#idk how this image became so crunchy
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ihearasound · 1 year
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Games I played this year!!! Idk if this number should concern me or not lol. I'm still currently playing AC, Chained Echoes and Signalis. Some thoughts on the games I played below
This year I got much much more into playing visual novels. Especially yuri ones. I've played 2/4 of the Flowers games and so far they're such a lovely experience.
A standout for me was also Needy Streamer Overload. Its an incredible experience and I was really surprised how much I fell in love with Ame. Such an interesting love letter to the internet, the good the bad and the ugly of it all. Bless 🙏
I also tried to play much more indie games. Getting ps+ was a huge boon to that. KeyWe is an adorable coop game, Toem is super relaxing and sweet. Pupperazzi was so good, I wish there was more of it. Standout titles in this category would be Virgo versus the Zodiac which is a very charming rampage story, very reminiscent of Drakengard 3, very beautiful art and characters I easily fell in love with. Unsighted is a very fun game best enjoyed in coop with a person who's company you enjoy. Walking on a star unknown has an incredible world that still makes me think about it a lot, the characters and their relationships as well. Signalis so far is really atmospheric and very interesting world building (like the DDR being behind everything so far lol). Chained Echoes is also a very delightful jrpg romp.
Also special shout out to Mysteries under lake ophelia. It captures everything I loved about ps1 and n64 bodies of water. The fishing, the vibrant environment in all its crunchy 480p glory, the inherent creepiness to all of it. Huge recommend.
I also went super heavy on jrpgs this year. Played the Xenoblades for the first time and I'm really glad. I love the attention to the world, the characters, the overall narrative. XBC3 reminded me why party members will always be my favourite narrative part of jrpgs, and the side quests will never be matched by any other game ever. Voice of Cards also really charmed me. A very delightful, compact package. FF3 became one of my favourite FFs, probably thanks to me playing Shadowbringers first before playing 3. Alliance Alive became an official Hidden Gem. It reminds me a lot of Bravely Default with how much love got stuffed into every nook and cranny. The characters are especially charming. Tactics Ogre good and excited to get to Reborn soon.
Stinkers of this year were probably Amrilato, which I was super excited for, but utterly destroyed my enjoyment by the protagonists HUEEE, EHHH??? exclamations and the LIs very flat VA performance (no fault to her, I can't image it being easy to bring 100% emotion into a performance of which the language you probably do not understand). Anno mutationem was incomprehensible to me and ultimately not very enjoyable despite the pretty graphics.
Overall, a good year in gaming. I discovered some real gems this year, and I'm looking forward to what I'll discover in the end year :) gonna try to dig harder at lesser known games and older games, and especially indie games.
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
This is my first time requesting, sorry if it’s a bit unorganized. I’d like to request a soulmate AU in which you can taste whatever your soulmate is eating with Nemi. If possible, the reader is tired of tasting ohagis so they eat bitter melon to piss him off. This is on your choice to write but if you do, thank you so much!
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This request was too cute to pass up so thank you and enjoy!~Amanda (Image creds to artist)
Warning: Language 
( 1k+ words)
“Touches and Taste Buds”
Over the years, you’ve learned to hate the taste of red bean paste. It’s not because it isn’t delicious, because it most definitely is, but because your damn soulmate seemed to only enjoy that one flavor. At first, when you began tasting the same things as your soulmate, you thought it was so cool how you both shared the same taste buds. As time passed though, every time your mouth filled with the taste of red bean paste, you wanted to kill whoever was doing this to you.
They ate it at all times of day and it was infuriating. Even though they’ve ruined the sweet taste of Ohagi, you’ve always been very patient with them. However patients could only last so long and yours was beginning to wear thin. Sometimes you wondered if others had as much trouble with their soulmates, if they too had such a monotonous eater that drove them crazy.
“I swear once we meet, I’m going to make you eat every damn thing this world has to offer before you eat Ohagi again” you always vowed to yourself. Clearly your soulmate wasn’t aware that other food groups existed. It felt as though they rarely ate anything else
It’s been a very long, strenuous day of training with Gyomei. He’d taken you under his guidance in order to make you a better demon slayer, but he was one tough mentor. The demon slayer headquarters had a mess hall of sorts, a place where demon slayers who weren’t on call could come and eat freely. “I’m so hungry I could eat their kitchen clean” you rubbed your growling stomach as you filled your plate with the various foods they had spread out.
You decided to sit alone; you weren’t necessarily a social person as is, but especially now all you needed was a nice, warm meal. You raised the spoonful to your lips, mouth watering, “nothing could ruin this”.
You thought too quickly because just as the spoon reached your mouth, the familiar taste of Ohagi filled your taste buds. You dropped your food on your plate, gagging as the taste seemed to overwhelm your senses. “I’ve had enough! Just who do they think they are!” you bitterly thought as you gathered all your tools of torture and revenge.
You rubbed your hands together evilly as you decided on which food you’d eat first. In front of you neatly lay your means of revenge; a cup of vinegar, some bitter melon, and a spicy pepper you’d managed to find.
“Okay let's start small” you grabbed the cup of vinegar, bringing it up to your lips almost like it was a shot. You squirmed as its sour taste crawled over your skin and burned your throat. It was gross, you couldn't deny that, but if somewhere in this world your soulmate was tasting it too, it was worth it.
Next, you picked up a slice of the bitter melon. You griminced as you fiddled with the food; its crunchy outside contrasting its soft, water-like inside. “In the name of revenge” you thought as you bit the nasty food. You held onto the table for support as you swallowed, breathing deeply to compose yourself. There was some sort of commotion happening some tables behind you, but you ignored it, assuming it was some group of idiots messing around.
Finally you reached the spicy pepper. You were actually less nervous about this one because, unlike your soulmate, you ate a variety of food, especially spicy food. You placed the peppers tip between your teeth, chomping down on the vegetable. You marveled at the crunch it made as you chewed, the heat already beginning to spread over your tongue and lips, causing an almost numbing sensation.
“What the hell is wrong with that bitch?!” someone yelled behind you. You turned to find the wind Hashira, his cheeks red and his tongue hanging outside of his mouth. “What's his problem?” you thought as you watched the angry man throw a fit. Your mouth  became dry as you noticed something on the floor; when Sanemi had stood up, he knocked his plate of food on the floor, balls of Ohangi scattered everywhere.
“Holy Shit, it's you” the words slipped  from your mouth before you could even stop them. Sanemi noticed your blant starring and growled “The fuck you looking at!”. You stood on quivering legs, gently picking up your cup of water as you walked to the infuriated man. He was almost frightening like this, eyes crazed and fuming, not to mention he was taller than you.
“Here you go, this should help with the spice” you lifted the cup as an offering, almost as an apology. He snached it without a word, downing the whole thing in a few hard gulps. He slammed the now empty cup on the table, breaking it. All eyes fell on you two, him staring at you murderously and you staring right back at him defiantly. “I will fucking kill you all” he threatened the room, causing everyone to go back to their meals. “Hey!” you yelled as he pulled you by your collar outside where there were less people, “You’re coming with me” his voice was low and tense.
Outside he released you, staring down at you “You must be the idiot that did that to me so what the hell’s your problem?” he crossed his arms over his chest, fully expecting an answer. “Excuse me I’m not an idiot, I’m your soulmate. And what the hell is YOUR problem, always eating Ohagi. The taste alone makes me want to gag!” you retorted.
“You shit-head! You did all this just because I eat Ohagi? Unbelievable”
“You know what I’ve had a long day and you already ruined my dinner, I’m leaving” you didn’t want to deal with his bullshit tonight, so you left. “Fuck this!” he yelled and walked in the opposite direction. His ears were red and his heart was racing, but it wasn’t from the spicy pepper.
That night, Sanemi couldn’t sleep. Every ounce of him hated to admit it, but you did things to him. He wasn’t stupid; he knows what it means when someone causes your heart to beat quickly. It was different from when he was in battle, you didn’t cause his heart to beat like that, but  instead you caused it to soar. Nobody has ever stood up to him like that, with such power and determination; it was hot.
The next day, you woke up staved. Leaving your room, you tried to get some food before there were too many people. Inside, you made your way to get food only to be stopped  by a rough hand. “Excuse me-” you started as you saw Sanemi standing in front of you, it was too early for his bullshit. “Here” he rushed, shoving a plate of food in your face. Surprisingly it held all your favorites, “I remember tasting this so I figured that's what you ate” he muttered, his face was turned away from yours but you knew he was blushing. You smiled, gratefully accepting the plate “Thank You”.
“Whatever” he turned to leave but you stopped him, pulling lightly on his haori. “I can’t eat all this food by myself you know” you said, silently urging him to stay. He thought for a second, would it be so bad? He decided it wouldn’t and sat down at the nearest table, he gestured for you to sit “Well?”. You couldn’t help but laugh at his abrasiveness, in a way, it was cute. He grabbed a stem of grapes off your plate, popping them into his mouth one by one.
You two sat there talking for a while, the room empty and food long gone. Sanemi knew it was unlike himself to be so complacent and open with another person, but you made him feel comfortable and at ease; it was nice. “You know you’ve really ruined Ohagi for me” you commented, the two of you needed to get going, you both had jobs to do after all. “Well you do know how soulmates get rid of their taste bud connection, right? He smirked. Your breath was caught in your throat as he moved closer to you, his arm gripped your waist  as he towered over you. “It happens when their tongues touch” he whispered teasingly. Warmth spreads over your cheeks and down your neck, your breathing sped up at this intimate position. Regaining your senses, you pushed his face away in embarrassment, “Sanemi you idiot!” you called walking away. Sanemi laughed as he knew you didn’t mean it. He also knew you two would meet again. After all, you hated the taste of Ohagi and he happened to have a strong craving for the both of you.
Main Masterlist
Idk why but the idea that there is a cafeteria in the demon slayers HQ is so funny to me, I had to include it. Anyways, I hope you all liked it, please read my other works if you did. Stay safe~Amanda
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