#maybe I’ll fake my own death and live as a completely different person
alangdorf · 5 months
Untagged ramble post about the the fic writing I’ve been doing + snippets (kind of a lot of them actually whoops) since idk if I’ll ever actually finish them let’s gooo (spoilers for said fics obvi)
Forgetting about Tsubakura’s hat when writing is my new forgetting about Vanitas’ Unversed when writing. Though in my defense I refuse to believe that their current normal outfit is what they used to wear to work because that is so many lab dress code violations including OPEN-TOED SHOES??!??!
Relatedly I had a funny moment of realization where I was like “wait I’m writing about throwing up black goop AGAIN??? What a coincidence”
Thus far I have caused one of my friends (not a len’en fan, only knows about it through my talking about it) to have TWO separate dreams about Len’en characters. I have since also had a dream about them but this friend had two before it even happened to me once (also I may have incorporated one or two aspects of said dreams into my stuff…)
I still write in my notes app with asterisks (discord markdown) for italics. I will never change and that is a promise
Btw in order the fics are: “Tsubakura makes terrible life decisions for two months straight and then Suzumi responds to them breaking up with her by faking her own death: the fic”
Followed by “The fact that there isn’t a unique ending for BPoHC Secret Team neutral route with Tsubakura as stage 6 boss has been plaguing me and I’m ‘boutta make it everyone else’s problem” (the actual current working title) (aka thinly veiled excuse for characters having sex that’s actually a thinly veiled excuse for Suzumi to explain why they did all that nonsense in the previous fic)
Then “Hamal Cine Bad End but I had to make a whole entire oc before deciding there would be anything there worth writing because if it was just Hamal and Tsubakura interacting it would be completely unreadable (featuring second person pov yet again!! So maybe it’s unreadable anyways idk)”
And finally “I couldn’t figure out how to finish that last fic satisfyingly so instead I started writing Tsubakura pov of before and after it but that means like half of it is just Hamal and Tsubakura which is what I was trying to avoid earlier whoops! The other half is logistics (actually that’s a lie the vast majority of it is logistics. What can I say I like logistics in my angst)”
Assuming Suzumi’s eye color just looks like brown to other people cause otherwise that would make the alters extremely obvious (I think zara also did this the other day ehe)
Arde should’ve been at the cluuuuub (Seriously though Arde has quickly skyrocketed into being one of my fave Len’en characters and also probably the person I feel the most bad for in at least my version of pre-canon. Like they all made bad decisions there but Arde had soooo much nonsense to deal with and extremely few viable alternatives)
I just now remembered the Japanese school year is different and I should look up what colleges typically do there
Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to google “what is the Japanese government’s procedure for reintegrating a formerly missing person into society when their kidnapping was a 37-year-old cold case (completely unrelated to the kidnapping they just escaped from) and also they’re largely made up of nanomachines or whatever now and have very advanced peripheral neuropathy and no living friends or relatives aside from this one rando who’s known them for about an hour (in the year 2050)”
Trying to make sense of Suzumi’s powers AAAAAAAAAA are the clones DIEGETIC??? Is Hooaka’s arm just gone FOREVER?? At the very least the disguise ability being Benny’s main ability would make some sense for how I’m writing them if. It’s even possible for them to turn it on and then have Arde front afterwards agh idk
Period-accurate communications tech also continues to be a completely self-inflicted thorn in my side. I’m assuming you could delete sent messages on whatever mobile messaging service Japanese young adults were using circa 2010 because I saw a post from 2017 saying you could do that on wechat and I can’t be bothered to do deeper research when it would significantly change my plot to find out otherwise
So you know how that one drawing of mine with Tsubakura and Tsurubami keeps just getting tagged as those two when it’s actually secretly suzutsuba (even moreso now that I’ve been developing Arde more lol)? That’s how I felt realizing that all my suzutsuba stuff is actually pointing to endgame yabutsuba (romantic or qpp idk idc) (also sorry ybtb fans I’m with you but I’m probably just gonna keep writing suzutsuba instead because my brain focuses on angst 100% of the time)
Semi-relatedly the aforementioned oc is named Koemi Oumura and happens to look a fair amount like Yabusame, which is presumably just a coincidence because Yabusame is the one character confirmed to not have any homeologues (extremely funny and scary fun fact), though I did come up with her name by like moving all the kanji in Yabu’s name a little to the left so lol who knows
While doing game dialogue research I ended up realizing that part of shrine team’s convo with Sanra is Tsubakura going “yeah clothes should be comfortable and unrestrictive!” and I was like “whoops… just gonna partially ignore that cause I’ve already been hcing the fact that you bind sometimes lol sorry”
Hamal gives herself biological immortality which is brought up only as a one-liner gag
Also I hope the way I write her dialogue isn’t like, too annoying. I cannot be bothered to copy paste unicode eighth notes wait a second I have a Japanese keyboard??! Oh well; still can’t be bothered so I’m just working with tildes and hearts. My friend tried to express which Len’en character showed up in its dream by saying “which suzumi is the ~ one. that one”
Ok time for assorted snippets (all mixed up just to keep ya guessing, though they also feel a little poetic in this arrangement. Mostly from the first fic since that’s the one I most want to post [and also the only one that’s T instead of M]) and then the sex stuff will be quarantined afterwards
Tsubakura pulls out their phone and sinks to the ground, breathing heavily (partially from the exertion). They look through their contacts. Yabusame is missing yet again. Haltingly, they punch in her number (they have it memorized, they triple-checked that they had it memorized just yesterday) and hit dial.
They start talking as soon as it picks up. “Yabu, I know I told you to let me handle things on my own for now, but I… I changed my mind; I need help, I-I don’t know what to do—”
The voice that interrupts them is not Yabusame’s, but they’d still recognize it anywhere. “Oh! Hello~! Expecting someone else, were we? Silly Tsuba~<3”
Tsubakura hangs up abruptly and just. Sits there. After a few minutes they check their phone to confirm, but it’s obvious that the number they have in their head is Suzumi’s. In fact, every number they have saved to their contacts is Suzumi’s. They don’t even bother with trying to remember their friends’ street addresses; they just hope she at least left them the route to the lab.
So. The message is abundantly clear. They’re alone in this. (And if the reason they’re late to work that day is because they curled up next to a dumpster and cried until they got scared she might come outside looking for them, well, that’s nobody’s business but their own.)
“The old Suzumi never quite worked up the courage to tell you all of this, but they really looked up to you, y’know? She was awestruck from the day you met. Renowned prodigy Tsubakura Enraku, this kid who was so smart, and educated, and accomplished, and cool, and attractive, and self-assured, and not even any older than she was? Who not only accepted her affections, but reciprocated them? Invited her to live with them? Ohh, she put you on a pedestal a mile high~! Gave them quite the inferiority complex, you did~ And then—“
“Don’t,” Tsubakura breathes, but she’s not done saying her piece yet.
“—The Accident happened. And what did you do? You blamed everything on her to save you own skin. While she was in the hospital, even! You betrayed her.”
“But that wasn’t—”
Hamee clamps a hand over their mouth and clucks her tongue disapprovingly. “It doesn’t matter what you thought you were doing. You’re smarter than that, Tsu~ba~ku~ra~. You know what it would’ve looked like. Felt like. And you certainly didn’t try to clear up any misconceptions with the higher-ups afterwards, did you~?”
Tsubakura looks mortified. It’s a good look on them.
Hamee chuckles and skims her hand down to the center of their chest. “And it broke Suzumi’s poor li’l heart~</3 Well, specifically Ardey’s, at that point. All her monumental faith in you just crumbled to dust. She’s wanted nothing more than good old-fashioned revenge on you ever since.”
Ardey’s silence in their head is palpable.
What? No pithy comments this time~?
Don’t talk to me right now.
If you say so~
Tsubakura’s heartbeat feels like a hummingbird caught beneath her fingertips, but they put on their best brave face. “And? What about you, Ha- whatever you said your name was. What exactly is your deal supposed to be?”
“Oh, me? Pretty little Hamee~? Well…” She gently cradles their head in her hands and leans in close, smiling serenely. Their already barely-stoic facade cracks just from that. “I never stopped seeing you as that beautiful, perfect genius that Suzumi idolized so! I still keep you up on that pedestal, Tsubakura-sama~<3 And all I want to do…” She whispers the last part in their ear like a catty schoolgirl telling a mean joke. “…is drag you down from it. Until you’re just as sad and broken as the rest of us~ Forever and ever <3”
And suddenly Hamal is there (still pretty hot, admittedly, but the effect is mitigated significantly by literally everything else about her), smiling without a care in the world, cupping Tsubakura’s face delicately in her hands like she isn’t currently out in a thunderstorm with a pistol tucked into her waistband, about to actually kill someone (specifically, YOU!!!) just to torment them. “Ohh, Tsubakura-sama… did you really think you could ever escape me~?”
When they tune back in to the present, Yabusame’s talking again. “—and a little while after you hung up, you sent me a photo of a handwritten note, and I didn’t really understand it, ‘cause the handwriting was weird and I think I didn’t know some of the kanji, but before I could ask you what that was all about, you deleted it, and none of my messages or calls have gone through since then!”
Tsubakura looks up from where they’ve been reflexively clutching at their head to see Yabusame standing over them all concerned, hands still out like she wants to touch them but can’t. (Right; she doesn’t know where they’re injured. They’re not 100% sure themself.) Mechanically, they reach down to grab their phone from their pocket and check it over. Nothing out of the ordinary except that there’s no trace of last night’s call, and Yabusame’s number is blocked and deleted from their contacts, which they quickly rectify. “Issue was on my end. Should go through now.”
“Okayyyyy…” Yabusame pouts, and then draws back a little and fidgets nervously. “Y’know, I checked for you here and at your favorite bar, and when you weren’t either of those places, I thought reeeeally hard about checking your apartment, but you said that if I ever popped into your apartment without an invitation again, you’d string me up by my ankles!” They briefly do an impression of Tsubakura lecturing them before getting even more subdued. “And, I figured, if you were at home, and Suzumi was there, ‘cause they’re always at home these days, that either Suzumi could fix the problem, or maybe Suzumi was the problem, and I was worried that me showing up maybe would’ve. Made it worse.” She tilts her head and looks at them imploringly, the platonic ideal of puppy-dog eyes. “Was that stupid of me?”
(There’s very little point in attempting anything else, even if they were able to; it all leads to the same outcome. She loves them when they struggle against her. She loves them when they love her back. She loves them when they give up entirely. She loves every single aspect of them. She loves the very concept of them. There’s nothing they could do that could possibly dissuade her. There’s no way to win anymore.)
Hoojiro’s brows knit together, but she doesn’t make any sort of remark about the strangeness of their behavior just yet, instead holding out their phone, which she must’ve retrieved from wherever it was they’d flung it last night. Or this morning, technically. Who cares. “Your phone. It sounds like Su-somebody’s calling?” She’s clearly trying to be delicate, but it’s on silent. She must’ve looked at the screen. She knows who it is.
Tsubakura deflates back into their chair, taking the phone only to drop it face-down on the table in front of them. (They don’t want to risk declining the call; that would just tell her that they’re awake and paying attention.) The jig is pretty much up anyway, so they bury their face in their arms and groan. They’re so tired. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know…”
Hoojiro shuffles and hesitates before addressing the elephant in the room. “Doctor, I… you claimed it was just an accident that you fell asleep here the other night, and when I left yesterday you told me you’d make sure to go home, but you clearly didn’t, and now it looks to me like your girlfriend has been unsuccessfully trying to contact you, so I guess what I mean to say is… How long have you been here? Really.”
Tsubakura groans again in response.
“Doctor,” Hoojiro admonishes.
“Shitodo,” they reply in a similar tone.
She sighs. “Tsubakura…”
They peek out at her guiltily. “…..Four days. I think.”
With the short hair, loose-fitting hospital clothes, and useless blackened limbs, they’re hardly recognizable as Tsubakura Enraku, genius prodigy, groundbreaking scientist, honorary Senri priest. But that person was killed decades ago along with everyone else (and thousands more times afterward for good measure), and all they are now is a lingering ghost left trapped in their own decaying corpse. Or maybe, if you just focus on the wan face, the dark, sunken eyes, they look like the exact same clinically depressed and perpetually exhausted Tsubakura Enraku that they’ve always been, just currently lacking any work or leisure or alcohol in which to drown themself so they can forget about the absurd tragedy that is their life. Hard to say; they’re kinda mixing their metaphors here.
“The angry one is called Ardey. Most of our ~trysts~ in the past have actually been with her fronting, but she decided it would be more practical to just straight-up kill you after you stopped wanting to have anything to do with us. Soooo she’s trying to pretend like she isn’t watching right now, teehee <3”
“She says hi~!”
Ok, this is all very. Beside the point. The point being that Tsubakura woke up to their girlfriend smothering them with a pillow. They attempt to calm down and take a deep breath, neither of which is made easier by Suzumi’s weight on their stomach. “So… uhh… did you just try to kill me?”
Suzumi laughs airily, but with an ever-so-slightly nervous edge. “Ohh, ‘kill’ is such a strong word…” She trails a finger down the underside of their jaw. “Really, what’s a little bit of suffocation between friends~?” She continues down their throat and traces along their collarbones. “If it helps, it was just a… mood swing thing. Shouldn’t happen again. I like making you squirm a liiittle too much to actually want to get rid of you~” She hooks the finger on the collar of their shirt and tugs.
“You’re trying to distract me now, aren’t you.” It’s hardly a question.
“Is it working?” Suzumi deadpans.
They should probably be more concerned, and will definitely start sleeping on the couch after this, but for now, Tsubakura swallows and makes a decision that is… not one of their smarter ones, to be honest. Whatever. Blame the oxygen deprivation, if you must.
“Well. You could be trying harder.”
“I always took you for granted, because I’m a black hole of a human being that just takes and takes and takes until there’s nothing left. I don’t know if there’s even any of the real you left in there, Suzumi. So:”
Tsubakura sinks down to one knee and reaches up a hand, their dark eyes as unreadable as ever. Hamee feels their heart skip a beat at the sight, but for all the wrong reasons. She won’t lie and claim that she hasn’t fantasized about setting up a scenario like this someday, buying a white dress and a real tux and rubbing in her victory over them with the “‘til death do us part”s and all that, but not like this. Not on their terms; not with them real and in the flesh and kneeling right here in front of her, acting out something that could’ve happened years ago if they’d been either a whole lot better for each other or just a little more stupid, but asking for a knife to the jugular rather than an “I do”. Everything about this is wrong.
“I’m giving myself to you,” Tsubakura says. “Will you take me?”
The police haven’t even bothered to get back to them about pressing charges (a laughable attempt, they know, but they had to try something) by the time Tsubakura’s old apartment goes up in flames, and the obituary of Suzumi Kuzu gets printed in the papers, accompanied by the awkward university ID photo of somebody they maybe loved, once. Just making it official that that person is long gone, they suppose.
(But they don’t believe she’s dead for even a second.)
Sex stuff is down here
They just keep having sex. It just keeps happening. I’m aroace-spec and actively religious; how did I get here? Where am I?? Hello????
The number of sex scenes I am writing around is absolutely crazy given that like. I literally can’t even bring myself to use the word “butt”. Tsubakura is mostly naked about half the time. I am matrix dodging specifics out here (to be clear all intercourse is either before/after the parts that I’m actually writing or it’s vaguely skipped over. Even if I wasn’t holding myself to particular language standards I’m always in it more for the emotional part of it and don’t care for the explicit sex stuff so everything I write should be M at most)
I am extremely aware that Hamal Cine Bad End is a lot (and definitely an extreme canon divergence; like perfect storm of things going wrong, Arde and Benet would have to be out of the picture, Hamal would need to get like 10000% less impulsive) and I’m very nervous about sharing any of it at all!! Uhhhhh what else to say about it… I’m trying not to be too gratuitous? The one actual beat-by-beat scene I have any plans for atm is much more focused on the psychological/torture aspects once it flips into gear (not particularly gory either)? Hopefully I’m handling it well? Idk I just hope if I do end up posting it that my writing speaks for itself. Stands on its own. Or whatever like you know what I mean
Ok moving on so you remember that first fic I was writing a few months ago and then abandoned? That fic was funny cause the whole idea I was going off of was using marriage as a metaphor for getting murdered (second to last snippet is a surprise cameo from that heehee; I couldn’t figure out how to write into it in a way that would make sense though) and if I ever published that one I would definitely have needed to put out a disclaimer that’s like “Yes I am happily married, yes I am aroace, yes I am only interested in super toxic shipping; I contain multitudes” (also no ace discourse please; despite the fact I could pass for allo in some ways I still choose to identify as aroace because my aro/asexuality affects a lot of areas of my life even if it’s not that visible to others)
I know I mentioned a while ago that I was projecting somewhat onto Suzumi but just to be clear I’m definitely also projecting onto Tsubakura. Sorry for giving them all my sexual preferences (and one very specific fairly minor parental trauma); it will happen again (that’s me on the left; I haven’t changed my pfp to reflect my current sona) (don’t mind the koala)
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sunnyshiftyy · 2 years
Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever - TE one shot
Book: The Elementalists, AU TW: I think none? Rating: PG Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC Words: 649 (short but sad) Summary: Basically hurting and angst? A/N: Long ago, there was a prompt that read ‘Sometimes forever doesn’t mean forever’. On a whim, I whipped this up, and lost it deep in the pits of my notes app. When I found it again, and read it, I actually liked it enough that I wanted to share it with the world. This is definitely an AU kinda thing. None of this in my actual headcanon storyline!!! It's a little different to what I normally write, but that's what will make me grow as a writer, right?
Now, I’m submitting this for the @choices-february2023 challenge for day 26 with the prompt ‘Fairy Tales’ (because forever is a fairy tale? My logic..)
Tags: @theclassycandy , @choices-february2023 , @choicesficwriterscreations
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future fanfics or TE content!
And on that note, I hope you enjoy!
Beckett’s POV
I don't know how this happened. I guess I should've done better. I should have been better. But I wasn't.
You know what she would say to that? 'You don't need to be better. You're you, and that's what I love about you.'
But she isn't here now, is she? So I can self destruct as much as I want.
Who am I kidding. The sunshine factor or what's-it-called has it's aftereffects. I won't self destruct. At least not on purpose. That's not what she would want for me.
I hate crying. Not because 'it shows weakness' or whatever nonsense ignorant fathers stomp into their sons heads. Because it's messy. Everyone gets all worried about you, but it's all a show. They don't care about how you feel. They care about the 'why'. Or about their own feelings. No one feels good when another person cries. They want that queasy feeling gone.
Luckily, I'm alone. No one to fake care about me now. Also no one to actually care about me now. The only one that did just left.
Did it come as a surprise? Yes and no. Initially, I was too stunned to say anything. But she made some sense after a few minutes. As much as she can make sense, of course. It's funny how she always managed to put two opposite ends together. Making complete sense and at the same time not. That's something only she could do.
When she came in, her face didn't raise any alarms in my book. I should have known. I should have been paying attention.
And then... I still can't make sense of what happened then. It's only been ten minutes, but it's already blurry. Maybe because of the tears I was holding back the entire time.
It's like something triggered a flight or fight response. That something obviously being me. She usually freezes. But this isn't the usual.
The whole time she was talking, I could not get myself to respond. Because I couldn't process exactly what she was saying. I have never heard her say such irrational things before. Oh Gods, she must've hurt immensely...
The things I did understand were 1) she had overthought everything about us and 2) she wanted us to stop being us.
I didn't think she meant it. That might sound very bad, but it's the truth. Just 24 hours ago she told me she couldn't live without me.
It hurt when she said, 'But I'll have to' a few minutes ago. She thought she was doing it for the good of us both. Then I finally started talking. I'll spare you the details, it was all very dramatic. It was one of those rare moments where I stopped thinking. I let the words do their thing. Very dangerous, but it didn't end too bad this time. To conclude, we both confessed we might die without each other.
I told you it was dramatic. My mind is going to love bringing this moment up again and again, letting me relive the painful awkwardness of it all.
Still, she decided to take the odds of death. I think. The uncertainty makes this all more frustrating.
All I can think about is that one night. That one night we talked about things we never told anyone. She cried, I almost cried, and we laughed and made all of it feel less life threatening. She didn't judge. She never judges. She understands.
That night she told me, 'I want to be with you forever.' I know she believed it then. I believed it then.
Sometimes forever doesn't mean forever.
Forever means as long as possible. Seems like we've reached our expiration date.
Forever is a promise, maybe even a wish. Forever doesn't even exist.
Forever is the only thing you know for certain isn't going to be happening.
And still, we all keep hoping on forever.
Hope you enjoyed!
A/N: If you want to know more about my OC’s in my TE universe, click here. If you want to read more, here’s my masterlist with all the fics on it! (dated <3) Another thing: you can find sneak peeks of future fics and other posts on my masterlist (indicated with coming soon!) Last thing: my asks are still open! If you want headcanons or anything, don’t be shy, ask some more :)
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iamjaynaemarie · 2 years
When I say I’m going on a hunger strike, no one cares. When I say I’m going to kill myself, no one cares when other people say they’re going to do it they get showered with attention and love and told not to do it.
I finally realized today that no one cares what happens to me. I am obviously worthless because no one believes I’m going to die or they just don’t care if I do.
I decided to leave this earth on my own accord. However, I will leave when my work is done. When I am gone, perhaps someone will be happy with my death because they weren’t too crazy about my life. I’m doing them a favor. But I’m also doing myself a favor. Why should I stay in a place? I am unloved and unwanted? I have given it a lot of thought, so this is not something I am doing on the spur of the moment. 
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It’s easy to fake happiness. I’ve been doing it for years.  I actually convinced myself that people cared about me. I made it this far pretending I was loved. Now that I know I’m not, I want to finish my work before I leave and then I will go where I will forget this life. True, the pain is unbearable, but my work is more important to me than anything in this world, and it needs to be completed. It is my life. And it will be the only thing that will continue living long after I’m gone. 
Maybe I’ll come back as somebody that people want to be around, care about, and love.  There is solace in realizing that you are truly alone in this world. You find peace with the death of expectation. You are truly free to be who you are when you know that you can be who you are and love who you are without having anyone tell you that you are worthless.  You would think that would be enough to live, but then loneliness sits in on occasion, and you have to realize that you do need to be loved by someone other than God and yourself.
Waiting for that to happen is like waiting for death itself, and it hastens the desire to leave the bounds of earthly existence. But no one should ever leave until their work is done. I am not a quitter. I would like to leave on a high note with my affairs in order. And then I shall be no more.*
*Do not try this at home. I am genuinely unloved. My family has told me and my friends as much. That was almost aborted and now believe I should have been. I was abandoned by my birth mother after my birth, and my adopted family after the death of my father. I am a truly an unwanted, unloved person. But those who think they are not loved truly are. You should stay here and make a difference in the lives of others. You should call 988.
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cutieyama · 2 years
Sorry I’m tumblr journaling again but just cuz I need a place to put my thoughts and I know no one checks my tumblr sooo this feels the safest. It’s annoying af tho Ik
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wildflowertips · 3 years
Hi! I was curious if you had anymore Kuroko fic recommendations? Thank you! 🥺💗
hey! 🥺 i do have more kuroko fanfic recs. i didnt know what type of kuroko ship you wanted, so here are a few from some kuroko ships <3:
Kagakuro Recommendations
the flower that blooms in adversity by aotetsu
When Kagami falls for Kuroko Tetsuya, a famous prostitute from the red light district, he manages to find a whole lot of trouble and a person worth it all.
this fic deserves more love and attention. kagami love for kuroko absolutely made me sob
Brothers in Woo by buttwade
in which Himuro jokingly offers to help Kagami win Kuroko over and the joke's on him
kagami is drunk & himuro cracks jokes. this fic is funny. jealous!kuroko
Beastly call by TCon
"You mean," Kuroko started. "You'd be my Heat Partner?" He didn't expect Kagami to explode into a myriad of different shades of red more impressive than his own hair. "Y — yeah tha's what I'm sayin'!" for some reasons he lapsed into english with an odd accent. KagaKuro Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics & Sex Pistols AU - Fusion
Lots of smut in the beginning. there’s crime, suspense, and i read this fic like 5 times.
Stamina Training by tnsxbunny
As the weakest member in the team, Kuroko stays back after basketball practice to train on his stamina. Kagami watches from afar and decides to show Kuroko what real stamina training is.
The advantage of being Kuroko by heartfilledteddybear
mayuzumi hits on Kuroko & Kagami gets jealous 🥵
Akakuro Recommendations
Forget me not flowers in our hair by miniaturepsycho
When Kagami is captured by a beast Kuroko doesn't think twice and bargains to take the red head's position instead but it seems that there is more to this castle than meets the eye, and what has it have to do with forget me not's?? Basically a beauty and the beast AU that I decided to do after seeing the live action (which I totally did not cry at, not at all!!) COMPLETE
Contains Aokaga. Akashi as beast & kuroko as belle. So good 🥺
All I ask by TsuruKuni
"It's none of your business." "Tell me, Aomine. How can it be none of my business when you're throwing away the only person I've ever wanted?"
THIS FIC MADE ME SOB AT 3 AM. I highly recommend listening to ‘All I ask’ by Adele. I promise you will cry. Aokuro & Akakuro.
Bridezilla by DancingMarshmallows
Weddings are stressful... try helping people plan them. With two months to get everything together, a bridezilla and her bitch of a maid of honor, and finding love at the worst time, Kuroko would be lucky if he makes it out alive.
CEO!Akashi & WEDDING PLANNER!kuroko. you will not regret reading this one.
That Ridiculously Long Dance by Harmonia_Silverberg
Aomine, Kise, and Kagami never learn, do they? But apparently their "joke" works in Akashi and Kuroko's favor this time.
literally one of my all time favorite akakuro fanfic
What Would Chihiro Do by anewtinystory
Akashi is dating Kuroko, whose two brothers are very protective of him.[Based on a Tumblr anon's prompt: Nijimura and Mayuzumi are Kuroko's brothers; while Nijimura approves of Akashi, Mayuzumi feels the opposite]
slight smut. protective bros. i love it sm.
Aokuro Recommendations
Traded Mistakes by Acetate, Chrystie, exuberant_imperfection, kate882, luckypen
For the prompt: Aomine having an accident and losing his memory so all he remembers is being best friends with Tetsu and he doesn’t understand how that could stop.
Angst, oh the angst 😫😭.
Third time’s a charm (or maybe fourth) by LajtHane
Aomine really didn't mean to crash into him at Quidditch practice.
HOGWARTS AU. if that doesn’t temp you, idk what will. My fav Aokuro fic.
Maybe a touch of your hand by skinandbones
[Written for AoKuroWeek 2015]: Aomine moves into a new apartment and befriends a ghost boy.
no bc this fic made me cry too. pls read it 🎶ifwehad5moreminutes🎶
The Boyfriend Jersey by exuberant_imperfection, kate882
Kuroko, in a half-asleep mistake, ends up wearing Aomine's jersey to school.
Hey, Come Here Often? by imabignerd
In which Momoi holds his magazines hostage, Aomine hates everything and everyone, and Kuroko is politely bewildered.
Aomine crushes on the lifeguard!Kuroko & Momoi is a little shit about it 😌🤍
Midokuro Recommendations
It’s Always your Fault! by warsandwich
Kuroko and Midorima are secretly dating, but Takao finds out their secret. De-anon from the anon meme.
Short, sweet, & funny 😌.
Partnership by Fayah
Their partnership starts in English class, but like everything else in their lives, turns into a matter of basketball.
Midorima really cares for Kuroko 🥺
Midokuro Ficlet by pandacchii
based off of imagineyourotp blog post: "Imagine your otp confessing while they were half asleep" Pairing: Midorima/Kuroko
short story but it’s really cute ☺️
An Unexpected Alignment by cinnaelle
Midorima Shintarou does not expect such a reoccurring encounter. But the wheels of fate are turning and Akashi moves his shogi piece.
well-written i love it sm. deserves more praise
The Way You Come Undone by oshare_banchou
"Midorima Shintarou is completely silent during sex. And Kuroko, who is both fascinated and frustrated by this discovery, wonders just how much it would take to make him come undone." - Kuroko/Midorima, in that order
do i need to say more? 😫
Kikuro Recommendations
Careless Whisper by DarkWoods
When Kuroko is dared to come up with some dirty talk, no one expects him to be good at it. Certainly not Kise.
my favorite kikuro fanfic. flustered!kise & tease!kuroko
如果的事 (If) by stormterror
People fall in love in many different manners. Love feels like many different things to many people, but Kise Ryouta thinks there's nothing that quite beats the feeling of being in love with Kuroko Tetsuya. [kise/kuroko]
SO GOOD I CRIED I SMILED SO HARD. pls kikuro deserves the world
Wires, Connecting by Bakagami
It's like being blind but not, like touching air, grasping at straws, voices dissipating and reverberating.
This story is locked so you need to login into ao3 to read it. PHONE SEX & DIRTY TALK 🥵
He Promised by imabignerd
Kise promised he'd smile for Kuroko the whole way through, all the way to the end.
Zombie apocalypse AU. Death. sobbing violently.
It’s a Small World by SilentSilhouette
Kise tries to find his soulmate through social media. Soulmate AU where a picture of your soulmate is tweeted to you on your sixteenth birthday.
This one made me crackle & laugh😂😂
Murakuro Recommendations
No Such Thing as Too Much Vanilla by plumtrees
Kuroko and Murasakibara have baking days. What do you mean it isn't canon?
baking!boyfriends & fluff 😌😉
Vanilla Cream by yoimrei
Murasakibara eats Kurokos ass after something Ahomine says which sparks his jealousy.
here me out first, the ass eating in this is *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏽🤌🏽
Philia by DarkWoods
That time Murasakibara and Kuroko started kinda-sorta fake dating, and kinda-sorta never bothered to break up.
Still going & i love this writer sm. i read all their stories 😙✌🏽
Lavender Secrets by SailorHikarinoMu
Kuroko was the one to bring out his true love for basketball, which had been hidden from prying eyes since the beginning. It was one of those things he was unsure whether he should feel grateful for, but all the same, it did mean something. What this 'something' was, exactly? Murasakibara did not know. Not yet.
Rainy by overdose
Kuroko listened to the rain pouring, and more importantly, Murasakibara's steady breathing.
smut. couch sex. size difference. 🥴
Hanamiya Makoto/Kuroko Tetsuya
Scotomas by Darkenedcrystal
After the game against Jabberwock, Kagami goes overseas and Kuroko finds himself without a light. A slightly angsty, rather light-hearted story about what happens to Kuroko after Kagami leaves. Features teens finding their way around life, Seirin without a light, the Generation of Miracles being a family, the teens finding love and appreciating the heartbreaks. Kuroko tries to find his own style without a light, and stumbles into the darkness that is Hanamiya Makoto instead. Extra chapter added!
love this fic so much. downside: akashi is kinda a dick
Of Unlikely Friendships, Sneaky Bets, Shogi and Sake by itsthechocopuff
Imayoshi had introduced his two favourite kouhai to each other as an experiment. He did not predict they'd get along so well, both being shadows, but they did, and they worked, oddly enough. Hanamiya brought out the worst in Kuroko, while Kuroko brought out the the best in the other; and they both caused heartattacks to unsuspecting teammates who could not believe their darling shadow was not as innocent as he seemed.
you wont regret reading this one omg
Haizaki Shougo/Kuroko Tetsuya
A Taste That Lingers by therealmoyashi
I couldn't say anything, and that was alright because he didn't want an answer. I'll never forget the way that tasted. Yeah, I thought, he ruined me.
i cried reading this for the first time. out of character kuroko
By the Tomatoes by Wayfarer_Rye
It starts with a blue-grey t-shirt that says "Nothing but Net".
Haizaki wants to try again.
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“I’d like to end up as a tree”
Marwan kenzari (31) won a gold calf last year for his role in the movie Wolf. As of next week he is to be seen in Bloedlink (/reckless), opening’s act of the Dutch film festival. “It’s not my place to say I’m good.”
“Acting offers the chance to become well acquainted with the complexities of being human. The Moroccan kick-boxer Majid in the movie Wolf had a fascinating interior life. His character was even easier to understand when he said nothing at all - I don’t think I’ve ever had as little lines in a movie. Rico in Bloedlink is completely different. He accidentally finds himself swept up in criminal business, but he’s actually just someone who’s had a whole slew of bad luck. In the movie his character undergoes a few very surprising U-turns. In my portrayal of him, I interpret all those different sides as honest, I find that interesting. In the movie, Rico does some paradoxical things, but he means all of them. Of course that’s simply not possible. That’s what makes him fascinating and tragic.”
“If I’m a good actor? That’s not my place to say. Sometimes you do the most interesting things you think are worthless in the moment. A movie is a collaborative journey, which, in the case of Wolf, I underwent with director Jim Taihuttu among others. Although I secretly did think during shooting: this will be fun. Wolf is an honest movie. The kick-boxing, the hits to the body, very little of that is pretend. Not that everything should be real in a movie, but this story required that. At a certain point I felt: this could be something really fresh in Dutch cinema. And it was.”
Peanut Butter
“Ever since that role, which I trained for quite extensively, I’ve found it increasingly important to stay in shape. It wasn’t a complete transformation; even beforehand I would exercise six times a week. But now I’m slightly addicted, yeah. It makes you mentally stronger, too. If I’ve been training on a Sunday at 7 am and then at 8 am I’m outside again, showered, refreshed and in shape while the rest of the city’s asleep, I’m 1-0 ahead. Scratch that: 10-0. I pay attention to my nutrition as well. Bread for example gives false energy. But I’m not always so strict. I get plenty of enjoyment from a good, white slice of bread with calvé peanut butter. And then fold it over, don’t cut it! You shouldn’t cut a sandwich, everyone knows that. Then you miss the first bite.”
Toneelgroep Amsterdam
“After the acting academy in Maastricht I was immediately invited to Toneelgroep Amsterdam. I was with them for three years, but found my attentions pulled towards film during that period. When the actors from TGA are - rightfully - expected to be fully available. We “broke up”, though that sounds too serious, with full, mutual agreement. I see the company as family and will be playing in Angels in America at the end of the month, in New York. Director Ivo van Hove has been very important for my development. I admire his knowing exactly what he wants, but also his ability to be unsure and searching, and to be able to be vulnerable about that. But I have to be fair to myself. I’m 31 now, and these are my most important years in film. While I hope to be an even better stage-actor when I’m fifty. I’m slightly further ahead in film than on stage. That development is tougher, needs more time and possibly total dedication. Stage is the motor in the actor’s car; film is a different muscle. But if Ivo calls me in two, or ten or forty years, he’ll be the first stage director I’ll say yes to.”
Pierre Bokma
“As the son of Tunisian parents in the Hague painters-quarter I didn’t come into automatic contact with theatre. As a kid I was mostly interested in football, the emotion you see on a player’s face when he scores - fantastic. At a certain point I realised that movies can affect you the same way, even though you know it’s fake. That’s the magic of acting. Through contacts I ended up with De Nieuwe Amsterdam, an in-between theatre course for teens for whom the leap to theatre school was perhaps a bit too big. I learned everything there: playwrights, Dutch actors, repertoire. You’re also taught which acting schools exist. And I thought: where did Pierre Bokma go to school? And Fedja van Huêt? That was Maastricht. It also appealed to me that they implemented Bijltjesdag: you might still be sent away halfway through the first year. I decided: if I’m going for this uncertain profession, maybe the best trial by fire will be going to a school where you aren’t sure if you’ll be allowed to stay. I was allowed, in the end. At the theatre academy I came into contact with art, philosophy, poetry. All of that was new. But it didn’t feel as if I was behind, I only saw it as a fantastic source of riches; as if I could try on all sorts of new glasses.”
“I never thought that this path wasn’t laid out for me, I just always let myself be lead by my passion and my dreams. My parents are happy for me; I have a good connection with both. My father is an amazing person - an accumulation of beautiful ingredients. He’s honest with himself, doesn’t spare himself and laughs a lot, that’s important to me. He might be made out of simple components, he’s from a huntersfamily, but for me these are the components that build a strong character. My dad can tell beautiful stories, about his life in Tunisia, about his old friends who aren’t with us anymore. Every year death takes someone new, and in that way a beautiful group of people slowly disappears, the protagonists of a generation. One lives close to the elements there, I find that fascinating. It’s so different to our life here. I’ll also never interrupt my dad when he starts on a story like that. Even if I’ve heard it before.”
“I’ve always said: I want to play a woman, a vampire, a Moroccan kick-boxer. I’ve succeeded in doing the last one. A vampire is a wonderful character. The beauty of their faces, the sensuality, the tragedy of never going outside during the day, and of course their never ageing; never dying, in fact. I’d like to never die. When I was a kid, I suffered a lot of nightmares. About falling and never landing. I had a hard time in the dream world, I wasn’t a big fan of night. It was, I think, a sort of inexplicable fear of dying. At a certain moment I grew familiar with those dreams, figured out how to influence them. I could for all intents and purposes check-out whenever it became scary. I became the director of my own dream world. When I was twelve, I fell in love, and then I was over it. I still have nightmares, like everyone else, but now I find them fascinating instead of threatening. Beautiful how your mind can make a story out of all sorts of ingredients. Sometimes I call my mother to talk about what a dream might mean. For example, I recently dreamt about my grandmother. ‘She thinks about you and loves you,’ my mother says.”
“I still know fear and uncertainty, but they don’t hinder me anymore. They’re two trusted companions now, who walk with me. They keep me sharp and hungry, and in a good way, they keep me on my toes. As long as they don’t hold me back, they can be here. Fear of dying is now simply fear of no longer living. If a way to live until you’re 377 is discovered tomorrow, I’ll be the first to sign up. I’d like to end up as a tree. Then you only need to have a care for wind, rain and sun.”
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maibi · 3 years
Ok, maybe I do like him
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Dabi x reader
Summary: lowkey enemies to lo lovers. When Dabi found out you got hurt by someone, he didn’t particularly take it well
A/N: got this random idea off of tiktok and decided to write about it lolz also not completely proof read sorry
You didn’t like Dabi. You didn’t like how he walked as if he was the main character. You didn’t like how he always followed behind you just so he could irritate you. You didn't like his face, that smug smile that appeared when he succeeded in irritating you and that frown when you said to him to leave you alone. You didn't like him. And he didn’t like you.
“Look out!”
You spun around quickly, ready to punch whoever tapped your shoulder, but glared when you saw Dabi standing behind you while he was laughing. 
“I swear if you come closer to me one more fucking time I will destroy the rest of your not purple skin”, you said giving him a death glare.
“Oh no, I got so scared my tear ducts almost started working again”, he said with a fake concerned look.
“If you don’t stop I will make sure none of the ducts on your body work”, you said as you walked away from him.
“Oh come on, that was funny”, he said as he walked faster coming closer to you so that he walked next to you, shoulders almost touching.
“If that shoulder of yours touches mine I'll make sure it doesn’t touch anything anymore. And for god’s sake leave me alone”, you said, closing your eyes and breathing in heavily.
“Fine fine”, he said as he slowed down his pace. “But will you miss me?”
“No”, you casually said as you walked away from him and left his standing alone on the street.
You didn’t like him. But you still turned around to see if he was still following you. But you regretted that you did, because the second you turned your head slightly he was standing barely inches away from your face. “If you wanted a good bye kiss you could have just asked me one.”
You placed your finger on his forehead and pushed him away from your face. “Did you eat tuna for breakfast or something?”
He looked slightly taken aback, but smiled right after. “Why? Wanna have a taste?”
“If it means spending more time with you, than no”, you said as you turned around and put your hand in the air midway. “Hope to not see you around.”
“That breaks my heart”, he said in a playful tone as his laughter faded the more you walked further away from him. 
You didn’t like to give him the attention he wanted. You made sure to do the exact opposite. You knew he’d irritate you even more, but as much as you hated him it was in some way some an enjoyment. You were bored quickly so having him around wasn’t always as bad, though he never knew his limits.
You smiled to yourself and walked further down the street. You didn’t really have a destination in mind, you just walked. Wherever you would land is where you’d stay. It was a continues cycle. 
You weren’t really paying attention but when someone grabbed your hand you quickly spun around. “Dabi for god’s sake not no-”
You stopped talking the second you saw that it wasn’t Dabi. “Who are you?”, you asked with frown while looking the man up and down.
“You alone?”
“Why do you care about that?”, you asked. 
His grip on your wrist tightened and even though you didn’t like to admit it, it hurt. You tried to pull away but the size of this man made you realize it was as good as impossible. 
“Why don’t we go to my place huh? Have a little fun. I see you a lot, wandering around the city on your own, thought you might wanted some company”, he said as he inched closer to your ear. 
“I’ll decline, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff”, you replied, trying to pull your arm away from him. But no luck.
“Don’t be shy, I'll be gent-”
You didn’t think any further and just crashed your head against his face, making him stagger back, his grip didn’t loosen, but you punching your two fingers to his throat did. And the second he let go you ran. You tasted iron and when you brought your hand up to your face you noticed your nose was bleeding. 
Trying to wipe that all away was the reason you didn’t look in front of you. While running so hard you just ran into someone, making the both of you fall down. Your head felt a little dizzy, but you regained yourself so that you could run away. You just gave the person a simple sorry, not even looking at their face just so you get away quickly. But you were stopped by a pair of hands around your wrist and you felt a stinging pain.
You turned around and took a good look at the person and saw Dabi in front of you with a worried look on his face. “Shit face not now”, you hissed at him as you tried running again, but his grip on your wrist, that had been previously abused by the man, didn’t loosen. “Dabi I’m serious, let me go.”
He didn't react and only looked at your wrist. It had a red color and it already started to bruise lightly. He looked at you and pulled you closer to him. He looked deep into your eyes and brought his hand to your face. You flinched and closed your eyes, but he didn't move any further with his hands. “I’m not gonna hurt you”, he whispered. He brought his hand closer to your face now and slowly wiped the blood away from your nose even though it was still running. 
He looked at your wrist again. “Who did this?”
“For fuck’s sake Dabi it doesn’t matter just let me go”, you said looking behind him to see if the stranger was coming and when you saw him you panicked again. 
Dabi didn’t budge and with half closed eyes he stared deep into your eyes. “Don’t make me repeat myself. Who did this to you?”, he said in a murderous tone. 
He looked behind him and when he was the man coming closer to the two of you he knew exactly it was him. He didn’t have to think twice about your facial expressions because he knew you. He knew you too well. 
He let go of your wrist and walked up to the man. And he did something that you didn’t expect to happen. He protected you. He helped you and got himself hurt just so you wouldn’t have to fight him. Just so you could be safe. 
And strangely, you felt your heart skip a beat at that moment.
Later around the evening you were walking a limping Dabi to his place. You never knew he actually lived somewhere and you thought he was just a street bird like you. But apparently not. 
“You know, you didn’t have to go overboard like that”, you said in an almost whisper while you walked him inside of his place. 
He didn’t answer. 
You helped him sit on the couch and you slumped next to him. “We should get your wounds treated. Where is the first aid kit?”
“It’s okey, leave it for now”, he said, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
“Come on don’t be a bitch about it and just tell me.”
He didn’t answer and just stood up with a sigh. He walked away, out of your field of vision and came back later with a pack of ice and the first aid kit. You reached out to take it from him but he placed it next to him and put the ice pack on your wrist with a towel around it. He took out some cotton pads and wetted them. He started to slowly rub them around your nose area to clean up the blood that had dried there.
You held his wrist and stopped his movements. “You made me drag you here to your place, but you walked perfectly fine to get the first aid kit?”
A smug smile appeared on his face, but it was weaker than normal. You didn’t really question it, but it stayed in the back of your head. “Dabi, I'm not in the mood to play around right now, you little dick!”, you said as he let out a breathy laugh.
“I can agree with many names you call me, but I can assure you dick is not small”, he winked at you. 
Your face flushed red and you hit his chest to silence his laughter. “I’m being serious here”, you said.
“So am I”, he said in a more serious tone as he continued cleaning your nose. 
You let him do that and while he was busy you stared at him. You never knew you’d come to the realization that Dabi wasn’t that bad of a person and definitely not bad looking. His blue eyes made you want to stare for a long time and his piercings were a different story you were interested in. But the main thing you were interested in was-
“Why did you help me out there?”
He stopped his movements and with his head slightly down he turned his eyes only in your direction. He didn’t answer yet and only stared at you. 
“I mean, I'm never really nice to you and we’re basically always at each other’s throat. So why exactly did you help me?”
“Because”, he said as he walked away with the blood stained cotton and came back empty handed, sitting next to you again, but closer ,“I care about you and I worry myself over you getting injured.”
He just casually explained it like that as if was nothing. You felt your face heat up, but because you knew he’d make fun of you, you turned your head to the side. 
“Your ears are red”, he pointed out and you could basically hear him smile.
“I’ll make your face red if you keep coming at me like that”, you said in annoyance. 
You felt him scoot closer, but you tried to not show a reaction. His hand came to your face and with his fingertips placed on your chin, he turned your head so that you were facing him. “You don’t always have to be violent against me”, he said in a whisper as he inched your face closer to his.
“Then make sure I don’t have to”, you whispered back as you closed your eyes and your lips met. You melted in his touch and something never felt so right but so wrong at the same time. This was person you were supposed to hate.
But you came to the realization. You came to the realization that you did like the way he walked so confidently as if he was the main character. You loved the way he followed behind you because you knew he did it to protect you. You liked his face, the way he smiled when he got your attention and the way it furrowed when you left him when he desperately wanted your attention. And you thought to yourself that maybe you didn’t hate him and that maybe perhaps he didn't dislike you either. 
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asmo-ds · 4 years
I've seen alot of headcanons about Simeon turning into a demon, but how would everyone react if Luke managed to turn himself into a demon 🤔 Like maybe he didn't amount up to Celestial Standards (I headcanon the Celestial realm is kinda weird due to the events of the anelic event) and then he made some type of minor violation and they kicked him out of heaven to avoid the possibility of him growing up to be undesirable in the Celestial Realm
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When a Child Falls
Luke-centric ANGST & FLUFF
Warnings: Pain, falling from heaven, Luke hurting :(
Summary: After failing to live up to the standards of his superiors Luke is kicked out of the Celestial Realm and becomes a demon. Luckily for him the exchange program had given him so many new and old friends who wanted nothing but to help the poor child despite any bitter past they may have had with him
a/n: i was gonna do headcanons but then i was like what if i make a whole one shot about him falling and everyone helping him adjust to his new life and uh yea <3
Also this didn’t come out as angsty as I wanted it to but demon brothers comforting a fallen Luke >>>>>>>
He tugged on his own arm, begging for the elder angel to release him and give him a second chance, his once hopeful blue eyes filled with tears and terror. 
“Stop, I swear I just need more time, PLEASE!” Luke cried, punching the elder’s arm and attempting to pry his wrinkly hands from Luke’s small forearm. The elder yanked Luke’s arm harder, resulting in a distressed cry from the short blond.
Luke tried to steady his breathing as they approached the boundaries of the Celestial realm, where he was to be pushed off for his failure to earn his wings in a timely manner. The Celestial realm saw him as useless and decided they would be better off discarding a weak angel like himself.
“LET HIM GO, PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS!” Luke could hear Simeon’s breaking voice screaming at the elders who held him back from Luke to prevent any interference, “JUST LET ME SAY GOODBYE PLEASE,” he begged to which the elder finally agreed and the two embraced tightly. “Luke you listen to me, you get to the Devildom you go STRAIGHT to Lucifer, he helped his brothers and himself through his fall he can help you, please, trust him with at least getting you through the transition then you can hate them again or whatever you want, pl-”
“I get it, Simeon, I promise I won’t let you down,” Luke interrupted, tears falling from his eyes onto Simeon’s broad shoulders. 
“Times up. Luke come to the edge, stand here,” an elder guides him into position. 
Luke’s hearing starts ringing as his adrenaline kicks in, the fear of death and disappearing from existing overwhelming him. His breathing grew fast, and before he knew it, he felt a push and wind pounding against his skin as he fell, and fell, and fell, until he saw the Devildom soil and he tensed, preparing for the worst.
Instead of hitting the ground he hears a fwoosh and finds himself caught in strong arms.
“Luke! What happened, where is Simeon? A young angel like you shouldn’t be down here all al-” Lucifer starts questioning the angel, concerned to see the small boy falling from so high. He was interrupted by a cry of agony, Luke pushed away from Lucifer, doubling over and screaming as the pain began to set in.
Lucifer recognized the transition immediately and how badly it hurt his brothers, so he gently approached the young boy, who glared at him with teary pained eyes, and he murmured a spell, before darkness washed over Luke.
His innocent blue eyes fluttered open, not recognizing his surroundings, he sat up quickly, wincing and hissing as his back was suddenly filled with unbearable pain. 
Oh that’s right, I fell. They pushed me and now…His eyes snap open, remembering the feeling of falling, but nothing that happened afterward.
“I have… to find… Lucifer..” Luke spoke to himself, taking short breaks between every few words to take a painful breath, feeling his ribcage expand and contract as his wheezing continued.
“I’ve already found you, Luke, you’re in one of the bedrooms of the Demon Lord’s Castle. Please lay back and take off your shirt, your back is bound to be in a lot of pain, this serum will help.” The blond flinches as Lucifer rises from a chair next to the bed where he laid. 
Luke raises his arms and let Lucifer take off the shirt before laying on his stomach.
He hears Lucifer’s breath catch in his throat as he stares in horror at Luke’s back, where wings were starting to form, dark and mangled with feathers tangled and in need of a cleaning.
So like that, Lucifer kept Luke safe and took care of him whilst the other brothers prepared a room at the House of Lamentation for him to stay.
“Luke, I’ve brought you some tea and cake,” Barbatos walks into the bedroom carrying some snacks and drinks for the injured boy.
“Thank you Barbatos, I missed your cooking,” Luke smiles slightly before taking a big bite of cake and groaning. “Like, I really missed it-”
“Yes, Barbatos makes splendid food, which is why I keep him around!” Diavolo winks, nudging Barbatos with his elbow a bit.
“Actually sir, you only keep me around because no other demon has been able to keep up with your antics-”
“ANYWAY, Luke your wings look like they’re growing in nicely, and so do your horns,” Diavolo walks over to examine Luke’s new form. “You’ll probably be in a lot of pain for at least a few more days, but if you want to get situated into your new home we can let you go and just check in on you everyday.”
“Uh… I don’t want to intrude at the House of Lamentation, if it’s going to be any sort of burden to them-”
“Nonsense, my brothers and I are glad to take care of you and take you in, you experienced the same fate as us, albeit for different reasons, but still, we know your pain and we want to guide you so please, Luke, let us help you,” Lucifer places a reassuring hand on Luke’s shoulder as he says this.
“...Okay, BUT no calling me a chihuahua- GOT IT?!” Luke pokes Lucifer’s chest aggressively and earns a hearty chuckle from him.
“I agree not to call you a dog anymore,” Lucifer laughs out, “though I cannot speak for my brothers.”
“I can’t believe the chihuahua of all people got kicked out…” Mammon says, still in shock that the angel who had been so determined to make people smile just a year before during the exchange program had somehow managed to get himself thrown out of heaven.
“I remember when I almost didn’t earn my wings in time,” Asmodeus shudders at the memories of being threatened with exile and constantly pushing himself way too hard, “I got so many wrinkles from the stress.”
“Luke makes good food, I’m glad he’s staying with us.” Beel’s mouth was watering as he and Mammon moved a dresser, finally finishing getting Luke’s new room in order.
“Oi, try to be sympathetic when he gets here Beel. He may be a little annoying kid but he’s going through what we went through,” Mammon scolded his younger brother, an uncomfortable silence taking over the room as each and every one of them remembers the pain they were in as their bodies morphed into those of demons.
“God is such an asshole…” Belphegor mutters, getting extremely angry the more he thinks about it.
Luke had done nothing wrong, Lilith had done nothing wrong, so why? Why would he keep getting rid of the most determined of his angels over such insignificant things?
Suddenly all their phones go off with a text from Lucifer saying he and the boy would be arriving soon. They all gathered in the entrance hall, waiting for Luke to arrive. The front door creaked open, all of the brothers standing up straighter and nervous as Lucifer stepped through the entrance with Luke just behind him. 
The brothers all gasped quietly in shock at the state of Luke. He was pale and thin and the look of complete and utter despair in his formerly innocent eyes filling the room with a depressing atmosphere.
“H-hey there Fido- I mean- Luke, how’re you feeling?” Mammon tries to start up a welcoming conversation, getting a nasty look from Lucifer, who Luke was clinging to for dear life.
“Luke! As soon as you’re feeling able to, what do you say we bake something together?” Beel smiles sweetly, most of them getting nothing but nervous looks from Luke in response to their questions.
“I’m just going to help him get settled in. Satan you’re in charge of everything else around the house while I take care of Luke and my own paperwork.” Lucifer guides Luke up the stairs.
Satan rolls his eyes but mutters a small “fine,” before the two head upstairs to the attic, where they’d set up the room to look just like the dorm he stayed in at Purgatory Hall.
“Oh wow, it feels like I’m back in the exchange program,” Luke chuckles a little, clearly faking any sort of joy.
“Luke,” Lucifer kneels down, “you are one of my brothers now, you have nothing to fear, and Simeon will be able to visit at some point-” His attempt to ease Luke’s worries is interrupted by a loud sob.
“Don’t you get it?! Michael and Simeon will never look at me the same, ever again!” Luke wails, using his sleeves to wipe the tears that streamed down his face. “All I ever wanted was to impress them! To impress God and make humans happy and protect them! But now my natural instinct to hurt humans ruins any chance of me becoming the person I’d always thought I’d be!” Luke falls to his knees, sobbing and wheezing, his vision becoming blurry as a panic attack hits him like a truck. He can barely hear anything except for Lucifer calling out a name, and all he could make out was that it wasn’t his own name. A dark figure walks into the room and Luke hears muffled voices for a minute before he is suddenly extremely calm, his eyelids growing a bit heavy and he feels exhausted.
He then realizes someone was holding him and murmuring some sort of spell, causing him to panic once more, but this time he was perfectly aware and just jumped up ready to fight.
“Hey you dirty demon! Don’t use your dark magic on me or else I’ll-”
“Pfft hahaha,” Belphegor laughs hard, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “you still look like a chihuahua when you get annoyed!” Belphie teases and Luke blushes, before running at Belphie and tackling him, leading to a wrestling match on the floor as Lucifer stands by and watches the two of them closely, to ensure nobody got hurt under his watch. 
Dinner was the worst, to be honest. Luke had asked Lucifer if he could cook to say thanks for taking him in, but now he sat awkwardly and all of the brothers remained quiet, watching his every move and watching him like he was an injured little puppy.
“I-is the food not good?” Luke questions looking around nervously.
“AH- no its great Fido- LUKE, ah jeez I’m getting a headache this is so hard to adjust to,” Mammon slams his head on the table, earning a glare from Asmo and Satan who he sat between.
“Anyways, I know you’ve been to the Devildom before and don’t really need a tour BUT you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more places to go!” Asmo smiles widely at Luke, “So let’s go together soon, okay?”
“Ooooh Luke, you have to tell me what Celestial Realm video games are like, GAH I wish we had waited to start a war until after the invention of video games. Anyway I got a new one so I can show you a Devildom game and-”
“Shut yer trap Levi,” Mammon leans over the table to attempt to cover Levi’s mouth.
“But let the GREAT Mammon show ya all the best spots in town~”
“NO-no do not take the child Gambling, Mammon,” Asmo smacks him.
“Asmo for all we know you’re gonna scar him and take him to a strip club,” Belphegor smirks, knowing he just started a war.
“I WOULD NEVER, COME HERE YOU BRAT,” both of them in demon forms chasing each other around the house and screaming.
Suddenly everyone hears a child’s laughter and looks at the blond who had barely even smiled since arriving.
“We can try to do everything you guys want to show me,” Luke smiles. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief seeing that Luke was feeling more comfortable around them. “Um, question though… how do I go in and out of my… demon form?” 
“HAH that’s easy, just relax and let the GREAT Mammon teach ya!”
“Mammon, not yet. Luke, I will teach you, but we need to wait a bit longer or else the pain of transforming will be unbearable for you,” Lucifer looked down at the disappointed boy.
“Oh, ok.”
“Don’t look so gloomy Fid-LUKE JEEZ LOUISE- there's a lot the GREAT Mammon can teach ya in the mean time!” Mammon stands up with a cocky smile, hands on his hips. “Think of me as ya new master and you are my apprentice!”
“NO do not think of him like that he will make you do his dirty work,” Satan says, hitting Mammon in the stomach.
“Thank you,” Luke looks at Lucifer, “thank you for taking me in, I-I know we don’t have the best past and I was super rude towards demons during the exchange program but-but I’m trying to change for you guys! Thank you!” Luke bows his head, tears falling down his cheeks. The knowledge that he can never go back to the way he was bringing on more tears, but they didn’t mind. They’d been through the same process. So silently they all comforted him and welcomed him into their home with  open arms.
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liums · 4 years
Xiao X Mc/reader who is afraid of thunders/lightings. also fluff
Hello~ here's a small note: I wrote Xiao as a mix of his eng voice lines and Chinese voice lines, since they make him sound completely different.
Aka his eng makes him sound like he is edgy, aggressive and tsundere as hell, but his original voice lines and voice acting, The chinese, make him sound like a lonely, calm person.
here we go then:
-You and Xiao had quite the weird relationship, for all that matters you didn't think he thought of you as a friend, but you weren’t strangers either. sometimes, more often than not, when you went to the upper balcony he wouldn’t vanish in thin air.
- That had to mean something right? RIGHT?
- those were the thoughts passing through your mind as you stood in the upper balcony at night, looking at no particular point of liyue.
-you let out a heavy sigh and as you turned around to return to your room- you found yourself in front of Xiao.
- You took the scare of your life. though this happens almost every time he would just appear near you when you thought to be alone.
- Xiao just made his way over to the balcony and stood there looking over at liyue. Now that you calmed down a bit and started looking at the Yaksha, you noticed his hair was a bit messier than usual if that is even possible, and that there was some blood in his clothes.
-You wanted to ask what happened, but it was probably a bit too obvious, so you just returned to your place at the balcony, this time, with Xiao beside you.
- “You were returning to your room” Xiao said after a while of silence.
- “ Well, I decided to stay a while longer, I haven’t seen you in almost a week, and I'm sure if I go to sleep now I won’t see you again for a couple days” you stated with a hand making vague gestures in the air. You heard a small “humph” from him and both of you went silent again.
-Moments like these were becoming more and more frequent recently, and even when neither the two of you would say something, you thought it was quite enjoyable….out of curiosity you took a glance at him, and holy archon, the man was beautiful. ahhh..those fierce eyes looked so calming to you…and you could swear there was a very small hint of a smile on his face, though it was most definitely your imagination working up, you wouldn’t mind staying like that for a couple hours….
-And of course
-As if to ruin the moment.
-It began raining ….
-It was just a bit of rain and it didn’t bother you, and Xiao clearly didn’t care about it. So you just began playing with the drops who fell in the balcony support. And then you heard it. A ferocious thunder in the distance. You gave a little jump and froze on the spot.
-You probably just heard it wrong right? hah, why now? you weren’t eve- “I have seen many mortals who fear lightning… Incomprehensible, fear of something so com-” Xiao had not the time to finish his phrase before he felt something, or rather, someone, grabbing his sleeve and letting go not one second after.
- He was a bit startled since you had never dared to do this sort of thing. However when he looked at you to say something about it, your face was more white than the almond tofu he had this morning, and the words he wanted to say instantly died on his throat.
“Xia-”*thunder* you wanted to apologize, but you were yet again interrupted by that ominous sound and froze on spot, Your knuckles already white from the force you were exercising on the balcony support.” I …I think I’ll go back inside now haha…” you faked a small laugh and hurried inside without paying further attention to Xiao.
-Xiao just stood there looking in the direction you left to with his usual stoic face, but I assure you he was just ????????????????????? as possible on the inside.
-It has been a while since you wrapped yourself in blankets and covered your ears to minimize the sound of the thunders, your eyes were shut and you sometimes mumbled some words to yourself. And so, when Xiao approached your door and knocked you didn’t hear him.
-Well Xiao didn't know why he hadn’t left yet, but he also wasn’t going to come into your room without your permission, so he just stood there. He was going to knock again when he heard you give a shriek.
And at that moment one hundred thoughts crossed Xiao’s mind, and 99 of them included you being in danger, So in a split second Xiao’s spear was in his hand and your door was no more.” Y/N!?” Xiao called while rapidly scanning the room with his eyes.
You did hear a loud bang, but with your hands covering your ears, every sound sounded muffed, so you thought it to be another thunder. With your eyes still closed all you could do was pull your legs even closer to your chest. Now seeing you physically unharmed was like a pain killer to Xiao, his racing mind finally calmed down and he let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t sense any sort of demon in the room so that was obviously not the case. The only thing left was finding out what was happening to you, yes he thought you were a bit weird, but this was not like you. And honestly speaking Xiao preferred to fight some demon, not because he didn’t want to interact with you, but rather because he was aware of how bad he was when dealing with human emotions.
With his spear no longer in sight he approached your bed, “y/n” he called in a plain voice, however, since you showed no signs of opening your eyes anytime soon, he reached your shoulder and lightly touched it “y/n.”-  As soon as you felt someone touching you your first reaction was to reach for your sword that was beside the bed, Xiao had expected this much to happen, but he didn’t move a single muscle, and of course as soon as you saw it was Xiao, you just dropped the sword without a second thought and quickly began apologizing” Xiao I-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to- I didn't hear you coming in….” you turned your face to the other side since you could feel your eyes wet and didn’t want Xiao to see you like this.
Xiao on the other side noticed you were avoiding his eyes right away because somehow you had developed the annoying tendency to always look in his eyes whenever you were speaking with him, well, he says annoying, but if you’d stop doing it out of the blue, he would feel weird and a bit bothered since he had grown comfortable with you doing it.
Xiao narrowed his eyes a bit, he wanted to know what could have possibly caused this sort of behavior from you and moved so he could see your face. You had stopped covering your ears ever since Xiao had touched your shoulder, so when he yet again attempted to call your name and a thunder soared in the background, you gave another shriek and froze for a split second, seeing this, Xiao got more worried again. Could it perhaps be that you were afraid of him???? But you had never feared him once, despite his attempts to shoo you away at first. So why would you fear him now??? Yes, his clothes had “a bit” more blood than usual but that would hardly make you fear him, right???
“Aha… I’m sorry Xiao, I left so abruptly” you began explaining, interrupting his train of thoughts. You were still with your legs close to your chest, but now you were playing with your own hands, still not looking directly at Xiao. “As you can see I'm fine, so there is no need for you to be here, I don’t want to be-”
“I’m not leaving until this situation is explained. Now talk.” Xiao had crossed his arms again. Aha…he really doesn’t know how to sugarcoat his words even when he’s worried, does he? But in your eyes, this was a very cute trait he had.
“It’s really a trivial matter, I don’t want to bother you” you had a small forced smile while looking at your own hands.
Xiao crossed his arms “I thought I told you to speak my name whenever you were in trouble” Well, that was not entirely the truth, he told you to speak his name whenever death came to you, or monsters, or knives at your throat, so obviously fear of thunders was not on the list, but of course you wouldn’t say this out loud. ”I’m not leaving until you explain. Talk” His voice sounded a bit aggressive and intimidating, but there was more than a hint of worry in it, so you gave up. You looked at him with a bit of reluctancy and sat more properly in your bed. Then you gestured to a chair that was by your bedside. Xiao sat and waited for you to start explaining.
You took some time to start speaking, and Xiao could only prepare himself for what you were going to say, as the vigilant Yaksha, the conqueror of demons there would hardly be a problem he wouldn't be able to solve for you. And when you finally opened your mouth, he couldn’t help but focus his eyes on you. “I….” You began ”I’m afraid of thunders….” once again you shifted your gaze to somewhere else. Xiao had lived thousands of years, dealt with countless problems and witnessed millions of troubled mortals begging for adepti help but this was something he had never expected.
He didn't know what to say, obviously thunders were insignificant to him, much less something to be afraid of. But you were afraid of them, what possibly could he say?????? Xiao was now in an internal conflict, of course on the outside he still had that poker face of his, eyes a bit widened with surprise while still glaring at you. If it were in another situation you would have probably thought something along the lines of “how can a thousand years adepti have such a cute and Innocent face….” but this was not the time nor the place.
“I bet you didn't expect that…” you smiled sadly as you hugged your legs. Xiao wanted to help, he really did, but how??? He had never dealt with this. He had started to think maybe you would be better without him there and should have left you alone, you had dealt with this situation a lot of times and you probably knew how to deal with it.
He really was about to get up when another thunder soared, a fierce one at that, and you unconsciously grabbed his sleeve. “Don’t leave…!”The words left your mouth before you could stop them. The ferocious Yaksha froze, you were looking at him, your eyes wetter than before and an expression of fear and despair on your face. This was happening way too many times recently, an adeptus like him shouldn’t be so easily surprised, and by a human no less. The thought of leaving left his mind immediately, and if he had slightly left the chair, Xiao sited again right away. He really couldn’t leave now.
Once you realized you had grabbed his sleeve again you slowly released it hoping he didn't realize you had grabbed onto it in the first place, was this becoming a habit????? it already happened twice!. On the other hand, Xiao obviously noticed, and that was one of the reasons a weird and warm sensation began growing in his chest.
“..Xiao I-”
As you were about to speak when Xiao cut you “Go sleep, I’ll be here”, he said with his eyes closed and a solemn expression. Well, Xiao had no experience dealing with this kind of situation nor he knew what to do, but if you said for him not to leave, he wouldn’t.
You were about to say he didn’t need to, and that he probably had other things to do, but three consecutive thunders were heard as if to say “shut up and thank him!!” So you just noded and covered yourself with blankets.
Now that Xiao was aware of the source of your unwellbeing, every time there was a thunder he would shoot a deadly look at the window with the corner of his eyes as if he could actually make them stop. After one final glance at your figure, he turned his head to the window, just calmly gazing at the rain, still, there was this protective aura you could feel from him.
Even looking at the window, Xiao could feel you flinch every time he heard a thunder, however after a while, you stopped, maybe you fell asleep. Even if that was the case he still stood there for a good half an hour. He probably wouldn’t admit it, but he was enjoying the ambiance.
When he looked at you as if to check everything was alright, it finally hit him “What am I still doing here?”. Without further thought, he stood up and was about to leave your bedside when he felt something slightly tugging onto him. When he looked over…. yes, you guessed it. You were peacefully grabbing the end of his sleeve.
You see, earlier when Xiao was looking at the window and you were trying to ignore the thunders and sleep, you sometimes stole a look at him, and in one of those times, you noticed part of his sleeve was on your bed, and reaaaally close to your hand at that. You looked at it for some seconds, and lightly touched it, then quickly looked at xiao, and since he didn't seem to notice, you slightly shifted your body closer to him and rested your hand on his sleeve. When you moved your head closer to your hand and his sleeve, you felt his scent filling you. You had never noticed since you never had got close enough to feel it, but he smelled like sandalwood and rain. After this, you stopped hearing the thunders and slowly fell asleep.
With anyone else, Xiao would have just pushed his sleeve and keep on his way, but it was y/n, a sleeping and fragile y/n. Xiao never thought of you as fragile, but recently he was always wary of his own strength when he was near you. And somehow, this situation had ignited that weird feeling on his chest again.
Xiao crouched down a bit and gently tried to pull his sleeve, he didn't want to risk waking you up, so as gently as a Yaksha could he grabbed your hand to move it to the side, and for some reason, even if adepti don’t feel hotness or cold, he was sure his face felt hotter than it should, how many years had it been since the last time he willingly had physical contact with someone? Back to the matter at hand, while Xiao was trying to put your hand away so he could remove his sleeve, somehow you had managed to grab his wrist instead, and when Xiao had finally freed his sleeve, it was now his arm that your hand was tugging into. He tried to move it out of there but you just pulled his wrist against you.
Now Xiao really needed to pull his arm out, he didn’t want to touch any part of your body without your consent. However when he slightly tried to move his arm out, you tugged him closer, fortunately, you pulled upwards, in the direction of your face. And even tho he let out a sigh of relief his face got more red than before once he felt your soft breath on the back of his fingers, his piercing eyes were wide as a scared cat, If you were to pull him an inch closer your lips would touch his fingers, so Xiao didn’t dare to move again.
As the morning light began touching your eyelids, you slowly began waking up, shifting your body to the other side of the bed so the light wouldn’t hit your eyes, and stretching your body in a lazy way, after that you yawned and finally opened your eyes, still adjusting to the light you rubbed them a few times and slowly sat on your bed,” Good morning Xiao*Yawn*…!!!*cough cough* XIAO!?” only then did you notice there was a figure standing by your bedside, staring at you.”I- wh-what are you doing here??”
Xiao himself had only scaped from you some minutes ago, when you began waking up. He had just finished rubbing his still warm arm when you noticed him ”You are awake” he said in his usual tone. You slowly began getting up but before your foot touched the ground you began recalling what happened last night. “Oh dear Archon, how could have I said such things?? To Xiao nonetheless? ‘Don’t leave’??how come I said that!? Did Xiao really spend his night here??” You thought while trying to compose your messy clothes, failing a couple times before getting it right.
Amidst your thoughts, you head Xiao’s steps, and quickly turned to him in a weird way “ Ah-!Xiao, you shouldn’t have- hm? Xiao? what’s wrong with your face?” You slightly turned your head a bit to the side to see better a slight red shade in his face “Did he get bruised while fighting?” you thought.
However Xiao’s eyes narrowed a bit and he quickly turned to the door, his steps heavy, “Humph, we’re wasting time. Let’s go” and kept on walking his way. You were a bit surprised but quickly began walking fast to catch up with him, and even tho he wouldn’t turn his head to you no matter what, you could notice the tips of his ears a bit red. But you didn’t pry further on the matter.
                                                       The End
While both of you were walking down the stairs, Verr saw you two coming out of the same room, and when you looked at her you could only see her with a hand covering her mouth and her widen eyes silently following you two.
Lol this was supposed to be HC kind of thing, but it became a whole 3k words oneshot XD
Anyway, I hope you liked it since this is my first time writing about Xiao, or anything in the “X Reader” category so I'm sorry if I did anything wrong.
I will try to keep my requests open, so feel free to go there  
here uwu  Requests
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Winter In The Shade XIV
Part XIV
Sirius Black x Ravenclaw Reader
W.C. : 2866
Requested by @pogueslandia : It is Sirius’ fifth year at Hogwarts, the same year he ran away from home and to the Potter’s. Soon, he discovers the unfamiliar sight of his brother Regulus smiling and looking truly happy, next to him a Ravenclaw girl who immediately captures his interest. What will happen when the Black family gets involved in their sons lives and the ones they hold close to their hearts?
Warnings: None (Let me know if there's any, though)
Want to know when I post the next part? Add yourself to my taglist!
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You were distracted. Regulus had noticed that much. Two weeks had passed by since his game against Gryffindor and he had taken to himself to watch you closely. At first he was worried, now he was curious. He could feel you were distant, sometimes he would find your eyes lost in the crowd of students or a smile growing on your lips at something only you could figure out from all the voices. You spent more time out after dinner, Regulus finding you walking back to your common room late at night when you had supposedly already gone there. He didn’t question you but he wanted to know who this person was who had captured your attention.
Unfortunately, he was certain it had to be a Gryffindor. The presence of the house is always there whenever he notices these changes in your behaviour. He had so many questions and no reason to ask you about it. But he knew he could dig a little with the right words.
“...and I need this one and that one.” you said, walking through the shelves of the library with Regulus following you “Can you reach the red one for me?” you asked him, his arm easily going over your head and taking the book you pointed “Thank you.” you told him, adding the book to the pile in your arms.
Regulus just observed you, noticing a sweet smell coming from you. Your favorite perfume. You looked the same as always, Ravenclaw uniform neatly worn with a few details of your own design, leather bag hanging from your left shoulder as your body inevitably leaned towards that side due to the weight of all you carried. Your face, your hair, your voice it was all the same but it was all in the details. The perfume, the skip on your step, your more cheerful mood.
“You seem happier.” he said, earning a chuckle from you as you returned the book in your hand to the shelf.
“Thank you?” you answered doubtfully. There, no retort to fight him, no sarcastic comment to notice his own gloomy or serious mood.
“I mean it.” he told you, trying to look casual about it. He didn’t have it in him but he had to try, he’s used to being direct but going around things was not his thing. “What’s gotten you in such a happy mood lately?”
You made a face at him, leading him towards your table at the library. He took the seat right across from you, facing the entrance of the library as he had always liked to observe the people going in and out of the room. You moved your own chair out and took a seat, dropping the pile of books on the tables’ surface.
“Would you believe it's because of you?” you asked with a smile, taking your things out of your bag and placing one by one on the table.
Regulus shook his head, following your movements as he did the same “The fact that you asked me if I would believe you tells me it’s not because of me.” he stated, resting his back against the chair as he watched you. “And there is a reason because you are making up excuses.”
You frowned, hitting the table a little too hard with the spine of your book “I hate that you’re so clever sometimes.” you muttered bitterly, unknown to Regulus that you were starting to panic. Your leg a jumping mess under the table.
“Why won’t you tell me?” he asked. Going around things wasn’t working for him, it actually never worked for anyone but he knew that and trying it anyway got on his nerves a little too much. He needed answers.
“Because there is nothing to tell.” you said, voice high as you avoided his gaze. You were lying.
“Look at me.” he said.
You closed your eyes shut, letting out a single breath as you pressed your lips in a line. Finally you lifted your face, meeting his eyes. He had a relaxed posture, as relaxed as Regulus could get, but he still tilted his head. Oh, he knew what he was doing. He looked approachable and kind, more than usual in your eyes.
“You’re seeing someone.”
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest, the drop of your stomach as you felt like someone had punched you on the gut enough to make all the happiness he was asking you about wash out of your face.
He wasn’t asking. It wasn’t a question. He was telling you because he knew.
Your thoughts started to go over everything you had done, everything you had said, how you acted, anything that could have given it away to him. Everything and nothing came to mind as you just stared at him, your body completely still.
Then it dawned on you that you weren’t seeing anyone. Not really. You and Sirius were friends who liked to spend time together. Behind your best friend and Sirius brother’s back. You thought bitterly, guilt starting to rise inside you. We’re just friends. Then why did your mind go immediately to Sirius at the question of you seeing anyone?
“What?” you asked in a whisper, taking a shaky breath after as the fear of your secret being discovered became more real.
He looked for your eyes, a small smile on his face “I know you’re seeing someone.”
“You know?” you repeated.
But did he knew?
“And you’re not upset?” you asked, taking careful steps in the conversation.
“I don’t know why you felt like you couldn’t tell me.” he said “I’m more upset over the fact that they’re a Gryffindor, but I guess I’ll get…”
“You know!” you yelled. The shushing sounds from the students around you made you shrink in your place as you muttered a quiet apology, the flush in your cheeks nothing as you turned with wide eyes at Regulus, mouthing the words You Know.
“I had my suspicions.” he said, looking around before he settled back on you “You stare at the people of their house a lot and I still have to figure out who they are…”
His words were muffled by the relief washing over you. He didn’t know.
Sirius had looked for you a couple of days after the Quidditch game. He had managed a couple of minutes away from all the eyes at Hogwarts to ask you to meet him later that day. Of course you had agreed.
You moved through the castle with light steps. It was late but not enough to get you in trouble, just to get a warning look from the professors. Sirius had asked you to meet him inside the castle but you couldn’t risk another surprise visit from Regulus, his extra classes had gotten all over his schedule and you no longer knew when he would be out and what days he wouldn’t. So you asked Sirius to meet you at the castle entrance. Doubtful, he had accepted.
So that’s where you were headed, playing with your fingers as you moved. The corridors were empty and the day getting colder, a chill running down your spine as more nerves got to you. Somehow, although you wanted this, you were also dreading it.
The doors were wide open, your figure a dot in the distance of what the entire castle represented. You glanced at either side of the door before you decided Sirius wasn’t there yet. You rested your weight on the wall outside the castle, closing your eyes as the air blew on your face. You found the feeling relaxing and refreshing, almost taking your worries with it.
Then something changed in the air, a different smell caught in the air as you started to feel different. Not alone. Your eyes fluttered open to see Sirius standing right beside you, a different look on his face as he watched you.
“You looked peaceful.” he said, offering his hand for you to take.
You glanced hesitantly at him, grabbing his hand “You look different.”
“And we’ve never looked better.” he said, his usual grin back on his lips as he gave a soft squeeze to your hand “Lead the way, since a castle is not enough for the lady.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you pulled him with you, missing his triumphant smile at teasing you.
You walked for a couple of minutes, going down the stairs to the black lake in silence. Once you got over the hills and past the shore of the black lake Sirius started asking questions but you didn’t give in, ignoring his every word until you got closer to your destiny, your secret space.
“Would you relax?” you asked him, his mouth never stopping until you talked “We’re almost there.”
“You could have told me where we are going.” he said, looking around you and seeing nothing familiar “You could be leading me to my death.”
“Oh, yes.” you smiled back at him before narrowing your eyes at him “I’m not really a student at Hogwarts. You see, I’m this serial killer who lures her victims by being a sweet girl, this is the place where all my victims have died and you are next.”
Your grasp on his hand got tighter, smiling at him before you focused on the way you were walking. Sirius raised an eyebrow but said nothing, letting you drag him with his arm now stretched to create space between you two.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking.” he said, his voice a little worried “You sound very convincing and your scenario sounds entirely possible now.”
You laughed out loud, throwing your head back lightly. Sirius' fake worry all washed away as a genuine smile replaced everything in his features, thinking that maybe, if you were actually a serial killer, this wouldn’t be such an awful way to die.
“I’m very capable of a lot of things, so you shouldn’t underestimate me.” you said, raising your eyebrows at him before you turn back front “We’re here.” you announced, letting go of his hand as you advanced some steps on your own.
You moved through the grass, grass tall enough to reach your ankles and wildflowers who filled the ground with beautiful dots of color. And to your right an enormous tree, vines hanging from its branches that you moved as if it was a curtain, letting you and Sirius through to a small meadow. The place was comfortable enough to have a picnic with a few friends and still have room to move around, the makeshift walls made of more trees and vines that covered the space to make the shape of what almost resembled a circle.
“Welcome to a small haven just outside Hogwarts.” you said to Sirius, spinning once in your spot as you focused back on his face. He looked amazed, his eyes finding the sky once before he moved to the green grass and small patches of flowers.
“Just outside is putting it lightly.” he whispered, but you could see he didn’t care about the distance or about walking all the way there with you. He softly ran his fingers over the vines that fell like heavy silks once again, covering the spot where you two had walked in. “You found this place?”
You hummed in response, nodding your head “I was trying to escape some friends while we played. It was my first year so I didn’t know the grounds of the school very well. I ran and ran until I could no longer hear them and then I hid here. They never found me.”
He laughed, his smile reaching his eyes as he continued to look around “You probably shouldn’t have shown me this place.” he told you, knowing perfectly that he would use it as a way to avoid professors and detention.
“I didn’t show you anything.” you said, patting a spot in the ground to then sit there with a huff “You followed me here.”
Sirius did the same thing and sat down next to you “You dragged me here.” he stated, giving you a knowing look.
“You offered your hand.” you argued back, throwing some of your hair over your shoulder “You could have let go at any time.” Your confidence didn’t last much as you burst out laughing, shaking your head as you tried to speak, the words coming out of your mouth unintelligible.
It took you a couple of minutes to catch your breath but in the end your chest started to rise and fall evenly, the air calm as you could only hear the breeze moving the tree tops. The silence fell heavily between you two, not in an uncomfortable way but enough to let you know the laughter was over.
You swallowed in anticipation, not knowing how to begin. In the end you didn’t have to, Sirius taking the chance first.
“I’m sure you have many questions and believe me, so do I,” he started, looking at his hands as he spoke “But you have to know whatever he is doing it’s not good.”
“You don’t know that.” you said in a low tone, still a hint of hope in your voice.
He shook his head, turning to look at you with that same desperation he had in his eyes the day you found Regulus. “You’re too good.” he whispered, raising his hand hesitantly to your face, his finger moving a piece of hair behind your ear.
His skin felt warm against yours, the back of his hand grazing your cheek as you moved your face away “I’m not naive.” you exclaimed “I know him. He is my friend, my family, he would never say that.”
“We both heard him, Y/N.” Sirius reminded you, his voice sounding deeper now “How can you explain what we both heard?” he asked, looking at you expectantly.
“I don’t know what I heard.” you said stubbornly, refusing to look at Sirius.
“You do know. I saw you there and you were hurt, we both know what he called you.”
You grunted, pushing yourself to your feet as you stood with your back at him “There must be an explanation.”
Sirius followed you, standing just behind you “For calling someone Pure enough…”
“Dont’!” you hissed, turning to Sirius with a glare in your face.
“I think it’s self explanatory, Y/N.” his voice had raised in volume, the two of you facing one another with glares in your eyes, not moving but holding each others’ eyes.
“Then why is he still my friend?” you asked in a whisper, faces inches away from one another, he heard you just right. “Why is he still by my side, why has nothing changed?”
“Because you’re everything he has left.” he whispered angrily, not being able to hold your gaze any longer as he turned from you. “I was once in your place. Then, he could afford to lose me, so he did. He had the chance to change, to prove everyone wrong but he chose status and the glory of being the only son of the Black family.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked him, confusion growing inside of you as you digested his words.
“Why do you think I left my home?” he asked quietly, “Why do you think my family and your best friend hate me so much? A shame to the Black family.”
A frown was set deep in your face, eyes wild as you started to put all the pieces together inside your head. The perfect son who hates his traitor brother. Traitor. Blood traitor.
Your gaze stilled for a moment, your eyes on the ground as you breathed in deeply. You raised your face slowly, eyes meeting Sirius’ as you stood straight. You opened your mouth but nothing came out, the small gap letting out air as you tried to even your breathing. Your entire face fell, sadness overtaking your eyes as you finally understood.
“You don’t believe in blood purity.” you whispered, voice rough as all the emotion you held inside tried to pour itself on your words. “But he does.”
“Yes.” A simple word, a full sentence. One that changed everything now that the truth was out.
Words got tangled on your tongue, you tried to speak but felt like all it would come out would be your screams.
Your body moved back on its own, rubbing the side of your arm with your hand as every word repeated itself in your head.
“He stayed?” you asked him.
Still that hint of hope. Sirius thought.
“He didn’t ask to come.” he said truthfully.
You nodded your head continuously, not stopping until you covered your face with the palms of your hands, pressing the cold feeling against your skin.
Seconds after you felt a pair of arms around your shoulders, his whispered words on the side of your head filled you with comfort as you moved your hands around his chest.
He held you for a long time, I could have been minutes or hours, it felt like a lifetime. Despite everything you had just learned, there, you felt safe.
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend / @pogueslandia / @zaidlyn / @aconfusedslytherin / @animprxperworld / @aconfusedslytherin / @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep / @mirclealignr / @angelsandsorcery / @badass-yn / @naisnape
Winter in the Shade
@plethoraofpuppies / @dracoissohot / @funravenclaw2002 / @lilyevanswhore / @edithsvoice / @falconxbarnes / @blackst0nes7077 / @gabitanaka47 / @padsfirewhisky / @lazzwhile / @lilylikethefl0wer / @crazy-beautiful / @blackenergy / @ninawhatfandom / @justchecking-mayheadback / @simpforslytherins / @letmeinplease22 / @auggie2000 / @sarcasm-n-insomnia /
@destourtereaux / @ktyflwr / @nehireerdogan / @medalloway-blog / @waxsealed-letters / @j-cat / @aleksanderwh0r3 / @lostrandomfangirl
Sirius Black
@funravenclaw2002 / @blackst0nes7077 / @lilylikethefl0wer / @just-wordsandthoughts / @bhavanaa /
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #6 - No One Said Anything About a Metal Arm
Word Count: 2011
Warnings: Explosions, Gunshots, The Winter Soldier, Implied Death, Stevie Almost Crying
Setting/Characters: Towards the End of Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Reader, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Bucky Barnes; Mentions of Alexander Pierce, Arnim Zola
A/N: This one took me a while to write and I’ll tell you why. Rewatching this movie made me want to do a complete rewrite of it. I had so many ideas of where the reader could be and why and what she was doing then and all that. But…I told myself this is a One Shot of her unofficially meeting Bucky for the first time. Which is why it seems incomplete - because it kinda is - it’s just that scene picked from the movie. Am I happy with it? Eh. Am I holding back from writing more parts and just saying “forget this piece, it never happened”? Maybe. But, I can’t. I wish I could. But if I were to rewrite this movie, I’d rewrite the next one. And the next one. And it would take me months to finish these. So…this is what you’re getting.
Thanks! As always, it’s not beta’d, so please excuse mistakes! Enjoy reading, be kind to yourselves and others, and stay tuned!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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Sitting on the edge of the old dam was calming. Peaceful, even. The constant sound of the flowing water, the trees swaying in the slight breeze. It was nice to take a breath after everything that had gone down the past week.
To say you were worried was an understatement. The last time you saw Steve was the evening after you met Sam. He dropped you off at your place, refusing your invitation to stay saying that he should probably check on his apartment since he hadn’t been there in a while.
A lot had changed since then.
Steve was wanted by SHIELD, along with Natasha. Fury was considered dead, but was actually still kicking in the structure beneath your feet with the help of you and Hill. You had tried to go after Steve, but it was too risky. Pierce - who you were almost 100% certain was behind this whole thing - had been keeping a close eye on you since Steve ran away, knowing you’d be behind him. You tried to catch the blonde at the hospital, but you were seconds too late, meeting up with Natasha who told you STRIKE already took him away for questioning.
You had been called by Hill and she told you what had happened. Fury had asked for your help specifically, considering the amount of times you’d had to fake your own death while being undercover. And you’d been dealing with that ever since.
You had wanted to go get the three of them - you learned Sam joined Steve and Natasha, which somehow didn’t surprise you - but Hill refused, saying you needed to stay there just in case.
But Fury was fine, no one was coming, which is how you found yourself swinging your legs above a hundred feet of rushing water.
It didn’t last long. A car pulling up to the side entrance caught your eye and you immediately swung your legs around to rush towards the stairs. It’s not like you haven’t gone longer without seeing Steve before. You’d gone months without seeing him. It was your job. But this was different. Whether it was because for the first time he was the one who left or because he was on the run from the organization you worked for, you didn’t know and didn’t care. All you knew was you needed to see him. Make sure he was okay.
It took you a while to get there, all the stairs and corners and twist and turns. You got there just as Fury ended his explanation, hearing him tell the trio, “can’t kill you if you’re already dead. Besides…I wasn’t sure who to trust.”
Your footsteps were echoing and you were sure Steve heard you but when you entered the room, his eyebrows shot up, his eyes widening. “Honey?”
“Oh thank fucking God.” You breathed out, jogging over to squeeze him tightly. 
“Y/N…” He murmured in your hair, hugging you tightly back. “What happened? Why are you here?”
Pulling back, you jerked your thumb over your shoulder to the director. “I’m saving his ass.” Your finger then jabbed into his firm chest, your lips falling into a frown. “And worrying about yours. Are you okay?”
“I am. Natasha got shot, but she’ll live.”
You looked over at Natasha, who nodded in confirmation, before looking back into those azure eyes of Steve’s. “What happened? Pierce is keeping a tight lid on everything. I was gonna come find you, but I couldn’t because he was watching me. It’s a miracle I got away from them to help Nicky boy. I haven’t gone out since. But, honest, I was gonna-”
“Honey, honey. You’re rambling again.” Steve chuckled, hand resting on the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’ve been safe here. Pierce is behind this whole thing-”
“Yeah, I figured that-”
“-It’s HYDRA, Y/N.”
You froze. “What? HYDRA? Whaddya mean?”
Steve nodded. “HYDRA’s what’s been infiltrating SHIELD. It’s a long story, but Zola continued it when he was hired for-”
“Operation Paperclip. Yeah, I remember learning about that.” You ran a hand over your face. “Okay…” You hummed, looking at the three of them. “Let’s…talk about it more in a little bit. I know we gotta act soon, but Natasha and Fury need to heal a little bit longer and you should get some rest. You look tired.”
Everyone seemed to agree with your statement, starting to disperse from the room. You started walking out, too, when Steve grabbed your bicep and pulled you aside, down the hall a ways away. You opened your mouth, only for him to pull you into his chest.
“I’m really glad you’re okay.”
You nodded, lightly scratching his back, your arms around his slim waist. “I’m glad you are too.” You could feel how tense he was, which was understandable considering what he’d gone through the past couple days. But there was something else. Something in the grip he had on your shirt. The way his heart was hammering against your chest. His erratic breathing and his ducked head. You pulled away to catch his jaw between your fingers, eyes scanning the anguish in his own. “Bubba? What’s wrong?”
It took a moment for him to answer, his eyes growing sadder with every second that passed. “It was Bucky.”
“What?” You felt like the air was knocked out of you. “What do you mean?”
“The Winter Soldier. The assassin who shot Fury. The one who tried killing us on the bridge. It was Bucky. It is Bucky. I saw him, Y/N. I saw his face. It’s him. He survived. When they experimented on him, it must’ve…God, I’m so…I didn’t even notice…I didn’t even check…I left him…” he shook his head, which fell to your shoulder. “Stupid. I’m so stupid.”
“No, no.” You shook your head quickly, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck as you twisted to kiss the hinge of his tense jaw. “It wasn’t your fault, Steve.” You mumbled softly, lips brushing over the shell of his ear. “It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known. He fell thousands of feet, Stevie. You wouldn’t have found him even if you did.”
HIs grip on your hips tightened. “But I didn’t even try.” His voice broke on that last word. “And how could I not notice something going on with him? There were two years between being experimented on and falling. How-?” Voice catching in his throat, he stopped talking to stop himself from crying. You knew he hated crying.
“You can’t do anything about past Bucky.” You reminded him gently. “But you can help him now.”
“He didn’t even remember me.”
“Then make him.”
To say you were pissed was an understatement. “I’ve been doing undercover stuff for years! This is a piece of cake!”
Steve shook his head. “You’ll be more helpful with Hill. You know more about Project Insight than me, Sam, and Natasha.”
“Bullshit, Steven! You just don’t want-”
“Honey, please.”
You clenched your jaw, glaring at him as he gave you those fucking puppy eyes, his dumb pink lips stuck in a pout. Letting out a rather aggressive puff of air, you looked away. “Fine. But I hate you.”
He beamed and nodded. “I can live with that.”
“Okay.” You glanced at the others. “You all ready?”
“Let’s get these sons of bitches.” Sam stated, making the final adjustments to the wings.
Natasha gave a smirk. “As long as you are.”
Turning back to Steve, you raised an eyebrow, waiting for the captain’s orders. He nodded. “Let’s head out.”
“There’s a problem on the flight deck.” Hill informed you, looking at the alert. 
“Alright. I’ll-”
“Stay with Hill!”
You rolled your eyes at Steve’s voice through the comms. “Sorry, Cap. You’re breaking up.”
“I know I’m not, Y/N! I’m serious! Stay there!”
But you were already moving towards the flight deck. “I’m not gonna sit on my ass here, Rogers! Hill’s got it covered! I’m just gonna go check it out!”
The line went quiet and for a moment you thought you lost connection. “Please stay safe.”
You let out a sigh at his quiet pleads, nodding even though he couldn’t see you. “That goes for you, too, Steve.”
By the time you got out there, most of the jets were in flames, pilots and crew members scattered around the deck. You scanned the wreckage, trying to find the source-
A gunshot made your head whip to the side. Found it. Or, more accurately, him.
He was standing on top of one of the jets, gun pointed down at the pilot that was sitting in it. Before he could slip in the cockpit, though, you took out your gun and fired at him. Even though you knew who he was, when he looked at you it made your blood run cold. It was confirmation - not that you didn’t trust Steve - but still. Seeing is believing. yet seeing the same eyes you’d seen sparkling up at you from pictures now staring you down, void of any emotion? It was hard to believe it was the same person.
“Oh shit. Bubs?”
“What?! What’s wrong?! Are you okay?!”
You took a couple steps back as the Winter Soldier, no. Bucky - Steve’s Bucky - strode towards you. “Uh…nothing, nothing. I just I, uh, found your Bucky.”
“Y/N, get outta there now! I told you to stay with Hill!”
“Fuck!” You dove out of the way as the assassin started shooting at you. “Now’s not the time for reprimanding, Steven!”
You tuned out his cursings so as to not get distracted when you became engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with the fucking Winter Soldier.
“Hi.” You grunted, ducking under his arm and throwing a kick at him, faking it at the last second. Except, he’d already grabbed your ankle. But you did kick him with your other foot. But…he didn’t really move and it made you fall back, so…fail. You let out a grimace when the wind was knocked out of you, but you couldn’t lay there for long as he moved to slam his foot down. You rolled out of the way, swinging your legs up to hit him in the back of the knee. “Nice to finally meet you.”
He growled as Sam exclaimed, “are you seriously chatting with him?”
“It’s mostly one sided - dammit!” The both of you had gotten on your feet again, and you tried hooking your left knee around his left shoulder to tug him down, but he had slammed you against a jet, your leg stretched in a very uncomfortable position as your free foot stood on your toes. He had his metal arm - which no one had informed you about and you were kinda salty about it - against your throat, his other hand coming up in a fist.
Bouncing on your toes a bit, you finally lifted your free leg up to knee him in the side of his face, making you wince slightly at the stretch and the burn in your left thigh, which was the only thing besides his metallic limb holding you up against the jet.
He stumbled to the side, throwing you by the leg on his shoulder. You went sprawling against the pavement, a hiss leaving your lips at the serious roadburn you no doubt just got. Sitting up quickly, not wanting him to get the upper hand, you let out a breath seeing him swiftly moving into the cockpit of the jet he just had you pinned against.
“Guys…he’s…heading your way…just a…heads up. Also…thank you. It was nice…to fucking know…about the metal arm…beforehand. I’m just gonna…rest here for a minute…”
“You’re not hurt too bad, are you?”
“No, Cap. No, just…gonna be aching for a while. Ugh…” Begrudgingly, you got up to your feet. “I think I’m gonna…go back and chill with Maria.”
“Told you so.”
“Shut up, finish your job, and don’t die, Rogers! And next time, please, for the love of God, mention the metal arm!”
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading​ @bibliophilewednesday​ @breadqueen95​ @marvelettesassemble​ @w-wolfhxrd​
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alfredolover119 · 4 years
I looooove your zukka rec lists! I recently became Avatar-obsessed, never got a chance to watch it as a kid and only just got through it all! I was wondering if you'd consider doing a specifically angst rec list? I love fluffy zukka everything, but sometimes you just gotta have your heart ripped out of your chest and put back in after being thoroughly blended.
thank you! i relate heavily to “recently became Avatar-obsessed” haha. as for the angst list, i sure can try! warning: all of these have happy endings because im a crybaby who can’t read unhappy endings. also, p much all of the fics in the completed section were featured on my other lists but this is specifically the ANGSTY ones >:^)
angsty zukka wips
first, most obviously, feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
-currently at 102k with 19/27 chapters posted; rated teen
-the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. you know. i haven’t actually read it yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m a crybaby and am waiting for it to finish up but, from my understanding, this fic will murder you in a dark alleyway with no remorse. if u like zukka angst, you’ve probably already read this, but just in case!
An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. // But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends.
Yeah, nah.
and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
-currently 38k with 6/8 chapters posted; rated mature
-holy shit. holy SHIT. modern au based on the “my cat likes my fuckbuddy and i am falling in love” trope(?). maybe it’s just because of how the last chapter ended, but oh my god. this one made me cry. made me want to commit violence. when it’s not angsty as hell, it’s pretty funny, but holy shit. ao3 user nebulastucky please.
It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. // But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
Violet Blossoms and Celestial Objects by @hollypunkers
-currently 15k with 2/? posted. rated teen.
-this is the sequel to blue (an angsty, zukka rewrite of book 2-- go read it if u havent!)! !! this is a book 3 rewrite. only two chapters in and mrs hollypunkers is really abusing the miscommunication tag, as zukka writers seem to enjoy doing. im excited to see how the world and story develops with the changes to the story! you should be too!! its very good! obviously spoilers for blue lmao
Having sided with the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, Zuko not only must navigate his new relationship with Sokka but returning to the Fire Nation as a banished enemy. His own journey of self discovery and personal growth must now coexist alongside the personal struggles of every other member of the Gaang as together they blaze a treacherous path toward an unsure victory against Zuko's own father and nation.
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka
-currently 71k with 9/11 chapters posted. rated teen
-swt ambassador zuko! soon to be chief sokka! fake dating ur best friend to get out of an arranged marriage! what could go wrong!!! i also haven’t read this one ((see: i’m a crybaby who is being hurt by too many zukka wips already)), but it has been hanging out in my marked for later for months. from what i understand, this fic has: angst.
With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? // Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
angsty zukka fics (completed!)
(i’ll put these in wc order)
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka
-7k, rated g
-a modern college au!! zuko’s inner-monologue is very angsty in this fic. typical zuko. also per usual, theyre both fucking dorks. they sort themselves out in the end, but not before The Angst. zuko is semi-deaf in this fic and also he has a bit of internalized homophobia.
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun by @khaleeseas
-9k, explicit
-moon spirit/nwt prince!sokka, no war to be found here! admittedly this isnt THAT angsty but like. the angst IS present. zuko is still the prince. a lovely childhood friends (though they hated each other for a minute haha) to lovers story. 
If you asked Zuko, he and Azula saw far too much of Chief Hakoda of the Northern Water Tribe’s children growing up. It wasn’t until they were older, and Azula pointed out that - duh - their families were trying to set them all up, that he realized why. // He was told by his mother to be polite. These people were their friends and allies, and though their nations were as different as they came, harmony between nations was the most important thing. // It wasn’t his fault the Chief’s children were so annoying.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9k, teen
-modern au! zuko and sokka are college roommates. zuko goes to spend the summer with sokka. again,, not really that angsty but-- its there!! the detail and feeling of Home in this story make me happy. zuko is insecure as hell here too. if ur into that. 
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
-9k, teen
-yes. this one right here officer. it makes my heart ache. also trans sokka! which is cool. but the zuko angst in this one. hurts me. not so much relationship angst as it is zuko learning he deserves happiness angst. i’m sure u know The Type.
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
i could (never) give you peace by @zukkababey
-10k, mature
-OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. boys please learn to communicate im begging u. also zuko.. zuko, dude. as the tags of the fic say, hes “really going through it” in this one. YOUCH. post-canon.
Zuko almost said it. He almost said the words I think I’m in love with you, but he choked them back down at the last second. // Zuko would never be able to be what Sokka wanted. They might have needed each other during the summer, when two boys with too much weight on their shoulders found comfort in each other in the only way they knew how. // But now Zuko was Fire Lord, and Sokka was leaving.
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding) by @meliebee 
-18k, teen, major character death 
-i lied. THIS is the one, officer. found family.. good mai and zuko and toph friendships.. . ozai escapes prison and tries to overthrow zuko. OBVIOUSLY angst ensues. poor boy. he Does heal in this but it gets worse before it gets better. angst angst angst angst.
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23k, explicit
-istg. this is probably one of my favorite zukka fics. its PAINFUL. modern au where theyre broken up but sokka hasnt told his family yet so zuko goes home with him for kataang wedding. a bit smutty, but the plot oh my god ohgm y fuvk. made me cry the first time i read it. (see: crybaby!me) insert that one picture of the horse with the caption PAIN. 
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. // Things don't go as planned.
Moving Mountains by @thefangirlingdead
-64k, mature
-so. when i read this the first time it was in one sitting. soulmate au set within canon era / the comics, to an extent. soulmates can hear each others thoughts. i will happily say this is slowburn, jesus christ. champagne without the cham. 
Soulmates are chosen by the spirits and can hear each other’s thoughts. Sokka thinks it’s cheesy and dumb. Zuko thinks it’s poetic justice that he doesn’t have one because he doesn’t deserve it. Cruel irony is finding out that the prince of the Fire Nation (and the person currently hunting you) is your soulmate.
In the Soft Light by @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning
-83k, teen, graphic depictions of violence
-moon spirit!sokka living in the northern water tribe. zuko is sent to the northern water tribe as a cultural liaison. iroh is the fire lord but while he is away taking care of lu ten after his injury ozai steps up. i cannot express how many emotions this fic made me feel. background yuetara. i would almost say found family?? but. anyway. plenty of angst to spare here with a healthy dose of enemies to friends to lovers.
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103k, teen
-now now now. tms... modern college au where sokka agrees to tutor zuko in physics because zuko has to maintain straight a’s and physics is just not doing it for him. so. thats cool but THEN azula moves in, randomly, with zuko. to hide the fact that sokka is tutoring zuko, they fake date! what could go wrong!! the mutual pining in here combined with the angst... wonderful, tasty. everyone read it rn. also SLOWBURN 
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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shurisneakers · 3 years
shut in [10]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Reader, Hitman AU)
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, ptsd, shooting, abuse
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: double digit chapter!!! like 3 parts to go everyoneeee woo!!
i also appreciate feedback so if you would like to, please consider dropping me an ask or comment ly guys!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Shut In Masterlist
The nostalgia was strong. 
The last time you and Sam were sitting like this, you were deciding on what to make of the bread supply that was now dwindling. The soup had ran out maybe a day or two ago and you were left with just bread, peanut butter and jelly.
You two had to devise an escape plan. You’d been there long enough and now with Sam making his first public appearance as Mob’s Most Wanted, even if it was for a good cause, there was no doubt that people would be after you.
“What if we go back to Ransone and let the rest sort itself out along the way?”
You made a note of it on the paper but you weren’t very convinced with the idea, not with the realisations you had made along the way.
“Do we know any other hideouts?” you asked instead, tapping the pencil against the paper.
“None that you don’t already know.” He chewed on his lip thoughtfully. “What are your thoughts on caves? Think we can make a bed outta some leaves?”
You wrote down ‘Sam’s cave idea’, just to humour him. Stupid, but more plausible than other options.
“If we make a run for it, what are the chances we’ll survive?”
“With law enforcement, civilians and gang members looking for us, I’d give us about-” you said candidly, “-two months. Three max.”
It wasn’t like you had no experience running from the state, but it was never on this scale. 
“We’d have years if it was only law enforcement, but we had to go get the entire fuckin’ mafia involved,” he huffed in annoyance.
An idea occurred to you that made you pause, but you hated it.
“What if we split up?” you suggested halfheartedly. “It’ll take them more time to find the both of us, if they’re looking for us together.”
When he didn’t reply, you looked up at him from the sheet in front of you.
“We’re not splitting up,” he began steadily, just as you knew he would. “The same people who are after you are after me. We need to stick together.”
“I know. I’m not saying we can’t meet again after that, I’m saying that maybe it’ll be easier for us to hide.”
He couldn’t deny that it wasn't the worst idea, but something didn’t sit right with him. He didn’t want to do it.
“Okay, then how do we find each other after that? When? I don’t have your email; fuck that, I don’t even have your number.”
“We’ll schedule it, I guess,” you murmur, trying to work out the logistics. “Whoever gets there late has to buy ice cream. And I’m particular about the flavour I like.”
You tried to lighten up the mood but he wasn’t having it, as much as he appreciated it.
“I don’t care if it’s more difficult,” he said slowly. “But I’d like us to stick together. Not until we’re out of this mess. Then if you want to never see my face again, which you shouldn’t because it’s beautiful, we’ll go our different ways.”
He was adamant about it, and you knew he’d argue and poke holes into the plan until it didn’t make sense anymore. You weren’t going to argue.
“Okay,” you accepted. “We stick together.”
A smile spread across his face which equated to one of triumph. “You got any other ideas?” 
“We stay right here and fight off whoever comes.”
It was dumb. This place wasn’t yours, and staying here would be a death wish. That didn’t stop you from saying it since neither of you were holding back on implausible ideas.
“This is our house now,” Sam added with determination, playing along.
“Damn right,” you affirmed, cracking a smile at him.
Bringing your attention back, you stared at the list. There is one option you wanted to explore but you weren’t sure if you could because you didn’t have the resources. But he may.
“You got any friends whose help we could use?” you asked cautiously, unsure of how this would play out. 
He continued chewing on his lip for a second like he was analysing all options, before nodding. 
“I got a friend. Well, my only friend,” he corrects himself. “His name’s Riley.”
“He got a place we can stay, this Riley?”
“He does. But I don’t want to involve him. He’s-” he paused, trying to find the right words to frame what he’s thinking “-he’s been through a lot.”
“We’ll leave him alone then,” you assured, realising that it must be a touchy topic for him.
Sam didn’t move on, though. 
“I’m all ears if you want to talk,” you offered. 
He pressed his lips together, giving you a tight smile. He looked like he wanted to say more but was holding back. You reciprocated, hoping it would give him some reassurance, noting how he exhaled softly.
“When I joined the cartel, I didn’t really have anyone to talk to since everyone was much older than I was. Riley was the first friend I made. He was a mouthy li’l one.” Sam smiled wistfully and you found yourself smiling with him. “He talked so much shit and he had the spunk to back it up but he never really got that far because no one wanted to test their luck with him.”
“We spent whatever free time we had together. He didn’t have a family so he and I-” he trailed off but you knew what he was getting at. “Ransone found out. Didn’t like anyone in his stupid squad becoming all buddies because if we turned against him, he knew he’d lose.”
Shared experience. You didn’t have any friends in the organization either; they were always separated from you willingly or by force. You wondered if that’s why you had taken such a liking towards Sam, knowing fully well that it was the first time in years you were able to be friends with someone without having to worry.
“He started pittin’ us against one another. Combat training, preferential treatment, just plain out sabotage. Riley’s the reason my back’s all kinds of fucked up.” He gave a short laugh. “Tried everything he could to make sure we’d stay away or even kill each other if it came to that.”
“But you didn’t.”
“But we didn’t,” he confirmed. “Ransone fuckin’ hated it, so one day, he decided that he’s going to finish it once and for all. Sent us on a fake mission so that we’d be alone together, then told us that only one of us could come back. One of us had to die or else both of us would. Some sick fuckin’ form of entertainment.”
It was exactly something that Ransone would do. Dramatic, vile and utterly despicable, just for his own joy,
Your eyebrows knit together when his eyes glazed over. 
“Riley, he- he didn’t even let me have at the gun. Just straight up chose for the both of us that he was going to be the one who died. He was so tired, of everythin’.” The muscles in your jaw tightened at where this was going. “He didn’t do it though. We figured out another way.”
You didn’t realise how tensed you were until you forced yourself to relax.
“Faked his death.” He shrugged. “It was the only way. Let Ransone believe he bled out and that I buried him behind the warehouse he sent us to. Shot him in the leg to make it look convincing. He’s still got a limp.”
“He made a run for it. Found himself a place in New Orleans, changed his identity, basically made turned into a whole new person. Ransone bought it for a while because I’d make it a point to visit the grave, leave some flowers and shit. Told him that if he messed with it that I’d put a bullet in his head and I was angry enough for him to see that I wasn’t kidding. I knew he’d figure it out eventually but I was hoping I’d get rid of him by then.”
“He lived in New Orleans for years. Never had a problem until recently.”
Sam paused for a second, but it gave you the time to pull up an old conversation you had with him.
“He’s the one Ransone threatened you with,” you connected the dots. “He’s the one he found.”
“Said he’d kill him if I didn’t take out Pierce for him,” his words were bitter, confirming what you said. “Sent me a picture of him in front of his house to prove it.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” you breathed, leaning back. Sam’s situation was more dangerous than you initially thought. Having Riley in the picture just made it more difficult to help Sam get out of the organization, especially since he was now leverage material.
“You asked me once what the scariest thing I had done was.” You didn’t get immediately what he was talking about until you remember the questions you had asked to get to know him better. “It was that. Getting him out of this life and trying not to get caught in the process.”
You didn’t know what to say.
“He’s the only family I got left.” The way his voice dropped made him sound so tired. “He’s already on their radar. If they find out I’m staying with him or that he’s helping in any way, they’ll kill him.”
You didn’t say anything, not like you had anything constructive to offer at that moment.
“That got dark real quick,” he remarked, the corners of his lips quirking upward.
Clearly he didn’t have anyone to talk to about this. To explain the entire thing from the beginning must have drained him completely.
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that,” you said quietly.
He paused for a second, looking like he was thinking to himself.
“Me too.”
The sky’s beautiful, you decide.
You could stare at the clouds for hours.
Which is what the both of you have been doing.
“If you fucking say it’s anything other than a dog, I’ll push you off the roof myself.”
“It’s clearly a penguin, Samuel.”
“I hate you.”
The cement was cool against your skin even though there was a blanket serving as a mediator between you and it. The sun nipped at your skin and your back was aching from staying in the same place for a prolonged period.
Sam tended to think better when he was outside, unconstrained by harsh white walls and artificial light. So you grabbed a spare blanket, a bottle of water and the ladder to haul the both of you to the roof. It was filthy, as you expected but you managed to tidy a part of it to the best of your ability before laying the blanket down.
“I know why you brought me up here, Y/N,” he piped up.
You just knew that when you needed some space, he often implored you to go outside. You figured the best way to help him was to do the same, not knowing what else you could have to give.
“Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate it,” he added.
Okay good. It helped.
“That’s a tree.” You pointed upwards, avoiding his gaze.
“You get three more seconds to change that answer to a table.”
“That looks nothing like a table. You’re delusional.”
He laughed, not offering a counter argument.
The outside did him good. He was calmer than when you first came here a few hours ago. He didn’t let his spite towards Ransone show very often, especially at this volume. Talking about Riley only reaffirmed how much he despised the man.
“We need to get out of here eventually, you know?” you mused.
You don’t want to. You don’t want to admit that saying it out loud made it worse.
“We do,” he sounded sure and you wondered if he ever felt bad about it too, “but we need a proper plan.”
The clouds shifted. It looked like a kid on a bike; not that you’d ever tell him. He would never agree.
“We need help,” you stated.
“We can’t.” You knew he’d say that.
“You know we do, Sam.”
“There’s no one out there we can trust.”
You liked that he used ‘we’. The only other times you had been referred to as ‘we’ had been for things so sinister, so violent.
His elbow was touching yours lightly. You wanted to move closer, press against him.
“There’s one person who might be able to.”
He turned to look at you questioningly. You did the same.
You waited till he figured it out on his own. His face shifted the minute it clicked in his head.
“No way.” He turned away, almost laughing out of bewilderment.
“It’s our only option.”
“Then we’ll find another one,” he began to sound more insistent, realising you were being serious. It was a crazy idea, you’d give him that, but it’s the only one you had that had a sure shot of working.
“We’ve tried. You’ve tried. There’s only one way,” you knew that getting annoyed wouldn’t get through to him and you also understood his hesitations. “He’ll help.”
“We don’t know that. It’s too fuckin’ dangerous.” He couldn’t afford that; not this late in the game.
“I know it. Lis- Sam. Look at me,” you commanded gently, and he obeyed reluctantly. “I understand that this is absolutely batshit wild, but I promised I’d help you. This is the only way I can think of. But I need you to trust me.”
He looked unsettled.
He didn’t have anything to go on. Only your word and his faith in you. He could say no and he knew you’d spend countless hours pouring over multiple options just to find another way. He could say no and you’d take it in stride and he wouldn’t have to worry about it. It wasn’t about trusting you, it was about not trusting the others.
But he could also say yes and let you take control, trust your instincts. You had never let him down before and he knew you wouldn’t now. He could say yes and help you work on one solid plan that had equal chances of failing as it did being a success, but it was something that you could be sure of.
“I’ll tell you this though, Sam. You always have a choice.”
He felt your fingers trace at his face patiently. He scooted closer, letting your bodies press gently against each other.
“Okay,” he whispered. “I trust you.”
He didn’t know if he made the right choice or not, but the smile that appeared on your face made him think that maybe he did.
God, he was done for.
“You ready?” you asked him.
“No, but what the hell; let’s do it.”
You let it ring right to the very end.
“Hello.” It seemed gratuitous at this point because you knew the conversation wouldn’t proceed with that.
“Y/N. Hello,” his voice came back loud and clear.
“Hey.” You snuck a glance at Sam. He was completely stiff.
“How are you?”
“I’ve been… good,” you admitted.
“Oh?” he sounded amused. “That’s a change.”
“Yeah.” You shifted on your feet awkwardly. “Listen, I need help.”
“Help with?”
“We need to get out of here. We can’t do it without you. I mean we can, but it’d be better if you lent a hand.”
“When you say ‘we’, you’re referring to…”
“Me.” Sam stepped forward towards the phone. You shifted it so it was between you.
“Oh, hello,” he sounded surprised, and he had good reason to be. “You know about-”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Y/N, you trust him?”
“Yeah,” you looked up at Sam, “I do.”
“Alright. If shit goes wrong, you’re both fucked. I’m not taking any responsibility.”
“We get that,” you sighed. “Can you help or not?”
There was a momentary silence on the other end as he thought.
“Tell me what you had in mind.”
“We got a hit.”
They turned away from their conversation with the person walking beside them at the interruption.
“This better be important.” They gestured to their companion who looked annoyed at being interrupted. He was too dangerous to have on anyone’s bad side but the agent didn’t care. This was crucial.
“Someone saw him. Wilson.” He was breathless from the flight of stairs he had run to come upstairs.
“Where?” They could hardly believe their ears, restraining to contain the excitement that was threatening to rise.
“A town, miles away from Pierce’s place. Said he roamed around looking for a store, bought some food and then left.” His eyes shone. “We think we might know where they are. A rough sketch at least. Couldn’t follow him too far because he kept checking.”
“Finally,” their face gleamed, completely discarding the guest they had and the confusion on his face. “Some good fucking news.”
“Do you want us to put a hit out on them?” The relief the agent felt was almost overwhelming. His partner may have died but it didn’t look like he was going to.
“No,” they said crisply, certainly. “This one’s on me.”
Next part
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crescentsteel · 4 years
When in Brazil - Beach
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pairing: Oikawa x f!reader genre: SMUT wc: 7.8k (i am deceast bye) warnings: fingering, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, edging
Let me bore you to death zzz
I promise the last chapter will be exciting (in my head it is at least) :(
Prior to this series, I have zero knowledge about Brazil. So if there's anything sus somewhere there as I describe Rio, pls be kind to me.
No beta for this one once again uwu
Lmk if you wanna be part of taglist
Sunshine || masterlist
In the hustle and bustle of a busy city as Rio de Janeiro, one finds themselves having their time stolen away from them as they get swept up in all the craziness the place has to offer.
That’s you, except the craziness is in the form of a never ending cycle of wake up, work, then go home.
You’re just glad a certain orange-haired boy joins you from time to time to ease your thirst for something exciting.
Yet sometimes, you crave the silence, the quiet, to be alone and actually enjoy it. Living in one of the most tourist-infested places in the world, you rarely find yourself in such a situation.
That’s why you dragged your feet outside even if your clock tells you it’s 2:48 in the morning.
You woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. Rather than waste your time away in bed, you grab a can of beer from your fridge and decide to make the most out of it.
The thing about Rio — it’s almost never silent. Even at this time, you can hear the soft beat of music from the local bars and clubs alongside the sound of the sea right across the streets where they’re located. The shores of Copacabana, being the most famous beach in the city, are never empty as well.
But what good is being a local if you don’t know places you can hide from the crowd?
A tad bit more than kilometer away from Copacabana is Posto 1 in Praio de Leme, a beach not as crowded as the others.
With the absence of people flocking here and there, you easily make your way to the beach, almost prancing on your steps for the slight tang of freedom and muted noise you haven’t had in forever.
Despite the stroll being an all-familiar route you take, it feels blissfully different. And when you arrive at Posto 1, you suddenly feel grateful for living in Rio. You take your slippers off and feel the sand beneath the soles of your feet. The smell of salt water permeates the air while you welcome the dainty breeze brought by the sea.
You savor each step, taking your time to reach a certain spot you consider yours as the darkness of the dims the bright liveliness of the city.
Luck must be in your side as you find the place still as you remember it the last time you went there. Trees surround the area abundantly compared to the more famous beaches in the city.
Lifeguard stations that separate the area covered by each beach look like mini lighthouses made of white stone. Posto 1, being the first station, is situated beside rocky shore that signals the other end of the beach.
In between Posto 1 and the clump of rocks, that’s your secret spot. The station blocks the view of the rest of the shoreline, the trees behind you conceal you from the buildings across the street, and the rocks perfectly completes the set up as it eludes you to think that you’re hidden from the tropical urban jungle that is Rio.
You pick a spot near a tree so you can lean on something when you sit down. You unknot the canga on your hip and sprawl it on the sand. You seat yourself comfortably and cross your stretched legs. You open your can of beer and savor the first taste as you stare in the vast darkness
You don’t know how long you’ll stay there, but you don’t care. You have the day off tomorrow and you don’t mind if you’re there long enough that the sun will rise on you.
Damn. You should’ve brought at least two cans of beer for this.
However, your paradise of being alone was quickly interrupted when you hear coarse footsteps approaching somewhere behind you. Shortly after, a figure emerges from the trees, much to your displeasure.
He notices your presence too as he looks your way as soon as he comes to your view.
“Hi!” The stranger greets you all too friendly, which adds to your irritation. You haven’t even enjoyed your time alone and you’re already disrupted. What’s worse is that it’s not even a local. It’s a freaking tourist, probably Japanese based on his features.
“Sorry, but the beach is closed at this time,” you announce in an amicable manner despite being annoyed, something working on a diner has instilled in you for years.
“Oh? But you’re here,” he responds with an easy-going smile that pisses you off even more. You should’ve spoken in Portugese. Maybe then, he would’ve left you alone. “Yeah. It’s not open for tourists at night,” you lie with a fake smile, still hoping that he’ll leave.
However, he does the opposite. He crosses the few steps away from you and crouches to get to your eye level. You stare at his face for a few seconds and realize that he’s actually attractive — brown hair, brown eyes, and a dazzling smile.
Still, you came here to be alone. You don’t want the company of another, no matter how good looking they are.
“Can’t you make an exception for one tourist?” He flashes you a grin that you’re pretty sure would sway a lot of women when directed at them. Maybe you too on a different night. But not this one.
“I’d be honest, mr tourist. I prefer to be alone. If you go past that station, you’ll find a lot of space for yourself.”
He purses his lips. “But it seems more fun here, ms local.”
How is this place fun? There’s literally nothing here. That’s why you claimed this place for your own because people rarely go here when the night deepens.
He’s most likely looking for someone to bother and entertain himself, as expected of tourists.
You sigh when you realize he’ll probably keep pestering you until you give in. You take one sip of your beer and turn to him.
“You better hold one hell of a conversation, tourist. Or else I’ll be the one leaving,” you announce with a deadpan voice.
He chuckles lightly before sitting on the sand. He extends one leg on the side while he bends up the other so he can rest his elbow on his knee. “I’m sure I can manage,” he declares with unshakeable confidence that makes you scoff a bit.
The guy is full of himself. If he wasn’t very pleasing to look at, you would’ve left already.
You return your gaze to the dark waters to distract yourself from his presence. “I’d offer you a beer, but I only brought one.” You say out of courtesy as you lean back to the tree and try to relax despite the stranger beside you.
“I won’t mind sharing yours,” he responds casually.
You take one more sip and face his direction to hand him the drink in your hand. He grabs it with a smile and a wink that would’ve made you cringe if he didn’t look so damn good when he did it.
He puts the drink on his mouth and nips it casually. “So what’s a pretty local doing at the shore at this hour?”
You raise an eyebrow at the subtle flattery he included in his question. “Like I said, I wanted some time alone. Unfortunately for me though, a very rude tourist arrived a few minutes after I just settled down,” you eye him meaningfully which earns you a pout from him.
You almost want to laugh. What is up with this guy? He’s a bit weird, but in a charming kind of way. “What about you, tourist? What’re you doing out this late at night?”
“Jetlag. Our hotel’s just across the street and the people I’m with are already tired. I’m so bored,” he whines as he drinks again from your can before he hands it to you.
“So you decided to take a stroll in a completely foreign city?”
He feigns a surprised look. “Are you a fortune teller?”
“A witch, actually. Better leave now before I curse you,” you warn him with a straight face.
Not even fazed a bit, he meets your dead eyes with affable ones. “I don’t mind being cursed by you, ms. witch.”
You shrug off your shoulders, unaffected by the flattery. You’re used to it with the amount of foreigners hitting on you during tourist season. “You better decide what you’ll call me then,” you respond coldly.
“You really want to keep being strangers, huh?”
Something surfaces in his orbs that unnerves you, a glint that tells you there’s more to this man behind the pompous persona he’s purposely showing you.
“Uh-huh. Ms. local sounds fine to me.” Not that he seems dangerous or anything, but you don’t want to get to know him. You’d like to remain as strangers. This is just a small chat for you both to pass time. There’s no need for names when you already have a way to address each other.
“Alright then, ms local. Lets play a game.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What game?”
“A guessing game. The person who first gets three correct guesses about the other wins.”
“What does the winner get?” You ask with intrigue.
“Anything they want.”
You tap the can of beer dangling from your fingertips while you study him. What can he possibly ask of you if he wins? He looks friendly, but you can’t be too certain. He might ask for something like your number. You have no intentions of giving it to him and getting involved with a tourist. The most you can get from the is a one night stand and a “thank you for the experience” message, as if fucking a local completes their whole Rio trip.
He suddenly laughs. “Don’t worry. I won’t ask for anything weird. I just want the tree you’re leaning at.”
You frown at him. “Seriously? There’s another tree over there.” You point a tree a few steps away from him.
“I want that one specifically,” he says firmly as he ignores where you’re looking at and eyes the trunk you’re leaning on.
“Okay then, tourist. If I win, will you leave?”
“Deal” he quickly agrees. “Go ahead, ms local. Ladies first.”
Without even thinking, you make your first guess. “You’re probably a model or an actor in Japan.”
He breaks into a wide smile at your hunch, which doesn’t tell you anything whether you were right or wrong. “You really think so?”
Did you get it wrong? He seems like someone who has a nightly skin care routine to make sure he doesn’t have any breakouts. His skin looks nicer than yours too. So it makes sense for him to be either of the two.
You don’t tell him that though. He looks like he’s well aware that he’s a pretty boy.
“I mean you do look nice. You’re tall and stuff,” you justify briefly.
He gives out a pleasant laugh that sounds way too rehearsed, like he’s been practicing it in case someone compliments him.
“I’m flattered, but no. Sorry!”
He doesn’t look sorry at all. “Actually, I’m a starter for a pro Volleyball team in Argentina,” he says with his face becoming a little bit more serious as it oozes with pride. You find it interesting — how he glorifies being an athlete. He does have the build for it, but he’s kinda too pretty to be a professional athlete.
Your thoughts suddenly go back to Shoyo now that he mentioned the sport.
“Oh oh oh wait,” your enthusiasm shoots up when a hilarious assumption hits you. “I’ll go again then you’ll get two turns after this,” you clear your throat before voicing out your thoughts.
“Let me guess. You traveled all the way from Japan to Argentina to pursue Volleyball,” you declare with all smiles despite how ridiculous it might have seemed to him. You could waste one guess to entertain yourself.
He stares at you wide-eyed with disbelief. “How did you know that?”
You gape at him in surprise. You were just goofing around with Shoyo’s story. You don’t expect that he’d have a similar story.
“For real?”
He nods. “Yeah. That was frighteningly accurate.”
Wow. What were the chances that you were actually right? What was just a ridiculous hunch was actually on point. Now, you’re far more entertained. You’ll ask for his name before you part ways and tell Shoyo about him. You don’t have a clue what the Volleyball scene is like in Japan so maybe somehow, they know each other.
He recovers after a quick while and regains his composure. “Okay, my turn. I’m guessing…,” he looks up as he scurries what guess he’ll make before his gaze lands back to you, “you’re into nice guys.”
You let out a scoff at his too safe of a guess. He must be frolicking when he appears to be thinking earlier because that’s kind of a no-brainer.
“Who isn’t?” You ask back sarcastically instead of confirming that he’s right.
“A lot of women actually,” he swiftly responds. “So that’s one for me. And I’m also guessing you don’t go out much.” This time he doesn’t pretend to be thinking and straight up tells you, as if he’s figured it out already earlier.
You squint at him. “How did you know?”
“You wouldn’t be out here at this time of the night if you did,” he cocks an eyebrow as he answers.
Shit. That’s two correct guesses off the bat. The stakes are not that high for you. You’ll just lose a back rest, but it unnerves you that he’s this astute. You just assumed that he’s nothing but good looks.
You put a little more effort to the game he initiated and thought of a hunch that’s very likely to be correct.
“Umm. I think you like beer,” you surmise. If he didn’t mind sharing one with a stranger, he must like it enough.
He purses his lips to the side and shakes his head. “Nope. I think it’s vile. Also, our fitness coach will chew me out if he finds out I’m drinking tonight.”
You furrow your brows together at what he just admitted. “Then why’d you ask for mine?”
“I wanted to look cool,” he confesses without shame which makes you palm your face.
“My turn.” You remove your hands away from your face and hope that he gets it wrong this time. You’re kinda enjoying the game and want to continue for a tiny bit more.
“It’s been a while since you got laid.”
It’s a staring contest between you after he utters it. He holds the same seemingly good-natured expression in his face despite the sexual nature of his statement. You, on the other hand, can’t suppress the frisky smirk that’s creeping up on the corner of your lips.
You roll your eyes and look away with the smirk still planted on your face.
He finally bares that certain wickedness you saw a glimpse of earlier, and he does it at the right time. He’s probably waiting for the moment you start getting drawn to him, and when you do, he lures you a step deeper into his trap.
You feel stupid for thinking this game is his way of small talk. It definitely isn’t. Yet, you find yourself taking the bait he set.
“Actually, I had a good fuck the other night,” you answer indifferently.
The look that surfaces on his face mirrors yours a while ago, except he doesn’t try to hide the sensual gleam in his eyes when flashes you a grin.
You suddenly miss the bitter taste of the beer so you drink again prior to answering, “Friend.”
The curve of his lips twitch up, evidently amused with your reply. “I didn’t think you were the type, ms local.”
“Why? You thought I was boring?” You question with haughty disdain from what he was implying.
He stretches his bent knee as he plants both palms on the sand and leans back a bit. “No. Just really uptight.”
Only because his company was unwelcomed, but you’re positive he’s aware of that so you don’t comment on his remark. You move on with and proceed to make your guess.
“Right. Okay, my turn.”
You’re absolutely sure of this one, so you go for it without hesitation.
“I think you’re trying to get me in bed.”
Oikawa doesn’t know if he’s going to give you a free pass on that one. You’re not entirely wrong, but you’re not totally right either.
He does want to fuck you. You’re hot and you’re as interesting as he thought you’d be. But he’s not trying to get you in bed, not yet at least. He hasn’t taken any action yet.
He was still treading carefully until you were no longer treating him like a bothersome stranger, which seems to be the case when you unfiltered your words and then willingly gave him intimate information about your sex life.
“Yeah,” he says with no hint of shame. He decides to grant you a second correct answer since that’s the last one you’re going to get. His next guess will be the start of his attempt to actually get you to have sex with him, like you speculated.
“You like beer.” He already had three probable guesses in his head before the game even started. He just panned the game longer so you’ll ease into him. He reserved this particular guess to seal the deal.
“That’s no fair, tourist. That’s too obvious,” you complain yet you still wear an entertained grin.
“Not my fault” He chuckles at his already calculated victory.
“Ugh. Fine. The damn tree is yours.” You start to get up but he grabs your arm, causing you to frown inquisitively at him.
“I didn’t say you have to leave. Move a bit to your front,” he commands which you do even though you still look confused.
He stands up and takes the place you’re sitting at earlier. Your neck is craned towards him as you gawk at him while he comfortably seats himself behind you, stretching his legs just a bit so you’re positioned intimately between them.
“What are you doing?!” you ask with a panicked voice.
He ignores your question. He takes it just a bit further and grabs your waist to pull you closer to him so your back is pressed to his chest.
You gape at him with a scandalized expression, your body rigid with his touch.
He only smiles innocently at you. You might be frozen solid, but if you really don’t want him to, you could easily tell him to fuck off. But there you are, eyes wide open as you try to grasp what he just did.
“I just claimed my prize. I can see why you chose this tree. So comfortable.” He tries to sound nice and friendly, but knows it’s useless as he can’t help the sarcasm that tainted his words now.
You let out a deep breath and shake your head as you rest your back resignedly on his chest. You snuggle even closer until you fill the spaces between you two perfectly, your head nestled comfortably on the nook of his neck.
Still, you don’t seem pleased. The look in your face is a mix of frustration and defeat, but it only strokes his ego even more because despite that displeasure on that lovely face of yours, you’re still leaning cozily against him.
You straight down gulp the remaining liquor you have and put the empty can down on the sand.
“You played me well, tourist,” you mutter, the bitter taste of the beer matching your resentment towards him.
“Not sure what you’re talking about, ms local,” he continues playing innocent.
“Oh please. You planned this from the start. That’s why you asked for the fucking tree.”
He lets out the laugh he’s been holding in since you made him admit that he was trying to bed you. “You finally caught up, mi querida?”
You hoist yourself up to face him. “You speak Portugese?” you ask him curiously.
“Español. I did say I’m from Argentina, mi bella dama.”
You’re stunned with the way the supposed foreign words roll off so naturally from his tongue. It didn’t sound pretentious nor forced, proof that he’s fluent with it. You definitely underestimated him. There is so much more to his charisma than just his pretty face.
“So, ms local,” his gaze drops to your lips with uninhibited hunger that he doesn’t make the slightest effort to hide. “Can I start claiming my actual prize now?”
You open your mouth but no words come out. You don't know how to respond because you’re at war with yourself with the direction of your supposed small talk is heading to. Yet, you can’t deny that you want to reciprocate his overt desire for you.
He takes his thumb and skims it lightly over your lower lip as he keeps his eyes on it. “Say yes,” he orders you with the softest voice you’ve ever heard from him.
The wind suddenly feels colder as your body heats up from the ache that’s beginning to set in your core.
He completely has you in a trance, mindlessly obeying his dainty command.
He smiles darkly at the consent you gave him. He moves his thumb down to your before he slowly dips down and presses his lips against yours. It was gentle, too gentle for your growing arousal as he’s deliberately teasing you to want more of him.
He peppers your cheek with the same soft kisses that are making you more and more impatient.
“Kiss me already,” you mutter when his lips reach your ear, causing the sound of his amused chuckle to be heard crisp and loud.
“But I am,” he whispers before licking the sensitive shell of your ear.
You snap your thighs together from the sharp pleasure the action sent to your pussy, your eyes almost half closed from how fast your desire is engulfing you.
He must have sensed it for he turns his gaze to your clenched thighs. “Well, well, well, ms local. I didn’t think you’re this sensitive. I’m barely doing anything,” he teases while his other hand skims your bare waist.
You want to wipe the smug expression off his face but you’re too horny to fight back. You just want him to kiss you properly already.
A triumphant glint surfaces in his orbs as he dips down and gives you what you’re silently asking for. He parts your mouth with his thumb on your chin and claims your lips, flicking his tongue on your lower lip before sucking it.
You grab his shoulder for support as you push yourself up a bit to feel him closer.
“Mmmm, beer tastes way better from your mouth,” he mumbles then quickly returns to your lips, slipping in his tongue as he deepens the kiss.
His hand on your chin travels to the side of your head, fiddling the other ear his mouth hasn’t touched earlier. You whine into the kiss, fully revealing to him how sensitive your ears are.
His other hand skims the bare skin of your waist he easily accessed because of your cropped top. Then, he moves it up to squeeze a clothed boob, earning him a moan you deliciously deliver to his mouth.
He pulls away to get a glimpse of you and he can’t help but be pleased with himself for a job well done. He’s totally got you, hook, line, and sinker with your eyes pooling with lewd desires, completely different from the cranky stranger you were minutes ago.
But he’s not done yet. He’s not yet satisfied. He can do more than this. He can break you just a teeny tiny bit tonight.
He gets back to your lips, your tongue seeking his while he fervently moves his mouth against yours. His hand lets go of your face so he can pay attention to your other boob he’s been neglecting, kneading both supple mounds with his huge hands at the same time.
You lean your head on his shoulder as he trails his lips down your exquisite neck, softly nipping the delicate flesh as he entertains himself by watching you squirm within his hold.
He lugs your bra down so he could feel your bare breasts, and as his idea of fun, he softly bites the nook of your neck while he harshly grips both tits.
A very indecent moan from your throat erupts in the tranquil air of the beach. You must have realized it too because you bite your lip while your other hand tightens its grip on his thigh.
“Let’s see how well you can keep it down,” he breathes on your neck as he puts his fingers to work, rolling both your nipples with his thumbs while licking the spot he just bit.
You plan to protest, but you’re scared that when you open your mouth, an obscene moan will come out instead. So you do your best to stay as silent as you can, your muted whimpering reaching only his ears.
His mouth goes back up again to your ear, his hot breath gradually melting your resolve to keep quiet. “Should I lick your ear again so you’ll moan for me, hmm?”
You ferociously shake your head, certain that you will lose it if he does. “I’ll do it if you don’t use your words,” he threatens you by grazing his lips on your earlobes.
“N-no,” you weakly answer.
He laughs lowly and withdraws his lips away from your ear. You feel a little bit of relief as he shows mercy. Only to feel stupid when he suddenly pinches your nipples, the surge of pain and delight causing you to lose to your own body as another moan rips out of your windpipe.
“Aahh! ”
You bury your face on his biceps to muffle the next ones as he continues tweaking the hardened buds while he sucks the curve of your shoulders.
You can feel the strain in your hips from how hard you're clamping your thighs, desperate to alleviate the ache in your already sopping cunt by grinding your inner thighs together.
Being the scum the tourist is, he hooks his foot on your ankle and does the same to the other, successfully prying your legs apart, worsening your need to be touched down from the lack of any sort of friction.
He removes one hand away from a boob and drags it down to your stomach, the cloth of your loose shirt catching on his knuckles before it comes to a stop in the waistband of your shorts.
“Can I?” He asks while he traces circles on the skin just above the garter of your cloth.
Despite the overwhelming lust, you look around. Even though you used to have this place on your own at this wee hours of night, the possibility of someone going there is not completely zero.
You let him get as far as this because you can just swat his hands away the moment someone emerges from the other side of the lifeguard station.
Instead of putting his hand in, he dips his hand further down on your crotch, cupping your sex over the fabric of your shorts. Even with just that, your pussy is already throbbing.
You look at him with hesitation.
“What if someone comes?” You ask apprehensively, your lust-induced mind hoping he comes up with a sensical answer that you can accept.
“I won’t remove your shorts, ms. local. I’ll just,” he teasingly tugs the waistband, twisting it around his index finger, “put my hand in, yeah?”
He gives a drawn out lick on the spot behind your ear as he tugs a nipple, making you shiver with the unspoken oath that he can satisfy your needs.
You nod agreeably, impatient for the touch you’ve been craving for.
With your permission, he slowly slides his hand in, the leisure drag of his fingers almost making you mad with anticipation. Your torment only increases when he steadily traces his middle and ring finger on the length of your slit.
“You’re practically dripping,” he remarks as he continues the tortuous caress of his fingers. “Holy shit. You’re twitching already.” He laughs sardonically behind you.
“Jerk.” It’s supposed to sound angry, but it comes out as a needy whine.
You throw your head back on his chest, the night sky and the leaves of the tree you’re under starting to become hazy with how feverish your whole body feels.
“You’re really mean, you know that?” He mopes flatulently before he suddenly pinches your clit, the abrupt pang of pleasure causing you to arch your back as you cry out.
“Oh my. I’m starting to think you actually want to be heard.”
You’re no longer able to respond when he starts rubbing the bundle of nerves, covering your mouth with the back of your hand to suppress the erotic sounds coming off of your mouth.
“Mmmmmpp,” you whimper when he gives your boob a firm squeeze again.
You close your eyes shut as you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“Gonna cum already, hmm?” His question drenched with mockery.
Yet, you don’t give in to his taunt as you’re completely distracted with his fingers sending you to a frenzy. You nod your head frantically, shamelessly admitting that he can easily make you cum.
Then he stops. He slides his fingers down and spreads your folds open as your cunt throbs from the climax he’s defied you of.
“What I’d give to see this view,” he purrs on your ear, “this pussy twitching at nothing.”
You hate the way he’s treating you, but you hate yourself more for letting him do so. As if teasing wasn’t enough already, he starts massaging his fingers around your folds, keeping you spread open while deliberately avoiding any spot that will feel too good.
It’s utter hell for you.
You’re about to ask that he puts it in, but thankfully, he does so before you almost disregard your dignity and actually plead for him to do it. He inserts one steady digit, pushing it deeply until the whole length of his finger is in.
“You’re too wet,” he comments as he thrusts another finger in.
You bite your own hand as the stretch of his two fingers brings back the pleasure he thwarted earlier. But this time, he makes sure to not let it escalate as he keeps the speed of his fingers to a bare minimum. He drags them out incredibly slow and lunges them back in in the same excruciating tempo.
Your eyes flutter shut as you relish the sensation, his digits hitting their deepest reach at the same time the waves crash into the rocks of Leme beach.
Oikawa watches with utter fascination, seeing and feeling the rise and fall of your chest as he prolongs the pleasure his fingers can give you.
But he already misses how you sound when you lose control.
Without any warning, he increases his pace from tedious thrusts to ruthless ones.
Your clutch on his biceps almost hurts, but he really couldn’t give a shit when your moans start to seep out of your hand despite how hard you try to contain them. He can bet you’re not even aware that you’re already rolling your hips against his hand.
But it’s still not enough for him.
Luckily, he knows how to make things even better .
He flicks his tongue on a certain spot on your neck while rolling your nipple between his skilled fingers.
“Too much!” You bat your eyes open and face him, successfully unlatching his mouth from your neck. “Its too muuu aahhhh haaa. ” Your eyes instantly become cloudy as he makes sure that the base of his wrist rubs your clit while he continues ravaging your pussy with his fingers.
His cock is getting stuffed in his shorts with your back grinding against it as he witnesses you lose yourself with your mouth falling open as you whimper with wanton need for your release.
“To- hnnngg, tooouurist.”
Damn. For a moment, he thought you were going to moan his name. He would tell you right now but he kinda likes the idea that you’re a literal stranger allowing him to do vulgar things to you as he pleases.
Your feet leave the seams of the cloth you sat on as the pleasure stretches out to the tips of your toes, the coarse grains of sand getting stuck between as you curl them with your orgasm tingling too close.
The simultaneous stimulation of your most erogenous places is coercing you to let go.
“I’m gonna cum mmmppp.”
Then he withdraws his fingers completely, causing you to regard him wide-eyed with a confused look as he denies you of your high that was a thrust away from your reach. All the while, he just smiles pleasantly at you like he didn’t do anything wrong.
He takes his middle finger in his mouth while you watch him with both impatience and intrigue.
He gives it one thorough suck before sticks his tongue out and licks it, effectively making you wonder how it’d feel if he does what he just did directly on your pussy.
Then he turns to you with a naughty grin. “Why are you staring at me like that, ms local?”
Your eyes lingers on his fingers and tells him instead, “Put them back.” You can’t ask him to do what was just on your mind. The place isn’t right for it. But that’s just fine. His fingers prove to be good enough.
“You want me to put my fingers back in your pussy?” he reiterates your request haughtily.
You look down on the sand before you nod.
He hums on your nape while he inserts his hands back in your shorts, his fingers ghosting just above your slit. You buck your hip up to feel them but he retreats them when you do so.
Your mind is staggering from how much you want him to fill you up again with his digits. You look at him with your eyes begging him.
“Please,” you whimper.
He goes for your lips, kissing them passionately as he traces your slick opening. He plunges his tongue in the same time his fingers enter your cunt, easily pushing you at the very edge you were at earlier.  
Then stops again.
“Why?” You sound almost sulking, your foiled orgasm looming over you.
“Like you said earlier, ms local. I am trying to get you in bed.”
He presses his lips in your temples and drags them down back to your ear. “I don’t see any bed here. Do you?”
The sultry drawl of his voice makes you shiver, the ungratified ache in your groin making you succumb to him.
“My place is near,” you answer timidly.
“You’ll really take a stranger home?” He sneers at you, making you doubt your own decision. Yet, convinces you otherwise when he slowly rubs your clit again.
You shut your eyes and nod frantically with parted lips.
He takes his hands out of your shorts and cheerfully says. “Let’s go then.”
You fix your clothes before standing up to which he quickly follows. You take your canga and wrap it back again on your hips then picks up your empty can of beer. You plan to lead the way, but not even three steps away from where you were, he grabs your wrist and tugs you back to where you were.
He shoves you to the tree he was previously leaning on. Your hand flies to the trunk of it while he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls your ass against his erection, an entertained chuckle coming out of his lips.
“I lied, ms local.” He slides his other hand under your made up skirt, trailing his palm from the side of your knee up to your thigh.
“I didn’t want you in bed. I want you right here right now.”
He briskly tugs down your shorts while you worriedly grip his forearm, alarm evident in your orbs as he reveals his actual intention.
“We’re gonna get seen!” You warn with a cautious whisper while you look around to check for the possible presence of another.
He ignores you and hitches up the cloth hanging from your hips as he takes out his cock and traces it against your moist slit.
You drop the empty can as you drive your nails deeper in the tree with your eyes getting misty from the reminder of the little death he’s relentlessly and purposely deprived you of.
He leans over your back and reaches for your cheek with his lips, tenderly placing a kiss before speaking. “Then they’ll see a tourist with a local whore.”
Flames of fury spark in your eyes as you hiss at him. “You fucking asshole!”
He ignores your futile anger and grips his cock to align it on your entrance. He sees you try to keep up the resentful facade but you’re twitching wildly again for him to even take it seriously. He easily makes you crave for him again by grinding his shaft on the length of your cunt.
“I’m kidding, ms local. You’re too pretty and too interesting to be one,” he says with his lips latched on your shoulder.
“Do you even have a condom with you?” you ask exasperatedly.
“Nope. Should we stop and get one?” He asks back as he once again rubs his member on your opening.
“I.. uhh,” you mumble undecided even though you unknowingly just grinded against him.
He places featherlight kisses along your nape. “I promise to pull out. How about that?” His voice is delicate, persuading you to abandon your hesitation.
“Fine! Just make sure you do it right,” you firmly forewarn him, which he doesn’t even bother answering.
He begins to sink himself inside you, feeling your fluttering walls swallow his cock inch by inch.
“Shit, it’s so hot and tight inside you,” he groans.
Your knees buckle a bit as you cover your mouth with your palm this time. “You okay there?” he asks not out of concern but because he wants to entertain himself with how you sound when you’re trying so hard to keep the obscene sounds at bay.
You shake your head but your face is one deluged of sinful desires.
“But you look like you're enjoying this,” he pants as he’s starting to feel good too with how well you’re squeezing his cock. He closes his eyes and rests his cheek on the back of your shoulder as he rams his length completely inside you.
“Fuccck,” he moans on your shirt while you deliver a muffled one on your palm, which he didn’t like.
He snakes his arm from your waist up to your chest once again, forcefully lugging down your bra that he hears it rip a little.
“I want to hear you feel good,” he says as he toys with your boob he wasn’t able to pay much attention to earlier.
In between struggling puffs, you manage to say, “I don’t wanna be heard uughhh.” You let out a suppressed whine as he pulls his cock back all of a sudden and languidly slides it back in.
“You’re lucky enough I’m allowing this,” you continue on.
“Make me luckier then,” he hums on your shoulder as he aggressively tugs the nipple poking at his palm.
“Gaaah!” You snap your head back, prompting him to softly bite the flesh of your throat you exposed to him.
“Yeaaah. You sound so hot, ms local. Just like that mmmm.” He originally planned to take his time with you, but shit, your pussy feels too good clamping on his cock like you’re already about to cum.
It’s taking all of him not to pummel his cock stupidly fast into you and sought his own pleasure.
“Faster, tourist. Fuck!” Your voice cracks at the last word you uttered from keeping it from being too loud.
Instead of quickening his pace, he stops moving at all. He needs a moment to regain control of himself despite how splendid your insides feel. He wants to tease you some more until you lose that fiery pride of yours. He finds it sexy, but it would be sexier if you drop it and desperately beg for him to fuck your brains out.
He lifts himself off your back and retrieves both his hands to skim them over the curve of your ass.
He kinda wonders what face you’ll make if slams one hand against the meaty flesh. Oh well. No need to wonder if he can just see it for himself right now.
The solid sting of his palm hitting against your skin pierces the quiet air of the shore, quickly followed by a sharp gasp from you that is just as audible.
Fuck, he put a little too much force on that one. He can see the pinkish mark he’s left on one cheek. He checks on you and expects a pained expression but what he finds is eyes lidded with intense carnal longing while panting heavily.
He looks around briefly, checking to see for any unwanted onlookers before landing another slap on your other ass cheek.  
Your hand grips his that just struck you as you turn your neck to look at him with utmost desperation he’s been wanting to see from you.
“Make me cum already,” you mumble with a wavering voice as you start moving on your own, wobbly withdrawing your hips and pushing them back against his cock.
The sensation in his shaft as you use it to give yourself pleasure is nowhere near enough for him, but he continues to stare at your cute attempt to make yourself cum.
Ahh, fuck. Yes. That should do it. You look just the right amount of pathetic he can get himself off to with satisfaction.
He plants both hands on your hips, holding them in place so he can give you what you vehemently begged for. He buries himself inside you in one swift thrust and repeats it again, and again, and again until he sets a steady rhythm.
You wretchedly grasp the tree again to support yourself as he does his way with you.
Harsh slaps of skin to skin contact can be heard, but he figures it won’t be heard from a distance.
“Ah, ahh, aaaahhhhhh!!”  You practically yelled out that last moan, causing him to lean over again and put a hand over your mouth.
“As much as I want you to- shiiit -hear you scream for me, I’d rather not be caught here,” he tells you in a raspy voice. He doesn’t know the laws in this country. He might get arrested for this if found. Their coach would probably take him off the starting roster as punishment if he gets in trouble because of this.
But fuck, you really feel unbelievably good. Even the vibrations of your stifled wails on his hand is an added stimulation for him.
Even he himself is having a hard time to keep his voice hushed as he feels his orgasm about to explode. He removes his hand away from your lips and replaces it with his mouth so he drowns out his groans as he swallows yours.
With his knee, he nudges your leg apart from the other as he dips his hand from your hip down to your clit, rubbing the swollen bud ferociously to finally push you to your peak he previously kept on declining you to reach.
You start trembling beneath him so he wraps his other arm around your waist again to support you.
He pulls away a bit to look at you become undone and holy shit, you do not disappoint. You look so fucking pretty with your moist lips gaping as you puff while your eyes have completely surrendered to the sinful goodness he’s giving you.
“So good, so good, so fucking good uuhhhh,” you mewl shamelessly.
“Yeah? Gonna cum on a stranger’s cock?” He goads you even though he’s about to cum himself just to see if you still give a crap about that.
To his delight, you just nod thoughtlessly.
“Cumming, ahhh, A-“
He covers your mouth again with his before you’re able to let out a scream that will probably expose you two.
He feels too good that all your senses are filled with nothing but the intense carnal bliss as he batters the insides of your pussy by ramming his cock wildly into you without restraint, probably chasing his own high as well.
Your vision becomes a static blur as the coil in your stomach snaps viciously, making your whole body convulse with how intense you came. If he wasn’t holding you up, you’d probably be a thrashing mess on the sand.
You hope that he keeps his word and pulls out because honestly, you just don’t have it in you anymore to stop him as he prolongs your orgasm by seeking his own.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” he spews while his forehead rests on your spine as his thrusts become wilder and more erratic.
He takes out his cock a second before you feel hot spurts of liquid on your lower back accompanied by his hoarse grunts.
He unties the canga around your waist and uses it to wipe off the mess he made on your skin while you’re still holding on for your dear life on the tree.
“My legs,” you whine as they give out with exhaustion.
Thankfully, he catches you in time and releases the soiled clothing he used to wipe off his load. He pulls up your lower garments before he settles you back to how you two were seated a while ago, except it’s less compromising this time.
You’re all curled up within his grasp, still catching your breath from what just happened as he puts a hand on your forehead to make you rest against his heaving chest.
The sound of the waves, the blow of sea breeze, and the sand beneath your thighs are lulling you slowly back to the present, making you aware that you just had sex with a stranger, with a freaking tourist
“So,” he speaks first but you keep your eyes closed and pretend this is just one sexy dream then you’ll wake up in the morning and realize that you actually didn’t go out at this time.
“Ms. local, helllooooo?”
He’s obviously recovered based on the familiar, frivolous tone he had when he came out of the trees a while ago.
You sigh since you aren’t able to convince yourself enough that this is just a dream. The sex felt too good and too hot for it to be unreal.
“Do I finally get a name?”
You open your eyes and find him looking eagerly at you.
“No,” you respond immediately which visibly turns his excitement upside down.
You also discard your previous plan to get his name. There’s no way you’re telling Shoyo about this guy.
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shijiujun · 4 years
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Time for some BL/Danmei novel recs! 
You guys have probably (maybe) seen my novels list here - [X] - but it’s more for my own tracking than anything else, so here’s a brief list (I’ll probably do full ones of the ones I really love in another post, probably on Minmo).
The ones elaborated on below with the asterisks are the novels I’ve actually finished reading.
*since everyone more or less knows MXTX’s works - TGCF, MDZS and SVSSS, I’ll skip those!
1. SCI 迷案集 | SCI Mystery Series by 耳雅*
Summary: Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao are childhood friends and rivals that end up working together under the newly established SCI unit as co-leads, with Bai Yutang providing the brawn as Captain and Zhan Zhao the brains as Vice Captain and the team’s resident genius psychologist. They solve cases together and slowly unravel a wider conspiracy that involves their parents’ generation and beyond. At the same time they also realize that they’re meant for each other!
Other CPs: Bai Jintang (Bai Yutang’s older brother) & the medical examiner, Gongsun Ce, Bai Chi (Bai Yutang’s younger cousin) & magician Zhao Zhen, and at least three other gay pairings, one of which is considered another main couple of sorts from Vol. 2 onwards
Status: Incomplete (Began in 2010, author is still going on strong with one chapter every one or two months, we’re halfway through Vol. 5 right now and it’s been 10 years ;-; Love that the author is going on strong!! Everyone on JJWXC are like “please author it’s okay if you go slow as long as you keep going we’re here for you” and jfc I understand the fear of this not completing, also when will Vol. 5 be completed and printed?!! I need to complete the collection)
Translations: Unfortunately, only the first volume has been translated well so far on novel updates. The one on Wattpad seems to have caught up, but I would not recommend that one.
Drama/Live-Action: Season 1 was filmed and released in 2018 under the same name with slightly changed names for the characters. Season 2 was supposed to start filming this month but... oh well. First season basically covered Vol. 1 novel from start to end.
*I love this one only because it was my very first danmei and so it’ll forever have a special place in my heart, and also because it’s still ongoing so ya know, I relive how much I love this every month
2. 成化十四年 | Cheng Hua’s Fourteenth Year (The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty) by 梦溪石*
Summary: Tang Fan, a prefectural judge, and Sui Zhou, a high ranking officer in the Embroidered Uniform Guards, meet while trying to solve a murder case. Both of them end up partnering very well together, Sui Zhou ends up inviting Tang Fan to live with him, and the rest is history. Through their days living together and solving cases + a larger conspiracy involving the royal palace, they fall in love. Adding to this mix is also Wang Zhi, a powerful, young eunuch who befriends the pair, and the three of them basically help the crown prince to overcome challenges and his enemies to become the next Emperor
Other CPs: None XD
Status: Complete!
Translations: Ongoing on several websites. I’m only translating relationship highlights, but here’s an introduction post I did for it, if you guys would like somewhere to start without getting too invested - [X]
Drama/Live-Action: The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty was released earlier this year, directed by Jackie Chan and starring Darren Chen and Paul Fu, but cases are a little different and there are new characters in the show that weren’t from the novel etc.
3. 杀破狼 | Shapolang by Priest*
Summary: Set in a steampunk universe where flying boats named ‘kites’ and flying armour exist. Young teenager Chang Geng lives with his mother and stepfather - the former abuses him and the latter neglects him, and the only person that he cares about (and cares about him) is Shen Shiliu, his (very young) godfather. He realizes his identity as a royal prince when the Man tribe invades his city and Shen Shiliu, whose real name is Gu Yun, turns out to be an army general whose duty was to protect Chang Geng in secret (among other things). 
Chang Geng has been critically poisoned by his mother (who’s not actually his birth mother, if I recall she’s an aunt) which leads to him getting terrible dreams frequently with the end result of him being driven into insanity, while Gu Yun is half blind, half deaf due to poisoning + injury when he was much younger, and he can only regain his hearing and sight fully when he takes a medicine that is slowly losing its effectiveness with every dosage he has.
The both of them navigate learning about each other again, falling in love a few years later when Chang Geng is all grown up and also unravel conspiracies and fight bad guys (both external threats and internal as in the current Emperor and other parties) XD
*Note: The age old debate is that Gu Yun ‘preyed’ on and also ‘groomed’ Chang Geng, but I disagree and stand by the fact that Gu Yun was 90% of the time not around while Chang Geng grew from a teenager to a young adult as he was fighting wars elsewhere, while Chang Geng refused to stay at the Gu manor and insisted on running around, travelling on his own and seeing the world for a few years before they met again. And it was Chang Geng who’d always loved Gu Yun and devoted himself to caring about him, making advances on him etc. when he became an adult
Other CPs: Shen Yi (Gu Yun’s second-in-command) & Chen Qingxu (a renowned physician who ends up healing both Chang Geng and Gu Yun of their ailments) 
Status: Complete!
Translations: Fully translated the last I heard, it’s up there in the list of holy grail BL/danmei novels, so I’m sure it’s done hahaha.
Drama/Live-Action: Filming in progress!
*This is up there in the hall of fame for danmei novels for more than just the amazing content and writing - It’s also famous for being one of the most complex novels ever. I don’t know how the translations team did it because DAMN it was complex and I read all my novels in Chinese without much issues but I was honestly STRUGGLING WITH this one and I went through some existential crisis while reading because I was like ‘did I ever learn Chinese, am I even Chinese’ XD
4. 默读 | Silent Reading by Priest*
Summary: Luo Wenzhou, a police captain, and his team including best friend and partner Tao Ran, face a few challenging cases that end up being small parts of a larger conspiracy, and end up having to consult with Fei Du, a flamboyant, charming and flirty, young and rich CEO, who Luo Wenzhou describes as someone who is an expert at ‘crimes’. Not deduction, not solving crimes, but someone who is familiar with how the murderer or culprits would commit crimes. Both Luo Wenzhou and Tao Ran know Fei Du well, because they first met when Fei Du was in high school, when he called the police because his mother had hanged herself in the house, and since then Tao Ran and Luo Wenzhou look out for him, spending holidays with him, giving him presents here and there. Luo Wenzhou and Fei Du overcome their misunderstandings of each other and fall in love while solving all the cases and the larger conspiracy behind it.
Other CPs: Tao Ran and someone he knew first from his school days or was a neighbour when he was younger, I can’t remember, but they meet again at a blind date and end up living in the same building on different floors XD
Status: Complete!
Translations: Complete!! There’s a huge post floating around on Tumblr with all the links (I can’t find it right now) and on Twitter you can also find the collated, epub versions etc.
Drama/Live-Action: Rights for a live-action was signed, no casting confirmation or set dates yet
5. 犯罪心理 | Criminal Psychology by 长洱*
Summary: Police captain Xing Conglian drags psychologist Lin Chen out of seclusion/hiding to solve a case that is indirectly tied to him. Lin Chen was involved in a case a few years ago that led to four deaths - these four victims were the sons/daughters of four of the five huge old-money (super rich) families in the country and these family members sought to make Lin Chen’s life very difficult for him afterwards by making him lose all the jobs he can find, by surveilling his every move and ensuring that he’s not happy etc. Because of that, he backed out of the police force as well and quietly lived as a school dorm administrator, which is where Xing Conglian finds him a few years later. Lin Chen fakes his death after the first case (not deliberately but kind of a by-the-way thing), but as fate would have it, he ends up meeting Xing Conglian on another case, and he decides that he’ll move in with him and also involve himself again, consequences be damned, and they fall in love!
Other CPs: None XD
Status: Complete!
Translations: I think it’s not complete yet.
Drama/Live-Action: None that I know of.
6. 死亡万花筒 | Kaleidoscope of Death by 西子绪* (MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE)
Summary: Supernatural setting where people who are about to die get a second chance to live. These individuals are either in the midst of a dangerous situation (for e.g. a shootout or a deadly mugging incident) or are about to get into accidents (for e.g. an entire bus going off a bridge or a chandelier dropping from above and crushing the person underneath) or are ill (recently diagnosed with cancer or are terminally ill with a condition for e.g.) - The list is endless, and in the situation between life and death, 12 doors will appear before them. 
It is said that once these individuals finish all 12 doors, they will truly get a second chance at life and survive whatever cause of death they were imminently facing. 
Each door represents a creepy, supernatural mystery, and Lin Qiushi finds himself in a strange place after opening a door when he was trying to enter his apartment one day. He meets Ruan Baijie, a beautiful, tall woman who he happens to meet, and they realize that in this strange world, he and other individuals who came through the door have to complete a given task, find a key and an exit door, and make it out alive. The others in the team (some of which have already gone through several doors) explain to Lin Qiushi, who is a first-timer, what the doors are about. 
The catch is, if they die inside the door, in the real world, they’ll die immediately, by accident, throwing themselves off a building, or just throwing up blood until they die (just to name a few)
On the first night, however, three people are slaughtered and eaten by a long-haired ghost/creature. The good news is, Ruan Baijie isn’t all that she seems to be (for one, she’s not exactly a woman) and she takes a liking to Lin Qiushi immediately.
Other CPs: None XD
Status: Complete!
Translations: I think it’s not complete yet!
Drama/Live-Action: None that I know of, but honestly, this novel would be fricking EPIC as a live-action, and really creepy, but this is my all-time favourite novel, I kid you not!!!!
*I’m definitely doing a longer and more detailed to-read for KOD on my translation account, gosh you guys have no idea how much I love this.
7. 当年万里觅封侯 | Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine by 漫漫何其多
Summary: Yu She and Gu Wan were close friends for a short period of time when they were younger, but unfortunately their identities and positions meant that they were opponents. Yu She’s family was for the Second Prince and Gu Wan was taken in by the Sixth Prince’s family, but in the end it was the Second Prince who ended up getting to the throne, while the Sixth Prince was accused of treason and died somewhere far away at war after being captured. Gu Wan’s only wish was to keep the Fifth Prince’s children - Xuan Rui and a pair of twins, Xuan Yu and Xuan Congxin safe, and so he moves them to another province and asks the Emperor (the Second Prince) to demote Xuan Rui’s status to prove that they are no threat to the Emperor, if only to stay alive for another day.
However, their days of hardship have only just begun, and Gu Wan decides to namedrop Yu She, whose family is so powerful now, and claims that Yu She loves him and that he was wooing Gu Wan back in the days they knew each other so that officials and others would treat the children under his care better. A few years pass and Yu She doesn’t expose Gu Wan. Gu Wan thinks they can go on like this forever, until the Emperor asks Xuan Rui and the twins to head back to the palace for a visit.
Gu Wan meets Yu She again, but the boy he knew, who was gentle, a stickler for rules and a proper, well-mannered person, has changed almost completely. Cue palace conspiracies again, brothers fighting for the throne, scheming consorts etc. XD 
Other CPs: None XD
Status: Complete!
Translations: I think it’s not complete yet but I’m not super sure on this
Drama/Live-Action: None that I know of!
*They came out with a new reprint edition three days ago and it’s gorgeous! And comes with amazing freebies, and I am a sucker and read it on the day of the printed novel release because I saw the art and loved it, wanted to see if the story was any good, and damn after chapter 2 I WAS GONE and then I checked out two copies from different stores for the two different sets of freebies 
A list of those I haven’t read but I see are highly raved about:
1. 二哈和他的白猫师尊 | The Husky & His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun
- I’ve already been spoiled and I know what goes on mostly, and there are a lot of warnings for a reason, but I’m still a fan, and let’s not get into the debate on the content, I know I have to read this but the angst level is apparently ridiculous, so I need like some mental preparation before I sit down for it.
2. 千秋 | A Thousand Autumns by 梦溪石
3. 烈火浇愁 | Lie Huo Jiao Chou by Priest
4. 将进酒 | Qiang Jing Jiu by 唐酒卿
- A really good group of translators picked this up initially on Twitter, but then assholes were complaining that they were being too slow and insisting that machine translation (MTL) did an equally good and faster job, so the OG dropped it, and then another nice team picked it up, but MTL team is still being an asshole XD I’ve heard really good things about this one, it’s apparently quite complex as well, I’d liken it to Shapolang level? But it might be even more complex (with a lot of politics and stuff), so much so that apparently the printed novel comes with a relationship/character chart so readers are at any point in time clear on the characters which is like amazing XD
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
could I request a jean x reader? The reader was in a relationship with Marco and after what happened to him, they were both always there for each other and eventually developed feelings for each other
“Fresh Starts,” Jean x Reader
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Summary: After finding your dead boyfriend Marco, you and Jean cling onto each other for comfort and end up developing feelings.
Warnings: none
The first few days after finding out about Marco was very difficult for you. You couldn’t even get out of bed and go to work without feeling this intense weight pin you down and drag you across the floor. The deep rooted depression had clung onto you and kept you bound to the bed.
You had cried too many times to even count. All of your tears were gone and there was nothing left to cry so you would just lay in bed, lights off and stared up at the ceiling as you held onto Marco’s jacket.
Jean had tried to be there at first but he decided that maybe space is what you needed for the first few days, that is until you continued to stay in bed and not come out to even eat or work with the other Scouts.
He felt the same as you but he had put on a fake face and pretended like nothing was bothering him. He was angry and sad but he knew he couldn’t let it hang over his head and prevent him from working.
As he walked down the hallway towards your bedroom, he was holding a full plate of food he had made for you just because he knew you weren’t doing too well. He knew you needed someone to come and push you and comfort you so you can move on and not let this drag you.
Jean had knocked on the door but when you wouldn’t get up to answer, he had decided to let himself in and looked at you on the bed in a daze. He sighed, setting the plate down on the small table and opened up the curtains in your room to let some sun in.
“I made you breakfast, I know you’re hungry.” He tried to put on a happy mood for you, tried to be of some help to show you that being in bed like this wasn’t going to solve anything.
“I just want to be left alone, Jean.” You mumbled, your eyes moving to look up at him and he shook his head while forcing you to sit up.
“Not an option.” He sat down on the bed, grabbing the plate and setting it down on your lap.
“I’ll feed you if I need to.” His eyes stared down at you, the heavy feeling he felt in his chest and the pain that was hovering over him.
The guilt had hit him as he looked over your current state, he could tell you haven’t left your room or even tried to take care of yourself. Your hair was a mess, still in pajamas and have been for days.
He hated to see you like this but he knew how much Marco meant to you, shit- he meant a lot to him too and it pained him to see his own best friend dead. It felt like a bad dream, a nightmare he was going to wake up from and he knew sitting there that maybe you felt the same- stuck in a endless loop of hoping you’ll wake up.
You hesitated before grabbing the plate from your lap, picking up the fork and started to eat. Jean felt relieved and felt like a weight has been lifted off of him but he still felt weighed down.
After you were done eating, it was silent and you both had sat there soaking in each other’s company. You had suddenly forgot about everything for just a few minutes while you were eating but sitting there deep into thought had brought everything back.
It made your eyes start to fill up with tears and you shook your head, looking down at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers and when he looked down at you, he seen the one stray tear rolling down your face and falling down on your lap.
“I got an idea.. to help with the grief.” He offered, standing up from your bed and grabbed your shoes.
You weren’t completely upset that he was still here but it did make you feel uneasy with the company when you just wanted to be alone but at the same time his company felt somewhat good, it took some pressure off of your shoulders.
Your eyes watched Jean as he slipped your shoes on your feet and tied the laces before dragging you out of bed. A dramatic groan had slipped passed your lips, following him down the hallway and even debated snatching your arm back and running to your room again.
“Jean..” You spoke up, an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach the further you were away from your bedroom.
“C’mon, trust me on this.”
You closed your mouth, letting him lead you to one of the rooms where most of the weights were. It was basically one of the many training rooms that they had on the base including stuff outside to train with as well.
He had walked you over to the punching bag hanging off the hook and gestured towards it with a smile on his face, trying to ease up the mood and make you feel somewhat better.
“I think hitting the bag would help, get all your frustration out. Or you could punch me, that’s cool too.” He said, watching your eyebrows scrunch together as you stared at the punching bag.
Jean just wanted to help, he felt awful and he also felt obligated to take care of you after everything that had happened. He was close to Marco and now that he was gone, he felt like he needed to look after you for him.
After that day he had continued to stick by you and come in your room every morning with breakfast and stop by a few times to talk to you, help you in anyway he could and make sure you were taking care of yourself.
It was from that day that you two were soon inseparable. You both had helped each other in ways that you couldn’t explain. Jean was always helpful and caring, making sure your head was up right.
A few months had passed and everything started to feel lighter, everything started to lift off your shoulders and life started to get a little more easier to live through without Marco.
You were starting to feel a bit happier but of course you couldn’t just not think about Marco, he was always in your head but you were slowly accepting things for the way they were and living on just like how he would want you to.
Jean had started to make you happy, he made you laugh and always made you food to make you feel better. He always stayed in your room late at night just to make sure you weren’t sad or going to sleep crying like you used to.
And as time had flew by, you had found yourself developing feelings for Jean and at first you had beaten yourself up over it for days. The horrible memories of Marco’s death had flooded your head as you laid in bed late one night. Would he forgive you for liking his own best friend? Would you go to hell for this?
You really hated to admit that Jean was making you happier since Marco’s death.
You were terrified, you felt like you were betraying him and it just made you fall back into that depressing hole you were in before but Jean was quick to notice and worry once again.
His hand came up to knock on your door one random day after not hearing from you for almost a week. He had let himself in after a few minutes, seeing you in the state you were all those months ago- in bed and sulking.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” He asked, worried and all you did was just shrug your shoulders, how do you even tell him everything?
“You can talk to me, ya know. I don’t want you to feel like you’re battling stuff alone.” He said again, his feet making their way to your bed and sitting on the edge of it.
You sucked in a sharp breath, tilting your head to meet his gaze and the way his soft eyes had burned into yours, it made your heart race and it made the guilt shower down on you continuously.
“I feel like a terrible person..”
“What? Why?”
“Because I like my dead boyfriends best friend.” You abruptly said, watching his eyes grow wide and he began to stutter on his words.
Jean hated to admit that the last few months he had developed some feelings for you. You two hung out almost everyday, leaning on one another to help get through Marco’s death and it helped but it also pushed the two of you together.
He hated the fact that he let himself fall for you during the last six to seven months but it was nearly impossible not to fall for you. You two were always together and always cheering each other up, he started to see you in a better light and see that bright personality you had.
Of course he knew about it before, he was pretty close to you and Marco but now this was different, he’s seen it up close and personal and seen your beauty in many different ways and that made him start to develop feelings.
He thought about it a lot too, was this something good or was this stupid? Was he betraying his own friend for having these feelings? For thinking this way? He didn’t know and he leaned on Armin for advice and all he said was that maybe Marco would want the two of you to have each other.
“Feels wrong.” You mumbled after a while of silence, your eyes moving away from his as they began to water.
“It might feel wrong at first but.. if you continue to live your life feeling like you’re betraying Marco then you’ll just end up alone. It’s been over half a year, gotta move on eventually.” Jean said, not knowing exactly what was coming out of his mouth.. he sounded like Armin.
“Maybe you’re right..” You sat there in thought, wondering what would Marco think. You knew he wanted you to be happy, you both have had that talk numerous times because you both know that with this job, life isn’t guaranteed.
just promise me you’ll be happy afterwards, no sulking. His words had repeated in your head, breaking your heart all over again.
“Marco will always be here, Y/N but you can’t beat yourself up wondering if what you’re doing to be happy is wrong to him.” Jean trailed off, not really knowing what to say, he felt awkward.
“Do you feel the same?” You quietly said, your eyes meeting his again and suddenly it felt like his heart had stopped in place.
“Hate to admit that I do.”
“Then we’ll take it one day at a time.” You sighed, reaching over and grabbing onto his hand, holding onto it for dear life like the moment was going to be ripped away.
Jean had stared down at you, almost in complete shock. He loved Marco like a brother and he didn’t want to feel like he was betraying him but he also didn’t want to feel like he was pausing his life and pushing things away just because he felt that way.
You deserved to be happy, Jean wanted you to be more happy than him and he promised himself to do that for not only you but Marco.
Even if that meant the two of you were gravitated towards each other.
Even if that meant the two of you developed feelings.
And even if that meant the two of you end up together.
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