#idk im very nostalgic atm
alotmoreginger · 1 year
Soul Eater asks the real questions, like what if guns were people with big boobs
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enluv · 7 months
cocooooo !!! :)) i was introduced to riize when they first made their ig and it appeared on my feed,, my friend told me about them and i decided to give it a try and stan them and I DO NOT REGRET IT loll the bias life in riize is def hard 😭🫂 when i first saw the members,, SEUNGHAN had caught my eye, i remember seeing him after watching him perform and was like “who’s this fine looking man that can sing,, dance, and is just an all rounder in general” i stayed like that for a good month until i saw EUNSEOK that man istg I LOVE HIMMM our unbothered king (black hair looks so good on him like hello? 😵‍💫) and then again it stayed like that for a month until I SAW WONBIN AHHHH he makes me wanna scream ,, he’s so talented and is such a good center for riize , he’s literally the full package he serves looks, talent, personality and cuteness what can he not do and ofc everything was going fine until i was on TikTok and i saw this one edit of sungchan and he was in the fit he wore for their talk saxy comeback live,, HIM THERE >>> i be getting nostalgic sometimes seeing him with nct as someone who was an nctzen 😭 BUT LIKE SUNGCHAN i literally love listening to him rap sm IMA NEED SM TO pull up and give ma boy more next comeback so right now that’s how my bias situation is lmaoo (its sungchan rn but idk what the future will hold 😝) and that’s not to say I don’t love the three other members that were mentioned and the other three that weren’t mentioned,, I LITERALLY LOVE THEM ALL just cant pick a bias 😭😔
they definitely hit the instagram algorithm jackpot because tell me why I had friends who weren’t into kpop asking me who wonbin and seunghan were 😭 but so real! I don’t regret it either hehe I just adore them seriously!! but don’t worry picking a bias is so hard like I don’t see how you can atp 😭 they’re all amazing and deserve the world (sm needs to burn and I’ll do if I have to!) SEUNGHAN IS SO GORGEOUS HE FR FR CAUGHT MY EYE TOO LIKE SIR YOU ARE ACTUALLY VERY GORGEOUS AND BEAUTIFUL AND CAN SING AND DANCE???!!! completely get it and im TOTALLY normal about him……🧍🏻‍♂️I AM SO GLAD YOU SAID THAT BECAUSE EUNSEOK WITH BLACK HAIR IS MY FAVORITE EUNSEOK AND HE NEEDS TO KEEP IT BLACK ALWAYS BECAUSE OMFG I need to bite him. I can’t explain it but I seriously need to. The way I felt every emotion you went through too 😭😭 wonbin has me in a chokehold at the moment because he’s just so my boy yk like and he is a star boy and I am such a star enthusiast and I actually did not know he had a thing for stars for a while so when he caught my eye I was super surprised and then I learned about his star interest and (this may sound insane) but I felt like the moon and stars were fr leading me to him like 😭😭 ik that sounds crazy but I seriously did feel like he was meant to be my bias or like just an idol I enjoy yk? Sungchan and I need to fight because one why are you so tall and two why are you so tall and talented and a literal 10/10 like leave something or anything for the rest of us PLEASE! I COMPLETELY GET THE NOSTALGIA PART WITH SUNGTARO IT KILLS ME ESPECIALLY IDK IF YOU SAW BUT IN THEIR LITTLE BEHIND VLOGS WHEN HE IS LIKE “I used to come here alone and always wished to come with a group, and now I can do that so I’m happy” I actually cried so bad because him and shotaro deserve it like I am so freaking happy to see them here in a fixed group with people who love them and deserve it just as much 🥹 atm ig as an update I am just going to consider myself OT7 because I can’t pick a bias to save my life 😭 wonbin and anton have a chokehold on me but I’d fold for eunseok and sungtaro will always be my babies no matter what and sohee + seunghan get me everytime so I just can’t pick atm 😞 but maybe in the future one will slip through the cracks and be my bias 😭 but seriously ITS HARD TO PICK ONE 😭 I need to burn sm down though especially with the way they’ve been treating seunghan lately like that recent riize and realize episode? oh that pissed me off BAD! sm needs to burn ! ALSO DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE TALKING ABOUT RIIZE ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I DONT KNOW MANY PEOPLE WHO STAN THEM HERE ON TUMBLES SO I LOVE HAVING SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THEM 🥺🤍
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captainpulisic · 8 months
Chase Utley told me you missed when I sent you asks, so here’s my NON-SWIFTIE vault tracks ranking
1. Is It Over Now
- IK this is basic and idc
- This song made me wanna listen to the rest of the vault tracks (that’s a big deal for a non-swiftie)
-I’m still recovering from “you search in every model’s bed for something greater”
-I like Harry, but I’m proud of her for this one like she really went off
-It’s starting to become overplayed so it might go down on my list eventually
2. Suburban Legends
- “And you kissed me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever” 😶 🧎‍♀️
- It sounds very nostalgic to me for some reason, and I like it more the more I listen to it
3. Say Don’t Go
- GOD this was hard to place as #3 bc I love it a lot
- It’s a little too emo for me atm but I could see this becoming #1 next time I’m sad bc of a boy or sports team
- Ask me again in a week this might be higher on my list
4. Slut!
- I told you this one was my #2 at first and I can’t really pinpoint what changed, I just liked 2 and 3 more
- Tbh I like any song with a profanity in the title
- Agreed that this is Mason coded
5. Now That We Don’t Talk
-Y’all can sue me for this one
-Obviously I ate up the Harry tea, but I could live without it
-It didn’t do much for me sorry
Overall 1989 takes me back to fall 2014, and I’ve liked this album for a really long time 🙄 just imagine 13 year old Molly playing Style and then Perfect by 1D repeatedly over and over again
CHASE UTLEY PASSED ON THE MESSAGE OH MY GOD??? (prince amongst men fr)
the swiftiefication of molly is so real 🙏🏽 first serie a now this, im winning so hard rn
say don’t go should be higher in this list idk 🙄 but I’ll let it slide bc this is one of the best rankings i’ve seen. another now that we don’t talk denier!! I feel so seen!! SUBURBAN LEGEND TRUTHER THANK YOU SHES SO UNDERRATED
13 year old molly and 13 year old diane were so gagged when perfect and style came out 😭 yup yup yup!
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cornflowercanine · 3 years
just watched an hour long video a8t homestuck and mannnnnn. it just affirms how much i wanna go 8ack to how i liked? what i made of?? homestuck when i first got into it, just with more critical thinking and going hm this part of homestuck that is 8ad and harmful. is 8ad And Harmful
ram8ling so its under a cut sorry also it is very, very long under the cut
ive tended to summarize it as 'i like homestuck itself (save for the actually 8ad parts) 8ut i h8 the fandom' 8ut honestly thats not entirely true, watching a homestuck animatic made, 8y, A Fan Of Homestuck, made me so nostalgic and emotional over the Concept of homestuck i had trou8le sl33ping that night, and i do still usually r8 multiple drawings of homestuck chars that i like Daily, right? :P it's just that, i like homestuck itself and i like SOME fan content of it, i just don't like the like... social environment??? of the fandom.
which is like, 'strangers sending you death threats and making the most wild invasive outright insulting claims a8out you if you say, fucking, idk, 'this char is an a8use victim and so their story comforts me and i s33 myself in it!' or what the fuck ever' ASIDE!!!!!!!!!! i just don't like what most of the fan content out there makes of homestuck lol.
ive said it 8efore, ppl's entire idea of homestuck 8eing a 6-year-old memory of memory of when they read through 1/3rd of it when they were 14 of specific pesterlogs only logged up 8y fanart of hcs of "meta" 8ased in that specific person projecting (which while valua8el to that person and ppl who rel8 to them isnt gr8 as a source for the media it came from), and using that Idea of an Idea of homestuck made entirely of other ppl's also-fading memories of homestuck to have whole ass arguments a8t it and This Is Why This Char Is This, Not This, And You're Wrong And Malicious For Interpreting Otherwise, .....IT'S ALL JUST VERY EXHAUSTING AND CONFUSING AND STUPID TO READ and if i never s33 a hs fan deli8er8ly stirring up drama with other homestucks again itll 8e too soon XD
8ut like, homestuck is Right There, the chars i like are Right There, the fan content i like is right there chars/ships/etc i just dont wanna s33 are right there things to k33p in mind regarding homestuck's shittier parts are right there AND THE INTERMISSION AND ALPHA KID PARTS AND THE VERY ENDING POST-RETCON CONVERS8ION COMPIL8ION, ALL OF WHICH I PLANNED TO REREAD AT A L8R POINT THAT I COMPLETELY SKIPPED IN MY LAST REREAD OF HS, ARE RIGHT THERE AND I STILL OUGHTA GO THROUGH THEM AT SOME TIME XD, i can Like Homestuck and 8e into hs and like the chars+parts i like and 8e critical of the parts that are harmful, so i think the main thing 8arring me from 8eing a Homestuck Fan is the fact that... I WILL ACTIVELY LIKE HOMESTUCK AGAIN XD
all my friends, while if i ask 'hey how many spades slicks are in homestuck again???' theyll 8e a8le to answer, arent actively homestuck fans 8y really any stretch unless 8eing a kinnie counts XD so first off i'd kinda just have to 8e in [your silence speaks volumes so i am going to continue talking a8out this a lot] mode near constantly with how much i am thinking a8t and enjoying and talking a8t and making art and mini-writings??? a8out homestuck XD
8ut mainly its moreso just that liking homestuck and 8eing a homestuck fan is, em8arrassing??? the reflexive reaction to homestuck and ppl liking it is ew lol and/or fuck off lol (which isnt entirely unfounded im sure so many ppl having it as a neg8ive associ8ion/'please tag' thing doesnt come from nowhere), and just, wholeheartedly honestly daily...-ly loving homestuck is like, first off where do i take this, second off who the hell else likes hs as much as i do in the way that i do atm, third off God Im Sorry All My Normal Person Friends Added On Discord That Have To S33 Me Change My Pfp To Another Vriska For The 3rd Time This W33k
GAH THIS IS A REALLY LONG-WINDED POST MY POINT IS i like homestuck itself except for the parts where it is 8ad, homestuck fans 8eing kinda apeshit inside the fandom and . IDK HOW TO WORD IT IN A WAY THAT DOESNT SOUND FUCKING STUPID SO ILL WORD IT JOKINGLY, oppressed (/jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj) outside of the fandom, so i am and for the past like 2 years have 833n in homestuckliking lim8o where im homestuck enough i wouldnt dare follow a normal ass 8log and i dont like regular ass posts when i r8 them to my normal-ass-person-cosplaying-side8log and think a8t vriska daily, 8ut not ....consciously? enjoya8ly??? homestuck Enough where im Happy to s33 fanart of it or i'll go 8ack and reread convos i really liked or remem8er those convos in the first place or POST!! a8out vriska past 'youre all wrong and my 8rain is huge' (/lh on that last one) so i have two options; give in and hold homestuck in my arms with a loving em8race <3333 or continue on the path im on in trying to stop liking homestuck to k33p up with my friends+not 8e legally declared cringe on-line
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dangdiggitydang · 3 years
rotbtd tag game
i was tagged by @hobie-brown :D
this could get long...
name/nickname? mags! my favourite one atm is magatron
how did you get into rotbtd? saw some fanart on google images while i was perusing through the httyd fanart as a ten year old and never looked back. deviant art and youtue amvs became my vices after that.
what made you stay/come back? httyd 3 actually! even though it's my least favourite of the trilogy, it made me so nostalgic for rotbtd. also the content now is so much better than it used to be imo.
out of the four movies, which one is your favourite? httyd1 definitely. i think its the most well written and constructed (tangled is a close second) and the soundtrack is amazing. while i think brave and rotg aren't as narratively strong, they have the same heart and loveable characters as the other two. tbh, i thoroughly enjoy watching all of them
dreamworks dragons or rapunzel’s tangled adventure? i ADORED rob and dob and i used to watch it episode by episode on abc3, but i haven't gotten around to watching all of rtte yet. tbh...i don't like the characterisation in rtte very much, something just feels off about it. character and plot wise, i don't have anything against rapunzel's tangled adventure, but some of it gets boring and repetitive after a while. this is a long winded way of saying i prefer dreamwork's dragons, but just rob and dob ig.
which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, brave or rise of the guardians? like @hobie-brown said, disney should not be trusted with merida or any of her family. that being said! a rotg sequel would be a dream come true!! there's so much lore and world building that needs to be explored!! i have so many questions. how did the other guardians die? they mentioned the groundhog, are there other spirits?? are there different ones from other cultures?? and obviously there's will joyce's series to take inspiration from as well. imo, a series would work better to explore everything. (also give me a pitch black redemption arc. i LIVE for the villain-turned-awkward-relative trope)
otp/brotp(s)? my otp is hiccstrid and i think eugene and rapunzel is one of disney's most solid romances so there's that. jarida!! my beloved!! tbh, i was indifferent to jarida until like three months ago but now i cannot stop thinking abt them. in terms of brotps? all of them. literally any. the best thing abt the rotbtd revival is the lack of ship wars and the realisation that all of them have wonderful and distinct chemistry between any other member of the group.
favourite characters? httyd and brave were my gateways into this fandom, so i guess hiccup and merida?? but i actively kin rapunzel and jack has so many unexplored character traits beyond Ice Themed Bad Boy That Pulls Pranks. idk man, don't make me pick.
favourite au(s)? BAND AU. OMG i LOVE BAND AUs. @risoris made an awesome band au and a fic to go with it and i think i cried when i saw it. some of my other favourites are: office aus, superhero aus or camp counsellors aus (which @ven-finn has drawn art for ;))
pick one! favourite b4 house placement in hogwarts au? im not as into hp as i was before bc of reasons but my headcanons for house placements are: hiccup - ravenclaw, rapunzel - gryffindor, merida - slytherin, jack - hufflepuff
pick one! since this is 2021, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day? hm. i think old fanon tropes were frustratingly heteronormative and surface-level. some hot takes... umm
when merida's old and her kingdom's passed onto her brothers or her heir (if she has one), her retirement plan is to go live in the woods and become the resident cryptid.
any aus that take away hiccup's disability is yuck.
i mentioned this in an earlier question, but jack has SO MUCH character beyond the basic bad boy arcetype everyone placed him in during early fandom. like, the boy needs therapy but not in the way wattpad boys need therapy y'know?
in general, i think old fandom lacked a lot of nuance when it came to the characters, especially when they were all together so im glad that's starting to change!
in a modern au, raps would DEFINITELY be on art tiktok. like those mirror painting trends and the cottagecore aesthetics remind me so much of her.
everyone thought that jack would play hockey bc he's ice themed and everything, when in fact 1) he uses his staff much more like a lacrosse stick than a hockey stick and 2) you think that twink isnt the resident smart ass who makes fun of the sports people at the risk of being punched in the face?
any fic recs? or if you couldn't think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? the last one i think i read was @risoris 's 'Like A Fist In The Eye' which is a jarida soulmates au but with a twist that they hate eachother. it's only got one chapter and they haven't met yet, but im in love with it. a few i'd recommend are:
we cannot be friends (cannot pretend it makes sense) which is a platonic merida and hiccup fic with added hiccstrid and lesbian merida
Jack Frost and the Shadows of Van der Bor which is a jarida hogwarts fic!
im tagging @risoris and @therearedragonsindunbroch if they haven't already seen/done this!
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httpsjjun · 3 years
🪐anon! i answered your asks here 😊
day six!
oh my god i missed yesterday’s ask foejdjjje IM SO SORRY
ahh no don't worry about it!!
i hope your week went well and that your weekend will be even better!!
last week went pretty well,, up until the end of the week hehe.
okay so a song to describe me... thats actually really hard because idk what could fully describe me well. but if i were to pick right off the bat, probably ready to run by one direction or here’s to never growing up by avril lavigne hehe. i know for a fact that theres more songs that could describe me better but thats the best i could do for now. these songs just gives that vibe where its like yes freedom and all that. i know, its very classy but i love these songs.
oo i'd have to give those a listen!! but based on the lyrics, those songs seem really nice and honestly,, really relatable!! i don't think i have any songs that describe me ahh,, i'm trying to see if i can find one but my mind is completely blank.
a song id recommend is probably rose by jereena montemayor. its such a nice relaxing song you could just vibe to. (its like very heartbreaking) but literally i always play this in the car and i just ofejdisjej starts yelling. ill also recommend falling by mansionair because why not. its a great song.
oo okay!! adding that to my listen playlist~ hm most of my favorite songs are kpop, but i think i have one non-kpop song to recommend!! it's called nobody compares to you by gryffin! maybe that could be a song that describes me hm. well kinda?? idk that song was really something that i listened to when i felt that i was catching feelings for this certain person,, again... as for kpop songs,, i'm not sure which groups you listen to.. so i'll just list some of my favorite songs at the moment! (not in order of my favorites though!)
campfire by seventeen (an all time favorite!!)
kidult by seventeen (another all time favorite)
break your rules by the boyz! (im so upset that i can't listen to this song on spotify atm!)
last song by oneus and onewe! (also upset this is gone from spotify)
priority by the boyz [sunwoo, chanhee, and hyunjae] (an ost from a show i want to watch ahh)
i belong by jacob bae (my favorite song for sad hours,, and its not on spotify, so that's a bonus.. i guess? for now it's a bonus)
star 117 by ateez (recently listened to this song and now its on repeat)
she's in the rain by the rose (another favorite song for sad hours)
shine + spring snow by pentagon [from road to kingdom] (the beginning is just so nostalgic and so jolly and then the end is like tears,, yes i cried when i watched this during rtk)
i'll be there by astro! (recently started listening to astro again, after like two years, cuz i realized i stopped when i got into more groups)
anyway i hope the rest of your day is great!! stay safe!!
i'm so sorry i answered so late!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
-🪐 anon
it's always so nice to hear from you!! thank you for stopping by~
day seven!
hi!! i hope your weekend went well! my weekend couldve been better but thats only because i have a lot of tests coming up so ahhh stress.
my weekend was a bit meh,, especially with the whole kakao m and spotify thing :(
anyway, todays topic is what one word to describe me and what one word i would describe you.
one word to describe me (i asked my irl bc idk😭) would be creative (very typical but our brains are broken). i think i mentioned that i really like to paint or just draw whenever i feel stressed. its a way for me to calm down and to just pass time. im planning on painting something disney related, maybe like tangled or the princess and the frog. i already painted an up themed one so im going for something different hehe.
if i were to describe you in one word it would be sweet. IM SO SORRY IF ITS SOMETHING DO ANTICLIMACTIC OFJEIDJOS BUT YOU REALLY ARE. you’re such a sweetheart and i get excited whenever i see you answer my ask because its so fun reading it!!
alright i hope i didnt cut this too short but i have a busy week ahead of me😭 i hope your day is going well!! stay safe!! (i apologize for any typos🥲)
tumblr's being mean, so i have to answer here down here~ but i was really excited to see what world you would say for both you and me! oo, yes! i do remember you saying you like to paint / draw! i would definitely love to see your art, if you want to show them, one day!! i just know that you're so so talented! please, sweet,, that's so sweet of you heheh. i do get called sweet a lot but every single time, my heart does a little smile (does that even make sense omg) cuz im like,, awww. but thank you so much!! my word for you is... ah you're also really sweet!! so i say that's your word,, but i would also say,, comfortable? warm? like whenever i get an ask from you or while im answering your ask, i just feel so comfortable and feel like i can talk about anything!! i think those are pretty good words, if i say so myself. (where is this confidence coming from) ah no! don't worry about it~ take your time and i hope your studies go well!! stay safe anon!! <3
i apologize for the lack of emojis, i used my computer today :)
- 🪐 anon
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the-trth-untold · 5 years
now its ur turn. do all of the sweetheart asks.
god jsjsjhdjk im just letting u kno these answers r gonna be BORING but hhhh THANK U 
1. Talk about your first love.
i’ve never been in love, never been in a relationship before. BUT i can vaguely remember my first crush back in 2nd grade. all i can remember was that his name was kyle and he was the only boy who ever spoke to me and my brain just went !!! 
2. What’s the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard in your opinion?
Break My Heart Again - FINNEAS or What Was Our Love All About - Adrian Milanio and Marylou Villegas 
these are just two that i can think of there are A LOT of beautiful songs
3. How’s your heart feeling right now?
4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do?
i dont really do any self care things?? 
5. What’s your skincare routine?
i dont do any skincare routines either... ik im a monster
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
u must be blind if u think that 
7. Do you have any stuffed animals?
i used to have over 50 stuffed animals, i would always place them all over my bed neatly but i got rid of them now :( 
8. Best trip you’ve ever been on?
Myrtle Beach, SC because it was my first vacation spot and i was so happy seeing two dolphins close to the shore
9. Favorite thing about your room?
the color of my walls and blankets lol mint green and peach colors
i dont have anything cool in my room
10. Opinion on love?
i mean, it’d be nice to experience it some day and i hope i do but right now im content being by myself
11. Are you affectionate?
if i know you very well i can be, if not im very awkward and will barely make any eye contact with you
12. Who do you look up to?
i look up to people who have struggled a lot in their life, people who can be optimistic in any situation
13. Favorite poet?
i dont read much poetry, but i loved reading some things Emily Dickinson has published
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?
honestly any disney song makes me happy! im a huge disney nerd and listening to any of those songs makes me feel nostalgic.
when im in a bad place, any slow, ballad sounding song can calm me down
15. Do you play an instrument?
i played the flute in middle school but dropped it after less than a week LOL
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?
i like doing digital art but im not good at it and i dont have adobe illustrator anymore so i haven’t done anything recently
17. Do you dance? What style of dance?
i cannot dance and no one will make me
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?
im a libra
i somewhat believe in astrology, i know there’s more to it than just your sun sign and there are different placements that make you different from the stereotypical traits people use for each sign
a lot of the “things about each sign” can be used for anyone because the responses can be very vague and many people can relate to 
19. Favorite old film?
too many
the shining, the breakfast club, carrie, pretty in pink, etcetcetc
20. What’s your hairstyle?
idk its a mess
curly/wavy and i have hardcut bangs 
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
fall weather, where its like 50 F (or 10 C for all u weirdos out there), cold enough to put on a flannel and boots
22. What upsets you most about the world?
i only have two hands but there are so many cats and dogs. i cannot pet all of them. (IM SORRY THIS WAS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT ITS SO CUTE AND FUNNY AND I RELATE)
23. Are you in love right now?
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
i dont have a crush lol
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them!
yes!!! i have two gorgeous puppies!!! if u wanna check them out u can follow my instagram i post them all the time @ the.moon.atomic
they’re such dorks but they fit my household idk how to describe it they just belong in my house hahha
26. Do you have a lucky number?
i dont really believe in lucky numbers 
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash?
no, and i never heard about wishing on a fallen eyelash haha
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work?
no???????? i dont even know what that is
29. Do you believe in magic in general?
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?
when people finally stop hiding their true selves, show their real smiles, and laugh so hard they snort 
idk i just love people, well, most anyway sjsjhzjdsk
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue?
love them 
theyre such pure colors and they just remind me of newborn babies hahaha
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite?
piano definitely
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain?
yes! yes to both! i love rain more though, sorry wind
34. Who makes you happy?
my friends, family, and my mutuals 
35. What makes you happy?
listening to music
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like?
ohh well i’d be living on germany for starters hahaha
id like to have my own house, maybe living with a best friend
definitely like 5784538902 cats and dogs, i love them 
at some point id like to have a relationship LOL
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup? 
only on rare days ill put on makeup, i only use eyeshadow, liner, and mascara and ive never gone to a store thats just for make up, i just go to a pharmacy lol
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own?
only if i absolutely have to, the dress i wore for my senior pictures is my favorite
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it?
noo, ive never been in a relationship 
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them?
i kinda really dont have one, not irl anyway
@neo-bangtan @mini-pretzel are my closest friends online, i love everything about u guys
41. Introvert or extrovert?
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI?
im isfj
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, or an angel?
uh idk?? i wouldnt want to be immortal so 
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you?
acid jazz singer - the fratellis 
45. Parlez-vous français?
no my french sucks
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to?
honestly i cant think of any place pennsylvania sucks ahhaha
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home?
home...... my bed...... LOL
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous!
only if im not looking at myself lol
49. Favorite shoe you own?
slip ons or my new balance 
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them?
N O i am so accident prone i can barely walk barefoot without tripping 
51. Do you feel loved?
kinda? sometimes?
52. How do you express love to those you care about?
just giving them a hug lol or saying i love you
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment?
no ones ever called me any but i like baby, im a simple girl 
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you?
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been?
meeting new people who share the same interests 
56. Are you happy right now?
im pretty neutral atm
57. What makes you smile?
58. Do you laugh a lot?
i guess??
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic?
soft vibes i guess haha
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)?
i dont see myself marrying but if i would it would definitely be for love
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married?
i dont really want to get married, most of the time it ends in divorce and theres just a lot of paper work and its a hassle i dont see a point in it 
62. Favorite flower?
63. Favorite artist?
edgar degas
64. Favorite music artist?
bts lol
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you?
i try to be kind to everyone, i dont know if others perceive me that way but i think kindness is very important to me
66. Ever made a playlist for someone?
once and i loved it, pls ask me to make a playlist for u
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath?
music and a soft blanket 
68. Early bird or night owl?
early bird
69. Morning routine?
wake up, look in the mirror, look away from the mirror, go back to bed. (AGAIN THIS IS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT HHAHAHAHA)
70. Night routine?
shower and watch netflix until i fall asleep
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion?
being humble
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after?
yes yes and yes
im such a cry baby i will cry at everything if u yell at me or if disappoint u im so sensitive 
73. Do you like hugs?
yes but i dont receive many hugs
74. When was the last time you kissed someone?
75. Are you small or tall?
small, 5′4 or 164cm
76. Do you like wholesome memes?
who doesnt
77. Favorite thing about the past?
anything that makes me feel nostalgic 
78. Do you ever wonder about the future?
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in?
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports?
ive never been on a plane
81. Sunrises or sunsets?
82. The beach or a forest?
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood?
when im sleeping lol
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t?
i try to 
85. Favorite kind of tree?
what kind of question is this i dont know anything about trees
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth?
i want to but i dont do anything for it
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything?
fieldtrips in school
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
i try to read more, my favorite book is more happy than not 
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment?
disney, i just put my christmas tree down and the ornaments are disney characters
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have?
honesty i guess?
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance.
my eyes
92. When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about?
after i bathe 
93. Do you worry a lot?
yes all the time
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside?
dazzling lights of the city
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason?
96. Favorite pastry?
??????????? i dont know??????????
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness?
98. How’s your day/night going?
fine so far, i dont have to work today so im just chillaxing 
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empathecary · 5 years
positivity meme + sacrisomnia :3c
positivity | @miistwalkers
Tumblr media
yes yes yes good. one of the one’s i was WAITING FOR
let 👏 me 👏 gush 👏 about 👏 emily 👏
listen i never thought in a bajillion years i would ever see a quentin again. im so glad dbd has brought in quentin and freddy just so i can see someone love on quentin again bc honestly the boy deserves it so much. and emily? puts so much careful care and thought into quen’s interpretation and i absolutely ADORE him. probably my personal favorite interpretation that i’ve seen.
idk if you know this but i used to rp as freddy way back in the day (very headcanon based and canon divergent bc i refused to write someone who had done,,,, THAT but was still an abusive prickwad who is unredeemable) and honestly i dont remember much of those days but i had a quentin i rp’d with, and seeing you on my dash makes me so nostalgic but like in all of the good ways? idk how to explain it, it gives me all of the warm feelings of like, the good things of that time bc my past has been very very bumpy and nostalgia is not something i experience often so, thank you for that. you’re not even doing anything intentionally but thank you for being you and being wonderful and just. a total sweetheart.
also? another dbd god?? emily is another person i spectate and try to learn from. you and king both are ABSOLUTE UNITS. and pairing you up together must be hell on killers good gosh (but then, throw me in the group and i’ll balance it out with how bad i am SDKLFHDK)
emily i def wanna plot more and talk with you more but i’m an evasive cryptid that hides in a corner like in the blair witch 95% of the time. i hope it doesn’t come off as i don’t want to talk to you or interact, it’s just how i am as a person, v isolative. but just know i absolutely want to thread and rp with you (im having some trouble with muse atm so give me a bit i’m a little slow atm but!!! i will reply to things!! bc it’d be an absolute honor to write with you.) 
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astarriscus · 2 years
for the ask game, how about childe jkjk lol venti? tbh when I first found your blog you had sort of venti or kazuha stan vibes HEHE
WAHHAHAHA NGL YEAH venti was one of my favorites omg he's super cute, i only rlly liked kazuha recently tbh, 😭😭💞✨ TYSM ANNIEEE i hope uve been well bro !!!!! <3 but ngl i decided to do childe too even if was jkjk bcs why not QHBDJSBDKW <333 he's under the cut !
first impression . . . "cute, maybe my type, but not really ?!" ik he was a dude from the start but his character design just didnt rlly catch me? maybe bcs of the colors WJWBKDNS
impression now . . . CUTE. love him. WOW HE DESERVES ALL THE HUGS. i want him to serenade me to sleep <33 i love venti a lot tbh hehe i think his character is rlly nice !! 😳💗
favorite moment . . . hmm ... i can't rmbr all moments but i definitely loved when we were returning the harp to barbara and all ??? HWJDJ HELP I LOVED THAT IT WAS SO FUNNY i just loved his expressions there man, he just vv cute ok... :(
idea for a story . . . OKOK lemme think 🤔🤔 well, venti seems very carefree n all usually yeah? i think i'd be neat to see his more serious side more, and whatnot—how wld be react to certain situations, etc etc. another idea is just . yeah an idea fr a work i might make : him as a greek god... ngl. all gi characters as greek gods AHBDJSBSJ idk man i feel like venti is a very interesting character tbh, i'd like to explore that sometime !!
unpopular opinion . . . unpopular opinion hmm idk idk but personally i thought it was p obvious that he. was a guy? from the get-go? even despite all of the yeah yeah, hmm maybe watching a lot of anime b4 has done that to me <//3 HABDJWKAJSKA (this is just personally ofc !! hehehe)
favorite relationship . . . ngl i am not sure JWJDJS (HELP) okay putting aside self ships atm 😶 def xiaoven is one (at 1st i didnt rlly see why but now. MAN BRO...) but ngl i just also rlly love his relationship w those in mondstadt !! like diluc, yeah ♡
favorite headcanon . . . there are probably others but 1st that comes to mind is that venti would have learned how to braid his hair from that friend ykyk yh !! idk if he could just. use powers and all. but i like to think whenever he has to braid his hair again, he does it by hand n takes his time? just. nostalgic memories yeah yeah ,,, idk WHABDIBW
send me a character and i will tell you my ^^ !!
first impression . . . "oh man my twin will like him!" flirt, kinda cute, VERY INTERESTING, ngl my first impressions of him are all just abt how i thought my twin might like him </3
impression now . . . "holy sht my twin LOVES him and guess what he's kinda cute actually ngl" I DONT . think i hold romantic feelings for him (yall childe kissers can hav him) BUT HE'S SO FUN TO WRITE FOR !! his character is genuinely amazing imo, very interesting <3 he's amazing tbh MAN ♡
favorite moment . . . okok so i haven't done his story quest so i can't say for sure BUT FOR REAL PLEASE HE'S SO COOL !??!?! yk. hey girlie. yeahhh but ngl i like all bits w him theyre all interestinf HELP
idea for a story . . . idk man but i just rn thought of mayhaps him heading home to snezhaya to find out his siblings have really come to like this one person in the neighborhood only to realize that said person was actually his childhood friend and first love and IDK MAN i just think childhood friend trope, rivals/enemies to lovers, ppl around them thinking they're cute typa tropes rlly fit him... to be more serious, i think another great story idea wld be idk i wld love to see him really going around teyvat, more as a traveler/tourist ? idk. i want to see him hang out with thoma and other ppl okay HABDKSNS
unpopular opinion . . . ik all the childe kisser stuff are jokes and all WHAHAHAHA and i don't mind those stuff theyre funny hehe i lov those ppl still (MWAH) /srs, but also some ppl out there genuinely don't understand the depth of childe's character and how. much potential he has idk ?? im not too sure whats the main reason for his fame, but i kind of want to know/see more of the ppl who appreciate the darkness of his story, idk man, he can just be really deep ngl.
favorite relationship . . . his relationship with the traveler (in a platonic sense, i don't ship them 🤨) is very interesting, tbh? idk. tbh i like childe's relationship w everyone JWBDSK IDK WHO NGL but him w scaramouche it's p interesting to like, think of what their dynamic wld be and stuff? yes. yus. ya.
favorite headcanon . . . i see childe w freckles sometimes ngl WHABSJBDKWNS idk <333 hm... i think childe wld like to play w his hair? lowkey? like yeah ofc for game purposes his hair is always the same but i lowkey just hc that he actually kinds of switch it up from time to time, esp bcs this was smth his siblings did to him b4? so yeah, bringing a lil bit of them even far from home <3
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alotmoreginger · 3 years
Truthfully we need a Princess Tutu revolution!!! I want Princess Tutu getting as much fanfare as inuyasha and sailor moon!!! I want more princess Tutu merch and cosplay!! >:V i want to have big communities where all people talk about is Princess Tutu damnit!!!!
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dalrynne · 7 years
1, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 32, 33, 37, 28, 39, 40
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
omg idek which movie i would consider my favorite movie... but i think i have this reoccurring feeling of “OMG that was the best movie ever!” whenever i have a new fav movie hahahaha
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
hmm i guess i’d say my fashion sense? i’ve worked quite hard for a long time to get where i am now (i think my style is pretty good now) and tbh it’s one of my fav compliments to receive! i’m still working on expanding my wardrobe and  building on it; there’s always room for improvement~
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
i think i would have to say the one where i met my ultimate fav celebrity/singer, kyuhyun cho from super junior! in my dream he even touched me and i remember even feeling the warmth of his touch... it was such a vivid dream LOL i still remember it even tho its been so long?
14: Talk about a vacation.
the vacation that lasts the most in my mind is probs the most recent one. i went to greece during spring break with a friend this year! tbh it wasn’t as fun as it could have been bc the weather was cold and bc it was easter, everything was closed for several days and at night it was really scary bc there were all these men hanging around outside, smoking and staring us down. but it was also really fun bc i got to see the beautiful ocean. the best part was going horse-back riding for the first time!! omg it was such a great experience bc i’ve loved horses ever since i was young but i had never been able to ride one (besides this one time when i was like 5 at a petting zoo or something). shoutout to kayli for making that happen omggg
oh man, now i want to talk about my trip to paris with a different friend and met a couple of my internet friends, but i guess that’s a different story hehe (if you wanna hear about it, hmu tho!)
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
oh shit LOL have i Ever been fully content in my life ahaha... i honestly can’t really remember? probably when i was younger...? or perhaps now??? idk man.
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
tbh lately, i’ve been feeling kinda antisocial... i don’t really have a desire to make new friends or get closer to some friends/acquaintances bc i feel so drained? i feel this way especially towards internet friends tbh bc i feel like we’re never going to meet anyway so why put in so much effort. ugh, i know thats horrible and i don’t want to feel this way but :’) alas. maybe its bc i’ve been feeling kinda insecure lately too? LOL idk. but i do want to befriend my crush tho... bc if i befriend him, maybe it’ll develop into something more~
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
oh wow, hmm. i’ve been told that i’m stylish and have a good sense of humor, which are some of my fav compliments hehe. like when someone actually thinks/says that i’m funny, i’m really happy! i can’t really remember anything else atm but haha i’m sure there were some other things?
28: Talk about your fetishes.
LMAOO OMG AJDKAHSDASD i ummm... idek what qualifies as a fetish, like is it just a kink? are those the same things?? do i even have those????? i guess i’m kinda into bondage tho, probs light hahaha
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
i grew up in indiana and i had really fond memories of it. i moved to nyc in the middle of 3rd grade and it was really hard adjusting at first. but now i’m a new yorker so LOL. i remember indiana being almost this enchanted place bc i felt so free there. i could ride my bike with my friends until the sun went down (that was like 8pm in the summer) and i barely got any hw which was lit. (stranger things makes me feel really nostalgic bc its supposed to be set in indiana and i used to bike around with my friends all the time too hehe)
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
hmm, this is a very good question bc i honestly hardly know what to do with myself when i’m sad and i just feel like i wanna die a lot of the time tbh HAHA. but i’ve been trying to find healthier coping mechanisms to do when i’m sad... like i usually try to distract myself by listening/watching shows or movies or whatever. or try to hang out with my friends. or sometimes i just go to bed early by getting myself very very sad by listening to sad songs and thinking of things to upset myself further and then cry myself to sleep. that actually works quite well bc i wake up and feel refreshed most of the time? haha
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
huh. was i ever really truly in love tho LMAO... i suppose the closest thing to that was with my latest ex. our relationship was so short-lived and hes lowkey kinda psycho so um Yikes. i’m glad i didn’t get back with him bc hes obviously not good for me. there were some red flags but i just ignored them OTL. but well, he was sweet and it was nice while it lasted but hmm, Yikesss. 
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
omggg ok i wish i knew sooner that you need to play an active role in your life or else you’re going to be very unhappy and feel really hopeless. listen, you are in charge of a good portion of your life; your decisions and efforts are important. if you want something, go get it!! you can’t cry and complain about things yet never try to do something about it. but on the other hand, there are some things in life that you can’t change. somethings just happen and the best you can do is deal with them to the utmost of your abilities. there’s this delicate balance of determinism and free-will. but its always better to try and fail than never try and regret it.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
the end of high school was really nice i think. i was really excited for freshman year of uni in london bc i had never been out of the country before and i’ve been interested in britain since i was really young! i was hopeful for the new people i’d meet and the cool new things i’d experience. it was kinda disappointing but it was still a great experience i think haha. i definitely grew and matured as a person, which i’m really happy about.
thank you to the anon who sent me this ask!! i’m sorry again about the late reply ;;;
if you’d like to send me more, here is the post!
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celpon · 7 years
i was tagged by my bb @drinkyamilk AAAA ILYSM ok lets get it goink Rule 1: Copy and paste the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions from the person who tagged you.
Rule 3: Make up 11 new questions and tag new people.
Rule 4: Tag the person who tagged you so they can see your answers. 1. If there was a chance for you to become immortal, but you lost all memory of your past self. Would you do it? 
nah i don't think so bc if i did then when i make new friends and stuff i would have to see them die and i would miss so many people, but im not gonna get into that, life would suck lmao
2. I baked a cake for you. Wanna date? ooo i love cake and im lonely so, sure!! 3. Would you alter your appearance if it was possible with future technology? Kinda like an irl avatar that you can create/change.
nah ill pass bc i think im pretty attractive, but maybe if i could get free clothes and instant peircings and hair changes!! 4. Would you eat an Oreo if I gave one to you? mm yes i lov me some cookiesss
5. Do you cry a lot? If so, why?
yes, very much so, but its personal so id rather not share for the whole world to see lmao
6. Would you like to poison someone you hate? Who? Tell me. I’m curious. my ex best friend bc screw that guy lmaooo
7. Why don’t you wanna date me? I even baked a cake for you. 
8. Would you rather die because of two space body thingies coliding into one another, or peacefully due to old age. peacefully like a calm jelly bean~ 9. If you could become an animal, what would you be?
i would be a G O A T BC GOATS ARE SO FREAKKKKKING COOOOOL 10. Games are becoming so developed that virtual reality is REALITY… Yeah or nah?
11. This question determines our friendship from now on. Do you like lasagna
no, im sorry guys 😭 Okay my questions!!
1. What’s your favorite food?
 i like junk food or spaghetti 2. Do or did you collect anything? What is it? Why? i collect rocks bc ROCKS ARE REALLY FASCINATING AND PRETTY OK
3. Do you have any party tricks or weird talents? 
i used to be able to lick my elbow but now i can stick pencils and stuff through my ears??? im boring 4. What is something you’re obsessed with atm? 
youtube!! and tv shows (idk im lame) 5. QUICK! FUCK, MARRY, KILL: Sonic, The Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo!!! 
7. Favorite midnight snack? striiiiiiinnnggggg cheeeeeseeee or any other snacks i have on my bed
8. How does your typical morning look? get out of bed, oh who am i kidding? stay in my bed and get on my phone and laptop 
9. Who is the last person you texted and what did you send? :o!! my fwiend and i sent "lmaooooo"
10. Cacaobutter or coconut butter? cocoa butterr
11. What the thing you get nostalgic about the most? old tv shows or old music I tag!! @smucn @sylvirrain thas it i dont have many friends lmaooo
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vulpyx · 7 years
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
i was tagged by @chloefraazer 💕
im tired so i tag anyone who feels like doing this ^^’
a - age: 20
b - biggest fear: being hated by everyone i care about
c - current time: 1:13am…..i should sleep lol
d - drink you last had: water
e - every day starts with: cuddling my cat bc shes soppy in the mornings. then i go back to sleep until noon
f - favorite song: atm its eternity by robbie williams. i love nostalgic music
g - ghosts, are they real: nah i dont think so
h - hometown: a town in the east of england. its not great but it could be worse
i - in love with: dogs
j - jealous of: ppl without mental or chronic illnesses….and ppl with dogs
k - killed someone: no wtf
l - last time you cried: idk months ago maybe
m - middle name: rose
n - number of siblings: one older sister
o - one wish: to find some direction in my life bc rn im not going anywhere or doing anything
p - person you last called/texted: juliaa
q - questions you’re always asked: uuuh idk. probably ‘how are u?’ by ppl at work who dont actually care about the answer bc its said as a greeting
r - reasons to smile: dogs and cats exist, pokemon exists
s - song last sang: i dont sing at all besides very rare occasions so idk
t - time you woke up: 1pm ish
u - underwear color: dusky pink
v - vacation destination: im going to disneyland again in october?
w - worst habit: trying too hard to be liked and ultimately fucking everything up
x - x-rays you’ve had: just one
y - your favorite food: egg fried rice
z - zodiac sign: cancer
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bonethievery · 3 years
idk how to explain-- but to me the ch fandom is p slow and just a nostalgic factor for many. atm most of it is differents takes on that one au made by the multiverse sans p*do r*pe comic lady. which is when ch is drawn w yellow "hair" and wears a red sweater+ grey coat. Its getting kinda bland ngl
The ch fandom got classified as a cringe fandom, and there was problem where perfectly fine art was starred in youtubers cringe reviews/comps. Plus the cuphead franchise's knack for missing deadlines and not saying anything. The DLC has been delayed twice and most of the shows "news" is leaks bc theyre so quiet for the past 3 years. They've effectively killed any hype
tbh, its what got me into object heads. And there was an influx in that, especially for ppl who took their ocs out of fandom and do smth else with them. The occurrence of ohs is low minus the typical tv head. Ch never had any "rules" for ocs. They could be frogs, glass, human, so it was easy for ppl to do that.
So yea thats a lil autopsy for ya,, sorry its so long sksjdnld
no worries abt the long ask but yeah. it IS mostly a nostalgia thing 4 me 2 but sometimes I just wanna look at cuphead art bc i think its cute and its either that one au (which i want nothing to do with) or ocs (which is fine, i think theyre really cool! but not usually what im looking for)
Cuphead has like a very special place in my heart bc its how I met my life partner and some good friends. I dont think I could ever completely let go of it even if i wanted to.
and yeah honestly a decent number of my and my partners ocs are repurposed cuphead ocs and characters
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pokerface404 · 5 years
Im so fucking happy that is now fall. I am very excited. I love the fall. And I'm super nostalgic about last year. Who knows what I'll do this fall. I plan on making a "Xxxtentacion Happy Halloween" lyric video for a Halloween special. But idk. Im kinda happy atm. I was supposed to go to the park and meet up with my girlfriend. But I think she's asleep. Idk she'll call me if she inst. My beds calling my name and I'm gonna rest my head and go to sleep and just wake up to a nice cool breeze and the beautiful fall season. Or I'll hear a ringtone in my sleep I'll wake up and see its my girlfriend then I'll answer it get dressed walk a mile to the park (keep in mind I live in a very very dangerous neighborhood. There's pedophiles on every street theres drug addicts drug dealers thugs wanna be gangsters anything basically.) So I'm gonna have to watch my back. Not to mention the police. If they catch me then I'm fucked.
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