with de facto influence over the Kremlin - would actively do anything to defuse the conflict.
But then Wang Yi, longtime foreign minister of the People's Republic of China, entered the Munich stage - and stunned. By announcing a peace initiative to end Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, he said, "We will put something forward. And that is the Chinese position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis," the Politburo member said Saturday, according to an official translation. "We will stand steadfastly on the side of peace and dialogue." For a safer world, he said, "the principles of the UN Charter are something we must uphold." Good. Very good. Now words just need to be followed by action.
Personal happy moment of the week:
In our countryside, there are plenty of typical Bavarian inns. And, as everywhere, countless Italians and Asians. Rarer are nice cafés where you can have a good breakfast. One we have - thanks to a voucher that I already got last year for my birthday - tried today. Very good coffee, a manageable but balanced menu. With regional products and in a former monastery building. It was worth it. It's always nice to start the Sunday with a delicious breakfast.
I couldn't care less...
...that Ukraine has requested cluster bombs and chemical weapons on the MSC. These are internationally outlawed because they cause massive collateral damage in violation of international law - including to the civilian population. That Russia is not caring about this may be, is even probable. Nevertheless, this quid pro quo logic is too weak for me. If they go low, you (still should) go high.
As I write this...
...I am mourning a little Lothar Wieler quitting his job. As head of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) he was the Anthony Fauci of Germany. And yet more than just the side kick of the respective health minister. As a politically independent person, he moderated the pandemic in a serious but calm manner. He analyzed, commented, admonished and annoyed. Far away from the day-to-day political business. Against his will, he became a media star, even though he much preferred to sit in the lab and work on his figures. He did what he thought he had to do. Tormented by the thought that "even one more child must die". Big shoes to fill.
Post Scriptum
To be climate neutral, each person should only emit less than one ton of CO2 or similar greenhouse gases per year - currently the average is 11.6 tons. Far ahead of the consumption of beef or air travel to the South, individual transport is the main polluter: the Germans' favorite child, the car. But the will in this country to rely on electromobility seems to be driven more by financial interests than by actual conviction. When gasoline was expensive and electric cars were tax-subsidized in 2022, there was a boom. That plummeted dramatically over the turn of the year, with 83 percent fewer fully electric cars and 87 percent fewer plug-in hybrids registered in January 2023 compared to the previous month. Sigh...
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chaosmadden · 1 year
in my biggest comfiest hoodie, sweats, and mid vans laxly wandering circles around my living room as i boredly guide my frustrated parent in the thousand step process of pairing of her complicated idevices and never in my life before have i felt so LouieDuckCore
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dridevicemalaysia · 1 year
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iPad Pro 12.9 4th Generation A2229 1TB logic board repair due to can’t turn on. Fixed with preserved 100% data and functionality. Thanks for using our services ❤️ We don’t charge any diagnostic fees like others to examine your Mac’s or iDevices😘 🍀If nobody can fix, probably we can🤭 Terry 016- 344 2168 https://wa.me/60163442168 🔥Operation Hour🔥 *Monday - Sunday* 10.00am to 10.00pm ❤️Love your iPhone, Fix Original ❤️ ✨We Fix Your Broken iPhone, iPad , Mac’s & Androids. 🌐 www.doctoridevice.com 🇲🇾 www.instagram.com/idevice_doctor_malaysia 🎵https://www.tiktok.com/@dridevice ▶️ https://www.youtube.com/@dr.idevicemalaysia Visit us @ 📍 Dr. iDevice @ 1Utama Shopping Centre (New Wing Oval) Lot B20, Basement 1 (Beside Post Office & Thai Odyssey) ☎️ +603 7732 8340 📍 Dr. iDevice The Waterfront @ Desa Parkcity GF-18, Ground Floor (Beside Family Mart & MaxValuePrime) ☎️ +603 6262 8340 ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Dr. iDevice is the independent repair store in Malaysia with official Certifications. This means we have access to Apple genuine parts, tools, training, service guides, diagnostics and resources. We will perform a variety of out-of-warranty repairs to the exact same standard as Apple. You may verified us at https://support.apple.com/en-my/repair/verify-repair-provider ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ #malaysian #malaysianig #foodie #desaparkcitykl #dridevice #petalingjaya #KualaLumpur #motivation #love #amazing #photooftheday #instagood #like #travel #beautiful #photography #picoftheday #follow #tbt #like4like #model #lifestyle (at The Waterfront@ Desapark City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmx_KDhp04y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iosgods · 2 years
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laguz · 2 years
Did you know you can make your iDevice flex its butthole for you?
simply swipe up to open the menu to access your “brightness setting” and make the brightness go up and down 🫀 I hope this was helpful
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