#if River keeps his promise to Rylan that is
izayoichan · 6 months
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After their win, their everyday once more changed. They were now part of the national team and their schedules were changed in accordance to that. Luckily with Emil able to adjust, they would both be able to keep up with school, even if, as Rylan said, it would be hard keeping up with too much more. For Tyvan this meant he spent more time with Liam, with his twin busy most of the time. But every evening, when Rylan came home, the two always made sure to find time to sit and chat about their day, which made both Emil and Flynn happy to see. 
It was just before Christmas that everyone but the two were sitting with the pets at River’s shelter, much like they had promised to try and do. Tyvan gently petted an old cat behind the warm while everyone discussed Christmas and Lucas’s concert that was set up again. 
Rylan: Sorry we were late. -he smiled, as he and Ye-Min came in and then quickly closed the door.- practice took a little longer than expected. Tyvan: You're only half an hour behind schedule. -he winked at his twin.- news? Ye-Min: January, middle of the month, it's the world championships.-she smiled as one of the dogs curled up on her lap- and if we win that, we pre qualify for the olympics. It feels quite insane. -she chuckles- Odette says one thing at the time, so first, we’ll be performing at your Uncle Lucas’s concerts, I can’t wait! Tyvan: There are going to be so many people there!
They all chuckle, as they sit together and talk about what was to come. Over the years, the Christmas market had become a big thing, and this time around, the biggest news was the two ice skaters that were showing off their skills. Their talk was eventually interrupted by River, telling them to come in for some food before eventually sending them all to their respective homes. 
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izayoichan · 1 year
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River: You are no one but Lucas, the most wonderful sunlight, and this egg will not change that. I know you're not Rylan, and I promise, with all my heart and soul, that I will do my best to be your partner through all of it. I just… may get scared at times…
He saw the slight smile on Lucas’s face before he sat back up again by his side, then pulled Lucas back into bed with him, telling him to try and get some sleep. Lying there, watching the lines pulsating over his skin, he pondered if Vy figured out why Lucas had these scales, and the pulsating veins, if it was time to let him read that book, and learn what had happened to his family.
River: Try and sleep sunlight, okay? Lucas: Hmh.. I’d rather stay awake with you.. just talk? River: Okay. 
The two sat and talked for bit until he noticed his sunlight was asleep against his shoulder. Lying down, he finally drifted back to sleep himself, the comforting weight of Lucas using him as a pillow keeping him calm.
(poses by @herecirmsims)
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izayoichan · 8 months
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Meadow: Milo stayed to keep the flower shop open, but he said we had to go and I agree, we can’t miss this! Flynn: Lucas decided to stay home as well, he said he didn’t want to steal any attention from the kids, so Dad promised he would film it, so he could see it later. Meadow: Sounds like Lucas, not wanting to overshadow the kids. River: Very true.
He smiled at his younger sister, getting a hug. Their relationship was still not perfect in any way, but it had slowly and with time gotten a lot better.
Meadow: Proud of your grandson? River: Proud of both my grandsons and nervous for this first competition. Flynn: I know the feeling!
River just chuckled as more and more of the adults found their way to them, and sat down, loose talk about the kids and general life.
Rylan: Aunty Lene! 
Bouncing up from where they were sitting, they ran straight over to their aunt, giving her a big hug. He had hoped she would make it, but as she was as busy as his grandparents, he knew she might not make it.
Arlene: Hi there little man, I had to make this!
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izayoichan · 2 years
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They both jumped as Chris came walking, he had sensed something, a stir, and quickly realized what it was.
River: Wait… you’re telling me he is? Chris: He has my son’s soul, yes, but he is not Rylan. -his eyes rested on River mostly.- He was given the opportunity when the young boy’s soul died, to take over this body. Lucas: So…? -he tried to keep his breathing under control, this was way more than he bargained for.- I am him? Chris: You have similarities to him, you have his soul, but you are Lucas, and you will never be anyone else.  River: He kept his promise... He came back to me. 
He blinked in disbelief as it all came hitting like a brick, every second of it, how hopeless and lost he had felt before he met Lucas. His eyes fell on Lucas, who pulled back slightly.
Chris: In a way, but River. River: YOU KNEW! - the sudden outburst of anger had Lucas jump to the side, and the dogs barked as well. - YOU KNEW! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! Chris: I did, but River, what would have happened if I told you hmh? River: I would have been happy! I would have loved Rylan… -they stopped, the barking suddenly something he heard, as well as noticing how Lucas looked at him, taking several steps away.- I… I…
He noticed Chris moving next to Lucas, putting a hand on his shoulder. Chris: You needed to get to know Lucas, without Rylan being in the way. -he sighed- If I had told you, that would have clouded your eyes, now at least you know. 
Lucas: How? Chris: They planted my son's soul into this body, together with that soul, and with the body being what it was, it became you. And remember this young dragon, that you are only you, no one else.
River sunk down to the ground, putting his head in his hands trying to wrap his head around all this, his feelings all mixed up all of a sudden. Rylan had kept his promise, but it was not Rylan. It was Lucas.
All this time, all the hours crying, being emotionally disemboweled in a desperate attempt to get over his grief, to move on, to let Rylan’s memory rest in peace and Rylan had been there all along and Chris knew. Chris knew and allowed him to be torn apart by his own emotions.
River: I need some time... I… Chris: I’ll tell Flynn, you young starling can come with me.  Lucas: I ehm… okay…
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izayoichan · 2 years
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He’d gladly take any hit if it meant Lucas would be alright. Vy, let him slide off his back, letting his body change, Hayle staying in his form a little longer, floating like a shield ready to intervene.
River: Lucas, listen to me, this is not your fault, if anything, this is my fault. Lucas: No... go away...
River noted the words were slurring, the way he had only heard once before at the concert where he had to intervene. 
River: I can’t leave you like this. Lucas, you’re having a panic attack Lucas: I KNOW! The answer came out as a roar, which just led to even more fear in the young boy and dragon, tears running down their scaled face as they really just wanted all this to end. River: Let me help you Sunlight, please. -he walked closer, just close enough to put his hand on the tip of Lucas’s snout, the effect of his calming spell triggering. - Breathe with me, like we always do. He gave Lucas a sad soft smile, as he noticed the eyes of the dragon were the same as those he had only seen once before. That day at the concert he had seen those eyes, and they were so terrified, so scared and lost, as they were now. 
River: I’m sorry Sunlight, this is all my fault. Lucas: -makes a grumbling sound and tries to move his head away, as his breathing falls slowly in line with River’s, the weather around them changing from thunder, to rain.- You… keep... Saying… His name… River: I know… I’m an idiot... I know... And I am sorry. It’s a shadow in my mind, a ghost… I am so sorry! I truly do love you, Lucas, for you. You are Lucas, the Sunlight of my life, the warmth, the light, the person that makes me happy. 
Their eyes meet again, River gently wiping a tear away from the dragon's cheek, how had he managed to hurt this person so much, when he knew that what he just said was the truth. It was not Rylan, it was not Lucas. It was him, River, and his mind.
River: I’m sorry… Lucas: I don’t... Want this. River: I know, Hayle and Vy are here, to help you change back if you will let them and me? I know I messed up, but I do love you, Lucas, I can’t take what I said back, but I can promise to do better, and you are allowed to get angry with me when I fuck up, okay? Lucas: Okay… 
River put his forehead against the front of Lucas’s, resting it there for just a second, letting a calm flow between them, as Vy and Hayle, both in their human form, walked closer. Vy watched River work with Lucas to help him calm down even more.
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izayoichan · 2 years
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River: I’m sorry... I know you're not him. You are Sunlight, just like you have always been. I just… How does one come to terms with this? Lucas: Yeah… -he fiddled nervously with his hands.- It’s a lot to wrap your head around. Having someone's soul, knowing you died… -he shook his head.- I don’t know what to think… What if you only love me for this soul? River: No! If that was the reason I would have known sooner, right? -he looked at Chris who nodded.- I wouldn’t have needed to go to therapy or… You are you.  Lucas: Am I?
River took the young man's hand in his. He was to blame for how they felt, how insecure they were, his reaction had been just what Lucas had always feared, to be liked for someone else than who he was. 
River: Yes, you are Sunlight, my love, and I am sorry I made you feel otherwise.-he sighed- It will take a while to get used to the thought, but I love you for you. You are no fairytale princess, you’re the very sun that keeps me going. It dawned on him the minute he said the words, that it was why Chris had not told him so that he would come to know Lucas as who he was, not who he would have tried to make him be. River: I promise I will do my very best, and you can tell me each time I make a mistake... Okay? Lucas: Okay. -he watched River, was this why he had always felt so familiar because a part of his soul felt like it was home?- I’m sorry... It's just a lot. River: Yes.. it is.. -he pulled Lucas close, feeling how he relaxed slowly. Though now he thought to himself if Lucas loved him only because of Rylan. Why did they have to figure this out? Somehow, Rylan’s memory had once again become a shade over them - But we’ll work through it together. 
Flynn walked up to Chris, watching the two, worried now what this would mean for both. He was sure it would at least for a while change their dynamic, and it would dent what had been a very solid relationship. He hoped though that they would find a way through it, perhaps with some help from their family. 
Much like Flynn had feared, they did hit a few bumps, and what he noticed, as well as everyone else, was that Lucas was getting increasingly uncertain. He had lived too long as the miracle child, so River’s repeated slip-ups with calling him princess, and even Rylan on occasion did not make him feel any better. Neither did the endless question in his head if he loved River because of Rylan's soul, or if it was him, he had basically lost himself in doubt. 
River did try, he tried so hard, but now that he knew the truth, he saw so much of Rylan sometimes that it slipped, and he hated it. He saw what it did, he saw how much he hurt Lucas, and he hated it. Why could he not control it, why was it so hard. 
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izayoichan · 5 years
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He shook his head as Hayden stopped talking and just closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. It had been a bad week again, but he had managed to talk Vy into heading to school with the promise he would stay.
He gently put the wristband on him, giving him a little bit of a painkiller that Hayle had brought back with him from one off his trips home, something his brother had found from a plant in his kingdom, but it was a rare plant, and it didn’t blossom often enough for be used every day. Today though was one of those days where he needed it, which had worried Vy and it had taken almost an hour talk between them to make him go to school. He could see his son relax, and sleep more comfortably, a he put his hand on his forehead. The downside to the medicine was that he tended to spike in temperature, but he had two bags of ice prepared just in case. For now, though, it seemed it wasn’t needed.
“Mrow.” “Yeah, you can guard him too.”
He smiled, both the animals were lying by the bottom off the bed like they normally did when Hayden was “alone”. His mind wandered as he sat there, his eyes following the scars on his son’s body. Their uncle had visited to help when he heard about the attack, alongside Hayle they had managed to strengthen his ice side slightly, while he had been able to calm the fire one. He had asked if this was something they could make permanent, but as Hayle’s brother had explained, it would not be possible. It was a huge strain on his body, as it messed with what was its natural balance, but at the moment they did it, his body was already out of balance, and it stopped some of the internal burns.
He still felt bad about it even happening, he had always thought he would have noticed it if he changed, but it was Rylan that had sensed it before he had. He had even asked his boss about it, who had just shook his head, and mentioned he is not his own family’s reaper. Which of course was a good point, he wasn’t but he was happy the one that was, had given him that chance when he asked even if he had sometimes doubted that decision later.
“Dad?” “Mmm?” “What time is it?” “Hmh, around two in the afternoon, why?” “Just felt like I have been asleep for a while.” “Waiting for Vy to come home?” “Yeah, we have a new book were reading together.”
Chris smiled, it was one of few things he knew his son enjoyed doing. It was something they did together, and it was easy for him to keep up with. Even with bad weeks like this, they were able to read a little, and then just talk about it afterwards.
“Are you ready for the weekend you think?” “Rylan said we could have the session in here if needed, so I would like to hope so.” “Yes, it should work, have you talked about food?” “Oh yeah, we decided home made.”
Chris chuckled, as he had the last year almost never been told to go get food for them anymore, which he didn’t really mind, he had to admit and agree with them that the homemade food was much better.
“What homemade?” “Ehm… Pizza and taco I think we ended on, dad said he would make a list and go shopping with you when he came back.” “Sounds good to me, Pizza will be handy to have if you end up playing late, which I know your normally do.” “Yup! And it’s nice to eat cold, can’t say the same for Taco.”
Hayden looked at his dad for a bit, it was nice to have this time alone with him, even as a child they often had more time with Hayle for obvious reasons.
“The woman, is she like you?”
Chris looked at his son, at first not quite grasping what he was talking about, but then it dawned on him.
“Yes, she is like me.” “So she is…?” “Yes.” “She is nice though.” “She is, trained by Nat just like I was. Fairly new too.” “I always wondered this, how does a reaper get attached to a family?” “Well, it is a complicated process most of the time, and simpler other times. Our reaper, which of course can’t be me, was one that was new, and as you were born, she was assigned to be our reaper. For older families, it can be a rotation, to stop the reaper from getting attached, and other times they stick by a family for as long as that family exists..” “Do you have a rotation, or do you stick with families.”
He looked at his son, quite enjoying their talk. He remembered they had asked when they were younger, but they never had the time or the patience to listen to it.
“I have families, and then I help with accidents and unforeseen events.” “Do you have River’s family?” “Yes, which is why he felt so uncomfortable around me, we met before, but he only vaguely remembers it.” “Does Rylan know?” “No, he never asked, but I think he suspects it.” “But… when River comes back, and if he holds his promise, will you stay their reaper?” “I am not sure, the norm would be to change family so I assume it might go that way.”
He noticed his son looking at him, and he could guess what he had on his mind.
“Yes, you would have gotten the question” “Would you have said yes, if you know what you know now, and how it is?” “Hmh, I ‘m honestly not sure, I don’t regret the saying yes now with all I have in my life, but if I was with nothing, then I would be more torn. It is a hard job, and it takes, as you know, take a lot of time, which is fine when you are alone, but gets more complicated when you have a family.” “Did you every regret it, I mean… the bachelor and having a family?” “Nah, I only regret not having as much time with you as I want to.”
They talked for a while longer, until they heard steps outside the door, and then a light knock, followed by Vy’s head sticking inside.
“Come on in Vy.” “Okay!”
Chris pulled back, leaving the two to their talk and their book, having told Vy he had given him some of the painkiller, so that he was aware Hayden would probably get a bit worse when it wore off later.
“Did you have a good day Hay hay?��� “Yeah, how was yours.” “Meh, school is time without you, bad times!” “They still pestering you?” “Nothing to bother with Hay hay.”
Hayden sighed, wishing he was strong enough to go with him and give them all a piece off his mind, but he had a different idea he had to talk to both his parents about. One that would give Vy more means to go do to school and go on trips and such.
“Want to read Hay hay?” “Yeah, let’s read.”
He felt Vy’s arm around him as he pulled him to rest on his chest, picking up the book they were currently reading continuing where they had left off the day before. A couple of hours later when Chris checked in on them, Hayden was sleeping, while Vy was doing his homework smiling at him when he looked in on them.
“Hungry Vy?” “Yes!” “What should I get you?” “Ehm, do we have any more of those cinnamon buns?” “I believe so, I’ll check and come back.” “Thank you mister Chris!”
He chuckled, wondering if one day, Vy would stop calling him mister as he walked down to the kitchen to check on certain baked goods, hoping to have some time to talk to Rylan a bit when he came home.
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Wanders through he kennels, having decided to check on a few of the dogs he knows hates it when the humans leave for the evening, the first one luckily being sound asleep, so making his way over to the other
“That bad huh?”
He walks into the kennel, Charlie sitting there looking miserable, a slight wave of the tail as Rylan enters.
“Well, how about I join you, until the boss is done with cleaning and throwing out the trash?”
Sitting down he finds himself greeted by a dog’s tongue and a very happy dog that tries his best to sit on his lap.
“Wow, you are not a lap dog Charlie!” “He clearly does not agree.”
River chuckles having finished taking out the trash and then gone to find Rylan. Seeing him with Charlie making him smile, everyone else would just have waited by the door, but it was typical Rylan to sit with a dog that didn’t like to be alone instead.
“Ready to go princess?” “I guess so, I doubt Charlie is though. I just hope he gets adopted in that thing were doing.” “He is a good dog, I’m sure someone will take him home.” “Okay Charlie, we will see you tomorrow, we can take Baloo with us and play in the snow!”
It broke his heart to see Charlie sad when he stood up and walked over to River, but to work here, he had to make a promise to his parents not to bring home every animal he felt bad for.
“So… would you like to come for dinner today?”
The worlds slipped out of his mouth before his brain had a chance to stop him. He had planned to ask him if he wanted to celebrate Christmas with them, but for some reason, his mind just slipped out with the invitation for dinner instead.
“You are inviting me to meet your parents or a date?” “I ehm… I guess both? Although I am not sure it qualifies as a date with my parents there as well as Vy and Hayden” ”I’m just teasing you. And sure princess, just let me get my stuff, and we’ll go.”
Waiting for River he mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot with this, he was supposed to invite for Christmas decorations and Christmas, not dinner.
“So dinner with the parents! Cool, and I really do dig your brother and his boyfriend.”
Chuckles slightly at River when he calls Vy Hayden’s boyfriend.
“Yet, you call at least one of the lizards quite frequently.” “He reminds me of a small antsy lizard checking if it is safe to come out. I can’t help it!” “I guess so… Ehm… I was actually going to ask you this, but ehm, would you like to spend Christmas with us as well?”
He looks at River, nervously trying to see what he thinks about the idea, having no idea if it is a big thing in his house, or if he perhaps hates the whole tradition and would rather not have it mentioned.
“Well, I guess it is... I mean if you don't want to, that's fine too, I just...”
Feeling himself trail off he stops talking, just looking at the ground as they walk. Feeling River rub his arm gently, which makes him look back up at him.
“I'd love to, princess. I’d love to spend Christmas with you. It's not like I celebrate it at home.” “How come? I mean... Sorry, I keep asking silly things today. You don't have to answer, it’s just always been a thing for us.”
“We never really did. When I was a kid my dad was always so busy pulling me for magic training that it didn't matter what season it was. When dad died, and we were free to celebrate Christmas it just didn't have any meaning to us. Mom is always busy this time of the year anyway and so am I. It's something important for you, I suppose?” “Yeah, it’s kind of always been the one holiday my parents have celebrated together, so when we were born it was natural to teach us all about it. Its good food, drinks, presents and my dad and Hayden sings. I just wanted to share it with you too.” “Then I'll love spending Christmas with you. I just have to tell my mom, oh and hmh... what kinda Christmas present would you like?” “Ehm... I don’t know, I mean, up until now my wish was for you to say yes and want to come. Maybe a new D&D campaign book, it just came out so I don’t have it yet...”
Tries to think of something else as they walk, but can’t really think of anything in particular. 
“ Noted! But only if I can play in the next campaign as the frog prince who saves the princess!” “Still the game master... play well and you might get a kiss after? What about you? Do you have anything you wish for?” “Hmmm... I honestly don't know. I don't get gifts. Whenever I want something I just work to buy it so... I get to spend Christmas with you. Great gift if you ask me.” “So in other words, I have to find something and surprise you. I’ll just have to see what I can find. Oh, and if you want too, you can help with the decorating, small warning, my parents do go all out on it.”
He realizes he might be pushing his luck a bit, but he also just wants to share all of it with him. Noticing River laugh, not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. 
“Oh cool. I just need to warn my mom or she'll think I'm out being a normal teen.” “Regular teen huh?” “Yup. I can be a regular teen and frog prince at the same time!”
Laughs and grabs Rylan twirling him around with a smile and giving him a kiss. 
“Besides, who'd dance with you, princess, if I was not there?” “You are the only one that dances with me, so no one?” “Exactly! Now come on, dinner with your parents awaits!”
He chuckles as he feels River pull him towards his house, where dinner was sure to be waiting. 
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izayoichan · 2 years
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River looked at his son. He had promised himself to never lie or hide things from his son. With a sigh he continued working on the mocha, holding out the cup for him.
River: We argued. She thinks Lucas has feelings for me and basically in a nutshell told me to get over Rylan -he sighed- And I may or may have not called her a bitter biatch, among other things.
He sighed again.
River: Do you think she’s right?
Meadow listened to Lucas, cleaning the area around the kernels as she noted Lucas had pretty much cleansed all of the kennels already. She whipped the tears from her eyes, being careful to keep her back to Lucas while he spoke so he couldn’t see her ugly sobbing face.
Meadow: I know the time isn’t the best. And after what happened no one is in the best of moods... -she hiccupped, sniffling a little- But if you don’t want to go, you can stay here. I think River will appreciate the company She confessed and of that she was sure. She had noticed how simple it was for River to speak with Lucas, to touch him and be with him, their coffee breaks had practically become coffee dates.
Meadow: And if he doesn’t, you can crash at my place. My mom won’t say anything about it. -she stopped and looked at Lucas- But I have a feeling you’d rather stay at River’s?
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izayoichan · 3 years
🖊 for Chris and for Flynn please!
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Chris we already talked a bit about, but he is also one of the now few family members that doesn't actually know how to cook. When he is home, he tends to use his time with the family, of course on occasion helping out in the kitchen, but if he had to make someone a meal, he would still just buy it somewhere. Probably the land where that food originates from but yeah, he still does not know how to cook. There is simply more important things he wants to do with the time he has with his family, limited as it is.
Flynn is a a teenager bordering on young adult with a lot of weight on his shoulders. Most of it put there by himself, as he keeps thinking he has to do everything right. He hasn't told anyone but his twin this, but he feels if he doesn't make his life "perfect" then his mom's sacrifice to give birth to him would be in vain. He tries so hard not to though, because he knows no one but him thinks so, but its always there in the back of his head. He is a worrier by nature, specially when it comes to his dad, and his family. He like his mom can worry enough to have small anxiety like attacks, but their never really an actual anxiety attack, just a whole lot of worry. He has learned techniques to deal with it from a young age, as River noticed the tendency.
He adores his twin, and has always looked up to Fannar. The two are pretty much always together and if you find one of them, I can promise you will see the other one close by. Their as close as real twins, and over time, they have developed the same type of bond Hayden and Rylan once had, their often the first to know when the other one is not fine. He is also the one that is slowly managing to turn the life of a feral dragon around.. one step at the time.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“You're upset... you're worried.” “I'm scared, which makes me upset and worried.”
He wraps his arms around Vy, his dad's words lingering in his ears, but what bothers him the most is his inability to feel his own brother. Their link had always been there, no matter how ill he had been, Rylan could always sense him. He couldn't sense his twin any more, and it frightened the shit out of him. He gently put a hand on Vy's cheek. 
“I can't feel my brother anymore.. it's like he isn't there.. and it scares me.” “It's the little one, they're so powerful it's scary! I think they have the heart of a dragon and the blood of a mage!”
Vy pouts and places his hand over Hayden's.
“I'm not going to let anything happen. I'll do everything I can to keep your brother safe, I promise! I'm a doctor!”
He kisses Hayden's hand and holding it brushes his cheek against it, with a hopeful smile.
“Let's go watch that movie!”
And without waiting for Hayden to answer, he pulls him with him towards the room. Rylan chuckles at their comments, deciding to just let them have this one.
“Okay, majority rules, he's just going to have to love it.”
He turns his head as there is a knock on the door, his parents entering with drinks and popcorn. Followed quickly by his brother and Vy.
“Oh, proper snacks too!” “Even a pregnant friendly version, just in case the little one allows.”
Chris smiles, putting the plain popcorn within his son's reach.
“And of course no movie night without something to drink, especially when serving popcorn.”
He noticed Fannar smiling widely at him as he pats Rylan's stomach very gently and carefully.
“Little star will enjoy the movie too!” “They did a vote, River and Fannar decided he likes it.” 
Rylan chuckles as he shakes his head a little, noticing his dad chuckle as well. 
“It's a good movie!”
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Can we come in, its just me and Flynn right now.”
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He looked at River, he wanted to just hug him, comfort him and promise him all would be well, but it was up to River if he wanted that yet, or if he needed more time. River took a deep breath and quickly wiped his tears, he suspected he looked like a mess. He nodded getting up once more, as he had let himself fall to the ground. He took another deep breath, avoiding Hayle's look. He looked at the baby, remembering so well Rylan's happiness when he realized it was a Flynn, when he first saw him, he wanted to take the baby but hesitated, he didn't know how to hold a baby, and he didn't know if he could hold him without further breaking apart. He realized he was not ready to do this alone, not yet at least, he thought he'd get to know the little one with Rylan holding him, with the one he loved, but right now, he felt if he looked at the little one, he'd break apart, somewhere between sorrowful anger and maddening loss.
“I... I need time... I just... I need air…”
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He avoided Hayle's look, he was afraid to see judgement, anger or ire, he just needed time, so he walked right past Hayle outside and just kept running non stop with no destination in mind. Just him and his thoughts and his loss. Hayle watches River run, knowing he simply needs more time, he could understand, he would like to maul several punching bags and fly around the world, but his family needed him now, the little one in his arms especially so. 
“He'll be back little one, he just needs time, and a guiding hand when he is ready, which we will all be here to give him”
He smiled as he found his finger held again, noticing a familiar presence in the room. 
“I'll make sure he is okay.. I have some time.” John’s voice comes from what seems like no where, and as John leaves, Hayle feels the presence leaving as well. 
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“Now... I guess.. if you lie here and keep me company.. I'll start cleaning some of this mess while we wait..”
His eyes fell on his son as he put Flynn into his crib, then he walked over to his son's body, putting his forehead against his now cold one. 
“I'll take care of them for you, I promise.”
Fannar sits in their bed when Vy comes in, looking at their mommy as if he knows something is not right even before they enter. 
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“Mommy sad…”
They reach out their arms towards Vy, clearly wanting to be lifted. 
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izayoichan · 4 years
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Yes indeed, not sure if it is needed, but not risking it
Hayden looks at Chris, almost asking him why.. but he keeps his mouth closed.
“Because... me interfering would have caused a rift in the multiverse.. they made sure I couldn't.” “So you would have?” “Yes.”
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He notices the look on his sons face. 
“As I would have done it for you.”  “ ....”
Hayden dries off some tears, hearing his son's voice from a now only a little in front of them.
“Oh my little star, don't worry…”
He quickly hugs Fannar picking him up, he kisses the top of his head, tears start running down his cheeks.
“Your lil cousin was born. They were a Flynn! Just like uncle River suspected…”
He presses his forehead against Fannar's.
“But... mommy couldn't help uncle Rylan. Mommy tried, but mommy couldn't, now they're a star in the sky, just like your twin star... And I am said because I promised to help... And daddy is very sad... everyone is sad.”
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Fannar starts glowing blue.
“Is Flynn sad too?”
They lift their hands, wiping a tear from their mommy's face, wanting them to feel better. 
Chris turns his head, feeling two energies leave the house, knowing both. 
“Vy, I think you can do what you wanted to do earlier now, if you still want too.. I think it would be better before.. well you know.”
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izayoichan · 4 years
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“Remember to breathe.”
He whispers the words to Hayden whom he is pretty sure has forgotten how to when Vy entered the room. In response to his father's words Hayden takes a deep breath, seeing Vy like this was just beyond anything he could have expected and he simply took his breath away.
“Wow.... “
Hayle smiles at Vy, as they continue to walk until they reach where Hayden is standing with his dad, Chris and Hayle's eyes meeting. 
“You two keep taking good care of each other, okay? Keep talking when things happen and no running.” “I will dad, I promise.”
Hayden smiles, holding out his hand to Vy, smiling at Fannar who was standing with them.
“You want to stay here, or be with grampa Hayle?” “Stay!”
Fannar chirps happily and walks up to Chris, holding out his arms clearly wanting Chris to pick him up which he does. 
“Grampa!” “Awww, and I thought maybe you had forgotten.”
He smiles, booping Fannar's nose, earning him a happy chirp and chuckles.
Rylan watches them, turning to River. 
“Yeah.. he is.. “
He smiles, it was really good to see his dad again, and it gave him hope that although he wouldn't be around often, that he could be around every now and then, turning his head seeing the one sitting next to Kieran, which surprised him slightly.
“Oh.. his new boss is also her.. I wonder why..”
He leans his head on River, putting his hand over River's hand on his stomach.
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izayoichan · 4 years
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He remembered it all too well when Hayle had pulled out their childhood pictures of messes and other embarrassing pictures of them as little. But he had to admit, it was also kinda sweet. He gently puts a hand on River's cheek, leaning kissing him gently. 
“His room is ready too, Hayle put up the mentioned Christmas present there earlier today, so now it's all ready. Dad was a slave again for a few hours.” 
He takes a deep breath. 
“I'm scared though... with my dad home, it feels so close, so real..”
River takes Rylan's hand in his and kisses it gently.
“Oh, I am scared also. I can't wait to meet the little one, and have you healthy and well by my side again. I miss my princess, I had to send some interns to clean the kennels, that just can't be.”
He was trying to make light of the situation, but the truth was that he was terrified, terrified of how it would go, terrified of being a dad.
“I'm scared to turn out like my dad, but I know with you by my side, that will never happen.” “You will never be like your dad, you have too big a heart for that.”
He smiles, chuckling a little over the comment about cleaning the kennels and how he was just looking forward to being able to do that again. How he was looking forward to everything that was the old normal. But as much as he hated it, he knew he needed to talk to River about one more thing, one thing that had burrowed itself into his mind over the last month. The biggest what if his mind had for him, taking a deep breath, his eyes locked with Rivers, pretty much blurting out the words that he doesn't want to tell his husband.
“If this goes wrong, and I don't make it, promise me you will take care of our little one and don't hate him.”
He blinked as the tears forced their way, working hard to not plummet into a panic attack, to keep control of his own feelings, but he had to get this off his chest, he had to talk to River about it, just in case. The words that come blurting out of Rylan hit him like a brick through glass. He had tried to ignore this nagging fear. this worry he felt. This constant feeling that it might go wrong, very wrong, but at no moment did he think of losing Rylan. No, he couldn't lose Rylan. Pressing his lips to a thin line he exhaled slowly, his breath shaky as he could feel his own tears warming up his eyes as he sat with his arms holding Rylan.
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izayoichan · 3 years
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He leans back, watching his dad eat, he liked these moments of just the two of them though, his dad always had time for him, so he would always have time for them back.River drinks the rest of the hot chocolate and with a sigh before he finishes the rest of the cake
River:  Sounds like a plan. Fan leaves a bit left out sometimes, now that you have Brooke, like a third wheel. So I'm happy you try to make time for them. You two were always inseparable.
Flynn: We still are.. just...  
He sighed, he hated that his twin felt that way, and he hated that he would way too often let Brooke talk him into coming to her instead, to be with her. He just needed more hours in the day really. Noticing his dad had finished his food, he figured he had let said twin wait long enough. 
Flynn: Can I have like fortyeight hour days? You call your mom, and I'll go have movie night with my twin.. Deal?
He hugs his dad, he knows movie nights with Fan always end with them both asleep and then a movie morning the day after. He looks at his phone, about to turn it off, when his dad just shakes his head. 
River: I’ll call her, and keep your phone on, just in case right? You're a good kid 
River smiled, thinking to himself how Flynn was just like Rylan sometimes. 
River: Go have fun, okay? And don't forget growly. 
He handed him the orb. Deep inside he didn't want Flynn to be too dependent on the person he loved. He didn't want him to be like him. Over ten years and he still cried over Rylan's loss as if it was today. He still felt hollow and aimless without him. He wanted Flynn to be able to go on if things didn't work out with Brooke. When his son had left the room, he picked up the phone, and like promised he called his mom. 
River: Hey mom. Yes... I'm fine.... yes I have been eating.
Flynn hurries through the house with the food and the snacks, going to his room where he knew Fan would be waiting for him.
Fannar: Found our movie Flynn: Excellent, I bring the tasty stuff!
He handed his twin some food and drinks, putting the orb on its bed, putting the cake it had chosen next to it. 
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