#idk the tags are becoming nonsensical and opinionated my apologies
*listening to the VNC, BSD, and MTP songs on repeat for x days straight*
Me, today: Ah...I've entered That Phase...
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iamtheprotagoneil · 4 years
hello i am sorry to bother but your reblogs and tags have given me even more villain neil thoughts and I started to thing about a concept: things play out like in the movie, but in the end, future protagonist who had already founded tenet finds a way to save neil. Neil doesn’t hate the protagonist, of course he still loves him and is grateful that he saved him, but he becomes disturbed by the power tenet wields, and the implications to free will the concept of inversion has.1/3
instead of going on a murder spree like the evil!neil from other au, he decides to stick with sabotage. He becomes an absolute nuisance to Tenet and obviously, a huge target and a problem to be taken care of. Tenet as an organization has, in Neil’s opinion, has served its purpose after defeating Sator and should be brought down. Neil, in Tenet’s opinion, is a threat for everyone’s safety, his actions cause a risk of tenet being unable to stop a temporal incident, and needs to be brought down.2/3
Of course, being still the idiots in love they are, David and Neil proceed to ignore that they are in the opposite ends of the conflict and technically are sworn enemies. Instead of, idk, attempting to stop each other, they choose to appear into each other’s bedrooms unannounced. And of course they congratulate themselves for being sneaky as fuck, because of course no one, (for example Ives or Wheeler), notices anything, or at least that’s what our favourite idiots in denial think.3/3
hi, halliver. once again, you do not have to apologize whenever you want to come into my askbox and ramble about protagoneil, my guy. you know i love to hear any thoughts you have on them.
anyways, villain!neil really has taken over our life now, hasn’t he? i literally started to read a manhua just because it features a villain as the main and i wanted more ideas for our villain AU lol 🙈
and, dude! i LOVE this idea of yours. it makes me think of how bad of a villain neil would be. as in, he’s supposed to be taking down tenet, but he just can’t help himself from offering the protagonist tips and insights on things he’s figured out about a certain antagonist tenet is facing.
maybe it’s after one of, you know, those nights where they find themselves falling into bed again despite everything, and neil just speaks up. neil wouldn’t specify what he’s talking about, and to an outsider, it might seem all to be nonsense. but the protagonist knows better, knows just exactly what neil’s offering, and for a moment, he’s grateful. he’s so happy, thinking that neil might’ve re-thought his path and returning to him finally, but instead, neil just gets up, puts on his clothes and leaves.
the protagonist’s heart would drop, dreading this little change in their routine. but then neil’s infor works out for them, and the protagonist returns home after finalizing the mission to find neil already there in his bedroom. neil doesn’t congratulate him, but the protagonist doesn’t ask for it. instead, he kisses neil and silently thanks the god that he still has neil. that despite everything - despite neil going rogue, neil sabotaging them, neil making everything so much harder for them - he’s still neil.
i just love the idea of neil being good still, even as the villain. he just can’t standby and let tenet (ahem, the protagonist) struggle in the face of evil. besides, if anyone is going to take tenet down then it’s going to be him, no one else. no one would’ve done it with as pure (according to neil, at least) of an intention as him 💁‍♂️
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spacecravat · 6 years
OC Profile
tagged by @the-dread-doggo! i couldn’t choose who to do so i’m doing both my lavellan and adaar
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full name: Mahanon Lavellan (i’m terrible at coming up with names so default names it is lmao)
gender: male
sexuality: very gay
pronouns: he/him
family: Clan Lavellan, other than that idk? okay, statistically, 50% of ocs have to have tragic backstories, so i’m making the executive decision to kill off his parents now. sorry dude. he’s got aunts and uncles, at least, not necessarily by blood, but family nonetheless.
birthplace: somewhere, presumably, but the dalish wander around so much even he doesn’t know
job: Inquisitor? first of clan lavellan? those count as jobs, i guess
phobias: he is both fascinated and deeply horrified by the ocean. he can’t swim, and he’s half convinced even looking at the ocean too long could get you lost forever in its waters, but he also can’t help being drawn to it
guilty pleasures: grabbing a book from skyhold’s library, finding some obscure corner where no one will find him, and vanishing for hours at a time from all the demands and andrastian nonsense people try to push on him
hobbies: plants. i imagine growing them would be difficult while wandering, but he kept little pots of important medicinal herbs and spices, and he can get lost just wandering around for hours examining different ones. he’s also an excellent cook
morality alignment? neutral good
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: he’d rather just be left alone and not lead or follow anyone, which is unfortunate, what with repeatedly getting thrust into situations where he’s expected to lead (first of the clan, inquisitor)
empathetic/unempathic: theoretically empathetic, in that he does care about people in the abstract, but he’s bad at actually picking up on others’ emotions
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: traditional, very into learning as many ancient elf things and dalish traditions as possible. that’s why he’s into solas, isn’t it. solas is the oldest elf thing around, of course he’s gotta go for him
hard-working/lazy: he’s not lazy, but he’s easily distracted
otp: i feel like i should apologize to him for getting him involved with solas but there it is
Acceptable ships: dorian, i guess, though i prefer dorian with not lavellans
ot3: if he’s into solas, he could probably be into abelas and all sorts of other weird old elves at the same time. poor dude’s got terrible taste.
brotp: vivienne
notp: cullen, women in general
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full name: Adaar (okay i know i just said i leave default names, but i don’t actually like herah for her and have yet to come up with anything better, so for now she’s just adaar)
gender: female
sexuality: extremely lesbian
pronouns: she/her
family: she’s got parents and multiple siblings somewhere out there. i do not know how many. possibly she doesn’t either. maybe her parents adopt random kids? her siblings keep collecting so many spouses she loses track? and she counts her mercenary buddies as family? whatever’s going on, there’s a whole lot of family
birthplace: northern thedas somewhere
job: mercenary, inquisitor, general all around hitting-people-with-big-swords
phobias: she’s really afraid of anything happening to her horns
guilty pleasures: a bit of a daredevil, likes freaking people out by pulling dangerous stunts and then peace signing at them while running off. this definitely includes jumping off skyhold roofs right in front of people whenever possible
hobbies: aside from whacking people with enormous swords, whatever the thedas equivalent of extreme sports is.
morality alignment? chaotic neutral
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: usually agreeable at first but it’s veeery easy to get on her nerves and have her become much more hostile. and she’ll be disagreeable from the moment she meets any human nobles
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unempathic: mostly unempathetic, and she easily loses patience with people being overly (in her opinion) emotional
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working, assuming it’s something she actually wants to get done, otherwise she’s liable to stall it for ages
otp: sera!
Acceptable ships: josie, cassandra, vivienne, honestly any women, she’s very gay
ot3: some combo of those above?
brotp: dorian, iron bull
notp: cullen, men in general
no clue who’s done this or has ocs they want to do this for, but have some tags: @ahsokathewhite, @writingnodule, @ysalamir, @theebonhawke, @oolathurman, @transkanan, @sapphic-sith, @pellaeons
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