#idk I know they're well meaning but they've started to bug me
sun-marie · 6 months
I don't need to share a faith with someone to believe in their human rights and their right to not to be violated/killed en masse. (I would hope that is obvious)
That being said, I was unprepared for the very...specific pain I would feel reading about the atrocities inflicted on Christians in Gaza. It's just... horrible 😟
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So in your most recent ramble on Theories technically isn't Frank being atheist slightly concious of what's going on cannon since artwork of him being aware of other puppet parts was in the recent update? What if some neighbors really know nothing but others actually do know of a little bit of what's happening but Wally doesn't realize they do so he tries to keep face?
Though I'll admit with your idea of that not being the "Real" Barnaby in the Interview may explain why Wally went really quiet during the interview even when being directly asked things once Barnaby showed up
Kind like he was so focused on the "That's not Barnaby. Why do they Look like him? Who are They??" That the Interviewers questions got completely ignored as "Barnaby" answered the question instead until Wally snapped out of it.
Just thoughts on your thoughts of many thoughts- Thoughts!
sorry i Did Not See This!
for a moment i was very confused as to what you meant by "athiest" but i see - you meant "at least!" yes, i've been tentatively believing in Frank being a bit aware because of your stated reason, and also purely based on vibes and how he's been shown to be more, ah, cynical than the others. or... knowledge seeking? nosy but in a technical way. mild example is when he mused on how he's never seen a blue dog before in his bug audio w/ Barnaby.
and i do believe in the idea that everyone - or almost everyone knows somethings up, but they're not sure what / it's an easy feeling to ignore. like how i've talked about Howdy potentially knowing that he's selling props / inedible objects as food, but everyone can eat it anyway. so he's just like "fuck it yeah sure, i'll sell soap as mashed potatoes", yk? then of course in the Halloween update - which i know this ask was sent before it, apologies again - Sally knows there's somethin' the fuck up in the neighborhood at night. i wouldn't be surprised if everyone has a little Something they've noticed that bothers them deep down...
and Wally... honestly i'm starting to suspect that - again! If there's a time discrepancy between "official" audios and the secret ones or at least all audios vs his interactions with the whrp/qa/You - Wally in the official audios isn't quiiiite up to speed? like, he probably knows what he is and the like, but he's still figuring out everyone's places and the nature of his existence. like how in the Halloween "secret" audio 00, where he eats part of Barnaby's candy apple - it seemed like it took a great effort, like Wally was just trying it out. like a "i think i can do this... i'm trying..." it strikes me as a "new" thing for him there. he's not accustomed to it? idk... but whatever the case Wally certainly knows that he has to keep Secrets! can't tell the others about literally anything!
as for the interview - tbh i don't think Wally was quiet because he noticed that Barnaby was (potentially) just a person in a suit. several reasons! i have a feeling that Wally being Aware means that he understands, at least on some level, what a puppet is and the nature of it, so it wouldn't really disturb him? or maybe it would... apple pie and all... SO! another piece of reasoning! it's possible that Wally had no idea that that Barnaby "wasn't" Barnaby. After all, how could he tell?
personally, i think Wally was just quiet because, well, he's not much of a talker - at least not around Company it seems! in all of the audios where he's with other neighbors, he fades into the background and defers to them, only chiming in occasionally. and the Interview appears to be set in the early days of Welcome Home the tv show, so Wally would still be uh. for lack of a better word, fresh outta the box. if Barnaby starts talking, naturally Wally would sit back and let him lead. Wally takes a beat too long formulating a response and Barnaby barrels on - well what would Wally do? interrupt? that would be rude...
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manofmanymons · 3 months
imagine a digimon survive influencer/streamer au
I have a feeling Takuma and Saki would be great influencers as adults
would that really need to be an au I mean they are teenagers in 2020 XD
Minoru would have too much online presence. He has an action figure review channel. He posts pictures of himself with cool plants and freaky bugs and animals. He's a streamer. He makes comedy skits on <insert social media that's hip with the kids now>.
Saki lowkey being the Eiji Oji (twewy character) of their universe like she says a place is good and now everyone is going there.
What does Takuma do? Is he just like Hasan Piker (real person) or something lafdjakj
or idk if it was like full full au like the kemonogami thing never happened and they're just like people who meet first online through collabs and stuff
no idea how their different interests would lead them to each other but it'd be funny
well I mean obviously the kids from the same schools know each other and the literal siblings know each other but you know what I mea--
I said siblings meaning Miu and Kaito at first but now I just
Professor Akiharu Minase somehow having an online presence and befriending everyone even in an au is so funny to me. Squad dad that everyone lovingly calls Gramps XD
What would that even make Miyuki would she like still be a kid and just be like an adopted daughter or something or would she just also be old lakfdja au with old lady Miyuki XD
Kaito is just Miu's overly aggressive mod that everyone has interacted with, but no one knows what he looks or sounds like. He simply An Entity to them for the longest time before they all start getting closer.
Kinda love the idea of some of them interacting irl without knowing it's the others because not all of them use their real faces and names. Like Shuuji and Aoi being friends online but also going to the same high school (randomly inserting personal hc that Aoi would go to Shuuji's high school after junior high since they're both honor students lmao) and maybe even being in a club together and just NOT connecting the dots. God them talking about each other TO each other would be hysterical.
What would they even do? Study tip instagram? Baking tutorial youtube channel? Cursed ASMR channel? Booktok????Are they both secretly gamers outside of school?
Or Minoru dragging Takuma to this weird middle of nowhere town that he heard about with a cool shrine that he wants to check out for a video. Just,,,them running into Miu and Kaito ("hey you're locals, right? Could you show us where the shrine is?") and the siblings recognize them bc they do totally post pics of themselves but they do not recognize the siblings whose faces they've never seen. Just casually being impromptu tour guides to the online besties and being too awkward to admit they know them.
Ryo somehow always ends up at the grocery store or the post office or doctor or whatever at the exact same time as Saki or Minoru and eventually they start to recognize him NOT as the guy they play <insert online multiplayer game that is hip with the kids these days. is it still fortnite? do the kids play league anymore? maple story?????> with but as the guy who keeps staring at them like he's seen a ghost when they're at the grocery store or the post office or doctor or whatever.
It'll be so funny when they eventually all finally arrange to meet in person. A lot of "ooooooh" and "YOU?!?!?!"
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ratcandy · 4 months
hi. person asking you bug questions here
are bugs real
god I wish. can you imagine if bugs were real that'd be soo cool. i mean we'd have like
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(photo credit) ascalaphidae... owlflies....... aren't they so weird looking. they're fucking fluffy. they've got obnoxiously long antennae. they look like moths but they're not. they're not even owls. nor are they flies. they're related to antlions (myrmeleontidae). isn't that fucked up. why do we keep naming insects like that. it's awesome though. love this fucker
butdon't even get me started on heteronemiidae...
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like what the fuck that's so scary. it's a stick that moves on its own. that's fucked up. thank god they're not real
and worse ? girl hang on let's go back to the neuropterans for a second. look at these
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these are both lacewings but you know what's evil ? is that (if these were real of course) they're separated into TWO DIFFERENT FAMILIES . the one on the left? on yeahbaby that's brown lacewing, it's hemerobiidae, which i will enver remember how to spell. nad the one on the right? well fuck me that's a green lacewing (chrysopidae yeah SOPpy like the SOPPING WET little. bastard it is). usually they're greener than that, but to make a point, i grabbed a duller green one because there ARE green lacewings that are BROWN. so how do you even tell them apart? huh?????? well get this, it's their fucking wing venation
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(i'd grab a photo credit for this one but i yoinked it out of my professor's presentation and though he cites like every other image for whatever reason this one he just didn't feel like doing ig)
like that's awful. i have to put these things under a microscope to know for certain which is which
i mean also usually brown lacewings (or hemerobiidae ,in case u forgot, because i n eed to know how to spell for that exam) are smaller BUT. not always. because that's how it goes isn't it
anyway that'd be so fucked up. if these were real. but hang on. there's more. one more thing.
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(photo credit 1 and 2)
no those are NOT!!! the same bug. they're not even in teh same ORDER!!!! the left is termites (order blattodea) and the right? well that's an angel insect (order zoraptera). "but clam they look nearly identical" right.that's crazy. you also find both in colonies inside rotting wood. also both CAN have wings but shed them once not needed anymore.
but you see termites get to evolve out of cockroaches and what do angel insects get? idk. because we barely know anything about them
isn't it fucked up. thank god insects aren't real but I sure wish they were because man it'd be soo cool. it would suck to have to remember how to sight ID them though and remember how to spell all teh family names (said while looking into the camera with tired eyes)
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celestialmango · 2 years
1) So I watched the grub side quest for hollow knight and saw that you could save all these grubs and return them to an elder grub, but once you do and leave, then return; he's eaten them all. However I heard that was so that he could act as a cocoon for them, especially since you can hear them alive in his belly. It made me think of what if the hollow knight boys had come across reader without a disguise (probably from losing it in a close encounter) and become very curious over this strange,
2) soft and small creature, think that they're some kind of grub and decide to nom them to protect them and act as a cocoon as well (Gastric brooding frog would swallow it's young in real life too, with the young developing in the stomach), so that they can develop safely; but of course reader isn't an actual grub so they're scared of being nommed (I guess confusion can be easily sorted if they can communicate, but if it's a different version maybe they have a language barrier idk XD) ~Shy
🥭: Well they'd realize very soon(if the boys already know them) who reader actual was once they hear reader's very familiar voice. Glitch wouldn't count for this though as he already knows reader has been wearing a disguise after the whole kidnaping thing. Lunar doesn't either because he's also seen reader without their mask. This runs true whether there's a language barrier or not due to reader being rather vocal sometimes.
In a different version though where there is a language barrier and they've not met before? Well, with the grub father the truth of what happens with him like most bugs that used living organisms as cocoons is once the transformation is finished is actually quite gruesome. And what's more likely to happen due to the rather hostile environment hollownest currently is Sun and Moon seeing reader as a threat/enemy creature upon first contact.
This leads to reader running for their life from the twins and catching the interest of the hunter who is definitely a threat to them. Lucky for reader Glitch finds the strange, terrified creature and as the collector does and as he did before in the other version. He takes them, investigates them, ends up shoving them into a jar with Lunar who also investigates the small strange creature who seems very very scared but not threatening or violent.
Lunar makes attempts to soothe the smaller soft defenseless creature and show he's not a threat to them and he's successful, but this leads to reader clinging to him for safety and Lunar then feels like it's his duty to keep his new little friend safe no matter who the threat is.
It also becomes clear to reader that Glitch means them no harm seeing as all he's really done is nom them, give them food and keep them trapped in a bottle with Lunar so they start to relax around him too, things go sour eventually in this au of the au.
Glitch ends up stumbling into the room he keeps Lunar and Reader's jar in, severely wounded and with the last of his strength, due to his own fear and knowing how Lunar seems to want to keep the sweet little not-bug safe too, he breaks the jar before collapsing as a sword pierces his chest. Behind him stand Sun and Moon, they're surprised to see the other vessel alive and even more so the strange creature they attempted to kill in the vessel's hold.
Reader is shaking and Lunar can tell they're scared of the pair as reader clings tighter to him and attempts to make themselves smaller while he holds them and they both stare as Glitch's fallen form, Lunar has already made his choice on what he's going to do. He grasps reader as tight as he can as Sun and Moon begin to approach, then he smashes through the window behind him and reader, running off instead of interacting with his 'brothers'.
Sun and Moon are confused about the not-bug, confused about why it held onto Lunar like a lifeline, confused about Lunar's attachment to the not-bug and why he ran then they get the feeling.... They somehow fucked up if Lunar chose to run away with the not-bug instead of interacting with the brothers.
Lunar continues to run holding reader close as he figures the best thing he can do to protect them is to keep running, find them a disguise or something. He gets jumped by the hunter however who injures reader... Then Lunar loses it going berserk and where Lunar was a pacifist who didn't want to hurt anyone once stood, Blood Moon is born and he. is. VICIOUS.
The hunter is slain before he can even take a single step closer to Blood Moon's prey. Even as murderous and blood thirsty he is in this state he still has some recognition of who frightened, fragile and injured reader is....and that reader is important to him. Carrying them in his arms didn't keep them safe enough, so he swallows them then kills the creatures he once avoided while he continues his travels till the red rage subsided and he becomes Lunar once more.
And Lunar feels really really bad that he scared reader like that, after he finds a somewhat safe location, he lets reader out and cuddles them till they also calm down, neither of them know during that small break that both are thinking about Glitch and hoping he lives because despite being their captor they could both tell something drove him mad and his attempts to protect others became well, misguided.
Meanwhile Sun and Moon arn't sure what to do, they found another like them alive but Lunar ran from them, taking that strange small creature with him and when they turned to finish off Glitch he had mysterious disappeared while the pair were distracted by reader and Lunar.
A still injured Glitch has learned something from this encounter, storing people away does not keep them safe, instead it makes them easier targets. The rest of those in his collection were mostly killed off by Sun and Moon before Glitch ran to release Lunar and reader. So now a slower, injured Glitch tracks them, following the path they took he comes across the Hunter laying dead.
Lunar and reader are relieved to see him alive when he finally catches up, but Glitch brought something with him as he came to them, he found a disguise that would fit reader to help keep them safe. Together, the three leave hallownest and it's inhabitants behind.
Sun and Moon, knowing now that Lunar is out there somewhere with a creature they may have misjudged decided after they have saved Eclipse, to look for Lunar, Eclipse learning about their encounter with Lunar, decides he'll look for him too.
They go separate ways, it's Eclipse who finds the trip first during their travels when they've made camp and reader took their mask off. Glitch and Lunar who've learned a bit of reader's language and about reader's run in with Sun and Moon both immediately become defensive when Eclipse approaches them and the unmasked reader.
Eclipse can immediately tell something is up and he wants to know what the hell is going on, once told well, now he's upset at his younger brothers. Sun and Moon are going to be in quite a bit of trouble when they finally find the group. Their needles are going to be confiscated and Eclipse is going to put them on timeout.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Ok I'm probably about to jump into a snake pit...
But Im genuinely curious.
So I saw on Tumblr here that a lot of people are upset with the new younger fans that have entered the Pedro Pascal fandom. The biggest complaint is them calling him daddy and being uber obsessed with him like they are going to marry him or something along those lines.
Now I HAVE noticed myself that there is more notice around him which I think is weird in the sense that Pedro has been acting for a long time in some pretty main stream shows like Narcos and The Mandalorian but whatever, I digress.
What I want to know is... have y'all noticed it and how do you feel about it?
I saw the majority of people saying these kids (I'm saying kids because they are younger than me at 17-20) need therapy. THAT bugs me because honestly I feel like no one should say that in any context because it's always said like it's an insult.
"Oh my god you need therapy. You need help!"
Does the younger generation really understand what they are saying when they're like "Pedro is daddy"? Probably not. They just know what they've seen or heard in media. Wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity to educate them instead of shaming them?
For YEARS I hid what I was sexually attracted to because I was shamed in every direction. My bio mom would tell me somethings wrong with me because I wanted "to be abused". I was like "Um...I don't though. I just like dominate men and women."
Then as I started being more open about the abuse I endured growing up people would say things like how I needed therapy because I "wanted to continue the cycle" and "punish" myself.
I seriously wish someone had sat me down and been like "No the dom/sub dynamic is a completely different thing and this is why. What you're feeling is valid."
Then of course the whole kids being obsessed like they are going to marry him. Dude, when I was 16 I genuinely thought I was going to marry Johnny Knoxville. Lol. I mean its a part of growing up right? Now OBVIOUSLY there is a line and if you see someone start to cross it of course say something or even educate them about that as well.
IDK maybe it's because of what I've been through I see things differently but I'm curious on yalls thoughts. TO BE CLEAR! This is a discussion. If you come at me or anyone else rudely I will delete the comment or not acknowledge it if you send me a reply in my asks. Be respectful!
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wyverewings · 1 year
Wyvere Reviews All the Monster Hunter Monsters (Arthropod Monsters)
If you know me, you know arthropods are one of my favorite groups of animals in the world. And of course, they're popular as monsters in media. So of course we have some bug monsters in Monster Hunter! We'll be covering multiple classes today, like we did with the last review.
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We're starting off with the Neopterons, a class consisting of insect-like monsters. The first monster of note is Altaroth, an ant monster. I like those little crests on their heads, they kinda remind me of flowers, but what I really love is that they have bellies like honeypot ants! That's a wonderful touch of real world biology, which is always something I love with fictional monsters! 7/10
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Tbh, the Konchu feels like they should belong in the Carapaceon class, seeing as how they have more similarities to crustaceans, especially pillbugs. Still pretty cool, 7/10.
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The first of the big bug monsters is the Seltas Queen, who is obviously a bug queen. She's got traits of beetles and scorpions, but... kinda comes across as a sort of generic "bug queen" type monster? Idk what exactly it is, but I just don't enjoy the design too much. The tail is cool, at least. 6/10
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Ahtal-Ka is a LOT cooler, and not just because they're a praying mantis with an Egyptian motif (though that is part of the appeal, of course). You see, they can create motherfucking mechas.
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Okay okay, I need to cool off from the mecha-making-mantis, and talk about another cool bug monster. The Temnocerans are supposed to be spiders, but Nerscylla here has six legs, which clearly means they're an insect! But they are still a cool bug monster, made more interesting due to the fact that they wear the skins of their prey. Creepy, yes, but the Hunters are guilty of that too. Also, I love spiders, even if this is a spider mimic instead of a true spider. 8/10
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I know I've made the unofficial rule to not talk about the smaller monsters, but the Rachnoid and Pyrantula are just so cute, and also I like how Pyrantula looks like a little pumpkin! 7.5/10
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I got a picture of Rakna-Kadaki's plush because it's kinda hard to read the features on the official render. Plus the plush is cute (actually the Monster Hunter plushies are cute in general, go look them up). Anyway, Rakna-Kadaki is a pretty cool monster too, with how they've wrapped themselves in silk and take inspiration from the Jorogumo of Japanese myth! 8/10
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Time for crab! Carapaceons are crustacean monsters, with most of them being specifically hermit crab monsters. Also, they have a habit of collecting monster bones, often to act as shells, which is pretty damn cool. The Ceanataur is a pretty good crab, I like their scythe-esque claws. 7.5/10
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Shen Gaoren has some long legs almost like a spider crab, and also a nice coconut crab face. 7.5/10
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I think my favorite of the crabs, though, would be Hermitaur. Like real world hermit crabs, they wear armor to protect their sensitive skin, but instead of shells, Hermitaur wears monster skulls! They also have a very spooky and badass face to go along with their creepy defense mechanism! 8/10
Bonus Flying Wyverns
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In order to pad this review out and also get rid of the need to review even more monsters with the Flying Wyvern post, we're using some of the monsters of that class who are distinctly more similar to invertebrates. We're starting this bonus round with Khezu, and... well, they sure are a weird cave monster. They sure are creepy and offputting to look at, and that goal was definitely achieved. 5/10, they are a good design, but one that makes me deeply uncomfortable.
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Gigginox, at least, is much easier on the eyes. They're more weird than overtly creepy, and they also feel more like a leech monster than Khezu. 7.5/10
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Fortunately, we end on what is possibly one of my favorite monsters in the series! Astalos is a freaking beetle dragon, which I obviously adore, and merges those aspects absolutely wonderfully! They're such a gorgeous monster, and a perfect note to end this post on! 9/10!
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chaotic-toby · 2 years
So like, there's this thing that I can't find a name for and it's bothering me. I wanna know what's wrong with me, but whenever I try researching, I can't find anything. So please, for whatever deity you believe in, help mehhhh.
Okie so, it kinda started in 2nd or 3rd grade, I think? I would think of a question and answer it in my head, but it would be my own voice. Over time, I started asking those questions out loud, which helped me process the question, but I'll still answer them myself in the head, in my own voice. Eventually, that voice in my head sounded different. It turned high pitched. So, when I would ask a question and the voice in my head answered, it didn't sound like me anymore, it sounded like a different person. Again, it evolved. When I said something out loud, the voice would respond out loud as well, in that high pitched voice (from an outside perspective, it would look like me talking and then replying to myself in a high pitched voice). Eventually, it started to gain it's own personality. At first, it was kinda mean, telling me to do things that I didn't want to, but over time, she changed. I named her Voice (original, ik) and I guess naming her made her feel more real, but she liked the name. So, over the years, we got close. Voice is really nice. She helps calm me down, make decisions, and even forces my body to do something I don't want to (like kill a bug that I'm too scared to do). She basically parents me (me and the other voice likes to joke around and call her mommy bc she does act like a mother to me). And honestly, she keeps feeling more real, like I can feel her there in my head. I'm never alone.
The second voice is named Chihiro (yeah after the danganronpa character. It was only supposed to be a temporary name until me or Voice thought of another but it kinda stuck soo). Voice created her, after asking me for permission, to keep her company for the times where I can't really talk to her bc I'm around people or busy enough that I can't focus on talking in my head. Chihiro was created, I want to say around 1 or 2 years ago, and she is sweet. Her voice is kind of like Voice's, but way lighter and softer. She's basically the calm one, though under the influence of Voice, she has become a bit. . . unhinged at times. Voice is chaotic, immature, and sarcastic while Chihiro is sweeter, calmer, basically the baby of the. . . headspace? Idk. They are both very helpful and would never do anything to harm me. They help me when I'm panicking, worrying about something, school, and when my ex-step-father was trying to get me to do something (I'm not saying what it was) and everytime I came close to doing it just to get him off my back, Voice (Chihiro hadn't been created yet) told me not to. She's the only reason I never did what he asked me to, because she kept telling me that I'll regret it, and if I listened to him, he would only ask for more. She's the reason he didn't go further. After Chihiro was created and my ex-step-father did something (nothing sexual I hope), she and Voice comforted me afterward. They noticed that he was lying and comforted me, telling me to not listen to the garbage he was saying.
They've been there for me through thick-and-thin. They're the main reason I'm still alive, bc if I died, they would die.
The thing is, I don't wanna say that this is DID, because they don't take over. They're not alters, they have no control over my body (well, Voice can make me move a little but that's bc she's older ig) but overall, I'm still and always in control. I don't have amnesia. I remember my days. I don't wake up not remembering how I got there. Voice and Chihiro are just voices in my head, with their own personalities. They feel like extensions of myself. They like and hate the ae things as I do, but they have different personalities. Voice is snarky and sarcastic and Chihiro is nice and sweet and patient.
Which is why I'm confused about this. I see videos about people mentioning them having voices in their head and calling them a council, but when I try to look into it further, all I find it stuff about DID, but none of that matches what I'm going through. Again, they're just voices. They are not alters that take control of me.
If anyone finishes reading this long post, please help if you can. I've been curious for years
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