#idk it's long and there's different subjects to study luckily so it should be a good one
thetriangletattoo · 4 months
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nishayuro · 8 months
Cloud 9 - Obey Me! Barbatos
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Collection: My spotify playlist of songs that play in my head at the most unconventional times
Genre: Fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort 
GN! Reader
A/N: Lmao im back with this, enjoy. Kinda self indulgent? Idk, midterms are coming up lmao
Synopsis: RAD has been too much for you, but luckily you have Barbatos by your side.
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“I don't wanna seem the way I do, But I'm confident when I'm with you”
You’d think after 6 months in Devildom you’d be able to adapt by now, but well, things don’t always go as planned. It’s not that you’re dumb, it’s just that RAD is very much so different from what you’re used to in the human world. 
The normal English, Math, History and Science subjects have all been replaced with Curses and Hexes, Potions, History of the Devildom and Alchemy and Astronomy of the three realms. 
For someone who prides themself in being a good student, RAD was just stressing you out. You had no background with these subjects, not even knowing these things were real 6 months ago. And now you’re expected to go to classes which are on par with demons who have probably been taking these classes for years. 
You have no clue how you’ll do now that finals are coming up. You did kinda okay on your midterms, but they let it pass since you’re still adjusting. But now pressure has built up. Luckily, you have the wonderful demon prince’s butler who decided to help you out. 
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“Lately all I feel is bad and bruised, Tired of tripping on my shoes”
“Hmm, how about we take a quick break? Relax yourself, MC. You’ve been too tense this whole session. Maybe some tea will help you loosen up. I’ll be right back.” Barbatos said, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. You’re now left with your notes and books alone, as you stare at the pieces of paper, your eyes begin to well up with tears. 
Your little crying session was not ignored by the demon butler, you were taken aback when a pair of arms went to hold yours. “Mc, talk to me. What is on your mind?” He asked, voice softer than what you’ve expected from someone like him. 
“I… I don’t want to disappoint Lord Diavolo or Lucifer if I fail my tests. I’ve been trying so hard and yet I still can’t understand or memorize the topics. And I don’t want to disappoint you, you’re helping me study even though you already have too much on your plate. I don’t want you to see me as a burden…” you trail off, voice cracking as you sobbed. 
“Mc, look at me.” he said, warmth in his voice. “I understand that you feel pressured, that your habits of aiming for the top are weighing you down. As much as we appreciate you trying your best for the exchange program, we understand if you’re not on par with the others. They’ve had years to learn these lessons. If anything, you should pride yourself that you’re able to catch and keep up with your classmates.” He replied. A finger wiping away at your tears.
“But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating”
“And you can never be a burden to me, I enjoy tutoring you. The demon brothers are always either with you or around you, so spending time alone with you is a rarity.” He admits, a smile forming from his mouth. “Just take it easy, MC. You will get the hang of it in the long run, you have more days here with us in the devildom. 
“I… Thanks, Barbatos. I needed that…” You answered, sobs coming to a stop. Barbatos leaves the room for a minute and comes back with the tea and other snacks. “Here, drink this. It will help with the nerves.” he says, offering the porcelain cup to me. The taste of Chamomile enters your tastebuds, anxiety calming down as you sip the hot beverage. 
“When I start to tumble from the sky, You remind me how to fly”
Days later, you are seen walking around RAD, seemingly looking for someone with a big grin on your face. “Hey, Solomon!” you shout, approaching the white haired sorcerer. “Oh, hey, MC. You look excited, what’s up?” He said, “I’m just looking for Barbatos, I wanna show him my finals!” you exclaimed in glee. 
“Oh?” a familiar voice reaches your ears, “Barbs!” you squealed as the butler approached. “How did your midterms go? From the looks of it, it went well?” he asked, standing next to Solomon. 
You happily showed the two men the papers, all scoring above 90. “Wow! Impressive, especially for someone who has just been exposed to all of this in six months, you’ve even beat the scores of the other demon brothers” Solomon praised, a smile on his lips. 
“It's all thanks to Barbatos who helped me study,” you replied, looking at said man who was currently holding your papers. “Well done, MC. I knew you would do it. I’m proud of you” He smiled, an aura of pride that could rival Lucifer’s surrounded him. 
As Solomon left you two, Barbatos approached you and placed his hand on your head, giving you a head pat. 
“Well done, my love.” he whispered, love falling out of his words, leaving your heart fluttering. 
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biolizardboils · 2 years
The Sonic movies have gotten me curious about the game lore, but I’ve never played a sonic game since they aren’t really the type of games I’m normally into gameplay wise so idk
oh thats great!! the struggle is real, ive chosen to learn about lots of games instead of playing them, Sonic and otherwise. luckily for you, there's three great ways to do just that:
Watch cutscene compilations on YouTube! So many people do this that there's lots to choose from nowadays. In some games the characters have important (or at least flavorful) dialogue during gameplay, so if you see it, don’t skip past it. Most of these videos are an hour long, so get some food and make it a movie night!
Read Sonic News Network and Sonic Retro! These are by far the most expansive Sonic resources on the internet. I'd say the former site is more helpful than the latter in terms of Lore, though there's a few exceptions I'll explain further below. Anyway, I suggest starting with SNN's page on the series as a whole, to get a feel of how the games' universe "works". At the bottom, there's a collapsed widget reading "Navigation templates to Sonic the Hedgehog series". The first two lists in there contain nearly every lore-important game: read those in order, and you should be set!
Read the Encyclo-speed-ia! Okay, I only recommend this one if you find the Wiki format distracting and have at least $50 to spare. It’s got some minor lore goofs, but it gives precise, yet detailed summaries of all the plots that require such. I own a copy, but it came out less than six months ago so I won’t be making or sharing a full scan. I can, however, transcribe certain sections and DM them to you if you ask nicely enough
here's some extra tips that I wish I'd known starting out, feel free to ignore them if you’re here for a good time and not a long one:
Almost all the games “happened” in a single timeline that matches their order of release. The few exceptions are Mania (which takes place in the Classic era) and some next-door neighbors that can be swapped around without changing much. No Zelda-style clownery here!
Some games are non-canon for various reasons. These include being alternate takes of canon games (8-bit Sonic 1 and 2), Sega declaring them so and reintroducing its characters later (Knuckles’ Chaotix), being developed by different studios and borrowing from other canons (Spinball, Chronicles). Feel free to skip them... or look into them anyway, because they’re still interesting in their own right!
Like many Japanese franchises this old, the older games were subject to regional rewrites and honest mistranslations. When in doubt, assume the Japanese script or text is the canon one. This comes into play the most in two areas:
The Classic Era Quadrilogy (1, 2, CD, 3 & Knuckles). Since elaborate cutscenes weren’t possible yet, the specifics of these games’ plots were written in their manuals. These were changed for Western audiences, but the Japanese ones can be read in English on Sonic Retro. Click on their titles at the start of this bullet point, then scroll down a bit!
Sonic Adventure 2. This game has possibly the most nuanced script and lore of them all, but it came out when game dubs were still often sub-par. If there’s any one Sonic game to watch subbed, it’s this one. If you go the YouTube route, look up “sonic adventure 2 retranslated cutscenes” and you should be good.
Don’t neglect the handheld and spinoff games! They’re on separate lists in that SNN widget, but more of them are canon than meets the eye! The ones with the most impact are the Advance trilogy, Battle, and the Rush duology in vaguely that order. There’s also the first two Riders games (the third one doesn’t introduce much lore) and the Storybook Series, which are self-contained but beloved studies of Sonic as a character.
In the series' first 15 years, every mainline game’s story was somewhat connected and built meaningfully upon the last. After the low reception of games like Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) and Sonic ‘06, this kind of storytelling was scaled back in Unleashed, then dropped altogether by Colors. The games that have come out since then have been standalone adventures without much lore between them. I’m not saying they’re not worth checking out, I just want to explain what happened since you might notice the change while reading/watching.
this came out way longer than expected oops fghjghjh. best of luck on your pilgrimage!! if you have any other questions, im all ears!! (also anyone else is free to add to this post if i missed something!)
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k-joonie · 5 years
Little Band of Misfits
??? x reader
A/N: The violence in this might be a little triggering to some. Not to mention the vulgar words used. Read at your own cost. I may continue this in the future??? Idk?? Lemme know if you want me to (*´∀`*) Also, to go with how Korean high schools work, the hyung line is 18 and the maknae line is 17. Korean age ofc (*^.^*)
You worked hard for your money. Growing up in a bad part of town with just you and your father taught you the value of it. Especially with your father sick and out of work, you learned how to juggle school and work. With two part-time jobs and only being in high school, you didn’t have time for anything. You went to school, went to work, then went home. Free time was nonexistent.
At school, people tended to steer clear of you. You did your work and didn’t bother anyone even though you were often seen getting in trouble violating the school uniform or not completing your homework. You tried to complete the homework, but you often fell asleep in the middle of doing it. Most students stayed away because of this, thinking you were a bad student. You didn’t mind. That was fewer people in your business.
Sitting at your desk, you pulled out a pen and a notebook, waiting for class to begin. Many of the girls in the class were fawning over one of your classmates, Kim Namjoon. He was a genius that never needed to go to the after-school cram hours as most other students did. He was also part of Bangtan, which was basically a gang made of seven members. All of the members were different in personalities and interests, but they seemed to be the best of friends. Namjoon was the leader, so that made him at least ten times cooler to the rest of your peers, but you didn’t give a single shit. The eldest of the four, known as the hyung line, were second years like you and the maknae line were in their first year of high school.
You zoned out for most of the school day, mind more preoccupied with what work would be like that night. Luckily, you made decent enough grades that the teacher had stopped caring that you didn’t pay attention. At this point, you were a lost cause. That night you were working at the cafe until midnight, so you had to pump yourself up for the long night ahead.
Arriving at work, you put on an apron and your best smile. It wasn’t too hard to fake happiness at the cafe since most of the customers were fairly nice there. Those that came late were typically university student that needed a bit of caffeine and a quiet place to study. As soon as it hit midnight, your manager sent you on your way.
The cafe was not too far from your home, so there was no reason for you to take the bus. It would have just been a waste of money. “Hey baby,” a voice called from the alleyway. “What’cha doin’ out here this late at night? Daddy not here to escort you home? How about we show you a fun time.”
Huffing to yourself, you stuck your middle finger out to the bunch of bums in the alleyway. Before you knew it, they grabbed your hand and pushed you against the alleyway wall. “Oh, baby, you’re gonna regret that bad attitude. Only good girls get treated well,” another of the cretins spoke. There were two restraining you and one in front of your face, teasing you and creeping you out. You wriggled your dominant hand out of their grasp and punched the one in front on the nose. “You bitch!”
You managed to push the two that were restraining you out of the way and spin kick the other. The two you pushed away tried to come at you at once, but you managed to dodge their punches. A few more of their friends popped up. You tried to hold them off as long as possible, but they outnumbered you, so there wasn’t a lot you could do.
“Hey!” Another male’s voice had called out from where you couldn’t see. “Ganging up on a poor girl like that? At least make it even.” You turned your head to where the voice was coming from to see none other than Kim Namjoon and company. “There’s eight of you and eight of us. At it’ll make it fun.” The bums shrugged and went after the boys as well.
Pushing your confusion aside, you helped out Bangtan. You could hold yourself well in a fight. Considering where you grew up, it was a right of passage to win a fight in an alleyway. You had won your fair share of them. The fight ended when you and Bangtan were the only ones left standing.
Your rush of adrenaline leaving you, you fell to your knees. Everything hurt and your skin was covered in a mix of sweat and blood. That had been the worst you were roughed up in a while. One of the boys hurried over to check on you. “Hi, I’m Jung Hoseok. You can call me Hobi. What’s your name?”
“Y/L/N Y/N,” you managed to cough out.
“Hoseok hyung, you might want to let the one person part of Bangtan that’s the closest to a doctor as we can get tend to dear Y/N,” Namjoon warned. Hoseok nodded and moved out the way, only to be replaced by another of the hyung line.
“I’m Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. Can I look at you closer?” the man asked you. You nodded and he started to check you over for your injuries. “A few lacerations and a bruised rib or two. Nothing too deep. We should bring her back to our place because she might need stitches. I can’t do much for her out here.”
Namjoon nodded. “Looks like we’re gonna need our muscle pig. Jungkook?” The youngest boy nodded and jogged over to you.
“Y/N? I’m going to pick you up. Just wrap your arms around my neck,” Jungkook instructed. You nodded and he slipped one arm around your back and the other under your knees. Fortunately, their house wasn’t too far away from where you were, so in fifteen minutes you were there.
Jungkook put you down on their couch as Jin went to the back to grab his supplies. Taehyung and Jimin made quick work to distract you from the pain after they introduced themselves. They all acted as if you had no clue who they were. You knew them each vaguely, considering they were all very popular at school for their good looks and air of mystery. Even Yoongi, who had refrained from introducing himself or making any kind of conversation.
“Y/N,” Namjoon interrupted. “I’ve been doing some thinking. If it’s okay with the boys, I would like you to join Bangtan. You’re a tough girl. I think you would make a good addition to the team.” The other boys nodded along as you continued to stare at him dumbfounded. “Each of us has our own role. Jin hyung is our doctor. While he can put up a fight, he shines more in patching us up. Yoongi hyung here is one of our main fighters. He really packs a punch. Hoseok hyung is more like a field agent. When we take jobs, he gathers intel about targets from those close to them. Talented in the art of misdirection. I’m the leader and the brains behind every operation. Jimin works with Hoseok hyung. He’s very good at getting information from our female targets. Taehyung is our computer guy. During jobs, he’s in charge of hacking into whatever system we need him to and making sure that any video evidence of our work doesn’t continue to exist. Jungkook is our muscle. Along with Yoongi, they both are our fighters.”
“I don’t really understand,” you said. “Why me?” The whole situation felt laughable to you. “Why would I want to join you? What’s in it for me?”
“Y/N, you work two jobs. You’re hardly able to take care of your father, much less yourself. With the money we pull from jobs and the occasional street fights we do on the side, you’d be able to provide your father with the best possible care plus enough for you to live comfortably.” Namjoon stepped a little closer to you. “On the subject of ‘why you,’ there are many jobs we missed out on because we didn’t have a female on our team. We’ve had our eye on you for a while. You’re strong, passionate, and have a loyalty to family. Those are qualities we all share.” Namjoon paused for a second and chuckled. “Not to mention you have one hell of a hook.”
You took a second to think. If you joined them, you could quit your jobs. No need to sell shitty pastries or wait tables. Not to mention that you could take care of your father. To hell with the questionable legality of it all, surely something most high schoolers did not have to worry about. “Okay, fine. I’ll do it. What do I do?”
Namjoon smiled. “Just wait, little sparrow. I promise that it will be a fun time.”
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silkhyung · 7 years
→ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader / Namjoon x Reader → Genre: fluff, smut, angst, humor → Words: 2,659 → Rated: NC-17 → Warnings: language, sort of unintentional sexual innuendos
→ Summary: A text message sent to the wrong number turns into a long lasting affair between two people completely opposite one another. 
→ Note: Ok, so the interim parts are gonna be from Jungkook’s POV (to show how intertwined their lives are without them knowing) and I hope you remember the last paragraphs from the first part since they kind of hold significance in an early conversation in this one lol. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy! :) 
(Also, these parts aren’t that important really (but this one is). They’re mostly because I love to write from everyone’s POV to make things more complicated lmao I’m sorry)
Parts: 01 : interim : 02 : 03 : coming soon
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jungkook pov
━ 10:11pm Quick question Is it socially acceptable to just get up and leave a discussion? Maybe punch someone on the way out?
It takes a little bit of courage to send it, but when he finally lets his thumb press the send button and the message flies away with a sort of satisfying whoosh, he smiles and pushes it down the pocket of his tight jeans. He thinks it’s a little ridiculous, but it feels nice to message her again. It’s been three days after all.
He’s at Yoongi’s place with the rest of the band, and even though he gets glares from all of them - including their producer and owner of the apartment, Yoongi - for interrupting their heated discussion about promotions for the new song, the prominent smile on Jungkook’s face still can’t be erased as he fiddles with his fingers in his lap, waiting patiently for an answer from the stranger he still hasn’t figured out why he’s messaging in the first place.
“We should tell the bar we’ll play a new song, make them advertise it as the premiere of it”,  lead singer Jimin says, pretending to know things about promoting when literally all he knows is how to sing, crush on guys he can’t have because they’re straight poles and show a shoulder every now and then on stage to get the crowd going.
Yoongi rolls his eyes while crossing his legs elegantly. “That bar isn’t popular enough for that.”
“I agree”, Seokjin says, scrolling furiously on his phone as only a manager can. “We should find a more popular one for that, and you guys also need to step up your game on stage.” 
He gives Jimin a pointed stare that has the younger guy smiling awkwardly. 
“I saw the first person leave just fifteen minutes into your first set and even though they were wearing the most atrocious yellow cap I’ve ever laid my eyes on that I can’t help but think they just generally have bad taste, the point still stands.”
“Yeah, I noticed that, too”, Jungkook adds in, feeling the need to at least pretend he’s engaged in the conversation concerning the future of his band. He actually did notice that. “Awful cap.”
The sound of a text arriving in his phone makes the whole room turn to him to give icy, annoyed glares, and he apologetically nods while clicking off the sound on his phone. All of them continue the discussion while Jungkook focuses on his phone instead, not paying any attention to the rest of them.
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:13pm Are the other grandpas giving you a hard time? Maybe arguing over which board game to play before the inevitable afternoon nap?
Subconsciously, Jungkook smiles wide at the message, staring at the words for a few seconds before shaking his head at her. She has humor, and her teasing sarcasm is quite refreshing after hanging around Seokjin and his either flower power speeches or rude remarks about the band’s image on stage, which is mostly zoomed in on Jungkook and Jimin since Taehyung is sleeping on the couch.
━ 10:14pm Ur hilarious Pls note my sarcasm It’s vital for my dismissal of your comment
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:15pm LMAO You talk like a grandpa What proof is there really for me to know you’re not?
And then his smile dies a little, because what proof did she really have he wasn’t a creepy old man trying to eventually lure her away like any other internet troll? And how would he know she wasn’t the same, or worse? Yet still, he throws the thoughts away as quickly as they appear and promises himself he’ll be careful if it ever comes to that. For now, though, he is just going to enjoy talking to her.
━ 10:16pm Good point BUT I know who 1d are The fact that I know i can call them 1d should be proof enough tbh
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:18pm Nd so I believe you Maybe What’s up?
Whatever he had been intending to write to her gets interrupted by Yoongi’s stern voice, stealing his attention away from his phone. The skinny producer is leaning forward in his seat on the couch, elbows on knees and hands locked together under his chin.
“What do you think about all this?” he asks the youngest in the whole room - whole group of all their mutual friends actually - and Jungkook knows it’s just to be a dick because they all know he hasn’t actually listened to a damn word any of them have said during the last twenty minutes.
“Oh, I, uh”, he begins a little uncertain, playing with the lip ring he got done just a couple of weeks ago. “I agree with Seokjin.” Nodding towards the eldest in the room, he gives another uncertain smile. “We should do as he says. He’s our manager for a reason, after all.”
Before he returns his attention back to his phone, he catches Jin’s proud nod, Yoongi’s roll of the eyes at the obviously disinterested answer and Jimin’s suspicious glare. He sees how the lead singer is about to say something and for some reason Jungkook just knows it’s about who he’s texting, but luckily Taehyung - who’s still asleep on the floor in front of the TV - fake-snores loudly and conveniently interrupts him before Seokjin starts cursing over how late their Chinese takeout is.
━ 10:19pm I’m sort of in a meeting And I’m bored af
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:19pm I see And you want me to do what??
━ 10:20pm Idk entertain me?
It’s silent for a whole minute and he’s just about to put his phone away and pretend he needs to pee or something to get away when his phone buzzes again.
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:21pm I’m not very funny
━ 10:22pm I beg to differ
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:22pm Thnx Okay so how about we play a little game and u tell me what you first think of when I say peanuts?
He raises an eyebrow at that, wondering where the hell she’s going with this but decides to just answer honestly anyway.
━ 10:22pm Salty
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:22pm Ok and burgers?
━ 10:22pm Tasty
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:23pm I see Rice?
━ 10:23pm White Sticky
She hasn’t read his last one yet, so he locks his phone and lets it lie in his lap while he rests back in the couch, spreading out since Jimin got up to take a phone call from someone he deemed much more important than an inofficial band meeting.
He nearly jumps out of his own skin when she finally responds and he feels the device vibrate lightly against his thigh.
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:28pm Lmao Ur answers are hilarious In a way That I regret mentioning Moving on!!! What color comes to mind when you think of apples?
Jungkook can’t help but let out a loud laugh as he reads over her messages, laughing at both the awkwardness of them and the way she sent them away with such haste he must’ve received all six of them in under six seconds. 
He ignores Yoongi and Seokjin’s annoyed but curious glares and gets up to walk into the tiny hallway instead so he can ignore them even more. He positions himself right by the door behind the coats so Jimin won’t notice him when he walks out of the bathroom.
For some reason, Jungkook wants to keep things private and undisturbed with her.
━ 10:28pm Cute Apples? Green
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:29pm Right! Everyone else I know thinks apples are supposed to be red and I disagree Passionately disagree
He notices she ignored his first text, but lets it slide, instead focusing on the fact that she ‘passionately disagrees’ and he can’t help but smile like a fool.
━ 10:29pm Lol gotta love that granny Smith
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:29pm Ofc good ol’ granny Smith would fall to your grandpa taste
Once again he lets out a laugh because of her, shaking his head while typing faster than he’s ever done before to someone.
━ 10:29pm Ur hilarious
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:30pm Lol you must not know many hilarious people
━ 10:30pm Ur hilarious
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:30pm Ok So what do you do since you’re in such a boring meeting?
Sighing, Jungkook runs a hand over his face. He doesn’t want her to think badly of him for being in a band, because he sort of feels like she will if he tells her the truth. Instead, he tweaks it a little to his own advantage.
━ 10:31pm I’m a part time chef while figuring out my future on the side
That’ll do.
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:31pm So you can cook? Nice
━ 10:31pm Yeah but what about you? What are you doing right now?
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:31pm Can’t disclose the exact location cuz I’m currently in a ninja fight But I’m in the library
━ 10:31pm Weird place to hold a ninja fight
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:32pm Ikr? I thought it was sketchy when they called me in But seriously I’m in the library Killing nothing other than myself with this slow reading
And suddenly he wants to know everything about her. What does she study? Is she in college? How old is she? What subjects are her favorite? Where did she grow up? What’s her favorite movie? Color? Food?
━ 10:32pm So you’re a student?
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:32pm Yeah I guess But I feel like I’m wasting my time tbh
His reply gets cut off by the front door opening, and turning around, he’s met with the smiling face of Kim Namjoon himself, looking like he just ran a fucking marathon both with the way he’s panting and with the clothes he’s wearing, and Jungkook raises an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Ah, Jungkook”, he smiles, wiping away a few beads of sweat rolling down his temple.
“Hyung?” Jungkook mumbles, locking his phone and pushing it down the front pocket of his jeans. “Where the hell have you been? And why do you look like…” Another glance at the guy’s outfit has him shaking his head. There’s really nothing to compare him to at the moment. He just looks absolutely ridiculous.
“Oh this?” Namjoon smiles, pulling his weird jacket off and Jungkook marvels at how he can go from looking like the coolest song writer and producer to looking like a dork from a work out video from the 80’s just like that. “A friend of this girl I like was hosting a charity run at campus with some club she’s in, I think, and I had to participate to win points, you know, because I don’t think she likes me very much.”
“Is she hot?”
Jungkook receives an unimpressed glare over the question, yet a very honest answer. “Of course she is. Absolutely gorgeous. Amazing ass.”
“I can forgive your poor choice of clothing, then”, Jungkook smiles, clapping the shoulder of his hyung affectionately a few times.
“The theme was ‘That 70’s Show’”, Namjoon laughs. “I would never dress like this otherwise. She wasn’t there to see it, though.”
The continuation of their conversation gets interrupted by Yoongi yelling at them both angrily, telling them Namjoon is too fucking late again and if it is because of that girl he’s been crushing on like a wimp he can go hide in a ditch, that Jimin has stopped acting like a girl over his latest crush and that Taehyung is now awake, so they’re all ready for the real meeting to start. 
Oh, and they should bring beer.
Jungkook offers to get the bottles while Namjoon pays the delivery guy who conveniently enough appeared just in time. 
While he’s alone in the kitchen, he quickly fishes out his phone to throw his Beatles genius a quick text so she won’t feel like he’s ignoring her.
━ 10:35pm Hey I gotta go get a verbal beating from my hyungs rn Kidding it’s just serious business stuff So you kno im not gonna be available
He waits selfishly for a few seconds for a reply, but when Yoongi impatiently calls for that beer he wanted, he leaves his phone on the counter to not get distracted during the now official meeting and walks in with a deep breath. This is probably gonna take all night if he knows Yoongi right, which he does, so he steels himself for countless of beers consumed and inevitable arguments between everyone.
Band meetings are his least favorite thing about being in a band. It’s not that he thinks of them as unnecessary or boring - because they’re not - they’re just not the most ideal thing to be caught up in all night when he’s the guy who joined the band solely because he thought he’d be able to live like a true rockstar rather than a very poor guitarist trying to make it on YouTube.
“Okay”, Seokjin starts, clapping his hands together while looking like he’s preparing to murder someone. “Let’s start discussing the new record.”
Namjoon rolls his eyes and prepares for his defensive speech of how he’s just a simple song-writer that can’t pull a song out of his ass just because people want him to and Jungkook thinks about what his Beatles stranger is doing, if she’s still studying and if she might actually be his complete opposite.
He thinks about her a lot during the meeting, and Jimin is the only one ballsy enough to comment on it but everyone knows that’s just because he has a crush on Jungkook and has had one ever since he and Taehyung found Jungkook playing guitar in an awful band in a dingy bar in Busan all those years ago.
“Who’re you texting so much lately?” Jimin asks the youngest when everyone’s clearing out of the living room and it’s well past 2am.
Jungkook’s too tired to go into it - and he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to - so he uses the easiest explanation he can think of. “Joy.”
“So, what?” Jimin mumbles. “Are the two of you a thing now? You know what Seokjin thinks about attachments.”
Jungkook wants to mention the fact Jimin always seems attached to someone.
“I know, and we’re not a thing”, he says instead. “She’s just a good lay.”
It takes them ten minutes to say their goodbyes because Yoongi keeps telling them to drive back safely before he keeps reminding them he wants them in the studio in just a few hours, while throwing in a threat or two about ditching them if they don’t show up on time.
When they all part ways, Seokjin and Jimin to their own places, Namjoon to the apartment he shares with someone the rest of them haven’t gotten the (dis?)pleasure of meeting yet and Jungkook and Taehyung to their own shared apartments, it’s even more late and Jungkook really feels like a walking dead.
It isn’t until the two of them have walked to Jungkook’s old piece of crap car that he fishes his phone out again to check if he has any new messages.
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 10:36pm Okay good luck or something I guess lol Try not to punch anyone!
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 12:01am This is maybe because I’m very tired But I kinda enjoy talking to you :)
━ Beatles Genius Y/N 12:03am It must be because I’m very tired But ur still hilarious Night lol
He reads over the messages several times, the smiley and the words all shining back at him from the screen, illuminating his face in artificial light where he stands in the dead of night outside his car.
“Hey, can you hurry up and get us home?” Taehyung complains from the other side of the vehicle, slapping the roof for emphasis. “I want to go home and sleep.”
And when Jungkook makes the thirty minute drive back to their shared apartment, he wonders if the sort of warm feeling in his chest is because of the fact he’s going to sing more in the band now or because of the last seven messages he received.
next part
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hitsugikuro-blog · 7 years
From @thedarkestcrow , thank you for tagging me!
1. How has your opinion of yourself changed over the years?
I’m definitely more confident and easygoing than I was as a teenager/young adult.  I was an only child and had a period of severe self-esteem issues brought on by bullying that took me a long time to overcome.  But I got help, worked through my issues and am now relatively healthy!  Or as healthy as a huge geek can be I guess.  xD
2. If you had to pick one book to read for the rest of your life, which book would you pick?
JUST ONE??? What kind of sadistic question is this?  
If it isn’t cheating, I’d opt for The Lord of the Rings trilogy because I’ll probably never get tired of reading them.  If not... whatever.  NEXT QUESTION?
3. What’s your favorite season? Do you have a particular reason for liking it?
I love Fall/Autumn because of the warm colors and the relief that comes from summer turning to cooler weather.  There’s just something about the season that’s magical and makes me want to drink cocoa and cider and go for long walks.  Plus it has Halloween, which is the best holiday. :)
4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to relax?
Put on a calm playlist and play a game.  I’m a big fan of collection or repetition games where I don’t have to engage my brain too much but I still feel like I’m doing something.  I’ve never been the type of person who can just like... draw a bath and soak for a while.  I get bored too easily and then I’m not relaxed anymore.  ^^;
5. Do you consider yourself lazy?
Eeeeh, it depends on the day?  I’m pretty self-motivated but sometimes I just say screw it and let things slide until I decide to pick them up again.  There’ve definitely been days where I’ve skipped doing laundry or cooked for myself when I really should have.  And I’ve procrastinated on projects and papers before.  But it’s not something I chronically do.
6. What’s your view on morality?
Everyone’s morality is different but there are some universal truths to it.  My personal view is that everything is fine as long as it isn’t actively causing trauma to yourself or someone else, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional.  This might seem like a very relaxed stance on morality but eh, I think people jumping down one another’s throats and arguing over minor details that really don’t matter in the long run is more harmful than not.  You might disagree with someone and judge them for it, but you probably do things they judge you for too so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. When are you most productive?

Afternoons, evenings and nights.  I’m not a morning person and it takes me about two hours and a couple cups of coffee or tea to wake me up every day lol.
8. Do you have any strong opinions about things most people don’t think much about?
Just fandom things, probably?  Everyone’s entitled to their own opinions though, so idk if I’d call mine ‘strong’. 
9. How do you handle stress?
Usually by throwing myself into something that will distract me from the stress, whether it’s music or a good book or a good meditation session or whatever I’m feeling like.  If none of that’s available I do my best to remove myself from whatever’s causing the stress and allow myself to come down from it.  I don’t get extremely stressed very often though, luckily enough.
10. What would your ideal world be like?
I’m gonna have to go with the typical response of a kinder, gentler world than we live in now.  If everyone had more compassion for one another and squabbled less over petty differences it would be so much better.  Also just less greed and power lust in general.  People could still have their differences and their unique identities, but I dunno... I just feel like if more people realized that they could be happier by not being quite so selfish, it would do a lot of good.
Extra Questions:
1.) What’s one story that you want to write/create but won’t (or haven’t yet)?
I’ve started writing like 10 different books before but never got that far with them.  I’m better at coming up with ideas and bouncing them off of other people than sitting down and writing out an entire work from scratch.
2.) What’s an interesting moment of self-discovery in your life?
When I realized that happiness is attainable when you’re doing something positive with your life, even if it’s something small.  Greatness and renown aren't as important as touching the lives of the people around you; friends, family and strangers alike.  
3.) Dream job? 

Forensic Anthropologist, hands down.   I majored in physical anthropology and took a heavy load of science courses and I loved it.  One of my professors was really into criminology as well and gave us really interesting lab work related to forensics.  Plus, it’s usually benefitting the families of missing persons.  If I ever go back to Uni for a Masters degree I think that’s what I’m going to aim for.
4.) What’s a book/movie/show that has had a large influence on you?
Oh man, I dunno if I can just pick one.  This probably won’t come as a surprise after that last question but I was an avid reader of Sherlock Holmes and other detective novels as a kid.   My parents and grandparents let me read anything as long as it was classic literature, so I read all of the Sherlock stories when I was 8 - 10.  As far as movies go, I also loved the Indiana Jones series and it got me really into studying history and different cultures.  And I guess anime and manga, in general, has influenced me a lot and helped cement that desire to travel and learn another language.  
5.) Has music ever changed your life, or at least your outlook on life?
Yes, definitely!  Some songs have always stuck with me and I still find songs with lyrics that impact me in some way.  Music is a powerful way to convey messages (haha, Blue Sect Arc got it 100% right) and invoke emotion in people. 
6.) Imagine you’ve become an established author/artist/creator. What would you want the fandom for your works to be like?
I would want them to be chill and nonargumentative with one another, but I know that’s only like a .0001% probability.   Maybe if I had a fandom of like 5 people it’d be okay.
7.) Same scenario as #6. What would the fandom actually be like?
Probably like every other fandom out there.  Mostly casual consumers but a good chunk that’s very invested.  A smaller chunk of those would be the ones that rock the boat and make everyone unhappy.  
8.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught in schools but typically isn’t taught at all?
It might sound odd, but responsible money management and how to save for retirement.  Responsibly managing my money was one of the biggest issues I had to overcome when I went to University and was living on my own, and it was the same for quite a few of my friends.  I think the spending lifestyle in America is mostly to blame for this, and businesses want to make as much money as they can off of the public so I doubt a class like that will ever be implemented.  But it would be nice if we taught kids and teens how to live comfortably without being so materialistic.  I think things are slowly changing on their own though, and the youngest generations are realizing this (see: all the whining about Millenials ‘killing’ everything lol).
9.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught differently in schools from how it usually is?
Difficult to say!  I don’t know how schools in other states handle all of their subjects, but the ones I went to had a few issues.  I think math and algebra are in the one area that’s most often complained about.  In my experience, I either had an excellent teacher or an amazingly awful one with no exceptions.   Which is a shame because algebra can be interesting and fun if the teacher enjoys the subject and has good lesson plans.
10.) Are there any patterns in your interests/works that wouldn’t be immediately obvious to an outside observer?
I really don’t look like the type of person who’d be into the things I’m into, I suppose?  I’m just your average, small person who dresses in T-shirts, jeans, and trainers with earbuds in. ^^;;
And that’s it!  Tagging  @lapyn @beautifulbloomingblossoms @trollintrancy @justanotherfandomjunkie along with anyone else who’d like to answer it.
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certifiedskywalker · 7 years
It’s Hard Enough - Cooper!Reader X Jughead Jones - Part 2
Loved the Jughead imagine you just posted! Idk if anon is going to request part two with Veronica but if they do I have a possible idea haha. So the Cooper's mom bombards the reader with more stress before school and she's totally out of it until Veronica pulls her aside, comforts her and helps her approach Betty. It goes well and there's a lot of crying between the two Cooper's, so Veronica decides they'll go to Pop's to cheer up. Jughead is there and the reader gets adorably flustered
I only have one thing to ask...Part three????
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It was a few days after you talked to Jughead in Pop’s and things had been going pretty well. You often found yourself hanging out with Jughead during lunch in the library. He would show you his progress of his novel to which you would become amazed at his writing skills. He would also ask you about your family and how you were doing. You were always truthful with one another, you were open about your feelings and he shared his own troubles. Your friendship was blossoming before your very eyes. It was the accidental brush of fingers and the lingering looks that pulled you to him further. From what you could tell, it wasn’t one sided either. Just the fact he still wanted you around whenever he could was a good sign; but then your anxiety would get the better of you. Why would he, a smart and good-looking Sophomore, want to date you, a mediocre Freshman? That answer seemed to be lost in the deepest corners of your mind, because now things were bad again.
“I can’t have you being distracted by boys like Betty. Focus on your studies, join at least 3 clubs for your transcript, and go off to a good college. Any less than that would be a disappointment, now wouldn’t it?” Your mother’s voice echoed in your head from this morning. You were walking next to Betty, who had heard it all, at school. Flashes of this morning danced before your eyes; Mother yelling then you agreeing, Betty protesting, Mother screaming, then you and Betty crying. Your mother had said some things to say the least, and going to school right after that horror show wasn’t the best idea. You could still feel the stinging in your eyes and your sniffly nose fought against you when you and Betty told Veronica that “we’re fine.”
It didn’t help that you got a few texts from Jughead in the morning asking if you wanted to hangout at Pop’s after school. When you made it to 3rd Period, your Writing Class, you were already exhausted and wanted to be anywhere but there. You sat down in a random seat and started to pull out the notes from Friday when you saw a familiar figure out of the corner of your eye. “Y/N,” he started, “are you okay?” You turned in your seat to face him and saw that his blue eyes were full of worry. “Yeah, I’m good why?” You obviously were lying, and you knew Jughead noticed by the way his eyebrows furrowed. “You didn’t reply to my texts this morning,” he said, his voice hushed to not arouse suspicion. Luckily you were saved from having to talk to him any longer because the bell rang and your teacher started class. During the whole period, you could feel Jughead’s eyes on you. If it was under different circumstances, you might’ve enjoyed the attention, but right now all you wanted to do was escape. So when the bell rang you darted out of the classroom and walked as quickly as you could to the next class.
During lunch, you sat with Betty and her friends rather than Jughead. You just didn’t want to face him after that. The lunch period was rather uneventful; Archie seemed to be quiet and wouldn’t look at Betty, so it was Kevin and Veronica that carried the conversation. You were about to chime in when your phone buzzed against your leg. You pulled it out and saw it was a text notification from Jughead.
Jughead ;} : I won’t be able to be there for you if you don’t talk to me.
Jughead ;} : Whenever you want to see me, just text me, okay?
You didn’t have the chance to reply because the lunch bell rang. You and your sister barely made it through the rest of the day without breaking down. Veronica, being one of the greatest friends ever, noticed this and confronted the both of you after school.
“If you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong, that’s fine, but I’m taking you two out to Pops to hang out whether you like it or not.” Betty tried to protest but Veronica silenced her with a raised finger, “Aunt Ronnie is not letting anyone mope.” She drove you both to the diner, in an uncomfortable silence. When you all arrived, each one of you ordered a milkshake and found a secluded booth.
“So, what’s up?” Veronica asked as if nothing was wrong. Betty was about to answer with a cliche answer but you beat her to it. “Our mom hasn’t been the kindest woman to us lately.” You looked at Betty who merely nodded in agreement. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Veronica asked, her voice laced with concern. You shrugged and Betty didn’t say a word. “Well, you two can sleep over at my place whenever you need to, okay?” She asked, reaching her hands across the table to hold on of yours and one of Betty’s. “Thank you, Veronica.” Betty said, her blue eyes happy and clear for the first time that day. You nodded in agreement and then Veronica changed the subject to Archie. She and Betty talked it out and you found yourself looking out the window of the diner.
It was a nice day outside, unlike the last time you were here. The rain pattering against the window and enjoying Jughead’s company. Jughead; you felt a pit in your stomach at the thought of him. You had left him out of the loop, lied to him. You found your phone and was about to text him when you saw the notification.
Jughead ;} : Second booth nearest to the bathroom, if you want to sit.
You smiled softly at your phone. “Hey Betty I got to go to the bathroom.” Betty nodded and scooted out of the booth so you could get out. You walked past the main door and the little divider and saw him sitting there. He looked up and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards a little. You walked over and sat down next to him, your shoulders brushing his.
“I’m sorry about before.” You said and Jughead nodded. “I understand if you don’t what to see me Y/N, I’m not the friendliest of person but at least tell me.”
“Oh, that’s not why I,” you let out a quiet laugh, “I had a really bad morning and I didn’t well, I didn’t talk to anyone at school.”
“What happened?” He asked, and you were caught off guard by the kindness in his eyes. You proceeded to tell him what happen between you, your sister, and your mother in the morning. He listened to every word and it seemed he got closer each time you spoke. “Is there-” He started, but he stopped himself. He turned his eyes to the table, hand curled in fists on the stand. You rested your hand on his forearm, causing him to look back at you. “It’s okay, Jug. I’m going to be okay.” You didn’t know what it was exactly; the fact that his handle was suddenly holding yours or if it was the way he was looking at you, but you believed what you had said. As long as Jughead was around, you felt that you would be just fine. Suddenly, Jughead was closer, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips.
“Can I?” He whispered and you felt a hot blush rise to your cheeks. Despite that, you found the bravery to answer him. “Y-yes.”
His lips were soft when they met yours. You fumbled a bit at first, this being your first kiss. Jughead didn’t seem to care, he only kissed you back harder. His hand cupped your neck and your hands found his jaw. He pulled away slowly, only to rest his forehead against yours. You were both catching your breaths, staring into each other’s eyes. You let out a winded laugh and so did he. “I’ll be better than okay.” You whispered and Jughead leaned in again, giving you a slower, sweeter kiss than before. Your hands pulled gently on his sweater, trying to bring him closer. If it wasn’t the pesky need to breath, you would probably never stop kissing him. You sensed Jughead felt the same way, judging how he brushed his nose against yours. It suddenly felt hot in the diner, and you were brought back to reality. You looked over and saw that Betty and Veronica were still talking, but you didn’t what to risk taking too long.
“I should go back, so they don’t suspect anything.” You whispered, but Jughead only kissed you in response. It was a quick peck, but it still left you wanting more. “Okay,” he whispered back, “text me if anything gets to be too much, yeah?” You gave him a soft smile and nodded. You reached your hand up, letting your fingertips brushing against his cheek. He closed his eyes at the touch, as if he was waiting for this moment for months. “I will.” You murmured as you slid out of the booth. You walked back to your sister and your friend, sitting down next to Veronica this time. “What did you do, fall in?” Veronica joked, and Betty laughed. A grin crept onto your features and you looked up and saw Jughead leaving the diner. He gave you a look, that no one else saw, and left. “Yeah,” you said with a smile, “I fell in.”
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