#idol rebooting project
soop-musical-fool · 1 year
Ok I said I would make a pin full of music so here it is
First off, I mentioned KNOWER. It's a long project that started a really long time ago, but their best stuff is probably coming out like right now. As in, they are just about to release a new album, KNOWER FOREVER. The singles on it are incredible, like I'm The President just comes right out the gate with the fattest walkdown I've ever heard from a horn section. The B section makes it feel like I'm enjoying a song like I would a multiple-course meal. Then Crash The Car just transfixes you. Yes, yes, you should listen to those, but don't neglect the fire they put out in 2017 because you owe it to yourself to watch the live sesh of Overtime:
Oh god this post is gonna make viewing my blog super annoying isn't it
Anyway the next thing I gotta mention is Vulfpeck. These guys are famous for scamming Spotify, basically. They released an album full of 30-second tracks of pure silence, just absolutely nothing, titled Sleepify. They got online and said "Yo guys, help us raise money for a free concert by listening to this on loop while you sleep." What they were actually doing was exposing a loophole in the way Spotify calculated royalties, and before they could pull the album (citing "content policy violations," of course), Vulfpeck had already bagged around $20,000, so they put on the completely admission-free Sleepify Tour, which was incredibly fucking based of them.
Vulf went on to become several spin-off projects, all entirely independently released and full of some of the stankiest funk fusion that I cannot stop listening to.
My favorite of these projects, The Fearless Flyers, is headed by Cory Wong, with a guitar idol of mine for 5+ years Mark Lettieri and of course the government subsidized active bass of Joe Dart, but the keystone of the group is no doubt Nate Smith on drums. Dude makes a three-piece set onstage sound like a full kit.
Like just look at what they can do with the added power of sax:
And yeah, I could just talk about those guys, but let's get weirder.
I'm talking modal. The kind of stuff that makes my choir-trained mother cringe inward at the dissonance. Let's talk about the crunchiest, most feral fucking harmonies and keyboard solos that make you question what you thought you knew about chord progressions and key centers.
Obviously anyone super into this stuff will have already heard of Jacob Collier, so I won't show him. But THIS:
I listened to this the first time and it was just.. too much. I put it in its own specific playlist titled "very complex shit" immediately. When I went back to it, enough time had passed and I had learned enough that after way too many listens I can actually follow along with this insanity. This track blew my fucking mind, dude. I have never heard a chorus use so many of the 12 chromatic notes and still sound heavenly. The groove changes add so much texture. The flute solo goes off way too hard. The slower final section is just disgusting syncopation when the drums come back in. Everything about it is incredible, and this album came out in 2007. I am staring back at years of my life I spent not listening to this and ruminating my lack of music theory knowledge. And when I wanted to see if some kind transcribing jazz grad student like June Lee had uploaded anything of System, I found a 2020 reboot with 24 musicians playing System for over twice its original runtime, and guess who did the showstopping final solo??
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Look him up if you don't know. The other musicians I obsess over inspire me. This guy makes me want to quit.
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 3: Team Power
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Hey, friends! Welcome back to this crazy project I set out for myself -- writing up a bit about each of the 40 contestants on MNET’s Build Up before I dive into the recaps. Last post, I covered Team Soul. This post will be about Team Power. Let’s do it!
Same caveats apply: 1) I’m pressed for time, so proofreading will suffer; please be kind! 2) screencaps will be awkward due to technological issues and 3) All of these guys are amazing vocalists; my critique is splitting hairs and just my opinion at the end of the day. 
Choi Haram
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I also have almost no information about Haram, except that he’s a musical actor. In his teaser, V08, I Want to Fall in Love  by Johan Kim, he sings in that classical “musical actor” way, which is just not my favorite style of singing. That doesn’t make it bad! He also is singing a ballad. Which does mean it’s bad! Ha ha, jk.
I'll do my best to evaluate him even though the song is a ballad. I'm a hero, right? His soft tone he uses in the verses is just too breathy and nasal for my taste. But I do like the belt on the chorus part -- nice work. This guy definitely knows how to sing. I wonder what he’ll sound like singing more of a pop song. 
Kim Minseo
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This is Kim Minseo, 21, who also appeared on a show I’d never heard of called “The Origin - A, B, or What?” It “was a new type of survival program that combines balance games along with K-pop,” whatever THAT means, and it created the group ATBO. On the Wikipedia page for that show, it says that he was born in January of 2003, making him 21 now, and it also says that he lived in China for ten years and can speak Chinese. I wonder if he and Wumuti will ever speak some Chinese together? 
I really, really liked his teaser performance of Rolling in the Deep by Adele (V39), slight pronunciation issues aside. It was actually kind of cute how he sort of just gave up on pronouncing ‘underestimate’ halfway. He has a distinct, real voice that shows some training but also some rough edges. For me, he’s one to watch. Watch? Listen to? Whatever. 
Yoon Inhwan
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Yoon In-Hwan, V23, is one of the enigmas of the show -- I have no information about him. For me, his mini audition showed an unpleasantly throaty, nasal, thick vocal color that I didn’t exactly love. He sounded like he had just drunk a whole gallon of milk or something. I don’t know if that’s how he always sings, or if he just was feeling unwell that day or what. As promised, he did have a lot of power, and he also had a good sense of pitch. Hopefully he’ll do better going forward!
Jo Hwanji
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I haven’t been able to get a decent screengrab thus far, but Hwanji is the guy in the uniform in episode 1. He’s only 24 -- isn’t that surprising? Before this, he went on other shows called Phantom Singer 3 and Fantastic Duo 2.
He’s another musical actor, but in his teaser song V26 he breaks the musical actor mold by singing an upbeat retro swing song by JYP -- yes, that JYP -- called Swing Baby. I like the song, and I also like the way he sings it. Clean but full, with fun little growls to brighten things up, varied dynamics, impeccable pitch, and the power he promised. Good stuff! He’s also so hilariously square. I mean it literally. He looks like a Pixar character. It’s cute. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him.
Lim Junhyeok
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Junhyeok, age 30, debuted as part of the JYP-based k-band Day6 in September 2015, singing and playing keyboards. In late 2015, it was revealed that he’d been chatting with a female fan online, and that they might have been dating. The controversy built, and he felt obligated to leave the group in February 2016, getting to enjoy less than six months with the group. God, that must have been just heart wrenching for him. I can’t imagine.
Afterward, he joined another band called Be Blossom, but stayed only about a year. Since then, he was on a survival show called The Unit, which was about rebooting debuted idols’ careers. (A few other contestants of Build Up also went on The Unit, too.) He also continues to compose music, which I think is actually his first love. 
His teaser song performance, V05,  was I Love You by Shin Hyo Bum, and you can see in the silhouette that he’s playing the keyboards as he sings. I didn’t love his performance, unfortunately. It felt a little shrieky to me at times, and his softer notes were a little too breathy for my taste. He definitely belongs in the Power group, though. He can sure belt when he wants to -- it’s the softer segments that challenge him. Maybe it’s just my bias against ballads acting up, as well. 
It’s kind of a bummer, because for whatever reason, I like him. I can’t help but cheer for a guy who (a) was kicked out of his group after six months for dating, like, omg, how dare a young person want to date! (b) is a bit on the older side (c) composes music and plays instruments and most importantly (d) shows up to a survival show in a goddamn hoodie. Like, yes, king. So I hope that I grow to like his vocals better as I hear more from him. 
Side note: The Korean family name “Lim” is often transliterated as “Im” since that’s actually closer to how it’s pronounced. So if you see his family name written as “Im,” that’s why. (Nayeon from Twice has the family name of Lim/Im -- hence her album name.)
Park Jeup
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Park Jeup makes himself known by wearing an enormous bow on the first day. It’s just such a choice, when he’s so masculine looking. Own it! Yes!
Anyway, he’s 30, and is a member of IMFACT. He’s been on a bunch of singing shows, as well as The Unit, which would have put him in company with Lim Junhyuk (former Day6) and Hyukjin from Fave1.
His group IMFACT debuted in January 2016 and put out several albums and singles, but none of their songs have even one million views on Youtube. Most of them don’t even break 500,000 views. In 2022, all the members of IMFACT left their agency (Star Empire). The group hasn’t officially disbanded, but the members are listing themselves as soloists. They really weren’t a bad group, and it’s a shame that they never caught on, but it’s just such a crowded landscape. Their song Only You spent some time on my playlist a few years back, and Jeup’s voice in that song is really sweet. 
I tried my best to give his teaser song a try -- he was V34 --  but I just dislike ballads so much that I can’t judge him fairly. Vocally, though, he sounds well trained. He has a surprisingly high pitched timbre considering his appearance. 
Here is a performance he did in 2018, in which he made the MNET reaction editors play the instant replay buttons like a xylophone. I think there was some sort of gas leak in the studio that day, because, yeah, his voice is nice but people are having spasms in their excitement and it’s a bit much. Also, he's singing another ballad so it's kind of a no from me.
A song that’s a bit more palatable for me is this cover of Exo’s Monster on The Unit. 
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Jeup doesn’t seem to be the main vocal, but he is the one who sings “I’m sorry…. You make me… so crazy, you know you do.” He also does the higher harmony line/descant/whatever it is over the “Come here girl, you… call… me… monster” line. And he pulls it off!
I recognize Jeup’s skill, technique, and passion for the art. I’m not as sure that I love his timbre for whatever reason. I hope his voice grows on me, in part because I always have a soft spot for hard working nugu idols, and in part because I always gravitate toward the older, more broad shouldered idol types, like Baekho from NU’EST and Wyatt from ONF. Jeup, fighting!
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Hyukjin is 30 and is from a group called Fave1, where he’s lead vocal and lead dancer. He also appeared on The Unit, so he may also know Park Jeup and Lim Junhyuk.
Ok, so his background is kind of sad, fam.
His first group, 100%, debuted in 2012, so he’s been at this a while. There were originally seven members, but two quit, and then one member, the leader Minwoo, passed away in 2018. That had to be so hard on Hyukjin and the rest of the team, to lose not just their friend and teammate but also their leader. The group disbanded in 2021, and three of the four remaining members formed Fave1 at a new agency. So they’re kind of like Loosemble or Vivez that way. 
100% started off doing ok -- their older songs had 1 or 2 million views, good for the time period -- but their more recent songs max out at around 400,000 views. Fave1, unfortunately, is really not doing nearly as well as even 100%. Their songs usually have views measured in the thousands, and their videos look like they were shot on someone’s iPhone. Really, the whole thing is kind of heartbreaking. 
In his teaser, Hyukjin was V22 , and sang a quasi-heavy metal song -- think Dreamcatcher style -- called Lazenca, Save Us. It was a unique choice, that’s for sure! I think he was hoping that it might make a splash for being the guy who did THIS song. I’m not sure how I feel about his performance. I think I need to hear more of him to make up my mind. But I mean, gotta respect someone who comes out of the gate with that! I think his natural voice is not quite as deep and rich as it should be to successfully pull off this kind of thing, but he displays strong sense of pitch and a lot of power. It does gets a bit shrieky and it sounds like he’s hurting his throat. I’m looking forward to seeing what else he can do because I just want to see him succeed.
Ok, that's about it for this post! Sorry if it was a bit of a bummer. So many sad stories in this industry. In the next post, we'll be visiting with Team Unique, and then we'll finally get into the recaps! See you soon.
BPR Noona
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class1akids · 1 year
I realized after reading the manga over again that it appears Deku doesn't have much of a problem with crying/letting his emotions show until the Overhaul Arc and then it just gets worse when he becomes a vigilante. Most of this I think comes from everyone around him telling him he needs to stop crying to become a hero (his friends, especially with what Shoto said, are a few exceptions). He hears this from All Might first (his idol) since when they first met practically and began training. Do you think this is something sadly common in the hero society?
Deku never becomes a vigilante. He's literally running around with the Top 3 heroes + All Might. He's as establishment as can be in the chaotic situation they are in.
Sorry, but it really irritates me that people keep calling him a vigilante, failing to see that he is the establishment. It's actually frightening how much the Top pros are following him and failing to question him when they learn he has OFA as if the power would magically give him all the solutions and make all of his decisions right. The lesson from this arc is not that Deku becomes a vigilante, but how easily his word becomes law and how quickly the pros fall in line to try to reboot a Symbol of Peace 2.0 without learning anything. If Deku succeeded in this arc to take down AFO, he would have been immediately put on the pedestal of All Might and nobody would have questioned the system.
As for him not crying - I guess since the Overhaul arc having learnt that not everyone sees him as a wise choice and even All Might admitting that there were other candidates, I think Deku put more pressure on himself to step into All Might's shoes, and wear his signature smile. After the war then there is no question about his OFA-vessel status, but because there are no other options, it becomes a question of survival.
I think Deku stops crying because he's shut down his own emotions and taken his feelings out of the picture as much as he could. He's treating himself as the vessel for OFA's will and what Izuku wants or needs simply get brushed aside.
I do think it's fairly common in hero society, yeah - projecting strength is what heroes try to do. We don't really see heroes cry much - the only one I remember is Crust's tears at the Top 10 celebration, but even he went out with a reassuring smile.
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piscesseer · 1 year
Jupiter in Taurus ✨🌸
May 16, 2023 is a lucky day! Jupiter is moving into Taurus. Jupiter is associated with growth and good fortune, and Taurus is associated with material possessions and stability. This is a combination that can bring us long-term comfort, stability and happiness! This cosmic event only happens every twelve years, so enjoy this nearly year-long transit.
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Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion and optimism. It blesses us with good luck and fortune. Jupiter is about expanding our wealth as well as our minds. This planet is associated with the higher mind, philosophy and religion, giving us a larger lens to view the world.
Jupiter will shift into the fixed Earth sign of Taurus, bringing opportunities that are related to patience, building and strengthening efforts and focus on pleasure, stability and longevity.
Over the last year, Jupiter has traveled through Aries with active, action-packed developments. This transit helped you get new projects off the ground and allowed you to get the ball rolling. As Jupiter changes course, you might be prompted to slow down to ensure what you’ve built can stand the test of time.
There’s a calming effect on boundless Jupiter when it moves into Taurus. Jupiter might be ready to expand, but Taurus adds some stability to this. Jupiter had big-picture ambitions, but Taurus might help to slow down to a more realistic and patient pace. If used correctly, this energy can allow us to turn our dreams into attainable goals! This is a real chance to move toward dreams and long-term goals. We’ll find energy to make practical, planned to-do lists and start checking items off until we get to the end result. Jupiter’s desire for growth and Taurus’ patient, headstrong demeanor encourages us to trust the process.
We must practice patience with this transit, and with the Sun, Mercury, Uranus AND now Jupiter in Taurus. This sign is slow-moving. Results require you to work hard and sometimes wait. Trust that results are coming!
Jupiter in Taurus’ Past
Fields that prosper during this transit tend to be agriculture, food, building, music, luxury comfort items and natural or earthy beauty products. In Jupiter’s once a decade transit through Taurus, we often observe the debut of pop icons and artists that define the decade to come. It often signals a boom in progress. 
In 1928-1929 Mickey Mouse was introduced, the first movie with sound was released, Joseph Stalin forever changed the life and economy in Russia, and Wall Street crashed.
After a grueling Great Depression, Jupiter returned to Taurus in 1940. WWII initiated the surge of industry like jet planes, computers, and even McDonalds. 
Fast-forward to 1976-1977, when ABBA’s ‘Dancing Queen’, Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, and Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors album filled the radio airwaves. We had Star Wars, Saturday Night Fever and the founding of Apple computers. 
1999 - 2000 was similarly explosive with The Matrix, X-Men, Fight Club and well, what movie didn’t come out during this era? Britney and Christina were pop icons, Buffy and Charmed battled evil.
Then finally, in June 2011 - June 2012, Lena Dunham’s Girls debuted, iPhones became essential, and artists like Lana Del Rey, Florence and the Machine, and Frank Ocean filled our earbuds. 
Jupiter in Taurus influence this time
For the first time since 1941, Jupiter will join Uranus in Taurus. It’s likely that those in positions of power will make riskier decisions, building Jenga towers that can only go so high without crashing. New idols will sweep the imagination, joining Jupiter in Taurus icons like Mickey Mouse and Darth Vader. In the summer of 2023, Venus will retrograde in Leo, which can reboot iconography of the Hollywood machine and influencer culture. A new era of stars will mesmerize and inspire.
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Personal Effects
While Jupiter is in Taurus, focus on enjoying life! We can be happy with a simple, good life during this time. Taurus in Jupiter urges us to enjoy, appreciate and build on what we already have.
We can be more realistic and practical. We need clear goals and strong plans, but we take pleasure in pursuing our goals in a more leisurely fashion. Jupiter will remain in Taurus for the next year, making plenty of time to develop the security you have been craving. We attract the most good fortune when we observe wisely rather than jump too quickly into something new.
Life can be prosperous during this transit. Since Jupiter is also seen as the planet of abundance, this can be a period of growth, prosperity and luck in the form of tangible resources like money, food and livelihood. These things can be acquired by using a practical approach with the help of Taurus. 
We will have an easier time with practical decision making. We are able to rise above pettiness, mundane concerns and inconveniences. 
It’s a good time to look at our financial standings and find a change for growth. Long-term financial investments are in favor and investments may even start to pay off. We can happily watch our profits and possessions slowly, but surely accumulate. We attract good fortune when we are charitable and patient. Make sure that basic needs are met before pursuing more goals.
While there can be some good fortune when it comes to money and personal possessions due to resourcefulness, we can also get caught up in our possessions that bring comfort and pleasure, so be wary of an unhealthy focus on material items or the joy of buying. We can become possessive. Negative manifestations can give us a “wait and see” attitude that leads to us not being motivated, and we can be stubborn with our opinions and beliefs. 
It’s a great time for your creative release. Feed, strengthen and style yourself as a powerful vessel to bring the future.
It’s beneficial to keep in mind that Jupiter is about higher minded thinking. We can take advantage of this transit by making sure that our morals and ethics are up to date and meaningful as our attention to material objects. With Jupiter and Taurus coming together, we’re reminded that the answers we seek are with us all the time. Spirituality is not something outside of us that we aspire to, but the always present buzz of daily life. This transit gives us the opportunity to push past distractions and tap into wisdom within ourselves.
Here are some journal prompts you could find helpful during this transit:
What does abundance mean to me?
How do I want to cultivate more abundance in my life? What real steps can I take to achieve this?
What are my values and how do they shape my relationship to material possessions? How can I align my spending habits with my values?
How do I prioritize self-care and pleasure in my life? How can I incorporate this into my daily routine?
What brings me a sense of stability and security? How can I ensure that I am cultivating these feelings into my life?
How can I find the resources to support the people that matter to me?
In what ways have I experienced growth and expansion in my life? How can I build on this momentum moving forward?
How can I find balance between my desire for comfort and my need for growth and new experiences?
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Fnaf system reboot au
Vanessa Arrington relationships: family, friends, enemies.
Explained: a list of all the people Vanessa is familiar with in her life and what her relationship with that person is like.
Ps: because this is a au certain lore and facts from the games or other things will be changed, this version of Vanessa is different from her game counterpart.
1st: family
1. Vincent Arrington/her dad: as a young child Vanessa idolized her father, to her he was the closest thing to a superhero in real life, her dad worked as a chief firefighter, they were extremely close and loved each other very much and liked each others attention, Vincent was quite goofy, fun loving and energetic but was also responsible, diligent and stubborn, he also really liked people thinking he was n cool as a firefighter, sadly at age 10 Vanessa lost her father due to a forest fire during a summer camp vacation (his body was never found), this incident would cause her to develop trauma and anxiety and for the next 3 years she would grieve but eventually she learned to accept what happened and try to move on and remember all the good memories of her and her father. (Fun fact: his character is inspired by Peter b Parker from Spider-Man into the spiderverse/across the spiderverse, and bandit from bluey).
2. Veronica Arrington/her mom: Vanessa and her mom were always close, but when she was 10 after her dad died she and her mom were distant for the next 3 years, but after working out their problems they eventually fixed their relationship and became close once again, Vanessa often visits her mother whenever she can usually when she’s off work, Veronica is also aware of what happened to Vanessa post pizzaplex incident and tries to help and support her daughter in any way.
3. Gregory: during the events of the system reboot au Gregory (with no memory or recollection of himself) is found by Vanessa and Freddy in utility tunnels, Vanessa offers to watch over him until his parents or guardian come to find him, as days pass the 2 of them genuinely begin to bond and develop a sibling like relationship, after vanny manages to fully take over Vanessa body and kidnaps her Gregory promises to save her and stop both glitchtrap and vanny, one by one Gregory manages to free the pizzaplex animatronics from glitchtraps malware and so for their help to save her, eventually Gregory learns that in order to save Vanessa he has to play all 3 princess quest arcade machines in order to destroy vanny he has to destroy her vanni mask and the vanni network, after accomplishing this Vanessa is saved but not before vanny attempts to kill Gregory but before she can Vanessa gets in the way and blocks the killing blow causing her to fall into a comatose state, once she woke up she was grateful and decided to let Gregory to stay with her and watch over him, they like to read books together and sometimes do arts and crafts and play video games, she even brings him to work to see what projects she works on, her nickname for Gregory is brownie bean due to his brown hair and eyes.
4. Glamrock Freddy fazbear: 3 years after Vincent’s death Vanessa’s mother got the idea to bring her to the pizzaplex for her 13th birthday, while first she wasn’t into the place but that all changed after she met the glamrocks and especially Freddy, at first she just saw him as a robot but after genuinely growing to like him and seeing him understand her pain she began to actually care for him and saw him as a 2nd guardian, Freddy was sometimes a bit protective of Vanessa (just like with Gregory) and always appreciated her visiting the pizzaplex, he also tries to keep her out of trouble from anything, during the pizzaplex incident when trying to rescue Vanessa from vanny, Freddy confronts her but vanny in her real/digital form holds Vanessa hostage and threatens to kill her if Freddy doesn’t comply, Vanny eventually hacks some corrupted staff bots to disassemble Freddy, fortunately Freddy managed to disconnect his head from his body, he also used his coding/hacking features to disconnect vanni from the pizzaplex network and finally erase her from the pizzaplex, after the pizzaplex incident Gregory took Freddy’s head back with him as they waited for Vanessa wake up and recover, after a few weeks Gregory, helpy and Quinn/tape girl decides to fix Freddy’s body as a surprise for Vanessa to make her feel better, Freddy now stays with Vanessa and Gregory and helps in any way he can, they like to buy him outfits in order to disguise him they also gave him a database on cooking and medical skill, Vanessa even came up with the idea to make one of their basement rooms into Freddy’s new room (it’s basically a makeshift version of his former room at the pizzaplex, sometimes they also like to play chess (they can sometimes get a bit competitive against each other), Freddy’s nickname for Vanessa is starlight (like how he calls Gregory superstar).
5. Quinn Thompson/tape girl: Vanessa and Quinn have been childhood friends for as long as they can remember, around their high school years they both began to develop romantic feelings for one another, when they became college roommates they officially started dating each other, at some point they both got jobs at silver parasol, while working on the Freddy fazbear virtual experience Quinn discovered glitchtrap and made tapes for future testers but soon discovered that glitchtrap attached himself to her logs so she tried to delete them but couldn’t and decided to fragment them instead but not before glitchtrap began a digital consciousness transfer, trapping Quinn in the game and made tape 16, soon enough Vanessa was asked to beta test the game and managed to find all the tapes, glitchtrap attempted to start a digital consciousness transference but it didn’t work, at some other time when glitchtrap got his followers to created a arcade version of help wanted and transfer it to the pizzaplex, at this point glitchtrap had created vanny a digital AI network phantom to possess Vanessa’s body, in the end both glitchtrap and vanny were defeated Quinn was able to escape the game and return to her body, she eventually let Vanessa, Gregory and freddy stay with her at her home.
6. Helpy (animatronic): when Vanessa began working at the pizzaplex and was staying at the fazplex tower apartments she met helpy, helpy helped train Vanessa for her job as a security guard and the 2 of them became good friends, during the pizzaplex incident Helpy was a key figure in helping Gregory free the pizzaplex animatronics and was immune from being corrupted by the glitchtrap virus, after the pizzaplex incident Gregory had managed to sneak him away from fazbear entertainment and he stays with his new family, he often helps with technical support and is a great emotional support friend.
7. Candy cadet: after the pizzaplex is shut down Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy sneak back into the pizzaplex and find candy cadet in the old Freddy fazbears pizza place and decide to repair/repurpose him as a house caretaker/helper and security warden, after being repaired and upgraded his ai becomes sentient/self aware allowing him to develop a personality, he’s very responsible and sarcastic, and creative, he gets along with other animatronics and he acts a guardian figure to Gregory and Vanessa, he still tells stories and helps whenever Gregory or Vanessa are hanging nightmares and stuff.
8. Thales: after the pizzaplex incident Vanessa and Gregory decide to adopt a pet so they go to a shelter and find a Labrador retriever named Thales, Thales acts as a emotional support animal for both Vanessa and Gregory (fun fact: Thales was a actual dog mentioned in the fazbear frights books)
9. Jinx: before the events of the pizzaplex ever happens Quinn had adopted a black cat that had always stopped by her door for food every day, now living with Vanessa she learned to be comfortable around her as well.
10. Fritz: before getting Thales as a pet Freddy didn’t completely trust Gregory and Vanessa with a dog so he. Got them a pet goldfish that he named Fritz as a beginner pet, he’s been well taken care of and loved by them ever since, they even made him a special bowl connected to wheels so he can move around.
2nd: friends
11. Luis Cabrera: Luis has been one of Vanessa’s friends since childhood and he always had a crush on her, even though she’s already dating she still values Luis as a very close and good friend and Luis appreciates that, he along with Quinn also called Vanessa ness, luis is also one of Vanessa’s friends that know what truly happens at the pizzaplex because he was told everything and he and his friends decided to keep what they learned a secret.
12. Lisa Jameson: Lisa is Vanessa best friend, they first met in 5th grade, at first Vanessa was a little scared of Lisa because of her tough and somewhat wild nature but they eventually learned they have a lot in common, Lisa also now works at silver parasol studios with Vanessa.
13. Daniel Rocha: Daniel is another close friend and coworker of Vanessa, Daniel and ness get along very well even though Daniel is known to complain and be a bit short tempered a lot but ness does think it’s a little funny, Daniel also knows what happened at the pizzaplex because he was also a victim of glitchtrap who got digital consciousness transferred by him and vanny but after being saved/freed he and the others decided to keep what happened a secret.
14. Steven Wilson: steven is another friend and coworker of Vanessa, he was introduced to her by Daniel and they became good friends.
15. Raha Salib: Raha is another good friend of Vanessa and another coworker as well, she and ness get along very well and sometimes love to hang out with each other, she and ness also love taking cooking lessons with chica at the pizzaplex.
16. Cheryl Mazely: Cheryl is another childhood friend of Vanessa’s and a fellow coworker, Cheryl loves hanging with ness and the other girls to do stuff like shopping or going to cafes and stuff.
17. Tristan Mazely: Tristan is another friend of Vanessa’s and another coworker, Tristan met Vanessa as a child since he’s Cheryl’s twin brother, Tristan also knows about what happened at the pizzaplex due to being another digital consciousness transferred victim by glitchtrap, after being saved/freed he and his friends decide to keep what happened a secret.
18. Nora Wu: Nora is another friend/coworker of Vanessa, she and ness met in college and became friends and coworkers. Nora also knows the truth about the pizzaplex incident due to being another digital consciousness transfer victim by glitchtrap, after being saved/freed she and the others decided to keep what happened a secret.
19. Mark cho: mark is another friend and coworker of Vanessa, they first met when they began working and became good friends.
20. Jimmy Campbell: Jimmy is Vanessa’s friend/boss, Jimmy originally worked at the fazbear Funtime service but after it was discontinued he found a new job at silver parasol studios.
21. Anna kwemto: Anna is Vanessa’s friend/boss, Anna can be strict sometimes but knows how to have a good time with her friends and coworkers, Anna originally ran the fazbear Funtime service but later became the new project manager of silver parasol studios, one time Vanessa even babysitter Anna’s kid for her.
22. Glamrock Bonnie bunnle: Vanessa has know Bonnie ever since she first started visiting the pizzaplex at age 13, he would teach her how to bowl and play the guitar, and even teach her how to always get strikes.
23. Glamrock chica henny: Chica was always Vanessa’s favorite animatronic even before she started visiting the pizzaplex, chica would teach Vanessa how to cook and bake and they would share recipes and they became bcff’s (best chef friends forever), Vanessa got her like of cooking and baking from chica.
23. Glamrock foxy pyro: foxy would always let Vanessa go on his rides for free to test her target shooting skills, he even taught her how to get the secret pathways to all his rides.
24. Roxanne Delwolf: Roxy is a very close friend of Vanessa, she’s the one who inspired Vanessa to wear rainbow hair extensions and purple nail polish, they also share a love for fashion and beauty, they also love to give each other makeovers and teach each other about mechanical and engineering.
25. Montgomery Kralligator: Monty and Vanessa are good friends, he gives her free lessons and teaches her his secret technique to golfing, at first Vanessa was a bit afraid of Monty but eventually grew to become very close to him.
26. Sunrise side/daycare attendant: sun and Vanessa are very close and friendly towards each other, sun is the one who got Vanessa interested in arts and crafts and creativity, he also loves sharing many stories with her, whenever she stayed at the daycare sun always helped her if she was having trouble sleeping or something.
27. Moondrop side/daycare attendant: moon and Vanessa never really had a good relationship until after the pizzaplex incident (considering he did used to work for glitchtrap and try to kidnap and kill her), but she eventually forgave moon for everything he did, he gives her advice on dealing with her fears and stuff, he also reassures her that fear is not something to be ashamed of and that everyone has fear.
28. Dj music man: Vanessa is a big fan of the dj, they both share a love for music and creativity so they get along very well.
29. Cassie: after the pizzaplex incident Gregory properly introduced Vanessa to Cassie and they became very close, they share a similar pain of losing their fathers and the vanni mask, they leave that they have a lot in common and bond a lot.
30. The blob/tangle/cluster: originally the cluster was a monstrous amalgamation that wanted to just destroy everything that opposed it but after being tamed and reasoned with he became a friend to the pizzaplex animatronics, when vanessa first met cluster she was extremely anxious and afraid but eventually she grew more comfortable with them.
3rd: enemies
31. Dale Richer: Dale was originally the manager of silver parasol games who helped in the creation of glitchtrap and offered up his employees Jericho (Jeremy), Quinn/tape girl and Vanessa as tools to him in exchange for a spot in glitchtraps cult of followers (Jericho was the only one who glitchtrap fully corrupted himself) , Vanessa didn’t personally know him that well but she never really liked how he treated her or his worker, unfortunately for him he met a brutal end to the blob/tangle.
32. Jericho (Jeremy) Jane: originally Jericho was the tester working on the Freddy fazbear virtual experience before Quinn and Vanessa, after testing Jericho was driven crazy by the glitchtrap virus and then became obsessed with it to the point where he cut his own face off but the virus kept him alive, Vanessa had never interacted with Jericho she had just heard about him and what happened and how Quinn was next for testing and if anything happened to her she would be the one to test the game.
33. Landon prout: Landon is the pizzaplex director and project manager who was in on glitchtraps plan to use the pizzaplex as a murder and experimental den, he’s also responsible for local resident disappearing, he also helped in Vanessa getting a job on the pizzaplex security team, he doesn’t show any interest in Vanessa (or anyone in that matter) and only views the staff and animatronics of the pizzaplex as pawns, in the end his ego gets him caught and arrested.
34. Tiger rock: when Vanessa first visited the pizzaplex she got lost in the utility tunnels and was found by Tiger rock who had tried to trick her and kill her, luckily with Freddy’s help she managed to outsmart and destroy Tiger rock, Tiger rock seems friendly at first but he really just trying to gain your trust to stab you in the back later.
35. PDB/patient 46: Vanessa doesn’t personally know patient 46 but they are the reason why Vanessa got a job at the pizzaplex on the security team and for getting her a apartment at the fazplex towers, they are also responsible for the disappearance and deaths of her many therapists and for spreading the glitchtrap virus throughout the mall, after being saved she believes that patient 46 is the one responsible for her being possessed by vanny.
36. Glitchtrap: glitchtrap was the sinister mastermind behind the entire pizzaplex incident and responsible for the disappearance and death of 9 local residents, glitchtrap was the creator of vanny and the VANNI security mask unit that was used by both class V fazbear technicians and possibly security guards, glitchtrap was both emotionally manipulative and physically abusive to his followers including vanny so whenever she was possessing Vanessa’s body she would get hurt (without even realizing), glitchtrap only sees his followers as tools for his goals and other people as pawns, Vanessa and glitchtrap have never personally interacted before but after being saved/freed she has developed bit of a fear for him, she eventually learned of glitchtraps crimes and even realized that he was the one responsible for Jeremy going crazy all the problems at the fazbear Funtime service/dlz shipping solutions (corrupting many of the workers with vanni mask), because glitchtrap is a AI anomaly he can’t comprehend human emotions, empathy or compassion only fear, manipulation and cruelty especially towards his own followers or anyone who disrespects William afton and his memory, glitchtrap also influenced/corrupted 3 of Vanessa’s friends and put them against her and Gregory, he also specifically created vanni to make her target Vanessa as a host body, he also targeted Gregory and tried to even have vanny kill him.
37. Vanny/vanni: vanny is Vanessa’s tormentor, causing her unforgivable pain and trauma for 6 months (such as claiming her first and only child victim in her body, committing many criminal acts while framing her, and stealing her identity, and for destroying something to her that meant more to her than her own life), the truth is Vanny deeply envies Vanessa for everything she has (family, good friends, a happy and successful career, likable) because vanny is nothing more than a tool to glitchtraps eyes and plays 2nd place to patient 46, vanny always wanted to have a close relationship to glitchtrap who she viewed as a father figure but he never saw as anything but a tool and is both emotionally manipulative and physically abusive towards her, vanny was specifically created to be Vanessa’s polar opposite and hate everything Vanessa loves, Vanny can’t stand the thought of Vanessa being happy and sees her as a nuisance so she vows to make Vanessa’s existence as horrible as possible and steal her identity for herself, whenever vanny is possessing Vanessa’s body she wears a left sided pigtail with purple hair dye, red lipstick and face paint, she sometimes even adds green contact lenses to fool people into thinking she’s Vanessa (but some people can tell that it’s not ) she also traps Vanessa is a vivid horrific nightmare of princess quest and for Vanessa to wake up she must beat the nightmare and also sometimes vanny physically abuses her body (giving her cuts and bruises), she even went as far as to break her left leg and place Vanessa into a comatose state, in the end Vanny let her own insecurities and sadistic nature get the better of her and it ended up with her losing to a child, a robot bear and the women who she couldn’t stand above anything else, Vanessa and Gregory learn that vanny had other vanni mask and even temperely possesed Cassie at some point and was influencing others who had vanni mask, at some point vanny does return to get revenge on glitchtrap for her abuse and mistreatment and does manage to permanently destroy him and indirectly save Vanessa and Cassie as well, but because she destroys him she fades away permanently as well, before she fully disappears she admits to Vanessa that she never liked her because she had everything that she always wanted but also admits she still doesn’t fully like her and dies.
38. Jimmy Marshall: Jimmy was the first and only victim vanny claimed when she possessed Vanessa’s body, Vanessa doesn’t fully remember Jimmy but she is aware that he was one of the local residents that went missing (fun fact: Jimmy was the name of the kid in help wanted 2 during glamrock Freddy’s minigame cold storage).
38. Vanessa’s friends: for as long as she can remember Vanessa has always had these “special friends” of hers that have always sticked by her side since the very beginning (supposedly imaginary friend), but after vanny invaded her mind they’ve stopped appearing to her ever since, she still holds many good memories of them and it’s possible that they could one day come back to her.
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cerinelle-stellarium · 7 months
The Quinssential Shoujo Beginner's Guide
Aishiteruze Baby
Baby and Me
Chibi Maruko-chan
Dennou Coil
The Fox and Little Tanuki
Gakuen Babysitters
Haikara-san ga Tooru
Happy Happy Clover
Kageki Shoujo!!
Laughing Under the Clouds
My Roommate is a Cat
Natsume's Book of Friends
Not Your Idol (Perfect Blue but shoujo)
Paradise Kiss
Psychic Detective Yakumo
Raven of the Inner Palace
Shounen Maid
Spirited Away
Sukeban Deka
Unico (+ the reboot manga; Awakening)
Ame Nochi Hare
Ao Haru Ride
Beauty Pop
Boys Over Flowers
The Cherry Project
A Condition Called Love
La Corda d'Oro
Dawn of the Arcana
Dengeki Daisy
Dreamin' Sun
Earl and Fairy
Faster Than a Kiss
Hana no Kishi
Here is Greenwood
Hibi Chouchou
High School Debut
Hiiro no Kakera
His and Her Circumstances
I Am Here!
Itazura na Kiss
Kamisama Kiss
Kimi ni Todoke
Kitchen Princess
Lovely Complex
Maria Watchess Over Us
My Happy Marriage
My Love Story!!
Only Yesterday
Ore-sama Teacher
Ouran High School Host Club
QQ Sweeper (and its' sequel Queen's Quality)
Red River (1995)
The Rose of Versailles
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
Skip Beat
Snow White With the Red Hair6
Special A
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
UFO Baby
The Wallflower
Whisper of the Heart
Yona of the Dawn
Yumeiro Patisserie
Introduction to the Magical Girl Genre
Aikatsu franchise
Akazukin Chacha
Bee and Puppycat (Just be aware that tthe story isn't really up to snuff)
Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine
Corrector Yui (Just be aware that the transformations in the anime are full of fanservice)
Creamy Mami, The Magic Angel (and her fellow 80’s and 90's Studio Pierrot magical girls)
Full Moon
Girls x Heroine franchise
Hime-chan's Ribbon
Himitsu no Akko-chan
Jewelpet franchise
Kaitou Saint Tail
Kiki's Delivery Service
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Sweet Mint
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS
Ojamajo Doremi
Phantom Thief Jeanne
Pretty Cure (Just avoid tthe 2 seasons between Splash Star and Fresh plus the 15th anniversary season if you don't want to get jumpscared by p*dophillia showing up in a kids' cartoon)
Pretty Series
Princess Knight
Princess Tutu
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Sailor Moon (Manga and reboot anime series)
Sally the Witch (The capstone of all magical girl media to exist)
Sugar Sugar Rune
Super Pig
Tokyo Mew Mew (Personally rec reading the manga first, then watching New then the first anime)
Tweeny Witches
Ultra Maniac
Umi Monogatari
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albertonykus · 1 year
Doraemon Movie Review: Nobita in the Wan-Nyan Spacetime Odyssey (2004)
What is Doraemon? The title character of the Doraemon manga and anime is a blue robotic cat from the 22nd Century who keeps an array of high-tech gadgets in a portable pocket dimension on his belly, and has traveled from the future to improve the fortunes of a hapless schoolboy named Nobita. Although relatively obscure in the English-speaking world, Doraemon is a Mickey-Mouse-level cultural icon in East Asia (and some other regions, too). The Doraemon franchise was a big part of my childhood, and there are still elements of it that I enjoy now.
Doraemon has released theatrical films almost annually since 1980, most of which involve Nobita and his friends (kind Shizuka, brash Gian, and crafty Suneo) getting swept into adventures thanks to Doraemon's gadgets. Despite being of potentially broad appeal to fans of science fiction and animated films, there are very few English reviews of the Doraemon movies, so I'm embarking on a project to write about all the films that have come out so far. Good luck to me…
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Movie premise: Nobita does something about the local stray problem by sending abandoned dogs and cats to a safe haven 300 million years ago. The stray animals then start their own civilization.
My spoiler-free take: This film contains the right elements to be a great Doraemon movie, but has room for improvement in the handling of its story.
Review: This movie is a landmark, being the last film to come out of the classic Doraemon anime that started in 1979. All the remaining Doraemon movies from here on out were (and will be) released following the 2005 anime reboot.
Befitting the old anime series’ final cinematic hurrah, this film has an interesting art style that almost seems “transitional” between the visuals used for most of the classic series and those of the reboot series. There’s no other Doraemon movie that looks quite like it.
The storyline of Nobita in the Wan-Nyan Spacetime Odyssey has many ingredients that could make a great Doraemon movie: there are time travel shenanigans, emotional connections between the protagonists and movie-exclusive characters, and decent action sequences with creative application of gadgets. However, I thought that the execution of the story was not as fluent as it could have been. There are times when the plot simply moves too fast, leaving little time for major developments to sink in, and the reveal that Sharmee, a cat idol singer who Doraemon falls in love with, was working with the villain would have been more impactful had it not been shown to the audience before being made known to Doraemon.
In addition, the characters make a few strange decisions in the name of plot convenience. For example, at one point most of the protagonists and their allies escape from the villain’s base while knowing that Doraemon is still imprisoned inside, but only decide to go rescue Doraemon after they’ve already left the base. Luckily for them, the villain chooses that very moment to leave the base himself in his time machine, bringing the captive Doraemon with him, which saves the heroes the trouble of having to go back inside. What are the odds?
Also, Doraemon’s romantic subplot with Sharmee felt awkward considering that he was shown going on a date with his girlfriend in the beginning of the movie. (His girlfriend is a regular house cat, if you’re wondering.)
On a different note, it was hard for me not to feel a sense of wistfulness as this movie ended, not so much because of the content of the film itself, but due to its status as one of the last works from the 1979 series, which was the Doraemon anime I grew up with. I think the main voice actors on the current Doraemon anime are excellent, but this movie made me realize how much I’m going to miss the old voice cast.
It’s wild to think about how long this franchise has been going. A child who was the same age as Nobita and his classmates when the first Doraemon movie was released would have been 34 by the time this one came around! And though there has been a changing of the guard, this remarkable robot cat and his friends show no signs of stopping anytime soon.
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Star rating: ★★★☆☆
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machifuwa · 2 years
We Who Don't Learn | Episode 6
An hour later. On the set of "Haikara Academy," a classroom at a girls' school.
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Jun: "I am the sexy female teacher 'Jinko Sagami' who has been assigned to this school from today onwards."*
"Everyone, feel free to call me 'Jinko-chan'."
"Eh? A heroic story at my previous school? Yes, of course. I fell in love with a naive high school boy, and had a secret meeting at night."
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Jun: Seriously, what the hell's that guy doing!?
GODDAMN! What's "Jinko-chan"? If you're going to be a female teacher, at least dress up as a woman, you're too unmotivated!
Hiyori: Hmm~ I looked this up on Hold Hands, and it seems that the girls' school where you're watching the programme is being filmed in "Haikara Academy".
Tatsumi: You're very good at using the tools of civilisation.
Kohaku: What's "Haikara Academy"? Is it different from "Bankara Academy"?
Jun: It's a long-running manga about a high school girl who spends her days at school, which started as a spin-out from "Kara Academy".
I was told that the explosive popularity of that one is the reason why the reboot project of "Bankara Academy" is also underway.
Kohaku: In short, we're being made to work on a bonus project for this Haikara somethin'?
Hiyori: Well, that's just the bonus.
It seems that "Haikara Academy", which was only a spin-out, is going to start a reality show following in the footsteps of the original "Bankara Academy".
The other one has been given a big budget and will be broadcast nationally in prime time on TV. It looks like the girls' school they're showing now is where they're filming for the programme.
Why Sagami-sensei is so casually mixed up in the recording of that programme is still a mystery.
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Tatsumi: Hmm. There's something complicated going on here.
Jun: No, it's the opposite. It's because we're talking about Jin Sagami here. It's just a strange situation because he's living his life without thinking.
Hiyori: Yeah, I know. One of the performers in "Haikara Academy" was a female idol I know, so I secretly made her film something with her phone and asked her to send the data to me.
Sagami-sensei, from the sound of it, doesn't seem to realise he's on the wrong show.
At least he's trying to do his job and play the role of 'teacher' properly.
Jun: The result is that cheap transvestite (?). I don't know why he doesn't think he's weird. What's with that guy, why doesn't he think he's weird?
They look at me like, "Bankara Academy has changed a lot since I was on the show".
But that's not true! He's in Haikara Academy now!
Kohaku: A-anyway, what are we goin' to do? We're goin' to ask Sagami-sensei, who plays the role of the 'teacher', to teach us, but it's not goin' to be easy with this, right?
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Hiyori: You're right. It's good that you came to the call without thinking, but it might be difficult to actually meet Sagami-sensei now.
Sagami-sensei is in an all-girls school. It's also filming, and if we stormed in, there would be a commotion.
Tatsumi: Hiyori-san. Can't you ask someone you know who has sent the video to you and tell Sagami-sensei the facts?
Hiyori: Ah, no. They must have realised she was filming and confiscated her phone. I'm sorry about that, I'll have to apologise later.
Kohaku: So there's no way to contact 'em now?
We are not tryin' to misbehave in any way, so why don't we just walk up to the shootin' location and explain the situation to the staff in an open manner?
Tatsumi: Yes, that's right. In fact, we don't even need to go there, we can have the staff from the "Bankara Academy" contact them.
Jun: Yeah... I'm not comfortable stepping into an all-girls' school.
Hiyori: It's a holiday and we're filming, so there won't be any regular students or anything. Still, it is problematic for a man like us to enter an all-girls school.
Jun: I think that Ohii-san would be fine with joining high school girls for a tea party.
Hiyori: Jun-kun, do you think all high school girls have tea parties all the time?
Tatsumi: Fumu. Well, then, that's the way it is. Shall I ask the staff member who is running the camera to contact the Sagami team?
Jun: GODDAMN! It's all Sagami Jin's fault... He makes us go through extra trouble every time...!
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Jin: Achoo!
Ah~~~ Oh no, it looks like someone is talking about me!
Probably some cute high school boy who loves me and is in agony because he can't get me out of his head...
Hmm? What is it, staff-san? You think it's strange to use "Ore" when you're a female teacher...?*
I've been out of the game for a long time, and I'd like people to accept that it's inevitable that I'll be a bit of a disappointment. I really don't want to do this job in the first place.
Hmm? No? This is a very interesting project...?
Note: "ko" or "子" is a kanji character that is often use to make a name more feminine.
Note: Jin used "ore" or "俺" that is manly and often used by males such as his self and because he's playing as a female teacher here the staff commented about it.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
Something people heard is "all wads are canon" and i wonder if this line from the 2016 Slayer's testaments is why:
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(Source is this video by howaboutbecause686, i just wanted some quick reference)
It's something that is either rarely sourced or just carried over from someone's interpretation of a lore bit that could mean something else.
Because the idea of Doom wads being canon reminded me of some points:
The new lore/direction is more likely to be made with new fans in mind
2016 technically being a reboot with its own direction/stuff seems clear, specially since the original games still have a long lasting modding scene.
Even if the Doomslayer as a concept does have some interesting fanservice-y origin and there's some easter eggs, these games also attracted a lot of new fans.
One can also say that a "more faithfull/closer to classic" Doom universe already exists in some mods, which leads me to the second point:
How people view Doom mods/wads to begin with
To some, Doom modding is like a main pillar of the community, from not just the quality stuff but also with how important and beneficial it is to the series.
But then there's always some sort of "line" that divides those "deeper into the rabbit hole/iceberg/whatever" and those that approach things in a more basic way.
As in, Brutal Doom, HDoom, MyHouse and typical meme/pop culture based wads.
It's why some people think "all wads are canon" think of goofy stuff like Homer Simpsons and anime girls, since goofy wads are more likely to be thought out than the "genuine" stuff like well made maps, creative gameplay mods or assets that could "expand the original setting".
Or even stuff like original characters and fanservice based mods.
One can see this as "you just want me to worship/idolize some random guy, don't you" or as an attempt to make the community revolve around a specific group.
And i can see why, as someone who thinks the Cacowards aren't enough to showcase the best works in the community.
Because you want the community to look diverse and huge, which is part of why people didn't like BD being too popular: It casted a shadow on the other stuff that shows how far Doom modding went and still goes.
Another thing is id themselves, since we do have stuff like the Unity addons and some other collaborations.
How wads can (If ever) affect the series
Remember when people thought Brutal Doom inspired D2016?
I still occasionally wonder if the Baron's design in Eternal was inspired by the fire Baron idea that is present in some mods/wads.
(Even made a post about concepts for demons that exist in both mods and the series)
Because one can probably wonder if "all wads are canon" can lead to "id can do what they want with fan projects".
Because one thing is referencing memes or inside jokes or even how the Doomslayer can be traced to the "rip and tear" comic and maybe Death Battle or some copypastas.
But another is a concept from a fanmade playable work made for the original Doom games being used somewhat in an official Doom title.
It'd be like "canonizing someone's interactive fanfiction" but also have some negative side effects/meanings in regards to creativity, ethics, how it can affect a fanbase etc.
It's also worth noting that "canon" in media is usually more relevant if it's from something that is published and owned by the company.
It's an issue with "lore" that only exists in interviews or streams but also means that Final Doom is "more canon" than Romero's Sigil because id technically owns one but not the other.
At the same time, one can see Doom having a lot of "HIRE THIS MAN" projects, so if id were to collaborate with some people to make something cool (And be fair with fans over it), it could be cool.
After all, D64's official new port can be traced to its fan port history and there's the contribution of a dev who worked on D64 EX.
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mini-ism · 2 years
i have some thoughts about the new saints row reboot. [NOT SPOILER-FREE]
i decided to write down some of my own thoughts, feel free to (respectfully) let me know what you think!
characters— i really like the new crew, even if they feel a bit "2-d." neenah had a great character arc, even if it was short. i understand her resentment to sergio and her attachment to her project car. eli is your typical side-character geek, but without him, the new saints empire wouldn't be built. eli definitely knows what he's doing, even if he's a bit of a klutz. eli and neenah contributed lots to the depth of the new saints row, but my issue is with my favorite of the new crew- kev. kevin is adorable, he's cute, but he lacks the depth and arc i would've liked to see. he's almost like comedic relief, and definitely has worse motives than that of neenah and eli's. the nahualli seemed like your average handsome villain, but even he had me fooled. i don't think nahualli should have been a villain, even so— volition could have changed his motives. how does he go from thinking friends are liabilities to becoming envious of the main character, their friends, and even their life within weeks? on the other hand, we have atticus marshall. i liked having him as an antagonist. atticus had a very genuine and understandable reason to dislike the protagonist, rather than nahualli becoming envious, the collective and their idols wanting to take down everyone (because they're anarchists [but not really]), and los panteros- now led by sergio, with tensions rising between neenah and sergio because of disagreements, and eventually destroying her property (definitely a better arc). regardless, there's plenty of potential to work with, to shape and mould into genuine, relatable characters, but volition somewhat lacked in the creation of a solid plot and characters we can relate to.
plot + storyline— i appreciated the start of the new saints, we've come full circle. just as the third street saints had once done, the new saints built their "empire" in a run-down church. i thought it was a cute reference. the continuation of plot and story, and the villains is a major issue. the nahualli had extremely bad motives, almost lashing out at the main character with jealousy. literal backstabbing could've worked, but not in the "im-going-to-steal-your-friends" way. the climax of the story, nahualli stabbing the main character and burying them alive, evoked lots of shock. it was definitely unexpected, and i appreciated that, but his motivation for doing so upset me. the storyline moved way too quickly for me though, it felt a bit "casual," rivalling saints row: the third's short length. things felt rushed, many things felt kind of unimportant, especially the saints becoming the saints because of rivalry and student- fucking -loans, but some moments within the game, such as the main character choosing to shoot or terminate atticus marshall from his own company— they felt amazing. seeing the saints go from a rag-tag friend group, to a "gang" operating out of a church, to an empire within santo ileso felt all too fast, like it was weeks, rather than months as canon suggests. the issue isn't with the beginning of the story at all, or the marshall arc, but the nahualli. the nahualli wasn't a very good villain, even if i enjoyed his character. i know volition could have done better at the end of the game, but the beginning definitely hooked me.
critics— i don't believe the reboot deserves all the hate it gets, it has innovative and streamlined gameplay, and is plenty of fun to play, with a beautiful open world to explore. however, i don't think the reboot is a good open-world game. there's plenty of effort, beauty, and detail put into the open world, but we don't use it much outside of ventures and side hustles. however, i feel like the reboot of saints row lacks an audience, it lacks the soul we know in a saints row game (at least to me.) saints row (2022) is a very solid game that lacks a specific audience is wants to appeal to, and even so, i feel as if it's target audience is "quirky millennials." it doesn't feel different, but it does have the little references to the older games i always wanted to see. i can tell volition poured a lot of love into the new saints row, but as times change, so do video games. i prefer the gritty, cynical humor of the original saints row, but maybe it was time to retire the old crew and their humor, as much as i adore them. the comedy in the reboot felt a bit dry. game critics seemed to be too harsh on this new game, though, clearly expecting to see what was surface level in the older games. with enough attention to detail here in the new game, the references kind-of reveal themselves to you. i believe the shit-storm of hate was not deserved, but i personally also think the reboot is not the best saints row title. however— the reboot wasn't given a chance to prove itself as a truly solid game.
overall— i see people in the "old saints row fandom" saying this new game is woke propaganda. clearly, it is not. it's a game about shooting things, just as is any other saints row game. the same people complaining about the "random bullshit" also fail to realize that random bullshit was thrown into the mix, and is what made saints row: the third and saints row IV: re-elected. people are definitely entitled to their opinions, 100%, but i'm willing to discuss thoughts about this new saints row game. i don't think this game has the best writing plot-wise, or character-wise, but volition could have gone different ways with saints row IV: re-elected, as well as agents of mayhem, and even the johnny gat spin-off. each game has a very strong suit, but lacks in many other ways. overall, i don't think this reboot is the worst project volition has released at all, but it is far from the legacy saints row 2 and saints row: the third both collectively have. with an open mind, all complaints and dislikes about this new game are valid, but ignorance is not key. perhaps a reboot is what saints row really needed, but volition may have gone about it wrong, —or even did it right. it all depends on what you think. nothing will stop you from enjoying or disliking this new game, and that is fine.
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mshexley · 2 years
Some of my reboot headcanons
The reboot timeline was created by one of the OGs (don’t ask me the specifics of how that works). I wanna say Johnny or Pierce. Johnny because he’s more sentimental than ppl give him credit for so he likes the power of friendship stuff. Pierce because of how it takes a lot of hustle culture and the whole “Be Your Own Boss” mantra. Hell they might’ve worked on it together.
It would kind of work like The Sims but free will is permanently on. They like to watch it occasionally.
Boss is from Stilwater but since it’s so connected to their pent up anger, they don’t talk about it.
OG!Boss heard about Pierce and Johnny’s little project and put Carlos in it for a second chance.
OG!Boss went back some time later and put Lin in too and Donnie just for Lin. Johnny helped with this one.
The main four have designated karaoke songs. Ones that they just HAVE to sing when they come across it. Especially duets.
Reddit in some form exists and Kevin will sometimes play THAT song to mess with the others. Specially early in the morning.
That scene from TUA where they’re all dancing in different rooms? Yeah that happens often in The Church.
Despite Kevin being allergic, Snickerdoodle likes sleeping in his room and will often run to him because he lets her get away with stuff the most.
After Eli got the apartment, he met the Boss first who needed somewhere to stay after coming to town. Then they met Kevin at a party Boss took Eli to. Then Neenah because she was looking to move away from the other Panteros during her time of trying to formally break into the world.
The reboot saints throw Halloween events so kids can trick r treat without the threat of violence. (There’s gangsters, not monsters)
They also do it for other holidays too. Shirtless Santa FTW.
Several members from the Panteros and the Idols joined the Saints. The former Panteros think it feels like a real family and not what Sergio turned it into and the former Idols feel the Saints are really about that or at least don’t put up some front.
It’s so cool because the Saints will now have a tall woman wielding a sledgehammer for them and the glow stick folks all just dressed in purple.
Santo Illeso Pride?? They got their own float AND they provide security. No cops at pride.
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ladyjaja · 2 years
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i made a box thats a rng script tht reads from a notecard .. the contents of the notecard is a transcription of a large chunk of me and lady cpu’s buzzword codex.. i use this rng tool to generate hacks and spells for upcoming vn “precious theatre!”
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heres a bunch of hacks i generated tonight:
small queen nerd vampire
petal mountain webisode hole
girl sewer message district
sweet bodydata ribbon modify
cross symbol award twin
secretary cookie owl
temporary satellite palace
psychic moral tunnel
primitive backend quill bible
denpa princess princess spirit imitation
naughty cheatcode bridge reaper
strong pudding
rock mod nemesis
student council sharpie jpg
pelican hpunch faceup
super movement needle actor
vibrator zapdos power-faith
hentai mega sewing diciple
dekbass knowledge crybaby
invisibility bomb slipper
shit religion ideal fruit post
rescue helper chocolate hack space
familiar/special storm
spirit momo x
frilly seagull church
nu crayon textbox
dark loveletter
painkiller rom mystic
harddrive power brother
amy rose punishment operating system
investigation: snowflake recovery guide
media practice moral chant!
complex tuna ritual-potion
summon bff
secretary camera ego
d-pad emerald ego
dekbass angel estrogen
murder million daughter loop
crime beta sewing mecha
!! scripted agent investigation email !!
!! frequency flunk project !!
sutro topaz dimension
!! meow emblem !!
student council desktop
3rd party recovery effect
yaoi society cloud
feral fanclub callcenter
time travel defense blueprint
cosmic elevator clown
chocolate vibrator intention
login mystic snowboard
!! rollcall repost !!
condition mp3
text tournament
gem maiden
vn tunnel
paw tea
slowburn idol
pacify mmd marble
glove? broken leek
probation reboot pencil case
fact check avatar
sexy elephant
cockroach dungeon
dungeon vaccine
processing twin cannabis
familiar dictionary record token
dual sculpture justice
sister class: strange
dissonance leek
garden lamb chibi
peer to peer mouse cell phone
hairclip design botfarm
psyduck million ancestor
tutu dark dissonance
construction paranoia snake
luxury cola
mage primitive
weird doujin eggman dashboard ceremony
!! targeted individual dizzy hypno idol !!
location controller
lament phenomena
permanent copy actress
sign up prize
sister user motion data
synthetic grape vehicle
tucan password trial
familiar lesbian
technique password
custard dungeon
mount murder
equal exception hentai
hope: lesbian space program gala
dual weird lament wink
permanent paintbrush
secretary wish picture
vn boost
fur alpha
friendship picture projection errand
diamond os
leak email
nvl palmtree diagnosis
mother frog hack
alpha mask roll call
perfect frozen reciever doll
sonic committee lunch
emerald rng blender
pray scarlette serpent
shop mammoth apophenia
president dragon teto
dashboard 5g poet
violin codex frill
silver non-network
codex technique theory
quit invisibility org
virtual bomb novel
!! studio alphabet doki !!
lucky app
satellite d-pad technique
repost water divide
interplanetary pretty pigeon
paranoia bodyguard
mango fasshion
fishing tunnel administrator
dragon gallery tiger
mega mantra crow
cylinder hud
bully doily melon cousin
cave yaoi special
royal project library
cpu charm palace
permanent rockstar hammer
disturbing breakfast
profile satan haha brother
dressup book advantage
organic message board alien
mayday stream manifest synthetic court justice
big crow theory snake font recovery
vacccine alien demonic intention chapter
hpunch hpunch turn virtual passion bgm trap
yaye strawberry / order pdf chain invisibility
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rvdispatch · 2 years
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SEPTEMBER 26 - TRAXX-F Are Bold In New Comeback
The popular TRAXX subunit is back and dressed to kill in their new release! TRAXX-F members went all out with a bolder, fiercer look and sound than ever before in their new title track, Under Cover, which is an engaging fusion of rock and hip-hop sounds to make something wild and charismatic. Fans are starting to feel burnt, however, with many saying that this unit is basically all TRAXX does anymore, and that TRAXX should just disband and let TRAXX-F be the group for the members who still want to perform.
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SEPTEMBER 29 - Trinity Make Fierce Return with YESSIR
Higher’s youngest girl group has returned and are badder than ever!  The group's new single fuses EDM with hip-hop, augmented by an aggressive brass and drum sound, and in the music video for the track, the members can be seen wearing military uniform-inspired outfits, a nod to the anthem vibe of the single's sound. This is the first official comeback from the trio since Leader, Hayoon, was a finalist on Idol Project: Reboot, so fans are expecting big things from this promotion cycle
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parkjaechan-updates · 1 month
DKZ, Eco-friendly ❤️ Boy Group… Collaborates with Holy Number 7, Launches "T-shirts Made from PET Bottles"
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The idol group DKZ has embarked on an eco-friendly campaign by releasing T-shirts made from PET(Polyethylene terephthalate) bottles in collaboration with the fashion brand Holy Number 7.
Their collaboration with the fan club ARI under the project name "team earth with ARI" adds further significance to the project.
The collaboration collection with Holy Number 7, led by designers Choi Kyungho and Song Hyunhee, unveiled the collaboration label at the Seoul Design House mall on the 16th.
The message conveyed by DKZ and the fan club ARI, coming together as one team, is to strive together for a sustainable future.
The T-shirts were produced using recycled yarn made from PET bottles discarded domestically.
In addition, they produced items such as bags, keychains, and tumblers that can be used for a long time.
Sales are limited to pre-orders received only for four days from the 16th to the 19th, with production limited to the quantity ordered. This system aims to prevent overproduction and promote sustainable fashion by producing only the necessary quantity.
Furthermore, each T-shirt contains a message that the members wanted to convey to ARI based on movies that left a lasting impression on them.
A portion of the proceeds from this campaign will be donated to environmental protection organizations.
Designer Choi Kyungho introduced, "DKZ has been practicing with Holy Number 7's eco-friendly clothing in various activities, including the jacket shooting and music videos for their recently released second mini-album REBOOT," adding, "We are not just engaging in a one-time collaboration, but continuously striving to address environmental issues and exert positive influence."
Source: [멤버별문구] DKZ, 친환경❤️남돌...홀리넘버세븐과 협업 “페트병으로 만든 티셔츠” - 마이데일리 (mydaily.co.kr) Translated by Park Jaechan Updates
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nepofm · 4 months
hi !! say i'm bringing a muse who's a star of a reality show, what kinda shows would you like to see? im struggling and i would love some ideas, thanks !!
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          ✱     of  course  !  here  are  a  couple  shows  /  ideas  that  are  off  the  top  of  my  head:
a  recent  love  island  winner  (  maybe  they  conspired  to  win  the  competition  ?  who  knows  ?  )
a  contestant  on  the  bachelor  /  the  bachelorette  franchise
someone  who  grew  up  in  the  spotlight  because  their  family  was  part  of  a  reality  tv  show  or  had  their  own  and  from  their  got  their  own  show  (  maybe  their  mother  was  part  of  the  real  housewives  franchise  )
the  breakout  star  of  the  reality  show  they  have  with  their  family  and  now  it's  opening  some  doors  for  some  new  opportunities  (  thinking  along  the  lines  of  the  kardashians  )
a  contestant  and/or  winner  of  a  reboot  of  project  runway
contestants  /  winners  /  breakout  stars  in  a  competition  type  show  like  american  idol  ,  x-factor  ,  america's  got  talent  ,  etc.
something  like  the  hills  but  based  around  a  group  of  friends  /  nepo  babies  living  in  nyc  (  maybe  they're  trying  to  just  live  life  or  they're  trying  to  get  their  big  break  )
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dxsturbia · 4 months
You kept it up
Instead of all right guys that was the last one sorry
Hey Joseph do you know our contracts were trash
Yes you auditioned an American Idol reboot not really but for the purposes of being American yes
You are immediately going into the distribution pipeline you understand me yes you are a national consumer product and none of it belongs to you
This is a global franchise a big as apple technology
It boasts massive sales in a couple different markets
And quarterly projections are going to be hi with the Lou pearlman business model except instead of having Simon Cowell as a six member of your band you own not a shred of this too much of your business is already on the Internet shut down you go with grace Close it up and you find your next deal with non-negotiables
We all know this record only sold in South America shut up
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