#shes also annoying and if she could pick for herself it would probably be like...
liquidstar · 1 year
i wanna preface this by saying im not big into furry stuff but im big into oc stuff, so sorry to all the furries if i sound like a poser. but i think if you have a human oc theres gotta be a difference between what their fursona would be (from the pov of you, their creator) and what it actually is (what they would chose). do you understand what i mean? theres a big difference between their fursona and your animal version of them.
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
And writing this I’m thinking, what if Charles is dating a reader who’s a HUGE F1 fan and is so expressive when she’s watching from the garage but like Rebecca kinda side eyes her and make her feel self conscious about how she acts, thinking to herself “am I being annoying? Loud?” Yes? No?
and the can she decide she dgaf because she's excited and showing her support to the person she loves?
That was always going to be the plan! Like home girl from the States, she’s Latina, we’re expressive! Even my mother who can’t stand soccer will be excited when it’s the World Cup! When it comes to Formula 1, personally, I am just as bad as the tifosi.
Not Your Average WAG
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N was not your average WAG, she does not go to the paddock in cute designer outfits, she walks into the paddock repping Ferrari. While fans LOVE her because she is just like them, a certain WAG does not.
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: No hate to Rebecca, I don't really have a set opinion on her like I don't know her. But she’s going to be a major BITCH like kinda classist as most stereotypical Europeans are. Also…I MADE IT TO 1K FOLLOWERS! But this is probably not my best work so do with that as you will.
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Y/N and Charles were in Y/N’s Monaco apartment, Y/N was by the kitchen counter, eating some ice cream, while Charles was watching a movie on her couch and eating popcorn. Though Y/N and Charles have been dating for a year, Y/N has never been to a race, despite her being a big fan. She is the creative director of a fashion magazine so she doesn’t have much days off and ends up watching the race on the TV she has in her office until…
“Charles, muñeco, guess what.” Y/N said, sitting next to Charles on the couch, Charles paused the movie and turned to face Y/N.
“What happened, Mon coeur?” Charles asked, Y/N took the popcorn bowl and placed it on the coffee table.
“My boss gave me the okay to work remotely so I’m able to go to the Hungarian Grand Prix with you.” Y/N said.
“Really? That’s great! Finally, you’ll get to see me in action.” Charles said, pulling Y/N onto his lap.
“I can’t wait! I’m gonna be like Luigi in Cars, I have the Ferrari shirt you gave me, your hat, I have some things from Etsy that I could totally wear like the Forza Ferrari friendship bracelet. Oh, I’m so excited!” Y/N hugged Charles and he giggled at his cuddly girlfriend. When Y/N stopped hugging him, Charles just stared at her with that dopey smile on his face. “What?” Y/N asked.
“Nothing, you’re just so cute.” Charles said, kissing Y/N’s cose, making her scrunch her nose. “We’re going to Hungary tomorrow, you might wanna pack now.” Charles taps her thigh.
“Help me pack?” Y/N asked and Charles nodded, both getting up to go to her room to pick out the clothes she’ll wear this race weekend. “Wait, you sure I’ll be able to stay in your hotel and everything? I mean i am going last minute.”
“Oh Mon coeur, ma belle, belle petite amie, I was hoping your boss would give you the okay to work remotely so I already booked everything for us. So yes, you will be staying with me at a 5 star hotel in Budapest, beautiful view and everything.” Charles kissed Y/N “So I’m thinking we could go out every night, you’ve only been to New York and Monaco, so we are going sightseeing in Hungary.” Charles said, going into Y/N’s closet and start picking out what he would like to see his girlfriend wearing. Charles placed everything on her bed.
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Y/N observed the outfits Charles picked out. “Wow, Charles, love the outfits, but you are such a guy, the yellow sundress?”
“You look so cute in it, though! Come on, mon coeur, you look amazing in these outfits and this way, I get to show up how beautiful my girlfriend is.” Charles said, kissing Y/N.
“Alright, it’s fine. I’ll just wear your hoodie on the plane with my jeans.” Y/N said.
“And you’ll still be the prettiest girl on that plane ever.” Charles said.
“Thank you.” Y/N said.
They landed in Budapest and Charles drove them to their hotel. Y/N was in awe of everything since she has never been to another European country before. When they got into their hotel room, Charles told Y/N to change into one of her cute outfits because they were going to meet Carlos and Rebecca at the hotel restaurant. Y/N came out with the first outfit.
“How do I look?” Y/N asked
“You look beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, stepping closer to kiss her and twirled her around. “You ready to meet them?”
“Yes, what, should I do my hair? I think it’s messy from the plane ride,” Y/N said
“Mon coeur, don’t panic, it looks fine, but if you want to do your hair, may I suggest a half up half down ponytail with the white bow?” Charles asked.
“Muñeco, why do you like it when I wear bows?” Y/N asked.
“Because it makes you look so cute.” Charles kissed her.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” Y/N did her hair and the two walked down to the restaurant. Carlos was the first one to stand up from the table to say hello to Charles and Y/N.
“Carlos, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” Charles introduced them, Carlos and Y/N greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek.
“So nice to meet you, Charles talks about you constantly.” Carlos says and Charles blushes. “But here’s our table. Rebecca, this is Charles’s girlfriend, Y/N.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Y/N said.
“Nice to meet you too.” Rebecca said with a tight smile. “So Y/N, have you ever been to Budapest?
“No, this is my first time. I’ve only been to (the state your from or New York), (where your parents are from), and Monaco, obviously.” Y/N laughed off but she saw Rebecca make a face so she took a sip of water that was on the table. Don’t know why she’s judging when her name is literally a character from Full House.
“So Y/N, Charles tells me your a fan.” Carlos said and Y/N immediately became more comfortable, which Charles noticed immediately.
“Yes, I’m a huge fan. Ive always been a fan of Sebastian Vettel so when he went to Ferrari, I obviously went with him. But when he left, I stayed a Ferrari fan for you and Charles and damn, being a Ferrari fan is not easy.” Y/N said causing Charles and Carlos to laugh because it’s true, Rebecca didn’t react.
“You must be pretty excited to experience your race.” Carlos said.
“Oh, this is your first race?” Rebecca asked. “That’s a surprise considering you’re such a huge F1 fan.” She emphasized the word huge.
Lunch continued and when they finished, Charles and Y/N went to their hotel room.
“I think that went well.” Charles said.
“Are you kidding? Rebecca hates me.” Y/N said.
“She doesn’t hate you, she seemed very interested in getting to know you, asking you all those questions.” Charles said,
“Muñeco, i know you’re not a girl but don’t be such a guy, you didn’t see the faces she was making when I would talk. It’s like she hated to hear me talk.” Y/N said
“Well, Mon coeur, you two are going to spending a lot of time together this weekend.” Charles said.
“Well I know that but like what do we talk about? Because it became pretty clear I can’t talk about F1.” Y/N said.
“You’ll figure it out, bébé.” Charles said, kissing her.
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The next 2 days were difficult for Y/N to say the least. On media day, she walked into the paddock with Charles, wearing a CL16 Ferrari jersey, black shorts, platform vans, and a CL16 Ferrari hat with pins she bought from Etsy.
“You look great.” Charles said, kissing her. “I’m going to the MainStage for some questions, you can walk around, try to get along with Rebecca.” Charles said.
“Okay, have fun.” Y/N said. She then starts walking around, she spotted Kika, who she has met on double dates with charles and Pierre, she was wearing a sundress. Kika then spotted Y/N.
“Y/N! Hey, I can’t believe you’re here, oh my gosh, you look so cute.” Kika said, hugging her, kissing her cheek.
“Me? You look amazing, I mean obviously, you’re an off duty model.” Y/N said laughing, Kika giggled as well.
“I gotta go with Pierre but I’ll call you.” Kika left and Y/N saw Rebecca wearing navy pants with a matching vest. She saw Y/N decked out in Ferrari and smiled
“Wow, if I didn’t know you, I’d think you were a crazed fan.” Rebecca said. Y/N didn’t react but kept walking around, hoping to run into Lily.
The rest of media day and Friday, Y/N tries to make conversation with Rebecca, she doesn’t really cooperate, Y/N gave up talking to her. It was now the qualifying session, Y/N and Rebecca were watching in the hospitality. Y/N saw that there were 3 minutes left in Q1 and Charles was a driver at risk.
“No no no no no no, come on, Charles.” Y/N was lowkey stressing but then Charles made it to 3rd in the last minute. “Yes!! Let’s go!” Y/N cheered, standing up from the couch. The rest of the quali sessions were like that, Y/N stressing whenever Carlos or Charles were drivers at risk and in the bottom 5. Y/N was beyond happy when Ferrari made 3 and 4, however, she noticed Rebecca side eyeing her whenever she was cheering, she tried to tone it down a little but she was happy for Charles because after Monaco, he wasn’t doing that well.
When Charles finished the interviews after quali, he entered the hospitality and sat next to Y/N on the couch.
“What did you think?” Charles asked.
“I’m so proud of you, you did so well.” Y/N said, hugging him.
“Let’s go to the hotel, change, and we’ll go out to eat?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Y/N said. They went to the car, the ride was pretty quiet until.. “Am I annoying?”
“What do you mean ‘annoying’, Mon ange?” Charles asked.
“Exactly what I’m asking, am I annoying? Are there days where I’m talking and you’re thinking ‘will she ever shut the fuck up?’ or not, muñeco?” Y/N asked.
“Never, Mon coeur, I never thought you were annoying. Why are you asking? Did something happen with Rebecca again?” Charles asked.
“I’m telling you, she doesn’t like me. She keeps making faces when I’m cheering. Like sorry for being excited that my boyfriend moved up from being a driver at risk, I like F1, I was practically raised with the sport, and she even judged me for wearing your merch.” Y/N said pouting, Charles felt bad, her first race weekend should have been a great experience.
“Don’t pay mind to her, Mon coeur. Tomorrow is the race, I hope to place on the podium, and hopefully I’ll get to see you in Ferrari merch.” Charles said.
“Yeah.” Y/N said.
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It was race day! Sadly, instead of wearing her Ferrari merch, she wore the fifth outfit to try to fit it with Rebecca. Charles saw her doing her hair, kinda disappointed that she wasn’t wearing Ferrari.
“I thought that outfit was for dinner.” Charles said.
“Well this way we could go to dinner right after the race.” Y/N said, Charles still looked at her. “I know what you’re thinking, muñeco.”
“You don’t have to change, you know.” Charles said. “You won’t really see her much next season. If you’re coming to more races, I mean.”
“I know, but I just wanna see if she’ll treat me a little better.” Y/N said, however, Rebecca stayed the same. Both were in the hospitality watching the race, Y/N was pacing because, surprise surprise, Charles had engine trouble.
“Y/N, stop pacing, geez.” Rebecca said and Y/N stopped and looked at her.
“I have had it with you. I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I am done with your judge faces. You don’t want to hear me or someone else talk about the race or express excitement when my boyfriend or someone else’s favorite driver is doing well, then don’t come to races.” Y/N expressed. Rebecca looked shocked.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Rebecca said.
“Good, now hopefully Charles will move up from P7 to podium at least.” Y/N said. She expressed emotion as she usually does and not a single reaction from Rebecca, so much better than before. Charles got P2, Y/N went to the podium celebration, and once Charles got down from the podium, he kissed Y/N, champagne flavored kisses, of course. “So proud of you, muñeco.”
“Yeah? You watched everything?” Charles asked.
“Of course, your best race yet.” Y/N said, they kissed again and went to the drivers room.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! So I’m thinking for Just An Inchident, which if you don’t know, will be an F1 Band AU
I won’t be using Y/N BUT you’ll get your own nickname so you could read for either members of the band (Carlos, Charles, Lando, Lewis, and George/Max). Comment which nickname should be for which band member and that nickname would be strictly used by them ONLY
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redflagshipwriter · 2 months
Mamabat 10 part 2/2
Sam craned to listen to secondhand sounds of combat. It was all filtered through Val’s headset, so it was vaguely electronic.
“Up!” Said a female voice. Was that Robin? Sam tried to piece it together. The little one had been Robin, she'd thought. Could have been a boy or a girl. Robin looked around Dani's size. 
Ah, hell. She pushed down the recurring dread that thoughts of Dani brought up. 
Dani was probably fine. She just wasn't answering them because she was fabulously busy in Malaysia or Guam or somewhere else gorgeous and fascinating. She wasn't in one of those labs. They hadn't left her in a lab for a month. Sam’s hands were shaking. She squeezed them hard, angry with herself. Good thing she wasn’t in that fight, she’d be useless like this. Useless!
The percussive sounds of fast, expert violence came through Val's sound system. “Damn,” Val said. “Nice swing.” 
The answer was a feminine laugh. Man, who was that? “Not half bad yourself,” said the unknown girl.
Sam untensed, a little. They didn’t sound stressed. It was probably going fine.
There was a groan. “Spoiler, please,” said Red Robin, in a tone he probably thought was too soft to be overheard. Ha. Val was using Vlad's creepertech, and Vlad was one of the best creeps out there. Sam felt weirdly proud of him for a moment. It bordered patriotism. Their freak was the best freak in the business. Eat your heart out, Batjerk.
“Like you're the only one who can pick up girls on the job?” The girl who had to be Spoiler said. 
Sam snorted. Good luck with that one! Val was spectacularly unavailable. She should know, she had tried. 
“Spoiler, Red Robin, and Robin.” Sam listed aloud for Tucker. “What do we know?” 
“All known associates of Batman, Gotham operatives, estimated active dates are at least a couple years each. Robin is clearly an inherited role, but this current one… been in for two years, I think.” Tucker listed off. “I think Spoiler and Red Robin were both former Robins, that's not too subtle.” 
Sam snorted. Her breath fanned out as visible moisture in the cold night air. 
“Likely older teens or early twenties, both of them. Robin is obviously pre puberty. 13 at the oldest.” 
Val made a subvocal grunt that meant she agreed with Tucker's assessment 
That fit. And she really didn't like it. Sam felt her hackles rise up. What was wrong with Gotham? Her group was all child vigilantes, sure, but they'd had no adult help. They'd also all been 14 or older when they got involved. Except for Dani. God, Dani, please don't be in that building. Sam had to relax her grip on the bazooka handle because she squeezed it so hard that the metal creaked. 
Danny was older now. But she didn't like that this was who he'd ended up with. Sam gritted her jaw hard and tried to keep her temper on a low simmer. She didn't have enough facts to think Batman would put Danny in danger. 
The operation inside seemed to continue smoothly. 
“That should be all the staff members on the premises,” Red Robin said. “First lab, coming up.”
“Behind me.” Batman practically growled the order.
A door opened. Sam held her breath. 
“...Are those samples?” 
Val grunted slightly. Why? What was going on? “Cores,” Val said. “Basically, people who have been injured into a coma. Left like that, they're gonna die slowly. Starvation.” 
“What do we do?” Spoiler cut in. “I mean- what can we do?” 
“Is there a way to transport them?” Val dodged the question. “I don't- yeah, that's good.” 
“Can you provide treatment?” Batman pushed. “Where will you take them?”
Val let out a long, annoyed sigh. “I don't trust you enough to go into the details.”
“Why should we trust you, vixen?” Spat a very young voice.
“Vixen?” Spoiler repeated quietly, incredulously. 
“Robin, you can't say things like that!” Red Robin hissed. “Ow- little asshole.” 
“Enough. Thank you.” Batman cut off the chatter. “Let's clear the facility.” 
They found more cores in the labs. Sam felt her stomach condense tighter and tighter into a knot as they came across research areas time and time again. 
They hadn't taken the GIW seriously enough. They'd thought they were incompetent and funny. How long had scientists been experimenting on captured ghosts here? How many of them had totally withered away? 
“Fuck,” Sam said quietly, and wiped her eyes off with her arm. 
They were clearly finished. No Dani, not unless she was one of the cores rolling around on GIW shelves like she wasn't a person.
Batman and crew came out. She could hear Batman clearly making some kind of call to…. To a Green Lantern, she thought, to pick up the GIW agents. 
Oh. That…
“Probably legit,” Tucker said on the line. He let out a big sigh and his chair clicked when he leaned back, no doubt crossing his arms behind his head. “I guess we should talk to ‘em. Should I come out there?” 
“Yeah, do it,” Sam said. “You want a pick up?” She moved the bazooka from a ready position to rest across her back instead.
Tucker hummed. “That would probably be a little cooler than using my bike.” 
Val snorted, but didn't chime in. Sam dipped back to town and let Tucker climb on behind her. He crouched to hold onto the board with both hands, because he was a sweaty nerd with no balance. 
“The bike might have been cooler,” Sam teased, and then she accelerated hard. She met them back in the field where Batman had landed his plane. As soon as she veered into sight, all of the bats looked at her, clearly ready for a fight.
“Calm down,” Val ordered. “You're all so jumpy.” 
Sam snorted and came to a sharp stop. She braced against Tucker's weight (she knew he'd be jostled.) She aimed her hardest glare at Batman. Fuck everyone else. “Danny said you wanna talk.” 
Behind them, unseen, Val double-checked the straps of a new black bag. Sam had no doubt it was full of helpless cores. 
Batman frowned at her slightly. “...Samantha Manson.” He looked behind her. “And Tucker Foley.” He didn't seem surprised, exactly,  but he didn't seem happy to see them either.
“Old man,” she shot back. “You've got half an hour. But first off, what the hell kinda game are you playing with Danny? Because this-” she waved a hand at his child soldier platoon. “is some bullshit, okay. What's going on?” 
Val shot vertically up with a whoosh of air that blew Spoiler’s hair out. All four bats whirled in time to see her blast off into the distance. 
“Focus!” Sam snapped her fingers. “Why are you here?” 
A muscle twitched in Batman's jaw. “My only intention with Danny is to ensure his safety. I have some concerns about the GIW and about his home situation that I want to look into.” 
Sam scoffed. “Bit late.” She wound some hair around her finger. “They're gone. All of them. You saw what's left of the GIW. The Fentons disappeared the day after the GIW did.” 
She heard the first hint of urgency and upset in his voice when he pressed, “Jasmine Fenton?” 
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redroomreflections · 1 month
Real Love
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
The Loud House Universe
Summary: Reader comes home after a night out with friends
W/c: 2.3k
When Natasha gets a knock at her bedroom door, she’s a bit surprised. She wasn’t expecting any company at this time of night. Not that people came knocking at her door anyway. Natasha’s a lone wolf. She’s content with being by herself. Since joining the Avengers she’s made the effort to embrace the team and everything that comes with it. Group meals, training, maybe even a movie night if she’s feeling up to it. Tonight is not one of those nights. She’s been reading in her bedroom for the past hour. Her legs perched high enough to rest her book. She’s read it a dozen times before. 
Pride and Prejudice. A cliche she knows. It brings back good memories for her. Back in Ohio, when she was young, Melina had gone to the library and picked out a few things. She was supposed to play the part of a quiet and observant older child. So, she came back to Natasha’s bedroom with a summer reading list and a pile of books. Most of them were on Natasha’s level. They were things she could read and enjoy. Others were more difficult. The material was hard to grasp. Not only that but she was also not a native English speaker so she struggled for a bit. Nonetheless, she enjoyed the books given to her and picked this one as her favorite. Books distracted her from the world and sometimes she needed that. 
The only thing that could distract her from her favorite pastime is you. Considering you’ve been out all night and not texted her it shouldn’t be a problem. Except she’s annoyed by it. Not your lack of response. Not really. She’s angry at herself for caring a little too much. Even a year into your relationship Natasha has to remind herself to calm down. It’s the first time she’s ever been in love. The first time she’d ever cared for someone. She didn’t want to ruin it with jealous or overprotective tendencies. So, she sent one text a few hours ago. Just to check up on you. Then another about something random. To which you didn’t reply. It’s fine. She’s a busy person too. She’s survived without you. Which is why she’s been sitting here for the past hour reading the same page. 
When the person at Natasha’s door knocks again, she blows out a puff of air. Surely they knew to leave her alone. Most of the guys wouldn’t dare disturb her. Except maybe Tony. His lack of boundaries pissed her off. It was all love though and she’s learning to understand that too. Natasha closes her book gently and walks over to her door. She grips the knob to swing it open only to find you on the other end. 
You’re energetic and bouncy. You’re wearing a short and tight dress that almost leaves nothing to the imagination. Your hair is done up. Makeup is immaculate. Almost the opposite of Natasha right now who's wearing a tank top and shorts. You surge forward, throwing your arms around her, before pulling back.
“Hi, Tasha, your friend let me in,” You provide to her before she can ask. 
“Hi,” Natasha is a bit confused but returns your enthusiasm. “Where have you been?” Natasha begins to ask but she’s interrupted by your lips on hers. You give her a few pecks, using a thumb to wipe your lipstick from her lips before you look into her eyes. “Have you been drinking?”
“Have I?” You grin. “I have.” You nod. “I missed you so much. We can talk more. I really have to pee.” You inform her before you rush past her and into her ensuite bathroom. Natasha stands, stupefied, before she closes the bedroom door and locks it. She walks over to your kicked-off stilettos and sets them neatly against a wall. 
“Where’s Karen?” Natasha asks. 
“Probably somewhere giving a blow job who knows,” You answer back. “Preferably to Steve Rogers.”
“Okay, ew,” Natasha shakes her head. She walks over to her dresser drawer to find your spare clothes. There’s no way she would be letting you go home like this. She finds you a proper outfit and places it on a chair for you. She moves to sit on the bed again, propping herself up against the headboard. She listens to the flush of the toilet and then the running water. There’s silence for a few more minutes before you come out. 
You look over at her with a pout. 
“You’re angry with me?” You point out. Natasha’s expression doesn’t give away her feelings. Her arms are folded against her chest. “Come on, baby, don’t be mad.” You drawl as you walk over to her. Only it’s not as coordinated with all of the liquor in your system. You lean over Natasha, your arms on each side of her leg, as you lean closer to her face.
“I’m not mad,” The lie slips so easily from Natasha’s mouth that you almost believe it. You’d like to think you know her well by now. You tap her legs, drumming your little beat, and she rolls her eyes. 
 “I’m sorry I didn’t text back. My phone died. I forced Karen to come here with me just to show you I was okay.” You stand proudly with your hands on your hips. You make a turn for her, showing off your nonexistent injuries, not missing the way her eyes fall on your ass. Which looks amazing in this dress by the way. You lean over again, not giving her any space, as you speak. “I love you?” You try. 
“I love you too,” Natasha says back automatically. No hesitation and your heart soars. You kiss her. Once, twice, and another before you’re pulling back. “I was worried about you. I know you’re an adult.”
“I like that you’re worried,” You assure her. “I worry about you too all the time.” You confess as you begin to strip yourself free of the dress. Natasha watches as you reveal yourself and all your glory. No underwear of any kind. You don’t shy away from her gaze. Instead, you walk over to the pajamas and put them on. 
“What did you guys do?” Natasha questions. 
“Oh, just bar hopping,” You say. “The usual. I drank a few too many drinks. One more semester of law school. Then I’m free.” You smile. You walk back into the bathroom to grab a few towels and wet them. Natasha holds her hands out to take them when you return. You sit in front of her patiently as she begins to clean your face free of makeup. 
“Will you stop moving?” Natasha says gruffly. 
“You can’t be mad anymore,”
“I’m not mad,” Natasha sighs. “You turn into a three-year-old when you’re drunk.”
“I resent that,” You argue. “I think I give a modest seven. I didn’t need your help going to the bathroom.”
“You’re right,” Natasha sets the towels aside. “There, all better.”
“Thank you, baby,” You slur. You wrap your arms around her neck and pull her down to the bed with you. You plant wet kisses all over her face. Most of which she doesn’t wipe off. “I love you so much.” You say and Natasha chuckles. 
“I love drunk you,” Natasha says. 
“I know,” You nod. “I would suggest we have sex. Which, I mean, let’s face it I would honestly love to see you cum right now.” You hold nothing back. “I would much rather cuddle. Mainly because I can feel the earth spinning and it won’t be pretty if I puke.”
“Hmm,” Natasha hums. “Good choice.”
“I’m totally open to morning sex though,” You suggest instead. 
“Noted,” Natasha allows you to lie your head on her shoulder. For a few moments you’re too silent, she thinks you’ve fallen asleep. 
“Do you love me?” You lift your head. 
“I do,” Natasha looks into your eyes. 
“Oh, because I was just making sure,” You inform her. “I need to know because when I ask you to marry me I don’t want to be blindsided or anything.”
Natasha’s heart soars and sinks at the same time. The thought of marriage terrifies her. The fact that you’ve been thinking about it? She likes the idea. If she would allow herself to admit it she would want to. Widows are not made for love. Replays in her head for far longer than she’d like. 
“Hello, are you going to accept my proposal?” You poke at her belly. 
“Is this a proposal?” Natasha raises a brow. “I hoped it would be much better than this.”
“No, no,” You shake your head. You agree with her. “It would be much better. So much better.”
“Good,” Natasha smiles. “You should allow yourself to sleep.”
“I can’t,” You sigh. Your hands travel along her body, resting on her hips, and then her ass. You kiss her again. “I can’t stop thinking about how much fun I’m having with you. How when you’re my wife I’m going to spoil you so much. I promise orgasms every day.”
“Every day huh?” Natasha just may hold you to it. 
“I can’t wait to see you with our babies,” You continue. That makes Natasha stiffen. She hasn’t thought about this aspect. Or telling you that she can’t carry. She didn’t think you would get this far. “Don’t worry. We’ll have help. My mom loves you. She would do anything you asked for.”
“We’ve only ever talked on the phone,” Natasha swallows thickly. 
“Even still she sees how happy you make me.” You tell her. “And I’m sorry if I’m scaring you with all this. It’s just the liquor is giving me a lot of courage right now and I mean a lot.” You giggle.
“I can see,” Nathasha muses. “I like you like this.”
“Good,” You nod. “Do you know that song by Mary J. Blige?”
“Who?” Natasha dares to say and you surge forward. 
“You don’t know Auntie Mary?” You gasp. You look horrified and for a second Natasha is wondering if you’re talking about a real aunt. 
“I’m Russian,” Natasha shrugs. 
“No, babe, this is, I can’t,” You shake your head. “You have taken this too far.” You sigh. You sit up to look around the room. “Oh, F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you play Real Love by Mary J. Blige?” You call out to the AI system. 
“Sure, now playing Real Love by Mary J Blige,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. responds before the first few notes of the song begin to play surround sound. Natasha watches as you begin to bop to the music with a smile on her face. 
“Baby, you don’t know real music until you’ve listened to Mary,” You laugh. You stand, dancing around the bedroom, singing along to the lyrics, and all around having a bit too much fun. 
We are lovers through and through
And though we made it through the storm
I really want you to realize, that I really want to put you on
I've been searching for someone to satisfy my every need
Won't you be my inspiration?
Be the real love that I need
Real love, I'm searching for a real love
Someone to set my heart free
Real love, I'm searching for a real love
“That’s you,” You point to her. Natasha laughs this time. A full-on belly laugh. “You and Karen and Denise are like my best friends in the entire world. I know I’m always doing work or busy with something but, I enjoy my time with you.” You dance circles around the room before you move over to plop onto the bed. 
“Are you not going to sleep tonight?” Natasha asks as you mash your face into the pillows. Your energy seems to have gone as you take a deep breath before turning your head towards her. 
“Of course I am,” You say without opening your eyes. “I’m gunning for that morning sex. That requires me to sleep.”
Natasha hums again. She fishes her book out from under you and places it on a nightstand. 
“Can I tell you something?” You ask, looking to Natasha for confirmation. She nods. She helps you under the covers and orders F.R.I.D.A.Y. to turn off the music. “You really satisfy me. And I know I’ve had sex before. Great sex even.” Natasha raises a brow. Was there a point to this? “You’re the first person I’ve been with where I’m truly satisfied. Physically, emotionally, all that stuff. I just really enjoy being with you and the fact that you care if I’m having a good time and the orgasms are great. I mean ten out of ten all around.”
Natasha chuckles. She’s sure you won’t remember ninety percent of this night. Though it’s great to know that her skills in bed are a winning factor for you. 
“Come here,” You turn to your side and raise your arms for her to come and lie in your embrace. Your hands again return to her ass and she doesn’t mention it. She likes them there. “I know you’re scared sometimes. I know that a relationship isn’t what you’re used to and I know I dropped a lot of shit on you tonight. I may come off a little strong sometimes. I just can’t go without saying it you know? I love you, Natasha. If I get to marry you I’d be the happiest woman in the world.” You begin your butt massage right there for her. 
“I know,” Natasha begins. “I love you too. I need you to know that. I want to marry you too.” Natasha says. She’s going to continue but your hands have fallen limp against her backside. She raises her eyes to look up at you but you’re already asleep. She has no idea if you heard anything she’s said. Oh well. She’d save it for later. She rests her head on your chest again, allowing you to hold her, as she falls asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. 
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gynandromorph · 3 months
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another NofNA style emulation comic, flashback style. this comic takes place 1 or 2 seasons after this comic. this one was to show Legend's first experience fighting and why she eventually came to start taking classes. she is a very stubborn character and i imagine without anyone telling her to do something else, she would have continued pursuing markscraftsmanship indefinitely. it was supposed to show a little bit of how she thinks in fights, but i think i could have done that part better.
you can see that she's walking home with a classmate who isn't a rodent. based on her dialogue, it seems like she was carrying supplies home herself instead of walking home with a rodent classmate until she befriended BY.
BY is a chacma baboon. he has a few unpleasant qualities, like cowardice and a lack of sensitivity toward Legend's insecurities, but from his perspective, he's just encouraging a friend who isn't confident in her talents and believes she's stuck trying to be a markscraft. there is a reason that he is studying to be a markscraft instead of going into fighting or a more important occupation like law or medicine; he wants a peaceful occupation where he supports other people who have to deal with the stressful stuff. they are sort of just past acquaintanceship -- they don't know each other very well. BY lives within escarpment south, like MK.
Legend lives in the same burrow, but the paperbark thorn is currently a smaller sapling, and there's less grass. the tree the leopard jumps from is a mountain hard pear (olinia emarginata). the shrub that BY hides under is a cancer bush (lessertia frutescens).
it bothered me as a kid (annoyed is maybe a better word) when predators who would chase the protagonists in shows and movies were sort of mindless killing machines, once i learned that they are somewhat selective and often risk-averse, because injury can be a death sentence for them, moreso than herbivores. a herbivore may be able to hide from predators until it heals; a predator can't hide from its need for food. i tried to give the leopard a richer... inner life than that. as Legend mentioned, she is deep past the wild-society border that's patrolled to keep wild predators like her at bay. she is aware of this. the expansion that BY mentioned is an expansion made primarily for an additional educational facility. i mentioned in the linked comic that i think markscraft classes are probably VERY populated, overflowing with students that faculty can't keep up with. the newer facility aimed to help ease the burden of educating a necessary labor force en masse. consequently, the area that the leopard is camping in is a footpath that connects the new writing college campus to a residential traffic junction which is used almost entirely by people who have no training in martial arts -- markscrafts. because the border is newer, there is probably more focus on patrolling the literal border around the campus than the paths connected to it. she is also aware of these things. in my head, she has observed many areas of their society for long periods of time (some more than others; no need to hang around an embassy to be noticed by the juiced guys with kill magic going in and out). she's absolutely picked people off here or there without the path, but she is rather desperate to be predating on largely rodents under half a pound when the consequences could be dire. when she sees two larger citizens on the path without the scent of rationale she has no hesitation. she jumped on the ratel instead of the baboon because the baboon had things stacked on his neck, and she wasn't sure how stiff they were or if she could bite through them right away. i don't know if she's ever hunted a ratel before, or if she simply knows their reputation secondhand, and thought it probably wouldn't be a problem with one coddled by society. i think she's under the belief that, unlike a smaller predator like a ratel, she is not diminutive enough to be welcome in society. it makes sense up front -- who wants to embrace the guy who ate grandma's face or dragged their baby off into the night? there is some powerful insecurity about feeling weaker than a collective group against her, and about the suggestion that there is something wrong with her way of living. i think she probably avoided them until food outside of the border became more scarce. i think wilds are shown as... "not knowing better"; in the addendum of secretary, it's put as "not thinking about the options they might have" -- but we are shown many wilds who know about society. they all seem to at least KNOW about it. they know that there is technically a way to enter it. so they DO know it's an option. it's just an option that's less palatable than killing people. and i wanted to write this leopard like that. i didn't really want her to be a hapless ignorant animal looking for food. food is absolutely part of it, but leopards in particular are very adaptable. she could just as well hunt other predators or pets and livestock near human society, but she has beef (not pun intended). i mentioned that Legend's parents raised her to be sympathetic to wilds, so here she is under the belief that this leopard would not eat people if she simply had Enough Information. who's to say? but she certainly doesn't lack ALL information about it. wilds seem to have a belief that being eaten by an opponent stronger than oneself allows you to become part of the stronger force. NOT eating someone is a grave insult (to predators, anyway, idk how prey species feel about that), and i think sparing her altogether is probably just rubbing salt in the wound about her insecurities wrt society being "better than her."
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jihyoruri · 9 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 CHANEL GIRLFRIENDS kim minji x fem!reader
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🎸★ ͘ ⴰ yn of lesserafim and minji of new jeans, both are ambassadors of the worldwide known luxury brand chanel, they’re also known as the chanel girlfriends.
a series of short oneshots and compilations that convinced the world that the “chanel girlfriends” are definitely not just two girls who are friends.
PARING — kim minji x lsrfm!reader
all mine
previous. masterlist. next
minji knocked the door of the lesserafim dorms, she waits patiently until the door opens to reveal sakura with chaewon peeking behind her to see who’s at the door.
before minji can open her mouth she’s cut off by the japanese girl, “yn?” which causes the girl to nod in embarrassment as they let her in.
“she’s in her room.” chaewon adds, pointing the down the hall, minji nods before thanking them and heading towards yn’s room.
“keep the door open!” both girls yell behind girl.
minji sends them a thumbs up from behind her and heads towards yn’s door.
she opens the door without knocking and finds yn on her bed with her face in her phone, she walks towards the girl not forgetting to keep the door open.
yn looks up from her phone and a smile immediately makes its way to her face when she sees the new jeans member, “ah! you’re here come lay down with me.”
“oh also close the door i hate when it’s wide open.” she adds only for minji to shake her head, “they said to keep it open.” she says as she lays down beside yn who groans in annoyance.
“so annoying.” yn mumbles to herself as minji laughs, she opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by the multiple dings of yn’s phone.
she watches as the girl picks up her phone and starts typing, she tries to look at what it was but yn has that stupid privacy screen protector due to her nosey members was her reasoning.
minji watches as yn lets out an embarrassed laugh at her phone, the laugh that she always does when someone teases her, she raises a brow and puts her chin on yn’s shoulder.
“who are you talking to?”
“my mc partner for the award show.” yn responds nonchalantly, “remember, he’s an actor you probably don’t know him.”
“oh,” minji digs her face into yn’s neck to get a better look at the phone and immediately scowls at the flirty texts that the actor as been sending to her girlfriend, but it seems like yn wasn’t picking up on any of the hints.
“can you pay attention to me now?” she asks nudging yn who laughs and turns off her phone.
“you’re so obsessed with me.” yn says teasingly as she wraps her arms round minji, her phone dings again but before she could reach over to it minji grabs her hands, “don’t you even dare.”
🎸★ ͘ ⴰ
minji tried her best to keep her composure she really did, but it’s hard when your girlfriends mc partner doesn’t know the meaning of personal space.
she clenched her fists as the man passed a flirty comment to you that had everyone in the crowd gasping and laughing.
everyone besides minji.
“you look like you’re gonna burn him alive.” hanni whispered to the girl who nodded her head, “I just might…”
“minji!” hanni gasps hitting the girl’s shoulder.
“you can’t expect someone who doesn’t know yn is in a relationship to not flirt with her, that girl is a total heartthrob.” hanni says knowingly, “hell I would try it with her if I could.” she adds earning a glare from minji.
“plus, yn loves you and is super loyal do you really think she’s gonna leave you for him out of all people? she’s all yours.”
“yeah…” minji trails off, “she is all mine..”
the award show goes on with another dreadful hour and minji just is just happy it’s finally over, immediately parting from her members to find yn and boy when she does.
minji pauses when she finds her girlfriend leaning against the wall outside of lesserafims changing room with her mc partner talking her ear off.
before minji can even comprehend what she’s doing she walks over to yn like she’s on a mission.
“babe!” she says loudly, startling the two mcs, minji takes notice of yn’s shocked face when she puts her arm around her shoulder, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
yn just stares at the girl in shock, nobody but their members know about their relationship so seeing minji act like this was definitely a shock to the girl.
“did i interrupt something?” mini asks looking at yn who just shakes her head rapidly.
“n-no not at all.” she stuttered out before gesturing to in front of her, “this was my mc partner of course, he was just telling me how good I did.”
“ahhh,” minji says pretending that she was interested but she couldn’t care less about what he was talking about all she wanted was him away from her girlfriend.
“would you look at the time,” minji cuts him off pointing to his watch, “you should probably get going, everyone is heading out now.”
“I was actually going to offer to drop yn off, see if it’s okay with her members.” he says and minji narrows her eyes.
can’t he catch a hint? what does she have to do? kiss yn in front of him? she was really considering it at this point
“no need.” she says before yn could even respond, she removes her arm from yn’s shoulder and interlocks your hands together before opening the lesserafim dressing room pulling yn in with her and shutting the door in his face.
yn looks at minji in shock as the five girls snap their heads towards them.
“hi?” yunjin says looking mostly at her members girlfriend.
minji bows politely before dragging yn with her and sitting in one of the couches, pulling yn into her lap.
chaewon stiffened at that but sakura just turned the leaders body away from the younger couple.
minji rests her chin on yn’s shoulder while she relaxes finally feeling at ease after pulling away yn from her biggest nightmare.
“what was that?” yn asks leaning into the girl.
“what was what?” minji responds but is only met with an unimpressed look from as she shifts her body to look at minji.
she lets out deep sigh and looks off to the side, “I didn’t like how he was acting with you, the constant texting and the flirting,” she blurts out, “and don’t even get me started on how I literally called you babe and he didn’t care and continued to ask to leave here with you!” she rambles on.
“it’s like he couldn’t take a hint!” she finishes before looking at yn who only had a smile on her face.
“you’re so cute!” yn coos pinching the girls cheeks causing minji to scrunch her face up, “stop!”
“who knew the kim minji gets jealous?” she teases, “or were you just good at hiding it until now?”
she was good at hiding it until now.
“shut up.”
“you don’t have your worry, I’m all yours.” yn says pressing a kiss to the girls cheek awfully close to lips since she knew she couldn’t kiss minji on the lips, not with chaewon in the room she’d probably kick the new jeans member out the room.
“I know.” minji mumbles, turning yn’s body back around and pulling her closer on her lap, “just wanted to make it known to him.” she adds still pissed and yn takes notice of that.
“how about, I convince chaewon and sakura unnie to let you sleep over?”
“but then we’ll just be sleeping in the living room like always with eunchae since she’s always forced to stay with us.”
“we’ll just so what we always do,” yn says like it’s obvious, “pay eunchae and the sneak into my room.”
both girls snap their heads towards chaewon who has her hands clenched.
yn nervously stands from minji’s lap walking over to yunjin so she could hid behind the older girl.
“nope, this is your mess.” the girl laughs moving away from yn who whines and moves to sakura who laughs and wraps her arms around yn.
“chaewon unnie, i was joking.” yn laughs nervously pushing her face into sakura before looking at minji who has stood up from her seat.
“I should probably go…” she trails off not daring to look at chaewon whose eyes are burning into her head.
“see you later,” she says to yn before quickly walking out the room and shutting the door as chaewon yells, “you are not seeing her for a week!”
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Do you have any tips (or previous posts) about how to write a young person who’s first-time cane user? This one is for a character who escapes a lifetime of being experimented on, and learns in the aftermath of being rescued that this rather compromised her ability to walk well again. I’ve written characters with other mobility devices for getting around. But never canes. I myself am physically disabled but have never needed anything like these before. I’m always eager to learn.
If your character is a first time cane user, here's some things that could happen:
She will need to learn how to walk with the cane first. When you're starting, it's easy to mess up (though it could be my dyspraxia speaking) and overfocus on how you should walk because you're just getting used to it. She could randomly stop and correct her gait, or look down a lot to check if she's still doing the motion (left arm and right leg forward, or the other way around).
She's probably gonna drop that thing a lot. Especially if she has a weaker grip in the cane hand - now, I don't have this problem (the opposite, rather) - but the overall thing is a really common occurrence for most of us. Walking and hit the smallest pebble imaginable? Cane on the ground, somehow. Tried putting it against the wall or table? It's on the ground. And then you need to reach for it... it's a struggle sometimes.
If she's not helped in picking the cane, she will spend some time figuring out what grip and height are comfortable for her. (Grip depends on personal preference, no one's preference has ever been the doorknob handle, height is generally to the person's wrist from the ground up.) I think that this could be an interesting opportunity to talk about disabled communities - maybe she's frustrated with the process and goes to an older (more experienced) cane user to help her?
If it's during the winter, her hand is gonna be freezing - and the opposite in the summer - and she might not be prepared for it. The handle can get HOT and it can be an issue. Depending on what her actual disability is, she might try switching which hand to hold it in. If she's able to do that, another character could warm up her cold hand :)
The first couple of times walking with a cane are an Experience. You feel way better, but also everyone is suddenly staring. Some people care about that, some don't. But it can be somewhat overwhelming either way.
Spatial awareness is gonna suck at first. She will bump into what feels like everything with the cane. Especially doorframes. It's always doorframes for some reason. Or mess up and have her cane slip down because she hasn't realized how close to the curb she was.
She will hit her shin. It will hurt.
She's probably going to be speedy with that thing! Getting a cane is like getting a speed boost. Without it, I have episodes where I'm extremely slow (my highest, extreme-pain speed would be slower than a person walking very casually) and with it, I'm faster than a lot of able-bodied people! It's fun and she would have fun with it.
She will not know what to do with the cane when she doesn't need it. For me, using backpacks always cause issues because I don't know how to hold it without dropping it, but I also need to swap hands, something gets stuck on the handle... it's a whole process that takes a comical amount of time at first. Same when going to the public bathroom, where are you putting it when you aren't using it...? It's a lot of trial and error and a lot of "eww, my cane just touched the dirtiest surface humanly imaginable".
In the real world, people are (overly) interested in young cane user's business and tend to stare a lot. Now, it doesn't have to be like this in your story, but it's often just an annoying part of life. Your character might feel awkward and feel like she needs to explain herself, but this goes away after some time. You just get desensitized after a while.
In the real world, people are sometimes interested and nice about it! For example, a lot of older people can be insecure about using a cane, exactly like younger people. I've heard stories about older people asking younger users where they got their cane from, how are they so confident with it, etc. Another opportunity for a disabled community moment!
I hope that my suggestions were helpful, it's been a while since I was a first-time cane user so I wrote down what I still remember, haha.
Mod Sasza
I agree with Sasza on pretty much every point and wanted to add some things from my own experience.
It's really, really hard to hold both a cane and an umbrella at the same time. Sometimes I'll give up and get wet. Sometimes I'll give up and store the cane. She might do either of those, depending on what she hates more: being wet or walking without the cane. Or she could get a raincoat if that works for her.
Speaking of umbrellas, sometimes you need your umbrella and you need your cane and you also need a free hand. This Sucks. What I do for this sometimes (and maybe she or other people have better, smarter, more useful solutions than this) is shove my umbrella into my shirt or backpack strap or something, so the umbrella is Held Up by it. This is not very effective, and will not last long. But if I need to look up a map on my phone or adjust something on my clothes or get my keys, it can work. Sort of.
Just like mod Sasza said, people will take interest in your cane, younger and older alike. I've had people of all ages compliment my cane (it has flowers) as well as people of all ages tell me I'm too young to need a cane or ask what's wrong with me. An older woman once asked me where I got my cane as she had been wanting a 'pretty' one, and that was a nice moment.
She might develop a new awareness of mobility aid users. When you're new at using one and trying to figure it out, you're probably going to be frustrated, because it's a new skill like any other. But it might make her (like it made me) notice more people using canes. It's not that I never saw them before, but that they were more common than I ever thought, and I never would have noticed how common it was if I hadn't had to slow down and practice my skill.
Cane tips get dirty, and cane tips wear out. These both depend on where your character is using her cane (outdoors vs indoors, scratchy asphalt vs smooth wood) as well as how often. A cane with a worn-out rubber tip really sucks and is more unstable and if the cane is made of aluminum and the tip is worn out and you hit the cane the wrong way, you can damage the cane. Ask me how I know.
That's all I can think of right now that I had to learn to deal with when I started! As you can see I still don't have a solution to the rain thing and it's been like two and a half years...
- mod Sparrow
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
Call It Through as a Crew: Alleviating Some Phone Anxiety
Hello everyone! So as you probably already know, there has been a recent call to make, well, calls! Another member of our crew figured out that the max customer service line (855-442-6629) is a very effective way to get our feedback heard, as the feedback gets transcribed and shared to a multitude of teams.
I already sort of briefly shared my experience on this post, but I wanted to go a bit more in detail to offer some solace for those who are also phone averse, as well as share resources and get the word out even more.
And y'all, when I say I'm phone averse, I mean PHONE AVERSE LMAO; MY FEET WERE SWEATING JSDKLS LIKE I WAS FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE. So I totally, TOTALLY get it, and am here to walk you through everything in detail!
So I called that number and was on a brief hold--probably like 5 minutes or so. The customer service representative (Margot my bestie Margot) then picked up, and asked for the email associated with my account as well as my full name.
I was extremely extremely worried and anxious about being bothersome/annoying the person on the other end and just being able to feel it in their tone, so I was shivering and sweating all the while. But then when she asked for my reason for calling, I said, "Oh, it's actually in regard to some feedback," and she went, "Is it for Our Flag Means Death?"
And we both laughed, and I was like, "Haha how did you knooooowww?" And she laughed some more and was like, "Let me tell you, I have never seen anything like this in all my years working here. We are getting so many calls. It's incredible."
And by that point, a large weight was off my chest because she was friendly, I was friendly, EVERYONE WAS FRIENDLY.
I laughed and told her that we were a very passionate and concerned bunch, and she told me that she thought that was so cool and also super important. She then allowed me to tell her my feedback, and she transcribed it as I talked. This was the little script I had prepared in case you'd like to reference it:
I just wanted to call and express my disappointment, dissatisfaction, and concern with the recent cancellation of Our Flag Means Death on Max. As a queer person myself, this show has a tremendous impact on me. And in a climate where so many diverse and LGBT-centric shows have unjust ends, I’d just like to express my wish for reconsideration, and just the hope that…Max will allow LGBT stories like ours to live and flourish. And I’m really worried about there being some kind of…homophobic angle to the cancellation, so it would mean the world to myself and so many others if the decision could be reversed, and we could get our third and final season.
I went a little graver than originally planned, because I saw talks that taking a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) angle, as well a "hey I'm a queer person and this feels like a decision made for a nefarious purpose" angle, are supposedly more likely to be noted.
Anyway, she allowed me to say my piece and wrote it all down, and then actually stayed with me on the line to chat a bit more. So, the phone call didn't feel rushed or anxious which was SO so huge to me; it felt far more conversational.
She was like, "I don't want to toot our little horn or anything, but Max really takes all this feedback into consideration. It will be passed to the properties team (or something equivalent, I can't remember the EXACT term she used), and they're in charge of what goes on Max and why. So, I really feel like you guys have a fighting chance with these efforts."
And of course I was thanking her profusely for telling me all of this, and for listening; polite menace, that will be my brand!
But man, the coolest part of all? She told me that she was POC, and a queer person herself, and that this was all so cool and so amazing to see. She applauded our efforts, and expressed interested in the show. I laughed and said, "Well uhhhh I might have a BIT of a bias, but I cannot recommend it enough."
And then she proceeded to tell me that it might be even MORE effective to hit from different angles. So, keep calling (they're available 24/7), and also keep utilizing the online feedback form. Basically just keep FLOODING them with how much this means to us and why.
I then expressed a lot of gratitude, we exchanged pleasantries, and there was a brief survey at the end. I don't think the survey is necessary, so you can probably hang up by this point, but I stuck around for a little more horsepower. It tells you to rate the customer service on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, and you know I gave my bestie a fivvvveee. It also tells you to press 1/2 if your issue was resolved or not. I said HELL TO THE NO, DUDE SJDKLS. And THEN, it asks you to leave a voice message after the tone describing your experience. I said that I was with the customer service representative Margot, and that she was extremely friendly and helpful, but that the issue at hand will not be resolved until Max reserves their decision about the recent cancellation of Our Flag Means Death (I'm also always saying the show title in full as opposed to just the acronym, just for more OOMPH).
...And thennnn I proceed to shake it/shriek it all off LMAO.
Buuuut yeah! Probably took a total of 10 minutes or so. @xoxoemynn also shared with me that she's seen people say that these customer service representatives likely deal with older folks who need help with technology, and are subsequently stunned (and maybe even excited) to talk to younger people who just want to voice concerns instead of chew the poor customer service people out lol! And Margot also mentioned that they were eager to take calls no matter what, so as long as we're all polite and succinct, I don't think we'll have to worry about a very tense and awkward call.
I hope this alleviates some fear a bit! We got this, crew. We're doing so, so much. And it seems like it's being heard all over the place; it also seems like we've got so many people on our side, too. Big big hugs, and I'll share the necessary resources once more-
Customer Service Number: (855) 442-6629
The Online Feedback Form:
The original tumblr post with all the information:
The tumblr post where Fox and others were sharing even more information:
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kayentokk · 5 months
Easy Peasy Sukuna Squeezey(Part 3);What Could Go Wrong
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Pairing;Sukuna x Fem! Reader
Summary;What could go wrong during your weekend with Sukuna? Not much except one thing, or one person.
Contains;fluff, lots of fun, ex, sukuna gushing, childhood memories, some cussing
A/N;I am literally so sorry, tbh I forgot I made this a series 😅 and then I checked my comments and I was like oh. So my bad guys I will try to update this regularly and get my schedule back together. Also just comment on any of the posts for this series that you want to be tagged to get on the tag list. 
Tag list 🏷️; @charlie-xo
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The week felt like it took forever to be over, exams, loads of homework, part-time job, all that hectic stuff. But this weekend you get to-well you’re not really sure exactly what Sukuna has in store for you but whatever it is you’re excited for it. 
You had texted your roommate the day you were over Sukunas apartment that you’d be staying there at least until the weekend was over. You often stayed at Sukunas for long periods of time when you needed a break or just wanted to hang with your best friend. He never really minded you were pretty good company, in your own words, and he was used to spending long periods of time with you. During school, after school, in the summer, whenever your moms wanted to have a girls night, just whenever. 
Anyways your roommate was obviously cool with it, she had mentioned she wanted to have “company” over anyways so it all worked out. You took Sukuna’s advice and blocked your ex, you were probably going to do that anyways since the relationship was definitely over, so you have no idea if he’s texted or called. Not that you care though, he’s an ass and he should have enough shame, decency, and brains not to call and understand it’s over. 
To be honest you’re at the acceptance stage of grief, it is what it is he wasn’t the one for you, but it still sucks. Sukuna has actually been really helpful, he’s been, for lack of a better word, a great distraction. He won’t tell you what he has planned for tonight though, all he said was to be ready in pajamas. Maybe a movie night? 
You guys used to do those every Friday, but then college got too hectic with it being senior year and all. Sukuna said his classes are pretty easy, although you aren’t too surprised on that one he’s always been exceptionally intelligent, he claims it’s because he just decided to major in business since he’s not exactly sure what he wants to do.
He didn’t want to be a chef, even though he’s exceptionally talented in cooking too, but he’s a waiter at a restaurant for his part time job. When he first got that job you visited to see the restaurant, and him, it was a nice little quiet diner. He was annoyed and disgusted about it on the outside but you could tell he was embarrassed about you visiting, mostly because one time there was a couple that sat in the booth behind you and made comments about, “young love.” And every time you would sit in that same booth just to annoy him because you knew he thought about it each time, it was honestly hilarious. You and him? Being a couple? What a joke.
Sukuna texted he was on his way back, he had a lecture that was in the evening that day and he left a little early to start you guys’ weekend plans. Apparently you hadn’t been paying much attention to any calls or messages because you had about 10 missed calls from your friend and a dozen text messages. You immediately called back.
“Hello? Girl! Why have you not picked up, I’ve been calling you for forever.”
“I’m sorry! I was just laying here, and I had on dnd from when I was in classes earlier. I guess I never turned it off,” you replied in an anxious tone.
Mai just sighed before continuing, “anyways your boyfriend-“
“Ex,” you cut her off before she could even begin.
“Your ex-boyfriend,” she corrected herself with irritation, “has been showing up like every other hour asking about you, and I wasn’t paying much attention before but I’m pretty sure his car was outside yesterday for a while. He’s probably waiting on you, has he texted?”
“I don’t know if he’s texted I blocked him. That’s probably why he’s showing up, he thinks I’m home. Just ignore him, and if he continues to knock call the police or something.”
“Why can’t he just leave you alone? It’s clearly over, there’s nothing there anymore.”
“I know, I’m so sorry by the way.”
“You’re fine, enjoy your weekend babes! I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Mhm my company should be over soon, talk to you later, be safe.”
“Kk you too, bye Mai,” and with a small beep, the call ended. 
He was coming by every hour? How insane. You hoped he wouldn’t give Mai much trouble, but then again she could handle herself. What if he knew you were at Sukuna’s? Well he didn’t know the address….he’s dropped you off before though. Maybe he doesn’t remember it? Oh no what if he shows up?! And then your whole weekend of distraction will be ruined, and all of Sukuna’s hard work will be-
“-n? Y/n! Hey, Earth to y/n again. Seems like I’m having to do that a lot this week huh?” Sukuna jokes. 
“Hm, oh yeah sorry-“ you say lost in your thoughts.
“Uhh you sure? Why’re you all spaced out?”
“It’s nothing-“
“We both know it’s not nothing you might as well tell me, you’re not very good at your poker face I’ll have to teach you sometime,” he says playfully.
“It’s just- he showed up at my apartment. He was looking for me-“
“But you’re not there so what’s the problem?”
“Mai is there, which I’m sure she’s fine he’s not crazy he’s just a whore, but what if he shows up here?” 
“Wow never thought I’d hear you slut shame someone, that’s a new low y/n,” he smiles and then continues, “but you don’t have to worry about him showing up here. That is if he knows what’s good for him.”
Oh yeah one small thing, the time your ex dropped you off him and Sukuna did not get along. It was the briefest moment, it felt like when your dad dropped you back off at your moms’ after spending a weekend with him, but it was tense. You could tell, Sukuna’s sharp maroon gaze stayed on him even after you had stepped inside. So, safe to say he’d have to be pretty ballsy to show up here.  
“Put on some boots or something we’re going out,” Sukuna says gruffly.
“Going out where? I’m in pajamas-“
“I know, good. I told you to be, glad to know you listen.”
You scoffed, “no way I’m going in public like this-,” you gestured with your hands waving in an up and down movement to your unprofessional getup. 
“Relax. You won’t be the only one, I’m about to change too.”
“Oh because two of us looking like we just rolled out of bed is better than one,” you said sarcastically.
“Exactly, I knew you’d get it I had to admit I was getting a little worried there,” he teased.
“Oh shut up dimwit,” you said smiling.
There it was again, stunning.
Sukuna went to quickly throw on some sweats and an old faded t-shirt, probably sporting some random band. He grabbed his keys, and you were out the door. 
You loved night time drives, everything just hit different. The music vibed better, especially when Sukuna let you have the aux, the car ride is just more fun at night. When you arrived at the destination Sukuna parked the car and reached to turn the knob on the volume down.
“Look where we are,” he said turning to stare at you.
You immediately turned to look out the window, and even though it took you a second you realized-
With a big shriek and gasp you turned back to Sukuna, “this is-!”
“The ‘best convenience store ever in our hometown’ I know you said it to me so much it’s engraved in my brain.”
Sparkles were in your eyes, along with some unshed tears. So many great memories were here. Every time you passed a test with an A your mom would bring you here to get your favorite snack, and since Sukuna always did well on tests you’d take him about once a month to continue the tradition. But then you guys’ campus was at least a 35 minute commute from here, and when it was busy during the day maybe 45, so you stopped coming. There just wasn’t enough time and you guys got really busy. But not many people were on the road at night, and with Sukuna’s driving you guys probably made it there in 20-25 minutes tops. 
You were so happy you could scream. It was apparent in your face, the brightest smile. You jumped out of the car and immediately ran into the store, Sukuna not far too behind you. 
You had already grabbed one of the small dark green dingy looking baskets, ah the same as always, from the entrance and were halfway down your favorite aisle by the time he got inside. 
He greeted the kind old lady at the register who had witnessed your excitement just moments ago, screeching with joy, which scared her when you rushed in. 
He quickly found the aisle you were in and watched you decide which snacks you wanted, carefully picking the items and placing them in the basket. 
You rushed from one place to another, grabbing drinks, chips, snacks, anything you wanted because who knows when you’ll visit here again. Then you just stopped, and Sukuna watching your madness didn’t think you were ever going to. Then your eyes started to well up with worry.
“What’s wrong?”
“I- I left my wallet back at your apartment, I can’t buy any of this-“
“What? I’m obviously buying, dimwit,” he scoffed repeating your words from earlier.
“Really?” You asked, the excitement immediately perking back up inside you. 
He didn’t even get to answer before you continued happily on your shopping spree, how could he say no anyways? By the time you were done you couldn’t even pick up your basket. You quickly looked to Sukuna for help, and he rolled his eyes taking the basket with his left arm. You began to giggle watching him walk to the register. You couldn’t help it, the sight of him carrying a basket like a soccer mom was just too funny. 
A stuffed full basket being carried by his well built arm, the vein bulging from the somewhat strenuous task being carried out. His hand flexing and unflexing to stretch after putting the basket down, making the veins even more visible as they pop out due to his contractions-
“Y/n? You coming? Don’t you wanna get home to eat all this stuff?” 
You quickly snapped out of your haze, and ran up to the register where Sukuna had already taken his wallet out to pay, making a comment about how you were most definitely going to eat it in his car. You left a happy customer that day.
Before you left you made Sukuna stop in front of the shop so that you could snap a quick photo of the two of you together, you wanted to send it to your moms. 
You smiled the whole car ride home, and when you got in the house. 
“Thank you,” you said sincerely with a huge grin on your face.
“Yeah, yeah I know I’m the best,” he replied with a smirk.
“Can you cook the ramen please?”
“Who else was gonna-“
And then the shrill ring of the doorbell rang. 
“Are you expecting someone?”
“No, no one comes over here. Maybe it’s just a package.”
“At 10pm?”
“I don’t know, maybe some drunk has the wrong door.”
Then it rang again.
“Okay maybe not…”
“Sukuna just go get the door I’ll start prepping-“
Before you could finish your sentence though, he already opened the door ready to tell off the drunk.
“Oh. It’s you.” 
You didn’t like Sukuna’s tone, and being the nosey person you are sometimes, you rushed to the door. You immediately understood his tone. 
“Oh, of course it’s you.”
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@/cafekitsune for the divider
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meanbossart · 6 months
I've been loving the DU Drow as a companio asks, so I've got my own. I was wondering what kind of interactions he would have with the other companions.
More specifically, we know Astarion flirts with almost anyone (for his own reasons) and even sleeps with Bae'zel at the tiefling party if you turn him down as a player. So, since the Drow is in the group now, what would his interaction with Astarion be? Would Astarion assume him to be the strongest and best chance of survival if manipulated? Would Astarion try to sleep with the Drow the same way he would with Lae'zel?
(Regarding the companions in general) Oh I can easily see him and Shadowheart having some cute party banter, they'd poke light fun at each other and have a similarly "darkly dramatic" reaction to things. He'd easily be the most talkative with her, often initiating mundane conversations about stuff you find. I can see some dialogue between them triggering upon finding one of the many drink-stashes you come across where they discuss what they like best when it comes to wine - or what they think they like, at least, considering the state of their memories.
Gale would be eager to inquire him about drow and the underdark, and where he got his fighting prowess from, which would visibly annoy DU drow since he can't fucking remember anything LOL he'd comment about how he always thought male drow were supposed to be a little… Flimsier, prompting a response along the lines of "I suppose my mother must have fed me well. I do have quite the appetite for loud-mouths."
Gale's like :U my goodness. Point taken.
He might talk to Karlach about Avernus, being fond of the savage nature of it. He'd also ask her if "something's bothering her" and when she asks why he's asking, he comments on how she can never seem to be still for long LOL
If Jaheira joins the party later she takes an interest in him (I WONDER WHY) and they could also share a little friendly banter. DU drow ends up asking her things about Baldur's Gate and herself to fill the gaps in his memory, as well as her children. He expresses how, if he thought himself more fit for a father, he'd have some of his own. Jaheira tells him it's probably better this way.
The banter with Astarion would be pretty par for the course - a mix between being flirtatious in nature and a little passive-aggressive all at once. At some point he says he can't keep quiet about how he stinks of carrion - DU calmly tells him that it can't be helped, due to their circunstances, and that he has a pretty cadaveric perfume himself. Astarion gets offended and tells him he knows for a fact that he smells lovely - DU drow tells him those statements need not be mutually exclusive.
He'd also ask Wyll about Mizora and what it's like to be in her servitute, claiming that he "wouldn't mind doing her a few favors himself" and Wyll tries his darn best to brush that off.
Lae'zel picks on him about his, erm, unreliable state of mind and accuses DU drow of basically being a ticking-time-bomb. DU responds that he feels less like a bomb and more like a vent releasing a steady flow of noxious fumes - if that helps her sleep better at night.
He also snorts at Minthara's "jokes".
(Onto the second part of this already far-too-long reply:)
And I THINK SO, I think Astarion would take him for being more easily manipulated than Lae'zel and try his luck there instead.
Small detour: you know, I always thought it'd be neat if some of the companions formed relationships with each other if you didn't pursue them. We see friendships form but romances would be fun too - like Karlach and Shadowheart could get together if you didn't pair with either of them, and Ascended Astarion and Minthara if you happened to have that party configuration in act 3. I don't really see many of the others having that kind of chemistry, but I wouldn't want the whole camp to be in love with each other anyway lol just 1 or 2 other couples would make the party feel more autonomous.
So, in a world where that's a part of the game, I obviously would say they get together if you don't romance either (from a mechanic standpoint player still gets first dibs LOL) and that unlocks unique party banter and dialogue where you can ask them about it once per act and reveal the "status" of the relationship. In act 2 you get to comment about how they seem to "steal away" together often. Astarion implies they're obviously having sex, and that he's always wanted to "try a little drow - but a big one is even better". If you ask DU drow about it he keeps details and motivations to himself, but acknowledges that they have something going on. You can then tell him that you believe he's being used, and DU drow very nonchalantly says that "he's well aware", but that he isn't worried about it.
In Act 3, when you ask again, Astarion somewhat bashfully reveals that the drow grew on him, and if you press on about the topic he reveals that they haven't even had sex since act 1, they just do a lot of talking, as he sheepishly puts it. If you ask DU drow about it he's much more upfront in saying that they've become an item, and that he's very happy in Astarion's company.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 7 months
can you do co worker Irene x fem reader,where Irene secretly has a crush on reader and she waits every time for her.But this day readers ex didnt stop calling reader and ended up waiting for her at work so Irene went to reader and acted like her gf.Later Irene took reader to her home and they made out ,THENN READERS EX CALLED AGAIN.irene told her to answer the call and while they were talking reader couldn't stop moaning (English isn't my first language sorry)
A/N: Well….as I wrote this, I realized it was not so much smut but more fluff that’s a bit suggestive so this will be a bit disappointing for all of you who voted for this expecting smut😭(but also horny jail for you all🚔) anyways, this is probably the last request I’m doing before I finish the Angst April fics unless I get a random burst of creativity.
Stupid Cupid
Irene x fem!reader
CW: Fluff, suggestive
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Your phone started ringing, once again, right on time, your ex calling you exactly 5 minutes after your lunch break starts so you have no excuse to not pick up other than that you don’t want to talk.
You sigh and pick up, knowing the calls will continue to come if you don’t pick up. “Hello….”
As you talk with your ex, telling her the same thing you have been for the past month, you are seemingly unaware of an annoyed stare in your direction, albeit from afar. Irene watches you, an exasperated look on her face. ‘The audacity of that stupid woman to keep calling her y/n’, she thought to herself. ‘Well…not her y/n….yet’. She really wanted to walk over, snatch the phone out of your hand, tell your ex to fuck off, block her and then kiss you. But alas, she couldn’t do that. And that annoyed her even more. Regardless, she was about to get on with her work when her ears perked up at something you said.
“What! What do you mean you are on your way here? I don’t want to see you. I already sa-. No, we don’t need to give it another tr-…..fine, whatever”, you sigh and put down your phone, rolling your eyes in irritation, unsure of what will happen next when you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. You turn and find that it’s Irene, your coworker. Supposedly she’s the scary one but she’s been nothing but sweet to you so you have always chalked it down to her just being more prompt and serious than the rest.
“I, ahem, I did the….”, Irene begins but trails off when you take the sheets of paper from her, your hands lingering on hers for a second. You smile at her and you could have sworn she blushed. “……I couldn’t help it but I overheard you on the phone…”, she says hesitantly.
“Ugh..yea..my ex…it’s just a mess”, you start, “and yeah I know I can just block or her not answer or whatever but like…I think she won’t let up as long as she thinks she can win me back…”
Irene listened to you, a concerned look on her face, a slight frown forming on her face before her expression softened again. “Y/n….maybe…”, she hesitates, you see her cheeks flushing, “you should tell her you are seeing someone else…or something”, she quickly added at the end.
You sigh, “I wish it was that easy, she’ll keep on pressing me even then, who is it, how do they look, why them etc etc. Thanks for the suggestion though”.
Irene stayed quiet, a bit stumped. That’s when you hear a shout, “Y/N there you are!”. And you see your ex walk up and you sigh. This was not going to be pretty….
She walks right up to you and you can’t deny it, she does look really pretty, “Y/n…”, she smiles, “look I’m sorry for being so pushy lately…but I really think we are making a mistake. Like it’s been a little while now and it’s been difficult for me and you said it’s been hard for you too so why don’t we just make out-up, oops”, she giggled.
Irene couldn’t believe what she was hearing, no way Y/N would fall for this trap right? Like it was so blatantly obvious.
You stayed silent…yes she was not completely wrong, you had been feeling a bit lonely lately and you did miss intimacy but you had been focusing on your job lately and that made it much easier, like for some reason you didn’t feel like working was such a burden anymore. But did you really want to start over once again?
As you considered your options, your ex took a step closer, smiling, her hands reaching for your cheek.
That’s when Irene suddenly stood up, a determined expression on her face as she got in between you two. “Stop. And leave. She doesn’t want you. How many times does she have to tell you before you understand huh?”, she says calmly but also coldly.
Your ex seems taken aback for a moment before she chuckles, “Who even are yo-”
“I’m her girlfriend.”, Irene says defiantly.
Now your ex looks stunned. She gives Irene a once over, a frown forming on her face and she faces you back again, “Y/N? What is she….”
You look at Irene and then your ex and make up your mind, “Yea, it’s true….”.
“You both are lying, there’s no way, I don’t believe-”, she begins again but is cut off.
“Believe what you want but that’s the truth. And none of your business anymore anyway so just go away”, Irene snaps.
Dumbstruck, your ex just stares at Irene who grabs your hand takes you back to your desk, as soon she’s out of sight, you notice Irene is completely red faced and she lets go of your hand slowly, reluctantly…and then glances at you, unsure of what of say when you hug her, “Thanks for that, you shouldn’t have…now she’ll be after you too…”
“I don’t think I should worry about that too much”, Irene replies, seemingly unbothered.
“No…I mean like…I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be at the parking lot when you leave, watching us to see whether we were lying or not…”, you sigh.
“Oh”, Irene says quietly as she realizes what you mean, “I…I guess maybe we just…just pretend abitlongerthenright?”
“Huh…oh..oh!”, you are a bit surprised Irene is still willing to continue with this facade, “S-sure…I guess that works…maybe it’ll put her off for good? But…what do we do?”
“……maybe….you come with me…you know instead of taking the bus…just pretend I’m dropping you home or something?”, Irene says quietly.
You consider it for moment before nodding in agreement and that was the plan.
Hours later as you get in the passenger seat of Irene’s car, you notice through the side mirror that a familiar car was in the distance, observing. You sigh and point it out to Irene who says nothing and begins to drive in silence.
A couple minutes in, you notice that your ex is still following and you once again tell Irene who suggests maybe you both go to her house for a bit so the ex doesn’t bother you and has no choice but to believe you both are dating.
20 minutes later, you are sitting awkwardly in Irene’s living room while she gets some snacks. You both eat a few biscuits and then Irene suddenly becomes really quiet, she looks at you and takes a deep breath, “Y/N…..I have something to tell you…”
You look at her, perplexed and tilt your head, “what is it?”, however as you say it, you suddenly become very conscious of her hand on top of yours, the way she is looking at you right now, how you yourself look at the moment and why suddenly it feels like there’s so much tension between you both.
She hesitates…and hesitates again and then looks away, moving her hand and shifting away looking frustrated, “Nevermind…it’s nothing…my bad”.
“Huh”, you feel surprised and a bit hurt that it seems like Irene isn’t completely comfortable around you, “Come on, just say it, you’ve already said you are my girlfriend”, you say smiling and nudge her, “What could be-”, you falter when you see Irene look back up at you, nervously biting her lip and then suddenly putting both her arms on your shoulders, pushing you back a little and she starts to lean in, as if you kiss you.
Not knowing what to do you just shut your eyes and a moment later you felt her lips on yours. She kissed you and kissed you again and this time you kissed her back and before you even realized you both had begun to make out. A minute later Irene finally pulled back, both of you red faced and breathless, panting, looking at the other.
Irene clenched her fists and suddenly blurted out, “I meant it when I said I want to be your girlfriend”.
You slowly blinked, “what…..”
She sighs in frustration, looking away, blushing, “don’t make me say it again…..”
Unbelievable, was Irene really saying she liked you? What! Did she always like you? Is that why it always seemed she was nicer to you? Did you like her too? You didn’t think so but…at the same time why did it feel so good when she kissed you, why did your heart pound when she said she was your girlfriend….why couldn’t you take your eyes off her when she drove you here…..did….did you like her too? Maybe…enough atleast to be willing to give it a shot with her.
You look at her and she doesn’t meet your eyes but you feel her tense up, waiting for your reply and then this time, you kiss her. Irene gasps but then leans into it, melting into your arms. She then caresses your cheek and begins to take off her jacket, “Y/N…..I want you”
Even though that makes you want you bury your face and squeal, you manage to stay somewhat calm, smirking at her, “what are you waiting for then?”, you say moving back and leaning against the sofa.
As Irene gets on top of you, her eyes full of desire, suddenly your phone starts ringing loudly completely ruining the mood…you both sigh and you pick up….
“Hello….oh it’s you…what now, honestly you are just being really annoying now”, you say, annoyed now that your ex is still calling you. “No, I don-ah!”, you cover your mouth as you almost moaned because Irene just began to kiss your neck. You try to give her a look to stop but shakes her head, “keep talking”, she says smugly while continuing to kiss your neck while her hands begin to undress you.
A few minutes later, you were shivering, almost completely naked, your neck and shoulders full of hickeys and your ex almost crying on the phone as she cuts the call, realizing what was happening.
You take a deep breath and toss your phone away, ready to jump at Irene but she beats you to it, getting on top of you, her hand clamping your mouth shut, “you were so bad right now, couldn’t even be quiet while on the phone…that can’t happen, so I’m going to test you now”, she whispered as her hands began to sink lower and lower, “if you stay quiet….I’ll let you off or else you are going to be edged again and again until I get what I want from you ok?”…….
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WIBTA if I send in screen shots to someone that made a callout post about a former friend?
Please read this entire thing before your decision. I understand the "blurb" may make me seem like a backstabber and someone you wouldn't trust, but I have my reasons I'll detail why this person is a former friend.
I'm a former friend of someone we'll call Marie. Marie, idk how to explain it, but she kind of didn't care about anyone but herself. Anytime someone would talk about something she'd make it about herself and it was very annoying. Marie also would make a lot of us uncomfortable at times. She said some racial slurs to us various times and claimed it wasn't racist. One was towards me and I asked her not to, basically I told her she can't call me a slur because she's white and made me feel uncomfortable. The other was some Irish thing I had to google because our friend who is Irish was uncomfortable and I'm still horrified with what I saw.
Marie would reblog my vent posts on tumblr a lot. None was ever to console me. One was where she reblogged and said "this would be a good ice breaker for a date." I did go off on her since at the time I had such a nasty break up and my vent had absolutely nothing to do with that. Now here's the issue, besides reblogging my vent posts, someone archived her reblog of my vent posts on the wayback. Multiple ones. I contacted wayback, but they said they only delete archives if the blog owner makes a statement on their blog. For reference, i have had multiple chronic stalkers and Marie was very well aware of it. So I already had wayback not allow archives of my blog because one stalker was using it to archive everything on me online. So a stalker found a loophole in the form of Marie. Now, this was before Tumblr had allowed us to disable reblogs. So no jumping to the comments saying it's my fault when this was years ago before that function was available. So, Marie refused and told me its whatever and if anything they were probably archiving her edits despite all of the archives on her blog had my vents she reblogged, like every single time she reblogged it got archived.
Now lastly, Marie was one of those people who would never celebrate anyone's victories. It was so weird, someone could say "oh, I got a new camera for my photography" and she'd say something like "in 3rd grade someone shat on my camera, so I never got a new camera". It would make stuff so awkward and make us not want to talk in our discord. I got a scholarship one year she decided to go to school (she was 12 years out of highschool) and she lost her financial aid in one semester because she didn't do any of her school work! Yet somehow "the government picks favorites and doesn't want to pay people that deserve it". Her words, I was very offended since she knew I worked full time, was a POC, and was not eligible for financial aid. Let me have the scholarship win without making it about you!
So one day I just blocked her everywhere after I deleted the friend discord we had. It wasn't right after, I waited over a year and became more and more distant. She did contact me again, but surprise surprise, she wanted me to help build her a website for her "oni-sona". I declined and we haven't spoken since.
Now the callout part. She has a callout under her new alias and it has her previous too. In this callout it's talking a lot about how she treats people like shit and uses them for her own gain. It details as well to not support her or any of her projects because she steals (idk about that, I've personally never witnessed it, but I'm believing OP because everything else is true.)
Now, would I be the AH if I submit stuff to add to the callout? I was just going to send in how she reblogged my vents and someone archived them on wayback and she refused to contact way back to delete them despite knowing I had stalkers. Maybe I'll submit more stuff, but not caring I had stalkers is my biggest gripe and something I think should be added since she allowed my stalkers to do that.
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leigh-kay · 1 year
Phone Calls || Ethan Landry
warnings// overused gf phonecall smut plot, you all mad at me for cutting it short probably, she touches herself and he watches lol, ethan being a menace, degradation <3
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She was alone when the phone rang, watching her favorite show. She was biting into a piece of the watermelon she'd grabbed in the kitchen when it startled her into dropping it.
"Hello?" she huffed, picking up the piece from her comforter.
"Hello y/n," the rasp was unmistakable to her ears.
Reagrdless, her eyes rolled, "Turn that stupid thing off. You made me drop my watermelon you jerk."
He sighed on the other end of the line, cutting the voice changer, "You know I thought it'd be funny-"
"To call me using your serial killer persona voice? Ha. I find it hilarious."
"You said it was hot when I showed up covered in blood ," she could hear his pout.
Switching to speaker phone, she sat the phone on the pillow beside her, "It was. Hell even the voice effect is... something. But your voice is my favorite."
She continued to eat her fruit, smiling at the sound of his silence at the end of the line.
He never knew how to take compliments. His flustered behavior gave her an idea. Why not push his limits?
"You sound pretty all the time but I love when you whisper in my ear. Or when you get all grumpy and assertive and sound all... aggressive."
He can tell what she's up to, and it has the opposite effect she'd imagined. Rather than turn bashful, he cuts straight to the very tone she'd talked about.
"Is that so, baby?"
"Mhm," she smiles, though he can't see her.
"Now that I think about it... you do fall apart so easily with just a few words," he's tempting with his words, "dont you pretty?"
The fruit is moved to her bed side table as she readjusts in her sheets, "The words you choose to say play a part too you know."
"Yeah? Like what?"
Heat floods her body as she thinks of all the different things he says. When she's on top of him. When she's pinned beneath him. How he begs when he's in her mouth.
"When you call me yours."
"And don't forget it. What else?"
She can feel her panties as they catch the heat pouring out of her.
"How you say my name when you.." she trails off, eyes shut.
"When I what baby?"
A sigh rushes out of her, "when you're inside of me."
"You just love when I fuck you, don't you?"
Her fingers trail to the line of her shorts, inching them down, "You know I do."
He could hear the slight whine in her voice, "Are you touching yourself?"
She gave no answer as her fingers run through her slit.
"Answer me slut."
She rolled her eyes.
"Yes mr. psycho killer," she snorted.
"Don't roll your eyes at me baby," his voice was less angry and more teasing, "now you're gonna do what I say, yeah?"
She'd come to the conclusion that he was watching her. Which also led her to believe that if she did as she was told, he'd fuck her the way she really wanted. Deal.
"Yes sir," she smiled, eyes wandering to the window at the far side of the room. She imagined he'd be sitting there, up in the tree beside it, watching her.
"Good. Now, play with that pretty pussy just like I would hm?"
She didn't need to be told twice. Slow circles across her clit made bumps break on her skin. She could feel her temperature rising as she grew needier with the teasing touches she granted herself.
"Look at you, teasing yourself just like I would. I bet you wish it was me though," she could hear the pride in his voice and while it annoyed her, orgasms trumped annoyance any day.
She took a breath, "Ethan please."
"Please what baby?"
"Just come in and touch me," she tried to keep her composure, "I'll do anything."
"Make yourself come and we'll talk about me touching you."
She groaned in frustration, "feels so much better when its you though!"
He laughed in a breath, "I know it does. But i want to watch you."
She knew he'd get what he wanted. He always did with that smile and those stupid fucking brown eyes of his. Disagreements were nonexistent the moment he made her look at him and shes pissed at the fact just picturing him is enough to make her more agreeable.
Regardless, her fingers slip into her cunt as she mumbles his name, dragging through her in a quick speed.
"Faster, angel," he demands.
"Please," she moans, "keep talking baby, please"
"God you're a whore. Touching yourself to my voice?"
Fucking hell.
Her eyes squeeze shut as he continues, "Such a pretty whore though hm? My pretty whore."
She nodded, curling her fingers in just the right way to make her whine.
"Sound so needy too, can't fucking wait to touch you honey."
She curses as she falls apart, crying his name and within seconds her closet door is thrown open.
A scream fills her room as he steps into the light.
"Fuck you!" she huffs, shooting daggers into the man ten feet away.
"You knew I was watching," he grins, making his eay towards her before crawling ontop of her.
"You know you say my name so pretty when you come?" he teases.
She finds her eyes rolling again as she glares up at him, "You said you'd fuck me if I listened."
He laughs, fingers stroking the column of her neck as he takes her lips on his own. She was perfect for him. So needy and so fucking mean. He loved it. He loved her.
Her fingers find home in his hair as she wraps her legs around his waist, dragging him closer into her.
The hand beside her head is supporting him as his free hand locks on her waist, holding her to the mattress beneath them.
As she gives a particularly sharp tug to his hair, he gasps into the kiss, hand rushing to her throat. As he sinks his fingertips into the flesh of her neck, she grins into the kiss hes pressing to her lips, "Harder."
He fights the laugh in his throat as she stares up at him, "You're in no place to make demands."
Before she can utter another word, he's squeezing tighter and letting his mouth cover the space across her chest, enjoying the way her body reacts to every move he makes. The way her back arched and her hips would roll against nothing gave him a pride he'd never had before her. She gave him a lot of things he'd never had before.
"I think," he began to drag his hand over her still dripping pussy, "I want a taste."
Her body shivered at the contact as he got between her legs. She could feel that she was insanely wet, but his commentary on it made her body burn with embarassment.
"You get so wet for me," he grinned, pressing his lips along the insides of her thighs.
Her hands attach to his shoulders as his mouth connects with her clit, tongue immediately rolling over it in slow motions. As her hips rose from the bed, his hands locked around her waist, forcing them down.
Her head fell back as his fingers slipped inside of her. She knew she was in for a long fucking night.
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hey, can you do rosie, carmilla and sera x platonic! adopted son! male! reader with depresion and androphobia like in my last request
"Momma's Boy" ; Carmilla Carmine, Rosie, Sera
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She's one of the fiercest defenders of anyone who needs it, honestly, and she's very glad you're comfortable with women.
It doesn't take long at all for her to take you in, integrating you into her family and getting you acquainted with Odette and Clara, who eagerly accept you as another Carmine.
If you're comfortable with it, she'll also make you part of Carmine Arms Dealing, but if not, no pressure. She won't force you.
If your father is already in Hell... well, don't expect him to be for long. :)
Odette and Clara help hide the body.
The same fate to whoever intentionally disrespects or makes you uncomfortable, actually.
"And what do you think you're doing, violating my children's security in their own space?"
- Carmilla, after stiletto-ing someone's hand off for making you uncomfortable and refusing to back off.
Doesn't really understand mental health much, since she's more focused on physical safety.
Fortunately for you, your new sisters can help you with that, instead. :)
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Rosie is just the sweetest! It doesn't take long to open up to her about your past at all, and she immediately takes you in as her own!
She'll probably over-baby you, asking if you "want Mama to do that for you?", "need help with that?", etc. It's a little annoying, but her heart is in the right place.
"C'mon, baby doll! Tell Mama Rosie all about it!"
She's honestly really hard to say no to because she's so sweet.
Understands mental health a little better than Carmilla, but not enough to help you, herself, so she takes you to see a therapist.
A female therapist, of course.
And she'll go with whatever treatment she recommends and you're comfortable with, whether that be CBT, hypnosis, medication, or anything else along that line.
She's also not above threatening people who frighten you on purpose, either.
"Hmm... Y'know, sweetheart, you remind me of my first husband! I'd say he could tell ya himself, but sadly, my steak can't talk anymore."
That tends to shut people up, quickly and easily.
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She'll take you in, but... unconventionally. You won't become a Seraphim or anything, but she'll keep you close by at all times, not trusting anyone in case something happens to you.
Fortunately, there are places in Heaven for people with phobias like yours.
She'll keep any men she possibly can away from you, and won't hesitate to reprimand anyone she spots making you uncomfortable. After all, who would defy their benevolent queen?
"Excuse me, but I have to ask you to stop what you're doing. My dear son isn't comfortable with this kind of attention."
And like the protective mama bear she is, she'll shield you with her wings and let you play with them if you want while she handles the situation, if it keeps you calm.
Like Rosie, she gets you a therapist, and does whatever technique suggested, just wanting to see you get better and be okay again.
If your father ever somehow did make it to Heaven, she'd have a bone to pick with God, himself over it, wondering how he could let someone so cruel into paradise.
"What kind of joke is this? You represent purity, yet you let this filth into our midst?"
She also uses her angelic powers to soothe your mind at times if it ever gets to be too much for you. She knows all too well what painful memories can do to a person.
And best of all? You get to be like a brother to Emily! It's a win-win all around, really!
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totheblood · 1 year
superposition. (five)
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pairing: dealer!ellie x best friend!reader
summary: ellie goes to bloomingdales and gets a little brown bag, and you come over
warnings: 18+ sm*t! cursing, drug/alcohol mention and use, ch
a/n: this is not proofread! i am writing this on like six benadryl.. so don't hate me.. ok I love u and I am happy I wrote this also reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses
wc: 3.4k
masterlist for previous chapters
"no matter what we do, i'll be there with you."
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Ellie was over this.
Sooo over this, she told herself as she found herself trailing behind Dina in a Bloomingdales, stopping at the Tom Ford counter to smell your perfume. Hands tucked in pockets as she glanced up at the sales associate that eyed her, a polite but forced smile on her face. In her blue and white flannel, Ellie was sure she wasn’t the target demographic. 
“Are you looking for anything specific?” Her voice was sing-songy and Ellie was internally cringing at how she knew this was going to go. 
“I’m uh-- looking for a scent,” Ellie awkwardly spat out. Obviously, she was looking for a perfume… at the goddamn perfume counter.  “It’s um… sweet… or fruity.”
“Does it smell like a specific fruit by any chance?” The lady asked, it looked like she was in pain behind her smile. Ellie was sure she was just projecting.  Her own nose scrunched up, indicating she didn’t know the answer to the question. 
“I don’t know… it’s um…” Ellie looked around as if she was searching for the answer, “Maybe it’s lemon? I don’t know… it’s for my girlfriend. It’s in a white bottle with a gold label.” Ellie knew you weren’t her girlfriend, she wasn’t even sure if you were friends anymore but it couldn’t hurt to pretend. 
“Oh, Soleil Blanc!” She practically yelled, picking up the bottle in front of her and spraying a bit of it onto a testing strip. She handed the flimsy paper to Ellie and Ellie had to mentally prepare herself before smelling it. Ellie brought it up to her nose and took a deep breath in, eyes fluttering closed as she did. If she closed them for long enough she could imagine you here, and instead of the annoying sales lady, there would be you. You would probably be smelling every perfume imaginable and holding tightly onto Ellie’s arm, but when Ellie opened her eyes you weren’t there. There was just the annoying sales lady and her. 
“Is that what you were looking for?” She asked, fake smile still on her face. 
“Um… yeah…” Ellie smiled as politely as she could, but she could feel herself shaking. It was almost as if she was on the verge of a panic attack but never really crossed the threshold. She never really flipped out or cried, she just shook for a bit and moved on. “I’ll take it. How much is it?”
“It’s only 295 dollars.” The sales lady said with a straight face as Ellie practically choked on her spit. How the fuck did you afford this? And why was this bitch saying ‘only’ as if that wasn’t an absurd amount of mone-
“Yeah, I’ll take it,” Ellie pursed her lips as she handed over her card. If she was being completely honest she had almost too much money and nothing to spend it on. And if she was being brutally honest with herself, the 295 was worth it right now. She didn’t want to admit it, but she needed you right now, and Tom Ford had your scent bottled up. 
“Your girlfriend is a lucky lady,” She laughed as she rang Ellie up, putting it in a gift bag without asking Ellie if she wanted it wrapped in the first place.
“I’m the lucky one,” Ellie said instinctively. She was already playing the role, so she might as well commit to the bit. Ellie had honestly never been a girlfriend, so she didn’t know if she was doing it right, but she assumed this was how it went. 
Apart from her domestic fantasies about you, she hadn’t really thought about being in a relationship. The idea made her sick to her stomach, but now she didn’t know if it was because she couldn’t imagine being with anyone but you or if her fear of commitment was out to get her. 
She wasn’t a complete idiot when it came to relationships though. She had dated this one girl her sophomore year in high school which abruptly ended when the girl's father found out about them. Ellie was sad about it for maybe a week but moved on when she found something else to fill her ever-running mind. 
Ellie wanted to be your first girlfriend, that much she knew, but that dream had taken a quick and bitter ending. Her face soured at the idea that she would never get that opportunity. She could never call you her high school sweetheart or any straight and corny crap she could think of. The sickly sweet dream was now something rotten. She was buying your perfume for fucksake. 
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” She smiled again, tucking the receipt into the bag and handing it over to Ellie, “Have a good day!”
Ellie found Dina looking through clothing racks somewhere in the back, approaching her and leaning up against the wall, knowing they would be there for some time. Dina had to do a double take when she saw the little brown bag in Ellie’s hand.
“What did you buy?” She breathed out a laugh before turning back to the racks and holding up what looked like a leather jacket. 
“Nothing,” Ellie sighed, rolling her eyes. She flexed her feet, looking down at them, anything to avoid eye contact right now.
“Why are you being weird?” Dina asked, deciding to put the jacket back and continue looking through the mixed clothes, “Like what did you buy at Bloomingdales that you don’t want me to know about?”
“It’s just..” Another puff of air from Ellie’s lips, “It’s a perfume. I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on it and I don’t want you to make fun of me for it.” It was a half-lie.
“What perfume?” Dina looked at her temporarily, causing Ellie to shift uncomfortably, but she quickly turned to another rack of clothes. 
“It’s this one from Tom Ford…” Dina stopped in her tracks as Ellie spoke, “Called Soleil Blanc or whatever.”
Dina was frozen for a moment before she turned to Ellie, her hand on her hip and face serious. 
“You bought her perfume?” Dina’s voice was sharp. She didn’t really know what was happening between the two of you but she knew that you hadn’t talked in a while and Ellie was barely leaving her apartment. It didn’t take a genius to complete the dots, but if it did Dina would still qualify. 
“I-I,” Ellie stuttered out, green eyes wide as she looked around, “No, it’s not for her. I-It’s for me. I like the scent. It’s nice.”
“You’re so full of shit, Ellie.”
“I’m not.”
“You fucking are,” Dina rolled her eyes as she started heading towards the door, Ellie hot on her trail, “You’re probably going to spray your pillow and hump it while you pretend it’s her.” Not a bad idea, Ellie thought. 
“I’m not!” Ellie followed her as her footsteps picked up, “It’s just a nice scent, and I like it. It’s not weird… I’m not a creep or anything, okay? The scent soothes me.”
“Yeah, cause she’s your fucking pacifier!” Dina whisper yelled as they approached the car, “She’s been your pacifier since junior year.”
“My pacifier? The fuck does that mean?” Ellie swung her door open, got in the passenger seat and buckled herself in.
“It means you practically rely on her to remain calm,” Dina explained, hopping in the car and breathing out a laugh as she shook her head, “I used to think it was just a weird friendship thing but I’m starting to believe you’re actually in love with her.”
The air in the car changed for a moment as Ellie stared blankly at Dina. She didn’t know what to say. Any claim that she wasn’t in love with you would come out in a stuttered mess and admitting to someone else that she was in love with you was something she didn’t feel like doing today. 
“Oh my fucking god,” Dina sighed, rubbing her face with the palms of her hands, “You’re fucking in love with her.”
“Yeah,” was all Ellie said as she leaned back in her seat and let Dina drive her home.
She didn’t want to think about it anymore. That night when she got home and got out of the shower, skin still damp and hair still wet, she soaked herself in the perfume, put on ‘The Office’, and ate a frozen pizza. This was pathetic, all of it. The pining, the wallowing, the perfume. She fell asleep after pitying herself for a while, the day finally getting to her. 
She was woken up by loud knocks on her door, jolting her awake. She was honestly pissed as she stumbled over to the door wiping the sleep from her eyes. She opened the door without thinking, the possibility of someone bursting through the door only to murder her sounding more than tempting right now, but when she opened the door she was met with your face. 
Your bare face, tired eyes, and tied-back hair. No smile on your face, but your eyes had the creases in them that they had when you did. You were in your pajamas, like you had decided on a whim to come over here. Wait, why were you here?
“Uh,” Ellie said awkwardly, shifting to lean against her door frame as she looked at you.
“Can I come in?” you asked.
“Ellie, let me in,” and she had already moved to the side, allowing you to slip past her as she closed and locked her door. Someone could murder her, but if you were here the door was staying closed. 
“Why are you here?” Ellie sighed, rubbing her face with one hand, voice raspy and deep from sleep.
“I…” You took a deep breath and steadied yourself, “Are.. are you wearing my perfume?” Ellie’s eyes widened as she shifted uncomfortably.
“What? No,” Ellie quickly defended, “Just tell me why you’re here before I kick you out.”
“I just was thinking about what you said to me at the gala,” you began, “I can’t get it out of my head, I can’t get you out of my head.” Ellie’s heart was already racing at this. Pathetic. 
“So?” you repeated back to her, “Stop being a bitch, Ellie. You got to confess now it’s my turn. Don’t ruin it.” That shut Ellie up real fast. 
“I just didn’t know why it wasn’t the same with… her,” you looked down at her feet, fluffy socks covering them. Cute, “I just didn’t understand it, but I think it’s love… or love adjacent,” you sighed, “Fuck, I don’t know.”
“What about your girlfriend?” Ellie reminded you.
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore, it’s not completely over but we aren’t dating.”
“Not completely over? What the fuck does that mean?” Ellie knew she sounded like a bitch but she couldn’t help herself, all of it was too confusing. 
“I don’t know, Ellie! I don’t know what any of this means, I didn’t know what it was like to be with someone else until you kissed me. This was your bright idea and it,” you took a long deep breath, rolling your eyes, “and it was a fucking dumb one. I already liked you at that point and it confused me, okay? I mean, what the fuck was that? You were going to fuck me to ‘teach me’, I mean?”
“And stop with that shit! My fucking pet name? Seriously? This isn’t normal, this wasn’t normal and now you’re acting like I did something wrong by dating someone, who you helped me date? I didn’t know what was even happening until you were telling me you liked me days after she asked me to be her girlfriend!”
“Did you come here to yell at me?” Ellie said calmly. It was only making you more angry.
“I came here to tell you I liked you and you’re being an asshole so I get to yell at you!” You huffed, your nostrils flared and your hand had found its way to your hip. Ellie hated how much she was attracted to you at this exact moment. 
“I’m not being an asshole, I just don’t know what you want me to do,” She pinched the bridge of her nose, looking you up and down, “You’re still seeing her, and I’m done sharing you.”
“I won’t see her anymore.”
“Are you serious?” She laughed.
“Dead fucking serious,” you scrambled to pull out your phone, “I’ll block her number right now.”
“You don’t have t-”
“I will.”
“Cause I want you,” you sounded exhausted like you had said this a thousand times before, “And no matter how hard I try no one will ever be you and I’m tired of acting like this isn’t what I want. Like you aren’t who I want.”
Ellie licked her lip, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth as she rubbed at her chin. She was acting like she was thinking, but she had already made up her mind. She wanted you. 
Ellie didn’t have it in her to be upset with you anymore as she saw the genuine desperation in your eyes. She wanted to kiss the worried look off your face, nip at your skin as she told you it was okay, that you were forgiven. She wanted to do that but instead, she walked over to you, closing the distance between the two of you.
"You better not be fucking with me," she warned, her voice coming out in a whisper, as her eyes flicked down to your lips.
You shook your head, your own eyes looking down at her lips as you stepped closer, "I'm not. I promise."
Ellie didn’t want to wait any longer. Without another word, she grabbed you by your hips, pulling at you but ultimately balling the material of your sweatshirt in her hands. She pulled you into her, pressing her lips to yours, slow and sweet. Like always, her eyes fluttered closed, as she felt you loosen up in her grip. Your own hand reached up to grab at her arms. You were just as touch-starved and desperate as her. The taste of your lips was making her dizzy, a mixture of sweetness and desire that made her head spin. She could feel the heat radiating between you, coming off you in waves. It smelled like lemon. 
Her hands roamed over your body, grabbing at anything she could. Your ass, thighs, tits. They were all hers. She could feel herself growing wet as you stuck your tongue in her mouth and was only met with a moan. All she could taste was mint and all she could smell was lemon and she was certain she was going to pass out. 
With a sudden surge of urgency, Ellie pushed you against her kitchen table, helping you sit on it as she pushed her unopened mail to the side. She pulled away for a moment to look at you. You looked so pretty with swollen lips, tip of your nose slightly red from her own brushing against yours. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, Petal,” she pushed a stray hair out of your face smiling as she gently kissed your lips. It was short and sweet and made your heart race. The initial thrill was gone and you were left with heavy breathing and an intimate stare. Her hands dipped into the waistband of your sweatpants, pulling at them gently, “Can I take these off for you?” 
She smiled and kissed you again as you nodded. She pulled them down and let them fall to the floor, leaning down to press a kiss to your thigh, making you shiver. You weren’t wearing anything special, just some grey briefs that betrayed you by showing the damp spot between your legs. 
“Sit back for me,” Ellie instructed, moving you backward so you could put the soles of your feet on the table. You did as you were told, leaning up on your elbows to get a good look at her. Ellie pulled a chair up, sitting in front of you. Her hand grabbed at your ankle, rubbing the skin as she leaned forward to lick you through your underwear. The sudden contact made you gasp and close your eyes. She looked up at you and smiled, before licking again, and closing her mouth around your clothed clit and sucking gently. 
All of her movement was excruciatingly slow as she pulled at the hem of your underwear, dragging them up and over your legs and throwing them to the side. This wasn’t the first time she saw you like this, but every time she did she felt her own clit aching. She leaned down again and slowly licked up your cunt, from your entrance to clit, sucking again as she flicked her tongue against you. As she did this her own hand traveled lower, sticking into the waistband of her pants and circling her clit. It didn’t help that you were whimpering beneath her, words that sounded like her name coming from your mouth. 
She wasn’t being vocal this time, though. She was focusing solely on you and how her own pleasure was growing.  
You moaned out loud this time as she slid two fingers inside you, her fingers curling upwards as she did so. Ellie's touch was both gentle and demanding, her fingers brushing a sensitive spot inside you, causing you to gasp out again. The rhythm of her movements never sped up, they were slow and calculated and she had only pumped her fingers in and out of you a few times before she was pulling them out and licking them clean.
Ellie stood up and guided you to the edge of the table, pulling one of your legs off the table and leaving one firmly planted on the table.
“You’re okay?” She checked in momentarily, placing her hands on your hips as you sat up. 
“More than okay,” you smiled leaning forward to kiss her again. She groaned into the kiss and took a step back, stripping her pants from her body and pulling off her underwear, and throwing it into the pile where yours was. You decided to be bold and reach forward to circle her clit with your fingers, causing her to groan, throw her head back, and grip at the edge of the table. 
“Fuck,” she cursed out, grinding into your touch almost forgetting her plans. Almost. She grabbed at your wrist stopping you, and pulling your hand off of her. 
“Was that not,” you mumbled out, “was that not good?”
“No, shit…” Ellie cursed under her breath, “It was too good. I just.. I had other plans, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled, still unsure of yourself.
Ellie lifted one of her legs onto the table, so her cunt was positioned right on top of yours. Her gaze locked with yours as she slowly ground her hips into you, earning a loud gasp from you as you grabbed onto her, your own juices mixing with hers. You could tell how wet she was which only egged you on, making your eyes roll back into your head as she ground faster into you, her own breathing heavy and shallow. She was panting as she gripped onto your thigh, nails leaving marks there. Her other hand reached up to reach the back of your neck as she sped up once again.
“Came back to me just for this…” She breathed out, “She couldn’t make you cum… She could never make you look like this.”
As both of your moans grew louder, Ellie’s grip only tightened on you, the phrase “you’re mine” falling from her lips multiple times. The pleasure and pressure was overwhelming, a deep knot in your stomach was begging to come undone.
“Ellie, I’m going to-”
“Cum,” she demanded as her movements sped up and became more sloppy. She was about burst. As your moans grew louder and faster, and she could tell you were about to cum, she pressed her lips to yours, moaning as her hand that was gripping your thigh rested on your table. You came as she kissed you. 
She pulled away, her leg falling from the table as she leaned against the table, both of her hands gripping the edge. She didn’t want to look up at you, scared that you would have decided by now that you wanted to leave her. Reluctantly she looked up at your sweaty face to see you smiling at her, toothy grin and all making her smile back. 
“Oh, you soooo have a crush on me,” you teased.
“Oh, shut up. So do you.”
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slayfics · 5 months
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Absolutely breathtaking commission from @kurumi-igarashi, depicting the moment Katsuki proposes to Kansa. She really out did herself on this one, I’ve been speechless over it for days. Short fic to follow.
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Dynamite proposes to Persuasion.
950 words
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Kansatoki and Katsuki walked down the busy sidewalk patrolling for anything of interest. It was rare for the two to patrol together as Katsuki preferred one of them to be at the agency at any given time.
Pedestrians nodded at the heroes as they passed. The occasional fanboy stopped to ask Persuasion for a picture while nervously navigating around the intimidating Dynamite.
"Thank you!" The fanboy smiled at Persuasion placing his phone back in his pocket, hands shaking he took off quickly down the street as soon as his gaze caught Dynamite's intense glare.
"Can we get back to it then?" Katsuki huffed, rolling his eyes and continuing to walk down the street.
Kansatoki followed his lead, an amused smile at his unspoken jealousy. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Is it about how annoying your fans are? Because I agree," Katsuki stated.
"No, it's about Yume and Eijiro."
"What about 'em?" He asked.
"Did they seem to be acting strange to you?" Kansatoki asked
"Nah," Katsuki said dismissing her concerns swiftly, but Kansatoki continued to make her point.
"Today Yume would barely say two words to me. Usually, she won't give me a moment alone, and the same with Eijiro. As soon as he saw me, he took off to his office."
"So? Sounds like there being good employees and it's about damn time. Plus, they were both out sick the last two days so- probably just recovering still," Katsuki replied.
"That's the thing though! I facetimed Yume when they were out sick to check in and she was out shopping at the mall with Eijiro!"
"HAH! Are you snitching on your best friend to the boss? It's not my damn business how they use their sick days." Katsuki responded.
"Yume never lies to me though! If she wasn't sick but needed the day off, she would have told me that," Kansatoki said, frustration rising.
The past few weeks Kansatoki could feel a change in Katsuki's emotions. He was more on edge and nervous than she had ever felt him before. Whenever she asked, he used the excuse that it was stress from hero work and running the agency.
Last week Katsuki went out for drinks with Eijiro while Kansatoki and Yume had a girl's night. Yume agreed with Kansatoki that something seemed off with Katsuki. Things escalated when the two boys called the girls to pick them up after getting completely shit-faced at the bar.
A normal occurrence for two best friends except Katsuki never gets drunk. Ever since that night, Yume started passing off the same excuse; Katsuki was just overwhelmed with hero work and running the agency.
The three of them were hiding something from her and she was going to find out what.
What Kansatoki didn't know is that night the boys when out for drinks, was also the night Katsuki had bought an engagement ring. His nerves were the result of him having absolutely no clue how to propose. Letting his anxiety get the best of him, he got drunk with Eijiro. Leaving the girls to drive down and bring them home in Yume's car.
To make matters worse, Katsuki's drunk ass dropped the ring.
Finding it in her car the next day, Yume exploded with excitement. Knowing she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, Katsuki forced her and Eijiro to take a few "sick" days while she got her emotions under control.
"You're overthinking things," Katsuki said in a desperate attempt to end the conversation. Kansatoki was smart, and her quirk left little room to keep secrets from her. He knew any day she'd discover the truth.
As if answering his plea, a call came through the communicator:
Requesting hero backup at Kappabashi Steet. Villains attempting to make an escape.
"Let's go," Katsuki motioned for Kansatoki to get on his back.
Sighing at the interruption she got on, with a few explosions they were at the rooftop where the villains were attempting their getaway.
The two of them instantly got to work. Wrapping her whip around one, Persuasion brough a villain to the floor, slapping her hand across his face he fell into a deep sleep induced by her quirk.
A helicopter hummed int the background as it filmed the heroes for breaking news.
Dynamite let out explosions aimed at the other two, causing large debris to go flying Persuasions way.
Dodging it easily she turned to Dynamite in disbelief, that wasn't a mistake he's made since UA. He specially trained for his explosions to be contained and not a danger to the heroes working beside him. Whatever secret he was keeping was now affecting his hero work.
"The fuck?" She called out to him.
"Shit- you good?" He asked.
"No! I'm not! I'm tired of you hiding shit from me! Just tell me what the hell has been going on with you!" Kansatoki snapped finally reaching her breaking point.
Katsuki and their friends acting strange was one thing, but being so distracted he was making mistakes in his hero work was a whole other beast. Katsuki doesn't put anything above his hero work, so what secret could be so impactful? Kansatoki couldn't bear the growing concern she had for him any longer.
Katsuki grunted as he ran both hands over his face, reaching his own limit. "Fuck fine! You really want to know!?" He snapped back. The helicopter hummed in the background filming the hero's couple's spat on a live broadcast.
"Oh! So, there is a secret?! Of course, I'm right," Kansatoki yelled. Wind flowed through her hair, emerald eyes sparkling in the setting sun.
"I've been trying to figure out how to ask your dumb ass to marry me!" He yelled.
Kansatoki froze, processing what Katsuki had just said.
Did she hear that right?
Katsuki let out a sigh, "Fuck it," he said getting down on one knee. "Marry me?"
The live broadcast and headline "Dynamite proposes to Persuasion!" lit up around news outlets.
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