#if Amy ever meets Shiloh… oh god so many red flags are gonna go off that poor Amy is going to miss. completely.
💭 (idv-thespians)
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“I only really know Mister Liam and Miss Andrea…” Amy paused, placing her hands on her face. “Both of them are the best though! Mister Liam’s a lot of fun, and he’s really funny too! Although he makes some poor decisions sometimes… like, stabbing Mister Red. That just… was kinda silly.” Amy laughed nervously. “He kinda… reminds me of my big brother, before everything happened. Although Hikari would never. Stab anyone.” She narrowed her eyes. “And Miss Andrea is very nice and pretty and she makes good food. She reminds me of mama… I don’t really… get along with the adults in the hallways, but Miss Andrea is like… different. She’s cooler :D”
“I don’t really know that much about the others… most of them seem nice though! Miss Elaine looks super nice, and she’s a librarian I think? Maybe she knows some good bedtime stories? We don’t. Have many books here, and all the books are adult ones, so boring. Although it feels like Elaine is trying to… hide from someone or something? Hugo seems shy, poor guy… he looks like he’d be a nice guy though. Quinn seems boring, sorry ;3;” Amy giggled a bit. “Also for Mister Shiloh… I don’t know. No one seems to like him. But I kind of… pity him. I don’t know why.”
“I want a cape like Liam’s-“
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