#would any of you have taken on the reaper role
asterdisaster06 · 1 month
Summary > the aftermath of the previous mission rottweiler went on
Word count > 1.9k
a/n > i’m back with some more inspiration and maybe a more reliable posting schedule. this time, rottweiler is fighting themselves rather than a faceless enemy
“Are you sure you’re okay to spar?”
“Yes, now will you shut up?” You snarled out to the man in front of you.
“For the record, the doctor recommended you to rest a few more days. Refrain from tearing any stitching out,” Ghost stated, staring deep into your soul - or what was left of it.
You match his gaze, hardened to far worse than the disappointed deadpan he was giving you just now. You knew he was right to some extent. The medical staff did give you a major side eye as they saw you leaving, but they let you check yourself out. It’s unlikely you would have taken no for an answer, following in the footsteps of your fellow teammates. They can’t particularly say shit to you after what they’ve pulled in the past and they know it
Soap, who’s had an entire rusted pole sticking out of him, more shrapnel coating his frame than you thought the human body could ever escape from alive. Blood coagulating on the dusty sand below him, a sick abstract art. An elegy to his role as a demolitions expert - the very thing that might have killed him. Except it didn’t.
He took a fist to the reaper and threw him the middle finger for good measure.
Simon, God, Simon. There was barely anything that boy hadn’t been through. His past was a humourless tale crafted by something far beyond anything comprehensible. There isn’t even a specific instance to describe as death was determined to make his body match his name. A symbol of death, remnanted - left to wander. A sick dance, each touch driving a wedge further and further between Simon and the world of the living. It should have left him wounded, but it only made him a good soldier.
He spat in the face of God and refused an apology from the devil. She shed tears for him, and he turned them to vapour with the heat of his fury.
Gaz, a walking liability to himself - though unintentional. He’s like a ragdoll at the whims of whatever life throws at him. Or, more accurately, where life throws him. It’s a miracle he’s existed this long without a permanent injury given what he’s experiences almost daily. From the small, tripping over himself or running into tables, to the big, falling out of helicopters or over the railings of bridges.
He was made to die, but all he had to say to that was ‘but I’m here to stay.’ He insists, it seems, on living.
Price, he’s experienced a lot. Life hasn’t treated him well, not that it treated any of the other’s with soft hands, but especially him. He’s seen enough to be scarred for ten lifetimes over. The choices he’s had to make might weigh heavier on his heart than the scars littering his body. If Simon is a walking ghost, Price is a shambling corpse.
His life is brimming with sorrow, and it appears as if he has killed his own guardian angel to survive as ours. An ode to those he loves.
“Hesitating like that can cost you your life, y’know,” Simon grumbles, bringing you back to the present.
“So I’ve been told,” You spit, a phantom taste of blood following it.
“It doesn’t seem like it.”
He takes calculated steps, circling you like a dog. The dust beneath your feet shifts - seeming to breathe alongside you. You’re stiff, more so than you would’ve liked to be in these sorts of scenarios; it doesn’t stop you though. Bloodshot eyes stare back at you and you aren’t sure if it’s Simon’s or a reflection of your own. A pause. A moment taken out of respect - a silence. An opening.
You jump.
You claw.
You grasp.
A pitiful attempt against someone you couldn’t even beat on your best day, not in a way that mattered. Given a weapon, and an element of surprise, you might have had a chance. Hand-to-hand combat paired with a lack of fluid movement renders you careless and therefore battered into defeat. Simon is like a bear, or a ram, maybe a mountain lion. These are the thoughts that fully occupy you for the moment you’re rushed to your back, thrown to the ground with as much care as he could manage.
“I told you, you aren’t ready.”
“I never was, Simon,” You huff out, ragged breaths choked by the dirt flying in the air.
“You hesitate,” He points out. “You didn’t used to.”
“I didn’t,” You insist. A lie, and you know it.
“Doesn’t matter, you won’t be getting back on the field for another month regardless. Not my decision so save your yapping,” He lets the knee off your chest and offers a hand. You don’t take it.
“There’s nothing interesting for another month, I’ll live,” You shake off his attempt to rattle you.
“Don’t be so sure,” Simon says, bringing down his neck gaiter. You can’t help but stare at the scar across his lip.
“Looking good LT,” Soap’s voice carries across the field.
“I know the last mission diminished my looks, but am I really that bad?” You deadpan.
“Of course not, Rottie. Do I not tell you enough how stunning you are?” Soap adjusts the fabric around your neck, a touch far more gentle than you deserve.
A wry smile creeps across your face. Your boys always let you know how appreciated you are, both for your abilities and appearance. They’re like your little cheer squad sometimes. Gaz and Soap are more vocal about it, but small touches and comments from Price and Ghost always cause a ripple of butterflies in your stomach.
You roll your eyes and reply, “Far too much, Johnny.” You didn’t mean it.
“Get used to it,” He says, giving you a little mock salute.
It brings your attention to the bandage still on his hand, freshly changed. It reminds you that yours likely need to be cleaned and switched at this point, but you feel undeserving of that kindness. A deep sense of guilt washes over you.
“Don’t sweat it, Bonnie.” He always knows what you’re thinking, a skill you wish would’ve lost its accuracy long ago.
“I need a walk,” You sigh, finishing it off with: “Alone.”
Your feet carry you away, far from the discomfort that was growing inside of your chest. An overwhelming, overachiever, though, you weren’t sure whether you were talking about yourself or the resentment felt towards your mangled body and mind. The memories linger beyond the physical flesh wounds, and somehow hurt more. They sink their teeth into your mangy fur, sticking like fleas to a street mongrel. Your thoughts scrape down your flank. Piercing to the bone; brittle and sad excuses of the framework that is your cage.
You weren’t sure how you felt, but you knew it wasn’t a good feeling. It settled underneath your skin like a parasite. It laid on top of it like a tick. You were terrified. That’s what it was. It was familiar, like your mirror years ago. A sick reflection of an even sicker dog. Self pity wells up like tears, pooling like blood, streaming like sweat. You tread further and further, each footfall sounding like bullets to you. Maybe you’re just stressed.
A whole entire month. It gnaws at you, that information. It shouldn’t, but it does. You know your team better than anyone; they’re reliable, resilient, and know how to function without you. They did it long before, and can continue to do so long after. You would be lying if you said that it didn’t hurt. If it didn’t sting like nettle brushing against your fur. It is unlikely that any extreme mission would be put forth while a team member was out of commission, but you never know with the higher ups. It pains you, an ache blooms across your body at the thought of missing out on the danger. Flowering into a debilitating burn inside of you. Afflicting your mind, thoughts run wild with what ifs.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be up and walking, soldier.”
You had walked yourself right into the lion’s den.
“Price,” You greet, nervousness bubbling up in your throat.
“They didn’t stop me,” You say as an excuse.
“Unless they wanted to tranquillise you, I don’t think they could,” Price rolls his eyes.
“They’re free to try,” You quip, shrugging.
“That’s the point, nobody wants to.”
“I’m here, I can walk, I’m not tearing any stitches out, I can shower on my own. What else do you want?” You glare half-heartedly at the rugged man in front of you.
“I want you on bed rest and away from any missions, soldier,” Price says, a forlorn tone almost coating his words like honey. It almost makes you want to roll over and submit, licking the taste from his hands. Key word, almost. Your pride won’t allow you to.
“Like hell that’s happening. I really can’t be arsed to follow any of what I just heard,” You snap. You were cold, tired, and going stir crazy. This wasn’t what you needed-
“This is exactly what you need. A step away from this life. Away from us,” Price says, paralysing you. He isn’t wrong, but he isn’t right either.
“Where do you want me to go?” You ask, slipping into the professional nature. Like a hunting dog sent on a mission, following the scent of those above and below itself.
“No, that’s not what I meant. Don’t do that. Don’t treat it like just another mission from your past life,” Price’s tone hardens alongside his face - all traces of softness gone to someone who hasn’t known him. Not like you have. You know it’s like correcting a dog; you still love them, but they need guidance sometimes. You fight against it.
“Where, Price, where?” You ask again.
“Laswell suggested spending some time in the states. Away from all of this. Someplace you’ll be. . . content.” His hollow words echo the word “safe” as if you actively seek trouble these days. Actively sniff out traps yet always seem to get your paw clamped in the snares meant for rabbits.
“Fine,” You say, about to turn on your heel and leave.
“Hound,” Price starts, using your official callsign. “Don’t take this the wrong way, don’t distance yourself again. You’ve worked hard to get here and have earned a safe place-”
“Except for when I actually need it,” You let slip out.
“It isn’t safe here.”
“It’s a hell of a lot safer than where I was before, don’t you think?” You snarl, teeth bared and lips pulled back. Rabid, foaming at the mouth, not a house pet anymore.
“We aren’t kicking you out.” Price says this, but you can’t help but doubt it.
“I mean it, we aren’t.”
You find yourself staring at the scars Price lets fly free in the old tee he decided to don today. You helped pick it out. Tearing your eyes away from his chest, you can’t find yourself to meet his gaze, opting instead to stare at the paraphernalia around his office. You linger on the photos of your team a little too long. Logically you know he’s right, this is a temporary precaution. If only it didn’t feel like the quarantine before they lop your head off to test for rabies.
“I’m going to go now,” You speak, knowing it’s not what Price was waiting for you to say.
“Okay,” He responds, his turn now for the small talk.
Turning on your feet, you prepare yourself for the god awful goodbyes that will inevitably have to occur and the temporary gift of life being bestowed upon you. If only it felt that way. If only you could view it as that. If only it didn’t have to happen. If only.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 5
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
the wait is over, we think you’ll be please with this <3
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wc: 9.9k
warnings: surprisingly soft?, smut hehe, knife play?, degradation x praise kink, they're obsessed with each other, begging and edging, possessive reaper
It would have been Deja Vu had the roles not been reversed.
A few hours later Y/N found herself awake to an empty bed and the sound of ceramic clanking. It could only mean one thing.
Lazily, she made her way out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes to get to the kitchen where she knew she’d find Harry. It was endearing really, the sight of him trying to make some French toast from scratch. Granted, the kitchen looked like a war zone, but the plate of strawberries and cream filling was calling to her.
“Hello, chef.” She teased, dipping her finger into the cream to get a taste. “Do you need a hand? I don’t trust you with this, I can’t lie.” Bunny couldn’t help but laugh when he caught sight of the Spider-Man band-aid on his finger.
“Your faith in me is heartwarming, really.” He deadpanned, looking over to her with a faux glare. There was real stress on his face, though. He hadn’t thought French toast was going to be difficult, but the egg ratio and accidentally dumping half the container of cinnamon in and having to start over, cutting his finger on the strawberries? It was more complicated than he had anticipated.
“No. I want t’make you breakfast. You had a shit night and I don’t want you stressing any more than you’ve got to.” He felt a bit embarrassed to be caught in the chaotic act, but more so, he wanted to do this for her.
That itself was something that he was coming to terms with. He wanted to allow himself closer to her and show more of the softness he had reserved but he also… didn’t want to push it. She was going through some traumatic shit and throwing feelings and all that wouldn’t probably help. So he would do what he could like this without expressing the things he was thinking.
“Okay, in that case, let me direct you a bit, don’t be so stressed the difficult part is over.” She said, noticing he had already dipped the bread and placed it in the hot buttered pan.
“When did you wake up?” She asked sweetly, plopping herself on one of the high chairs by the counter. Watching him cook felt like a treat within itself. He had taken the day off to spend with her and treat her, she was going to soak up every second.
The only problem was the tension that was only growing thicker. Falling asleep in his arms felt different, it was a comfort she realized she hadn’t felt in a while. If ever.
“You cook like this for all your girls, Harry?” She wanted to tease but she had a feeling she knew the answer. It made her feel special knowing she was likely the only one to see him like this.
“I woke up about an hour ago and let you sleep. But I don’t let the girls here.” He said quietly, listening to the sizzle of the toast on the pan. He wasn’t sure why exactly he felt such a need to let her know quickly that he didn’t let women or men he hooked up with here, but he did.
She was special. She was, as cliche as it was to say, very different from the rest of them. She meant something. It wasn’t one night of rough and lust, it was someone he cherished as a human since day one.
That’s why she was allowed in his place. A vulnerability he didn’t share with many at all. Privacy was one of the most important things to him and he trusted Bunny not to do anything to disrupt that.
“I also don’t cook. Obviously.” He shot her a look, flipping the French toast to see it a bit burnt. “I keep doing this. It either takes forever and then I turn it up and it burns.”
“Don’t turn it up silly,” Bunny let out a giggle at his frustration. “Low and slow till it crisps and then set it to high for a bit. Wait till the egg sets first, otherwise, it will be mushy in the middle but burnt on the outside.”
Her little tip was meant to help, he seemed to understand her explanation and adjusted his cooking method accordingly.
“Have I been good then?” She wanted him to confirm her thoughts because she really had been on her best behavior since their last intimate moment in the kitchen. He promised if she was good he would give it to her. She felt like she deserved it after what she’d been through.
She didn’t want to push him though, especially when he was being so sweet.
“Of course.” He said it as if it was obvious, his fingers scratching his stubble as he turned to her with a serious look on his face. “You’ve listened. It isn’t in your nature to but I know that about you. You’re a little rebel but you’ve been listening and keeping yourself safe. S’all I can ask of you.”
Harry was extremely impressed with her behavior considering it was definitely her nature to act out for attention and do the opposite she was told to do.
Her face lit up at his praise, finding herself wanting more of it. Especially in his raspy voice that hasn’t been used much yet, his low-accented words making her hungry for more than just breakfast.
“You’re the only girl I’d let in here. You aren’t one to tell secrets.”
Considering the number of weapons he had and the incriminating phone calls, he had a lot of sensitive shit around that no one else could be trusted with.
“Has it been a while?” Y/N felt like she needed to ask. Sure he didn’t bring girls around, but he definitely had had some hookups recently. Just how recent was what she wanted to know.
It wasn’t so much jealousy as much as it was curiosity. Harry was a man with drive and sex was likely a big part of his life, she didn’t want to get in the way of him and his outlet. If anything she wanted to be the outlet.
It had been a while since she had a proper hook-up, one where she was left satisfied. Her not so secret ex-boyfriend had moved to another state around the same time Sterling went nomad.
“Know I’ve been giving you a hard time with it, think maybe I should fix that…”
Harry paused his movements, turning from the stovetop to look at her with a raised brow. She didn’t correct herself. If anything, she met his eyes with ease.
So it had been on purpose. The touching and skirts and the things she probably saw his eyes lingering on. He should have known, but he also was trying to just simply pass it off as a wishful thought. It was easier to deny his wants that way.
“And what do you mean by that?” He asked, crossing his arms spatula in hand.
Her eyes went to his arms and felt herself heat. When he had that stance, that defiant brow, it did something to her. He was in charge, asking questions, and quite frankly? She fucking loved it.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She countered, looking back at him with her brow raised. Allowing herself to crack a small cheeky smile, she noticed his shoulders soften slightly.
Bunny didn’t want to be too upfront with her intentions, but she figured the more they talked about it the quicker they could come to an agreement. If she was going to stay here any longer she would need some type of sexual release.
He had told her she couldn’t touch herself and frankly that was the hardest part. Y/N was perverted, she liked the things that were a bit filthy and taboo, maybe that’s why she attracted the freak in the first place? Regardless, she wanted to make sure he knew she wanted him to make a move.
“I mean….” He looked her over, trying to gauge just how serious she was. It seemed that she was, his shirt hanging from her shoulder, her body leaned against the counter as she watched his every move.
“Been since before you’ve got here. Probably 2 months since then so… a bit.” He could be a downright whore, sure, but lately, it had been too busy and too unappealing. The one night stands were alright but he found himself using the gym to get frustrations out more than anything.
“Why are you asking?” He turned momentarily to flip the next piece on and also take a breath. She was probably one of the only ones who was able to unnerve him. “Haven’t been fucking around while you’re here if that’s what you’re worried about. M’an asshole, but not that big of one.”
“No, I’m not worried about that. I would know if you’re doing that, you’re good at hiding a lot of things but that’s not one of them.” She said with a soft smile, watching the way his back tensed with his movements.
It would be easy to tell if he was getting satisfied elsewhere, for starters he wouldn’t be looking at her like he wanted to eat her and he wouldn’t be so wound up. At least that’s what she gathered from their encounter.
“I’m asking because you promised if I was good you’d help me.” Bunny wished she would have waited for him to turn around before saying it, but it was easier to get it out when his back was to her. “Unless you changed your mind of course…”
Harry did promise that.
He’d simply assumed that perhaps with all of the stuff going on… continuing the cat and mouse game they’d done for a bit wasn’t the most appropriate thing. But he also wasn’t one to try and dampen someone’s fun.
“That something you want?” He questioned, serious tone catching her off guard. She had expected him to just go along and tease her back but… he seemed caught up.
“M’not saying no. I know I’d like to, and I’m sure as fuck not someone to leave a lady unsatisfied but you’re going through some heavy shit, love.” He was coming from a place of concern. “Is this something that will make it better or worse? M’not exactly gentle.”
She shifted in her seat, feeling a bit exposed now that he was properly asking her if she wanted it. It was easier to play it off when teasing, but now she was confronted she sensed herself getting shy.
“I just want to take my mind off of all of it…” She let out a sigh, looking down at her hands. Sex had always been an outlet she was fond of, though it seemed her partners never realized just how important it was. A good connection and some touch could do wonders for her.
“Said I couldn’t touch on my own so I haven’t, it’s just proving to be difficult so I wanted to ask if you changed your mind.” It had been over a week even though he told her one would be enough. His hesitation made her think he was rethinking it all. She wanted to give him a way out.
“I won’t be offended… I just don’t normally go this long without it, especially when I’m going through something— I could really use it is all.”
Harry didn’t want to make her feel held back. Nor did he want to miss out. He could see her retreating a bit into herself and he didn’t like it at all, turning off the stove as he crossed the kitchen and looked down at her from across the counter, quietly making up his mind.
She wanted it, sure, but he didn’t want her to regret it. On the other hand… he wanted her, too. She was saying she needed it and he wasn’t a man who could say no to her in these types of things. What Bunny wants, Bunny gets. She just didn’t know it yet.
“What if I let you touch yourself?” He murmured, the tension in the room building. “You’d have to do it in front of me. And then… maybe I’ll do something for you. If you can manage to be good for me while you do so.”
Her eyes were pinned to his the moment he finished his sentence, her attention fully on him. Sure, it wasn’t exactly what she wanted but it sounded even more exciting than what she had in mind.
“I can do that.” She agreed, feeling the excitement bubble up in her stomach. How soon would this be? Could even do it after breakfast… during? No, she was getting ahead of herself. Whenever he let her.
All she had to do was listen for a little bit longer. It couldn’t hurt.
Harry seemed comfortable with this idea, maybe it would be convincing for him to see just how good she could feel. How he made her feel.
Harry was a fan of edging, some might say. A big one. He nodded, the excitement and anticipation filling up his body as he turned to plate their food.
The tension was palpable in the room now. She could feel it, he could feel it, and Harry wasn’t shy about letting his gaze stick on her as he ate. She was a bit shyer, looking down with heated cheeks as she tried to eat the food.
It wasn’t bad- a bit overdone, maybe- but she was hungry for something much different. His eyes on her had her skin feeling prickles of excitement, her toes curling into her socks as she remembered his voice when he had let her go down on him.
The idea of his gravely, dark voice commanding her to pleasure herself was something she had been very hopeful for, and now it was going to come true. He had essentially edged her for days and days now, and she was so wet just at the thought that her panties were becoming a bit uncomfortable.
“Finish that.” He snapped her out of her lusty trance, the smirk on his face letting her know that he knew exactly where her mind was at.
She quickly finished the last few bites of her French toast, setting her fork and knife on the plate before lifting her arms over her head for a long stretch.
Her shirt was lifting a bit, exposing her lace underwear and a bit of her tummy. She thought he would appreciate the preview of what he’d be seeing in a bit. The thought had her feeling even slicker, his gaze was so intense she could feel it piercing through her.
“It was delicious, thank you so much.” She cooed, hopping off of the stool to place both of their plates in the sink. But not before giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.
Harry knew she was testing the waters, swaying her hips a little bit as she walked. It wasn’t her normal movement and he was well aware of how she was trying to entice him.
Little did she fucking know, he was already enticed. Wanting. There was no need. He would give her what she wanted, with time.
“Now we can do what you want.” He stood up and crackled his knuckles, looking at her wide eyed stance. His body was thrumming with need and he wanted to see her, for real. See her melt for him. Even without his touch, at first.
His finger lightly tipped her chin up, pressing a chaste kiss to her still slightly sticky lips before pulling back. “Go into the bedroom and set up how you usually would. Don’t touch without me there.”
Bunny tugged her bottom lip between her teeth as if to savor the feeling of his plush lips against her own. She was so excited, resisting the urge to actually jump up at the thought. It’s been a while since she could properly connect to her femininity.
She opened the door and quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up before he arrived. Nothing much, just a quick look over and pep talk before making her way to the bed.
She’d kept the lights low, natural daylight defused by the curtain harry had hanging. Table lamps on adding a warm glow to the room overall. She also kept the tshirt on, thinking that it would come in handy in the process.
The smell of him on it was enough to keep her senses stimulated, to truly show him how much she needed him.
Harry had stalled, cleaning up the dishes and trying to gather his wits as he knew she was going to be in bed waiting for him. This time, however, it was a very different type of wait.
He cleared his throat, walking down to the room to see her sprawled out in the middle of the bed, hair haloed around the pillows, and the shirt was drawn up slightly to expose the panties she wore.
He took a deep breath, letting his eyes openly scan her in and admire every single detail that he could. The beautiful girl, she was in here for him. Him alone. He was going to make her love every moment, but he was going to draw it out of her.
“Didn’t touch, did you?” He smiled when she shook her head, feet approaching the end of the bed. “Good fuckin’ girl. That’s what you are, hm?” Leaning down in a flash, he took both ankles and yanked her closer to him.
Bunny yelped in surprise but it melted into a giggle. That was one way to get her heart pumping. He looked incredible, standing there with his powerful body. Hands that had the power to take lives caressed her skin lightly before letting them fall back to the bed.
She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to kiss him badly. It was all she had been thinking about for hours, days even. It had been the only thing keeping her mind off of everything else. His touch? She didn’t want him to stop.
Bunny wanted to be a good girl, figured the best way to approach was to ask nicely. No bratty energy today.
“Can I please have a kiss?” She asked so innocently, it was sincere. She just wanted to be close to him again. Y/N knew he was about to tease her for all she was worth, but a little kiss couldn’t hurt. As much as he was willing to give.
“Would really like one before we start, if that’s okay…”
He softened slightly, visibly smiling as he looked down at her. “Sweet little baby wants a kiss?” He murmured, looking down at her soft gaze, hope in her eyes that he couldn’t crush. 
“Only because you asked so nicely.” He lent a knee on the bed, slowly hovering over her with his hand resting above her head. Her eager mouth met his, hand curling into the hair at the nape of his neck to try and coax a little longer of a kiss from him. He hummed against her mouth, swiping his tongue against hers for a mere moment before pulling back. 
She whined in her throat at the loss of him as he stood back up, but didn’t attempt to follow him. She wanted to be good for him, to get his dirty praises and promises of more. If she did what he asked, maybe he would finish her off. The idea alone almost made her salivate. 
“There we go.” He curled his hand over her knee, urging her legs open. “You were saying… you’ve been feeling needy lately? That’s how I heard it, anyways.” He feigned a casual tone. “Been driving you crazy you couldn’t just slip your fingers into your panties and touch yourself the way you’ve been wanting. But you were good, and I think you can now.” His tone made her shiver, feeling a pleasurable heat from his eyes. 
“Why don’t you show me?”
She couldn’t help but feel a little nervous in that moment. Sure, she wanted this and was looking forward to it, it was still Harry and he made her feel like no one else could. She couldn’t be more excited to bring her hand down over her panties, slowly starting to tease herself to get prepared.
“Is this how you’d do it?” Y/N asked after a beat, letting him take in her actions before breaking the silence. “Always thought you’d enjoy teasing me…” She could feel the heat spreading through her panties, pressing down just over her clit to feel a jolt of pleasure.
Taking her other hand, she moved it up her stomach, slowly exposing the skin beneath the tshirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she thought she’d tease him as well by keeping it bunched up exposing just a little glimpse of what she was positive he wanted to see.
His eyes were glued to her, watching her hands every move.
For a bit now, he had been trying his absolute best to keep his eyes to himself and while he had indulged in cuddles and kisses, he hadn’t let himself get too sexual about her since she had pushed him over the edge s bit ago- and now he was finally releasing that part of him. A part that wanted to ruin her.
“Mm. I would.” He whispered. “I do love a tease… edging.” Her fingers pressed over her clit again, making her exhale shakily. The shirt was ridden up and exposing her bottom half now, the lace hiding her just enough to keep his curiosity.
“They’re soaked.” The light-colored lace was a darker shade from how she had soaked through them, a stroke to the ego and to his cock. “You’ve really been worked up, sweet girl? That much?” He tilted his head, clicking his tongue. “Shame. But you were good and didn’t cheat. I’m proud of you. I know it’s probably hard for a little slut like you to keep your hands off.”
Testing the limits. Remembering what she liked last time, he knew that would be good with her.
It was so backhanded like he was mocking her in the most lustful voice he could. She loved it.
She was eating it up, the way she mewled at his praise. All Y/N could do was nod, letting her hand squeeze at her breast to release some more tension. It had been a while since she’s had the time to herself just to touch herself and love on her own body.
It was something she hadn’t realized she missed until it was gone. Her body was so responsive to every touch, her breath becoming shaky at the painfully slow pace she had set for herself.
“I wanted to… so bad, I was waiting for you to do something.” Bunny slipped one of her fingers underneath, gasping at how soaked she really was. It surprised her, he wasn’t kidding. “You make me so wet… all the time.”
Harry nodded, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers as he watched intently at the hand underneath her panties. That was cruel, but he had been cruel in making her wait. “I wanted to be a gentleman for once. To take your situation into account but… I don’t think you quite like gentlemen, do you Bunny?” He shook his head at the thought.
“No, you were waiting for me to get you on your knees on this bed and take you from behind. Dropped to your knees in my kitchen so easily, begged for my cock in your mouth... I can’t say I’m surprised, honestly.” He reached into the pocket of his sweats,  pulling out a pocket knife he had armed himself with since waking up. Paranoid? Maybe. But now it had a use.
“Kept you waiting and now you can’t take it anymore. Had to ask me. Maybe it’s a little cruel, but I loved it. Loved seeing you a little embarrassed but so wet that you can’t take it anymore. You did good, didn’t touch just like I told you.” He twirled the knife in his fingers, the dark smile making her shiver as she pressed her fingers against herself a bit harder.
“Now I think it’s time for you to show me exactly what you wanted to do this whole time.” He lent down, grabbing the waistband of the panties and sliced through it. “Hiding that cunt from me isn’t going to get us anywhere. I want to see it.”
It was so hot.
Everything about it screamed dangerous and possession, but she didn’t care. The girl was on cloud 9, maybe even higher when she saw the look in his eyes. He’d been waiting to see her too, it made her cunt clench. Looking to be filled.
Her fingers glided through her folds with ease, circling her clit to get it nice and wet. She was sensitive, figuring out the speed at which she wanted to go. Nice and slow to let him take in every part or move a bit quicker and show him how ready she was. Needy.
“Wanna be good for you.” She admitted, “you make it fun.” And she wasn’t lying either. Y/N loved how he built tension, how every move was perfectly calculated to make her want to scream.
“I think you like being a little mean, hmm?”
“I’m not a nice man, pretty girl.” He retorted, but his pleased eyes were taking in her movements.
Finally, bare for him to see, he observed her fully as he watched her wet digits play with herself. She was beautiful in every single place, it seemed, and he was pleased with how tempting she was between her legs. A huge temptation, really, with his hands itching to touch and his mouth wanting to taste.
He would, too. But he wanted to wait.
“I can be nice to you, sure. You’re my sweet little Bunny. But you like when I’m mean. Like when I call you names. Bet you like me mean to you in here too.” He licked his bottom lip, rubbing at his chin. “Spank your ass sore. Make you wait to cum. Or even more, make you cum over and over until you’re over sensitive and begging me to stop. Treat you like my beautiful little fuck doll. Never had one of those before. Always just have a one and done. Maybe it’d be nice to properly own a pussy this time around.”
Obviously, he liked her for more than that, but he could see her change in demeanor- how she had made a mess on her fingers and rubbed a bit harder at his words. “Does my pretty baby like that idea? Want t’be my little fuckdoll?” His fingers brushed her knee again, teasing her with his touch.
“Yes please!” It was all she could have wanted really. Sure it’s not everyone's idea of romance, but she loved the idea of being his to use as he pleased. Of course that only worked because she fully trusted him with her life. He was probably the one person she trusted the most at the moment.
“I’ll be so good, I promise!” She had momentum going now, her fingers making tight circles around her clit. The pressure was just right and his words were making it so easy to just let go.
Harry could feel his hands twitch, her eagerness making it that much harder to keep himself under control. He was enjoying his view far too much, watching her unravel and crave him.
“I’m sure you will be darling, but your cunt needs some proper stretching before you take me. Can you show me how much you can take?” Would she be ready for his fingers?
She nodded, feeling herself clench around nothing at the idea of taking his cock. Of course, she had been thinking about it for ages but to see him in front of her, taunting him about it? She was feeling it in her bones.
She slowly slid a finger inside of her, the noise of pleasured relief exhaled from her mouth. She was tight and hot and so wet she couldn’t remember a time she had been this slippery.
Harry could see it from where he stood, her finger glistening as she pulled it back out and slid it back in. His cock was solid, throbbing in his pants as he waited and watched.
Was he torturing himself by not just going for it? Maybe. But the gratification he felt now was unmatched. “There we go. Got one in there. Why don’t you give yourself another, baby?” He murmured, rubbing himself through his pants. “My cock’s much bigger than your little fingers. You’re gonna need to take a few.”
With a gasp she managed to fit another finger in, giving herself a few more slow pumps to make sure she wasn’t going to hurt herself. The stretch felt amazing, but it would feel even better if it was his cock.
Her eyes had closed being so caught up in the moment that she moaned at the sight of him palming himself. Images of his velvety hard cock came to her mind, that night that had been replaying on a loop in her mind.
“Harry…” She let out a whine, not saying anything else because she didn’t dare to complain. It’s just that she wanted more. More touching, more kissing, more of him. It felt so good, fucking herself with her fingers thinking about the man standing above her.
“I really want to cum. Really, really.” She felt like she was going to burst, but what she was doing wasn’t enough. It felt like she was teasing herself, her body wasn’t satisfied unless it was him.
“Aw, you do?” He smiled. “Y’want to cum all over those pretty little fingers? Bet it feels so good, doesn’t it?” He taunted, leaning over her slightly as she fucked herself. The sound was audible, her fingers making a squelching sound as they moved in and out of her.
“Stop.” He commanded. Y/N’s face was stricken, a whine leaving her lips but she did as he asked, slowing her fingers down. The loss of orgasm was visible on her face and she almost looked like she wanted to cry- but he would make it worth her while.
“There we go. Listening to me so well. Those orgasms are mine.” He smiled darkly, kneeling one leg on the bed and spreading her legs back after she attempted to close them around her hand. A possess trill went through his spine. This was his.
“I’ve been debating here if I should lick you until you’re shaking, or if I should finally give you my cock. I’m torn.” He feigned a confused look on his face. “Pretty baby like you might not be able to take my cock. Could only take two of your fingers…” He shook his head, looking at where they were still buried. “But I have a feeling that you’re going to want my cum. You’re on something, hm?” He pulled her hand from her, exposing her cunt to the open air. “As much as M’sure breeding you would be fun… don’t think that’s something either of us need at the moment.”
“Yes!” She breathed, silently thanking herself for sticking to her routine just so she could have moments like this. Was it risky still? Yeah, but worst came to worst they’d figure it out. They were up against much worse already.
Y/N was so eager she felt a bit embarrassed, but could you blame her? She’s had a crush on him for years and finally, she was getting a taste of what she had wanted.
If she had to choose between his cock and his mouth, it was a difficult choice. Both were incredibly good in their own ways, but she just wanted him to pick. She was so desperate for him, she was positive it wouldn’t even last that long.
“I wanna feel you, please take this off.” She pleaded, tugging at the tshirt slouching on his shoulder.
Harry wasn’t in the position to say no to a request like that. Not when she had just agreed to let him inside of her if he wanted. His mouth was begging for it, wanting to taste her sweetness, but he knew he had been holding back a long damn time from letting himself have her.
She deserved a proper reward, and he wasn’t going to last long enough to get his mouth on her and hear her sweet little moans and whimpers.
Her hands immediately found his bare skin, warming his body up with her touch. She was incredibly needy and that was partially his fault, but it didn’t mean he didn’t love the hell out of her desperation.
“You like what you feel, pretty? What you’ve been wanting to touch?”
Overwhelmed by the feeling she nodded, a simple hum of mhm leaving her lips. He was incredibly toned, tattoos contrasting against his skin, some scars as well.
She couldn’t keep her hands off, running them over his sides and his front before finally settling on his back. Her nails gently dug into the skin, trying not to pull him towards her too much. She wanted to seem patient even though she was far from it.
“You look so good…” He really did. His hair fell in front of his face, muscles tensed to show off their shape. It was so effortless for him, she swore he was sculpted by the gods.
“I’m so lucky.”
The genuine awe on her face made him soften in his face a little bit. The sweetness she had never faded, regardless of the filthy and brattiness. It made him internally purr.
Harry couldn’t help himself from leaning down and pressing a searing kiss to her lips, a token of his appreciation for her sweet words. He was luckier than she was, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment.
She was thinking she was lucky to be able to touch him but didn’t have a damn clue about how many words and thoughts filtered through his head every time he looked at her. “Such a good Fuckin’ girl. Being so sweet for me. Got any other pretty words for me?”
“So many…” A hand reached from behind him to tuck his hair behind his ear, settling on his cheek with fingers just against his jaw.
“Can’t give them all away at once, can I?” She smiled at him cheekily, stealing a quick kiss from his lips. Y/N stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to react.
“You’re very handsome, I really want you.” She breathed, eyes staring into his in a state of bliss. They hadn’t done much but her heart was filled with content. Just being with him in this moment, she wasn’t thinking about anything but him.
Harry didn’t let any of his other partners touch him this type of way, so it caught him off guard with how much he enjoyed it. The girl had a chokehold on him without even trying, a leg up in a way that he hasn’t been anticipating.
“Yeah? Y’think so?” He hummed, watching her eager nod. “Thank you, sweet thing. Don’t know how you can be so sweet yet so filthy at the same time.”
He removed himself from hovering over her, running his hands over her bare stomach and letting his fingertips drag over the skin. “Pretty girl. Such smooth skin. I’d say it’s a shame that I’m going to cover it in marks and mess it all up, but I don’t feel bad at all.” He didn’t feel a sliver of regret. Removing his hands, he popped his button open on his own pants.
“Keep playing with yourself for me. Rub that little clit but don’t let yourself cum. Can a dumb little puppy like you do that?” He crooned, his other hand stroking her bent knee. “Or is it too hard?”
Y/N let her fingers continue to rub over her clit at a slow pace, trying her best to keep her ever growing pleasure at bay. She let her knee relax into his hold, humming out in approval. The roughness of his skin made his touch even more electric, aching to feel his fingertips across the plain of her thigh.
“Use your words, pretty girl.” Harry squeezed her skin just lightly, “let me hear it.”
The breathiness of her tone, the desire in her cadences, Harry wanted to hear all of it. He wasn’t sure when he was going to be able to experience her like this again, so he wanted to take his time.
“Yes I can, sir.” She didn’t hesitate this time, “I can do it.” She didn’t dare beg for it but her whimpers said everything she couldn’t voice out loud. He was taking his good old time getting undressed, enjoying the view of her squirming beneath him.
The heat that was between her legs was begging to be released. The way he looked at her with the obvious hunger behind his eyes, that it was all because of her sent a chill up her spine.
If anyone else talked to her in that condescending tone, she would bristle. But with Harry? It lit her up. Soaked her. Her cunt was weeping, begging for his attention. Being degraded by him did something to her that she hadn’t realized would get her this worked up.
He could see her eyes on his hands as he stood off the bed, letting his jeans fall down to the floor. His palm covered his cock, squeezing to relieve himself a little. “You look so beautiful laid out like that. Was a bit mean to you, making you lay every night without relieving yourself… but I think that you’ll be thanking me later. I’m going to make sure you forget I even made you wait.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self-control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self-control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
The little smirk on his face would be annoying from anyone else, but from Harry? His cockiness, the smug look had her dripping. How did he manage to do that? Her fingers curled inside of her, a little furrow forming between her brows as she bucked her hips slightly into her hand. “Please?”
Harry loved hearing her beg. That much was evident as he stepped between her legs, stroking himself slowly. The pace of his hand was almost a tease, letting his tip brush her a little bit. Her body shuddered, her other hand clenching the blankets hard as she lifted her hips to try and chase the feeling.
“You really are gagging for it.” He murmured, free fingers wrapping around her wrist and pulling her hand from her cunt. Leaning down, he led the wet digits to his lip. They wrapped around them, a pleased hum leaving his lips in a vibration against her. His tongue flicked between the fingers, licking up every single bit of wetness he could. The sweetness of her cunt was unmatched.
“Tell me you want my cock, and I’ll give it to you. Say… you want me to fuck you.”
A whimper fell from her lips, body squirming beneath him at the delay. She wanted him to touch her, licking her fingers wasn’t enough. Bunny could still feel the weight of his tip on her throbbing clit, catching his eyes so she knew how much she meant it when she asked.
“Please sir, I want your cock so bad, please fuck me! Please!” It was as if she was begging him to show her some mercy. She just wanted him all over. The second he gave in, she knew she’d feel relief. Sex for Bunny had always brought this side out of her, willing to do anything to get to her high. It wasn’t that hard to submit when Harry was the one demanding obedience.
“Please…” She whimpered again, her legs twitching to squeeze shut but were stopped by his thighs. “Been waiting so long, just wanna feel you… don’t wanna think.”
That had seemed to be what broke him. He had finally gotten what he wanted, finally was able to give her what she needed. Spreading her back on the bed, he knelt back on the soft mattress and lifted her knees to spread her out properly. Her wet fingers were dropped but quickly caught his wrist, desperate for contact with him.
A wolfish grin lit up his face making him look a little bit evil, and for some reason, it turned her on more than it should. Harry was a dangerous man, he was ruthless and he killed people- hell, his nickname was Reaper for fucks sake. And yet, here he was. He was going to belong to her, come hell and back.
The dragging of his cock over her slit made her whine, impatient as ever to get him in but her impatience was shortly cut when he began to press into her.
“It’s okay my Bunny,” Harry cooed, easing himself inside her. It was clear from the start it’d be a tight fit, but he was surprised at how easily he’d slipped in. “Like a glove.” He purred, voicing his thoughts out loud.
Bunny’s moans were a mix of pleasure and pain, her turning eyes darker than ever. She’d never felt someone so deep. The slight burn from the stretch was immediate, but the feeling of being full of him was enough to have her back arching.
Harry stilled once he had her fully wrapped around his length. He could feel her throbbing, her slick against his balls, he swore he could stay inside of her forever. With a low growl, the grip on her wrists tightened, head falling to mouth over her breast.
“Mine…” He mumbled against her skin, barely audible. “Fuck-“ Harry felt feral with her. Everything about it called to his core, all he could do was think about pleasing her. His mouth left a sheen over her skin, trails of his spit marking all the parts he owned.
“Harry, please!” Bunny felt like she would lose it, the tension had bubbled over. She couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to move.
His dark eyes rose up and looked at her with a green she hadn’t seen before. A part of him she had never been exposed to. And to be honest- a part of him he hadn’t experienced.
Pure need and possession, feeling like he was where he belonged. Snug inside of her, marking her with his mouth, keeping her where he wanted her. She was everything he had wanted and more.
“Love that beg.” He smirked against her skin, kissing up her sternum and to her neck as he slowly pulled out a few inches before sliding back in.
As much as he wanted to simply pound into her, the savoring of her body felt even more fulfilling. Her shuddery breaths, flexing hands as he felt her squirm underneath him, he was feeling the full effect.
He repeated the action, pushing as deep in as he could until his balls rested snug against her ass, his mouth hovering over hers. “This is where you belong. Wrapped around me, under me, with my cock as deep as it can get.”
It was true, she thought. It had never felt like this before. Sure she’s had great sex, but sex never felt so… raw. She was no longer afraid of seeming too eager, he had fully unraveled her.
“Ah! More!” She breathed, “More, please! More.” It was like he couldn’t get close enough. Her legs found their way around his waist, using her heel to push him further into her. “My hands— let me touch you.”
It was a simple request that Harry couldn’t deny. He had forgotten he was holding her wrists together, far too focused on the feeling of her velvety cunt. His lips nipped a bit of her skin as his hand pulled away, placing both of his hands beside her head.
“So greedy, why don’t you let me play?” Harry was only teasing, he himself was barely holding it together and that was new. He was always able to control himself, but once again it seemed he couldn’t when it came to her. His hips immediately pulled back, setting a pace he felt would satisfy her.
Steady. Deep. Constant.
She was a wreck. Truly, utterly lost in how good it was feeling, his thrusts timed just right to give it to her again just when she was about to ask him for more.
“F-fuck.” She whimpered, trailing her nails down his back. It was evidently something he liked, a groan leaving his throat as she marked him, the skin turning red underneath her nails. “S’good, so good. You’re so big.” She rambled, clutching herself to him.
“Yeah? That’s what I like to hear. Knew you’d take me perfectly. Had my doubts at first… tiny little cunt but… as soon as I got in I knew. It was made f’me.”
It felt so good being stretched, being under him. His eyes ate her up, watching every movement of her face as he adjusted just a bit to try and find the right place. The right spot that would have her shaking.
“How long have y’wanted this, pretty girl? Hm? How long have you been dreaming about my cock?”
She couldn’t lie in this state. He knew that.
Bunny had only been waiting for the right moment, it seemed that moment is now.
“Since I was 17.” She moaned at the tension, he could feel himself pause for a second as proceeded with the words she was saying. “4 years, you were— ah!” Harry couldn’t help himself. He sped up, the carnal need inside him had won.
“I wanted you to sneak into my room…” It reminded her of the many times she walked past him in tiny shorts to catch his attention. Getting a glass of water before bed, a signature move. “So you could fuck me just like this.”
The fantasies with him were never-ending, she swore she’d imagined him in every state possible. Nothing compared to this.
No one could really blame her. The teenage crush grew into a full blown infatuation with the man as she got older. As cliche as it sounded, his gruffness to everyone but her, how gentle he usually was, how he was genuinely kind to her while he openly told other people to fuck off? It made her feel special. Appreciated.
Of course, she had a thing for him. Just a bit older, tattoos, a protective streak a mile long just for her. She wanted to thank him- just like this.
“Fuck. Don’t say that.” He said hoarsely, gripping the sheets hard as he drove in harder, looking down at her glossy eyes. “Don’t fucking… say that.”
Her 19th birthday when she had crawled in his lap, claiming to want warmth. All the hugs she didn’t want to let go of. How irritated she was with girls who tried to flirt with him. It made sense- but it also made him crazy.
“You’re fucking filthy. You’ve always been… a little slut.” He moved to grip her throat. “You even hear yourself? You wanted me to fuck you? Take your cherry right next to your brother's room? You filthy little whore.” But he loved it. God, it only made it seem even more right.
The both of them fucked in the head when it came to kink, wanting shit they shouldn’t. He wouldn’t have touched her until he was able to, but knowing she was in her room… “sitting in that bed with those pink walls, playing with this cunt? S’that what you did? Waiting for me to come in and be the first one to take it?”
He wished he had been the one to take it. A possessive snarl left his chest. “Doesn’t matter. This cunt is still mine.”
She couldn’t help but smile, happy to be laying there with his hand around her throat. He wasn’t applying pressure, just holding her there so she could look at him.
“Yours. It’s yours.” She breathed, “Wanted it so bad, you weren’t even trying to hide yourself from me.” Bunny prayed for the summer days when he and Sterling would work on their bikes in the garage, shirtless of course. How he’d take his time drinking his water, letting it drip down his chest a bit. The way he’d smile at her when he licked his lips clean.
He seemed to quicken his pace at her words, her body moving with the power of his thrusts. How could he have gone this long without giving in? Everything he had been wanting was always right within his reach.
“Please don’t stop! Please!” He had found the spot he’d been searching for, watching her eyes roll back in pure bliss as her begging continued. “Feels so good, please never stop! Fuck!”
“Never going to stop. You’re in so much trouble.”
He was fucked. This has started just to keep her safe, the faux dating, all of it. And it was unraveling at the seams. He wasn’t a fool- he knew that this was going to change it. There was no way in the world that he would be able to go without this again.
It felt so perfect that it would be a crime to deny either of them the pleasure their sex brought. It wasn’t just sex. That was something he would dissect later though.
He felt her tremble underneath him, her breathing heavy as she clawed at the wrist holding her throat. She wanted his stability, her body jolting as shocks of pleasure went up her spine.
“Tell me you won’t take anyone else. Tell me you only want my cock.” He growled. “I’m the only one who can give it to you this good.”
“You. Only you.” She meant it as well. Bunny couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t in the picture. She’d grown so much in the time since she met him, so much had changed, but he hadn’t. He kept her safe.
Her senses were heightened, her body feeling sensitive to every touch of their skin. It was searing hot, the way he was kissing her skin only added to her arousal. She was so close she could feel the threads of tension starting to snap deep in her stomach.
“Wanna cum for you, all over you, want you to feel how good you make me feel…” Her voice was hoarse from all the moaning and whining, panting with the pace he had set. There was no stopping him now that he had her, it felt how it was supposed to.
“Yes pretty, cum all over my cock.” Harry cooed, pressing kisses over her face. “Show me how good you are, let me see how beautiful you are when you’re creaming my cock.”
It was like her body was tied to him. His request was granted, unable to hold back as soon as she had permission.
“H-Harry-“ she couldn’t talk, his name falling into a moan as she let go around him. Cunt fluttering and clenching over his prick, legs tightening around his waist as he fucked into her and stimulated her spot just right, making her cum all around him.
“Fucks sake- fuck, you’re mine.” He squeezed the sides of her throat as he kissed her hard, letting himself unload into him. Spots of pleasure danced behind his eyes as he let go, the flood of hot cum shooting into her eagerly.
It had been a long time coming but he didn’t regret the wait. It was fucking perfect.
It was too hard to describe the feeling in her body. Blissful relaxation, the comfort of his body on top of hers, the warmth that came from him as he placed delicate kisses over her skin.
His hips were still moving, though his pace was slow. It was as if he was milking every moment.
“So fucking perfect, you know that?” He breathed against her, “always been mine.” Harry wouldn’t let it go. It still didn’t feel entirely real, but as his hips kept with their movements and he heard small whimpers escape her lips he knew he should have acted sooner.
“Does it feel nice, baby? Want me to keep going?” Harry’s voice was soft, “Wanna give me another one?”  The squeeze she gave him in return proved him correct. Without another word, he rested his forehead against her shoulder, continuing his sharp and shallow thrusts from within her. He smiled at the sound of her heart picking up again, her breathing returning to its shaky state.
“So close, aren’t you? Horny little thing.” He murmured, pressing another kiss to her collarbone. “Come on let go… wanna lick you clean.”
It was unreal to her. Being showered in affection, feeling him as close as he could possibly get. He had cum inside of her, the mess he was making with these thrusts trying to push as much in as it still leaked out with every pull- it had her eyes watering.
It was almost too much. The pleasure made her whimper, a weak noise leaving her mouth each time he thrust inside of her, but she was a slut for a bit of overstimulation.
Harry was eating up each noise, each movement of her cunt. She took everything he gave him and it was obvious to him now that he had met his match. Each move he made, she followed like a mirror.
“Yours, yours, yours… fuck, Harry.” She ran her hands down his back, feeling the swells of his shoulders and memorizing their hot skin pressed against each other. “M’gonna…. Right there, bite me. Please fucking bite right there.” She needed a bite of pain to go over the edge. It would do it immediately.
His eyes glazed over, a low growl coming from him as he bit into her skin. He hadn’t expected it from her, but he figured he should drop all exceptions when it came to Bunny and sex.
Everything he thought he knew was crumbling before him, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Her body was twitching against his, a second orgasm flowing through her in shock waves. Her pretty little moans were pushing him further, licking over the area he had bitten to soothe the burn.
“I’ve got you, you’re okay… doing so good for me sweetheart.” His voice was low and breathless, pulling back from her skin to take a look at her. She looked so relaxed, melting into his touch, eyes struggling to stay open. “Talk to me bunny…”
Her eyes were blurry. Everything felt hot and floaty and she melted right into the bed, leaning into his hand as he stroked her cheek with care. This sort of touch paired with two orgasms had her feeling like she wasn’t in her own body.
“Hi.” She slurred, eyes closing as a blissed-out little smile rose on her lips. “Feel so…” she trailed off, a drunken giggle leaving her lips as she felt his fingers press the hair away from her face, sighing contently as her shaky legs curled around his waist.
He had tried to pull out but she whined sadly, tightening her thighs with a sensitive gasp. “No. No- stay.”
She whispered tiredly. “Don’t. Want you in. Waited… so long.”
Harry couldn’t help but obey, trying his best not to move. The heat of her cunt was welcoming, though the clenches as the walls tried to continue to keep him in and milk him for everything he was worth made it hard. He was tired but… he was obsessed with this feeling.
“Shh. S’okay.” He kissed her cheek. “Still got to clean you up, but I’ll stay here for a minute. You okay?” Her cheeks felt hot under him, her weak hand lifting to hold him there.
“Mhm…. So fuckin’ good.”
There was nothing in her mind but him. The way it should always be. She was nervous that if she closed her eyes for too long she’d wake up and it would all have been a dream. The soft kisses he left over her skin were telling her otherwise.
“Really want to lick you clean, you know?” Harry couldn’t help himself, he was high on her. Seeing the way she reacted to him triggered something new within him, was it possible that he was capable of love?
“We’ll save it for another time though…” He chuckled at her whining, happy to see she was eager and up for it. He knew better, the tension that would build up from here would make it all worth it.
Harry glanced up at the clock on his bedside table and relaxed when he saw it was just around 4 pm. Plenty of time for them to clean up, eat, and snuggle some more.
“Why did we never do this before?” Bunny asked curiously, knowing now she wasn’t alone in her desires.
“Because I would have been slaughtered by your brother. And you’re too good for me.” He said simply. That much he knew.
She was sweet and kind and wasn’t supposed to be connected to this mess. Even looking down at her, he felt slightly guilty for pulling her into this. It would never be the same for her again now that she was exposed to this lifestyle. To his temper. And even then, he hoped she wouldn’t have to see him in his true rage.
“M’not good for you. But you’re mine anyways.” He rubbed his nose against hers, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. He was selfish and he could admit that. He should have let her go when this was all over if he was a good guy. It was nice that he wasn’t. “The moment you let me inside of you sealed the deal. I was gonna be nice, gonna let you be happy without me but I don’t think I can.”
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thereaperwatchesme · 2 years
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You were sent a protector to guide you through a foretold disaster when you were young. Now, you’re an adult, no disaster has appeared and you’re ready to live your life without the careful eyes of your “shadow”. However, his presence is most welcome as you need him more than ever.
The disaster has come your way.
Getting ready to hide away from the catastrophe, you’re suddenly found by a ragtag group of Onlookers, who attempt to protect others from your…protector. You’ve come to find out that you’re meant to be sacrificed to save the world from the tragedy yet to come.
Faced with this truth, you join forces with the formidable team and learn more about your role on Earth and the role of your protector. But you can’t help but wonder if you were able to save the world in another way that doesn’t involve your demise. Maybe with the help of your protector…
The Grim Reaper.
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| Customize your own character: choose your gender, pronouns, sexuality, and appearance.
| Meet and possibly romance five RO’s, two of which are gender-selectable.
| Discover who you are, or what you were meant to be.
| Shake things up and drive the story. Be determined and a leader, or go with the flow and stay passive.
| Would you sacrifice yourself like the Prophecy foretold, or be in charge of your new destiny and do things your way?
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male; he/him
Mars is the leader of a group of friends named the “Onlookers.” He’s able to see the Grim Reaper and tries to prevent any deaths occurring by the Reaper’s hand. Impassive and harsh, he tries to keep you safe by protecting you at all times. Who knew that his body-guarding skills would blossom into a new love?
(Mars has tan skin, dark brown hair that's faded at the sides, gray eyes, and slight stubble on his face)
male; he/him
Sable is the brains of the Onlookers; he designs the tech and gear for the group when it’s time to help people and capture lost souls taken by the Reaper. Usually shy and reserved, he opens up to you more than his friends. Will you two stick together?
(Sable has bright, red hair, green eyes, and wears thick-rimmed glasses. He’s lanky and pale with a small amount of freckles)
female; she/her
Mariana is the twin sister of Mars, but they have two different attitudes. She’s more friendly, but she continues to hold you at arm's length. The mastermind of the group, she cleverly creates the methods to achieve their goals. But what will she plan if her goal is now you?
(Mariana has dark brown, curly hair and tan skin. She has gray eyes and a bright smile)
gender-selectable (male, female, non-binary)
Parker is the jokester of the group, but mostly a gifted fighter. They are a warrior of sorts; fighting monsters or souls that they come across just to protect you all. They flirt with you constantly, but they have no means to start a relationship. But will they feel obligated when you’re in danger and it’s their last chance?
(Parker is of Korean descent, and they have pale skin and dark brown eyes. They’re very well muscled, and has black hair that’s curled on top of their head)
J (Justine, Justin, Justice)
gender-selectable (female, male, nonbinary)
J was your childhood friend until you moved across the country. But now you’re back, and you two are catching up. But you didn’t know that you would be pulling them into the craziness that’s happening in your life. But you mean everything to them, so they’ll do whatever to help.
(J has blonde hair and a average build with glistening, blue eyes)
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im-your-mommy-now · 10 months
This may be extremely obvious but I just have to say that Eldermourne is so queer.
Of course it’s queer! Fia and Ireena are girlfriends. But but BUT every element of their story is a metaphor for queerness, especially queerness being forbidden by the church.
Fia grew up the daughter of a priest of The Reaper and in a town full of Reaper zealots. Every time she was caught doing Trickster magic with Ireena she was punished. Usually her father would take her back home and teach her the “right way” to do magic, which he believed was Reaper magic. Even though Fia had no belief in The Reaper she was still able to perform Reaper magic. This, of course, would make her father very proud but she would still go back to Ireena and learn magic from her. The worst of it was the final time Fia was caught doing Trickster magic with Ireena. Fia’s father decides he is going to take Ireena and judge her on the scales (a literal death sentence) and he is going to have Fia be sent away to a convent where she can learn to accept The Reaper and repeat her old ways. Fia and Ireena end up switching places in an effort to save each other’s lives. Ireena is taken away and removed from Fia’s life for many years. Fia is then on the scales in Ireena’s place because she believes that her father would never kill his own daughter…but no. Her sins are two great and she is judged anyway. At the last moment she is saved by Batilda (the queer role model she needed) Batilda then takes her in and teaches her Trickster magic and allows Fia to be her full self. But then one day Batilda is gone. She is in a tough line of work. It’s hard to be someone like Batilda. Many people are after you when you live like that. And Fia is left with only an animated book. The book that Ireena awakened for her all those years ago. Fia is left to wait until any of her loved ones return. Then when things start to pick up in her life it turns out her girlhood friend is in great danger. Ireena is not in control of her powers. She saw someone getting judged on the scales and in a fit of rage and demigod power she killed everyone at the scene…everyone except the person being judged. Fia goes on a world saving, queer pining quest to get her love back. And once again at the last moment Moxaura shows up adorned like The Reaper to once again keep Fia and Ireena apart. Moxaura convinces a scared Ireena that Fia doesn’t even love her. I mean she literally asked her friends if Ireena was worth all this loss. Was this one little life worth all this pain and suffering? But once Moxaura is defeated and all is well they are able to get on a boat together and go wherever they want. They are finally allowed to be themselves on their terms and surround themselves with people who appreciate them for who they are.
God I love Eldermourne
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mindfang-srevenge · 7 months
Homestuck Trolls and Which TMA Entity They're Most Aligned With: A List By Static, with the STRONG NOTATION that this is not a diss track, just a general summation of thoughts
Karkat— Extinction. He's the mutation that heralds the end of the world. He's the mutation that dooms the world. His existence inspires the fear of the end of society, and the question of how that society could rebuild.
Vriska— Web. A gimme. Spider8itch is gonna spider8itch. She's literally got manipulation powers that-- if she would use them correctly-- would constantly invoke the fear that her friends had no free will, and were just following her orders.
Aradia— End. She takes on the job of reaper for the entire universe, there's no way her very presence doesn't inspire at least the knowledge or vibes of death in her friends. She's the ferrywoman of this universe, and more than that, she's an archaeologist. She takes an active interest in the dead and the gone. This girl's unnerving, and I adore her for it.
Sollux— Desolation. A man who's had everything taken from him, and taken from him again, and taken from him again. First with Aradia's death at his hands, then when he's killed trying to get his friends into the game, then when he gets incinerated by Jack, then when he's blinded by Eridan, then when he gives it all up to propel the ship across the yard, then when he-- you get the point. Sollux continually inspires, rather than the fear of death, the fear of total and utter loss. It's probably something to do with the Doom aspect, y'know.
Terezi— Eye. She who knows all, she who 'sees' all. She's adept enough at this job to be able to trace both the past and the future, to understand exactly where things went wrong even if she doesn't have the power to fix it herself. Good at predicting outcomes. All of these are eye traits.
Gamzee— Stranger, both because of the circus aesthetic and because of the fear of the 'other' that he inspires. He walks like their friend, he looks like their friend, he even kind of sounds like their friend-- but is it really him? Are they supposed to trust him, especially after what he did? There's something wrong here, there's something wrong about him, and he's a Stranger aboard their ship.
Eridan— Slaughter. He's constantly fulfilling the trait of 'mindless violence', after all, whether he's killing landdwellers or shooting angels or even killing his friends. He shoots first and asks questions later. He's actively thinking about genocide at almost all times. This man is a menace.
Nepeta— Hunt, which feels a little obvious. She's the stalking purredator. She's constantly RP'ing as a creature that would like no better than to play a lovely little game of cat and mouse. If she got more screentime and/or things to fight, I'm sure we could see many more examples of this in-text.
Equius— Lonely. Nobody really seems to like this man? I mean, for obvious reasons- he's kind of a creep-- but he lurks on the edges of the friend group, moreso even than Gamzee or Eridan. If he didn't live immediately next door to Vriska I'm not sure anyone but Nepeta would know him. He probably speaks to his robots more than any other troll, and he doesn't seem to particularly want to speak to anyone but Nepeta? Every conversation is so stilted, so formal, almost as if he doesn't know how to talk to people even if he did want to.
Feferi— Vast. Look, as a seadweller, she's a little more connected to the depths than most-- but she also can't leave the depths, forcing Eridan to do her hunting for her. Her lifespan is implied to be near-endless, judging from )(IC's. She's trapped on all sides by endlessness.
Tavros— Buried. Much in the way that Feferi is trapped by an expanse both around her and within her, Tavros is trapped on the ground despite his wishes. He's buried at the back of his friend group, the butt of the jokes. He's also figuratively buried by his self-doubt, which feeds into his role as Page. I feel . . . incredibly bad for this man.
Kanaya— Corruption. It's the Fear most associated with the bringing of new life, which both as a jadeblood and the protector of the Mothergrub Egg, she's deeply in tune with. Her lusus is also a winged bug-thing (mothergrub, shut up). Kanaya herself is a parasite on the other trolls, because she's a rainbow drinker.
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richincolor · 4 days
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Group Discussion: This Ravenous Fate
As we near the creepy time of the year, we figured vampires would be awesome for our group discussion. This Ravenous Fate was an excellent pick and was definitely an impressive debut from Hayley Dennings.
Publisher's Summary: It's 1926 and reapers, the once-human vampires with a terrifying affliction, are on the rise in New York. But the Saint family's thriving reaper-hunting enterprise holds reign over the city, giving them more power than even the organized criminals who run the nightclubs. Eighteen year-old Elise Saint, home after five years in Paris, is the reluctant heir to the empire. Only one thing weighs heavier on Elise's mind than her family obligations: the knowledge that the Harlem reapers want her dead.
Layla Quinn is a young reaper haunted by her past. Though reapers have existed in America for three centuries, created by New World atrocities and cruel experiments, Layla became one just five years ago. The night she was turned, she lost her parents, the protection of the Saints, and her humanity, and she'll never forget how Elise Saint betrayed her.
But some reapers are inexplicably turning part human again, leaving a wake of mysterious and brutal killings. When Layla is framed for one of these attacks, the Saint patriarch offers her a deal she can't refuse: to work with Elise to investigate how these murders might be linked to shocking rumors of a reaper cure. Once close friends, now bitter enemies, Elise and Layla explore the city's underworld, confronting their intense feelings for one another and uncovering the sinister truths about a growing threat to reapers and humans alike.
Content warnings: Scenarios involving emotional abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, suicidal ideation, violence, murder, and mentions of a race massacre.
Our discussions can be a little spoilery so beware!
As we often do, let’s start with the cover and the design of the book. What stood out to you all?
Crystal: I haven’t seen a final copy, but the ARC has a gorgeous cover and I loved the pattern on the endpapers and chapter divisions. A hint of that is at the top and bottom edges of the cover. It incorporates the lotus that is found in the Saint family seal. There are a lot of details to notice, but to me the overall effect drips with passion, blood, and danger.
Audrey: What I loved most about the cover design is that when you look at it closely, it screams historical vampire book. There’s the hint of art deco-style wallpaper, the opulent jewelry, the roses, and of course blood splashed everywhere. It was either going to be vampires or a murder mystery, and it turned out to be both! That’s fantastic design by Nicole Homer and art by Colin Verdi.
K. Imani: Yes Audrey! You truly know what you can expect from the novel based on this gorgeous cover. My favorite part of the cover is the roses that are white tipped with red which, to me, symbolizes the tarnishing of innocence. Layla’s specifically as her innocence was taken from her when she was turned into a reaper and Elise’s throughout the novel. The dripping jewelry is just beautiful.
Setting plays a huge role in this story. What particular places stood out to you? Or what aspects of those places made an impact?
Crystal: The Cotton Club was a place that really caught my attention, particularly as Layla compared it to a circus. The way that white people looked at and treated Black girls on the street was significantly different than how it happened in that space. It also pulsed with light, music, life, and debauchery so of course it was intriguing.
K. Imani: Being that the novel was set in Harlem is what drew me to the novel initially. 1920’s Harlem is one of my favorite historical eras because it was such an amazing time of Black art and culture and so any novel that is set in this time period makes me happy. I love the mention of all of the different neighborhoods described as they were way back then as it was described as the Harlem that I’ve seen in pictures.
Audrey: Like K. Imani, I really enjoyed that it was set in the 1920s. This Ravenous Fate did a great job of depicting the highs of the Roaring Twenties (advances in tech/science, the glitz and glam of clubs/speakeasies, a booming economy, etc.) while also making sure we got to see the lows, too (unethical medical experimentation, lynchings/race massacres, organized crime, corrupt politics, etc.). Seeing 1920s Harlem from a Black (fictional fantasy/horror) lens was fantastic, especially since a lot of common perception of the 1920s is very white. I also appreciated Elise’s occasional asides comparing her treatment in Paris vs Harlem as a Black teenager despite her family’s wealth.
The vampires, or reapers, have a lot of similarities to those from other tales. Was there anything you noticed that made this unique among other vampire lore?
Crystal: What fascinated me was the give and take. The reapers take the blood, but they can also share things through the process. There is pain, but also attraction and pleasure. There seemed to be a heightened amount of sensuality in that experience of taking and giving.
K. Imani: You know I love vampires so I loved Dennings’s take. I liked that they didn’t have to drink to kill, that a bite doesn’t necessarily change a person, and that they can use their bites to heal. I also loved that the reapers can eat! It showed that the reapers were still human, but really needed a different food source to sustain their bodies. This was such a fun and unique take on vampire lore and Dennings absolutely killed it.
Audrey: I haven’t consumed a ton of vampire content, but I really liked how the prologue told us flat out that the reapers were made by people in what would become the U.S.: “She was remade with spite. The first of her kind, her humanity stripped away and pumped full of poison and depravity in a laboratory. … She was as new as America, a reincarnation of its greatest evils, comfortable in corporeal sin.” That set the tone so well for more unethical medical experiments and corrupt people doing terrible things to cling to power and try to impose control over others.
The characters experience a lot of death and violence, but this is also a love story. What did you enjoy about Layla and Elise’s complicated relationship?
Crystal: I definitely appreciated the many layers of their relationship. The friendship and time that they’d had together over the years made everything hold so much more weight. The anger was stronger, but so were all of the emotions. One line that really got me from their early days was, “You’re my best friend. I don’t want to do life without you.” The stakes were pretty high between them.
K. Imani: I had mixed emotions about their relationship because there was so much hurt between them, but there was also so much love. Like Crystal, I appreciated how they had to learn how to trust each other and be open with each other in order to solve the mystery. Their story is a lesson in forgiveness and moving forward. To have that in a YA novel, a vampire one at that, was lovely.
Audrey: I loved that they had been such good friends and then had real, painful reasons to become enemies and be separated from each other. I loved that to varying degrees they both still missed their earlier relationship and hated that they missed it. Watching Elise and Layla learn how they each had (and hadn’t) changed as they tried to solve the murder mystery was a treat because we got to see the longing they had for their shared past—and eventually what they had for each other in the present as they got to know each other in the present. I like that it took quite a bit of time for them to admit their feelings for each other.
Another very interesting relationship of an entirely different kind is that between Elise and her father. Thoughts?
Crystal: I hope that not many readers can connect to such a relationship, but I’m afraid there are a lot of folks wandering around who have put a lot of effort into reshaping themselves to please or impress a parent. The mental and emotional gymnastics of trying to please him and keep believing the best of him were pretty intense and frustrating to watch.
K. Imani: The only word I can come up with is oof. Their relationship was so toxic and I felt so sorry for her. Like you said Crystal, I hope not many people can relate to the relationship but we do know of folks who try so hard to fit into their parent’s expectations that they start to lose themselves. I actually feel like Layla and Elise’s relationship was somewhat of a nice counterbalance because they had to work to build trust in each other and that brought about Elise’s confidence, allowing her to see how horrible her relationship with her father was. He was just such a horrible man that everytime he was in a scene I just wanted him gone.
Audrey: Oh, Elise’s dad made me so upset. I didn’t realize at first that something was wrong in Elise’s point of view, but about the point where he named her his heir, I started realizing that things were actually much worse than a stern 1920s dad being disappointed in his kid. The slow building of cracks in their relationship hurt, especially once it became clearer to me that her dad was keeping her in the dark about important information. I was so relieved when Elise finally admitted that her father wasn’t the man she had thought he was.
What’s next on your reading journey?
Crystal: Another thriller that I have on my list is Looking for Smoke by K.A. Cobell. I’m also looking forward to reading Abdi Nazemian’s newest release Desert Echoes. On a lighter note, I’m also eager to get my hands on Guava and Grudges by Alexis Castellanos. I tend to gravitate toward books featuring food and especially when that food involves baked goods.
K. Imani: I just finished reading Love Requires Chocolate by Ravynn K. Stringfield (look for my review) and have yet to decide on my Halloween reads yet, but I’m sure I will soon.
Audrey: The Witch of Wol Sin Lake by Lena Jeong is next up on my YA reading list. I’m also hoping to pick up a horror title or two for October—I’ve got my eye on The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadette’s by Hanna Alkaf.
If you want more information about the book and the writing of it, you can listen in on a discussion with the author here:
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fanonical · 8 months
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Your name is KROUWD SAWCED. Despite the fact that you only came into being TODAY, it is somehow your SIXTH WRIGGLING DAY, meaning that you are totally old enough to get an introduction of this kind.
You have interests that could be described as ESOTERIC. You will admit you are somewhat obsessed with DEATH. This isn't that unusual for trolls, obviously, but you take it to ANOTHER LEVEL. While it's not like you go out of your way to KILL, you have taken up some of the more DEADLY GAMES of your species with an enthusiasm some people would find DISTURBING. You just like the IMAGERY, particularly the TROLL GRIM REAPER, a mythical figure that is supposed to take trolls to the VARIOUS COMPLICATED TROLL AFTERLIVES when they die. Your friends say that's just a silly story for wigglers, but you like it. And you'll ARGUE that he's real until the HOOFBEASTS come home!
Some people say you have a SARCASTIC personality, and tend to be quite BITTER. You don't like the accusations of being SALTY, though. You just see things as they are, and say what's on your mind. DIRECTNESS is important to you. As is HONESTY. And it doesn't matter who you offend! If someone takes offense to what you say, you can just PUNCH them.
As a JADEBLOOD, it is your DUTY to serve the MOTHER GRUB. Most jadebloods do that in a protective, nurturing, almost LUSUS-LIKE capacity to proliferate the troll species. But you don't want to do that. You want a role that's a little more ANGRY. Ever since you were a wiggler, you've found yourself drawn to BRAWLING and FIGHTING. You usually use the weapon of the TROLL GRIM REAPER, your trusty SCYTHE - not the most practical for a brawl, but it's STYLISH and LOOKS INCREDIBLE. Your argument is that you can PROTECT the mother grub and all the troll grubs from harm.
Really, though, you just like to FIGHT THINGS. Some of your friends have tried to channel that anger into something more CONSTRUCTIVE. Your moirail introduced you to a game called DANCE DANCE INSURRECTION, which replays the bloodiest revolts and uprisings of troll history through the medium of very literal DANCE BATTLES. It's been a good way to work on some of your ANGER ISSUES without damaging your hive - or any other trolls. Your moirail thinks that's BETTER. You still think simulated violence isn't as fun as the REAL THING, but it's good TRAINING.
Your friends say it's almost as if you were MADE of RAGE. But that's probably not IMPORTANT, right?
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spumonibones · 3 months
dotHack//Genshin Impact
Gonna do periodic reblogs adding more each time, because I have SO MANY ideas and nowhere near the time to do anything with it. So I'll just tag the ships in each post that it's focusing on, and cry at the fact I'll never have time to write it in full. Might attempt one-shots?
Anyway. First one is XiaoVen, for I am weak and they are cute. (Might even write the occasional random chapter...)
It's basically a modern day setting, but majority of the characters play a MMORPG known as, "Teyvat." (Instead of, "The World") So it goes back and forth between the two.
Venti's first character he makes is Barbatos - a Flick Reaper class. (Reason: there is no archer class. I considered a Macabre Dancer, but went with Flick Reaper because a, it looks cool and b, Barbatos reminds me of Zelkova from the G.U. games. It's a vibe, I can't explain it further). He founds the Favonius Guild, of which is initially known for how relaxed it is.
Venti's second character is ToneDeafBard, a Steam Gunner (the closest to an archer class). He creates this one when the Favonous Guild deviates too far from his original intentions, and he needs a break from it.
Unfortunately, he ends up having so much fun on his new Player Character (PC) that he hasn't really logged back in to his Barbatos PC in... A long time.
Xiao's first character is Alatus, a Lord Partizan (closest thing to a Polearm) that joined his pseudo-adoptive father's guild, Guardian Adepti. (This version is based on his beta design)
Xiao's second character is VigilantYaksha, of which he created initially to experiment with the Adept Rogue class (of which I went with 100% because Xiao and Haseo have similar hair styles and the whole, "hard exterior, soft interior"). When he found out about Venti making a new PC, he offered to use this one as it was a lower level but still high enough to be helpful.
Venti and Xiao met through Zhongli, and for Xiao it was love at first sight but he was too shy to really say anything. Zhongli picked up on it, and as he knew both played, would invite Venti to join their party, or to come over and all 3 play in the same room. Over time Venti started to fall for Xiao, but neither will say anything. Everyone else seems to know, and there are bets. No one will interfere, as it'll result in getting disqualified.
Venti has a dog named Dvalin that is a Newfie, and does in fact sometimes sit on Venti to prevent him from leaving. (I considered Dvalin being a Rottie since they are big softies but people typically find them scary due to bad owners which is perfect given Dvalin's lore, but... Giant fluffy won)
Venti (26, it's a joke on us knowing Barbatos is at least 2600) has graduated from college/uni, but I've no idea what his degree is, what his job is. Xiao (23, as while I considered doing 20 to keep with Genshin we know, I didn't want much of an age gap? And the game's lore about adepti is opening their "third eye," so 23) and no idea what he's studying in college/uni, but he doesn't have a part-time job due to Zhongli wanting him to focus on school.
Xiao's roommate is Itto, and from the outside most people don't understand how that works. There's probably a story behind how it happened, but haven't decided how just yet. But the Xiao and Itto friendship is art. (Thank you, Chasm quest)
Venti shares a single bedroom apartment with his twin, Carmen (Nameless Bard, name taken from Venti's constellation title). The couch is a pull-out, and sees the most use from Xiao and Vanessa. Sometimes Venti and Carmen and Dvalin.
Venti and Xiao found themselves coming up with a role-play for their new PCs, both wanting to maintain a connection to their main PCs and to play the game's story but with some tweaks. Venti's ToneDeafBard (TDB, or just "Bard") is a reincarnation of Barbatos, but doesn't have any memories of that life but he is tasked with reviving the Goddess Istaroth (instead of Aura from the dotHack games). He is assisted by Xiao's VigilantYaksha (VY, or "Lord Yaksha"), who was requested by Zhongli's Morax to protect TDB.
TDB and VY may or may not be flirting, with both Venti and Xiao trying to decide is this okay??? It's okay if their CHARACTERS are flirting, right?? That's a normal thing to do? It totally isn't their individual crushes bleeding through and influencing the story or creating a forbidden love subplot or anything.
And since this is a dotHack-inspired Genshin AU, obviously there must be a quest to save someone who fell into a coma and may or may not be trapped in game.
While playing one day, Venti gets a message from Carmen asking for help. Obviously Venti assumes his twin means outside the game, and goes to check on him. Finds Carmen unresponsive, headphones still on. Venti rushes him to the hospital, terrified and worried sick. During this, he keeps getting notifications from his game's app. After a few stressful days, he goes to check it and then delete it but...
All the messages are from Carmen's PC, NamelessBard. And every single message says, "help me," or, "find me," at the base.
So Venti does.
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magicalara · 2 years
Red Thoughts
Aka a blob of my biggest thoughts on Madam Red and Grelle because there were and always will be the best ship in Black Butler. This is dedicated to @pop-roxs both as an apology and because I was supposed to do a redcliffe analysis anyways and then things happened so yeah. This is for you Water, you absolute cool legend
Enjoy everyone!
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Grelle Sutcliff and Angelina Dalles were never meant to love each other. In every lifetime, in every iteration, in every timeline- these two were never meant to be. Controversial, I know, but let me explain.
When we're introduced to Madam Red and Grelle in the red butler arc, they're the eccentric aunt and useless butler, nothing more, nothing less. As time goes on, we learn more about Ann and her life that she believes was taken away from her. We learn about her affection for Ciel and how, as much as she wants to love him for being the family she has and the last part of her sister that's left, all that she can feel is resentment as he also represents the life that she never got due to her sister marrying the love of her life. The main takeaways from Grelle before her transforming into the reaper we now know and love is that she's just a useless butler. She's meant to take the most unassuming role she can in order for her and Ann's murder time to go off without a hitch. That's literally it.
Then they get found out by Ciel and Sebastian and all of the backstory starts to fall into place.
Ann is grieving; she never stopped, even three years after the back to back death of her baby, her husband, and her sister and her family. When her baby and husband died, she didn't allow herself to grieve as she should have. And just when she might have gotten to a place where she could physically start to pick herself back up, the world that didn't seem like it could get any bleaker went pitch black with the fire at the Phantomhive manor. Overnight, Ann lost her sister, the love of her life, and her nephews to boot. She could barely stand to lose her baby and husband, how was she supposed to recover from this?
Her resent grew and grew until, as we know, Ann started killing. She was Madam Red, doctor and social figure, during the day and a murderer, one who wanted to take from others what the world had taken from her, by night. It's only natural that someone who wouldn't- practically couldn't- allow herself to properly feel be able to be manipulated so easily. There were sharks in the water, and her blood was the easiest to detect.
In comes the shark, Grelle Sutcliff: grim reaper obviously not happy with the person they are and has no idea how to compensate for that without making it their whole personality. Grelle says that she felt for Ann, missing the piece that would make her a true woman in the eyes of the world just as she was. Grelle claimed she saw a piece of herself in Madam Red and wanted to help her, intrigue taking over and ending with her abandoning the dispatch for years and breaking the rules of her organization. I'm not saying that she lied, but that's exactly what I'm saying.
Grelle was already unstable, Ann's similar state of unstableness just made it all the more useful when it came to using her. Grelle probably felt alive with Ann, in either a platonic or romantic sense. With this mortal, she didn't have to worry about the weight of a life. The only list was those who threw away the link between the Rippers, not one full of boring collections bound by rules and regulations. Sure, she had to trade her blood red hair in for a more human look, but Ann wouldn't leave her; she needed Grelle just as much as Grelle needed her.
All of this to get to the point that they used each other. That's all that it was meant to be. The universe never meant for them to fall in love, it meant for them to slowly kill each other until someone fell; the ironic part is that they did fall, just in a different way. Grelle fell first, and Madam Red fell harder. Them falling in love wasn't meant to happen, but they did, and what would be a more ultimate punishment than forcing you to kill your loved one?
It was a game that the two played- who would kill the other first. It was inevitable that Grelle kill Ann because (besides the obvious immortality reason) Grelle threw Ann off the deep end. They enabled each other's rage and, while Grelle would be able to rehabilitate to some degree, Ann would never be able to. Ann's fire never burned out, rather, it raged on, and continues to rage on in Ciel and Grelle. Ciel still remembers the hesitation of his aunt and as much as the brat may want to say that he didn't care about her, he very much did so. He regrets her death, even if he knows it was always going to happen. Ciel carries the weight of Ann's life in his heart, and will continue to do so until he either frees himself of his revenge or dies (this is part of the reason why I want Madam Red to come back as a bizarre doll, I want to see this child suffer), but I digress. Grelle carries Ann with her, physically, with her coat and, emotionally, by doing the one thing Ann never could: moving on.
They lived and worked with each other for three years. Ann and Grelle enabled each other's rage for three years. Ann died filled with that rage. Grelle killed her as an impulse through that rage. Grelle thought about that rage while she was locked up and let it pass through. Grelle moved on from the rage that Ann passed away holding on to. She keeps the coat as a reminder to not succumb to the rage again, lest she lose another person who understood her.
Is this a mess and this last part probably doesn't make sense? Yes. Regardless, my point is that Ann and Grelle enabled each other and it's because of this that they never were meant to fall in love to begin with. The universe played a cruel trick on them and, in the end, Grelle was able to feel the weight of a life, choosing to continue to carry that weight with her as a reminder of what it feels like. This relationship is vast and complex and one day I will conquer it and reach the peak of the mountain. Unfortunately, it is 10 PM and I have work tomorrow, so today is not that day. Until next time, my friends, this has been another one of Em's analyses.
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merakiui · 1 year
Here is one for you!
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it?
And a surprise addition! Are there any WIP you have unfinished that you aren't sure you will even come back to? If so, why?
(ask game)
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it?
I have! When I first started writing DRU last summer, I wasn't sure how to begin the story. Riddle and Cater weren't planned to be in the fic, as it was mainly a story focused on the trio and the reader. In the early version of the story, Idia was intended to play a role in the plot. I had very basic ideas in mind, but none of them were satisfying enough.
In the midst of my agonizing over where to start, I found an unfinished wip titled "Mimicry," in which you're stalked while you work at an old-fashioned diner with Riddle and Cater. The very first diner scene you read in DRU is actually taken from that wip! I was reading it again and I liked the aesthetic of The Devil's Delight so much that I thought to add it into DRU along with Riddle and Cater. I'm very happy I did because from there the story took such a lively shape!
As for the surprise question, there are quite a few unfinished twst wips I have that I'm not sure if I'll ever return to. There aren't any reasons for why they're unfinished. Although maybe it's because I'm not sure if anyone would find these plots interesting. >_< I'll list some of them below.
the devil and his halo -> it was a story in which you escape an abusive relationship only to meet Jade, and he offers you stay with him in the meantime. He's so creepy and you think he's living a double life of some sort, and after a week you think anywhere would be better than here. But Jade won't let you leave.
npc syndrome -> a story in which Idia traps you in a virtual world and you have to find a way out within a certain timeframe otherwise you'll be his forever.
grim reaping -> less of a yandere story and more of a romantic comedy, in which Grim Reaper Idia is summoning for his favorite character in a game just as you appear before him without warning and meaning. Sadly, he loses his 50/50 in the game and now he's stuck with you, a recently deceased mortal who is begging for a second chance at life. Idia tells you that second chances aren't freely given; they're earned. In order to do that, you have to accumulate enough soul points to be worthy of reincarnation. This is done by doing good deeds to ease the weight of the burdens from your previous life on your soul, which have followed you into the afterlife and have made it impossible for you to settle. Idia hates to be bothered with work and wants nothing more than to be rid of you, so he agrees to take you under his wing and help you get the amount of points needed so you can have your second chance...and so he can return to being a gamer.
monops's reflection -> I wrote half of it and stopped because I hit a writing block for that story. Looking back, I realize the concept of "Jade wanting what Floyd has" is similar to The Most Dangerous Game and so I don't think that story will ever be posted because it follows a similar concept. ^^;;;
moray pit -> this was somewhat of an obscure horror concept I had in which a small pool appears in a shallow cove one day. It looks shallow from the surface, but it goes rather deep and is a tight space that the average human can't quite venture in without getting stuck. People in your small town have started referring to it as a wishing well because if you bring an offering to the pool and drop it in it's said that what you desire most will appear. However, you must never stick your hands into the pool and try to pull up what dwells within. The last person who did that was dragged in and never seen again. But that's just a myth meant to scare people away. Or so you think until the area is roped off and put under investigation after too many souls have disappeared. Foolishly, you accept the dare from a few of your friends and stick your hand into the tiny pool, disobeying all the posted warnings. Some say your fingers will grasp seaweed, others claim the smooth weathering of gold coins. Maybe you'll feel skeletal fingers reaching for yours or a smooth tentacle curling around your wrist in greeting. In your case, you put your hand down there, feel a face that is not quite human, and for a moment all is calm. Until your finger is bitten clean off. :) that should have driven you away for good, but oddly enough you can't ignore the alluring tug the moray pit has on you.
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soulscursed · 11 months
(incomplete drabble that started from wanting to dive into some klint and barok headcanons, and ended up with incoherent rambling)
things that klint van zieks was...
... barok's major role model from an early age. though long and intricate (and hailing from beyond the Great British empire, perhaps even from the then-hostile united provinces of the Netherlands), all but the previous generation of van zieks ancestry has much bearing on its two modern sons. the late master of the van zieks estate withered away quickly after his wife died during her second childbirth; grief swallowed him whole and, along with him, all devotion to his first son and any that he might have given to his second.
barok was much too young to feel the absence of their late father. old enough to walk and to string together little sentences... 'klint! want klint! klint!' was a reported favourite, cried and shouted all through the hours of the day, much to the dismay of the maids). he was well-taught enough to mind instructions given by his older brother to behave, and just old enough to begin to retain his newest memories, but also to play make believe. he was proud to demonstrate a combination of all these skills in the corner of klint's study which he often haunted for hours on end: poorly obscured behind a pillar, his tailored cloak pulled over his lower face, brows knit into a baleful glare.
( 'what is that?' klint had teased once, tousling the hair that barok had taken such care in oiling back. the death of their father was still fresh then, the wound in his heart nowhere near ready to begin to mend. 'what are you supposed to be?'
( 'lord van zieks!' barok had snapped. no amount of covering his face would hide his reddening ears, at least not with his complexion. 'it's father!'
( and klint's heart had sunk. so far gone was their departed father that barok would never remember him as anything other than a ghost — a stranger in their own home. )
aka the tale of klint van zieks' parentification... i think the amount that barok talks about his brother? it was a horrible murder, but van zieks talks like he's never stopped mourning. of course one never does, but this feels like a 24/7 self-torment thing
i think their lives were so intertwined because of their dynamic. klint wanting to give barok the world, knowing what he himself had lost and overcompensating generously with his darling brother. but uhhhh at some point klint toes the line of "all i do is all for my brother" and begins to tiptoe into justification for other things. like murder.
i think their rship is particularly codependent in nature. vampiric, almost. even if mutually so. and i think klint does not shoulder the blame for all that — he had his many burdens throughout life. being nobility, they not only restrained 99% of their affections, but also their family affairs, to the privacy of their home. there was no counter to balance out the developing co-dependency.
i believe this co-dependency follows barok post-Professor trial. he talks about how he felt that the existence of the Reaper sometimes brings him a bizarre reassurance — as if it's klint doing justice where he could not. this goes against van zieks' morals; he operates within the constraint of the law, flawed as it is, and does what he can to pursue truth within it. because pursuing justice does not involve going and killing people you deem guilty. he's actively investigating the Reaper himself to put a stop to it, even as he bears the title for the sake of London's safety, but the fact that he sometimes takes comfort in it... crazy. talk of a man who idolised his brother far too blindly to think "maybe my brother is the Professor" more than just Once, despite the fact they keep hunting dogs... and klint was gone often during that time... and he was acting bizarrely...
barok may have formed this relationship one-sidedly with stronghart, who filled the role (however vaguely) of a guardian after the Professor trial. explains as well why barok would have been blind to his ... general demeanour.
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childotkw · 2 years
Though I’m loving the lucemond turn your tumblr has taken (ruination is a masterpiece even though it only has one (1) chapter), can we talk more about that albus x Harry x Gellert AU? Any new headcanons or snippets on that front?
Sorry about the delay! I don't know about masterpiece but it definitely fun to write and share - everyone's been so nice about it so far :D
It's been a while since I've thought about Stepped Off The Beaten Path, but I'm sure I can scrounge up some words for you 💕
--- -- --- -- ---
"Where on earth have you brought me?" Gellert muttered, shaking his boot to try and clear some of the thick mud clinging to it. Not that it would do much good, given that it had rained last night and the road they appeared on was made of the stuff.
Harry watched, mildly amused, but didn't answer him. Instead, he looked over the fields and farmland around them until the crops eventually gave way to the rough structures and houses that made up Godric's Hollow.
Home, in all the ways that didn't count. If life had been kinder, in his time, Harry might have grown up knowing every stone and brick and tree of this place. Now though, he was as much a stranger to it as Gellert was.
"Come on," he ordered, setting off down the muddy track that would bring them to town.
"You are being awfully mysterious," Gellert remarked, trotting obediently behind. It had surprised Harry when they had first met, how easily the man took directions. Considering just who Gellert ended up becoming, Harry had expected more protest, more pushback...anything but this mellow compliance and willingness to follow Harry across the country without question.
Then again, Gellert was also operating under the assumption that Harry was some kind of death god or reaper or whatever, so that probably played a role.
"It's part of my charm," Harry murmured, his attention hardly on their conversation now that they had reached the edge of the town. He was tempted to just cut to the chase and cast a spell - but that would be suspicious.
He sighed, tipping his head back and staring at the dull grey sky.
No. If he wanted Gellert and Albus to meet, it would have to be natural. Casual. Dragging one right to the other's doorstep would just put them both on the defensive.
Harry groaned loudly, his headache compounding as he shoved his previous, poorly-constructed plan to the side and started on the next, hopefully more successful, one.
"Do you want to see if there's a hotel here, or do you want to just stay in our tent outside of town?" he asked, turning to Gellert.
The blond wizard paused, frowning as his sharp little mind started to run. Harry was content to let Gellert think, but right at that second he registered the presence right behind him.
He stiffened, then twisted on his heels and came face-to-face with a very familiar, though painfully young, man.
Oh shit, Harry thought, his eyes widening.
"Good morning," Albus Dumbledore, sixteen and bright-eyed, greeted. He smiled kindly at Harry, brushing some of his auburn hair out of his face. "I couldn't help but overhear - did you need directions to the inn?"
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stargazeraldroth · 11 months
Poor Ink is gonna get separated from Gin no matter what, huh-
Reaper!!! We do need to bring him into this, the poor man is lonely- I just. Forgot about him in this AU until you mentioned him, whoops- But! Yes, he is Absolutely working overtime because of all the shit that’s gone wrong- He’s prooobably not too happy about that, and he’s definitely investigating with the intention of having Words with whoever the hell is responsible for this mess… The big question is when he gets dragged into everything. Hm.
When you think about it, poor Error is probably being knocked for a bit of a loop in this AU, himself… Having to help Ink? Someone else causing more destruction than him? I almost wonder if his attempts to cheer up Ink might also be attempts to cheer himself up, haha.
Yeah, I’m not one to nitpick myself- If I don’t like something, I just leave the page, heh. But it does get very frustrating when it’s always your favorites that are demonized for… No real reason, aside from making the real bad guys look better? Personality swap really is what’s going on there half the time… And! Uuugh I knooowww, why is it always Ink, people??? The poor guy just wants to protect the Multiverse and feel things! People’s insistence on making it because he’s soulless feels… Off, to me, like you said- It isn’t something he has control over, and how determined people are to make his soullessness and subsequent consumption of his paints out to be evil and The Worst Thing Ever is… Well, as someone who struggles with emotions and takes medication, it makes me a bit uncomfortable, myself. I do recall the posts you’re talking about, though! Nothing specific off the top of my head, but they did resonate with me.
I mean, realistically? People don’t care about Reaper and Life (and the Stars, let’s be honest) as much because they don’t have blatantly tragic backstories that they have allowed to completely shape their current sense of self. Nightmare causes a surplus of negativity and despair almost to achieve a sense of revenge for not being as appreciated as Dream, and he pretty much refuses to let himself heal from his trauma as a child. Error is, however much people try and act like FGoD is canon to his story (it isn’t), a psychotic manchild with the vibes of a god complex and the power to back it up, who pretty much loathes everything that isn’t exactly as he wants it, and has been horrendously affected by his extensive isolation in the antivoid and his past issues (whether people think he remembers them or not) as Geno. Reaper and Life, meanwhile, while not always happy with their roles, also notably ARE NOT making it anyone else’s problem- There’s none of the “I can fix them” allure, I think, because, well, there’s nothing to fix. By all accounts, they’re incredibly stable for their situation and have long since adapted to any of the disadvantages coming from it. There’s nothing about how what Nightmare’s Gang and Error get up to would affect the Balance of Life and Death because there isn’t a perceived need to justify horrific actions taken by the Life Cycle duo, because they don’t commit horrific acts- Hell, Reaper resigns himself to an eternity of being touch starved to avoid the possibility of that!
Uuuhhh that got long sorry for the rant but basically- People aren’t as invested in Life and Reaper because they’re aren’t Edgy Enough for them, and also don’t have a need to have their lifestyles justified because they’re ultimately reasonable, stable people. Or something, haha.
Yes! Yes yes yes!!! People are sooo quick to jump on the Stars for “not acknowledging the necessity of negativity and destruction” enough or whatever, but only until it’s convenient for their favs- Then, it becomes a show of how Evil and Awful Ink must be, creating such horrible AUs that have deeply hurt the poor, innocent Bad Guys! Never mind that creating AUs has never once been shown to be something Ink does, and never mind that he only encourages Creators to do exactly that- Create. He doesn’t realistically have any control over what they do with the inspiration he gives them, but nooo, it’s definitely all Ink’s fault. It also definitely can’t be a result of them having free will and making their own choices, and it can’t be their fault that the consequences of their actions have caught up to them. Like, at least make up your mind people! Does Ink force the AUs to stay on a certain path to get “his desired results” or something (no, he doesn’t, that goes against who he is as a concept)? Because last I checked, he isn’t holding a fucking gun to Dust’s head and forcing him to kill his brother. That’s all on Dust himself. Does he somehow write “his desired results” into the codes and scripts of the AUs (no, because he doesn’t make the AUs)? Because if that’s the case and he did create the AUs and their scripts, why make it a possibility for them to hate him for that at all- Why give them the free will to do that, if he cares so much for “his scripts,” and why give them the ability to leave and cause problems in other AUs, disrupting those scripts? And that’s not even getting into how, if they make Dream the bad guy with Ink, they’ll be willing to just conveniently shuffle that aside whenever needed to hate on him for being “too positivity oriented” and not admitted how necessary negativity is… You know. The negativity they just condemned Ink for “creating.” I’m not sure if I’m making sense, I feel like I’m getting too frustrated to be truly coherent, but I definitely agree with you either way-
Don’t worry, I forget about them too (they feel like a very restrictive concept to me and don’t provide a lot of wiggle room, haha), but when I do remember them it’s always because people are vilifying Ink for being “Fate’s Favorite Child,” never mind that, even if an abuser’s favorite isn’t being physically abused and are, in a twisted way, loved, they can still be mentally and emotionally abused- What if Ink’s being infantilized and Fate never lets him make his own choices, removing his ability to truly be his own person and meet his own needs (that she might refuse to acknowledge)? What if she’s highly unstable and prone to emotionally tearing him apart if he does something she doesn’t like, leaving his self esteem in shreds? What if he’s always feeling like he’s walking on egg shells whenever she’s near because he never knows what could set her off, and what she could do when it inevitably happens? What if he never feels safe to express himself? What if she’s engaging in love bombing and guilt tripping and gaslighting, leaving him feeling uneven and unsure of reality? Even if he’s the favorite without being physically hurt, that doesn’t translate to good things, people! His state of being soulless doesn’t (or shouldn’t) diminish the horror that can stem from that position. Hell, if anything, it gives her something to hold over his head- Who’s to say she wouldn’t point out how freakish his soullessness and paints make him, only to, in the same breath, assure him that she won’t judge him like everyone else does? Just… Aaauuuggghhh, it annoys me! It annoys me so much!!!
Also what the FUCK since when has ERROR been a green flag? The hell???
Buddy if you’re bitchy then I’m Mega Bitchy, this stuff just. Gets to me. I’m with you, though, it’s the reason I largely prefer FGoC content- Usually, everyone is (relatively) in character, and Ink gets to keep his genuinely kindhearted bestie who cares about him and his well-being (AKA Dream). Like! Let my boys be friends who care for each other!!!
Long live the paintbrush! And yeah, that would definitely make this even more hellish for poor Ink… A constant reminder of what he sees as him at his worst, with no way to escape and no method of even going to that state himself to avoid processing all of this. He’s definitely overthinking it all and wondering if he was meant to get his paints in the first place- Was he meant to be as statue still as them, once? Was he meant to remain with them, standing silently? Just. He’s suffering so much, and every little feeling is magnified because he’s in the worst possible place he can be in.
Nightmare is sipping a martini and watching the Multiverse go to hell like he’s on vacation- Which, really, he kind of is! And he has Dream to thank for it! Sure, he might’ve wanted to rule the Multiverse, but seeing his do-no-harm, goody-two-shoes, holier-than-thou brother completely betray everything he stands for makes up for not being able to do that anymore very nicely.
🌧️ Rainy Anon 🌧️
RAINY WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS, OH MY GOD- this is such a delayed response, I'm so sorry. Given how long it's been my responses might be like, complete garbage. But it's gonna be okay, it's fine.
Lol, don't worry Rainy, I forget about Reaper in most of my larger scale AUs too. I don't really focus much on him in general, like in Balanceswap, but I usually explain his absence with "He's busy doing Reaper things". I think it counts as a legitimate explanation. After all, death never stops, right? Maybe Reaper can get involved when the AUs get mass destroyed? Does that still happen in this AU? Like I said, it's been a while- I don't really remember what things were established and what things weren't. But if it does, I think something of that scale would be way too big for him to push off for later.
I can definitely see Error's attempts to cheer Ink up as a double intention, he's trying to cheer himself up and distract himself from the fact that someone's doing his job better than he is. To be fair, I imagine Ink would do something similar if someone were to, say, doa better job at protecting the AUs than him. Ink's just like "Don't think about being replaced, don't think about being replaced"
I feel like a way to make an FGOD story more interesting, while keeping some of the common elements people use, is having Ink be aware of the Balance... but so desensitized to it (and the ways of the Multiverse) that he just can't... sympathize with Error's inner conflict. He knows the Balance exists and how it works, he knows that destruction is a necessary counterpart to creation. The problem comes in the fact that, rather than him being soulless (I really do think people need to be a bit more creative with their reasons as to why Ink's a villain in these stories, aside from being soulless. I think I said this before, but using a condition he has no control over to villainize him seems... icky), he's been around long enough and has witnessed so many things concerning the Balance that he doesn't react to it anymore. Maybe there was a God of Destruction before Error, or a different God filling a different role (for example: Nim was the Guardian of both Positivity AND Negativity prior to creating the Twins), and they did something that essentially made the Balance turn against them and label them as a threat. Something I tend to use a lot for Ink is that, aside from being the Protector, he's kinda like the Balance's vessel. He enacts its will, so to speak. And being the Protector, he has to eliminate threats to the AUs (or the Multiverse), right? And if a fellow God becomes a threat, well... you see where that's going. Instead of making Ink's villainy come solely from a condition that affects how he thinks and behaves, I would have his negative character be a twisted way of trying to PROTECT Error from the inevitable consequences of trying to abandon his role.
Break-up for the wall of text.
Ink's soulless state can still be relevant! I'm not saying we should ignore that entirely. But like I said, being soulless affects how a person thinks and behaves, as seen with Flowey. That being said, being soulless is kinda like an equivalent to mental and/or personality disorders, and we know those don't just automatically make someone a bad person. Experiences have a big impact, too. So we can have his soulless state be influential in how he thinks and acts, but there needs to be MORE to his motives than something so... well, not to get controversial or sound self-righteous, but... stereotypical. If Ink's soulless state was replaced with something else, like an established disorder or condition, I think people would have a bigger issue with so many using that to villainize him.
So! Ink's soulless state makes it difficult for him to sympathize with Error's turmoil because, even with the paints, he still feels emotions differently. In terms of how he thinks, experiences, people. Experiences. Ink's mindset and way of thinking aren't set in stone, just the same as any other character. Using the idea that Ink's been around longer than everyone else has, he's experienced more than they have. Rather than him somehow not knowing the Balance exists, have him know something about the Balance that Error and the others DON'T. And if you wanna use the whole "Staying on script" thing, then give him a reason for it! Sure, maybe it's for his own amusement, but what if... and hear me out, I might sound a little crazy... there are consequences if an AU strays too far from the script?
Oh wait. That would give Ink some rationality and a considerable argument. And we can't have that! He's supposed to be evil incarnate to counter our precious little saint.
I don't want to dominate this ask with FGOD rambles, so I'll just leave it there. Also because I'm getting bored talking about my concept for an FGOD story, and for the record, I have no intention on writing it. It's just a concept for if I did write one while keeping some of the more iconic traditions (is that what they'd be called?) in the fanfics I have read.
I kinda have to disagree with you on this part, Rainy. I get where you're coming from, but out of the Star Sanses, Blue's the only one who doesn't have a tragic backstory. I mean, Ink's backstory is really nothing BUT tragedy. And that tragedy leads to his soulless state (which people villainize to hell and back), which shapes his personality. As for Dream, they're literally pulling the "His trauma was worse than yours" card. Dream's life wasn't perfect either, people. He was overworked by the villagers and emotionally manipulated by them to keep serving them. The twins experienced different forms of abuse and suffering, but they both suffered significantly. And remind you, they were 6. 6 YEARS OLD. And these people expect Dream to respond to the situation with perfect, flawless, god-level rationality and be able to resolve every single problem to have appeared in the world. Like... do you people even hear yourselves? Why are you putting all of the blame for Nightmare's suffering on a 6 YEAR OLD CHILD who was ALSO A VICTIM instead of the ACTUAL VILLAINS, aka the VILLAGERS? The ones who are actually adults and should be thinking rationally and know better? It's like... they're treating Nightmare and Error as these helpless, innocent victims who need to be coddled and can't get so much as a slap on the wrist for their trauma, and then use that same trauma to villainize the other two and give them the death sentence on account of simply existing.
I will agree with you about Reaper and Life, though. I don't know what happens with them tbh.
BUT YES PREACH IT RAINY! PREACH IT! In these AUs, they only care about Destruction and Negativity being able to freely exist until it can't be used to cater to their precious, untouchable favs. And maybe I'm starting to come across as condescending, but if you're going to put these double standards, then CALL THEM OUT ON THEM! From what I've seen, Ink and Dream and co. are always getting called out and criticized for double standards, but they're suddenly okay when Error or Nightmare has them? Also, I brought this up during the other asks about the False FGOD AU, but where's the proof? What's the argument they're using to convince everyone? Because without actual proof, it's all a game of He Said vs She Said. You can't just say "I'm actually the good guy and they're evil!" and expect everyone to just believe you instantly. That's... that's not how it works. They shame Blue and co. for blindly believing Ink, but if they don't blindly believe in Error and co., they're the bad guys for expressing doubt and being wary. Again, double standards. Also, loving how the Murder Trio can literally choose to murder people of their own free will (there are other ways to cause negative feelings), but god forbid Dream raises his voice at Nightmare even slightly, when Dream has completely justified reasons to be pissed with him too.
AGAIN, I DON'T HATE FGOD. I hate how it's frequently executed in this black-and-white vision, waters all the characters down to "Saint" or "Most Evil Person To Ever Be Conceptualized", and hardly has any logic to anyone's actions other than "This person is good and this one's evil". FGOD has so, so, SO much potential that keeps getting wasted because people just won't... branch off from the bare bones! It's an AU, it's a fanfic! Get creative! Get your hands messy! Try out different things!
Also, never ask me about Fate or Destiny. This goes for everyone. I don't know those two, I only know the Creators/Voices. And that's it. They basically fill the same roles regardless. But those are also good points about how Fate is also the real villain in this case, and how she influences and molds Ink into becoming a villain as well. Having Ink as a victim of abuse could be relatable for many people and provide more understanding as to why he acts the way he does. But noo, Ink's Evil Incarnate, he's allowed to have any sympathetic or relatable qualities, and if you do sympathize with him or see his points, you're a villain too!
LMFAO Error's such a red flag it even shows in his eyes. I'm- I'm actually writing a oneshot based on the "Red Flags" song for Errorink.
I gotta agree with you. Maybe I sound biased because Ink is my kin and comfort character, but I feel like FGOC content fleshes out the characters more and gives them dynamics. I actually need to start reading FGOC stuff again, does anyone have any recommendations? Also, Dream is one of the sweetest, genuinely nicest characters in the AU canon. Is it such a crime to let this angel be an angel. Why can't both twins be good, acknowledge that neither of them are perfect, and reconcile. Why do people insist on turning victims of the same abusers against each other.
I like how the conversation about the actual AU gets cleaved in half by our rants about how people portray characters, that's great. So much so that when I get to the part about the actual AU, I'm like "Oh yeah, that's what we're talking about". At least, if Ink was just teleported back to his unfinished AU but didn't get his soul back, he'd eventually be able to just... shut down.
Fucking Nightmare. I love this pompous asshole so damn much.
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omegaverserping · 1 year
Name: Reaper!
URL: Reaper (tumblr.com)
Age (Please click here): 26 Years old
Preferred Way of RPing: Discord
Time Zone : EST
First, Second, or Third Person point of view?: Third Person, past tense
Preferred Role (Alpha/Omega/Beta/All): Prefer Omega but can play Alpha
Preferred Pairing: MxM Only
Do you prefer to RP with OCs (Original Characters), Fandom, or both?: OcxOc!
OCs (Optional to list them here or share them with your RP Partner): I have my original characters all listed on my blog in their own tab! Not every has their info filled out yet but I can still play them!
Favorite AUs: - Royalty - Anything with monsters - Sugar Daddy/ Sugar baby
Triggers: - Bathroom kinks - Obsession
Preferred length when replying: I typically response with 1-3, maybe more paragraphs and prefer my roleplay partner have a similar length.
How long would like to RP for? Longterm
Prompt(s) that you would like to share for a potential partner (Optional x):
I am currently looking to do a specific type of roleplay! Something along the lines of pet play but not so extreme. Essentially your character would be a pillow prince, someone fully content with being taken care of entirely. They would be comfortable letting my character take control and make decisions for them in a consenting way. I’m not looking for someone whose character is a brat or angry in any way, looking for something more soft and easy.  I am also open to other types of ideas!
Would you be willing to brainstorm a prompt (Y/N)?: Yes!
Omegaverse tropes that you DO NOT like to use (Use N/A if you have none x): Slick, extreme over feminization of omegas
Omegaverse tropes that you DO enjoy using often and would like to use in your RP (Use N/A if you don’t mind using certain/any tropes): Heat/Rut Scenting/Marking Animal aspects (ears/tails)
Anything else that you would like to mention or say?: I don't particularly understand O/O or A/A so please don't respond to this with the hopes of that! Also I am perfectly fine and even encourage omegas that are feminine, I just don't want them to be so over feminized it sounds like you're describing a woman. I also am not overly fond of brat omegas, it's tiresome to me, gimme me soft and sweet omegas!
I will not accept any partners who use real life face claims or stolen art from the internet. Picrews, your own art or written description is perfectly fine. If we click well enough I'll likely even draw your oc!
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The Reaper and the Death Angel Part 55
Series Masterlist
Part 54
Contains: Fluff, angst, so much smut (phone sex, sex toys, M and F masturbation, fingering, oral sex M and F receiving, fingering, P in V, aftercare.
7.7k words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #the reaper and the death angel.
A new beginning.
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Everyone was at breakfast when the camera beeped, "it's Juice, I'll go get it."
You open the door and invited him in and Juice sat at the table, "help yourself Juicy."
He smiled, "thank you Ima."
He piled his plate high, "what's brought you here toady, other than breakfast?"
"I just wanted some company."
You smiled, "well, that's what where her for, is there something on your mind?"
Juice looked at Jax who put a hand on his shoulder, "we're here for you man, whatever it is."
He took a deep breath, "do you think it's all over now that Clay's dead?"
There was quiet for a beat, "yeah, it's over. You have your last run in two weeks and then the Club is free and clear."
Juice smiled softly, "are you sure? You know who this goes, what if Clay had something in place?"
You sighed, "honey, the CIA would know. Why don't you take some time off, I'll give Jess the week and you can head to the cabin and get you brain right."
Jax nodded, "yeah man, it's not like we don't have enough people to cover you."
Juice relaxed, "thank you."
You smiled, "now finish your fruit."
It had been a week and a half since Clay died and things had calmed down, you and Jax were sitting in your office going through wedding invite samples, "I like these ones." To your surprise, Jax had taken an active role in the whole thing, but in the end he always ended up going with what you liked, reasoning that you had better taste than him.
"Yeah so do I, see Teller, you do have good taste."
He smiled from ear to ear. The invites chosen were simple, off white oval paper with black writing and green embossed flowers. The envelope was deep forest green with a gold sticker to close it. "What are you going to say?"
You shrugged, "I don't know, there's not much of a dress code, I can't give anything away but I will be asking the women to limit florals."
Jax did his best to hide his smile, "that's all the hint I'm going to get, you know that whole bad luck thing is bulshit."
You huffed, "you are going to be surprised and that's that. Now we need to work out seating."
Jax threw his clothes into his bag, "gee, what did your underpants ever do to you except keep me from touching your butt?"
Jax gave you a small smile, "I don't want to be gone for a week plus, I know this will be the last one but I'm honestly getting sick of leaving."
You sighed, "it's the last one, the Niners will be there and it's not like we have any enemies anymore, things will turn out fine."
Jax smiled, "yeah, all thanks to you."
He walked over to you and pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your hair, "I am one lucky man."
You stepped back with a smile on your face, "you want to feel even luckier?"
Jax smirked, "sure darlin."
You went to the bedside drawer and took a plain black box out then held your hand out, "your phone please."
Jax handed you his phone and looked on with curiosity and you downloaded an app and picked up the box, "it's a very pink calendar."
You shook your head, "open it."
He clicked on the icon while you opened the box, "oh, this is not a calendar."
You shook your head, "I know how much you hate being parted from me so I came up with a solution, I have the same app on my phone and it connects with Bluetooth to the vibrator, you get to control the settings from your phone. I figure we on a video call and you can watch rather than just hear how much fun I am having."
Jax picked up the vibrator from the open box, "it's small."
You sighed, "it's not that small, don't be egotistical."
Jax chuckled, "so you're going to let me choose everything?"
You nodded, "yep, you can even lock me out of the controls if you want."
He put his hand out, "your phone little girl."
You gave it to him with the app open and showed him where to click, "so I've got all the power?"
"Yep, all I can do is turn it off. You wanna try it out before hand?"
He shook his head, "nah, I'll make sure I have my whole night free so we can have all the fun in the world."
Jax called you on night two, having spent last night on the side of the road sleeping in the truck with everyone else, "how's the hotel?"
He smiled, "dirty, can you move the laptop back a bit, I want to see more of you." He smirked as you shifted it, taking you in from his laptop that was perched on the old, ratty bedside table. His bare chest and grey sweatpants making it hard for you to focus on the room around him.
"How was your day?"
Jax's voice was filled with affection, "it's was alright, Abel's doing really well. Work was work, some cops in Oakland mishandled evidence and it looks like a killer is going to walk free but we're trying to fix that. What about you?"
Jax smiled, "been on the road all day long, we saw a deer and Sam kept calling Ima every chance he got."
"Yeah, she kept texting me to tell me how attentive he's been, as unnecessary as it is, I think it's making her feel better."
Jax smiled, "he also bought a whole bunch of baby stuff at a fancy store near the diner we stopped at."
You laughed, "oh boy, it's only going to get worse. Has he told you if he wants a boy or a girl?"
Jax shook his head with a smile, "no, but I think he wants a girl because he kept going back to the hair brushes."
"He'll be a good girl dad. How's everyone else?"
Jax made a face, "I think Happy wants Ima to have a girl because he encouraged Sam to buy so much, he's weirdly good with babies."
You laughed, "oh, I know. How are the Niners?"
Jax swallowed, "LeRoy and Pope are still at each other, I give it a few months before Pope has him knocked off."
You snorted, "dude doesn't want his daughter dating a business associate, it's understandable."
"I like your shirt."
You huffed, "you lasted five minutes before you made it sexual, you are insufferable."
Jax chuckled, "what, I can't tell you I like your shirt? You know how hot I think you're old military gear is."
You shook your head, "it's full of holes and I'm pretty sure there's a crude oil stain on it."
Jax laughed, "so what, it's sexy."
You pressed your lips together, "you want me to take it off?"
He licked his lips, "yep."
Jax's eyes followed your hands as you wrapped then around the hem of the T-shirt and pulled it off, leaving you in just a pair of panties, "happy my love?"
He smiled, "very, I fucking love your tits."
You giggled, "yes, I know, you tell me all the time."
Jax smirked, "touch yourself for me?"
You smiled and ran your hand across your upper chest, "like this?"
"Lower darlin." You smiled and moved your hands downwards, wrapping your hand around your breast while your thumb gently rubbed your nipple, "there you go, does that feel good gorgeous?"
You nodded, "yes Jax."
His hands were still in front of him but you could see a growing bulge in his pants. "you want more?"
You sighed and warmth began to spread through your body, "please."
"You're so polite. Run your hand down your body, real slow like how I'd do it, I know you love how rough my hands are." You did as he asked, stopping to play with the hem of your underpants as you waited for his next instructions. "I bet you're wet, you wanna check for me." You slid your hand into your panties and ran your index and middle finger through your slit, "are you darlin?"
You nodded, "yes, very much so."
Jax smirked, "you got the toy there?"
You reached over the laptop and produced it, wiggling back and forth, "this one?"
He licked his lips, "yep, you wanna see if it works?"
You beep booped on your phone while Jax did the same, the vibrator coming to life, "ah ha, the miracle of technology."
Jax chuckled, "you're such a dork."
You giggled, "what would you like me to do with it, my love?"
Jax smirked his hand drifting down his hard body to make its way around his cock, "lay on your back for me, this isn't the best angle."
You flipped from your side to your back, "that better?"
Jax huffed, "fuck, can you put the laptop on something, I want to see more of you."
You looked around the room, "I can do that, give me two seconds."
You got up and picked up a chair, placing a few paces away from the bed before putting the laptop on the seat, Jax chuckled, "what?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "you have bees on your butt."
You giggled, "yes I do, is there something funny about that?"
You laid back on the bed and Jax's eyes raked over your skin, "Nah, it's cute. Take em off."
You did as he asked, throwing them across the room. Jax had his phone in one hand and his cock in the other, turning on the vibrator on low, "how's that darlin?"
You smiled, "well I don't know, you haven't told me I can use it yet."
Jax grunted, "behave, you did leave me with the controls." Jax clenched his jaw, "put it down and start with your fingers, I want you to be nice and ready before we really start."
You bent one of your legs on the other side so he could see more of you as your fingers found your clit, "like this?"
Jax groaned, "yeah, just like that." Jax's hand was moving slowly, building himself up at the same pace as you were. "now rub that spot inside you just like I would." You slid your fingers inside yourself and pressed your G-spot Jax grunted at your gasp, "how does that feel?"
You whimpered, "good, but not as good as when you do it."
Jax's voice was filled with gravel, "yeah, and why is that darlin?" You locked eyes with him, Jax was smirking at you despite the pleasure in his eyes, "your hands are so much nicer. They're bigger and rougher and yours are warm."
He chuckled, "yeah, I bet you don't feel full either."
You shook your head, "no, I feel empty."
"I can fix that for you." His phone was back in his hand, "take that thing and rub your clit with it, tell me if it's too strong yeah?"
You moaned as you pressed the buzzing toy to your clit, "it feels nice."
Jax's hand was moving faster on his cock, "good, press a little harder for me." As you did, he turned it up and you swallowed a gasp.
"You look real pretty like laying out for me, next time we use this thing I'm going to be right next to you, would you like that little girl?."
You nodded, "yes please."
Jax moaned, squeezing the base of his cock to back himself off from the edge, "good girl, now I want you fuck yourself with it, can you do that for me?"
You did as he asked, circling your entrance before sliding the toy in, Jax groaning, "that's it, my good girl." He turned it up and you gripped the sheet, the pleasure spreading through your body. "You gonna come for me little girl?" Jax was close himself, doing his best to focus on the dirt on the walls rather than the way your hips were moving against the toy.
"Jax, please."
He grunted again, more desperate this time, "let go, I'm right there with you." The moment the words left his mouth, you were aching off the bed and clenching around the toy, by the sound Jax was making, he was right behind you.
You heaved in a breath, "you good?"
Jax chuckled, "yeah, I'm good. Are you?"
You sighed, "I'm great, I need to go clean up, I'll be back in a second"
Jax smiled, "me too, you wanna come with?"
You snorted, "no, you weirdo." You both came back and settled into bed, "that was fun."
Jax smiled, "oh yeah, that was great, I am definitely going to take advantage of this app every chance I get."
"Of course you are, you are terrible Jackson."
He chuckled, "yep, just the worst."
You giggled, "so I thought I'd let you know now while we're both enjoying the post sex glow, Billy is going to call Opie and they're planning our bachelor slash bachelorette party. It's either going to be amazing or the worst time on earth, there will be no in between."
Jax shook his head, "I know, I'm pretty sure Billy called Ope right after he called you. What do you think they're planning?"
You shrugged, "I have no idea, I can try and get it out of Frank, he might tell me."
Jax nodded, "should I try Juice?"
You shook your head, "no, he can keep a secret when it counts, Kip will slip the beans if you ask him."
"You have all the answers, don't you?"
You smiled, "it's that why you're marrying me?"
He chuckled, "one of the many reasons. I'm sorry I'm not there to tuck you in."
You wanted to reach through the screen and touch him, "it's alright, I can tuck myself in. You'll be home soon anyway."
"Yeah, I'm counting down the days. Goodnight darlin, I love you."
"I love too you, goodnight beloved."
You were shopping with Ima and Abel, Jax and Sam were coming home the next day and they had complained about the food non stop so you and Ima were going to make sure they had something nice to eat when they got home.
"When's your next appointment?"
She smiled, "a week, we're going to keep the sex a secret, Sam wants to be surprised."
You huffed, "Jax says he wants a little girl."
Ima placed a hand over her tiny bump, "I don't really care what the baby is but Sam would be good with a little girl. I think he'd worry too much about a little boy becoming a good man."
You nodded, "that's what happens when you're raised by your sister, the first male role model in his life was when he joined the corp. He's not sure if he'll do it right. Don't worry, he won't be disappointed if the baby is a boy."
She took a deep breath, "I know, he's going to be a good dad."
"And you're going to be a good mother and that baby is going to be fine. I know how worried you are, with everything that's going on that's perfectly normal. I have an ultrasound machine at the lab, if you ever get worried just stop by and we'll sort it out." She opened her arms and pulled you into a hug, Abel joining you, his little arms not fitting around anyone.
"Everything's going to be ok?"
You nodded, "yep, everything is going to be fine."
"Hello my love."
Jax all but collapsed into your arms, "hey darlin, I missed you."
He pressed his lips to yours in a slow, long kiss, "I'm here too you know."
You chuckled, "hello Sam, you smell like a foot."
Sam shook his head, "miss you too sis."
Ima pressed her face to his chest, "you don't need to go away again do you?"
Sam shook his head and rubbed his hand up and down her arm, "no sweetheart, we don't."
You sighed, "Ima and I are getting dinner on, you guys clean up."
Jax smiled a pressed a kiss to your forehead, "thanks darlin."
Jax walked away, his hand lingering in yours. Ima rubbed her face, "you really think that's it?"
You nodded, "yeah, I'm guessing these long runs will be for fun only from now on."
You and Jax were lying in bed later that night, your head on Jax's bare chest while he ran his fingertips up and down your upper arm. "How was the run?"
Jax exhaled, "long and hard, I miss you so much."
You huffed, "did you miss me or did you miss fucking me?"
Jax smirked, "both, I think that night over video call made everything worse, I was hearing you in my head the next day on repeat."
You giggled, "that must have made riding hard."
Jax's hand squeezed your upper arm, his hand coming up to hold your cheek while his thumb drifted over your lips, "yeah, you wanna make it up to me?"
You batted your eyelashes at him as his thumb focused more on your lower lip. "Of course I do, what do you have in mind?"
He moved his hand and brushed a strand of hair off your face, "what do you think darlin?"
You bit your lip, "you want me to suck your cock?"
Jax nodded, smiling with lust in his eyes, "every damn day." You turned onto your stomach, lying on top of him, chest to chest as you pressed your lips to his.
"I'd like that too." You kissed over his face, moving up one cheek, across to the next one then down his neck. You pressed your lips from collarbone to collar bone then down his chest, running the tip of your tongue around his nipple while his hand made its way to the back of your head.
You kissed down his stomach, the muscles jumping at the soft brush of your lips. When you reached the hem of his grey sweatpants, his hand moved to your crow in a tender stroke and you pulled them down, his hard, leaking cock springing free. You met his eye then licked a stripe from base to tip, Jax taking in a sharp breath.
"Oh fuck I missed you."
You giggled as you wrapped your hand around the base and started to stroke him, "I missed you too, and your dick, mostly your dick."
Jax pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing, "behave."
You chuckled and took a deep breath, blowing a raspberry on his lower abdomen, "never."
Jax burst into full blown laughter, his abs contracting under your hand. "Now you're just being a brat."
You shook your head, "yeah I know. I'm going to suck your dick now."
Jax smiled down at you, his hand rubbing your cheek, "that would be nice." You kitten licked the head and Jax sighed as you wrapped your lips around him and sucked him into your mouth.
Jax grunted as you hollowed your cheeks and lowered your head farther, you reached up with one hand and he linked his fingers with yours. He grunted as you pulled back slightly, "you're killing me here darlin." His voice was rough as you pushed him closer to the edge. Jax's thumb was stroking your cheekbone while he heaped on the praise.
It didn't take long before he was tapping your cheek and you cupped his balls closer to his body, Jax moaning your name as he came. You kissed back up his body, following the same soft slow path as before and landed on his lips, Jax returning your kiss sleepily, "I'm going to go clean up, I'll be back."
He reached out and grabbed your wrist, his thumb running back and forth over the skin, "what about you darlin?"
You smiled, "I didn't do it to get anything back and you can't keep your eyes open, I don't want you falling asleep on top of me."
He chuckled, "I wouldn't you're too fucking hot for me to."
You shook your head, "if you're still awake when I get back we can talk about it." You pecked Jax one last time then walked off, sure enough, he was fast asleep when you returned.
You woke up in the morning to your shirt lifted up, Jax's hand on your ribs and his lips moving across your stomach, "good morning beloved."
He smiled against your skin, "good morning darlin."
You sighed, "I need to be at work in half an hour, there's a huge case and we don't have the time to enjoy this."
Jax dropped his head, resting it on your chest while his hands stroked your skin, "you're sure?"
You nodded, "yep, we'll have to pick this up tonight."
He lifted his head with a smirk, "why don't you stop by T-M at lunch, my office is always free."
You brought your hand to his cheek and he turned his head to kissed your palm, "because the body is one of ours, a boy from the high school."
Jax's face fell, "how are the parents?"
You sat up, Jax sitting up with you, "how do you think. My main theory right now is that it was a student, Hale's been there four times to talk about bullying."
"Kids killings kids, I think I'll stick with being yelled at by angry customers."
"Well then, someone needs to tell Hale he needs to go and arrest two teenage boys. Any bet the judge's kid is out within the hour."
Holt sighed, "who's turn is it this time?"
You thought for a moment, "mine, I'll make the call now. How long before the blowback hits?"
Holt shook his head, "I give it a day or two before we're up to our eyebrows in floaters and sewer corpses."
"Just fucking great, I'll make sure Jess gets all the paperwork in order."
Jax was still waiting up for you at two in the morning when you came home, "bad day?"
You nodded, "yep, and I have bad news, I'm going to be on night shift for the next two and a half weeks."
Just stood up and pulled you into his arms, "because of the judge?"
You weren't surprised that word had spread, "yep, I'm going to miss your butt so much."
Jax chuckled, "you've been on night shift before and we've still made time, stop worrying."
You smiled and buried your head in his chest, "I'm not going to get to read Abel a bedtime story, I'm going to be eating dinner at my desk, I'll miss the puppy snores."
Jax smiled and squeezed your tighter, "alright, let's get you showered and tucked in and then we can talk about whatever's going on because I don't think this is about the night shift."
Jax placed his hand on your lower back and walked you up the stairs, then slowly peeled off your clothing and got you into the shower, sitting close by in the bathroom while you washed, "what happened to the kid?"
You sighed, "they we're going to tie him up on the stage for everyone to find him the next day, a fight broke out and he hit his head, they went to take the body to the judge's cabin but almost got pulled over so they dropped it in a ditch and covered it with a plastic sheet which sped decomp."
"You think they'll spend any time inside?"
You nodded, "yeah, the bullying was documented and the other kid talked, the prosecutor is going for second degree and the judge was told to lay off or be disbarred, after what Jacob Hale did the town isn't having much of the good old boy bulshit."
Jax was looking at you strangely, "yes Teller, you can do my hair."
He was up off his spot and towards the shower in a flash, "I love you darlin."
You smiled, "I love you too Jackson." When he was done, he took the time to wrap you in the fluffiest towel and make sure your hair was perfect before dressing you in your PJs and climbing into bed with you.
He pulled you into his arms and stroked your face with his calloused hand, "you wanna tell me what's got you so upset?"
You nuzzled into his chest as far as you could go, "I'm waiting for the other shoe, everything went fine with Galen, the guns have been handed off and the transition is going great. Santo Parde will be here soon to sure up our relationship and make sure we have friends at the border. Ima and the baby are ok, something has to go wrong."
Jax sighed, "and you don't think you can fix it because you're on the night shift?"
You nodded, "yeah, I mean I can also take time off but the night shift makes it so much harder. What if something else happens?"
Jax pressed his lips to your forehead, "we'll deal with it together like we always do. You need sleep so close your eyes, I'll be right here with you when you wake up."
You craned your head and kissed him, "I don't want to sleep right now."
Jax smiled softly, "yeah, what do you need?" His lips found yours as the kiss deepened, "you."
Jax rolled you over into your back and hovered over you, "I can do that." He pulled your shirt off and leaned down, kissing over your neck until your hands were weaving into his hair and you were pushing him down your body. He reached your breasts, pulling your nipple into his mouth while his thumb played with the other one.
His free hand made its way down your body into your panties, his mouth and hand switched places on your breasts and his fingers made their way through your slit, Jax smiling against your skin when he found you wet, "oh you poor thing, I've been neglecting you." You exhaled as his fingers circled your clit, "are you going to let me make it up to you?"
You gasped, "please." Jax kissed his way down your body then pulled your panties off, lifting your legs over his shoulders and settling between your legs.
He wrapped his lips around your clit and slid two fingers inside you, his other hand was on your leg, his fingertips moving back and forth in a gentle brush. He built you up slow, the pleasure spreading from his plump lips and long fingers up your core and along your spine to blanket your body in warmth.
"That feels really nice." Jax chuckled against you, the vibrations causing you to moan. He pressed his fingertips to your G-spot while the other hand rubbed your thigh, the callouses on his skin accentuating his large hand. "Jax, please."
He was still being soft as he sped up and pushed you closer to the edge. You gasped, the sound pricking at Jax's ears and causing him to lift his head, "tell me what you need darlin."
"I need more, please." Jax dropped his head again and added a third finger, bringing you as close to him as he could. You tugged on his hair and he moaned then increased his efforts until you were clenching around his fingers. Jax didn't pull away, working you through your orgasm with a practised gentleness that had you sinking into the bed.
Jax pulled away and kissed up your body, hovering over you, "you wanna keep going darlin?"
You nodded, "yes, please a million times yes."
Jax smiled, "just once is enough gorgeous." You wrapped your arms around his body and pulled him close, Jax lifting your legs over his hips before grabbing his cock and sliding inside you.
He paused, giving you enough time to adjust then he rocked his hips slowly in a gentle grind. He pressed his body to yours and practically encompassed you in his large frame. You buried your head in his neck and pressed your lips to his skin, one of Jax's hands moving down to rub your clit as his hips pushed with more force.
The end came fast but soft, like the cresting of a wave on a calm day. Jax's gentle lips were matched with his hips and to your surprise, he was following you into bliss soon after you stopped shaking around him. You hugged Jax to you, a sudden flash of emotion coming over you, "please don't move just yet."
You felt his nod, "I'll be here as long as you need, you doing alright?"
You sniffed, "I'm not sure, I just don't want you to go anywhere just yet."
Jax shifted without losing contact, bringing his arms under your body so he could hold you tighter. It took a while but the weight of Jax on you finally brought your brain back to normal, you sighed into his shoulder and Jax rubbed your face, "I need to pee."
Jax chuckled and rolled off you, "I'll be here when you get back."
Jax was waiting with open arms for you to return, "you feeling better?"
You nodded with a yawn, "yes, I'd very much like to sleep now, it's very late."
Jax huffed and held you as you rested your head on his chest, "goodnight darlin."
"Goodnight beloved."
You stretched awake and Jax squeezed your shoulder, "morning."
You yawned, "good morning beloved."
Jax groaned, "so I had an idea, why don't you read to Abel over the phone? We can do a video call every night."
You smiled, "I'd love that, what a great idea. Is this a segway into us video calling so I can, ummmm, tuck you in?"
Jax smirked, "maybe."
You sat up, "you are being so unfair. I won't be able to work if you are on my screen all muscly and firm. I have murders to catch and stories to tell and you want me to have hot phone sex with you."
Jax chuckled, "I can't sleep without my goodnight, you want me to sleep don't you?"
You giggled, "alright but no funny business, you will not distract me from work."
Jax smiled, "I'll be good, or I'll try, you're not the best example."
You gasped in fake offence, "I'm always good, you take that back."
Jax huffed, "sure you are. Tell me darlin, what do you define as good?"
You smiled, "umm, I have no idea, maybe you can tell me."
Jax's eyes became heated, "you really want to play this game little girl? You know how to behave, don't act like you don't"
You smiled, "yeah, I do, it's just fun to see you all puffed up."
Jax went to respond when the beep of the monitor in Abel's room wet off and he knocked on the door, "duty calls my love."
You raised your voice, "just a minute Abel, thank you for knocking."
Jax sighed and threw the blankets off, "I'll fix him up. You head down to breakfast, I imagine Sam's freaking out with Ima's morning sickness."
You rolled your eyes, "that man is such a worry wart, she's going to kill him if he doesn't calm down."
"Nah, he's doing just fine."
"Hey darlin."
Jax smiled across the line, "hello my love. What does Abel want to read tonight?"
Jax sighed, "we can't choose so I told him we'd read both." Jax held up two picture books, one about ducks and the other about a very happy spider.
"We can do both, which one first?"
Abel pointed to the duck one, "dis one please."
You smiled, "the duck one it is."
Jax squished himself onto Abel's bed, holding up the book while you took turns reading as Jax's finger moved across the page, "mummy?"
Jax hadn't stopped smiling, "yes sweetie?"
He turned to his father, "when you coming home?"
You sighed, "when am I coming home? In the morning, I'll be there when we have breakfast, is that alright?"
He nodded, "I miss you."
Jax pressed a kiss to the side of Abel's head, "I miss mummy too little guy but you'll see her when you wake up."
Abel nodded, "ok, can we do the spider one now, please?"
Jax's smile grew, "sure buddy."
It didn't take long for Abel to fall asleep then Jax was bringing the phone into your bedroom and climbing into bed, "how long left in your break?"
You looked at the clock, "twenty minutes, you want me to read you a story?"
Jax shook his head, "I want to know what you've got on under those worm scrubs." Your scrubs today were covered in happy little earthworms, Jax making a joke before you left about you looking like Miss Frizzle.
"You know that black cotton set that you said makes me look like a hotter more badass Lara Croft? That one?"
Jax smirked, his hand drifting into his sweatpants, "yeah, I like that one, you thinking about me?"
You nodded, "of course I am, how could I not when you're half naked and touching yourself in front of me."
"Just making sure darlin, I don't want you wasting your break thinking about dead bodies."
You shook your head, "heaven forbid I think about work at work, are you thinking about me?"
Jax bit his lower lip and his hand met his cock, "you bet I am. I'm thinking about how hard I'm going to fuck you when you're back at home, I'm counting the days."
"Jackson, I'm on night shift, not deployed, we can still have sex."
He grunted, his hand speeding up, you couldn't understand how this mundane conversation was turning him on, "I mean, sure, but I can't cuddle you all night long after and that's no fun for me."
You smiled, "my sweet noble Jackson, things will be back to normal soon enough. I have enough time to maybe send you some photos, would you like that?"
Jax groaned, "fuck yeah."
Just as you got up, someone called your name, "AY L/N, WE GOT DNA."
You sighed, "well no pictures for you, I'm about to violate OSHA so hard."
Jax groaned, his hand stilling, "that's alright darlin, I'll just have to get off to the thought of you, it's a poor substitute but it will do."
You smiled softly, "I love you Jax."
"Love you too darlin."
It was a week and a half in when you managed to finish early and come home, Jax woke up as you got into the shower, smiling to himself as he sat up. You smiled at him when you walked out, "I'm sorry my love, I didn't mean to wake you up."
Jax opened his arms, "it's nothing darlin, I can't sleep well without you next to me anyway." You climbed into bed and nestled into his chest, Jax's hand holding your head as his lips met yours.
There was a mix of pleasure and exhaustion bleeding into your skin, Jax was warm and safe and smelt like home. His lips grazed your neck and his bread scratched your skin, it was getting hard for you to keep your eyes open but your need for him was growing, then he started talking between kissing down your body, "I missed you so much darlin, it's been hell without you next to me every night." When he noticed you weren't reacting, he looked up and found you fast asleep, sighing as he made his way back up the bed and wrapped himself around you.
He brushed a strand of hair out of your face and dropped his lips to your forehead, taking in the smell of your face wash, "goodnight darlin."
Jax was going to kill someone, he hadn't done more than kiss you in what felt like forever and phone sex wasn't doing it anymore, he was desperate to be inside you. He was currently bent over a car, angry at his screwdriver for not unscrewing fast enough, "maybe you should take a break boss."
Jax huffed and glared at Kip, "I've got to get this shit done, get back to work so we're not here all fucking night."
They all exchanged a look "are you ok Jacky?"
Jax sucked on his tongue, "I'm fine."
Jax slammed the hood closed, "you're not fine man, night shift is keeping you and y/n. You need to get your dick wet."
Jax blinked then turned to face Rat, "what did you just say to me?"
Rat squared his shoulders, "you need to get your dick wet, you're being a cranky asshole." Jax puffed his chest and stomped close to Rat, getting in his face as he started to yell.
"The fucking disrespect, who the fuck gave you permission to talk to me like that. I swear to shit if you ever say anything like that about me and my old lady again I will strip your patch and beat your ass so hard you'll be eating out of a straw for the rest of your life."
Jax stormed off, and they all looked at Rat with worry, "what the fuck man."
Juice sounded shocked and horrified, "why did you do that? He's going to kill all of us."
Rat shrugged, "dude was pent up, now he knows." Your car pulling into the lot had Rat smiling, "speak of the lady, she's looking rested."
You skipped into the garage and hugged Sam, "what's going on here, why are you all being so strange?"
Sam swallowed, "oh no, did Jax open a certain photo within your view."
"No, gross. Jax is in a bad mood, why are you up and happy? You have another three days left of night shift."
You shook your head with a smile, "nope, Holt pulled something, turns out it doesn't look very good when a city official makes it harder for the best lab in the state to run on business hours."
Sam nodded, "he's in the office, please go and do whatever so we can live to see tomorrow."
You walked into the Clubhouse and made your way into the dorm, knocking on the door so Jax would know it was you. Jax raced to the door and flung the door open, "hey, what are you going here?"
You smiled, "saving your employees, they didn't tell me what happened but people were scared."
Jax licked his lips and leaned down to kiss you, "I'm all better now, what are you doing here?"
You smiled, "Holt twisted some arms, my last round of night shift finished this morning at six, I went home a had a nice sleep and now I'm here, with you." Jax smirked and took your hand walking you to the chair and sitting down, pulling you with him so you were straddling him.
"Oh yeah, I'm much better now." He all but ripped your clothes from your body as he kissed you like he was trying to swallow your soul.
"I missed you so much." Jax shifted and sunk his teeth into your neck, his response was the violent removal of your pants while you unzipped his jeans and pulled his hard cock free.
His hand found your core in a rush, his fingers sliding through the slippery mess while he worked you up just enough for you to take his cock. You were awash with sensation as his fingers slammed into you, his rings cold and hard as they pushed against your flesh.
Just before you came, Jax pulled his fingers from your body and rammed himself inside you. There was a stretch that was the perfect mix of pleasure and sting, "Jax, I…"
He grunted, "I know, fuck I miss you." You rocked your hips and Jax matched your pace, holding you into him like he was afraid you would vanish from his arms.
There was something about Jax being fully clothed while your skin was bare that made him feel so much bigger. Since Jax had become president, his confident streek had grown a mile wide, between how huge he was getting from working out with Sam every day to the way he had fallen into his role since Clay died, the sex often made you feel like you were another conquest.
You gripped the edges of his kutte and it took one last punishing thrust before you were cumming around him, Jax's arms holding so you were pressed against his chest "pause, please"
Jax chuckled and stilled, "you doing alright darlin?."
You giggled and kissed him, it was soft and sweet "I'm alright, you're just a lot."
Jax chuckled, "yeah, I know, you're giving me an ego little girl."
"You're funny, you already have an ego."
Jax ran the back of his hand over your cheek, "you sure you're alright? We can stop if you want to."
You leaned into his hand and kissed his palm, "I don't want to stop." You shifted your hips with a whimper and Jax matched your pace, moving far more slow and gentle than he was a few moments ago.
You flopped against him, resting your head on his chest as his hand moved to rub your clit, "can you give me one more?"
Jax's hips moved a little harder, "I think so." Jax grunted and nibbled on your ear, then he shifted his hips to rub the tip of his cock on your G-spot, you took in a sharp breath and Jax swallowed your moan as he pulsed inside. The spreading warmth from his release was topped off by one last hard punch of his cock and you flew over the edge.
His chest was heaving against yours as you came down, trying to shift off him, Jax grunted as he slipped out of you. "That was really nice."
Jax chuckled, "yeah, it was great. You alright?" You tried to stand up on shaky legs, Jax helping you as you went.
"I think you so, I hope you have a change on jeans because you can't go out there looking like that?"
Jax smirked, looking down at the wet patch on his pants, "there's one lying around."
You shook your head at his expression, "you are insufferable Teller, it's not my fault you didn't take your clothes off."
Jax huffed, "you didn't really give me the chance, not that you even wanted me to be naked." He stood up to his full height and spun your around, pressing you against his desk while his hand ran up your inner thigh.
"I noticed how you get when I fuck you wearing my kutte, you like knowing I'm the most powerful person in the room."
You smiled, "fuck yeah I do, leadership looks very good on you."
Jax pressed his lips together, "good to know. You've giving me ideas."
You smiled, "ones we get to do together I hope."
It was a lazy Sunday at T-M, it took a few days for things to fall about into the swing of things after night shift ended but everything felt like it was back to normal now. You were watching Jax work on his bike, his shirt off, sweat running down his hard chest. "Stop staring."
You snorted, "I'm allowed to look Hap, we're engaged, he's mine to look at for the rest of our lives."
Happy shook his head, "you doing alright with everything, I feel like you're going to lose your brain for lack of something to do."
You sighed, "I'm happy that Jax and I decided to wait for the baby to be born for the wedding, I don't think I could plan it with everything else that's gone on."
Happy raised his eyebrows, "you mean you want Gemma to calm to fuck down so she doesn't ruin your day?"
You blinked, "that and Ima doesn't need to run around while growing a human, the wedding will still be in the spring, it will just be a few weeks after we first planned it."
Happy smiled, "Jax is really excited, he showed up all the table clothes yesterday."
"Oh really? How cute."
Jax mustn't have liked how you were smiling at Happy because he came walking over with his trademark swagger, "what are you smiling about darlin?"
our grin widened, "you and the table clothes."
He looked at Happy who shrugged, "they were all the same colour man, you didn't need to ask us for advice."
Jax huffed, "one was country wind and the other was cottage white, they were two different colours."
"They were both off white, what does it matter."
You shook your head, "well I'm happy Jax chose country wind, I think he has great taste."
Jax leaned down and pecked your lips, "I love you so much."
You kissed him back, resting your hands on his bare chest, "I love you too. You want me to get you something to drink?"
Jax shook his head, "nah, there's cold water in the garage."
He threw his arm over your shoulder and you walked into the workshop, Jax going to the fridge to get himself a drink. Sam and Ima came out of the Clubhouse hand in hand, walking over looking happy, "where's Abel?"
Sam smiled, "napping, Lyla's with him."
You relaxed against Jax's chest, Sam making a face, "please put a shirt on, it's weird to watch this."
You playfully punched his arm, "then don't watch." Ima smiled, "yeah Sam, don't watch."
He shook his head, "this is so unfair."
Jax pressed his lips to the side of your face, "we should start heading home, I'm done here."
You nodded, smiling as Jax detached from you, "alright my love, you've got to put dinner on anyway."
Jax smiled, "yep, it's going to be delicious." A lone car pulling into the lot pulled everyone's attention away, it was strange for anyone to be here at this time of day on a Sunday when T-M was closed.
Jax felt you stiffen as the person got out and Sam positioned himself in front of Ima without thought, "what, was wrong darlin?" You didn't say anything, Jax could see you looking at the person in shock, trying to make sense of their presence, "who is that."
You looked at Jax, the expression on your face filled him with worry, "that's our father."
Part 56
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years
12, 13, 29 and 31 for dan hyun please... <333 and jade if you would like to answer for her too 👁👁💖
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Dan Hyun☄
﹝ 12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?﹞
So many🥹
Dannie— A childhood nickname used by her father. If someone calls her this, she’s softened. It brings up reminders of how she should be behaving, to straighten up, act humbly, carefully, and cautiously. In a manner befitting how her father would like to see her.
Shepard— The classic. Her mother’s maidan name, taken from Dan Hyun’s late grandfather. This name reminds her of her mother: the secret signals in her papers, strange devices in hidden labs disguised as walls. Hannah kept her name to remind herself that the world is filled with evil, leaving her as the sole person who can shepherd it away. Dan Hyun sees the opposite: that the world is full of good, and people only need to see someone step into the light to realize it.
Siha— another obvious one… this one she basks in. She finds it validating to be seen as someone who is a protective, valorous force. Thane sees the divinity inside her, that which she knows exists in her as much as she believes it exists in him. She still prefers it when she is just Dan Hyun to him, esp as their relationship goes on. When you wear titles for so long, there is divinity to be found in the rawness of your name.
The Prophet Shepard— a mocking name some tabloids used to spin her initial plea to the Council about beacon’s vision. Though many find it embarrassing, Dan Hyun is quiet on it, ashamed to admit that she finds the nickname flattering. It’s a sign that she’s on the right track and that she can change the world. Hopefully for the better.
Steak Dinner— a nickname generated by her lab mates on the Akuze project. She received steak dinner regularly thanks to her knack for dating oddly affluent individuals while on the Citadel. She finds it funny, if a little cheeky.
Synthetic Spectre— her colloquial moniker amongst the Spectre task force come ME3. Rumors of Cerberus’ work on her body have spurred a complex reputation, leading to some wondering if she’s an agent of the reapers. It’s cost her lives in the form of those who refuse her aid, as well as subjected her to uncomfortable scrutiny from those looking to benefit from her technology. She hates this name.
Bulldozer— a nickname her first unit christened her with in her early Alliance days. Dan Hyun trained to use tech shields as both offense and defense, playing an important role in clearing the field. Her shockwaves were no joke either.
Darling— a couplet to her “dear.” To know Thane still sees her as a precious person, despite the raw, violence she has grown accustomed to, is a wonderful thing. Said often, and with passion.
Bright Eyes— James nickname for her. Dan Hyun finds it touching and sweet. She disregards the negative implications.
﹝13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?﹞
She enjoys being teased :^) Dan Hyun’s happy to be in the center of attention, even as the butt of a joke. She’ll play along, fake a pout, or plainly wear a self satisfied smile for as long as the joke runs.
﹝29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?﹞
Dan Hyun LOVES her sleep, but she’s definitely got her active hobbies. In the day, she prefers to read, watch dramas, or take a nap. At night, she gets active. Kickboxing is her preferred way to stay in shape, coupled with a regular workout with whoever she can rope into coming with her (usually Jacob).
When she’s on shore leave, she prefers badminton :). Overall, she has a 70 (inactive)-30(active) habit ratio.
﹝31. Who can always make them laugh?﹞
Answered Here!
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﹝12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?﹞
My Daughter— used by the Aunties in the salon that raised her. She really loved it when she was young. Jade was proud of her Aunties and their many skills. Drawing a relationship between them, one as real as a daughter’s, meant the world to her. She was one of them. When she turned 8, the realization that she would always be left alone at that salon kicked in. They didn’t really see her as their daughter. If they did, why would she be sleeping over the Office while they went home to tuck in their own children, late at night? Her skin crawls when someone says this to her now.
Scrapper— Not “kid” or “Jade.” This is what adults like Bailey began to call her when she turned 12 and started charging credits for minor robot repairs. Named for her work. It felt a lot better than being called a daughter when she knew she wasn’t actually anyone’s.
Tech— A nickname used by Cerberus agents to refer to Jade, and another nickname for her work. She’s proud of this nickname.
Blackjack Agent— A term for Cerberus defects recruited back into the Alliance during the Reaper War. This nickname is meaningless to her.
Liem— Kai calls her this. It’s her last name, uncovered after being buried for years. This name is sacred to her.
Cowboy— Only Jade calls herself this. It frames how she sees the world in relation to herself. It’s a confidence booster.
Lucky— James nickname for her. Jade doesn’t get it at all.
﹝13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?﹞
Answered Here!
﹝29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?﹞
Not really active! Most of her activity is centered around mechanical work. Jade likes tinkering, especially if she had access to an endless supply of junk. Otherwise, she’s researching new methods for her craft, or reading a magazine alone.
﹝31. Who can always make them laugh?﹞
Anyone! Even people she doesn’t like. If Jade thinks something is funny she’ll always let out a laugh. She has no concerns about maintaining a personal image, and tends to be unexpectedly expressive because of it. She most enjoys laughing at others’ expense.
Ty for asking Jay!! <3 sorry I unearthed this after a while but I’m having fun stimulating thoughts again about them 🥰
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