#idk where im going with this from june 2022 to feb 2023 things were about the same but then a Lot changed so that is also smth to consider
talkorsomething · 1 year
...well, i now officially know i've lost weight.
Like... a lot? a lot more than i had thought?
Which is. Odd because honestly pretty much everything still feels like it fits about the same...
I guess it explains why i've been more cold?!
+ also i dont know Why it's so much... if i start eating like a normal human being again i don't... really *want* to go over where i started? :/ i guess i'd maybe be fine w/ being about the same because i know it won't be That big of a difference. Or i don't think it will anyways? Hm...
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k1 speed
i am now determined to leave america
ever since i moved over to the east bay
life has ended for me
the only lifei have now is overseas
not anywhere local
i no longer have close friends
i am a lone wolf
i enjoy doing things myself
i enjoy spending money on myself
i have been forthing resturants for 4 years
retails for 2
and customer services for about 2 as well
i hae about 8 years of working experiences 
i started volunteering for companies at age of 11 or 12 ish
its been 10 years of working service
for most people
they start work at 22
after college
and by 32
theyll have 10 years of working experiences
i am 27 now
i have 10 years or more idk
but life here in k1 went bby quick
started out with many of the boys
now its just down to me basically
everyone moved one
everyones gone
its been a fast fun thing
things went and
came and went
things are moving fast
and so should i
i realize my life here wasnt equalitine to much
i decided i will follow thru with my plans for departure on the 29 of novmebt
i will coe back jan 18 fo family dinner
i will stay
get a job for any 2 or 3 onths
unitil its my bady
when i will head out again
life in k1
started off 
there were many guys
all were faster than me
 had some great lessons 
racing with faster people
things picked up
now im one of the fastest
but not fastest
new rookie in town took the spot
but yeah it was fun
had a quick short tie
well spent
covid came
and 2022 flew by
any lessons and scams along the way
didnt make much progess in terms of social or financial standing
didnt make it in tersm of money or girls
but i not worrying
i had a good year
or bad year
a bad year of good lesson
we did alot this year i feel
i liveeld u p a good aount
many experiences along the way
not many too memorable
but times 
good ties flies
its time to let go of the ast
and move on to the future where the great journey awaits
no more being fearful of things
no more being lustful for girls
no need of anything but my own harnessed good vibration
i dontneed to seell anybody anything
i dont need to share anything with anyone
its all coming to an end
life is moving on
when i leave
i will go
and when i come back
ill take a job at sushi house
and take back the job at k1
with new attitude 
and i will work to make 4-5k a month
that is athe goal
i will work
all the way
thru may
and until summer
june 2023
then i will elave again
this time
i iwll leave with 30k in my account
january 1/2
18k.... thats plenty
i currenly
have 7 plus 3
i have ten k
its been a year...
well 5 motnhs 18k not ad actually
get 20k 
and leave again
from june
and come ack january
6 months
3k a month spending
work months for 6 months of play
repeat and repeat
of a 27 year old
then maybe by then
id have enoguh of everything
if not
and by then
its real time to get started with maybe a house
and car
and by 40
id like to settle
10 years+ of travel eperience
ive done it all
seen it all
lived all there is to do eat and see smell feel
and by 40
ill be good
then ican settle
house car dog girl mortages friends social gatherings
for now 
tis all about the travels an
live it up now
who knows
if ill live to 40
theres so much to see
and do while young tthan go get a house
lock urself in
get a girl
get a car
lock urself in
lock get tied down
do the same shit
eat the same shit
see the same people
age 20- 30
30- 40
the prime years of ur life
spent doing the same repatitive shit
running track
doning tracking
doing races on the sae track
its about getting out there
doing all u can do
lvingin all u can live
being all u can be
being great being free and wild and limitless
dont be tied down to what others opinion is best of ru
u know hawts best for u
and do what is best for u
dontelt don
dont elt others
tell u whats bet for u
only u should have dictoriatiship over ur own life
else ur life isnt urs
its someone elses being controls for u
to let u know this is whats best
be the captian fo rur own story
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