#idk if that’s the exact BoJack quote
chaifootsteps · 11 months
I feel like Moxxie in a purple dress and speaking with a transatlantic accent/that classic Hollywood accent was for fan service. From the transcript
"I simply follow your orders! It isn't my fault that your orders are as nonsensical as a sun tanning bed left out on the cold, rainy porch of a fresh April shower!"
This tried too hard. It really did. It felt like they tried copying stuff Paige Sinclair from Bojackhorseman said.
I can't find the exact quote and there's apparently no character transcripts for BJ Horseman episodes
I thought originally maybe idk, Viv liked old Hollywood, but seems like she watched BJ Horseman and liked the character Paige Sinclair.
God, Paige and Max were such brilliant characters, and BoJack was such a perfect show. I don't know if she took inspiration from Paige or not, but Vivzie and her stans should be legally barred from comparing this show to BoJack.
(Although I did recheck the episode, and purple dress hallucination Moxxie actually speaks in a British accent.)
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the-acid-pear · 8 months
Something I wish I got to see more is the idea of abusive parents as god-like figures. This is a motif mostly present thru my real life (idk if you'd call it a motif but who cares?) and is actually the reason Luluco has horns, the exact reason being that "I do everything wrong, I'm Lucifer" was a thing I said a lot when my mother was complaining about me existing.
I mean it's worth pointing out before I get more personal that it is a fitting motif. After all god is a father like figure and what's expressed by many (not me, I don't have that relationship to religion) is a feeling of being abandoned by that who was meant to look after you, which parallels to a parent's neglect.
Now, REALLY getting personal...
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These two parts from the song Almost Human by Aurelio Voltaire truly resonate with me, because much or my arguments with my mother was me speaking out. My brothers avoided trouble by being quiet but I couldn't do that. Also I was literally kicked out of my house too and I still miss the place despite everything.
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These two other lyrics too come to mind. First one is from Poor Isaac by The Airborne Toxic Event (😷) and the other is God Help You, Dumb Boy by Reverend Glasseye.
The first obviously reference is the aforementioned Being Kicked Out thing but there's also the angle of, of this quote by Bojack, let me pull it up.
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The thing with abusive parents is that. They're all you have and they hate you. And I talked about this a lot with my therapist and I got over the idea that I had done something wrong, but what am I left with? Am I supposed to not feel even more pain, even more rage?
Furthermore, another thing I had to deal with is letting go. Because my mother, again, was all I had. My father lived 2 hours away (this isn't USA so that's a fucking Lot) and the rest of my family was... Not present. And the only person I had wasn't there for me.
I remember saying many times her words were hollow, too. In arguments. She didn't get what I meant. But Joe is right, she will not save me. And she did not.
See, the extra tragic angle to this thing is that there's no alternatives, you know? It's a spot that will never be replaced. A parent will always be a god to you, a creator, and when the very being that created you forsakes you then what are you left with? The one person who was meant to love you doesn't. And if it's not your fault, it's theirs, yet that means little, because that won't change anything at all.
To be yourself was the biggest offense you'd have committed and you know that's bullshit but even then... You still yearn for what'll never be.
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cutieyama · 2 years
Sorry I’m tumblr journaling again but just cuz I need a place to put my thoughts and I know no one checks my tumblr sooo this feels the safest. It’s annoying af tho Ik
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