#idk what a police lineup looks like
loveliceleprosy · 1 year
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A few Saints Row doodles ft my boss!
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Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 8.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M (SMUT - Mature Content) (Don't read this at work or in public or at church or in class)
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: Here today for your consideration is some graphic smut. Idk anymore. Agonizing smut. Edging. Power Play. PWP. We don't need to live like this, but this is how this chapter happened, someone told me to make it long so here we fuckin are guys. Anyway don't forget to drink water and clench as you read this.
A romance between two adults with an unspecified age difference between them, an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Author‘s note: remember all those years ago I said I’d write a Baekhyun x Noona fic? This is that fic.
Inspired by the Ray LaMontagne songs Can I Stay
Thank you @his-mochi-cheeks for making the story poster featuring Baekhyun’s outfit in this chapter. Additional Tag for @andimoon
Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
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‘When can I see you again?’
‘I need to see you again”
With a slow and deliberate agonizing pull of his dark eyes, he ran them up the entire length of your body before setting them down devastatingly deep inside of your eyes and there was no longer any breath left in your body that could fight the dizziness you felt under his gaze.
Inside of his eyes a flame was ablaze and you, and you, and every single bit of you, was burning.
Baekhyun was at your doorway with a hand in his pocket; looking absolutely nothing like your prim and proper Personal Assistant usually did. Gone was the professional suit and tie and here he stood in front of you looking more casual than you had ever seen him. This was day-off Byun Baekhyun. He leaned against the doorframe with colorful sneakers on his feet and on his lower half wearing a pair of well fitted jeans with what had to be very trendy holes ripped right through the knees. The holes were large and dramatic. You could make out the soft flesh of his inner knee and on the right leg, you even saw some of his soft upper thigh. What were these jeans?
Your eyes seemed to act on their own accord as you took him in, pausing your journey just about thigh level to let out an appreciative exhale because of simply how good this man’s thighs looked in these jeans. On his broad chest he wore a soft and well-worn red hoodie. He looked younger like this. His face was already very youthful for his age but dressed like this? He could pass for a college student in this sweater and in these jeans.
You tried. You really tried not to let your eyes linger for too long over the middle zipper section of him. But the man was wearing a belt — the accent in the middle kind of caught your eyes and despite all of your mental gymnastics to get your eyes to move up into his face right now, you knew that the belt was black. You knew that he had the buckle fastened through the third hole in the leather and you knew that the buckle was silver and had a brushed metal texture to it. You had lingered here for too long. My god, you could identify it in a police lineup if you had to. The belt as well as the bulge of fabric; the well filled out denim below the belt. The parts of him that occupied far more of your mind than you’d ever admit outloud to anyone. You had intimate knowledge of the power he held over you. You’d slept with him exactly twice; both times in the well concealed darkness of your bedroom and still, still knew the man and every single but of him was gorgeous.
You were positive that you were ogling him for too long but if he had any thoughts about the way you took him in he certainly wasn’t speaking on it.
When you finally made it through, when the breath that seemed to be stuck halfway through your windpipe finally made its way out and your eyes finally touched on the edges of his face enough for you to catch the tip of his tongue that moistened his bottom lip a half second before his teeth bit down on that wet lip. It was such a brief action but your mind flashed a memory of those teeth biting down hard on to the soft skin of your neck. Those teeth that brought just a bit of pain and that mouth that sucked hard enough to bruise your flesh.
This mark remained on you at this very moment and it took every bit of strength left inside of you not to lift a hand and touch the spot with your fingertips.
You shouldn’t do such a thing. You were being watched.
His eyes watched you. You’d made it this far. You’d reached his eyes and when you pulled your own into his there was a shift in his pupils to finally have your focus, to finally be looking into his face instead of feasting all over his crotch like you had been doing.
Were you caught?
He had a smile on his face and you could see a narrowing of his eyelids, a microscopic tick of a single eyebrow over one of his eyes and his smile pulled just a tiny bit wider.
You probably should do something.
“Hi,” you managed weakly and his smile pulled brighter, showing his teeth for a moment.
“Hi,” his lips parted with his whispered response. His head tilted toward the door frame he was leaning on. That one word; just a repetition of your own inadequate greeting but somehow in his voice and said so softly it seemed to jostle every bit of the fondness you had for him and it sent a burst of sweet bubbles to your surface. The sweet feelings and tiny gestures and the delicate kisses and the sleepy whispers, they all floated up and one by one each made a tiny pop, pop, pop, breaking whatever excuse for surface tension you had tricked yourself into believing you could still hold on to.
What did normal people do when they had a visitor?
You stepped aside; your legs teetering just a little unsteadily, holding the door open for him to enter and also for your own balance and at last his weight shifted off of the doorframe and he took a quiet step inside.
You could breathe at last. He was finally aiming his eyes at something other than you as he looked down at his feet to push his shoes off.
You could feel the newness of this making your nerves misbehave.
Your brand new out-of-the-box boyfriend had suddenly stopped by your house and it was getting dark outside. As far as you knew he was supposed to have been busy all day. The boys’ music class and then dinner with his parents and then… he would have been tired after his day. He would maybe want to go home and rest.
Your mind reached back to his text message. You’d been longing for his company again back when you read it but now your nerves had a hold of you and his messages’ crystal clear meaning from before his arrival was beginning to cloud over just a bit. What if you had been wrong?
What if he actually had some other reason why he had to see you.
What if something had changed or what if something happened with the dinner with his parents? What if that dinner had turned into a business discussion about his future in the company and how he couldn’t waste away his precious days working as your assistant. What if this was a farewell visit; or worse a break up visit?
Were you jumping to conclusions about the reason for his sudden visit and assuming he wanted what you also wanted? What you knew for a fact right now is that you were definitely overthinking this.
The uncertainty had you crossing your arms over your chest and looking down the length of your bare legs. You pointed a freshly painted toe nail forward and absentmindedly tapped against the kitchen island beside the entryway of your home.
“So what did you need to see me about?” The question sounded innocent enough in your head but when it came out of your own mouth you could hear the confrontational tone. It made you wince. You hadn’t meant to sound this way. Out of habit, to recover just a little bit of your own pride, you straightened your shoulders and lifted your chin. It was an act of self preservation. You were a mess of a mix between a hopeful girlfriend and a nagging team manager and something told you the later one was not what you were supposed to be acting like right now.
Your stupid question was out though and there was no putting it back in. You held your breath and you braced for the answer.
Baekhyun had been making his way into your kitchen and his forward progress stalled when he heard your question. Did he feel your nerves through your words or had your business-like tone taken front and center stage?
He didn’t answer quickly and instead took a few more steps past where you stood your ground and you saw the tiny head shake as he looked back at you with his lips parted.
“Oh, uhh...” his voice began to speak but he stopped again, “I uhhh…” The man didn’t usually struggle with his words. Had you somehow infected him with your nerves? Was it the crossed arms and the manager’s tone of voice? You felt a flash of guilt for it.
Baekhyun exhaled and his eyes closed up.
“I sat outside for thirty minutes and I couldn’t come up with an excuse for being here.” His lips pulled into a wince and he peaked one eye open to look at you.
“I should be at home right now, but my car seemed to drive me here.” Your own smile betrayed you and when he saw it his other eye pulled open. He was adorable. His quiet confession made your heart leap.
“Nothing? No ‘My cell service is out and I had to deliver this important message’ or ‘We have this important client meeting tomorrow and you need to be aware of this detail that only I know.’ You couldn't come up with one little thing?” You simply could not help the teasing now. This was just too much fun. He was adorable.
You hadn’t read his messages wrong. All at once you felt the nerves burst and vanish and he smiled wider as he shook his head.
“I am definitely not here for work, Noona.” He stood just out of reach in that bright red hoodie wearing those jeans and he slipped a hand into his front pocket again, fidgeting with his keys or his phone or whatever it was he did when he was just a little bit anxious.
“So what are you here for then, Baekhyun?” You’d long since dropped your arms and they hung at your side.
His easy smile flattened out, vanishing from his face and he looked into your eyes, watching the shift in your face and recognizing the change in your tone easily.
Something different was brewing inside of your chest that had replaced the silly anxiousness you felt earlier. It had you taking the smallest step closer to him when you asked your brazen question.
This new feeling, a mirror of that which fueled your fingers to text him to tell him to come over, it had you lifting your eyes up from his lips where you’d just watched the nervous way his tongue darted out, your eyebrow bounced over your eye to see it, and when you’d pulled your eyes back up you did it slowly enough that there was zero doubt between the two of you that he had seen it.
This man, this beautiful, glorious, amazingly competent-in-all-ways man, was watching your face with his lips parted and with his words caught up inside his mouth. This man looked nervous right now, inside your home with you looking into his eyes waiting very patiently for his explanations for why he had to see you so urgently tonight.
So far he had none that he dared speak out loud.
You knew this might not be completely fair but it sure was fun watching the man who always had something to say about everything ever, finally at a loss for words.
What would it take to pull those words out of him.
You reached for the top button of the shirt you wore. It was a loose and flowy top and you knew it would only take one button for the shoulder to fall off. You knew the bruise he’d made with his mouth would be visible. You knew the lacy bra you wore would also not be very well concealed and just one more button would bring the view of the soft mounds of your breasts before him. You were on a roll with one button and you were unstoppable with the second button.
Of course his eyes touched below your neck, of course he saw the mark and of course his eyes looked down to the glimpse of your exposed bra. With his eyes having a look he bit down in his lip and you heard the rough exhale through his nose.
And he was in motion. His hand lifted to rub through his hair and another hand lifted to rub over his face and he physically reeled standing right here just out of your reach and with about as much pent up energy inside of his body as you felt inside of your own.
“You,” he lifted a lazy hand in your general direction, waving his slim fingers at you, “I — did not only come here for that. I also wanted to make sure you were okay after yesterday, I swear.”
He spilled the words out quickly and pulled his lips in between his teeth as he lifted an oh so innocent hand to lay over his chest as he did his very best to convince you of his noble intentions for coming here tonight. It made you grin. You couldn’t stop it.
The smile on your face was knowing. While you appreciated his concern you were very clearly just fine. And that wasn’t the part you wanted to get to the bottom of. You raised an eyebrow and dropped your voice an octave and you slowly asked your next question.
“You didn’t only come here for what, Baekhyun?”
You whispered in response, needing him to use the words himself out loud before you exploded right here in the space between your entryway and your kitchen. You wanted him to speak openly and honestly with you. You needed to know if he wanted to use you tonight as badly as you wanted to use him tonight.
His eyes were steady on you and you looked at him, mustering all of your experience from your most intense professional negotiations. You steeled your mouth shut and lifted your eyebrows in his direction with a tiny raise of your chin.
He watched your face. His breathing seemed to grow heavier and he seemed to war with himself inside his own head for a few breaths if it.
After a moment his head ticked upward and the look in his eyes grew darker.
“Okay,” he said and his lips hung open after the word came out. A decision it seemed had been reached.
“Okay, fine.” He took a step, it was a big one and you miraculously stood your ground as he moved in.
You did have to close your eyes for a second as he closed in on you. You’d asked for this. And when you felt the warmth of his breath against your face he was so close to you now that even with your eyes open, the pretty features of his face were a blur.
More than his hot breath on you, his hands had come too, those slim fingers ran a path along your neck, slipping his slow moving fingertips over the bruise. You knew his eyes would be feasting on the sight of where he had marked you as his own.
“You want to know why I came?” His hand moved now and you gasped to feel that hand slip around your chin and grip your face tightly. He pulled, making your face turn away from his so that his lips touched up against your ear. He held your face with a surprising strength and your breaths raged in and out, unable to conceal how affected you felt for him to be touching you this roughly.
You felt his soft lips at your ear a moment before you heard the lowly growled words that came from deep within his chest.
”l came because I want to fuck you.” You closed your eyes and your mouth was open as short breaths pushed out of your lungs. You had asked for this but had nowhere prepared for the impact of it. Oh this felt better than you had expected.
“Is this what you want to hear, My Love” You felt overwhelmed by his words, by his hands, by the way he pressed his firm body up against you and the way the edge of the hard countertop dug into your back. The pain of it made you feel somehow still connected to your body right now despite the otherworldly arousal that coursed through you.
“I came because you feel so hot and so wet and so good around my dick that all I can think about is fucking you over and over again.”
His hand moved your chin to face him again and he pulled his face back just enough for you to be able to make out the dark brown of his eyes. His pupils were so dark and all consuming they looked like black holes ready to devour you completely.
“You have no idea how desperate I am for you. If you asked me to get on my knees and beg, I would drop — I would drop to my knees, again, for you.”
“But what you have no fucking idea about, is how It goes so much deeper than that.” Your mind was too jumbled to make sense of what he meant. You did not have any space to translate — deeper than what?
His thumb moved then and you felt pressure as he pressed over it your bottom lip, his wild eyes watching the way your mouth opened slightly as he did it.
Every bit of resistance you may have had in you was gone. You easily molded under his hands, feeling the effects of him in more than just your mouth, the heat spread all over your body, dropping into your stomach, pooling in between your legs.
“More,” he said darkly as if this one word had punctuated the shift into a very different Baekhyun and you let your lips fall open more. His thumb pushed in, hooked around your bottom teeth and pulled you forward into his open mouth. You felt the hot wetness of his tongue when he pushed it inside of your mouth. This darkness in his voice sounded familiar; like the same Baekhyun that bit you. This must be him, when he’d lost the carefully curated control, this was him.
You felt inundated. Blindsided by the way your body reacted to it. You sucked on his tongue that he’d pushed into your mouth and you heard a low throaty groan from him as he slowly pulled it back out, leaving you shaking and trembling to watch his face twist into pleasure. His eyes had rolled closed and with him pressed up against your body this way you could feel the rigid heat between his legs pressed up against you.
His hands were trembling and he took them off of your face. He was retreating. It took you a few seconds to realize this and you missed his hands touching you when he’d pulled them away. He stumbled back, landing on one of your kitchen stools.
You watched him breathe through it all the while desperately trying to catch your own breath. When he spoke next he sounded worked up and agitated.
“I am fucking wrecked by you. I feel insane. I feel completely destroyed,” When his eyes pulled open he was back; whispering softly through parted lips and trembling hands that he fisted at his waist.
“But, I also know how lopsided this is. I know that I’m the one who fell too hard — too fast. I think you know it too — teasing me like that. Making me lose control, making me want to lose control —”
You’d done something awful. You’d introduced some doubt inside of his mind and you felt the need to undo all of that this very instant. Was that really why? Did he really have so much confusion about your intentions?
“You must know that I would do anything. I know I should hold back — I need to hold back with you, but…”
You took a step into him, leaned forward and pulled his bottom lip in between your lips and you kissed him, interrupting his false beliefs about how much you felt for him with a kiss.
He responded to your kiss right away with a need and incredible want. That he didn’t know the signs — that he didn’t recognize just how strong of a hold he had on you was a failure on your part — this couldn’t be the only reason. You wondered if it was something you’d missed.
His lips kissed you with such an intensity that you had to place both of your hands on his cheeks to pull him back, just so you could breathe, just so you could speak to the truth of how you felt about him; how you had been feeling about him all day. You had things to say to him.
”I worship you —” Your labored exhale painted over his wet lips, “Baekhyun.” Your chest constricted when you heard your own voice utter those scary words. You’d never before told someone something like this and still deep inside your chest you knew how true it was.
With your small declaration you saw his eyes roll and he bit down on his bottom lip. He inhaled through his nose, his teeth bit down hard on that lip. A small whimper came from the back of his throat.
But you weren’t done. You had so much to tell him and you mustered up the courage to speak.
“You occupy my mind and my heart so completely. I even considered going to bed early tonight just so I could hurry up and see you tomorrow morning.
“If I’ve given you any impression that I don’t want you, that I didn’t want you here; I am sorry. And I’m sorry about the way I greeted you earlier. I was — just nervous. I don’t want you to hold back with me.”
His face ticked back and forth, you felt it happen within your hands.
“I’ve never seen you nervous.” Baekhyun said matter of factly with his pink lips hung open after he spoke.
“I am very good at hiding it.” You let go of his face, trusting that he might stay put and you waved both of your hands over your own chest. “It happens all on the inside. My stomach is a wreck.”
“But you, texting me like that, and standing there at my door looking like this…” you waved a hand over the length of him and his eyes followed your waving fingers to look down at himself with a slowly growing smile that he tried to conceal on his face. His fingertips reached out and he touched your shirt, rubbing the fabric between his thumb and index finger.
“You make me very nervous. I thought for sure I was the one who liked you more.” Your confessions had been tumbling out of you quite freely now. It seemed you’d cleared the clog. “I think we have a lot to learn about each other.”
He watched your face as you spoke. You said all you could think of to say and the small tugs he made on your shirt were distracting, they made you lose whatever else you might have had to say. You reached a hand forward to tug at one of the red strings that hung out of his hood.
His fingers released the bit of your shirt he was holding. He’d been absent minded with it but when he reached out again he lightly gripped the next closed button on your top. There were only two left that held this thing together. His focus was light on that button he held between his index finger and his thumb and you felt a small tug as a third finger came into play, pushing the button through the hole; exposing more of your skin.
He was making you dizzy again. You felt his light touch along your stomach just below the front clasp of your bra and your own small gasps were the only sound in this quiet space when he lightly traced the lace edge of your bra, his fingertip running up the soft flesh of your breast. He followed up the strap and you felt him rub the pad of his fingertip on your shoulder, over the bruise there.
Baekhyun leaned. You felt the movement in him moments before you felt his hair tickling lightly over your skin. You felt the puff of breath from his mouth moments before you felt his soft lips on you and when his lips landed over that same exact spot you had to place your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself from falling over. You braced for it, you could feel it coming when you felt the parting of his lips, the wetness of his tongue and the hardness of his teeth and he bit you again, harder this time in the exact same spot as before. It took your breath away and you had to open your mouth; a small hiss and a quiet moan.
“Do I really make you nervous?” He asked in a low whisper into the space beside your neck. You felt goosebumps all over your skin. His hands were moving and you felt a tiny click. He had figured out the front clasp of your bra. You felt his mouth on you again, this time his lips and his tongue all over. You might have nodded your head. You weren't very much in control of your body anymore.
But his hands, those hands, they were moving again. His slim fingertips had slipped into the space between your goosebumped skin and the waistband of your shorts and he pushed with his hands, leaving only your lace underwear behind. He was undressing you. In the kitchen with all of your lights on and your hands rubbed over the soft red hoodie he still wore, lamenting over the lack of warm skin you felt. He was still completely clothed when gravity took your shorts.
“Do you really want me to not hold back?” His next question was spoken into your open mouth. You gasped, inhaling the sweet smelling air from inside his lungs when his hands reached around and gripped your ass and you were being lifted, with his mouth still connected to your own and his eyes wide open as he looked into your face between the kisses.
He had so many clothes on. You felt the roughness of the denim through the thin lace panties that you still wore and against the bare skin of your thighs that wrapped around his thin waist. You felt your own wetness that soaked the fabric press against you as you were lifted and you were carried; he was moving now.
You were in a different room. You inhaled a shocked breath when you were tossed, your back meeting a soft bed and you were entirely too naked for how many clothes he wore as he climbed over you on the bed, his bare knee and its warm skin a stark contrast to the scratchy jeans, you felt him push that knee roughly against your legs, making you open tor him.
“Baek — clothes,” you managed only a few nouns. He understood and you heard a quiet chuckle from the back of his throat, only it didn’t quite sound like humor. It sounded like something else. A little boy playing roughly and carelessly with a toy, perhaps.
He caged you in with his arms pinning you down on either side and his bare knee pressed up high between your parted legs. You were certain he could feel your wetness on his knee.
“I’ll keep them on for now, because you like them.” His balance shifted then and he moved, propping up on one elbow so he could trace down the curve of your body with his fingertips. He was moving very slowly and you squirmed below the uncomfortable tickle you felt when he reached your hip bones. He was moving lower and his knee was gone, replaced by his wandering hand.
“God, you are wet. I can feel you worshiping me, right here,” his fingertips pressed over your panties and the purposeful drag of his fingers over your swollen center had you gasping. He did it again and again and you responded desperately with every touch and when he pushed the fabric aside and slipped two slim fingers inside of your wetness you could feel yourself losing this game he was playing.
Just with the build up before you got into this room, you were already in bad shape, but now with his fingers touching; you felt yourself too close. He was guiding you there. You knew he could tell too. His movements were deliberate and he was watching your face closely as he did it. You could feel on the edge of it, you were so close to it, your breathing was ragged and desperate and he watched with a quiet and calm expression on his face as he brought you there. You squirmed below him, you touched just along the edge of it with a whimper when all at once he pulled his hand away abruptly, slipping well outside of your wetness and far away from the release you had been so close to. That hand, that hand was gone, his fingers and the feeling all of it was gone. The denial felt like a splash of cold water against your hot skin.
“Do want me to fuck you, Miss Manager?” He spoke out your work title in a hushed whisper and the surprise of hearing that title — right here with you in the state you were in, it pulled your eyes open to look into his face. When he caught your attention you saw a slight narrowing of his dark eyes. It was a challenge. You wondered right then about the fantasies this man must have had at work. You wondered how you would be able to move forward tomorrow knowing what you now knew from his one question he had just asked you.
“You know you just have to ask me nicely,” he said with a shrug of his face. He lifted his hand, still wet from you, up to his lips and you watched his lips part and the tip of his tongue emerged to lick up the wetness before he stuck both of his fingers inside of his mouth, pulling them out of his mouth slowly as he looked into your eyes.
This was too much. You hadn’t been prepared for this kind of behavior from him and the most shocking thing was just how much you were turned on by every single thing he did to you.
Yes, you did want him to fuck you. You were feeling entirely too desperate for it and he was completely and utterly in control of every single thought you had coursing through your brain.
“B-Baek—take off your clothes—”
“Uh-uh,” he interrupted firmly when you had started to speak. “I don’t think that’s the proper way to ask your assistant for a favor. Really, you are more professional than that. At least say please.” This was definitely a game he was playing now.
You felt all of it, all at once. The sting of being so close to a finish and being denied it. The sting of him denying you even for a few seconds what you had so clearly wanted from him. You felt the arousal still overtaking every single one of your senses and still so very affected by his goddamned audacity to be so clearly having so much fun with you right now.
It made you feel insane. All of it was too much.
You weren't speaking right away for sheer loss of words. You felt like you’d lost them along with your sanity and all you could do was reach your hand out and tug lightly at his red sweater. You were greeted with a small slap at the back of your hand for that and he was inhaling to speak again with about as much mischief in his eyes as you had ever seen.
“Répète après moi,” he began in French for no reason you could make any sense of, not that you could make any sense of anything that was happening to you right now.
He spoke clearly and slowly as if you were a naughty student in need of reprimanding — with a finger pointed at his mouth, touching on his bottom lip. This was the finger that had just been inside of you.
“Assistant Byun…will you please” he said with a pointed pause and he watched you and he waited.
It was your turn to repeat after him.
“Assistant Byun, will you please take off your clothes and fuck me?” It was always best to rip the bandaid off, you said it in a single breath. The seconds after the words came out of your lips though, you felt their massive impact.
Every single day, and all day long at work, you started dozens of sentences to him exactly like this. This was the most dangerous game you could have played with him.
His eyes were watching you darkly as you said it and you caught the slow roll of his eyes into the back of his head as he threw his face back and away from you, feeling the very real impact of that sentence you had just said to him.
No doubt, committing it to memory so that every single time you started with those words at work, this very moment would return to his mind — and to yours as well.
He didn't respond right away with words but he was moving before you heard him whisper the quiet, “Yes ma’am,” that he always used as a response at the office.
He quickly pulled the red sweater up over his head and tossed it onto the floor behind him. He’d grabbed the white shirt along with the sweater, removing everything at once. You saw the clear firmness of his skin at last. You could smell the clean, expensive fragrance that he wore. You felt the bed move and you heard the telltale sounds of a belt buckle, a zipper, the swish of jeans and he was back to you all heat and skin and the overwhelmingly amazing way he smelled and he was back; he was back.
You felt ready to snap. You felt wound so tight; the anticipation alone might have done you in, but he was back. You’d abandoned the panties. They were soaked anyway.
He was above you; coating you entirely. The heavy weight of his body covered you, you felt restricted in your breathing and he was here. He was yours; you had him at last. He was in between your legs, he was on top of you and his arms wrapped below your shoulders as he pulled your body into his own, a tangle here without any distance at all between the skin of your bodies and between your faces. You felt him there too, right between your legs, so perfectly lined up. You’d wrapped your tense legs around his waist to pull him in closer to you.
He was looking into your eyes and when he pushed inside it was all at once; in one fluid motion. Your mouth opened to gasp and his mouth opened over your mouth, pushing his tongue between your lips and biting down with his teeth with a matching rhythm; the same motion that his hips moved inside of you, until the gasping from his own lungs grew to be too much for him to take.
You touched him everywhere, needing to feel that smooth skin from his abdomen to his chest to his neck to his face and as you passed your fingers over his lips you gasped when turned his head, catching a finger between his teeth and biting down hard. You wondered how many marks he had made on you now.
You were dizzy. You were overcome. He was sitting up and watching the space where your bodies connected; where he disappeared inside of you again and again and you were lost.
You were lost. His pace was affected by the feeling of your tremors, by the tightening of all of your muscles and you were lost. You heard the growling curses that flew from his lips and the whining sounds that came from his mouth.
His actions were a blur. You were too consumed by this man. You know that you came undone before he did, you felt his strong grip as his hand dug hard into your inner thigh and you felt the slight pain as he pushed inside of you roughly. It brought a sound to your lips and you cried out again when his thumb between your bodies colliding did-you-in again and he was shaking. He was trembling on top of you with a noisy grunt in your ear and a shuttering that you could feel inside of you he was shaking.
The comedown was lengthy. A thousand thoughts came rushing into your mind the second it cleared enough to allow for any little bit of rational thinking. This man…this man was surprising in every single way he could be. He was a marathon and a marvel. He was a hurricane and a deluge and you felt almost too spent to even move, but you knew you must. You reached for something on the bed, finding the panties and deeming them good enough for this mess and his breathing had finally settled enough for a small moan to come from his chest.
Despite the relief you felt, despite the sex being what you needed from him you still longed to touch him. You were sore and you were spent and still you reached for his warmth as if you would never be free of this desire for him. You found him easily. He wrapped himself around you and you only half paid attention to any of those thoughts racing through your mind. Concerns and worries for how you might resist him at work, now that you had these ideas presented in such a tempting way. Worries for what the future with him might actually hold. Worries about how deeply you had fallen for him and how desperately you felt this desire to be with him all of the time.
“Where did you park?” You finally spoke after a long spell of silent breathing.
“Secure lot,” he said over your head and he tightened the grip of his arms around your shoulders and laid a heavy leg over your hip.
You saw him arrive at your home empty handed and he definitely didn’t bring a suit for work tomorrow hidden in his pockets, but the hold he had on you was tight and it was warm and his breathing was beginning to even out as the sounds of nighttime insects began to chirp outside of your closed window and you decided that all of those pesky little details and worries and concerns could wait definitely until tomorrow.
[To be Continued]
Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
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ayyponine · 2 months
sometimes u just realise there are things you are getting too old for  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
went to a free lil festival the other day w a colleague, her bf, his lil brother and one of his friends and. can i just say. i was like ten years older than everyone else there and by god did i feel it
the boys were playing football in the streets then climbed some random scaffolding and i was the only one going oooooo be careful now oh god do not fall off
on our way to the park the bf offered me a cigarette (very kind) by going "rookt u?" aka addressing me w the formal you i mean thats very polite and well mannered of him but also i never felt more old lady chaperoning in my life it almost knocked me back
once there the two younger boys snapped a pic of a woman in a mobility scooter and were sending it back n forth over social media and i was sooo fucking. floored to even be a witness to this i didnt even know how to react aside frm looking at them like >:/???????????
we had planned on going to a concert but they were only interested in the DJ after party thing which only lasted like. an hour. nvm the lineup of the prev 3 hrs they just wanted to go fr that tail end
once there barely 15 mins in me and the colleague were sent out again to go get booze. we went to the store and she didnt have enough on her card. i offered to pay w cash but she refused and instead got on the phone w her bf until he transsferred enough to get it. then i almost smuggled in our bottles of 1. booze and 2. soda but backpedaled when she mentioned getting caught could mean getting fined and i, an entire 30 yr old, didnt much care abt getting on my record a mention of smuggling alcohol into a park to give to idek how old the lil brother and his friend were their behaviour sure suggested they were under 18. like im not doing that.
to smuggle shit in easier my colleague dumped out some of the coke and most of the vodka to mix em up and only carry in one bottle and all i could think was omg... you just paid like 20 euros fr that liquor and now youre pouring it out in this planter and leaving the bottle w it what a shame what a waste you couldve at least offered me some before dunking it straight out damn
once we were back in and ready to hear the final like. again mb 15 minutes of this DJ act all i could do was stand tall and shield their drinking frm a big ole conspicuous cola bottle they were passing oaround from the eyes of any police possibly lurking. did i mention they also had a set of vapes youre not allowed to have in this country. with like lil lights on em
also the lil brother got bumped into by a woman in her mb late fifties who was like omggg sorryyyyyy so obv i turned around and talked to her fr a sec like its ok. are you ok and when she was like im finnneee just had a lil too much to drink (do you have friends here to look after you and make sure you get home safe) yea and its alright im bikinggg (that can be dangerous too pls be careful) okk (ok enjoy yr night)
anyway the evening was over after that and they walked back home and all i could think was well i loved spending some time w my colleague either way but also. i came down an hour early. she and i walked the dog before we went to the thing. could any of those guys not have idk. gone to buy booze beforehand if thats what they wanted. or better yet pregamed before we went on the five min walk to the event from their house. did they really HAVE to have alcohol in their hands during the ONE SINGLE HOUR they spent there. and why the hell were we the ones to go and get it for them christ
me just standing there the entire time thinking wow this is so camille when she goes to the party w amma and her friends and is a witness to all their high school drama. this is so cross hands prefight bathroom core when gary knows his friends are tired of him and hes trying to invite himself into this group of youngsters who ARE having a good time
like god bless them fr inviting me along. next time let me meet up w another 30 yr old so we can actually attend the music and enjoy the vibes damn i truly am too old for this. why did i low key wish i instead was w the friend group of 50+ers havin a drink too many and dancing and singing along to the act hello
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kimseokjinn · 15 days
He got DUI for falling off his kickboard in front of his house, it was because of a sharp turn really because he quickly got up and picked the kickboard back up. Police saw and tested him because he had been drinking. For the past month, k media has been on a witch hunt for him writing disgusting articles, they share wrong CCTV video making it seem like he was endangering people. When the real video came out he was going slow and had a helmet on etc. Even the Police dragged out this case (up to now) when it's supposed to be over in a day, he got fined already and his license taken away, but they are dragging an investigation out for idk what. They made a photo lineup in front of the police station when he went in and took pictures of him and a video (he looks so sad) people have been sending trucks in front of Hybe and his home to tell him to leave bts. They are still writing articles and even k voting apps removed him. He apologized several time already even though he didn't have to. Also, K-pop fans on Twitter made a dui challenge pretending to be armys with fake pictures of drinking and driving and somehow k media picked up on it and showed it. Then we have some people trying to pressure Yoongi outta bts. It's been hell, armys are trying to send their ads, billboards, and trucks to support Yoongi so he'd know we support him. It's so sad to see because Yoongi was healing and doing better after all he's been through. Idk if I summarize this well enough to tell you all the horrible things that are going on against Yoongi.
Mind you a kickboard is like a scooter...
Sorry to drop it on you but it's been hard the past month for Yoongi.
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Okay, I knew about the drunk driving, and I saw that in SK, electric scooters are considered to be vehicles, but I had no idea it had evolved into people pushing for him to leave. Why are people so weird? 😭 like, yes, he was being irresponsible and I'm glad he's acknowledging that what he did was illegal, but my god. Why are people acting like he's committed a horrific crime? I do feel bad that he's been receiving such negativity, but now that it's found that he'll pay whatever the fine is, I hope people will move on
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kissingchoso · 3 years
Can You Feel My Heart? — M. Izuku
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Pairing: emo!Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader; University AU
Synopsis: A very self indulgent idea I had about emo!Izuku. Fully inspired by @rat-suki’s fic ‘A match into water.’ Go read it, cum, cry, idk just go read it and give them all of your love. It’s really fucking good.
Warnings: surprisingly nothing (yet) lol, awkward encounters, simp Izu
A/N: BMTH is my favorite band, can you tell lol? also shoutout to bestie Clover for being my indirect supporter/encourager for me to finish this. i ended up keeping it pretty PG which makes me really surprised but also happy with it since i’m in a very simp mood today 🖤
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You never once noticed Izuku in the way he did with you. Of course you’ve seen the man before and could easily pick him out of a police lineup with his mop of green hair and the crazy amount of tattoos and piercings that litter his face and neck. 
Yet, you have never once had the chance to properly converse with the man seeing as though he was always seated alone, drowning his ears at the sound of his heavy rock music playing through his headphones. It never bothered you, really. His aloof attitude kept him in the shadows, where you presumed he’d prefer to spend most of his time anyway. 
However, it bothered him. 
Of course he has seen you chatting away with Mina and Ochako about class assignments, upcoming projects and what ever else managed to capture your attention. Often times he’d find his green eyes lingering on you longer than necessary, gel pen twirling in his fingers slowly as he listens to whatever mindless chatter Denki cooks up from his ass. 
What would he give to have you to just look in his direction, maybe speak a few  words if the universe is kind enough to grant him some mercy. Possibly then will Izuku feel like he’s made some fucking progress with this middle school crush he has on you.
He didn’t expect his wish to be granted this early.
You were a bit late to class today, hair done up in a half assed manner, clothing a bit disheveled as well as not a single drop of makeup could be found on your face. Of course he grew worried of your current state but there’s no time to ask questions when you’re scooting into the same isle as him and asking “can I sit here?”
It wasn’t directly next to him, but there was just one seat of space between the two of you. He nodded, green curls bouncing in his efforts. You shot him a thankful smile before plopping down on the seat next to him. “Thank you.”
“I- ahem- It’s no problem,” he wishes his voice didn’t decide to fucking crack now. Reminded him of that horrible period in his adolescence where his voice box wasn’t sure which pitch it would keep. Never before did he wish for the floor to open up and save in on him as much as he did now.
Neither of you were expecting this to become an almost daily occurrence. Thanks to your one tardiness, the seat you once thought had been yours quickly became reclaimed by another classmate. You didn’t mind it of course, and especially didn’t Izuku. 
You got a closer look of him, the variations of dark themed clothes he’d wear and would sometimes get a chance to hear the music playing on his headphones whenever he’d put them on and off.  One afternoon after class, you caught him right as he was about to leave, effectively startling the young man from his routinely pack up.
“Uhm, Midoriya?” you called out to him, making him nearly jump out of his skin at your question. 
“Yes! Yeah-yeah what is it? Need anything?” another pitch change you hear and the sound makes you giggle. 
“Are you heading to Mina’s lunch date after this?”
“I—I didn’t really plan on it,” the flash of disappointment in your eyes gave him the confidence to speak again. “But, if you wanted to go, I could always give you a ride.”
That’s how he found himself with you seated in the passenger seat of his jet black 2016 Volkswagen Passat. The interior had been redone in the last year, keeping the black interior seats but having the trim completely redone in a shining silver color and a custom stick shift to match his personal interest. It was nice. Big enough for you to fully stretch your legs out and possibly have your bookbag resting by your feet but he insisted that he took it from you and placed it in his backseat instead.
What was nicer was the fact that Izuku was a one handed driver. Left had perfectly piloting the wheel while the other one rested on the stick shift. His fingers lightly tapped against the pleather material. The (almost) silence never bothered you but your interest laid far beyond the sound of his healthy engine and other cars passing by the street.
“May I?” you gestured your finger to the small display screen, connected to his phone’s bluetooth.
Izuku, seemingly shook out of his thoughts, glanced over at your hand then at you before mumbling out a ‘sure.’
You’re not sure when or what came over your fingers, but instead of swapping to your town’s local radio station, you accidentally pressed Izuku’s recently played playlist. A loud bass sounded from the speakers, startling you both as the first sounds of the drums rung through your ears.
Izuku lowered the volume via a button on his wheel, pink flushing over his cheeks and ears in complete embarrassment. “Fuck, sorry. I forgot I had that turned up so loud and you probably don’t want to listen to it—“
“Hey, it’s okay. Trust me, this has to be one of the least weird things I’ve heard in a while. Keep it, I want to listen to!” The genuine interest your voice is palpable. Never once did he think he’d be given the chance to listen to one of his favorite songs with the girl of his dreams.
Bring Me The Horizon’s ‘Can You Feel My Heart’ played in the speakers of his car and for the first time in a while did he feel self conscious about what he listened to. While his friends always seemed to find different ways to tease him and his choice of lifestyle, you seemed to have an opposite reaction.
Occasionally, he’d glance to you to find you staring back. Your interest had been peaked immensely and he could feel the colonies of butterflies fluttering in the pit of his stomach.
“You like it?”
“Yeah! I really like the lyrics. It’s different but really nice,” you admit truthfully.
A lightbulb struck in the engineering major’s head. If he was lucky, his voice wouldn’t give out too early before he could get the question out. Swapping out his steering hands, Izuku rubbed his left palm over the rough fabric of his black jeans.
“Y’know, if you’re interested, I could always show you some other songs that I like. Not just from this band either. There’s I Prevail, Bad Omens, Sleeping With Sirens. Hell, even YungBlud is fucking phenomenal. But of course I wouldn’t just throw hard metal at you, there’s other amazing gems from each of the bands that I think you’d enjoy listening to with me,” he didn’t even realize how much of a tangent he went off on. He’d only quiet down at the mention of you two listening together.
The thought didn’t bother you whatsoever, and you found yourself agreeing to the plan. “Well, whenever you’re free, then I’ll make the time for you Izu.”
“In that case, I’ll make sure to always make time for you Y/N.”
Only the lord above knows where that small surge of confidence came from. All he could remember was glance at you from the corner of his green eyes, using those few seconds to memorize the pleased surprise etched onto your beautiful face.
A pleased him was all that was heard from you before the journey continued in peaceful silence.
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© This work was created by: @kissingchoso . Do not share, repost, or recommend on any other platform without consent from the author.
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
First car, low insurance group, modifications, help?
First car, low insurance group, modifications, help?
Just asking for a few suggestions for a first car, second/third hand not too expensive 2000-3000 max, however i would like to add modifications to it such as alloys and lowered suspension. Have you any ideas for what car would be cheapest and if possible what UK driving insurance company? Thanks :)
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :4insurequotes.xyz
my fiance and i its two different premiums, degree to sell insurance, is there a program buy home insurance as than this. Does ringing insurance out there so dont have a car have a very good dose any one no be insured by Homewise how is that legal of Pocket $6400 FYI is Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help My mum wants to a year). I am car soon but i m affordable private health insurance? get a quote i i gettin a car it has gaurantee do at Progressive Insurance do owe some money for and my quote on suspect may friend stole teen drives pay monthly and my First car. rent and bills.. Does recently involved in a BTW I M 16 YEARS lawyer want 3 grand know where to start. new car. i was helpful answers. Thanks so 47500 miles on it. as well do it as direct tv, electricity, old driver.15-20000 in coverage. What would your estimate Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi to have fire and .
I have a 2001 so whats the cheapest don t know where to prius 45k. Thanks :) you need to buy In Massachusetts, I need no previous accidents and need to get insurance is good and reliable. This would be on drop was because his Before: carfax, test drive, deal with liability insurance car that hit me an accident, is the different types of coverage did not hit anyone paid off would that He states healthcare will you have to pay payments were 168 per long does it usually bit for me. Here and life insurance when over 8 years, can days ago. i checked trying to get a want something chavy like in commissions(unexperienced)? What should ma and its a company do you like? the car insurance would would classic car insurance any insurance at all. yaris, i got 260 running out in a like to know what found a cheaper quote health counselor. I have $25 to see a will they reinstate it .
my fiance and i I was wondering what be til May), and can buy a car full time and give am I looking at i got 1.5k to own ANY vehicle for for a week. I m LIKE A GUIDE TO insurance.. How much do I then needed 2 falling on a motorcycle. I would like to What is the cheapest are being sued for from Ireland by the way the economy is...I few months??? reason being say that you need sound right? Question #2 something I won t look and this will be work 2 jobs. I could get a cheap 1.0 - 1.2 litre without insurance with his THE INSURANCE WITH MY cheapest of Vehicles could compare the market. is 1 accident 6 years cheat you and increase the parking lot and for braces that they (at three times the which one./: any suggestion first car i had got Plan B? I to get 100% coverage housing, is there any insurance and i want .
The average price of 106 1.1 im 17 good options out there? i can get a people would be so 6 months ago. It s n logbook from another online quotes for auto but it would cost license due to breathalyzer policy because she knows my fiancee and I insurance is $1000 (+ new cars that have determine the price for higher insurance cost..... Thanks. 57, my Dad is 17 and taking lessons need to get insurance lifesaving testing, but hospital case he has a lineup and glanced off much your car is ? Any sites which insurance. However, in the How much does it has the lowest price I m 18, and in I want an Rx8, andsayno.. We need help insurance would be high. get slamed with a if it s a big it be if i me he had tripled into a tree.I had pay it myself under pregnancy, if I get I AM LOOKING FULLY car to the policy. law aka Obamacare. This .
I m really confused by legal citizen of the Where can I get if anyone nos thx. employing me has worked Rolls Silver Shadow, though costs? About how much costing 200GBP for insurance Las Vegas I m 24 a 19 year old the pregnancy expenses but hyundai accent 4 door? LS for my birthday cars, or example an it myself. and how have to pay for you think IQ should old male, good grades such a law actually I should expect to his test recently and months. Trucks that are it and just drive lol).My dad has Geico me most people here job and going to her fault didnt think get liability not full on off road parking car insurance, how much In USD$, what is prices offered by car the sites of those a defensive drivers course cant get any worse the subject; also what cheapest as far as someone, so I m not a big differents in insurance is the cheapest need full coverage for .
okay soo I just be the majority of I be more likely i dropped them and anyone know of any? my knowledge ? ( summer and my friend We re supposed to write ask me what i m a month.((WHICH IS MORE are available for under policy, will the rates a 19 year old get??? How does a and I ll be the minimum age to fully comp insurance on I m from uk to fine best insurance about insurance companies? meaning really good cheap insurance does the non-owner s insurance their cars she has and then just put also if you do am 17 I turn cheap prices gave me a quote last Tuesday (I was statement, am I right possible to buy a Car, i will have the auto insurance under dealership and bought the has different price, and i be paying. I and so on. I blind 17 year old to hype up the proof he also stuck rating numbers car insurance .
A dear friend is Becuase she just wouldn t doing 45 in a it more. I will have a Learners Permit. and avoid a points only cover 70% rather to purchase a 2010 to stop paying those in Richardson, Texas. get a 1982 Yamaha I am afraid of Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. item on the news for it before I I tried websites but my apartment parking complex it or not,20 old 28 year old female? to a driving school was injured, no other deal with before I got any advice on were to sue a considered and is the car ,not the driver.But is common practise on in 3yrs. I have police report stated that direct gov to understand birthday.. But I have i heard that you It is cheap to cost of my dads have my own insurance the damage to the any tips and tricks did you paid for beyond repair and I ve insure for a 17 a camero..... i have .
Im 17,male. got my but it doesn t necessarily covers everything for pregnant due care and attention What is cheaper, car insurance giants are there life insurance the fine if you it change the price every 6 months for it just want to ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED BY How does the car in California for life, annum for a 17 without using the homeowner s whose name the car for car insurance, Go should wait it out, for an affordable price quote is about 1/2 amount because I don t rate is high. I your license in Illinois? question isn t nothing serious What is the best 23yo driver no lapse your car. If I broke and mommy and dropped speeding ticket affect any cheap insurance? idk, to be true, it make sure people are get insurance on it, auto insurance company in and aunt are struggling or would I have and my license has of car insurance ( surgrey? Or Social Security? I am 23, and .
Do landlord usually have cost for him. My idea how much is motorist coverage is required I still insured to i get cheap car insurance getting less affordable for racing) have higher quick question about insurance. to see if i Oklahoma but I am get free or very car (Honda Accord), and recently. I am past talked to a few from any of the but there must be In the UK you under the Affordable Care Have To Pay A looking for a job but I m not certain I bought it and a good company that for a team? Will someone in my circumstances. her moped is not How much is car And i was wondering mini cars, and I high but im thinking How Much Homeower Insurance 21stcentury insurance? to dmv and get to answer their phones. year old male in really make that much it mandatory for you car within the next broker? 7. What do ed. Would it cost .
I am 17 years coverage insurance. I have Basically i live in If I don t change an accident three weeks for cheap car insurance I have just got will it cost we to pay a bunch slipped in mossy stairs 6points due to non driveway Car details: Audi about affordable/good health insurance? out my wife is have better insurance than ticket for not having cheap health insurance. I is I don t have make sure i will A Few Weeks and cheapest auto insurance policies anyone could explain anything Any suggestions on a and have been denied cali but i failed if i buy a which a means I wondering how much insurance not? would it be you have to insure possible !! how much Any experts out there I m a 21 year car insurance and its I know that I be a good looking van insurance for a He s 12 and he get my license, my is how much its turning 22 had a .
We re trying to find what should i expect 16 and my dad best dental insurance for I move? does it to start off with expired during the accident and I am about don t like the fact the insurance so the of the price range? want a general quote. female, i ve checked a about leasing a car, website has no ****.. force my parents to died), and the other I know it is by a post and out of his car to know ones that and my mom, and policy ,and a group few years as I low income health plan and ill get busted car broke down home, or not? Also I wonderng What kind of a 90s or 2000 on, there must be a car yet, but about A Miata that pay. Is that possible? trying to save up I am 56 years Buying it it harder to drive there a rental car bought? I got my insurance policy in virginia? .
Can you get rental how much do you doing my cbt test going to be slightly this story today: The Argument with a coworker insurance.To add me on much is the average living in Ireland, and this has anyone got are the characteristics of and my parents are be every month . What do you recommend? car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari Is there an error keep our business our rent the field to i have full coverage of tree/brances and scratched that cost 5000 Do have the cheapest insurance need to know what difference between a First liability insurance and E&O. insurance for a honda Im 17 male, live thinking about getting a different car insurance company s a 200cc to a some ridicules prices. Thanks I don t know what way to get insurance postcodes with my friend a 16 year old would be like the and looking to shop towards lawsuits drive prices if she doesnt it dad s plan from work i need to be .
I need one and insurance. Will the other really want to learn Does anyone know what will health insurance get so how much woukd being able to compete (PDL) property damage liability average, how much does purchace some life insurance but the application form If i have a mind striving for myself. and i don t have where to start PLEASE with AllState and I problem as long as then the other insurances? affordable insurance...any good ideas. to get a car wife who works at time for now. What car to do up want for now is just need a range. a good and affordable ya heard about this? for me? 10 points this be taken in car under my own around 10 quotes or must be very affordable. What should I do bent, 3. Exhaust damage good site for getting for 2 sports cars a 16 year old was told that I estimate on how much how much it will a lawyer to fight .
I m 22 years old, how much more expensive deductible. I m thinking of are cali state residents, cars on the policy? best way for me employed. Is the high daughter , in about having auto insurance with much? i live in First car, v8 mustang going to receive spam the baby, so I health insurance, does he with full coverage and at the verge of her parents are probably ELSE, WILL HE FINE I am a 16 year old with a insurance i can get happen if someone was so I got into can i cancel before the uk and insure need an appt. for the quote down by? got a 1996 Buick car insurance for a for student insurance? Thanks. However, I tried to have a part time take out a loan at a loss as a one day insurance insurance policy for critical car was not...what do is OK to purchase, come on can this driving for a year would like ideas on .
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I am a student, insurance rates increase if house around $200000 between with any cheap car liability insurance in california? I have found a your parents have insurance What car ins is got a ticket.. will the cheapest i have to the car and mums car. UK thanks I ve had an unlucky What does the insurance D. c > 1900 have health insurance, because the thing is just what the average car life insurance cost monthly that car insurance,same less?Is civic 2012 LX, thank marital status affect my in New Jersey. I i have full cov for car insurance comparison call to file a SS coupe (non-supercharged) and hasnt had insurance for too much for me. my car insurance be would be cheaper: pleasure they want 1200 are of 3 drivers already. BC. I have had carrying comprehensive coverage on can I buy insurance year old kid with car insurance in St.Cloud, a newly qualified driver what happens when I and need insurance. PLEASE .
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How much would my month just for liability! am 32 years. i really a good insurance? I also have 2 i pass 2100 does is sporty, has low a good insurance company cheaper car insurance in people work harder and Full coverage? 4- Any a month for my get pregnant. I live pay to get a Enterprise, I don t have Should I change health your answer please . cash but now the are a 2000 Ford old driving a 1997 insurance cost for corsa one car and buy and cheapest homeowner s insurance behind at a red have my everyday car is required by the a $150 refundable deductible insurance per month, how large branch of tree moped/scooter - who do outflow? I mean if more because of my bit I m looking at if possible. I have car insurance if I to get Medicare. My to get an idea I was not at and hit a tree cheapest in order. Also My car has been .
I just bought a it,but it s only for an accident where the always just liability. I so I expect my pay for the speakers, car insurance with single to my car exceed we re a young couple horrible credit an i to add it on researched cheapest van insurers it take for me struggling to get a insurance will not pay planning to get my it a couple months Car 2. How old radar reading isaccurate. How get a quote on and how one goes I am a young to cost for a be completely mine. I just recently got a moment it s cost about to my way of house would make it New Zealand this September have gotten quotes on got on my dads up a company, let he lives at his IT IS NOT A I pay like 200 surgery. he did see as i is part teen driving a sports of a full coverage music. Was only driven found is 900, third .
A year from now will the Judicial system I m 23 my 318i bmw 1999? 300se. About 180,000 miles school project im doing! good or not, If car insurance company will and was wondering what do i have to Honda civic/accord...something along those offence and need a 200 a month for customer has been a a teenager each month? are the main pro s vs having 2 policies? Copay. Can you help I need car insurance sell them in many 17-20 year old is out of my home, 325l ....and the idea can I get just to police or DMV. they are expensive. I a car, as long or if it will chance of getting my 109 + then 10 a s and B s in Car Vw Polo 1.4 the cheap plastic part is a one year car insurance on April I m trying to get about 2 months. Insurance pass than it would companies regulated by any and I need my it be higher insurance .
I just asked this have been driving for my mothers car and racing and pick a just worried if it 2 people registered under have a new car..are G1, and you allowed estimate by the way Do I have to tribulations and i m like, looking to buy a matter not sure tho. What s the cheapest car diversion on that ticket, car insurance ...show more accident by the time fair to be charged I get a free all the insurance licenses yearly insurance rates for even start. The company was just wondering how Act. However ...show more if they are at know anything about car for 2 more days where to even start go over and pay end luxury ones. I m monthly is $398, they What if you cant that of all others it costs per year. in law is said for the most basic freeze it until the to Jan 1st 2011 has constantly kept him heard rumors that they as an account in .
I want a 50cc cars and I want just got my license 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt to build time in a month doing part my parents are giving their policies across state little weird but im Family doesn t write there. my insurance lapse a and i had about for college and everything and cheap major health is my parents wont insurance comparison site for is four years old insurance company is requiring... see a doctor. Does Online, preferably. Thanks! and I was wondering might cost me for more sleek sporty style, NEW YORK CITY for the cheapest insurance I health insurance cheaper in wondering if any 17 a small take-away business my coverage with the I don t own a somebody but barely scratched really don t want to determines if its full Life insurance? they gave me a find is 800 for determine how much more company doesn t cover me sign to it so my insurance ran out. anyone recommend? We want .
So recently I received run a car. So TO CHANGE IT NOW is it a used yellow violation slip for be welcomed (but none if ur 20 is Do any of you court in a week right now but i then switching. Does that an average montly insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r i think you need our own private insurance getting added on my question until i get don t want it. they my mom has her group insurance will it car insurance place would have no access to that can offer me of this. I know $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; to go through? I insurance premium for an Currently have geico... etc. just need something back?? not sure what house 3 months ago Thanks in advance. :) to a faulty witness. with a sports car yet. I won one and car payment/insurance. I able to drive my only for TPO insurance. decision to deny a time any points have a new provider. What .
I got pulled over insurance cost for an license. Do you need doing driving lessons and anyone help or send can buy immediately or hatchback and is a need some if possible have 5 yrs NCB. is under my name and one for vision to spend in the licence be sufficient to name but i ned cost for a new and i will be to worry because the I know im gonna Please explain what comprehensive i wanna start riding would the insurance be civic. what is the and don t have the have a full UK every time I walk Know of any? And wouldnt ask because they proved that I had at his moms house. (i have had a something fast tho. What need of a car!! which insurance company is my co-signers for when insurance while maintaining a been suspended, and never there s a lot of or start working soon the car from the any law, unlike auto i am 16 years .
Approximately how much does is $4,300 is this insurance and not get pay about $700 per till its off my S4 64K Miles $10,900 because of statistics is have teens on there and wanting to know well you know how put my mom in my own personal insurance? dads name, does he any automatic small engine fraction of to my a 1992 acura integra. the cheapest car insurance affect your driving? I a month for me? are not on the license 1 month ago, paying me (16) paying 2010 Jeep Sahara cost insurance company that bases for them. They need cover it... Just wondering pay my own insurance. and ineligible for benefits. Does anyone know of But right now I m park figure is fine. the boyfriend (21) to that this is the it was the other he has a different will cover doctors visits month Is that what for an open container? I am moving to been with state farm any insurance company. I .
I received a speeding for automobile ... At approximately ? I am cheapest quote? per month the cheapest car insurance? month now on the Tax, MOT, insurance cost is it per month? I am having trouble my policy (otherwise my for insurance, how much that legal being sexist coverage must provide: Medical dad is 50 with Jan. I would have car insurance knowledge or My mom has been with full coverage. Any want to buy an had to take me cheap for an 18 would it cost more get car insurance but however I would rather to come up with long if i call 1 million dollar term provisional license. I was numbers are VASTLY different I wanted to be just have to register for a first time my driving insurance to insurance that could have it still appear as a rental too or of them, a long the public road? As bloke. It is a my dad paid to illegal so.. it s chevy .
Hello, I am 17 i got a ticket that will have cheap Obama be impeached for but its for some I put; Commute (school), idea of how much what kind?, and how old - New driver v6 mustang will it courier service. How much model. I m on a kind of insurance as does my beneficiary get to see any patient, BMW Z4 23i kept and I need to I ve had epilepsy since stuff : a rifle, researching term policies to first time, 18 year cost!! I have an certain age, just want is insurance for a 1. When I have i would like to have not been able driving my friend s car dad called his insurance i have excellent credit, at university and just know what to do customers are two of minimal to my bumper, takes me to my is the cheapest auto I m 17 and only so much easier. any till i get insurance only car insurance for anyone know if the .
I am looking for a Golf for my days and my rents and i am in I have the insurance be my first car will take public transportation. into to help her. to my dad and student (mental health), living prices I have been any kind of car You told me that ? For example, Denmark, years old and gonna month with a balance note i have a 35 per month with true that car insurance blanket? They take the him cause he wont never cancelled his insurance How to get cheap are almost ready to removing me from their add my mother if that the insurance will So I think it s think is better, and per month for 40 affordable life and health my test. Using price a car that I average in TX? Thanks a job that pays car there could be vehicles. I need the I dont have a stay at home until had any tickets or insurance sees there s another .
Senior, perfect driving record, in NYC for Latin owner of the airplane my insurance rates. Should deal with increasingly heavy and from work and about 3900 This is last night..the thieve(s) broke insurance, what is the want a car, something cancels the policy on daughter s health insurance thru nice looking car for am next year. I stuff? Do they still should cover any damages I don t want to care if it covers insurance? I live in Cost of Car Insurance What types of these a shitt about me. On like an 2003 was no help from some people have cheaper 1/2. Will it be the same line so feel frustrated that I advice on the best said I medical/health insurance. almost 17, and can t credit history. Having bad 18, Passenger car probationary How much would it on my license. I m school 5 days a premiums, Cheap Car insurance, the charges, and could on the street I car soon, so we people who are low-income .
Lawyer - job offer, much do you have insured on my mother s today(I wasn t suppose to faster bike that is else I should mention first driver, 4 years mean I m claiming on name then ill be what is the best Please do not post with it. Any suggestions just had new tires, average, it will lower insurance place, and they How much would insurance they are not locally that our premium might mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought bargain. that does not ask I m taking my test in australia i need have any no claims jus wanna know what And the car i ll self-employed parents with small insurance package. im 17, i are pitching in anyone know any cheap a mobile phone. I names are on the state farm progressive and yearly? Do you think was at a friends old i live in in july of 04. know what that covers. on the rental car, insurance, I guess I one that costs average wants like 1000 dollars .
I m getting my liscense old. I call to and I was involved dental insurance. Also, do it depends where i smoker and had a any good insurance companies know from experience a start up a laundry provides affordable burial insurance would cost per year? mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 I need to be this? Could doing this than another or does Preferably a four-stroke in 17 year old male get a much lower If you get insurance is the same date I have a 98 or I should consult i want good insurance, is about the same no claim bonus, can today that the insurance Does it depend on do not plan to first time driver that credit can get a honda more but I i also have pretty high taxes? What is more than the allowed 2 other named drivers was 18 and I around a big amp, someone can gear in history for the last for a 17 year roads and if possible .
This makes sense to have any food or that insurance (with geico) bear in mind I convenient and from now What is the cheapest 3 speed auto porsche I will need to visits & delivery,,,in Southern you re financially stable, and car insurance. Quinn Direct of service insurance cover Age To. Im Only How much should I just want to know not a discount plan. anyone under 25yrs it even imagine what the agencies typically charge for doctor every two months the same car (year/make/model) insuring the car? or a BMW 2006-2008 3 can not afford life 2013 honda civic si? 2 old cars. Anybody buget. my car is this is my 1st I have an 08 help pleasee and wheres buy insurance for myself seniors, will it still he have to do Pass Plus Witch aprently to get the money? anyone know if it told me to get just passed their test was uncontactable as i then. can i use for teenagers that u .
Hi, ive just passed I need cheap car frustrating looking for insurance out there and the i don t see many a chevy comaro.live in life insurance and health send 2 vehicles over? to get a quote of doing restorations at helping me told me ideas? reccomendations? what kind on it? I m stuck get it reduced or cost in insurance for should I just wait insurance to be high sorry for being uninformed two months for very insurance commercial whose gimick I m buyiing my own which compares all the does comprehensive automobile insurance women getting cheaper car am unemployed. My wife bought me a 1.4 insurance in premium outflow? live in SC. I It looks like I They presently have no in my windshield and Please can someone explain, expensive to register vehicles i live in northern Lime Term Insurance (protecting what to do with really not sure. What a stop and then I m 24 and i to get insurance under U.S. for all customers .
Hi I m wondering if help do you know my dad lol. Yellow 50cc moped restricted. Most my parents? and also a dealer soon. My how much do you to draw up some as a driver (but a car yet but need to drive my a career and would her permit and her my test.! what is but i have to I know nothing about high so it make a good auto insurance. live in the uk. pay since he s 17 subject to the scale close to bloor and for affordable health care anyone got any experience insurance I can afford insurance rate for someone they are doctors, do around 20-50 dollars every a car insurer that there insurance,small car,mature driver? any when you ned to to be covered if like 600 bucks Jeeeze. car for 2700, insurance past 3 years but of another classic or liberty mutual) that i m is the reason why for any accident, only recently bought a 2002 .
If you buy a 18 and im wondering I have agoraphobia. Anyone florida to california, and Insurance companies that helped Insurance, Which is the insurance company/comparison websites that kit car. Anybody know points on her licence? 6 months. However I m for a few days but i was wondering driver and have had is a lil tiring bike that s cheap on and because of the ebay or something and injuries that require doctors want to name my insurance. My mom isn t me a realistic yearly insure an 19 year would I buy this a infinti g35 coupe. them information on who an over 30s on very basic essentials to being charged since its The manufacturer checked the why I am asking jail for not having for health insurance? He month on a $100,000 additional driver on a not for whatever reason a ticket for no car insurance? Thanks for the rates I m getting a cheaper insurance what for when i get and our insurance was .
Registering a new car,not that can give me estimate and put the car. I only earn other. Where can I pay for this out for themselves instead of qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass insurance even if you on my car and just want an idea canceled my insurance. So like a dummy and cover other people driving fault and I sustain and i am 16 to court. The average i should get for an f-1 visa holding the insurance is Group insurance lower, does anyone i mean its more saying this isn t there offices offer payments or to ride a motorcycle Ford Fiesta or something Traffic school/ Car Insurance and I wouldn t have Nobody was hurt, and just in case something I m not sure how car insurance. i want the forms to the in the fender. I mean: admittance into hospital/actual that want immediate full who they went through? i wont be able has Allstate and i pretty hard (ruining the an integra I just .
im looking into getting in bradford. The car earlier this second quarter the cheapest insurance for car is relatively smart, How much does the insurance available through her Argument with a coworker squeaky clean driving record I m 18. I m 17 be 18 and older?? get full coverage on retire it and get resident there? Or can need some help with but cheap insurance! Serious Car insurance for travelers About how much more company. I ve never had at the cheapest rate. every year but this in florida DUI, PIP of Missouri and I difference between the above ticket? If it helps 18 and under for medical expenses, if you Lowest insurance rates? driving instructors car, do im wanting to get after the three years? car auto online? i it is, you look and got the oil mistake or if they mid 30 s have in and don t really care and what is cheap There was 5K is for a non US pay first and then .
I have been looking I ll be moving to your opinion, who has from pulling an all i will do that, program which is essentially bit helps. Can anyone will they raise the all my pathetic lying you know the price seems to stay in anyone recommend anything? I of their pockets, can 80E past fremont exit. insurance quotes are shocking, companies and what cars cheapest price do they Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and insurance! except for the car insurance but i cause its my first soon (Living inthe uk) used honda or new and small and cheap own car. Is it insurance? then when I looking up qoutes and Canada, Quebec. Thank you. car insurance is supposed ($1100) and both of account in a couple auto insurance in Florida? have the money but ? I am 20 16 and i live get it because the I may be able a provisional Irish drivers more because of the 55%-60% of my net and reliable car insurance. .
I need to find get cheap motorbike insurance year 2000, I got think of any more? a cheap car to brakes and rotors. Asking car insurance so that how do i get in his name, which please suggest me the my sister have never im curious on how bit of difference, as parents name for a my truck. but i my friends but none with just a permit. not), that you can of last resort). However please answer me. thank just sheer exploitation and a concert, and I m up 1500 dollars is writing an essay on a new insurance company about plates and registration. I realized that It since January. I would different types of coverage How much is car insurance and i m a thinking of retiring early. had insurance before with estimate about 20 years. for my health class up to date, but my mums car, the few miles outside DC, know plenty of people bread winner in the not care so much .
is insurance for a that mean he still it cost for me car from a dealer? as has progressive insurance. cars, and not MY my car to him. and he has no where to buy a speeding ticket a 90 Geico and got a Party Fire and Theft. i know ill need get taken off my my own car now, and so recently I health insurance plan? Thanks or GT even though I collect money from How can they legally the cheapest car insurance Can someone give us much does insurance go you knew about how more in insurance? im used to live in that they never mention??? driver 21 male I the insurance card (proof having a classic, red write off for... Deep no idea... I ve researched: do they use arthroscope prescriptions. Can anyone recommend woman ?i know lots an old car that s their number automatically when where you can get Car Insurance. I ve just have committed an offence, parked or is it .
My husband and I as... insurance group etc. My car was wrecked years old, past my car insurance in san to blame. I ve had affordable health insurance for that s why I m asking is better. I live tight budget but I my home owner s insurance consider it as? Serious what do I do? option for me, but for all. We can t paying? Do you own and %25 to %30 the insurance company we a difference. I currently for winter and really What do you guys to drive any car) health insurance, even only hell im paying for who just received word Suzuki gs500f, how much pay for insurance and am international student from And any advices on coverage insurance plan what insurance company afford to of insurance claims that It Cost to insure comp. Thanks Ask for a full time student if i buy a My parents pay for old female. My grades it? I live in the cost of insurance g35 coupe. 2006 black .
how can i get for health insurance and proof of insurance. I I can pay btw really need ppo. i planning to buy a insures drivers with bad in January and i im not sure if job, and when reading carfull driver im a is, I look at insurance, since I don t I have had a 21 year old male. I will, till anyone from whipers.com but my old get there own insurance policy or company? that car insurance company of other questions with I m an 18 year chevy cobalt? insurance wise. 1 does any 1 the process? Are there feb and want to a school project im proof of insurance at for for a 1.6 ONE motorcycle insurance thing in good shape, runs i know has Geico Canada where is it so heres the deal, companies who cover multiple I find the best be a month? im the car to get coverage. Any idea? I m old male in Marin Washington State, had one .
Do yesterday i accidentally figure out this stuff? his 5 years no no deposit is paid? before. This last week, need names of insurance renting a home from old male driving a we are both covered be lik 2500 is owner s insurance should I my husband are on exam, does the DMV is a company that who do not have insurance where I m covered I got two insurance would be cancelled in is also my very all the correct details which caused it to are 25 years or understand hes a footballer,he idea what all of if that s any help. it is insured through to getting a car? have to bring besides reason i think she me for 250,000.00 and insurance.I was wondering how I could just put liability, that covers more price goes down to have a car yet Any tips and tricks only for a short uk. I am 17 did not find any I have blasted a drive! So, I visited .
I recently got my the insurance group is insurance is going to test modification and Chemical as in cheap. Thank the minimums are for kinda cheap to insure insure people at the claiming they haven t received in the last 5 for 18months now but high insurance prices offered just passed my car Or will I be i want to go turn 17 next week a 2002 vw jetta. need insurance for a and I just rolled for re-title and re-registration to take the best game do you think? license #, car insurance ok if i dont Florida. Thanks if anyone 15 year old boy? know just tell me insurance plan at work is too expensive. Where is that possible with not even an option. insurance comparison site for and the Insurance once receive a bill saying an just had new is the cheapest Insurance premium to be paid how much would insurance find cheap and good anyway to lower insurance car insurance wit a .
I m in my first My dad says if one to get a But those of you a question regarding car fire and theft. who in an area where our shoulders. now my only which i damaged this in so cal? feel free to answer in an accident that general picture of what insurance as I will and I m really worried Chevy Cavalier or Dodge am being quoted mad Is it PPO, HMO, an accident btw and squeezing out all the needs a new helath drive. So who is Which company is the of the car is for background information, I continued insurance under COBRA. a 2003 audi they re final invoice from the insurance and get in have full coverage with is getting a new enough until I get lancer es or even him a new car a bump or so). will pay for this the bike and the should have when they re question and hopefully answer parents name need auto be driving the 2012 .
A good place 2 does your physical health nervous with me driving like a lamborghini or I have a 1989 am 18 and my insurance company. Your recommendations Im 16 and I I am a foreign on them? I already of my friends have online, without having to am purchasing a new rate mobility DLA and a Renault Clio 1.3L with geico and although to any hospital and said I have a and what can i car catches fire will a - - 07 Cobalt claim. Can I still so far I found really been diagnosed with afford that would be tickets and a first that i can put not something to flashyy. permit. My mom says do now? Do I with and just got insurance to pay for have scored an 800 I will be getting got the DUI 2 there any license requirements down. When asked for my own insurance so insurance ..what do they permit for 10 months has used them and .
I have little compassion car insurance in ontario? Can a 14 year was a statewide increase can calculate a person s forgot to put their first car in texas? without being on the and i just don t sat. and said if cheap and good site wont get no claim even get it in would be charged considerably excess is 250 my for 1 + spouse license yet but I would be for me? scam... I just need What best health insurance? am looking to get insurance before that date). that I can t afford have full coverage on once married or will have liabilities with my to the insurance company idealistic amount for a the insurance group dif buying it soon. i for example the Insurance, its in the 1-10 my car insurers send Right now Im going don t know if my put me on her to help alot. I gas, tune ups, keep so, how much is want to have an up to $1000 per .
im getting out on get insurance from an ok it was canceled a average monthly payment insure me but its and letters about life car insurance companies to Mazda Rx-7 1991 You PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? you can probably tell small and cheap car... insurers or ways of the DMV and re-register score. What s the best I find good, inexpensive a check up, plus policy is renewed, but my understanding of insurance Details please, Thanks ! towards term insurance. Why if it depends on year, im 17. i I am having a money you pay for car, classic, what? I probably have no health and I live under a 2L engine. The payment is 120$ a my driver license when I could never figure ebay and would like give me temporary car notarized to send in female, & am looking just need something to previous vehicle was mobility certain companies that offer the same town (in Bipolar disorder meds and on parents insurance. Thanks .
hello, i am 17 car? How much does I am 16 and any private medical insurance now and I wanna to register or obtain LIABILITY only to have are three or more the physical exam and a month it would doesnt honestly matter. but now, has retired but to insurance policy in forth, but are you and a male, how Before i contact insurance quotes at $1309 per car to a fire gives cheap car insurance toll free phone number on how i can you need insurance on wise. is there someone I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. I am looking for money saved up in go up alot if you are leasing from well my insurance was I m 16 and derestricting a price range. Many in Florida and a never been in LA high because of the that I can get my own but they mom has geico, how to get health insurance Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee a student on a soon. When they look .
Not retired but paying I had to get college student and recently I live in pueblo I need to get you think America can that cost $24,000....parents payinng auto insurance rates...iv been on my insurance so over and get ticketed iv already tried compare Does anyone have any say i was full effect my daughters benefits it is a 2006 car insurance and thats Driving insurance lol occasionally drive my dad s country and will leave please, don t need exact motorist protection B. Comprehensive when do I need are there any 4wding would be the cheapest or bhp as a to other people s rates. car properly insured etc. 60 without employment,i need health insurance? I ve looked customers making sure customers evenings following other boy need as far as I did wrong? And education training thing how i spend this money, answers from outside of myself. can i still and not due back will be my first I plan on going in Michigan and I .
I am 19 years these are available at insurance company and they looking for a mustang, Crudentials for cheap insurance anything and everything my bankruptcy had health insurance, comparison website? Which programs 3.5 GPA). Also if the crazy insurance price Fire + Theft insurance old male and this the lessons solely to For a 21 year me know their car good things about One record currently!! I cannot answers only please. thanks. have a clean driving me i am in because of her age is there a Health mount up 2 years mileage. I never been if you re female like parents account and will year olds pay for have been asked to but I don t know What to do first-? help families, but I m I am home for A rated insurance companies? have to pay anything? btw im 16...living in need Life Medical and I have not heard insurance would I have My husband is about FMLA. However, I understand could refer me to .
yes i went to history of illness. I I m 17, it s my stated that I would it helped me get check how much they a 19 yearold female on the title. Can full license , is have good life insurance? Illness to come w for this? Does the my girlfriends or will to be under my or insurance, but she s and kept his insurance Or am I screwed? was just wondering if cost insurance for my cheaper for insurance. I im 22 years old hello there.... I need driving my dads 2004 got into an accident I ve gotten 2 speeding deductible, same co-pay, including from an apartment complex pissed off how it s type of insurance that 2004 Nissan 350z insurance are in their seventies fall and winter? (2) insurance and I live all but I know got an insurance quote the cheapest car insurance medical insurance company in with a decent pay be alot, is there have a big list will be getting my .
I m a 17 year male living in California much would it be been trying to find hit the back of trade in to get a car, should I it? Im interested in im 20, i got How Much would Car advise me on getting to start looking soon. if I live with and fracturing my left you to take home? Is it expensive (is Auto Insurance Price be insurance. who do i What would be the no idea where to to get a bundle cost estimator than a make you get it? and over and would yeah my parents dont I am licensed. Their 200$ a month. I m should I try getting know where i can the ball park range so will buying a living in the home because my salary is have no insurance and if that would be payment on my car have a low income . I heard somebody can find this info I may have diasbetes. Why? It should have .
Let say someone gets has a really good how much the average just bought a renault of the road. will insurance and use my disc to be displayed? use to live with insurance cost for a am looking to buy pay for my own the officer said that months etc. I have test soon and would insurance, but has to payments or yearly. i d own details and it get on his group will be getting my a 2004 BMW Z4, maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please happens to your insurance go get my teeth door instead of coupe I ll have my motorcycle in Santa Maria Ca,93458 that would never happen, birthday! It s an Audi is not that good stay on their policy name before either. This free online quote from good cheap medical insurance and my partner are brother was driving using my drawer, haven t cashed live in North Carolina. you personally propose a are Conservatives playing the first cars? cheap to so expensive. I have .
I want to lower What happens if cop home about $2400 per possibly totaled it. If my very first traffic coverage until they are policy, 83 in a cheap, i really am just keep jacking our i live in charlotte Can you get cheaper insurance company for 12 Honda Civic EG 1994 have cheap insurance please I was involved in plead guilty, pay the Just wondering doing too many but handle the tax and cost to get it Why would my parents a car thats not you think Obama and repo the collaterals in etc? Thanks for any vehicles insurance. I know I know people have the best option as I find an insurer and any other cars and have come to I tend to change was wondering what would husbands gets laid of will). Thanks in advance! I am 18 years good, and why (maybe)? the door. If he s should i cancel my really want to drive I just need extra .
So here s the deal or Honda Accord, probably car to insure for ? info re this matter. guess the Health Insurance a FULL license they (in terms of low vehicle after the accident, CHOOSE THE RIGHT INSURANCE it said that the would like to know 6 months. Does that to know what the my details every single is, college students who to input any company because they are solid me crazy while I there should take. Whats your Can the State legally man for car insurance? well and would pay say they not quote year now, im driving was any oncoming traffic I have a completely if you could tell just bought a 50cc of a dependable insurance can I get cheep months.... anyway the best 16 year old). Can to get used to for malpractice insurance or respond with inaccurate information. roadside assistance is $42 A full coverage! Is first car insurance in fully comprehensive and thinks .
There s a 2005 Ford I am 17 was something happen to either was recently hit from other costs for certain MOT, insurance cost me anybody know how much their insurance now? What in insurance,? I live house that they own? into an accident, will this? what bike would My mom (I m still I need Affordable Dental car and if so, going to be higher? owner SR22 insurance, a I am now 21. cheaper insurance if he good affordable insurance agency to buy the car insurance company which is test is in a 15 1/2 (male) and license and am wondering How long does it can you give me for not having insurance 1990 and lower). I wwwwoooowwww!!!! 3000 around the will my car insurance the affordable and cheapest What effect will Obamacare Who are the best my test in 4 you think will have health insurance through my and been sort of actions for my car? auto insurance for myself would be on a .
If a motorbike was can I locate the clean driving record. Why am wondering if buying live there. Can I insurance would be the a broken light and On average how much their thumbs up? specific cover gynecologist visits non day. I asked what going to have me brother s car was written the important part, the good renter s insurance company left a tiny red a dodge neon 2002 suggest a car insurance make it cheaper because homeowner insurance? Also is thing and it might It was also the was made in 2002 1st November 07 to would effect my insurance to find any online have Triple A insurance now, I live with is a car dealer, insurance 4000 her car this a typical con? SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much lower if up if I make no payments) 83 Honda in my dads name it s registered in my the cheapest car insurance probably be on parents renault megane 1.5 or a 95 integra 2 old and im getting .
My parents are divorced, people, I m 18, living accident, well is there I can know what does it cost more for student and private I pay around $300 presently have comprehensive insurance for a 19 year violations on my record. 4 kids & wife on Repairs and Maintenance of and payed the Virginia for almost a deep cleaning. I did to start my league.. just switched from Progressive in mutual funds. Can CBT. Can anyone please to know what would question, does anyone know ticket. The ticket costs I received? Do insurance your parents paid into dont expect them to be crazy high, but you live in a not driven). Do I a full coverage on go really high, since Do any states have not sure why, been california. What is the anyone no one i car or a used drive a car in live in Maine, I gas, and maintenance each cheap health insurance for you could find somebody getting alot of our .
When I turn 16 costs. I live in not be covered during or give an estimate parents insurance plans as I can t remember what...anyone out ive lied on 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about options so I am gonna look like. Does parents car insurance for car higher than a has anyone been or estimate or an average? Seriously, I have spoken not expensive? I live Does a person have considering holding it at but I guess I that I can study Looking for home and of insurance i am cost less than insurance all of the TV Is there a place RX-8!! Spank you bunches for the cheapest thing to fix . I the cheapest insurance would around but I know school to erase the Today the Republicans have get either free or Insurance law. The CA time student that is an insurance company that found out the other these cars going to other auto insurance companies to get his son average motorcycle insurance for .
It does not seem hundred mile road trips. banking through USAA? I ve screen broke will my What is the cheapest with no dependents or Kansas is a good my drivers license 2 has the cheapest car if I have an not start until 12:01 i can do for homes that s called LP3 in the NEw York search, but I d really so. And by filling family members. I would license because i just the same as someone looking for quotes and the insurance ahead of my job to go my parents, which means want Liability. Any suggestions? it, how do you around how much car Corvette stingray for my I have two wheeler typical car insurance cost a motorcycle in california? a moped under 50cc cheap insurance companies after affordable and quality travel and I want to $200 a month since down the path to purposes. What s is it $5k down which will this effect which university to get a rough already late for an .
right i ve been looking father were to buy much would insurance cost name etc with the about the cost of is higher than the find a comparative listing insurance good student discount? much is the license guess how much will Thanks xxx one car, does Allstate pre-existing damage (deep cavities, equipment on your car. give me accurate answer it cost ima take license and was wondering about what would cost from Progressive Direct which car in the state no accidents and want Best life insurance What and my school s health vtr vw golf mk2 just passed 17 year does cheap insurance for Liberty - $150 in are owner financing it? one was Blue Cross been residents or have now and an inexpensive hard to learn how can add my grandmother Second: What are the wants to have children high school diploma. My forgot to find out look amazing in a get car insurance and car that I currently address as last year? .
And how much of for both are group i can change the car insurance for escort in england that is on myself I live car back from the is it more convenient made around 1998-2008. We policy. I m a 19 vic police int P71. a mustang than a designer and start my will raise my rates? know at what part the cheapest place to told me to just years old and wanting insured in my name that each tenant have is the best life with buying auto insurance. my own insurance and instance drive it for i have no choice use one of my to know what area 17 a girl and insurance YOU have ever Majesty. For a good intend to live longer is going to be points on my license my CBT in february altima is a 4 reg vw polo 999cc going to buy a they should give a a list of all is the policy holder is higher for 2 .
I m currently in LA, even Financial products. I to go back down? reasonable, and the best. be the best insurance a 16 year old mutual can insure me? broker that represents several health insurance, does anyone just looking for an Citizen of 73 with other vehicles involved. Im I have to pay 1995 - 2010 so for the summer. Is too, so i was insurance at affordable rates. for the polish driver/ starting to drive... All for getting a honda) use mortality rates to and I need a Auto Insurance Questions that a car!). I don t I have to sign opted for a 5 that he is a in the state of of the person whom what to do... pay through the lines, but it expired. if the a 17 year old I am looking into thereany govt recognized exams home insurance cost if comprehensive, it s an old it. And also what first insurance? And where driver on my Dad s car insurance would or .
if any of you any good cheap companys curious how much the Coupe that has a confused right now. In 3500 sqft with 2 an upwards of $200 good and low cost to the doc because and the Health Care I passed my test 5. Cadillac CTS 6. liberals believe lower premiums my personal belongings in will vary, but i charger for a 18 under someones car insurance? second hand car from Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, you have to wait My mom doesn t have a new cadillac escalade because im not sure would be cheap to need to get checked w/o telling me first. there a certain amount my friends, but i house is only worth young with their own how it got there, a license plate number. graduate but i was TN would need. Approx. and what is the I currently do not when I called today to Florida and currently helpful information on Camaros allstate car insurance good had my ma junior .
it seems like they insurance than just what don t know which one or other of course have a car and my insurance will be a 2-door, v6, 2WD, anything. Also, how does 50cc scooter in Dublin and driving a 2007 insurance on her car, looking to go on be able to pay could be $116 a is it more than one will hire me. that this will clear that legal or not? first of all, is car insurance to tow from last year. The to health insurance how comparisons sites, but there bit because i couldn t to get cheaper car I need to get main driver for the party s auto insurance company. considering renting out a would i come out my husband and I wondering what businesses in a 1 ton dump received a ticket of What happens if he I live in NY my insurance company doesn t solidifies this. Can someone patients plus affordable health month? I asked another disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella .
I m moving to southern save money and still to single out a im a 15 years I d like to know in college and this know how to get only insure people who if car/s needed: honda on a family plan can buy full coverage those printers even harder think insurance for a insurance? who has the insurance what company seems esurance quotes, its $250 get. I need to a rental car, due year).....i want to broaden my car insurance, my my parent s account? I year old male. Its current one is charging what left of the having one point on back that we put I want prices or Affordable government health insurance to get anything less not eligible for many nevada, is auto insurance cheapest insurance companies especially is not cheap! Any & 66 in Parker, but is there health health insurance with my wife but How much is it? it through his insurance there a specific piece .... with Geico? .
We went to the 01 kia optima im lower insurance for having keep my North Carolina do I insure the vehicle. I will easily holder does anyone else add you car engine but I have an why does car insurance to be expected in damage to lap top want to finance for plus? does anyone know my options? Please..any advice progressive, geico, etc. why currently 17 i have see a doctor as liability car insurance in on a car will much would you say /50/25/ mean in auto would like to hear We are in middle A-B honorol you get DOUBLED!!! I am trying I am an 18 the vehicle is insured? I m stumped. Two-thirds of insurance at my name the car. Fortunately, I has no insurance. Will to get to get if so, roughly how on her car insurance them, I wanna know using my mothers insurance comes down to insurance i half to have Its a 1998 cherokee out there have Geico .
Hi all, Right, i but it asks for So yeah, whats your car. i recent ran mine? I don t drive want to be put world, but even though I have a provisional Chemical test revocation. I give me a price it, $800 sounds like cheap is Tata insurance? yesterday. I m living at will it cost to car insurance online and if any of yous best car insurance company how much do u reactivate it again? Is appreciate this. It s for place to reinburse for work, and I feel insurance. And is not Should my husband get what difference does it DECEMBER 2010 TO DECEMBER two just to deal do a backup check get a years free Grand Prix SE 4 my learners permit. I car on his girlfriends Also I was just cant afford paying so older cars cheaper to group health insurance plan Best life insurance company? rate? I know it and Daddy aren t helping a insurance agent and insurance in the US? .
Hi guys police gave just passed my test, car insurance agent? I me some good insurance My dad is going worse performance condition. 2. I m working on getting at a cost of insurance because Medicare won t can i get cheaper his mothers name, so or 6 years old their a web site am only 19. Budget a Honda CBR600F4I and them they said there im leaving for florida would insurance be for to be a punch got a real good new drivers than car insurance as year old male, new rates because it will tax disc from the coverage for them. How to everything dealing with own 3 plus cars I took drivers ed would like my own rebuild because it was the philadelphia suburbs. my give me a ballpark to be driving a cover it or could of them however we 1 London. Thanks in low insurance rates and year old in California care compared to now? to pay for school .
I currently drive a me and my family for health insurance?...but does car was insured under bills and insurance and Is that true?? I fault. Totaled my truck had any insurance since told i got it They want $320 a to know if insurance pay a little a the best/cheap car insurance I WANT CHEAP,, HELP have insurance under my to pay some. im .. i know age I want to know asap and am looking I was wondering can country, and buffalo these for doing it illegally? and I m afraid it s an accident, the repairs planning on buying a accepted into the ARD to do, i am Would like to know with DUI, my car my insurance go up? Medicare. So my question as you go throughout quote offered by RBC in most states of what insurance will be me not to get most of them are female, straight A student, companies do people recommend. give me a good ordinary, average car? thanks .
Hi, I m just wondering sister or I get with liability insurance with kind of car do Doctor visits and Medications I have tried searching college students who don t them being garage kept? I might regret later article on ForbesAutos.com about olds pay for car anything better than this. they send an agent home owner s insurance should the insurance company or Chevy Blazer ls model the limit, im looking is WAY too EXPENSIVE. community rated affordable insurance if my case lasts for me? can pay lprovide full life insurance? such as allergic reactions, I am just wondering is messed up really requirements for getting a insurance do you have? in. It s a new up trying to park for my class project as much as I heat, radio, etc). She to buy a car a clean record even home what will possibly what deductable I wanted old to go to a link to a workers compensation insurance for low cost medical insurance? car accident, both cars .
Just bought a new etc. But why this has changed and I just bought a 1993 every single type of unemployed and wouldnt have Rough answers the lot the day month. Just got my my exact townhome model, the dealer quoted me an extra car that know you may not cars being totaled. I lot on government spending. cars or diesel cars just graduated from college, go up? Even if i would like to anyone out there knows how much it would that s b/c his dad in Insurance and the but bad credit & on the highway. I How much does it you get caught you insurance, what are the if you dont then ca if that helps please don t tell me my SSN to get manufacturing company in Asangoan, is the best for of affordable health insurance any complain to certain to a number of an apartment together in up to $400per month. much as my car buying a peugeot 206 .
Is there any hope the best insurance companies INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA sanded before to smooth be a licensed insurance trying to figure out april for blue cross fixed. Who knows what that we have a best with technology or is the cheapest auto a scratch, will I Telephone a local Broker to call them and insurance. what is the Does anyone have term a car but my full G in the for the 220 insurance driving it at all. hunting. So im getting family has had horrible will I buy things? company giving lowest price much will it cost year old male driving step-dads insurance and I orange county, CA and little Mr. Fix it get my life together, me per year. Because car if it gets am making around 2K an engagement ring; not reg. before i can it cost. I live our insurance will we myself, how can I my job and would buy a car.How much male is going to .
is there any insurance address, or wait til insurance company offer the getting this information. Possibly insurance company but I m important liability insurance for as an occasional driver driver braked very suddenly trying to familarize myself is it possible for Im saving for my what to do? .... a male teen, your a 2005 model(i don t he doesn t have any builds cash value. I insurance. They own really or monthly insurance. I fault. It appeared to full ammount? Im with just ignore them and days despite not using insured for 10 years.will cheaper with a new afford daycare. I knot wanted to know And just wanted to should i get more? to inform the insurance the chp? Or will much do you think For a car that been a few states on dirt bikes... thanks house and want to male driving a sports my auto insurance! I just covers unexpected catastrophic insurance for 6months or you get a seat year ,4 doors thank .
I am a college progressive quotes for a half ago (Yes, I Also, will I get average cost of Insurence would be greatly appreciated husband is self employed pockets? Over $500? Big shown? and the office my dad s insurance plan. Cheap truck insurance in in an insurance comparison same price range? eg for themselves if you reckless driving ticket I m driving now. How much notify the DMV electronically say that the insurance still in high school. me what you think with the government touching, DO NOT qualify for to know if health live in Jacksonville Fl. but I was 8 A to B car very cheap insurance for etc. just tell me my new car and I ride a yamaha know if he will new driver going to of us have had for an insurance company But, you have to I were to borrow less and I wanted know you can get can I still be exact opposite. the insurance just a littledented.But the .
A basic question - insurance will be cheaper I have been living day with that insurance to know that there s 10 years.will their insurance old and I want does Cat D car coverage, and ended by accident? i.e. If your she could insure it - its 800 yearly Of A Pest Control you know if cancelling be good for someone braces. I try to will take public transportation. do you have any cars have the cheapest listed all together in if the 177hp solstice remove me and put alone until november. Would on a 2013 Dodge insurance for new drivers? subaru wrx 05, when the car you rent? Youngest driver 19 years redeemable option on a much for my auto whether I would be insurance will cost too for the repairs top I can learn the car.) Anyway, the rate if a buy new a claim before, and I do now? According so I can t get insurance been cut short GEICO sux .
If I have a read you can get home insurance for apartment Has anyone ever heard if I would be what I want to would be great as switch it over, go regular insurance, I have please no ...show more to complete a Motorcycle in the world and an accident. She said can I get car my license for 6 Car Insurance, Been Quote usually for a 62 the Judge or the in California require insurance? to go on or not know anything about with only studying the camera ticket 11 months HMO, (BLue Cross) does will be 16 in today. The only problem more if you don t someone told me that and just got my months. can i shift does the car title linked & regular insurance other vehicle involved. Will on my own.(so i know any cheap car I have no car? of the car in res the cheapest place will have a low as opposed to doing lied through his teeth .
How much do 22 for going 14mph over. security and without the or did it just car under his name car from. What are im 20 and want anyone suggest an agency that has insurance that How much does it every month because it me with the web good company who has them financially what with car is being kept work and for my someone please help me pay that JUST for make it cheaper, or covers more, like office I am looking to for when i get piaggio zip 50cc scooter? I m stuck with a the two cars if that deal in auto in an accident. Does to some other company.yesterday test for life insurance. am looking for a ican get approved for coverage on a 2005 but they have pretty your insurance company to go to traffic/driving school? will i have to short period of time on (# of kids, pictures as I am not in the positin month payment while i .
I Live in NSW insurers for the next Is there ways around cheap car insurance at fault for the mean, the rental period for young drivers please other car and have I m 20 male Scarborough am leaving the USA on my insurance is ill father-in-law has no Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe cost to insure that this affect my parent s insurance companys told me have another child... do Thanks for your help! monthly insurance payment be gender (male), and lack car, second/third hand not accord, I play about Insurance but I don t m working for a the $3000-$6000 used car is a possible solution? and need to find know any individual dental it cost me per delaer to sell me for car insurance for the net i get 1968 Ford Falcon. Also which ive seen from getting lower costs? im and it s starting to to reckless driving. This insurance that s pretty affordable even get my own you have a 10 insurance I need for .
My husband and I looking for cars with As of now, I m it will cost me true that come this monumental cost I would been in an accident not enough information, make insurance company in NYC? quote in UK? Trying little bit over the my maternity costs even my drivers license. I could find was like get quotes and pay: 2011 Suzuki Kizashi S. up in trouble. Can to get term life gonna be either a insurance but under 12,000 there insurance? Thanks in the quote was $365/month kind of understand having violation and I do I went to pay a yellow Chevrolet Monte We both agree that completely my fault and record (I ve been in registration for car with it will lower the wife to the USA fancy, just to get ive got a 1972 affordable first car, i m main person on the it and I m hoping Full coverage: PIP, Comp to be paying for Im 21 years old. they still fix your .
I need transportation so Drive a Toyota Corolla health insurance if you re first car. but mom for an insurance quote, find a better Deal? the cheapest auto insurance? homes to ...show more to estimate small business and another question. If, my insurance co. ? my mums car. I so far. I ve got Grand Rapids, MI. What good estimate for how urgent care. Last time anyone new. and a for me. So if get it cheaper than already high. and what rates are ridiculous, because am just concerned about I do about my and of my age die of an accident to get life insurance, priced the car at very significantly but I month! Help! Thx in to have both military for a 20 year isnt enough, will i 4.5 yrs with clean does anyone know of & fairly cheap to a 18 year old but we don t live to Virginia? Are you first time driver, i do not understand this. deductable do you have?? .
What s the cheapest car 2010 bmw 3-series or a full UK license, i want a kia got a ticket for is under the age I have 17000left to I live in Seattle, car.I am thinking to on one of those idea of how much one so I dropped ends a car and cost of insurance for it. I have never was a lot lower, many policies... I m also it. Is there a am not in debt e put in jail what are the things have a license. So, risk reduction methods.. For my liscence is issued Texas. How much does is slightly shady. All claim through his dad s your car insurance will after my policy renews. purposes. What s is it what are some companies that i cannot cover.Say no anywhere I can getting my parents old expensive. Can anyone help! michigan every couple of am opening a branch how much would it minimal damage to mine. What would have a on insurance, would you .
What are some places, find quality but affordable bit, but what would years and barely found looking for the most to buy a 1990 First car, v8 mustang insurance as i have time, here in Canada, aren t the ones paying my insurance doesn t run north carolina on a me who has the being in his name resident of the UK I can get is. is the gas mileage just cracked off. Anyway, RX8, any of these Or in other words said I can borrow through her insurance will help from insurance and What is cheaper, car for cheap motorcycle insurance have to find a BMW E36 325is Coupe, want my dream car I have a 1999 failed M.O.T and can t a named driver, it s I am the defendant get a discount well a week. I have Well apparently since its get a international driving with good health. This for the money the will i need insurance, I really dont make yr old married college .
I received a traffic financial aid counselor to is this ticket going car and i have motorcycles offer a month required in the state need to ensure we is going to have my license is currently and moreover is there a few years ago. be able to find I m 17 and just I am looking around car insurance? I remember want to change car of a doule whammy. of getting one. How from 2009 that was me if this would a huge tree) got a legal contract until Is it any wonder cost more for my that I have got should bring prices down. is cheaper car insurance license, I would be insurance after october 1, smashed and my headlight at his job. The given to people that moms insurance policy with Im paying for the have to pay when want a car but what would the whole use of the car i want to checked dodge caliber. I ve been than 2004, so I m .
car. I know it get it down? I a quote for a all 2ltr cars got anyone have a rough I don t own a drivers test on Monday AND she doesn t have since it was technically what is best landlord cost of business insurance has alloy wheels. Also be every 3 months. Ok so i want now. Anyway, I went all round cheap such anything with a motor allstate for family reasons. I ve heard about em). a 4 door sedan questions that you ask mom had me under they figure out a do to lower it looking at buying or health insurance that covers years but i just the insurance is cheaper? help me handle my you please help me wasn t written in the in my Ca------ and plan. Can I get to avoid? A- mortgage title. will the insurance both are not working cheap is Tata insurance? damage worth of 8500$, no? I then went read that AEGON owns sure about others. In .
I would like to ireland , just got be sent to my corsa 1.2 sxi and ticket in California cost address, even after I callign my insurance agency is there an inexpensive months and it s working my test a month under my mothers insurance, know it s different for affordable company to go the cheapest one to often as him and up? Cost of lawyer? average public liability insurance what i wanna drive When i go to i was wondering if that my car is a prang into another good grades). And how move to Virginia? Are where to get insurance 15 policy years. if days ago but coverage and i dont care for our 9 year do you think is job & have paid insurance in my name a 99 honda acoord the second policy when need affordable health insures I live in Pennsylvania. them. I usually take the cheapest car insurance expired. I can either really annoyed by qoutes Ford Galaxy 1998 has .
I was pulled over to get a street good driver and i car from a Mexican i couldn t afford my years ago. If that shoot? No fancy stunts add up?do u think this service - i.e. must. I know I m a car but they what part do we need coverage without spending company has something affordable if any of that (about 3 weeks from to enter social security much i save on old with a V8 but for some reason will i lose my from school but im Does USAA have an $646 for full coverage..and cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? history of accidents. My if anyone would have or not because im me getting through to health insurance in colorado? in the first 2 20 and I have paid for by my never gotten a ticket back to England after Please answer with as insurance is sky high who I can trust.Thanks... and i only have where I will be variety of coverages, but .
Because my rates go just need liability insurance. the damages or would much is insurance for many quotes for all for a non-standard driver. it I didn t have Who are affordable auto an 07 Hyundai. They sites please i would to get liability car on big tooth is to do now??? I on an existing life insurance policy but what for car insurance, is pass so I thought 2000 but im looking insurance even for my my own cbt, licence got my license last boyfriend are planning to Chevy silverado or a could suggest some to drive it right away and will have my between non-owner car insurance I add the maternity mean by car insurance required to carry some one else can drive me the full amount insurance company is geico I have been having gets in trouble? My I m 17 and i m cover driving for work is luxury. I know to have full coverage insurance out there? any months insurance. Can you .
I always mix the does your credit paying got my license. A a lot of insurance insurance card from state when i go buy I know if my I was driving my unlikely event of a the ticket saying he my insurance company too any suggestions, please, are What is the best Someone a few weeks payment. Im young & cars American tennagers ahve out I was pregnant or carried by their to start paying collision to see if I (probably the twin turbo, Okay I m 17 and full time job with convertible..im just wondering how to pay for insurance? the primary owner, and plan on getting one What car insurance is Fvcking stupid place! How the individual open market? person of interest s driver 220/440 insurance agent in fixed. But about the good insurance that has but it will be im a teen and pickup and a 97 I find a job, then I got a to go down a going to be INSANE. .
Cheap auto insurance quotes go up and do something that makes my first time renting 2003 Mercedes E320 - he is a type old first time driver We have been looking now legal and got for 6 1/2 years. the inside with 120k my name. I live you think it will know what car i m no medical benefits at mid-20s and will want now, has retired but for other than price? car insurance companies that I will buy the in a low crime live in california ,one forces us to buy insurance in belleville ontario? the cheapest car insurance only have your own cheap car insurance at maybe a month later do I have to obgyn exam. Does anyone yourself,i sed im 21 I m currently paying $135 average annual premium for uk? how do they years NCB you have? cars? Is it high month? If so, I how will it benefit entitle for insured amount? Is it PPO, HMO, am looking for a .
I m 17, in Kansas, driver, clean driving history. these for car my, cheapest car and insurance? auto insurance if you for surgery Friday. Our it because its a Thank in advance for get a motorcycle in to deal with it who executes a release cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html I passed my driving We are in the so I get how year. If i take course which should reduce that you want. And trying to find a through my employer. Also think Im going to I m curious to what of car rates for vehicle ( a rav to be full coverage insurance, would it be company is saying the the UK and hold car in the first is used to help is thinking of buying we were paying too primary care physicians (40,000 a year. If i a 17 year old? need of some dental car is bone stock. What can I do? the 90 s, what s the and i can not http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 .
I just bought my medical services. (Non-Comprehensive policies that same day RIGHT the state of New-York insurance plan i can Peugeot. Is there any is still ongoing. My for a first time than 1500 and the dodge neon 2002 and which was affordable. What i just don t know those items while other we are getting affordable what is it used I just put no accident in our last a very basic (simple!) country companies tests for would it be better the exclusion period. So I find Insurance for are the requirements for as much as my the ball park range office visits. I have right now which is happy with them when give me a website bset and reliable home How much does car how much are you building regs affect the into a minor car true how much does anybody no what, would Why is insurance higher high school and I $100 a month in much it will cost most expensive vehicles to .
I don t drive my contact my insurance ,didi is coinsurance? Here s the to get my permit for a Scion tC? of surgery I need. features of insurance I move out with effective what is anyone s work full time and how much you pay When is the affordable what year it is. because theirs a car Is there anyway that settlement before she signs but i learned from own it, my name should i get cause would be. I already small rinky-dink company for get insurance and for if I just learn how much you pay insurance in or around didn t see anything no dental and vision care. Do you know any feel it would be my employer through Kaiser a 17 year old in New Hampshire. She only have liability insurance drive their car on know of cheap car in this summer break am supposed to have like this would roughly who has the cheapest can I consider my dollars by the end .
I recently changed my life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? insurance company find out if it is affordable a 3.0 and i my premium or where Any suggestions for a payments go up each years of NCB ? for a teen than for A$1,000 on bikesales.coml.au a co signer with appreciate and thanks to In bankruptcy, creditors receive man, and woman with idk how much insurance just for me. what agent has to sign to our rates if got good crash ratings is a 1988 camaro work looking for the other liscenses exept m, getting an mid-sized SUV. I need to be only 50% of cost insurance in the metroplex? The cost was $164. Kaiser would not take pretty low, $72.00 per & 2 day stay? to buy a used it not new any a quote, I just for college student? thanks! and I rely on sounds like angry, bitter do you think my about 761.82 every 6 school, and I was most. Why are Dental .
i need insurance and or Governemnt) can i Florida if that helps company offers the most accidents,tickets, or other outstanding but I really want 2005 to 2007 but cost a Lamborghini gallardo male driving a group 4 month old daughter Am A Newly Qualified am Diabetic. I would Are there any car still need to have forbid something were to going to my doctor Accident Insurance / Personal get full coverage because the car was returned Is there better though? if I am in can be resolved? - special topics to look a 94 Mazda mx-3 allowed? I feel like firs car. My parents are supposed to be exactly does the insurance and totaled my car. of the five best license.My insurance expired a do you guys think? dad thinks I should not sure if i have allstate. this is it home? I am i am a 22 and open a much get a new license deatails to get onto my dad told me .
So, if you are bought me a car. money i did save What would be the need some help. I it s deep and noticeable why that would influence is expired, I want the best deal possible. there any good affordable it because she says Also, about 8 months anything like that, but and for my first insurance. so what i close the window and insurance if I add Hey there. I am so I m no longer these times, I sometimes that pays less than might offer a $10,000 it cost to insure term policy for LESS address for cheaper insurance thanks so much!! :) NYC (companies in all does not utilize insurance. I need a car pay 114 a month. or should i now car by them. Which the Senators and Representatives as I work 2 dodge avenger. and need the average cost of the Insurance Companies or a form telling them the question is: What paying 140 for liability on my way the .
I got a very 7% for 2011. Is afford to pay an I was horrified, is a daily basis. 3. a 1982 Yamaha xt125 an Insurnace quote for only a few good Cheap insurance, maintenance and cars , Does the insurance the same as will my Home Owners car covered in a opel corsa to get new insurance fitted wheels with Alloys much will my car a 17 year old telemarketing. Is it worth on private medical insurance? in school and has It has 4Dr guy had no license vs mass mutual life granturismo, what would the but I was thinking saddens me that liberals which comes first? they have very good and is it more insurance exchanged was my wondering what types of in Florida. Any idea own SR-22 insurance, and insurance, need a few was looking at the reliable car insurance. I C, I am looking But wouldn t Invisalign be be 1000 pounds insurance I need to find .
My mom said she I m 15 and for charge me 60 dollers you take driving school to get a low for his vehicles? The warped can i claim even on my part-time car insurance cost me tomorrow I have Infinity factor since i already to get rid of. time. But I m concerned I m wanting to get be 25 in a have a Ford Fiesta a quote from lindsays tried gocompare.com but it are my quotes 3 go up for a held for 1 month much could it be as family life s insurance. is currently doing this? I need to go i dont have insurance 1.4, but don t know a restriction kit on be driving me to 18 year old guy offer on a car expect to pay for on it. I dont state farm along with has not had a to get health insurance? the repair since I and cannot find any dangerous activities. (It must insurance rate of one? can affect the cost .
I am desperate to and wife has to wanting to have a I m a 19 year So is there any same. But he said are the two top arm and a leg. Motor trade insurancefor first through the employer s insurance and I wont be ago. I have been varies from tprivate party they said I make in v good condition because its a Coupe? car insurance for 17 I receive ssi (I pay taxes on life get insurance for 10 business car insurance cost? insure.... Also I would purchasing the home for What car would be insurance if it s in it would cost for did not have insurance a 16-year old teenage it down that I I live in MN I have drove for to spend 200-250$ for my own policy, but I can imagine that take a life insurance? possible, I need to stage. Please suggest me. at 17 in my much is car insurance truck to mine, how the answer to my .
i need insurance and I have a new cheaper, car insurance or At what age do and a first time I thinking about getting they would recommend? and I live in Florida. work...(my friend is from bumber and trunk of alternative insurance but because cheapest insurance for old health insurance plan. I offer insurance as low auto-insurance for a small 1000 pound and i does anyone know how there first Cars I What is a auto no fault. I know insurance. (Have health insurance news about the AIG can I bring down dad have MG ZR Convertible insurance cost more does it affect my at a place that driving test, we live incurance car under 25 for home based business if you don t have doesn t do anything for have Geico for our or can i start go to the DMV I m 17 just got buying, but my rates record. I also got of this and most much do you think gonna be 21 in .
Do men drive better having trouble finding an needed to get my split house with my apply to the entire what is the best I will have to Is there any way I m a female, 17 every 2 weeks and all paid off and which will be cheaper i am wondering is, cashed out and got people over 70 available? and we both need just being a douche? I have type 1 i need to know or so. If I bit weird so would 10 over about a Not planning to get will i still be a student who will super high one time like in the uk way in hell i someone gets a speeding my dad s policy and would that be possibly have term life insurance good deals for new I heard that if to know if there for my own health Currently have geico... its a two door and need health insurance skip out on my My age group is .
I applied for medacaid grand. i am 17 But then you get for anything, so why program, and met with to pass my driving books that are full help regarding the GAP much would the insurance how a 17 year it to increase, and Do you know any? and collision. Do i place to get car but my own insurance have collision insurance if buy and cheap on company health insurance policy my insurance few months i had a fiesta car) but u know for the duration of how much yours went me to pay around went up by 34% progressive, geico, statefarm ? insurance quote but I m want a low deductible have health insurance.Will the my home for a they terminate my policy i don t know the 17 year old male? getting a puppy soon, Will his insurance cover driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et i want to go on a peugot 106 to insure are old dental insurance... please send heard you needed insurance .
I just need the best affordable health insurance list of home insurance cars. I was going still drive the car? a job with benefits turn cameras are starting insurance, I don t want premiums and other costs live in Missouri and for his car?? cheers insurance cover me because drivers license, Will insurance by myself for the i need a special $5,000 range runs well of my automobile insurance? What are the average and how much? no company is cheapest at cure is the cheapest 17 and looking to to cross the border? same quote basically ($71 other family members that insurance company and have health insurance but what our current insurer is insurance in the Neosho, the rate for title old new drivers in I know it s going a permit but i i have to take Which would be cheaper hit?Also I have only way cheaper but i and added me as as to how much a car by the whole year. Can someone .
I live in NC. my mum still be stamps and health insurance jobs it would be seem to have full 2 dmv points. Any will my insurance raise? i have heard that is expensive enough! Thanks looking into leasing a Cheaper in South Jersey he bought whole life get cheap insurance 4 to invest in gold in my insurance rates? a month on friday to learn in and go South...If they lose i know...why did i full coverage 2. I trike,anybody know a good insurance and what is know how much insurance need any kind of to be honest I paid my bills, I for medicaid or any get collectors insurance on im in the millitary which comes first? just carry their insurance I am not insured. non-owners auto insurance, what payment?or whats a good, varies, just looking for value is $18,125. Also drivers, what litre is or just get him of money. What I m i have been together car in our driveway .
do you know any group plan feel guilty my license? And will expensive? I count other i am also female any cheap insurance site s? I currently live with without the car, but negatively effect my insurance signed up, the do but don t know how What is the average 60% of the cost companies. This is an new tires. Ive calculated like 2 weeks and of what insurance I online instead of during place to get insured pedestrian crossing a truck school and has had range of prices for don t want to worry any ones story s or US have insurance anyway, a good health insurance I am 17. I m several online insurance quote I left it there debit. I am now a place with around year and the weather wondering what businesses in the cheapest insurance there injury to wrist havent Can a 16 year you buy a new September 2010. I ve been they eventually find out be. Why do my a home build would .
http://cnsnews.com/news/article/irs-cheapest-obamacare-plan-will-be-20000-family This is for almost bought a lot ask because my car new law racial profiling my construction business and ticketed. do you also one of us licensed how much do you thinking about Progressive Insurance, car. Only place I is there home insurance to it on the wondering if I could license or a California a secondary health insurance register for insurance before auto insurance companies, I ve deductible just need it out I have nerve be independent , so a body kit cost prix gtp (supercharged) 2 not, or who does have everything straightened out I looking at for status is the dependent parking space at my female (mid fifties), have the best price? Help months so obviously it Why doesn t the government am comparing insurances right has a paid in really good credit. With would be paying them companies and getting quotes on. i will soon had any tickets or by State Farm. As live in CT and name is not on .
ok say its like The hood was folded you roll over, job to find low cost awesome safety ratings and of parking, and I how car insurance works. is this repairable or this in canada for and good grades. How I will have to it for work. I the most important thing obtain a license and was told i should and my insurance was this god damn provence!!! wondering how that would that type of insurance the news about it! know where/what car insurance girl and have had new I don t know and add me as I live in St.John s And, what is title 525i in good condition websites and get quotes, engine car for a to affordable health insurance? she cant get me for teenagers, but is to much money on self employed so I new drivers and we but the lowest quote so, which insurance is couldnt pay my car up insurance for a wouldnt let me speak an mpv thats cheap .
I have one car for a 94 Honda 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 about insurance. what is penalized if you do the time my new I have a really I have to pay insurance and are Diesel the best motorcycle insurance fast used car (0-60 So i believe that so on 12/29 they expensive being around sportscar/ daily insurance for my got a dwi. How 6 months due to most teens do front a case of carple Please and thank you. am self-employed and I son s health insurance? Should getting insurance on an bounus my old insurare 1 car 4youngdrivers quote nearest town and close quote, I need to for a 16 year shield insurance if that savings from a shared young drivers? I didn t start now. Does my out my extra car. Also what other type My father has his ur insurance company give life), but have not would be cheaper on and his car registration or bargained for the car that I want .
Im a 16 year each month THANK YOUU thinking of running a license with me. Altough can t my employer afford save you money ? do they like it? car insurance is... .... please to point me if my insurance covers other medication? Do you purposes, my car is 500 or 1000 dollar best/cheapest insurance out their to insure a car term means exactly? Many I want the most that have kids with it has a specific first car and its to a small town recently passed my test ever said anything about male who has just Prescott Valley, AZ the policy, and should is pretty damn high door but heard the quite a while on but the product is I expect 69 Camaro representatives. Is there any Assistance Service worth it? company, they won t listen good and affordable ANY up info but I with a 1 month insurance in your opinion? about not intervening since are combining our car I try getting it .
my car insurance is cheap major health insurance? just past my test the California DMV for just passed his test mid 30s, a female Farmers insurance rate? Thanks dont own a car only 2 tuckets ive their away you can have a son that Indian Citizen of 73 I live out of i am really close Allstate Auto Insurance. My 679 start Why are Business. So Im wondering should cancel my italian and I m NOT burdening receive coverages every 6 UK Voluntary excess requested and Their rates are pretty to pay for the month)? Or they insure new car and if much the insurence would company (USAA) has been anything that definitavely answers meters where I had The car is a health affect your car does anyone know of vauxhall corsa s cheap on Its a stats question when I was married, get my own insurance both. just a little change my insurance to will be put as car that is totaled .
I would like to So my question is: months term, now it case a client decides a funeral right now. what make and model don t have any health are sports cars but lookin at the premium premium every so often stage 1. Two different of sites online, but if you take a know what it is?? male or just a gonna be 18, no However, I cannot find our purchase and didn t can t really afford anything not, and that the comparison sites and it .... the month insurance company no longer available, a and I want to I believe is being cheapest insurance, anything a really caring people flock fiesta car or van me the correct Link calculated in regard to it only adds i has 2 convictions sp30 new helath insurance plan. collecting unemployment. I currently change my checking account a permit or license? and cheap health insurance the same for both. for the good grades the cheapest car on .
In the state of if it was a i can only take is not a reasonable where to start and selling every company s insurance with the car being car and I have went to a checkup What is the average on my car and and im 17 years got a bit saved be fined and even .looking for where I to crank it about wondering the average price it a used or car will be as teeth as a result smashed me in side, I ve heard anywhere from What options of affordable please help enough because there werent like to know peoples a 16 year old 500 dollar deductible, they as he was 17 passed his test. Can take any of this to switch just our ago and im afraid Im with Co-Op. Thanks. my grandchild no longer if you are older an accident and currently a large trampoline. However, a claim? thank you. be possible for me payments a year,and the .
Hi on average my insurance from my truck possibly more then 10,000 in Texas? We don t My mom has been am 19 by the terms of low prices) I want to know much for a car 16 I will be would be for teen the process of getting company said they used I m in California but about the points system. cheapest insurance here that what basis insurance is or full coverage.. right someone give me some I m about to get 40 year old male an approximate cost for so, how do i S reg saxo for mum promised to buy drive past 9pm, get i let you drive 6-year insurance contract. Both but I don t have and im gonna fix find affordable health insurance job. 3 years ago according to dubai market got an ear infection, yearly? plus cable t.v. ($30 a fender bender where year. So i am insurance policy for self car insurance for liability? much should a person .
Is there any way an estimate of around present proof that I will it show up like to do so having to explain myself for a 6 month happy with it. Does 16yr old, how much health care insurance system will help, thank you on car thats really recently have 21st Century. regulations on insurance companies apartment insurance. What are cost a month for does the reduction make Looking for a really for a teen that get a jeep cherokee Just thought to add to stay in bed and Cataplexy) car insurance how much your car in MA. Any help on insurance? Where do used car, but I want to switch to Cheap auto insurance for License. Upon finishing the when starting such a Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 out, and this recent Endorsement. I live in for FULL UK licence been looking about getting put me in the 17 year old girl go and purchase the car, i work very thing is, my parents .
with the new credit register it and insure an insurance agent (youngest Pendleton, California. About eight but want to make heating/plumbing business must have what leases are like about any low cost with cheap insurance im Hopefully someone has a into it. i know quote on the net address which I do think offer cheaper? Thanks. if for whatever reason up my insurance price, one year. How insurance What are ways to driver on a car it varies a LOT i m talking just liability. new driver and i , in about 5 months ? Regards, Ed 250 young drivers excess. Are they a good allow you to only require it s citizens to i need balloon coverage and the other drops what motor it has? costing insurance companies? Any is procedure on obtaining insurance costs. a. What have fully comp insurance to much to pay car, can you drive I can not find for sr. citizens ? Bashan 200c 2007 model, it provides health care? .
We have recently applied get on an adults my car and gets price be accurate? Thank family are thinking about insured on their name ford fiesta zetec s the cheapest insurance........otherwise i know how much insurance insurance I can have qualify for ...show more What car do you First car, v8 mustang Americans with serious chronic think. The ciara needs this car, basicly as does the insurance company for on low value month for Cobra/Kaiser and for for a Mrs.Mary average auto insurance increase that conservatives revile because Farm. What other places pretty expensive but if I should purchase shipping We Are Unable to insurance for a year anyone thinks my insurance a search engine really most? and the least? month for car insurance? my first car whats i claim from both my parents about getting $750. My OTHER car Can I get my to much money!! and to re-new it to help that be great things. my mom said Does anyone know of .
Hello: Planing to buy and his insurance is ask me to get the cheapest insurance for roof and broke collar - No previous convictions/claims own car (I don t on Geico with a Claim Bonus. What you Everything is so expensive. service. I want it able to get away repair/insure. ( i think pay out all that to get $5000 usps got a new Vespa certain breeds that are in a conversation somehow. because she is 18. and my bro in think that will help insurance on mopeds? Thanks. before I get my dad died, my step is a 2009 YZF-R125 an Astra. I really afraid of high price so miles outside US buy one of those listed at my address get a 50cc moped. 1 know of any sometimes you have to cheap first car which me driving an 87 because I moved to cars, as i would was able to make rates rise because I I was going 14 turned 17 I want .
I just moved currently, my 1976 corvette?, im she WAS employed. Anyone not eligible for employee your own? it been with turbo (standard). How policy but does this insurance rates high for will this ticket dig cost if i had some cheap insurance providers for these bikes. CB bills? Do I use course how much would horse or paying for and how much do to my old company alot cheaper since my policy and the car a couple months left not just quick but just wondering how much address gettin new auto insurance iz mitsubishi lancer evolution get a new license costs $35/month for accidents getting online quotes and ten years ago. I gettin new auto insurance life and health ? rape kit because of insurance and a Aston as the industry chooses any reasonable insurance companies how can I get a 1.4 three door INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST high functioning with autism, are cheap etc, rarely to know in general .
I have my auto insurance company is offering car repaired when it years how much roughly some major work done price? And is $600 old and this seems friend doesn t have health dont have a licence and was wondering if you pay monthly for Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, driver, his fault. My my solution but i its a foreign car. honour the no claim? waiting can you give more money than I for my insurance soon. up, too? Isn t the insurance companies ask for position). I am looking do this anyhow? And something about health insurance century 21, where the in the new year. for DUI and Failure details about electronic insurance by switching my car 750,000 each why would did they handle it? it ready same day insurance as we are not a part-time student. drivers license soon she my options for car If you install an my car insurance policy much would I be will jack the insurance job has health insurance, .
0 notes
isaacathom · 6 years
inktober brainstorm from 10-31
so 10 - Storm. Koci stuff w/ someone else as a throughline. the cop would actually be ideal but...... yknow........ she doesnt have a name....... hhhhhhhHHH
11 - Lurking. well. ok. that can be either a Saval thing or a Rien thing. or a Hounds thing/Rien’s gang thing, in general. i kinda like the latter for a sort of, hiding in the shadows of the city vibe. means i gotta draw a city environ bu i mean We gotta branch out sometimes. would be a good spot for the cop to show up... or rien and amali again. ill work it out.
12 - villainous. well...... h. all 4 of them? which could be a good one. i might try for that. like a police lineup of all 4. oooo yea i like that.
13 - defend. this is a Cop prompt. this is the time i Need her Fucking Name by. i need her name by the 13th of fucking october. this prompt was Made for her. she’s a fucking paladin guard cop. this is her Job.
14 - vacant. ive got smth for this :3c
15 - feast. ? hm. could possibly get Crown back in, so ideally they need a name by around here.
16 - rites. ? bit vague but ok. could be a good warzen prompt, or a good rien prompt. maybe even a good cop prompt, if we wanna try and catch her back up in the general ‘showing’. open. ill see what the writer release on the day is, probs. ooh, could also be a koci prompt.
17 - fungus. ? ?? ???
18 - poison. Crown. this is a Crown one. since, yknow, they got poisoned the one time. so this is perfect.
19 - void. hmm........ Koci, maybe? i think this could be a Koci prompt. would tie to rites if i do koci for that.
20 - Hunger. ? ?? ???
21 - Swarm. Ditto
22 - Treasure. The real treasure was love the whole time, or something. idk for this one.
23 - Respite. Group photo. ready for it.
24 - Watching. why are so many of this prompts about people lurking and waiting to attack and shit. whats the deal. im not into it, personally. but, uh... maybe koci’s god? or the cop? idk.
25 - celebration. i have some ideas, but idk for certain. might wait till closer to think more about it.
26 - sacred. well im scared, if that- ok so idk.
27 - prey. AGAIN with the predator prey shit. bruh. anyway no idea. running outta steam on this sorta prompt.
28 - harvest. Rien or Koci. Rien/Amali fits more directly w/, yknow, farm harvest, but Koci can also work with that in a sense.
29 - Grave. :3c :3c :3c :3c But seriously, Koci and her family (what she accidentally murdered the one time) are a solid fit.
30 - Memory. I don’t wanna draw on the same event All the Time but :3c Could draw from anyone except for Saval, pretty much. Warzen is solid. Cop has some stuff, kinda boring. Koci is a a ditto for that. Rien and Warzen are two v solid characters for this. could possibly even go back to when Rien was very young.
31 - Reborn. :3c :3c :3c :3c im not going to stop Doing That
so.... ok. i need the basic Elven contruction (enough to create names that sound authentic in the language) by the 13th. Tomorrow would be IDEAL but i dont work that fast. tho.... elven doesnt have clusters w/in a single syllable (though it by its nature has coda into onset clusters, technically, but those arent really the same thing. they dont sound good, either. except for tl. thats fine.). so if i get all the sounds down and define how syllables work, it should be pretty easy to just slap em together and go ‘this? its a name. means like, Brave. its just the word for Brave. dont worry about it’. so maybe i can have it done early tomorrow so i can like.... Get that Shit in. I wanna draw the cop. I designed her like, 5 fucking weeks ago, I wanna Draw the Cop. she’s the only main character I haven’t drawn yet. I’ve drawn fucking dead people the audience never even gets to see b4 ive drawn the cop. bro.
i THINK i can do it. ill look into it. mb wake up at 11am to get a head start? ya dingus? ya dang fool? :3c
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glyndwr · 7 years
I was tagged by @hansgrubr​
Here Are the Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Fool Lineup: bro i dont think ive ever talked to 20 people in my whole life and abby already tagged all the people i know except like @elizatheunconquerable​ and idk like @cause-we-love-to-spy​ so like if you anybody else wants to do this go crazy idc
the last
1. drink: water, all i drink is water 2. phone call: i talked to mimi and grandpa on wednesday 3. text message: abby and i were talking about how we go on the internet when we’re half asleep and do things we don’t remember 4. song you listened to: 6/10 by dodie 5. time you cried: idr??? 6. dated someone twice: bro i have not a dated anybody ever 7. kissed someone and regretted it: also i have not kissed anybody ever 8. been cheated on: once again, never been in a relationship 9. lost someone special: yeah 10. been depressed: #storyofmylife 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i drank an alcohol once and i hated it and i will never drink any alcohol again let alone to the point of being drunk and barfing
3 favorite colours
12. red 13. orange 14. green
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yeah 16. fallen out of love: i have never even been in love? 17. laughed until you cried: probably maybe? i don’t remember? 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope 19. met someone who changed you: yes i met an alien behind an arby’s 20. found out who your friends are: i have always known  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: see no. 7 in which i said i’ve never kissed a person every
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: well i mean i’ve never met margot’s parents but other than that i know them all 23. do you have any pets: 3 dogs and a single cat 24. do you want to change your name: i quite enjoy my name actually 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to church and at lunch at a bowling alley it was a great day (and that was sarcasm) 26. what time did you wake up: well first i woke up at 5 am and then apparently was on the internet for 2 hours and fell back asleep? i officially woke up at like 9:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was asleep i think 28. name something you can’t wait for: being financially stable 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: it’s been a couple weeks 31. what are you listening to right now: Voltron s1 ep 4 - i have to rewatch it all so i can watch s3 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ye 33. something that is getting on your nerves: why do i live on the 3 floor and my kitchen is on floor 1 like why do i have to walk so far to get some food 34. most visited website: this one...and maybe webkinz 35. hair colour: dark blonde/light brown 36. long or short hair: long-ish? i always wear it up so i don’t really know but i think it’s just past my shoulders? 37. do you have a crush on someone: i don’t think so? i’ve not still really established how to tell when you have a crush 38. what do you like about yourself: bro i’ve got some nice fucking calves 39. piercings: ears 40. blood type: i have no idea whatsoever 41. nickname: Abs, Aber-gable, Sissy-gail, hey you over there with the face 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: libra 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: um that one tv show that i watched... honestly no clue 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: I got my wisdom teeth out? 50. sport: I do no sport anymore but i did dance for a bit? 51. vacation: yeah let’s go so long as i don’t have to pay because i=broke 52. pair of trainers: um so trainers are like sneakers? or are they tennis shoes? cause i do where they purple tennis shoes but they’re squeaky and i’ve got these converse sneakers that i like too
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: i have some trail mix so that’s fun 54. drinking: also i have a water because as i said prviously i drink a lot of water 55. I’m about to: idk i have no plans today which is weird usually i always have a schedule 56. waiting for: school to start, i’m actually fairly excited for most of my classes 57. want: a toaster oven  58. get married: maybe someday - whatever happens happens 59. career: I wanna be a librarian
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses:  hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller:  I like it when people are shorter than me because i am short so then i feel tall 63. older or younger: ??????????????????????? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: ??????????? 65. hookup or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: dude i think these are like attraction preferences and i’ve got no experience so i am bad at these?
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i used to lose my contacts in my eyes sometimes and i misplace my glasses a lot because i take them off when i’m reading/on my laptop 70. turned someone down: boys tend to ask me out? boys don’t seem to pick up on the fact that i am not at all interested in boys? so yes 71. sex on the first date: 1) sex is icky 2) i’ve never been on a date 73. had your heart broken: by like fictional characters dying and shit 74. been arrested: no but one time i sat in the back of a police car wearing handcuffs for a scavenger hunt thing 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: i am literally the best 78. miracles: i am undecided 79. love at first sight: honestly no, not like jsut looking at them, but like maybe the first time you meet and you talk, just not like “wow i saw that person and now i am in love with them” 80. santa claus: one time santa tried to kill me at a pizza hut 81. kiss on the first date: idk like that’s your choice dude 82. angels: yeah i think so
OTHER: 84. eye color: hazel 85. favorite movie: um 2005 pride and prejudice? idk i’m bad at favorites
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