#idk what al would pick but of course logically the animal he has the most in common with is the sea turtle because of the way he
liquidstar · 1 year
i wanna preface this by saying im not big into furry stuff but im big into oc stuff, so sorry to all the furries if i sound like a poser. but i think if you have a human oc theres gotta be a difference between what their fursona would be (from the pov of you, their creator) and what it actually is (what they would chose). do you understand what i mean? theres a big difference between their fursona and your animal version of them.
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Here goes my OC wooooooo 🎉🎉🎊
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And surprise surprise! It’s not a self-insert! Go me! And before you wonder why her eyes are red uh… don’t question it hfiehreizhjd. It logically doesn’t make any sense but I wanted her to have red eyes because of the aesthetic. But hey! Neha’s eyes are golden-ish while Karolina’s and Tegan’s hair is a really unnatural shade of red sooooo. Y’know. It’s fine.
(Challenge made by @arlingtonssweetheart  )
Name: Celestina Dekker
Nationality: Dutch
Height (not sure if it’s necessary but… okay?): about 160-165cm maybe?
Department: Business, commerce and politics
Love interest: Hesitates between Claire and Alistair (well okay, that part is like me. I’m sorry 😂)
And here I picked the most interesting questions (I think?)
Question 2: Introduce your Scholar.
With a cold demeanor, Celestina is the daughter of a RICH lawyer and a RICH prosecutor. Lives in a castle (no, this is not a joke). Decided that she’ll become the prime minister of the Netherlands when she was 12 years old (no, this is also not a joke.) Her family owns 3 yachts and 6 narrow boats to visit their parents (Celestina’s grandparents) who live in Giethoorn.
For those who don’t know, Giethoorn is a village in the Netherlands where there are no streets… so they travel by boats instead of cars.
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Look at that, all roads are WATER.
Well besides being rich and pretty she had a quite difficult upbringing. Spent a lot of her childhood just studying, gaining skills that she didn’t want, having no free time to do what she wants to do, having no friends because she was homeschooled and being manipulated by her controlling parents. They didn’t want her to go to school on the other side of the ocean so she pulled the BigBrain™ speech to her parents, the, you know, “BuT iT wOuLd Be ReAllY gOOd FoR mY fUtUrE!!! I cOuLd EaSiLy BeCoMe PriMe MiNiStEr iF I gEt a HiGhEr EdUcAtiOn iN tHe US!!! We’LL bEcOmE eVeN riChEr!!!” (But really all she wants is to get as far away as possible from them fjrjdhjsjehd)
So yeah, the idea here is that she either wants to run away from them or to overpower them and crush them completely. Her thought process when she was 12 years old went "lawyer and prosecutor?… ok but what can they do if I become prime minister? Fcking nothing lmao. I’M the parent now, what about that??”
Question 8: What would each LI say about your Scholar? (Here, rather than “say”, it’s more like what would the character dynamics be like with the main 10.)
- At first, Alistair and Claire would think that they’ll never get along with her because she looks as cold as… Idk, she just ain’t looking friendly. However, as soon as they get that she has been so out of touch with people of her age that she doesn’t know how to act in most situations, they’ll quickly warm up to her. And Celestina really loves them because they’re incredibly kind, understanding and affectionate (unlike her parents lol.)
- I feel like Celestina would definitely start by hating Karolina and not the other way around. Actually, I believe that Karolina would be the one who’s a bit interested in becoming friends with her since she looks like she’s really level-headed and classy. However, Celestina is trying to stay away from her because Karolina reminds her of her parents and she hates it. Down the line though, it would turn out to be a pretty good relationship once they get to understand eachother. (As friends of course.)
- She’d def get along with Neha. They would get eachother right away because they both look a bit cold on the outside but are actually not cold at all, quite the contrary. They looked at eachother and knew right away “oh, she’s one of us…”
- Similar thing as Karolina with Tadashi, Celestina would be cautious of him and only try to tolerate him because she wants to have a good relationship with Alistair’s best friend (for obvious reasons) later on she sees that Tadashi is actually a good guy and he’s quite supportive of her as well. (Controlling parents squad unite WOOOOOOO.) Now that I think about it, Tadashi’s and Celestina’s pasts are almost the same 😅
- Celestina would find Tegan, Tyler and Ellie to be so much fun. They’re exactly the kind of people with whom she dreamed to be friends with but couldn’t. At first she doesn’t get their jokes and “memes” but they teach her well, somewhere down the line she develops quite an… interesting sense of humor thanks to them and gets all their jokes. As for them, they’re just happy to help Celestina loosen up a little and open up to others. At the beginning they’re kind of suspicious of her though, like, “why is she hanging out with us??” (They assumed that she would be friends with Karolina and Tadashi rather than with them.)
- Raquel and Axel… Oof. They would ”gently” take advantage of the fact that she doesn’t get a lot of innuendos/slang because she has been secluded so much. Not to mention that her English is really formal so there are some fancy pancy terms that she doesn’t get. The worst though, is that they’re the first ones to find out that she’s crushing on Al and Claire. When playing truth or dare they often ask her to go say weird stuff to them. An example would be…
C: Axel said that you want to buy new boxing gloves…
Al: Yeah, that’s right.
C: Um, so. *takes credit card out of her pocket* I’ll pay for them if you call me… uhhhh “sweet mommy”.
Raquel: *whisper* It was “sugar mommy.”
C: Oh dang it! I’m sorry Alistair, I meant ”sugar mommy.”
Al: …
Al: Raquel, Axel, we need to have a talk.
(Conclusion: Raquel and Axel have no chill whatsoever 😂)
Question 9: If they could change departments to which would they go to and why?
To performing arts, I believe she would play the piano and write songs. Playing the piano is one of the few skills her parents forced her to learn that she kinda enjoys. And by learning to play more freely and breaking out of the “traditional music” mold, she’d have a lot of fun! (Also, Tegan would definitely encourage her to play opening songs from animes ncjdkfbidnrnd)
Okay, that’s it! (Well, it was quite long actually.) I don’t know if it was fun to read but at least I had a lot of fun writing it! I highly doubt it but if you’d like to see more of her, feel free to send me a question and I’ll try my best to answer! (Doesn’t necessarily need to be a question on the list!)
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A Simple Analysis of the Differences Between FMA (2003) and FMA:B
I just spent the past week rewatching both Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and I have THOUGHTS that I need to put out into the void to get over the emptiness I feel from finishing such a wonderful series. Thoughts surrounding the distinct story and theme differences in the endings of both series. Please, come along for the ride if you wish. Spoilers a-plenty ahead. 
To preface, I first watched the original Fullmetal Alchemist series about ten years ago, in either 2009 or 2010. I loved it. Everything was amazing, except, I was disappointed in the ending - which is really spawning this whole analysis. After I finished the series, and the movie to cap it off, I found Brotherhood on the streaming service I was using, and was rightly confused. FMA was one of my first introductions to anime, so I didn’t know much about the world of anime or manga. Because of this, I asked my older brother and he told me not to bother with Brotherhood. (Idk if his thoughts have changed regarding this). So, it wasn’t until, maybe four years later that I decided to give Brotherhood a chance. First, I saw a few random episodes on Adult Swim, and was confused that 1) Al could do alchemy without a circle, and 2) why the hell was Ed so tall? For the first confusion, I blame that on forgetting the lore of how the hand clapping alchemy plus the truth gate worked, and thought it was something special only Ed could do. Around this time, I realized that my school library had the FMA mangas, so I decided to start reading them, and was of course, enamored. Then, I think the library didn’t have all of the mangas, and somehow I had realized that the Brotherhood anime was basically identical to the manga, so I decided to pick up in the anime where I left off in the manga. 
I honestly don’t have much memory of watching FMA:B all those years ago. Maybe that’s because the last, what, 20 episodes is the finale, lol. But I do remember enjoying the ending, and wishing that I could pair the entirety of FMA with the ending of FMA:B. What I enjoyed so much about FMA was the serious, dark tone of it. At the time, I felt like FMA:B had a lighter, sillier tone to it, and I was pining for those depressing moments in FMA where Ed was losing his mind. What can I say? I like intense characters and shows. 
When I began my rewatch a week ago, I was reminded of just how dark FMA was. Of course, I still enjoyed it. I had a wonderful time reliving the show and rediscovering plot lines, and watching the boys do everything they can, but then I got to the last few episodes. To be clear, and for those who maybe haven’t watched FMA, the whole show is dark and depressing. There is very little hope. It is far more brutal and bloody, with the reality and trauma of war, even resulting in the r*pe of a beloved side character. Really, the writers just went off, which I think is evident by the story line of Tucker. The flipside of that, is that the darkness and trauma is toned down in FMA:B. It’s not as gory, and there’s more hope. Even the whole reconnecting the nerves thing that Ed goes through with his automail is far less painful. There is more comedy in FMA:B, but I realized in my rewatch that it is deserved and does not disrupt the tone and still allows for the show to be serious.
Don’t get me wrong, I love FMA for what it is. Like I said, I like intense characters, and I was waiting for those intense battle moments where Ed is scrappy and resourceful, and maybe on the verge of a mental breakdown. We get that in FMA:B too, but just not as much. During my rewatch, though, I realized how slow the pace of the show was, especially when you get to the second half. I’m sure we can discuss that this was because the anime started when there was just a few volumes out and the creator wanted the anime to take on a different story, which they certainly did, but it is slow. Especially when you compare it to the pace of Brotherhood. 
Now, my biggest qualm is the ending of FMA. It always has been, and here’s why: there is no internal change within Ed and Al. They end where they began. Writing and pace aside, the end of the FMA series has the boys alone. Loneliness is the one of the biggest differences between the two stories. Throughout FMA, the brothers are always keeping their mouths shut and just trying to stay on track with their mission. The adults, and Roy’s gang, try to step in, try to help and offer support, but the boys are still pretty hell bent on keeping it a family matter. And this gets into the “no hope” aspect to the tone of the show. After shit goes down in Liore and Al becomes the philosopher stone, he and Ed take off on their own. Sure, Roy’s gang stops them, and tries to help, but even then, Ed and Al still stubbornly keep their secrets. Perhaps this is because they truly feel there is very little hope. They know that the philosopher stone is made from human lives. They thought that they had saved Liore, when in reality, they contributed to how fucked up it got (which is a huge difference in FMA:B). Now, thousands of soldiers are dead, they’re fugitives, and Al himself is a philosopher stone. I can even argue that Ed is far more emotionally stoic in this series, which contributes to the tone. 
Sure, the boys do achieve some change when they encounter their mother-homunculus. They find acceptance with her death, but they are still alone. And mind you, at this point in the show, we’re winding down, yet these battles don’t feel intense and climatic. They’re somber. Sad. A big theme of FMA is “what does it mean to be human?” This is a big part of Lust’s character, and she does what she can to help the boys, and then fizzles into death, thinking about her human life and love. Sloth acknowledges that she could love Ed and Al, but she wants to kill them, and at the very end she accepts her death. Wrath, a lost child who wanted a mom because he felt abandoned, now loses his mother figure in Sloth, and loses his mind. He’s crying out about wanting his mother and wanting to bring her back (a foil for Ed? What? No way). The boys are separated, having felt loss once again.
Then, we get the final battle. I’ll gloss over the parallel world thing, but what we get, is the boys going into battle alone. Sure, Al didn’t have a choice, but Ed did. He is so caught up in his turmoil and his desperate need to save his brother from his mistakes. He can’t fathom bringing in anyone else, and the crazy part is that all the adults in his life let him go into battle alone. There is nuance to that, of course, it’s not so cut and dry, they all had shit to do, but still. Even with Hohenheim around, he offers very little to his sons, and also goes off into battle alone (which yes, is similar to FMA:B, but his decision kept the boys out of the loop, and fucked up everyone). 
And then, in the most anti-climatic moment, Ed dies. Envy shocks him with the reveal of his appearance (which I would call bullshit on), and he straight up dies. Not in a heroic way, just in a sad, he ran out of luck way (which is reflective of the serious tone of the series). And really, even with all of that, the boys basically luck their ways into saving the world. Once the villain is taken care of, Al does something out of desperation. He uses the philosopher stone, and sacrifices himself, to save his brother. What ensues is a cycle of toxic desperation and sacrifice. He uses the stone, which really, they both said they shouldn’t use because of the lives lost. What he does, is not accept the reality and finality of death, which if they were going to have an internal change by the end, it would be accepting that. But he doesn’t, so he brings Ed back. And then Ed, not respecting that his brother wanted to give himself up, decides to then sacrifice himself to bring Al back. What we see, is the same problem that they got into in the beginning. Their incapability to accept death and move one. They can’t even find a new way to bring their bodies or souls back, Ed does what he did when he was a child to sacrifice himself to bring Al back. And the sad thing is that Ed is completely calm during this. He knows what he is doing. And, it is sad. Even after that, when we learn of the new, younger Al, who doesn’t even have his memories of the past 3-4 years of him and his brother, states that he still wants to continue their mission. What we see, is that nothing was learned. Al is going on the same mission he started the series with. And sure, at the end of the movie that finished the series, they are back together, but they are alone in a different world without alchemy. And we, as the viewers, know that there is very little chance of them coming back to their home world. FMA ends, with the boys alone, still. 
Now, on the flipside of that we have FMA:B. Instead of the boys stubbornly refusing help until the very end, they let others in. They know that they need help. It’s why the finale is basically the last 20 episodes, because there are so many moving parts to save the day. And I’ll be real, when watching those final episodes, I did find myself wanting more of solo brother moments. I wanted to see more of Ed’s resourceful fighting, but because he had so many people on his side, he didn’t need to resort to that. And that truly is the point of FMA:B: having people on your side. Getting down to the last moments, what we have is 1) a far more epic battle, and 2) Al still sacrifices himself. BUT, this sacrifice feels justified. In the moment he decides to do so, he knows that Ed is about to die (emphasis: about), and that his soul seal is about to break. His sacrifice calls back to the other soldiers who sacrificed themselves to get in a mortal blow on the enemy. And Al uses logic with this. He realizes that if Ed gave up his arm for Al’s soul, then the reverse is true, and in that moment, Ed needs his arm in order to fight back. Al knows, that either he does nothing and they both die, or he sacrifices himself because he was going to die anyway and save his brother and everyone else. 
And Ed accepts this. He is angry and upset, of course, but he is able to stop the bad guy. And then we see his internal change. He is offered a philosopher stone to bring back Al. He says, no, of course not. His own father insists and offers himself because he is a philosopher stone. Again, no, of course not, this is our problem, we can’t sacrifice anyone else. So he thinks. He realizes everything he now has in his life, everything he gained, and decides to sacrifice something he really doesn’t need: his alchemy. If you think about it, the only reason he got so invested in using alchemy was out of lonely desperation to bring back his mother, and then to restore Al’s body. Why would he need alchemy when he has the support of so many loved ones and his brother? 
With FMA:B we get a satisfactory ending. Because the brothers are able to change and allow support from others, they are able to get back what they wanted. (I would assume that Ed probably didn’t care too much about getting his limbs back if it meant he got Al back, but hey, one out of two aint bad). Ed and Al are able to move on, and look brightly into their futures. Personally, I found that Ed being unable to use alchemy a bit of a bummer, but again, he recognizes that he doesn’t need it, and in the ending he reflects that the sacrifice was worth it, because it was. He got back his whole world and then some. 
What we have are two very different stories. I would argue FMA is a cautionary tale of loneliness and refusing help. FMA:B is the opposite. While both are enjoyable and intense and cinematic, that difference sticks with me. 
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