#idk if this is venting 🤣🤣😅
crystallinestars · 4 months
I saw the banner and it’s kinda relief that Kaveh isn’t pulling up with Haitham, even though the community I’m in is absolutely losing their marbles over this ahahah. Hopefully he will be with Nilou instead, I want them both 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Though OMG I saw one of the voice lines from new Sumeru guy Sethos regarding Haitham and Kaveh and the ship pandering that you’ve mentioned before, it’s so real 🙁 Like it’s along the lines of “Something about those two guys hanging out together, you just can’t look away.” Apparently the original CN line doesn’t even carry the same implication, like it focuses more on the fact that ah, these two famous people are hanging out and it’s eye-catching (?), iirc. For some reason English translator wanted it to look more sus ig. And the fandom is gobbling it up… haizzzz 🙄
I don’t know anymore honestly, when Mihoyo tosses the bait, the fandom will absolutely latch on to that stuff and make sure to rub it in everyone’s faces. “Ah, they are GAY for each other and everyone else who doesn’t feel the same way is WRONG” kind of thing. As far as I’ve seen, the only other ship whose fans get so insistent and up in arms about their ship and the sexuality HCs is a certain pair of Inazuman women (and even for these two idk if Mihoyo has baited as hard as they have for Haitham and Kaveh???). To many fans, close same-sex friendships are no longer viable; they must be kissing and getting hitched next week. And as usual, bisexual people do not exist in Hoyoverse fandom’s eyes. They’ve locked me out of Pride Month 🤣
Also, I was thinking about how pushy the fans could get and I wonder if it’s something that’s exclusive to the English-speaking fandom? IIRC I’ve also seen other nationalities such as the Indonesian fans who say that their part of fandom is not any better 😅 Cos I’m genuinely curious if the CN/JP/KR (or any other nationality) fans get so aggressive about ships, sexuality HCs, etc. I remember another anon mentioned how shipping as activism has become a thing and it seems like it’s really big among American fans in particular (and at this point, probably other anglophone fans).
I don’t even play HSR (cos no space on my device) but I’m just absolutely eating up the AvenStelle and AvenPaz feasts in lieu of what NL crumbs there are for Kaveh because hot DAMN Aventurine is just so fine. 😭 And Stelle, Topaz… they’re soooo pretty (it’s a digression but when I was at the con, many girls dressed as Stelle, and I observed that her fit looks good on pretty much everyone). I find it kinda interesting that even though Aventurine has a popular BL ship and a fandom that also likes to do the “he can’t be anything but gay because of his looks and personality” thing, he also has not just one but two popular NL ships. The tags for both on Twitter are alive and kicking, compared to if you go onto KavehLumi, KaveLou, etc and it’s a very, very small trickle of activity in comparison.
Not quite ready to stop playing yet because I need to build up my new team with Layla, Faruzan, Scara but maybe after I’ve done this, I’ll take a break to cook Kaveh food on AO3 ahahahah.
I think that I lack the ability to write short asks… Hope it is not too painful to read (and sorry for negative vibes 🙁).
Welcome back 🍓 Anon! No worries, I like receiving long asks ^_^ They're not painful to read at all, trust me. Nothing will ever top the pain that is reading academic research papers 😐
In the same vein, I hope my super long responses aren't too much for you. I can't keep them short even if I tried. And don't apologize for negative vibes, I get that sometimes you want to vent your frustrations and thoughts with someone who can relate. I would even say that between the two of us, I'm more negative haha 😅
I legit wanted to celebrate with a bottle of champagne when it was revealed Kaveh wasn't on Haitham's banner. Finally a win. I know the community is having a meltdown, but truth be told, their tears water my crops, clear my skin, and and extend my life by 10 years. 😊 I'm having a good day. If I actually bothered to look at their comments, I'd grab a bag of popcorn and have a field day.
And yes, I also hope he's with Nilou! I always thought they'd be together since they're both bloom-based, but some people speculate he might be with Furina/Sigewinne. Guess we'll see. Kaveh has been gone for over a year, which is so unusual for a 4 star. I though they were withholding him because of the deletion glitch a hacker did using him, but it's been a good while since then...
Regarding English localization... it has been established since a while ago that the English translation for Genshin and HSR leaves much to be desired. There have been multiple instances of mistranslations and butchering of characterization. Rhinedottir, Nahida, and Arlecchino had masculine pronouns in the beginning before the translators realized they messed up. Characters dialogue is often translated to sound more aggressive than it actually is, or subtleties get omitted entirely. It's a mess, basically.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the English localization team for Hoyo is trying to push their own agenda using their translations. Over the past year, I've seen proof that English localizers for anime and Japanese video games push their personal beliefs by butchering the original source material to suit their political standpoints.
The fandom doesn't even need poorly-translated dialogue to gobble up ship crumbs. They twist and misconstrue official media to try and push their ship being canon. Basically make their own crumbs haha.
I would agree with you that the only other same-sex ship that gets as much gatekeeping and toxicity as the Roommate Ship TM is the one with the electro Inazuman ladies. I would also go as far as to say that yes, they also get almost as much pandering, though maybe a tiny bit less? Just a bit. At least both of them can be seen solo or interacting with other characters frequently, and don't have forced moments of interaction for ship bait.
Please don't get me started on same-sex dynamics in Genshin and HSR. It feels like you can ask any shipper of a popular same-sex ship, and they'll tell you that every single character is either gay or lesbian, no in-between. And if they do accept other sexualities, then characters can be anything but straight. NEVER straight (as a saw someone say about Aventurine while using his lightcone art with Ratio as "proof" that he can't possibly be straight, how dare you ship him with a woman).
So yes, according to a significant portion of the fandom, only homosexuality exists, all other sexualities be damned. And yes, characters of the same sex can never be just friends, they're only ever "implied to be a canon gay/lesbian couple". The worst part is that Mihoyo actively encourages their delusions by pandering to the BL and GL sides of the fandom, and the toxic portions of those rub it in everyone else's face, as you said.
It's ok 🍓 Anon, even if they locked you out of Pride Month, you can come celebrate it with me 😊 (I'm straight though, hope that's ok).
The English-speaking side of the fandom is definitely extremely toxic. They've become notorious for harassing artists from East Asia over ships, so they've got a bad rep there too.
As far as I've personally seen, the Japanese side is pretty chill. People liberally block and mute stuff and people they don't want to see, but they do it quietly to avoid conflict.
I have a friend in China, and she told me that the toxicity is just as bad there as it is in the West. Chinese fans don't fight over sexuality, but they do fight over BL and NL ships. I can't say anything about Korea since I haven't seen anything from them, but I imagine it might be similar.
I also want to add that I haven't seen any ship wars for the Russian side of fandom, but I might just not be looking in the right places. I'd be pressed to find NL stuff there, though...
Lmao, Aventurine converted so many players to HSR. I was one of them (thought I started before he was drip marketed). That man is simply too gorgeous. And oh my god, you cannot imagine how stoked I was that Avenstelle (and Avenpaz) became so popular! It helps that Aventurine is still a new character, so his ships are very popular at the moment, but for two NL ships to be so abundant? Mihoyo would be fools to shoehorn him with Ratio, like what they did to Kaveh. Lowkey, I hope Avenstelle can be as popular as Chilumi so Mihoyo does more with them in the story (and I can continue seeing fanart of them years later).
Kaveh is a tragic case, but I think that's mostly because he has two things going against him:
1) He's a "tall" man, and as we have all seen, Mihoyo loves to create "tall" characters in same-sex pairs.
2) He's a 4 star. 4 stars are always less popular compared to 5 stars, both in ship combinations and overall popularity (I would know, 90% of my fav male characters are 4 stars. There's so little solo and NL content for them).
Surprisingly, Kaveh has a lot of NL ships (with Faruzan and even Layla too), it's just unfortunate they're not popular. Kinda hard to be popular when Mihoyo gives no food for those ships, and the toxic shippers harass you for shipping him with a girl. Mihoyo isn't even trying.
On the bright side, though there isn't much regular content for Kavehlumi and Kavelou, there are dedicated fans for those pairings that still create things for those ships.
I run a Daily Kavehlumi Twitter account, and though it's not bustling (I'm just not good at garnering a following lol), it's got over 200 posts and I still haven't even gotten through the majority of all Kavehlumi content that exists on Twitter. We'll be hosting a Kavehlumi week in July, and I hope we'll get a few participants to make even more content to celebrate the ship. I'll be taking a break from posting on Tumblr this month to write some things for it.
I'm curious though, what kind of Kaveh food are you hoping to cook? 👀 Is it for a specific ship, or something else?
Anyways, I wish you luck on building your Scara team (Who is the 4th member, btw?), and may you have a good day! 😘
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Gonna be honest here I disliked most of Z’s outfits this press tour. Law was being to literal and trying to hard to make everything she’s wearing a reference to the movie and it turn picked some unflattering looks. I probably only liked 3 outfits she wore hopefully the rest of the press tour produces better looks.
I've actually liked most of Z's looks during this press tour so far? 🤷🏾‍♀️
She has been the one who has wowed me the most during this Dune press tour. I loved that green dress/ pant suit she wore for one of the interviews. I'm not a ghats
I love my girl Florence, but she can be hit or miss. Some looks I really LOVE on her (like the London premiere for example.... And then others, I'm like, "hmm...". 🤔
Austin played it safe this press tour. And for some reason, his stylist likes to keep him in over-sized baggy clothes rofl 🤣 He has a nice physique, idk why his stylist keeps hiding it with baggy clothes lol. He didn't look bad this press tour (LOVED the London look with the tank and long coat train), but I much more preferred his Elvis press tour looks. 👌🏾
Timmy's stylist on the other hand just straight up hated him this press tour lol 😆 😂 Timmy is like Florence to me lol.... very hit or MISS. Sometimes I LOVE what he wears, but other times I hate it or think "wth??" Rofl 👀 🤣 His Mexico look was his best look so far imo, but I know some might disagree.
I do appreciate Timmy's eagerness to take risks however. That's what I've always liked about him. Same with Z! Even if there's smthg I personally wouldn't wear, or that I'm not quite feeling on her, I def appreciate the fact that she took the risk, and it makes me like and admire it anyway.
Z has a gorgeous face and a model body, so she can probably get away with wearing a ton of stuff that most of us probably couldn't lol 😆 So I def understand Law's fascination with putting her in various different looks and experimenting. I totally get it! 😅
I love themed outfits for press tours, so maybe I'm the wrong person to vent to lol. 😅
I'm REALLY curious what looks Law will put her in for the Challengers premiere. I feel like we've only scratched the surface lol 👀
Overall, I knew this cast would bring it with the slay, and so far, I haven't been disappointed. 😁😊👍🏾
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petrichoraline · 8 months
hey petri! how are you doing? i feel like i don't see you around here that much anymore! hope everything is going alright ❤️ is there any show you're currently watching or any new music you've discovered? xx
🥹 that's one of the sweetest messages honestly
I appreciate you noticing, I appreciate you reaching out, basically I want to give you a big hug and a smooch on the forehead 😚
I am doing well <3 but im easily irritated and moody so when something ruffles my feathers it might take a bit till I get back into a good mood and for some reason I've just been feeling progressively lonelier and more annoyed coming on here. I dread catching up on posts I have decided I have to make (tho nobody actually cares about them (im not being petty, im literally talking about things ppl don't care about like catching up on tag games and stuff hahah)) and also don't really feel motivated to work on any others. when I work on smth and it doesn't get recognition I feel demotivated and that's been the case with most of my last posts that took quite a bit of effort. I want to give a good answer to a trope question in my inbox and the other asks in there but I just. don't have it in me rn
basically in some ways i function not unlike a child and so im figuratively on the other end of the playground picking at grout and moping 🤣
also I haven't really been watching any asian dramas, ive mostly been binging taskmaster 🤔 last thing I watched was probably cherry magic and I still have to catch up on an episode :] so there's not much to post about, you know <3
as for my irl I've been emotional as well and I open the app with the intention to maybe vent but idk, it feels bad when I do that and more often than not it remains unnoticed, its kinda like I just went to a central city street and took my clothes off and everyone gave me dirty looks lmao
new music.. I've been interested in dpr ian lately though I haven't really acted on that. and he's featuring in a song that drops tomorrow so maybe you could check that out ☺️
also I listened to That Summer by SHAUN yesterday and it's lovely
thank you for sending me such a sweet and thoughtful message💓💝🥹💞💗💕💓💗💝 i vented a bit but you did ask how I was doing and im not exactly the type to just say "it's all good" 😅 it still is good though! so please don't worry 💕 sending you kisses
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whatnowhaya · 2 years
My day: part two🖋
After the shitty things I had at work, tearing up on the way home to the sound of the songs that were on, and venting to my sister, who totally agreed with me, I got home and I was still in a bad mood, it affected my eating and my behaviour, but I did still have an activity I signed up to with my friend later, so I decided to take a bath and that's when I kinda forgot about the first part of my day...
The activity was physical, it was a Bungee Fitness class and it was something I try for the first time! It was awesome🤩 not gonna lie, I did break a sweat but it was FUN🤭
Then, being the person whose face turns to a red tomato after physical activities🍅🙈 we took "some" time from doing anything afterwards...
We ended up deciding to go cycling but when we got there we decided it was best if we rain checked since we weren't utterly prepared. So we decided, "how about bowling?" And so we went to a near mall that has a bowling alley and it was crowded AF, so we cancelled that as well🤣🙃 ... We ended up sitting down for a small chat and calling it a day😅...
I think that looking for one positive thing in your day helps but if you didn't resolve what ached you it wouldn't help much? Idk, like I'm still upset but also not as I was, that's for sure!
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i am so not okay and yeah it may be okay to not be okay but i’m like whole ass not okay at all. i’m over here being a sad ass fuck, im drinking before 7am, ive slept maybe five hours since friday. i have no motivation to do anything, like why do i let myself get this bad though bro? like why does she have this power over me?
like i am so not the same person i was this time last year, AT ALL. i am a completely changed person, but i can’t say it’s for the better because i’m not sure it is. ive whole ass disrespected myself in these last 11 months more than i would like to admit. ive become things i never said i would. like what kind of person stays at the bar until 2am when they got there at 5pm ON SUNDAY. a full blown severe degenerate, like i passed delinquent about ten months ago. i hate even saying this but being a drug dealer has me coked the fuck out 25/8, i self sabotage more than i want to even acknowledge. i’m living a full ass lie and that’s the first time ive even admitted that in the slightest.
but like also, ive had some of the best times of my life over these last 11 months. ive had my fair share of flings with cute ladies. i’ve learned to be so much more confident and comfortable with who i am because why i should i be anything less then great? life is far too short to be anything less than. i went from wanting to run over penny with her own truck and stab her in the face to her being the biggest part of my everyday… we spend hours just sitting and talking in her truck about everything and nothing at the same time. she is a necessity in my day to day and i feel weird if i go even a day without talking to her. she has saved me in more ways than i even thought i needed to be saved. she has shown me that i am a wonderful person and i have a lot to give… i literally don’t pray about many things, you were and still are a big part of my talks with the man upstairs but also penny has become a constant in my conversations with him too because i feel like in some strange, weird, convoluted way we were put together for a reason.. she’s going through a lot right now and yeah i may be as well but i can put mine on the back burner if it means she has me to vent to and to listen to her and actually hear what she has to say.. she is such a fucking amazingly wonderfully exquisite and breathtakingly gorgeous woman who deserves so much more than she even wants to think she does. i just wanna give her the whole world and take away any hurt she’s ever felt. it feels weird to say this but in some ways i think she’s the only person i will ever actually truly love with my whole ass heart because i know for a fact that she would never hurt me and i would never in a million, kazillion, trillion years ever hurt her. i could never physically bring myself to do that.. especially her.. i would literally die before i would ever hurt her in anyway shape or form.
idk though dude.. my life is just so fucking strange and i never thought that i would ever be in the position i am now. like if you had asked me this time last year “stephanie where do you think you’ll be a year from now?” i would’ve said.. “very happily married to the love of my life, building our future together and planning to start a family” BUT THATS A BIG OLE LMAO ROFL 😅🤣😭 i would’ve never thought that i would be a drug dealing degen who’s a whole ass hoe and stays drunk monday through sunday..
i know it’s okay to not be okay but right now i am not okay and that is not okay.. which is also okay, ya know? 🤷🏽🥺
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
cmon y'all lets not make fun of timdayas they're grieving, let them heal, give them some space to vent. Jacobdaya, pauldaya, valdaya, johndaya have mourned, let timdayas mourn they still got kylothee to look forward to.
ROTFL!! 😅🤣
You forgot HunterDayas lol. Btw...were fans of Paul ever shipping him with Zendaya?
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I don't recall that lol... They were only spotted at the SAGs ONCE when they presented together. And she totally IGNORED his hand to help her onstage lol. 😅 So idk exactly WHAT type of "shipping" content they thought they were getting lol. Are you sure Anon? Or are you just being funny and making stuff up? Cuz I don't recall Paul Mescal's fandom shipping him with Zendaya lol.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I don't know if you'll even post this, but thanks for letting me vent I guess ?
This isn't directed at you, but to Tomdaya fandom in general today. I'm really disappointed in how many blogs are making fun of Timmy's body/appearance in the B.Vogue pics.
Everyone HATES when people make fun of Tom, and that's always slammed and called out as wrong. So why are the same blogs doing it to other people?
Its OK to not like him or the pics (they aren't my favorite either), but making fun of how his body/face looks is not ok.
Lol, honestly I haven't been seeing what other Tomdaya blogs have been saying about Timmy lol. Maybe I don't follow them? Cuz none of the ones I follow have even mentioned him today from my recollection hahaha. 😅🤣
Again.... I KEEP saying this: When you claim something is going on in blogs/the internet/twitter, etc. I'm more likely to actually believe you if you have REAL RECEIPTS or screenshots with proof backing what you're actually saying. Cuz without it, how am I supposed to know
that what you're saying is even the truth?? 🥴 🤷
With that said, I'll just say right off the bat that I like Timmy! I have nothing against him. I think he's cool. BTW....Have you seen my blog?? I tease everybody just about lol. 😅🤣 Usually it's all just light-hearted fun and not anything serious or malicious or anything against the person at all... I usually don't take things that seriously. Some things just make me chuckle, that's all. I even tease Tom and Zendaya from time to time lol. 😅 I teased them for their silly "shenanigans" during their breakup, I tease Z and sometimes call her "HoboDaya", I teased Tom about his silly rebounding flings lol, and for being a simp for Z, and I consistently tease Tomdaya for being simps for each other lol. Again, nothing harsh or mean....just light-hearted ribbing from time to time. LIGHT teasing is actually usually a form of endearment to me I guess?? 🤷
Believe me, you will know if I really HATE (hate is a strong word) dislike someone I'm talking about lol. It's pretty obvious when I DON'T like someone I think. 😤
With that said, while I don't like when some fandoms are mean and make fun of other actors/actresses just to build up their faves, at the same time, those same blogs/fans are entitled to their own opinions, just like you're entitled to yours! 😊
If you don't like what someone is posting, you can always unfollow them. Like I said, I haven't seen a bunch of Tomdaya fans/blogs making fun of Timmy's body, but I don't think anyone should body shame someone. At the same time, I thought there was that one picture in the shoot that just looked a little strange to me lol, but hey...maybe some people liked it? Everyone has their own personal taste. But bottom line: Idk about other people, but I personally don't have anything against Tee-mo-tay lol... I just lightly tease just about everyone on my blog at times lol.
And I agree w/you... I think that teasing someone JUST because they're not your "fave" is not right. And no, I don't like it when people do that to Tom either.
Now, if people have valid reasons for not liking that particular celebrity/actor (like they're a certified douche for example), then that might be a different story. 🤷
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whatnowhaya · 2 years
Randomness but not really...
I'm noticing more and more, that whenever I tell someone about something that is bothering me or more specifically, something that causes me to "vent", I cause them to laugh or I, accidentally humour them somehow, and hey, I'm not saying that it's bad or my life isn't this big "tragedy" ( yes, I am dramatic but I like the word thus I used it 🤷🏻‍♀️) but still, it would be nice to have someone to understand where you're coming from without feeling the need to "light" things for them, you know?
I do notice that I make serious situations more "delightful" but I wish I don't, like when I'm asked how my day was, I'd like to simply say, " it was shit, I cried for only a few minutes cause my brain said, snap out of It; to say, I fought the urge to do any destructive acts against myself again, or to say, I failed to not "harm" myself today... But instead, I say, "😅 Alhamdulillah I'm good, I did cry a bit, but what's new🤣 how about you lol"... I think without emojis I'm a different person...
What bothers me is that I'll stop myself from saying or sharing much, even tho I'm talking to the person who knows quite a lot about me; do I wanna protect them from weighting them down with "me" or deep down, I don't feel like my share of shit is that important... Maybe I know that I'm being dramatic and it's not that bad, that I'm just doing this to myself, so it's all lies...
Or maybe the word "dramatic" was said so much to me that I see it as a fact or whatever...
Idk, where I'm going with this, so yeah😬
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