#idk at work today someone was talking about how they like. dealt with someone snapping at them
go-to-the-mirror · 5 months
guys is it mean to tell someone that you're going to take the bus instead of wait 15 minutes for them to show up (and probably get into an argument because you're tired and those two people together always fucking fight with you) [rhetorical]
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altsvu · 4 years
unusual reunion
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pairing: sonny carisi x female reader
wc: 1296
tw: mentions of COVID-19, rape, a bit of violence and blood, swearing, shameless flirting
a/n: this oneshot is based on law and order svu 22x06!! this was something that i thought of out of the blue, and this is for @sweetcannolicarisi ‘s “Candy Hearts” soul mate bingo square! i wrote this to have a set portion of it to be real life because of the hospital setting. the italics are flashbacks/reader thoughts. there are also some lyrics from streets by doja cat which are bolded and italicized!
taglist: @detective-giggles, @lapaquerette (idk if you wanted to be tagged, but i did it just in case!)
You were just getting off your break after finishing half of your 12 hour shift at Mercy Hospital, when your phone rang. You were completely drained from calling doctors and nursing staff all morning and you couldn’t bear to pick up the phone once again. That is, until you saw who was calling.
She only really called you during work hours when something was wrong.
“Hey Liv.” you said when you picked up the phone.
“Y/N. Hi. Are you working a shift right now?”
“Yeah, I actually just got off break.”
You could hear the worry in Liv’s voice. “Okay, um, Sonny’s hurt. Do you think you could do a check up on him?”
You froze when you heard his name on the phone. This was the first time you heard of him since he became an ADA. When he was a detective, you would see him all the time in the hospital when he had to interview female victims that were raped and had injuries following the assault, interview doctors involved in a case, talk to children of abandoned families and abuse, and ask doctors and nurses for results on a patient. He even talked to you from time to time, seeing as you worked in the department that dealt with women and kids, and every time he did, you noticed more and more things you liked about him. It got to the point where he asked you to share a drink or two with him after your shift one day. The two of you weren’t really in any relationship, you just became close friends. You helped him study for his bar exam and celebrated with a few drinks when he passed. You had a schedule for talking on the phone, first every Friday night at 11:30pm, then talking on every break you had. All was well between you two. Until he stopped calling and showing up.
“Yes, of course I can. I can set up a room for him.”
Liv sighed of relief. “Thank you so much. I owe you one.”
“Hey, Y/N, there’s someone for you.” one of your colleagues said.
“Okay thanks.” you said, getting up, adjusting your stethoscope and mask and going out to the waiting area. When you saw Sonny, you were horrified. What the hell happened to his face?
On the other hand, when Sonny saw you, his eyes lit up.
“Y/N, thank you so much for doing this.”
“My pleasure. I love helping out my friends.” you paused, your eyes drifting to Sonny’s face. Snapping your attention back to Liv, you asked her if she had to step back to work, in which she said yes. You reassured her that Sonny would be safe in your hands and when she left, you smiled with your eyes and led him to the room you set up for him.
“Sonny, what happened?” you asked softly as you washed your hands.
“I was talking with the powerful judge and their defense and... well things got out of hand.”
“Gallagher? The one running for attorney general?”
You let out a slight chuckle. “I saw his half assed excuses on the news the other day.” Bringing over some of the tools and supplies needed, you continued. “So, lemme guess, he threatened to fight and you went for it.
“He called me a dago. And called my suit cheap.”
You were about to apply some alcohol to the gash on the side of his head when you stopped. “He called you that? That’s not okay. He disgusts me. And... your suit is nowhere near cheap. It’s quite beautiful and expensive looking if you ask me.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do.”
“Something tells me it’s more than just the suit.” you proceeded to take his mask off so you could clean some of the blood under it when his hands found his way to yours.
“What are you talking about?” you faltered.
Sonny gently pushed your hands away and took off his mask, setting it aside. “We’ve known each other for how long now?”
“About 5 years.”
“Remember when I took you out that one night after your shift?”
A smile crept up on your face under your mask.
“Yeah... I wanted to change out of my scrubs and you waited for me outside of my apartment. When I came out you were breathless.”
When you opened the door, Sonny looked astonished. “Jesus, Y/N. You look amazing.” You felt so confident in your blouse and skirt combo and Sonny liked it. “Thank you, I’m glad you were willing to wait for me.”
“It was a really good night. Probably one of the best nights I’ve ever had after a shift.” you concluded.
“Yeah me too.” Sonny said looking into your eyes. After a pause, he whispered, “Y/N, what the actual fuck are we doing?”
You reached for the alcohol pads and started cleaning off the blood from his face. “I don’t know Sonny. There must have been a reason for the silence.”
Sonny winced from the cool alcohol touching his open wound. He liked how gentle you were with him even though you and him talked less and less during quarantine. He actually thought you hated him. “This is about when I finally became an ADA. Y/N, don’t get me wrong, I thought of you every day. I wanted to surprise you, show you how much I missed you and then COVID-19 hit. Quarantine made me miss you even more, and you were working tirelessly so I knew I couldn’t bother you.”
You finished cleaning off all the blood, trying to process everything Sonny was saying. He missed you? He thought of you everyday? Did it actually mean something?
“I really am sorry.” he whispered. After washing your hands again and setting up the tools to give him stitches, you looked back in his eyes. Here he was, spilling his heart out to you, expressing his love for you, and you couldn’t even do anything about it.
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. Quarantine really fucked me over and I should’ve went to you for help. And I should’ve been there when you started out as an ADA. I’m the one who’s truly sorry.”
“Hey. You’re one of the biggest reasons why I was able to become the person I am today.”
You bit your lip. “You really think that?” Sonny nodded in response. You slipped on a pair of gloves and proceeded to give Sonny his stitches. “Can I tell you something that I’ve been meaning to tell you?”
“Anything.” you replied.
“Well, in my head, we belong. And I can’t be without you.” Sonny admitted. “I think you’re my soul mate, we were meant to be. It justifies the amount of times we ran into each other.”
“Well can I tell you something back?” you said, finishing up the last of the stitches.
“Anything- fuck.” he whispered as he felt some of the stitching.
You let out a soft giggle as you finished the last stitch. You cleaned up the area, washing your hands as well, and stood in front of him. “Sonny, I’ve been thinking about you a lot as well. I didn’t know how to approach you, even before the pandemic when we were spending so much time together. I found it hard to find someone like you, after everything, all signs pointed back to... you.”
“I’m here right now with you. Why don’t we make things official?” Sonny whispered. He reached over to your face and pulled off your mask.
“Why not?” you whispered back, letting Sonny pull you closer into a deep passionate kiss.
That had to be the most amazing kiss you’ve ever received.
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all we can do
Prompt: carry/support (alt no.15)
Whumpee: Kurt Wallander
Fandom: Young Wallander
welcome back to my second fic for a fandom that barely exists! i finished the show today and i felt like we got so robbed of an ending that like. properly Dealt with the fallout of the explosion so i did this. unfortunately it’s not very good but oh well. what can you do. this is set in the night after the explosion and it could be canon compliant? the show isn’t super clear on the timing of everything so idk. whatever lol. hope you enjoy this if you read it for some reason!
Kurt is numb. His ears haven’t stopped ringing since the explosion. He’s still covered in dust and small pieces of debris. He sees the people around him cry, but finds himself incapable. He doesn’t feel anything. He’s running on autopilot.
His autopilot leads him to a bar, where he sinks down onto a stool and drinks and doesn’t even register the people around him staring and whispering. 
He drinks and drinks and he doesn’t know why. Maybe he wants the alcohol to keep him numb. Maybe he’s hoping it’ll tear down enough of his internal defenses that the pain of reality will come screaming back. 
Whatever his intentions might have been, he winds up drunk out of his mind with a bartender threatening to throw him out. He doesn’t want to leave. There are people here. If he leaves, he will be alone with himself, and he thinks that that is a remarkably bad idea at the moment.
But the bartender keeps insisting that he leave. That he’s had enough to drink. Finally, he asks if there’s someone he can call, and Kurt thinks, of course, of Reza.
His friend picks up on the first ring, asking him something like, are you all right? 
“No, I’m smashed,” Kurt says. He thinks that’s kind of funny, for reasons he can’t explain. He laughs. “I’m so fucking drunk, Rez.”
He hears Reza say something, muffled. Then he hears Jasmine’s voice reply. “Hi, Jasmine,” he calls, and the bartender snaps at him to be quieter.
“Hey, Kurt,” Jasmine says, sounding subdued. 
“Did you hear Hemberg got blown up?” he asks, because he knows she has. 
“I did,” she says, and then Reza is back speaking to him. “I’m comin’ to get you, alright?”
He nods, and then says, “yeah,” when his alcohol-soaked brain reminds him that he can’t be seen over the phone. He hangs up, and then just sits there. 
He stares at the ground, watching Gustav Munck’s car explode, hearing his own voice yell to Hemberg, over and over again, until a hand on his shoulder jolts him out of his memories.
Reza is standing there, and there’s this terrible look on his face and for a second Kurt tries to think of why, and then remembers. “It’s so sad, isn’t it,” he says. “One second, you’re there, and then...boom. Just like that, Rez. Boom.” The car explodes again. He tastes smoke. 
Reza flinches a little at Kurt’s words. “You’re drunk, Kurt,” he says. “Come with me.”
“I am drunk,” Kurt replies. “I’m drunk and I can’t feel anything, Rez. Nothing.”
“I know. Let’s get you up, yeah?”
And then Reza’s arm is under his own, and he’s being lifted to his feet. The sudden change in position makes him dizzy, and he nearly collapses, saved only by Reza’s arm around him. 
The walk out of the bar is extremely difficult. Kurt barely does any work at all, fully supported by Reza, who is half-dragging him along. All the while, Kurt is talking about Hemberg, Munck, the explosion, in a neverending circle, and all the while, the car explodes in front of him, and smoke fills his field of vision.
The car ride is silent. Kurt is staring out the window without seeing anything but flames. Reza is avoiding looking over at his best friend, hating what he knows he’ll see. Kurt’s in shock, he’d recognized that the second he’d called. Kurt can’t feel anything, and he’s too drunk to understand the words he’s saying, which are belaying how he feels under the layers of alcohol and shock. 
Reza pulls to a stop at his house and opens the passenger door, but Kurt remains in his seat. Reza can’t tell if he looks worse than he did in the bar, or if it’s just the light from the car illuminating how badly he’s looked all this time: caked in residue from the explosion, because he’d refused to go to the hospital. Pale as hell, because his boss is dead, because he hasn’t caught the man responsible. Half-asleep, because he’d decided to go get drunk instead of do something as reasonable as reach out. 
He pulls Kurt gently out of the car, hearing the other man make a faint, unconscious noise of pain, the first indication that he’s in any kind of pain at all. Reza looks him over worriedly, checking for any injury that Kurt had somehow not realized he’d gotten.
Sure enough, there’s a splotch of red slowly seeping through his shirt. “You’re bleeding, man, you know that?” Reza asks, sure that the answer will be no.
“I dunno,” says Kurt. “Don’t feel anything.”
“Can you walk?”
“I dunno,” is Kurt’s answer, again. 
“If you’re not walking, I swear I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you inside,” Reza says, intending to say it as a threat.
It’s clearly not received that way. “Okay,” Kurt says, and he makes no move to stand.
Reza sighs briefly before reaching down and picking Kurt up, trying to be mindful of whatever injury he has. He carries Kurt up to the front door, and wonders, vaguely, if he’s always been this light.
He opens the door with the hand not holding onto Kurt, then shuffles inside and into the living room, setting Kurt down on the couch carefully. 
Jasmine comes out of their room then, gasping aloud when she sees the man on her couch. “Kurt,” she says, softly, and goes to sit down next to him, putting a hand on his smudged cheek. 
“He’s been like this since...since the explosion?” she asks, turning to Reza. 
“Wouldn’t let anyone touch him,” Reza confirms. “He’s in shock, I think. Says he can’t feel anything.”
“He’s bleeding.”
“It doesn’t hurt,” Kurt interrupts. “Hi, Jasmine. Good to see you.”
She gives him a sad smile. “Hi, Kurt.”
Reza comes and sits down on his other side, reaching out to remove Kurt’s jacket, and then his shirt.
“What’re you doing?” Kurt questions.
“Figuring out why you’re bleeding,” is Reza’s reply, and Kurt lapses into silence.
“It doesn’t hurt,” he repeats, after a moment of Reza poking around a thankfully-not-too-deep shrapnel wound. “It doesn’t hurt, Reza, why doesn’t it hurt?”
Reza stops what he’s doing and looks into Kurt’s face, seeing emotion there for the first time. His eyes are wet with as-yet-unshed tears, and although his statements are to the contrary, he looks so incredibly pained. 
“It doesn’t hurt because you’re in shock,” Reza explains gently, as Jasmine takes over tending to his wound. Kurt looks at the floor. The car has stopped exploding, but still, all he can smell is smoke. 
“Can you make it stop?” he asks, not really sure what it is he’s referring to. 
“You’ll come out of it on your own,” Reza says, wishing he could say something more comforting. “Dunno if you’ll feel better when you do.”
Jasmine finishes bandaging his wound, and for a moment the three of them just sit there, Reza’s hand on Kurt’s back, Jasmine’s hand in his hair. 
“Would you mind if we cleaned you up?” Jasmine asks, pulling a piece of something out of Kurt’s hair. 
Kurt shrugs. He doesn’t care. He pokes at the newly-bandaged gash in his stomach, wishing that he could feel it. Reza’s hand pulls him away from that particular task, and he feels Jasmine stand up on his other side. 
She returns after a second, and then there’s a warm washcloth rubbing gently against his face and another one dragging across his torso. Slowly, they begin to take away the smell of smoke that’s been following him all day, and by the time they’ve finished, he feels different.
Less drunk, for one. Cleaner, for another. But the most notable change is the sudden stab of pain in his stomach. 
“I can feel it now,” he says, feeling his voice shake. “Oh god, I feel it,” he says, and then it’s not his voice shaking but his body, and he’s crying and whimpering and in a matter of seconds his world has gone from cold and numb to brutally hot and painful, and then he’s crying so hard that he stops making any noise at all, and all the while he feels hands on him, gentle and warm, rubbing his shoulders and touching his face. 
At some point, the pain reaches a crescendo, and Kurt almost pitches over from the force of the emotions that are pouring out of him unhindered. Before he can, though, an arm extends across his chest and another one grips his shoulders, both of them supporting him, keeping him upright.  
Reza and Jasmine hold onto Kurt as he breaks completely, and they keep holding on when he finally cries himself to sleep. They share a look over his head. 
“Poor guy,” is Reza’s only observation regarding Kurt. “What a way to go…” he adds, shaking his head. He can’t believe any of this. That Hemberg is really dead. That Kurt watched him die. That his killer is most likely never going to be brought to justice. 
“I can’t imagine,” Jasmine says. “And Kurt being there…” she trails off, reaching out to grab Reza’s hand. “How do we all get through this?”
“I don’t know,” Reza confesses. “We just have to be there, I think. Like you two were for me. It’s all we can do, really.”
Between them, Kurt makes a soft noise in his sleep, wrinkling up his face. Jasmine returns a gentle hand to his hair, in an effort to calm him down without waking him. Reza places a hand on his chest, feeling Kurt’s heart beat just slightly too fast.
“I’m so sorry, man,” he says quietly, and feels Jasmine lean over to press a kiss to his cheek. “I’m so sorry.”
i’m very sorry if my depictions of shock were not accurate i did not feel like being accurate lol. anyway this ending sucks butt and tbh the whole story kinda does too...but whatever hope you enjoyed anyway? not that anyone is gonna read this lmao. 
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rosa-berberifolia · 5 years
Unrequited|Mortal Kombat x Reader|Kenshi X Reader
A/N: Reader is a witch type thing. She makes spells and potions for the soldiers to aid and protect them.
Also, TBC? I’m not sure.
Be Warned: Angst out the wazoo! But a happy ending.
Word Count:  idk like 3100 ?
You were cutting up some ingredients for a batch of protection charms, quietly humming to yourself as you worked. You were thinking of Kenshi. He had captured your attention the first day that you came to work for Special Forces. The thoughts about him that ran through your head, both fluff and smut, were immediately frozen as your whole body halted moving, breathing, and thinking when it was made known to you that he could read minds. 
He wore a smirk while he was being introduced to you. You knew that he had heard every thought you’d just had about him. But he politely nodded at you, saying that it was a pleasure to meet you. He didn’t act on anything that you had thought. And so you concluded that he did not return your feelings.
After he walked away with Johnny and Sonya, your whole body thawed and everything hit you at once. You had to hold onto the wall to stop yourself from falling over. He knew what you were thinking and he didn’t do anything. You had to admit that that hurt. It hurt way more than you thought that it should. After all, you had just met the guy and only spoke like six words to him. But you couldn’t help it. You gulped and wiped the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. Standing up straight and reasoning that you’ve only met him once, and if he doesn’t want to do anything about it’s  his loss, you took a deep breath and went to your kitchen to start on your work.
You thought that over time it would be easier. That in time you could see Kenshi and not give a fuck. But that never happened. Every time you saw Kenshi it was like the first time. Your whole body froze as you choked out a greeting. Your mind flashed with images of cuddling in bed with him, or doing ‘other things’ in bed with him. And every time, he politely requested something for a mission, thanked you for it, and left. And every time he did nothing to reciprocate your feelings, your heart broke. 
Soon it turned to every time that you saw Kenshi, thoughts of his ‘rejection’ filled your head. Your body just filled with sadness, longing, and hopelessness. And you knew that Kenshi read it from you because his face read of guilt. You no longer looked forward to seeing Kenshi. You dreaded it. 
Cutting your ingredients you didn’t hear the footsteps approach you. So when you turned to grab something from the fridge and you saw Kenshi standing silently in your doorway, you nearly had a heart attack.
“Jesus Christ, Kenshi!” You said just a little below yelling. “Announce yourself.” You clutched your heart trying to catch your breath.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized. “You seemed deep in thought.” And then you remembered what you had been thinking about, and your mood immediately dropped. You looked at him sadly knowing that he couldn’t see you. You shook your head and took a breath.
“What can I do for you?” You asked formally.
Kenshi’s face contorted in guilt. He cleared his throat, straightening up before answering. “You gave Johnny a potion last week that protected him from projectiles. I was hoping you might have more.”
“Oh. No. Sorry. I only made one batch. I wasn’t sure if it would work or not.” You explained.
“Apparently it was a life saver.” Kenshi told you.
You smiled at the news, glad that your product worked. But your smile faltered when Kenshi turned to leave.
“I could make more.” You said quickly, trying to get him to stay. Kenshi turned around and walked back into the kitchen. 
“Only if it isn’t too much trouble.” Kenshi advised.
“No, no. I mean, it takes forty-eight hours to prepare. And needs to be watched constantly. And one wrong move and the whole thing is toast. But no, I’d make it for you.” You said trying to make it sound like a joke even though all of it was true.
Kenshi of course knew that you weren’t joking. “Please, really.” He pushed.
“No, I should make a big batch for everyone if it works like you say.” You insisted.
He smiled at you and nodded. “Thank you.” He said before turning to leave.
As soon as he was out of ear shot you took the first real breath you had taken since you noticed he was there. You gasped as you caught your breath. Your heart pounded in your chest. It hurt. It hurt so much every time you saw him. But even if he caused you so much pain, you wiped the tears from your eyes, took another deep breath, and then took out your largest pot to get to work.
You went to your pantry where you store your supplies. You tried your best to hold yourself together but as soon as the door closed you broke. You started sobbing in a manner fit with someone who was in as much pain as you. Your heart hurt. Your head hurt. Your whole body hurt, and it was all over some stupid guy. You were mad at yourself for being so easily played like an instrument by him. And the worst part was, he was still nothing but kind and polite to you. At least if he had been a dick about it you would have a legitimate reason to be mad at him. But you didn’t have any reason to mad at him. And that made it worse. You slumped down the door of the pantry and held your head in your hands as you cried. At this point you didn’t care if anyone heard you. You just needed to let it out. All of the pangs of heartbreak that you dealt with on a daily basis. All of the times that your lungs would seize when you saw him. Every time that your stomach would lurch when he spoke to you. All of the sleepless nights you ended up crying yourself to sleep. You needed to let it all out. 
Suddenly you fell backwards as the door to the pantry was opened. You quickly shut up, wiped your eyes, and stood up. Standing in front of you was Cassie Cage. Maybe one of your only friends you had made since you started at SF. She looked at you sadly. She had guessed early on about your ‘crush’ on Kenshi. And she had told you before that if you ever wanted to talk about it with her that you could. But you had never taken her up on that offer. 
“That bad, huh?” She asked looking you over in an almost pitiful way. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. You just grabbed your arms and looked at the ground sadly. She sighed and turned around, going to your fridge. You walked away from the pantry and sat yourself in one of the stool by the counter. Cassie came back to sit next to you, two beers in hand. 
Hours later the two of you were still in the kitchen sitting by the counter. Except now there was an assortment of empty bottles around you. Having drunk your entire beer supply you switched to rum, deciding it was necessary to take shots. Cassie talked to you about every time a boy made her feel like shit in an effort to let you know that you weren’t the only one who suffered heartbreak. 
The only problem was that you could never believe that a man would pass up being with Cassie. She was strong, smart, and beautiful. Everything you thought you weren’t. And that her examples of men being dicks was a list that was miles long didn’t help either. It just made you feel worse about yourself. Not that you would ever tell her this. You generally just appreciated that she was here at all. Keeping you company and helping you get shit faced. 
Johnny was walking down the hall on his way to see you. He was going on a mission and your protective elixirs were a necessity in any fight. He was hoping you’d have some Green Fire available, and maybe a protection charm to put on as well.
On his way he approached a doorway and found Kenshi coming out of it.
“Hey, Ken Doll.” He greeted.
“Hello, Johnny.” Kenshi responded. “Where are you off too?”
“Going to see Y/n before I leave for my mission.” Johnny replied.
“Mind if I join you?” Kenshi motioned to continue walking. Johnny patted Kenshi on the should to show his approval, and the two continued on to you kitchen.
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know what Cassie was up to last night? She was holding her head at breakfast, and was moody. My guess is she was hungover.” Johnny asked Kenshi about his daughter.
“I haven’t seen her today.” Kenshi told him.
“Knock, knock.” Johnny said coming into your work space. You were stirring a pot on the stove when they came in.
“Hey Jo-” You started to greet but as you turned you saw Kenshi with him and your voice caught in your throat as your breath hitched back. You cleared your throat to try to calm down. “Hi Johnny, Kenshi.” You greeted.
“Hey Y/n, just wanted to see if you had any Green Fire that I could take on my mission.” Johnny said warily eyeing you. You had only half heard him because you were looking at Kenshi with a distraught look on your face. Johnny looked to Kenshi and then to you. You snapped out of your thoughts that had been primarily focused on not thinking about how heartbroken you were about Kenshi.
“Uh, yeah.” You said as you walked over to you pantry where you kept everything that you had already made. You pulled out two spherical glass containers filled with a green liquid. You carefully handed them to Johnny. You almost missed it when he mouthed to you, ‘Are you okay?’ You could just nod sadly at him. He looked at Kenshi quizzically.
“I just came to see how my request was coming along.” Kenshi clarified why he came. A small part of you had hoped that he came because you were important to him and he wanted to see how you were doing. Your heart sank again, for the millionth time since being introduced to him.
“It’s coming along quite nicely.” You said in a rather monotone voice. When were you going to give up on this terrible fantasy? It was then that Kenshi’s head turned in a curious fashion. He looked almost sad or disappointed. You wanted to console him. Ask him what was the matter. But you tried to push that out of your head. 
Kenshi nodded. “I’ll be on my way then.” He slightly bowed to you. “Johnny.” He said his goodbye, turned and then left. Johnny waited for him to turn around the corner down the hallway before he freaked out.
“When were you gonna tell me that you were in love with Ken-Doll?!” He asked a little too loudly. You smacked his arm.
“Am not!” You whisper shouted. “And keep your voice down!”
“Why? He can read minds. I’m pretty sure he already knows.” Johnny asked. You walked over to your counter and leaned back onto it and sighed sadly.
“I know he knows.” Your voice was full of all of the melancholy thoughts and feelings you had been harboring for the last however long. Johnny walked to the fridge and started moving things around in it.
“Oh c’mon, where is - Ah ha!” He said appearing once again with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. “Thought you would have had more of this...Is this was you and Cassie were up to last night?” He asked as he went into your cupboard and pulled out two glasses. You looked at him guilty as he poured some of the liquid into each he handed one to you and kept the other for himself. He laughed as you both started sipping.
Since starting to work at SF Headquarters you hadn’t really made friends with a lot of people. Sure you were cordial with everyone. But the only two people who really seemed to like you were Johnny and Cassie. They would sit with you at meals and come and visit your kitchen. For a long time Johnny knew something was off. Something had you feeling depressed a lot of the time. But he didn’t know what it was until today. He leaned on the counter and looked at you knowingly. 
“He’s never going to feel the same way about me.” You admitted sadly as you sat on a stool in your kitchen. Johnny put his drink down on the counter and watched as you moved to sit. “He’s too good for me. I don’t deserve someone like him.”
“Hey,” Johnny said getting your attention. He moved to crouch in front of you, and he took your hands in his. “You are amazing. Your stuff has saved us more times than I can count. You are the smartest and kindest person I know. You absolutely deserve anyone you want. Don’t sell yourself short.”
You looked at Johnny who was gazing into your eyes. He meant the things he was telling you. You licked your lips and looked sadly at your lap sighing in a melancholy way.
“I wish I could believe you.” You said quietly. 
You were just bottling the formula that you had made for Kenshi. It turned out even better than the first time and you were very pleased. You heard a knock on the door frame as you were putting the lid on. You smiled, remembering that last time you had asked Kenshi to announce himself, and this time he did. But that smile quickly faded when you realized that it was in fact Kenshi, and you still harbored unrequited feelings for him. You slowly turned to face him.
“Kenshi,” You said before clearing your throat to get your breath back. “You’re just in time.” You took a bottle of the formula in your hand to give it to him.
“I was actually hoping to discuss something with you.” He said coming further into the kitchen towards you. Your heart stopped and it felt like your stomach dropped into your butt. ‘Oh shit. He’s gonna talk about my feelings!’ You thought to yourself. 
“Yes, I am, in fact.” He said walking all the way to you. Standing just in front of you he took the bottle from your hand and placed it behind you on the counter. He had never been this close to you before. Your breath hitched in your throat as you caught a whiff of how he smelled. You lungs burned, urging you to breathe again, but you couldn’t find the means to do so. 
“I heard what you thought yesterday, about wishing to give up on your feelings for me.” He started to explain further what he was talking about. You were finally able to sigh and take a few labored breaths. The fear in you bubbled up and was written all over your face, not that Kenshi would have seen it, but he could definitely sense it. 
“I’m s- I’m sorry.” You said quietly.
“No, I’ve come to ask you not to.” Kenshi clarified and your whole self froze. Your heart stopped. Your lungs stopped. Your brain stopped. What had he just said? To not give up on him? No. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have. He put a soft hand against your cheek to cup it. The feeling of him touching you left a searing coursing through your skin. It electrified you to your core. Then he continued. “I had hoped that after a while your feelings for me would have dissipated.” He licked his lips before going on. “You see, being with me is dangerous. It makes you a target. I had hoped that with time you would have been able to move on, for your safety. But you haven’t. And neither have I.” 
‘What did he just say?’ You thought to yourself. ‘What was he implying? ‘Neither did he.’?’
“Truthfully, I have been having the same thoughts about you that you have about me. The sincere ones.” He said before his thumb ghosted your lips. “The sexual ones.” And then his hand fell from your face to his side and the loss of contact almost made you whine. “And the sad ones.” His head faced the ground. “Even though I’ve wanted to be with you from the first moment we met, I didn’t want to put you in harms way. But seeing how much pain it causes you. It breaks my heart. I’m sorry I put you through that.”
You were shaking now. Still not breathing, you were still frozen to the spot. ‘This can’t be happening.’ You thought to yourself, and Kenshi’s head moved up as if to look at you. 
“But,” He took a steadying breath and licked his lips. “Knowing the risks, if you would give me a chance, I would like to make it up to you.” He said taking your hands in his. “I believe I can make you happy again. Would you let me try?”
Tears cascaded from your eyes freely. Everything that you had ever wanted was coming true right before your eyes. Kenshi raised a hand and wiped away the tears from your face. But you still couldn’t move. You felt that this was a wonderful dream and if you moved it would end. You wanted desperately to wrap your arms around him and kiss him and hold him close, but your body wasn’t letting you.
“If I may,” Kenshi said as he put his hand behind your head, threading his fingers into your hair. Then he pulled your head towards himself, and very gently, his lips met yours. It was as if he had broken a spell. Because the second his lips touched yours you broke free and tentatively raised your hands to cup his face. When you felt him in your hands it was as if you realized that this was not in fact a dream, and that you could move and he would still be right there. You kissed him back ardently holding his face to yours. 
Kenshi’s other hand snaked behind you to pull you closer to him. Your arms moved of their own accord and wrapped around Kenshi’s neck. He pressed you firmly into him, his tongue roamed across your lips asking for access which you gladly gave. The kiss turned more passionate and you couldn’t help the tears of happiness that left your eyes.
“Wow, about time!” Johnny’s voice interrupted you two. Kenshi didn’t pull back in surprise however. He calmly gave you one last kiss before turning around to face Johnny who stood in the doorway. He used his telekinesis to push Johnny back out of the doorway, and shut the door in his face, locking it.
Kenshi turned back to you and brought you close to him again, continuing the kiss from before. 
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svartalfhild · 5 years
This Motherfucker
A Food Service Worker Rant
As some of you may be aware, I work at a shitty chain sandwich shop and have for several years now.  I’ve seen a lot of shit and dealt with a large and colourful array of assholes, both in the kitchen and at the cash register.
Never before today have I come so close to straight up yelling at a coworker.
This boy has already been on my shitlist for weeks.  He’s a transfer from a store in the next town over, which is such a bad store that I’ve had multiple customers complain about their service to me.  Everything about his behaviour explains why that location has such a bad reputation.  He was taught to make sandwiches as quickly as possible, with little regard for how well they’re made.  He’s sloppy af, leaving his work space utterly filthy by the time he’s done instead of cleaning as he goes.  He tosses food around haphazardly with no regard for cross-contamination.  He says “have a good night” to customers entirely unironically before it’s even fucking noon just because his shift ends at night and he can’t be fucking bothered to change his goodbyes throughout the day, apparently???  Idk, it makes no fucking sense.  He does everything fucking wrong and won’t listen when any of us tell him that he has to do things differently.  Given that he comes from a location that is staffed only by men and at least half or more of our staff is women and afab enbies, including all but one of the managers and trainers, this comes across like a classic case of Man Who Doesn’t Know How To Handle Women Having Authority Over Him.
He’s your classic blockhead jock, but instead of being an endearing himbo, he’s just a dipshit with intense dudebro energy.  One of the first things I learned about him was that he was in all AP classes and varsity football in high school, which like, wow, way to check off all the boxes for Male Teen Movie Villain.  On top of that, he’s apparently an anti-socialist who doesn’t believe the US has been at war in the last 50 years, which I bet makes it awfully uncomfortable for him to be surrounded by a bunch of queers who call each other comrade all the time.
All of this made me hate him plenty before, but today, he reached new levels of assholery.  Kicked that bitch up to 11.
I got to work today already testy af because of the state of US politics and my dad being an asshole, but then this motherfucker is there, being his usual assclown of a self.  He threw tomatoes utterly slathered in mayo back in the tomato bin, covering all the other tomatoes in mayo, and I had to scoop them out and firmly tell him not to do that.  After that, I caught him multiple times not portioning mayo properly and just eyeballing it.  Each time, with increasing irritation, I told him to portion that shit.  Fucking ignored me each time until finally he said “You’re just an in-shop like me; leave me alone.”  Now, “in-shop” here means someone who is just a basic, entry-level employee.  The implication is that I’m on the same level as him and therefore have no authority over him, so he can do whatever he wants, and I can’t stop him.
Incorrect, fucker.
Aside from the fact that I have several years seniority on him, I’m a fucking trainer.  It’s my job to correct bad procedure execution.  I am an authority on how things should be done.
The Audacity. The Assumption.  The Goddamn Disrespect.  Of This Motherfucker.
But I knew nothing I said was going to make him respect me, so I walked away and went directly to my boss, who does take me seriously, especially when I of all people am openly angry.  I do not raise my voice or get confrontational with anyone, like, ever, so when something like this happens, my boss knows there’s a serious problem.  I told her that she needs to talk to this guy because he’s doing things entirely wrong and being rude to me on top of that.  I don’t think he paid much attention to her words either, but if he keeps disobeying her, she can slap him with a write-up for insubordination.
Thankfully, she let me hang out at the slicer in the corner and slice meat and cheese for the rest of my shift all by myself, because if I’d had to work next to that guy any more today, I probably would have snapped.
Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to read this attempt to process my rage.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 229: The Real Me
Previously on BnHA: Dabi fought a dude who could control ice. For like three pages. Then we cut to my boy Twice, who had located an unconscious Toga (who as you recall had her blood blown up a couple chapters back, so yeah) and was understandably freaking out about how to get her some help. To make a long and somewhat confusing story short, you know that long-haired guy who hacked Giran’s phone? Turns out he has the power to create human puppets or some shit, and he created a bunch of Twice duplicates and sent them to capture the real Twice (who you might also recall has some traumatic history involving clones of himself). Seems they want to use Twice’s quirk to create a backup clone of Re-Destro, just in case history repeats himself and he ends up kicking the bucket like his great-great granddad. Wouldn’t that be sad. Re-Destro getting murdered. Wouldn’t that just be a darn shame. Anyways so let’s see where this leads.
Today on BnHA: The Villain Flashback Arc continues with today’s installment featuring, you guessed it, more villain flashbacks! We learn more about our little buddy Twice who was apparently orphaned as a young teen and subsequently found himself alone in a cold and uncaring world. Honestly you guys, after reading this I’m amazed that he’s still as nice of a guy as he is. Anyway, so he used his quirk to clone himself because he was lonely, and the clones and him engaged in a petty crime spree or two, and then somehow or other it all led to the whole murderfest that fucked up his head so badly. Back in the present, a struggling Jin tries to escape and help Toga, so Skeptic orders his puppets to break Jin’s arms. They do so, but this has a curious side-effect that Skeptic may not have been expecting. Namely, that having that much damage dealt to him makes Twice realize that he definitely is not one of his clones, and is in fact the real deal. This appears to at least temporarily cure his split personality woes, and the chapter ends with him creating about a dozen duplicates to go fuck up the Liberation Army’s day. Hell yes.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, but aside from that there are no changes.)
hey guys, sorry I’ve been inactive all week; I’ve been sick and haven’t really had much energy. I still am sick, but I appear to have reached the stage of exhaustion where I’m all “eh, fuck it, yeah sure whatever” where it’s ironically easy to motivate myself to do stuff because I have no willpower to resist, lol
so anyway. we’re apparently not missing a beat, picking up right where we left off last week with Twice’s mask being pulled off by one of the gorilla puppets
wow and they’re just like. flinging him aside
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shit, how creepy is that? are they cold because they’re just ~puppets~ and not actually real, living people? what a disturbing touch
now we’re cutting back to Skeptic, who’s giving the puppets orders and addressing them as various letters of the alphabet. how can he tell them the fuck apart
meanwhile Giran’s asking what they’re doing to his pal. ;_; Giran you continue to be the best
and Re-Destro’s forcibly directing his attention elsewhere, but he’s also answering his question, strangely enough
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that’s a lot of detail to be giving the guy when you could have just smacked him and told him to shut up. these villains are so confusing
but I guess they’re just telling him all this to taunt him more, because now Skeptic is bragging that he learned about Jin’s psychological disorder from Giran’s client data
hey btw I don’t think I’ve said this yet, but fuck this guy so hard for taking advantage of Twice’s trauma and using it against him. what a shocker, the Meta Liberation Army of dickheads pulls another dickhead move. these guys are so classy
oh my fucking god you guys Giran is getting hotter with each fucking chapter though fffffffff
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if you’d told me a month ago that this dude would be nipping at Aizawa and All Might’s heels for the title of BnHA’s most eligible bachelor I would have called you a liar and a thief, yet here we are. good lord
that said, I appreciate that he’s thinking about how hard it’ll be on poor Twice, but they also just said they’d kill Toga as well, so I imagine that part of it would be pretty hard on her too. just saying
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ACTUAL TWICE FLASHBACKS OH SHIT?! I was not expecting this oh snap. I am so into this
anyway, so he’s thinking -- with surprising coherence -- that because of his rough appearance, people were always afraid of him growing up
but also, what was that part about him not having a family? so he was an orphan then?? Horikoshi you are aware that I already love Twice and am emotionally attached to him, yes? but like if you want to hit me with even more feels and fuck me up some more then be my guest I suppose?
anyway so whoever he’s talking to here says Jin, who is apparently sixteen here, evidently hit some dude with his motorcycle by accident. oh shit
and baby!Jin says the guy jumped out in front of him and he was obeying the speed limit and everything
and the man he’s talking to seems vaguely sympathetic but says that regardless, it’s usually the victim who ends up winning these cases, and that Jin may end up with a criminal record. “but don’t let it get to you.” oh, sure. yeah, let’s just look on the bright side here
he says that no matter how many times you stumble in life, you can always start over
well shit is it any wonder this kid ended up going the villain route and making a bunch of clones of himself to live his best life? I mean jeez, he had absolutely no one on his side and was slapped with a criminal record when he was only sixteen. that shit is rough
oh fuck me and it just keeps getting worse
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well that’s nice. so make that homeless with a criminal record, then. jesus christ he was still just a kid
so apparently his parents died in a villain attack when he was in middle school, and he had no relatives. I guess the state didn’t give a fuck either, damn
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I find it extraordinarily easy to empathize with, actually! that’s one of the things that makes you such a great character!
so I guess he originally ended up making a clone of himself just because he was lonely. okay wow. not only does Twice continue to be the most likable villain in the series, he’s working his way up there as one of the most likable and relatably human characters, period
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look at this shit! he’s just a guy who had a run of bad luck and tried his best to cope with it in whatever ways he could. there’s nothing villainous about him, he was just someone whom nobody wanted. he had his entire future stolen out from under him in the blink of an eye and had nowhere else to turn. he just wanted some friends for fuck’s sake
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and so then he and his merry band committed a bunch of petty crimes. but they just needed some cash so they could live! like, all he wanted to do was just chill out and be happy. I got your back Twice. it’s not your fault
and then the flashback just kind of cuts to him tied to the chair in the aftermath of the clone hunger games. so I guess that’s all the backstory we’re getting as far as that goes. ngl I would have really liked to see just a bit more of the lead-up to that specific event. he’s such a nice guy that it’s a bit hard to picture him just suddenly going “RAWR I’M GONNA MURDER ALL Y’ALL.” but what I’m thinking is that all of the tragedy in his past contributed to him forming his violent alter ego personality, and that one of the clones must have just snapped one day and the rest is history
anyway so now we’re cutting to his first meeting with my new boyfriend Giran
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ah okay, so he’s scared because if he actually is one of the clones then just a tiny bit of damage would be enough to finally do him in
btw Giran, possibly the one good thing Re-Destro and his buds did was getting rid of that scarf and sunglasses though bud. if you decide to change up your look after all of this, I’m not going to complain. there’s a reason I thought you were just some douchebag this whole time. obviously I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge you, I realize that now of course
but seriously Giran who wears sunglasses at night indoors. I mean, idk, maybe you get migraines or something. but if not I’m just saying
regardless, questionable fashion choices aside, Giran is actually a super nice guy, a mensch if you will, and he is now casually changing Twice’s entire life in the span of a few sentences. awww
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how the fuck were you planning on smoking that cigarette while wearing a paper bag over your face. ??
also, Giran on this page kinda reminds me of Sanji, if Sanji was, like, a beatnik about to throw down on open mic poetry night
anyway so that’s the end of our happy flashback, and now we’re back in the present with Twice resuming his freakout!
but in spite of his mental struggles, he’s shaking the puppet clones off and trying to dash toward Toga again omg!
up in his little tower Skeptic seems fairly surprised
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in related news, fuck this guy so much. also he’s using one of his puppets as a chair, which is one of the creepiest touches Horikoshi has put in this manga to date. but also they mentioned last week that Skeptic makes the puppets out of any human-sized materials that happen to be lying around, so I kind of wonder if maybe this dude originally was a chair. the mysteries of BnHA
moving on though, yeah, Twice and Toga really do have a strong bond though, don’t they? their chemistry is as beautiful as it is strange
oh shit but they really did hit him though
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motherfucker! and we just established that he’s afraid that a broken bone will be enough to kill him if it turns out he really is a clone!
-- holy shit, but. on the other hand, if it doesn’t kill him though, that just might be enough to cure him of that particular fear once and for all. oh shit, unexpected plot twist
though in this particular situation it probably won’t make much of a difference how sane he is if he’s still got two broken arms though fuuuuuuuck
anyway... gotta click to the next page... even though I really don’t want to, sob
aaaaaaaand they’ve broken them. well shit. at least it wasn’t graphic. he’s just hunching forward and screaming and his arms are facing the wrong way, fuck
and now Skeptic is all “your legs are next,” and uh, can Twice actually hear him, though?? like, what? did I miss something here? is he piping his voice in through the shed’s convenient sound system or something?
anyway he’s telling Twice not to struggle anymore, and Twice is muttering to himself all darkly about how much that hurt
and apparently Toga’s regained consciousness now!!
wow Skeptic, okay sure, go ahead and keep talking about how you’re about to kill Toga in front of his eyes. just keep on digging yourself deeper. it’s like he doesn’t realize there’s only one page left in the chapter and things are just about reaching a tipping point and our heroes (?! I mean they are, though, for this arc at any rate) have had just about enough of his bullshit
lol I can’t take the tension omg
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please do something badass please do something badass please d --
oh snap
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Twiiiiiiice ;_; so it’s like I thought. they unexpectedly cured you of your identity crisis angst
anyway I guess this chapter is a longer one than usual because it’s page 15 now and we’re still going! so I will now resume my “please do something badass” chant. c’mon Twice. kick some assssssss
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*forest angst aside. and anyways that all worked out in the end, so
“wounded heroes are the most dangerous.” well fuck. given that we’ve just seen an exhausted and delirious Shigaraki eradicate an entire wave of people, and a bloodied and wounded Toga straight up murder one of the Army’s leaders, I think it’s safe to say we can apply this statement to villains too. and I for one can’t wait how dangerous a wounded -- but now sane -- Twice can be. motherfucker how I am loving this glorious arc
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tf-decepti-stories · 5 years
Drenched in Heat - 2
Hey, new chapter for Drenched in Heat! I managed to finish up the last parts of this chapter today. Less angst here, but Megatron is kinda... oblivious to things. So the angst train will continue to roll on toward the cliff of... idk, the metaphor broke down. The cliff of bad decisions?
With luck, I’ll have the TFA Starscream&Clones prompt up over the weekend. 
Aside from a few questioning glances, no one said a thing about the three days Megatron had been in his quarters. He was under the impression that the reason behind it wasn’t a secret, but that no one wanted to anger him. That was wise. He was already frustrated enough with being behind on work. Megatron would have thought that Starscream becoming an insufferable ass about interfacing with him would be the worst part. No, it was actually the fact that his second in command had nearly vanished. Starscream was avoiding him.
Megatron went back and forth between worrying that he really had forced himself on an unwilling mech and couldn’t remember, and worrying that Starscream was coming up with an intricate plot to kill him. Sometimes both. He’d checked in with Hook, only to find out that the stubborn seeker hadn’t gone in for treatment. Starscream was too vain not to take care of his frame, so Megatron was left to assume that his trine had helped him out.
He’d gone so far as to send a comm to Starscream, which the brat had ignored. Megatron found himself at a bit of a loss. He wasn’t sure how to approach his second in command. There was a chance that Starscream was, justifiably, upset. On the other servo, he could just be off pouting in a huff. All of the seekers seemed to be avoiding Megatron, though none as successfully as his air commander.
Megatron finally took matters into his own servos. He headed to the seeker barracks, ready to pin one of the idiots to a bulkhead so he could have some answers. They couldn’t all escape him if he was blocking the exit. It was a doubly pleasant surprise when he came across Skywarp in the hall outside the barracks, in a conversation with Ramjet. The purple seeker had his back to Megatron. By the time he whirled around and even considered escape, Megatron had one servo wrapped around his wing.
“Skywarp.” Megatron growled the name, watching as Ramjet fled for the supposed safety of the seeker barracks. “We need to have a talk.”
“Whatever it is I didn’t do it!” Skywarp blurted out quickly, optics wide and fidgeting as he tried to pull his sensitive wing free.
If he was already proclaiming his innocence instead of asking what Megatron wanted, it meant he had done something. He would have to let Soundwave know to be on the lookout.
“I don’t care what mischief you’ve been getting up to, Skywarp. Just tell me where Starscream has hidden himself. I’ve had enough of his tantrum.”
Skywarp lifted his servos, the wing in Megatron’s grasp trembling. “I have no idea where Starscream might be.” The words were spoken in a careful, neutral tone.
Megatron tightened his hold on the offending wing, just enough to almost start bending. “B-But I’m absolute certain he’s not hiding in the back of his lab!!” The purple seeker nearly squealed, face twisted with the beginning of pain.
Of course that was where he’d gone off to hide. At least he was still on the damn ship. Megatron glared at the seeker in his grasp. “You will not be teleporting off to warn him.” The words were a growled command, accompanied by a small shake.
“Megatron? Never saw him. No idea how he found Starscream.” Skywarp smiled weakly and nodded.
He gave a snort and released Skywarp’s wing. The seeker was quick to scramble back and run toward the safety of the seeker barracks. He probably had chosen not to teleport away in order to avoid giving Megatron any suspicions about warning the trine leader.
Megatron turned, scowling as he headed toward Starscream’s lab. Usually he avoided invading that bit of Starscream’s privacy. It was all too likely that the seeker had it boobytrapped or rigged to self destruct if Megatron came inside. Another reminder that his second in command was a paranoid glitch. But now he was left with few options. He could send Soundwave to order Starscream out and back to his duties, but Megatron felt that would be the cowardly option. He was many things, but coward wasn’t one of them. Especially when it dealt with Starscream. The seeker was far to keen about taking advantage of any perceived weakness.  
There was no point in knocking on the door, Starscream was not going to invite him in. So he sent a request to Soundwave for an override code to the lab. At least someone was still loyal on this ship.
The door opened with a soft beep and Megatron peered into the dim interior. The lights had been lowered, but he could see long tables piled with material in disorganized chaos. There was a soft clicking and he hoped that it wasn’t some type of bomb the seeker was working on. He strode into cluttered lab, optics scanning the room. No sign of the glitch. If Skywarp had lied to him, he was going to chuck that seeker into the ocean.
Something clattered against the floor, causing Megatron to tense for a moment. It was ridiculous that he should feel like he was in enemy territory on his own ship . He growled and skirted around one of the long tables, bumping it slightly and causing something to fall over and break. Megatron ignored it in favor of his search. The edge of a wing poked out from under a desk with scattered data pads both on top and several on the floor.
“Starscream…” He’d meant his tone to warn the seeker of his bad mood, but a hint of worry crept into it. Megatron felt uneasy at the sight of the claustrophobic seeker hiding under a cramped desk.
“Go away.” Starscream snapped hotly, pedes scraping the floor as he pulled them closer to his cockpit.
Megatron sighed and stepped closer to the desk Starscream hid under before carefully sitting down. He figured towering over the slender seeker wasn’t going to help his case in this.
“I’m disappointed in you.” Megatron said calmly, leaning his head back against the wall while trying to watch the shadowed figure out of the corner of his optic.
Starscream’s wing twitched, his frame tensing. “Disappointed?!” He hissed the word out between clenched denta. “Mmhm.” He hummed out mildly. “I never expected my second in command to hide from his problems.”
That brought the seeker scrambling out from under the desk, optics bright with rage and wings fanned wide. “I am not hiding! I’m... “ He looked around, anger shifting momentarily to panic. “...preparing new flight maneuvers.” It was obviously a lie, even as he snatched up one of the fallen datapads from the floor to act as though he was reviewing it. “Hiding.” Starscream scoffed at the word.
Megatron took a moment to observe the riled seeker. Starscream looked haggard, no surprise if he’d been hiding in his lab for days. The seeker had gotten his frame repaired since Megatron last saw him. His shoulders and wings were starting hitching defensively as he noticed the attention Megatron was giving him. Megatron felt a strange urge to ask if Starscream had been refueling properly. He gave a dismissive snort and looked away, pushing himself back up onto his pedes.
“Of course. That’s why you’ve been in here for days. Flight maneuvers. Perhaps you can use them in our next raid. Assuming you show up to the meeting.” He stared down at Starscream.
The seeker looked up at him, optics wide for a moment. He quickly dropped his gaze down to the floor and nervously tapped a digit on the datapad. “Of course I’ll be there.” Starscream grumbled, sounding like he was gritting his denta again.
At least things could go back to normal. Megatron rolled his optics. “Fine. Don’t be late.” He turned to leave before pausing, gaze narrowing. “Is that a drone? With a… bladed gun…?”
There was a startled squawk from the floor as Starscream tossed aside the datapad in his rush to get to his pedes. The seeker threw himself ahead of Megatron, wings flared wide as he attempted to hide whatever monstrosity Megatron had spotted. “No!” He shouted and looked around frantically, as though just realizing what Megatron in his lab could possibly mean. “Get out!!” The seeker’s voice was an audial crackling shriek.
Megatron sighed, closing his optics for a brief moment. He needed it to gather his tattered patience. Without even bothering to address the insubordination, and likely assassination plot, Megatron turned and strode back to the door.
Yes. At least things would go back to normal now.
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bailaconox · 5 years
this is just gonna be a bunch of boy related nonsense so like don’t bother reading it as i can guarantee you this won’t make sense to anyone including me
LIT okay so the boy i’m discussing will be referred to as Boy. because i love being vague. (same boy as The Boy but i refuse to call him that anymore on here for some reasons, anYWAY)
TWO DAYS AGO i was working and the dude on lane right next to me is friends with Boy so i was like. oh no if Boy is working then i’ll have to deal with Boy talking to that dude coworker which is like, not a situation i was looking forward to at all! but Boy was working and he talked to dude coworker and .. it wasn’t awful? like i was able to perform my Signature Banter (where it like.. seems like i hate you and am annoyed with you because my default when a man speaks to me is to close up and be mean) and i basically just threatened to snap a keychain bracelet thing at him the entire time. it wasn’t bad. yet still when he spoke to other coworkers, who are all girls, specifically the new ones, i got mildly upset and jealous. i figured out it’s mostly because school fucked me up and being the quiet lonely bitch who didn’t talk to anyone was miserable and i haven’t dealt with that Trauma yet and seeing him talk to Everyone But Me or Girls Prettier Than Me just reminds me of being in school and... i hate it!!!!! but overall the shift was okay because i had dude coworker to chat with and it kept me from being inside my head and overthinking about Boy and i really appreciate how nice dude coworker is and i hate that he thinks i don’t like him but that’s a separate issue lmao
ANYWAY! TODAY i worked and it was just me and the older ladies working plus one of the new girls but like my sister’s friend so she’s cool but my point is that none of the Cool People™️ Boy would normally chat with were there with i think is why he spoke to me at all. i was on express which is closest to self checkout and the employee door. basically i was just minding my own business because the store was dead and he came up because he finished his shift and was like “wow how rare i’m actually leaving here before you” and i was like “shocking!” and he asked when i was done and i said 5 and he was like “that sucks” and i was like “yup” and then he was leaving to walk out the door and said “peace” and i gave him a peace sign The End. and for some reason that small ass interaction FUCKED ME UP FOR THE REST OF THE DAY BECAUSE HERE I AM HOURS LATER TALKING ABOUT IT??? my immediate reaction when he left was “oh god i hope that never happens again and i really never want to speak to him again” but uh throwback to Every Time He Speaks To Someone Not Me And I Get Unreasonably Upset Because I Feel Left Out And Wish He Was Talking To Me So I Can Treat Him Like Every Other Man I Talk To And Push Him Away? what kind of garbage logic? what kind of messed up thinking? why am i like this? why?
i guess i’m posting this because i needed to lay it all out and figure out what the FUCK i want here... do i want him talking to me or not... do i want to interact with him or not... I HAVE NO DESIRE TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM!!!!!!!! he will remain blocked on every social media, at first because i didn’t trust myself not to message him, now because i do not want him ever trying to contact me! not that he would. but my DUMB BRAIN still holds onto the tiny hope of this turning out like a goddamn stupid romance movie where he changes for the better and turns into the perfect guy that i deserve and tries his hardest to win me back and all that UNREALISTIC NONSENSE that my ROMANCE OBSESSED HEART would kill to have happen to me........... i don’t want him but like i have said a million times before he is my only point of reference for this shit and i want LOVE and AFFECTION and ROMANCE and INTIMACY and he is the only one to give me anything even somewhat close to those things so yeah i’m worried about being stupid and giving him another chance that he DOES NOT DESERVE...
and also the fact that i’m talking like he’d ever be interested in me again is probably a sign that i’m already in a bad place and need to GET OUT IMMEDIATELY! honey that was the problem in the first place!!!! he never actually fucking wanted you!!!!!!!!!! you were both just desperate and lonely and that made for a terrible combination which resulted in a fucking heartbreaking ending!!! moving on and letting go of this fucking bullshit is HARD and clearly i am BAD AT LETTING GO OF ANYTHING... i’m just too stuck in idealizing people and romanticizing situations so i’m always disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!! idk i hate that i still fucking care about any of this garbage and that i still think about his garbage ass at all
no idea what kind of note i’m ending this on! feels like there should be a final message here! i’m a dumb clown bitch who maybe kind of cares about a Boy who was gross and bad for me but because i’m a good optimistic person i want to believe he can change and be a better person but that’s DUMB because it doesn’t even MATTER and i need to MOVE ON and wish i could LET GO OF THESE FEELINGS BUT I FUCKING CAN’T!!!!!!!!
don’t date your coworkers kids. i get it now! i get why people always say that! don’t do it. do not. don’t date your coworkers.
0 notes