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finally i can stop sitting on this egg. i just... the last few... several... many months have been. H E H. long and meandering. but always full of some sorta growth. and that is good.
a commission, the last great one@! commission project, rather, that gave me the opportunity to do things; for my most esteemed patron, @idridian, whom had blessed me with much reading food. to give me a feeling of rawness, evisceration, otherworldliness even (because believe me i'm mostly dead inside irl lolol, so i needed me all of the above, that inspiration ensued).
mmmm. the thing what i fondly call watarimon, a.k.a. old wammy... and a wee 'godling.' from their fic "Never Were, Never Will Be". links will be provided.
a combination of concept, fanart, mood piece. i came, i read, i learned. i will grow. thank you. now i sleep
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samsarapavillion · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Ohhhhhh ~ ! First ask jumpscare in *checks notes* many years. Okay, let’s go. Let me see here… I’ll pick some regular people, mostly non-videogame music I cycle through on Spotify (in the recent months):
1. Love Murder One - Coheed and Cambria
2. No One is Ever Going to Want Me - Giles Corey (this looks like a depressing addition… and it is, but… the song itself has a progression that’s sorta mesmerizing for me so I sit through it every time on the way home😅)
3. Heartbeat - Childish Gambino
4. This Silence is Mine - Chihiro Onitsuka (Drakengard 3)
5. Devils and Angels (Hatred) - Rufus Wainwright
I pick… I dunno. Who would want me to pick them? 😂 I’ll figure it out when I wake up in 20 minutes or more
Bless ✨✨👌
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filmnoiress · 5 months
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top nine first time watches of 2023 tagged by @lalocorleone ty <3
tagging @orlaite @uhuraisgay @shinysteph @wickershells @idridian @sigurism @johnmarston @thevelvetgoldmine @sturridges and whoever else wants!
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watari-apologist · 8 months
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Title: The Prodigy Circle: TeionYakedo Artist: Secco Release Date: 2005-11-3 Size: 44p
I've been looking for it on various doujinshi websites for several months and haven't been able to find it (it's quite old and therefore rare) - so if YOU own this doujinshi and are willing to part with it, I will buy it from you!
Please note that you'll need to be able to prove (via pictures) that you actually have it before any money changes hands.
The doujinshi does NOT need to be in mint condition! Small traces of usage are no problem as long as there is no major damage that would impact the ability to read it (missing or torn pages, pages made illegible by stains, etc).
I will pay for
the doujinshi itself
the shipping costs
any customs fees if you're sending from outside the EU
your next order of coffee or other beverage of choice as thanks for helping me find it
Message me here or on Discord under the name idridian (which is also the handle of my main Tumblr)! Cheers!
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mrs-steve-harrington · 4 months
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Throwing some fic recs into the mix since I keep seeing the posts from others and wanting to join in. Below, you'll find 10 fics that I'm excited to recommend, in no particular order!
get a clue! by @monsterhunting [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
This is a delightful Valentine's Day fic featuring oblivious Steve, which is one of my favorite kinds of Steve! The pining is real, but the fic is lighthearted, not lingering on the angst of it all, but rather focusing on the positives. Steve's friendship and back and forth with Robin is great, but his interactions with Nancy and Jonathan are even better. It's a great time!
Don't Make Me by @idridian [Halloween Ends, Corey/Allyson/Michael]
You do not understand how badly I needed a fic like this after finally seeing Halloween Ends for the first time. That movie took over my whole brain for a hot minute and I was worried there would be nothing out there to sink my teeth into afterwards. But this fic. This fic was there to give me everything that I needed after the movie. "Allyson Corruption Arc" might be my favorite tag ever. It goes without saying, but there's a darkness to this fic that wraps around you while reading it. The relationship with Allyson and Corey is EVERYTHING! I just. This fic is beautiful and I love it!
To Run The Dog by @pterawaters [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I love me some fic where Stancy crush hard on Jonathan and want to date him together. This is a really lovely AU where Steve and Nancy are married and keep seeing Jonathan running by their house with his dog. The way they want so badly to interact with him, and the friendship that ends up developing once they get the chance, is wonderful. The characters still feel like themselves despite not having gone through the same things as they do in the show, and it's just. Really enjoyable to read!
my body's aching and my time is at hand by whateverislovely [Criminal Minds, Reid-centric]
Gosh, this fic hits me right in the feels. There's something about sitting with a character who is feeling so low and feels like they can't talk to anyone (even though they know deep down that they could but it FEELS like they can't). Spencer desperately needs someone to see that he's struggling, but it's hard when there's so much going on at the same time. I don't even know what all to say, this fic just really gave me the angst and hurt/comfort (emotional and physical) that I revel in.
The Babysitter by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stancy, Dusteve, uhh... more]
A fic inspired by my favorite horror comedy movie ever? With Steve as the titular babysitter? But not evil? AND it's A/B/O?? Yeah there are many, many reasons I love this fic. The descriptions of Steve feel like they came right out of the movie in a way that made them so easy to see in my head. But it changes enough about the story that it doesn't feel at all like a straight up rehash of what you've already seen. AND it combines some of my favorite ships, with a Steve who is just the best ever. I freaking LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH!!
close my fist around something delicate by inlovewithnight [Ted Lasso, Keeley/Roy/Jamie]
All that I wanted for these three was for them to realize that they have feelings for each other. That they can make a relationship work, if they just try. And dammit, this fic delivers! While also adding in some great angst and hurt/comfort (physical and emotional). I didn't realize quite how much I wanted to see Jamie hurting and being stood up for/protected by the people who care about him, but boy did I! This fic is really lovely, it sucked me in and didn't let me go until I finished reading.
Both Hands Holding on to the Wire by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stobin]
This was one hell of a gift to get in a smut exchange, holy moly! It focuses really well on Robin's confusion over the thoughts she starts having about Steve after accidentally walking in on him changing. The whole concept is handled respectfully, taking the weight of it all very seriously. Robin and Steve's friendship is so good, the way they can just BE with each other. It's got the angst I adore, a Steve who is an absolute sweetheart, and a Robin who is so much more like her season 4 self than season 3 (which is a huge plus for me personally).
The Hourglass by @pterawaters [Fargo s5, Dot & Gator, Dot/Wayne/Gator]
A shorter fic here, but no less wonderful! It's exactly what I needed after finishing the latest season of Fargo. Getting to see where their lives might have gone, if Dot had been able to take Gator with her when she ran away. If he had wanted to go. It gets me emotional every time I think about it. I love love love this fic!
Wednesday by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I will recommend this fic forever and for always. It has everything: hurt Steve! Time loops! Season 3 Steve being thrown back to the worst day of his life and forced to relive it over and over until he gets it right (hint, it's the Halloween party in s2). I fucking love this fic! I've lost count of how many times I've reread it, but it might rival the number of time loops Steve lives through (okay maybe not quite that many, but you get my point). It shows Steve a side of Jonathan he didn't get to see the first time around. It gives him the closure he probably didn't realize he needed. I just. Adore this story!!
An Oath Broken, An Oath Kept by @urisarang [Love Between Fairy and Devil, Chang Heng/Dongfang Qingcang]
This fic is so mean in the best way! Both of them are so hurt, physically and emotionally. And then Chang Heng is forced to hurt DFQC even more, which only makes it that much BETTER. It was the perfect gift to receive for the Flash Made Them Do It exchange. I laugh every time I see the a/n (the word count minimum was 300 words. The word count on this fic is... a lot more than that). And it's just as fun to reread now as it was to read it the first time around. I want to draw hearts around it!
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vriskarlmarx · 2 months
I was tagged by @tangled-pixel-harpsichord to name 3 songs that have been stuck in my head for the past few days! I'm making a new post because the thread was too long lol thanks for the tag and also your musical taste is 👑 impeccable.
1. La familia, la propiedad privada y el amor - Silvio Rodriguez
2. X ESO BB - Jere Klein and Nicki Nicole
3. Klámstrákur - Hatari
no pressure tags @jeannie-youre-a-tragedy (silvio being on here is your doing btw) @idridian (hatari being on here is your doing) @pseudotsugas @fishmech @blondiest @aristotels @sylvia-on-the-run and whoever else wants to do it :3
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evil-robot-cat · 1 year
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For @idridian, here's a blast from the past - L and Watari!
I drew so much Death Note fanart back in the day, I didn't need a reference, except to check if Watari wore gloves or not. I've got so many stories built around that fandom - good, bad, and really fuckin' weird. What a time in my life that was!
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mirintala · 7 months
Tagged by @case-of-traxits
Rules: Share 9 lines from your writing and tag 9 people!
Ummm…. No obligation tags @idridian @asreoniplier @evil-robot-cat @social-deception @fonulyn
Istg if Tumblr eats a section of this post again I will scream.
From What About Jane:
He laid the bacon slices across the cold pan and then turned on the heat after washing his hands. Once it started to sizzle he cracked four eggs into a small bowl, fishing out the bits of shell that inevitably ended up in the bowl as well. The egg carton and the rest of the raw bacon went back in the fridge, and he grabbed four slices of bread (picked up last month on sale with a couple other loaves) out of the freezer tapping the loaf against the side of the fridge to break the slices apart from each other. The bread went into the toaster, waiting for the right time to begin toasting. The bacon was ready to flip.
A few minutes later the bacon reached the right level of crispness and he transferred it onto a paper towel lined plate to drain before pouring the eggs into the pan where they immediately sizzled, the clear liquid parts quickly turning white. He pushed the lever on the toaster and grabbed the salt and pepper to season the eggs. A quick flip, and then the toast popped. He was a practiced hand at making breakfast for two.
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iced-sympathy · 6 months
Tag Game: 9 people you'd like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @empressofthewind!
Last Song: Bermuda by Aesop Rock, Lealani
Currently Watching: Invincible, Scott Pilgrim (the cartoon), The Great British Baking Show, and Silicon Valley
Three Ships: Lawlight, Meronia, Moonriver
Favourite Colour: All kinds of blue - cobalt, cerulean, turquoise, teal, robin's egg blue, indigo… Too many to list.
Currently Consuming: Mint Oreos were the last ones
First Ship: Lawlight! I was 17 and it was the first time I had ever read about explicit M/M content
Relationship Status: I've got a partner and a friend with benefits
Last Movie: I think it was Baby Driver. I'm exposing my partner to all the good driving movies
Currently Working On: Almost finished with chapter 5 of 23 Days! Tagging @idridian @iknowwhereyousleepatnight @brothercrush @blondiest @13eyond13 @dominote @lawtism @foxboy-light-yagami @god-of-this-new-blog
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asylos · 1 year
The Sudden Stop At The End (A Death Note Musical Poem)
AO3 Link
Notes: Ryuk (& Rem). Written while watching the musical (again) during the gun scene. (For @idridian )
It's over now. The sudden stop at the end. I've avenged you, my friend. There was no real meaning in your loss. I'm sure you'd disagree. You did it for love. What meaning is there in love? A fleeting thing for beings such as us.
I go on, Another game to play, More bones to toss, More lives to take. It's lesser now without you, but I'm sure in time I will move on.
They accuse me of stealing their Notes for my own gain, They'll never know, It's so things like this don't happen.
Dust in the wind, That's all you are. I'll never say I miss you, But the bodies tell another story. No Shinigami ever died for killing a human, Out of love for another of our own.
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commission sketch for @idridian. more hatari, coming at ya~
by now i have their instagram almost completely committed to memory, lol. and i have no regrets. i wish their costume designer had pics of the layers and just...everything. i just want to see progress layers and concepts or whatever lol, it's great.
commissions are still open. my boobs cost me so much money, i can't enjoy nothing lmao~
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filmnoiress · 4 months
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@orlaite tagged me (tysm!) to list either my top 9 favourite books of 2023 or my tbr books for 2024 and i picked the former!
no pressure tagging @shinysteph @lalocorleone @sigurism @idridian @standuptragicomedy @uhuraisgay @johnmarston @wickershells @stuckasmain @grebeci @sturridges @thevelvetgoldmine @crimewriter and whoever else wants!
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filmnoiress · 4 months
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Top 9 Favourite albums tagged by @orlaite ty! tidal - fiona apple / when the pawn breaks - fiona apple / the downward spiral - nine inch nails / lungs - florence + the machine / burning from the inside - bauhaus / 21st century breakdown - green day / never for ever - kate bush / the bela session - bauhaus ik this is an ep but w/e / some nights - fun.
no pressure tagging @standuptragicomedy @uhuraisgay @shinysteph @lalocorleone @sigurism @shinysteph @idridian @wickershells @johnmarston @sturridges @thevelvetgoldmine @stuckasmain @crimewriter and whoever else wants!
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filmnoiress · 6 months
tag game: 9 people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @idridian thanks😊
last song: bombastic by bonnie mckee
currently watching: nothing
three ships: atm jesslupe, betty/gladys, dale x harry <3
favourite colour: orange
currently consuming: nothing
first ship: ever?? idk if i can remember the very first but maybe betty/gladys? i'm really not sure
relationship status: single
last movie: along came jones
currently working on: sch**lw*rk
no pressure tagging @uhuraisgay @shinysteph @lalocorleone @orlaite @standuptragicomedy @sigurism @grebeci @johnmarston @sturridges @thevelvetgoldmine @wickershells @crimewriter and whoever else wants!
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filmnoiress · 4 hours
five songs i've been listening to on repeat tagged by @sigurism thank you!!! :D
venus as a boy - björk
a mistake - fiona apple
white rabbit - jefferson airplane
alien superstar - beyoncé
gimme more - slayyyter remix
no pressure tagging @lalocorleone @standuptragicomedy @shinysteph @uhuraisgay @idridian
@stuckasmain @orlaite @paddymayne @adamshallperish @ww2yaoi
@thebuckys @wickershells @johnmarston @grebeci @thevelvetgoldmine
@sturridges and whoever else wants!
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filmnoiress · 1 month
tagged by @standuptragicomedy thank you!!!!
6 songs on repeat:
hot knife - fiona apple
i've got you under my skin - frank sinatra
you make me feel so young - frank sinatra
rock around the clock - bill haley & his comets
los ageless - st. vincent
young girl - gary puckett & the union gap
no pressure tagging: @shinysteph @sigurism @idridian @adamshallperish @wickershells @lalocorleone @uhuraisgay @johnmarston @orlaite @floofyhobbit @michiruze @stuckasmain @sturridges @thevelvetgoldmine @grebeci @crimewriter and whoever else wants!
edit: tumblr's not letting me @ half of the people i've tagged?? trying to fix it but ok
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