#idk my whole life is a middle point hahaha-
imogenleewriter · 1 year
I would have waited for it to be over to rr the whole thing, write a rant simultaneously and then send but lmfao the ne chapter needs to be ranted about.
(I'm only 2 words in)
Not Louis being smarter than Harry lmao.
Yeah, Louis it's LITERALLY the only explanation my brothah stop lying
'symptoms' BAHAHAHAHA
Not Louis being SCIENCE and Harry being completely inexperienced on falling in LOVE LMFAO
Noooooo Louis knows what those feelings are cuz everytime he triggered then he also felt them himself 🥲🤏
✨Love ✨
Not harry's symptoms being his literal FEELINGS FFS
Nooooo Louis only has a theory. (I need Zayn to somehow find out about this debacle and repeat it at their wedding or to their children (whichever option Harry hates more and Louis is less wary of))
Yeah Louis you're definitely, DEFINITELY misinterpreting this YUP YEAH sounds about right
(side note:- idk how you even ever manage to put so much work into something you do for free and get so much stupid comments for but I will ALWAYS be SOOOO GRATEFUL 🥲 like these are the highlights of my shitty days I can't believe you do it for free TYSM TYSM THANK YOU SO MUCH 💗💗💗)
(also:- a massive, massive thank you to everyone who supports you and helps you because- just- just- LOOK how amazing these are I literally can't rn-)
Knowing for sure that Harry isn't sick, I do kind of understand why Louis is hesitant to assume Harry's just in love with him because imagine your crush is casually dying in your arms out of a heart attack or something and you are just like "dw, bestie, your heart is fully functional, you just have feelings ❤️"
Ok so rn I am at the place where Louis is thinking about how Harry can totally have feelings for him but still not want a relationship and just- *sigh* don't you just HATE it when a character who is clearly miscommunicating still make sense in their monologue based on what their arc and personality is? *sigh again*
It's so funny that the tables have COMPLETELY turned this time around now HARRY is an oblivious idiot but LOUIS KNOWS!!!!
(I love how subtle this shift is btw because I'm not really sure why but in my brain Louis' characterization seemed like he knows his problems and would just rather be in blissful denial about it, yk? But Harry always seemed like a person who would look at others worst emotions when directed at himself but forgive the other person and not himself)
Looking at Louis's inner monologue rn is so funny because he is just like "omg I cracked a case"
Help-this is getting too long for an ask but basically my point is that if I have been procrastinating this ask for ages and I am still stressing over the semantics in it then you being stressed over the complete masterpiece literature you create that I and so many other people are lucky enough to find then IS MORE THAN REASONABLE!!!!
I'll just read the rest by myself sorry 😐 I'll add it to the inevitable rant I'll send in your dms whenever I can complete it lmao my life is a fucking mess with me somehow ending up with fucking BOB CUT rn in this economy but I'll send it I PROMISE
Hahaha I love all the comments I get I promiseeeeeeeeee!
Well 99% of them. The other ones I whine about in a discord group to the point they made me my own sticker
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Thanks @enchantedlandcoffee
No, but it's honestly a sticker in a group with like 80 people and I love thinking about what the people who don't know me (because the majority of the time I only go in there to complain) think when they open the group stickers and see that one.
I appreciated all your commentary a lot! I love it when people understand the characters and why they do things even if they don't agree with what they do.
Sorry about the bob-cut, not that I have anything against bob cuts but it sounds like it was not what you wanted.
A few years ago I went to a salon and asked for my hair to be just above my shoulders. The hairdresser was clearly in the middle of something, like maybe a break-up because she was like... close to tears and kept using the phone and stuff.
Anyway my hair but was at the nape of my neck, like if it was any shorter she would have had to use a razor. Without me even complaining- because I just can't do it- the manager gave me a discount. Like I literally didn't say a word about it and she gave me a discount. That's how bad it was.
As soon as I walked out I burst into tears and cried non-stop for at least two days. I literally put on social media if anyone sees me not to talk about the haircut or I'll start crying. It was sooooo bad.
Anyway lol, thank you!!
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Name the last 6 people you texted:
1. Jo 2. CJ 3. Lui 4. JM 5. Angela 6. Nina
How did you meet #3? It was in 2017 and I was a then-applicant to what would be my org throughout college. Lui had been a member of the org's executive board at the time so they had been quite active in engaging with us newbies and introducing us to what the org does.
What’s #6’s middle name? I'm not sharing anything beyond her nickname.
Who have you known the longest out of your 6? Well that would be #6, since she's my sister and she's been in my life since I was 2 – a total of 23 years.
Who have you known the least out of your 6? #2, CJ. It was my first time to meet him today, actually – he's apparently one of my org's present VPs so when we had our Zoom call earlier to discuss reorganization efforts with the rest of the alumni, he had been the main spokesperson/moderator.
How do you know #5? We met in Grade 1. We were seatmates and I accidentally struck her palm with a pencil, but even after that she still decided to be friends with me haha so 18 years later here we are.
Where does #1 live? Some city within Metro Manila that I'm not disclosing.
Is #1 your best friend? I wouldn't say so, but we're pretty close. Among my entire college friend group, she's the one I bond with the most frequently almost entirely thanks to our shared love for BTS.
Who on your 6 doesn’t have a job? CJ is an undergrad so I'm guessing he doesn't; Jo as far as I know is still job-hunting; JM is in law school so apart from a mandatory law firm internship I don't think he's currently employed either.
Does #5 have their drivers license? She doesn't but she has I think what's called a learner's permit? Like it doesn't make her fully-fledged-ly(?) qualified to drive – she can, but with a whole bunch of restrictions.
Would you ever live with #2? Probably not; I don't know him all that well.
Why did you text #4? Well all the org group chats simultaneously revived due to the recent involvement of the org alumni to support the current members as they bring it back to life, so I've been in close touch with everyone.
Do you miss #3? I mean sure I miss seeing them in casual settings, but I'm not very close/affectionate with Lui to begin with. I'd love to see them over drinks and with a bigger group.
Is #6 a stoner or alchie? Nope.
Have you ever danced with #2? I've never done anything with #2 hahaha. I've only spoken to him over Zoom!
Have you ever done anything sexual with any of them? Lui tried something with me without my consent, once. Not sexual, but I think they wanted it to head there at the time. I was also with someone back then so that gave me MAJOR ICK, but idk I was able to move past it so whatever.
What would your life be like without #1? I don't think it would be majorly different tbh, but she is special to me regardless. All my friends are.
Is #2 your best friend? Nope.
What do you love about #3? They're extremely passionate about their interests, and it's been great to see them dabble in a bunch of side projects like hosting podcasts and being interviewed on news programs.
What is #5’s weakness? Tbh Angela has her shit beautifully together at this point in our lives so it'd be very hard for me to pinpoint a weakness. When we were younger she used to be an extreme perfectionist – like she'd cry if she'd get an exam score below her target – but she has that mostly resolved now as she has no problem going with the flow + simply starting over when things don't go her way.
What do you dislike about #3? Always seems to be desperate for a partner every single time we have a conversation. I don't need to hear how heartbroken or lonely you are all the time, lol.
What kind of car does #4 drive? I mean the last time we hung out he would regularly alternate between a Nissan Terra and Audi (or was it BMW? not sure lol), but idk if that still holds up today.
What would you do if #3 & #6 were dating? I'd probably raise hell and tell my sister to please not, lol. I love Lui, but not as a partner for her.
Does #2 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I have no idea.
Have you ever seen #1 cry? No, not cry. But I've seen her in great distress. Just not a good time altogether for her and I'm very proud of her for getting past that period. To this day I feel quietly protective of her because of what she went through.
Have you ever kept a secret from #5? Sure, but she always finds things out anyway.
Does #2 have any special talents? No idea. I barely know the guy.
In one word, describe #6. Independent.
Has anyone in your top 6 hurt you? Who? Yeah I guess Lui did when they did that creepy thing to me a few years back.
Have you ever fought with #6? We're siblings, so yes.
Is #1 a musician? No.
How old is #4? 26.
Would you ever kiss #5 (if you haven’t already)? Nah.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
I watched “Imitation” and it was surprising (... okay, I loved it!)
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Full disclosure: If you haven’t the slightest interest in kpop, not even in the drama or juicy gossip that produces, this won’t be your thing. I know it’s not a drama for everyone. Stop reading. Just know that OTP (and most characters) had a happy ending but there was a bunch of drama to achieve it. Typical. And a death may or may not have been in the mix.  
Well well well... I'm pleasantly surprised, that's the perfect three word review for this drama. It would seem that when those little projects that come out of nowhere and you have no expectations about, turn out to be even a little big good, they made the strongest impression. And this drama is up there in my top 3 of favorite dramas of the year, it has my heart.
Yes, it was about kpop idols and 90% of the cast was made of idols (even one from the very first kpop gen hahaha), yet the acting was decent (and from some, truly great), yes sometimes it got a bit cheesy and silly and yes, there was a ton of drama concerning fans, reporters, dating scandals and bad and greedy CEOs of entertainment agencies BUT it was also sweet, really romantic, funny, lively, full of music (I'm OBSESSED with the last OST which was sung by the whole cast, it makes me FEEL things) and dancing, it had lots friendship and found family AND at times, it was heartbreakingly tragic.
I think this drama tried to tell the audience two important lessons, worthy of mention: the first, work hard for your dreams, don't give up on them but also, you never know what opportunities might come your way that could end up changing your direction and perhaps make you chase something that you never thought you would, so persevere, breathe and hang in there just a bit more; the second, one that we all know if you have a little bit of sense and even if you are mildly informed about the k entertainment which is that idols are just people(most of them teens when they debut some not even 18) who want to and deserve to have a pretty f-ing normal life, so f-ing let them! the consequences of putting these youngsters over a pedestal are catastrophic and there are real life, heartbreaking, examples of this.
Main characters
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Ryok: the Golden Boy of kpop, from the most popular boy group, also a an actor (a decent one? Idk they never said). Perfect in every single aspect, except when he is nice to girls who aren't his fans, then they will crucify him. SUPER clumsy whenever his crush is nearby and does something he finds cute, otherwise super cool and chill. Also great at pining for his crush. A romantic, which means he chose the worst career path. My favorite character.
Maha: A bright and optimistic girl with a strong might of perseverance in going after her dreams. Loves dancing. Very sweet and very tiny. Despite appearances, she's not a pushover or weak FL. And that's why I loved her.
Yujin: Second ML by the book. Became an idol because he was pursuing FL (who in turn was pursuing ML). The only reason why I never hated him is because he was a great friend, knew he wasn't doing anything healthy and decided to end his one sided love and opened his eyes. Two words: Character development *chef's kiss*
LaRiMa: A soloist. A Queen. At the start, it looked like she was the typical and mean second FL. But she wasn't, and I adored her for that. She had a heart of gold. She deserved the world, and she knew that so she made decisions accordingly (a Queen chases no one, least of all a man!) lol best character in the drama and my second favorite character (sorry Maha!)
Also starring: The members of SHAX (the leader, SF9′s Hwiyoung, the maknae from Ateez and the funny guy who spoke random english) the group of Golden Boy. Tea Party members (bffs with FL, Riah and HyunJi), Maha’s group. Sparkling members (the very angry and frustrated leader and two members of Ateez whose names I don’t know), second ML group. AND in the longest and most important cameo (ala Go Kyung Pyo in My roommate is a Gumiho) SF9′s Chani, a former member of SHAX, who disappeared into thin air one day.
The story
On paper it doesn't sound like anything groundbreaking (and tbh it really wasn't lol): a story about idols who willingly chose their career path, trained for years while underage, got treated like products by ugly men in suits and realized it kinda sucked, especially when you don't become a hit group and have to protect your personal life like it's a dirty secret that could damage your image and maybe end your career this is why I said it’s not a show for everyone. But this drama is what Dream High 2 (2012) wanted to be and never could in the aspect of actually making you feel something for these idols and the situations they were facing while loving the musical side of the show and making it all believable.
Even if it's not exactly about teens in high school sort of thing, it does give you the same hopeful and uplifting feeling of a coming of age story, especially because the characters are still youngsters trying to be happy and realize their dreams for the future.
You can just stop reading here if you want to go watch the drama with no spoilers. And if I haven’t convinced you despite not being appalled by kpop themed dramas, then I guess you should keep reading lol or trust in my taste and judgement when I say the story is worth it (but to be fair the first two eps are a bit slow).
The romance (super spoilery!)
At the core, this show was a love story. What started the plot is the fact that main couple reunite in the same work field as idols, and they actually met and befriended each other years ago; so being older and able to spent more time together brings them closer to finally accept and give into their feelings, but soon enough their relationship becomes a ticking bomb threatening their careers and then this big mystery of how and why SF9' Chani disappeared and abandoned the group becomes really important in the last third of the drama
Because once upon a time, Chani had a gf but she was still a trainee so once their love was exposed (the truth of who exposed him is devastating) and their respective companies threatened them, it all becomes too much too fast and with seemingly no other way out, the girl makes a terrible decision, that ends up changing the lives of most of the characters.
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I’m sure this is from a bts but their chemistry was really good and sweet. Also, height difference to die for!!
Yet, there is a happy ending for main couple but it's only achieved after certain people learn from their mistakes and support Ryok and Maha, which makes it clear that no matter how in love and willing you are to face adversities for and with your loved one, you still need a support system (and maybe the right people in a position of power) because sometimes two against the world isn't as romantic as it sounds, but sad and lonely.
And the main reason why I loved this is because of the way the show drew a parallel between the two most important couples in the story and tells the audience “had it been even a year before, under different circumstances and less luck, had they had no friends and no people to support them, main couple would’ve ended in the same tragic way” and I think that is a haunting realization. That also makes you appreciate things.
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*cries* they were adorable
The bad (spoilers!)
I do wish this drama would’ve elaborated on some bits that were really worth diving into, or that it would’ve shown how some things came intro fruition instead of just skipping it and showing rigth away the outcome of conversations that were never had or reunions never shown. It is clear to me that they wanted to make the drama longer and could have told a better story had it been a 16 ep show. 
Basically yes, the main story, main romance and side couples' arcs got resolved but ugh a list of plot holes:
Why was LaRiMa so obsessed with Ryok for half the drama? The minute the girl knew he was dating someone he truly liked, she gave up right away, so I gotta believe the only reason she didn’t quit on him before, is because he did gave her a reason to hold onto him. Perphaps they dated before? Or maybe they like each other at one point? I can only do fanfiction in my head to explain this.
Why was the angry leader of Sparkling such a bitter bitch? How did he end up in another company?
I wanted to see SF9′s Chani reunion with his ex-members from SHAX.  It NEEDED to happen. At least they showed Chani with Ryok (which was really emotional) but arrgh.
Also, Chani deserved a kneeling apology from SHAX leader, I mean, come on!!
If everyone knew about Maha and Ryeok at some point, they needed to use that. You can’t just have a bomb like that in your drama and not use it. Is a principle of storytelling. You can’t just have the thing that your main characters fear the most, in your hands, and do nothing about it. But I guess it was not done because of lack of time.
Also, they never showed how they announced their relationship. Instagram post? Company statement? An exclusive to Dispatch? And how did the fans took it?? Answers, drama! Damn it!!
Final thoughts
Despite its many flaws, I loved it. It had heart. It seemed low budget and even more so due to the fact that it was done in the middle of the pandemic and a big part of kpop are the fans and concerts, you know what makes it all the more big and shinier. But the drama people and the actors put effort into it, and you could tell (and the fact that there were also original songs and choreographies made for this drama amazes me, and that they chose to promote the drama by having some of these fake groups perform on actual music shows). So there you go, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Before I finish, let me just say that the actor who played Ryok is a REVELATION in my eyes.This boy needs to stay in dramaland and get more main roles (and after some research I’m happy to say that he is thriving!!). Also, he has great timing for comedy. The actress who played Maha elevated the quality of every scene she was in. (Not for nothing she was God in DAYS). Jiyeon (LaRiMa) was excellent. It really showed at times that she’s not only an experienced idol but also an experienced actress. The contrast with most of the cast was noticeable, sadly. The drama wouldn’t have been the same without these three.
Also, watch AND listen to the last OST sung by the whole cast here. Beautiful song that just makes you cry if you’ve seen the drama.
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crashingmeteorz · 4 years
rich kid runaways (ft. yuexzukoxtoph friendship)
for my 100 Followers Celebration - credit to @aroacebitchboi for this amazing idea!
zuko faces his father in the agni kai, and when he is told what he must do in order to be welcome in his homeland again, he just says “fuck this” and runs away.
he’s not sure where he’s gonna go, just that he has to get out, and fast, because his dad’s gonna kill him. like. for real. so he stows away on a fire navy ship headed Literally Anywhere Else (and maybe the soldiers don’t care! because he’s 13 and hurting children is a disgrace! maybe they sneak him food and blankets idk!)
yue, meanwhile, in the north pole, has just been told she is going to enter an arranged marriage for the good of her people when she turns 16. respectfully, she asks her father what exactly this marriage will do, politically speaking. the north isn’t at war with itself, in fact they’re more united than ever. maybe if it were a southern water tribe boy, sure, but no, it’s going to be a northern boy.
her father just tells her it’s imperative to the stability of the tribe that they uphold tradition. yue, realizing this is bullshit, even at the tender age of 13, says “fuck this”, and runs away.
she is all but screwed without waterbending or any practical survival knowledge - except, she’s been chosen by the moon spirit. when she steals a boat and heads south, the moon takes pity on its ward and keeps her safe, at least on her waterbound journey. once she lands on the northern shores of the earth kingdom, yue depends on the kindness of strangers to survive.
zuko, meanwhile, is angry and mistrustful and afraid when he ends up on the western shores of the earth kingdom, and he depends entirely on his determination to survive. he learns to live off the land the hard way, and avoids major cities and towns for fear of being found out as a firebender. of course, if he’s ever spotted, he’s regarded with pity and empathy because of the festering burn on his face, but zuko doesn’t realize that.
yue never stays in one place too long, bouncing from family to family and learning more skills in a few months than she was ever taught in her whole life up north. she cooks and cleans and sews, yes, but she also farms and skins hunted animals and does house repairs. she is happily taken into homes because of her ability to heal - though never a waterbender, yue still learned basic healing with the other northern women, and can manage even bad wounds all on her own.
afraid she’ll be recognized by her vibrant hair, however, yue continues her journey south, considering running to the south pole for sanctuary. she wonders how their women are treated. zuko, meanwhile, lives alone in the wilderness most of the time, and moves very slowly up the west coast.
they’re 14 when their paths cross. three fire nation soldiers harass yue while she’s journeying along a rural road, asking her for a made-up toll. usually trading in work, yue has no money to speak of. the soldiers threaten violence, and, though he is afraid of being caught by his countrymen, zuko was never one to let bullies have power over the innocent.
he emerges from the forest, swords in hand, attacking the soldiers. at first it seems like he has the upper hand - and then he stumbles, and the soldiers laugh and pull him up to beat him. zuko panics and relies on instinct - firebending at the soldiers and burning them badly. they run away yelling, and zuko panics, certain that he’ll be caught out. he goes to run, but yue stops him.
“you’re hurt,” she says, pointing to where he’d been cut by the soldiers’ swords. “please, let me help you. it’s the least i can do.”
“you’re not scared of me?” zuko asks in confusion, looking around wildly, afraid his father will pop out of the trees and strike him down.
“you saved me,” yue says, just as confused, because between the rescue and the obvious burn mark, she doesn’t really think this boy would have any reason to hurt her. also he’s kinda shrimpy, and yue, who has built up some strength through hard work, is pretty sure she could take him. “come on, i have some herbs. is there clean water nearby?”
shocked that anyone in the earth kingdom wouldn’t call for zuko’s arrest on the spot, zuko leads yue to a stream in the forest. yue silently patches his wounds, and then eventually asks if she can get a look at his eye. apart from the initial work of the fire nation healers, zuko hadn’t really done much to treat his eye, and it’s so badly crusted he can barely see out of it. when yue reaches for him, he jerks away.
“i don’t need your help!” he snaps, standing and shaking himself off. “if it weren’t for you, i wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with.”
“excuse me.” says yue, standing as well, because who is he to talk to her that way? “i didn’t ask you for help, you chose to do that. and you’re mad at those soldiers, not me, so why don’t you try being a little nicer?”
they stare at each other furiously for a moment. then yue sighs and says “i think i can help you with your eye, so that you can see. let me do that and i’ll leave you alone.”
it’s painful, and a very slow process, but with water warmed by zuko’s bending (”just heat up the water.” “someone could see!” “we’re in the middle of a literal forest! who’s spying! the frogs???”) and a few medicinal herbs, yue manages to clear away most of the crust and dead skin over zuko’s eye. when he finally opens it again, he’s shocked to find that he can see.
“well, i won’t bother you anymore,” yue says huffily, moving to leave the forest. as she does, she realizes she doesn’t know where the heck she is. zuko’s still marveling at how different the world looks with two eyes.
“umm, which way is out?” yue asks him. zuko snaps back to reality and says “oh, um. i’ll show you.” because he is, admittedly, grateful.
of course, when they try to leave the forest, they run into bandits and barely escape. then yue reccomends they take a country road, and zuko reluctantly agrees, except they run into more bandits. after the fourth round of bandits in two weeks, they’re convinced they’ve been cursed with bad luck.
“can we just go to a town or a city?” yue asks, panting from their desperate escape. “we’re not having much luck living in the wild.”
“i was fine until you showed up!” zuko retorts, panting as well. “fine! then i’ll leave!” yue yells back.
“wait,” zuko says, and yue turns, tapping her foot impatiently. “i’m sorry,” zuko says, to yue’s shock, because if her few weeks with this kid who calls himself lee has taught her anything, it’s that he does not apologize. “i don’t really...understand, um, local people and-“
“let me do the talking,” yue says, gentle as always, reaching for zuko’s arm. he smiles at her, a real, happy smile, and they make their way to the nearest earth kingdom town.
after that, yue and zuko are inseparable. they argue a lot, naturally, but they become good friends, too. yue says she always wanted a sibling, zuko says he always wanted a different sibling, so it’s nice, to have each other. without going into too much detail, they bond over their shared experiences of pre-determined destinies and overbearing parental figures (“my father said i have to get married for the good of the people! what does that even mean?” “tell me about it, my father got mad that i talked out of turn, so he tried to kill me.” “...he what?” “hahaha just kidding that’s not a normal thing that happens.”) no matter how scary it gets, they agree, the earth kingdom makes them feel freer than they ever have before.
does the food they cook suck because they’ve never had to cook in their lives? yes. do they sometimes put all four feet in their mouths because of how they speak to the poor people of the earth kingdom? yes. have they ticked off a lot of fellow teenagers for acting bratty? yes. (“what, so, you don’t have palaces around here?” yue asks. “yeah, where are the royal gardens?” zuko asks. “leave before we rock your shit.” says Every Teenager They Meet.) but at the end of the day, they’re happy.
at 15 they reach a city called gaoling. by now they can both do enough odd jobs that they always have some pocket money on them, although yue still struggles to behave in a way that isn’t dainty and delicate, and zuko still struggles with basic social skills.
they’re getting ready to move along, when they’re stopped by a girl. she’s young, about 11, and entirely blind. she’s being chased by a loud crowd, who seem to be just around the corner.
“please!” the girl says. “help hide me! they’re after me! i think they’re going to kidnap me!” yue and zuko, who are the captains of the child-protection-squad, immediately move to protect the girl.
“this way!” zuko says, and the three of them run down narrow streets and alleyways, in and around shops, until they’re stopped at the city gate by the mob going after the girl.
“alright, kid,” the leader, a tall, buff man with long greasy hair says. “you’ve stolen from us for the last time.”
“how many time do i have to tell you?” the girl bellows, much different than her sweet and innocent pleas from before. “i won fair and square! you’re just mad because you got your butt kicked by a little girl!”
before zuko and yue can even react, the girl pummels the mob of men with an avalanche of rocks, and then launches the earth they’re standing on into the air, landing them far outside of the city limits in a dizzying display.
“woo! that was awesome!” the girl says gleefully pumping her arms. zuko and yue are both trying to wrap their heads around what just happened. “thanks for the help. not that i needed it, i just didn’t want my parents’ guards to see me bending...i wasn’t really planning on running away, but, i mean, i doubt they’ll even notice i’m gone-”
“just a second,” yue says, collecting herself. zuko’s jaw is still hanging open. “who are you?”
the girl grins smugly. “name’s toph. who are you?”
i cannot fully express how much i love this idea. top-notch. god-tier. thank you again!
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What would you say are Rin and Haru's biggest flaws, individually?
Hmmm... I think when it comes to Haru, it’s firstly his stubborness, like he’s one of those people who would rather go broke, than budge from their life principles, which is not necessarily bad in my opinion, but it’s just very impractical and sometimes can lead to, well.. season 2 kind of thing, when you know... you gotta think about your future and realize that in reality you can’t be “fully free” in life, or like how you gonna pay the bills haha (like I skipped school a lot like him too, but this kind of thing doesn’t really matter if you can pass anyway, cause you smart without them and like reading, but after school you still gotta do smth, and even tho I undestand the whole “turning smth I adore into profession can make me hate it” dilemma, there’s still ways of figuring out how to go around it, which thanks to Rin he did, so it’s all ok).
But that was like s1-2 Haru’s problem, now he’s completely changed and grew up so nicely and behaves like an adult and does everything he needs to do, once he realized what his dream is, plus he didn’t even faulter after the Albert thing and I was so proud of him, I just didn’t expect such radical growth tbh, so it’s getting harder to find the flaws in him lol
The second one (and that once again not now!Haru related), but it’s been mentioned in the books too is his unwillingness to accept help. He’s like a real tough cookie, when it comes to this. Like the only two people who can make him do it and whom he allows to are Rin and Nagisa. And that's mainly because they manage to do it in a way that doesn’t hurt his dignity, I think. Cause like with Makoto for example, Haru stated that every time he tries to help him, he does it in a way, that makes him feel pathetic and weak, like Makoto is pitying him. And I don’t know if anybody ever experienced this, but when you feel like someone pities you, normal people’s pride just won’t allow to accept any help like this, and when it comes to ppl like Haru (and coming from a person like this xD), he’d rather die somewhere in a dumpster, than accept it haha. Which leads to situations like “I’ll let all Makoto’s mom food rot in the fridge, but won’t touch it, even if I starve and pass out.. cause I have my own rice, you bitch” haha
And I know it’s kinda a bad trait to have maybe, but I understand it. Plus it’s really mostly past Haru related, I mean, after the last movie, when they released a scene, when Haru himself went to ask Ryuuji to train him (well, in his own savage way, ofc and disrespectfully in the middle of the night haha, but still), I kinda think he’s dealing with this real good and gonna be okay. But in case something too drastic happens, everyone knows they should call Rin lmao, but now it’s okay, since he’s gonna be always near us anyways:)
Rin... well, his biggest problem in my opinion is the fact that he’s complitely oblivious when it comes to reading people’s feelings. And I mean, most might think that’s it no biggy and just a cool trick to have, but no needed in general, but to be honest it can really help you in life, and in Rin’s case, literally half of his problems wouldn’t even be there in the first place. 
I know, it’s very ironic, since he’s obsessed with watching melodramas and it’s really funny in moments, like when he thinks Gou is into Momo or smth like that... like him being clueless about other ppl is pretty harmless. But when it comes to his personal love life it’s just, it gets sad and just absurd. Like okay, he didn’t get that Haru didn’t want to let him go and that he was heartbroken seeing him cry (although since when Haru runs after people, and physically refuses to let them go idk), but he also apparently thought that Haru asking him to call him was just him being polite... and even after everything was resolved and Haru dropped the new team and everything, just to say that without him he doesn’t even need swimming, and after knowing that Haru wasn’t even swimming all these years... he still didn’t get what it was about. And let me just remind you, that he returned home on each holiday with a thought that Haru didn’t want to see him and when Gou said that it killed me, it seriously killed me!
He wants to call Haru, but then he doesn’t, cause “what if he disturbs him”... when Haru literally said to his face that he can’t wait to see him again, when they went to their sakura date, when Haru was all “pls come back soon”... but nah, Rin’s brain still went “he doesn’t want to hear you, let me pine here”.
He fucking thought that Haru called him and ran to him in the middle of the night... because he was intersted in Gou. I’m... shoot me, pls.
I literally know only two fictional characters who were oblivious to this extent. And the other one had to die, reincarnate, and be on the verge of dying again to realise this and only after he was told openly by another person “bitch ya blind”, so I honestly do not know how do we deal with this here lmao
The second one (and that once again mostly about past Rin and I think it’s fine in that age)... he was a drama queen, he’s like “I quit!!!!!!!!” and he throws his goggles and he kicks the trash bins and squeezes and throws cans around, but we all know that he just needs to calm down a bit and he’s gonna keep going xD And that’s perfectly fine, I mean, I have such days, too, but the problem is that many people around him actually take his words seriously, so like, idk... I get it, everyone gets emotional, but maybe be careful about throwing words like “I never have to swim with you ever again” out there, some things are hard to forget, even when they’re said in the heat of the moment. Like, did you ever like say smth in the middle of the fight that you didn’t mean, but just cause you knew it would hurt the other? This is like very common, but still wouldn’t recommend xD And it applies to both of them actually, like Mr.”What dream? What future?” is no better haha, although Rin still wins the crown, cause in s1 he was offended by literally everyone, and he was like little Godzilla all cause he thought Haru didn’t want him back lmao. Which really leads us back to his first and only problem:D
P.S. Their biggest flaws tbh were just like a normal part of growing up thing in my opinion. I just feel like they were both extra in their own kind of ways back then, but now... looking at them now, the way they talk, the way they behave.. I mean, they grew up so nicely and their characters progressed so nicely, that I don’t even know what flaws they have now.. well, except for Rin still not getting anything, when it comes to Haru’s feelings. He was like “you’re the one for me” and Haru went “same” and Rin went “hahaha well, okay, we must not say that, do you want me to show you how to put your seat down?” and then he fell asleep... yeah #EXTREMELYSLOWBURN #YOUMIGHTDIEWATCHINGTHEMBUTITSOKAY #TOTALLYWORTHIT
I’m just literally waiting for them in 2021 to have a scene from the memes:
Person A: I love you.
Person B *is heartbroken*: Who is You? Do I even know him?
Person A *points at B*: No. You. I’m in love with you.
Person B *turns around to see that there’s no one behind him and starts crying* Well, of course you’d love this beautiful piece of air, before you loved me.
Person A: Jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick...
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skzandateezwrecked · 5 years
THANK U (part 3)
Genre: angst, fluff
Group: Ateez
Member: Jung Wooyoung
Summary: Badboy!Wooyoung asks you to be his fake girlfriend to make himself seem less available to others. Would you accept it?
Word Count: 1.6k words
(a/n) part 3 is finally here! i am so sorry for the long wait. i’ll do my best to be more consistent with my writing and posting from now on. thank you all for the support! i’m so sorry if this part seems kinda rushed; i wanted to get it done asap but i promise the next part will be worth it! enjoy!
tags: (idk how to do this, i’m still fairly new hehe) @pou-noikiazeis-to-oneiro 
part 1, part 2
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Not going to lie, you were nervous. It’s 2:00 PM and you were supposed to meet this person at 3:00 PM and you had just finished taking a shower. Why are you so worried about what he thinks of you? Why are you picking out a cute romper to wear from your closet? Why are you putting on makeup? To top it all off, why are you so nervous? You have not seen this dude in over a year, surely your feelings for him should have diminished by now... right?
It’s now 2:30 and you had just left your house to walk to the park. It only takes 15 minutes to get there but you decided to arrive a bit early just so you can mentally prepare yourself. You don’t know why you’re being like this. It’s not like you guys ended your friendship on a really bad note. It was just a mere argument that led the two of you to ignore each other and eventually drift apart. You don’t even remember what it was about.  
When you arrived at the park, you looked for the big oak tree which had leaves that formed a heart shape through its shadow. That was the spot. The spot that held so many good memories, laughs, and late night conversations. You smiled to yourself at the bittersweet memory.
As you were approaching the tree, you saw that someone was already sitting down and leaning against the base of its bark. The closer you walked to the tree, the more you can make out that person’s face. He was here early as well.
He was wearing a navy blue sweater and black pants with a beret to match. His camera strap is wrapped around his neck as he is looking down on his phone.
Damn, I’m really going to talk to him again, huh? You thought.
Hyunjin looked up from his phone and locked his eyes with yours. 
“Y-Y/n... Hi, how’ve you been?”
You smiled and sat next to him. You and Hyunjin met at a work party hosted by your parents back in elementary school, but didn’t start talking to each other until the both of you entered middle school. Hyunjin’s father is the president of JYP Enterprises and is good friends with your parents.
“I’ve been good, how about you? I see you brought your little Hyuncam with you,” You chuckled. “Hyuncam” is the name you gave Hyunjin’s camera back in middle school. “Hahaha, yeah. You know I can’t leave the house without it,” He replied. 
“So um, what is the exact reason that you wanted to meet with me? I know that it’s not just to talk about the uh, deal. You could have approached me in school about that,” You said.
“Do you really want to know?” Hyunjin asked and you nodded.
“I just wanted to see you. I miss you, like a whole lot. I miss the times we have spent together and I’m not sure if you feel the same way about me, but life has been kinda boring since you and I stopped hanging out. I guess, when I found out about the agreement you have with Wooyoung, I thought that it would be a good excuse for me to talk to you again,” Hyunjin replied. 
“I miss you too...” You whispered, just barely enough for him to hear. “Wait, how did you find out about that anyway?” You asked.
“Right, about that. When I saw you and Wooyoung holding each other’s hands at the hallway the other day, I knew something was up. You’ve complained about him and Ateez so many times before, it was strange to see you and him together. alsoimighthavebeenkindajealousbuthat’snotthepointrightnow ANYWAY-” 
“Wait, what?”
“Hm? Oh nothing. Anyway I kinda followed you two to the librar- yes I am aware that it’s very Joe Goldberg of me, stop looking at me like that!” Hyunjin rolled his eyes playfully and continued on to his story. “I stood behind the bookshelf that your guys’ table was in front of and I um, heard your conversation,” Hyunjin finished and looked up to meet your eyes. 
“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” You finally said. It was silent for a while before you spoke up again. “Can we talk about how uh, our friendship kinda... ended? Like what happened, dude? You and I were doing so well and having so much fun.”
“How badly do you want to know?” Hyunjin asked. 
“Bad enough to the point where it’s been eating me alive and I can’t even count the amount of times I stayed up at night thinking about what went wrong,” You looked at Hyunjin with sad, pleading eyes. 
“I caught feelings,” Hyunjin admitted. “I don’t know when exactly, but I was afraid about what could happen if you found out and... I don’t know, I thought that if you and I stopped talking for a bit then I would lose those feelings for you,” Hyunjin continued and looked down. “But I never did...”
“Wait, are you saying you liked me? Dude! I liked you too what the hell,” You said. You were completely oblivious to the last sentence he had said. 
“Hold on, we liked each other at the same time?” Hyunjin asked in confusion.
“That’s literally what I just said my dude,” You laughed. You didn’t want to tell him that you are currently unsure about you felt about him, romantically at least.
You two started smiling to yourselves, each thinking about what could have happened if the both of you had acted upon your feelings. 
“What do you say we get out of here and get some boba? For old times sake,” You suggested.
“Let’s do it!”
Two hours later and you and Hyunjin were both on your fourth cup of boba. How your guys’ bladders could handle that much liquid whilst laughing your butts off is still a mystery. You and Hyunjin spent those two hours to the fullest; exploring the city and revisiting favorite spots that brought back fun memories. 
It was getting dark so Hyunjin decided to walk you home. The two of you started to talk the memories you had missed out together.
“Dude! Remember that time last year when the entire freshmen broke into the campus pool? That would have been a BLAST if you and I had gone together,” You said.
“Holy shit dude you’re right! OH! And do you remember whe-”
“Y/n?” You heard a familiar voice interrupt Hyunjin.
“Oh, hey Wooyoung! What are you doing here?” You asked. Wooyoung’s car was parked right in front of your house. It looks like he’s been waiting a while.
“I came to pick you up. There’s a party at Seonghwa’s and I heard that Clarissa’s going, so I need you. You weren’t answering your phone so I figured you were out so I’ve been waiting for you,” Wooyoung said. His glare towards Hyunjin was barely unnoticeable. You finally checked your phone which you didn’t realize you haven’t been using since you arrived at the park a few hours prior and sure enough when you opened it, there were tons of texts and missed phone calls all from Wooyoung.
“I’m so sorry, I haven’t been checking my phone,” You said.
“Yeah, clearly,” Wooyoung rolled his eyes. Why in the world was he so pissed? “So, are you coming or not?”
“I’m exhausted Woo, maybe next time?” You suggested.
“We have a deal, Y/n. I’m not sure if you remember it. Also, you can’t go out running around town with other guys. That’s going to make people suspicious,” Wooyoung said. 
“I was with an old friend! And for the record, you don’t own me and you can’t tell me what to do.” You started to argue.
“Alrightttt I think this is my cue to leave,” Hyunjin finally spoke up, breaking the tension that was lingering in the air. 
“No, Hyunjin. Stay. At least for the night. My parents are out of town and you still have some clothes in the guest bedroom. I don’t want to force you, though,” You said. 
“Oh, yeah sure. My parents are out of town as well and I could use the company,” Hyunjin agreed.
Wooyoung looked back and forth between the two of you and scoffed. “Alright, I see how it is. Enjoy fucking each other all night since you guys apparently have the house all to yourselves,” And with that, Wooyoung went back inside his car and drove off.
“What’s up with him?” Hyunjin asked.
“Who knows?” You answered. “Let’s head on inside?”
After eating Chinese take-out for dinner, you and Hyunjin decided to get ready for bed and spend the night watching movies and playing video games.
“So... what do you say we act on Wooyoung’s suggestion?” Hyunjin smirked.
“Wait what.”
It was now 11:30 PM and you and Hyunijn were on your 9th round of UNO. You two had planned to binge-watch The End of the Fucking World, but that was now long forgotten and only contributed to background noise. 
As you were about to scream “UNO” since you were down to your last two cards, your phone started ringing. You checked to see who it was and it was Seonghwa.
“Yes, Seonghwa?” You said. It’s quite late, why would Seonghwa be calling you?
“Y/n? It’s Yunho. Seonghwa is in the ambulance right now with Wooyoung. We’re headed to your house right now to pick you up and go to the hospital,” Yunho sounded like he has been crying.
“Wait what? What happened? Are Seonghwa and Wooyoung okay? Why are they in an ambulance?” You asked. You started thinking about all the different kinds of scenarios that could have happened, but nothing could prepare you to what Yunho was about to say.
“Wooyoung got stabbed.”
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I know for me personally I’m not really behind the friendship with jo until tiff apologizes for what happened with Lola. Max suddenly having a thing for tiff to me was out of nowhere but also like you’ve said, he wasn’t that close to Lola so like I guess it’s ok? 😂 idk even if I wasn’t that close to somebody in my friend group I would still feel pretty weird about liking somebody that told somebody I was at least friends with that they were better off dead and bullied them so bad. At least without like a real ass explanation lol so yeah. Especially since jo was about ready to beat tiffs ass last year over Lola and Lola and jo seem to have gotten really close so 🤷🏻‍♀️ all of the clips are cute with tiffs interactions with them but I’m just not feeling it cause until they address that I’m still like ???
To me, if Tiff apologized now it would feel fake. Not that she shouldn’t because she most definitely should but I feel like Tiff is still thinking whatever she did wasn’t that important. 
Liking or not, we’re on Tiff’s POV now and I think we should see her as this antagonist still. She’s so so far from perfect, and she’s going through her problems now and I don’t think she sees how the way she treated Lola was horrible and affected her deeply. 
Again, I’m not saying Tiff shouldn’t apologize and recognize how mean she was to Lola. Because she should at some point. 
We just gotta accept the fact that we’re seeing the world through a character that’s not 100% good or 100% bad and it feels like she’s not seeing it yet! 
And guys, come on now! Isak and Even fell in love OUT OF THIN AIR. Maya and Lola fell in love within weeks, had couple fights before they were even an actual couple. Arthur and Noée were...whatever they were out of nowhere too. It honestly surprises me when you guys freak the fuck out when couples fall in love within days in the skamverse hahaha
They’re teenagers, all of these couples are like their first loves, of course they’ll fall in and out of love instantly, they’ll make big scenes out of small things, that’s just how teenagers fall in love and learn for the future, I guess. 
It feels like people are searching for things to not ship Max and Tiff. And I get it, honestly, but the explanations are just...empty. 
Max and Lola barely knew each other, if I’m not mistaken, in canon (that means in clips) we’ve only seen them talking privately once and Max was not the easiest to Lola. With the whole group, they also had a few moments, not enough to create a “strong bond”. Lola was closer to Maya, obviously, and Jo was a weak second place. 
If I was Max, and I was into a girl that has a bad past with a girl I wasn’t the biggest fan either, I would give it a chance to at least get to know them. I know that we’re freaking out over any and everything Max and Tiff do together but not much has actually happened so far. 
MY HEADCANON is that Max is still a little annoyed at Lola at times. Jo doesn’t see it like he does because she’s a ray of sunshine and she forgives and forgets easily. Max is a lot sharper and doesn’t change his mind that easily. He knows how much Maya went through and maybe he feels like she deserves better. So maybe sometimes he feels like Lola is a little much so he doesn’t see the problem in him talking to a girl he might be interest in. Max is probably having the best time of his personal life, starting a process that means a lot to him, letting himself enjoy liking someone that’s not Maya anymore. 
I know we’re all constantly expecting these TEENAGERS to not fuck up, to make all the smart decisions, to think about their traumas and everyone else’s traumas, and be constantly woke and right but it’s a lot to giggle. And at times you just want to say fuck it and do what’s best for you. 
 I’m sure by the end (my bet is even by the middle) of this season Jo will be ready to kiss whoever hurts Tiff ass just like she did about Lola. I don’t think we should take those words of her so literally. 
Like I said, we’re watching an antagonist as a main, someone that clearly has a hard time understanding when she hurts other people and Max deserves all the happiness in the world. 
I think the Lola x Tiff drama will still blow up in her face at some point because even if Jo and Max are easy to forgive and forget, Lola is so far from that and she’ll make sure Tiff knows that. 
And I’m almost completely sure at some point during Tiff’s hell weeks, she’ll fuck things up with Max and she’ll have to see how she hurt him and he’ll have a chance to show her how he was giving her an extra chance and she blew it. If I were to bet, Tiff’s apology might still take two or three weeks to happen and even after that, they won’t be close friends because they’re two girls that are too proud. 
This team is clearly trying to write some of these characters in a completely different way than how they were written before (I think Max is still the same at his core) but it’s not as easy as they want it to be to completely forget what happened before. 
Tiff was still a bully to Lola and pushed her almost to the point of no return. Lola was still a bad person to Eliott and Maya (at times). Max was still a little jealous of Maya before and for that still a little unsure about Lola. Jo was always a ray of sunshine. 
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warmau · 5 years
Love Struck!AU x Monsta X
me: im not love struck. hyungwon: _____ me: pause 
you walk by and shownu sees it in slow motion, rose colored background and angel hymns playing in his ears
the food on his chopsticks falls right down because he’s still staring at the spot you where just in and jooheon gives him a weird look
when confronted with the idea that he sees you as something more than just a friend he short-circuits
“uh....well....that....well it....that....well...”
minhyuk: it’s ok, take your time
you catch him off guard one afternoon, reading a book recommended by one of his friends
you slip in beside him, pointing at one of the lines 
“isn’t this a little too poetic for your taste, hyunwoo?”
his lips part, glasses threatening to slide down his nose as he forgets how to string together a sentence
you smile and a warmth bursts through his huge body that he’s never experienced before
you don’t notice his neck go pink as you lean in even closer
he’s so scared you might hear the white noise blaring through his mind as your arm brushes his 
“do you like romance novels?”
you question, curiously and shownu wants to say one thing but all he can do is give out a curt
“i like you.” 
doesn’t know where to look when you’re in a room
eyes go this way and that way and he starts bothering hyungwon for attention or picking at the lint on his sweater
when you address him, smiley and sweet, he knows his ears are on fire
and that if he makes a quick escape you might not notice 
so he always has some outlandish excuse
“kihyun needs me to crack his back - he’s getting so old these days!” “i made plans to go to the market.........in busan” “ouch! i think im having a heart attack - talk to you later?”
closes his eyes and the first image in his mind is you - every time
shakes his head like a confused puppy like: stop thinking about them!
but he can’t,,,,,he’s stuck
“i don’t get it - why do i keep thinking about them?”
kihyun deadpan: “you’re in love”
changkyun: “oh i was just gonna say he’s sick, but i guess that’s the same thing.”
for some reason you’re at the gym before him and wonho debates just turning around and dipping
so he keeps going in and out of the changing room with his duffel bag and everyone is like ..........?
until you spot him and wave and boy damn near drops this heavy bag on his foot out of surprise
you show him that you’re getting stronger, flexing up your arm and wonho just can’t control himself
“you’re so cute”
“I MEANT........the dumbbells are just getting cuter........huh............”
suaveness backfires on him very hard
“the weather is so hot today and so are,,,,,,,,,” “and so is?” “and ,,,,,,,,, so are ,,,,,,, these pants why’d i wear jeans in the heat hahaha i need to go”
pickup lines he can never finish and you just look at him quizzically as he tries to save face
will not admit it to anyone but practices greeting you in the mirror 
gets caught by shownu who blankly watches kihyun posing in front of the mirror until it’s been fifteen minutes and shownu is like dude, get out - i need to shower
loud and confident usually, but somehow it becomes a little awkward when you’re around 
voice cracks on two or three occasions
you get invited to the summer barbecue kihyun is throwing and of course he plans everything perfectly
except for the fact that this is a beach and so everyone is showing up in,,,,,,,beach attire
and when you come running down the beach toward him, kihyun drops the burger he was in the middle of flipping and nearly burns himself on the grill
and you’re like oh shit are you ok and he’s like what do you mean im dandy ,,,,, as he almost puts his hand down on the grill AGAIN
and you have to catch him and scold him for not paying attention
and he whines because “it’s hard to pay attention”
and you’re like why??? it’s easy - just don’t put your hand donw on the fire-
but he’s like no no it’s hard to pay attention because,,,,,,,because
you: because???
minhyuk strolling by munching on his watermelon: because you’re in a swimsuit and kihyun has the mind of a dog
you: wh-
OOP too late, kihyun is chasing minhyuk down the beach with his skewers 
won’t shut up about you 
“anyway they were playing the piano with me and they were doing so well even though they said they hadn’t played in YEARS!” “i think they cut their hair a little shorter, it looks nice did you guys see it what did you think?” “oh look they have the game they were telling me about-”
it’s like he’s the daily news alert
but all the news is about you
and when he talks about you - his eyes gleam with sparkles, he almost goes into a day dreamy like trance 
if hearts could start swirling around his head, they would
but when he is (rightfully so) accused of having feelings for you 
he’s like 
everyone: our ears hurt because you haven’t stopped talking about them once so ,,,,,, maybe ,,,,,,,, that’s the damn evidence 
refuses it before jumping back into a long rant about how adorable and perfect you are
one afternoon, hyungwon decides he’s had enough, so he tells you that you should try beating minhyuk at talking
so you and minhyuk play the compliment game - spewing sweet and corny things about each other back and forth
until you inch close enough that your noses almost brush 
and you go
“minhyuk, you’re so pretty far away but up close it’s even better!” 
he’s so shocked, flattered, and over the moon that he stares at you speechless
and hyungwon is like “finally. silence”
you start to wrry when minhyuk is frozen for ten minutes straight and you’re like “how do i get him to function again”
hyungwon: idk. kiss him. 
faints every time you lay a hand on him 
both metaphorically and physically
like you were accidentally pushed against his chest during the bus ride home and next thing you knew he almost blacked out and hit his head on the hand pole
obliviously, you always assume it’s because he’s dehydrated or tired
minhyuk: looking into the camera like he’s on the office
gets all tingly and giggly when you touch his shoulder
makes squeaking sounds when your hand brushes against his
basically becomes a big mushy puddle of heart eyes 
and mumbling incoherent sentences of affection
you: omg i think he might be having fever delusions or something
hyungwon: no,,,,,,,,,that’s definitely not it,,,,,,,,,
hates being told he should “just confess” like what the fuck do you mean “just confess” bold of you all to assume he can “JUST CONFESS”
everyone wonders what will happen when you two start dating and jooheon gets to kiss you
like will he just,,,,,,,,turn to dust? probably
you want to join the guys for lunch after their practice but the table is so cramped so you jokingly ask jooheon if “this seat is taken?” will pointing to his lap
never in your life have you seen someone flip their whole plate over to make room for yours and nod so hard you think it might snap their neck
you, embarrassed: o-oh i was just,,,,joking,,,,but,,,,um,,,if it’s ok,,,,,?
jooheon getting ready to just, turn to to jelly when you sit  down: 
changkyun: if he dies i get the rest of his rice 
hard to read expression when you’re around but sirens are going THE FUCK OFF in his head whenever you as much as smile
anything you ask him or any questions directed at him from anyone else is just answered with a “hehe,,,,yeah”
can’t formulate much of a thought outside of: holy shit they’re so cute holy shit what do i do holy shit just lean up against the wall it’s fine holy shi-
minhyuk: bro what do you wanna eat?”
hyungwon looking over his head at where you’re talking with shownu: hehe,,,,sure
minhyuk: cool hyungwon machine broken
his nervous habit is chewing on his bottom lip and you think he’s just concentrating on music or on something
but head empty. just you. that’s it.
you ask hyungwon to teach you a little about turntables and being a dj
and he’s like “oh sure” but then you stand directly in front of him, back almost against his chest as you play around with the different switches
and he like,,,,,,,seizes function
and you’re like “oo can i try these on?” pointing to the headphones around his neck
and when you reach out to take them off, he just takes a hold of your wrists and you’re like “oh? i shouldn’t touch them?”
and he’s just like hyungwon, c’mon say something cool. say something that won’t be embarrassing like hehe yeah. this is your moment!
“you can touch me anywhere”
“............i mean hehe sure.......”
in capital L love with you but pretends he isn’t 
crosses his arms and tries to keep a straight face when it’s obvious you’re doing something adorable and everyone else in the room is like ahhhh cute!!!
changkyun, scoffing: it isn’t even that cute...........
wonho: you shouldnt lie with the lord watching changkyun
changkyun: what
when you’re not looking, he steals glances and lowkey hates the fact that later he’ll be trying to work on something
and he’ll remember how you looked today and it’ll make him pause and just,,,,,,,kinda wish he could just walk over and talk to you
there’s really no reason he won’t just ask you out - he’s just being a big baby
you think he doesn’t really like you all that much so you get a bit anxious when asking him for a favor
but you really wanna throw a surprise party for another member so you end up asking changkyun for some help
but when you do, you accidentally hiccup in the same sentence
and you’re like oh no im a fool but
but changkyun just breaks
“how are even your hiccups cute????????”
changkyun, reaching his breaking point over a damn hiccup: “oh my god im in loooooove with you”
changkyun, laughing without stopping as he pulls you into his arms LOL
jooheon later on in the day: so you’re telling me you confessed to them because. they hiccuped?
changkyun: yeah. im also contacting the genius world record to ask them to put it in as the cutest hiccup to have ever been hiccuped
jooheon: ok. whipped much. 
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azumastan · 4 years
can I live happily ever after?
characters: muku sakisaka, kazunari miyoshi - DO NOT tag as ship
genre: fluff/light angst? idk bro. there’s a little crying.
word count: 1356
ok so it is nearly 3am and i just finished this. it has minimal proofreading because i’m just proud to be done and it’s my baby boy’s birthday.
also, it’s the first fic i’ve posted on here!! wow!! how does it feel to be so special, muku?! so, comments and constructive criticism are welcome. i know some folks get picky about how their best boys are written, so i hope i do them justice and tell me how i can do better!
here we go~
Muku loves fairy tales and stories of romance. His dream is to be a prince like in the tales he loves so much. If he could be the kind of gentleman that comes to the rescue of a beautiful girl and they dance through the night, he would be as happy as can be.
But every time he loses himself in that fantasy, there’s no girl. Not really. Sometimes there’s a figure in a dress, but not anyone really specific.
It’s not a big deal. He’s not even in high school; he doesn’t HAVE to fall in love. It sounds so nice, though. Love has to be wonderful if he was able to fill a whole bookshelf with manga about it. The pounding heart, sweaty hands.....well, maybe not that part. Muku knows what anxiety feels like all too well. But to feel that way around someone special, and have them feel the same about him, that’s a dream that could come true.
What if there’s no princess for him?
The problem isn’t that he’s worried no one will fall for him, though that’s certainly crossed his mind.
No, that’s not it. The problem is that Muku likes boys.
Probably. It’s all really confusing and he’s only ever been sure about like, four things in his life, but he has a hard time picturing himself taking a girl out on a date despite reading hundreds of scenarios, and there’s this guy in his class who has some really interesting things to say about the book they’re reading. And maybe Muku laughed a little too hard at some joke he had made during algebra and maybe he turned redder than a tomato when he bumped into the other boy playing basketball in gym class.
So, he’s realized he might be gay, and he can’t stop thinking about how he’s supposed to have his happy ending now. There’s no fairy tales where the prince rides off with a kind kitchen boy on the back of his horse. No shoujo manga where the strong, silent guy offers to share his umbrella with the shy, pretty boy from class.
What kind of fantasy lies in Muku’s future then?
He laid there in his dorm bed, tears pricking his eyes. Ugh. He sniffled. How pathetic am I, crying over my non-existent love life because now I don’t know if I’ll ever get the happily ever after that I’ve read about? Muku wiped his watering eyes with his pajama sleeve and sniffled again.
“Mukkun?” Kazunari sat up in his bed, trying to see the boy with pink hair across the dark room. “Are you okay, Mukkun?”
“Oh! Kazunari! I’m okay, I swear! I’m sorry to bother you. Go back to sleep.”
“Nope.” Kazunari turned on his phone flashlight, climbed out of bed and turned on a floor lamp. “I was just scrolling through Instablam, anyway. You can talk to me,” he said, plodding over to Muku’s bed to look the younger boy in the eyes.
That was what broke the dam, sending tears streaming down Muku’s face. Kazunari hesitated before climbing up next to him and placing his arm around his sobbing roommate.
“Hey, hey. Mukkun, shhhh....... I got you,” he murmured.
In a minute, Muku’s tears stopped flowing so freely. After the whole room was silent for a little while, Kazunari asked “Do you want me to go get Juza?”
Muku shook his head, and, voice quivering, he replied, “I think — I think I just needed to cry, Kazu-kun. Really.” He punctuated this statement with another sniffle, causing Kazunari’s brow to furrow. Still doubtful, the blond boy took his arm back, giving Muku some space if he wanted it.  Muku didn’t seem to notice the absence of Kazunari’s arm, but he did turn his head towards him.
“Hey, uh, Kazu-kun? Do you have any gay friends?” Muku’s voice trailed off at the end of his question, a little uncomfortable with what he was saying and afraid Kazunari would know what he was getting at before he said anything explicitly.
Kazunari smiled. “Totes! I’ve got loads of LGBT pals! Wait.” He laughed a little. Muku’s heart sank. Did he know what Muku was thinking? Was he going to laugh at him? Oh no, no, please, not that…..
“Dude, did you think I was straight?! LMAO, it’s not like I try to hide it.”
Muku’s jaw dropped. “You—? But you’re always going on about all the cute girls outside when we do street acts.”
The young man shrugged. “Yeah. I do like girls, but I like boys too. I like a lot of people.”
“Oh.” Muku sighed, feeling weirdly light after what Kazunari admitted. “Sorry I assumed anything, I just thought, hey, Kazunari has a lot of friends, maybe he knows some people who fell in love like in a shoujo manga and it didn’t matter that they didn’t like girls—“
“Hey.” Kazunari ruffled the middle school boy’s pink mop of hair. “Would that have anything to do with what had you so upset, Mukkun?”
He breathed in, and in what seemed to be one long exhale, Muku managed to speak practically a whole chapter. “UhhhhhhsureIthinkI’mgayandit’snotabigdealIthink. Isitabigdeal? Idon’tknowandIguessItrynottodwellonitbutifIwanttobeaprincehowcanIdothatifIdon’twanttomarryaprincessand-“
“Whoa there! Slow down, bro!” Kazunari took Muku’s hand. “I got most of that, but you need to breathe, Mukkun! Okay, go on.”
Taking a few deep breaths at his roommate’s suggestion, Muku continued. “I think, maybe, I’m gay? Because I can’t really picture my future princess, and you know about my imagination, hahaha. And there’s a boy in my class that makes my heart pound like crazy and it’s just like a shoujo manga says it should be, but that’s about boys and girls and I know it’s not…..wrong, but it doesn’t feel….right, exactly. Princes get the girl, that’s how it always is. And I don’t want to give up on that dream,” he finished as his voice started to break.
Kazunari sucked in his lips, trying to think of a response that would calm him down and cheer him up, but he didn’t want to confuse the young boy any farther. He knew himself what it was like to be in school and fall for other boys, and Muku, notorious for having his head in the clouds, made a lot of very good points. There aren’t any gay fairy tales or gay princes. And while Muku didn’t need any help getting lost in a fantasy, it can’t be easy when every romance he sees is showing him that straight is the default.
Well, he could do something about that.
Kazunari put his hand on Muku’s head again, and said, “I’m really glad you told me about this. I wish I had something more helpful to tell you right now, but I’m beat, and you probably are too. We should try to get some sleep. But you don’t have to forget about your dream, okay? You’re gonna be the best prince there ever was.”
“Okay. Good night, Kazu,” he said with a yawn. Guess Kazunari couldn’t have timed that better.
“Good night, Mukkun,” Kazunari pushed himself off of Muku’s bed, walked over to turn out the light, and then crawled back into his own bed.
The next afternoon, Muku went to his room to drop off his school bag when he noticed a folded piece of paper on his desk that read “Prince Mukkun.” Dropping his bag and picking up the mystery paper, he opened it to find a gorgeous pencil drawing of himself in a fine military uniform, wearing a crown, and sitting atop a white horse. Even more surprising, there was a black-haired boy with a regal looking tunic and a sword standing next to the horse. There was a caption at the bottom of the page that read “The Prince and the Knight.”
Muku’s face broke out into a smile. He hadn’t signed it, but it was undeniably the work of Kazunari. Grabbing a push pin, he put the picture up on his bulletin board next to the calendar. Then, he left the dorm room to sit in the courtyard and mentally continue the story Kazunari had started for him.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
1) What’re your plans for the weekend? I’m in the middle of it, but I didn’t plan much. All I had booked was a dental x-ray appointment Saturday morning; but my dentist wasn’t too busy so he also got to treat the issue right then and there. Apart from that, I didn’t want to do anything else this weekend because it’s been raining hard anyway and it’s the perfect weather to stay in.
2) Could you ever be vegetarian - why or why not? No. I like the taste of meat too much to give it up, but more importantly there aren’t a lot of vegetarian/vegan-friendly resorces where I live, so it’ll be largely inaccessible and expensive if you need or want to have such a lifestyle.
3) Name a quote from your favourite TV show: I don’t memorize the entire quote but I will forever love the whole spiel of Walter White to Skyler where he says he’s the guy that knocks.
4) What time did you wake up this morning? I initially woke up at 7 AM but at the time I felt like shit since I turned in for bed only three hours earlier. The next time I woke up was an hour later when we had to start preparing for Sunday mass.
5) What chores do you do around the house? Wash dishes, do the mopping and sweeping, feed the dogs and clean up anything and everything that involves them, whether it’s their food bowls or play pen trays, or the dogs themselves.
6) Do you like windchimes, or do they annoy you? I don’t find them a necessity but they’re definitely calming to hear.
7) How much sleep do you usually get a night? Around 5-6. I’m back to sleeping at around 2 AM even on weekdays, but my body seems to be fine with it even if I do have work everyday.
8) If you could have any outfit, cost not an issue, what would you get? I’d get lots of cute dresses but also stock up on oversized fit shirts. My style is definitely all over the place these days hahaha.
9) Do you play any instruments? Nah.
10) What song would you say describes your life right now? Idk if there is anything. I never listen to songs because I find them relatable.
11) Do you have snacks lying around your room? Nah. There was a half-eaten bag of salted egg chips just last week but I already was able to finish it.
12) Did you get up to much today? If it’s morning, what are your plans? Hmm, I wouldn’t say so. I was on leave today which was mainly for watching Hobi’s Lollapalooza set with friends, then I went to a coffee shop...to watch the same set all over again 😂 To be fair the Weverse stream kept crashing so there were lots of bits that we missed, so. But apart from that and Jihope’s live, I made it a point to not be productive. I did have to squeeze in work occasionally because it just couldn’t be avoided, but overall it was a day for rest and recharging. 13) What’s your favourite animal to see in the zoo? I don’t really like going to zoos and it makes me feel bad inside when I do get to visit one. But if we’re talking safaris or like ecoparks where the animals are more in their natural habitat and are better taken care of, it always excites me to see animals I’ll usually only ever see in books, like the Philippine eagle or tarsier.
14) When do you start back to school or college? Are you excited or dreading it? I don’t have plans on pursuing postgrad studies.
15) What other social networking sites are you on? Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 16) What was the best year of your life? I wanna say 2014 and 2021 were loads of fun in their own ways. And would you look at that, a 7-year gap :) 17) What plans do you have for the rest of summer? Disregarding summer because we don’t have that ‘season,’ I don’t really make lots of big plans. I’ve been really focused on work and that’s all I want to do for now.
18) How old is the person you like right now? I don’t like anybody.
19) Do you get an allowance? How much? I’m 24 and have my own job hahaha, I haven’t gotten an allowance since I was in college and was able to physically attend classes, pre-pandemic.
20) What games console is your favourite? What about favourite game? I don’t play consoles anymore. These days my favorite game is just a mobile one lol it’s called In the Seom.
21) If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be and why? I recently read a fanfic where the author was able to describe in incredible detail what it’s like to be in a cabin in a really really remote location in New Zealand. I haven’t stopped thinking about the mental images that came from that and even ended up dreaming about it last night.
22) Do your parents nag you a lot? What about? Not so much these days since I’ve been able to tidy up as I’ve gotten older. The only things they nag me about are marriage and grandchildren...and I never really know how to respond to them when it comes up. I ultimately want both of these things for me too, but how am I supposed to tell them they nearly lost me from a breakup that went wrong in every possible way it could go wrong? There’s been lots of trauma from it that I don’t think I’ll ever be up to being in another relationship. 
Anyway, I just shut them down for now by saying that I’m focused on my career, which is true anyway. That’s usually good enough for them to back off til the next time they come back to nag me.
23) What is there on the walls of your room? Some Audrey Hepburn prints and a couple of BTS posters.
24) Is there anyone that just really annoys you? Slow drivers. 25) What are your plans for tomorrow, anything good? Just work. 26) If you could wake up tomorrow being able to do one thing perfectly, what would it be? Cook.
27) You have two wishes to make to help the world, and one can’t be “another wish” or anything similar. What wishes do you make? Continued from last night. Provide clean water for everyone, whether it’s for drinking or otherwise; and making public transportation not just free, but also modern and sustainable. 28) Do you reckon world peace is possible, or are we just too selfish? I don’t think it is. 29) Do you listen to Bright Eyes? Nope.
30) Are you interested in politics or do you just not care? I care way too much.
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inknose · 4 years
mdzs read diary part IV, the end
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It’s inspiring how much self care wwx is gonna finally get now that his husband will go along with whatever he does, so he’s gotta look out for lwj’s well being if not his own. that is emphatically the STUFF
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dragging my hands down I face as I read this, after all these chapters of getting up close and personal with ghouls bleeding from every orifice, slaying ancient beasts, rebelling against the entire cultivation world, the two of them are absolutely paralyzed by middle school crush sleepover math
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he actually drew kissy doodles .... he....
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IDK I THINK I JUST DOCUMENTED THIS PART CUZ I WAS STILL SCREAMING you cant expect me to have very useful things to say at this point
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this is torture you are both so mushy you are so GONE
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This part really stood out to me, it’s an attitude I feel like wwx implies with his inner narration a few times but most clearly says here: he’s not one for allowing himself to exaggerate how bad his circumstances are/could be even a little bit - he’s already lived through some extreme low points and found a way to keep going, so he never makes sweeping statements about what he couldn’t live without (Inner JingYi: you’re supposed to say you’d be lost without him here!!!) Instead he seems to accept as a given that being alive doesn’t guarantee him any pleasantness or joy at all, and as a result his feelings toward being in TRUE LOVE are surprisingly pragmatic, but also colored with such gratitude. There are a lot of things in the novel that struck me, like this, as being just a little to the left of familiar tropes/sentiments, and were more touching for it. Whether it be the influence of culture difference as opposed to what I’m used to reading in most western romance stories, or MXTX’s unique outlook, or a combination of both, it was really refreshing and made me pause over it. Not “I can’t imagine living without you” but “I could be living without you, but instead I get to be with you and I think that’s the best thing that could happen.”
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it was at this moment that I realized we were doing this Now... I’m still recovering. What a scene. I am so glad I saw the most incredible fanart soon afterwards, bc the fact that someone has already drawn a perfect comic of this part means I don’t have to
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I love you so much, you are so annoying, you are perfect... I like how he’s been experiencing openly requited love for all of ten minutes but he’s already figured out how to weaponize it to piss people off
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doing!!! his!!! job!!!!!
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ahh... it’s a really good story. JGY is a great character. One of the most interesting differences for me between drama watching vs. novel reading experience is that without an actor to bat his vulnerable doe eyes at you and smile faintly with his cute dimples, the book does not go much out of its way to try to lull the reader into a false sense of security around him or *endear* him to you the way the show does. But just by seeing events through wei wuxian’s POV, its still enough to evoke pity or understanding towards him. The overall impression is a bit more detached though, there’s less emphasis on the spectacle of how he could manipulate everyone closest to him and more of a general feeling of resigned tragedy that everyones the worst on this bitch of an earth.
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I clearly paused to take note of less and less parts at the end & the extras due to: a) too excited to reach the end b) too spicy to photograph and c) too sleepy cuz I kept reading in the middle of the night. but I absolutely took the time for Bro We Are Teens appreciation corner:
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I’d absolutely read 40 more extra chapters of their monster-of-the-week field trip antics.
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god... poor Jin Ling now basically has to deal with divorced parents that talk shit about each other to him whenever he is saying with one of them. except they are both his uncles. just a disasterhood of all uncles from start to finish. AUUUGH wei wuxian and jiang cheng have fucked me up completely, I dream of them reconciling but I also REFUSE to believe it would ever be easy. let me know if theres a fanfic that absolutely tortures you for decades before they hug
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HAHAHA oh no this man ain’t making it to immortality thats for damn sure. HE’S JUST GONNA TRY AS HARD AS HE CAN HIS WHOLE LIFE NOT TO LOOK AT HIM BUT THEYRE *MARRIED* SDLKFJSF ohhhh it’s too funny, like... the mundane domestic family drama IN the fantastical swords and sorcery setting is what really ratchets up these things from amusing to fucking hilarious I think
aaaa the end... final random thoughts? No not final, I would like to please keep discussing at length and exhaustively, all the time please - CQL has gotta be one of the best TV adaptations I’ve seen. ANY adaptation of anything would be lucky to be so good!! reading the novel has just made me appreciate it even more.
- I don’t think I can do justice to what I find most fascinating about comparing the two versions briefly, to do that I need to get drunk and ramble at my friends for hours but... the condensed version is something like this. Really all the significant differences between the two versions (besides the ones which can be attributed to censorship and therefore aren’t worth discussing) are a side effect of the structure of how the story is told - there’s barely anything changed arbitrarily. Aside from having a cold opening, the drama sticks to a very linear version of the story, and I think for a TV show or film, that’s probably the best way to do it. We see everything, we get shocked and tricked and betrayed and surprised along with the characters, we feel the biggest impact at the climactic scenes having experienced all the build-up. The novel on the other hand is not only much more non-linear in WHEN we learn bits and pieces of information, but that information is also obfuscated under wei wuxian’s multiple layers of Unreliable Narratoritis, which are as follows: 1) difficulty remembering things because of personality/avoiding painful memories/actual memory loss, 2) No Homo Goggles still on, and 3) a wry sense of humor that makes the reader unsure of how much they can trust his attitude toward things, especially near the beginning. The experience of reading is a puzzle the reader has to mentally piece together through all of the above listed camouflage, and the puzzle itself is a three-sided mystery: One - How Bad of a guy was Wei WuXian really, and how exactly did all the bad stuff in his life go down; Two - wangxian epic pride & prejudice gambits; Three - political murder mystery. (I love stories like this btw... though I fully admit I’m glad I watched first this time bc it might have taken me a long time to tackle otherwise.) Because of this, where the drama wants to pull you in and submerge you in all the most potent emotional parts, the novel in direct contrast deliberately side-steps around these things and asks that you hurt yourself by filling in the blanks. In fact the more intense emotions and painful memories involved, whether it be his relationship with jiang yanli, his DEATH, the darkest days of war times etc, the more the novel evasively withholds details. I actually really like both styles of storytelling but each one is obviously way better suited to its medium. ANYWAY.... THATS BASICALLY WHERE MY BRAINS AT WHILE IM READING GAY SWORD WIZARD BOOKS
- The extras are so saturated with domestic married bliss that it’s a good thing I stopped taking pictures because I’d just take a picture of every page. this is too much for me to take... I did jump the gun a few times and read a few fanfics while I was still mid-read of the book (I tried to hold out but alas I am mortal) and at one point after finishing I was like “wow what fic was it in where lwj says something cute and wwx kisses him in public but they’re in the corner of the restaurant so no one really sees... OH NO WAIT that was actually in there.” and ... and that’s the LEAST OF IT... *stares into the distance* theyre married wow
- I ofc couldn’t help but see a few vague blogs beforehand so honestly I was braced for something like, wildly ooc for the sake of porn to happen in the extras... I definitely appreciate how the incense burner porn interludes could be uhhh a lot for many people and not my personal cup of tea in terms of smut however [here follows the words of a poisonous frog who has dwelt her whole life in the rainforests of BL] the concept is also surprisingly SWEET SDFLKJF like wwx sees lan wangji’s darkest mixed-up violent teenage fantasies and he’s just like aww babe you had a crush on me!! just... good for them
- I swear I’m not gonna rehash every cute married thing they do but wei wuxian grading papers in the tub........................rEALLY GOT ME
- I want to Draw - ok thats enough if I keep going I’ll just write “wei wuxian grading papers in the tub” seven more times probably
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bathroombreaks · 4 years
gg 1x02 rewatch
the questions are from @pynkhues, you can find them here.
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
that scene where ruby and stan are watching sara’s game. i love them so much!!! the look ruby gives him just ends me every time, it’s peak heart eyes. and sara answering back that no, they’re not winning is hilarious!!
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
no scene really missed the mark, i think?? but there’s some things that i thought were dumb and would like to talk about so i’ll just put them here: the girls should have just sold the collectibles themselves and given the gang the money. i know they didn’t remember for dumb plot related reasons but like... that’s no excuse, it’s stil dumb as hell. also the fact that annie took off her shoes because nancy wanted to keep the house clean and then immedeatly set them down on the dining room table!!!! that is not keeping things clean!!
3. This episode features Beth’s iconic! gamechanging! monologue! Do you think Rio was intending to kill the girls? And if so, at what point in Beth’s speech do you think he changed his mind?
yeah, absolutely, he was going to kill them. there was no reason not to?? i think he changed his mind when she talked about the hashtags?? it was completely dumb but also valid in a way. like, absolutely no one is going to start a hashtag because 3 women were murdered in a random home invasion but like it does bring up the point that at least the police would care about 3 suburban moms (especially when 2 are white) being murdered (way more than they would about someone who looks like him or one of his boys) and that’s more attention than he needs.
one note that doesn’t fit in anywhere else: i think maybe beth took the whole we have children thing she keeps doing from ruby?? ruby says it first when she decides they should ransom boomer and then again immediately when rio’s guys start breaking stuff. i think beth heard that and ran with it hahaha
4. This episode also introduces Marion to us! What do you think of her? And knowing how her story ends in 3.08, what do you think of her arc and her relationships with Boomer and Annie respectively?
uhhh i am conflicted. she’s a lonely old lady, i feel bad for her. but also she’s racist. i wouldn’t really condone robbing her. but also like they thought the options were rob her or die so i think beth should have taken the money. would they have gotten caught? probably, yes. but they would be alive!! but yeah coming back to marion, i really dislike the fact that annie was cool with eating with her and talking about her grandkids while ruby did all the work and then sought out a relationship with her all the while knowing she’s racist and only ended that friendship when marion personally betrayed her. it’s like that line from community, except modified, y’know: i can excuse racism, but i draw the line at lying to me. i don’t like it. and i don’t think they did enough to at least try to explore that side of it?? we got comments from ruby in 1x02 and then 3x08 but not much else, at least not that i remember. idk, i think at best it’s insensitive of annie not to consider that maybe her black best friend wouldn’t like that she’s friends with a racist woman, even if she’s a lonely old lady??
and when it comes to her dynamic with boomer. boomer really does like her and that’s sweet but he’s an asshole who was taking advantage of her and robbing her blind. it’s yet another case of a woman coddling a man. i like that in the end she stopped coddling him and forced him to do the right thing. i don’t really feel much one way or the other i guess?? we explore the mother figure coddles man-child dynamic with judith and dean too so i don’t think the show really loses anything by losing the boomer/marion dynamic.
5. Ruby has her only (so far at least) direct interaction with Rio in this episode! What do you think of that dynamic in this episode, and where would you like to see it go in the future?
first i wanna say that it’s very dumb that he and his boys somehow managed to walk in and sit down without her noticing. and i loved that she was so brave, going up to him. i guess i don’t have much to say?? she still seemed pretty scared of him in 2x10 and i don’t think that’s changed at all in season 3. i’d love to see how they’d interact now?? but i think it’ll probably be more of that. i would love for the girls to reach a point where they realise that he’s not going to murder them, because i’d love to see what kind of whacky, “no drugs up my butt“ type comments ruby would say then lolol
6. How do you think Beth and Annie got Boomer into the treehouse?
obviously magic. or one of them got up there, threw down some ropes, which they tied around his middle and then they pulled him up the slide with their amazing combined upper body strength. i know everyone emphasises that you can’t miss leg day, but beth and annie are all about arm day, clearly
7. This episode seems ambiguous about Greg and Nancy’s roles in Ben’s life up to this point. How long do you think Greg and Nancy have been together, and how close do you think Ben is with them at this point?
i have no idea. they did not explain this at all.  i guess they must have been married for at least like 2.5-3 years now?? because if she’s doing ivf then they must’ve tried before that. enough time needs to have passed since they married that they’d want kids, which i think would be at least like a year, maybe?? and then enough time for them to try and not be able to get pregnant and then do tests and start ivf. so yeah. 2.5-3 years.
edit: realised i didn’t talk about how close ben is with them. so... i have no idea what their custody agreement is like, but i assume annie is the primary caregiver and it’s more of a seeing each other on weekends and vacation type of thing?? either way, ben likes nancy and gregg. like i said, i think they’ve been together a good while so ben is used to nancy at this point, i think. and he probably thinks she’s sweet. because she is. and i think he probably does find annie’s scathing comments somewhat funny but he mostly goes along with it because he knows annie feels lonely without him, is jealous that gregg is much more put-together and has found himself a serious relationship and finds nancy’s comments off-putting and annoying. with season 2 in mind, i really don’t think nancy means anything by them, but i mean, it’s hard not to be annoyed when someone constantly accidentaly implies you’re not clean.
8. Do you think Beth ever went back (or thought about going back) for Dean’s grandmother’s ring?
uhmmm. no. maybe when he asked about it looking all sad and stuff but after that, no. it’s done, there’s no point thinking about it. “you get what you get and you don’t get upset” and all that jazz.
9. What do you think Stan was thinking when he woke up to Ruby making all those lasagnas? What do you think he was thinking when he, Sara and Harry ate so much of it?
i actually don’t think they ate that much of it tbh?? i don’t see them wasting food. and ruby did at least like 6 trays of lasagna. i didn’t count but she had a bunch already made and then was making more so at least 6. i think at most they ate 1 between them. they might’ve given the other trays to neighbours or something i guess?? but i kind of figured it was more like a symbolic thing and that they kept the rest of the trays in the freezer or something. and i think he probably figured she was back to freaking out and not believing that they were winning. you never know what happens, she could get sick or in a car accident or something. because what else could it be?? i mean if there wasn’t a gang wanting to kill them, i feel like the logical reason why you would do that would be if you were freaking out about your own mortality for non-gang related reasons
10. Has Beth ever seen a dick pic before?
maybe?? if annie got an unasked for dick pic i think she totally would show it to beth and ruby and make fun of the guy. but i don’t think she’s ever gotten one.
11. Is Greg still in love with Annie at this point in the series? Or does he fall in love with her again later in the season? Or not at all?
i have a hard time believing that gregg is love with annie at all?? he’s very in love with the idea of her, y’know the cute eyebrows and stuff, but i don’t really buy that he loves her. and like he needs to have been with nancy for years now at this point so if he’s still in love with annie that somehow makes him even more of an asshole in my eyes?? like i know he cheated. but it’s one thing if he cheated and fell back in love with annie (or thinks so, anyway) and then that didn’t workout and his wife has his kid so they decide to try and work through it, but it’s another thing entirely if he decided to marry nancy and start trying to have a kid with her while still (thinking he’s) in love with annie.
12. That! Hook! What do you think made Rio go back to Beth’s house? What do you think made him take a chance on her?
i think he decided to give her chance because she called him an idiot and he was intrigued by that (read, got a boner). and y’know all that stuff she said about p.f. chang’s and orange slices is true. and that is much easier to ignore than a guy who looks like him. and he figured he could take advantage of that and make that particular job a little easier this time.
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lesyah · 4 years
guardian stream of consciousness watchthrough ep. 3-5
ok everybody, i’m playing catch up because i watch this show in the wee wee hours of the night and i get too tired to type the thoughts i’m having, so i’m going to highlight the main points and then resume normal ones on ep 15 thank you goodbye
Episode 3
This girl is SUS but cute
The way she just RAN up hahaha what?????
She’s so timid it makes ME feel timid
Her reaction to the cake.......
She RAN AWAY!????
Why is zhao sneezing so much
This cake thing is so sketchy and idk what’s going on
Zhao was like “oh you like cake too??????? Awesome thanks I’ll eat it”
Ok zhao
Uh oh the note
Idk what it means but it seems bad
Normally in these kinds of shows I’m like “literally why are you suspicious there’s no evidence”
But this show.......even I’m suspicious of him
Zhao really said “you either have trauma or low self esteem”
Huh????????? Those are the only two options?????????
Shen Wei was like “ok relax”
The kid who’s on his phone is so twitchy haha
The prescription drop........very sus
Idk what’s going on
I really truly know nothing
The fact that he’s just chatting with this student for gossip in the middle of the night 😭😭😭😭😭
Omg the twitchy kid talking to the bush
Seriously you guys the interactions between shen wei and zhao yunlan are soooooooo confusing
They’re always speaking in vague suggestions and I do not have the context needed to understand them 🤨🤨
I think they’re confused too tho. At least zhao
the cat is so cute
dead cat’s name is da qing right????????
Omg he is just falling asleep
Very cat like
Ok one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen is when I thought both the lady and the twitchy kid were dead on the ground but the second body was actually just guo changcheng. I laughed SO HARD. he just straight passed out and they LEFT HIM THEREEE HAHAHAHA
That teacher cannot be more suspicious
The prescription girl is back 👀👀👀
The teacher laughing at the kid omg. Kinda scary. “Run” yikes
I am....
“Colossal prank” ????????
You mean a horrible crime???????????
What the sociownfowkoxow
Zhao talks to shen wei like “✨🌼🧚🏻‍♂️ oh Professor sheeeeeenn 🧚🏻‍♂️🌼✨” and then talks ABOUT shen wei like “🔥💢⁉️ STOP ⁉️💢🔥 YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW......idk which one yet but you VIOLATED IT 😡😡😡😡”
“I barely had anything to do with it” ummmmmm you little punk.
The teacher and the girl 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Omg it’s not working on shen wei
He’s like “😒😒😒😒” while she’s trying to suck the life out of him.
Shen wei’s energy.........unmatched
omg she did it to the teacher 😔
Guo changcheng furiously looking in his notes in this intense scene
Shen Wei saved her...?? 😭
This long haired guy.......annoying.
“Can you take a picture for me”
“Idk how to use a camera”
“Wtf how old are you 4?”
“Actually I’m 10,000+. I can barely operate a landline”
Shen Wei..................you really do suspicious things.
Zhao’s face when he saw that it was shen wei HAHAHAHAHA
He was like 👁👄👁 are you kidding me rn
Episode 4
They’re interrogating him Hahahah
He’s so cool and they all know it
He just annihilated them all
Chu shuzhi is so mean to lil guo haha
The kids drawing of the guy.....IM
I laughed so hard omg.
Where’d that blood come from shen wei
The girl and the guy are together 👀👀
Zhu Hong is so pretty
Shen Wei and zhao going on a leisurely midnight stroll
Maybe I’m stupid but this is when I officially found out shen wei is the black robe envoy guy. I thought he was but didn’t want to say and look like an idiot
He’s so defensive about zhao I’m intrigued
The long haired guy is even like “.....tuck that information away for later. As a treat”
Lil guo thought he killed that guy????????? Wtf Hahahah
I can’t believe she was like “I’m taking every pretty face to exist” like relax
Just wait until chu shuzhi finds out that shen wei is his celebrity crush
Zhao named shen wei
Whatsixiwnickwne c
Episode 5
Omg this kid is kind of a brat
He got drowned in the bathtub tho and that’s a little bit too much of a punishment
Shen Wei always looks like a baller
His suits are immaculate
I love da qing with my whole heart
There is a lot of sketchy energy in that rich person’s house
Oh the kid disappeared I thought he drowned
The butler.............hmmmmmmm...........very suspicious
Oh no the girl too?? Rip
Ok the butler knows shen wei??????? Wtf
“You are not allowed to touch zhao yunlan” HONEY WHO SAID HE WOULD?????????? Your simp is showing shen wei 😭😭😭😭
His kid went missing 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Poor guy
I’m sad
Omg those evil men wtf!!!!!!!!!! Why would they do that?!!!!???!!! He was just a kid
Ope 👀👀👀 the two rich kids actually like each other
Arranged marriage trope
Honestly that poor kid
Shen Wei saved him awww
Ok this trench coat guy............calm down
Omg shen wei moved house right near them????????
Your simp is showing again
Ok this new case is interesting
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surrealsunday · 4 years
GODDDD GET READY GIRL!! this is my favourite favourite chapter, i loved it more than 8 and yeahhh lets wait for epilogue BUT GOD!!THIS!!CHAP!! i am a fluff baby buuut the angst was de ouf! it hurt in all the right ways omg sooo FIRST OF ALL “Eliott would have heard him over a hundred people screaming. “ THIS LINE !!! i just loooved it so so much, the sheer romanticism🥺
“On your daily list of dramatic bitch ass interns you want to strangle, has Eliott ever made the top five?” Idriss leaves it at that” THIS LINE HAHA (1)
“On your daily list of dramatic bitch ass interns you want to strangle, has Eliott ever made the top five?” Idriss leaves it at that” THIS LINE HAHA
That anon who said that they imagined eliott jerking himself off to the sex tape while crying,,, was sooo on point hahaha although it broke my heartttt when he was imagining lucas and what’d lucas say and him imagining cuddling lucas,, aaahh poor bby😞😞 and the fact that eliott was HURTING AS HELL but he said these out loud to himself “I love you. I love you. Lucas, I love you.” (2)
“Call my mom later. Fret to her about it.”
“Seriously, Eliott?!” He can hear her sigh in frustration.” Ok i didn’t get that why was SHE being frustrated and why eliott apologised her later?? i pretty disliked this lucille talking to eliott’s mom about eliott like he is some idk a thing that has to be discussed?? it annoyed me really and the fact that LUCILLE WAS THE ONE being frustrated?? i dont get it
“Why are you being like this?” “You don’t. Why are you saying that? Why –” His voice cracks. “You don’t hate me.” OK THIS OH MY GOD i could just cry from these 3 lines,,, the hurt that is so visible oh goddddd. (3)
eliott’s conversation with manon!!! was THE BEST thing is2ggg!!! only if i could copy paste the whole convo but the thing that got me specifically was when manon asked him “Does this feel like Lucas to you? The Lucas you know?” and the whole thing eliott thought about how in love he is with lucas,,, BEST BEST 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Lucas can’t lose you, Eliott. He’s lost… so much in his life. He’s survived it but… it’s different with you. Please just… give him a chance.” BROKE MY FUCCCN HEART (4)
“Lucas pulls back, hands tight on Eliott’s face, thumbs pressed to his cheeks. There are tears on his own, spilling over onto his cheeks, and Eliott desperately wants to kiss them away “I fucking hate you,” Lucas says through a hiccuped sob. “I hate that I don’t hate you at all. I hate that I’m so fucking in love with you I can’t remember anything before you. But it remembers me.”” FUCK FUCK I GOT CHILLS WHEN I READ THIS SCENE FUCCCC
eliott threatening dr. piece of shit LOLLL my dramatic bbbyyyy (5)
“it’s not just him I’m worried about. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.” okay this is pretty sweet how their bestfriends care for their partners
“You two are the dumbest gays –” hahahaha idriss stating facts! (6)
“Ok, he can be a bit dramatic. But he’s been dealt a really shitty hand. He’s just doing his best – doing what he thinks is best. And… I like it – love it. The way that he is.”
“Yeah. That’s pretty obvious, bro.”
“I wish he’d let me tell him,” Eliott laments.
“He will. But maybe dial back the drama and stop chasing him around the city.”
Eliott pouts, stubbornly turning his face away. “I don’t think I will.”
Idriss chuckles “Let’s get you home before you set your brain to any other dumbass ways to declare your undying love.”
“That’s not very supportive,” Eliott complains.”,,,, OK THIS CONVO IS SOOO CUTE AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BROMANCE BW THEM!!💓💓💓 (7)
blink if eliott misses lucas and thinks about him in his bedroom and how the last time eliott got peaceful sleep was with lucas in his arms
eliott looking at lucas’ beautifulll smiling picturee was so cute 🧡 (8)
lucas showing up in the middle of night!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I FELT THROUGH THIS SCENE aaahhh relief hurt love- everyyything!!! the hug🥺🥺🥺 why was lucas saying sorry tho? because he showed up in the middle of night or because of the way he broke off things with eliott??
i didn’t expect lucas saying ily once again and i DID NOT expect him being surprised when eliott said it back because when lucas broke off things,, eliott was clearly saying that they are together and he wants them to be together!!! (9)
“It’s not fair, I wasn’t supposed to meet you yet.” GOD THESE GAY SOULMATES 🥺🥺🥺🧡🧡
i liked them bringing old convos and references hahaha.
“Who taught you to kiss, average?” was he saying this in tease or in compliment?
“You said you thought I was the love of your life.”
“Yeah, well, two orgasms later and I’m sure.” AMAZING BANTER (10)
“Yeah.” Lucas laughs a little. “Turns out you’re my trigger – the one thing I couldn’t fake. And he said –” Lucas cuts himself off. “It doesn’t matter. I punched him.”
THIS WAS AMAZING but im curious what dr. piece of shit said about eli?
“Just for that I’m gonna mix bit of chocolate and fries into your salad when you’re not looking.” AMAZING!!! (11)
moreover i really loved how all of their friends are in secure relationships and still supportive and stuff!! we all need a idriss in our lives honestly 🥺🧡🧡 The last time i bombarded your asks this way when i read 6 and ugggh this chapter is my favourite although it has angst and i’m a fluff baby but STILL i just love it so so much!! i’m so sad about this fic being over but also happy because i’m going to reread it a million and one times. Ok thats all (+what do you say on epilogue a little earlier lol jk...unless??) well love you and your amazing fics xx. (12-end)
YAYYYYYYY!!!! What fun reactions! It makes me sooooo happy it’s your fave chapter now! 
“That anon who said that they imagined eliott jerking himself off to the sex tape while crying” OH MY GOD I KNOW!!!! When that anon sent that ask I lol’ed so hard because it was like... how right you are and how well you know Eliott lmao. 
Oh so the Lucille and Eliott scene. Honestly it’s just an extension of how I saw their relationship in this one. I wanted it to be overall good, but still to have that friction that makes it clear why they didn’t and don’t work well together. Lucille thinks she’s doing what’s right and good for Eliott - talking to his mom, keeping her updated... essentially trying to control his life far too much and not actually allowing a lot of trust. Because they’re not in a relationship, her relationship with Eliott actually does benefit him. It keeps his mom from constantly hovering over him. But of course Eliott will harbour resentment too. So yeah, a tricky relationship. I never go into it fully but there is a lot subtly suggested. 
I love the elevator scene too! And Idriss and Eliott! 
I knew in this one I wanted Lucas to say the ‘I love you’ out loud first. It felt necessary when we’re in Eliott’s head, we know his feelings, and we see him constantly putting himself out there and fighting for Lucas. It’s essentially the narrative (and Lucas!) saying, ‘I’m in this too’. 
The ‘who taught you to kiss, average’ is fully Lucas giving Eliott shit because Eliott was being sloppy and enthusiastic and kissing like a total mess hahaha. 
I’ll answer the question re: what Moreau said in another ask - got a few people asking about it haha. 
I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I loved seeing what stood out to you and all the little moments you enjoyed! 😊💕💕💕💕
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mego42 · 4 years
author meme redux
HELLO I’M BACK tagged by @septiembur  to talk about how swaying evergreens came about! 
okay so the backstory goes like this:
A friend of mine and I love playing this game we call to the pain where we send each other songs with instructions to listen to them and think about this ship/scene/story/etc and sit back and watch the other one go completely unhinged and incoherent bc the right song and the right dynamic will Do That To You. she also introduced me to tow’rs and we share a fairly rabid obsession with that band.
fast forward to this past december, she kicks down the door of my messages (or texts me, i suppose, if you want to be boring about it) like hey so tow’rs dropped a christmas album and even though i don’t really go here, special edition of to the pain, listen to swaying evergreens and think of brio. so i did and, even though the song was not a vibe i would generally gravitate towards for them, it hooked me and all i could think about was soft, quiet, snowed in morning sex bc like, idk, have y’all listened to it???? literally what else am i supposed to think about.
ANYWAY so that song lowkey ruined my life and i started crying to @foxmagpie about it as i do. she went a touch feral over the concept and even though i kept saying stuff like but megan! how did they get snowed in? why are they soft with each other? how did they get there from s3? she kept saying stuff like WHO CARES MEG OH MY GOD JUST WRITE IT. it slowly took root in my head and one night i literally sat straight up in the middle of the night (being married to me is SO FUN) like OH WAIT WHAT ABOUT LISTENING VERSE and I decided to write it for megan as a present.
As far as the backstory stuff goes, I’ve alluded to it a bit on here but I’ve lost a bunch of people this year and without getting too into it, one of those losses was very fresh when I got serious about writing swaying evergreens. I’ve been thinking a lot about grief and memory and how it shapes you in ways that never unshape and how we carry pieces of the people we love with us inside ourselves. All of that was compounded by a lot of angst over not being able to be with my family this holiday season and thinking about our traditions throughout the year (shamelessly stole the its a wonderful life stuff from my dad). Additionally I’ve always been mmmm I guess extremely conscious of how little the show gives us with so many of the characters’ backstories (I know we like to point to Rio a lot and true!! extremely valid! but also like, what holidays do Beth and Annie celebrate, you know? they’re all pretty blank slate) and that’s something I haven’t really engaged with much in my fic but something I want to try and get into more.
idek where I’m going with any of this but all of that was on my mind and ended up mixing together with the quiet little romantic pwp I initially wanted to write and the result was swaying evergreens which, fun fact! i have not been able to go back and reread since I posted it because I’m still a touch raw over the whole thing tbh, hahaha.
tl;dr go listen to tow’rs christmas album the holly & the ivy bc even if you’re not into christmas music (which i am VEHEMENTLY AGAINST TBH) it’s beautiful and i love it a lot.
tagging @pynkhues to tell me in detail how fake dating is going to feature in the pirate au which is not at all the point of this meme but she dropped that grenade as i was getting ready to post this and now i can’t think about anything else
okay but also @riosnecktattoo to tell me about how she came to foist clown porn upon us all or heart and soul bc i’m obsessed (or both both is good)
and @bathroombreaks to tell me about the origin of the howl’s au that lives rent free in my head
meme questions
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the root of your fic? The cornerstone -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’
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insporaelynn · 4 years
📲 raelynn && roman
WHEN: january 24-26th 
DESCRIPTION: just best friends talking and being obsessed with each other. rae confides in him about her ex drama.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: drug mention, probably sex mention.
Hi love of my life. I miss your face. How’s it going??
my baby
god, i miss you too. i'm doing okay, how're you tonight?
it’s been an off day, not even gonna lie lol super sore and tired. I just wanna be back to normal already
oh no
how's your scar healing up? the boys are taking care of you right??
it’s okay I guess bleh lol and not tonight. I’m all alone
Where's Q? Is Aaron working?
Well I guess I should know that since I'm literally at work. Lmao.
Q is working on music. Aaron has des tonight
ugh. i wanna lay with you and kiss ur face.
are you busyyy? I can burn us some cookies
i'm working but I'd love to see you after if you're still up.
of yeah you just said you’re at work lmao fucking weed
yes please come by when you’re done
absolutely, i'm yours.
u know niamh was trying to figure out who rue's date was and she was like "is it you" bc i mentioned that I have a dick appt with him tomorrow night.
and i was like. dude, no, for like, a thousand reasons. like, why would that ever be me???
oh god, I’m so out of the loop with gossip lately, it’s sad. I didn’t even know he had a date lol
it's apparently some big secret but he's having people help him dress up and asking about flowers and candy and niamh is like "bitch is it you" and i'm like. LMAO.
like is there anything about me that says flowers and candy
Hahahahahhahahahahaha HAHAHA
that really made me laugh too hard.
like, i'm not the flowers girl, i'm the sneak out in the night girl, the middle of the afternoon girl, all those things, but flowers girl???? sdkfdskksd
I’m 100p a flowers girl
my parents are coming in to town this week. Gotta tell them I have two boyfriends haaaa. Pray for me
I feel like that should be the least shocking thing about you??? In a good way.
yeah, I definitely keep them on their toes
tell ur boyfriend that if he wants me to continue wearing body glitter he's going to have to pay me extra
omg but I love body glitter fyi
I did an onlyfans video with Lilah earlier and I'm like 80% sure that I left glitter on her sheets. Like I'm a fucking unicorn.
that makes me so happy I can’t even lie
I too wanna leave glitter everywhere
man I need to do only fans
i would a thousand percent subscribe
both bc i'm a perv and also bc i'm a very supportive best friend.
we could get naked and do a body glitter photoshoot
and I love this about you
that sounds like a dream?? Wow
would love nothing more than to apply body glitter to ur glorious tiddies.
my tillies would appreciate it
Hahahaa it hurts to laughhhh
clears throat Um. The National Debt.
it is my understanding that there is. National Debt.
hahahah I love you
Blah blah, topics. Blah blah, smart people jargon, blah blah
god it’s so boring isn’t it
would so much rather talk about titties
God same.
Like how yours are somehow bigger than mine.
I know, I need some sort of support at this point I think
we could get you fitted for bras somewhere maybe that'd be fun
it'd look actually so hot
well I already wear lingerie in the bedroom. Might as well.
you will be the absolute death of me, you're simply too gorgeous and too sweet to exist.
stahhpppp you’re making me blushhhh. Right back atcha my babe
is there anything you want me to bring you when i'm done here?
just yourself. I’ve got good ass weed
and for the millionth time, i realized, you are my soul mate.
you’re mine, lovie.
i wish i could've had appendix surgery instead of you
noooo don’t be silly lol I’m okay darling.
no i hate that you were in pain even for like a second i hate it so much!!
stop it, I love you. You cutie. Oh god okay I’m gonna make us cookies.
Dont burn the house down my beautiful twin flame
I always get cookie dough thinking I’ll do better next time. I still have that unearned confidence
Thats bc im always building you up and rightfully so
yes you do and I live for it. I also really love fresh cookies right out of the oven, I just want to make that happen
I believe in you my little tropical starfish
Tumblr media
literally you
hehehehe ⭐️
i don't think anybody's ever gonna love me more than you
and i think. i think maybe that's okay?
that’s not true. You’re gonna find someone who is gonna blow you away
yeah but even if i did, would I even be able to love them without being scared of them?
yeah, I think so. I’ve had to overcome a lot of walls and fears myself that I never thought I could. The right person makes it easier.
idk there are a lot of people i could've loved if i hadn't been so....this lmao
I think it’ll just take some time!
you have so much faith in me.
of course I do. I think you can do anything.
i'm not really sure.
you don’t have to be cause I ammmmm
and you're the smartest person in the world
in the whole world?? Damn. I’m not near as rich as I should be then.
how about I stay over with you tonight and we get some breakfast in the morning? I did really good on tips tonight.
okay!! I’d love that
good 'cause i don't get to spend nearly as much time with you as i wanna
I knowwww. We haven’t had a sleepover in so long
you can cuddle up to me and i'll feed you cookies and kiss your hair
revolutionary. better than therapy.
I finished the cookies baby and I didn’t burn them to a crisp
you fucking legend
I’m pretty damn proud of myself not gonna lieeeee
extremely sad that i couldn't stay at breakfast with you all day
now I’m bored
i swear after i left you my day went down the tubes.
oh no I’m sorry
who do I need to fight
well carson is back.
oh god, tell me more
idk why he's back but wes gave him my number bc i guess when i told him to lose it he took it to heart which like good i wanted him to
but anyway i screamed at him in the chat
everyone called me a hypocrite bc i told ivy to stop being a bitch in the chat awhile back. which tbh i didn't remember even doing, i just be saying shit.
like alex opened his fuckin mouth and i'm like what dog do you have in this fight
oh and DELILAH is moving in with carson bc he's "like her brother!!!" never mind the fact that he cheated on me bc i guess friendship doesn't mean much anymore
wow that’s...messy. Wtf lilah though seriously
So then Carson texts me bc wes gave him my number and that felt like being??? Pushed back in time against my will
that’s not cool
So yeah a lot of crying today
*chick with knife emoji*
me rn
Cute but lethal
*img attachment* 
and not at all high...
you're so hot jesus christ.
I love you.
love u more than life itself
*img attachment of a keychain that says PUSSY WAGON* 
this was recommended to me on Instagram and now I want it.
it would be perfect for my Volkswagen
omg and with me in it...it really WOULD be a pussy wagon......
big brain
we should road trip soon
I would love that so much honestly
where should we go?
Disney world!!
will u propose to me there
wouldn’t that be romantic as heck
THE most romantic and also we'd maybe get free dessert
I never turn down anything free.
me neither. not the taylor family way
hahaha I love you.
we'll start planning a summer trip, just us.
yay yay yay yay!
i'm gonna wear a tiara the whole time.
with Mickey ears?
of course, i'm not a monster.
I hate dudes.
they’re a mess aren’t they lol
Had a temporary lapse in sanity and agreed to meet Carson for coffee lol and he canceled like 15 mins before we were supposed to meet for a probably fake meeting lmao its so typical but I fell for it
babe I’m so sorry
Like im just so tired
how can I make it better
I don't know honestly and I wish I did.
I love you.
I love you.
you’re my baby
you're MY baby
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