#idk!!! i am tired and not creative but i bet there are some even more fun combinations that i just can't think of!!!!
shachiruka · 2 years
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lqfiles · 19 days
BROOO JAEMIN GET BEHIND ME I WILL FIGHT ANYONE FOR YOU AND YOUR CAT (even tho my dog wont let me bc she doesn’t like the smell of other animals on me 😔 BUT I’LL TRY)
and yesss there are gendered words in Spanish for example “la foto” (the picture) is feminine “la mano” (the hand) is feminine, “el programa” (the program) is masculine, “el planeta” (the planet) is masculine. so the word “la” leans more towards femininity. for example: “la mujer” (the woman). “el” leans more towards masculinity. for example: “el hombre” (the man)
(also, its not easy for me to explain it 😭 but again, I’m here if it’s confusing 🫡)
and about my writingggg, i just started the series, im writing another piece of writing, im finishing one, and i just came up with another… my brain doesn’t stop 😭 that’s why i spend my time readinggg (also i read these two other books this week and so good)
but AGAIN i will literally take haechan in a fist fight i can do it guys swear! I throw hands (no I don’t) and I can do it (no I can’t) AND I GOT THIS (i’ll leave it you guys)
- 🫧
(also bella just posed for me on my digital camera and she looks like a doll/stuffed animal 😭 I guess that tired her bc she’s sleeping rn)
me fr because i’m the biggest cat person and jaemin has the cutest cats fr, anyways yasss that’s gonna be it for now i’ll try and make some of the new chaps soon 😝
its not confusing i surprisingly understand it, so if someone were to type something and started it with la you would be able to immediately tell they’re a woman? or am i wrong..
OH YOURE BUSYYY plsss how are you gonna handle all that at the same time 😭 have you decided what you’re gonna focus on? and maybe give us a little sneak peak 👀 the way i came up with a new fic idea too, WERE JUST SO FULL OF CREATIVITY!!
LMFAOOOOOO EXACTLY I (most non confrontational person ever) will beat his ease if he doesn’t stop (i would never lay a hand on a person cos i’m too scared) he better watch it 😒
ALSO OMGGG YOU JAVE A DIGITAL CAMERA?? i’ve been wanting one for ages, i feel like taking pictures on those just hits different, i bet the picture came out looking super duper cute aaweee, i was gonna say that you should show me but idk if you can even send digital camera pics to your phone or anything like that
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
May I request Ogun with a Black shy female reader doing a training session that leads to a little bit more 🙈
Anon please
You’re a second-generation pyrokinetic (Like Joker and Maki). Idk why but I made up in my head that you have flint-bottomed tap-dancing shoes that briefly light when you scrape your feet against the floor…..so that’s where you get your fire from 🤣🤣🤣
This one is a bit longer than normal cause i gotta build the tension
I am terrible at action scenes bruh
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Chug- lift heels, slide forward, and then drop the heels at the end of the slide forwards
“Hey, Y/n!” You look up from the bland mashed potatoes and corn Company 5 had prepared. It was a hot Sunday morning and your partner in crime was as excited as ever. He stood a few feet away at the back entrance in the cafeteria. Cocking a thumb behind him, he dawns a toothy grin. “Want to play a quick game?” The game Ogun hinted at was one you were quite familiar with and one you should have known he would ask you to participate in today. “Fine, but don’t cry when I win.” You scoop another spoonful of corn before tossing your tray away for recycling. You’d need all your strength cause Ogun never lost without asking for back-to-back redos.
.You didn’t quite understand the need to be sweaty all the time, but always gave in to his whims
Ogun preferred to train in the field where the sun shined the most throughout the day at the far left of the Company. Often as you went on throughout your day-to-day training, you’d spot Ogun doing laps and practicing his attacks throughout the day.
“I’m feeling fired up today Y/n, you might want to be worried.” You close your eyes as you stretched an arm over your chest. You had yet to lose but you knew Ogun only saw that as a personal goal to get past. “Let’s get this over with, I’m tired.” The smell of smoke enters your nostrils giving you enough time to dodge Oguns boosted attack. “I told you about letting yourself known Mr. Montgomery.” You open your eyes, Oguns skin was lit ablaze with his pyrokinetic abilities.
From afar you’ve always admired the swirls that decorated his skin whenever you got amped up, and this time was no different. “I see you’re already using “Flaming Ink” what, you already scared?” Ogun widened his stance, glowing white eyes watching you shift your feet. “I’ve been working on a new move that I want to show you so why don’t you try your little fire trick.”
Curious, you scuff your shoe on the floor and draw your fire...only the fire doesn’t come. You do it again and the light goes out just as quick as it came. “What did you do?” You narrowed your eyes at Ogun. “Oh nothing, I’m just faster than you now.” You take a few steps back, “Oh that’s how you want to play it? Okay!” You take off running at the very edge of the field and Ogun is fast behind you. Internally you admit that he had gotten much faster, but a simple fact as that wasn’t going to make you lose.
Doing your best to maintain speed, you chug and draw the flames close to your chest out of Montgomery’s line of sight. It was small, mostly snuffed by the kick of your legs as you ran but it was big enough to get the job done. Similar to Ogun in his natural state, you too could throw projectiles just not as damage-inducing.
Turning around as you run, your eyes widen when Ogun appears just inches in front of you, “Surprise!” Your flame is snuffed and you tumble bringing Montgomery down with you. You prepare to feel your body be crushed by his muscled one but at the last minute your shoulders are grabbed and you flip again. The change in elevation causes you to lose a bit of focus, but you can still clearly feel Ogun cushion your fall.
“Oh wow, this looks like something out of an anime.” Ogun laughs when he finds himself lying flat on his back, you positioned comfortably on top of him. The position was completely ridiculous with your thighs straddling his stomach but you were thankful that you wouldn’t be in any sort of pain later.
“Looks like I’ll need to train harder huh?” You playfully punch Ogun’s shoulder. Even though the whole ordeal only lasted 6 minutes, you could feel your back drenched with sweat. While you couldn’t wait to get in the shower, Ogun seemed content with being in a salty state. “You’re dripping all over me you know?” Your head immediately snapped down to look at Ogun with wide eyes, “Excuse me?”
Ogun had a neutral look on his face not hinting at any humor behind his words. “You’re sweating really bad. Did little ole me get you all worked up?” He had to be teasing you at this point, but you couldn’t find a single crack in his facade. “Yeah well, maybe if you didn’t choose this big ass field with no trees I wouldn’t be 2 seconds from passing out.” You stand up, a bit wobbly, and help him up. “I’m going to go shower, you can stay out here if you want to.”
Ogun happily joins you on the way to the showers. You could hear his excitement from finally beating you. “Don’t get cocky, it was a one-time occurrence Ogun.” An arm is slung over your shoulder. In a smug tone, Ogun mocks you, “Don’t be mad cause you lost. You’ve had enough time to be cocky on your own terms.” You gasp mockingly before turning your head to spit back a remark but lose your breath from how close his face is to yours. At such close proximity, you become aware of small details. How his skin shinned in the sunlight, how Oguns eyes contained such a very specific hue of orange that they mimicked the fire of Sol almost precisely. You even wouldn’t be surprised if they would burn to the touch.
“What’s the matter, got nothing to say?” Out of instinct, you shove his head away with so much force he goes flying before landing on his ass. Before any questions are asked you deflect, “Gross I got your B.O all on my shoulders.” From behind Ogun scoffs, “How dare you, any other fine lady would be blessed to be near my manly musk.” Stifling a laugh you utter one final tease before slipping into the girl’s shower, “Yeah, manly must.”
It was endless labor as your captain followed you around, blowing that damn whistle. Given laundry duty, you had to take multiple shifts back and forth throughout each level of the building to collect everyone’s clothing. When you came across Ogun’s level your job was hindered as you were forced to wait as he sifts through his piles of dirty laundry, “Trush me Y/n, there’s a shirt that I accidentally put in here but it’s actually clean.” “Ogun if it’s in the dirty clothes then it’s dirty.” You try to haul his stuff out but he stops you. “I swear if you don’t move I’ll burn your stuff.”
Ogun chuckles, “You burn my clothes and it’ll catch your clothing as well.” Ogun reaches inside the pile you held pulling out a blank white T-shirt that looked annoyingly similar to the 12 other T-shirts you had watched him toss to the side. “Unless of course, you’re trying to go streaking which by all means I encourage you to.” You ignore his joke and pretend it doesn’t strike a certain feeling in your gut.
For your next task, you had to prepare different levels of activities for a group of 5th graders coming to the company the next day. Of course, Ogun would be assigned to the same task as well so while you worked diligently to bring equipment from the storage room, Ogun spent his time using each of the items incorrectly. “Please stop bouncing the footballs with the tennis racket before you get hurt.” Ogun ignored you as he dribbled with the racket. “Don’t be mad cause you’re not as creative as me.”
Well, as you predicted Ogun ends up getting punted in the face when he tries to toss the football in the hoop. Even though the sound it made on impact was loud and hollow, Ogun barely flinches when it ricochets. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with getting hit in the face with balls, you barely moved.” Ogun glared as he watched you pick up the football. Absentmindedly you spin the football as you speak, “You know if I didn’t know any bet-” Your speech is gargled when your mouth becomes stuffed.
While you weren’t watching Ogun through a basketball at your hand making you push the end of the football in your mouth. “Wow you seem pretty experienced with balls in your mouth, you gotta show me some time.” You cradle your mouth, it throbbed with dull pain and resentment filled your mind. “I’m sure it’ll be easy, there aren’t going to be too many inches stopping me.”
At this point, both your nerves are on high alert, and the energy in the air shifts from playful to angry. “Oh yeah?” Ogun walks slowly and calmly towards you, raising a brow when you stumble back yet still maintain your glare. The hand cradling your jaw is held tightly in his grasp, “Would you like to try?” The dare only eggs you on, “You won’t last a second.” The faint twitch of his temple lets you know you hit a nerve.
Both you and Ogun’s heads snap to the left. Pan stood at the gym doorway arms waving and whistle blowing, a clear attempt at reprimanding your laziness. The playful aura comes back and you and Ogun are subjected to extra work for your negligence. “This is your fault you know.” he shoots back, “I don’t want to hear it Montgomery.”
Ogun walked down the hallway in search of a new victim to torture, so it was only pure convenience when he stumbled near your living quarters and caught you just before you walked inside. “Y/n! You were absent for dinner.” You take one look at him before dashing into your room. All you wanted was to sleep, training with Ogun, and then having to complete your own set of chores plus extra was tiering. So seeing Ogun wandering out and about during the late hours only met trouble.
You jolt from your train of thought as your door is banged on. “Go away Montgomery, I’m trying to sleep.” Ogun whined, “Well you weren’t trying too hard cause you weren’t in your room yet, now let me in.” You kicked the door back, “No, now go away!”
No sound is heard, not even a shuffle. Sighing you walk towards your bed with a content smile, you’d apologize to him later but now it was your time for rest. Heavy wind billowed through your opened window making you shiver as the curtains tickle your skin. The sharp coolness made your teeth rattle but it was just the right amount of cool you needed in order to head off quickly to dream land. Turning the dial of your lamp, your room is shrouded in darkness and you climb underneath the covers. Nothing could stop the relaxation you were about to receive…….nothing but the feeling of “something ain’t right.”
Opening your eyes and expecting the worse, you are then greeted with the worst as the same fiery eyes you admired hours before, hovered above your face. “You should really close your window.” You scream and throw a punch in Oguns direction but it is in vain as he catches it and pins it down. “I should really get you back for doing that earlier.” Ogun doesn’t make any move to let you go or even speak again. “How the hell did you get there so fast?” You are unable to look away from his eyes, nothing else would have mattered anyway.
More wind blows through your curtains. “I told you I’ve gotten faster.” You can feel his breath caressing your cheek the closer he gets to your face. The hand wrapped around your wrist tightens despite your body being slackened. “Oh yeah?”
No one knows who moved first. All you know is that your pajamas were being ripped off of your body as Ogun aggressively devoured your lips. Tossing everything to the ground, Ogun sits above you, with his shirt was off, you are given the liberty to admire his chiseled body. Ogun makes quick work with fingering you open, watching with a toothy grin as your chest shakes and your breath stutters. “Not talking much now are you?” He doesn’t care if you respond, all he cares about is wearing you down. You pull him closer, nails dragging down his back, as your orgasm overwhelms you. “Ogun!” Your legs are hiked up and over his shoulders as he positions below you.
“Good job, I don’t want to hear anything else but my name.” The stretch was burning and filled you tightly. “How many inches you think that is?” You weakly slap Ogun’s arm as he weakly ruts into you before pulling out completely, “S-Stop making fun of me.” “ Aww, but it’s fun!” Ogun is slow and precise as he mashes his hips forward. There is no hesitation and the pace stays at a fluid toe-curling pressure. “You’re so silent now Y/n. Tell me, how does it feel, huh?” Your back raises from off the bed, “It...good-I oh god!”
The simple fact that you couldn’t speak sent tremors to Oguns cock. He wanted to tease you more, make you break. Your pussy was wet and sopping for him and not even Sol could make him stop fucking you, not when you looked so beautiful underneath him. But a mischievous streak doesn’t go away that easy.
Leaning back on his haunches, you are put back on top of Ogun, the same position you were in when on the feild. He doesn’t move and just looks at you, “What are, what are you doing?” You try to bounce but he holds you down making you pulse around him. “Please let me move.” But he doesn’t, the only movement you get is when you’re held down harder on his cock. “How many inches Y/n?” You shrug, “I don’t freaking know like 5 or something!?” You just wanted to cum not answer a random questionnaire.
Ogun uses his strength to lift you up and slam you back down. “Wrong, try again.” It takes a moment for you to catch the breath that got knocked out at the second stroke. “Do you really want me to stroke your stupid ego, fine 8inches!” You are slammed down again and this time it hits a special spot just short of your G. “Wrong again, don’t be a smart ass Y/n” He rubbed your side. “Come on, play my game for a little bit, don’t you want to cum on my dick?” Oguns hands squeeze your breasts, thumbs rotating the dark circles of your areolas leaving your nipples to tingle in need.
“Si-Six damn it! It has to be like 6.” your answer is mumbled but is loud enough to satisfy Ogun. As if you weighed nothing less than a piece of paper, Ogun uses his thighs to bounce you on his cock. Your chest bounces in his face taking his immature mind to cloud nine. He could feel the tell tell sign of his own orgasms cumming, as your ass slammed down on his shaft. “Stop squeezing down so damn hard!”
Being the person you are, you don’t listen even after you feel Ogun spill inside of you. “Oh fuck!” You rearrange your own legs and start bouncing at your own pace. The tight grip on your waist means nothing as you chase your second cumming. “Hurry up you little shit my balls are burning!” Ogun tossed his head back as his mouth releases cracked moans. His cock continued to twitch as it became softer but still stimulated. Soon, Ogun couldn’t take the stimuli anymore and pushes you down on the bed. The feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of your pussy was a little less satisfying than his cock but you cream around it just as easily.
You lay down giggling while Ogun goes in and out of sleep. “I was right, you didn’t last a second.” “Shut the hell up, you’re like a vice.” Your sweaty state somehow doesn’t bother you as you rest in the afterglow. Your blinds continue to shimmer as the wind continues to blow. “Five and a half.” The numbers mean nothing to your muddled brain, “What?” Ogun looks at you, “5 and a half inches is the correct answer but I appreciate the 6.”
Suddenly the glow was no longer worth it.
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tarchey · 3 years
I have been posting some art on tumblr for a while, and you have always been my main supporter, and i just want to appreciate. it's very precious. It's very very precious that it can't be explained by words. like, you're so amazing you know, giving people motivation to go on.. for all this time i was hanging out in tumblr, you have been my main motivation to draw. You're so amazing. Just THANK YOU for being the who you are. Thank you.
Oh wow, I don’t know what to say. 🥺
You know, I’m just some random dude who can’t get enough of nice art. Idk, I just want to show people that I like their stuff and that I appreciate them for delivering all this awesome art.
But to read that I am the main motivation for someone to draw is incredible and makes me very emotional. It makes me proud but also kinda… sad?
I know the struggles someone, who loves to draw, faces. Young people are often afraid to show their works and are being told that it’s a waste of time constantly. They’re being told that they can’t be artists when they grow up and that they should spend their time with something more useful. But by telling them that, they are creating a self fulfilling prophecy because this is exactly why people stop being creative and won’t pursue their dreams, because they start to believe that their art is useless nonsense.
The thing is, that encouraging creativity can have so many benefits not only for many different professions (even when these have nothing to do with art) but especially for general mental health. Not everything a child/teenager does has to be a preparation for a future job. Maybe they become artists, maybe they will be happy simply doing art in their free time. But discouraging creative behaviour is something very cruel.
And I know, by far not everyone experiences being actually discouraged from doing art. But let’s be honest: who really is actively encouraged by the people in their lives? Maybe some, but I bet most crave some sort of support, even just a little bit.
So yeah, when I’m scrolling through Tumblr, I’m often tired (because I have a creative job, hah!) and I don’t always praise works of art as I should, but I damn well try to at least leave a little red heart. A simple double tap. It means I agree with you or I like what you’re doing and I’d like to see more of it and I appreciate you so much.
But don’t focus on responses too much either. I know the endorphins that are being released when you see likes etc act like a drug and they feel so good. But don’t feel bad when some posts receive less likes and comments or even no reactions at all. It is so important to appreciate your own art and simply doing it because you love doing it. This is is the only way to create art in a long lasting healthy way.
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
I got 25 asks that took me WAY too long to reply to! :}
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I have two top favorite episodes, the cone snail episode and the beluga whales episode.
When it comes to my favorite part of both episodes..?
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..Not happy parts...
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I have absolutely no idea what you just suggested.
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(Referring to this post)
Thank you! That was the intention. :} I was worried that their faces all looked weird..
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You want to learn more? Man.. maybe I should post that headcannon draft..
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Yeah haha, this blog has taken quite the U-turn hasn’t it? I’m just glad everyone seems okay with it so far. <:} I’m excited for season 5 also! I hope it comes out soon! :D
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Yes and no.
Does he think of his crew as children? Absolutely not. They are all fully grown, intelligent and capable adults, and he darn well treats them like it.
But you bet that if one of them is in danger or is frightened, he’s dropping everything he’s doing and rushing to their aid as if they’re his cub that just wondered out onto the highway.
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ME TOO! I always felt like he had this fatherly vibe to him with some professionalism sprinkled on top. Like he’s always looking out for his team because he cares for them and worries about them, but its kind of disguised as him just doing his job as the Captain.
I plan to draw more Protective Barnacles because its my jam, so don’t worry! That side of you will have some more fuel soon XD. And thank you for all the compliments! :}
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Daww thank you, it twaz nothin. I’m just glad that people want to see my art.
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Well, taking everyone into consideration, the tallest is Captain Barnacles, and the shortest is Tomminow. (This little guy 👇)
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The Vegimals aside though? Peso is the shortest. 
(And thank you! I’m glad :})
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Honestly? Awful. I feel like absolute garbage, I just hope this will all finally go away soon.
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Not really no, and no thanks on the cookies, I shouldn’t eat anything until I get super hungry because everything gives me stomachaches.. But a hug would sure be nice right about now.
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I can give you a link to their wiki pages if that’ll help, I’m not really good with my words and you can learn everything you need to know about them there. <:}
Captain Barnacles (The polar bear guy)
Kwazii (The orange pirate cat guy)
Peso (The bby Penguin doktor)
Shellington (Tall Otter boi)
Dashi (Doge girl with skirt)
Professor Inkling (Fancy squik)
Tweak (Green bunny country gal chick)
The Vegimals (Little veggie dudes)
All the Gups (Metal fishes)
The Octopod (Momma metal squik)
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Whos the youngest Octonaut? Well, if we’re not including the Vegimals, I’d say its probably Peso. And the oldest is most likely Professor Inkling.
Does anyone have claustrophobia? Yes! Captain Barnacles canonically does. He got trapped in a deep hole in some icy caves as a cub, since then he’s been afraid of tight and closed in spaces. I have extended on that fact and thought of many different scenarios relating to the aftermath of the Octonauts movie, but you know.. still not confident in all this Octonauts stuff so I haven’t posted my headcannons yet. <:/
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Novelas translated into English means Soap Opera.
You think so? I feel like that’s not Kwazii’s thing, he’d probably like horror movies and action filled movies. But Peso probably would like them not gonna lie, him and Dashi would probably watch them together.
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Well, in my draft post I’ve got two headcannons for her so far.
Tweak likes sleeping in the launch bay for the #1 reason that she can hear the water sloshing around in the bay. Which mimics the sound the water in the swamp used to make when she lived there with her Dad.
Tweak gets bad migraines when she’s sick, so the other Octonauts have to do a lot to accommodate her. Because the beds in the med bay aren’t that soft, she prefers to sleep in her room when she’s sick. But then the usually comforting sounds of the water in the launch bay become pain inducing. So the launch bay is emptied of all its water, the lights are shut off and, unless its an emergency, no one is allowed in the launch bay until she recovers. 
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I looked it up, and its true.
KWAZII WAS A GIRL IN THE BOOKS?? THEN WHY IS HE A BOY IN THE SHOW?? WHY DID THEY CHANGE THAT?? WH??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like this Kwazii more than I would any other version of him, but still, WHY’D THEY CHANGE THAT?? IM GLAD THEY DID BUT WHY??
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Hmm.. let me think...
Captain Barnacles most likely doesn’t ever have uninterrupted free time, and even when he does, he probably still prefers to be up in HQ where anyone can find him if they need him. But lets say for the sake of it that he has some free time and he takes it. He’d probably either want to play his accordion, or want to read a book.
I feel like there’s a lot of different things Kwazii likes to do in his spare time, but goofing around in the Gup-B is probably his favorite.
Peso probably likes to do puzzles and play his xylophone.
Dashi probably reads books while listening to music. How she does both of these things at the same time I have no idea.
Tweak probably plays video games.
Professor Inkling and Shellington both probably read books in their free time.
I’m not too sure what the Vegimals would do in their free time though..
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Oh yes, indeed it does. 
Before becoming the Captain of the Octonauts, Barnacles had to ask himself,  “Am I really ready to be their leader?” Can he handle managing a team of that size? Can he react to situations fast enough and make the right choices? He thought it through and believed that yes. He was ready.
But he wasn’t. He wasn't prepared for that gut wrenching anxiety when one crew member goes missing. He wasn't prepared for the crippling heat that most everywhere else has compared to his home. He wasn't prepared to become so attached to his crew that the thought of something happening to them keeps him awake for nights in a row. He wasn’t prepared for that overwhelming nausea of missing home and his sister. 
There was a lot he didn’t know. They’d all turn to him when something went wrong and ask if everything's going to be okay. He’d say “don’t worry, its all going to be okay.” but he’s just as unsure as everyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, he’s not this completely hopeless and unexperienced Captain that bit off more than he could chew, no. There’s just somethings he didn’t think about before becoming Captain of the Octonauts.
Now usually he can really keep himself composed almost always. He’s very level headed and very good at thinking his way through things, But sometimes? He just.. needs a break. He usually cant get a break because he’s the Captain and always needs to be alert, so everyone else that sees it usually tries to help.
Some crew members, like the Vegimals and Kwazii, have a habit of following the Captain around when they see that he’s tired to keep an eye on him. Others like Shellington and Dashi tend to give him space and keep things quiet for him. Some crew members, like Peso and Tweak tend to clean up around the place to take some weight off the Captains shoulders, they all help him out in some way.
Professor Inkling will sometimes find an excuse to pull him aside to have some tea with him. They’ll sit and talk for a bit but then he’s back up on his feet and back to work. This poor bear..
..hold on.. was this a drawing suggestion?
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Dashi and Tweak would probably hang out in Dashi’s room and goof around. Not sure what they’d do.. maybe read, talk, play games or.. idk pillow fights? I don’t know what girls do on a girls night.
As for everyone else? I also am not sure, I don’t know what all those characters with all their clashing personalities would do on a boys night. Maybe they would all watch a movie? All attempt bake something obnoxious together? They seem like the kind of characters that would do that.
I’ve never been to a girls night or a guys night, so I don't really have much of a base to go off of.. but both groups would probably get together and do something they’d all enjoy. Guys maybe a funny movie, and the girls just talking and reading books? <:D 
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For real that’d be hilarious. Imagine if their voices were deep and gruff too but they just make them sound high pitched for fun?
Dude that’d be so funny. Like Kwazii’s up to his shenanigans again blabbering on about some sea monster or what have you, and Tunip out of nowhere just goes,
“Kwazii legit stop, we all know that you’re just talking about some ordinary sea creature that pirates interpreted as a sea monster.“
The whole crew gon be like
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If this game existed in their world and they all played it.....
Captain Barnacles would make it through a pacifist run and would be satisfied. He’s some kind of weirdo who doesn’t think of characters as real people and doesn’t obsess over them and cry about them. Overall he thinks the game is pretty neat, but probably not his type of game.
Kwazii would want to test his skills by attempting a genocide, but his heart of gold would get in the way and he wouldn’t be able to complete it. He’d feel terrible for killing goat mom, reset and go hard pacifist next round. Overall he thinks the game is awesome.
Peso would want to talk to every character so they’d all be included in the story. He’d go full pacifist and cry over the story and its characters. Overall 10/10 for him.
Dashi would probably cry over the game a lot and would never attempt a genocide run because the characters are now her family.
Shellington would hate the fighting parts so would delay those bits by walking around and talking to characters over and over again.
Tweak would go through a neutral run because she sometimes accidently kills weaker monsters. Overall she loves the story and its characters, 10/10 would play again.
Professor Inkling would become invested in the story I bet. Complimenting the story arcs for the characters and its creative game play. But I feel like he’d only play it once and probably wouldn’t beat it, but would have fun with it none the less.
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Thank you!!!♡♡♡ Man, I never expected such a positive response to switching to Octonauts, I cant believe everyone is so excited about it! I’m so glad you like my Octonauts art, that really makes me feel better and like what I’m drawing is worth while. ɷ◡ɷ
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Aww I’m glad! And oh yeah, the animals at the end were always scary. Remember the Boo the spookfish?
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Boo was a cute little googly eyed fishy boi who was just so sweet and somft until the creATURE REPORT AND I-
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Dawww thank you!! I tried. <:}
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haechansfbuddy · 3 years
Pillows and Cuddles
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Please just ignore the title I'm not creative and idk what to call this.
Also pls feel free to request fluff/smut/reactions in my askbox I get v bored.
Before you leave just press keep reading I promise the fanfic is there
Yangyang x reader fluff <3
No one:
Tumblr: *looks at <3* what a funty bit of coding ya got there
You were staying at your best friends house since your parents were out of town, and you didn't like staying in the house alone. Only problem is, you had had a crush on him for years. Liu Yangyang, your best friend. You loved everything about him. The way he throws playful grins at you after making a sarcastic comment. The way his hair falls perfectly over his forehead when he runs his hand through it. His little giggles. His pretty face. The way he was so caring, for you, his best friend. But that was the problem, you were only his best friend. Nothing more.
"What are you daydreaming about?" Yangyang asks, smirking. "Nothing," you reply quickly. "You okay y/n, something doesn't seem right?" He seems genuinely worried, making your insides flip. "Yeah I'm okay" you sigh lightly at the effect he's having on you. "You sure?" He raised his eyebrow "wanna do something fun to take your mind off whatever it is you clearly don't wanna talk about" Damn it Yangyang, why do you have to be this nice. You want to tell him how you feel, but you're too scared he'll say no. "Yes please" you smile at him, and he gets out his movies.
You watch him going through them, before saying "so you don't use Netflix like normal people" He immediately rolls his eyes, smiling cutely. "Netflix doesn't have all the classics" You admire him quickly and argue "Netflix has labyrinth" He wastes no time to say "You only like it because you fancy Jareth" "Well, yes Yangyang, who doesn't fancy him, but I genuinely love the movie. I still think they should've kissed though" "You are the definition of hopeless romantic, if they kissed you would have cried and said you want what they have" "I am not that bad" "You are. But it's fine cos you look cute when you're looking at things with such passion in your eyes" It was true that you loved romance movies, but you did not look cute while watching them.
"Sooo" he smiles at you, holding up Romeo and Juliet, knowing you've both seem it countless times. You just let out a soft giggle and nod. You go and get snacks, and when you come in Yangyang is less across the sofa. "Yangyangggg" you whine and pout softly. "Don't pout, I was keeping your seat warm" you shake your head at the boy and hand him the bowl of popcorn, before leaning against him to watch the movie. You sat there reciting the movie as it played, Yangyang giggling occasionally at how well you knew it. "How many times have you seen this" he laughed "Lots, now shut up and look at how gorgeous Romeo is" "You like him?" He sounds disgusted. "Uh, are you blind, he's Leonardo DiCaprio" you say. Yangyang keeps talking, and you lightly slap him to shut him up, as it's almost done.
As the credits roll, you're crying and Yangyang speaks up "If you say you want a love like theirs I will deport you. I don't know what you're looking for, but killing yourself because your partner killed themself because you pretended to kill yourself is slightly extreme" You look up and wipe your tears, laughing at his comment "I don't want anyone to kill themselves for me, but I will say that if my man doesn't love me as much as Romeo loves Juliet, then ion want him. He just looks at you for a while.
Just as you're getting lost in his eyes, he launches a cushion at you, initiating a pillow fight. You start beating each other up with pillows, chasing each other round. But eventually you forfeit giggling, your asthma catching up to you.
Yangyang falls to the floor, bringing you with him, cuddling you closer to his chest. Your heart pounds faster, and you feel butterflies start to form in your stomach. "So.." He starts. "what do you want now, you ruined the moment" "I just wanted to know what was wrong earlier. You can tell me anything you know, I'll always try to help" You work up what little courage you have and begin "Well, I may or may not have a massive crush" and to your surprise, he didn't do his usual excited quizzing about this type of situation, but he said "tell me exactly how you feel, you don't have to tell me who it is if you don't want to" you started to panic more as he stroked your hair and gave you his full attention. "W-well I can't really explain it, the way I admire him I mean. He's so respectful and caring, and he's a good listener. He's so funny, and he has the cutest little laugh, which goes along perfectly with his adorable smile. And he has the prettiest eyes you could ever imagine. I can't put it into words how handsome he is, or how thankful I am to have him in my life. And he has the most beautiful voice, speaking and singing, he's just too perfect for this world" "Tell him that then" Yangyang said it so nonchalantly that it hurt. "But what if he only likes me platonically?" " then come over, tell me, cry into my chest, we'll play some Mario kart or watch a childrens show to feel nostalgic, and I'll tell you about how stupid this guy is for not seeing how beautiful you are, and how cute you look when you're tired. I'll scold him and make him regret not seeing how you're incredible you are, and caring and-" you cut him off "You really mean that?" " yes y/n, who came over to look after me when I was practically vomiting everywhere, even though they have a massive fear of vomit" "me" you answer "right. And who checks how much I've ate and drank before they go to bed" "me" "exactly, I bet this guy isn't half as caring as you, and he's incredibly lucky to have someone like you want him" That was it for you, you kissed him, and once he realised what was happening, he eagerly kissed back. You pulled back and smiled. You sat up on his lap and rested your head in the crook of his neck, arms reaching round to hug him "I love you Yangyang"
"I love you too. Now get some sleep princess, I don't want you yawning all day tomorrow"
*cries cos I wanna fall asleep in Yangyangs arms*
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mod2amaryllis · 3 years
I'm sure you've received this question a hundred times but do you have some tips for training a deaf puppy? Thank you and sorry to bother you
OK YEAH SO definitely don’t consider training to be an area of expertise but Goose turned out decent so here are some things:
first thing: make sure you’re prioritizing just like, approaching it as A Puppy, and puppies are hard as a baseline. find a class to join for basics if your dog does well in a class setting (my area had a free puppy class option that worked great for Goose, look into it, but I DO think this is something worth spending money on if you have to). then my most recommended puppy literature is: Social, Civil, and Savvy: Training & Socializing Puppies to Become the Best Possible Dogs. it’s almost impossible for me to pay attention to nonfiction books and a lot of dog training books are really crunchy technical, but this book is super short, lots of pictures, big text, straightforward. I had an easy time absorbing it and the stuff works. awesome awesome training guide. also a good podcast is Drinking From the Toilet, which has had specific puppy and deaf training eps
AND BLANKET STATEMENT: socializing is just in general the most important thing for a puppy. like exposing them to new things. expose them to all types of people, all types of animals, all types of situations, all types of floors rooms buildings grass discomforts yadda yadda yadda this is JUST as important for a deaf puppy. blanket ass statement.
general stuff before I share personal observations: resources I turned to the most were probably Deaf Dogs Rock (awesome equipment recs, so many anecdotes from owners w/ specific advice) and Keller’s Cause (neat little training videos)
ok now personal experience
in the context of training it was helpful for me to think of deafness more as just another attribute as opposed to a disability. like how being a mini aussie makes her creepy-smart, being deaf makes her: not hear (obviously), highly observant, potentially more confident in situations that might intimidate hearing dogs, easily startled, dependent on passive training as opposed to command training. basically it’s not a hurdle. it forces you to be creative and work within her attributes. just like with literally any other dog.
obviously you will use signing. I don’t use ASL, I come up with whatever is intuitive for Goose and me. early training feels like you need 3 hands cuz you’re giving treats, you’re signaling “good job,” you’re signing commands, you’re maybe holding a leash, it’s a lot. so my signs had to be with 1 hand, they had to be intuitive, they had to be distinct from one another to avoid confusion. a few examples: SIT is a closed fist (I feel like most people already do this with their dogs); TOUCH is two fingers offered; LAY DOWN is those two fingers being lowered to the floor; SPEAK is a hand being opened rapidly. I have more but you get the picture. I actually have a notebook where I’d doodle commands as I went cuz I was literally just flying by the seat of my pants lmao
passive training has been clutch. this is kennel training, car training, leash training, basically establishing her life routine (idk if it’s actually called passive training??? i’m sure it all falls under “”””socializing”””” but that’s such a huge umbrella). these areas can be difficult to settle into but they really are essential. I don’t have car advice cuz my dogs drive w/ me to work every day and are fine so IDK WHOOPS but:
leash training: with goose being deaf it was weird because the trainer I worked with was heavily reliant on voice commands. so I put a LOT of time into the loose-leash game, which is walking on a leash in the house, and every few steps, you give the dog a treat AT YOUR SIDE. like hold your hand right by your leg. basically the idea is to teach your dog it’s cool and fun to stay by your side and check in with you every now and then. Goose still pulls on her leash but in a manageable way, and she knows to check back with me. also definitely rec a halter. this one’s my favorite.
kennel/sleep training (gonna spend a lot of time on this one cuz it was/is the worst thing about Goose): listen. this one will be hard. this one’s gonna suck. you will be SO tempted to just let them in your bed but you really, REALLY should not. letting them in the bed can foster separation anxiety especially with a deaf dog who’s probably gonna become your shadow. kennels instill confidence by giving a dog their own space, and if ever there’s an emergency when they need to go in the kennel, it’ll help them feel safe. like there’s so many reasons to kennel train. you gotta do it.
so...as a baby, Goose like almost killed me with sleep deprivation. we initially didn’t think we’d keep her (haha hubris) so she slept out of the bedroom. And Screamed. the ultimate solution was bringing her kennel in the bedroom next to Joanie’s kennel, and we’re pretty sure the reason that solved it is because she could wake up and SEE that there was another dog there. now she loves her kennel. shoots in there every night demanding her pb kong. BUT YEAH LISTEN if you DON’T HAVE some comforting visual/kinetic reassurance there, this could be a problem for a deaf puppy. AND. AND. the problem hasn’t gone away completely. Goose wakes us up at 5:30 am every single morning and probably will for the rest of her life because THAT is her routine and she is immune to our angry tired yelling. the simple act of us going to her kennel reinforces the behavior. we’re not jerks about it cuz we love her and understand how dog brains work. This Could Happen To You. Heads Up.
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: big sister dog like Joanie, worked for us; a floor fan creating vibrations, seemed to help her as a very young kiddo; being at least IN VIEW of you sleeping, like having the kennel riiiiight next to the bed, even within arm’s reach so you can reassure the puppy you’re still there. just...both in personal experience and in my research, I saw it a lot that sleeping is a big issue. cuz they can’t hear you, it’s dark, they don’t know if you’re still there, and committing to STILL attempting kennel training is the harder thing to do, but I really, really encourage you to try.
WOW. ok. fuck off I typed way more than I meant to. wanna hear some funny stuff?
Goose follows us around everywhere. she simply must know what’s goin on. we have beds stationed at every visual corner of the house, like sentry posts, so whatever room we’re in there’s a comfy place for her to sit where she can see us and she takes advantage of it. like she could be sleeping in one room and I’ll get up to brush my teeth, suddenly look down and she’s just teleported already asleep in the nearest bed to me.
sometimes Goose knocks on the door to come inside, and I’ll go to the door to let her in, and at literally the nanosecond before I open the door she dog-shrugs and turns and trots away and there’s nothing I can do. can’t call out to her. I’m bamboozled.
she is so fucking loud. I remember when she was a baby and my sis in law was like “wow so I bet she’s quieter than normal dogs huh” and I laughed like no actually she sounds like a rubber chicken going for that 4 chair turn on the voice, at ALL times.
sometimes I’ll do the speak command and she’ll do this huge windup, like big breath, eyes wide, and then release what is essentially a very little hiccup. but i still have to give her the treat. she doesn’t know the difference, not really.
always delighted to be woken up by you, wiggles her feet and starts licking her lips and looking up at you like “!!!! hello!!! omg!!! wow!!! a delight!!!”
doesn’t know the cats don’t like her. will trot up to Frisk and give what is in her mind a very polite little kiss on her nose before trotting away, oblivious to the offended growl she’s just elicited.
realizing i could write a book about how much i love this deaf fucker
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shotgun-cake · 4 years
idk why but I just imagined Martín as Crowley and Sergio as Aziraphale from Good Omens (no romance tho), I think it's so funny because they are clearly the so-called demon that's actually just a disaster boy doing the best he can, and an apparent angel that's a real big asshole but because he thinks it's necessary
😇 😈 😇 😈 😇 😈 😇 😈
I absolutely LOVE this
Thank you so much, anon, for deciding to share this wonderful hot take with me - it warms my heart that you came up with that gem of a headcanon and thought, "who should I throw this at? oh I know, Shotgun, let's see if she catches it..."
And I am ENAMORED with this concept.
With Sergio being an objectively bad angel, with his own skewed morals, but still striving to do good, sometimes with questionable methods.
And Martín, just as incompetent, he gets off on putting lust in the hearts of men, but he won't do anything darker than small temptations, petty crimes. He does it for the thrill, not because he's been asked to.
They both find their job very rewarding, but neither of them plays it by the book. They have a centuries-old rivalry, but don't actually hate each other with a burning passion. Sergio doesn't really see Martín as his Nemesis, that he must defeat at all costs, but more as a mild inconvenience, a persistent thorn on his side. And Martín feels the same about Sergio, not threatened by him, but rather slightly amused. "This fucking guy again? *Tired Sigh* Alright, bring it on, Wings! Let's play..."
PLOT TWIST: Demon!Martín and Angel!Sergio both end up assigned to watch over one Andrés de Fonollosa - apparently an important player in the great game of Humanity™ - and both angel and demon try to sway Andrés to their own side. They infiltrate his life, as friends, and it turns out Martín and Sergio are evenly matched, and seem to have equal influence on Andrés's life, on his choices, on who he is as a person.
They both find Andrés utterly fascinating, he has potential for greatness and for cruelty, and Martín keeps nagging Sergio that Andrés would make a wonderful demon, that the Aesthetic alone suits him so well. Andrés is unlike any human Martín's ever met, he's actually complex, creative and bold. And so unpredictable that he keeps even angels and demons on their toes. Martín is entirely smitten. Sergio calls him out on his blatant lack of professionalism (falling for a human? Gross!) but he hopes he can use it to his advantage to turn Andrés into a Good Person™ (lmao)
One day, Andrés mentions that he sees Sergio as a brother. Of course, Sergio immediately boasts to Martín that he's won, that he made Andrés see the light and that he's the one who has the most power over him. Because "surely Martín, he never saw you as a brother, did he?"
But Martín doesn't bite back, he just smiles at Sergio, safe in the knowledge that Andrés is committing so many sins, the robberies and the violent outbursts, so Martín is clearly the one who has Andrés in his pocket.
Martín also knows for a fact that Andrés is this close to cheating on his wife, that he's corrupted his heart, he just needs to find the right woman to woo Andrés, the final temptation. He prepares the perfect event to make Andrés cross that line, an art gala full of elegant, cultured and beautiful women. But Sergio unexpectedly crashes the party and ruins it all (not fair! turns out Sergio is no stranger to playing dirty either, how rude!) That night, Sergio magically makes all women in attendance appear undesirable to Andrés.
A move that backfires in a spectacular way.
Because as Sergio leaves, confident that he did a wonderful job in there (stellar work Sergio, now we know for sure Andrés isn't cheating on his wife tonight!), it turns out that Martín is the one who catches Andrés's eye that night. Which isn't at all how he planned it, that part was entirely unexpected, and if Martín were to follow the rulebook, well, that's a big no-no, right?
But Martín would be lying if he said he never thought about it, and the biggest thrill of all is that he genuinely wasn't trying to seduce Andrés himself, he might have fallen for him just a little bit (a lot, boy fell hard, even harder than when he fell from heaven), but Martín never acted on his feelings for Andrés, all he ever did was befriend him. The moment Andrés shows interest, however, all bets are off. Martín, in quite the predictable demon fashion, goes "fuck the rules!"
And fuck Andrés ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Martín can just write on his report that he did 'what had to be done', and then some. Such a competent demon, so devoted to the task at hand, in fact, that he did absolutely 'everything in his power' to corrupt Andrés. And he did. He very much did. Employee of the month, that's for sure.
"Turns out you were correct, Sergio. Andrés never saw me as a brother, did he?"
And... that's all I have on this!
Thanks again for this ask, Anon, I hope you were entertained. I sure was!
😇 😈 😇 😈 😇 😈 😇 😈
#anon you are Galaxy Braining on this and I'll tell you why#i have in my drafts an outline for a Good Omens AU for Berlermo#probably never gonna write it but it's there#it's been there for a few months taunting me#i did not go in your direction but here's what i have:#Andrés as the overzealous demon with occasional impulses of goodness (rare and shameful)#Martín as the laid-back angel with his own moral compass and who's not scared of playing dirty (claiming it's for the ''greater good'')#Andrés and Martín keep meeting and ''influencing'' the same events and every time when they report back to heaven/hell#they portray the encounter as an unmitigated victory for their own side#Andrés will write ''I corrumpted a young man by putting lust in his heart''#Martín will write ''I did a Cupid Mission and united a lovely couple''#(same event but very different takes lmao)#Working Title: ''Conflicting Reports''#obviously they fall in love#but are both CONVINCED the other is fomenting a ploy for the interest of their own side#then the MINT heist happens and they both infiltrate it as hostages in the hopes of swaying the course of the events#the tension of the confinement paired with their rivalry and pent up desire means they end up boning in one of the vaults#neither of them mentions it in their rapport to heaven/hell#proving at last that this wasn't a ploy at all and that they weren't doing the seducing on behalf of their ''side'' after all#so that's what this was or at least what it was supposed to be (I'll never write this lol)#now YOUR TAKE has me curious and Angel!Sergio versus Demon!Martín is definitely a Sitcom I'd watch!!!#i want some angel versus demon shenanigans with Andrés vaguely in the background#entirely oblivious to the fight between Heaven and Hell currently taking place in his living room#and once Martín and Andrés get together OBVIOUSLY Sergio sticks along#still striving - struggling - to tip the scales and make Andrés a better person#lol i went off didn't i?#i got an ask!#anon#berlermo#shotgun's fanfics 🔫🍰
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edelgoth · 4 years
conquest matchup
@the-alpahaca hi hi!! happy new year to you too!! also, it’s good to see you back with another request <3 sorry it took me so long to get this to you; i’ve been in a bit of a writing slump hhhh (the fact i’m saying happy new year goes to show how long i’ve kept you waiting i am SO sorry jlgdfdgfklj)
also i felt that “tend to waste my life away daydreaming” and having it be more of a defect down to my gut skljdfslfk. 
also, since you wrote me such a lovely matchup (and now headcanons), i’ve made this a little longer <3 
so, i match you with...
listen, the contrast in this relationship. the balance that contrast brings. i’m living for it. 
you’re the bubbly & friendly to leo’s calm & somber. i think you two just have such so much to offer each other? 
for example, i think leo could help you keep your scatter-brain in check. or, if that’s out of the realm of possibility, he’s just so organized & purposeful that it balances out (watch me write the word balance one too many times dslkjfd) 
but on the other hand, leo could really do with having someone who likes cheering other people up around (hell, all the nohrian siblings could dskljflfkj) someone’s gotta make him smile, and that person is you!! 
leo needs some kindness to stoke his intensity; it’s an intensity that’s developed quite naturally out of the circumstances of his birth and his upbringing. so, i think your personality would help remind him how to be kind, and he’s very grateful for it 
furthermore, you two would have a good balance when it comes to understanding & forgiving too easily vs drawing the line too harshly; i think you two could really learn from each other and come to a healthy equilibrium!! 
leo can come off as quite cold, but honestly? i reckon he’s got a bit of awkwardness too. so sometimes he finds your own awkwardness adorable (good luck getting him to admit to that, tho), and sometimes he finds it painful because it hits too close to home. idk if that made sense dkljfsdsflkj
he’d find you quite intriguing at first (probably a bit suspicious of your motives, but that’s just how he is), because of that mysterious vibe you give off; finding out that you’re actually quite kind and scatterbrained would be quite endearing to him 
furthermore, because of the sort of person he is, he can help bring you back down to earth when you’re daydreaming 
but, at the same time, he admires your creativity!! it’s something he cherishes in you, and he never wants you to lose that streak
your wish for romanticism (the most traditional sense) in the everyday may just wake something up in him? the want to see the beauty in the world around him, to find meaning; and while your romanticism has caused you some strife in the past, i think leo’s very logical, analytical and observant nature may help you unpick that?? because it’s a very precious thing to want to find that which is worth loving, but he might be able to help you do that in a way that doesn’t cause you pain (i feel like this made NO sense i’m so sorry) 
nerd that he is, he’s impressed by the fact that you’re trilingual!! (so am i dflkfjf) i can see him being interested in learning key phrases from each of your three languages 
he loves your cooking!! (it’s taking everything within me to not make a tired joke about tomatoes hhhh) i can’t remember if his opinion on sweets is stated anywhere, but you can bet he’s going to appreciate anything you make for him  
definitely a documentary guy in a modern au
leo’s very observant, which means he always has something nice to say about every outfit you put together. it’s usually about your attention to detail  
pls use your fashion skills to fix his collar i’m begging you-- 
also!! the contrast in your tastes in fashion. high art.  
leo’s an introvert himself (i think), so he’d respect your need to recharge and will give you that space. it sounds like your energy levels match quite well!! 
leo knows what it’s like to isolate himself; with a childhood like his, it’s no surprise that he tends to hide himself away in his studies. i think that’d help him identify when you just need some time alone to catch your breath, or when he should be concerned. 
because he’s had such a different upbringing (one that’s like,,, sheltered, and yet also the opposite of sheltered,,, wtf is going on in nohr) he’d offer you quite the different perspective on life and the world and our place in it 
leo would really enjoy talking about philosophy with you!! or, rather, existentialism; he doesn’t have anyone to even touch on those subjects with, so you’d end up getting the full brunt of what he’s really thinking and feeling 
it might get overwhelming at times (boy’s been through some Intense stuff), but it also means he’d be very attentive in return; he genuinely enjoys hearing you talk through your thoughts and how you’ve arrived at them 
he’d definitely be able to talk for hours and hours with you about life, and actively encourage you to share your thoughts with him!! 
in general, i think he needs someone insightful and perceptive, not only to keep up with his own mind, but to understand him 
he’d love that you’re so interested in the world and people and that you just want to know about it all; it’s a part of him that he’s pushed down after prioritizing learning just to survive 
leo can be very no-nonsense, and from one melancholic to another, that can be very helpful at the right time asjkf 
he’ll constantly be telling you that you’re smart and intelligent and he will not hear otherwise; if there’s something you’re not getting, he’s going to do his best to try and explain it to you in a different way 
he’d point out when you were being too harsh on yourself. he thinks it’s absurd that you can be so cruel to yourself when you’re so kind to him and the people around you. he just can’t wrap his head around it 
he admires your kindness in general; especially the way you... think of other people and their place in the world, if that makes sense?? the reason being that, once again, his childhood didn’t leave much space for that sort of mindset (i’ll literally pay myself to stop talking about his childhood i askjfdfldkj)
funnily enough, i feel like leo is the opposite of you when it comes to the cold/warm dichotomy; where you’re very good at taking care of people and being a good friend, you’re able to let them go when the time comes. leo strikes me as the opposite; distant and hard to reach, but gets quite attached (i’m mainly thinking of his retainers and his siblings). i wanted to say something #deep about it but i’ll go back to the fact you have great contrast yet again 
i feel like leo would be okay with the fact that you’re not super affectionate, too; he’s a bit of a romantic, but i don’t see him being big on physical affection? like of course he enjoys it, but it’s not high on his love languages. i have nothing profound to say, just thought it was of note skljffdlj
but, he’s proved time and time again that he’s capable of being quite the romantic; so, he’d be able to meet you in the middle when it comes to finding a life full of romance!! 
i feel like he’s a big gesture guy, and he prefers using them to express how he feels over words
he’s very good at complimenting you (especially if he thinks you’re being hard on yourself), but he struggles to get frank with his own feelings; so instead, expect a lot of thoughtful gifts and dates
loves your writing. is always asking if he can read it. has a particular love for your essays, just because he’s also got an analytical mind
likes getting you to brainstorm with him whenever he’s stuck on a particular problem!! he just appreciates how your mind works and it can be such a contrast to his own (i get the feeling he’s got tunnel vision), so it’s a big help!! 
he’s not very artistic himself, but he loves seeing whatever you create, be it drawings or written pieces. i feel like he’d be surprisingly good at motivating you, without making it too obvious that that was his goal?? i’ve made less and less sense the further down this matchup we go
because he struggles with his inferiority complex, i feel like leo would be quite understanding of your own insecurity. of course, he disagrees (he thinks that being a jack of all trades certainly has some benefits over specializing, like him), but he’d be able to handle it with a sensitivity and thoughtfulness beget only by someone who truly understands 
and finally, he’d be grateful that you’re good at understanding people. leo’s got a lot pent up, and i think someone like you would be the perfect partner for someone like him!! honestly, he probably needs a bit of help understanding himself (same thing could be said about the rest of the nohrian siblings tbh), and i think you’d be able to help with that 
essentially, you connect on a lot of your core traits, but there’s still a contrast which could help incur growth!! bless this couple it’s such a high tier concept 
alternate matches
kaze: a big reason i chose leo over kaze is that i think you’d have more of a intellectual connection with the former? i think your personalities would mesh quite well, as you’re both kind and thoughtful and yet also a bit stoic. there’s still a good bit of contrast, where he’s reserved and you’re quite bubbly, which’d make this pairing quite cute. the general vibe i get from this pairing is ‘uncontrollably fond’, and i really like it? regardless of if you were romantically involved or not, i think you and kaze would get along wonderfully (and would likely end up as best friends?) 
laslow: now this guy is quite different from the other two. firstly, he matches your more bubbly side, while also being prone to moments of introspection. i think laslow has a certain maturity to him in fates that’d make him a good person to rely on. but, he’s not too serious and mature, so he’s still someone you could have a lot of fun with. but, while i said he’s prone to moments of introspection, i don’t think he goes quite as,,, deeply, as you do?? i can’t see him debating philosophy, tbh. but, i think he’d still be a really good match!! leo is just better
also silas was being VERY LOUD so he’s here too, i guess 
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thedeviljudges · 5 years
How do you deal with getting up and going to work every day all day. I just started working full-time temporarily (a co-op position) and going from waking up at alternate times for mostly 4-6 hour shifts (part time retail) to consistently getting up at 6 and having to go in every day all day is fucking hard man... And I like my job and my co-workers. I can't wait for school again in May so I can skip when I wanna and sleep in longer some days / only have class for a few hours.
Same anon. Idk I just never felt like an 8-5 office job was meant for me but $$ is a thing so.. unless I find a partner that can support both of us or at least support me doing part time work or me staying at home with kids then I'm stuck and it's super depressing to think this is the rest of my life. My brother + his gf + 6mo old live with us and she would rather be working but I'm like u sleep when baby sleeps and play video games while he plays... Vs getting up and going out 5/7 mornings..
And I'm not trying to downplay the difficulty of being a stay at home parent or that it's not it's own job. Sometimes she looks like she hasn't slept in days and you can tell how frustrated she is but still manages to put on a happy baby voice and try to get the baby to smile etc. But it seems way more fulfilling to me. Idk I'm just the only person in my entire family (+extended) that has an issue with this whole 8-5 life. So like how the hell do you do it even when you like your goddamn job
okay first off, i am SO sorry i sat on this for so long. 1. i needed to process it bc this is a BIG MOOD and 2. i didn’t want to half ass a reply due to me being tired.
now, idk if you’re asking or just stating about getting up and going to work, but i’ll answer as if you’re asking. to say the least, it’s hard. it really is. i wanna cry in the mornings bc i just want to stay in and sleep. i also know that going in means sitting at a desk for 8+ hours while there’s so many others who are a) doing the same or b) living a life where they’re not doing this. it’s depressing knowing you’re wasting away at a desk while there’s sunlight, where there’s shit i could be enjoying. bc by the time i get off work (i should mention my commute is about 40 min to and from work bc ofc traffic), i don’t wanna do anything. i wanna go to bed. i can’t really write bc no energy, and it’s exhausting.
i’m not saying all this to make all of it more depressing but to relate and to say that you’re not alone in feeling this way. what gets me up and going to work every day is knowing i have bills to pay - i bought a car in july (bc of necessity. not bc i was trying to be ~fancy), and if i don’t make money somehow, i’ll be fucked as well as my family bc not only do i work, but i also have to provide a lot of my income to other ppl. sucks even more cuz like, guess who can’t always enjoy what they earn? lmao i hate poverty and capitalism.
thing is, i know that i’m lucky to have my job. i do have good co-workers and a good boss, but it’s the work and sitting inside for 40-45hrs a week that’s a fuckin joke. and again, the driving force is money. it’s always money, and i hate that that’s the case, but it is. i also feel like i’m not the kind of person who fits into an office job, but the thing is, i’m cynical and think it’s bs when ppl talk about going for their ~dream job bc some of us don’t have that luxury - we don’t have the same opportunities or fallback that some ppl have to pursue what we really wanna do, so here we are!! stuck doing shit we’re not that happy with.
and i feel the same about the stay at home situation to some degree - i think about finding a partner who’d have enough to live comfortably. i don’t want kids, but i see my sister who is a stay at home mom (and granted, they’re making ends meet themselves), but her job is...... not hard, lmao. i’m not saying it’s not tough sometimes, but kids have opportunities for naps and other activities that ppl in office jobs don’t get. y’all can go to the library or to a park any time of the day. it’s just different, and i tend to agree with you on that front. kinda sounds horrible, and i’m not knocking parents or moms by any means either, but having to fake smile and bs your way through an office job is..... wild, lmao. ask ppl in customer service as well, and i bet they might have a smidge of the same mentality having to deal with people on the daily. it’s exhausting af.
i think the way society is via work is quite outdated esp given the stagnant pay, so i don’t blame you for feeling down. i hate to say that it feels normal, but it really does, and it’s no wonder so many ppl are depressed and hate their life and themselves. just know you’re not along, and if you ever want/need to vent, please feel free!! i wanna cry a lot bc of my lack of creativity due to my job eating up all of my time and just trying to come to terms with the fact that it’s shitty, and i gotta manage it somehow is rough. i had mental health issues before, but i think it’s taken a downturn in the past 2-3 months.
like i said, i make it through my days due to money. it’s the driving factor now. it sucks to admit that and be that way, but it’s the truth. i wish i had more advice or more to offer than that. i wish there was a quick fix solution, but i hope it makes you feel better knowing you’re not along, and your thoughts are valid, babe. ;/
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strxngests · 5 years
@blackstcne​ said: Pietro&Elizabeth
Tumblr media
Send me a ship and I'll tell you
Who hogs the duvet: both, but mostly pietro
Who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both!! but i think pietro would do it a bit more often
Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: pietro! lizzy didn’t have to give neither received gifts after her 11 y/o
Who gets up first in the morning: lizzy, pietro isn’t a morning person AT ALL
Who suggests new things in bed: PIETRO, i mean he’s probably the one who’s teaching everything to lizzy
Who cries at movies: it depends, but i think both of them
Who gives unprompted messages: pietro does it more often, but lizzy does it too
How they are when they’re sick: i think pietro would be the clingy type? while lizzy would act as if she ain’t sick at all even though she can barely stand
Who gets jealous easiest: i think none of them would get jealous easily?? idk, they feel like the couple who would flirt 24/7 and be sure no one could take the other away
Who collects something unusual: LIZZY, as an habit of a traveler of universes
Who takes the longest to get ready: i think it’d be pietro
Who is the tidiest and organized: LIZZY, she’s kind of an ocd freak but she will never admit it
Who gets most excited about the holidays: pietro!! he’s a ball of sunshine am i right
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: ok they switch from time to time and you can’t tell me otherwise
Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: i think normally would be pietro, but jasdhas he gets so “look at her, how adorable” to lizzy that he forgets to be competitive
Who starts the most arguments: they wouldn’t argue very often, but i bet my hand on fire that it’d probably start because of one of the kids
What are their nicknames for each other: all of those cliches, like honey, sweetie, love. but also some provocative ones, to times when they’re being competitive, like “mister speed”
Who suggests that they buy a pet: BOTH. sophia, luna & dmitri would probably have to stop them
What couple traditions they have: valentine’s day would be a MESS. i’m pretty sure lizzy forgets all the dates, so they create their own. at least once a year they have to go to wakanda and sokovia though. it’s their biggest tradition
What tv shows they watch together: brooklyn nine-nine, how i met your mother, friends. give them all those comedies!!
Another couple they hang out with: wanda&bucky or wanda&vision or wanda&orion it depends on the universe tbh but lizzy feels weird seeing her mom with another man, sam&patricia, freya&bree, maybe alexei&veronika??
How they spend time together as a couple: it depends, but mostly doing something at home, watching movies and stuff, while cuddling
Who made the first move: both?? i mean- they’re both flirty as f in their first meeting
Who brings flowers home: lizzy, but she plants them on their garden
Who is the best cook: maybe pietro??
Who snores: both of them, specially when they’re tired!!
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bandblogging · 5 years
Forgotten Birthday
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Requested: no
Warning: Swearing I think idk
Words: 3.5k
Summary: having to spend your birthday with only you neighbour, because your boyfriend Josh, forgot it didn't sit right with you. To apologize in person Josh flies you out and spoils you for a good time.
A/N: I know I know it's the end of the week and I said it was going to be up during the week I am sorry. I just didn't have the time/work ethic to finish it. Now it's 1 am and I am dead tired so this description might not make sense. Please request things, my creativity is limited at the moment. And yes the title isn't creative I'm sorry.
You had been living with Josh for close to a year by now. Even when he wasn't home he still felt closer than back when you were living alone. At least now you were surrounded by his things. To you it was one of the best decisions you two had made, the big apartment was in a nice area and the neighbours were lovely.
This morning you had however once again woken up to an empty bed. Josh was halfway across the country but you still had hopes that by the end of the night the bed next to you wouldn't be empty. It was you birthday after all and you had overheard him talking about wanting to visit you for it.
That was the reason that for most of the day you didn't even care about not receiving a text from him saying Happy Birthday. In your mind he was going to tell it to you in person. Your friends and family had all called by the afternoon and even part of the tour team had managed to wish you a happy birthday.
The house was still empty, except for you and when the doorbell finally rang at around four in the afternoon your heart jumped. You practically ran to the door, ready to fall into Josh's arms. You ripped the door open, and your jaw dropped in surprise, surprised by the woman you saw on the other side. It wasn't Josh, no it wasn't. Your lovely recently retired neighbour Jane stood in front of you, big smile on her face and a cake in her hand. "Oh Happy Birthday Y/N!", she greeted you. "I noticed that nobody had come over today and Josh is on tour so I thought I would bring you a birthday cake". You let her in, showing her the kitchen where you sat down at the table across from her. You hadn't expected her at all, you had definitely not expected her to be so observing. It almost made you feel guilty that you never payed attention to who or if somebody was visiting your neighbors. "Do you want a coffee Jane?", you asked and stood up again after she nodded. You filled the coffee machine and waited for it to start working. "You really didn't have to do that.", you smiled at her and grabbed two mugs out of the cupboard. "I know but I wanted to, I had lonely birthdays before and they are sad", her genuine tone almost brought tears to your eyes. "Yeah, I had really hoped Josh could have come home, especially since he knows that my family doesn't live here", you sighed and poured the coffee into the mugs. "I bet he makes up for it", she smiled at you and poured some sugar into the coffee you had placed infront her. "A text would have been enough, I know it must be hard to take a break in the middle of the tour", you grabbed two plates and some utensils to cut the cake. "He forgot you?", you could hear the surprise in Jane's voice loud and clear. You nodded in response, "He texted me a good morning but that was everything, until like three I was still convinced he would surprise me but I guess not", you sat across from her and all you wanted to do was to drown your thoughts in sugary cake. "Anyway you are here, making this a lot better so let's get into this cake", you forced a smile and cut two big slices. You sat in silence for a minute, just eating the cake. You thanked her again for bringing the cake and began chatting about random stuff to her.
Jane actually stayed for way longer than you had expected and when she had left the house in the evening you had practically forgotten about Josh still not having said anything, at least for the moment. You spent the rest of the night watching TV and trying to distract yourself. It quickly approached midnight and your eyelids felt heavy. You were dead asleep by half one, without a happy birthday from your boyfriend.
The next morning was a lazy Sunday, with you waking up late and preparing a nice breakfast just for yourself. When you sat down on the couch, ready to dig in your phone lit up with messages. "Hey good morning babe, I wanted to text you earlier but got a bit too drunk yesterday and slept too long so sorry xx", Josh. Good to know that he had a right old time the night before. "Had a good night? What were you celebrating?", if it wasn't for being a text he could have tasted the saltiness in you words. "Nothing really, just the tour doing well and yeah it was good. What were you up to?", he was so oblivious and you felt like virtually punching him in the face. Your appetite had diminished and you set the food down on the table. "Oh 'celebrating' my birthday with Jane, the neighbour...", you wanted to wait for him to figure it out on his own but your fingers typed faster than you were thinking. There was no reply for a few minutes and you had leaned back into the couch, resting your head in your hands. Part of you felt sad, disappointed and angry at him for forgetting you while the other half knew how stressful his career was, how he always wanted to do his best and that you were glad he was enjoying himself. "I'm so sorry, I really fucked up didn't I?", he finally replied a few minutes later. "I mean yeah kind of", you didn't wait with your answer. "I'm going to make it up to you, i am sorry y/N", this time he texted back quickly, even double texting to also say that he loved you. You waited for a couple of minutes to reply, not because you didn't love him, even if you wanted to and you were incredibly annoyed at him, you still loved him a lot. You waited just to let him sweat for a moment but ended up texting him a 'I love you too' anyway. You would have liked to see Josh's reaction when he realized what he had forgotten, you would bet the look on his face was priceless.
Josh P. O. V
The hangover wasn't what was hurting his head, it was the realisation that he had fucked up badly. His stomach dropped when he read her message. He was beating himself up, how could he forget something as important as her birthday. It had been on his mind even a week ago because he was still trying to figure out what to do for it but then it was just gone out of his head. Tour had gotten busy the last week, and when finally the two free days had come around all he wanted was to enjoy the free time he had. Last night he had been out partying with Tyler after practically sleeping all day.
A knock on the door made Josh jump a little before getting up and opening the it. "Still in last night's clothes?", Tyler laughed and entered the room. Josh looked down at himself, seeing the Tshirt and pants he had worn last night in which he had fallen asleep, feeling even more disappointed in himself. "That's the least of my problems right now Tyler", he tried his best but the undertone of anger and annoyance in his voice was hard to mask. "Woah what's going on?", Tyler asked and looked at Josh with a worried expression. "Remember how it was Y/N's birthday yesterday? Well I didn't", Josh shook his head. "Shit. I completely forgot about that", Tyler realized and Josh could easily tell that he was upset about it. "It completely slipped my mind and it absolutely shouldn't have. I bet she is, understandably, furious.",Josh muttered under his breath. "And now we have a show tomorrow and I can't even fly to her to apologise in person", he ran his hand through his hair while trying to think of a solution. Tyler leaned against the wall, staring out of the window for a while before speaking up. "Can't you fly her out? You know take her on a nice date here, some massages you know that really romantic stuff. You can still throw her a surprise party when we get the next break", Tyler said with a cautious tone, looking at Josh from the side. "I mean I could ask her, who knows, she's probably really pissed off", Josh sighed and rubbed his temples. "I'm gonna call her right now, it will only get worse if I wait any longer", he grabbed his phone from the bed, typing Y/N's number in from memory.
Your P. O. V
Tyler had unbeknownst to you left the room when you answered your ringing phone. Even though you kind of didn't want to speak to Josh right now you wanted to hear what he had to say. "I'm sorry", was the first thing that came through the speaker of your phone. "I fucked up and I am so fucking sorry", Josh spoke up again and you couldn't help but sigh deeply. "Yeah but it was my birthday Joshua ", there was a slight undertone of disappointment in your voice when you replied to him. "I know, you have all the right to be angry at me, I'm sorry", Josh's voice was small and quiet. "I don't want to make any excuses, I was stressed and tired, went out to party and I forgot, it literally slipped my mind, it shouldn't have I know", he continued to talk, raising his voice so you could hear him better. You let him speak, not wanting to interrupt him. "It's killing me to know that I hurt you, I didn't mean to and I want to make it up to you", he had been apologizing and talking for a few minutes with you just listening to him. And as much as you hated to say this you couldn't be really angry at him, you knew he had a stressful career and tried his best. A part of you would probably stay disappointed and angry for a while but all you wanted to do was to hug and cuddle him, for your and for his sake. "Well what's your plan then?", you asked and rubbed your temple with your free hand. "Come here, join me and I'll make it up to you in every way I can", Josh's cautious tone didn't make you less annoyed at his suggestion. "Are you serious? I can't just take vacation days to get to you to 'make it up' Josh". It wasn't as easy as up and leave for you or you would have joined him a long time ago. You had to think about it for a few minutes, even though you really wanted to get to him you didn't know if you could. In the end Josh had offered to talk to you boss and even if you weren't hopeful he would try his best.
Surprisingly to even you, two days later you were sitting in a tight plane seat flying out to see Josh. He wanted to get you a first class seat but that would have meant you would have had to wait another day to get to him, so you happily accept the other one. The flight was relatively short and a few hours later you got out of the cab, grabbing your suitcase and payed for your ride.
The hotel was lit up and a few people stood outside, smoking and talking to each other. You entered the front door, pulling your suitcase behind you towards the front desk. You asked for the room of Josh's pseudonym he used for booking hotel rooms. You wandered the halls towards floor four, room 409. It was at the very end of the hallway with a big number above the door. You were knocking against the wooden door as soon as you had read the right number. The door slowly opened a few seconds later but was ripped wide open when Josh recognized you. "Y/N", he exclaimed and made you drop your things by hugging you tightly. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around him. You pressed a kiss to his cheek and cuddled up to him more. "Let's get you inside", Josh muttered after a while and loosened his arms around you. You nodded and picked up your things, entering the hotel room after Josh went in. "I'm so glad you came", he turned towards you and grabbed your hands. You nodded slowly, not being sure about how to reply. " Y/N I", he stopped himself for a second. "I am really sorry.",he was about to repeat himself again and again when you interrupted him. "Josh. Stop!", you placed a hand on his chest. "You apologized enough, I'm sorry but I can't hear it anymore", you sighed and slightly brushed your thumb against his chest. "I don't want more talking. All I want right now are cuddles and a nap.", you let your hand fall and turned around, ready to throw yourself on his bed. "Sorry", he mumbled and pulled his hand in front of his mouth when he realized what he had said, chuckling afterwards. "Well then let me give you the best cuddle you ever had", he walked past you, grabbing you by your hips and pulling you towards him, making you fall on top of him when he sat down on the bed. You chuckled and let your head rest on his chest while trying to pull your shoes off your feet without your hands.
"I love you Y/N", Josh mumbled into your hair once you both had found a comfortable position to lay in. "I love you too Josh", you whispered back and let yourself relax even more into his arms. It didn't take long for you to fall into a peaceful nap, with Josh following suit quickly after you.
A sharp knock on the door a while later forcefully ripped you out of your sleep and made you sit up instantly. Next to you Josh was waking up aswell, having heard the knock too. A second knock made you groan but stand up, walking toward the door. You opened it a bit, peeking out, but opening it fully when you saw Tyler on the other side. "Hey ho", he greeted you and pulled you into a tight hug. "Can't have you not say hello to me can I?", he chuckled and squeezed you a little tighter. "Hello Tyler", you said and grinned into his shoulder. "But I would have said hi after my nap anyway", you squeeze him back and smile to yourself. "Oh I didn't mean to wake you guys up", he muttered and let go of you. "I'm sorry, for both you know.. Waking you and you know forgetting your birthday", there was an awkward silence between you two and you shifted from one leg to the other. "I'm really sick of that. I want everyone to stop saying sorry to me for the next few days, I can't listen to that anymore", you tried to not sound annoyed but w weren't sure how well you did. "It's in the past now, sure I was pissed but what can you do about it", you shrugged your shoulders. "So no more sorrys just I don't know do a gesture as an apology if you want, you don't have to tho", you couldn't hold yourself back, having heard 'I' m sorry' for way too many times the last few days.
"Guess I'm gonna let actions speak louder than words huh?", Josh put an arm around you, pulling you back into the room a bit. A small smirk formed on your lips and you leaned into him. "I get it, I'm gonna leave you two alone again", Tyler laughed and turned on his heel. "Don't be so loud", he threw in your direction before walking down the hall towards his room.
"I for one won't be able to fall back asleep", you said as you closed the door behind you again. "Me neither, but I do have some plans for us", Josh still had a hand lingering on your hips when he answered you. "Plans? With an s? Multiple plans?", you asked with a bit of confusion in your voice. "Yeah that's what it usually means doesn't it?", Josh laughed and let go of you. He opened up your suitcase, inspecting the content before pulling out a dress he liked. "There is a really nice pasta place here and I want to take you there.", he looked up at you, "You don't have to wear it, I just think it looks always really good on you", he smiled at you and handed you the dress. "Anything for you", you grinned back and pecked his lips quickly before grabbing the dress from him.
A few minutes later you came out of the bathroom with the dress on and having freshened yourself up a little. "Ready?", Josh asked you and studied you from head to toe. You spin for him once and then nod as a confirmation. "You look really nice Y/N", Josh said while placing an arm around you again, one hand firmly resting on your hip. "Thanks", you muttered and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
The restaurant was pretty empty when you entered it a while later and the table you were seated at was at the back, with a small candle lit in the middle. Josh pulled out the chair for you and was more of a gentleman than you thought he could ever be. The food arrived quickly, with even an extra dessert you didn't actually order. "We really didn't have this nice of a date in a long time", you said and smiled at him. You pushed your empty plate away from you a little and took another sip of your wine. "It has been too long I know", Josh answered after finishing his last bite of dessert. "I'm just really happy to have you", you said and leaned forward a little. "I'm the one being lucky to have you", he smiled widely at you and you felt your cheeks warm up.
Josh insisted on paying the bill, not even giving you the chance to pull out your wallet. He knew you would have gladly split the check but once again wanted to do this as an apology. He offered to go see a movie but you politely asked to just go back to the hotel. You still were pretty exhausted and were afraid you would fall asleep if you would just be sitting in a dark room for two hours.
As soon as the door closed behind you you had pulled off your shoes and were standing barefoot in the hotel room. You felt Josh's hands on your shoulders, starting to massage you when you sighed happily. "You deserve it babe", Josh continued to massage your shoulders, slowly pushing down your dress straps. "At least close the blinds Josh", you turned around slightly and smirked at him. He looked confused for a second but turned on his heel and walked towards the window, pulling the curtains close. When he turned back around you had peeled off your dress, now just standing in front of Josh in just your underwear. "Would be harder to massage my back with the dress on right?", you grin at Josh and slowly walked towards the bed. You could see Josh check you out from the side before walking back towards you. He pulled off his jacket and shoes, opening a few buttons on his shirt. " You're right but to really massage you I think the rest has to go to", Josh raised an eyebrow and a cheeky smile spread across his face. "One after the other. You'll have to prove that you deserve the rest coming off too", you laid down on the bed with your back exposed to him. You felt the bed dip next to you and Josh's hands back on your shoulder. "That will be easy, I know you'll melt in my hands", Josh knealt next to you and whispered in your ear. A shudder went down your back and a small chuckle fell from his lips. He started to massage your shoulders once again, slowly moving down your back. After a while a small moan escaped your mouth and you immediately felt your cheeks warm up. "See? Told you", Josh said and you felt his hands move towards your bra which he opened way too slowly, teasing you.
That night your bra wasn't the only thing coming off. Josh made sure to only focus on you that night, making you feel as comfortable and amazing as he could. In your mind you had forgiven him long ago but that wouldn't stop you from loving Josh spoiling you that visit.
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hoopyfrood · 6 years
so my review for disenchanted is... it's fun. it doesn't go anywhere amazing, but there's some fun jokes and some fun characters. its an enjoyable watch with some characters that keep you watching, though i kept wanting them to wring more out of each episode, there is so much potential for a lot of the side characters.
as for characters, most characters aren't really fleshed out, so i didn't feel much connection to most of them, i only really care about luci tbh and bunty is sweet. i'm interested to see what happens with queen oona but seeing as most of her appearances have been small jokes or short appearances, idk, i'm not holding out for much development for her.
bean is good, in theory, though there's not much to her. they have a stereotype of what a non feminine woman is and keep falling back on it, falling back on her being drunk or high somewhere. we don't learn about her childhood, her education, her hobbies, her aspirations. her storylines revolve around her dad or elfo, mostly, under the guise of being about her journey.
some side characters become more interesting, like the kings advisor, odval, although i wish the secret society had been more than just a quick joke. others remain flat and uninteresting, clearly plot devices, not even offering jokes that are that good. i liked getting to learn more about bunty, and the king has some funny moments, but a lot of characters are forgettable. luci is a great break from the repetition or obvious storylines, he's unpredictable and chaotic and kept me watching. he's two steps away from being a fourth wall breaking character, narrating the events in his own way. love eric andres dry tone, luci is a great character i'd love to learn more about.
the pacing of the episodes is a bit random, there's no real connection between most of them and they don't always flow well, sometimes it felt like people's opinions and decisions changed randomly just to keep the plot going. the last episode repeated the same scene several times. the reccuring plot involving luci didn't really grip me and didn't go anywhere really, and has now been overshadowed by the plot of the last episode. i am interested to see where that goes, but i do wonder if the people who sent luci will get a moment to shine and be relevant again.
people keep comparing it to futurama, to the simpsons, but i don't think that gets us anywhere. it's made in a different era, set in a different era, made in different circumstances than for tv viewing. the voice acting is great, it's fun hearing familiar voices, and luci is reminiscent of benders carelessness (also reminds me of paul from the film paul which is a fave of mine), but it's a very different story. there are some weird vague mentions to things like feminism and gender spectrums but they fall flat, i felt unsure if they were being played as a joke or a reference and what the point of them was. there's also that random mention to cultural appropriation, speaking of which, the only two characters of colour are side characters, one completely just a plot device, with ambiguous race and not much depth. seriously guys? you put in elves and gnomes and lizard people but racial diversity was just too hard? put down the d&d handbooks and start being creative.
okay, i'll mention elfo, but briefly. he's annoying. i'm saying it, everyone else seems to be saying it, but what the fuck. it's not his obliviousness and naivety that's annoying, that could've been used well, but it's his crush on bean. i'm not invested, i don't care, it's not interesting. i really don't feel bad for this lil guy fancying a woman out of his league. they tried to give us a different female hero but still went with the 'poor nice guy who she ignores' trope? she deserves what leela and lisa didn't get with the guys chasing after them: the freedom to say no and have it stop. it added nothing to the plot, it became his whole character arc instead of learning to be bad and explore a new place. i'm glad nobody else seems to like him or the idea of him and bean ending up together. seriously, it's so overused, esp in groenings works. i just didn't have the patience to care about him any more as soon as i saw where it was going. bean escaped his advances, but barely, and suddenly she really cared about him despite being ambivalent earlier. the time progression didn't seem real enough to amount to that much character development, the time passage wasn't even clear, it just felt like ten episodes and suddenly luci and bean really cared about elfo all of a sudden. can't relate.
ok, elfo out of the way, what did i enjoy? the scenery, the banging theme song, the good one liners, every character john dimaggio voiced, that one time luci got captured that was quite fun to watch, the whole talking cat thing, uhh, some other stuff. seriously, you can enjoy watching it and not feel too bored, it's just the repetitive tropes that get a bit dull. i kept watching for the potential, a lot of the time. hoping for things to go farther than they did. the earlier eps are fun, the later ones i felt had odd pace and sudden character development/change and a lot of repeated content.
in the second series i want a lot more from these characters. they tried to fit in like three plot twists when most people would have preferred more character exploration, more believable development between bean, elfo and luci as friends. a lot of the episodes were bean and friends get drunk, fuck stuff up, go back to see the king. i don't want more of that in s2. i expected more depth to the plot seeing as multiple writers were involved in gravity falls, but it's ok if it's just fun too, but decide which you're going for because atm i'm not sure how seriously to take the twists or not.
i'd love to see more of hell, learn more about luci. i loved the mention of him having a 9 to 5 job in hell, there's so much that could be explored there, and robot hell was a blast in futurama. seriously, bring back dan as the dancing devil, that'd be fun. i'd have rathered luci having odd jobs from the devil than having two random people apparently controlling him but doing absolutely nothing at the same time. in s2, recycle the tired tropes into something new. throw out the 'old hooker' trope and put in more three dimensional women. get rid of the 'strong female character' idea you have in your heads and actually write a real female character. please, god, get more female writers, i can tell when a woman is written by a man and it's boring. i feel they need to let shion takeuchi have more involvement because i bet she'd do a better job with a lot of these elements but alas she's literally one of only three women on the team with any major involvement, and it shows. it's a show centred around a female character yet it's mostly all decided by men. it's 8 men to 3 women as far as i can tell. and only one person of colour, afaik. it really shows. i'm not surprised, but more people should be pissed off about this. ridiculous.
don't do anything with elfo he's fine where he is just leave him there. bring back tess the giant i want to know more about her. please let oona and odval have a friendship where they bitch about the king and have medieval scrabble nights or something. let literally any women interact with each other without hating each other or talking about men. give bean a girlfriend. don't give pendergast any more screen time people are obsessing over him for some reason and he doesn't deserve that. let the queens be friends or something. let them date. too many women hate each other in tv i'm tired. ramp up the goddamn puns i know u have more stored somewhere and the scenes of shop names etc are fun. have bean learn to drive a horse and cart or get a job she's good at or learn a new skill or make a female friend or something more than having her get drunk and fight her way out of a situation with no real consequences. ok i'm done.
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irving-braxiatel · 6 years
Hekate and Agrona, please!
I saved this one for last because Jane, you know me so well, I could literally talk about these too for hours. I have been thinking about this all day. 
(for those who don’t follow my main blog, which I normally keep the D&D talk on, these two are NPCs in a D&D campaign I’m DMing. They are married and they love each other a lot, and are kind of slowly becoming the PCs’ adoptive grandmothers)
who hogs the duvet
I mean idk if they even sleep. Neither of them has to. If elves meditate because they originated in the Feywild, then an actual Fey would surely have that quality too... If they do, they share it nicely though
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Both. Because they missed one another. 
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
They don’t give each other a lot of gifts (they don’t need to, they have everything they need except a government that doesn’t want them and a big chunk of the world dead). When they do it’s always just what the other needs, though. Like they have been together for so long (not even I am sure how long), they just kind of always seems to know exactly what will make the other happiest. It’s normally a bit more about what they need than what they want, though. Because sure they want to other to have nice things, but also, they want the other to be comfortable in life first and foremost. 
who gets up first in the morning
Agrona. Absolutely. She has her morning run. She needs to be in shape to be #ready4regicide. When she comes home Hekate is just waking up.
who suggests new things in bed
Uhm. Absolutely and definitely Hekate. 
who cries at movies
Depends what they’re about. Normally neither, but once one of them starts crying, the other does too, and then stopping is hard because they both want to comfort the other. 
who gives unprompted massages
Both. Agrona is sore a lot when she comes home, because she spends half the day training, and even though she stretches, she’s not getting any younger, and she still gets sore. Hekate sits over a desk most day, and on top of that also stims by fluttering her wings, so she gets some serious muscle cramps in her upper back/shoulder area
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Agrona fusses. So much. So, so much. Hekate would probably get tired of it, if it wasn’t so endearing. Hekate... well stay tuned next Sunday to find out, eh?
who gets jealous easiest
I mean... I don’t really think they do jealousy? Hekate is polyam. Agrona knows this. She is fine with it. She knows that Hekate loves her. Hekate has also said she’s never had the same kind of love for anyone as she has for Agrona. This prompted many very gay emotions.Hekate is... well I guess you could say she is sometimes a little jealous of the amount of dedication Agrona puts into saving the world. She wouldn’t have her wife any other way, and she has the same goals, but... Agrona has given her life to save the world before. That particular kind of dedication is something Hekate doesn't like to be forced to rival. 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Both of them, I bet. They literally live under a rock. 
who collects something unusual
Agrona has A Lot of swords. More than she could ever in her life need. Hekate has libraries upon libraries full of notebooks for her work. She gives them out to people too
who takes the longest to get ready
You knwo that post that’s like “My wife, a femme, after spending two and a half hours getting ready: you ready to go? Me, who spend five minutes getting ready, and just threw on a tank top: Yes. You look amazing, honey.” That is them right there. With Hekate being the wife, and Agrona being the one in the tank top 
who is the most tidy and organised
Agrona, by far. 
who gets most excited about the holidays
Who has time for holidays, they have a world to save
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Hekate could never be little spoon, what with the wings. Tbh I think if they cuddle Agrona lies on her back, and Hekate lies on her stomach with her head on Agrona’s shoulder. It’s kind of the only way the wings wouldn’t get squeezed or be in a weird position. 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
tbh I. I don’t know. 
who starts the most arguments
They don’t argue a lot. When they do it’s because one of them has put themself in unnecessary danger. 
who suggests that they buy a pet
Neither. They dislike the idea of having an animal. They know that some domesticated animals can’t live alone, but it’d just feel too much like kepeing it trapped. (also because I want to mention this and don’t know where else to put it in. Hekate is definitely vegetarian. Probably vegan? who knows. But she Does Not like the idea of eating meat.) 
what couple traditions they have
what tv shows they watch together
Anything that has wlw. Whatever pumpkin wants to watch when they’re babysitting. 
what other couple they hang out with
There’s probably a few in the religious order Hekate is a part of, they have over for dinner sometimes. And... well obviously Kryze and Sigrid are not a couple, since, you know, he’s gay. But they do have a child together, and I can guarantee you a “Okay you are going to come over, and we are going to make sure you are good enough to be the father of our daughter’s friend’s child. This is not up for debate.” kind of thing did happen. And Kryze probably brought his then-boyfriend. Which is just a thing I really needed to mention because I have to just say they love Sigrid so much. And Pumpkin, too, of course, once he joined their family. 
how they spend time together as a couple
Planning the revolution. 
who made the first move
So... Technically Agrona. Technically. She kissed Hekate first. And Hekate was like “Please stop. Okay. I want you to know that I am very into you. I am okay with the kissing. However, I am not looking for anything casual right now. So if you just want a one-off thing, or a fling, then I think we should stop here.” Agrona was a bit shocked, but told Hekate she needed to think. A few days passed, and Hekate was kind of starting to think it wouldn’t work out, when Agrona told her, basically “I have never had a serious adult relationship before. I have never wanted one. But I do now. With you... I can’t say I will be perfect, or always get it right, but I will try my best. Because I think I love you. A lot. And I want us to be a thing.” and Hekate then kissed her in response. 
who brings flowers home
Hekate loves flowers, so Agrona likes to bring them home for her. >
who is the best cook
Sophia cooks because none of these disasters will remember to eat otherwise
Send me a ship and I will answer these question for them
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mizulekitten · 7 years
I wrote a thing. It’s an Original thing, and I like it. It’s for my creative writing class -to the person in that class following me... you get a sneak peek, woo- I uh really like these two characters? And I might write more with them? Idk
Word Count: 3709
Summary: Sam has been called in to charm creatures of various origins for even more various reasons. It’s nothing unusual to them. It’s a usual day when they get a call from a nearby town and military to take care of another problem. This time it’s a dragon who’s hoarding... furniture? Furniture is going to be the least of Sam’s concerns by the end of this.
“Who the fleg thinks climbing a mountain is fun? Who?” Sam asked the air with a huff as they tugged their body over the ledge. Their arms screamed at the continued exertion, but it’d all be worth it once Sam pulled themselves up.
They rolled across the rock as soon as they were able, their sword and waterskin jabbed into their flesh through their clothing as they went. Sam wanted to put ample distance between them and the ledge, lest they fall to their untimely death. They lay spread eagle across the stone, chest rising and falling. Bits of rock dug painfully into their back, but they couldn’t bring themselves to care.
“Horses can’t climb a sheer cliff, so I get to do it! Doesn’t that sound great?” Sam waved a hand in front of them, continuing to talk to themselves out of pure frustration, “All so I get to talk to a flegging dragon.”
They sat up, voice rising, “What am I? Slave labor? Who else is crazy enough to go talk to a dragon? Not the mayor, that’s apparent.” They tugged their waterskin from their side with more force than necessary, “The moron didn’t even think about calling in a Creature Charmer. No, let’s call the army instead, and for what?” Sam took a swig. They slammed the container down, and water sloshed onto their hand. “For a dragon that hoards furniture.”
Sam looked out over the landscape. They spotted the large cave mouth, and glared. “Called from home and forced to climb a flegging mountain all for a furniture hoarder. What happened to the gold and gem days? No, now they’re hoarding handmade flegging furniture.”
Sam let out a loud sigh, fighting the urge to fall back onto the hard rock. Logically, they knew the military’s decision to call in them was a smart one. The dragon was only hoarding furniture. A Creature Charmer was honestly the best bet. After all, which sounded better: a person with a natural affinity and magical charm with creatures passively talking out a compromise, or an army that was bound to get burnt to a crisp/end up with a dragon corpse?
Even if it made sense, Sam didn’t have to be happy about it.
“Goddess and celestial spirits above,” Sam tilted their head towards the sky, desperation lining their voice, “give me strength, and next time? Tell me to take the fae job.”
With one more sigh, Sam stood and dusted themselves off. Better to get it done and over with then sit and complain. They took care to be as loud as possible as they approached the cave mouth. Sneaking up on a dragon was bad news, and even a Creature Charmer’s natural aura wouldn’t necessarily save them from a startled dragon.
Sam did a double take upon entering the cave. They had expected a messy cave, filled to the brim with mounds of gold, or in this case furniture, but this cave was deliberate in its organization. The middle was cleared, but to the side the furniture was placed in mock set ups. There was a small “living room” fit with two couches, several love seats, and an elaborate coffee table made of some stone. Each seat had an end table next to it, all in a similar design.
Sam whistled, amazed at the variety. There were several other room set ups against the walls, all as detailed as the next. The furniture matched the others in each set, as if a noble lived within the cave and had hired the best of the best to decorate it. It was impressive how attentive to detail the dragon seemed to be. It almost made the fact that it was hoarding furniture less laughable.
“What do you want, puny human!” The dragon’s voice boomed through the cave, vibrating through Sam’s body. It was only through prior experience with this effect that Sam didn’t flinch.
Sam turned to look deeper into the cave, and watched as the towering beast crept closer. The deep brown of its scales shifted with every movement, expanding and settling. Every intake of breath caused the blue and pink chest scales to glitter dimly in the dark. Four sets of horns, the same color as its chest scales, sprouted from its skull into perfect weapons that could easily skewer Sam if they weren’t careful.
It did little to intimidate them.
Sam shook their head at the power display, plastering on a large smile before they looked up at the beast, “I come on behalf of the townsfolk you’ve been,” Sam paused. Dragons were finicky about what their hoarding was and wasn’t referred to. Sam had made that mistake before; they didn’t want a repeat, “acquiring your hoard from.”
“Do they wish to make me more wares?” The dragon perked up, two pink dots beside each sapphire eye seeming to light up at the words, and too sharp teeth formed an attempted grin. It’s voice was still loud, as if it had a need to shout everything it said. “Must I go collect?”
Making and collecting, that’s how it was wording it. Great. This was going to be a fun talk. “The townsfolk,” Sam thought for a moment, carefully planning out their next words, “would appreciate some level of… compensation for their goods.” The dragon’s stare was unwavering, not even a blink to betray what it was thinking. Sam forged on, “They spend many hours working on their wares, and it is only fair that they receive… something, in return.”
Some dragons could be discouraged by the notion of giving back. Dragons collected things that fit their aesthetic and nothing more. The idea of exchanging  anything was scandalous for a dragon. It was betraying their hoard. Sam could easily manipulate that.
“I do not understand,” the dragon said, voice losing its bombastic tone.
Sam nodded; this was easy enough. They had a rehearsed phrase that they had used before with a dragon they had encountered that hoarded accessories made of rubies. “In human culture it is common to exchange hoard items for other hoard items.”
The dragon blanched, jerking back in disgust. The scales by their eyes flared and then dimmed. “Humans cannot do that! It is unnatural!” It wrapped its tail protectively around its body, as if speaking the words could hurt it.
“I see,” Sam slumped and looked down. Putting on an act, despite a Creature Charmer’s natural aura, was important. It helped sell the argument. “Then it may be better that the townsfolk and you do not do business.”
The dragon stared down at Sam, eyes becoming cloudy as it lost itself to thought. Sam could wait; the sun was high in the sky when they had entered, and talks didn’t usually take long periods of time.
The dragon’s eyes refocused on Sam, “That is-” the dragon blinked slowly, head tilting to the side. Its eyes and face scales lit up once more, “No more business with humans?”
“If you are so gracious to agree,” Sam replied, laying the praise on thick. The last thing they needed was to offend the dragon at the end of making the deal.
It gave Sam a once over, and Sam could feel their skin prickle at the action. The dragon hummed in the back of their throat. “What is your name human?”
Sam regarded the dragon carefully. “Sam... What’s, uh, what’s yours?” They were unsure where this was going, paranoid, but not afraid.
“They call me, Tim.” The dragon - Tim, the dragon’s name was flegging Tim - held his head up high, as if his name gave him a higher status.
“Pleasure to meet you… Tim.”
Tim’s grin was back in place. It was mildly concerning, and Sam continued to watch the his moves. Being a Charmer generally dispelled the more nasty repercussions that conversing with Creatures often brought, but there was still the chance for things to go wrong, even with the best charmer. Sam’s hand moved closer to their sheathed blade.
“Sit, sit!” Tim said with a wave of his paw and a flutter of pale blue wings, “You climbed mountain! You must be tired!”
Sam nodded slowly, “Yes, I am… I guess.” They did not make a move towards any of the chairs.
Tim seemed to take that as an acceptable answer, regardless of the fact that Sam had yet to move. He turned on his heel. Sam had to duck the swing of a large tail- small tail- smaller tail- Oh Goddess, the forsaken thing could use diminution.
A much smaller dragon, about as big as a draft horse, strode away deeper into the cave. It gave Sam a perfect view of the smattering of blue and pink dots on its rump. Caution was replaced with annoyance as Sam ran a hand over their face, fighting back a sigh. The thing had been huge to intimidate them. Sam shouldn’t even be surprised; Tim practically yelled everything he said. Of course, he’d use a larger size. Of course.
Sam shrugged to themself. Ultimately it didn’t matter. If worse came to worse, which Sam doubted would happen, they had their trusted blade on their side and a plethora of tricks up their sleeves. Plus, it wasn’t like Sam hadn’t experienced run ins with any other large creatures before -a giant, merfolk of the whale breed, and others-, and at least now that Tim was smaller they didn’t have to crane their neck to speak. If anything, the smaller size made Tim seem cuter anything else.
They looked over at the living room set up, and walked towards it. They could understand why the villagers wanted their furniture to stop being stolen. It really was beautifully engraved, and Sam could only guess the hours dedicated to the art. They ran an appreciative hand over the sofa. They wouldn’t mind owning some of this stuff if it wasn’t so expensive.
After some moments passed, Tim came back, precariously waddling on his hind legs with a tray grasped between his claws. Sam watched, eyes wide, waiting for them to fall at any moment. It’d be a tragedy if it did fall. The cups looked ornate, and even the tray, when Tim had waddled closer, looked to be hand carved.
He placed the tray on the table, the wide grin from earlier looking much more pleasant on the smaller dragon’s form, even if it still towered over Sam. He shuffled back, watching Sam all the while. The hairs on the back of Sam’s neck rose, mind trying to comprehend what the fleg was happening.
“Pick up cup!” Tim sat back on his haunches, the grin not wavering. His tail slowly dragged across the ground behind him, waving back and forth, pushing pebbles and dust around the cave floor.
Sam narrowed their eyes at Tim, looking down at the empty cup and then back up at him. They took hold of the cup, muscles wound tight, ready to grab their sword at the smallest anomaly. Not that anything about this wasn’t far from Sam’s norm.
Sam raised the cup, “Like this?”
Tim’s tail waved faster behind him, “Perfect!”
“Why did you have me pick up a cup?”
“To see if you would fit in!” Sam’s blood ran cold and their eyes widened. “You are perfect for my hoard!”
By the Goddess, what did Sam do to deserve this?
Sam grasped onto the first argument that crossed their mind. “Tim, I hate to break this to you, but I am not a part of your aesthetic I am a human, not furniture,” they placed the cup down, gesturing between themself and the couch they were sitting on.
Tim rolled his eyes and huffed, “I know that!”
“If you know that, then you know that I’m not part of your aesthetic-”
“You are!” Tim interrupted, the scales glowing once more in what Sam was beginning to suspect was a sign of excitement. “I like homes! Human’s are part of homes!”
“Wait,” Sam held their hand up, trying to process the information, “so your hoard… your hoard is a home hoard?”
“Yes!” Tim grinned. “Is it not great?” His gaze swept through the cave, soft and loving as if a parent looking upon their child for the first time.
The softness of the moment did nothing to quell the exasperation within Sam.
They covered their face with their hands. This didn’t make sense. Well, it did. It made perfect sense, but Sam didn’t want it to. “I can’t believe this. I got called up to talk to a dragon that hoards homes.” They froze, eyes widening as they looked up at Tim, “Wait a sec- you were going to eventually kidnap someone?”
“Not kidnapping, hoarding!” Tim chirped as if he was proud of himself. “I needed to furnish my hoard first, so they would be comfortable!”
“That’s… oddly sweet,” Sam shook their head, “but still what the fleg, Tim? You can’t kidnap people!”
“Not kidnapping! Hoarding! I am hoarding!” Tim urged, clutching onto his tail
“Tim, this is not hoarding-”
“You were not made by builders so I have no reason to give something back!” he interrupted. If Sam hadn’t been looking at Tim to know that he was a dragon they’d think they were talking to a petulant child. “No exchange! It is hoarding!”
“I swear to the Goddess above-” Sam ran a hand through their hair as they tried to regain their thoughts. “Tim. Tim, no. You can’t hoard people. That’s bad. Hoarding people is bad.”
Tim pouted, falling back onto the carpet with a loud huff of smoke. He had shrunk down again, now about the size of a large dog. “I do not understand,” he whined.
Sam hadn’t ever been called in for a Princess hoarder, but if they were anything like Tim then Sam was glad that they hadn’t. “That’s okay,” Sam tried to start again. “You don’t have to understand, you just have to let me leave. I- I can’t stay-”
“A dragon never separates from their hoard!” Another round of smoke pooled around Tim’s head.
Sam could feel the frustration burning in their veins, fighting to come through into their words. They took a deep breath in an attempt to calm themself. “I’ve been here 10 minutes at most. How is that long enough to make me a part of your hoard?” Sam tried to reason, “Surely you couldn’t have decided so quickly?”
Tim waved his paws in the air, “No more humans means I have to pick you!”
“That’s- So you’re only picking me because I’m the last human you’ll see?” Sam wanted to hope that meant Tim would let them go easier, no bond having been formed, but at the same time they couldn’t stop the bit of offense that stabbed their heart.
Tim tilted his head up, a pout permanently etched on his face, a single tooth peeking out. “No! You look charming! I like you!” Tim’s eyes widened in shock, “Do you- Do you not like me?”
Sam let their head fall back against the couch. A dragon that hoards homes, was currently hoarding Sam, and was insecure. How did Sam land this job? The fae job would’ve surely been simpler.
“I like you, Tim,” Sam began as they leaned forward with every intention of letting Tim down easy. They made the mistake of looking at Tim in the eyes, seeing the tears swelling there. Oh, Goddess. “I like you well enough, but I can’t stay with you. I have a job, friends, obligations. Didn’t you say that you wanted your human to be comfortable?” Tim nodded slowly. “I’m not comfortable here-” That was a lie, the couch was the softest thing Sam had ever had the opportunity to sit on, but they couldn’t tell Tim that, “-I need to go back to my people.”
Tim let out a loud whine, shrinking even smaller as he wiggled on the carpet. He rolled over onto his side, curling up into a ball. A muffled, “No,” barely reached Sam’s ears.
“Come on Tim,” Sam reached a hand out to pat Tim’s flank. Sam was annoyed, had every right to be, but they found themselves feeling some pity for Tim. “We can find something else to replace a human. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
Tim lifted his tail up from where it had fallen over his face, “Really?”
Sam fought the urge to clutch their heart. As frustrated as Sam had felt, they were not made of stone. The image should not have been as cute as it was, and Sam should not have been feeling this fond over the fire breather.
Despite those thoughts, Sam gave Tim a smile, “Of course.”
Tim sat up, and padded over to the couch. He jumped up on it, settling his head in Sam’s lap. This was progress- “No. I will not like it. I want Sam.”
-Or not. Sam bit back a groan, and they opened their mouth to continue pleading their case.
“I do not want to be alone again…”
Sam froze, mouth falling shut with an audible click. They looked down at the curled up dragon on their lap. Tim was not looking up at Sam, and his tail had fallen over his eyes once more.
Dragon’s were long lived, everyone knew that. It was also common knowledge that before Creature Charmers began to be widely supported and funded by the crown that the common practice was to kill the beasts. It still was in some areas. How many friends had Tim seen die, unable to fight back? How many had dropped off the radar, never to be seen again? How long had Tim been alone, isolated up in the mountains?
More importantly, what would’ve happened if Sam had not been called?
Sam lowered the hand towards Tim, but drew back before they could touch. They weren’t often called to comfort actual people. Their specialty laid in diplomacy, as surprising as that was considering Sam’s temper, not consolance. Sam looked away for a distraction as they lowered their hand again. They ran their fingers gently down Tim’s scales in the only form of comfort they knew how to offer. From where they were sitting they could see a library-esque setup, with tall book cases and arm chairs. Overall, it really did look like a home. Tim had outdone himself in that regard. There was only one thing that could make this better, besides Sam being allowed to leave, and that was-
Sam sat up straight, their lips morphing into a grin. “Sam, you flegging genius.” Tim made a confused noise, followed by a surprised chirp as Sam lifted Tim up by his armpits so that they were eye level. “Hey, Tim, want to know what would make your hoard even better?”
Any complaints that were about to be spewed Sam’s way died as quickly as they came; Tim nodded eagerly.
Sam paused outside the wooden fence that led up to their cottage. They took in the worn wood, the way the garden path weaved to the front door, and smiled. It was quiet save for the wind whispering in their ear. It had taken awhile to get back to their home town; between assuring the mayor and the military that Tim was no longer a problem, collecting their money, and actually beginning the trek home, night had long since fallen.
“Well, this is it,” Sam said. Their vest pocket squirmed, the button shifting and turning to no avail. They peered down at the pocket, eyebrow raised. “Do you want me to open my pocket for you?”
“No! I am able!” the pitched reply was immediate.
“Of course. Of course,” Sam did very little to keep the amusement from their voice, “I didn’t mean to offend.”
Sam felt a small bit of heat and when they looked down the button had fallen away, and smoke was coming from where it had once resided. “Did you really burn my button off?” Sam groaned. This agreement was not going to work out if Tim’s response to problems was to burn them.
Tim’s tiny head peeked out from the pocket, a happy chirp being the answer. Sam didn’t have time to scold as he was turning towards the cottage and chirping again. “It is pretty! I like it! It is quality home!” He crawled out of the pocket, scaling up Sam’s vest so that he could perch on Sam’s shoulder. His claws tangled in Sam’s hair for a grip. “We live there now? That is home you promised?”
Sam nodded, patting Tim’s head with a single finger. “This is it, buddy. Home sweet home.”
Tim jumped from Sam’s shoulder, growing in size to that of a house cat before running through the small garden. Sam couldn’t help but laugh at the excited chirps that filled the air.
The laughter faded quickly at the sound of a crash, and Sam flinched. “Tim!” they shouted a warning as they walked toward the source of the crash.
“The window looked open!” Tim yelled back before snickering, “now it is always open.”
“By the Goddess-” Sam grumbled. “Don’t break anything else, please,” Sam peered in through the broken window. They ignored the bits of broken glass and the prospect of cleaning it up in exchange for watching Tim poke around the living room.
“Why is all your furniture tacky?” Tim looked at the worn couch in disgust. “It is ugly. Do you not have standards?”
“Yeah, well, not all of us can hoard furniture.”
Tim threw a pout towards Sam. “Homes! I hoard homes!”
Sam rolled their eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Do you like the place or not?”
“The living room is horrid! My furniture will need to replace it!” Tim retreated back from the “tacky” couch and started to trot towards the hallway leading to the kitchen. “I look in other rooms now!” Sam rolled their eyes again before walking back towards the front door. Their was a clatter from the inside. “This kitchen set is quite cute! You do have taste!”
Sam looked towards the sky, “Goddess and celestial spirits above,” there was another crash from inside and Sam groaned, “don’t make me regret this decision.”
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gingerly-writing · 6 years
Questions Tag Games
explanation: I’m super late to these, I suspect not many people will want their dashes spammed with my random answers, and I’m not tagging people, so I’ve amalgamated all of these into one post. 
tagged by @concealeddarkness13! haven’t spoken to you in a while, hope you’re doing great
1. Would you rather write a more classical hero or an anti-hero as a protagonist? I’d rather write a hero for the protagonist, but an anti-hero as a general character
2. Who is your favorite character you have written and why? Ever? That’s cruel. Out of people that y’all would know, Urial does seem to generate the most emotional reactions
3. How many WIPs do you have? 3 proper ones, currently: Iron Flower, Space Royalty and Piracy Pays
4. Who is your least favorite character you have written and why? To write? Klarion from Young Jutsice fanfic. Motherfucker would not follow the assigned plot. Hate-wise? Possibly Coincidence or Accord, neother of whom you guys have met yet. Those two are a pair of nasty criminals/villains, and they are a little too good at punishing anyone who gets in their way
5. What is your favorite aspect of writing? Finishing!
6. If you had only one sentence (per WIP) to get someone to read your books, what would the sentences be? They wouldn’t because I suck at loglinesss...humourously though?
IF: an entire continent is saved from the ravages of war by the ancient art of sexting via treaty negotiations Space Royalty: ‘she stabbed me? god-fucking-dammit I am so in love with her’ Piracy Pay: you get to chug your drink every time I kill a character
7. If your protagonists fought to the death, which one would win? Protags? Depends if morals were removed, and whether it was on-on-one. Koronis, if not -he’s an emperor with black magic and an entire galaxy-wide army.  If it was on-on-one with minimised morals, Ace would stand a damn good chance. Boy is smarter than he gives himself credit for, and very adaptable. Galaxy is also pretty viable. Girl can swing a superpowered punch like she means it, and she hasn’t survived this long on luck alone.
8. Which protagonist(s) would survive the zombie apocalypse? Koronis would. Ace would die trying to save someone else. Solaris would...provided Monarch was dragging him around, and even then they might go down together in a dramatic last stand. Galaxy would be in charge of a small, benevolent queendom. Cleo would, those plant skills would make her handy to any new civilisation. Fact would go down staving off the hoardes so everyone else could run. Rosalie would think she was the weak link of her group, but they would probably keep her alive; L’aura would kick zombie ass.
9. Which is your favorite story you have written or are working on? Space Royalty is damn fun to write -the benefits of extravagant, overdramatic space operas I suppose. Piracy Pays has had a good reception, so I’m pretty proud of that. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going until the end! It is a huge pain o write though
10. Which of your characters is your favorite villain and why? Raph is my evil supervillin crimelord Big Bad and I adore him utterly
11. When do you find is the best time of day for writing? Evening! 8pm-1am
tagged by the lovely @a-sundeen​! this is so old I bet you don’t even remember tagging me, oopsie
1. When you’re describing a new character, what feature do you usually note first? Build, usually, as in their height/weight ratio, muscles/skinniness or lack of, how they carry themself etc. The reason for this is that I often start with the macro ‘impression’ of the character before zooming in on a few specifics. I try to use an interesting description or comparison here as well.
2. Do any of your characters play an instrument or really enjoy music in general? If so, what instrument (or what genre, if it’s the latter)? I am the least musical person on planet earth, so making my characters musical often doesn’t occur to me. Koronis can sing and play the space-piano (forced childhood lessons), and Jade can play the violin, but neither of them are passionate about it. Kolya/Cynosure (the popstar/supervillain) is very very musical, but I skip around a lot of the specifics because I’m a big cheater. He mostly makes anti-establishment and anti-hero music, but he’s one of those artists who strays all over different genres.
3. Which musical artist usually gets you the most pumped to write? Les Friction does good dramatic music and they’re not so well known, so I like to tell people about them when I can
4. Do you prefer writing fight scenes over other types? (This is a weirdly worded question I’m sorry, rip) It’s worded fine, sunshine! And no, I don’t like writing fight scenes because I don’t like the logistics of them. There are too many limbs to keep track of, and then I feel like I’m neglecting their surroundings and potentially useful items in favour of mentally tracking who’s where and what their arms and legs are doing. I cover up for my fight scene weaknesses with too much dialogue, and I’m fully aware of that fact.
5. Is there a city or country you’d really like to write in or about? Write in is probably just where I’d like to travel, so Russia, India and South America (I know that’s general but it’s the only continent except Antarctica that I haven’t been to) are my top choices. Write about…I’d like to sink myself deep into east coast USA to really nail the feeling of Galaxy’s city and her character, and then be able to confidently write about it. I do have a study year abroad coming up in 2020, so here’s hoping…
6. Do you prefer to be warm or cold while you write? Warm! I love blankets and my big fluffy dressing gown, and on top of that all my friends always complain about how hot my house is
7. Do any of your characters have hobbies you’d like to try out someday? Fiction wise, glo-ball from Space Royalty sounds like a very entertaining game, especially when I’m kept safe behind a pod. sodding netball injuries Jade paints and draws, and I’d love to get better at art. Likewise, Rosalie sews, making and decorating her own clothes, and I’d love to be able to do that. Idk, does being a supervillain count as a hobby? I’d love to rob a bank…not even necessarily for the money, just the #aesthetic
8. What is your favorite type of character to write? Villains! And morally grey people. And characters where the POV character has no idea what they’re really thinking, who they really are, what they actually want etc. And, on the flip side, balls of positive sunshine, because they make me feel better about the world
9. Halloween is here! Which character has a costume made for them by their mom? Ahahahahaha can you tell how late I am to this.
10. Halloween is here (again)! Which character thinks the holiday is childish but dresses up anyway? I AM SO LATE. Rosalie thinks the holiday is childish but dresses up in the most elaborate homemade princess outfit ever and entertains all the kids she can find. What, it is a children’s holiday, surely she should be making them happy on their special day…
******************************************************************************************* tagged by @blackfeatherantics who is now @mbovettwrites I think? I hope?
1.      How long have you been working on your WIP(s) for? Iron Flower is the oldest current one, and I started it on Christmas Day 2016
2.      What song would you assign as your protagonist’s theme tune? I’ll just pick one, and Koronis’ is Young and Menace by FOB. No real lyrical reason, it just reminds me of him
3.      Do you have any favourite spots (gardens, parks, cafes, etc.) where you like to write? The sofa in my living room next to my family
4.      Poetry or Prose? Prose!
5.      Where do you draw inspiration for your writing from? Everywhere! Other people’s writing and prompts and published novels and TV and movies and random stray thoughts and daydreaming and chatting to other writers and-
6.      Is there any popular book that you wish you had written and why? The Lies of Locke Lamora because I’d take out the first 100-ish page of solid worldbuilding and backstory that seemed almost completely irrelevant to the rest of the plot?And the domino-effect of all the plot elements knocking each other into action at the end was so clever, it annoyws me that the beginning means I don’t like reccing it to people
7.      What’s your planning process when you start working on a new WIP? I daydream about it for at least a few weeks to make sure the idea has staying power. Then I come up with character names, quirks, descriptions etc. finally, I lay out the plot chapter-by-chapter from the beginning to the end so I have a guiding rope throughout the whole process and I’m less likely to get stuck. Of course, that’s when I plan on letting a WIP bloom into being. Some, like Space Royalty and Piracy Pays, start off as short drabble ideas and then refuse to leave, which means I have no concrete plan for them...
8.      Do you work best in mornings, afternoons, or at night? Evening!
9.      Would you prefer to self-publish or work with an agent and publishing company and why? Agent and publishing company, because I value the help they can provide more than the ability to retain complete creative control over my book (since I’m crap at titles and designing book covers anyway)
10.  How do your emotions/moods affect your writing? Not a lot tbh. If I’m very very tired I can’t write anything good, but I’m not sure that counts as an emotion.
11.  What’s your favourite line of your WIP/one of your poems? I’ve written both of my current favourite lines for prompts, which were: ‘Time hollows all victories’ and ‘The hero doesn’t die in this one’. I’ve had other favourites in WIPs over time, but I can’t think of them right now
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the ever wonderful @time-to-write-and-suffer
1) How are you so awesome? Genetics.
2) What’s your favorite thing about your writing? The dialogue! Or the romances, which I mostly like because of the fun/cute dialogue.
3) Who’s your favorite character that you’ve written and why are they your fave? This is so mean. At the moment, Raph, because I can’t stop thinking about him and he’s so incredibly dangerous, yet on the low down (like the Mariana Trench level of low down) he has all these cute little quirks that only one or two people know about
4) One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you love. What happens? Rosalie becomes a Grisha in Leigh Bardugo’s world. She finds a sense of self-worth and gets to enjoy the little luxuries that come with the position.
5) One of your characters has been placed in the world/plot of a book you hate. What happens? X takes the place of Celeana Sardothien. He murders everyone in his path, tells the crown of Terrasen to get fucked because there’s no way he can run a whole government with any level of competance, probably murders Rowan with extreme prejudice, opens the Wyrd gates just to search the universe for Raph and bring him through so he can construct a decent government for Terrasen, would probably sleep with Dorian, would make it his new life goal to highfive Manon.
6) Your characters must fight each other to the death until only one stands victorious. Who wins? Raph. Koronis could conceivably stand a chance against him, but Raph would decimate pretty much anyone else. I think Raph would be able to stay above the fighting for longer, whereas Koronis would jump in just a touch earlier, which would be his downfall.
7) If you could steal a cover and a title from other books to use for your own WIP/s, which ones would you steal? Cover-wise I’d steal the minimalist Red Queen aesthetic, because that sleek shit is the bomb.  Title-wise? That’s harder. The Lies of Locke Lamora has some sick alliteration, but I think I’d rather steal the style of it rather than the exact title
8) If you switched places with one of your characters, what would happen to you and to them? I would die, pretty much everywhere. If Rosalie swapped with me, she would slowly come out of her shell and become a fashion designer -not an A-lister, she wouldn’t like how vicious and ruthlessly businesslike you have to be, but maybe making her own high-end clothes in a small shop in London
9) What makes your style unique compared to other writers? Thanks for the existential crisis, Eff.
10) Describe your antagonist’s song number if they were a Disney villain. No Good Deed from Wicked, for Darklight
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the lovely @itstheenglishkid
1. Have you ever realized how similar an oc is to you and felt the need to change them so they aren’t so similar? I mean, Jade from Iron Flower almost shares a name with me, and she’s ginger, which did concern me for a while, but hopefully she’s nothing like me personality wise (or else I’d have to do some serious self-reflection)
2. Do any of your ocs like candles? I bet Rosalie loves pretty candles, especially patterned or strongly scented ones! Anything luxurious that she can’t afford, really
3. Do you normally write settings that are (or are based on) places you know intimately (ie your home town)? Oh god no. I like sweeping Chinese-inspired castles or creaking pirate ships or far flung space universities and man-made planets. I’m really not a contemporary writer though, so I guess this isn’t much of a surprise?
4. What is a book that feels similar to your own wip? Ahahaha, which WIP? Piracy Pays has similar vibes to @boothewriter‘s pirates and probably also @noodlewrites’ pirates (I’m guessing? I haven’t read any excerpts from you I’m sorry). Space Royalty is just weird. Iron Flower is probably similar to a lot of generic fantasy YA, like Red Queen and whatnot.
5. Do you have a dream cast for your ocs? I don’t really faceclaim? Or know much about a wide array of actors, so no, not really.
6. Are you good at story titles? Do they come easily to you? I am abysmal at story titles, holy shit. I mean, you can see the evidence scattered around this post. Piracy Pays and Space Royalty are just placeholder names, but I’m not convinced I’ll come up with anything good to replace them. Iron Flower is alright in that its relevant to the story and fits into the series title (The Flowers of War) but…idk, its not setting the stars alight or anything.
7. Do you ever change oc names once you’ve started a wip? Not often, though I am considering changing Ace’s name because I don’t think ‘Seb’ suits him. Only question, what to??
8. Which people have you let read your work? I mean, all of y’all have the opportunity to read Piracy Pays. No one has read Iron Flower, and I’m stretching myself by letting @rrrawrf-writes @lux-deorum@haphazardlyparked read Space Royalty in its raw first draft stage.
9. What usually catches your attention about a book first? Style? Characters? Plot? I’m quite an easy reader to catch and hold tbh. What makes me love a book is a clever plot. For me, a very strong plot can carry weak-ish characters, but I can never read super deep characters with no plot.
10. Do you have a favourite author? Probs Rick Riordan, or Julia Golding.
******************************************************************************************* tagged by the wonderful @typeaadventures
1. How many works in progress do you have? Properly, three. Iron Flower, which is written (143k) but needs editing, Piracy Pays which y’all are reading, and Space Royalty which crossed 30k about a week ago
2. Do you/would you write fanfiction I used to! I stopped in Y12/13 because I didn’t have enough time to do fic and original writing, and I haven’t really had the time to pick it back up.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Either, I’m not fussed. Though if it has a really pretty cover, I’ll be hankering after a paper copy
4. When did you start writing? 14-ish on Young justice fanfic
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? Not all of my work, but yeah, I have a lovely server and also some irl friends that get the junk landed on them
6. Where is your favourite place to write? At home chilling with my family while we all do stuff
7. Favourite book as a child? Dragonfly by Julia Golding
8. Writing for fun or publication? Hopefully publication, but I know I need to improve a lot first, honing my skills etc.
9. Have you taken writing classes? Not a lick
10. What inspired you to write? Gotta get those stories out of my head and onto the page, man. Gotta get that sweet sweet representation out there too.
thanks everyone!  xx
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