#idk if this made sense its nearly 2am
gay-for-zoya · 3 months
I love morgwen right they both love eachother and there my world. But one sided morgwen omg it makes me sick. Morgana pining for Gwen and having to watch as the love of her life falls in love with the brother she'll grow to eventually hate. Loving Gwen and knowing there's nothing she can do but watch as she marries another. Gwen starting to fear and hate Morgana as she becomes evil. Wondering what happened to her best friend. Morgana eventually kidnapping Gwen which only solidifies Gwen's (justifiable) fear and resentment of her.
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
so ive been reading your kid xornoth stuff and i really like it! and i saw that you had a s2 au with the witch shelby and i thought, ‘what if s2 shelby is s1 shelbys reincarnation, and xornoth also gets reincarnated?’ idk how they meet but kid xornoth, in my head, might become sort of an apprentice to witch shelby.
anyways heres to hoping this ask makes sense i woke up at 7am and its now 2am lol have a good day!
Aw, thank you!
I really like that idea, especially since Sausage has been pushing the reincarnation plotline, it's pretty plausible.
In this scenario, I imagine it going something like this:
Shelby finds a kid wandering around in the Evermoore. He's lost and confused and scared, his clothes are torn up, and he's covered in mud and dirt and infected cuts and scrapes. They look like they haven't eaten in days.
Shelby takes him back to her witch hut, of which he is suspicious and a bit scared. They say that them and their brother don't have good experiences with witches, but she reassures them that she isn't going to hurt them. He doesn't fully believe her, but he's desperate enough to follow her anyway.
She cleans the kid up and treats his injuries, asking how long he was in there. They respond that they don't know, but it had to have at least been a couple of days. His memory is all messed up, he can't remember a single thing about the time he spent in the fog.
She asks them what their name is, and they tell her it's Xornoth. She asks if he has any family she can contact, to which he replies yes, he has a twin brother. Shelby starts picking up ingredients to do a cauldron call (basically like a facecam call but through a cauldron) and asks what their brother's name is. She nearly drops the bottle she was holding when he says his name is Scott.
She checks to reaffirm that they're thinking of the same Scott, before calling him. He’s kind of confused why she called him, but the second she mentions Xornoth… he goes still. She asks if he’s okay, which he ignores and says he’ll be right there, and hangs up.
Of course, Shelby’s a little concerned and more than a little confused, but she reassures Xornoth that their brother is on his way and should be here soon.
He seems relieved, saying he’s glad Scott made it out, which confuses her even more because Scott hasn’t been to the Evermoore in at least a week, and he’s certainly never mentioned getting lost in it. She’s about to ask them what they mean, when there’s a loud thump from outside, and suddenly the doorbell starts ringing over and over.
Shelby opens it and lets Scott in. He’s severely distressed, and grips Shelby by the forearms, asking desperately where is he? Where’s Xornoth? She leads him upstairs, where Xornoth is sitting on her bed, and when the two see one another, they freeze.
Xornoth asks what happened to Scott.
“What happened to me!? What happened to YOU!?”
Yeah. So turns out, Xornoth and Scott are twins. Or- they were. Xornoth swore they were only in the Evermoore for a few days. But Scott’s twin had been missing for ten years.
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sinkix · 4 years
☆ Haikyuu!! │ Boys as your roommate HC’S │ Ft Nishinoya, Akaashi, Oikawa & Hinata ☆
Okay this is a small little shit post idea that I had and it’s 2am SO it’s high-key messy and chaotic but HEY when am I not? I swear I’ll sleep after this I promise.
E N J O Y ~ <3
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
SO!!!! FUCKING!!!1 LOUD!!!11!!
definitely blasts music first thing in the morning to get hype so be prepared for that.
y’all definitely have a designated day for movie nights and just overall vibing.
Often drags you to volleyball practise with him bc why not
both of y’all hate cleaning so it’s usually just a chaotic mess
but you both know where everything is so like whats the point in cleaning up???
can and will wake you up at random hours in the night
literally it will be 3am and he will come into your room and ask you the meaning of life or a cheesy pick up line he read on ifunny.
not even kidding.
sometimes you both end up crashing together bc you spend nearly all night playing video games and talking.
so again, expect random poking and prodding in the middle of the night for more nonsensical questions
when he sleeps though, he’s out like a LIGHT
homeboy fucking SNORES
it’s actually really cute
rolling slumber
you get to see hair-down noya a lot and its *chef kiss*
will always cheer you up after a bad day and sometimes leaves little notes lying on the kitchen counter as motivation.
is your hype man for when your picking out outfits for the day or an important event/party. 
actually has really good taste in fashion??? so you know you can always trust his input.
you mostly eat out or order in because neither of you can cook for shit.
the last time you both attempted the kitchen nearly went up in flames.
just kidding, it did.
 never have you been so grateful for the invention of fire extinguishers. 
some got in noya’s hair and it looked so scuffed lol.
such a chill rooomate, my god.
you spend most evenings on the couch just watching shows or talking about your day, akaashi is a straight up vibe machine and his presence is v soothing.
a really good cook?? so it’s always a nice surprise when you come home and dinner is already made
remembers all your favourite foods and meals so if he senses you’re down he will make them for you.
fuckin angel bro I swear.
most of the time you just eat in comfortable silence or you’ll listen to akaashi talk about the team.
he’s usually your alarm clock since he wakes up around the same time as you and being the responsible boi he is always makes sure to wake you up too.
bless his soul
sometimes you’ll have little jam out sessions if one or both of you are feeling sad
instantly 1000x better
aside from being the occasional goof he’s honestly pretty quiet for the most part
sometimes you’ll forget he’s at home and just bust out the weirdest moves or start talking to yourself and he’ll walk in the room like ????? you good ?????
he’s caught you several times just narrating your inner monologue 
definitely teases you about it
like he’ll just quote a random thing you had mumbled to yourself before just to see you squirm
low-key a little shit lmao
he is pretty tidy and has no problems cleaning up so the house is usually orderly and clean, you both take turns doing chores and pitch in to do your part
sometimes he’ll tease you if you forgot to do the dishes but then go and do them himself
so cute man ihefjwjkfkjef
sometimes y’all will clean together and just dance to music around the house while doing so
sometimes bokuto drops by and all calm atmosphere is instantly shattered but it’s okay bc he’s babi and you appreciate the hype atmosphere he brings.
well, maybe not akaashi bc he has to deal with it 24/7 but still 
you and bokuto get on v well so he makes more frequent visits now and you three will go out to eat or just sit and watch volleyball tournaments on TV. 
sometimes bokuto will make you both re watch their old matches, screaming “YOU SEE THAT AKAASHIIIIIII??!!11″ 
“yes bokuto-san.”  
aside from that just an overall very chill household.
such a little shit lmao
will wake you up by throwing a pillow at your head screaming “WAKE UP (Y/N)-CHAN!!!!!” at the top of his lungs
like tooru sis it’s 7am
Sometimes you’ll drop by practise in the evening to bring snacks and walk him home
he goes all soft and makes sure to be extra nice that night
y’all are hella close and tell each other EVERYTHING
Iwazumi appreciates you SO much bc ur able to tame Oikawa’s occasionally bratty and snarky attitude so it’s less work for him.
there’s a rumour you’re dating but neither of you have addressed it bc you both find it funny.
and idk maybe you are ??? not even you two know at this point
his fangirls get hella jealous whenever you show up lolololol.
oikawa can KIND of cook
and by kind of i mean just throw shit in the oven for like 30 min and bone apple teeth.
so you usually just go to restaurants or do basic cooking
it’s always hella fun cooking with oikawa 
sometimes you’ll buy those ready-made kid baking sets to make some brownies with minimal effort
this bitch will always flick the fucking spoon at you
he always flashes his signature wink, sticking out his tongue.
you just sigh and hope he gets salmonella.
speaking of sickness, once oikawa got a cold
you stayed off the day to look after him and he was SO. FUCKIN. DEMANDING.
“(Y/N)-chaannn!!! make me porridge!” 
“(y/N)-ChAAAaNn! can i have some medicine.”
“(YYYy/nNnNn)-ChAAAaaANNNn give me attention.”
ofc u gave it to him bc how can u say no
 was actually very grateful and kind to you with zero bratty behaviour so u like sick oikawa.
his normal self too, but you’ll never tell him that.
not as bad as nishinoya, like he’ll have his quiet moments but still
it’s hard to be in a bad mood around him honestly so you always look forward to going home and seeing his smiling face
sunshine™ here to brighten ur day
you’re usually the one that has to wake him up bc let’s face it he’s hopeless at being organised and getting up on time.
he was always used to Natsu waking him up so now you’re basically Natsu 2.0 in this regard.
you usually have to resort to shaking him vigorously for like 2 mins until he actually gets up.
once you deadass poured the water over his head that was sitting on his nightstand bc he refused to get up
needless to say he was far more willing after that
you 100% have karaoke sessions together in the morning  and belt the lyrics out, attempting to sync but failing miserably.
maybe you’ll get a record deal one day who knows
Hinata can and will give you a hug and motivational speech before you walk out the door
you often have to fix his appearance before he leaves
his shirt is usually tucked in at a weird angle or hella crumpled
his hair too, like you’ll have to flatten down extra wild strands since he usually forgets to brush it before heading out the door
bitch gets toothpaste marks EVERYWHERE 
like pretty much every place except his fuckin mouth lmao
you sometimes show up to practise to surprise him and he always gets extra hype after that since you offer to pay for food afterward.
y’all like taking late night walks in the park
boy gets scared easily though so prepare for him to leap in your arms like a scene from scooby-doo
definitely have a lot of late night convos, some really stupid and some surprisingly deep.
he’s actually a very thoughtful and layered person?? like under that chaotic and disorganised persona 
don’t even get me started on cooking.
you REFUSE to let him anywhere near the kitchen 
so you usually end up doing the food prep or again y’all just eat out
You both watch volleyball games on TV often and get HYPE AS HELL and yell at the TV vvv loud
once you actually received a noise complaint.
sometimes Kags will drop by because he left something at practise that Hinata had picked up for him.
you and Kags get on pretty well tbh like you both respect each other
he has no idea how you can live with Hinata and often refers to you as a saint
but who wouldn’t want to live with this bby ball of sunshine?
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darlingrutherford · 4 years
Well. Apparently this is a thing. Idk what this'll turn into, if anything much. But. Uh. Here we go.
Continuation of 2AM’s Vampire AU Thoughts.
Alistair found it hard to respond. First of all, he wasn't certain he had heard her correctly. If he had, well… That brought up even more uncertain feelings.
“Did I offend you?” Lana wore a concerned expression that echoed in her eyes. She looked towards her closed door as she realized she had spoken louder than before just then, and lowered her voice back to a whisper as she looked back at the vampire sitting next to her. “I didn't mean to - I only meant -”
“Why would you offer something like that?” Alistair forced the words out. He didn't understand. ‘You should take my blood’ weren't words normally uttered by the living.
“You said you don't have to take much, right?”
“Well, yes, but…”
“I know I'm small, but, do you think I'd have enough for you? Without… You know.”
“Without killing you, you mean?” Alistair waited until she quietly nodded her head. “Maker, um, yes, you… You would.”
“Then I'll let you do it.”
“But why?”
“Because you were kind to me.” Alistair's heart ached as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. “No one has touched me that gently, dressed my wounds with such care, in… In my entire life. I don't want you to waste away.”
“I… I couldn't,” Alistair murmured. He stared at his hands while slowly wringing his wrist. “It's not just like a poke, it - I've seen others do it. It leaves a mark. I couldn't mar you like that.”
“I'm already marred, Alistair.”
Alistair glanced up as her slender hand shifted the collar of her nightgown. She stood, shifting to present her back to him as she pulled her long copper braid out of the way. Moonlight reflected off of her light olive skin as she turned, exposing a burn on her shoulder that continued further underneath her nightgown. She turned her side to him, lifting up the edge of the white cotton fabric to show a deep scar on the side of her thigh. Another just below her collarbone. As she sat next to him at the edge of her bed, Alistair regarded the smaller knick of a scar near her left eye that very well could have blinded her had it been much closer. He felt his cold blood boiling; what kind of parent did this to their child? Well… His Uncle, the only parent he had known, had turned him into a vampire when he had reached a ‘good age’ for it, so… Perhaps parents weren't all they were cracked up to be.
“You said you'd rather waste away than take what isn't freely given… I'm freely giving it.”
Alistair swallowed as she began unwrapping the dressing he had finished on her arm only moments before. The inner layers of the cloth were stained in blood, and he could see more freshly glimmering in the moonlight as the lack of pressure allowed it to flow more freely. Lana practically shoved her arm beneath his nose. The smell was intoxicating. Alistair hadn't eaten in nearly two weeks, well over the usual feeding period for his kind. He found his hand gently cupping hers, while his other slowly traced the outer of her arm.
“You're… certain? Absolutely sure that you want to do this?” His mouth had gone dry, his eyes unable to leave the wound in front of him. A drop of blood fell to his lap from her arm, mixing with the air that gently carried in from the open window, and Alistair was almost sure he had never smelled anything as tempting in his life.
“If it won't kill me, then I have nothing to lose. Right?”
Alistair chuckled at her optimism. He knew deep down he wouldn't be able to deny her offer, not when it was right in front of him. Maker, how weak he felt with her blood presented to him in such a way, as if it were a freshly unwrapped gift.
“If you don't like it, I can stop,” he said. “You… May have to nudge me a little, but, I will stop.”
“I trust you.”
“Trust a vampire… I'm not sure if that's the smartest thing,” he chuckled. Alistair tore his eyes from her arm as he heard her light laugh. Maker, that was a lovely sound: all bubbly, not at all matching the demeanor of someone living amongst so much trauma. He couldn't help the way his lips curled into a smile to match hers.
“I'll nudge if it is,” she confirmed with a nod. Alistair took a deep breath as he looked back at the open wound on her arm.
“It's already open, so… No need to bite.” He said it almost more for himself than for her. He had never fed directly from someone before, always in a glass freshly shoved at him with a bit of disdain. Maker, the smell of her was too tempting to hold back any longer.
Leaning his head towards her arm, Alistair's tongue slowly flicked out as he forced himself to take it a bit at a time for her sake. He shivered as he tasted her blood: warm copper; a bit of sweetness melded into it as his tongue brushed against her skin. Alistair had always known when his Uncle had switched to a different cask - every living person had their own flavor, little notes that changed the embodiment of the blood. She tasted divine, like a clear summer day that made him long for more, sweet as the most decadent deep cherry wine.
His grip tightened slightly around her hand as he pressed his lips to her arm and sucked lightly. A noise escaped Lana, high pitched and almost moaning, that made him pull back as she clapped her right hand over her mouth with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” she mumbled quietly beneath her hand. “I wasn't - I didn't think it - um… Carry on.”
“Are you sure?” Alistair asked. He glanced down at her arm, making sure he hadn't bitten without realizing it before looking back to see her nodding. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, no, it, um… Just felt… um… Interesting. It didn't hurt. Please, I mean it.”
Alistair couldn't help but smile as she flushed. Lana dropped her hand to the bed, gripping in anticipation this time as Alistair pressed his lips to her arm again. He drew up the blood, bit by bit, keenly aware of the slight squirming present in Lana as she bit her lip to hold back her bubbling outburst. He did his best to stay focused; he found it increasingly difficult as the blood coated his tongue and threatened to cloud his senses. It made him feel ravenous, but not quite like he was expecting. So many vampires drank until there was nothing left, greedily emptying their victims until the light drained from their eyes. The first time Alistair had been handed a glass of blood (after thoroughly refusing to go find a victim of his own), he had found it nearly impossible to stop until he could fit no more in his stomach. Alistair had almost expected this to be like that, to find it difficult to stop, but it wasn't. Maker, he did want to keep drawing it out, to be able to keep tasting its sweet flavor, but, when he had his fill, he removed his mouth from her skin as easily as he had placed it.
Alistair took the torn cloth from before and began wrapping it tightly around Lana's arm once more. When he was finished he looked her over, unsure of what to expect.
“How, uh… How do you feel?” He asked timidly.
“Fine.” She nodded, then suddenly widened her eyes a little and gripped the edge of the bed with one hand, and his knee with the other, as if the motion had stirred something inside of her. “A little dizzy, apparently.”
“I suppose a bit of lightheadedness would be expected.” Alistair flushed slightly at her grip on his knee. He scooted closer, and Lana instinctively leaned against the side of him.
“I thought it would hurt more.”
“Yeah, well… It probably would be different, if you hadn't already been wounded.”
“Probably? Do you mean, you don't know?”
“I've, uh… Never really bitten someone,” Alistair admitted. Lana lifted her head from his shoulder in surprise, and Alistair found himself wrapping his arm around her side with a soft laugh as she threatened to spill off the bed from the dizziness the sudden movement caused.
“In ten years?” She exclaimed. “How does a vampire go ten years without biting someone?”
“My uncle keeps a personal store of blood in the cellar. In casks, not like… Bodies. Apparently there are markets for that sort of thing.”
“Does that make me your personal store?”
Alistair chuckled sheepishly at her joke. He scratched the spot just behind his left ear as he continued holding her against his side.
“How does this work? Do you swoop in every week or two for a visit?” She turned her head so she could look up at Alistair while still leaning against him. Then, all of a sudden, she froze up as a thought occurred to her. “My parents won't notice this time, but if you have to leave a mark…”
“Probably not the best idea,” he sighed. It wouldn't be as simple as choosing a less revealing spot. There was a reason most vampires chose the neck: quicker access; one of the lesser painful of spots for their prey - a courtesy given to their food source in what was usually their dying moment. Any other space would be more intimate, and still difficult to hide if her mother was indeed as observant as Lana had let on. Alistair thought about it as Lana looked towards her closed bedroom door. She seemed to be considering something, her chest rising and falling with vigor as she came to a conclusion that surprised Alistair for what wouldn’t be the last time that night.
“Take me with you.”
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ultrakinda-love · 6 years
How Ernest and Thea came to be. I'm just feeling soft today idk
Gavin lazily got to his feet, nearly tripping over two of his cats in the process of walking down the stairs in the pitch black night. If the thunder and rain hadn't had him awake and irritated, then the loud fucking knocks on his front door sure did the trick.
Who the hell would even be out in this shithole weather, let alone at his door, at fucking 2am??
Another series of knocks filled the house. "Jesus fuck! I'm comin'!" He hollered from the bottom of the steps.
When he made it to the door and angrily swung it open, he was surprised to find his boyfriend with an android on either side of him. "Hank? The fuck do you want? It's 2 in the fucking morning."
He back up to let Hank and the RKs in, frowning when he saw the big wet puddle they were creating on his carpet. "Ever heard of an umbrella-" Something moved out the corner of his eye, and he looked over at Nines' arms. "Oh my god..." A young dirty brown tabby was nestled in the android's arms.
Realization dawned on him as he quickly looked over to Connor. Sure enough, there was another cat with him, this one a grey tabby with an odd scar on it's face. Gavin looked to Hank next, relieved to find there was no cat with him.
"So, uh," Hank cleared throat, knowing Gavin probably wasn't gonna be happy about what he was about to say. "We found these little guys in a back alley during an investigation and-"
Gavin had to interrupt him before he was talked into this shit."No, Hank. I don't need any more cats. You've said it yourself. I have more than enough and-"
"That's not what I'm saying. Connor and Nines want the cats, but they don't like Sumo," He still wasn't making sense.
"We would like to keep them at your house, detective Reed. We'll visit them all the time, we just don't want them to live in a constant state of distress," Connor interjected. Great. These assholes would be in his house all the time.
"You're gonna put me in a constant state of distress," Gavin grumbled, trying not to stare at the little bastards in their arms. "You really have nowhere else to go?"
"Our options are... Minimal," Connor frowned a little, petting the poor filthy cat he was holding.
"Its just you." Nines said bluntly, holding his cat up to his face, both their eyes looking like a goddamn ASPCA commercial.
"Ugh, fine, okay," Gavin sighed dramatically. "But You two are responsible for buying them food and paying their vet bills. And for fuck's sake, go clean them, they look like they've been rolling in garbage."
The androids smiled at him like a couple of kids getting their first pet. "Thank you, detective!" They said in unison, trapping him in a hug before he could object. He'd probably regret this later.
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noxrynne · 7 years
im doing my best in school but tbh ive gotten to the point where if i dont meet the grade average the actual school wants me to have in order to accept me ive kind of just accepted that i’ll be kinda fucked and try to push through stuff until i give up
idk a lot of it feels like im being set up for failure pretty often. i have a schedule to check things that meets the req to check x times a week but stuff is being assigned on the inbetween days to be due on the days i check and i jsut dont have the time to do it (or there’s a bunch of new guidelines introduced after the posted assignment by four days and by then i already turned in what i did and i get marked down b/c of the late addendum) i regret taking 4 courses and wish i took 3 or 2 but i couldnt do that since the deal was i take a full course load with this school and make a 2.5 minimum to be accepted to the actual, real school. maybe i shouldnt have cowered out of the arrangement i couldve had where i got to the physical school and have physical classes and live in an apartment. b/c. i think if i did that id be doing a lot better in them. i just freaked out b/c i dont do well alone (i get extremely paranoid/scared and with where my mind was going i didnt want to be alone). online just feels really difficult for me. its hard to keep track of everything. its hard to remember where x, y, or z is ‘cuz they’re all buried under seven different links that are different between the classes. sometimes the textbook fails and crashes and you lose all your progress in terms of it keeping track that you’re reading and doing the dumb 30 question quizzes inside of it. so then it’s like another four hours down the drain.   then it’s like “oh this is an easy assignment” and im struggling witht hose and im like “what the fuck is a hard assignment b/c im gonna fail it” i feel like im either going to barely squeak by with the 2.5 or im gonna fail too many things and not make it and then it’s basically kind of well, either i finish the book i have almost done-ish and i get lucky and get to live my actual childhood dream or i take on multiple minimum wage jobs and just hope for the best or make it as far as i can before i give up i want to say i really hate myself for dropping out so much and barely being able to function so many times but sometimes it feels unfair to my own self since it’s mostly depression/anxiety and not having any resources or help. or i get fucked over on something that’s really important to my own mental health and sense of safety. like UWGB: 0 access to counseling or therapy resources until after the allowed drop-out date. Also there, i got singled out and mocked by a professor and i basically started to cry. Also there, i had a class that ended at midnight and had to walk across an unfamiliar campus at night to try and find my dorm and usually was up walking and looking for it until 2AM while being terrified and paranoid the entire time. Also there, dorms weren’t heated or had A/C so i kept overheating in my room and could barely sleep, and nearly collapsed three or four times. then UCD: request a single room for myself or with 1 other roommate, was uncomfortable with the idea of roommates mostly because of me having transgender feelings and the inability to process them properly. i also just like my space and i get worn down and break down when just dealing with too much all the time. instead i was promised a 2 person max room and got the two person max room but with 4 other people (including me there were 6 of us living in a one bedroom... room). i couldnt sleep b/c roommates wouldn’t sleep (they basically drank and yelled all night, or they’d get high at 3AM and 5AM). one of them touched me a lot and got into my space a lot and it made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. i never felt like i had any space and just felt overwhelmed the entire time and got told to fuck off by the housing people multiple times while eating cold tortillas with cold cheese that was melted over it at one point for their lunches/dinners b/c apparently that’s what the meal plan was. i got pretty sick there a couple times. the coffee place basically never gave me soy milk which i kind of need b/c otherwise i might throw up or have incredibly painful stomach pains. i nearly passed out in a class because it was so bad and i started crying at my desk which was when the professor told me to leave b/c it looked like i had the flu. so i stopped drinking coffee there, which made me feel like shit in the morning and completely unaware of everything (almost got hit by two cars trying to get to my 6AM class that was a mile walk away from the dorm, since it was clear across and off the campus). and then from there i became extremely suicidal and told my counselor that every time i stood in front of the train tracks that early up, i considered stepping in front of the train passing through and almost did it once (someone behind me tugged me back b/c they thought i was in the process of tripping). but i got basically no sleep there, most of my memories are really messy and hazy and i barely register what happened a lot of the time b/c i just legitimately couldn’t process things at the time. i went a week where i didnt eat anything and probably got 4 hours of sleep those entire 7 days. all i really remember is feeling dizzy and lightheaded all the time and really hating sunny days because it hurt my eyes and i’d get bad headaches. well and my counselor giving me six dollars to go to the mcdonalds downstairs b/c she wanted me to eat something then online stuff is just... everything is put in gods knows where, the textbooks crash, the website sometimes won’t work, the assignments are put up randomly without notice, everything is a 3,000 word commitment from just the discussions to the papers and it’s jsut overwhelming and tbh a lot of the time i feel unsure if i can even keep up or do it all. and i know if i pass it all then i can go to UC Boulder and hope i have a better experience than the other two universities, or it’s just as bad and i suffer through it until i have a degree so i can actually have a career that lets me actually live. or i fail it all and die in my mid twenties probably.
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