#idk what else to tag this in but i just want to find some yokai watch friends hi
tckei-blog · 7 years
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 Hey y’all, It’s Nina at it again with a(n aged up) Kodama Fumiaki | Kenny Forester RP Blog from Yokai Watch 2. I’m pretty sure this fandom is probably dead af but here I am anyway. Even though my blog is still heavily under construction, if you’re interested in interacting give me a like/reblog and I’ll check you out !!
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fisherrprince · 5 years
This is a long post about Avatar and Ninjago and it mostly contains story!!! Because some! Of! This! Setup! Is! RIGHT there!!! And I like it very much. I’m sorry it doesn’t have many pictures! I do not control my right hand, but I do control how much I can yap about avatar and ninjago. READMOREではある
Our story begins with Kai and Nya, because they’re dramatic and I love them.
Kai and Nya are siblings, currently traveling on their own around the world with their not-actually-their-uncle-or-grandpa, Garmadon. Because Wu doesn’t get to be Iroh, even though I have to give up Garmadad for it — don’t worry he immediately adopts Lloyd once he meets him.
Kai and Nya used to live in the Fire Nation, emphasis on the used to, because while Kai is a firebender, Nya is a waterbender. She started displaying waterbending abilities at 12, and 12 is not a great age for control. And they could only have gotten the two distinct bending styles from their parents, blacksmiths in the royal courts, so in an act of political trash-fire-ness, Lord Chen finds this out thanks to royal jerkwad Clouse. You Know. Fire Lord Chen.
(Kai challenges him, in a fit of protective anger, to what is supposed to be a clean agni kai, but someone cheats. He actually can’t see all that well out of his right eye, anymore)
And Chen being who he is, he brands them all as traitors, presumably killing their parents, allowing the children only one lifeline to regain their honor (and home, and life, and—), and that’s to find the missing Avatar. You know, the one who’s been gone for a hundred years? Silly, impossible task, meant to get rid of them.
So they do.
Meanwhile, by which I mean a hundred years before this, Lloyd is happy. Really happy! Their temple is sweet and calm and brimming with life, he’s being taught by (his absolute favorite) the monk Wu, and he keeps being happy until he’s told, one day, the whole village is told, actually, that he is supposed to be this great and powerful being. This incredibly godlike human boy, with the power of destruction and creation at his fingertips, and though he doesn’t want to be, the title of Avatar is given to him and most everything else Is taken from him.
He’s scared, now. Mostly.
And you know the story — terrified of the choices made for him, of his own destiny, he traps himself by complete accident for a century, until…
Kai and Nya do find the Avatar. Traveling near the water tribes (dangerous, but theirs is not a fire nation ship)
And he’s… small. Admittedly.
Uuuuunlike his very large flying companion.
(Did I mention flying bison gets swapped with an energy dragon? Wind dragon? Very, very tied between naming the dragon Morro and naming her something less angry. Like Skittles :P)
Lloyd reminds Nya of a puppy. He reminds Kai that their entire lives hinge on bringing back (to his death) bringing (killing) this one, scrawny little kid. It’s so, so easy, and though they’re outwardly nice, they both know what has to be done. Until…
Lloyd is made of light. He radiates power, sure, but he radiates confidence and happiness and surety and it will be okay and morning runs along the beach and warming up by the fireplace and… he… has this infuriating ability to shine straight through the cracks made of doubt in your heart.
Kai doesn’t think he can do it, after a while. After seeing how his life got torn apart, after getting one too many cautious smiles and getting into one too many silly and only slightly dangerous situations that end in a hug, of all things, the twins agree. There is no way they’re taking Lloyd back to the Fire Lord.
So they don’t.
The’re different. They’ve traveled, they’ve learned, Garmadon is so proud of their growth he takes them out to the best tea they’ve ever had (which is weird because Lloyd always thought it was just leaf water) and they think that maybe they have a purpose again.
They want to help Lloyd take down Lord Chen.
Along the way, they pick up a lot more stray puppies.
Jay’s not supposed to be in the Earth Kingdom, but there he is! They’d probably kill him if they ever found out he was a Fire Nation refugee, because that whole concept reeks of suspicious. Which is why he hardly ever bends (and when he does, it’s not firebending it’s lightningbending) and keeps his handy-dandy best friend earth bending buddy with him.
And Jay has wanted to do something about *gestures* … all this, for forever. Incredibly nervous and constantly fiddling with some sort of tiny contraption as he is, he’s willing to tag along with the group. He’s the one who convinces Cole, probably the only Earthbending teacher they’re going to find, to come with. Cole is very, very apprehensive, because this is very dangerous, particularly for… actually everyone in the party. This is just very very dangerous. But Cole always wants to help, and after some shenanigans, begins to teach the young Avatar earthbending.
So things are like! Great, right! You got all the elements. Except like… that’s it. That’s basically handing a kid a glock and telling them to murder this one specific dude but giving them no other info. Research would… be nice. Probably.
Lucky for everyone stumbling into this yokai library, Zane is a researcher! And not a teenager, though 20 is barely not-a-teenager territory. He’s been in the library for years real-time, a couple weeks to his perception, but he’s learned so much. And he actually doesn’t super want to leave until he realizes its a very dangerous time-sinky place to be, and he can always come back. Besides, he was always taught to help those who can’t help themselves, and helping save the whole world from the Fire Nation is kind of top of that list, huh! FRIEND: GAINED
(How convenient!)
And the SIX of them go off and have ADVENTURES and TRAVEL and DO ELEMENTAL THINGS and SOMEONE SHOULD BE BUMI BUT IDK WHO, and the mailman is the cabbage seller, and Skylor isn’t Azula even tho I love Azula Skylor is like more of a Mai character, but Pixal is there too, I haven’t figured too much out but anyways Garmadon is Iroh and that’s the only thing you need to know. Lol
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hollowsart · 5 years
A list of dumb Pokemon Pet Peeves I have, cuz idk man why not:
When competitive battling is perceived as the only way to play.
It really bugs me that so many people complain over the “lack of “good” Pokemon”... like?? buddy?? There’s over 800 Pokemon?? And all of them are good regardless of abilities, stats, move pools, and natures??
If you’re tired of using Rotom Wash and whatever the heck else, Go use something else then!! Upset that you can’t use that one mega or legendary you really like?? JUST USE IT ANYWAY! Who the heck cares!!
The incessant need to say “I need to predict when they’ll predict my prediction of them predicting my prediction of them predicting--” Like?? Buddy?? It’s not that deep?? This isn’t an english/literature class my dude. Chill.
Honestly.. It’s really irritating and a big reason why I don’t watch videos of people battling other people. It’s confusing and really annoying.
If Pokemon was real, let’s be honest, if you tried to play competitive you’d probably get your butt beat into a hospital for the next week to come. :|
If you really want a challenge.. just try to beat the games with the “worst” Pokemon in them; Magikarp, Sunkern, Sunflora, Feebas, Zubat.. etc.
When people got mad at the “update” to the Exp.Share in XY.
Hey.. hey buddy.. I have some news for you.. back in your beloved Gen1.. The Exp.All is what it was originally called and guess what it did. Take a guess.
That’s right. It shared the Exp to ALL of the Pokemon in your team!! Not just one!! At!! A Time!! IT’S NOT A NEW MECHANIC. IT’S AN OLD ONE THAT THEY BROUGHT BACK. It’s actually a lot more useful!!! YOU DON’T NEED TO SPEND SO MANY HOURS GRINDING FOR LEVELS FOR YOUR WHOLE TEAM. It’s a life & time saver!! And I for one welcome it back with open arms!
People referring to the characters with their japanese names.
I get confused so badly when it happens cuz idk who anyone is with their Japanese names. it’d clear up a lot of confusion for people to just say “one of the upcoming pokemon episodes focuses on Sophocles and his Vikavolt!“ instead of “satoshi and hikari have to face off against akagi and the ginga bomb!“ you only just barely understand whatever the heck they’re trying to say.
one thing that is also a major confusion is the whole Blue/Green character confusion. I would love to see more people just refer to the male rival as Gary and the female trainer as Leaf instead of tagging both of them as Blue and Green cuz let’s face it, you’re just gonna find both when all you wanted was just one or the other. I know I have many times before.
When people beg for new games & things but then complain about the new games & things and insist that the series is dying.
Hey Princess. Be happy with what you got. It’s the flaws in the games that make the games what we like. If you’re not happy with a region then make your own and make it how you would want it!! Make a rom hack of the games and mess around with them to make them how you wanted them!!
Nintendo never thought the games would go beyond Gen2 but now we’re entering Gen8 and there’s likely going to be more Pokemon games coming out and more new Pokemon as well.
People who whine about the designs of Pokemon and say that they’re running out of ideas.
Much like the real world that we live in, there are many different living creatures, some of which that look virtually the same while at the same time being completely different species. As well, there are many lesser known animals that
However, Nintendo & Gamefreak are taking inspirations from more than just real animals. They are taking inspiration from Yokai and other myths and legends of people and creatures from various regions in the real world.
Therefore. That keychain fairy Pokemon? Klefki? It makes sense for existing, it’s based off a fairy that will steal or protect keys from people within their own homes. As well, Chandelure and Cofagrigus are based off their respective myths of the Pharaohs curse and Poltergeist (the movement of objects without any known cause, suspected to be caused by ghosts) or Will-O-Wisp (little spirit orbs that look like little floating lights).
Even the Pokemon you hate with a passion like Garbodor and Trubbish have their reasonable explanations for existing. The US has a bit of a problem with garbage and waste and having little place to dump it. With a lot of that building up, it would make sense that in a world like Pokemon, the waste would come to life and evolve into a new Pokemon. Yes, it may not be as cool as a lizard with wings and a flame on its tail, but it’s still really cool.
When People cry about not all Pokemon having good moves or stats and that some Pokemon are forgettable because they are “useless” and “pointless” for existing at all.
...And once more, but with feeling; AHEM.
Much like our world, the real world, there are many objects and animals that have virtually no real reason for existing, yet they still do.
Mosquitoes don’t really serve much purpose other than to be food for other animals like fish or frogs or spiders or other insects, but even then that, too, is a reason. So just because they may not have a “good enough” reason for being, doesn’t mean they are bad and should be removed.
Just cuz you have no reason to use it doesn’t mean that no one out there would have a reason to use a fork or spoon that helps to lessen the shaking of their hands and bodies so that they may be able to eat easier.
Please leave the Pokemon alone.
And finally: When people complain about the story and incessant “hand-holding” throughout the beginning of or the whole game.
Well, at the end of the day, little kids are still the base demographic that Nintendo is marketing to. Not to mention that there’s still people joining the series every year and need to know the basics of how to play the games and what to do and where to go.
Yes, it may be nice for the “veterans” of the series, but to have that be a thing implemented into the games would be pretty ridiculous. To have the option to skip or turn it off.. You’d get confused and lost at some point and wouldn’t know that you’d need to backtrack to a previous location to do something there to unlock a way to get to the next place you couldn’t get to before, or to the place you didn’t even know you had to go to next because you assumed it was like a straight line, a straight path up, down, left, right to your destination.
With the newer games becoming less grid based and less limited to a labyrinth puzzle for kids, it’s become like a necessity to have people give you hints and other things to help you get through the games without getting lost. Have you ever tried to get somewhere by foot or bike, or maybe even by car that was really far or was someplace new? You can lose track easily of where you are and what direction you’re facing, and for some people this also affects them even in certain video games.
It’s not a bad thing to talk to an npc or look at your map once in awhile in game to help you figure out where to go next. It’s also only polite to help out your friends if they’re lost or need help in general to get somewhere!
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esteliensmainblog · 6 years
childhood embarrassing moments and other questionnaires
25. What was the one embarrassing moment in your school life that you won’t forget ?
I’ll probably forget all of these eventually, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten tons already, but I do have some stories.
Like that time the lights weren’t working in the girls’ restroom and all we had (pre- cell phones) was my toy unicorn whose pink forehead gem was a button you could push and it would light up and she’d say things like, “You’re my best friend. I’ll take you anywhere.”  But you couldn’t really use the horse and do your business at the same time, so we had to work together.  It sucked. (Side note: I want to figure out what that horse was called... message me if you know?)
One time in middle school, I had an issue with my shorts.  I was always careful to stay within the dress code, but one day, a male teacher took me aside during class and told me that my shorts were showing “something we don’t want to see.”  I still don’t know what it was.
Once in elementary school, we had a substitute teacher who was seriously ancient and incapable of doing her job.  Apparently my bathroom stall door hadn’t locked properly, because she walked in on me.
I got my first period in fourth grade.  Thick stretch pants in the worst shade of purple.  I still can’t stand that color.  We had handbell practice that day.  It was horrifying.
In high school, I was still working on the whole “don’t just say whatever you’re thinking” thing.  The guy behind me put his feet up on the sides of my desk.  I asked him to put them down, because they smelled terrible.  He left the room, ticked off, and the teacher had a talk with me.  I wasn’t the type to accidentally be mean to someone, so I was kind of mortified and had to run and apologize.  Besides that, I was new at the school (compared to most of the class), so I hadn’t really been accepted yet.
At the same school, I once drew a picture of one of the older students, just to practice drawing, and because I had a photo to work from because my dad took pictures at the school play.  I went to tell her I’d drawn a picture of her, and she gave me this look of disgust and said something that made it sound like she thought it was super creepy and gross that I’d do that.  It was an ”I’m just gonna melt into the floor now bye" moment.
Majoring in a foreign language means making some embarrassing mistakes.  The worst of mine was in this class where we had to write a really serious essay.  I don’t know what the prompt was, but most of us wrote about hugely important and serious things we were going through (like one girl wrote about her far-too-much-older boyfriend).  Usually, if someone made a funny mistake, a different professor would just point it out in writing or quietly, but this teacher wasn’t afraid to embarrass students in front of the class.  My dictionary fail was, in this case, too problematic to even say in front of the class (and I was the prof’s TA so she was less savage with me), so she called me into her office.  What I meant to say was that someone (a respected mentor) kept saying he/she would do something, but then would never follow through.  The verb I found for “follow through” meant in a sexual way.
On a much lighter note, in early elementary school, the mean girls started a rumor that they’d seen me kissing my crush under the desks.
But more embarrassingly, to get back at one of those bullies (not for that specific incident), I once prank called her late at night.  Again, nobody had cell phones at the time, so it was the landline.  I didn’t know about *69.  Her mom called back.
One time in middle school, I got my period and wasn’t prepared, so two girls went with me to the office to ask for a pad.  (They weren’t friends of mine, and had been jerks to me and my friends for years.  I’m guessing they tagged along because they were curious or amused?)  The lady working there was gigantic.  She gave me what is, to this day, the largest pad I have ever seen in my life. We’re talking the length and width of at least four normal pads combined.  And those girls walked all the way back to the restroom with me where I had to try to put it on.
50 questions you’ve never been asked tag
1. What’s your favorite candle scent? Cinnamon, but it has to be the artificial cinnamon smell and it has to be strong.  I want candles that smell like Red Hots or those pinecones they put in the entrance of Michael’s and Giant Eagle every Christmas.
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? None of them.
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? None of them. 
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? Rather not think about it.
5. Do you know a hoarder? Unfortunately.
6. Can you do a split? Nope.
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Idk, some normal age.
8. How many oceans have you swam in? One
9. How many countries have you been to? One besides where I’m from
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? Yes
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? That’s a secret
12. What would you name your son if you had one? “
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? Probably F.  Mostly got A’s but who knows.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? There were so many.  As Told By Ginger stands out, though.  And basically every cartoon.
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? Sure.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? Harry Potter, and I’m working on the Hunger Games.
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? I’m fine with how I talk.  British is weird and neat too.
18. Did your mother go to college? Nope
19. Are your grandparents still married? Only one alive
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? No
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? Not a clue.  Never heard of dat boi.
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? The person who wrote this quiz must be ten.  I can’t remember these things.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? Already fluent in French.  Would like to learn basically any other language.  Japanese or Korean would be cool.  I’m also a fan of made-up languages.  I really like Trigedasleng from The 100, since it’s like a fun creole of English.
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Both.  Yup.
25. Is your father bald? No
26. Do you know triplets? No
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Never seen either
28. Have you ever had Indian food? Weirdly, only stuff I’ve cooked, so it doesn’t count.
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? It’s this Japanese place that’s soooo good.
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? I aint never heard a’ no olives in the .. gardens.. Yes.  Obviously, yes.
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)? No.  Paying to shop is dumb.
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Dunno
33. If you have a nickname, what is it? Anyone reading this either already knows or doesn’t need to know
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world? I’m lucky enough to have a few.  Two best friends, two nephews, a big family..
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? Suburbs
36. Can you whistle? No
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? No
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? Yes
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? Yes
40. What medical conditions do you have? Dude
41. How many times have you been to the hospital? Umm.  Once to be born, probably once when I broke my arm, once a few days after a bike accident..  That might be all.
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Seriously, you are ten.
43. Where do you buy your jeans? Thrift stores
44. What’s the last compliment you got? It was from an online quiz. I’m in extreme summer introvert mode.
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Yes. Thanks, meds.
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? Plain black is good, but I grew up on apricot tea (black with a slight apricot flavor), so that’s always been my favorite.  They’d put it in my sippy cup.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? I don’t want to move, let alone go count my shoes.
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? Christianity
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? Idk, I don’t remember ever believing he was real?
50. Why do you have a youtube? What does this sentence mean?
Some random questions :P
1. What’s your height ? Short
2. Which season is your favorite ? Spring and fall
3. Writing, art or chatting ? All of the above
4. Pokemon, long live, Digimon, YoKai watch, Barbie, Doraemon ? That second one is a song, though, right?  Whatever.  Digimon and Pokemon, in that order.
5. Burgers or pizza ? Pizza, unless the burgers have roasted onions and peppers, in which case, burgers.
6. What’s your sexual orientation ?
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7. If you could change 3 things in the world, what could they be ? Everybody everywhere would get free health care, somehow the racists etc. learn and we all treat each other like we’re on the same team, everybody everywhere has the opportunity to make enough money to live on.
8. Any fictional character that you will love to cosplay ? It might be fun to dress as Asuna?  But because of the creepy stuff in the second part of the show, I’m not going to do that.
9. Do you sleep with any stuff toy by your side ? No
10. Do you live alone ?
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11. Describe the surroundings around your home.
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12. What will be your dream profession ? Getting to come up with ideas and not having to follow through with making them happen - somebody else does that part.  Also playing video games most of the time.
13. Which vegetable you HATE the most ? I don’t hate any veggie I’ve tried.
14. Which vegetable you LOVE the most ? Idk, lots of them are good.  Recently learned how to roast sweet potatoes and woah.
15. Ever eaten bitter gourd ? No
16. Strawberries or blackberries ? Strawberries
17. Number of friends on tumblr. Three, off the top of my head.. idk
18. What’s is the one thing that you want to change in yourself ? I need to figure out how to keep up with dishes, and generally have better motivation.  My variety of depression keeps the motivation preeeetty low, even with meds.
19. Ever went underwaters ? Dude
20. Mom or dad ? With whom you’re much bonded to ? You just forgot how to speak English, but okay.  Dad.
21. Number and age of siblings ? One sister.  Very older.
22. Ever met any actor or actress in real ? No, but I heard Billy Boyd sing at an orchestra or something.  Freaking amazing.
23. Who you want to meet NOW ? It’s after midnight, so. nah.
24. What are your casual wears ? My sister got me this incredible dress-like thing that might be technically a swimsuit coverup.  It’s cute and sleeveless and has a hood and it’s so comfy.
25. (moved to top)
26. Are you curious about certain anons ? Huh?
27. What’s the one thing that you’ll always regret for ? Probably some of my purchases.  Nothing big, but I just look at things and think, if I hadn’t bought that, I could have spent the money on video games or food.
28. When you’re excited, which word you speak out mostly ? Idk? “Oh my gosh”?
29. Had crush on any of your friends in school life? Is he/she still your crush ? Not really and no
30. Do you celebrate Halloween ? Which costume did you wore last time ? I don’t “celebrate” what it’s about, but dressing up in costumes is super fun.  The last couple Halloweens I haven’t dressed up, but I know I’ve been Lucille Ball and Anna (from Frozen) a few times.
31. What’s your lucky number and lucky color ? ? I like purple.
32. What never bores you ? Technically, nothing.  But I love video games and dinosaurs and languages.
33. What you hate the most ? I’m suuuuper sensitive, so lots of sensory things like sounds and flashing lights and when people bump into me and bad smells.  Also washing dishes.  Because it’s way too sensory and all the feels are unpleasant (bad smells, dirty hands, unexpected loud noises, the stress of feeling like I can’t keep up, etc.).
34. Do you believe in ghosts and spirits ? Want to meet one ? No
35. What’s a common name that you’re often called from ? From?
36. In your eyes, who’s the most popular blog irrespective of the number of followers it has ? I probably don’t follow them.  The more popular ones I follow are Dan and Phil, Seth Everman, shower thoughts...
37. Do you know languages other than English ? French, and teeny bits of Japanese, Elvish, and Trigedasleng.  Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.
38. What’s the thing you’ll always cherish ? The mems Also the memes
39. Describe your personality in 5 words. Definitely too tired for this
40. Your Myers Briggs personality type ? INFP
41. Introverted, ambiverted or extroverted ? Very introverted in all situations
42. Are you left-handed, ambidextrous or right-handed ? Right
43. Do you use alarm clock to wake yourself up ? Phone
44. Read newspapers, magazines ? Not really
45. Ask any question… Why?
~ This or that
🌹 - loyal / 💔 - heartbreaker 🎉 - social / 💤 - antisocial 🍎-feminine / 🍏-masculine / 🍐-androgynous ⭐️ - night owl / 🐦 - early bird (permanently exhausted pigeon) 🐶 - dog person / 🐱 - cat person 😎 - sunny days / 💧- rainy days ✨ - stargazing / ☁️ - butt watching (CLOUD TO BUTT CHROME EXTENSION DOES IT AGAIN!) 🍉 - healthy food / 🍔 - comfort food 🎨 - artistic / ✏️ - logical ❤️ - affectionate / 💛 - reserved
rules: the questions deliberately come in pairs. instead of me answering all the questions, I want you to pick a pair, answer one of the questions and I’ll answer the other. (Yes, I don’t care.)
1A Are you going through a personal struggle right now? Nothing big.  It’s mostly family stuff right now. 1B Do you have someone in your life you can share your struggles with? Yes!
2A Who are you? Parasauro1ophus 2B Who do you want to be? Parasaurolophus (it was taken, but now it’s not, but tumblr won’t let me have it.)
3A What do you want to do before you die? Help people 3B What if you found out you were going to die tomorrow? I’d try to get things in order to make things as easy as possible for the people who will have to deal with my possessions. Then I’d spend the day with friends and family and not tell them, but make sure they knew how special they were.
4A What do you spend too much time doing? Video games 4B What is a new habit you want to form? Exercise
5A What is one question you would ask a fortuneteller? Is it free? 5B What do you wish you knew more about? Most things
6A What does success mean to you? Helping people and not hurting people 6B what is your next great adventure? Who knows.  Probably a new job and apartment and town.
7A What is your biggest fear? I don’t like the dark much.  Also afraid of bears and someone breaking in.   7B Where do you find peace? .... Video games.  No, seriously.  I know it’s escapism.  But take this week for example.  I was at my parents’ house for a lot of days.  I was constantly busy, between cooking for them, helping get rid of stuff, trying to keep my mom a little more emotionally stable, visiting family, visiting friends, etc.  I didn’t get any alone time.  I’m seriously introverted and am now very accustomed to living alone.  So being there, I got to the point where I just had my head down on the kitchen table and wouldn’t say or do anything.  I got home and accidentally slept til noon (which I never do), then spent three full days immersed in video games, Netflix, and YouTube.  I just have to recharge sometimes.
8A Describe a turning point in your life Halfway through my first year of teaching, I finally acknowledged that I was struggling with depression, and I told a few people I trusted.  Got to a doctor and started the process of finding meds and a therapist.  I’m doing so much better now than I had been since early high school.  It didn’t happen all at once, but that road to - I don’t want to say recovery, but at least being able to kind of function - was so worth it. 8B What are you looking forward to? Tomorrow, since it’s Saturday and I don’t have to be anywhere.  Maybe the grocery store if anything.  Maybe I’ll paint.  Or put the carpet back down.
9A What do you think about when you wake up? What I dreamed about and how crappy I feel and whether I can possibly keep sleeping a while longer. 9B Where would you like to wake up tomorrow? Here.
10A What object would you save if your house was on fire? Phone so I could call 911.  Maybe my very few belongings that are worth something, if I had time. 10B What would make you happy right now? Another ice cream sandwich would be nice.  It would also be a bad idea.
11A What are your priorities at the moment? Helping parents get rid of things.  Otherwise, serious resting before I have to get ready for the next school year. 11B What age do you wish you could permanently be? 25-26 was pretty nice.  I feel like I’ve started aging now.
12A What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home? France 12B What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of? Not much, since “most people” is hard to define.  But some of my favorites are pretty specific?  Like I play the ukulele, which is so mainstream, but I specifically play the baritone, which most people don’t know about.  It’s less trendy, the tuning is different from all other ukes, and it’s the biggest kind.  I love it.  I guess Runescape also counts as something most people haven’t heard of, since it’s pretty specific to people close to my age and is really old now (but still thriving!).  Fly For Fun was an all-time favorite video game too, from back in high school.  The official game (an MMORPG) is pretty dead now, and even when it was still big, nobody I knew had heard of it.
13A What songs have you completely memorized? Happy Birthday? Not many. 13B What pets did you have while you were growing up? A fish, then a dog.
14A What is a relationship deal breaker for you? There are so many.  The red flag I always say to look for first is how he treats waiters, his mom, and elderly people. 14B Would you ever take back someone who cheated? why/why not? 99% of the time, no, but situations can be complicated.
15A What was the best phase of your life? Adulthood.  20 was the most significant milestone for me.  Turning 13 or 16 or 18 or 21 didn’t matter much.  Not being a teen was the best. 15B What was the worst phase of your life? All the teenage years
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