#idk if i’ll watch it aha
sluttish-armchair · 1 year
Interior of the Ministry of Truth
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I might change some colors so everything is more visible for any [sharp inhale] rotoscoping (good god) I’ll have to do. But this is the first of the many desks I’ll have to make. Making the set base and figuring out the desk (relying heavily on the source material at all times) took me about three hours. Before this I worked on the hallway scene for an hour. The Mountain Dew Slurpee hyped me up shsbsbsjsbsjsnjsjs
Oh, and just for you to understand the sheer size of this 3D model:
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That’s how small the desk and little guy are in comparison to the base of the set. Yeah. I’m going to die lmaooooo
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deathberi · 1 year
power outage for like six days straight hence the frozen queue (lol i had only 3 remaining anyway 😭 twas easy to stash them back to the drafts) im just gonna be reblogging old digi stuff until aug 1 and be ur resident digi blog until then
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
Mkay so a few weeks ago I saw that today was the 2 year anniversary of the rise movie so I was like, “aha! I’ll definitely prepare something and not miss this anniversary!”
Suffice to say I found out today was the 2 year anniversary a few hours ago but I couldn’t let it go uncelebrated so I watched the rise movie again (<3 most uncomforting comfort movie) and lots of season one while I made Leo!
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I absolutely love him and now he and Frida can be buddies- Frida? What are you doing? FRIDA NO-
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Idk apparently there can only be one or something give her grace she still needs to go through her character development
Oh and I can make him (or a different turtle, canon or oc) for you over at my etsyyyyy ^^
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zomboivex · 2 months
Have some unprocessed thoughts about Leo.
Aha here I am with a fucking MICROSCOPE going to dissect this man and his entire being (aha I used to do character analysis for funsies on other platforms). And man-
Can I just say he has all the signs of a character who’s fucking Tragic™ tbf all the ghouls are
But dude is literally on a fucking self-destructive path and I’m here for watching this shit show unfold.
I mean he literally was called out by Alan to take better care of himself, to stop taking the easy way out, and that he’ll be the one to suffer in the end.
Not to mention bro was UNPHASED when Alan threw him against a wall. He was more thrilled to have gotten under his skin, if even for a moment.
Then there’s his opening line about getting revenge or whatever (I’m running on 4 hours of sleep so sorry if I misremembered it).
And then when you pick up Sho’s affinity lines about him, you sort of start to paint a picture of someone who’s reckless and does shit that gives him a thrill in the moment (ie. fights in the club and whatever the fuck he’s doing with fireworks that has Sho hard pass on it ever again).
I’m sure there’s other instances too.
I come here to say this-
Whatever the fuck happened to this dude to make him this way- man.
Here are some of my predictions with no facts just feels
- Sho will eventually have enough of his shit and cut him out of his life if he doesn’t change (they’ll rekindle the friendship probably because Sho does care about him otherwise why put up with his bullshit? He’s just worried about his buddy who’s literally self-destructing)
- He’s going to lose his followers and the little bit of validation he gets
- He’s going to have Vice-Captain stripped from him
- He’s gonna get humbled
But- ALSO yeah I’m not done here
Here is a wild theory for you.
I think that because he was on a self-destructive path BEFORE Darkwick (aha fights in the club etc) he was def miserable af and
Someone ‘slipped’ to him about making demon pacts (that someone I have a feeling was Hyde).
He did it and survived his shit and tells Sho what Hyde told him (and drags Sho into it maybe?? Idk man I’m tired LMFAO)
And this is why Sho is icy af towards Hyde because he just made his friend exponentially WORSE
And- and listen-
Leo is such an interesting character who definitely has a lot of flaws. Idc if you don’t like him because he’s an ass and tried to have MC killed so did Taiga
I’m just excited to see how his character unfolds. Because so far, he’s presenting himself as a character who is very complex but on the surface level is a fucking ass.
He’s self-destructive and I really hope we can see that play out.
But hey- maybe I’ll eat my words in a year or so.
Guess it depends on how ever the game decides to take it which I’m cool with whatever route they go because I have 0 expectations anyways and that’s what RP and FanFics are for
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ahaclownery · 8 months
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(to the ppl who already saw this from leaks, you can ignore this <3)
Anyways back to serious business, let’s analyze this lightcone. First we see Sparkle controlling two ppl, a puppet of herself and Sampo. (Sampo is so pretty oml him in suits is just…<3) My first thought was: Sparkle is making a play or a stage controlling both herself and Sampo to create an entertaining story for both herself and Aha. I thought Aha because of the several masks peeking behind her and the bird on the stage. But let’s look at the story. 
—Who witnessed his death?
—Me! I spied it with my little eyes!
—Who took his blood?
—Me! I used my little saucer!
—Who dug his grave?
—Me! Using my chisel and shovel!
The wise uses all techniques in their arsenal, the sovereign soothes their heart with power, the hero views themselves to be righteous, and the fool laughs ceaselessly—
"Now, let us welcome Ms. Sparkle to bring us the performance of the year—'Penacony's Night of Fright'!" 
I’ll be really honest, I’m utterly confused. But thank goodness the jp translation exists. The “Me!” dialogues all belong to Sparkle. It’s clear that the story refers to events that occurred on Penacony, probably during the party. The wise, the sovereign, the hero, and the fool all refer to presumably the playable characters attending the event. Fool is obviously Sparkle, the sovereign could be Sunday, the wise is probably Dr. Ratio (?) and the hero is most likely the MC. 
Now let me start talking abt crazy stuff:
The mask over Sampo makes me feel that it's actually not him but some kind of stand-in, another reason I feel this way is because there are only three strings on him contrary to Sparkle’s four strings. Just as NPCs have less movement, three strings to me indicate that Sampo is capable of fewer moves compared to Sparkle. Which just gives me the vibes this Sampo isn’t so real. Also, the fact he’s wearing a suit over his actual outfit is hot, but it makes him feel even more like a stand-in. (Also with the new trailer, the scene where Sampo knocks MC out, his red eyes makes me think it's Sparkle)
Also, does Sampo get “killed” by Sparkle here? I feel like he does, because I’m pretty sure they’re playing rock paper and scissors and Sparkle is winning here, and it ties back to the whole “someone dying on Penacony,” thing. Also the wording in “Who witnessed his death?” in JP, can also be loosely interpreted as being involved in his death. Besides, a murderer is also a witness to a death soo idk. 
Also, also, I wonder why the Aha masks in the back look so..sad? The smiling masks are almost too close to Sparkle for comfort, and they look like they’re on the edge of their seats and want to see more. But the masks in the back seem so withdrawn from the drama and look like they’re only watching out of obligation. Maybe my theory abt Aha being an amalgamation of different personalities has a chance.  i haven't really played the story yet so I'm scared </3
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hi!! You're really cool :D I was wondering if maybe (if you're comfortable) you could write a Penelope Garcia x Ftm! Reader? Maybe the reader is very strong and "macho" and he is maybe a suspect in a case? None of the team knows it, but when Reader's alibi is his girlfriend (or best friend if that works) Penelope Garcia, the team is like what- Idk just a silly idea I had. Feel free to ignore this <3
Hi! Thanks aha! Also this is a super cute idea! :)
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Warnings: needles, injections, testosterone shots, sheriff’s an ass, mentions of past arrests, mentions an attack, hate crime, mentions of broken bones, mentions of being attacked because of gender identity
Word Count: 2342
Penelope’s heart sank when your name popped up your screen. She forced it aside. There were plenty of other names on the list. Just because your name was on it, didn’t make you the killer. But she kept refining the list and your name sat, unmoving at the top. Eventually, she ran out of filters to put through the mass spec, and so, she had to turn the list over to Mr Bossman. She wasn’t even allowed to warn you. She huffed as she hit send on the email. Hotch immediately replied, asking for a deep-dive into your history. Guilt swarmed through Garcia’s stomach. She couldn’t not do it. And so, reluctantly, she began to gather the information. Twenty minutes later she received a message from Morgan that they had arrested the suspect. Garcia needed a coffee. 
You were confused to say the least when they arrested you. It made no sense, you hadn’t done anything, you had no clue who ‘Andrew Macey’ was. You were just working out at your gym when they strolled in and arrested you! You didn’t even get to finish your session - or change clothes! 
You gave a small huff, shifting in your chair. They could have at least given you a comfy chair. You knew their tactics, you weren’t an idiot, you noticed the drop in temperature, that they were leaving you on your own to make you feel nervous, intimidated. It wasn’t working, if anything, you were just bored out of your skull. You looked at the two-way mirror, standing up, and walked towards it. Breathing lightly onto it, you drew a smiley face in the condensation and gave them a grin.
Morgan huffed a laugh, “Is he for real?”
“He seems too relaxed,” Spencer noted, Aaron found himself agreeing.
“Let’s go talk to him,”
“I thought we were leaving him to stew?” The Sheriff asked.
“There’s no point,” Rossi said, “He’s relaxed, that tactic’s not going to work with him,”
You sat back down, resorting to counting the tiles on the wall opposite you. 
The door opened and closed, revealing a tall man in a suit (who introduced himself as Agent Hotchner) and the Sheriff (who’s name you couldn’t be bothered to remember).
“Where were you Thursday night?” Agent Hotchner’s voice stern. You stared at him.
“I was at my girlfriend’s apartment,” You answered. 
“Somehow I doubt that,” The Sheriff snorted.
“I was! You can ask her!” You argued, folding your arms. This was ridiculous!
“What’s her name?”
“Penelope Garcia,” You really didn’t have time for this. You looked at the time, it was 7pm, nearly time for your testosterone shot. If you missed it, it would screw up the whole routine. You shut your eyes as you sighed.
“I’m sorry, have you got other places to be?”
“Yeah, I do actually,” You snapped at the Sheriff. This man was simply an idiot, you decided. “So if we could just speed this along-”
You watched as Agent Hotchner looked at the mirror and sighed, before exiting the room, to watch from behind the glass. The Sheriff hung back, “You’re not fooling anybody. I know you did it,” He snarled, “I’ll get you for it,”
“Respectfully, I did absolutely nothing,” You stated. 
“You’ve been arrested on multiple occasions,” 
You rolled your eyes, “If you look closely you’ll see that those occasions were self defence,”
“And what exactly would you be defending yourself from?” 
“Other people? What sort of question is that?” 
Aaron turned to Morgan, “Call Garcia,” He said, “I want her on the next plane here,” Derek gave a nod, rushing out of the room. 
“I know these men,” The Sheriff said, looking the file over, “They are good people. I do not believe for a second that they would attack someone without good reason,”
“I’m sure they thought it was a good reason, doesn’t mean it was though,” You answered with a shrug, “Besides, why are you so caught up on that arrest? It was declared self-defence and I ended up in the hospital after that with multiple fractures. If you’re going on past arrests, you should really be speaking to the men that started it,”
“He does have a point,” Rossi stated. 
“And what, exactly, was the reason for attacking you?”
“They recognised me from school,” You said, vaguely. “Only I looked a lot different back then,”
“And what does this have to do with anything?”
You don’t answer immediately, weighing up whether you think the information is important enough to disclose. For whatever reason, they didn’t know you were trans. “I’m transgender. They disagreed with ‘how I live my life’ or whatever. Really, they just had a crush on me when we were teens and they got insecure that it made them gay,” The Sheriff scoffed in disbelief. “Scoff all you want, it doesn’t change what happened,”
Seeing the anger in the Sheriff’s eyes, Aaron joined you both back in the room. “Am I free to go, yet?”
“Not just yet, we’re confirming your alibi,” He said and you gave him a nod. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“I, er, need my testosterone,” You said, “It’s in the bathroom cabinet,” 
“Alright, I’ll have someone pick that up for you,”
“Thank you,” 
The team (and Sheriff) gathered on the other side of the glass. “He’s dating Garcia?” Morgan found himself asking.
“Apparently,” JJ said, “That’s not who I thought her boyfriend was,”
“Me neither,” Emily chimed.
“You knew she had a boyfriend?” Spencer asked. 
“Yeah, came up at girls' night,” JJ shrugged.
“I just didn’t imagine him being so… Macho,”
Hotch shook his head slightly, "While we're waiting for Garcia, we should continue to go over evidence with the basis that (Y/N)'s innocent," He said, "How far out is she?"
"She boarded the plane, so should be here within the hour," Morgan said, Hotch nodded. 
“Okay, Morgan, Rossi, revisit the crime scenes, see if we missed anything,” Hotch said, “JJ, Emily, retrace the victims’ footsteps, Spencer, work more on the geographical profile, Sheriff - maybe take a break, you’ve been going non-stop for days. I’m going to head to the airport and pick Garcia up.” The team nodded and split up.  
Garcia knew she was in deep shit when she saw Hotch at the terminal to pick her up. “Sir,” She said, Hotch nodded and they silently began their journey to the car. They got in and buckled up, still silent. “I know I should have told you but-”
“Yes, you should have,” Hotch said, looking at Garcia briefly before turning back to the road. 
“But then I would have been taken off the case,” Garcia finished, “And I knew that (Y/N) didn’t do it so I thought there wasn’t any harm in me not saying anything.”
“You left out that he was transgender,”
“It’s not my place to out it,”
“Except it’s your job,”
“Well, yes, but-”
“I understand why you did it,” Hotch said, “I do, just… Don’t do it again,” Penelope nodded.
“You got it, you’re the boss,” She replied.
“We need to go to (Y/N)’s apartment,” Hotch said, “He needs his testosterone,” 
Penelope’s eyes widened, “I completely forgot it was Monday!” She exclaimed, face palming, “He takes it at nine. I will also be grabbing him some clothes,”
Hotch nodded, not questioning it - he knew Penelope would have her reasons. “How is the team taking it?” She asked as Aaron pulled into a parking spot.
“Good, just shocked,”
“Shocked? Why shocked?”
“He’s very… The word Emily used was ‘macho’,” Hotch said, Garcia gave a laugh as she nodded.
“He is, isn’t he?” She smiled. “He’s sweet though,”
“And treating you well?” When Garcia nodded, Hotch smiled, “Good.”
Fishing the key out of her purse, Penelope unlocked the door, walking in - Hotch following her. “I’ll let you grab whatever he needs,” Hotch said.
“Won’t be two ticks,” Penelope said as she began to faff about, gathering bits and pieces you would need. Ten minutes, she approached Hotch again. She had grabbed a spare change of clothes (jogging bottoms, t-shirt, and a large hoodie), a tight fitting sports bra and a binder (she knew that you didn’t bind whilst working out, but that you might want to later), she also grabbed some TransTape just in case you didn’t want to wear the binder but still wanted to bind. She had also grabbed your hormones and a small plush turtle about the size of her hand. “Alright, I am good to go,”
On the drive back, Hotch had asked Penelope what she had been doing on Thursday. “I was with (Y/N),” 
“Until what time?” When Penelope glared at him, he huffed slightly, “Just to eliminate him as a suspect,”
“Until ten that night, then he had to catch a flight back,” Hotch nodded. They would have to check with the airport and then they would be able to release him. Unfortunately, he would have to ask someone else to check now that they knew Penelope was dating the suspect. Which would take at least an hour. 
You blew out a puff of air. This was dull as fuck. You turned your head, looking at the mirror, “Anyone there?”
“Yes?” A timid voice asked. 
“Huh, I was just expecting to be speaking to myself,” You said with a laugh, “What are you up to?”
“A geographical profile,”
“Cool,” You said, “How does that work?”
“I mark down each crime on the map in hopes of narrowing down where the unsub lives,” Spencer explained.
“That’s cool,” There was a small pause, “Please don’t tell me I live in that narrowed down area - that’s the last thing I need,” Spencer gave a chuckle.
“No comment,”
The door squeaked open, you turned towards it, half expecting to see the Sheriff. Your face lit up when Penelope walked in, you felt like your brain cells were dying off one by one whilst stuck in this room. “There she is,” You cheered, causing Penelope to roll her eyes, cheeks blushing a light pink. “I would have gotten you flowers if I knew I was going to see you today,” You joked, Penelope rolled her eyes yet again. 
“They’re just checking flight records and you should be good to go,” She said, placing a bag in front of you. “I brought reinforcements,”
“Should I be scared?” You teased.
“You’re such a tease,” Penelope laughed, “I brought clothes, meds - except Bossman has that incase you are the killer, which we all know you aren’t, and try and stab me with the needle or something-” You opened your mouth to argue how ridiculous that was but Penelope continued, “and Gregory,”
You grinned, previous statements forgotten, “You brought Gregory?!” 
“Who’s Gregory?” Morgan whispered on the other side of the mirror, Spencer, JJ, and Emily all gave a shrug.
Penelope reached into the bag, pulling out the plush toy, “Oh yeah,” Penelope said, “I couldn’t not bring Gregory,”
“Ayy, Gregory!” You cheered. Penelope set him down on the table as the door opened, the Sheriff, Hotch and Rossi walking in.
“Er, Garcia, why’s there a turtle on the table?” Rossi asked.
“It’s Gregory,” You answered.
“It’s the Turtle of Testosterone,” Garcia responded. 
“Speaking of which,” Hotch said, placing another bag on the table, “Testosterone,”
“Thank you,” You looked at the time, “I should probably get started on that. Do you guys have a sink?” 
“You can’t do it yourself,” The Sheriff said. “You’re a suspect - our main suspect - until the records come back. Someone else will have to do it for you.”
Your jaw dropped, “Is he for real?” You asked Penelope, who turned to Hotch (who gave a subtle nod).
“Yep,” Penelope sighed, “It’s alright, I’ll do it, right sir?”
“Yes,” Hotch answered, turning to the Sheriff when he began to protest, “Garcia’s a valuable member of the team, despite dating the Mr (L/N), she still gave us the information needed. She’s more than trustworthy enough to do this.”
“How do we know she’s not in on it? That it’s not their plan?”
You snorted loudly, “Oh yeah, I became trans, faked it for years, so that if I committed a murder it would be the perfect escape,” You said sarcastically. “You’re honestly ridiculous,”
“We will be here while she administers the hormone,” Hotch said. 
“Fine,” The Sheriff muttered before leaving the room.
“He’s a real charmer,” Penelope muttered.
“Do I have competition?” You laughed. 
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” 
Garcia was motioned out of the room by Hotch to wash her hands and find a pair of gloves, leaving you and Rossi alone.
“You holding up okay, Kid?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
Rossi shrugged, “Sheriff’s a bit of a jerk,”
“Oh, yeah,” You answered, “Met a lot of people like him, he’s not that bad,”  
Penelope and Hotch returned moments later, Penelope putting on a pair of gloves. “Bit lucky I’m wearing shorts, huh?” 
Penelope chuckled, “Come on, get your thighs out,”
You gasped, “Right here in public?”
“Oh shut up,” She grinned as she sat down opposite you, wiping an alcohol pad over the (now exposed) area. You stared at her as she concentrated, a small smile painted on your face. She filled the syringe with the dose, making sure there were no bubbles before positioning the needle. 
“I love you,” Penelope grinned, looking up at you. 
“I love you too- Ow!” You hissed, “Sorry, sorry, I’m fine, caught me off guard,”
Penelope chuckled, “That’s the whole idea.” She paused, “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” You replied, “Yesterday was leg day,”
“Oh get over it,” Penelope poked, handing you Gregory.
“Ay, Greg, my man!” You laughed. 
Spencer poked his head through the door, “Flight records came back, he’s clear,”
“You’re free to go,” Hotch stated. 
You smirked, turning to the Sheriff, “Ha,”
Penelope sighed deeply, “My sweet Muffin, you’re not supposed to antagonise the Sheriff,”
“Ugh, fine,” You said, standing up with a groan. Penelope looked at you with an exasperated look, “It was a hard leg day!”
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xalygatorx · 1 month
Aha it worked! Wooo gotta love tech sometimes (See Vox you do have uses!)
Any who, all joking aside here is the fic submission. As I said I’m okay with you using Ellie(the fic is your gift after all) and using her and seeing examples of her might help with the writing process? Brief backstory on Ellie and Al is that they’re childhood friends but she moved up north when she turned 12, so the two didn’t reunite till years later.
Honestly, not fussy on what setting you want to do 1920s life or Hell.
1920s path-Some people just don’t know how to take no for an answer. Ellie learns the secret she always knew when a fan of hers (she’s a singer and dancer at a speakeasy) breaks into her shared home with Alastor late one night having followed her after work. That night Alastor had been indulging in his hobby when he finds his dame running through the bayou looking a mess with unsavory company following her. (They’re married)
Hell path-Alastor is glad to have his darling dame back in his life and there’s so much of Hell he wants to show her. Date night in the Pride ring followed by Ellie running interference when Vox interrupts it by asking Ellie to work for him.
I like to give options so you have stuff to run with. Let me know if you have questions:)
A/N: I generally don’t write others’ fanon OCs (I appreciate your offer, it’s just a me-thing, idk why but it gives me a kind of plagiarism ick even if it’s a gift work) BUT I’ll work in some of these details from a F!Reader perspective and hopefully that’ll be just as fun. :) That said, I’m leaning toward the 1920s path, so let’s just see what happens! 
Hope you like the outcome and thank you for the request!
Warnings: Paranoia and mentions of possible infidelity, stalking, home break-in, anxious thoughts around your marriage and you blame yourself, you and Alastor have history, period-typical sexism and victim-blaming, a chase scene during which you’re injured, murder, graphic violence, blood, Alastor is unhinged but he loves you and that’s what counts, right? (In fiction, yes. Yes, it is.)
I’ve killed for you. Who else can say that? | Human!Alastor x Cabaret!AFAB!Reader
Crossposted on AO3
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The other girls had started to get into your head and, truthfully, you couldn’t blame them. Or yourself. Not for thinking it, at least.
It was another night of brief unwinding after a show. You were a little sore, but nothing you couldn’t manage. In fact, the little pep of adrenaline that followed a night of dancing was enjoyable. 
Some days, it was the closest you came to happy.
Your husband wasn’t a fan of the occasional after-show smokes you partook in with your fellow dancers—not because he liked to order you around, but because he was worried about you hurting your voice.
Those social cigarettes had become a tiny way of getting back at him as his nightly disappearances had increased through your marriage without any attempt at an explanation. 
The ratio of a singular smoke to hours of unexplained absence, however, felt a little off to you. 
“C’mon, babydoll, I hate seein’ ya like this.”
You looked up from the thousand-yard stare you had aimed at your vanity, the bulbs lining the mirror burned into your retinas. Phantom beams dotted your vision every time you blinked.
Betty was likely your closest friend behind the curtain. The other girls were all pleasant enough—you’d only ever had one co-star you couldn’t stand and she’d left months ago—but Betty had your back. You knew that. 
But it still bothered you when she spoke ill of Alastor.
“He’s runnin’ around on ya,” she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Watch your tone, Betty,” you muttered tersely, glancing around the dressing room as you took a drag from your cigarette and then proceeded to extinguish it in the tray nearby. 
Alastor was somehow able to go off in the middle of the night and act his chipper self the very next day and yet you felt crippling guilt from having one cigarette and knowing he’d be disappointed to smell the smoke on your breath. He wouldn’t even say anything! Maybe that made it worse.
“I know ya love him,” Betty sighed, taking your hand and giving you a patient look that made your insides squirm. “I know it, honey. And whenever he’s been by, he’s been great! A regular charmer!”
“But?” you asked, waiting for the killing blow.
Betty gave you an apologetic quirk of her rouged lips before releasing your hand and going back to toning down her show makeup back to her usual amount of cosmetics. 
“He’s hidin’ somethin’ from ya if what you’re telling me is true,” she said sagely as she packed up her little purse. She offered you another cigarette that you politely declined before she put her little tarnished case of those away too. “You’ve asked him about it?”
“Many times,” you sighed, feeling your heart splintering. 
Never a full break—that, you might not recover from—but a splinter. Because you knew if he came clean with you about what he was up to, even if it was shacking up with another woman, you could find it in your fractured heart to forgive him.
It was Alastor, after all. As far as you were concerned, he was the center of your universe. Even when the sun had long gone down and he was nowhere in sight.
“Then he’s doin’ somethin’ he ain’t ought to be doin’,” Betty said, pity in her eyes when she looked at you next. You tried not to be offended by that look and failed, instead turning away from her to face your mirror again and finish getting ready to leave. “I’m sorry, honey. I’ve been there. But ya deserve better.”
“Society says I deserve whatever he gives me,” you sigh as you clip your clamshell purse shut. “He’s my husband.”
“Society’s changin’,” Betty countered as she stood up. She smiled down at you with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. “We gotta lead the charge! Keep on him about it. Maybe do some extra nice little things to remind him what he’s got back home. If he’s smart, he’ll see reason. If he ain’t, you can stay with me ‘til ya back on your feet.”
Fear clenched in your gut like icy water at the idea of you and Alastor divorcing. Not only because you’d be ruined—a divorced woman who overstepped in her husband’s affairs, what decent man would want you—but because a life without Alastor…
…well, it’d be properly miserable.
Maybe that was the perspective you needed tonight. It just wasn’t the one Betty had intended to give you. Having Alastor by your side some of the time was better than losing him completely. You just needed to remind him of how much you loved him.
That thought stuck with you as you finished getting changed and gathered up your things. Betty, bless her, waited around until you were ready to leave. The incident in the alley last week hadn’t left either of your minds.
Last week, a regular—whose name you didn’t even know—had been waiting outside the dressing room door that led out to the side alley adjacent to the club.
You’d been alone at the time and thankfully not the last to leave that night. You weren’t sure what would’ve happened to you had Betty not walked out just a moment or two after.
You still couldn’t shake the crazed look in his eyes. The way he so very nearly salivated while he spoke to you, talking as if he knew you though you’d never spoken before.
He got upset when you admitted you didn’t know him. When you suggested that he leave or at least let you leave so you could go home.
The man had taken a step forward just as the door swung open again and Betty had walked out, immediately taking in his demeanor and then the way you were curling into yourself as you looked for an escape route, and asked what was going on.
Outnumbered, he’d taken off before anyone else could be called. Not that much would’ve been done anyway. There was only so much the boys in blue were willing or able to do about creeps outside of clubs. Some of them stood by the idea that, if anything, it was the dancers’ fault for tempting them.
Betty had walked you home that night despite it being out of her way. You begged her to call you when she made it back and the trill of the rotary in your living room had never sounded so sweet when your dear friend had finally gotten home safely.
You hadn’t been worried about the phone waking Alastor. He wasn’t home.
You also hadn’t noticed that you’d been followed that night.
Needless to say, you were distracted on the walk home. How could you not be?
Tugging your coat around your form, you sniffled against the chill of the night air. Or against the tears beading in the corners of your eyes. It just didn’t make sense.
You knew Alastor. You’d known him for years. He’d never, ever struck you as the sort of man who would run around on his wife. But what else could it be that took up so much of his attention and time in the pitch hours between midnight and morning? What else was there to do in those hours than entangle?
Toss and turn and wonder where your husband was, you supposed bitterly.
Maybe he hadn’t been the type of man to run around on his wife before he married you, you thought. Maybe you’d brought it out in him. It was easier to think you’d done something wrong than it was to consider you weren’t enough for him. Either could be true. One of them had to be because otherwise, what was the point in getting married at all? Appearances? Housekeeping and meals? 
That last bit was unlikely. Alastor was neat by default and an incredible cook. His mama had raised him well and he’d been receptive to her teachings. He’d never expected you to take on all the housework by yourself. He was appreciative when you did—especially on the nights that he came home from the station tired and with his lovely voice exhausted from broadcasting and recording—and was always willing to help you otherwise.
You sighed softly as you turned the corner and climbed the porch steps to your shared home. His family home that he’d inherited after his mother passed. Strong in structure and with little more than a long stretch of swampland behind it to pipe noise into the night. Your neighbors were miles off, which was how Alastor liked it. You, on the other hand, wouldn’t have minded having a few more folk around.
After retrieving the door key from beneath the stone beside the stairs—another sign that Alastor was, once again, out—you unlocked the door and stepped inside, habitually leaving it unlocked behind you in what was perhaps a silent, foolhardy wish for him to not be far behind you.
It took some time for something to feel wrong.
You’d made it in, set down your things, and had a couple sips from a little glass of brandy while checking what you had in the kitchen. 
Maybe a nice breakfast would be good. Tomorrow was meant to be his morning off, if you could correctly recall. Coffee and some breakfast—eggs, toast from your last batch of bread, maybe some of the venison he’d frozen from a hunt—together sounded… Well, it sounded wonderful.
There was the crux of your frustration, your bitterness about his secretive disappearances. You missed him.
You also missed the squeak of the front door hinge while you were shuffling around the kitchen.
It didn’t take long after that.
You actually perked up a little when you noticed the cautious footfalls from the foyer. Was Alastor actually home? It’d be early for him if he was, but you were already trying to hem yourself in from being upset with him again. 
Just be nice, you told yourself. Men like women who are nice. It’s no wonder he’s running off on you if you’re just a nag all the time.
Goodness gracious, your inner voice was starting to sound like your mother’s.
“Al?” you asked to the empty air, a faint smile on your lips as you set your brandy glass on the island and turned toward the doorway leading to the hall. You could see his shadow filtering to the floorboards by the light of the moon coming in through the front windows. Why wasn’t he answering? “You’re home, um…early.”
Be nice! you scolded yourself instantly when you heard the drip of mild accusation in your tone.
The man who rounded the corner wasn’t your husband.
You froze immediately, your hand constricting your glass so tightly that you distantly wondered if it’d break. “Can… Can I help you?” you asked, voice shaking. You were shocked you could speak at all.
“You can keep playin’ house, doll,” the man said. The second he spoke, you recognized him as the man from the alleyway last week. The shadows retreating from his features as he stepped into the kitchen confirmed that. “Name’s not ‘Al,’ but you can call me whatever you like. Just havin’ your eyes on me is a treat enough.”
You tried to sound as authoritative as possible as you said, “Get out,” but it came out as a squeak. You tried again, begging this time as you edged around the island to try and keep it between you and the stranger encroaching. “Please leave. My husband’s just upstairs, I’ll scream—”
“If he’s upstairs, why were ya surprised he’s home?” he countered and your gut dropped as you realized your mistake earlier. You’d just assumed it had to be Alastor. No one else came out this way. No one…
…No one else was out this way.
“Are you gonna kill me, sir?” you asked, voice shaking in full now when you could no longer help it. “Please don’t. Don’t hurt me, you can have whatever you want. There’s a safe in th—”
“I don’t want your money, sweetheart,” he cooed at you and you felt bile creep up the back of your throat. “Just want you all to myself is all. Why, I’ve been comin’ to your shows for years, even when you were just doin’ the dancin’ and not the singin’ bits.”
Your stomach turned at the thought of being watched by this man for years when you’d only known about him for the danger he presented for precisely one week. You wished you hadn’t downplayed your run-in with him last week to Alastor when it came up in conversation—then again, if the “Bayou Butcher” still being at large hadn’t convinced him not to leave his wife alone at night, you doubted the full breadth of last week’s incident would have.
Maybe it was better that you hadn’t. If this man did, in fact, kill you, if he was crazed enough to break into your home and say these things to you, then you were sure he would’ve tried to kill Alastor if he’d been here to stand in his way. And, oddly enough, despite everything, the thought that Alastor would be okay, even if you weren’t, soothed your shaken soul.
The man misunderstood your little microexpressions of relief for compliance. When he lurched forward, you scrambled back and went against every “submissive little lady” lecture you’d grown up with as you hurled your glass at his head. 
Your aim had been fairly spot on, so in the time he took to duck away from your attack, you whirled and sprinted for the nearest exit—the door to the back porch. 
Louisiana bayous were ecological wonders, but they weren’t safe to run in. Normally you steered entirely clear if you weren’t with Alastor, who’d grown up just off these swamplands, and even then it took some convincing from him for you to go even a meter or two past the line of cypress trees.
Not so tonight. The danger was in your home and soon to catch up with you. 
Knowing that, you sprinted blindly into the swamp with only amber-hued hunter’s moonlight to see by and any fleeting memories of the paths Alastor had pointed out to you over the years that were more solid to walk on.
You ran out of those paths quicker than you would’ve liked, hesitant at first to keep going as opposed to hiding in case you hit water and the splashing drew attention to your location.
When the buckshot splintered the tree beside you with an ear-splitting bang, you chanced the swamp.
You didn’t know how to use a gun. You didn’t really even like Alastor’s guns that much, but he was a hunter and he was careful with them. 
Even though you didn’t know how to use it—despite his multiple attempts to at least teach you the basics in case you ever needed to—you knew you should’ve grabbed the rifle from beside the back door on your way out. It might’ve slowed you down some, but it would’ve worked as a club if you couldn’t use it as it was meant to be used. 
And at least then, the man pursuing you wouldn’t have had a chance to grab it.
Your kitten heel caught in a patch of mucky silt and suctioned the shoe right off your foot, something that at first startled you but then you decided was for the best. You slid off your other shoe and kept running, your bare feet molding better to the uneven terrain and making less noise whenever you hit something solid.
That was your sole warning before another shot was fired, this one grazing and searing your right arm and wrenching a shriek from your throat.
You wanted to scream. To cry. To collapse. You were finished. You’d die out here at this maniac’s hands and, if you were lucky, it would be quick. You had a sinking feeling it wouldn’t be. Even if you did scream again, no one would come. 
No one else is out this way, your racing mind repeated like a damning mantra.
Except someone was.
A double life had always been in the cards for Alastor and he’d known that even when he’d married you. He’d known that and maybe it was unfair that you hadn’t.
He’d decided long ago that it’d be more unfair to you if you were privy to his darkest deeds and nightly prowls. His hunts. He didn’t want to see that pretty sparkle leave your eyes. Your smile. 
More than that, he didn’t want to be the cause of that sparkle growing dull.
It’d seemed, however, that he’d managed it though despite hoping for the opposite. 
No matter how many dances you two had, how many mornings and afternoons you spent cooking together and humming along to the radio or your favorite records, how many times he’d told you how much he loved you (and you returned said sentiments), you’d still grown sad.
He couldn’t blame you. He couldn’t blame you for much of anything, but especially not for that. He knew what it looked like. And he could deny the scenarios you put forth, the questions you had, but he couldn’t give you a proper answer to those questions either.
Alastor had to wonder though how you could possibly think he’d ever want anyone else. How you could think he’d ever disrespect you in that way, even if that was something he wanted.
He simply wouldn’t have gotten married if he had.
In spite of all the additional secrecy your marriage had caused him to maintain and the heartache it had wrought when he could have just not married you in the first place and brought you into this macabre world of his…
…Well, Alastor was a selfish man. He’d wanted you. He still did. And until you finally couldn’t stand it anymore and gave him the boot, he’d endeavor to keep you.
These thoughts weren’t uncommon ones on nights like this when he was out hunting or disposing of a kill. Tonight was a night for disposal, however, and thinking of you while submerging the split corpse before him into the muck was taking the edge off.
A gunshot not too far off put the edge back on.
Alastor looked up at the sound when it split the air, his hands busied by tying ropes onto his latest game—a magnate from just outside of town who used his wealth and influence to blackmail the women he beat and raped into silence. Former employees, current employees, ladies of the night, his own daughter…
Never again. The man who’d once thought himself above the law, human decency, likely even God Himself, was a slowly bloating corpse soon to make a hefty snack for the gators or whatever found him first.
He stilled his hands momentarily—it wasn’t as if the swine was going anywhere—to listen. Distantly, he heard a bit of splashing, but little else. It was uncommon for someone to hunt out this way, especially at this hour, but he supposed it was possible. Maybe a couple of local drunks had meandered this way to play a bit of “fish in the barrel.” As long as it wasn’t disturbing his darling wife after her night of work, then—
Another crack of gunfire and a reactionary scream.
A familiar scream.
Alastor’s features darkened with horror and rage. With a violent tug, he finished the rigging on the body and let it go, leaving it to bubble and sink beneath the swamp as he took up his axe and stalked through the bayou he knew better than the mapping of his own blood-red hands.
And, quietly, a means of focus and, for tonight, self-soothing, he began to hum under his breath.
You could hear the fumbled clinking of the rifle being reloaded, trying to maintain distance between yourself and your stalker even as your legs grew numb with exhausted agony.
Strides became lurches as your body wore down and you knew that you needed to hide somewhere before you simply collapsed.
The thought occurred to you too late as one more well-aimed shot at the log in front of you caused you to recoil and your dress to catch in a bramble, dragging you down into the mud.
“No, no, no, no, no…,” you whispered hoarsely, pulling at your hem and trying to shred it when it didn’t come free. You pushed your hair out of your face, the tendrils sticking to your skin with a mix of bog water and sweat, and gave your skirt a harsh pull to no avail. Unless he misplaced your location—even if he did, it would only be for a moment or two—you were trapped.
“Seems a little unnecessary, eh, doll?” the man huffed, his heavy footsteps sloshing along the watery path. “Makin’ me work for ya like this when all I ever did was support ya. I wouldn’t leave ya alone night after night like yer big shot husband does, y’know.”
“Leave me alone,” you ground out. “Or just kill me, I don’t care anymore!”
“I’m not gonna kill ya, dollface, that’d be a waste,” he murmured, looming over you. Even though the shadows cast across his face were nearly impenetrable, you could feel his eyes on you. All of you.
You curled in on yourself to try and muster up the courage to fight back to whatever extent you could, even if it was just in an effort to frustrate him to the point of killing you before he could do whatever he was really intending for you.
Just as you prepared yourself to go down kicking and screaming, an odd whistle caught your ear.
And an airborne hatchet caught his.
The man shouted, ducking down to the side and clutching his ear, where a chunk of the upper ridge and part of his scalp had been cleaved free of his skull. 
The hatchet buried itself in the ground nearby, just out of your reach, but that didn’t stop you from scrambling to try and grab it while he was distracted. It might be your only chance to get out of this.
Your addled, panicked mind hadn’t even yet formed the question of where the projectile had come from. Or from who.
What did it matter if you died by this pig’s hands or by the Bayou Butcher’s after all? 
A ghostly, ominous humming graced your ears just as your fingertips found purchase on the hatchet handle and your stalker wrenched you up by your hair, away from your prize.
Your dress tore up the seams until it detached from the brambles, your arms reflexively clutching around your body and the torn garment around it to preserve your modesty and protect yourself from his hungry gaze.
The next hatchet sank into his shoulder, blood spurting from the wound and coating you both before he dropped you. 
You fell back into the water, your head striking against bedrock with a dull crack. Your world spun, but you desperately tried to stay focused and shake off the shock.
Vaguely above you, you saw your assailant grabbing at his shoulder and also trying to ready the gun, which was now next to impossible with his dominant shoulder joint shredded around a hatchet head.
The humming grew louder, more familiar, as the source drew nearer. Until your head stopped spinning, you’d started to wonder if you were hallucinating because the approaching tall, lean figure sure looked like…
“The fuck you think you are?” the stranger grated as he tried to free the hatchet from his shoulder. A poor choice, Alastor noted, considering he’d bleed even more heavily the second the weapon was freed.
On second thought…
“Let me give you a hand with that, pal,” Alastor murmured serenely as he reached forward, gripped the handle, and planted his foot against the other man’s gut. He wrenched the weapon free and red flooded down the man’s front as Alastor gave him a sharp kick that sent him onto his back.
The man was hardly conscious now, let alone mobile, so Alastor felt secure enough to turn to you. At least secure in ensuring your safety. He couldn’t think about what you might be thinking of him at this very moment.
“Darling, are you alright?” he murmured as gently as he could, a stark contrast to his severe, menacing tone of just seconds prior. 
He bent down, careful not to approach too quickly lest he frighten you back or cause you to further injure yourself. No matter how much he wanted to just scoop you up and take you home. 
You looked alright, more or less. Understandably shaken and horrified, but seemingly with superficial injuries. He noted the burnt graze on your arm from one of the earlier gunshots—likely the second based on the timing of your scream—and a slightly dazed look in your eyes that he couldn’t be sure was a head injury or shock. He assumed both until proven otherwise. Your poor knees were riddled with scrapes from the terrain, but he’d made it in time, it seemed.
The thought pulled a faint but deeply felt sigh of relief from his chest.
“Al?” you croaked and it snapped him back to the present.
“I’m here, dear,” he said softly back, holding out an arm for you in invitation. His heart simultaneously warmed and broke when you scrambled to crawl into it.
Alastor may have forgotten about the stalker for a little while if his pained grunt hadn’t “ruined the moment” between you two.
While he would’ve much preferred to draw out the death of the man who’d tried—and partially succeeded—to hurt his wife, Alastor choked up his grip on his axe as one would a baseball bat, turned your face into his chest with his free hand pressed against your other ear to deafen you to the noise, and split the man’s skull in a single swing.
The man went limp after a short pre-mortem spasm and Alastor sighed, returning his attention to you and determining that he would see to whatever you needed of him before he went about sinking his second corpse of the night to bury the evidence.
More than a few things made sense now, you numbly realized as you let your husband sweep you up into his arms and carry you back home. 
It had never made sense that he’d cheat on you. But you supposed you’d never wanted to consider what sorts of secrets the lack of an affair would leave you. And you’d always thought it a bit strange how blasé he could be about the active serial killer loose and on the move right in your hometown. 
You’d always seen some measure of darkness in Alastor. Just never directed at you. So it was easy to pretend it wasn’t there at all.
Your muddied fingers gripped his shirt before you pried them off, feeling a bit badly about getting his shirt dirty. Your thoughts lacked prioritization at the moment, shock addling the most pressing aspects of your current situation and your heart muddying the waters even more.
Alastor had killed that man. He’d done it for you.
He was a murderer—that was where he was all those nights. He’d never betrayed you.
Unless he was copying the Bayou Butcher’s methods, he was the Bayou Butcher. The very murderer he’d reported on for months in his news segments on the air.
He’d killed for you.
Who else could say that?
You sighed a little and buried your face against his neck, mumbling an apology for getting mud all over him. An apology he chuckled weakly in response to.
“You’ve dirtied a killer’s collar, sweetheart,” he said softly as he worked his muddy boots off on the porch and then carried you inside. “It’s not you who should be apologizing.”
Tension hung thickly in the air as he waited for you to respond, the truth nestled at long last in his words. 
You measured those words as you leaned your head back to glance up at him. He met your eyes and you saw the quiet fear in his, something you’d never seen in those chocolate-brown eyes before. Fear that you’d reject him, knowing in full now what he was.
Maybe you should have. 
Instead, you’d just love him harder.
You swallowed against the lump in your throat and smoothed away the little streak of dirt your hair had printed along his jawline. “I dirtied my husband’s collar,” you corrected him gently, offering him a tiny smile when his gaze looked a touch more watery. “But I’ll thank you instead for saving me.”
Alastor inhaled shakily, cradling you tightly against him as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and took you both into the upstairs bathroom where he kept his extra stash of first-aid supplies and could see to your wounds and wash the dirt off your skin in a better light.
The title is a quote from Gone Girl and Al’s hunting style contains references to the Huntress from Dead by Daylight (who is also my beloved killer main).
Thanks again, hope you enjoyed it! x
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beaft · 2 years
recommend some horror?
aha!! i am glad you asked (no really, i am, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be loud about my favourite genre). here is a non-exhaustive list of some of my personal favourites:
-the ballad of black tom by victor lavalle (retelling of lovecraft's "the horror at red hook" by a black author, i could talk about this one for hours suffice to say it's Very Good)
-pet semetary by stephen king (i have a love/hate relationship with mr king but i think this is one of his better books)
-the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson (actually, just about anything by shirley jackson, my personal favourite book by her is "we have always lived in the castle")
-beloved by toni morrison (it's not exactly horror, but i have to put it here anyway because it's too good not to)
-things we say in the dark by kirsty logan
-tell me i’m worthless by alison rumfitt
-house of leaves by mark z. danielewski (i detest this book. yes it's still one of my top favourites and no i will not be taking questions at this time.)
-my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones
-literally anything by robert aickman
-pan’s labyrinth (historical fantasy-horror, visually stunning, one of my favourite movies of all time)
-lake mungo (australian found footage horror about ghosts and grief)
-the texas chain saw massacre (not as gory as the title might suggest)
-the wicker man (the original version, unless you’re in the mood to see nicolas cage at his nicolas cagiest)
-jacob’s ladder (beautiful, eerie, hallucinogenic, you will not know what’s going on for most of it and that’s honestly kind of the point)
-carrie (the sissy spacek version NOT the one with chloe moretz)
-the ritual (it's not a perfect movie but the creature design is WONDERFUL)
-alien (grr! i'm gonna getcha! i'm the alien! and so on)
-nosferatu (both versions are excellent, but i am particularly partial to the 1979 one with klaus kinski as the vampire)
-whistle and i’ll come to you (unsettling short film based on an m. r. james story)
-hereditary (this one's best if you go in blind, but i realise that’s probably difficult since a lot of it has been memed to hell and back)
-the thing (sci-fi thriller/body horror movie set on an isolated arctic research base)
-don't look now (based on a daphne du maurier short story; light on the horror but heavy on the uncanny)
-cabin in the woods (comedy-horror) okay this one is kind of a guilty pleasure for me but it does have some clever moments and it’s genuinely very fun to watch
-silent hill 2006 (another guilty pleasure, it is very much not a good movie but also i've seen it like 7 times, so.)
-ginger snaps (the close relationship between a pair of misfit sisters is tested when one of them starts going through puberty, and also incidentally becomes a werewolf. similar vibes to jennifer's body although i personally prefer this one)
-penda’s fen (startlingly ahead of its time – it’s basically a coming-of-age story about a gay teenager in rural england with a tasty slice of religious/folk horror)
-crimson peak (love letter to the "gothic melodrama" genre)
-us (i personally preferred it to get out, but they’re both amazing; i haven’t seen NOPE yet but i hope to soon!)
tv shows
-castlevania (based on the video game, vampires + religious horror, gorgeously animated, unexpectedly funny)
-the terror (true-ish story of a doomed voyage to the north-west passage) (the demon bear may or may not be historically factual) (we just don't know)
-twin peaks (idk if it counts as horror but i’m putting it here anyway. it’s not for everyone but it occupies a special place in my heart)
-in the flesh (again, not quite horror, but there are horror elements, and i am putting it here because it’s both a pleasingly original take on the zombie-apocalypse genre and a beautiful queer love story. it got cancelled halfway through its run and i will never stop being salty about it.)
-the enfield haunting (three-part tv drama) (much better than the james wan movie) (not that that’s hard)
-the magnus archives (do not ask me about this show unless you're prepared to hear me yell about it for Ever and Ever and Ever)
-alice isn't dead (lesbian trucker searches for her missing wife amidst various spooky happenings)
-a scottish podcast (washed-up radio DJ decides to become a phony paranormal investigator to make some extra cash, but his scheme goes awry when he stumbles on a genuine paranormal event)
-i am in eskew (man attempts to leave city, is unsuccessful)
message me if you want trigger warnings or a more detailed description for any of these!
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glasyasbutch · 3 months
playlist: daykez (good ending)
please god please ms narrative let this be the canon one
link to playlist on spotify
explanations below the cut
1. In the Middle by Dodie
You said you’re into closure, shake hands like you’re supposed to / I’ll be in the middle while you two get along / You’ve got so much in common, talk about your taste in women / I’ll be in the middle while you two get along
Very first song that got added to the playlist. It's also the opener on sloppy seconds. Because for a brief moment in time (the like 4 days between Kez asking Daybreak if they wanted a third and Day deciding who he was gonna sleep with first) they were one and the same universe. And no matter whether you're here or in the sloppy seconds au. Know that Day and Break and Kez were all doing it together freak style. amen.
2. After Midnight by Chappell Roan
'Cause after midnight / I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the club lights / I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind / I love a little drama, let's start a bar fight / 'Cause everything good happens after midnight
Very last song that got added to the playlist. This is much more a Kez song than it is a Day song. Like, first of all, if you really wanna get into this go on Morgan's blog for the full Kez playlist and explanations post, but Kez grew up with a lot of Good Child Expectations that they (pretty literally) ran away from. So the underlying theme of "fuck you mom I'm so much happier this way" is. It's potent. It's rich.
But also, and this is going to be a theme for the entire first half of the playlist, something about Kez's love being carefree and reckless and impulsive was what made it so special! And this song really encapsulates that.
Plus, you know, "I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind" canonical nod to Break, and "let's start a bar fight" canonical nod to Day and Kez's second trip to the club (the first one was incredibly uneventful and boring because Day had never been to the club before and so he spent the night full bodyguard mode and it was awkward and tense and NO fun despite Kez's best efforts. And then the second one, uh. Go check the next song.) It's simply them!! IDK!!!!
3. For My Eyes Only by NEW CITY
I can't share you with nobody else, nobody else / I can't watch you love somebody else / Girl, just lock it up for me / Everywhere she goes / I'm watching everywhere she goes / I want her for my eyes only
Just because Day and Kez weren't exclusive doesn't mean they weren't possessive. That second trip to the club I mentioned in the last song? Aha.
Day was being stoic and focused like a good paladin, making sure Kez didn't get into any sort of harmful trouble, and some?? random stranger????? Decided that Day needed to loosen up. Started flirting with her in FRONT OF KEZ??????? Which simply couldn't stand. Kez requested for them, SO politely, to "back the fuck off. She's mine." To which they responded, "Seems like you weren't doing that good a job of keeping her."
So a punch got thrown. And Day's warning voice was kind of hot, which this other person decided to comment on, so a second punch got thrown, and then No More, because Day was grabbing Kez by the hips (nothing else to grab, backless shirt you see) and hoisting them over their shoulder and carrying them out before they could get kicked out.
They only barely made it through the back door before Day was adjusting his hold on Kez to press her up against the wall and -
4. Holliday by The Weekend Run Club
I'm not stubborn and there's nothing you can do to change my mind / I'm not special I just like to get attention all the time / My heart is my sleeve, do you like what you see? / My heart is my sleeve will you know me?
This entire song is so lovely to me. It's the silly, impulsive type of love thing again, running outside just to hold your lover in the rain because no one else is and its a brand new experience you can share together, just the two of you. It's so. Augh.
But then the CHORUS!!!!! Absolutely, Day is a stubborn little shit, and absolutely, Kez is an attention whore, and absolutely, they are baring their entire fucking souls to each other and begging the other person to really, truly see them past their fronts and flaws, and to love that version of them, and then actually getting that. It's like nothing else.
5. Wine Song by Nicole Amine
The way you grip my tongue / Pour you down a little more, and my lips go numb / I, I, I never wanna run dry, dry, dry of you my love
i think morgan sent me this one. cannot truly remember. (went back and checked, yes she did).
I originally had "Champagne" by Cassadee Pope on here and then had to take it off bc even 5 years later it's still branded Tovra to me. But this song serves a similar niche of alcohol metaphor for love, used to represent being silly and stupid and reckless and tripped up and a little in over your head in love. And also getting drunk in the club together tb so h.
This song is ALSO the sister song to Joni Mitchell's "Case of You" on the in-progress bad ending playlist. This one's about being so in love it takes you over, gets you drunk. "Case of You" is about having fallen out enough that even when you're trying to get drunk, it stops affecting you the same way. I love being evil.
6. Because The Night by The Midnight
Come on now try and understand the way I feel under your command / Take my hand as the sun descends, they can't touch you now / Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to lust / Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night belongs to us
Yes, yes, they were at the club together, and doing all that self indulgent shit, and they happened to fall in love. We know this. I like this song because it feels almost defiant about it. It's not like, oh, we happened to fall in love despite all the silliness we were getting up to. That is the love, and no one can take that away or undermine or overwrite it.
One of the verses has the line "love is an angel disguised as lust" and that's also sums it up very well I think. Day and Kez (and Break) first got together bc Kez wanted to get railed by two giant hunks of guy, dykestyle, and then they kept following that, because why the fuck not, it's fun and it feels good. Then somewhere in there, a switch flipped and they realized they weren't doing it just to have a good time anymore, but because they were deeply in love, and they wanted to embrace that and each other.
7. How Good it Is by Morningsiders
I never knew / How good it is to be young and admired / How good it is to feel your fire / How good it is to be your lover today
Morgan said it very succinctly when she said that the core of daykez was them being young, dumb, and full of you know. Together.
Day had been in love before. Day had been in love with Break for hundreds of years. Love was not new to them. But Day knew love as something that was patient and measured and slow and old, and Kez showed them a way for it to be frantic and fresh and young and, god, it was so different, and it was so good. Day never knew childhood, but Kez gave them youth. They were young together. They were young together.
(And also, bonus item, the way this singer accentuates the word "To-Day" really makes me bite and chew and chew and bite.)
(Second bonus item, this song also has a sister song off the same album on the Bad Ending playlist. Probably. I might take it off so I'm not gonna get too into it rn.)
8. NFWMB by Hozier
Nothing fucks with my baby / Nothing can get a look in on my baby / Nothing fucks with my baby / Nothing, nothing, nothing
Oath of the Shield Paladin vs. Abjuration Wizard, whose subclass can be more protective, FIGHT!
And! and!!!!!! Yes, most of this playlist so far has been about them being silly and stupid together in their down time but let us not fucking forget!!! A good portion of their love was forged in adventures, in fights to the death and quests that shot them up to folk hero status, which really fits the biblical, mythical imagery of this song.
Like .... "When I first saw you, the end was soon" Day and Kez literally met each other when they both showed up to save a town from being wiped off the face of the earth by a titan. LIKE!!!!!!!!
9. The End of All Things by Panic! at the Disco
Whether near or far I am always yours / Any change in time, we are young again / Lay us down, we're love / In the coming years many things will change / But the way I feel will remain the same / Lay us down, we're in love
Holding hands as you stare at the shattered remains of the woman you both fell desperately in love with and promising that you still have each other, we haven't lost each other, and one of us is going to have to go away for a while, but we'll get her back, and she might be a little different, but she'll be alive and ours again, and it will be okay, and hey, by the way, don't know if you noticed, but we did it, we saved the world and we're heroes now, and everyone knows, so that'll be new, and strange, but we'll face it together, like we faced everything else together, we haven't lost each other yet.
10. radio friendly by molly ofgeography
Burnt autumn lеaves and a week fall away / Oh love dear not grief, nothing good ever stays / You know I believe I can keep you today / Hum this summertime tune, baby press play
So I'm going to shamelessly cherry pick a few lines from the artists explanation of what this song is about to start us off: "it's about how everything ends, but that's ok. ... good stuff has to end, too ... sometimes the best thing to do is say hello, i love you, goodbye. tralalalala."
This song, to me, is about something that we haven't really touched on Much but sticks out SO much to me in the Daykez timeline. Namely, that while Day was gone for that year sculpting Astral, Kez kept moving. Kez kept moving, and doing, and living, and growing, and Day didn't, because his entire job with Astral was to live in the past. Day came back to a Call that was entirely different than when he left it, and he was clearly the odd one out, and he didn't know what to do with that besides … float.
This is for those first few years of retirement when the visits were infrequent and short, and everything felt like it was slipping away, but neither of them wanted to say it. For Day's internal conflict, choosing between hoping this was just a temporary thing and it would all settle down and go back to the way things were, once Kez was done worrying about other stuff; and accepting that he chose to go with Astral instead of Kez, and because of that, it was actually already done for.
11. Are You With Me? by Air Traffic Controller
No one can imagine something bad is gonna happen / It just wakes us from our most delightful dreams / Yeah, everything was fine until you stopped to look behind you / Now you're wishin' you could build a time machine, you're wrong / I just decided to be happy / Are you with me?
Spoiler alert: Day wasn't.
Okay, so, yes, of course, it's very Kez to laugh and drink and drug trip their way through things in the name of pleasure above all else, and on a surface level, that can be what this song's about. But more than that, Morgan and her scholars have talked about Kez in the aftermath of Break's death like ... actively choosing not to grieve because they couldn't afford to grieve.
Callie and Arthur were new parents, with a son to take care of, they needed her. Thorn had half her face ripped off by the planar rift and was recovering, she needed her. The reporters and the brand managers and the biographers and the politicians and the HOA in the area they were building their new tower were hounding everyone at every turn, and they had made themself the face of the Call, even these strangers needed her. And, on top of all that, Day was basically unreachable in the Aegis demiplane, and it was going to take a year no matter what, so what would be the point in thinking about them just to get sad. He had so much to do! He wasn't going to grieve! He just decided to be happy!
And then Day came back to that choice and had to face someone who, to him, felt like they had already forgotten what they were and what they had lost and it just became ... incompatible.
12. Creatures in Heaven by Glass Animals
I don't think I realize just how much I miss you sometimes / We were so young and in love / We were just creatures in Heaven
A rare Kate find, and a late addition to the playlist bc I needed this one to also be 20 songs to match bad end and sloppy seconds. This song makes me want to eat my own shirt.
There's just . There's SO much. It didn't make it into the selected lyrics but the repetition of that "here in the moment, free in the moment" after describing the most desperate clinging romance ... It perfectly sums up the feeling of the first half of this playlist (young and dumb in love together) and then says "and it might be gone, and I regret none of it, because it was exactly what I needed when it happened, even though it hurts now to remember. Also. "You held me like my mother made me just for you, you held me so close that I broke in two". Don't even get me started on the fucking sculpting implications here.
13. Lovesong by Adele
However far away, I will always love you / However long I stay, I will always love you / Whatever words I say, I will always love you / I will always love you
2 years in love without a second apart, 2 years barely seeing each other, each having bigger priorities and swearing they'd get back to each other in time, 22 years without a word, and still neither of them fell out.
I'd had the original version by the Cure on here for a long time, and then at the very last minute swapped it out for the Adele cover. Something about the slower guitar and vocals without anything else feels more ... intimate. And also mature. I think it works particularly well for the absolute expanse of time that Day and Kez spent apart, growing older without each other, while still loving each other fiercely.
14. Beam Me Up by P!nk
Give me a minute, I don't know what I'd say in it / I'd probably just stare, happy just to be there, holding your face / Would you beam me up?
Courtesy of Morgan. Sort of a flipside to "Lovesong", which is about that promise that their separation isn't forever, this one's about the possibility that maybe it is. It's asking for that moment to reconnect, sure, but it's almost afraid of it. It speaks about it like it's a dream, a dream they're never going to stop having, but that will only ever be a dream.
It's easily the saddest song on this playlist (this statement is now false after the addition of the next song), and the one that could most easily be swapped to the bad ending one, but I stand by my decision to put it here. The uncertainty if it will work out again and the willingness to face it anyways is what makes their potential (🙏) reunion so sweet.
Also. "I'm tired of being a fighter, I think" for them in retirement from adventuring is SO!!!!!!
15. All We Have Is Now by The Modern Electric
Every beat, every beat of your heart, is one less I've got / Honey you should be here, but you're not, oh / There'll come a day when it's all over, baby all we have is now, now
Bekah delivery!!!! I was gonna wait to add this to the playlist until we'd done the Day + Callie lifespan conversation in game but I got impatient.
One of the main things that, ironically, made Day pull away from Kez was the knowledge that Kez was going to die and Day wasn't. Day couldn't bear to see Kez grow old without her, so she left entirely.
But the longer they were away, the more they were aware that they wouldn't ever get that time back, and it ate and ate and ate away at them until they went crawling back to Kez to face all the discomfort and anger and grief, because they realized they were going to feel it no matter what, and better to feel it warm in Kez's arms instead of touching the cold marble of their headstone.
16. maybe, i'm afraid by lovelytheband
Maybe all we are is fools with hearts who try too hard / And maybe that's just fine as long as you're here in my arms / Dancing in your party dress / You were singing me some Frank Sinatra as you wept / Maybe you're just too good, maybe I'll run away / Maybe I'm over you, maybe I shouldn't stay / Maybe I just don't care, maybe I talk too much / But baby, I'll be there, yeah, baby, I'll be there
courtesy of bekah, it actually makes me want to throw up on the floor! it fucks me up so bad!!!!!!!
This is the song for their in-game fights and whatever this reunion apology ends up being, and where it could go if they're willing to be terrifyingly, horribly, vulnerable. They've both made mistakes, and there's a lot of "maybe"s to be said about who did what, and when, and to who - and they're going to get said, don't get me wrong - but in the end, does any of that really matter? Really all it is, is that they're both just afraid of losing each other. The only thing that really needs to be said is "I'll be there".
15. All Over Again by Zolita
So break my heart, rip it out / We'll have better luck the second time around / There's no doubt that I'll fall for you / Again, again, again
This is the point at which we slip into speculation. This is where it really becomes "the good ending", rather than just, Daykez as it has been. Maybe whatever the hell is happening now is the breakup, maybe it's gonna get worse from here, but the hope is that at the end of it all, they come out of it more in love than they have ever been, because (Rallie take notes) they're going to start over, dump the memories and the ghosts, and get to know the new person that each of them has become and fall in love with THAT version this time.
16. Yes, And - by molly ofgeography
Forgive me, are you trying to forgive me? / Are you trying to forgive me? / Are you trying to? / Are you sorry? Do you love me? / Can we try again?
Yes, Molly gets two songs. I like her. Is that a fucking crime. Plus this one's a duet. So I literally had to.
Mostly this one is here because it's about making and following through on a choice. Day and Kez hurt each other, more than anything, through their passiveness. Through waiting and assuming it was on the other person to do something first and then making up reasons in their head why the other person didn't. And so there's something really really powerful in saying, no, this time, they're actively choosing to be in love again. They're choosing each other. It's going to hurt and it's going to be hard but they both want it and so they're going to choose it and work for it and. Yeah.
17. Always Starting Over by Idina Menzel (If/Then OST)
You promised to love me, a promise you have kept / And I won't be sorry that you said to leap and I leapt / I won't regret what I did then / Though it hurts more than I could imagine back when / All the same even so, I would love you all over again
From Morgan, this is a very happy song, along similar lines as the last one. They know they fucked it up, they know they made mistakes, but as long as there's even a sliver of hope that it's going to work out, they will throw out their hangups and their mistakes and their anger and start over so they can get back the good thing again. It's all worth it for the chance to start over with each other.
This is a very happy song, ignore the next three paragraphs.
"Fuck you for making me think that this life would be fair" - That particular line REALLY sticks out to me, as the sort of representation of the "it's Kez's fault" monologue (which certainly won't come up in game and cause huge problems). This monologue, for the uninitiated, essentially revolves around the idea that losing Astral, and also leaving the Aegis, is really mostly Kez's fault. Day had been through death and re-sculptings with Break/Astral so many times before, and they were never like this. Because before they had only had each other, and this time, they also had Kez. There was a new piece; a new, lovely, optimistic, mortal piece, that they had both decided was worth their heart, and who now couldn't be there when it all started over, and it really mucked the whole thing up in an irreparable way. Fuck you for making them fall for you, Kez.
"I'm through with fighting, what the gods have to give I'll take and I'll live and be bold" - This line is making me feel some kind of WAY knowing Day and Kez are quite literally retired god hunters, and that trying to hunt god is what caused all their pain to begin with. Is it maybe so bad to just (sorry Theo) live quiet and take what they're given. Maybe it's not worth it to go against fate anymore. I mean, the narrative wrote them a real good love story the first time. Let her write them another.
"My love, our life is over, but I'll make you one last vow to start over, and over, and over somehow" - Also feeling super normal about this one, knowing full well Day gave UP his ability to start over infinitely to love Kez. Just. So normal. Btw.
^^^ Don't worry about all that THIS IS A HAPPY SONG ON THE GOOD ENDING PLAYLIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. Valerie by Amy Winehouse
Since I've come on home, well, my body's been a mess/ And I've missed your ginger hair and the way you like to dress / Won't you come on over? Stop makin' a fool out of me / Why don't you come on over, Valerie?
One of the first songs, got added at the same time as "In the Middle", and it's closing out the playlist because it's really very quintessentially Daykez to me.
Like, initially, I added it at a point in time where they had had their first fight (in the spell set-up room) and then made up, but hadn't yet delivered my nuclear bomb evil monologue. And yes, obviously, this works for that, of Day admitting that it's been too damn long he's missed Kez and he just wants her back.
But more than that it's so. There's no animosity in the lyrics. So many of the songs on here are about "oh, we're mad and we fought and we did shitty stuff and we made mistakes, but we're moving past it" and they're good! They're good, and they're accurate.
But this one doesn't do that. The entire thing is just one great big "I knew you once, and now I'm just missing you, I want to know you again." It feels to me like the thing Morgan said in the explanations for "Landslide" that made me scream and cry and kick a hole in the wall about how Kez got the evil monologue. Other people might talk how mean it was, but we don't need to think about that here, that's not the important part. The love is.
Come with me, take my hand, listen to this song. We're going to think about the love that stretches across the distance and lasts and lasts and lasts until you can get back to the source. It doesn't matter how long it's been. It doesn't matter what happened in the space in between. We don't need to talk about it anymore. Just come over here and be mine again.
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quackle · 3 months
I’ll never get over how the Tom and Jake plot stalled for over half the season
it's just. incredibly silly to me! rambles under the cut per usual with me tee hee sorry in advanceeeee
ok a) haiiii everyone i still watch this fucking show LMFAO i cannot seem to beat curiosity out of me 😭 like i'm already this invested, i gotta see how it all ends man. plus ally is somehow still in this even though i am 99% sure nobody gaf about her but me and 3 other people. hashtag i am not the strongest soldier.
and b) the tomjake plot. aha. well. for starters, i think i wrote this previously: i never gaf about this ship, even in s1. i've tried but it's so... boring. idk. if this ship had the ability to have any flavor in the world, it would taste like absolutely nothing at all. calling it white bread would be a disrespect to white bread since white bread's got, like, a cool shape going for it at least. i feel nothing for tomjake. (note: this might have to do with me not caring for jake or tom as much as other characters. they are not in my fav character roster. they are 5/10 at best-)
so to see it as one of the main points of all stars was... eh. and to see how it's led up to what happened in the recent ep is... eh again. i can understand people being distraught by it. all that time spent wondering will they or won't they talk after all the misunderstandings, then the potential talk almost happening after the tie breaker, just for it to.... end. had me metaphorically shaking the ep like it's a jar that used to he filled with cookies, asking myself "that's it? THAT'S what i waited to see??? THIS is how you're showing off the couple we're supposed to root for?????????"
and sure, they can resolve this in another way. and ok, i'm sorta glad this plot will take up less screen time from now on (hopefully ? knocking on wood!) but it won't erase the fact that we had to sit here for 12 damn eps for that. like we could've summed this up in half the time if we tried hard enough 🧍🏾‍♀️ it's so appalling it made me giggle though so thanks for the laugh onc!
(but. must stress this. tom and jake's voice actors ate. always so delighted by their delivery and their s3 acting kept getting better and better. they make this show better. 10/10, excited to see them in future projects <3 )
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thatsnotmyvampire · 4 months
(Hi!!! Sorry for disturbing u while ur inbox is done lol but I rlly like ur work /pos (is that the right thingy idk man))
The Dollmaker grins with delight as Yog compliments him, his hands closing around the little doll.
"It's my secret pet project, but I suppose you may have it. As long as you take care of him." He adds with a small, mock frown.
"May I examine you for a little bit to make sure my doll is as perfect as the original model?" His eyes crinkle around the corners, a bit of a flirty look on his face.
(Also the Dollmaker is some voodoo Dr Facilier type dude- the dolls he makes are basically voodoo dolls lol sorry I overshare sm feel free to give ur own interpretation)
-The Dollmaker dude (anon? Sorry I'm kinda newer to this) (if you couldn't tell)
(awwh! no worries <3 and thank u smm! i love the way you write as well :D)
He nodded, watching as the doll was capsulated by the doll makers hand. A look of confusion was on his face, not really registering much from that.
“ Pet. . Pet project? But that’s a doll of m—Ah, whatever. Of course i’ll take care of. . him, me? ah, it. Was that the source of. . poking in my back, dear? ”
He questioned, noticing the needles and various sharp objects needed to sew the doll together. His head cocked up at the question, a little skeptical, but he trusted his friend.
“ Examine me? Aha, well, i’m flattered, my dear. Why don’t you come over here and get a nicer look, hm? ”
The vampire noticed the look on the dollmaker face, matching the same look as he patted the chair.
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hi Alexis :) 82, 64, 56 and 50 for the questions game
hi Cherries 🫶🏽 thank you for the questions friend
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
nothing i’m so good at everything actually so i’m a little bit offended that you even asked that.
64. how do you respond to compliments?
i don’t aha if anyone knows how to do that please send tips because i just smile and nod
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
i answered this one already but i’ll give u another example: this past monday(? maybe??? idk time is fake) i watched that new movie Tarot and AFTER stuff started happening that was a little too spooky and coincidental for me and i was not having a good time about it 😭 and i was talking to a friend about it AS IT HAPPENED and they made a silly comment that did not help at alllllllll THAT was real genuine fear (but i am kind of afraid of everything)
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
my sabrina carpenter ticket last year <3 because i ended up winning better ones so like what was the point
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linxkly · 2 years
Another grian liveblog! i really enjoyed the last on i did so here’s another :)
(this ended being really long I’m so sorry)
grians merch! go check it out! I bought one and I’m very excited for it to come
HE DID IT my boy pressed the record button I’m so proud of him
I love the little yell of happiness he did away from the mic after he said that
thank god he’s addressing the whole “grrr im being forced to watch another series thing”
the hermits have been busy busy busy
poor grians the leader of all this
return of the grian empire, but he learned how to share and collaborate with others
he’s visiting Katherine!!
aww he didn’t actually interact with her :(
oh no the rocket shortage begins
that’s,, a lot of scaffolding
like,,, a lot a lot of scaffolding
but it looks cool from a distance!!
built height empire,,, but they’re all tiny
I like it, picasso
bouncing villagers!
aww noooooo pls don’t crash the empires economy I like their barter and trade system
they’re getting gunpowder from jimmys place
apparently this whole storyline was fabricated just so grian could get on this server and annoy timmy
oh poor impulse has been left behind bc he don’t got no wings
ah. he has taken a stack of jimmys gunpowder. he know owes???? timmy
they’re going to joeys instead now
but before they leave tumble town they’re placing an intelligence test,,, in the form of a button on top of tnt,,, with a sign saying press me,,, in an empire where jimmy and scar are hanging out,,,
oh no
grian feels bad for impulse, and now they’re walking together
grian has found joeys gator villager
he is confused
he has found the pesky bird villager!
grians elytra broke, oh how the turn tables
impulse left grian
impulse grian and cub are now chatting about the AWFUL LAG ON THE SERVER OH NOOOO
oh no they’re playing tag on the empires server
grian that’s respiration. not unbreaking
oh no grian you let the villagers out
he spent so much time yelling lore spells he forgot which enchant he was trying to get
unbreaking loresome???
these puns are giving me AHA flashbacks
kdbdjfjf you can hear impulse underground cheering
I love seeing all the hermits work on the same thing all at once this is incredible
ooh visit to pix
he’s using pix’s machine to age his copper
he gets to press a button!!
poor guy is worried about breaking David
there’s a sheep trying to eat his waffle
oop he’s borrowing fwhips sign style
building timelapse of a hermit induction machine and tag look at him go!
hermitssss stop bringing your lag to other servers!!
scar snuck up on him
they’re messing with the lasso jimmy gave scar
I like the idea of the worlds largest bubble
clearly there was a mishap in communication rip scar
ooooh scar becoming the first hermit!
awww he’s little!!!
just a tad smol
oh poor fwhip saw things he shouldn’t have
awww little grian!!
they’re bdubs!!
imagine being smaller than a goblin lol
all the hermits have been busy busy bees
ok ik it’s shocking they’ve done all of this so fast but I have to keep reminding myself that this is at least 10-13 people working on hermitopia at around the same times ofc it’s going to be pretty quick
but it’s just still so immpressive
it’s cubs turn to be hermitified
hermits vs empires tag oooh
go watch grians vid for the full tag explanation, bc if I’m completely honest, I don’t really get it
grian is a hermit irl??
episode ends with grian laughing about his irl height rip
and that’s a wrap! these are so much fun to make :)
Idk how often I’ll do these but I might do them for sausage bc he uploads at normal times for me it’s nearly 3am I might pass out after uploading this lmao
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kurtsworld9619 · 7 months
Kurt if you sold castings of your dick they would fly off the shelves
Haha hey thank you ☺️! Maybe one day I’ll sell some official Kurtsworld96 cock n ball sex toys™️ for you guys! Maybe the, the actual moulding experience, would feel nice too 🤔 I’m not sure, I haven’t tried it yet
But- aha, maybe I should finally set up my only fans/ph first. Just- just to give you guys a taste, before you can experience the real thing ahaha 😉
Maybe, maybe people who haven’t even watched my content will buy them though. I mean, like, I don’t brag about myself, or well at least my body, at all tbh, but uhhh I am kinda big. So like, I hope that’s something people would want? Idk I can work out those details later. Would anyone preorder though?? 👀
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haku23 · 1 year
ok my thots on re-animator 1985 will contain spoilers
-Gross. I think the head talking was the most gross part tho. by the end, however, I was desensitized to it and just found the gore kind of funny I’m ngl
-I love how they explained almost nothing except things that didn’t matter like why didn’t this bottle break? “aha it’s made of PLASTIC” like thank you I wasn’t wondering. How did his ass get to america? how does the serum work? don’t worry about it. 
-Herbert’s name is Herbert which is just funny. Imagine naming your kid Herbert
-I like how Dan helps him because it is implied at the beginning that he is like. overly against death like. the idea that he can bring ppl back to life is of course appealing to him it makes Sense
-I do think they could have, or may in the future, explore one another’s bodies. idk. i’m just saying.... but i suppose sometimes it’s about the gay sex you’re not having
-the serum looked sick af I think it was glowstick juice
-herbert got bondaged by tentacles made out of intestines which was gross, impossible, ... but... lms if it’s...kinda hot.
-full frontal nudity?! TITS out. Dongs? Also out but covered mostly by hair which. not my thing put that sloppy thang away before some sloppy little creature tears it asunder. sorry i’m 13 and i have never seent a brest in my life so I exclaimed every time I saw them 
-considering he’s in the next movie, I assume he Gets Better so it’s not a worry for me like I am not concerndt that his gay ass got tentacled to death rly
-I thought they were going to at the end be like oh he saves her thru cpr to like. harken back to the beginning but i kind of like the villain era that he’s entered that the first thing that pops to his mind is “omg i’ll use the glowstick serum!” like ok queen 
-we stan a hashtag body posi movie that has people of ALL bodies and skin colours becoming reanimated corpses with their entire tits and/or dicks out <3 
-they were on a TIGHT one hour 30 min time budget and I respect that. Sure it took me over that to watch the whole thing but like I said it was gross. also how can i take sc of every scene that makes me go “lgtv?” if i don’t pause and share it onto tumblr ??? 
-I found myself being like “would that rly be a problem if he was dating the dean’s daughter...?” at multiple parts of the movie like girl that’s not the point but I mean I guess he’s like Light and saw a slippery slope (of helping herbert) and grabbed a sled. 
-Herbert is kind of a freak, but I liked him. if you see me drawing Silas holding a syringe full of glowstick juice and looking like a rough 42 years old mind your business (well, silas is older and already does that so just like. i’m not hashtag copyingggg ok) 
-there’s a second movie, and it was straight to dvd so i’m excited because i think it’ll be even “better” than this one
-anyway, I liked it. It’s very dated but in that fun way that I can see why people like it.
-but please check the warnings as my recent art rb say it definitely contains a lot of possibly triggering material
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in-amor-veritas · 1 year
🥳 so I’ve been writing a long time (original stories) but I was in a very severe slump where I didn’t write for years and I thought I’d forgotten how because I felt so disconnected to my wips. Then I watched a show that I hated the ending of so much that I wrote a fic to “fix” the ending but it took me over a year to finish ha and then idk what happened YR took over my brain and gave me SO much creative energy and for that I’ll always be grateful to YR for 💜
🦈 Tbh I find Wille the hardest to write, that’s why most of my stuff is Simon POV. His POV just comes so much easier to me. I have written Wille POV and hes probably the character I most relate to but maybe that’s why he’s harder to write aha. I cant tell you why 🤷‍♀️
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