idrismagazine · 2 years
Liven Up Your Labor Day Weekend
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Labor Day weekend is a great opportunity to relax and have some fun with your family! You have the kids home, the sun shining, so why not plan fun activities for the entire family? Find local activities that all members of the family will love by exploring your surroundings.
These are some great ideas:
Have a Berry Blast
Berry picking is something you might have tried. You can pick your own blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries at your local farmers market. Children will enjoy exploring the bushes and picking their perfect bunch. You can take whatever you pick home with you. These berries can be used to make a delicious salad or fruit bowl that has a hint of blueberry flavor. You can also make a fruit smoothie using Greek yogurt or just eat the berries by the handful.
Pack the Kayak
Do you want to be able to take in the beauty of the water? Rent a kayak at your local harbor or bay. There is nothing more enjoyable than competing in a kayak race with your family. You can paddle along a river or wade across calm lakes with your toddlers. You won’t believe your kids are having so much fun. Kayaking is great for all ages.
Instead of driving all weekend, enjoy the beautiful weather and go for a bike ride with your family. For maximum enjoyment, research the bike trails in your area in advance. You should choose a route that is only a few miles long with plenty of rest stops and places to relax. Make sure to pack snacks for your children to keep them happy and full of energy.....
Keep reading: https://idrisuet.com/day-weekend/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Why Calcium is essential for our bodies ?
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Are your bones getting weaker? Are you feeling like your bones are weakening? Do you feel unable to do strenuous work due to the pain in your joints. Your calcium level could be low if you answered “yes” to any of these questions.
For the body to function well, 13 essential vitamins are necessary. You also need certain minerals. Minerals that are needed include iron, calcium, fluoride, fluoride, selenium and copper as well as fluoride, fluoride and fluoride. These vitamins and minerals are found in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and non-vegetarian foods, such as cereals, pulses and cereals. These minerals are vital for the proper functioning of your body. A deficiency in any of these vitamins and minerals can cause many diseases such as scurvy, osteoporosis and night blindness.
Significance for Calcium
His role is crucial in bone strengthening and development. Calcium’s primary function is to send messages through the nerves. This aids hormone release. It is essential for muscle contraction. Calcium deficiencies can lead to weak bones and brittle bones. The body must absorb calcium from the diet. Calcium can be found in milk products like cheese, yogurt, and green veggies such as spinach, turnip, kale, cabbage, celerys and asparagus. If your diet does not meet the requirements, it is a good idea to supplement your calcium intake by taking the best calcium supplements. You can find many high-quality calcium supplements available today.
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/calcium/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Chaga Mushroom
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This article will explain the medicinal Chaga mushroom to you if you haven’t. The Inonotusfungus grows on trees by eating the lignins, without affecting the tree’s integrity. It doesn’t look like the typical mushroom, with its stem and top. It looks very similar to a piece bark with black, brown, and red colors.
(1) A superfoods website explains why this fungus can be so healthy. The immune-boosting antioxidants, such as betulinic and glucans, are the key to this fungus’ health benefits. Beta glucans are an immune booster, but they are not made by the body. It can be found in wheat, barley, rye and oats as well as certain mushrooms. This immune response protects against colorectal, stomach, and breast cancers. Since 1955, it has been used as an anticancer drug in Russia.
Betulinic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent and antiretroviral drug, is also found in tree bark. The National Cancer Institute has studied it as a treatment for certain cancers. The body’s ability to promote homeostasis is promoted by Chaga, which is one of the most potent adaptogens.....
Keep reading: https://idrisuet.com/chaga-mushroom/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
What’s missing from those pictures?
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We have seen word pictures that purport to represent true facts all our lives. This includes my entire life. These pictures did not include important pieces of information or major facts. These missing pieces were omitted as if they were not important. However, these key facts can change the whole picture.
Table Salt is the first example I’ll show of missing or left out pieces.
Although Sea Salt has seen a lot of interest in recent years, most people still believe that salt is “just salt”, a flavor enhancer for food. Salt has been a valuable commodity throughout human history. It was also used for trading in other goods.
In my lifetime, I don’t recall any educational efforts to educate people about salt (or trace elements) in their diet. More recent information has shown that salt is harmful to our health and that too much of it can be dangerous. These are the missing pieces...
Keep reading: https://idrisuet.com/the-importance-of-salt/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Why Calcium is essential for our bodies ?
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Are your bones getting weaker? Are you feeling like your bones are weakening? Do you feel unable to do strenuous work due to the pain in your joints. Your calcium level could be low if you answered “yes” to any of these questions.
For the body to function well, 13 essential vitamins are necessary. You also need certain minerals. Minerals that are needed include iron, calcium, fluoride, fluoride, selenium and copper as well as fluoride, fluoride and fluoride. These vitamins and minerals are found in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and non-vegetarian foods, such as cereals, pulses and cereals. These minerals are vital for the proper functioning of your body. A deficiency in any of these vitamins and minerals can cause many diseases such as scurvy, osteoporosis and night blindness......
Keep reading: https://idrisuet.com/calcium/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
There are many differences in herbal medicine
There are many variations in herbal medicine. Before you learn about herbal medicine, it is important to know how you will use it.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine path is one of the most well-known and oldest paths. There are many philosophies and materials that can be used to create this path. It works, and has been proven to be valid in scientific research papers (mostly in Chinese). Nearly half the world uses Chinese medicine as their primary form of healthcare.
It is also very complicated to learn and highly controlled. It is necessary to know the Chinese names and often the Chinese script. The thing that turned me off was the fact that almost half of the herbs I learned about, I would never get to see grow live. Nearly everything I used would have to be imported.
This is a good option for those who like to do everything themselves. But I wanted to know the origins of my herbs and grow them myself.
Ayurveda has an ancient and rich herbal system. It also has strong scientific foundation and works well.
You will need to study another route of philosophy as this too is regulated. It is better than Chinese medicine because many of the herbs they use are foods. Cooking spices are the most popular ingredients.
However, I did not want to learn another language or philosophy to use herbs.
Keep reading: https://idrisuet.com/medicine/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
The Best Fruits for Diabetics: Wax apple, Star Fruit and Water Melon
The dietary approach to diabetes is very important, and fruits are a part of it. This includes the starvation treatment that Dr. Louis Webb Hill used. After a few days of abstinence, the accompanying fruit table showed that most fruits were low in glycemic index to help combat the disease.
The list included the watermelon, which is a fruit that has a high glycemicindex but low glycemic loads. A modern version of such tables may include star fruit and rose apples – which could be a breath of fresh oxygen in diabetic diet.
The star fruit tree, with its scraggly branches and growing near the door, was used to welcome all who entered the home of a friend. Its very small fruits were shed for several months, perhaps in protest at its close proximity to the house. A tree needs space just like an individual does to grow; it should be planted at least thirty feet from a building. I was nevertheless inspired to think about what they could have been used for after collecting those useless fruits.
Watermelon and Star Fruit Nutrition
It is not surprising, then, that the smaller, sweeter, thinner-skinned star fruits can meet the needs of diabetics just as well as the larger, stronger, sweeter watermelon. They say it is just a matter if you eat enough. You can lower your blood pressure naturally with either of these two fruits. Each fruit has a fiber content that helps lower cholesterol and slow down sugar absorption.
Both fruits have low sugar and high water content (about 92%), which makes them ideal for diabetics.
The high potassium content of watermelon flushes out toxins from your kidney, but the neurotoxin found in the starfruit attacks a already damaged kidney. The star fruits can be compared to juice......
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/diabetics/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
10 Reasons to Quit Sugar (Even if You Would Rather Not)
We know that Halloween candy is on display since August and will continue to be displayed throughout the year.
Why wait to improve your health? Here are 10 reasons you should stop sugaring – even though you may not want to.
1. Stopping sugar can prevent or reverse insulin resistance.
The mainstream view of insulin resistance is that obesity is the root cause. It can be true. But it is a narrow view. How much we eat can have a significant impact on whether we develop insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.
2. It can lower your cholesterol.
A high-fat diet doesn’t always cause cholesterol synthesis. HMG-coA reductase is the enzyme that inhibits cholesterol formation. It’s activated by insulin. Sugar can increase insulin levels, making it a significant factor in serum cholesterol. Many people now believe that cholesterol is irrelevant. However, Metabolic Syndrome is a group of conditions. You probably have more than one if you have it. It is possible to lower cholesterol by avoiding sugar. This is especially true if you add in the prevention or reverse of insulin resistance, which can lead to several metabolic disorders.
3. It can help prevent early hunger signals.
Sugar can promote insulin production which causes glucose to drop very low and fast. It is important to note that glucose drops quickly. This can cause you to crave sugary junk food, which will make you hungry.
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/sugar/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
A Healthy Eating Plan: The Amazing Benefits
There is always a learning curve, and there are many methods to get there. This is not a complete guideline. It’s just a starting point. You are not only avoiding certain foods but you also eliminate many opportunities for unhealthy eating habits. If a person follows a healthy eating and lifestyle, they can reap the health benefits of healthy eating and live a normal, healthy life. A person who lives a healthy lifestyle will know the benefits of eating foods with huge health benefits. Because of fast food culture, most people don’t understand the importance of nutrition.
The world has moved so fast that most people don’t realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. This has led to severe health problems. Body issues can not only ruin a person, but also the whole human community in modern times. Anyone who desires to live a healthier life and eat healthy should consider these benefits. It is important to understand the benefits of fitness and health for yourself. You cannot achieve your health goals if you don’t have the right lifestyle and nutrition.
Ask questions to gain information and find the healthy diet that you need. Fibre is vital for all of us as it provides many health benefits. If you eat healthy food regularly, there are many health benefits. If a person is overweight, weight loss can be a huge benefit. The process of detoxification is possible with many natural foods. If you eat high-fibre foods, this will be evident in your daily lives. To meet your standard of living, healthy food should be a part of your daily diet. Only a healthy person can achieve great results in the world. This is possible only if you are aware of the benefits of healthy eating and stick to a healthy eating routine......
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/healthy-eating-plan/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Amazing Whole Grain Foods: Whole Rice and Bamboo Rice, Foxtail Millet, Sorghum, And Foxtail Millet
Grains should not be altered in any way. Over-refinement of grains can result in a loss of nutritive value.
Whole-Grain Rice
It is not hard to see why many Asians continue to eat the same rice staple every day. Because the tiny grains are able to easily pick up and offset the flavors of vegetable side dish, they have little or no taste. Even though they are tiny, their contribution will make a balanced meal much more enjoyable. The tiny grains can be paired with any accompanying food you like. Rice promotes healthy eating, in harmony with all types of whole foods.
For a great rush of protein worker molecules, it is a good idea to eat most common grains with alkalizing foods such as cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens. This combination improves digestion and gives you the nutrients you need to fuel your body.
Read also: https://idrisuet.com/grain-foods/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
What do you know about World Vegetarian Day (WVPD)?
Just heard about the “World Vegetarian Day.” These things are up to me. Are these declarations made by some international governmental body? My conspiracy-minded friends may be right. There is a New World Order to which all nations must kowtow and this is a glimpse into the future.
I have always been sympathetic to vegetarians. The term was used to indicate that you don’t eat meat. There are now additional terms such as lacto-vegetarian, which refers to people who are vegetarian but still drink milk. If you don’t like peanuts then you might be a peanut-vegetarian. But if you like both peanuts and apples then you would call yourself a peanut-apple-vegetarian. It can get confusing.
The idea of eating less or no flesh seems to be accepted by the world. As a child, I can recall being considered strange in 1950s America. My entire family was considered strange by my neighbors. We didn’t eat white flour bread and we ate lots of vegetables. We were just as healthy, if not more so than our neighbors.
Vegetarianism has one problem: it encourages binging.
Last month, I went back to my neighborhood I had not seen for over 50 years. It brought back many memories such as the time my father brought home large quantities of bananas and kept them in his cellar. Basements were known back then as cellars.
The next two weeks were filled with bananas. I was in monkey heaven, as I ate bananas with every meal. We would have bushels and buckets of blueberries, baskets of strawberries, among other things, in the summer.
When I was 9-10 years old, I can recall picking strawberries with my family. My father and mother worked hard. My sister and brother were less productive, and I probably ate as much as they did. My mother shoved a quart jar in front me when I was sick from the driving down country roads. Although I felt better after filling the jar, my passion for strawberries has never ceased.
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/vegetarian/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
For you or your kids, quick lunches
While I love the relaxed atmosphere of summer, I also enjoy fall. Fall is a time of transition, whether or not your children are at school.
You’ve probably read my articles and worked with me to understand the importance of planning ahead. Fall is a great season to refocus your planning. These ideas can help you create lunch menus for your family and ensure that your kitchen is well-stocked. Lunch will be a tasty, nutritious part of your day.
1. Get your thermos filled.
A thermos can be a useful tool in your kitchen for making a hot meal. Sometimes you may have the opportunity to heat up your lunch at work or school. Let a thermos sit in hot water for five minutes. You can then refill the thermos with hot food.
A. Homemade soup. Making your own soup is much better than buying canned soups. For quick lunches, make a large batch of soup and freeze it in individual containers.
Sweet Potato, Apple & Bean Soup
Cut 2 large sweet potatoes, 2 onions and 2 apples into small chunks. Mix 2 teaspoons. Add minced garlic, olive oils, salt and pepper. To roast, heat in a 350 degree oven for 20-30 mins. Stirring every 2 to 3 minutes during cooking to prevent burning. Blend 2 cups of chicken broth or vegetable broth together and then add to a blender. To achieve the desired consistency, add more broth. Blend until smooth. Add 1 cup can of chickpeas to the mixture. Place in individual containers and freeze. Heat and serve.
b. Pasta, Quinoa Salad, Rice, or Quinoa Salad: This simple, delicious lunch idea can be made with just one grain....
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/lunche/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Native Foods: Edible Flowers Of Tonkin Jasmine, Moringa, Banana, Papaya, Durian And Pumpkin
While edible flowers are a good source of nutritious food, they are often overlooked in cooking. However, they can be used in cake decorations, fruit and flower arrangements, and bouquets. Jiao Mingyao is a culinary expert who says that the roots, stems and leaves of edible flowers can all be eaten. He would first prepare edible flowers for cooking by poaching them in salt water. Then, he would make a stir fry, soup, or porridge with the flowers.
Wang Yi of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences believes that floral fragrances have a relaxing effect on the liver.
Flowers also contain glucoside which is thought to be good for your health. The Japanese butterbur flower buds are a good example of quercetin-glucosides that have anti-allergic properties.
Tonkin Jasmine
The first thing that I associate with floral eating is the tiny, greenish-white Tonkin jasmine blossoms that grow on my backyard vine. Fresh Tonkin flowers can be used in a variety of dishes, including a stir-fry with garlic or a soup. This edible flora is rich in vitamins A, C, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Moringa Flower
However, I have yet make a dish with the cream white moringa flowers that grow abundantly in my neighborhood. This delicious flora is a good source of calcium and potassium. It makes for a unique salad or stir-fry.
Banana Flower
The banana flower cannot be prepared immediately. It must first be removed from the hard pistils, scales, and white florets. Only after removing all unwanted parts, the banana heart can be prepared.
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/native-foods/
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idrismagazine · 2 years
Chaga Mushroom
This article will explain the medicinal Chaga mushroom to you if you haven’t. The Inonotusfungus grows on trees by eating the lignins, without affecting the tree’s integrity. It doesn’t look like the typical mushroom, with its stem and top. It looks very similar to a piece bark with black, brown, and red colors.
A superfoods website explains why this fungus can be so healthy. The immune-boosting antioxidants, such as betulinic and glucans, are the key to this fungus’ health benefits. Beta glucans are an immune booster, but they are not made by the body. It can be found in wheat, barley, rye and oats as well as certain mushrooms. This immune response protects against colorectal, stomach, and breast cancers. Since 1955, it has been used as an anticancer drug in Russia.
Betulinic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent and antiretroviral drug, is also found in tree bark. The National Cancer Institute has studied it as a treatment for certain cancers. The body’s ability to promote homeostasis is promoted by Chaga, which is one of the most potent adaptogens.
Read more: https://idrisuet.com/chaga-mushroom/
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