#idw hound
crying-fantasies · 1 month
Early morning
It tends to be quite cold as your fingers keep out of the blankets, the air is a little damper these days, more than the city that's for sure.
Sometimes you do miss the fast environment, the easy access, not the usual heaviness and madness around or that one person entitled enough to believe their opinion is higher than others, but the comfiness and easiness of different gadgets, still, nothing that couldn't be brought in the occasional travel to the nearest town.
But it's such an inconvenience to go all the way there, but it is also an inconvenience to only go twice a month for supplies, just one more month and the Dominguez's store would be complete is an endless mantra as you dream of more pillows, more blankets, a heater, all things that you still don't have money to indulge into, and speaking of heaters, realization falls upon you when your hand doesn't touch anything at the other side of the mattress, maybe this is the main reason your dreams are slipping away as blankets are a little too cold in this fresh morning, you finally get out of the bed if only to see around.
An endless landscape is what greets you at the other side of the window, a few houses in between, it's a pacific morning, or as much as it can really be before your neighbor says his morning greetings for everyone to hear, you don't blame him for the glitch in his vox that leads him to shout almost everything, just do a list in your day, take a moment to deliver some medical rations to help him with it.
The morning still feels cold, your brain and body are in a war of tug in the prospect of waking up or staying in bed, it would be a very much easier decision if your partner was here in the first place, encouraging enough to drag you out.
You knew in what you're getting into before dating an early bird and moving into a shared house, but it's 5 a.m. and the sun is barely poking through the horizon, no heated blanket will prevent you from freezing if Hound isn't in here as you wake up, and nothing would guarantee he hasn't taken a shower or is covered in mud, either way he would need a shower and his usual warm exterior would be cold to the touch for a few minutes.
In the end no decision is made as your partner returns to the berthroom, his servo using a towel to dry him completely and the first thing he hears is for him to return to your side, the piece of fabric is forgotten in the floor as his engines rev so hard that he is dry in mere seconds, last leftover drops evaporated as he comes up the mattress, easily welcomed by your arms at the sides of his helm, a warm kiss that you can't keep, sleepiness still holding you captive, falling again to the bed as he follows obediently before kissing back.
He is a kind soul, but also a devoted worker if it involves the bountiful mixes of seeds gradually developing under the soil, barely there sprouts just above the surface, still incredibly weak, but you were so sure they wouldn't freeze in this early morning with all the equipment used to prevent it, trial and error has been invested to secure so, and he deserves a break as you deserve a good start of day.
Hound could do so much to keep the cold away as he just indulges in your plea, not even resisting when you call him for a second time and his spark pulses hard, radiating warmth, "it isn't that cold right now", those are his own words as his servo reaches for you, holding you just right above the mattress, and taking his side again, the warm feeling above every part of his armor still isn't enough, he has to reset his voice regulator when something like a groan escapes him as your cold fingers find a sneaky way under his armor, fingertips touching his warm protoform.
It's cruel, and he tells you so, but he doesn't mean it, moving just right to press his protoform against your skin, quickly accepting that the longer it stays there the warmer it will be in mere seconds for you to set him free of your grip, you're surrounded by the warm ventilation of his, the hot air gets trapped inside the cotton blankets, his leg struts are just leisurely tangled with your own as far it can, Hound is on his side so kissing isn't so easy now, the next better option is to crawl your way to his neck guard, and as you do so he holds your body to prevent any danger, as if the bedding under isn't enough, "Good morning, Hound".
"Good morning to you too, my spark"
It's cold outside, the sun is still in the horizon, and there is a lot of work to do during the day, but you only exhale, kissing him once again and holding him in place, feeling him relax under your hands, Hound knows what you're trying to do, or at least catching on it, as his barely closed optics open once again, spell broken.
"Wait, no, the tomatoes, we must-"
"You're telling me to stop?"
Hound intake is closed tight to show you his answer, you laugh tiredly at his antics, his optics look at you as if you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and you kiss him once again before the duties of the day do drag you out of the berthroom.
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tiny-tf-faces · 9 months
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Mirage and Hound are an interesting ship couple too
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This was lazy lmao
I find their ship funny because when I thought about it deeply I realized these two are polar opposites like:
Hound loves Earth and is fascinated by nature there.
Mirage isn't interested in Earth at all and wants to go back to Cybertron.
Hound's aesthetic is literally cottage in the forest with overgrown vines while Mirage is 100 ft tall Skyscraper with futuristic and fancy lights.
Hound, compared to Mirage, is more simple. Mirage looks for the finest things in life.
It's just so interesting
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Speaking of EoM, Megatron is practicing for his first duel ever. Why is he dueling? In Hound's place, for Mirage's sake, and against you guessed it Star Saber.
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falliay · 1 year
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TF dump
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t4transformerss · 5 months
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girlss nighttt
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gamelpar · 1 year
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fool yourself into believing they have a medical degree and everything will be fine
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hmmm do know what we don’t have? ANGST! Picture this: Buddy is a pilot for a giant mecha. Each suit is user specific as they share a psychic connection with their chosen pilot as Buddy generates the power for them similar to the way a spark powers a Cybertronian. They can go months without eating, sleeping, or drinking while they pilot it. But Buddy had a bad encounter with the Decepticons while exploring space which separated them from their squad and left them fearful of revealing their organic nature to the Crew of the Arc. They know the Autobots are good people, but having the Decepticons respond to with fear and violence that left them and their partner so close to death? It’s better to just leave something’s unsaid… even if it kills them that they can’t be honest with their friends
Do we all love a little angst from time to time? The whole mind link thing reminded me of 'Avatar', which in itself is an interesting concept with a mech suit. Since you did not specify the continuity or characters, I randomly selected them. If this is not what you wanted, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Hound, Ironhide, and Prowl’s reaction to Human Buddy in a giant mech suit (with mind linked to it like Avatar)
SFW, angst, mentions of PTSD, mentions of malnourishment and illness (but nothing explicit), happy ending, platonic, Human Reader
The Mech suit was safe. It was Buddy’s safe place. After all, they wouldn’t have survived the Decepticon attack if it wasn’t for the suit. They remembered how the brutal attack was left in the station.
They remembered the screams and yelling.
The sounds of blaring alarms and missiles exploding.
Those awful sounds…
Thank goodness they were found by Cosmos in the space station’s ruins. Buddy only had the mech suit and the airlock pod that had their organic form when he found them.
 As much as Buddy hated the weak form of their organic body was, they still needed it to have this body operational. So, Buddy kept up with appearances on the Arc and guarded the tiny pod with their life. Many bots tried to pry the pod open, but that usually ended up with Buddy’s pede in their chassis.
 A couple of days passed and the warning signs of their organic body failing began appearing. Buddy knew it was important to give the metal body a break but the memories of the attack… it was too much…
They did, however, miscalculate the length of the warnings because one minute they were walking down the halls with one of their bot friends and the next they were staring at the covering of the pod.
Uh oh…
Hound was so concerned when his friend suddenly fainted. All their biolights off and optics gone offline.
“Buddy? Buddy! Can you hear me!? Don’t worry, I’ll take you to the medbay! If you can hear me keep hanging in there!”--Hound
He scoops them up and is racing to Ratchet for help.
It isn’t until he passes by Buddy’s room, he hears something inside, something coming from the pod. Taking a risk, he went inside the room with the limp body in his servos and looked at the pod.
The pods doors suddenly opened revealing a rather malnourished and exhausted looking human.
“… I can explain—”--Buddy
“Why do you sound like Buddy!”--Hound
“Oh this is going to take a bit to explain…”--Buddy
It took some explaining from the human to finally figure out what was happening.
Hound is sympathetic to Buddy’s situation. While he is hurt that they kept this sercret, he has kept secrets too. Hound isn’t able to judge a secret. He is quick to accept Buddy, the bot and human.
He vouches for Buddy when they do come out to the rest of the crew.
“So, your real body is in this pod here and then your mind goes into this body?”--Hound
“… This sounds like a human film I saw one time. I don’t remember the name of it, but it was a rather long one.”--Hound
Ironhide already has his servos on Buddy and is running to the medbay. He is not wasting any time, for all he knows every nanosecond is precious.
A moment of silence for the mechs that got trampled by Ironhide trying to get to the medbay.
He doesn’t know what just happened, but he knows that something like this isn’t common.
It’s just Ironhide and Ratchet when he comes in. As Ratchet starts examining Buddy’s body they come to a horrific conclusion, Buddy’s body wasn’t even Cybertronain. In fact, it had some similar human machinery than anything close to their anatomy.
It was a hollow shell.
A soft thud was heard in the medbay. It was coming from out of the pod. A muffled noise was heard from the inside.
“Ratchet, did you hear that?”--Ironhide
“Shh! Quiet!”--Ratchet
*muffled* “GET ME OUT OF HERE!”--Buddy
“Did—did that pod just—”--Ironhide
*muffled* “IRONHIDE!”--Buddy
“Yeah, I think it did! Pass me those pliers.”--Ratchet
Ironhide and Ratchet carefully pry open the pod and out popped Buddy.
Everyone is just surprised at what was happening. Ratchet is jumping into action seeing how sickly Buddy looked. Ironhide wants answers but he also knows that this isn’t the time for it.
Buddy does eventually tell him and Ratchet what was going on. Ironhide… he can’t exactly be too angry about this no matter how much this bothers him he can’t.
He knows what it’s like to fear for your life around bots that could potentially end your existence.
Ironhide does talk to Buddy about it.
He vouches for Buddy when they tell everyone else on board.
“Kid, go on and sleep. It’s been a long day even by Autobot standards.”--Ironhide
“I’m okay ‘Hide.”--Buddy
“Kid that’s not a suggestion. When was the last time you slept?”--Ironhide
Buddy starts sprinting in the opposite direction.
Ironhide is close behind.
Prowl is internally freaking out when Buddy’s body goes slack. He is quick to hoist them on his back.
“Buddy? Buddy?! Now’s not the time for your games! Primus, Ratchet!”--Prowl
He is quick to comm in Ratchet and escorts them to their room as it was the closest. Prowl is not expecting a tiny human to come crawling out of the pod looking half dead. He had his sneaking suspicions about the pod and all of the human references Buddy had made, but he thought he might have been a bit too paranoid.
“I can explain—”--Buddy
“You BETTER START!”--Prowl
Ratchet was so close to exiting out of the room when he saw Prowl arguing with a malnourished human with Buddy’s discarded body in a corner.
It takes a bit for Buddy to explain as they are trying hard to stay awake. Prowl while he wants all the answers, he backs off seeing how Buddy is. After Ratchet helps patch them up Buddy does their best to explain everything.
Prowl has conflicted feelings about Buddy hiding their identity.
On one servo he is angry.
How could Buddy hide such important information from everyone, from him?
On the other he is understanding.
He can’t count the number of times where he had to lie low in fear of triggering the enemy.
Not that he would ever admit that.
Prowl does give Buddy some space to decide on his feelings of this new discovery.
He does make up his mind and stands by Buddy as they explain everything to the rest of the crew.
“Was what we had… was it real?”--Prowl
“Prowl, all that I said was true. None of it was fake.”--Buddy
“…How can I trust you?”--Prowl
“You shouldn’t… but if things seemed fake on your part—”--Buddy
“No, no my feelings were true.”--Prowl
“… What in the Pits did I just witnessed?”--Ratchet
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hecknugg · 8 months
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Tfcon Orlando doodles ❤️‍🔥
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textsfromcybertron · 5 months
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(765): Too high to wash a dish but just high enough for a kitchen fire
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sonicpanels · 1 year
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Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2022: "Rough Patch"
Writer/Pencils/Inks: Aaron Hammerstrom Colors: Valentina Pinto Letters: Shawn Lee
Editors: Riley Farmer & David Mariotte
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retr0scum · 2 years
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As promised, more art from my tiny notebook
Part 1
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tiny-tf-faces · 2 years
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loveofbots · 1 year
Mechs who give sloppy so good their partner go sleepy mimimi
Brainstorm. Just look at him without his mask on.
Percy, I headcanon he was uhhhhh popular in his wrecker days. For scientific reasons. Yeah.
Megatron (based on that one megatron x rodimus post @megatronfangirl made)
And by proxy Ratchet
Rewind (it’s in his sass)
Spinister, idk I feel like he has some hidden talent like that
Jazz :)) because he’s like that
Trailcutter. No further explanation.
Vortex. Aggressive and lovable bastard.
Honourable mentions:
Skids, you know this mf tried to master it at one point
Tailgate. Sexy mouf
Skywarp, up to no good as usual
Hound, doing his best.
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Okay so they've immediately banned Megatron from participating in duels, but I mean he did do this to keep Mirage from a shitty shitty fate as Star Saber's consort and made sure Mirage and Hound felt safe.
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luxnovas-draws · 8 months
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The Best Trio
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